- Oct 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Dude, would you concede there's a difference between using notecards to write a book and using the Zettelkasten system to write a book? Nabokov, along with many others in his time, used notecards but did not link them and cross reference them, as you can clearly see in the pages of The Original of Laura. I feel like OP posed a fair question.
reply to u/cosmic-magistra at https://old.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1g8diq4/any_books_about_how_someone_used_zettelkasten_to/lt4en6f/
Dude, you're taking too narrow a view at what's going on as each person uses the stored work in their particular set of "cards". Everyone is going to be different based on their particular needs. I've sketched an outline of a fairly broad spectrum of users from Eminem (low organization) to Luhmann (high organization). If putting in the level of work Luhmann did upfront isn't working for you, why follow his exact recipe?
Nabokov is an outlier in the larger group. Does he really need a heavily linked system to write what is linear fiction? Did he even need to index his cards at all? Separate boxes per book worked well enough for him, much the way they do for both Robert Greene and Ryan Halliday who follow some of this pattern as well. Nabokov generally did both research on characters and laid out the outline of his plot. Following this he'd dictate drafts to his wife Vera from the cards and edit from there. In '58 Carl Mydans got photos of some of this process. (See: https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/tlFRyEZcBnGmBDStKWdpR1cXt0Q=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/the-nabakovs-at-work-96793854-468f6ab40e914e45abdd1542fa370872.jpg ) In The Original of Laura, you're seeing the rawest, earliest outline of Nabokov's process. He hasn't gotten to the dictation/typescript level yet. As a result, it's surely not going to make much sense, and assuredly the reason he didn't want it published. Again, you have to either discover or imagine the broader process each person used. If I gave you a similar tranch of Luhmann's cards without any additional context, would they mean much to you? Could you turn them into something concrete without a lot of additional work? Why would you expect the same from these excerpts from Nabokov? This doesn't mean that they don't provide the interested party a window into his work and methods.
Others broadly indexed their ideas as they filed them, a fact which creates the exact links you seem to indicate didn't exist. John Locke's method of indexing was incredibly widespread to the point that at the end of the 18th century, John Bell (1745–1831), an English publisher, mass produced books with the title Bell’s Common-Place Book, Formed generally upon the Principles Recommended and Practised by Mr Locke. The notebooks commonly included 550 pages, of which eight pages included instructions on John Locke's indexing method. There are many extant copies of these including one used by Erasmus Darwin, which was bequeathed to Charles Darwin.
OP certainly posed a fair question (and incidentally very similar to one I posed a few years back), but the answer was broadly sketched, so anyone interested in a full answer is going to need to delve a lot further into these examples to be able to get the full picture. I was providing a list of some additional evidence to show there's a lot more depth out there than is generally being talked about. There are hundreds of one page blog posts about Luhmann's method in the last five plus years, but do any of them really encompass what he was doing? Ahrens wrote a whole book about it, but obviously people are still full of questions about the process. I gave less than a few sentences about a couple dozen well-known people as examples, so your expectations may be a little on the high side. It's pretty easy to find my own digital notes for those who want to skip some of the work, but if you want more, you're going to need to do some of your own reading and research. My response was generally to say that, yes, there's some there, there, but as almost everyone here for the last several years can tell you, it's going to require some work and lots of practice on your part to get somewhere with it. There isn't a royal road, but the peasant's path will assuredly get you where you want to go.
Pierre Anton Grillet, in the preface to Abstract Algebra, 2nd Edition (Springer, 2007) said, "Algebra is like French Pastry: wonderful, but cannot be learned without putting one’s hands to the dough." Zettelkasten methods are much the same. 🗃️🥐
- Sep 2024
www.chiark.greenend.org.uk www.chiark.greenend.org.uk
So tell them exactly what you did. If it's a graphical program, tell them which buttons you pressed and what order you pressed them in. If it's a program you run by typing a command, show them precisely what command you typed.
