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- attitudes
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- immunity
- strategy
- natural infection
- vaccine plus
- reinfection
- pandemic management
- science
- variant
- risk
- prevention
- Omicron
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- protection
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- mortality
- global coordination
- airborne transmission
- vaccine
- global solidarity
- elimination
- equity
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- Asia
- UK
- long-term
- risk
- management
- protection
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- funding
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- mortality
- workplace safety
- global
- government
- mental health
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volatility and leverage are co-determined and arepro-cyclical; that is, together, they amplify the impact ofshocks. The mechanism, to be specific, is that decliningvolatility reduces the cost of taking on more leverage andfurthers a buildup of risk. The lesson: Risk managers mustresist the temptation to sell volatility when it is low andfalling. The AMH implicitly embraces modeling suchbehavior with heterogeneous agents that use heuristics.