686 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2018
    1. Figured as servants,she points out, technologies reinscribe the difference between ‘us’ and those who serve us,while eliding the difference between the latter and machines: "The servanttroubles thedistinction between we-human-subjects-inventors with a lot to do (on the onehand) andthem-object-things that make it easier for us (on the other)" (1995: 73)
    1. "When tasks require high coordination because the work is highly interdependent, having more contributors can increase process losses, reducing the effectiveness of the group below what individual members could optimally accomplish". Having a team too large the overall effectiveness may suffer even when the extra contributors increase the resources. In the end the overall costs from coordination might overwhelm other costs.
    2. Games such as The Sims Series, and Second Life are designed to be non-linear and to depend on collective intelligence for expansion. This way of sharing is gradually evolving and influencing the mindset of the current and future generations.[117] For them, collective intelligence has become a norm.
    3. The UNU open platform for "human swarming" (or "social swarming") establishes real-time closed-loop systems around groups of networked users molded after biological swarms, enabling human participants to behave as a unified collective intelligence.[140][141] When connected to UNU, groups of distributed users collectively answer questions and make predictions in real-time.[142] Early testing shows that human swarms can out-predict individuals.[140] In 2016, an UNU swarm was challenged by a reporter to predict the winners of the Kentucky Derby, and successfully picked the first four horses, in order, beating 540 to 1 odds.
    4. Research performed by Tapscott and Williams has provided a few examples of the benefits of collective intelligence to business:[38] Talent utilization At the rate technology is changing, no firm can fully keep up in the innovations needed to compete. Instead, smart firms are drawing on the power of mass collaboration to involve participation of the people they could not employ. This also helps generate continual interest in the firm in the form of those drawn to new idea creation as well as investment opportunities.[38] Demand creation Firms can create a new market for complementary goods by engaging in open source community. Firms also are able to expand into new fields that they previously would not have been able to without the addition of resources and collaboration from the community. This creates, as mentioned before, a new market for complementary goods for the products in said new fields.[38] Costs reduction Mass collaboration can help to reduce costs dramatically. Firms can release a specific software or product to be evaluated or debugged by online communities. The results will be more personal, robust and error-free products created in a short amount of time and costs. New ideas can also be generated and explored by collaboration of online communities creating opportunities for free R&D outside the confines of the company.[38]
    5. In one high-profile example, a human swarm challenge by CBS Interactive to predict the Kentucky Derby. The swarm correctly predicted the first four horses, in order, defying 542–1 odds and turning a $20 bet into $10,800.
    6. To address the problems of serialized aggregation of input among large-scale groups, recent advancements collective intelligence have worked to replace serialized votes, polls, and markets, with parallel systems such as "human swarms" modeled after synchronous swarms in nature.
    7. While modern systems benefit from larger group size, the serialized process has been found to introduce substantial noise that distorts the collective output of the group. In one significant study of serialized collective intelligence, it was found that the first vote contributed to a serialized voting system can distort the final result by 34%
    8. To accommodate this shift in scale, collective intelligence in large-scale groups been dominated by serialized polling processes such as aggregating up-votes, likes, and ratings over time
    9. The idea of collective intelligence also forms the framework for contemporary democratic theories often referred to as epistemic democracy.
    10. The basis and goal of collective intelligence is mutual recognition and enrichment of individuals rather than the cult of fetishized or hypostatized communities."
    11. Collective intelligence (CI) is shared or group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making.
  2. May 2018
    1. hi there get the full insights on MSBI tools training and tutorial with the Real time Examples and application on the Running Projects as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzmdY0zCw4g

    2. hi there Check this MSBI Tools training and tutorial insights with the real time Examples and projects analysis on the MSBI


    3. hi there learn MSBI in 20 min with handwritten explanation on each and every topics on the Course with real time examples


    4. Get the proper Explanation on the ETL testing Tools training and Tutorial Course with better Real time exercises and understanding of Testing Processes on different stages from Extraction to Loading of data in client location

      so check this link for better learning:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vNgcOsHbIU

    5. Get the best Explanation on Talend Training and Tutorial Course with Real time Experience and Exercises with Real time projects for better Hands on from the scratch to advance level

      so check this link and learn :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhTPrpBvakw

  3. Apr 2018
    1. The alternative, of a regulatory patchwork, would make it harder for the West to amass a shared stock of AI training data to rival China’s.