- May 2024
Writing six hours a day, often seven days a week, he pumped out a new book nearly annually for years. He ultimately published 34 books, accounting for shorter works that were later incorporated into larger books, including 18 novels and several acclaimed memoirs and assorted autobiographical works, along with plays, screenplays and collections of stories, essays and poems.
- Apr 2024
Local file Local file
Reference numbers to paragraphs in vol I are distinguishedby a preceding I
Even in writing his book, which takes the form of a numbered and indexed card index, he's making explicit links to the similar card index which he made in volume 1 of the book. It's as if he's created his own hypertext of linked material between the two volumes.
- Mar 2024
Local file Local file
Analyse af "A" af Yahya Hassan:1. Temaer:• Identitet: Digtet udforsker spørgsmål om identitet, især i forhold til kulturelle og religiøsetilhørsforhold.• Kritik: Hassan kritiserer åbent og skarpt nogle aspekter af den kultur og religion, han kommer fra.• Søgen efter mening: Der er en undertone af søgen efter mening og formål i digtet, som afspejlerdigterens personlige oplevelser og refleksioner.2. Tone og Sprog:• Provokerende: Tonen i digtet er skarp og provokerende, hvilket understreger digterens følelser ogholdninger.• Direkte sprog: Hassan bruger et direkte sprog uden omsvøb, hvilket giver digtet en rå og ærlig tone.• Slang og gadeudtryk: Digtet indeholder slang og gadeudtryk, der giver det en autentisk stemning ogafspejler digterens baggrund.3. Struktur og Form:• Fri form: Digtet følger ikke en fast form eller struktur, hvilket giver digteren frihed til at udtrykkesig på sin egen måde.• Korte linjer: Linjerne er korte og præcise, hvilket giver en hurtig og intens rytme.4. Perspektivering til "Barndommens Gade" af Tove Ditlevsen:• Identitet og tilhørsforhold: Både "A" og "Barndommens Gade" udforsker temaer om identitet ogtilhørsforhold, om end fra forskellige perspektiver. Mens Hassan fokuserer på kulturelle og religiøsetilhørsforhold, udforsker Ditlevsen barndommens påvirkning af ens identitet og tilhørsforhold til etbestemt sted.• Kritik og ærlighed: Begge digte er kendt for deres ærlighed og direkte kritik af samfundet. Hassankritiserer kulturelle og religiøse normer, mens Ditlevsen reflekterer over samfundsmæssige forholdset gennem barndommens linse.• Sprog og tone: Selvom sproget og tonen er forskellige i de to digte, deler de begge en ærlig og stærkstemme, der søger at udforske komplekse følelser og erfaringer
Lad os først analysere digtet "A" af Yahya Hassan, og derefter vil jeg give enperspektivering til Tove Ditlevsens "Barndommens Gade"
"Os" laver analyse, men gpt giver perspektivering..
Lad os gå igennem digtet "Barndommens Gade" strofe for strofe og foretage enuddybende analyse
Et digt af Yahya Hassan, der kunne være interessant at perspektivere til Tove Ditlevsens"Barndommens Gade", er "A". "A" er et af de mest kendte digte i Yahya Hassans debutdigtsamling, ogdet har genereret meget debat og opmærksomhed på grund af sin skarpe og provokerende tone samtdens udforskning af temaer som identitet, kultur, og religiøsitet.Dette digt kan give eleverne mulighed for at sammenligne og kontrastere med Tove Ditlevsens digtog dets fokus på barndom, erindring og sociale forhold. "A" udforsker også temaer som tilhørsforholdog identitet, men fra en meget anderledes kontekst og perspektiv end "Barndommens Gade".Eleverne kan undersøge, hvordan begge digtere bruger deres personlige erfaringer og følelser til atudforske komplekse emner i deres digte, samt hvordan de forskellige sproglige stilarter ogvirkemidler bidrager til at formidle deres budskaber.
