1,925 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2019
    1. a rich and highly granular record of engagement between people and texts

      Many thanks again to Steel Wagstaff for suggesting this language.

    2. enabling them to make more substantial connections with both people and texts, and curate durable records of their learning across materials and contexts

      Many thanks to Steel Wagstaff for suggesting this language.

    3. at any time, in any place

      Huge thanks to Maha Bali for reminding me to make this point about annotation's capabilities to extend reading across time and space.

    4. collaborative, digital, interoperable annotation

      Like Hypothesis. Read annotations here or add your own with a free Hypothesis account.

    1. tlten will I ru·gne with you that tl1c slave ia n man I

      I feel as if Frederick Douglass feels it is his duty to bring awareness to the fact that slaves are men. Due to this conclusion all men shall be citizens of the state. Therefor, slaves are not only prevented from many basic human rights but also the right to vote (along with many other civic responsibilities). In my paper I will discuss the civic responsibilities of ALL people (free men, slaves and women).

    1. driven by data—where schools use data to identify a problem, select a strategy to address the problem, set a target for improvement, and iterate to make the approach more effective and improve student achievement.

      Gates data model.

    2. a successful transition from high school to postsecondary education and career-training programs.

      Annotation is one of those core academic practices that spans K-16.

    3. regularly use data to continuously improve the supports, instruction, and learning students experience.

      Data from annotation informing teaching practices, understanding of learning, success, at admin level.

    4. real-time assessments for gauging student progress

      Real-time grading/assessment for reading = annotation

      And note just assessment, but presence: peer learning; teacher-student feedback, ...

    1. I also strongly support the public annotation, archiving and active curation of artifacts (papers, reports, student projects, annotated list of resources, slideshows etc.) that are produced within the COI so as to provide resources for other and subsequent COIs located around the globe (Tibbo, 2015; Ungerer, 2016).

      This is a call to annotate! What better way to support this notion that to create public annotations with Hypothesis :) Leaving this here in the hopes that future annotators of this article will find this and help annotate this important update to a seminal model.

    1. how can such strategies be replicated withinthe context of an institutions online learningenvironment?

      Do we want to Replicate, or do we want to break new ground here? SAMR Model

    2. there are a plethora of online tools that can offeralternatives to enabling the use of such online active learning strategies.

      However, I've searched this document and there is not a word about annotation...

    1. These miserable wretches are so odious unto all their neighbors, and so feared, as few dare offend them, or deny them any thing they ask: whereby they take upon them; yea, and sometimes think, that they can do such things as are beyond the ability of human nature.

      The miserable witches are very unpleasant to all their neighbors, they are feared and few are brave enough to offend them, or deny what they ask. They even thing that they can do things that are beyond the ability of humans

      This passage shows how witches were though of and how afraid people were of them. It shows how people thought of witches as being mean and unpleasant. It also shows the view that witches were believed to have super natural abilities.

  2. Jun 2019
  3. May 2019
    1. lets us focus on critique without a requirement that we devalue the work

      An even more valuable element is that the critiques stay IN CONTEXT rather than appearing out of context in reviews, blog posts, etc.

    1. This would be a good space to let folks really kick the tires with Hypothes.is. I am wondering why they seem reluctant to let the crowd loose on the "actual" program? If someone finds the notes and such distracting, one can turn them off. This is a great feature of Hypothes.is. I sometimes like to read a document all the way through before I read any comments or notes.

    1. doer effect

      I wonder if I can emulate this improvement in learning in reading-oriented (history) classes by guiding the students through a Hypothes.is-based annotation engagement with texts?

    1. , we find only 135 Hypothes.is annotations across the >9000 papers of the nine282services we examined

      I wonder if there is any variation in this across the services. Do some disciplines lend themselves better to the use of annotation. Perhaps disciplines with a longer history of collaborative annotation would make better use of it.

    1. (optional) Using the LTI Outcomes service, the tool can also return a piece of plain text, a basic URL, or even an LTI Launch URL. This will be attached to a student submission object in Canvas, and it’ll be visible on the student submission page and in Speedgrader

      This is key: to deliver the artifact of the annotation to Speedgrader.

  4. Apr 2019
    1. Annotation Profile Follow learners as they bookmark content, highlight selected text, and tag digital resources. Analyze annotations to better assess learner engagement, comprehension and satisfaction with the materials assigned.

      There is already a Caliper profile for "annotation." Do we have any suggestions about the model?

    1. And does this relate to the zoom recording thing as well because you could record it and then comment on the pieces of it.

      Well here we are, talking about zoom annotation! So, here's an annotation on a zoom transcript where we're talking about zoom annotation!


    1. In the 1990s, Graeme Obree and Chris Boardman began experimenting with bike positions and designs in an effort to improve aerodynamics. The UCI, however, eventually outlawed the radical bikes and positioning made famous by the duo, and in 1997 the UCI brought in new rules restricting competitors to traditional equipment.

      L'histoire de vélos du record de l'Heure !

    1. Example (Before) A direct link to an article in Project Muse before the proxy URL has been added: https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/demography/v047/47.4.groen.pdf Example (After) A direct link to an article in Project Muse after the proxy URL has been added: http://eztncc.vccs.edu:2048/login?url=https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/demography/v047/47.4.groen.pdf 

      How will their proxy interfere with ours? Or h more generally?

