- Feb 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I wanted to explain that to you
- beginning of farmer's explanation of Fairness Doctrine
guidopalazzo.com guidopalazzo.com
for - from - post - LinkedIn - Guido Palazzo - on Elon Musk and Accelerationism - https://hyp.is/laDhyOXtEe-BbR-zV7xadQ/www.linkedin.com/posts/guidopalazzo-_civilizations-did-rise-when-they-built-up-activity-7292962891819855874-fq2T/
summary - This is a good article that explains the rational behind a number of Silicon Valley actors such as Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Sam Altman and others who subscribe to a toxic and dystopian mix of: - Longterminism - Libertarianism - Accelerationism - In order to understand the actions of the tech bros, it is key to understand their modus operandi
- Dec 2024
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
We shall not sleep
Maybe meaning that, "we", referring to the fallen soldiers, are saying or attempting to get across to their "predecessors" or tose soldiers who are still alive and fighting on the battfield, that they "shall not sleep" until the soldiers get done what they need to get done.
heard amid the guns below.
Implying here, from the sensory perspective of the larks which are flying above the gunshots being shot across the battlefield in the sky.
Take up our quarrel with the fo
Addressing the next group of solider that are fighting the enemy
If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
The overall tone of this poem is almost nostalgic, however, the way the poem picks up in the middle, almost as if going down a hill at a faster pace, the tone shifts to be one of reflection and casts a heroic shadow on the fallen soldiers. Almost as if McCrae intentionally styled the poem in this manner to create more of a tribute to these soldiers that lost their lives in World War I.
from failing hands we throw
"..failing hands…" might refer to those of the solders who were struck and can no longer fight… "To you… we throw the torch…"
Perhaps with the hope of the falling soldeirs that their comrades will accept the "torch" from them to keep fighting for them and to accomplish what they can't help them to do anymore.
Interesting to make the word "dead" a proper noun. I wonder if McCrae capitalized the D to give tribute to those who fell during the war and is lost towards history.
We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields.
The entirety of this stanza is written from the first person perspective, most likely intended to be told from the fallen soldiers' point of view.
this suggests the fleeting window of life, and provides an indirect comparison to the poppies, as the soldiers are speaking of themselves as the poppies that grow in the field "currently" or had started growing after their deaths. "We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved…" are all things that the poppies do as they continue to flourish in Flanders fields. "We are the Dead… We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved, and now we lie in Flanders fields" (McCrae).
"Scarce", here, refers to McCrae's reference to Larks singing in the line above, pointing to the idea that the sound of the Larks singing in the skies is muted or drowned out by the sound of gunshots involved in the battle happening below on the ground.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
all of us are born with a sequence of base pairs that constitute our DNA and for the most part that will not change over the course of your lifetime but what will change is the extent to which any Gene is turned on or turned off
for - explanation - epigenetics and health / wellbeing - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
explanation - epigenetics and health - Richard J. Davidson gives a simple and clear explanation of the connection between epigenetics and health / wellbeing - We are born with DNA that won't change much over the course of a lifetime - However, many of those genes are not active but can be rapidly activated by environmental cues such as emotions, chemical signals, etc
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
Addressing the next group of solider that are fighting the enemy
Interesting to make the word "dead" a proper noun. I wonder if McCrae capitalized the D to give tribute to those who fell during the war and is lost towards history.
from failing hands we throw
"..failing hands..." might refer to those of the solders who were struck and can no longer fight... "To you... we throw the torch..." - Perhaps with the hope of the falling soldeirs that their comrades will accept the "torch" from them to keep fighting for them and to accomplish what they can't help them to do anymore.
If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
- The overall tone of this poem is almost nostalgic, however, the way the poem picks up in the middle, almost as if going down a hill at a faster pace, the tone shifts to be one of reflection and casts a heroic shadow on the fallen soldiers.
- Almost as if McCrae intentionally styled the poem in this manner to create more of a tribute to these soldiers that lost their lives in World War I.
We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields.
The entirety of this stanza is written from the first person perspective, most likely intended to be told from the fallen soldiers' point of view. - this suggests the fleeting window of life, and provides an indirect comparison to the poppies, as the soldiers are speaking of themselves as the poppies that grow in the field "currently" or had started growing after their deaths.
"We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved..." are all things that the poppies do as they continue to flourish in Flanders fields. "We are the Dead... We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved, and now we lie in Flanders fields" (McCrae).
"Scarce", here, refers to McCrae's reference to Larks singing in the line above, pointing to the idea that the sound of the Larks singing in the skies is muted or drowned out by the sound of gunshots involved in the battle happening below on the ground.
- Sep 2024
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Quantumness of experience: the information theory of consciousness is quantum theory.
for - private inner world - quantum information theory explanation - Federico Faggin and Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Federico Faggin (FF) - analytic idealism - consciousness - Deep Humanity
summary - This is an good talk that introduces Federico Faggin's (FF) ideas about consciousness from the perspective of analytic idealism, the idea that consciousness is the most fundamental aspect of reality and that materialism is an epiphenomena of consciousness, not the other way around - Bernado Kastrup's organization, Essentia Foundation invited FF to the Netherlands to give a talking tour of his new - book "Irreducible" - https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/essentia-books/our-books/irreducible-consciousness-life-computers-human-nature - and they visited the prestigous semiconductor design company ASML' facilities, - https://www.asml.com/en - where this insightful talk was delivered - FF reconciles scientific explanation with the hard problem of consciousness and our ordinary, everyday experience of consciousness - FF's theory offers - a good western, science-based explanatory framework that is consistent with - the experiential and theoretical framework from the east - from - Tibetan Buddhist - Zen Buddhist - Vedic - and other ancient ideas of emptiness<br /> - This framing heals the divide between science and religion that has created a meaning crisis in modernity - and by so doing, also addresses a core issue of the meaning crisis - mortality salience
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
it's evolution of this state of this Quantum state in hilber space which then will allow us to compute the probabilities of what you might measure in space and time it will not tell you generally what you will measure he only tells you the probability what you can measure and that's crazy in a sense right because classical objects you can actually described trajectory so that at any point in time you can tell position momentum and so on but not for Quantum Quantum system so so this fundamental difference will will see that is essential to describe why the Consciousness and Free Will must be must be Quantum phenomena
for - consciousness - quantum explanation depends on - difference between - quantum physics - and classical physics
consciousness - quantum explanation depends on - difference between - quantum physics - and classical physics - quantum state evolves in Hilbert space - enables computation of probabilities of what one measures in space-time - but doesn't tell you what you will measure - This difference is critical for describing consciousness as a quantum phenomena
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - explanation - insulin resistance - Stanford University
explanation - insulin resistance - Standard University - great explanation from Standford University
from - Prof. Emeritus Robert Lustig on root cause of insulin resistance - https://hyp.is/RFJQrj1aEe-nIQu5Sj1fyw/docdrop.org/video/WVFMyzQE-4w/
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
to your point for 00:13:46 every problem there's going to be a solution and AI is going to have it and then for every solution for that there's going to be a new problem
for - AI - progress trap - nice simple explanation of how progress traps propagate
Local file Local file
Tn both his alignment withCatholic principle and his anxious completion of duties, one perceives a desperation to avoid anyform of transgression, reflecting, perhaps, his state of vulnerability during his early days atClongowes.
Connecting eagerness to another perspective: he wants to avoid transgression, and it reflects his state of vulnerability from his past. Indicating that this vulnerability has affected him long-term.
y reflecthis eagerness to serve and abide to the Law'* that surrounds him.