Denne analyse gennemgår digtet strofe for strofe og udforsker de forskellige temaer, billeder ogsproglige virkemidler, der anvendes af Tove Ditlevsen i "Barndommens Gade"
Her er en analyse af Tove Ditlevsens digt "Barndommens Gade" med fokus på desproglige virkemidler:
Ny Ærlighed: Tove Ditlevsen var en pioner inden for den såkaldte "nyeærlighedsbølge" i dansk litteratur, hvor forfattere begyndte at bryde med tidligere tabuer og skriveåbent om personlige og følsomme emner. Hendes ærlige skrivestil åbnede dørene for en ny form forlitterær udtryksform i Danmark.• Kvindelige Stemmer: Som en af Danmarks mest fremtrædende kvindelige forfatterevar Ditlevsen med til at give stemme til kvinders oplevelser og perspektiver i litteraturen. Hendesværker udforskede kvindelighedens kompleksitet og de særlige udfordringer, kvinder stod over for isamfundet.
Her er en mere dybtgående gennemgang af hendes litterære stil oghendes betydning for dansk litteratur:
her er en mere dybtgående gennemgang af Tove Ditlevsens personlige historie:Tove Ditlevsen blev født den 14. december 1917 i en arbejderklassefamilie på Vesterbro i København,en bydel præget af trange kår og social nød. Hun var det andet barn i en søskendeflok på fem. Hendesbarndom og ungdom blev præget af økonomisk usikkerhed og familiens sociale udsathed, hvilketafspejles i hendes senere litterære værker.Allerede som ung viste Tove Ditlevsen interesse for litteratur og skrivning. Hun begyndte at skrivedigte og noveller i en tidlig alder og blev offentlig kendt, da hun debuterede som forfatter meddigtsamlingen "Pige" i 1939, kun 22 år gammel.Ditlevsens liv var imidlertid ikke uden personlige udfordringer. Hun kæmpede med mentalesundhedsproblemer gennem det meste af sit voksne liv og blev diagnosticeret med bipolar lidelse.Hendes kamp med psykisk sygdom afspejles tydeligt i hendes litterære værker, hvor hun åbent ogærligt udforskede temaer som sindslidelse, ensomhed og eksistentielle kriser.Desuden blev Tove Ditlevsen tidligt gift og fik tre børn, men ægteskabet var præget af problemer ogendte i skilsmisse. Hun giftede sig senere igen og fik yderligere et barn, men også dette ægteskabendte i skilsmisse.
Tove Ditlevsen (1917-1976) var en af Danmarks mest kendte forfattere og en central figur inden fordansk litteratur i det 20. århundrede. Hun blev født den 14. december 1917 i Vesterbro, København,og voksede op under beskedne kår.Ditlevsen debuterede som forfatter i en alder af 22 med digtsamlingen "Pige", der udkom i 1939.Hendes forfatterskab spænder bredt og omfatter digte, noveller, romaner, erindringsbøger og essays.Hun var kendt for sin ærlige og rå skrivestil, der ofte udforskede temaer som kærlighed, socialuretfærdighed, kvindelighed og den menneskelige tilstand.Nogle af hendes mest kendte værker inkluderer "Barndommens Gade" (1942), "Gift" (1953),"Barndommens Gade" (1942), "Den hemmelige rude" (1953) og "Vilhelms værelse" (1960). Hendesforfatterskab blev ofte set som et udtryk for hendes egen personlige kamp og livserfaringer.Tove Ditlevsen kæmpede dog med personlige udfordringer, herunder mentale sundhedsproblemer ogafhængighed af alkohol og stoffer, hvilket afspejles i nogle af hendes værker og hendes selvbiografiskeskrifter.Hun begik selvmord den 7. marts 1976. Trods hendes tragiske død er Tove Ditlevsens værker stadiglæst og elsket af mange, og hun betragtes som en af Danmarks største litterære stemmer.