    1. Linking to the article also allows the Library to track use and obtain data about the importance of a particular journal to the campus.  

      Another argument for linking.

    2. While there may be good reason to upload articles to the LMS, it is important to consider that doing so may mean that your students do not have the most recent version of the article. It is not unusual for publishers to make corrections or changes, such as adding supplementary material, to articles after initial publication.

      Argument for permalinks v downloads.

    1. The libraries recommend that you link articles from the library databases to your course in lieu of making the pdfs available.

      This seems the norm though not strictly enforced in practice. That is, libraries say this is what you should do, but profs keep PDFs of articles locally, etc.

  5. Mar 2019
    1. In a perfect world, the author would sell you a license to the book and you'd just read it on whatever platform suited you. For now, the leading ebook providers are not making this easy so I end up with some titles (and associated annotations) on one platform and other titles on another, which is far more complicated than it needs to be.

    1. La liste

      élément important, s'il en est, de la structuration de notre espace numérique. Elle est aussi symptomatique de la tension qui nous traverse entre le désir d'unifier des éléments en les rassemblant sous un même "genre" et d'en maintenir la distinction afin qu'ils conservent leur individualité. Par contre le malaise est ressenti lorsqu'on y incorpore des personnes morales. Mais cette résistance s'évanouit peu à peu. Est-ce tant mieux ?

  6. Feb 2019
    1. special messages can be hung on that offer ideas such as simplifying an argument or circumventing a blocked path

      Annotating what he is writing about as annotation... yet, what is missing here is some way of re-arranging, weighting, them...


      Here's the beginning of the first excerpt we're focusing on for Week 2: Section II, parts A & B.

      The second excerpt is below, Section III, Part A, subsections 1 and 2.

      We are focusing on specific excerpts to make this lengthy document a little more manageable for this iteration of the project. That said, you are of course welcome and encouraged to annotate any part of the document you find noteworthy.

    3. the H-LAM/T system's repertoire hierarchy.

      These words mark the end of the first excerpt we're focusing on during Week 2 of the first iteration of the Engelbart Framework Project.

      We'll focus on the rest of Section II, probably the hardest section of the document to understand readily, in a subsequent iteration. As always, you're welcome and encouraged to annotate you find noteworthy in any part of the document.

    1. For Andreessen, the mission was personal. Before starting his venture capital firm with Ben Horowitz, Andreessen had co-invented Mosaic, the first web browser.
    1. incorporating community feedback and expert judgment

      Biomed Central and ResearchSquare have partnered on a project called InReview, which enables community feedback in parallel with traditional peer review. More on that project here.

    2. peer review reports are published, either anonymously or with attribution;

      American Society for Plant Biologists is using Hypothesis annotation to draw the reader's attention to Peer Review Reports, publications that were previously hidden in supplementary materials. An example can be found here. And a list of all articles where such annotations have been added can be found here.

    3. We believe that a “publish first, curate second” approach with the following features would be a strong alternative: authors decide when and what to publish; peer review reports are published, either anonymously or with attribution; and curation occurs after publication, incorporating community feedback and expert judgment to select articles for target audiences and to evaluate whether scientific work has stood the test of time. These proposed changes could optimize publishing practices for the digital age, emphasizing transparency, peer-mediated improvement, and post-publication appraisal of scientific articles.

      This seems like a great argument for open annotation.

    1. Or helpful annotations anchored to places of interest.

      Absolutely! Think how useful (and how annoying) this could be. The ability for the user to choose will be key.

    1. And

      this who paragraph is about citation and annotation lol

    2. Mybook will lack all of this, for I have nothing to note in the marginor to annotate at the end, and I certainly don’t know which authorsI have followed so that I can mention them at the beginning,

      an ode to influence, and intertextuality

    3. without notes in the margins or annotations at the endof the book
  7. Jan 2019
    1. Academics will be able to give feedback at the same time the research is actively taking place; and it will be as though scholars are directly connected to each other in the same lab or institution.

      Annotation is a great way for folks at a range of institutions to provide public or private collaborative feedback. Get your free account here: https://web.hypothes.is/start/

    2. Web annotation, for example, is catching on as a new mode of collaboration, peer review, and other research functions.

      And the combination of community feedback on preprints with traditional and post-publication peer review through collaborative annotation is catching on with a variety of publishers. See InReview by BMC and ResearchSquare. Also COS preprint servers such as SocArXiv and Psyarxiv.

    1. Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button

      This is a test of Hypothesis, a note created using the tool in public view. It's somewhat like Google Docs. Here's a link to SAE Expression College. Below is a list of things to read in this test article:

      • HIghlight some text, then click the highlighting tool.
      • Highlight text, then use the comment tool. (Hmm..had to click the list button in this line again????

      This is bold text. * Here's italicized.* Definitely not WYSIWYG as in a word processor. Could be improved.

      In preview mode, my bold and italicized text don't show up correctly????

    1. You can login to your Genius account to check your annotations and therein, you can also use the "Share" button to share an annotation via link or via Twitter or Facebook.

      In spring of 2017, Genius announced a pivot back to music video. While you can still create an account, you can no longer get access to the plug in to use it on sites where it is not supported.

