- Jan 2021
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
The institutional window to support universal design for learning will be most open when faculty are making the transition away from remote and towards residential learning. This transition point will be an opportunity in which the best parts of the pandemic-necessitated pivot to remote learning can be preserved.
COVID springboard
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
But we would need to intentionally center care and well-being as a primary condition of learning and be willing to set our obsession with achievement -- gently, even if momentarily -- aside.
post-pandemic pedagogy
- Dec 2020
www.pdx.edu www.pdx.edu
Student support services
olj.onlinelearningconsortium.org olj.onlinelearningconsortium.org
OLC - Online course quality
theconversation.com theconversation.com
- Nov 2020
privacy.ucsd.edu privacy.ucsd.edu
Online Exams & Proctoring (In Addition to Guidance Listed Above) Requiring students to turn on their camera to be watched or recorded at home during an exam poses significant privacy concerns and should not be undertaken lightly. Several proctoring services use machine learning, AI, eye-tracking, key-logging, and other technologies to detect potential cheating; these should be used only when no feasible alternatives exist. If instructors are using a proctoring service during the COVID-19 measures, they must provide explicit notice to the students before the exam. Instructors are encouraged to work with the Digital Learning Hub in the Commons and the Academic Integrity Office to consider privacy-protective options, including how to use question banks (in Canvas), that will uphold integrity and good assessment design. Proctors and instructors are strongly discouraged from requiring students to show their surroundings on camera. Computers are available in labs for students who do not have a computer to take their final exams. Finals CANNOT be held in a lab, that is, instructors cannot be present nor can students from a specific class be asked to gather there for a final. This is only for those students who need a computer to drop in and complete their exam.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Should CTL staff have a "Call to Action" as well, given their influence on faculty development indirectly impacts student success? In consultation with faculty, is it appropriate to discuss teaching philosophies with questions like: "Do you feel ALL students can be successful in your classes?" "To what extent do you feel responsible for the success of ALL students in your class?" "Do you think 'success' is limited to academic progress or does it also take into account students' life events that impact their academic performance (work, dependent care, housing, transportation, health, etc.)?"
- Sep 2020
ctlt.illinoisstate.edu ctlt.illinoisstate.edu
challenging conversations
- Aug 2020
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
- Jul 2020
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Online vs. remote teaching
emergencyonline.blog emergencyonline.blog
Creating videos
www.usu.edu www.usu.edu
book on resilient pedagogy
- Jun 2020
uploads-ssl.webflow.com uploads-ssl.webflow.com
Remote teaching playbook
- May 2020
www.cdc.gov www.cdc.gov
Recs for IHEs
wcet.wiche.edu wcet.wiche.edu
covid updates and resources
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Remote courses and IP issues
academeblog.org academeblog.org
delivering online education demands high levels of technological, marketing and design expertise
delivering quality online education...
every university is trying to increase online enrollments,
this strategy will most benefit the few larger institutions that don't need saving.
it can increase labor efficiencies since a single faculty member can teach more students online than they can in person
only if physical classroom space is especially limited. in reality, online courses are most effective when kept to smaller enrollments
can be quickly deployed for credentialing programs
not if it's done well
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
ed-tech tools and typology
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
answers.syr.edu answers.syr.edu
"rapid" online course development
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
www.lifescied.org www.lifescied.org
research related to SSTE work
www2.ed.gov www2.ed.gov
CARES Act. Online eligible?
www.hedsconsortium.org www.hedsconsortium.org
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
points to consider around inclusive teaching
- Apr 2020
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Zoom fatigue
insidehighered.com insidehighered.com
Survey results for remote teaching
wcetfrontiers.org wcetfrontiers.org
Open in a time of crisis
marker.medium.com marker.medium.com
“I’m absolutely convinced that very little was triggered by hoarding,” Luke said.
