1,416 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2015
    1. Time Travelling Without Worries But here's the best part - knowing the true nature of history, we can combo it with another cool feature of Vim - persistent undo - to be able to travel in time there and back without fear of losing anything! In other words, if you do: mkdir -p ~/.vim/undodir and then add: set undofile set undodir=~/.vim/undodir to your ~/.vimrc, you get a file-backed infinite undo. And even if you undo like a madman and then edit something, you will not lose your way back to where you’ve been. Which is pretty much a developer’s (or anyone’s, really) text-editing nirvana. Enhance you calm and enjoy a bit saner coding.
    1. Save Work On Focus Lost This feature works best in combo with infinite undo. The idea here is that everytime you leave your Vim window, all your open files are automatically saved. I find this to be extremely helpful, for example when I’m working on a laptop and continuously run unit tests in terminal. My laptop is 13'' so I prefer to run Vim full screen and with this feature, I don’t have to explicitly save my source code file; I just cmd+tab to the terminal, Vim saves the file for me and my unit tests watcher re-runs the suite. If you save unwanted changes by accident you can easily remedy that with undo. To turn autosaving on, add: :au FocusLost * silent! wa to your .vimrc. The silent! flag prevents Vim from complaining when you have open unititled buffers (see this article for details).
    1. Peoplelokbacktotheirtimeasdualisticthinkers,andto theirfaiththatiftheyjustputenoughefortintoproblem solvingsolutionswouldalwaysapear,asagoldeneraof certainty.Anintelectualapreciationoftheimportanceof contextuality and ambiguity comes to exist alongside an emotional craving for revealed truth.

    1. expressive use of syncopation and sliding ornamentation, and he was adept at singing while playing. His formidable technique and rough timbre continue to influence modern aficionados of Appalachian old-time music and in particular the Round Peak style of clawhammer banjo

      A straight up description of Tommy Jarrell's style and uniqueness.

    1. REPORTTIME=5 TIMEFMT="%U user %S system %P cpu %*Es total"

      Report times of long running shell commands

  2. Jan 2015
  3. Nov 2014
  4. Apr 2014
    1. When: May 3-4, 9am-5pm Where: Cambridge Innovation Center Application Deadline: April 16

      Remember to come on time!

  5. Feb 2014
    1. A universal definition of intellectual property might begin by identifying it as nonphysical property which stems from, is identified as, and whose value is based upon some idea or ideas. Furthermore, there must be some additional element of novelty. Indeed, the object, or res, of intellectual property may be so new that it is unknown to anyone else. The novelty, however, does not have to be absolute. What is important is that at the time of propertization the idea is thought to be generally unknown. The re

      Intellectual property cannot be common currency in the intellectual life of the society at the time of propertization.

      What constitutes society at this point; do small groups and communities suffice or does it have to be popularly known beyond a small few?

  6. Jan 2014
    1. I frequently see CEOs who are clearly winging it. They lack a real agenda. They’re working from slides that were obviously put together an hour before or were recycled from the previous round of VC meetings. Workers notice these things, and if they see a leader who’s not fully prepared and who relies on charm, IQ, and improvisation, it affects how they perform, too. It’s a waste of time to articulate ideas about values and culture if you don’t model and reward behavior that aligns with those goals.
  7. Nov 2013
    1. Yet I add the observation that if they had applied as many months as I have years to judg-ing these precepts accurately and to arranging them in order, I certainly do not doubt that they would have left us arts that are far truer and more distinct.

      an astute observation, in consideration of the advantages of time and distance allowing objective critique.

  8. Oct 2013
    1. These three kinds of rhetoric refer to three different kinds of time. The political orator is concerned with the future: it is about things to be done hereafter that he advises, for or against. The party in a case at law is concerned with the past; one man accuses the other, and the other defends himself, with reference to things already done. The ceremonial orator is, properly speaking, concerned with the present, since all men praise or blame in view of the state of things existing at the time, though they often find it useful also to recall the past and to make guesses at the future.

      Rhetoric and time: past, present, and future.

  9. Sep 2013
    1. These three kinds of rhetoric refer to three different kinds of time. The political orator is concerned with the future: it is about things to be done hereafter that he advises, for or against. The party in a case at law is concerned with the past; one man accuses the other, and the other defends himself, with reference to things already done. The ceremonial orator is, properly speaking, concerned with the present,

      Time orientation of political, forensic, and ceremonial, respectively, future, past, and present

    1. Let me ask you, however, not to pay any attention to what you have heard about me in the past from my would-be slanderers and calumniators, not to credit charges which have been made without proof or trial, and not to be influenced by the suspicions which have been maliciously implanted in you by my enemies, but to judge me to be the kind of man which the accusation and the defense in this trial will show me to be; for if you decide the case on this basis, you will have the credit of judging honorably and in accordance with the law, while I, for my part, shall obtain my complete deserts.

      Another instance of asking his audience to withhold judgement until he's finished performing.

    1. For if all people possessed memory concerning all things past, and awareness of all things present, and foreknowledge of all things to come

      Another instance where memory is valorized as something having great worth if not power. It will be interesting to keep an eye on this as our readings unfold.