    1. very difficult to track and may not involve a visible trace of usage that we can measure

      Unless, for example, annotation was baked into the platforms, and offered any reader the opportunity to collaboratively discuss.

  8. Dec 2018
    1. Android Apps Zandy, by Avram Lyon View and edit your Zotero library on your Android phone ZotDroid, by Benjamin Blundell View your Zotero library on your Android device Download and read attachment files
    2. Zotero plugin to sync PDFs from your Zotero library to your (mobile) PDF reader (e.g. an iPad, Android tablet, etc.) and extract annotations to Zotero notes
    1. I wanted to stick my 10-cent eulogy between those lines for others to read, and to read what those others had thought. Purchasing a book is one of the strongest self-selections of community, and damn it, I wanted to engage.

      With Hypothesis, you could engage like this.

    1. In my work, I have strayed far from a background that includes a MA in English Literature and teaching K-12 students written composition. I’ve focused on teaching or analyzing written communication or networked online discourse in the higher education, especially at the graduate level, for the past 16 years or so. But this work, annotating in the open not just for an individual, the teacher who grades the assignment, hits close to my heart in teaching K-CEO learners to write for an audience.
    1. Any given book_ of his library /_and presumably other textual material, such as notes/ can thus be called up and consulted with far greater facility than if it were taken from a shelf

      This passage in Vannevar Bush's "As We May Think" may be the first mention of what we now think of as digital annotation. The passage in the original article is slighly different... you can see it here.

  9. Oct 2018
    1. Leveraging Technology to Create Social Readers

      Read annotations on "Leveraging Technology to Create Social Readers" in EDUCAUSE Review. Sign up or log in above to add your own annotations and replies.

    1. The role of touch in the multi-sensory experience of reading turns out to be as important as we intuit it to be when we hold a volume or turn a page — or better yet, when we mark it up.

      I've found that the way I read and my reading retention have changed since I started to regularly use digital annotation. The act of selecting what sentence to highlight, how to tag passages and articles, and what to make public has changed how I feel about reading online. I still prefer paper for pleasure reading, but for news, research, and collaborative reading, digital now works just fine for me.

    1. explaining his editorial procedures and adding his own observations and reflections, which are so extensive that they eventually overwhelm Zampano’s text

      Similar to the annotations in Foster Wallace's writing (footnotes on footnotes) and Jorinde Voigt's writing. The compulsion to annotate and explain is so strong, that it overwhelms the original text.

  10. Sep 2018
    1. code for transforming Annotator JSON into Web Annotation's JSON-LD with the most minimal, unsmart means (read: doesn't understand graphs) sort of way possible.
    1. Doing the same in digital is incredibly hard without programming skills (see the low success rate above) or expensive tools, even when the closed silos allow it.

      Annotation with a standards-based open tool provides great utility in this regard, without the need for programming skills.

    1. Between publishers' higher costs of textbooks and students' struggle with large amounts of reading materials, getting students to both access and engage more deeply with texts is a challenge.

      Two challenges that #OER and #annotation together can provide infrastructure to help solve: the high cost of learning materials and engaging teachers and learners in social reading, discussion and analysis.

      Issues to solve: both OER and annotation don't require digital reading, but are both made more powerful through it. Yet technology access and reading preferences don't always support to digital reading.

      Solution: Explore online and offline, digital and print experiments in OER and annotation/social reading.

    1. Ceci est une note de page. Elle peut inclure un lien vers une autre page, que celle-ci soit connectée ou non via Hypothes.is. Voyez dans l'URL le préfixe qui assure que l'on peut annoter celle-ci. Mais avec ce blogue on n'en a pas besoin car son auteur a déjà inclus un code permettant de l'annoter par défaut (à condition de s'être créée un compte hypothes.is).

  11. Aug 2018
    1. Annotations can be created or retrieved through an API.

      More on Hypothesis documentation and Public API here.

    2. The W3C model allows for users to add a motivation to their annotation.

      You can find out more about W3C annotation motivations here.

    3. imagined it as enabling a much more interactive experience

      Here is a sketch of how Vannevar Bush imagined the Memex.

    4. Since 1993, when Mosaic first briefly experimented with native annotation, dozens of projects have tried without success.

      Here is the user guide created for making annotations on Mosaic.

    1. Check out our documentation for the h code base to learn about what we’ve built and how to use our public API.

      Check out our Scholarly Kitchen blog post on open annotation.

    1. There are a few types of annotations that can be created with the application:

      This is my first annotation

    1. Hypothes.is: A social annotation tool.

      I'm quite excited that we'll be using this tool in class. I just came across a tweet (and blog post) about annotating your syllabus, and I was curious about how it might work with students. I'm happy to be experiencing it as a student!

    1. Open to Exploration

      Internet Archaeology is trialling a new feature by Hypothes.is which enables everyone to make annotations on journal content. To get started, just select any text in any article and add your annotation for everyone to see (Annotations are public by default but highlights are private, visible only to you when you’re logged in to your Hypothes.is account). You can even share your annotations on social media,

      Try this for more info https://web.hypothes.is/blog/varieties-of-hypothesis-annotations-and-their-uses/

      I'm interested to see how everyone uses it!