Her er nogle analyse- og diskussionsspørgsmål om Tove Ditlevsens digt "BarndommensGade", der er tilpasset til 6. klasse:
Yahya Hassan:Yahya Hassan er en dansk digter af palæstinensisk afstamning, der brød igennem med sindebutdigtsamling "Yahya Hassan" i 2013. Hans digte er kendt for at beskrive hans opvækst i enbelastet familie i Aarhus Vest og de sociale udfordringer, han har stået over for. Ligesom ToveDitlevsen afspejler hans digte ofte personlige oplevelser og følelser, og de berører temaer somidentitet, tilhørsforhold og samfundskritik
Her er et forslag til etundervisningsforløb
Local file Local file
Gennem disse aktiviteter kan eleverne udvikle deres forståelse af symbolisme og metaforersamt deres evne til at analysere og tolke litterære tekster på en dybere måde.
sidetal på følgende citat: "Jeg dansede med dig i mine drømme, men da jeg vågnede, varjeg alene på gulvet."
sideantal ''barndommens gade'' kapitel 1-3
Her er nogle forslag til aktiviteter, der kan hjælpe med at introducere ogudforske disse litterære begreber
Her er etforslag til en optimal kapitelinddeling
Disse metaforer er blot nogle få eksempler på den rige og symbolske sprogbrug, som ToveDitlevsen anvender i "Barndommens Gade"
Her er nogle eksempler:
Her er nogle forslag til undervisningsaktiviteter, der kan hjælpeeleverne med at forstå og analysere romanen
victorianweb.org victorianweb.org
“Do you know, Watson,” said he, “that it is one of the curses of a mind with a turn like mine that I must look at everything with reference to my own special subject. You look at these scattered houses, and you are impressed by their beauty. I look at them, and the only thought which comes to me is a feeling of their isolation and of the impunity with which crime may be committed there.”
Indexing the world into a commonplace book, zettelkasten, or other means can create new perspectives on the world in which we live. It thereby helps to prevent the sorts of cognitive bias which we might otherwise fall trap to.
This example of Homes indexing crime gives him a dramatically different perspective on crime in the countryside to Watson who only sees the beauty in the story of "The Adventure of the Copper Beeches."
blyt.net blyt.net
This could be used as a stand alone app for viewing and arranging "index cards" as a digital outliner for organizing ideas.
A slideshow could be thought of as an individual playlist or outline for a particular article, chapter, or book.
Phoenix Slides https://blyt.net/phxslides/
via Peter Kaminski:
A fast, free image viewer I use for sifting through thousands of images:
- Feb 2024
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
The ls command doesn't expand wildcards, it's the shell that does. Do not parse the output of ls, it's practically never needed and often breaks something.
- Nov 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Lovely. I guess what I'm trying to define is some methodology for practicing. Many times I simply resort to my exhaustive method, which has worked for me in the past simply due to brute force.Thank you for taking the time to respond and for what look like some very interesting references.
reply to u/ethanzanemiller at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/185xmuh/comment/kb778dy/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Some of your methodology will certainly depend on what questions you're asking, how well you know your area already, and where you'd like to go. If you're taking notes as part of learning a new area, they'll be different and you'll treat them differently than notes you're collecting on ideas you're actively building on or intriguing facts you're slowly accumulating. Often you'll have specific questions in mind and you'll do a literature review to see what's happing around that area and then read and take notes as a means of moving yourself closer to answering your particular questions.
Take for example, the frequently asked questions (both here in this forum and by note takers across history): how big is an idea? what is an atomic note? or even something related to the question of how small can a fact be? If this is a topic you're interested in addressing, you'll make note of it as you encounter it in various settings and see that various authors use different words to describe these ideas. Over time, you'll be able to tag them with various phrases and terminologies like "atomic notes", "one idea per card", "note size", or "note lengths". I didn't originally set out to answer these questions specifically, but my interest in the related topics across intellectual history allowed such a question to emerge from my work and my notes.
Once you've got a reasonable collection, you can then begin analyzing what various authors say about the topic. Bring them all to "terms" to ensure that they're talking about the same things and then consider what arguments they're making about the topic and write up your own ideas about what is happening to answer those questions you had. Perhaps a new thesis emerges about the idea? Some have called this process having a conversation with the texts and their authors or as Robert Hutchins called it participating in "The Great Conversation".