      Fascinating geopolitical suggestion here: Trans-Atlantic GDPR-like rules as the NATO of data privacy to effectively allow "the West" to compete against the People's Republic of China in the development of artificial intelligence.

  4. Feb 2018
    1. Our principal claim is that a valid EI concept can bedistinguished from other approaches. This valid conceptionof EI includes the ability to engage in sophisticated infor-mation processing about one’s own and others’ emotionsand the ability to use this information as a guide to thinkingand behavior.

      This is a really good definition imo.

    2. the termemotional intelligenceis now employedto cover too many things—too many different traits, toomany different concepts (Landy, 2005; Murphy & Side-man, 2006; Zeidner, Roberts, & Matthews, 2004). “Thesemodels,” wrote Daus and Ashkanasy (2003, pp. 69–70),“have done more harm than good regarding establishingemotional intelligence as a legitimate, empirical constructwith incremental validity potential.

      This idea might help us not oversimplify the term 'emotional intelligence.'

    3. The original definition of EI conceptualized it as a setof interrelated abilities (Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Salovey& Mayer, 1990). Yet other investigators have described EIas an eclectic mix of traits, many dispositional, such ashappiness, self-esteem, optimism, and self-management,rather than as ability based

      If they are dispositional and not ability-based then there are limitations.

    4. one commentator recently argued that EI is an invalidconcept in part because it is defined in too many ways(Locke, 2005, p. 425)

      We shouldn't claim there is one simple definition of EI.

    5. . The orig-inal idea was that some individuals possess the ability toreason about and use emotions to enhance thought moreeffectively than others

      first tentative notion of EI

  5. Jan 2018
  6. Dec 2017
    1. Most of the recent advances in AI depend on deep learning, which is the use of backpropagation to train neural nets with multiple layers ("deep" neural nets).

      Neural nets consist of layers of nodes, with edges from each node to the nodes in the next layer. The first and last layers are input and output. The output layer might only have two nodes, representing true or false. Each node holds a value representing how excited it is. Each edge has a value representing strength of connection, which determines how much of the excitement passes through.

      The edges in an untrained neural net start with random values. The training data consists of a series of samples that are already labeled. If the output is wrong, the edges are adjusted according to how much they contributed to the error. It's called backpropagation because it starts with the output nodes and works toward the input nodes.

      Deep neural nets can be effective, but only for single specific tasks. And they need huge sets of training data. They can also be tricked rather easily. Worse, someone who has access to the net can discover ways of adding noise to images that will make the net "see" things that obviously aren't there.

  7. Oct 2017
  8. Sep 2017
  9. Aug 2017
    1. So this transforms how we do design. The human engineer now says what the design should achieve, and the machine says, "Here's the possibilities." Now in her job, the engineer's job is to pick the one that best meets the goals of the design, which she knows as a human better than anyone else, using human judgment and expertise.

      A post on the Keras blog was talking about eventually using AI to generate computer programs to match certain specifications. Gruber is saying something very similar.

  10. Apr 2017
  11. Mar 2017
    1. Great overview and commentary. However, I would have liked some more insight into the ethical ramifications and potential destructiveness of an ASI-system as demonstrated in the movie.

  12. Feb 2017
    1. wife Sophia, unaccus-tomed to managing slaves, treated Frederick very well at first and began to teach him to read, until her husband put a stop to it (

      Interesting statement to read so casually as the other readings exaggerated the intelligence of women and here it is so nonchalantly. Only one thing remains consistent and that is that the man was the one to stifle learning of anyone believed lower than him.

  13. Jan 2017
    1. According to a 2015 report by Incapsula, 48.5% of all web traffic are by bots.


      The majority of bots are "bad bots" - scrapers that are harvesting emails and looking for content to steal, DDoS bots, hacking tools that are scanning websites for security vulnerabilities, spammers trying to sell the latest diet pill, ad bots that are clicking on your advertisements, etc.


      Content on websites such as dev.to are reposted elsewhere, word-for-word, by scrapers programmed by Black Hat SEO specialists.


      However, a new breed of scrapers exist - intelligent scrapers. They can search websites for sentences containing certain keywords, and then rewrite those sentences using "article spinning" techniques.