Preach it, Jim! :)
- Mar 2020
sites.dartmouth.edu sites.dartmouth.edu
remote labs
oaiplus.pdx.edu oaiplus.pdx.edu
Put Final Papers and Presentations header above this
pedagogically sound alternatives
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Humanizing Remote Teaching
altlab.vcu.edu altlab.vcu.edu
Corona teaching text
COVID-19: Compassion in our classroom during uncertain times. Jamiella Brooks, Ph.D. Associate Director, Center for Teaching and Learning University of Pennsylvania
The COVID-19 pandemic raises important concerns about teaching in times of disruption and uncertainty. While many of us are preparing to reformat our courses in emergency response mode, it’s important to also remember the human imperative of our vocation.
Right now there is a cognitive demand being asked of all of us. Whether stressed by preparing to teach remotely, worried about housing or food insecurity, concerned about vulnerable family members, concerned about immuno-compromised and high-risk individuals--et cetera, many of us have a lot more of the “outside world” impacting our daily work.
And that’s okay.
One important thing we can all do right now is to neither ignore what is happening, nor misrepresent the impact as something that can be singularly defined. We are all impacted differently, and opening up as to how this is impacting you, personally, while inviting students to do the same, is a way to humanize this experience. “Students, I’ve never taught a class online before, so please be patient with me as I will be patient with you,” is a great way to start, for example.
Most importantly, we need to name those in our population who are most vulnerable. While those who are more susceptible to the disease of COVID-19 often come to mind, we must not forget the disease of racism. Our Asian-born and Asian-American students, friends, and colleagues need us to stand up for them. Make a statement against xenophobia, microaggressions, and racism as a pre-emptive move. Let your students (and colleagues) know ahead of time that it will not be tolerated.
As we continue planning, this article by Karen Gross has a number of helpful strategies for thinking about COVID-19’s psychological toll. She concludes by suggesting ways to communicate openly with our students about what is happening:
“Name it (recognize the trauma), Tame it (conduct activities/strategies that deal with the psychological impact of trauma and its symptomology including with respect to the autonomic nervous system in the short term and other symptomology in the longer term) and Frame it (identify the importance of trauma and its symptomology to moving forward and enabling learning, psychosocial wellness and physical health)”
Doing nothing is doing something--it is ignoring the very real challenges that we are collectively experiencing. Communicating your compassion is the best way to humanize your classroom--whether online, or cancelled, or pending--so that your students feel encouraged during this uncertain time.
University of Georgia Remember that the goal is to adapt your current plans and teaching strategies to make the best of things in a difficult or unexpected situation. Perfection is not expected, and it may be useful to remind yourself of that occasionally. In addition, as unanticipated issues arise in your class, remember that you have a support network to rely upon for help. In addition to colleagues who may be working through similar challenges, consult the eLC help site or reach out for help with technology tools from your local help desk or the CTL, EITS, and unit level collaborative eLC administrators. The Disability Resource Center is also available to help you meet the accommodation needs of students. Finally, don’t forget that one approach may not work for everyone during times of significant disruption or changing circumstances. Ask students to communicate any issues or barriers they encounter (e.g. illness, lack of internet connectivity, technical issues, needing to care for family members, etc.), and be prepared to consider accommodations equitably.
Mike Caulfield So possible announcement to students:
[Describe situation, and link to the school’s announcement, maybe why this is important]
[Talk a bit about your course]
I want to stress that this is an emergency transition to online, and there are likely to be some glitches as we go forward. 1/x
There will be changes to the syllabus, and some things we’ll have to figure out as we go. Where possible, I will make these changes with your input.
I am also fully aware that some of you may not have the ideal space or internet connection at home to participate in a remote class to the extent you might wish. You may have other constraints or issues with accessing or using online materials.
I am committed to working with you all to make sure the online version of this course meets your needs as best as possible in these admittedly difficult circumstances.
More information will follow, but for the moment the most important thing to know is that we will be communicating course updates and requirements through announcements here on the LMS. If at all possible, plan to check this space over break to learn how we are moving forward. And if you have any specific concerns, reach out to me personally.