Builds off the argument about his character with another characteristic (that may either coexist or serve as an alternative explanation to Stephen's character)
- May 2024
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This is probably confusing because the "host" in --network=host does not mean host as in the underlying runner host / 'baremetal' system. To understand what is happening here, we must first understand how the docker:dind service works. When you use the service docker:dind to power docker commands from your build job, you are running containers 'on' the docker:dind service; it is the docker daemon. When you provide the --host option to docker run it refers to the host network of the daemon I.E. the docker:dind container, not the underlying system host.
it means that you can change the course of history for your Offspring based on your exercise and your diet and whether you're drinking or not and what 00:35:59 kind of habits
for - explanation - lay - natural selection happens by epigenetic change first
explanation - lay - natural selection happens by epigenetic change first - The change in narrative has enormous ramifications. - It means that you can change the course of history for your offspring based on: - your exercise - your diet - your drinking habits - and many other behavioral and lifestyle choices and environmental explosure you exist in
Ray emphasized this answer which is very usual well epigenetic inheritance only goes on for a generation or two no
for - explanation - evolutionary biology - neo-darwinian mistake - view of epigenetic inheritance
explanation - evolutionary biology - neo-darwinian mistake - view of epigenetic inheritance - Neo-darwinians believe that epigenetic inheritance is only short lived. - However, the Noble brothers contend that if the changes in the environment last for many generations, - the epigenetic change can exceed a threshold and become permanently assimilated into the genome - Such a threshold is plausible because without it, a permanent change encoded into the genome would be maladaptive if the environmental change reverted back to the previous state
time.com time.com
nature also gave us the appendix, and we’re still trying to figure out what the point of that one is.
for - adjacency - appendix - evolutionary mystery - possible explanation - metaphor - dead projects
adjacency - between - appendix - evolutionary mystery - possible explanation - metaphor - dead projects - adjacency relationship - Scientists have no good explanation for the function of the appendix - Perhaps it is evolution has bodily artefacts - that are remnants of evolutionary deadends - which once served a purpose for a particular environmental context - but the context changed and the body part remained, not being harmful nor advantagous - much like when we work on projects that don't reach their conclusion and stop - and have many artefacts that still exist such as documents, files, images, mp4, meeting notes, patent filings, built prototypes, etc but are frozen in time
- Feb 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - dorsal light response - flying insects attracted to light - light pollution - progress trap - light pollution
dorsal light response
for - dorsal light response - flying insects attracted to light - explanation
- Jan 2024
mongoosejs.com mongoosejs.com
Instance methods Instances of Models are documents. Documents have many of their own built-in instance methods. We may also define our own custom document instance methods. // define a schema const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String }, { // Assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema through schema options. // By following this approach, there is no need to create a separate TS type to define the type of the instance functions. methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } }); // Or, assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); }; Now all of our animal instances have a findSimilarTypes method available to them. const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema); const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog' }); dog.findSimilarTypes((err, dogs) => { console.log(dogs); // woof }); Overwriting a default mongoose document method may lead to unpredictable results. See this for more details. The example above uses the Schema.methods object directly to save an instance method. You can also use the Schema.method() helper as described here. Do not declare methods using ES6 arrow functions (=>). Arrow functions explicitly prevent binding this, so your method will not have access to the document and the above examples will not work.
Certainly! Let's break down the provided code snippets:
1. What is it and why is it used?
In Mongoose, a schema is a blueprint for defining the structure of documents within a collection. When you define a schema, you can also attach methods to it. These methods become instance methods, meaning they are available on the individual documents (instances) created from that schema.
Instance methods are useful for encapsulating functionality related to a specific document or model instance. They allow you to define custom behavior that can be executed on a specific document. In the given example, the
method is added to instances of theAnimal
model, making it easy to find other animals of the same type.2. Syntax:
object directly in the schema options:javascript const animalSchema = new Schema( { name: String, type: String }, { methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } } );
object directly in the schema:javascript animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };
helper:javascript animalSchema.method('findSimilarTypes', function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); });
3. Explanation in Simple Words with Examples:
Why it's Used:
Imagine you have a collection of animals in your database, and you want to find other animals of the same type. Instead of writing the same logic repeatedly, you can define a method that can be called on each animal instance to find similar types. This helps in keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and makes it easier to maintain.
```javascript const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const { Schema } = mongoose;
// Define a schema with a custom instance method const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String });
// Add a custom instance method to find similar types animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };
// Create the Animal model using the schema const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema);
// Create an instance of Animal const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog', name: 'Buddy' });
// Use the custom method to find similar types dog.findSimilarTypes((err, similarAnimals) => { console.log(similarAnimals); }); ```
In this example,
is a custom instance method added to theAnimal
schema. When you create an instance of theAnimal
model (e.g., a dog), you can then callfindSimilarTypes
on that instance to find other animals with the same type. The method uses thethis.type
property, which refers to the type of the current animal instance. This allows you to easily reuse the logic for finding similar types across different instances of theAnimal
- Dec 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
because the value isn't there yet. A promise is just a marker that it will be available at some point in the future. You cannot convert asynchronous code to synchronous, though. If you order a pizza, you get a receipt that tells you that you will have a pizza at some point in the future. You cannot treat that receipt as the pizza itself, though. When you get your number called you can "resolve" that receipt to a pizza. But what you're describing is trying to eat the receipt.
Culturally, and throughout our global civilisation’s systems and structures, we systemically and continuously overemphasise the innovating-constructing-standardising Archetypal activities on the orange side of the Kairotic Flow cycle, while devaluing and avoiding the nurturing-decomposing-reorienting activities of the Archetypes on the purple side of the cycle.This might not sound like much, but the consequences are profound.
for: kariotic flow - metacrisis explanation, question - salience
question: salience
- critique,: inadequate explanation
- I don't understand the salience of why the right half needs that left half.
- I think the ideas are too abstract and while years of experience may make the author familiar with our salience, to a new mind looking at the ideas for the first time, there is a salience mismatch because they semantic fingerprints are different
- a few concrete examples of , how this works to explain the metacrisis would be very helpful
- there isn't enough time spent illuminating and explaining what each of these 6b abstract ideas are our why they are assigned such strategic importance. Hence, I do not appreciate their salience and the salience mishmash occurs
- Nov 2023
documentation.divio.com documentation.divio.com
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
The first principle determined by Husserl (quoted in Villanueva, 2014) to approach subjectivity,is the epoché or placing in parentheses the supposition of the natural attitude, present in ourhabitual rapport to the world as in the science itself: the acknowledgement of the world assomething given or its facts, as a reality itself, existing beyond the consciousness that thinks,values or feels them
for: epoche - explanation
- paraphrase
- The first principle determined by Husserl (quoted in Villanueva, 2014) to approach subjectivity,is:the epoché, placing in parentheses the supposition of the natural attitude, present in our habitual rapport to the world.
- For example, this natural attitude is found in the sciences
- It is the acknowledgement of the world as something given or its facts, as a reality itself, existing beyond the consciousness that thinks, values or feels them.
- In other words, "the epoché refers to the elimination of everything that limits us from perceiving things as such, since the natural attitude, due to its objective nature, prevents us from doing so.
- To apply the epoché, refers, to abstain or to do without" (Villanueva, 2014, p.220).
- This principle
- does not imply questioning the world as if it existed,
- nor does it reduce it to the thought of the subject.
- On the contrary, it tries to stop thinking under these terms, with the objective of being able to observe the life of the consciousness that is behind the objects understood as given things: to approach how this represents them, the meaning it assumes for it.
- In short, what original sense they possess or how they become objects of consciousness.