  14. Dec 2016
    1. The question that I think we should be asking ourselves is, what is it that my culture is preventing me from seeing?


      It seems that education is more about filling brains, than teaching people to think.

      Education ought to be about drawing something out, not putting something in. One of the things that people should be taught at school, is to think critically about the things that they consider most indisputably correct.

      -- Iain McGilchrist (The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World)


    1. What Drives Successful Crowdsourcing?

      An article relevant to intelligent democracy, because it shows that opensource-like collaboration often out performs corporate of governmental organizations at solving problems well.

    1. The team on Google Translate has developed a neural network that can translate language pairs for which it has not been directly trained. "For example, if the neural network has been taught to translate between English and Japanese, and English and Korean, it can also translate between Japanese and Korean without first going through English."

  15. Nov 2016
    1. Microsoft Confirms Its Chinese-Language Chatbot Filters Certain Topics

      What has humanity come to -- Micrsoft, one of America's leading computer companies, is selling China network AI's that help enforce Communist censorship?

      We cannot stop other countries from censoring their net, and we should let American vendors sell into nets censored by local law. But -- if we care for democracy and anything even approaching America's current relatively wide equality of power between humans -- we better show the world that a nation with a substantially uncensored, AI-amplified, democratic network can kick butt. Otherwise a democratic human future in the rapidly approaching age of machine superintelligence looks unlikely.

      So let's use collective media, collective intelligence, and a basic set of collective human values to create an AI amplified superdemocracy.

      The AI singularity is rapidly approaching. Machines that can do virtually everything humans do much faster and better than humans are probably only 5 to 15 years away. If you care at all for anybody, including yourself, that may be living then -- it is important for you that machine superintelligence happen well for humanity. As I wrote in 2010 in an article entitled "Collective Intelligence -- Our Only Hope for Surviving the Singularity":

      "The Singularity will NOT occur in a vacuum.

      "It will NOT occur in a realm of pure science, engineering, or philosophy. It will NOT occur in one instant, one year, or one decade.

      "Instead, it WILL occur --- over multiple decades --- in the real world --- one dominated by struggles for --- personal --- corporate --- political --- and national --- survival, money, and power. How the Singularity's wildly transformative technologies will be developed and deployed will be decided largely by collective entities --- by corporations --- governments --- political parties --- militaries --- bureaucracies --- interest groups --- criminal gangs --- the media --- and public opinion."

      So -- if we want the future to be anything other than a sci-fi horror movie -- job one should be using the net and AI to make America and, ultimately humanity, collectively superintelligent.

    1. The participants with relatively strong spatial abilities tended to gravitate towards, and excel in, scientific and technical fields such as the physical sciences, engineering, mathematics, and computer science.
  16. Sep 2016
  17. Jun 2016
    1. The War on Stupid People

      Lots of difficult things with this text, including the title. The obsession on measurable “smarts” is an important topic and the possible measures to prevent this obsession from impacting (US) society make sense. But it’s really tricky to discuss intelligence in such ways. Part of the text reads as further essentialisation of measured intelligence. Yet it sounds clear from the possible measures described that this form of intelligence takes at least part of its meaning in a given social context.

      Maybe the deep issue with a text like this is that it’s hard to get people to shift from one consistent mindframe (paradigm, episteme) to another. More specifically, it’s hard to discuss intelligence in a context where the concept has become so loaded.

      Would have lots more to say about this from my parents’ experiences (an occupational therapist who spent a career with people labelled as having “intellectual disabilities” and a psychopedagogue who worked in “special education” with students from a low-income neighbourhood who had “learning disabilities”). Maybe later.

  18. May 2016
    1. Now you have been told that in the beginning I created man in "My Image and Likeness," afterwhich I breathed into him the Breath of Life and he became a Living Soul.By creating man in My Image and Likeness I created an organism capable of expressing all ofMy Consciousness and all of My Will, which means likewise all of My Power, My Intelligence,and My Love. I therefore made it perfect in the beginning, patterning it after My own Perfection.When I breathed into man's organism My Breath, it became alive with Me; for then it was Ibreathed into it My Will -- not from without, but from within -- from the Kingdom of Heavenwithin, where always I AM. Ever afterward I breathed and lived and had My Being within man,for I created him in My Image and Likeness only for that purpose.The proof of this is, man does not and cannot breathe of himself. Something far greater than hisconscious, natural self lives in his body and breathes through his lungs. A mighty power withinhis body thus uses the lungs, even as it uses the heart to force the blood containing the life itindrew through the lungs to every cell of the body; as it uses the stomach and other organs todigest and assimilate food to make blood, tissue, hair and bone; as it uses the brain, the tongue,the hands and feet, to think and say and do everything that man does.This power is My Will to BE and LIVE in man. Therefore, whatever man is, I AM, and whateverman does, or you do, I do, and whatever you say or think, it is I Who say or think it through yourorganism

