- Jan 2025
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
In 1867, at atime when Bretons were desperately trying to preserve theirlanguage and traditions against the cultural imperialism of thecentralized French state, Hersart de La Villemarqué, author of thefamous Barzaz-Breiz (Songs of Brittany), sent out a call for whatwas to become the first Interceltic Congress, to be held at Saint-Brieuc. His appeal was to his ‘compatriots from Wales, brothersfrom Cornwall and cousins from Ireland and Scotland’.
- Dec 2024
emergencemagazine.org emergencemagazine.org
in Vermont, Native Americans lived here—well, like everywhere in North America—they lived here in Vermont for over ten thousand years. The ecosystem was basically intact, and that’s because they had that ethical system built into their fundamental cultural assumptions—the assumptions that guided their lives. They didn’t think about them. They didn’t question them. They were simply the assumptions, the unthought assumptions.
for - philosophy matters! - biodiversity crisis - 10,000 years of preservation vs 100 years of clearcut - David Hinton - comparison - polycrisis - climate crisis - two unthought assumptions - philosophical differences - Indigenous people of Vermont vs European settlers - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
comparison - polycrisis - climate crisis - biodiversity crisis - Indigneous people of Vermont - vs European settlers - unthought assumptions - unthought assumptions of Indigenous people took care of forests for 10,000 years - unthought assumptions of European settlers clear cut all the forests in 100 years - These are philosophical differences - PHILOSOPHY MATTERS!
- philosophy matters! - biodiversity crisis - 10,000 years of preservation vs 100 years of clearcut - David Hinton
- comparison - polycrisis - climate crisis - two unthought assumptions - Indigenous people of Vermont vs European settlers - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
- Nov 2024
TRSP Desirable Characteristics
Policy that details how the preservation of the data is ensured: does the repository have a page, or document that describes this?
TRSP Desirable Characteristics
Policies that explain the repository’s commitment and processes that ensure the long-term preservation, fitness, and availability of datasets.
zenodo.org zenodo.org
TRSP Desirable Characteristics The repository assumes responsibility for long-term preservation and manages this function in a planned and documented way.
- Aug 2024
www.truthdig.com www.truthdig.com
“Building housing in existing communities is one of our best climate solutions, and paving over 17,000 acres of non-irrigated farmland is not,
for - sustainable building - building reuse vs new build - which is better? - California Forever - intentional community - green debate
sustainable building - building reuse vs new build - which is better? - Study by Preservation Green Lab in 2012 concluded that in most cases, reusing existing buildings is far lower carbon footprint than building new - Research study shows that we cannot expand human activity into intact nature any longer if we are to stay within planetary boundaries - Rockstrom - https://hyp.is/0dbJ4FQSEe-QxY8q4Y3yvw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaboF3vAsZs
by building on undeveloped land, “by definition, you’re going to incur a carbon debt that you may never be able to pay off,”
for - unsustainable building
unsustainable building - See Preservation Green lab report cited above
- unsustainable building - Preservation Green Lab report - National Trust for Historic Preservation
- California Forever - intentional community - green debate
- Building reuse is lower carbon footprint than building new - Preservation Green Labs study
- planetary boundaries - staying within - can no longer expand human activity into intact nature
- Jul 2024
There is for himno royal road to order. Knowledge andright will a r e indispensable. This doesnot mean that the world will heed, andeducate its feelings and thoughts forthe sake of self-preservation. But quiteproperly, Mr. Wells should not care.He has diagnosed the ailment and pre-scribed the sensible dose. The patientis always a t liberty to pass out in self-conceit or with the aid of quacks.PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORGELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED
relationship to Eric Hoffer's The True Believer and modern politics?
relationship to the Great Books idea in 1942-1952 and beyond?
repeating history...
- Jun 2024
“It’s harder to protect your reputation for reliability than to damage it. It turns out that, as usual, offence is cheaper than defence,” he says. “Everybody who cares about the preservation of any institution has to stop everything, ring the alarm bell, and start thinking about how to preserve that ‘membrane’ in a way that is morally permissible.”
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Continued access to data is dependent upon the ability of the repository to provide services over time, and to respond with new or improved services to meet evolving user community requirements
TRSP Desirable Characteristics
- May 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - sustainable food system - food preservation - canning - pickling - pantry
anjackson.net anjackson.net
I think this invisibility is the biggest preservation risk there is. If digital heritage isn’t seen or valued, how can we hope to push back against the endless grinding down of funding and ambition?
