177 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
      • Prekäre Verbindung von Anthropozän-Geschichte und Politik.
      • Geschichte der Freiheit ist zugleich Geschichte ökologischen Krisen.
      • Spezies als negatives Universale
      • Zufälligkeit des Kapitalismus

      Chakrabarty formuliert sehr klar, worin die Neuartigkeit und Einzigartigkeit der historischen Situation des Anthropozän besteht, und damit auch, was die Herausforderung dieser Situation für Politik und Geschichtsschreibung ausmacht. Politik ist ohne die Dimension der Spezies Geschichte nicht mehr zu verstehen, und umgekehrt lässt sich diese Geschichte aber nur als auch politische Geschichte, und damit als Geschichte von Machtverhältnissen begreifen. Diese Dimension der Geschichte wird in der aktuellen westlichen Politik so gut wie nicht begriffen oder gar berücksichtigt.

      Chakrabarty spricht in diesem Text immer nur von der einen Spezies Mensch. Möglicherweise kann man die Besonderheit dieser Spezies als einer historischen Entität besser verstehen, wenn man ihre Beziehungen zu anderen Spezies mitdenkt. Diese Beziehungen sind immer auch räumlich und lassen sich in der kritischen Zone der Erde lokalisieren. So lässt sich vielleicht auch Geschichte der Spezies und Geschichte der Globalisierung leichter in Verbindung bringen.

      Die Globalisierung geht von der Möglichkeit eines positiven Universale "Menschheit" Ist. Die Geschichte der Spezies ist dagegen die Geschichte unterschiedlicher lokale Beziehungen zu anderen Spezies. Die Globalisierung als ein Prozess, durch den die als Einheit unsinnige Menschheit den Planeten überall in der gleichen Weise ausbeutet, ist nur als Fiktion zuende zuführen.

      Am Anfang schreibt Chakrabarti über die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Geschichte durch Verständnis und Rekonstruktion der Intentionen von Akteuren, die damit als nicht natürlich begriffen werden,. Als Naturwesen sind sie nicht Gegenstand der Geschichte. Diese Überlegung erinnern mich an den von Chakrabarty nicht erwähnten Max Weber, der vom subjektiven Sinn als Voraussetzung der verstehenden Wissenschaften ausgegangen ist. Ihre Geschichte im anthropozän ist dagegen eine ganz andere als die von ihnen intendierte und nachvollziehbare. Natur würde vielleicht sagen, dass ich die Akteure vervielfachen und das Geschichten mit diesen vervielfachten Akteuren geschrieben werden müssen. Ein Beispiel wäre die Geschichte der Nutzung der fossilen Brennstoffe, wie sie Timothy Mitchell geschrieben hat.

  2. Nov 2024
  3. Oct 2024
  4. Sep 2024
    1. The first useful concept is the idea of short assignments. Oftenwhen you sit down to write, what you have in mind is anautobiographical novel about your childhood

      9/30 Interesting : This often happens to me whether im writting an essay or paragraph with a childhood topic.

    2. So you get up and do your morning things, and one thingleads to another, and eventually, at nine, you find yourself backat the desk, staring blankly at the pages you filled yesterday.

      9/30 Interesting : This line relates to things we do in our daily, when you feel like you doing lot of things but actually not.

    3. Because for some of us, books are as important as almostanything else on earth.

      9/30 Surprising : This mean books means the world to most writers, i didn't even know about that !

    4. Writing can give you what having a baby can giveyou: it can get you to start paying attention, can help yousoften, can wake you up

      Yes, but there’s a little bit of different with writing and a baby. For example, you can rewrite the essay but you can’t rebirth a baby.

    5. It is a matter ofpersistence ~nd faith and hard work. So you might as welljust go ahead and get starteq

      Yes, and I think the most difficult part is to start doing a thing.

    6. Don't worry if what you write is no good,because no one is going to see it.

      9/30 Interesting: Since I first starting writing, my teacher always wants me to present the best content I can.

    7. n, I couldn't think of a single restaurantwhere I'd ever actually eate

      9/30 Surprising: I thought it’s command to remember the restaurant I’ve been to, until I read this sentence and find out that I can’t even remembered which restaurant I’ve been to yesterday.

    8. "I don't even know where to start,

      9/30 Troubling: It’s hard for me to start writing an essay, and I think the beginning is the most difficult thing for me.

    1. An extraordinary burglary — attended by very singular circumstances, and perpetrated by a curious felon — occurred in this town on Monday night.

      I think thta's interesting that the writer describe felon "curious".