Amy Young Ph.D., Associate Professor of Communication, Chair of the Department of Communication, Pacific Lutheran University
- Be kind to yourself and your students. Everyone is stressed, even if they're playing cool. That includes faculty. And that's okay.
- Many universities have a considerable number of pedagogical experts that, quite frankly, I have only been dimly aware of until yesterday. Be kind to these people. They are suddenly very slammed.
- There are a much larger number of faculty on university campuses that desperately need to retool. We have faculty who do not know how to use even the course management software that we've been on since I've been here (12 years). It is moments like this when that disparity becomes really fraught. It is also unacceptable.
- You will not recreate your classroom, and you cannot hold yourself to that standard. Moving a class to a distance learning model in a day's time excludes the possibility of excellence. Give yourself a break.
- Prioritize. What do students REALLY NEED TO KNOW for two weeks. This one is hard for me. But we have to strip it all the way down--in my campaigns class, that means I need them to post infographics on their research and now post narrative context and slides. But I'm going to punt on presentations because we just don't have time. Which sucks. But these are not normal circumstances.
- If you're making videos, student viewership drops off precipitously at 5 minutes. Make them capsule videos if you make them. And UPLOAD to YOUTUBE because it TRANSCRIBES for you. Do not assume your audio is good enough or that students can understand without transcription. This is like using a microphone at meetings--I don't care if you don't need it, someone else does and they don't want to ask.
- Make assignments lower or no stakes if you're using a new platform. Get students used to just using the platform. Then you can do something higher stakes. Do not ask students to do a high stakes exam or assignment on a new platform.
- Stay in contact with students, and stay transparent. Talk to them about WHY you're prioritizing certain things or asking them to read or do certain things. I've moved to doing that in all of my face-to-face teaching anyway, and it improves student buy-in because they know content and delivery are purposeful.
- Do not read on best practices for distance learning. That's not the situation we're in. We're in triage. Distance learning, when planned, can be really excellent. That's not what this is. Do what you absolutely have to and ditch what you can. Thinking you can manage best practices in a day or a week will lead to feeling like you've failed.
- Be particularly kind to your graduating seniors. They're already panicking, and this isn't going to help. If you teach a class where they need to have completed something for certification, to apply to grad school, or whatever, figure out plan B. But talk to them. Radio silence, even if you're working, is not okay.
cornellsun.com cornellsun.com
If concerns over students’ safety is at the heart of this, shouldn’t we strongly encourage students not to leave, no matter what, and only require that students who absolutely must leave not return?
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
tips for teaching online
www.edugeekjournal.com www.edugeekjournal.com
Remote teaching in a pinch
docs.google.com docs.google.com
HASTAC resources
teachonline.asu.edu teachonline.asu.edu
managing discussions in large classes
www.edugeekjournal.com www.edugeekjournal.com
switching to online will be more chaotic and hard than you can imagine, and it will cause greater damage to disadvantaged students than you will probably notice.
Switching to "online"
www.fresnobee.com www.fresnobee.com
$9M state grant to fight homeless issue at CCs
kymkemp.com kymkemp.com
CA legislature
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
housing insecure faculty and staff
- Feb 2020
www.wenatcheeworld.com www.wenatcheeworld.com
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
A good article for our Frontier Set discussion. The state of "student-centered" institutional thinking. Note the lacking role and impact of teachers.
- Jan 2020
opencontent.org opencontent.org
since our courseware is embedded in the LMS via LTI (rather than copied and pasted into the LMS), all these improvements are immediately available to everyone using the courseware the instant we make them.
As several of Lumen's courses are based on OpenStax content, what happens when OpenStax releases a new and significantly updated version of their content? Does Lumen content go out of date? Are Lumen's changes lost if they adopt OS's new version? Are Lumen's and OS's versions somehow consolidated and merged?
denver.cbslocal.com denver.cbslocal.com
Colorado student shelter
dailybruin.com dailybruin.com
Roughly 5% of University of California students, 11% of California State University students and 20% of students attending community colleges experienced homelessness in the past year, Low said.