Local file Local file
The very possibility of meeting his family suddenly alarmed me—tooreal, too sudden, too in-my-face, not rehearsed enough. Over the years I’dlodged him in the permanent past, my pluperfect lover, put him on ice,stuffed him with memories and mothballs like a hunted ornamentconfabulating with the ghost of all my evenings. I’d dust him off from timeto time and then put him back on the mantelpiece. He no longer belonged toearth or to life. All I was likely to discover at this point wasn’t just howdistant were the paths we’d taken, it was the measure of loss that was goingto strike me—a loss I didn’t mind thinking about in abstract terms butwhich would hurt when stared at in the face, the way nostalgia hurts longafter we’ve stopped thinking of things we’ve lost and may never have caredfor.
Even after fifteen years, he has not matured the way Oliver had, because he still holds tightly, too tightly, to the Elio of yesterday, the Elio of fifteen years ago, to his identity-yesterday. But his identity can never flourish without the flux. His identity requires flux. Elio is not Elio if he never changes. This is his attempt at psychological continuity, the preserving of memories and the fear of destroying that continuity.
- Apr 2024
If one user marks a word as bold and another user marks the same word as non-bold, thereis no final state that preserves both users’ intentions and also ensures convergence
Having "bold" mean some semantics, e.g., important.
Then they merge. Alice does not consider it important, Bob does -> render both. E.g., Bob's "importance" expressed as bold, Alices "not important" as grayed text.
If the context has changed
"Ny is a great city."
Alice removes "great".
Bob wonts to replace it with "gorgeous", by removing "reat" and adding "orgeous".
Having merged:
"Ny is a orgeous city."
Begs for semantic intent preservation, such as "reword great to gorgeous".
Fig. 4
Uhh, I'd imagine "remove" would refer to "bold" annotation.
Otherwise, there can be another "bold" with t < 20, that would be accidentally removed.
Syntactic intent is not preserved.
For example, a developer mightdecide that colored text marks should be allowed to overlap, with the overlap region rendering ablend of the colors
That would be better for user to decide.
I think a good default is to express semantics explicitly.
I.e., for Bob to not automatically state his utterance as important just because it's atop of Alice's, that she considers important.
If Bob tries to reword - ok. If Bob want to add - no.
Given Bold, Italic, Colored are syntactic representation of semantics that we do capture - they can overlap.
Moreover, in Bob's user-defined mapping from semantics to syntax, Bob's "important" can be bold, while Alice's "important" can be italic.
Conflicts occur not only with colors; even simple bold formatting operations canproduce conflicts
Again, let them capture semantics.
Say, "Alice considers "The fox jumped"" as important. Alice changes mind, only "The" is important. Bob considers "jumped" as important.
Result: Alice considers "The" important. Bob considers "jumped" important.
Consider assigning colored highlighting to some text
Color is meant to convey some semantics. Like "accent", or "important". These semantics can coexist, just like italic and bold.
So a solution may be to: 1. Let users express semantics of their annotations 2. Give user-customizable defaults of how they are to be rendered.
Ensuring, that semantics's render is composable. I.e., it conveys originally asigned semantics.
Furthermore, as with plain text CRDTs, this model only preserves low-level syntactic intent,and manual intervention will often be necessary to preserve semantic intent based on a humanunderstanding of the text
Good remark of syntactic vs semantic intent preservation.
Semantics are in the head of a person, that conveys them as syntactic ops. I.e., semantics get specified down to ops.
Merging syntactically may not always preserve semantics. I.e., one wants to "make defs easier to read by converting them to CamelCase", another wants the same but via snake-case. Having merged them syntactically, we get Camel-Snake-Case-Hybrid, which does not preserve any semantic intent. The semantics intent here are not conflict-free in the first case, though.
Make defs readable | | as CamelCase as Snake Case | | modify to CC modify to SC
They diverged at this point, even before getting to syntactic changes.The best solution would be to solve original problem in a different way - let defs be user-specific. But that's blue sky thinking. Although done in Unison, we do have syntactic systems around.
So staying in a syntactic land, the best we could do is to capture the original intent: "Make defs readable".
Then we need a smart agent, human or an AI, specify it further.