In summary, phenomenology leads to finding the relationship between objectivity andsubjectivity, which is present in each instant of human experience. Transcendence is not reducedto the simple fact of knowing the stories or physical objects; on the contrary, it tries to understandthese stories from the perspective of values, norms and practices in general
for: phenomenology - explanation
- a good and simple explanation of phenomenology
- In summary, phenomenology leads to finding the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity, which is present in each instant of human experience. Transcendence is not reduced to the simple fact of knowing the stories or physical objects; on the contrary, it tries to understand these stories from the perspective of values, norms and practices in general
- and also how we construct meaning then inhabit the meaningverse and symbolosphere
- Oct 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
on the traditional empiricist account we do not have direct access to the facts of the external world 00:11:03 that is we do not experience externality directly but only immediately not immediately but immediately because between us and the external world are those what do you call them oh yes 00:11:18 sense organs and so the question is how faithfully they report what is going on out there well to raise the question how faithful is the sensory report 00:11:30 of the external world is to assume that you have some reliable non-sensory way of answering that question that's the box you can't get out of and so there is always this gap 00:11:42 between reality as it might possibly be known by some non-human creature and reality as empirically sampled by the senses whose limitations and distortions are very well 00:11:56 known but not perfectly classified or categorized or or measured
for: good explanation: empiricism, empiricism - knowledge gap, quote, quote - Dan Robinson, quote - philosophy, quote - empiricism - knowledge gap, Critique of Pure Reason - goal 1 - address empiricism and knowledge gap
good explanation : empiricism - knowledge gap
- on the traditional empiricist account
- we do not have direct access to the facts of the external world
- that is we do not experience externality directly but only MEDIATELY, not immediately but MEDIATELY
- because between us and the external world are those what do you call them oh yes, sense organs
- and so the question is how faithfully they report what is going on out there
- To raise the question how faithful is the sensory report of the external world
- is to assume that you have some reliable non-sensory way of answering that question
- That's the box you can't get out of and so there is always this gap between
- reality as it might possibly be known by some non-human creature and
- reality as empirically sampled by the senses
- whose limitations and distortions are very well
- but not perfectly classified or categorized or or measured
- whose limitations and distortions are very well
- on the traditional empiricist account
- Robinson contextualizes the empiricist project and gap thereof, as one of the 4 goals of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.
- Robinson informally calls this the "Locke" problem, after one of the founders of the Empiricist school, John Locke.
- Robinson also alludes to a Thomas Reed approach to realism that contends that we don't experience reality MEDIATELY, but IMMEDIATELY, thereby eliminating the gap problem altogether.
- It's interesting to see how modern biology views the empericist's knowledge gap, especially form the perspective of the Umwelt and Sensory Ecology
- quote
- Critique of Pure Reason - empiricism knowledge gap
- John Locke - empiricism
- The Locke problem
- good explanation - empiricism
- quote - Ben Robinson
- Critique of Pure Reason - goal - resolve empiricism and its knowledge gap
- quote - empiricism - knowledge gap
- good explanation
- Thomas Reed
- Sep 2023
Local file Local file
Based on these studies, we initi-ated an effort to optimize novel mGlu5 PAMs that potentiatemGlu 5 -mediated Gaq signaling and calcium mobilization
Statement on what they did. They are trying to optimize a novel PAM that well potentiate mGlu5 mediated Galpha-q signaling and Ca2+ mobilization. What they DONT want is a PAM that potentiates coupling of mGlu5 to modulation of NDMAr currents.
Why dont they want this? The key point here is that they are trying to selectively enhance certain aspects of mGlu5 receptor function while avoiding the enhancement of its interaction with NMDAR currents. This suggests that there may be some undesired side effects or interactions when mGlu5 and NMDAR currents are potentiated together. By designing PAMs that specifically target one aspect of mGlu5 function (GaQ signaling and calcium mobilization) without affecting another (NMDAR currents), they hope to achieve a more targeted and potentially safer therapeutic effect.
While oversimplified, the core image of mind here is as a sort of internal outgrowth, responsible for cognitively traversing the subject-object gap and, as it were, acting as intermediator between two distinct domains.
- for: explanation - Freud
- explanation: Freud
- paraphrase
- Freud conceptualised our basic nature as
- self-contained bundles of energy, born into a sort of introverted narcissism (the Id).
- The development of the mind (the Ego) was a result of
- the clash between the outward expressions of this energy (the drives) and
- the world’s responses to them.
- Freud conceptualised our basic nature as
- Psychological development was therefore a self-creative act,
- shaped by the external world only in terms of necessary adaptation.
- Freud saw the role of the other as largely limited to
- external arbiter and enforcer of rules and regulations for behaviour.
- While oversimplified, the core image of mind here is as
- a sort of internal outgrowth, responsible for
- cognitively traversing the subject-object gap and
- acting as intermediator between two distinct domains.
- a sort of internal outgrowth, responsible for
- Freud saw the role of the other as largely limited to
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
You can no longer create accounts with Yahoo domains other than "@yahoo.com",
I'm curious: what is the reason for Yahoo discontinuing the "@ymail.com" domain?I'm aware that there's now a 2nd domain option available, "@myyahoo.com", and I recently took advantage of that to create a new address. But "@ymail.com" honestly looks more appealing to me than either of the "yahoo" iterations.
- Jun 2023
ares.lib.unc.edu ares.lib.unc.edu
ocates in about the nineteenth century a shift in European thought fromviewing same-sex sexuality as a matter of prohibited and isolated genitalacts (acts to which, in that view, anyone might be liable who did not havetheir appetites in general under close control) to viewing it as a function ofstable definitions of identity (so that one's personality structure mightmark one as a homosexual, even, perhaps, in the absence of any genitalactivity at all). T hus, according to Alan Bray, "To talk of an individual [inthe Renaissance] as being or not being 'a homosexual' is an anachronismand ruinously misleading,"14 whereas th�period stretching roughly '2._e_tween Wilde and Proust was prodigally productive of atte�E_ts to name,explain, and define.this new kind of creature, the homosexual person-aproject SO urgent tfiat It spawne in its rage of distinction- ane�en ne�rcategory, that of the heterosexual persoriJ 5
Foucault and other historians point out a change in European thinking during the 19th century regarding same-sex sexuality. Previously, it was seen as a matter of prohibited acts, where anyone who didn't have strict control over their desires could engage in such acts. However, a shift occurred where same-sex sexuality came to be seen as part of a person's identity. This means that one's personality traits or characteristics could identify them as a homosexual, even if they didn't engage in any sexual activity. In contrast, during the period from Wilde to Proust, there was a strong desire to name, explain, and define this new category of individuals, the homosexual person. This urgency to distinguish and define led to the emergence of another category, that of the heterosexual person.
- Apr 2023
clementneo.com clementneo.com
It seems like the neuron basically adds the embedding of “ an” to the residual stream, which increases the output probability for “ an” since the unembedding step consists of taking the dot product of the final residual with each token2.
This cleared the dust from my eyes in understanding what the MLP layer does
- Mar 2023
blog.cmpxchg8b.com blog.cmpxchg8b.com
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Seat belts aren’t perfect either, do you argue we shouldn’t wear them? Etc, etc. This argument only works if what you’re defending is good. As I’ve already explained, SMS-2FA is not good.
- Feb 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Result of lots of searching on net is that pre-checkout hook in git is not implemented yet. The reason can be: There is no practical use. I do have a case It can be achieved by any other means. Please tell me how? Its too difficult to implement. I don't think this is a valid reason
medium.com medium.com
The variable x initially has the type unknown: the type of all values. The predicate typeof x === "number" extracts dynamic information about the value bound to x, but the type-checker can exploit this information for static reasoning. In the body of the if statement the predicate is assumed to be true; therefore, it must be the case the value bound to x is a number. TypeScript exploits this information and narrows the type of x from unknown to number in the body of if statement.