Almost anyone in the forum here could expound on what an "atomic note" is for a few minutes, but they're likely to barely scratch the surface beyond their own definition. Based on the notes linked above, I've probably got enough of a collection on the idea of the length of a note that I can explore it better than any other ten people here could. My notes would allow me a lot of leverage and power to create some significant subtlety and nuance on this topic. (And it helps that they're all shared publicly so you can see what I mean a bit more clearly; most peoples' notes are private/hidden, so seeing examples are scant and difficult at best.)
Some of the overall process of having and maintaining a zettelkasten for creating material is hard to physically "see". This is some of the benefit of Victor Margolin's video example of how he wrote his book on the history of design. He includes just enough that one can picture what's happening despite his not showing the deep specifics. I wrote a short piece about how I used my notes about delving into S.D. Goitein's work to write a short article a while back and looking at the article, the footnotes, and links to my original notes may be illustrative for some: https://boffosocko.com/2023/01/14/a-note-about-my-article-on-goitein-with-respect-to-zettelkasten-output-processes/. The exercise is a tedious one (though not as tedious as it was to create and hyperlink everything), but spend some time to click on each link to see the original notes and compare them with the final text. Some of the additional benefit of reading it all is that Goitein also had a zettelkasten which he used in his research and in leaving copies of it behind other researchers still actively use his translations and notes to continue on the conversation he started about the contents of the Cairo Geniza. Seeing some of his example, comparing his own notes/cards and his writings may be additionally illustrative as well, though take care as many of his notes are in multiple languages.
Another potentially useful example is this video interview with Kathleen Coleman from the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. It's in the realm of historical linguistics and lexicography, but she describes researchers collecting masses of data (from texts, inscriptions, coins, graffiti, etc.) on cards which they can then study and arrange to write their own articles about Latin words and their use across time/history. It's an incredibly simple looking example because they're creating a "dictionary", but the work involved was painstaking historical work to be sure.
Again, when you're done, remember to go back and practice for yourself. Read. Ask questions of the texts and sources you're working with. Write them down. Allow your zettelkasten to become a ratchet for your ideas. New ideas and questions will emerge. Write them down! Follow up on them. Hunt down the answers. Make notes on others' attempts to answer similar questions. Then analyze, compare, and contrast them all to see what you might have to say on the topics. Rinse and repeat.
As a further and final (meta) example, some of my answer to your questions has been based on my own experience, but the majority of it is easy to pull up, because I can pose your questions not to my experience, but to my own zettelkasten and then quickly search and pull up a variety of examples I've collected over time. Of course I have far more experience with my own zettelkasten, so it's easier and quicker for me to query it than for you, but you'll build this facility with your own over time.
Good luck. 🗃️
- Sep 2023
mysqldump-secure.org mysqldump-secure.org
cron mode (--cron) which only produces stderr output to prevent cron from sending mails on sucessful run
- Jun 2023
Possible example for zettelkasten output project
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Possible example for zettelkasten output project.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Today, you either thrive on that word processor model or you don’t. I really don’t, which is why I’ve invested effort, as you have, in researching previous writing workflows, older than the all-conquering PC of the late 1980s and early 90s. At the same time, new writing tools are challenging the established Microsoft way, but in doing so are drawing attention to the fact that each app locks the user into a particular set of assumptions about the drafting and publishing process.
via u/atomicnotes at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/149knhj/comment/jobi9ro/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 on 2023-06-15
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I'm curious if anyone has ever experimented with making an online Luhmann-esque Zettelkasten using WikiMedia as their platform?
What were the pros/cons you found for doing so?
Have you tried other methods (index cards, Obsidian, other(s)?), and if so what affordances did MediaWiki provide or were lacking for what you were attempting to accomplish?
Did you use transclusion functionality?
Did you attempt to build or implement backlink functionality? Use the API or plugins for this?