The key idea is to store formatting spans alongside the plaintext character sequence,linked to a stable identifier for the first and last character of each span, and then to derive the final formattedtext from these spans in a deterministic way that ensures concurrent operations commute
I.e., let's capture user's intent as ops, not their result.
- Feb 2024
sr.ithaka.org sr.ithaka.org
to ensure long-term preservation of the scholarly record
preservation of the scholarly record:
Local file Local file
The cards datingfrom 1911 to 1975 at the New York State Library in Albany (whereMelvil Dewey was librarian from 1889 to 1906) were thrown awaylast month as a consequence of a historical-preservation projectinvolving the building in which they were stored.
Sad that a "historical-preservation project" resulted in the loss of such an interesting historical artifact.
news.virginia.edu news.virginia.edu
https://news.virginia.edu/content/old-card-catalog-collaborative-effort-will-preserve-its-history The Old Card Catalog: Collaborative Effort Will Preserve Its History<br /> December 9, 2019 By Anne E. Bromley, anneb@virginia.edu <br /> Photos By Sanjay Suchak, sanjay@virginia.edu
- Oct 2023
The RWC was developed by The Language Conservancy (TLC), an NGO dedicated to protecting around 50 Indigenous languages around the world, in order to churn out such dictionaries at super-speed. TLC, which has a $3 million budget, regularly teams up linguists with Native American language teachers to work on these dictionaries.
- Sep 2023
casetext.com casetext.com
shall be eligible for emergency assistance
casetext.com casetext.com
Section 26-5.3-104 - Emergency assistance for families with children at imminent risk of being placed out of the home
casetext.com casetext.com
The general assembly finds and declares that: (a) Maintaining a family structure to the greatest degree possible is one of the fundamental goals that all state agencies must observe
casetext.com casetext.com
- Jun 2023
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
And because libraries generally do not take possession of the ebook files they rent from publishers, their crucial role as long-term preservers of culture has been severed from their role as institutions that provide democratic access—a striking change.
E-books have caused the missions of many libraries to shift away from institutions that provide democratic access to a preserved culture.
- Jan 2023
Local file Local file
Before they were sent, however, the contents of itstwenty-six drawers were photographed in Princeton, resulting in thirty mi-crofilm rolls. Recently, digital pdf copies of these microfilm rolls have been
circulating among scholars of the documentary Geniza.
Prior to being shipped to the National Library of Israel, Goitein's index card collection was photographed in Princeton and transferred to thirty microfilm rolls from which digital copies in .pdf format have been circulating among scholars of the documentary Geniza.
Link to other examples of digitized note collections: - Niklas Luhmann - W. Ross Ashby - Jonathan Edwards
Are there collections by Charles Darwin and Linnaeus as well?
- Jul 2022
www.agraddy.com www.agraddy.com
modern web development has become selfish
focusing on the developers and making sure the developers can quickly output projects at the expense of the end users
- Mar 2022
www.canada.ca www.canada.ca
- Feb 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Smith, J., & Duncan, P. (2022, February 3). Firms handed £1.3bn in Covid contracts claimed £1m in furlough grants. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/03/dozen-uk-companies-given-vip-covid-ppe-contracts-also-claimed-furlough-grants
- Jan 2022
- Nov 2021
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
This seems a lot like the same longevity questions that the Internet Archive and IndieWeb are working on or the @RJI's Dodging the Memory Hole conference for born digital news.
jvns.ca jvns.ca
Until last week, I found this completely mystifying – I had no idea what import was doing and I didn’t understand how to use libraries in that way.
The build tools are irrelevant (or rather, a red herring).
JS has
statements. The build tools are (or at least should be) approximating what you get without the build tools interposing themselves into the development process, but doing it in a way that reinforces The Iron Law of Bureaucracy.
- Oct 2021
ift.onlinelibrary.wiley.com ift.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
A simplified freezing point depression (FPD) equation was derived for calculating water activity (aw) of food systems. The aw values as calculated by FPD data agreed with literature data for a variety of foods to within ± 0.01 aw units. The FPD equation was found particularly useful for calculating aw values of frozen foods at temperatures between 273.1.5–233.15 °K (0 to −40°C).