- Nov 2019
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
“I’m not going hungry per se, but there are days I’m just not going to eat,” she said. “Today, I am kind of hesitant to buy food, because I have less than $100 and I need to do laundry. Do I want to do my laundry or do I want to eat today? That is the kind of question I’m dealing with.”
student quote on food insecurity
temple-news.com temple-news.com
“During that week, everything was hitting me,” Camellia Brown said. “I tried to come up to [my professor] and say I wouldn’t be able to afford the textbook. And you know, I started crying.”
52 percent of community college students are housing insecure.
52 percent of community college students are housing insecure.
www.prnewswire.com www.prnewswire.com
California Is Failing its Homeless Students, Report Shows
California Is Failing its Homeless Students, Report Shows
kcbsradio.radio.com kcbsradio.radio.com
Homeless College Students Get Free Airbnb Rentals
kpu.pressbooks.pub kpu.pressbooks.pub
Open Education Strategic Plan
www.nbclosangeles.com www.nbclosangeles.com
Trojan Shelter, an organization run entirely by undergraduate USC students, will open a free residence shelter at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Koreatown.
run by ug students
xolotl.org xolotl.org
mediasmarts.ca mediasmarts.ca
break the fake...
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
Quick Chronicle article
- Oct 2019
As high-paying jobs and college degrees are becoming far out of reach, and student debt continues increasing drastically, barriers to success are growing so high for most Americans that they are now unsurpassable.
wcetfrontiers.org wcetfrontiers.org
blockchain in HE
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
teaching online improves all teaching formats
www2.nau.edu www2.nau.edu
- Sep 2019
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
oer efficacy
news.psu.edu news.psu.edu
OER course redesign
- Aug 2019
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
Machine learning is an approach to making many similar decisions that involves algorithmically finding patterns in your data and using these to react correctly to brand new data
criticaldigitalpedagogy.pressbooks.com criticaldigitalpedagogy.pressbooks.com
Anyone else have to look this up?
A figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept. For example, "suit" for business executive, or "the track" for horse racing.
- Jul 2019
www.hastac.org www.hastac.org
negotiated syllabus
- Jun 2019
apps.3cmediasolutions.org apps.3cmediasolutions.org
The State of California's Online Education Initiative (OEI) has developed an innovative set of interactive tutorials and tools, which may increase your chances of success in any online course. These tutorials are interactive, helpful, and easily accessible.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
(OER content itself is typically free, but platforms like Lumen typically charge a per-student, per-course fee to use the platform through which the content is delivered, which often includes homework and feedback tools and other services that textbook publishers have increasingly wrapped around their textbooks.)
Textbook (ha!) case of #openwrapping...
www.amacad.org www.amacad.org
There is a long-standing debate about whether undergraduate education is a private good, serving the needs of individuals, or a public good, meeting larger civic and community needs. The answer, we are convinced, is that undergraduate education is both a public and a private good.
on the benefit of public higher ed
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
about what is good work for this class, what does that look like
and perhaps what is good work for others, beyond the class...
Yes, I would eliminate grades all together. What we want is students to be engaged and thoughtful participants in their own learning. Grades are not helping us toward that.
on grading...
- May 2019
canvas.instructure.com canvas.instructure.com
Course redesign with OER
facebook is listening
extend.ucl.ac.uk extend.ucl.ac.uk
citizen science
canvas.ucdavis.edu canvas.ucdavis.edu
online presence
azdailysun.com azdailysun.com
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
grab volumes of data without paying those whose data is grabbed
@Laika57 Worse yet, Turnitin is charging students (one way or another) for their data!