- Jan 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
because most languages treat strings as immutable, which helps ensure you don't accidentally modify them and can improve performance. Fewer state changes in a program mean less complexity. It's better to opt-in to mutability after careful consideration rather than making everything mutable by default. What is immutability and why should I worry about it? may help.
transformer-circuits.pub transformer-circuits.pub
One of the main features of the high level architecture of a transformer is that each layer adds its results into what we call the “residual stream.”Constructing models with a residual stream traces back to early work by the Schmidhuber group, such as highway networks and LSTMs, which have found significant modern success in the more recent residual network architecture . In transformers, the residual stream vectors are often called the “embedding.” We prefer the residual stream terminology, both because it emphasizes the residual nature (which we believe to be important) and also because we believe the residual stream often dedicates subspaces to tokens other than the present token, breaking the intuitions the embedding terminology suggests. The residual stream is simply the sum of the output of all the previous layers and the original embedding. We generally think of the residual stream as a communication channel, since it doesn't do any processing itself and all layers communicate through it.
A transformer starts with a token embedding, followed by a series of “residual blocks”, and finally a token unembedding. Each residual block consists of an attention layer, followed by an MLP layer. Both the attention and MLP layers each “read” their input from the residual stream (by performing a linear projection), and then “write” their result to the residual stream by adding a linear projection back in. Each attention layer consists of multiple heads, which operate in parallel.
onlinelearning.berkeley.edu onlinelearning.berkeley.edu
ABOUT INDEXES *indexes can make queries faster, much like looking for a term in the index of a textbook instead of skimming through all the pages in the book to find all the references to the term. However, indexes take storage space and the DBMS must maintain the index as rows are inserted, updated and deleted in the table.
okay what i'm missing here is that the race_result table I think groups rows by race, not by horse. So each horse can have multiple races.
The above statements asks the dbms to find each race (row) with a specific horse_id, and then average certain column values from all the rows corresponding to the same horse_id. The average is then to be output as a new row containing a single horse id, the sum of that horses earnings across all race rows, the COUNT(*) statement is then used to count how many rows in the horse table had a specific horse id.So really the query is requesting a table with
horse_id | (earnings sum from race_result rows with horse_id) | (number of race result rows featuring horse_id)
IMPORTANT!! : The group by clause is needed here because unlike in previous queries, we aren't simply taking a value in a prexisting table and adding it to a smaller table using the SELECT clause. We are using functions to create entirely new values. These values dont exist as part of the table, they kinda just float. Because these are floating unindexed values, the group by clause is needed to indicate how these new values should be presented in the output table for the query
An inner join is best thought of as an exclusive join because the result set includes only rows where matches were found in both tables (unmatched rows are excluded from the results)
TLDR inner join = exclusive to matches in both tables * Any row from the key table which has a value that is omitted from the key column (Horse table has key columns of sire_id and dam_id) is exlcuded from the final result. So if horse_id_x has a null value for its sire or dam id, then any information about the row corresponding to horse_id_X is entirely ommitted from the final result of the joined table.
- Dec 2022
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
But anti- spam software often fetches all resources in mail header fields automatically, without any action by the user, and there is no mechanical way for a sender to tell whether a request was made automatically by anti-spam software or manually requested by a user. To prevent accidental unsubscriptions, senders return landing pages with a confirmation step to finish the unsubscribe request. A live user would recognize and act on this confirmation step, but an automated system would not. That makes the unsubscription process more complex than a single click.
HTTP: method: safe methods: GETs have to be safe, just in case a machine crawls it.
- Nov 2022
www.taniarascia.com www.taniarascia.com
For example, if I make an application (Client) that allows a user (Resource Owner) to make notes and save them as a repo in their GitHub account (Resource Server), then my application will need to access their GitHub data. It's not secure for the user to directly supply their GitHub username and password to my application and grant full access to the entire account. Instead, using OAuth 2.0, they can go through an authorization flow that will grant limited access to some resources based on a scope, and I will never have access to any other data or their password.
Good question! This is going to be a bit long, so bear with me
In other words, if you use Bash to run Jenkins, and then run docker stop, then Jenkins will never see the stop command!
Now, Bash actually does the same thing (reaping zombies), so you're probably wondering: why not use Bash as PID 1?
In other words, someone has to clean up after "irresponsible" parents that leave their children un-wait'ed, and that's PID 1's job.
- fun wording
- init process: tini
- motivation: why did you create this?
- good explanation
- detailed explanation
- good example
- concrete example
- long, detailed explanation
- long explanation/answer
- origin story
- apologizing for long explanation/answer
- init process: responsibility: reap zombie adopted orphan processes
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
This occurs for the child processes, where the entry is still needed to allow the parent process to read its child's exit status: once the exit status is read via the wait system call, the zombie's entry is removed from the process table and it is said to be "reaped".
- Oct 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The problem is that the caller may write yield instead of block.call. The code I have given is possible caller's code. Extended method definition in my library can be simplified to my code above. Client provides block passed to define_method (body of a method), so he/she can write there anything. Especially yield. I can write in documentation that yield simply does not work, but I am trying to avoid that, and make my library 100% compatible with Ruby (alow to use any language syntax, not only a subset).
An understandable concern/desire: compatibility
Added new tag for this: allowing full syntax to be used, not just subset
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
No, I am interested in gathering all of the optional, named Keyword Parameters into a hash. I am not trying to create a new options hash. I want a hash of {:name => val, :color => val, etc.}, which are named in the method signature.
that's right, we don't want to do params = { ... } because then we're hardcoding the implementation and it becomes very coupled. The benefit of doing it like in my examples is that you can change the method signature and still automatically capture all keyword parameters.
www.phusionpassenger.com www.phusionpassenger.com
The Ruby on Rails framework provides a builtin server tool, which you can access with the rails server command. The "rails server" is not an application server by itself, but just a small wrapper that launches your application in an application server. This is why people do not use "rails server" in production. They use an application server – such as Passenger – directly. "rails server" uses Puma by default as of Rails 5.
www.unvarnishedhistory.org www.unvarnishedhistory.org
historical tapestry includes threads of
This means that many social and historical phenomena, such as the Great Migration of African Americans from South to North, etc. have contributed to the formation of the Near East community in Columbus.
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
Such schemas cannot easily be refactored without removing the benefits of sharing. Refactoring would require forking a local copy, which for schemas intended to be treated as an opaque validation interface with internal details that may change, eliminates the benefit of referencing a separately maintained schema in the first place.
This means that when considering the "unevaluatedProperties": false in the root schema, "wheels" has not been evaluated, so unevaluatedProperties applies to it, and therefore validation fails because the false subschema fails by definition against any instance.
This is a distillation of the results of 230+ comments on #515, not to mention the 300+ comments spread across several other older issues that fed into that one. I know it's long. Please don't complain unless you can offer a shorter write-up. :-)
github.com github.com
JSON Schema allows for additionalProperties both a boolean or an object value. true is interpreted as "additional properties follow no restrictions", false means "no additional restrictions", and an object is interpreted as a JSON schema applied to the property values (the empty object is thus equivalent to true).
a benchmark tells you how slow your code is ("it took 20 seconds to do X Y Z") and a profiler tells you why it's slow ("35% of that time was spent doing compression").
pyimagesearch.com pyimagesearch.com
Now, the progression of NLP, as discussed, tells a story. We begin with tokens and then build representations of these tokens. We use these representations to find similarities between tokens and embed them in a high-dimensional space. The same embeddings are also passed into sequential models that can process sequential data. Those models are used to build context and, through an ingenious way, attend to parts of the input sentence that are useful to the output sentence in translation.
Data, matrix multiplications, repeated and scaled with non-linear switches. Maybe that simplifies things a lot, but even today, most architectures boil down to these principles. Even the most complex systems, ideas, and papers can be boiled down to just that:
- Aug 2022
www.uml-diagrams.org www.uml-diagrams.org
www.uml-diagrams.org www.uml-diagrams.org
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Unlutabak, B., & Velioglu, I. (2021). Examining Children’s Questions and Parents’ Responses about Covid-19 Pandemic in Turkey. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/v78c6
github.com github.com
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Desai, S. C., & Reimers, S. (2022). Does explaining the origins of misinformation improve the effectiveness of a given correction? PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fxkzc
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I appreciate the time and effort you put into your answer, but frankly this is still completely incomprehensible to me.
