- Jun 2024
www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr21
Haute Juridiction exige désormais qu’une personne poursuivie auplan disciplinaire ou faisant l’objet d’une mesure individuelle défavorable ait accès à tous les éléments qui ontconduit à la mettre en cause, y compris les parties du rapport concernant d’autres personnes, afin de ne paspréjudicier aux droits de la défense.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Coping is defined as the thoughts and behaviors mobilized to manage internal and external stressful situations.[1] It is a term used distinctively for conscious and voluntary mobilization of acts, different from 'defense mechanisms' that are subconscious or unconscious adaptive responses, both of which aim to reduce or tolerate stress.[2]
coping - conscious and voluntary defense - subconscious or unconscious adaptive
In zwei US-Bundesstaaten haben NGOs verhindert, das Kohlekraftwerksbetreiber ihre Verluste auf ihre Kundinnen abwälzen. Die Argumentation, es stünden billigere erneuerbare Energiequellen zur Verfügung, wurde von dem Regulatoren akzeptiert. Kohlekraftwerke sind für mehr als 50% der energiebedingten Emissionen der USA verantwortlich, produzieren aber nur 20% des Stroms. Die Abwälzung ihrer Mehrkosten auf Kunden erschwert die Durchsetzung von Windenergie am Markt.. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/climate/electricity-from-coal-is-pricey-should-consumers-have-to-pay.html
- coal
- coal phase out
- ClearView Energy Partners
- Devi Glick
- Grid Strategies LLC
- institution: RMI
- Joshua Smith
- Dana Ammann
- Synapse Energy Economics
- NGO: Natural Resources Defense Council
- Sierra Club
- David Rogers
- Neue Regulierungen für die Emissionen von Kohlekraftwerken in den USA April 2024
- logseq: true
- May 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Als erstes südasiatisches Land hat Indien nach der extremen Hitzewelle in Ahmadabad 2010 ein Hitzeaktionsplan entwickelt. Obwohl Prognosen zufolge fast 150 Millionen Inder:innen um 2050 in Gebieten mit extremem Hitzerisiko leben werden, spielen globale Erhitzung und Anpassung an die Hitze im aktuellen Wahlkampf keine wichtige Rolle. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/21/climate/india-extreme-heat.html
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Im südlichen Teil Brasiliens fvel in diesem Frühjahr in 10 Tagen so viel Regen wie sonst in einem ganzen Jahr. Es handelt sich um die größte klimabedingte Katastrophe im Bundesstaat Rio Grande del Sol der bereits im vergangenen Jahr von zwei großen Überschwemmungen betroffen war. Die extremen Regenfälle, die es so früher in dieser Region nicht gab, werden von Forschenden auf die globale Erhitzung und mit ihr verbundene Klimaphänomene zurückgeführt. Ausführlicher hintergrundartikel im Guardian der sich auf eine Reihe von Studien und Interviews mit Forschenden bezieht. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/may/10/brazil-is-reeling-from-catastrophic-floods-what-went-wrong-and-what-does-the-future-hold
- Überschwemmungen in Brasilien September 2023
- Institute of Advanced Studies (IAE)
- expert: Carlos Nobre
- Brazil
- Metsul Meteorologia
- by: Jorge C Carrasco
- Porto Alegre
- José Antonio Marengo
- Marcelo Dutra da Silva
- Überschwemmungen in Brasilien April und Mai 2024
- Science Panel for the Amazon
- Joel Goldenfum
- Wagner Rodrigues Soares
- Natalie Unterstell
- Rio Grande do Sul
- the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) ind
- increasing risk of floodings
- Civil Defense
- Überschwemmungen in Brasilien Oktober 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Ausführlicher Bericht über die Konflikte um das neue LNG-Terminal CP2 an der Küste von Louisiana. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/26/climate/cp2-natural-gas-export-louisiana.html
- Greenpeace
- Healthy Gulf
- Louisiana
- natural gas
- Bill McKibben
- Jane Fonda
- LNG expansion
- Charif Souki
- Venture Global LNG
- Naomi Yoder
- Manish Bapna
- Biden Administration
- Fossil lobbying
- fossil expansion
- Michael Sabel
- Cheniere
- CP2
- Calcasieu Pass 2
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- project: Willow
- 2023-12-26
- CO2
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die rohölproduktion in den USA wird in diesem Jahr ein Rekord-Hoch erreichen Etwa 25% der US-Emissionen werden durch Öl und Gas verursacht, das auf Bundesterritorien gefördert wird. Die New York Times zeigt ausgehend von einem Beispiel im Golf von Mexiko, warum es angesichts der Mehrheitsverhältnisse in Repräsentantenhaus und Senat und des konservativen obersten Gerichtshofs für die für die Biden-Administration extrem schwierig ist, die Zusage, dort keine weiteren Bohrungen zuzulassen, umzusetzen.