± 0.01 aw? That's crazy accurate. Temperature is extremely easy to measure at home, which makes this a perfect technique for home food preservation. In particular, it can be used with sugar-free, salt-free, and other obscure recipes for which water activity is hard to estimate.
Additionally, this accuracy could be run in reverse. Knowing the water activity of ice-cream can tell you the freezing point. Moreover, a mini fridge could keep select food items chilled below 0°C for better preservation. In particular, I plan to dissolve erythritol into unsweetened plant milks and lower my fridge temp accordingly.
- Sep 2021
knowablemagazine.org knowablemagazine.org
- Apr 2021
searchwindowsserver.techtarget.com searchwindowsserver.techtarget.com
- Mar 2021
dannng.github.io dannng.github.io
www.softwarepreservationnetwork.org www.softwarepreservationnetwork.org
- Feb 2021
www.nationalarchives.gov.uk www.nationalarchives.gov.uk
Notre (The National Archives) nouvelle stratégie de renforcement des capacités numériques définit un plan ambitieux de programmes, de formations et de ressources pour aider le secteur des archives à répondre à ses ambitions numériques. Il établit un plan pour trois années de travail et sera livré de 2019 à 2022.
- Dec 2020
- Oct 2020
documentation.library.ethz.ch documentation.library.ethz.ch
- Aug 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
Supporting Open Science Data Curation, Preservation, and Access by Libraries. (n.d.). Retrieved 24 August 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbmGWHpzAHs
- Jul 2020
openpreservation.org openpreservation.org
- Jun 2020
www.lesoleil.com www.lesoleil.com
Les CD sont-ils éternels?
- May 2020
www.gembio.com www.gembio.com
Advanced cell preservation (cryo and non-cryo) with the Petaka G3
- Feb 2020
www.programmevitam.fr www.programmevitam.fr
- Jan 2020
www.emerald.com www.emerald.com
Rethinking digital preservation: definitions, models, and requirements
- Nov 2019
- Oct 2019
therivardreport.com therivardreport.com
- Sep 2019
www.bitsgalore.org www.bitsgalore.org
Recovering '90s Data Tapes - Experiences From the KB Web Archaeology project (iPres 2019 paper)
yorkspace.library.yorku.ca yorkspace.library.yorku.ca
The Digital Curation Lifecycle
nnlm.gov nnlm.gov
Digital Curation Lifecycle Model
www.dcc.ac.uk www.dcc.ac.uk
DCC Curation Lifecycle Model
www.dartmouth.edu www.dartmouth.edu
Digital Preservation Policy
Digital Archives: How and Why to Write Digital Preservation Policy
www.nedcc.org www.nedcc.org
NEDCC Digital Preservation Policy Template
metaarchive.org metaarchive.org
Preservation Policy Template
digital preservation event type
- Jul 2019
Why digital preservation isn’t just a backup
- Jun 2019
- May 2019
digitalpowrr.niu.edu digitalpowrr.niu.edu
- Apr 2019
pulibrary.github.io pulibrary.github.io
Preservation architecture decisions at Princeton
saaers.wordpress.com saaers.wordpress.com
archivebox.io archivebox.io
www.canada.ca www.canada.ca
Étude de la documentation sur les formats de préservation numérique
- Mar 2019
blogs.princeton.edu blogs.princeton.edu
Digital Archives Workstation Update: KryoFlux, FRED, and BitCurator Walk into a Bar…
bitcuratorconsortium.org bitcuratorconsortium.org
Flux de travail avec BitCurator.
educopia.org educopia.org
- Feb 2019
francearchives.fr francearchives.fr
- Jan 2019
archives.un.org archives.un.org
spectrum.ieee.org spectrum.ieee.org
- Dec 2018
metaarchive.org metaarchive.org
- Nov 2018
ecommons.cornell.edu ecommons.cornell.edu
Digital Processing Framework
sr.ithaka.org sr.ithaka.org
État de la situation de la préservation des archives numériques en 2018.
wiki.service.emory.edu wiki.service.emory.edu
clinic.cyber.harvard.edu clinic.cyber.harvard.edu
thetaper.library.virginia.edu thetaper.library.virginia.edu
- Oct 2018
library.stanford.edu library.stanford.eduePADD1
ePADD est un progiciel développé par les collections spéciales et archives universitaires de l'Université de Stanford qui prend en charge les processus d'archivage relatifs à l'évaluation, l'ingestion, le traitement, la découverte et la livraison d'archives de courrier électronique.
www.dpconline.org www.dpconline.org
Cette page fournit des guides utiles, des exemples et d'autres ressources que vous pouvez utiliser pour élaborer votre dossier.