- Jun 2022
data-feminism.mitpress.mit.edu data-feminism.mitpress.mit.edu
The major issue with much of the data that can be downloaded from web portals or through APIs is that they come without context or metadata. If you are lucky you might get a paragraph about where the data are from or a data dictionary that describes what each column in a particular spreadsheet means. But more often than not, you get something that looks like figure 6.3.
I think that the reason behind data's lack of context is the reluctance in making extra column for data's description and the inconsiderate and misleading vision that those in technologies hold when they put forth that data should be clean and concise.
I encountered the insufficient provision of data multiple times and I found it extremely inconvenient when trying to use downloaded online reports and attached them to my work experiences as a way to illustrate the efficient changes in driving audiences for a social media platform (Facebook). I used to help run an facebook page for a student organization. After being done with the role, I went to the "Insights" section of Facebook, hoping to download the report of increases in Page Likes, Visits, and Interactions during the period that I was an admin of the page. It took me several glitches to download the report (because it was a year-long term). When the pdf file was ready to be viewed, I was surprised, because they did not mention the years I was working, the name of the student organization, and other categorizations that should have been highlighted. Apparently, it's not hard to include the years or even the name because they were included in the filter when I wanted to extract certain part of the report and because it was the source where they took the data from, respectively. This laziness in showing competent data for analysis was desperate, and I had to add extra analysis to it. Even after I finished with the "extra work", I started to question to validity of the report I was downloading. Would it be trustworthy anymore, because without my clarification, no analysis could be made even by a person involved in data science field. Even if they could, it would take them a while to collect other external information before making clear of the data presented to them.
Understanding and constantly being bothered by this ongoing problem gives me justification to call for a more thorough data translation and presentation process. More questions should be raised and answered regarding what might a user wonder about this dataset when encountering it.
direct.mit.edu direct.mit.edu
The dominant idea is one of attention, by which a representation at a position is computed as a weighted combination of representations from other positions. A common self-supervision objective in a transformer model is to mask out occasional words in a text. The model works out what word used to be there. It does this by calculating from each word position (including mask positions) vectors that represent a query, key, and value at that position. The query at a position is compared with the value at every position to calculate how much attention to pay to each position; based on this, a weighted average of the values at all positions is calculated. This operation is repeated many times at each level of the transformer neural net, and the resulting value is further manipulated through a fully connected neural net layer and through use of normalization layers and residual connections to produce a new vector for each word. This whole process is repeated many times, giving extra layers of depth to the transformer neural net. At the end, the representation above a mask position should capture the word that was there in the original text: for instance, committee as illustrated in Figure 1.
e2eml.school e2eml.school
This trick of using a one-hot vector to pull out a particular row of a matrix is at the core of how transformers work.
Matrix multiplication as table lookup
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The ORDER BY clause can only be applied after the DISTINCT has been applied. Since only the fields in the SELECT statement are taken into consideration for the DISTINCT operations, those are the only fields may be used in the ORDER BY.
- Apr 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The backslash character does not concatenate any strings. It prevents the line-break from meaning that those two lines are different statements. Think of the backslash as the opposite of the semicolon. The semicolon lets two statements occupy one line; the backslash lets one statement occupy two lines.
Think the mere existence of a file is effectively like writing a require call for them, which is executed on demand (autoload) or upfront (eager load).
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
Example 1. For example, suppose that the input volume has size [32x32x3], (e.g. an RGB CIFAR-10 image). If the receptive field (or the filter size) is 5x5, then each neuron in the Conv Layer will have weights to a [5x5x3] region in the input volume, for a total of 5*5*3 = 75 weights (and +1 bias parameter). Notice that the extent of the connectivity along the depth axis must be 3, since this is the depth of the input volume. Example 2. Suppose an input volume had size [16x16x20]. Then using an example receptive field size of 3x3, every neuron in the Conv Layer would now have a total of 3*3*20 = 180 connections to the input volume. Notice that, again, the connectivity is local in 2D space (e.g. 3x3), but full along the input depth (20).
These two examples are the first two layers of Andrej Karpathy's wonderful working ConvNetJS CIFAR-10 demo here
cs.stanford.edu cs.stanford.edu
input (32x32x3)max activation: 0.5, min: -0.5max gradient: 1.08696, min: -1.53051Activations:Activation Gradients:Weights:Weight Gradients:conv (32x32x16)filter size 5x5x3, stride 1max activation: 3.75919, min: -4.48241max gradient: 0.36571, min: -0.33032parameters: 16x5x5x3+16 = 1216
The dimensions of these first two layers are explained here
codelabs.developers.google.com codelabs.developers.google.com
Here the lower level layers are frozen and are not trained, only the new classification head will update itself to learn from the features provided from the pre-trained chopped up model on the left.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
infer is there to say you know you are declaring a new type (in the conditional type's scope) - much like you have to write var, let or const to tell the compiler you know you're declaring a new variable.
- Feb 2022
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
பல கலாச்சாரங்களில் உயிர்களின் படைப்பு பெரும் பிரளயத்திலிருந்து தொடங்குவதாகச் சொல்லப்படும் படிமத்தையும், பருவநிலை மாற்றத்தில் எழும் அழிவு வெள்ளத்தையும், புராணங்களிலிருந்து மேற்கோள் காட்டி, ஒரு சுழற்சியில் இணைக்கிறது நாவல்.
Example for படிமம் in novel writing
- Jan 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
FORBIDDEN: Status code (403) indicating the server understood the request but refused to fulfill it. User/agent known by the server but has insufficient credentials. Repeating request will not work, unless credentials changed, which is very unlikely in a short time span.
This may be because it is known that no level of authentication is sufficient (for instance because of an IP blacklist), but it may be because the user is already authenticated and does not have authority.
There's a problem with 401 Unauthorized, the HTTP status code for authentication errors. And that’s just it: it’s for authentication, not authorization. Receiving a 401 response is the server telling you, “you aren’t authenticated–either not authenticated at all or authenticated incorrectly–but please reauthenticate and try again.” To help you out, it will always include a WWW-Authenticate header that describes how to authenticate.
So, for authorization I use the 403 Forbidden response. It’s permanent, it’s tied to my application logic, and it’s a more concrete response than a 401. Receiving a 403 response is the server telling you, “I’m sorry. I know who you are–I believe who you say you are–but you just don’t have permission to access this resource. Maybe if you ask the system administrator nicely, you’ll get permission. But please don’t bother me again until your predicament changes.”
UNAUTHORIZED: Status code (401) indicating that the request requires authentication, usually this means user needs to be logged-in (session). User/agent unknown by the server. Can repeat with other credentials. NOTE: This is confusing as this should have been named 'unauthenticated' instead of 'unauthorized'.