    1. Internet Archaeology is trialling a new feature by Hypothes.is which enables everyone to make annotations on journal content. To get started, just select any text in any article and add your annotation for everyone to see (Annotations are public by default but highlights are private, visible only to you when you’re logged in to your Hypothes.is account). You can even share your annotations on social media,

      Try this for more info https://web.hypothes.is/blog/varieties-of-hypothesis-annotations-and-their-uses/

      I'm interested to see how everyone uses it!

    1. They did that to the point where  there were more asterisks on the page than stars in the sky. Despite all this, the annotations did not mean anything to the students.

      Keeping in mind that different people learn in different ways, there's another possible way of looking at this.

      Some people learn better aurally than visually. Some remember things better by writing them down. I know a few synaesthetes who likely might learn better by using various highlighting colors. Perhaps those who highlight everything are actually helping their own brains to learn by doing this?

      This said, I myself still don't understand people who are highlighting everything in their books this way. I suspect that some are just trying and imitating what they've seen before and just haven't learned to read and annotate actively.

      Helping students to discover how they best learn can be a great hurdle to cross, particularly at a young age. Of course, this being said, we also need to help them exercise the other modalities and pathways to help make them more well-rounded and understanding as well.

    2. I believe, and I try to emphasize to the students, that annotation is a deeply personal activity, my annotations may look different from yours because we think differently.

      We often think differently even on different readings. Sometimes upon re-reading pieces, I'll find and annotate completely different things than I would have on the first pass. Sometimes (often with more experience and new eyes) I'll even disagree with what I'd written on prior passes.

      This process reminds me a bit of the Barbell Method of Reading

  12. Jul 2018
    1. Social media networks provided immediate solutions to a few problems with those early blogging networks: they relieved the moderately heavy lift in getting started and they created the possibility of connections that were immediate, dense, and growing. But as those networks expanded, they both pulled authors away from their own domains — so much quicker to tweet than to blog, and with a much speedier potential response — and they privatized and scattered conversations.

      Exactly the use case that annotation is hoping to solve! Enabling the connection between different sites.

    1. Marginalia#section5 With Webmention support, one could architect a site to allow inline marginalia and highlighting similar to Medium.com’s relatively well-known functionality. With the clever use of URL fragments, which are well supported in major browsers, there are already examples of people who use Webmentions to display word-, sentence-, or paragraph-level marginalia on their sites. After all, aren’t inline annotations just a more targeted version of comments?

      Absolutely. This is what I'd love to have with Hypothesis.

    1. From Weekend Edition on NPR. Annotations in source available here. “Robograders” are on the rise in high stakes testing, and other aspects of our classrooms. Keep in mind this is just an algorithm looking for patterns in student writing. An algorithm isn’t magic, it’s code (writing) written by people. “The idea is bananas, as far as I’m concerned,” says Kelly Henderson, an English teacher at Newton South High School just outside Boston. “An art form, a form of expression being evaluated by an algorithm is patently ridiculous.”
    1. A verb for Open Annotate can be called "opnotate". And a noun for open annotation can be "opnotation".

  13. Jun 2018
    1. Guide to highlight colors Yellow–general highlights and highlights which don’t fit under another category below Orange–Vocabulary word; interesting and/or rare word Green–Reference to read Blue–Interesting Quote Gray–Typography Problem Red–Example to work through
    1. explaining his editorial procedures and adding his own observations and reflections, which are so extensive that they eventually overwhelm Zampano’s text.

      Similar to the annotations in Foster Wallace's writing (footnotes on footnotes) and Jorinde Voigt's writing. The compulsion to annotate and explain is so strong, that it overwhelms the original text.