  5. Aug 2024
  6. May 2024
    1. Der staatliche saudische Ölkonzern Aramco verzichtet darauf, seine tägliche Ölproduktions-Kapazität bis 2027 von 12 auf 13 Millionen Barrel zu steigern. Als ein Grund dafür wird die gesteigerte Öl-Produktion der USA vermutet. Die Investitionen werden wohl in andere Bereiche, darunter Erdgas und Wasserstoff fließen. Aramco wird aber weiterhin investieren, um sinkende Kapazitäten der schon erschlossenen Ölfelder auszugleichen. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/30/business/saudi-aramco-oil-production.html

    1. Reclaim Finance zufolge ist 2022/23 die Finanzierung von 437 Öl- und Gasprojekte genehmigt worden. Beteiligt sind 200 Unternehmen in 58 Ländern. Die Projekte widersprechen der Roadmap der IEA zur Klimaneutralität von 2021, in der keine neuen fossilen Projekte vorgesehen sind. Eine Schlüsselrolle haben staatliche Firmen in Öl und Gas produzierenden Staaten. Bei der Zahl der Projekte liegen Russland und Norwegen vorne. Europäische Ölgesellschaften haben eine Reduzierung ihrer (unzureichenden) Dekarbonisierungsziele angekündigt. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/437-nouveaux-projets-petroliers-et-gaziers-quels-sont-les-pays-moteurs-des-energies-fossiles-en-2023-20231130_QRXDTQKM7NBIZGXWUNFQ7QRSWM/

    1. Verantwortliche der großen amerikanischen Ölfirmen haben auch nach 2015 privat zugegeben, dass sie die Gefahren fossiler Brennstoffe heruntergespielt haben. Sie haben internationale Pläne gegen die globale Erhitzung nach außen hin unterstützt und nach innen kommuniziert, dass ihre Firmenpolitik diesen Plänen widerspricht. Und sie haben gegen politische Maßnahmen lobbyiert, hinter die sie sich offiziell gestellt haben. Das alles ergibt sich aus dem neuen Bericht des amerikanischen Kongresses über die Desinformations-Politik von Big Oil. Ausführlicher Bericht mit Informationen über mögliche juristische Konsequenzen. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/30/big-oil-climate-crisis-us-senate-report

  7. Apr 2024
    1. 33(3) of Regulation 2016/679), the procedure for assessing and notifying data protection breaches personal data(Article 34 of Regulation 2016/679), procedures for keeping an internal register of data protection breaches (Article33 of Regulation 2016/679) and a register of processing activities and the scope of the register of categories ofprocessing activities (Article 30 of Regulation 2016/679

      This is a dummy annotation



  8. Mar 2024
    1. La procédure de passage devant le conseil de discipline est précisément définie par les articlesR .511-30 à R.511-32 qui concernent les modalités de mise en œuvre du principe du contradictoire
  9. Feb 2024
  10. Jan 2024
    1. In dem neuen sogenannten Österreic-Plan der ÖVP spielt Klimaneutralität keine Rolle. 20 Milliarden sollen bis 2030 in den Straßenbau investiert werden, zusätzlich eine Milliarde in sogenannte grüne Verbrenner. Außerdem setzt man auf CO2 Abscheidung und Speicherung. Fragen nach dem Klimaschutz gesetzt lassen die Verantwortlichen der ÖVP unbeantwortet. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000205164/von-oesterreich-plan-bis-klimagesetz-die-oevp-meidet-das-klima-thema

    1. Das britische Climate Change Commitee hat seit 18 Monaten keinen Chair. Die Nichtbesetzung dieser Stelle durch die Regierung gilt ein Signal dafür, dass sie sich zunehmend von den Dekarbonisierungszielen der konservativen Vorgängerregierungen entfernt. Fachleute, darunter Nicolas Stern, kritisieren die Verzögerung. Das Komitee legt unter anderem die britischenTreibhausgas-budgets fest und hatte in der Vergangenheit die zu langsame Politik der Regierung wiederholt deutlich kritisiert.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/30/sunak-under-fire-failure-appoint-climate-committee-chief

    1. Zusammenfassender Artikel über Studien zu Klimafolgen in der Antarktis und zu dafür relevanten Ereignissen. 2023 sind Entwicklungen sichtbar geworden, die erst für wesentlich später in diesem Jahrhundert erwartet worden waren. Der enorme und möglicherweise dauerhafte Verlust an Merreis ist dafür genauso relevant wie die zunehmende Instabilität des westantarktischen und möglicherweise inzwischen auch des ostantarktischen Eisschilds. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/31/red-alert-in-antarctica-the-year-rapid-dramatic-change-hit-climate-scientists-like-a-punch-in-the-guts

  11. Dec 2023
  12. Nov 2023
    1. ou, pour l'élection des représentants des parents d'élèves, exclusivement par correspondance sur décision du chef d'établissement, après consultation du conseil d'administration. Les votes sont personnels et secrets.
  13. Oct 2023
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shmita

      During shmita, the land is left to lie fallow and all agricultural activity, including plowing, planting, pruning and harvesting, is forbidden by halakha (Jewish law).

      The sabbath year (shmita; Hebrew: שמיטה, literally "release"), also called the sabbatical year or shǝvi'it (שביעית‎, literally "seventh"), or "Sabbath of The Land", is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah in the Land of Israel and is observed in Judaism.

  14. Sep 2023
  15. Aug 2023
    1. Purple is a small suite of quickly hacked tools inspired by Doug Engelbart's attempt to bootstrap the addressing features of his Augment system onto HTML pages. Its purpose is simple: produce HTML documents that can be addressed at the paragraph level. It does this by automatically creating name anchors with static and hierarchical addresses at the beginning of each text node, and by displaying these addresses as links at the end of each text node.    1A  (02)

      Purple is a suite of tools from 2001 that allow one to create numbered addresses/anchors at the paragraph level of a digital document.