Did you build some sort of custom index (manually, programatically, other)?
If you used it for writing, what methods did you attempt with respect to taking the smaller pieces/ideas and building them up into longer written pieces?
Links to specific public examples are welcome here. I'll also accept links to public versions of commonplace books or similar forms which also use MediaWiki as their infrastructure.
syndication link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/144hzn9/zettelkasten_with_mediawiki/
- May 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I wish he'd gotten into more of the detail of the research and index card making here as that's where most of the work lies. He does show some of his process of laying out and organizing the cards into some sort of sections using 1/3 cut tabbed cards. This is where his system diverges wildly from Luhmann's. He's now got to go through all the cards and do some additional re-reading and organizational work to put them into some sort of order. Luhmann did this as he went linking ideas and organizing them up front. This upfront work makes the back side of laying things out and writing/editing so much easier. It likely also makes one more creative as one is regularly revisiting ideas, juxtaposing them, and potentially generating new ones along the way rather than waiting until the organization stage to have some of this new material "fall out".
www.notentirelyboring.com www.notentirelyboring.com
I have decided that the most efficient way to develop a note taking system isn’t to start at the beginning, but to start at the end. What this means, is simply to think about what the notes are going to be used for
yes. Me: re-usable insights from project work, exploring defined fields of interest to see adjacent topics I may move into or parts to currently focus on, blogposts on same, see evolutionary patterns in my stuff.
Btw need to find a diff term than output, too much productivity overtones. life isn't 'output', it's lived.
- Apr 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
does my zettelkasten make writing... harder?
Worried about self-plagiarizing in the future? Others like Hans Blumenberg have struck through used cards with red pencil. This could also be done with metadata or other searchable means in the digital realm as well. (See: https://hypothes.is/a/mT8Twk2cEe2bvj8lq2Lgpw)
General problems she faces: 1. Notetaking vs. writing voice (shifting between one and another and not just copy/pasting) 2. discovery during writing (put new ideas into ZK as you go or just keep writing on the page when the muse strikes) 3. Linearity of output: books are linear and ZK is not
Using transclusion may help in the initial draft/zero draft?<br /> ie: ![[example]] (This was mentioned in the comments as well.)
directional vs. indirectional notes - see Sascha Fast's article
Borrowing from the telecom/cable industry, one might call this the zettelkasten "last mile problem". I've also referred to it in the past as the zettelkasten output problem. (See also the description and comments at https://boffosocko.com/2022/07/12/call-for-model-examples-of-zettelkasten-output-processes/ as well as some of the examples linked at https://boffosocko.com/research/zettelkasten-commonplace-books-and-note-taking-collection/)
Many journal articles that review books (written in English) in the last half of the 20th century which include the word zettelkasten have a negative connotation with respect to ZK and frequently mention the problem that researchers/book writers have of "tipping out their ZKs" without the outlining and argument building/editing work to make their texts more comprehensible or understandable.
Ward Cunningham has spoken in the past about the idea of a Markov Monkey who can traverse one's atomic notes in a variety of paths (like a Choose Your Own Adventure, but the monkey knows all the potential paths). The thesis in some sense is the author choosing a potential "best" path (a form of "travelling salesperson problem), for a specific audience, who presumably may have some context of the general area.
Many mention Sonke Ahrens' book, but fail to notice Umberto Eco's How to Write a Thesis (MIT, 2015) and Gerald Weinberg's "The Fieldstone Method (Dorset House, 2005) which touch a bit on these composition problems.
I'm not exactly sure of the particulars and perhaps there isn't enough historical data to prove one direction or another, but Wittgenstein left behind a zettelkasten which his intellectual heirs published as a book. In it they posit (in the introduction) that rather than it being a notetaking store which he used to compose longer works, that the seeming similarities between the ideas in his zettelkasten and some of his typescripts were the result of him taking his typescripts and cutting them up to put into his zettelkasten. It may be difficult to know which direction was which, but my working hypothesis is that the only way it could have been ideas from typescripts into his zettelkasten would have been if he was a "pantser", to use your terminology, and he was chopping up ideas from his discovery writing to place into contexts within his zettelkasten for later use. Perhaps access to the original physical materials may be helpful in determining which way he was moving. Cross reference: https://hypothes.is/a/BptoKsRPEe2zuW8MRUY1hw
Some helpful examples: - academia : Victor Margolin - fiction/screenwriting: - Dustin Lance Black - Vladimir Nabokov - others...