    1. Hierarchical classification systems can be slow to change, and are rooted in the culture and era that created them; in contrast, the flexibility of tagging allows users to classify their collections of items in the ways that they find useful,
    2. The success of Flickr and the influence of Delicious popularized the concept,[21] and other social software websites—such as YouTube, Technorati, and Last.fm—also implemented tagging
    3. Tagging systems have sometimes been classified into two kinds: top-down and bottom-up.[3]:142[4]:24 Top-down taxonomies are created by an authorized group of designers (sometimes in the form of a controlled vocabulary), whereas bottom-up taxonomies (called folksonomies) are created by all users.
    4. People use tags to aid classification, mark ownership, note boundaries, and indicate online identity. Tags may take the form of words, images, or other identifying marks. An analogous example of tags in the physical world is museum object tagging. People were using textual keywords to classify information and objects long before computers. Computer based search algorithms made the use of such keywords a rapid way of exploring records.
    1. About 600,000 people visit News Genius a month, Lehman said, a figure that had grown 10 times since before President Donald Trump was inaugurated. And the number of people who annotate a post on Genius each month is now at 10,000, up 30 percent from the start of the year. “More people are using News Genius now than ever,” Lehman said. Meanwhile, overall traffic to the website and apps has grown to 62 million a month.
    2. Soon after, Genius made a definitive push to realize Andreessen’s vision. By 2015, Genius claimed 40 million visitors to its website a month, 1 million of whom had annotated a post.
    3. But it faced a storm of criticism last year after some writers complained the tool was being used to harass them. The annotator also raised concerns that it could have been used to inject malicious code onto visitors’ computers, though it’s since been tweaked to address that vulnerability.
    4. In January of that year, the company began testing a tool called the web annotator, which allowed anyone to add genius.it/ before any URL and then highlight and annotate text.
    5. “The change we made in January was in recognition of the fact that we needed to shift resources from capturing knowledge — which we've been doing almost exclusively for the past five years — toward packaging and distributing knowledge into easy-to-consume formats like video and Spotify Behind the Lyrics,” Lehman told The Verge.
    1. The combination of human expertise and automated analysis can exist in multiple overlays. Climate scientists, economists, political analysts, and automated fact checkers might converge on a single sentence in a story on climate change. Nothing depends on any domain-specific vocabulary or schema. Annotation is simply the connective tissue that makes statements in web pages addressable, and binds those addresses to conversations, supporting documents, source data, or truth claims that bear on annotated statements.
    2. The annotated web embodies that pattern. Systems that embrace it will tend to work well with one another. Their outputs will be available to mine, crosslink, and remix, and those activities will drive collective improvement.
    3. The web we know is an information fabric woven of linked resources. By increasing the thread count of that fabric, the annotated web enables a new class of application for which selections in documents are first-class resources.
    1. The Web is distributed, with different systems working together to provide access to content. Annotations can be used to link those resources together, being referenced as the Body and Target
    2. Comments about shared photos or videos, reviews of products, or even social network mentions of web resources could all be considered as annotations. In addition, there are a plethora of "sticky note" systems and stand-alone multimedia annotation systems. This specification describes a common approach to expressing these annotations, and more
    1. [MN Thanks, Frank! You have a knack for being ahead of the curve :-)]

      I like the way that MN does inline annotations within his comments section. I don't often see this, but it's relatively well done, and certainly manually at that.

  14. May 2018
    1. Sally Lehrman, senior director of the journalism ethics program at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, leads its signature Trust Project, a complex international collaboration that she began building in 2015 to strengthen public confidence in the news through accountability and transparency.

      Check out this shout out from the American Press Institute.

    1. We’re now in a transformative stage as new tools such as ‘commenting’ emerge that can support a collective reading experience. These innovations allow readers to ‘engage’ with content in new ways.

      Or better yet--in-line annotating! Open interoperable standards-based annotation, of course.

  15. Apr 2018
    1. Most scholars of hypertext of the time pointed to Vannevar Bush's 1945 article "As We May Think" as an important precursor to the Web and as providing important guidance for necessary development. Bush's model of hypertext was much richer than that of the early Web. Among other things, he envisioned people who would put together articles (or "trails") by finding a sequence of useful pages in different sources, annotating those pages, inserting a few pages of their own, and linking it all together. While the Web had "live links", those links were limited to the original authors of the text, so The Web provided essentially none of the features necessary for Bush's more collaborative model.

      Great summary.

  16. Mar 2018
    1. Anchoring annotations to specific portions of text, rather than in disconnected scrolls at the end of articles.

      So important. Pushing comments to the bottom not only disconnects them, it makes them look ancillary. They can be crucial.

      This structure reproduces the old hierarchies, with commentators as bystanders whom you can avoid.

    1. collaboration

      The annotation feature in the Center of Excellence is provided by Hypothes.is which is an open source annotation tool. Within the Community we use it for group collaboration, private coaching, and personal research. By adding the Chrome browser plug-in, users can expand annotations to include other web pages across the internet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCkm0lL-6lc

      Start Using Today https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/230742327-Quick-start-guide

    1. A high-level technical explanation of how Dropbox's PDF annotation interface is implemented.

      Quite interesting for Hypothesis.

    1. Piech et al. [22] reported substantial improvements inprediction performance with DKT over BKT on two real-world data sets (Assistments,Khan Academy) a
  17. Jan 2018
    1. threading structure of discussion forums leads to branching and increasingly fragmented conversations, with repetition and duplication appearing in different threads

      Of course Hypothesis uses threading as well.

      But is threading really the issue? Isn't is more a matter of the correct "parenting" of forums and replies? It's part of the skill of discussion/discussion forums that student-users read other's posts and not repeat what has been said before...

    2. self-organization of discourse participants around ideas

      This authentic discourse is definitely better achieved via annotation in which students self-select passages to annotate and annotations to reply to.

    1. indings indicate that annotations improve recall of emphasized items, influence how specific arguments in the source materials are perceived, decrease students' tendencies to unnecessarily summariz

      Use in presentation!!

  18. Dec 2017
    1. 6. It should be possible to further qualify a reference to a "sublocation" within an object (which would have meaning only to the server that houses it). This is needed, for example, for hypertext-type links. Such a sublocation might be the 25th paragraph of a text, for a hypertext-type pointer.
  19. Nov 2017
    1. Periodically it collects and stores information published on the web. Then, it processes the collect data to make it searchable, providing a “Google-like” service that enables searching the past web (English user interface available at www.archive.pt). This preservation workflow is performed through a large-scale distributed information system.

      Arquivo.pt (the portuguese web archive) - An interesting service model of Web archiving

    1. But if they are learning how to build on the Web they probably need to know something about becoming findable (or unfindable) on the Web. And by extension they need to understand how the power behind that findability is impacting the course of human history. 12 months ago if I had said that, some people would have rolled their eyes at me, but I think it’s safe to say that in the last 9 months we’ve all realized just how powerful algorithms are in shaping the outcomes of our culture.