      Link: Dave Winer's site still has support for purple numbers.

  16. Jan 2023
    1. the South’s losses due to unequal exchange outstrip their total aid receipts over the period by a factor of 30. Our analysis confirms that unequal exchange is a significant driver of global inequality, uneven development, and ecological breakdown.

      !- Comment : 30 to 1 ratio of unequal exchange to North to South Aid - structural unfairness baked into the system - the North knowingly benefits - Knowing this, it can be argued that North states are structurally corrupt and morally bankrupt knowingly imposing this mass suffering upon the south

  17. Sep 2022
    1. Artykuł poświęcony metodzie Zettelkasten Niklasa Luhmanna. Autor omawia ją na swój sposób, bardziej jednak zachwalając lub pisząc ogólnie, niż opisując szczegółowo. Podaje kilka informacji, opisuje swoje podejście i rozwiązania, powiela przy tym jednak parę błędnych przekonań.

      Zaletą tekstu jest jednak to, że autor powołuje się na źródła, podaje parę ciekawych, w tym także naukowych, tekstów. Ogólnie sądzę, że to dobre wprowadzenie dla kogoś, kto nie zna tej metody, choć problemem jest powtarzanie błędnych przekonań. Z kolei dla osoby średniozaawansowanej nie ma tu nic odkrywczego i nowego.

    2. The Zettelkasten principles

      Autor wymienia 12 podstawowych reguł Zettelkasten, jednakże powiela tym samym mity na temat tej metody.

      1. "Atomowość" notatek - notatki wcale nie muszą być atomowe.
      2. Autonomiczność notatek - notatki wcale nie muszą być autonomiczne.
      3. Obowiązkowe linkowanie - notatki mogą być ze sobą powiązane również kategorią, w której się znajdują lub kolejnością, w jakiej występują.
      4. Wyjaśnianie linkowania - nie ma potrzeby każdorazowego tłumaczenia, dlaczego łączy się notatki. Jeśli notatki są zrozumiałe same z siebie, w wielu przypadkach ich połączenie również jest zrozumiałe.
      5. Pisanie własnymi słowami - zapisywanie cytatów, czy kopiowanie jest jak najbardziej dozwolone, trzeba tylko robić to umiejętnie.
      6. Przypisy i źródła - jeśli notatka jest oparta na źródle, to oczywiste, w przeciwnym razie nie jest to niezbędne.
      7. Dodawanie własnych przemyśleń - na tym polega idea notowania, jest to więc banalne stwierdzenie.
      8. Nie przejmuj się strukturą - i tak i nie. Struktura nie jest nadrzędną zasadą, jednak warto mieć ją na uwadze, ponieważ pozwala organizować notatki i je potem odnajdywać.
      9. Notatki łączące - to oczywista praktyka, zatem to nic szczególnego.
      10. Notatki indeksowe - notatki ze spisem tematów, czy zarysem i tak dalej, to także dość oczywiste.
      11. Nie usuwaj notatek - to akurat dobra rada, która jednak wynika też z tego, że notatki posiadają swoje miejsce w katalogu i indeksie, zatem ich usuwanie powodowałoby powstawanie pustych miejsc.
      12. Dodawaj notatki bez obaw - cóż, odrobina motywacji na koniec nie zaszkodzi, ale czy to jakaś istotna zasada, nie wiem.
    3. A second problem is that a folder-based approach makes it hard to draw connections between ideas that have been filed away in different folders.

      Rozwiązaniem tego problemu są odpowiednie notatki, które te połączenia właśnie prezentują. Poza tym, jak niby bez podziału na foldery te połączenia wyglądają?

    4. So in which folder should you keep a note about the concept of complexity?

      To proste. W folderze "complexity".

      Autor zdaje się nie do końca rozumieć zasadę katalogowania notatek.

    1. Autorka przedstawia swoje podejście do notatek Zettelkasten, jednakże skupia się w głównej mierze na aspekcie estetycznym oraz materialnym (rodzaj fiszek, papier, pudełka, taśmy).

      Warte uwagi są jednak dwa elementy: - segregowanie grup notatek, a tym samym tworzenie identyfikatora literowego od nazwy kategorii; - stosowanie kolorów dla oznaczania określonych grup notatek.

    1. Autor przedstawia ideę commonplace book, przywołując zbiór cytatów na ten temat, przedstawiając to, jak rozumiano ten sposób gromadzenia informacji i tekstów (miejsce do przechowywania wiedzy), jak robili to różni ludzie (notatniki z wydzielonymi działami); przedstawia też powody czy motywacje, stojące za taką praktyką (potrzeba przywołania myśli, zebranych argumentów), na końcu zestawia commonplace book z internetem.

    1. Autorka przedstawia zagadnienie robienia notatek i ich organizacji. Podaje również techniczne informacje na temat notatników i sposobów zapisywania informacji.

      Autorka przedstawia następujące metody notowania: - metoda Cornella - plan punktowy, zarys (outline) - mapa myśli - commonplace book (autorka pokazuje przykład notatek Leonarda da Vinci) - dziennik (bullet journal) - Zettelkasten.