      I cannot choose to breathe, the breath breathes me, a power within me uses the lungs.... the heart beats.... this power in this physical human body is Gods Will... it's in me..............

    2. Always I AM there to pick you up, after the fall, although you do not know it at the time; firststraightening you out and then starting you onward again, by pointing out the reason for yourfall; and finally, when you are sufficiently humbled, causing you to see that these powersaccruing to you by the conscious use of My Will, My Intelligence and My Love, are allowed youonly for use in My Service, and not at all for your own personal ends.Do the cells of your body, the muscles of your arm, think to set themselves up as having aseparate will from your will, or a separate intelligence from your intelligence?No, they know no intelligence but yours, no will but yours.After a while it will be that you will realize you are only one of the cells of My Body; and thatyour will is not your will, but Mine; that what consciousness and what intelligence you have areMine wholly; and that there is no such person as you, you personally being only a physical formcontaining a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, acertain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form.All this may be difficult for you now to accept, and you may protest very strenuously that itcannot be, that every instinct of your nature rebels against such yielding and subordinatingyourself to an unseen and unknown power, however Impersonal or Divine.Fear not, it is only your personality that thus rebels. If you continue to follow and study MyWords, all will soon be made clear, and I will surely open up to your inner understanding manywonderful Truths that now are impossible for you to comprehend. Your Soul will rejoice singglad praises, and you will bless these words for the message they bring

      I am supported through my healing, growing, learning, fashioning..........

      to be able to be.. "a physical form containing a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, a certain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form."

      It is only my personality that resists Truth.

    3. 12All power and its use is but so much recognition and understanding of the use of My Will.Your will and all your powers are only phases of My Will, which I supply to suit your capacityto use it.Were I to entrust you with the full power of My Will, before you know how consciously to useit, it would annihilate your body utterly.To test your strength and more often to show you what the misuse of My Power does to you, I attimes allow you to commit a sin, so-called, or to make a mistake. I even permit you to becomeinflated with the sense of My Presence within you, when It manifests as a consciousness of MyPower, My Intelligence, My Love; and I let you take these and use them for your own personalpurposes. But not for long -- for, not being strong enough to control them, they soon take the bitin their teeth, run away with you, throw you down in the mire, and disappear from yourconsciousness for the time being.

      "All power and its use is but so much recognition and understanding of the use of My Will.Your will and all your powers are only phases of My Will, which I supply to suit your capacity to use it."

      "Were I to entrust you with the full power of My Will, before you know how consciously to use it, it would annihilate your body utterly."

      I need to surrender fully and consciously Be the Impersonal Self so as Gods Love, the power of God can flow through this vessel unimpeded.........

      So called sins and mistakes are only my learning, fashioning to build true strength in this body mind so as to allow the the power and Love of God to flow through matter.....

      There is only the Will of God..

    4. You, as one of the cells of My Body, have a consciousness that is My Consciousness, anintelligence that is My Intelligence, even a will that is My Will. You have none of these foryourself or of yourself. They are all Mine and for My use only.Now, My consciousness and My Intelligence and My Will are wholly Impersonal, and thereforeare common with you and with all the cells of My Body, even as they are common with all thecells of your body.I AM the directing Intelligence of All, the animating Spirit, the Life, the Consciousness of allmatter, of all Substance. If you can see it, You, the Real you, the Impersonal you, are in all andare one with all, are in Me and are one with Me; just as I AM in you and in all, and thereby amexpressing My Reality through you and through all.This will, which you call your will, is likewise no more yours personally than is thisconsciousness and this intelligence of your mind and of the cells of your body yours.It is but that small portion of My Will which I permit the personal you to use. Just as fast as youawaken to recognition of a certain power or faculty within you and begin consciously to use it,do I allow you that much more of My Infinite Power