      This is a pretty useful example of a paragraph with subtext, don’t you think? Could easily imagine future readers and annotators coming to this passage and scratching their heads for a minute while looking at the date. What happened nine months before June 2017? Living outside the US, it took me a few seconds to guess it (and my guess may be wrong). Of course, Martha was “playing for the audience” (though DoOO is having an impact outside the US). There’s indeed a shared understanding that events in the political arena may be relevant in our work on digital literacies.

    1. if cross-format identifiers like DOIs are used, annotations made in one format (eg, EPUB) can be seen in the same document published in other formats (eg, HTML, PDF) and in other locations.

      Whaa..? This sounds seriously hard. But remarkably clever.

    1. We know that there are few sticky security and implementation issues

      Which is probably why @judell’s tate doesn’t show up in Chrome on my system and there’s weirdness with the scrolling once we accept to load unsafe scripts.

    1. Wiley (and a cluster of other OER advocates) insist that creators must use a CC-by license, allowing commercial use, if they want their work to be considered open.

      Ha! So that’s where the comment about Rory McGreal should come in.

    1. Students often lose access to their materials at the end of the semester Students also often lose access to their own work as well, in the form of highlights, notes, and other annotations

      Hence the need for #OpenAnnotation to pair up with some of the other opens. Hypothes.is people are doing their part, but still.

    1. Link suggestions don’t even have to live in a separate meta box.

      Years ago, link suggestions were pretty high on my wishlist for WP. Did notice early implementations of this feature but haven’t used the improved version. It does sound like the current version is pretty useful and can lead to something interesting. Might also work well with annotations, come to think of it.

  20. Oct 2017
    1. One must also be able to annotate links, as well as nodes, privately.

      Tim Berners-Lee calls for annotation in his original proposal for the web.

    1. peer-to-peer conversations about big issues that defy yes/no answers and ask students to think more analytically

      Pretty good definition of social reading in fact!

    1. It is supposed probable that a building of somewhat more size in the middle of the grounds may be called for in time, in which may be rooms for religious worship under such impartial regulations as the visitors shall prescribe, for public examinations, for a Library, for the schools of music, drawing, and other associated purposes.

      In the nineteenth century when all other universities were religiously affiliated, it seemed odd that rather than having a church at the center of the campus, UVA would have a Library as its focal point. This plan reflected Jefferson's belief that the church should be separate from the state and since this was a state school, it had to be in accordance to this ideal. Therefore, the Rotunda, which was the building that ultimately replaced the typical church, represented/ symbolized the "Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom" because it separated the school from any specific religious affiliation, allowing for a free expression of faith on campus. This plan also reflected the idea that knowledge should be the driving force of humans and is the most important and powerful weapon one can have. The Rotunda can be defined as a "temple of knowledge" because it celebrates education.

      Further, in my engagement class, Making the Invisible Visible, we discussed how some locations are places while some other are sites. The difference between these two is that places evoke familiarity and are meant to represent something important in people's lives while sites resist familiarization. The Rotunda could therefore be considered a place because it draws people in and it has certain features that makes it a memorable, unique place. The grandiosity of this building makes people feel like learning is an awesome thing, which accomplishes Jefferson's goal of celebrating knowledge over all things.

    2. banishing all arbitrary & unnecessary restraint on individual action shall leave us free to do whatever does not violate the equal rights of another.

      This passage was one of the most baffling ones I found in the Rockfish Gap Report because it is not only ironic but it seems to be very untrue. I do realize that the meaning of "equal rights" during the time of UVA's construction and founding is not the same as today's meaning, the one I am most familiar with. But I believe that as educated scholars and active members of the community, the authors of this document and founders of this university were aware of the inequality that existed at the time. In my engagement class, Making the Invisible Visible, we have discussed issues regarding Thomas Jefferson's thoughts on slavery. After analyzing some of his personal texts, we concluded that he was aware of slavery's perverse end and he knew that it did not contribute to equality among all human beings. However, he believed that in order to keep the structure of society, slavery had to exist. Thus, I believe it is very hypocritical that, knowing the inequality present in a society where slavery was still prominent, the authors of this report still decided to include "not violate the equal rights of another." I would feel more comfortable if they had not included this part or if they had specified who "one another" meant, which obviously meant "whites." Nonetheless, I understand that the report's intended audience was all educated white people, thus it must have felt useless to specify who "one another" meant if only one specific group of people was supposed to read it.

  21. Sep 2017
    1. Call for Papers: Special Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) edition

      Here I have highlighted the title of the Compass Journal. I can add my notes here and also links like this to the Clipper Blog. I can also insert images like this

    1. A system-wide Share extension

      This is something I would like for my iPhone as I use the share sheets a lot, but I'm not sure how widely they are used.

  22. Aug 2017
    1. <script src="https://hypothes.is/embed.js" async></script>

      One line of code adds open, standards-based annotation to any website.

    1. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, thereby fulfilling the dual purpose of fostering rich scientific discussions and providing material for the new publication.3

      So again, the idea that we wanted to facilitate not close off discussion of papers.