      Ponadto autorka jeszcze podaje wskazówki, dotyczące ulepszenia metod notowania: ręczne notowanie, wyodrębnianie najważniejszych zagadnień, zadawanie pytań, używanie własnych słów, tagowanie notatek.

  18. Jun 2022
    1. It is a fact that lands have been sold for five shillings, which were worth one hundred pounds: if sheriffs, thus immediately under the eye of our state legislature and judiciary, have dared to commit these outrages, what would they not have done if their masters had been at Philadelphia or New York?

      This is almost hilarious in light of how the U.S. Government has since repeatedly dispossessed Indigenous Americans of their lands for far less than "five shillings."

  19. Oct 2021
  20. Sep 2021
    1. Conclusions

      when finishing a paper make sure to add transition phrases such as " finally" , " so", " in conclusion".

    2. Thebody:

      Make sure to add facts and personal stories if you can that support the main idea of what you are writing about.

    3. Themainideaorthesis

      In this section make sure to include a summary of what you'll be writing about. an introduction to the paper. restate your main idea in your conclusion as well.

  21. Jul 2021
  22. Jun 2021
  23. Apr 2021
    1. Adam Finn. ‘There Are Some News Outlets & Politicians Incorrectly Reporting and Criticising Respectively MHRA for Advising against Use of OxAZ in under 30s. Neither MHRA nor EMA Have Done This. JCVI Have Expressed a Preference for Alternative Vaccines for Healthy under 30s in the UK Context’. Tweet. @adamhfinn (blog), 8 April 2021. https://twitter.com/adamhfinn/status/1380031766703058944.

  24. Mar 2021
    1. Results for individual PALB2 variants were normalized relative to WT-PALB2 and the p.Tyr551ter (p.Y551X) truncating variant on a 1:5 scale with the fold change in GFP-positive cells for WT set at 5.0 and fold change GFP-positive cells for p.Y551X set at 1.0. The p.L24S (c.71T>C), p.L35P (c.104T>C), p.I944N (c.2831T>A), and p.L1070P (c.3209T>C) variants and all protein-truncating frame-shift and deletion variants tested were deficient in HDR activity, with normalized fold change <2.0 (approximately 40% activity) (Fig. 1a).

      AssayResult: 6.4

      AssayResultAssertion: Normal

      StandardErrorMean: 0.96

    2. A total of 84 PALB2 patient-derived missense variants reported in ClinVar, COSMIC, and the PALB2 LOVD database were selected

      HGVS: NM_024675.3:c.2590C>T p.(Pro864Ser)


      AssayResult: 92.43

      AssayResultAssertion: Not reported

      PValue: > 0.9999

      Comment: Exact values reported in Table S3.

    2. To this end, 44 missense variants found in breast cancer patients were identified in the ClinVar database (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar) and/or selected by literature curation based on their frequency of description or amino acid substitution position in the protein (Supplemental Table S1).

      HGVS: NM_024675.3:c.3342G>C p.(Gln1114His)

    1. Source Data

      AssayResult: 102.2

      AssayResultAssertion: Not reported

      ReplicateCount: 2

      StandardErrorMean: 12.81

      Comment: Exact values reported in “Source Data” file.

    2. Source Data

      AssayResult: 91.11

      AssayResultAssertion: Not reported

      ReplicateCount: 3

      StandardErrorMean: 17.74

      Comment: Exact values reported in “Source Data” file.

    3. Source Data

      AssayResult: 60.28

      AssayResultAssertion: Not reported

      ReplicateCount: 3

      StandardDeviation: 0.14

      StandardErrorMean: 0.1

      Comment: Exact values reported in “Source Data” file.

    4. We, therefore, analyzed the effect of 48 PALB2 VUS (Fig. 2a, blue) and one synthetic missense variant (p.A1025R) (Fig. 2a, purple)29 on PALB2 function in HR.

      HGVS: NM_024675.3:c.2816T>G p.(L939W)

    1. Most Suspected Brugada Syndrome Variants Had (Partial) Loss of Function

      AssayResult: 3.2

      AssayResultAssertion: Abnormal

      ReplicateCount: 16

      StandardErrorMean: 0.5

      Comment: This variant had loss of function of peak current (<10% of wildtype), therefore it was considered abnormal (in vitro features consistent with Brugada Syndrome Type 1). (Personal communication: A. Glazer)

    2. we selected 73 previously unstudied variants: 63 suspected Brugada syndrome variants and 10 suspected benign variants

      HGVS: NM_198056.2:c.2701G>A p.(Glu901Lys)

  25. Feb 2021
    1. We analysed a total of 82 blood samples derived from 77 individuals (online supplemental table 3). These 77 individuals corresponded either to new index cases suspected to harbour a pathogenic TP53 variant or to relatives of index cases harbouring TP53 variants.

      HGVS: NM_000546.5:c.638G>A p.(Arg213Gln)

    2. Supplemental material

      AssayResult: 98

      AssayResultAssertion: Normal

      Comment: See Table S2 for details

    3. Supplemental material

      AssayResult: 5.6

      AssayResultAssertion: Abnormal

      Comment: See Table S2 for details

  26. Oct 2020
    1. It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the first time since 1888.

      it happened again in 2016

  27. moodle.southwestern.edu moodle.southwestern.edu
    1. unbiased

      The Republican party will never stop claiming the media is bias, so I am surprised they are claiming they have resolved this issue. I would think they would want to keep acknowledging it as an issue.