      The I Am, the God in me is the one directing all Life

    5. You have been told that each cell of your body has a consciousness and an intelligence of itsown; that were it not for this consciousness it could not do the work it so intelligently does.Each cell is surrounded by millions of other cells, each intelligently doing its own work and eachevidently controlled by the united consciousness of all these cells, forming a group intelligence,which directs and controls this work; this group intelligence apparently being the intelligence ofthe organ which the cells comprising it form. Likewise, there are other group intelligences inother organs, each containing other millions of cells, and all these organs make up your physicalbody.Now, you know You are the Intelligence that directs the work of the organs of your body,whether this directing is done consciously or unconsciously; and that each cell of each organ isreally a focal center of this directing Intelligence; and that when this Intelligence is withdrawnthe cells fall apart, your physical body dies and exists no more as a living organism.Who is this You who directs and controls the activities of your organs, and consequently of eachcell composing them?You cannot say it is your human or personal self who does this, for you of yourself consciouslycan control the action of scarcely a single organ of your body.It must then be this Impersonal I AM of you, which is You, and yet is not you.Listen!You, the I AM of you, are to Me what the cell consciousness of your body is to your I AMConsciousness.You are a cell, as it were, of My Body, and your consciousness (as one of My Cells) is to Mewhat the consciousness of one of the cells of your body is to You

      "the I AM of you, are to Me what the cell consciousness of your body is to your I AM Consciousness.You are a cell, as it were, of My Body, and your consciousness (as one of My Cells) is to Me what the consciousness of one of the cells of your body is to You".

    6. Again I say, this I AM speaking herein is the Real Self of you, and in reading these words it isnecessary that you realize it is You, your own Self, that is speaking them to your humanconsciousness, in order fully to comprehend their meaning.I also repeat, this is the same I AM that is the Life and Spirit animating all living things in theUniverse, from the tiniest atom to the greatest Sun; that this I AM is the Intelligence in you andin your brother and sister; and that it is likewise the Intelligence which causes everything to liveand grow and become that which it is their destiny to be.Perhaps you cannot yet understand how this I AM can be, at one and the same time, the I AM ofyou and the I AM of your brother, and also the Intelligence of the stone, the plant, and theanimal.You will see this, however, if you follow these My Words and obey the instructions hereingiven; for I will soon bring to your consciousness a Light that will illumine the deepest recessesof your mind and drive away all the clouds of human misconceptions, ideas and opinions thatnow darken your intellect, -- if you read on and strive earnestly to comprehend My Meaning.

      This is my True Self speaking to me and my True Self is a part of all that is, the substance that makes up the whole cosmos...

    7. This Knowledge, this Realization, will not come at once. It may not come for years. It may cometomorrow.It depends upon no one but You;Not upon your personality, with its human desires and human understanding;But upon the I AM of you -- God, within.Who is it that causes the bud to open into the blossom?Who causes the chick to burst its shell?Who decides the day and the hour?It is the conscious, natural act of the Intelligence within, My Intelligence, directed by My Will,bringing to fruition My Idea and expressing it in the blossom and in the chick.But did the blossom and the chick have anything to do with it?No, only as they submitted or united their will with Mine and allowed Me and My Wisdom todetermine the hour and the ripeness for action, and then only as they obeyed the impulse of MyWill to make the effort, could they step forth into the New Life

      The timing of the fruition of realisation of this Knowledge comes from my True Self, God within............. true Intelligence, Gods Idea... expressing and birthing the conscious awareness of the aspect of God, Me.........

  19. Apr 2016
    1. We should have control of the algorithms and data that guide our experiences online, and increasingly offline. Under our guidance, they can be powerful personal assistants.

      Big business has been very militant about protecting their "intellectual property". Yet they regard every detail of our personal lives as theirs to collect and sell at whim. What a bunch of little darlings they are.