+----------------------- | RESOURCE EXISTS ? (if private it is often checked AFTER auth check) +----------------------- | | NO | v YES v +----------------------- 404 | IS LOGGED-IN ? (authenticated, aka user session) or +----------------------- 401 | | 403 NO | | YES 3xx v v 401 +----------------------- (404 no reveal) | CAN ACCESS RESOURCE ? (permission, authorized, ...) or +----------------------- redirect | | to login NO | | YES | | v v 403 OK 200, redirect, ... (or 404: no reveal) (or 404: resource does not exist if private) (or 3xx: redirection)
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @PassivhausPlus: @NHeadteacher @SuziePeat https://t.co/pNsLTRvfSD More than 300 such systems now installed in German schools...if you fi…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 14 January 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1449880306299785219
arxiv.org arxiv.org
greedy search (i.e., at each step find the next most influentialattribute for this image, given the subset of attributes selectedso far; halt once the classifier has flipped its classification).We can then visualize the effect of modifying this subset.We refer to this as Subset selection
The simplest is to iterate over StylExattributes, calculate the effect of changing each on the classi-fier output for this image, and return the top-k of these. Wecan then visualize the resulting k modified images. We referto this strategy as Independent selection.
counterfactual example,i.e., visualizing how manipulation of this attribute (style coordinate) affects the classifier output probability.
github.com github.com
The intended behavior for the code snippet above is to reactively update b when a changes allows b temporarily go "out-of-sync" of a when calling update, setting b to 42 in this case, b is not always a * 2 however, if a changes again, b will be updated back to a * 2, instead of staying at 42
www.impressivewebs.com www.impressivewebs.com
When you give an element a width of 100% in CSS, you’re basically saying “Make this element’s content area exactly equal to the explicit width of its parent — but only if its parent has an explicit width.” So, if you have a parent container that’s 400px wide, a child element given a width of 100% will also be 400px wide, and will still be subject to margins, paddings, and borders — on top of the 100% width setting.
support.mozilla.org support.mozilla.org
When you initially logon with OAuth2, you will be redirect to Google’s sign-in page,. Once you have signed in, Google issues you a special OAuth2 token which is saved in Thunderbird and can be seen in the same place as passwords. So when you next logon to gmail, it is using that unique OAuth ID instead of password.
- Dec 2021
writing.fletom.com writing.fletom.com
underscores are better than dashes for representing spaces
- Nov 2021
e2eml.school e2eml.school
The selective-second-order-with-skips model is a useful way to think about what transformers do, at least in the decoder side. It captures, to a first approximation, what generative language models like OpenAI's GPT-3 are doing.
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
Attention is a means of selectively weighting different elements in input data, so that they will have an adjusted impact on the hidden states of downstream layers.
svelte.school svelte.school
Some call them the lifecycle methods of elements which I think is an apt description.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
In your Svelte component, you can then use your store with the special $ prefix syntax, to access the value of the store ('cause the temperature variable is a reference to the store itself, it's just a mean to our end, the result we need is the value):
Stores are essentially some kind of simplified streams (or Observable as they're called in ES), that is they represent a value over time.
Stores are the idiomatic Svelte way when you need to import "reactivity" from your normal JS sources.
www.typescriptlang.org www.typescriptlang.org
It might be confusing that a union of types appears to have the intersection of those types’ properties.
www.varvet.com www.varvet.com
wait_until was removed for several reasons:
Local file Local file
igure 18.7
Dès qu'il y a 5 waves, elles sont dans la direction de la wave une échelle au-dessus, ce qui dans notre cas est descendant, d'où la (1),(2),(3),(4),(5) descendant ici !
gure 8.19
The histogram in the MACD window (window above the MACD histogram window) and the histogram in the MACD histogram window are the same histogram, just with a different scaling !
github.com github.com
Calling a software convention "pretty 90s" somewhat undermines your position. Quite a lot of well-designed software components are older than that. If something is problematic, it would be more useful to argue its faults. When someone cites age to justify change, I usually find that they're inexperienced and don't fully understand the issues or how their proposed change would impact other people.
meta.stackoverflow.com meta.stackoverflow.com
The term describes this effect - that's its purpose.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
why is Session not assignable to WithAdditionalParams<Session>? Well, the type WithAdditionalParams<Session> is a subtype of Session with includes a string index signature whose properties are of type unknown. (This is what Record<string, unknown> means.) Since Session does not have an index signature, the compiler does not consider WithAdditionalParams<Session> assignable to Session.
- Oct 2021
Local file Local file
diagonally. As a consequence, Fibonacci channel expansions will yield dif-ferent results depending on the type of scaling used on the charts.
diagonal -> time effect -> depends on scaling of the chart
Figure 10.51
SEE paper version !
Figure 10.36
- Avec l'échelle linéaire, deux graduations dont la différence vaut 10 sont à distance constante.
- Avec l'échelle logarithmique, deux graduations dont le rapport vaut 10 sont à distance constante
even though both approaches will give the same results
cf. Fig. 10.28 où comme on a la même longueur en partant de B avec la projection que le segment AB, on peut alors partir de A ou de B. Par convention, pour les upside expansions, on part du trough, à savoir A.
Figure 10.9
- Arrow going up is an extension
- Arrow going down is an expansion
=> this is why they previously defined an expansion as an extension in the opposite direction
Figure 9.63
The MACD is the full line indicated on the chart, its signal line is the dotted line on the chart below the price chart, and the difference between the MACD and its signal line is the MACD histogram ! Note also that the MACD is the difference between the two lines on the price chart
detrending is the MACD
constructed by substracting the 26-period EMA from the 12-period EMA.
ignal line.
A signal line is a smoothed version of the original oscillator, that is, it is a moving average of the original oscillator values. As such, it will lag the original oscillator action. Signals are indicated as follows: ■ Oscillator crossing above its signal line is a buy (bullish) signal ■ Oscillator crossing below its signal line is a sell (bearish) signal
applying numerically based overlay indicators to window oscillators
C-à-d qu'on fait du chartisme sur des indicateurs window !
We also see a projected channel bottom buy signal
C'est-à-dire n channel dont la partie basse est à moitié (coef directeur) construite par projection de la partie supérieure qui elle a 2 points.
Signals are indicated as follow
cf. version papier annotée. On remarque que les reverse bullish ne sont valables que parce qu'il s'agit de troughs, si c'était des peaks, on aurait du bearish !
Classification of Technical Indicators
Window oscillators : oscillateurs qu'on trace dans une fenêtre à part.
Overlay oscillators : oscillateurs qu'on trace sur le graphe du prix directement
Inside bars
En fait, inside bar c'est quand la première bougie "contient" les suivantes alors que outside bar c'est quand le dernière bougie contient les précédentes.
the hAndbook of technIcAl AnAlysIs224inside Bars
Bullish Key Reversal Day on the Daily Chart of Apple
on n'a que des bougies où l'ouverture est plus haute que la fermeture, et la key reversal bar est celle où l'ouvereture est plus basse que le fermeture (d'où le nom de reversal bar, car l'ouverture se trouve "à la place" de la fermeture !)
We shall now look at various generic bullish and bearish formations
En bourse, sur une valeur ou un indice, on parle de « gap » quand le cours d'ouverture est plus haut, ou plus bas, que tous les cours du jour de cotation précédent. Si la valeur d'ouverture est inférieure à la valeur la plus faible atteinte le précédent jour de cotation, on parle de « gap baissier ». Si la valeur d'ouverture est supérieure à la valeur la plus élevée atteinte le précédent jour de cotation, on parle de « gap haussier ».
Par exemple, si une valeur possède un cours compris entre 10 et 12 un jour donné, si le jour de cotation suivant la valeur ouvre avec un cours de 9 on parlera de gap baissier, si elle ouvre avec un cours de 13 on parlera d'un gap haussier.
Une règle d'analyse technique affirme que les gaps sont comblés. C'est-à-dire que, en cas de gap baissier, la valeur remontera au moins à la valeur la plus faible atteinte le jour de cotation précédent le gap. Dans notre exemple de gap baissier, il s'agirait de 10.
De même, la règle affirme qu'en cas de gap haussier, la valeur baissera en séance au moins à la valeur la plus haute atteinte le jour de cotation précédent le gap. Dans notre exemple de gap haussier il s'agirait de 12.
Il existe un certain nombre de cas de gap qui n'ont jamais été comblés et pour lesquels le comblement est assez improbable
onstruction of a Price Bar
Open : petit tiret à gauche de la barre Close : petit tiret à droite de la barre
Intrinsic in the sense of chap. 4
E.g. a head and shoulder pattern is bearish intrinsically, but it can happen in an uptrend and in this case, intrinsic sentiment and the trend disagree !