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
Open learning software from Carnegie Mellon
www.pdx.edu www.pdx.edu
Student housing project
hapgood.us hapgood.us
Four moves. SIFT
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
student houseless research at pdx,edu
libraryjuiceacademy.com libraryjuiceacademy.com
Intro OER course
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
The problem with Facebook goes beyond economics however, Hughes argues. The News Feed’s algorithms dictate the content that millions of people see every day, its content rules define what counts as hate speech, and there’s no democratic oversight of its processes.
lcvalley.dailyfly.com lcvalley.dailyfly.com
We need to emphasize program consolidation where appropriate, in order to direct more resources to high-demand programs such as computer science and education. In addition, the Board’s Open Education Resources initiative will provide textbooks for certain courses at little or no cost.
Ease tuition hike with free textbooks?
www.refinery29.com www.refinery29.com
I just want an education. If I study, only then can I be something.
www.vox.com www.vox.com
slack, etc. and productivity
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
"To the extent that Knewton provides value-added services that map onto OER (which should itself be accessible outside of their proprietary platform), this would be a case of a popular business model known as open-wrapping," said Jhangiani. This model is "growing in popularity among large commercial publishers and other for-profit players in this space such as Lumen Learning," he said. If big publishers really add value to OER, then open-wrapping is not necessarily a bad thing, said Jhangiani. This is different to "openwashing" where publishers spin a product as open while continuing proprietary practices, he explained.
A bit more openwrapping context... http://scottrobison.net/blog/2017/10/18/a-not-so-direct-opened17-reflection-openwrapping/
www.marketwatch.com www.marketwatch.com
- Apr 2019
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
oaiplus.pdx.edu oaiplus.pdx.edu
D2L counts clicks, so if a student downlo
What does this mean?
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
On the Efficacy of Open Educational Resources: Parametric and Nonparametric Analyses of a University Calculus Class
learning.hccs.edu learning.hccs.edu
Z-Degree Faculty Training
news.berkeley.edu news.berkeley.edu
Open Access Agreement with publisher
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Online Student Services:
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
That’s why online education is an ethical practice, especially for those who find it nearly impossible to attend on campus.
online as an ethical issue... access to education
Brightspace by D2L
Works with D2L?
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
- Mar 2019
OA citation advantage
wcetfrontiers.org wcetfrontiers.org
OER course notation
kpu.pressbooks.pub kpu.pressbooks.pub
Learning to learn online
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
"There is no example where the integrated model has worked for getting any kind of scale. If you have to integrate, you will consume and kill the new thing."
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
sophisticated digital platforms authored with open content.
n. The shifting nature of the instructor—from transmitter of knowledge to facilitator and curator—has accelerated the need for strategically planned faculty support and a reevaluation of the role of teaching and instruction. The
Support for Open Pedagogy / Open Education Practices
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
That can make a big difference because tuition only makes up 20 percent of the cost of attendance for the average community-college student,
www.dailycal.org www.dailycal.org
But given that most of this peer review is already done without compensation, it is not tethered to the existing system of journals. A better system for disseminating scientific knowledge in the modern age would not include paywalls and subscription fees. Instead, we should aspire to a truly open science, one that is both more efficient and higher quality than the current system.
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Measuring the impact of a new faculty program using institutional data
rc.library.uta.edu rc.library.uta.edu
Introduction to OER
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org
2018 USG Survey ReportonOpen Educational Resources
OER Survey
www.lib.k-state.edu www.lib.k-state.edu
The Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative
news.rice.edu news.rice.edu
Do open educational resources improve student learning?
myusf.usfca.edu myusf.usfca.edu
Training Docs...
pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca
Intro to academic writing
More people work in the shadow mines of content moderation than are officially employed by Facebook or Google. These are the people who keep our Disneyland version of the web spic and span.
- Feb 2019
news.berkeley.edu news.berkeley.edu
“Publishing our scholarship behind a paywall deprives people of the access to and benefits of publicly-funded research. That is terrible for society.”