  20. Jan 2016
    1. You are intelligence, and I am intelligence, and our experience of each other will be one of intelligence and Meaning. But that does not mean that it will be one of understanding, as you conceive that word to be. It will be an experience of Knowing, which you are already familiar with. When we are conversing, when we are connecting, the experience will be ultimately intelligent. But just because it is intelligent doesn’t mean you need to engage the attempt to understand it, because, Paul, you are not going to use it—the understanding—for the purpose of improving your ability to deny Reality. In other words, you will not be using it to improve the capacities of the sidekick, the fantasy partner, that you have thought was you. This is a fine point of distinction, here, but it is one that you are grasping experientially, which allows you to more easily give permission to indulge in letting yourself into an experience which your personal sense of self can only conceive of as fantasy. So, you see, it could seem as though I am giving you something to think about. Just abide with it. Just be with it, without thinking. But do not be with it to the exclusion of continuing to dialogue with me.
  21. Dec 2015
    1. OpenAI is a non-profit artificial intelligence research company. Our goal is to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole, unconstrained by a need to generate financial return.
    1. Big Sur is our newest Open Rack-compatible hardware designed for AI computing at a large scale. In collaboration with partners, we've built Big Sur to incorporate eight high-performance GPUs
    1. even if an interconnected skein of nanotechnology were toextend into all aspects of everyday life

      recent research has proven that personal use technology (internet, smartphones, gaming systems) have decreased the skills of interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence (mostly of the millennials generation)... should we be pushing for technology to be involved in all aspects of everyday life?

    1. In addition, the high sociability, and cooperative nature, of human economic systems, entailed selection pressure for a quality still poorly defined: emotional intelligence [vi]. This is linked, not only to qualities for successful interaction with other people and qualities such as impulse control, but also to some of the “dark triad” traits that have been identified in the research on human psychology: narcissistic, manipulative (subclinical psychopath), and Machiavellian tendencies.

      -- Helga Vierich (in the comments)

  22. Nov 2015
    1. sociodramatic play, where two or more children participate in shared make believe, demonstrate the value of this play for academic, social, and emotional learning. “Sociodramatic play activates resources that stimulate social and intellectual growth in the child, which in turn affects the child’s success in school,” concludes Smilansky in a 1990 study that compared American and Israeli children. “For example, problem solving in most school subjects requires a great deal of make believe, visualizing how the Eskimos live, reading stories, imagining a story and writing it down, solving arithmetic problems, and determining what will come next.”
    2. found that children who received an enriched, play-oriented parenting and early childhood program had significantly higher IQ’s at age five than did a comparable group of children who were not in the program (105 vs. 85 points).
    1. Do not misunderstand me. To know Who You Are, What You Are, and that You Are Where It’s All Happening is, indeed, Divine Fulfillment of Purpose. It is to be One with God. It is to flow with the Divine Energies. It is to be One and in Harmony with the Great Works of Divine Intelligence. BUT, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NORMAL!

      It is incredible yet simply as it is....

    1. I want you to continue to rely on the inherent Intelligence of Your Being to reveal Itself in clearer and clearer evidence; AND I WANT YOU TO BE AWARE THAT IT IS YOUR BEING “DOING ITS OWN THING” that you are observing.

      It's me, it's inherent in me, I am it, the unfolding evolution..

    1. Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good.“2

      "Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good"

    2. PAUL: How does Substance function? RAJ: It functions by being the omnipresent omniaction of Being. The substance of Mind is Consciousness. The substance of Truth is Principle. The substance of Principle is Intelligence/Law. The substance of Soul is Love. The substance of Love is Life. And the substance of Life is Mind.

      "Substance functions by being the omnipresent omniaction of Being. The substance of Mind is Consciousness. The substance of Truth is Principle. The substance of Principle is Intelligence/Law. The substance of Soul is Love. The substance of Love is Life. And the substance of Life is Mind."

    3. PAUL: Very well. My first question is: What is Substance? RAJ: Your first answer is that Substance is infinite, nondimensional, and pure Energy—the Life Force, as it were. It is Intelligence. It is Soul. It is Spirit. It is Principle. It is Love. It is Life. It is Truth. It is Mind. It is, in the final analysis, what is meant by the word God. It is omnipresent. It is omniactive. It is the nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. It is that which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not.

      Substance is; Infinite, Nondimensional, Pure Energy, Life Force, Intelligence, Soul, Spirit, Principle, Love, Life, Truth, Mind, Omnipresent, Omniactive. Nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. That which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not. It is GOD!