- institution: Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
- institution: United States Energy Information Administration
- country: USA
- expert: Valerie Cleland
- NGO: Earthjustice
- actor: Joe Manching
- project: Lease 261
- fossil expansion
- region: Gulf of Mexico
- actor: Biden Administration
- expert: Steve Mashuda
- 2023-08-28
- project: Mountain Valley Pipeline
- expert: Michael Gerrard
- NGO: Natural Resources Defense Council
- expert: Rene Santos
- project: Willow
- Feb 2024
An der mexikanischen Westküste entsteht mit "Costa Azul" für 2 Milliarden Dollar das erste Terminal für den Export von texanischem Gas nach Asien. Es signalisiert eine weitreichende und für die Dekarbonisierung möglicherweise katastrophale Verschiebung im Gasgeschäft. Die USA könnten zunehmend auch zum Lieferanten für Asien werden. Ob weitere Terminals errichtet werden, hängt von der Klimapolitik der US-Regierung ab, die gerade ein Moratorium für LNG-Terminals ausgerufen hat. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/13/climate/mexico-natural-gas-biden.html
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
- Nov 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Vor der Apec-Konferenz haben China und die USA "statements of cooperation" veröffentlicht, die als positive Signale für eine Zusammenarbeit beim Klimaschutz gewertet werden, auch wenn China nicht auf Investitionen in Kohlekraftwerke verzichtet. Beide Seiten wollen die Kapazität bei Erneuerbaren bis 2030 global verdreifachen. Erstmals ist China bereits, Reduktionsziele für alle Treibhausgase festzulegen. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/climate/us-china-climate-agreement.html
Sunnylands Statement on Enhancing Cooperation to Address the Climate Crisis: https://www.state.gov/sunnylands-statement-on-enhancing-cooperation-to-address-the-climate-crisis/
- Aug 2023
archive.org archive.org
Daniel Ellsberg's personal copy of the Pentagon Papers with handwritten annotations.
Full Daniel Ellsberg collection of scanned documents from his home: https://archive.org/details/danielellsberg?tab=collection
- Apr 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Informationsreicher Artikel des Guardian über eine neue Anlage von #ExxonMobil zum chemischen Recycling von Plastik im texanischen Baytown-Komplex. Viele Basis-Informationen zu dieser umweltschädlichen Technik und ihrer Verwendung durch die Ölindustrie, um von der wachsenden Produktion von Single Use-Plastik abzulenken. Anlagen zum chemischen Recycling werden vor allem in räumlicher Nähe von Communities, die bereits extrem und der Verschmutzung durch Plastik und Abgase leiden Chemisches Recycling gehört auch zu den Geschäftsfeldern der #OMV-Tochter #Borealis. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/10/exxon-advanced-recycling-plastic-environment
- expert: Veena Singla
- actor: ExxonMobil
- expert: Taylor Uekert
- expert: Luke Metzger
- NGO: Minderoo Foundation
- institution: Natural Resources Defense Council
- institution: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- expert: Phaedra Pezzullo.