- Jun 2018
www.sara-tx.org www.sara-tx.org
- Oct 2017
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
what are our best, shared hopes for DH? What tasks and projects might we take up, or tie in? What are our functions—or, if you prefer, our vocations, now
The Digital Recovery of Texts. Due to computer assisted approaches to paleography( noun: paleography the study of ancient writing systems and the deciphering and dating of historical manuscripts) and the steady advances in the field of digital preservation "Resurrection can be grisly work, I THINK WE COME TO UNDERSTAND EXTINCTION BETTER IN OUR STRUGGLES." .
DH has a public and transformative role to play : Big Data and The Longue Duree
Unable to look at article by Armitage, D & Guldi,j.i on The Return of The Longue Duree - hit by paywall each time,
Look at great article on WWW.WIRED.COM .
"The return of the longue durée is intimately connected to changing questions of scale. In a moment of ever-growing inequality, amid crises of global governance, and under the impact of anthropogenic climate change, even a minimal understanding of the conditions shaping our lives demands a scaling-up of our inquiries. "
What does she mean by BIG DATA? Read Samuel Arbesman article in The Washington Post for easy explanation [] (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-big-data/2013/08/15/64a0dd0a-e044-11e2-963a-72d740e88c12_story.html?utm_term=.54ff7fdf82fe)
- Sep 2017
www.nps.gov www.nps.govCHAPTER1
Park-specific documents
Resources for researching NPS Historic furniture
- Apr 2017
enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu
As a community, they had evaded most of the standards of modernity for a community: they lacked a full literacy rate, did not possess a written language or written history, and pertained to ritual practice as a primary mode of expression and entertainment.
As was oft the dialogue during the time, the Soviet Union had claimed a victory for modernity of the Northern People following its firm establishment as a nation, beginning most prominently in the 1950’s. As indigenous communities, the Soviets had believed they had succeeded in transcending the communities across time and into the present: they had taking a primitive society and bypassed it through the developmental modes of production (slavery, feudalism, capitalism) to achieve the pinnacle of socialism. Thus, these communities were largely perceived to be drawn out of “timelessness and brought (them) into history” (227). This would serve to not be the case, as the resilience of the Nenet community would show.
An interesting discussion on the restructuring of the Siberian indigenous identity is found in chapter 13 of the following text:
Gayla Diment and Yuri Slezkine, Between Heaven and Hell: The Myth of Siberia in Russian Culture (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993).
- Feb 2017
www.archivejournal.net www.archivejournal.net
They are always somewhere, stored on somebody’s hard drive.
Attests to the importance of digital preservation.
- Dec 2016
0-ic.galegroup.com.nell.boulderlibrary.org 0-ic.galegroup.com.nell.boulderlibrary.org
The large amount of available land in the midwestern and western United States lured families to seek new land when the soil became depleted. As a result of this, President Theodore Roosevelt called for a national sense of duty to the land during a 1908 White House Conservation Conference. However, it was not until the dust bowl disaster of the 1930s that major efforts to protect soil and water finally emerged.
Theodore didn't get much attention until he negative effects like the dust bowl append
- Jul 2016
books.google.ca books.google.ca
Page 137
Borgman discusses hear the case of NASA which lost the original video recording of the first moon landing in 1969. Backups exist, apparently, but they are lower quality than the originals.
www.atsf.co.uk www.atsf.co.uk
"The BBC Domesday Project was a pair of interactive videodiscs made by the BBC in London to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the original Domesday Book and published in November 1986. It was one of the major interactive projects of its time, and it was undertaken on a scale not seen since."
"In 1983, a BBC Television producer named Peter Armstrong wondered if it would be possible to harness the Domesday philosophy to modern Britain. With the large user base of microcomputers in British schools (helped by a government subsidy) it was feasible to ask schools around the UK to survey their areas to produce a database of how Britain looked to the British in 1986."
"...the original Domesday book is still readable after (at the time) 925 years while our 15 year old one is not ... unless you have the original computer/videodisc system and it still works of course."