Price Barrier
Normalement, dans la figure avec le support 1, on aurait dû casser ce support car on avait du volume pour confirmer la downtrend. Similairement pour la resistance 1. Low volume in the two lower charts are less reliable since it is mainly due to a lack of interest of the market participants.
Low Volume–Based Reversals on the Daily Chart
Revoir les conditions de trend change avec le volume !! cf. page 113 Figure 4.6 avec le trend exhaustion
Volume Confirming a Preexisting Trend
Dans le premier graphique on a du decreasing volume car il s'agit d'un retracement/correction dans un marché bull. Si à l'inverse c'était un marché bear comme dans le 2e graphique, alors au contraire il y aurait un increasing volume. C'est d'ailleurs ce qu'on voit dans le deuxième graphique.
open interest
Open interest is the total number of outstanding derivative contracts, such as options or futures that have not been settled.
Open interest equals the total number of bought or sold contracts, not the total of both added together.
Increasing open interest represents new or additional money coming into the market while decreasing open interest indicates money flowing out of the market.
5.9 trenD DireCtionaLity
ing limits the losses in either scenario by allocating a fixed percentage of original capital to narrow stops and a fixed percentage of current capital for stopsizes that exceed a fixed threshold size. The procedure for determining the proportional tradesize is as follows: 1. Do a backtest to find the average stopsize for at least 300 to 500 trades (if possible). 2. Calculate the two standard deviation value based on all the stopsizes in the sample. 3. Add this two‐standard deviation value to the average stopsize (this represents the proportional stopsize). 4. Determine the maximum percentage of current capital to risk for each trade and calculate its corresponding dollar value risk per trade. 5. Divide this dollar value risk per trade by the proportional stopsize (this repre-sents your proportional tradesize).Therefore, the trader would initiate trades based on the proportional trade-size for all trades where the stopsize is at or below the proportional stopsize. For stopsizes that exceed the proportional stopsize, calculate the tradesize by sim-ply dividing the maximum dollar value risk per trade by the stopsize. The term proportional refers to the percentage risk allocated per trade that is initiated for entries with stopsizes at or below the proportional stopsize. For such entries, the percentage of risk will vary proportionally with the stopsize, where the maxi-mum risk will always be capped at the maximum percentage risk per trade. For a more detailed description of the tradesizing issues that plague traders, refer to Chapter 28
wing points and barrier strength
Completion of the Average Period Range: One of the most reliable charac-teristics of price activity lies with its average period range, with the period being any chosen duration of observation. For example, let us assume that the average daily range of a certain FOREX pair is 120 pips per day. This would essentially mean that any price activity beyond this average range in either direction prior to the completion of the trading day will be regarded as a po-tential sign of exhaustion and a reversal may be expected. It is important to note that these averages period ranges may also be associated with underlying wave cycles in the market. Once the average range is breached prematurely, the practitioner begins to look for various signs of a reversal, paying special attention to supportive and resistive confluences. The average period range may be obtained via either of the following approaches: ■ The use of the average true range indicator (ATR) set to a reasonable look-back period on an interval chart of interest. ■ By finding the 2 standard deviation value of bar range over a certain number of periods.The practitioner should conduct a simple backtest to find the most reli-able lookback period for each of the above approaches. Note that with the latter approach, ninety percent of the period ranges will remain below the calculated value, the breach of which represents a greater degree of overex-tension or exhaustion
Decreasing Cycle Amplitudes in an Uptrend Is Bearish
See graph in the paper version to get counter example of increasing cycle amplitudes
Phase‐Based Charts Patterns.
Distribution and accumulation are in the reversal section since they are inherently reversal patterns. What I mean is that a distribution phase is defined by a crash after the said distribution phase. Similarly for accumulation, there is a rise after.
give earlier trend change signals
Uptrend lines are violated sooner since logarithm tends to rapprocher les points éloignés arithmétiquement (de manière non linéaire, d'où la cassure de la ligne de tendance plus tôt)
Conflicting Chart Pattern Signals.
LS : Left Shoulder H : Head RS1 : Right Shoulder 1
kit.svelte.dev kit.svelte.dev
This function allows you to modify (or replace) a fetch request for an external resource that happens inside a load function that runs on the server (or during pre-rendering). For example, your load function might make a request to a public URL like https://api.yourapp.com when the user performs a client-side navigation to the respective page, but during SSR it might make sense to hit the API directly (bypassing whatever proxies and load balancers sit between it and the public internet).
- Sep 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
the space has to escaped twice, once for the local shell interpreting the command and once for the remote machine interpreting it again.
softwareengineering.stackexchange.com softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
When we describe a language as type-checked, we mean that the language won't let you perform operations invalid for the type. Neither statically nor dynamically typed languages will let you multiply strings together, call a number in the place of a function, etc. A language without type checking would let you do all of those things without complaint.
www.sanity.io www.sanity.io
TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript. You can think of it as JavaScript with a few extra features. These features are largely focused on defining the type and shape of JavaScript objects. It requires that you be declarative about the code you're writing and have an understanding of the values your functions, variables, and objects are expecting.While it requires more code, TypeScript is a fantastic means of catching common JavaScript bugs while in development. And for just that reason, it's worth the extra characters.
github.com github.com
It is advised to inline any css @import in component's style tag before it hits css-loader. This ensures equal css behavior when using HMR with emitCss: false and production.
Webpack's resolve.mainFields option determines which fields in package.json are used to resolve identifiers. If you're using Svelte components installed from npm, you should specify this option so that your app can use the original component source code, rather than consuming the already-compiled version (which is less efficient).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The important thing to understand is that there is no such thing as a class method in Ruby. A class method is really just a singleton method. There is nothing special about class methods. Every object can have singleton methods. We just call them "class methods" when the object is a Class because "singleton method of an instance of Class" is too long and unwieldy.
- Aug 2021
github.com github.com
I hope you'll forgive me for defaulting to the documentation: I think it will do a better job of explaining it than me.
github.com github.com
function strictIsDog<T extends Dog extends T ? unknown : never>( // like <T super Dog> candidate: Dog | T // if Dog extends T then Dog | T is T ): candidate is Dog { // compiler recognizes that Dog | T can narrow to T return "bark" in candidate; } if (strictIsDog(animal)) {} // okay if (strictIsDog(dog)) {} // okay if (strictIsDog(mixed)) {} // okay if (strictIsDog(cat)) {} // error! // ~~~ <-- Cat is not assignable to Dog
thank you again for taking the time to explain how the compiler thinks in such an elaborate way. This is some blog post material!
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Adding to the accepted answer, if you happen to need to use a type guard against a mixin, you'll get this error too, since the is operator doesn't behave as an implements would.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
const isValidMethodForHandler = <T extends { [i: string]: any }>(handler: T) => ( method: string ): method is Extract<keyof T, string> => Object.keys(handler).indexOf(method) !== -1;
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Isolation ensures that concurrent execution of transactions leaves the database in the same state that would have been obtained if the transactions were executed sequentially
www.ruby-lang.org www.ruby-lang.org
If you extend a method to accept keyword arguments, the method may have incompatibility as follows: # If a method accepts rest argument and no `**nil` def foo(*args) p args end # Passing keywords are converted to a Hash object (even in Ruby 3.0) foo(k: 1) #=> [{:k=>1}] # If the method is extended to accept a keyword def foo(*args, mode: false) p args end # The existing call may break foo(k: 1) #=> ArgumentError: unknown keyword k
- Jul 2021
jalammar.github.io jalammar.github.io
In the language of Interpretable Machine Learning (IML) literature like Molnar et al.[20], input saliency is a method that explains individual predictions.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
The difference between PUT and POST is that PUT is idempotent: calling it once or several times successively has the same effect (that is no side effect), whereas successive identical POST requests may have additional effects, akin to placing an order several times.
www.baeldung.com www.baeldung.com
Vectors with a small Euclidean distance from one another are located in the same region of a vector space. Vectors with a high cosine similarity are located in the same general direction from the origin.