- pyrolysis
- NGO: Environment Texas
- NGO: Unearthed
- process: plastic production
theodora.com theodora.com
Based on yesterday's discussion at Dan Allosso's Book Club, we don't include defense spending into the consumer price index for calculating inflation or other market indicators. What other things (communal goods) aren't included into these measures, but which potentially should be to take into account the balance of governmental spending versus individual spending. It seems unfair that individual sectors, particularly those like defense contracting which are capitalistic in nature, but which are living on governmental rent extraction, should be free from the vagaries of inflation?
Throwing them into the basket may create broader stability for the broader system and act as a brake via feedback mechanisms which would push those corporations to work for the broader economic good, particularly when they're taking such a large piece of the overall pie.
Similarly how might we adjust corporate tax rates with respect to the level of inflation to prevent corporate price gouging during times of inflation which seems to be seen in the current 2023 economic climate. Workers have seen some small gains in salary since the pandemic, but inflationary pressures have dramatically eaten into these taking the gains and then some back into corporate coffers. The FED can increase interest rates to effect some change, but this doesn't change corporate price gouging in any way, tax or other policies will be necessary to do this.
- Nov 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The paradox of information systems[edit] Drummond suggests in her paper in 2008 that computer-based information systems can undermine or even destroy the organisation that they were meant to support, and it is precisely what makes them useful that makes them destructive – a phenomenon encapsulated by the Icarus Paradox.[9] For examples, a defence communication system is designed to improve efficiency by eliminating the need for meetings between military commanders who can now simply use the system to brief one another or answer to a higher authority. However, this new system becomes destructive precisely because the commanders no longer need to meet face-to-face, which consequently weakened mutual trust, thus undermining the organisation.[10] Ultimately, computer-based systems are reliable and efficient only to a point. For more complex tasks, it is recommended for organisations to focus on developing their workforce. A reason for the paradox is that rationality assumes that more is better, but intensification may be counter-productive.[11]
From Wikipedia page on Icarus Paradox. Example of architectural design/technical debt leading to an "interest rate" that eventually collapsed the organization. How can one "pay down the principle" and not just the "compound interest"? What does that look like for this scenario? More invest in workforce retraining?
Humans are complex, adaptive systems. Machines have a long history of being complicated, efficient (but not robust) systems. Is there a way to bridge this gap? What does an antifragile system of machines look like? Supervised learning? How do we ensure we don't fall prey to the oracle problem?
Baskerville, R.L.; Land, F. (2004). "Socially Self-destructing Systems". The Social Study of Information and Communication Technology: Innovation, actors, contexts. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 263–285
- Aug 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ball, P. (2022, February 26). Will we get a single, variant-proof vaccine for Covid? The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/feb/26/will-we-get-a-single-variant-proof-vaccine-for-covid
Gallagher, J. (2021, November 14). Covid vaccine ‘waning immunity’: How worried should I be? BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-59260294
- Jun 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In 1968, he resigned as Secretary of Defense to become President of the World Bank.
Similarly Paul Wolfowitz was U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense running the U.S. war in Iraq before leaving to become the 10th President of the World Bank.
McNamara was the 5th President of the World Bank.
- Mar 2022
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
- Jan 2022
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
he and others managed to escape after he threw a chair at the hostage-taker
If only there were a way to hurl objects at an attacker very quickly and accurately in Texas. Perhaps one could carry multiple such objects in case the first few missed.
- Dec 2021
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Coevolutionary arms race versus host defense chase in a tropical herbivore–plant system
- Sep 2021
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
The Uncomfortable Truth is the Difficult and Unpopular Decisions are Now Unavoidable.
Topic is relevant across a span of global issues. Natural resources are Finite.....period! Timely decisions are critical to insure intelligent use of resources. DENIAL is the enemy and 800lb gorilla in the room. Neoliberisim and social dysfunction feed on any cognitive dissonance and poop it out as "crap". True believers of American Capitalism (yes there is a difference) have become "cult-like" and drink the fluid of the cult to the very end, human consequence is of no concern.