  28. moodle.southwestern.edu moodle.southwestern.edu
    1. "The President has been regulating to death a free market economy" - it's interesting how much this preamble throws Trump under the bus

    2. "our enemies no longer fear us and our friends no long trust us" - I guess the democrats and republicans agree on this.

    3. "This platform is optimistic because the American people are optimistic." This is completely unsupported by everything stated before it.

    4. "covenant" "Creator" "God-given natural resources" "prepared to deal with evil in the world" show religious tone

    1. Friends and foes alike neither admire nor fear President Trump’s leadership

      I feel like there are countries who fear his leadership.

    2. The challenges before us—the worst public health crisis in a century, the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, the worst period of global upheaval in a generation, the urgent global crisis posed by climate change, the intolerable racial injustice that still stains the fabric of our nation—will test America’s character like never before.

      I know that we are making history but it doesn't exactly feel like it. The election feels like a joke. There is a stark difference between what came out of Roosevelt's mouth and either of the presidential candidates mouth's. Now it is a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils than a heroic leader to help our country achieve greatness.

    3. a more perfect union

      I feel like this goal has been abandoned.

  29. Sep 2020
    1. So how should we think about federalism in the ageof coronavirus? The answer is to emphasize theimportance of building social solidarity — the beliefin a shared fate for all Americans that transcendsstate or regional identities

      What makes Americans not have a social solidarity?

    2. institutional antagonism willprevent the concentration of power, encouragesindividualist mentalities that lead to self-interestedactions and erode national unity.

      What makes Americans so individualistic? What is different about Taiwan’s society that made their people more selfless?

    1. “We’re changing federalism from the idea of shared expertise in different policy areas into partisan stakes in the ground that are meant to obstruct opponents,” Robertson says.

      This is so true with the Trump Administrations "Alternative Facts" it is as though we will soon be living in the dystopian novel Brave New World.

    2. “The coronavirus response is actually sort of a perfect measuring stick of our transition to our contemporary, very polarized model of federalism.”

      I want to reference the Netflix documentary Social Dilemma. The documentary says that the reason politics has become so polarized is because of social media. Everyone is operating off of a different set of facts.

    3. He has threatened to withhold federal funds from school districts that don’t open for in-person instruction.

      Is it within Trump's right to do this?

    4. He has threatened to withhold federal funds from school districts that don’t open for in-person instruction.

      Is it within trump's rights to do this?

    1. It could create incentives for action by conditioning a portion of funds going to states in any future relief packages on states’ adherence to the measures

      Why did this not happen? I feel like it isn’t the federalist system in general that are failing us— it’s the leaders of the system. Why did congress not make a playbook and create incentives for states to follow them? This reminds me of how the drinking age became 21 in every state from the funding of the highways.

    2. Lacking strong federal leadership to guide a uniform response, the United States quickly fulfilled the World Health Organization’s prediction that it would become the new epicenter of Covid-19.

      I wonder if a democrat was in office when covid hit if we would have stronger federal leadership. Would we have been in a state of emergency if someone who believed in the facts of science wasn’t in office? I have trouble believing that there is nothing the president could have done to prevent covid from getting this out of hand.

    3. subject to constitutionally protected individual rights such as due process, equal protection, and freedom of travel and association

      I didn’t know that it is within our rights to travel and associate with whomever we choose. I wouldn’t think the government would be able to control who would be able to leave their house or hang out with who anyway. I guess this shows how right the article about uninformed citizens we read last week is right.

    4. Strong, decisive national action is therefore imperative.

      I could not agree with this statement more. I think if the US had some kind of national healthcare program the coronavirus would be much more under control.

  30. Jul 2019
    1. In each case the country that was left on its own has always seemed to pay a price, by being stretched militarily and diplomatically.

      Yeah, but the relative power structures of each country at the point of isolation really was and remains so very different.

      Moreover, the economic, technological and military solutions are without a doubt the best.

  31. Jun 2019
  32. May 2019
    1. DNA was sequenced by the di-deoxy method (10) at the DNA sequencing facility of Department of Biochemistry, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi, India
    2. DNA sequencing
    1. For each strain calls from a single colony, picked with a microtip from the appropriate medium were suspended in 10 μL zymolyase cocktail and incubated at 37ºC for 90 min. 2 μL of zymolyase-treated cell suspension was used as the template in a 25 μL PCR reaction
    2. Yeast colony PCR
  33. Nov 2018
    1. Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button

      My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red;

    2. Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button

      Sonnet 130: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun

  34. Sep 2018
    1. In order to protect local interests, and to prevent sectional jealousies, it was found requisite that the three great divisions into which British North America is separated, should be represented in the Upper House on the principle of equality. There are three great sections, having different interests, in this proposed Confederation.
    2. To the Upper House is to be confided the protection of sectional interests ; therefore is it that the three great divisions are there equally represented, for the purpose of defending such interests against the combinations of majorities in the Assembly.
    1. But the very essence of our compact is that the union shall be federal and not legislative. Our Lower Canada friends have agreed to give us representation by population in the Lower House, on the express condition that they shall have equality in the Upper House. On no other condition could we have advanced a step ; and, for my part, I am quite willing they should have it. In maintaining the existing sectional boundaries and handing over the control of local matters to local bodies, we recognize, to a certain extent, a diversity of interests ; and it was quite natural that the protection for those interests, by equality in the Upper Chamber, should be demanded by the less numerous provinces.
  35. Jun 2018
    1. officer appointed or designated under Rule 28

      What are the rules?