  23. Jul 2017
    1. he wishes Lacuna could be updated more easily. Texts must be submitted to the tech team for uploading, which can take a few days, and once his grant funded fellowship ended, he had to upload documents on his own, he said.

      Major difference with Hypothesis. Enabling annotation only in a specialized content repository drastically limits the utility of annotation.

    1. shift to a commitment to engage with readers in the context of a subject.

      I think about this a lot now that my business is annotation.

    1. 2. Staying with a closed, proprietary system & not moving to the adoption of open standards.

      I concur. Diigo could have been a leader in the social annotation space, way ahead of Hypothesis. But now I think H is gaining more momentum than Diigo, because it adheres to open standards.

    1. Currently we have an extension for the Firefox web browser and extensions for Safari and Internet Explorer are in the works.

      MyStickies is another annotation service

    1. Fig. 6.3.1 (a) B. F. Skinner developed operant conditioning for systematic study of how behaviors are strengthened or weakened according to their consequences. (b) In a Skinner box, a rat presses a lever in an operant conditioning chamber to receive a food reward. (credit a: modification of work by "Silly rabbit"/Wikimedia Commons)

      I would like to know how they imported the book. I am pretty sure they took the HTML from cnx.org, but the numbering is being done differently than our online version.


      I can't tell if this is an actual copy or not, because it is "locked". In the menu "OpenStax Textbook" they link directly to the openstax.org listing of the book.

  24. www.barnesandnoble.com www.barnesandnoble.com
    1. Hardcover

      I think this "copy" is just a hardcover book. Maybe we should count them separately in some way.


      Why is my highlight completely messed up?

  25. Jun 2017
    1. The whole point of the newly-minted web annotation standard is to enable an ecosystem of interoperable annotation clients and servers, analogous to comparable ecosystems of email and web clients and servers.

      I think one of the ideas I'm struggling with here. Is web annotation just about research, or to advance conversation on the web? I sense this is part of decentralization too (thus, an ecosystem), but where does it fit?

    1. early development of the Internet at CERN

      early development of the World-Wide Web at CERN. The Internet was already well established by then.

  26. May 2017
    1. provide a set of discussion APIs

      Digital #annotation is currently demonstrating a model for discussion much like Michael describes, where "discussion" (as annotation) is a separate, generic service and different manifestations of that service can be harnessed for and surfaced in various platforms for different uses. See Hypothesis' work, especially with a Canvas LTI integration.

    1. 在CNN火起来之前,对象检测这一问题基本是遵循着“设计手工特征(Hand-crafted feature)+分类器”的思路


    1. Concerns

      Here's another concern:

      Let's say this bot-powered annotation "agora" starts to operate as Mike has laid it out. The annotations from that credibility activity alone may start to become noisy—and much noisier if 1,000 other bots start annotating for other purposes.

      One solution would be a dedicated "credibility" layer, where only the annotations from "registered" or "approved" credibility annotators appear. That way a user could activate just this credibility layer to focus on credibility signals.

      But if there's going to be a "credibility" layer, who is going to gatekeep participation? One might imagine a trusted, "neutral" organization that would publish criteria for participation in this credibility layer and enable annotators that meet such criteria.

      And just as there could be multiple annotators—bots or human—with different points of view posting to such a layer, there could also be multiple credibility layers, each administered by a different organization with different points of view, sources, and/or approaches. A sort of agora of credibility agoras. Users could then pay attention to the credibility layers they find most useful.

      But, users could pay attention to just the credibility layer they find most agrees with their established point of view. Would this just move the same issues we see with the credibility of information to the credibility layer itself? Would #fakecred become an industry like #fakenews?

    2. Annotation As a Marketplace for Context

      I'm generally in agreement about the problem area and solutions Mike proposes here. One thing we probably certainly know is that the "automated, centralized, closed approaches" that we have already seen attempting to address issues of this scope are unlikely to solve all the issues we are already seeing around credibility.

    3. Marketplace

      Could we use "agora" or some other term rather than "marketplace" to suggest that not all activities in the space will be mercantile?

    1. We're vulnerable to state-sponsored attacks, he says, because we are too narrowly technological in our solutions.

      I refer to this sentence in my annotation above, as it seems at odds with Mike's earlier statement that this is a tools debate, not a legal one.

    2. People want to turn this into a legal debate, but it's not. It's a tools debate, and the main product of a builder of social tools is not the tool itself but the culture that it creates. So what sort of society do you want to create?

      Not trying to nitpick, but I'm a bit confused between this statement and the one below where Mike says "We're vulnerable to state-sponsored attacks, he says, because we are too narrowly technological in our solutions."

      So far in this debate I've been thinking that we are too quick to jump to technical solutions (as Mike's latter point would suggest) when I don't think the issues online are categorically different than they are offline. While certainly tools can help shape social relations and culture, we also have social/cultural mechanisms to deal with situations generated via online tools.

      Abuse is not limited to online activity and remedies for abuse are not purely technological. If a person abuses another offline, we have (imperfect) mechanisms to address that abuse. Are we considering those offline mechanisms in our confrontation with online abuse?

    1. Closing comments because you don’t want to engage in conversations?

      I wonder if she would close comments on her site if all were constructive? From my read, it wasn't that she didn't want to engage in conversation.