Point being: Reality is always elusive within a cult controlled (authoritative) mindset. Cult members are weak sheep, incapable of individual logic/reason. Authority can not be challenged. -- Denial, a human defense mechanism has been and is the common denominator in all personal and global conflict. Denial can be traced throughout modern history and rears its ugly head whenever the stakes are high.
- Feb 2021
Seitz, B. M., Aktipis, A., Buss, D. M., Alcock, J., Bloom, P., Gelfand, M., Harris, S., Lieberman, D., Horowitz, B. N., Pinker, S., Wilson, D. S., & Haselton, M. G. (2020). The pandemic exposes human nature: 10 evolutionary insights. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(45), 27767–27776. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2009787117
- Nov 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Schindler, S., Reinhardt, N., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2020). Defending one’s worldviews under mortality salience – Testing the validity of an established idea. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7bxcs
- Apr 2020
download.oracle.com download.oracle.com
You would normally combine these two techniques to provide in-depth defense to your application.
- Apr 2019
news.antiwar.com news.antiwar.com
This wasn’t expected, but also shouldn’t be a huge shock. Despite the US hyping Russia as a threat for decades, Russia hasn’t spent deeply on its military in years, and drawing down from Syria, they don’t have much costly overseas engagement.
To contextualize, you can still spend a hell of a lot on development, but if you don't have costly mobilizations it can make it look like you aren't spending as much as others; in fact, you are arguably making 'smarter' investments?
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
of eloquence
I'm picking up some serious Strong Defense vibes from this. The study of eloquence builds a community, a world.
I'm in.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
owerful instrument of error and deceit,
Weak defense much?
yet the complex collective idea which every one thinks on or intends by that name, is apparently very different in men using the same language.
This sounds like Lanham's strong defense of rhetoric, the idea that meaning is communally negotiated and anchored to socio/political/cultural contexts. Although here Locke is not happy about that.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Lanham says, "The Strong Defense assumes that truth is determined by social dramas, some more formal than others but all man-made. Rhetoric in such a world is not ornamental but determinative, essentially creative" (156). If that defense is not just restricted to "man-made" social dramas but cultural dramas, to dramas rooted in a particular historical and cultural context (joining Rickert's sense of rhetorics), then it can also be opened up to material forces beyond the human.
Semantic contentfulness is not achieved through the thoughtsor performances of individual agents but rather through particular dis-cursive practice
Is this the Strong Defense of rhetoric again? Meaning arrived at not through empiricism but a communal negotiation?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
determinative, essentially creative
There's a weird tension here for me between the idea of rhetoric as "determinative, essentially creative." I'm perhaps inserting a reading that focuses too much on the similar-but-different word "determinate" rather than "determinative." I don't object to the creative aspect, but identifying something as "determinative" seems to suggest a kind of rigidity antithetical to the fluid, contextual nature of rhetoric that Lanham outlines. I might just be spitting hairs here, but it struck me as odd.
- Mar 2018
But she seemed like a different person on other online accounts.
full-time wife and mom on Facebook but lived another life on other social media platforms. With a resemblance to Marilyn Monroe, she called herself an exhibitionist and posted risque photos with a chance for subscribers to see sexier images for $15.99 a month.
This is not relevant to the successful prosecution of this woman's murderer. Pro-defense effect. Casts the victim in a sketchy light so as to evoke emotion from the jury pool. Attempting to separate the victim from possible jury pool (i.e., harder for jurors to imagine themselves the victim).
- May 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
The good kind is used in good causes, the bad kind in bad causes. Our kind is the good kind; the bad kind is used by our opponents
It may ignore rhetoric, but it does have its advantages. Factors like your audience, topic, or motive all play role in your usage of the strong or weak defense. And, we've all seen the weak defense beat the strong defense several times this past year.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
who expected rhetoric to act on the imagination to se-cure the triumph of reason.