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
lowering students' costs by using open educational resources isn't just a nicety in an era when many students are hungry and textbook "quality" is exaggerated.
intentionalfutures.com intentionalfutures.com
, SPC rejected the traditional “master course” terminology in favor of the more neutral “standard course.”
Master course name change
“It’s, like, maybe you could have a conversation about whether you should be able to pay and not see ads. That doesn’t feel like a moral question to me. But the question of whether you can pay to have different privacy controls feels wrong.”
surveillance capitalism or pay-for-privacy capitalism knocking on the door...
though it might break Facebook’s revenue machine by pulling the most affluent and desired users out of the ad targeting pool.
I doubt the vast majority of the most active FB users are "affluent"
use of student data in HE
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
The Rebus Guide to Publishing Open Textbooks (So Far)
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
students don’t need to learn skepticism as much as they need to learn when to trust.
fake news, digital literacy, fact checking
ccle.ucla.edu ccle.ucla.edu
H5P examples
www.pcc.edu www.pcc.edu
Accessibility Guide
fact checking tools
www.cal.msu.edu www.cal.msu.edu
“The mission of the land grant institution matters to me quite deeply,” she said. “This notion that higher education is something that should be provided to the citizens of the state, and that it is a state responsibility to bring that education to the people, that’s part of why I wanted to be here, to be part of that mission and to really think about what an institution of higher education with a public-serving focus can be in the 21st century.
HE as a public good
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Institutions are far less likely to require training than to offer it. Almost a quarter of institutions (23 percent) don't require professors to do any of a list of eight activities, and the proportion of CAOs saying they required participation in individual activities ranged from a high of 45 percent for self-paced training on the institution's online education technology (learning management system, etc.) to about three in 10 for training on online course design. Thirty-seven percent require instructor-led training on effective online teaching methods.
- 77% DO require SOME training
- 45% require LMS training
- 30% require course design training
- 37% require online facilitation training
www.td.org www.td.org
chat bots
Personalized learning
faculty development
cse.google.com cse.google.com
OER Search engine
wcetfrontiers.org wcetfrontiers.org
open ed initiative
appedreview.com appedreview.com
Todd's site
online.drexel.edu online.drexel.edu
CTL outreach
- Jan 2019
www.higheredjobs.com www.higheredjobs.com
ID job description
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
www.pdx.edu www.pdx.edu
Portland State makes it easy for students to manage their campus experience wherever they are, whenever they want. With the myPSU mobile app, it’s easy for students to find their way to class, check grades and pay a tuition bill.
notes here...
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
For example, in its literature review, the report identified as a key theme the importance of meaningful interaction between students and faculty members. It said a lack of sufficient interaction “is likely online education’s Achilles’ heel.”
Sounds like poorly designed/facilitated online courses
teachinginhighered.com teachinginhighered.com
student engagement
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Competency Based Programs - Review
motherboard.vice.com motherboard.vice.com
How to Download the Books That Just Entered the Public Domain
www.coerll.utexas.edu www.coerll.utexas.edu
Open resources for foreign languages...
www.onlinelearningsurvey.com www.onlinelearningsurvey.com
Opening the Textbook: Open Education Resources in U.S. Higher Education, 2017
great collection of reports from babson
www.reviews.com www.reviews.com
MOOC guide
tutorials.istudy.psu.edu tutorials.istudy.psu.edu
Student online readiness
www.pdx.edu www.pdx.edu
A program spearheaded by Portland State to teach computer science to all high school students – especially populations underrepresented in computer science such as women, rural students and minorities – is completing its first semester in 16 school districts throughout Oregon.