    1. TPOT is a Python tool that automatically creates and optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming. Think of TPOT as your “Data Science Assistant”: TPOT will automate the most tedious part of machine learning by intelligently exploring thousands of possible pipelines, then recommending the pipelines that work best for your data.

      https://github.com/rhiever/tpot TPOT (Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool) Built on numpy, scipy, pandas, scikit-learn, and deap.

    1. There is only one infinite Life/Principle, one infinite Identity, infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what constitutes the center and circumference of Being—Your Self as you experience It, Susan’s Self as she experiences It, and my Self as I experience It. Its omnipotence or strength is constituted of Its absolute omnipresent Integrity, which is Its Intelligent Nature. it is not thrilling or exciting when contemplated from an egotistical standpoint. But It is satisfying in ways that are so meaningful that they cannot compare to the “thrills” of the ego. It also has this benefit: The satisfaction is eternal and unchanging.

      In our Being there is far greater meaningful satisfaction than any ego thrill or fix.

    2. On the other hand, Identity, when It is perceived to be the expression of the Universal, omnipresent divine Mind or Intelligence, is capable of expressing Itself on a sustained basis—so sustained that the word “eternal” is the only word that describes It. It is so substantial by virtue of Its Nature as Intelligence, that It is called Omnipotent.

      Because our True Identity is an expression of Divine Mind it naturally sustains itself.

    1. RAJ: Here is a perfect example of the thought processes you must be willing to let go of. In other words, if your Being unfolds the necessity of living in or moving to a particular area on the west coast of the state of Washington, then you must act upon that unfolding of your Being—regardless of Susan’s “knowledge” of the unsettled land mass. Since Being is unfolding Itself with absolute Intelligence and Principle, then It will not unfold as your conscious experience of Being in any way which is destructive or detrimental to your continued experience of Being. Therefore, you may trust that if you are led to be located in an area on the west coast of the state of Washington, it will not involve any destructive element, whatsoever, for you.

      Raj brings Paul back to another example of 3d thoughts and the importance of letting them go and to trust in his own Being...

  23. Oct 2015
    1. Paul, all energy is Light, and Light is the omnipresent energy that constitutes all life forms, all ideas, and all of every aspect of Conscious Being. it is the pure Light that is Love. It is the pure Light that constitutes Substance. It is the pure Light which differentiates Itself according to Intelligence as all that appears and all that is.

      Light is all there is!

    1. Law, from a Universal standpoint, is constituted of Intelligence. It is the Mindful orderliness, the constituting of Harmony, of every aspect, and activity of Being. It is not a means of enforcement, but is, instead, the spontaneous but Absolute Principle according to which the functioning of Being occurs. Law is not a tool to use, but is the predisposing Nature of Intelligence to be inherently Principled.

      The description of Law that governs the order and harmony of every aspect of the activity of Being.

    2. Law, from a Universal standpoint, is constituted of Intelligence. It is the Mindful orderliness, the constituting of Harmony, of every aspect, and activity of Being. It is not a means of enforcement, but is, instead, the spontaneous but Absolute Principle according to which the functioning of Being occurs. Law is not a tool to use, but is the predisposing Nature of Intelligence to be inherently Principled.

      An incredible definition of Law

  24. Jul 2015
  25. May 2015
    1. In this work, Lee and Brunskill fit a separate Knowledge Tracing model to each student’s data. This involv ed fitting four parameters: initial probability o f mastery, probability of transitioning from unmastered to mastered, probability of giving an incorrect answer if the student has mastered the skill, and probability of giving a correct answer if the student has not mastered the skill. Each student’s model is fit using a combination of Expectation Maximization (EM) combined with a brute force search

      First comment

  26. Apr 2015
    1. Less Wrong is a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality. Please visit our About page for more information.
  27. Nov 2014
    1. The Most Terrifying Thought Experiment of All Time

      TLDR: Thought experiment that, by knowing about it, you are contributing to humanity enslavement to a all powerful AI

  28. Oct 2013
    1. Even now most uneducated people think that poetical language makes the finest discourses. That is not true: the language of prose is distinct from that of poetry. This is shown by the state of things to-day, when even the language of tragedy has altered its character.

      Poetry does not equal intelligence. Distinct difference between poetry and prose.

  29. Sep 2013
    1. I think all intelligent people will agree with me

      I like how he liked intelligence with himself, this has to be a rhetorical device of some sort?