    2. Copies of the Transcript or Recording. Unless the parties agree or the court orders otherwise, the officer must retain the record of a deposition according to the applicable records retention and disposition schedules adopted by the Supreme Court. Upon payment of a reasonable charge, the officer must provide a copy of the transcript or recording to any party or to the deponent.
    3. and any party may inspect and copy them
    4. Review by the Deponent; Changes.(1) Review; Statement of Changes. If requested by the deponent or a party before the deposition is completed, the deponent must be allowed 30 days after being notified by the officer that the transcript or recording is available in which:(A) to review the transcript or recording; and(B) if there are changes in form or substance, to sign and deliver to the officer a statement listing the changes and the reasons for making them.(2) Officer's Certificate to Attach Changes. The officer must note in the certificate prescribed by Rule 30(f)(1) whether a review was requested and, if so, must attach any changes the deponent made during the 30-day period.
    5. Objections. The officer must note on the record any objection made during the deposition--whether to evidence, to a party's, deponent's, or counsel's conduct, to the officer's qualifications, to the manner of taking the deposition, or to any other aspect of the deposition
    6. Certification and Delivery. The officer must certify in writing that the deponent was duly sworn by the officer and that the deposition accurately records the deponent's testimony. The certificate must accompany the record of the deposition. Unless the court orders otherwise, the officer must seal the deposition in an envelope or package bearing the title of the action and marked “Deposition of [witness's name]” and must promptly deliver it to the attorney who arranged for the transcript or recording. The attorney must store it under conditions that will protect it against loss, destruction, tampering, or deterioration.
  36. Oct 2017
    1. sity faculty member) describes her temporomandibular joint disorder in this way: "It's like a shadow that throws the other parts of my life into brighter contrast. You see my brights are brighter, 'cause I have this darkness hovering all around the edges" (1992:129). Weapon or demon metaphors are often used to describe pain (see also Good 1992). Scarry's respon- dents refer to pain as a "knife, or bones that cut through

      I think majority of the people in the transcripts are trying to give a metaphorical presentation of their pain – because it’s hard for someone, an outsider no less, to understand and fully grasp what an addict is going through and to know, truly, how difficult it is to get back on track – and even more so how dissuasive it feels to even return to their previous, healthy state.

      This excerpt from the study is an example of an allegorical interpretation of their pain because they use actions or examples to better describe the pain they undergo during “withdrawal pain.” In the first instance of this excerpt, the girl describes how things are in much "higher contrast" - she can see the positives much brighter with these drugs, but she can also feel the negatives much deeper and opaque with the loss of it. Hence, the comparison creates a strong kind of dependency, a strong, overwhelming feeling of need. And at the last part of the section, they describe weapon metaphors such as "knife, or bones that cut through." That kind of extreme, brutal, and gruesome pain is being used in their narratives to describe the torture, the magnitude of what their "withdrawal pain" feels like.

    1. Experts warned Friday that a Dominican court decision to strip citizenship from children of Haitian migrants could cause a human rights crisis, potentially leaving tens of thousands of people stateless, facing mass deportation and discrimination.

      Just because your parents are migrants, doesn't mean that you or them are different in anyway. no one should be separated from their family because of deportation and discrimination. Citizenship should be granted to all people regardless of their background

    1. “the situation of statelessness… that has not yet been completely corrected after the measures adopted by the Dominican State, is of a magnitude never before seen in the Americas.”

      The rate of statelessness is rapidly increasing and at an all time high. However, nothing is being done to fix this issue.

    2. Despite some improvements in the way deportations were carried out by officials, the authorities failed to fully respect international safeguards against arbitrary deportations. For example, the authorities failed to serve deportation orders or to provide mechanisms allowing people who had been brought to detention centres and deported to challenge the legality, necessity and proportionality of detention as well as the deportation itself.1

      Authorities went against their duties and disobeyed their orders to correctly deport people outside of the Dominican Republic.

  37. Jun 2017
  38. Jan 2017
    1. IF you look at the stresses the shear stresses gets bigger to 45 degrees then gets smaller after 45 degrees. So why doesn't it follow the angle with seemingly the most stress. See Page: Why 30 degrees instead of 45 degrees Fracture Angle with sigma 1 Nature wants the minimum normal stress possible with the maximum shear stress possible and at 45 degrees we aren't in that sweet spot were the normal stress is as relatively small as possible and the shear spot is as relatively high as can been and this is at about 60 degrees this is why the faults will crack in the same orientation in nature.