"The first visible manifestation of a reappearance of the BBC Domesday Project was achieved in a project called CAMiLEON, which was a research project that investigated emulation as a digital preservation strategy and was based at the Universities of Michigan and Leeds. [CAMiLEON web site ... with supreme irony this is now only available via the internet archive]"
- Jun 2016
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
static historical museum snapshots
Part of this is because the people, besides publishers, most involved in discussions of publishing formats are librarians, who have preservation on their mind. If your job to to curate and preserve the world's knowledge, you have to think very carefully about what needs to be kept. Preservation is a surprisingly tricky subject when you get into the details of what constitutes a new version, at what level you do preservation - bit level, file level, text level, etc.
- Aug 2015
www.crl.edu www.crl.edu
Scholars Portal is committed to reviewing its preservation policies every two years, as indicated in its Review Cycle for Documentation Policy
So this should happen this year (2015) if it hasn't already
- Jun 2015
www.cga.ct.gov www.cga.ct.gov
The preservation and protection of the wetlands and watercourses from random, unnecessary, undesirable and unregulated uses, disturbance or destruction is in the public interest and is essential to the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the state. It is, therefore, the purpose of sections 22a-36 to 22a-45, inclusive, to protect the citizens of the state by making provisions for the protection, preservation, maintenance and use of the inland wetlands and watercourses by minimizing their disturbance and pollution; maintaining and improving water quality in accordance with the highest standards set by federal, state or local authority; preventing damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation; preventing loss of fish and other beneficial aquatic organisms, wildlife and vegetation and the destruction of the natural habitats thereof; deterring and inhibiting the danger of flood and pollution; protecting the quality of wetlands and watercourses for their conservation, economic, aesthetic, recreational and other public and private uses and values; and protecting the state's potable fresh water supplies from the dangers of drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse and mismanagement by providing an orderly process to balance the need for the economic growth of the state and the use of its land with the need to protect its environment and ecology in order to forever guarantee to the people of the state, the safety of such natural resources for their benefit and enjoyment and for the benefit and enjoyment of generations yet unborn.
Purpose of the Inland Wetland agency.
A. minimizing disturbance and pollution
B. maintaining/improving water quality
C. prevention of erosion, turbidity (soil in water), and siltation.
D. prevention of loss of beneficial aquatic life/habitat.
E. deterring/inhibiting floods and pollution
F.protection for economic,aesthetic, and recreational use.
G. protecting water resources from drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse, and mismanagement.
H. balance between need for economic growth and protection of environment.
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
John Muir, a naturalist, writer, and founder of the Sierra Club, invoked the “God of the Mountains” in his defense of the valley in its supposedly pristine condition.
The "Gods of the mountains" line was a piece of Muir's larger metaphor for the holiness of natural places that figured those who would develop them as "temple destroyers." Here's the full quote from Muir's defense of the Hetch Hetchy in his book The Yosemite.:
These temple destroyers, devotees of ravaging commercialism, seem to have a perfect contempt for Nature, and, instead of lifting their eyes to the God of the mountains, lift them to the Almighty Dollar.
Dam Hetch Hetchy! As well dam for water-tanks the people's cathedrals and churches, for no holier temple has ever been consecrated by the heart of man.
- Nov 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
Does nature not conceal most things from him-even concerning his own body-in order to confine and lock him within a proud, deceptive consciousness,
Dissemination and self deception as necessary for survival, innate, not contrived extensions/characteristics of the intellect for purpose of preservation
As a means for the preserving of the individual, the intellect unfolds its principle powers in dissimulation, which is the means by which weaker, less robust individuals preserve themselves-since they have been denied the chance to wage the battle for existence with horns or with the sharp teeth of beasts of prey, This art of dissimulation reaches its peak in man.
The sword of intellect and dissimulation equated to the physical defensive characteristics of all living things for preservation, yet with the unique capacity to be misused. Highlighting the vulnerability of humans and over-reaching amplification of intellect to disguise a deep insecurity that originates in the fundamental physical inferiority of humans among beasts.
- Sep 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
for I hoped that this would serve both as the best means of making known the truth about me and, at the same time, as a monument, after my death, more noble than statues of bronze.12
"Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time." - Carl Sagan. This was the first thing I thought of here. Not just self-representation, but the power of words so that the idea and thought can remain throughout time. And space. Either that, or I wanted to work Carl Sagan into this conversation some how.