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- pathogen avoidance
- family
- survival
- is:preprint
- COVID-19
- outgroup
- life science
- cross-cultural psychology
- bias
- infectious disease
- heuristic
- facial resemblance
- behavioural science
- social science
- emotion
- cognitive psychology
- emotion regulation
- psychological adaptation
- prejudice
- cultural psychology
- ingroup
- framing
- behavioural immune system
- lang:en
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- psychosis-risk
- depression
- females
- nationwide lockdown
- anxiety
- general population
- social network
- is:preprint
- social distancing
- COVID-19
- crisis
- South Korea
- demographic
- mental health
- behavioural science
- public health
- psychological outcome
- loneliness
- physical health
- stress
- social factors
- lang:en
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