  39. Dec 2016
  40. Dec 2015
    1. An international mechanism to address loss and damage is hereby defined under this agreement/protocol and shall be bound by the principles and provisions of the Convention, in particular common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. The purpose of the mechanism shall be to promote and support the development and implementation of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, inter alia, extreme events and slow onset events, in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. The international mechanism on loss and damage shall draw upon, further develop and elaborate on the work of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage pursuant to relevant COP decisions, including the development of modalities and procedures for the mechanism’s operation and support. It can involve, as appropriate, existing bodies and expert groups under the Convention, as well as relevant organizations and expert bodies outside the Convention, and be informed by relevant precedents in international law.

      In the Paris agreement, President Tommy Remengesau, Palau, called for inter alia: a regular review process that drives ambition; robust transparency rules; and a permanent loss and damage mechanism.

      Calling for resolute action, President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, Mauritius, said the Paris agreement should, inter alia: respect and maintain the principles of equity and CBDR; and treat adaptation and loss and damage as separate components of the agreement, anchoring loss and damage in it as a permanent mechanism.

      Prime Minister Enele Sosene Sopoaga, Tuvalu, called for a permanent mechanism for loss and damage to be anchored in the “treaty” and easy access to predictable finance.

    2. Article 7 (technology development and transfer)

      President Ali Bongo Ondimba, Gabon, urged parties to “act in order not to be responsible for something that we still can avoid,” and called for technology transfer in the areas of agriculture, forestry and clean energy, suggesting this is “the price of shared responsibility.”

    3. The nationally determined [mitigation] [contribution] [commitment] shall be legally binding on that Party upon entry into force of this Agreement for that Party.]

      President Vladimir Putin, Russian Federation, highlighted that it is possible to ensure economic development and take care of the environment, saying Russia stands ready to exchange energy efficiency solutions. He called for the new climate agreement to build on the principles of the UNFCCC, be legally-binding and include participation of developing countries.

    4. Progression/ambition Each Party’s successive [NDMC*][INDC] [shall][should][will] represent a progression beyond the Party’s previous efforts and reflect its highest possible ambition [based on common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities [[and] in light of different national circumstances [and best available science]] [based on provision of finance, technology and capacity-building to developing countries].3

      Noting that current INDCs are voluntary and thus far not ambitious enough to attain the 2°C temperature goal, a goal insufficient for small island nations, Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany, called for a binding review mechanism with a five-year cycle to begin in 2020 to ensure credibility and increased ambition.

    5. equitable distribution of a global carbon budget based on historical responsibilities and [climate] justice]

      President Maithripala Sirisena, Sri Lanka, emphasized the necessity of deep cuts in global emissions, considering the principle of historical responsibility, and said that technology transfer will ensure adaptation and nationally suitable mitigation actions in developing countries.

    6. [the integrity of Mother Earth

      President Evo Morales, Bolivia, shared the outcome of the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, which took place in October 2015, in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and called on COP 21 to address capitalism, which he emphasized as the origin of the climate crisis.

    7. [All Parties [shall] regularly prepare, communicate [and implement] [intended] nationally determined [contributions][components] [on [mitigation] and adaptation] [undertakings in adaptation planning] [and means of implementation]* [towards achieving the [purpose of this Agreement as set out in Article 2] [objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2],] [in accordance with Article 4 of the Convention] [in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement including the specific provisions related to mitigation and adaptation and means of implementation.]]

      Saying that COP 21 builds on the “historic and bold decisions taken at COP 17,” President Jacob Zuma, South Africa, called for a legally-binding agreement based on equity and differentiation that will enable ambitious action through the provision of means of implementation (MOI).

    8. [For the purpose of meeting a portion of its mitigation commitment under Article 3, any Party may elect to use certified units (CU) generated under the new market-based mechanism defined under decision 2/CP.17, paragraph 83, subject to the adoption by the CMA of modalities and procedures elaborating each of the elements in decision 1/CP.18 paragraph 51, and the adoption of eligibility rules for participation which promote fair and equitable access for all Parties. These modalities and procedures shall ensure that the design and operation of the mechanism delivers net global emission reductions, through the cancellation of a share of units generated, transferred, used or acquired from offsetting activities.]

      President Park Geun-hye, Republic of Korea, underscored the importance of a global carbon market that brings together developed and developing countries.

    9. The purpose of the REDD-plus mechanism shall be to incentivize the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and to promote conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries, while enhancing the non-carbon benefits derived as a result of the multiple functions of forests, including alleviating poverty and building ecosystem resilience.

      President Juan Hernández, Honduras, called for, inter alia, making the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ and WIM binding, and stressed the global average temperature rise should not exceed 1.5°C above the pre-industrial era.

      Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Norway, announced that her country would double its contribution to the GCF by 2020 in the context of verifiable emissions reductions from REDD+.

      President Juan Carlos Varela, Panama, proposed setting up an international center for facilitating a network of public and private actors to combat deforestation, promote sustainable forestry and reduce carbon emissions.

    10. Hold the increase in the global average temperature [below 1.5 °C] [or] [well] [below 2 °C] above preindustrial levels by ensuring deep cuts in global greenhouse gas [net] emissions;

      President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, Egypt, said the new agreement should: not harm African countries’ efforts to eradicate poverty, or their right to develop; be based on the principle of CBDR; include a commitment that global average temperature increase not exceed 1.5°C; and include a global target on adaptation.