Weak defense.
Truth, it was held, presided over a dialectical discussion, and the in-terlocutors had to reach agreement about it by themselves, whereas rhetoric taught only how to present a point of view-that is to say, a partial aspect of the question-and the decision of the issue was left up to a third person
Weak defense.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
We have not here in view the more familiar ways in which words may be used to deceive. In a later chapter, when the function of language as an instrument for the promotion of purposes rather than as a means of !iymbolizing references is fully discussed, we shall see how the intention of the speaker may complicate the situation.
It seems as though this reading vacillates between weak defense and strong defense more than others.
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
as a solution to problems raised by traditional theo-ries of language and meaning.
So wouldn't presenting rhetoric as a solution be a version of the weak defense for other disciplines?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Th~ wi~l, \o ppwer is a motivat-ing force, not good or bad in itself.
The strong defense of the will to power.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
i11.\'tru111e111al arts; and, as such, applicat,/e
The language of instrumental and applicable certainly suggests a weak defense at work here.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Our eyes and hands and feet will give us the ~~'.r , same assistance in doing mischief as in doing ~. good; but it would not therefore be better for the "'""- world that all mankind were blind and lame
A pretty powerful articulation of the weak defense,
Hence it hath become a common topic with rhetoricians, that, in order to be a successful orator, one must be a good ~ . man; for to be good is the only sure way of ci..~ being long esteemed good, and to be esteemed ~ good is previously necessary 10 one's being 6 .... •~ heard with due allention and regard.
Ah, yes, the weak defense.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
hetoric and criticism have some-times been so managed as to tend to the corrup-tion, rather than to the improvement, of good taste and true eloquence. But sure it is equally possible to apply the principles of reason and good sense to this art, as to any other that is culti-vated among men.
I might be wrong, but... Weak Defense?
- Jan 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
First, to make known one man's (r thoughts or ideas to another; Secondly, to do it with as much ease and quickness as possible; and, Thirdly, thereby to convey the knowledge of things: language is either abused or deficient, when it fails of any of these three.
Another weak defense of language.
First, One for the recording of our own thoughts. Secondly, The other for the communicating of our thoughts to others
A weak defense of words?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
To oscillate between the weak and strong defenses.
A useful articulation of the Weak Defense.
This phrase is certainly a challenge. And of course there are etymological links between virtue and *virtuosity".
This is a very helpful way to understand the relationship between the Weak and the Strong defenses. That is, what the Weak Defense will treat as an absolute, the Strong Defense will treat as contingent.
These "endangering possibilities" are the focus of much of the Enlightenment thinkers we will shortly engage.
- Nov 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
Insofar as the individual wants to maintain himself against other individuals, he will under natural circumstances employ the intellect mainly for dissimulation.
Seeing the world as a hostile place, we defend with our power to deceive. Competition and survival based in theories of scarcity.
As a means for the preserving of the individual, the intellect unfolds its principle powers in dissimulation, which is the means by which weaker, less robust individuals preserve themselves-since they have been denied the chance to wage the battle for existence with horns or with the sharp teeth of beasts of prey, This art of dissimulation reaches its peak in man.
The sword of intellect and dissimulation equated to the physical defensive characteristics of all living things for preservation, yet with the unique capacity to be misused. Highlighting the vulnerability of humans and over-reaching amplification of intellect to disguise a deep insecurity that originates in the fundamental physical inferiority of humans among beasts.
- Sep 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
I beg you, then, neither to credit nor to discredit what has been said to you until you have heard to the end what I also have to say, bearing it in mind that there would have been no need of granting to the accused the right of making a defense, had it been possible to reach a just verdict from the arguments of the accuser.
Postpone judgment, allow me the space to discuss, no matter what. How closely does this defense align with what we might think of as education?