- Jun 2021
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
This dataset can not be classified by a single neuron, as the two groups of data points can't be divided by a single line.
www.theserverside.com www.theserverside.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
a principle I use is: If you have an accessor, use the accessor rather than the raw variable or mechanism it's hiding. The raw variable is the implementation, the accessor is the interface. Should I ignore the interface because I'm internal to the instance? I wouldn't if it was an attr_accessor.
- May 2021
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Thank you for this answer, perfectly detailed.
twitter.com twitter.com
Brains On! (2021, May 3). What does 95% effective mean for a vaccine? We head to a stadium to learn! Warning: There are seagulls overhead! (Big thanks to @mariasundaram for help with this video!) Learn more about the #vaccines find family-friendly #coronavirus explainers at https://t.co/Zo9nORLEdI https://t.co/erPYnoKuZC [Tweet]. @Brains_On. https://twitter.com/Brains_On/status/1389293681669152769
hashnode.com hashnode.com
Why are there so many programming languages and frameworks? Everyone has their own opinion on how something should be done. Some of these systems, like AOL, Yahoo, etc... have been around for a decade, and probably not updated much.
Simple fact is that HTML support is different in them because mail clients are so old, or others are allowed to operate in browsers where not all CSS or even HTML can be applied in a secure manner. Older clients have outdated browsers that you'll likely NEVER see brought up to standards; what with Opera's standalone aging like milk, and thunderbird lagging behind the firefox on which it's even built. Don't even get me STARTED on older clients like Eudora or Outlook.
- Apr 2021
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
>(...) starts the process ... and returns a file representing its standard input. exec &> ... redirects both standard output and standard error into ... for the remainder of the script (use just exec > ... for stdout only). tee -a appends its standard input to the file, and also prints it to the screen.
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Why your original solution does not work: exec 2>&1 will redirect the standard error output to the standard output of your shell, which, if you run your script from the console, will be your console. the pipe redirection on commands will only redirect the standart output of the command.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It should be defined inline. If you are using the img tag, that image should have semantic value to the content, which is why the alt attribute is required for validation. If the image is to be part of the layout or template, you should use a tag other than the img tag and assign the image as a CSS background to the element. In this case, the image has no semantic meaning and therefore doesn't require the alt attribute. I'm fairly certain that most screen readers would not even know that a CSS image exists.
I believed this when I first read it, but changed my mind when I read this good rebuttal: https://hyp.is/f1ndKJ5eEeu_IBtubiLybA/stackoverflow.com/questions/640190/image-width-height-as-an-attribute-or-in-css
Ah yes, excactly the right answer. Img tags are for information, css backgrounds are for layout.
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
is a mechanism designed for creating an external host for character-mode subsystem activities that replace the user interactivity portion of the default console host window
My paraphrase: A pseudoterminal replaces (fakes/pretends to be?) the user interactivity portion.
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
Yet, in all these instances, life offers no crystal ball; there's no way of knowing what the future holds, or to be cognizant of something we are unaware of. This is the essence of "You don't know what you don't know," only it's being expressed in a comical way
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It's simple really ... put tests into a shared example that you want multiple things to conform to. Put code into a shared context that you need to include in multiple tests.
shared_contexts is any setup code that you can use to prepare a test case . This allows you to include test helper methods or prepare for the tests to run.
www-cs-students.stanford.edu www-cs-students.stanford.edu
Why interactive explanations? I find that I learn best when combining the language side of my brain (reading, formulas) with the visual side of my brain (illustrations, interaction). I want to learn not only by reading something or watching something, but by playing with it. I’m mostly focused on small, self-contained articles, but I’m also interested in interactive textbooks.
- Mar 2021
final-form.org final-form.org
The reason Final Form does this is so that pristine will be true if you start with an uninitialized form field (i.e. value === undefined), type into it (pristine is now false), and then empty the form field. In this case, pristine should return to true, but the value that the HTML DOM gives for that input is ''. If Final Form did not treat '' and undefined as the same, any field that was ever typed in would forever be dirty, no matter what the user did.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Intuitively, a subcategory of C is a category obtained from C by "removing" some of its objects and arrows.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The hierarchical structure of semantic fields can be mostly seen in hyponymy.
Good explanation about semantic fields.
I assume the same or an even stronger statement can be made about semantic classes (which to me are like more clear-cut, distinct semantic fields), then? 
gitlab.gnome.org gitlab.gnome.org
Sorry you’re surprised. Issues are filed at about a rate of 1 per day against GLib. Merge requests at a rate of about 1 per 2 days. Each issue or merge request takes a minimum of about 30 minutes (across at least 2 people) to analyse, put together a fix, test it, review it, fix it, review it and merge it. I’d estimate the average is closer to 3 hours than 30 minutes. Even at the fastest rate, it would take 3 working months to clear the backlog of ~1000 issues. I get a small proportion of my working time to spend on GLib (not full time).
This issue hasn’t been deemed a high enough priority to be fixed yet. It will be addressed one day, I’m sure. There are many issues in GLib which many people on the internet think are important.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Boseley, S. (2021, March 15). Coronavirus: report scathing on UK government’s handling of data. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/15/mp-report-scathing-on-uk-goverment-handling-and-sharing-of-covid-data
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The word authority in authority control derives from the idea that the names of people, places, things, and concepts are authorized, i.e., they are established in one particular form.
github.com github.com
Here's the four case: foo.js Load/Require dependencies Concatenate dependencies foo.js.map Load foo.js Currently grabs metadata[:map] from asset to build an asset, need to move that generation somewhere else to accomplish de-coupling map generation foo.debug.js Load foo.js Load foo.js.map Add comment to end of foo.js with path to foo.js.map foo.source.js The raw file on disk, the map file will need to point to source files.
www.codetriage.com www.codetriage.com
Before a bug can be fixed, it has to be understood and reproduced. For every issue, a maintainer gets, they have to decipher what was supposed to happen and then spend minutes or hours piecing together their reproduction. Usually, they can’t get it right, so they have to ask for clarification. This back-and-forth process takes lots of energy and wastes everyone’s time. Instead, it’s better to provide an example app from the beginning. At the end of the day, would you rather maintainers spend their time making example apps or fixing issues?
math.stackexchange.com math.stackexchange.com
I'd say an equation is anything with an equals sign in it; a formula is an equation of the form A= stuffA= stuffA={\rm\ stuff} where AAA does not appear among the stuff on the right side.
An equation is meant to be solved, that is, there are some unknowns. A formula is meant to be evaluated, that is, you replace all variables in it with values and get the value of the formula.
The key idea is that the equation captures not just the ingredients of the formula, but also the relationship between the different ingredients.
In your case, "mpg = distance/gallons" is best understood as "a formula in the form of an equation", which means that in this instance the two words are interchangeable.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The :empty selector refers only to child nodes, not input values. [value=""] does work; but only for the initial state. This is because a node's value attribute (that CSS sees), is not the same as the node's value property (Changed by the user or DOM javascript, and submitted as form data).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
HTML elements have meaning. "Semantically correct" means that your elements mean what they are supposed to.
Semantically correct usage of elements means that you use them for what they are meant to be used for.
It means that you're calling something what it actually is.
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
Placeholders are suggestions for valid input, like putting “Tulsa” in an input labeled “City”.
humanmooc.pressbooks.com humanmooc.pressbooks.com
affordances and limitations of each modality
Can someone explain this in plain English? - What's meant here by an affordance of a modality?
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
it’s a bit as if the following wiring is applied to every task added via #step