  27. Apr 2017
    1. TextThresher MVP Screencast Walk-Through

      video overview of textthresher by Nicholas Adams

    1. Use d3-annotation with built-in annotation types, or extend it to make custom annotations. It is made for d3-v4 in SVG.

      data annotation from Susie Lu at Netflix

    1. Really useful session well worth your time! All the longed for teacher, student, researcher, creator & user annotation desires for the web, at long last on the way to fulfilment!

    1. A conversation featuring two leaders of the Hypothes.is annotation project: Jeremy Dean, Director of Education, and Jon Udel, Director, Integration.

      video with Gardner Campbell along with Jeremy Dean and Jon Udel from Hypothes.is

  28. neatline.org neatline.org
    1. Neatline is a geotemporal exhibit-builder that allows you to create beautiful, complex maps, image annotations, and narrative sequences from Omeka collections of archives and artifacts, and to connect your maps and narratives with timelines that are more-than-usually sensitive to ambiguity and nuance.

      image annotation tool for Omeka

  29. Mar 2017
    1. shift resources from capturing knowledge — which we've been doing almost exclusively for the past five years — toward packaging and distributing knowledge

      The ideas of "capturing" and "packaging" knowledge suggests a mindset based on monetizing rather than empowering knowledge makers. The new metaphor of zebra not unicorn startup business models suggests "profitable businesses that solve real, meaningful problems and in the process repair existing social systems" might serve us all better than Genius' "pivot" to media.

    1. the social and multimodal practices of web annotation have played an important role in various pedagogical and scholarly innovations. Web annotation has also come to shape new approaches to participatory politics, legal education, journalism (as well as for those who fact check the news), and in the advances of machine learning for scientific research
  30. Feb 2017
    1. Moses set forth specifications for bridge overpasses on Long Island, which were designed to hang low so that the twelve-foot tall buses in use at the time could not fit under them.81 “One consequence was to limit access of racial minorities and low-income groups”—who often used public transit—”to Jones Beach

      Just like how Moses designed the bridges to be too short for buses to fit under, similar tactics have been used to deterr homeless people and other unwanted people, such as skateboarders. Some of these tactics include no loitering signs, metal spikes in the ground where homeless poeple usually would lay down, and studs placed on ledges to prevent skaters from grinding their skateboards against the ledge.

    2. We often experience our physical environment without giving its features much thought. For example, one might think it a simple aesthetic design decision to create a park bench that is divided into three individual seats with armrests separating those seats. Yet the bench may have been created this way to prevent people—often homeless people—from lying down and taking naps.

      In the supplmentaly reading, it stated how over 130,000 signed a petition to have the metal spikes in the ground removed, which prevented homeless people from sleeping in those areas. The article continued on to say that despite this large number of people petitioning against the attempts to deterr homeless people, not many people have realized that everyday objects that we use, such as benches, have been strategically designed to prevent anyone from sleeping on them, homeless people more specifically.

    3. Throughout history, people have used varied methods to exclude undesirable individuals from places where they were not wanted.

      Sadly enough, descrimination can be seen all over, not only in words or actions, but also in less obvious ways, such as architecture. The layout and placement of specific neighborhoods or cities, or how certain buildings, bridges, and roads are constructed is an example of how architecture can be used as a method of discrimination.

    1. you can leave a comment a few inches below this text, email or tweet at me through the links a few inches above it, or react to it with an emoji on Facebook. Some random Twitter bots will tweet the link, advertisers will track its success, and sophisticated search engines will rank it.

      And if you use annotation, it can be annotated in-line already!

    1. Felt way more appropriate to comment here than in the comments at the body of the page :).

      It was humbling to interact act with such dedicated researchers and practitioners and to watch these documents take shape.

      Thanks, everyone!

    1. we are diving back into annotation

      Another big thank you! As I've mentioned on Twitter, your course's "re/turn" to a previous Marginal Syllabus conversation (from October) is what Joe, Jeremy, and I hoped would happen over time - that educators would find conversations and texts that resonate with their interests and courses, and then join the text-based conversation via ongoing annotation. This turns the text-as-conversation into an open educational resource (OER), and - like you - we hope other educators and courses revisit these conversations to support their own learning.

    2. a significant jump-start to that sense of belonging to a community, both within the course and beyond it.

      I've had students say similar things about using Hypothesis to read together. I'd like to explore the relationship between open/collaborative web annotation and community-building... many questions to consider...

    3. their reflections that week posted to their own blogs were filled with connections they made between Dewey’s work, John Seely Brown’s, and the research report/agenda for Connected Learning

      Awesome. Is it possible to connect with some of these posts and perspectives?

    4. scaffolding between the texts and supportive approaches

      This is important, and in my teaching I've been careful to include web annotation in both private (group) and public modes so that learners find comfort with different approaches and can come to appreciate some of the scaffolding that you describe.

    5. Amazing

      You're very welcome, and we're appreciative of your willingness to merge formal course activities with the more open-ended and interest-driven approach to educator learning via Marginal Syllabus.

    6. to highlight things they noticed and that raised questions for them

      A publicly visible and annotated syllabus is a great practice, and something I'll incorporate into courses - great idea!