      President Christopher Loeak, the Marshall Islands, underscored that current contributions are not enough to limit warming to 1.5°C, saying nations should reset their targets every five years.

      President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya, supported a long-term global goal of a maximum 1.5°C temperature increase and continuing the Convention’s financial mechanism and the WIM.

      President Issoufou Mahamadou, Niger, stressed the need for: increased resilience of peoples and ecosystems; ambitious global efforts to limit global temperature rise to below 1.5°C; balancing mitigation and adaptation finance; and developed countries to take the lead according to the polluter pays principle.

      Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, Grenada called for, inter alia: a protocol based on the principles of the Convention and with a goal of maintaining global temperature rise below 1.5°C; ambitious mitigation efforts to be reviewed as of 2018 and renewed every five years; and anchoring loss and damage in the agreement.

    11. [Article 3ter] (mechanism to support sustainable development)

      President Filip Vujanović, Montenegro, emphasized the links between the expected Paris agreement with the Sustainable Development Goals and the outcome of the Financing for Development Summit.

      President Xi Jinping, China, stressed that the Paris agreement should: follow the principles and focus on the full implementation of the UNFCCC; create institutional arrangements that compel concerted efforts; respect differences in countries’ economic structures and capacities; and not deny the legitimate needs of developing countries to improve living standards and develop economically.

    12. Option 1: [The mobilization of climate finance [shall][should][other] be scaled up [in a predictable and transparent manner] [beyond previous efforts] [from USD 100 billion per year] from 2020[, recognizing the important role of the Green Climate Fund in the scaling up of financial resources for the implementation of this agreement, as well as other multilateral mechanisms and other efforts].] Option 2: [The provision and mobilization of financial resources by developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II shall represent a progression beyond their previous efforts towards achieving short-term collective quantified goals for the post 2020 period to be periodically established and reviewed. Financial resources shall be scaled up from a floor of US$100 billion per year, including a clear burden-sharing formula [among them], and in line with needs and priorities identified by developing country Parties [including Parties whose special circumstances were recognized by COP decisions] in the context of contributing to the achievement of the [objective][purpose] (Article 2/XX) of this Agreement.

      Noting that the Paris agreement must reflect equity and fairness, President Joko Widodo, Indonesia, called for progress on the mobilization of US$100 billion, noting that the commitment should be increased going forward.

      President Simonetta Sommaruga, Switzerland, advocated a new climate agreement that is legally-binding, ambitious and based on the same obligations and rules for all parties. She announced a 75% increase in Switzerland’s annual contribution to the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF).

      King Norodom Sihamoni, Cambodia, called for: maintaining the impetus provided by the initial capitalization of the GCF; funding for LDCs; and stimulating private investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

    13. An International Tribunal of Climate Justice is hereby established to address cases of non-compliance with the commitments of developed country Parties on mitigation, adaptation, provision of finance, technology development and transfer, capacity-building, and transparency of action and support, including through the development of an indicative list of consequences, taking into account the cause, type, degree and frequency of non-compliance.

      President Rafael Correa Delgado, Ecuador, called for free access to mitigation technologies and the creation of an international court for environmental justice.

    14. Option 1: communication to 5 year time period Every 5 years, harmonised [NDMC*][INDC] Each Party shall [[communicate its [successive] [new]] [update its] [NDMC][INDC] by [year x] [2020] [2021] and every five years thereafter on a [synchronized][common] basis, [or resubmit an existing [NDMC][INDC]] [for the subsequent five-year time frame], taking into account the outcomes of the global stocktake referred to in Article 10.

      In the Paris agreement, President Sauli Niinistö, Finland called for: a clear goal; common rules on transparency and accountability; and stocktaking every five years.

    15. In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Convention, developed country Parties and other Parties included in Annex I shall undertake quantified economy-wide absolute emission reduction and limitation commitments/targets, which are comparable, measurable, reportable and verifiable, cover all greenhouse gases and are implemented domestically without any conditions. 3bis. In accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7, of the Convention, developing country Parties should undertake diversified enhanced mitigation actions/efforts in a measurable, reportable, and verifiable manner, in the context of sustainable development and supported and enabled by the provision of adequate finance, technology and capacity-building by developed country Parties.

      In the morning, President Ollanta Humala, Peru, urged leaders to empower their negotiators to produce an ambitious and equitable agreement with, inter alia, verifiable and progressive mitigation actions.

  41. Sep 2015
    1. 上一届:已经结束任职年的那些人 应届毕业生:今年毕业的学生 届 jiè(屆) ①动 到(预定的时候)。 届时 | 届期 ②量 用于定期的会议或毕业生等,略相当于“次” “期”。 第一届 | 本届 | 历届 | 应届

    2. 曾(经)

    3. 结构


    4. 艰巨


    5. 应对

      faire face à (une situation connue)

    6. 重(视)

    7. 提速

      提(高)速(度)vs. 减速

    8. =也

    9. 卸任

      =离任/离职 finir son mandat

    10. 促(进)

    11. 转(变)

    12. 调(整)

    13. 路透


    14. 首当其冲

      首当其冲 shǒudāngqíchōng


    15. 十三五
    16. 寄望


    17. 分析:“十三五”中国寄望内需拉经济 收入分配改革首当其冲

      tutorat S1