- Dec 2018
davecormier.com davecormier.com
The goal was not for a learner to become something that they might want to become. The goal of learning in a textbook world was for the learner to become a follower of paths.
content over context
Clear goals for each learning event combined with a perfectly structured class was a clear indication of someone who took the profession of education seriously. This is what it meant to be expert teacher
And in a climate where there is increasing pressure to show data-driven evidence of "student success," more institutions are turning to technology (more privatization) to monitor and report out on student "progress." :(
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
shift from content to services, openwrapping
edinnovation.wisc.edu edinnovation.wisc.edu
UW-Madison’s OER Strategic Framework
Traditional pathways from education to the workforce are starting to be supplemented and circumvented in the assessment ecosystem.
eand.co eand.co
The capitalist, ironically enough, is trying to earn his freedom from capitalism — just like everyone else
Then there is social technology — social institutions, public goods, and public investment. Only in the last century or so, really, have human beings really become capable of operating things like healthcare, transportation, retirement elderly care, childcare, and so on at a social scale. That is because these things require post-capitalist management, too, which we’re still learning how to do.
mashable.com mashable.com
It's called Decenturion, and, if its representatives at Consensus are to be believed, it's a decentralized society backed by real people buying up real property and opening physical embassies around the globe with the stated goal of creating a community of "innovators."
www.marketplace.org www.marketplace.org
still left behind and struggle to pay their living expenses.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
A longer-term goal, more in line with the vision of the NGDLE, is to develop a learning experience for students that seamlessly crosses platforms. A student might start by watching lectures on YouTube, then head to a web-based tool for creating a concept map before wrapping up with a shared WordPress site -- all within the confines of one platform.
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
The Next Frontier of Adaptive Learning
www.wisc-online.com www.wisc-online.com
interactive activities
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Perhaps it's finally time to stop trusting Facebook before its too late.
Finally? This is what it took to say "finally"?
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
inclusive pedagogy is inherently open, and open pedagogies are indeed inclusive.
I might propose inclusive pedagogy is a subset of open pedagogy. Inclusive pedagogy does not necessarily mean open. IP does not entail OP. Courses may be inclusive without components of Open (e.g. using openly-licensed materials; curating, creating and sharing content with the wider public; student-driven learning experiences).
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Close to 80 percent of respondents reported already having an undergraduate degree, and 40 percent also had a master’s degree.
www.campuscomputing.net www.campuscomputing.net
Campus computing survey
courseredesign.csuprojects.org courseredesign.csuprojects.org
CSU QLT Informal Review Instruments
How Capitalist Utopia Became Everyone Else’s Dystopia
Could there be a better example of the abject failure of capitalism — and what it really is — than the world’s richest man asking for yet more money from broke Americans (LOL)? I mean, he’s already…the world’s richest man! Are you seeing the comical absurdity of the situation?
Capitalism creates something much worse than people who are grimly, grubbily exploited in this way — it creates predators: people who are quite happy exploiting others, in order to get rich themselves.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
OER research
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
- Nov 2018
hapgood.us hapgood.us
Tensions of OpenPed
openjournal.lib.miamioh.edu openjournal.lib.miamioh.edu
PD for CTLs
highedwebtech.com highedwebtech.com
site audit tool
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
OER: what we dpn't know
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
we found evidence of a slight increase in content knowledge when using an OER text. Importantly, this effect was driven by improvements from both our lowest-performing students and our highest-performing students.
www.pcc.edu www.pcc.edu
Accessibility of Online Content
medium.com medium.com
openoregon.org openoregon.org
Nicole's openstax webinar
academeblog.org academeblog.org
We have real insights to offer the world as academics and not only should universities encourage us toward the public square, but they should expect us not to shy away from it.
writing for the public
teaforteaching.com teaforteaching.com
Open Ped suggests that we really want students to interact with knowledge and shape the world that they’re going to graduate into, not just train for it.
shape world vs. train for
rampages.us rampages.us
Online instructor resources
remix.nd.edu remix.nd.edu
multimedia resources
learning.nd.edu learning.nd.edu
Wealth of video creation resources
www.dent.uoa.gr www.dent.uoa.gr
OERu Infrastructure
www.choice360.org www.choice360.org
- Oct 2018
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
educause report on students use of technology
www.codyenterprise.com www.codyenterprise.com
Education agencies agree to share data to help students