Tara Brabazon
She may have some material on her YouTube channel on the zettelkasten output problem.
- Mar 2023
Local file Local fileZettel1
The earliest time of composition of any of these fragmentswas, so far as we can judge, 1929. The date at which the latestdatable fragment was written was August 1948. By far thegreatest number came from typescripts which were dictated from1945- 1948
Based on the dating provided by Anscombe and von Wright, Wittgenstein's zettelkasten slips dated from 1929 to 1948.
for reference LW's dates were 1889-1951
Supposing that the notes preceded the typescripts and not the other way around as Anscombe and von Wright indicate, the majority of the notes were turned into written work (typescripts) which were dictated from 1945-1948.
What was LW's process? Note taking, arranging/outlining, and then dictation followed by editing? Dictating would have been easier/faster certainly if he'd already written down his cards and could simply read from them to a secretary.
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
a Structure Note can make use of a TOC form, a normal table, a mind map, a flow diagram, a straight list, or even a picture.
Structure notes can take a variety of forms including lists, diagrams, mind maps, tables, and tables of contents.
After you've read a bit you may have some idea of some of the topics you'd like to cover and can begin creating an outline of what you'd like to express. Create a blank page and start the shape of the outline. As you proceed, you'll have an idea of a few specific notes that will fit under individual areas. What are those notes linked to? Perhaps add them as well if appropriate. As you outline you can add markup like
to your outline which, in preview mode, will render or transclude the contents of that note and any others similarly formatted. Once you've done this with lots of notes you can copy/paste the contents into a draft which you can massage into finished form. Perhaps Obsidian's Canvas functionality might be helpful for you as well for mapping out the ideas/outline? It's at this point that many people realize how useful physical paper cards are for doing this process. The user interface and affordances in this last mile of output with respect to a digital tool is definitely a general drawback. This short video may be somewhat helpful for some of the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxyy0THLfuI
- Feb 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Writing has taken priority. My course assignment is to write a creative non-fiction essay modeled after the works we discussed in class. My Zk has been a joyous and surprising resource for ideas. I'm using my ZK by creating search queries and using the highlighting feature to find where I've already written answers to the query in my own voice. They become snippets directly into my essay. In a sense, I've already written my essay. I just have to find all the pieces and put them together. In truth, this is only a first draft and still needs work. What I've found to be key steps to creating a rough draft. 1. Write and outline 2. Craft queries following the outline 3. Spend time looking closely are all the returned results 4. Look for quotes and epigraphs relevant to the paper 5. Look through the draft for ideas that want expansion repeating steps 2-5
- Jan 2023
richardcarter.com richardcarter.com
The above is an attempt to describe how I went about writing one chapter of my book. I use the same basic approach for all my chapters, namely: make lots of linked notes about stuff I happen to find interesting;continue to develop those notes, splitting them into smaller notes when they become too wide-ranging;write Journal entries and draw mind-maps to explore what I’ve discovered;keep playing with my notes;await a lightbulb moment, when two or more notes suddenly make an unexpected new connection in my brain, and I think, “Oh, that’s interesting!”create a detailed bullet-point outline of my chapter, complete with links to supporting notes and references;write the chapter;compile the chapter references with the help of the chapter outline links;repeat until the first draft of the book is finished;then comes the fun part.
Summary of Richard Carter's writing process from notes to product.
All that remained was the small matter of actually writing the chapter. I don’t do this in Obsidian: I think it would be asking for trouble to mix notes and their end-products in the same place.
I've not seen this explicitly laid out as advice before though in most contexts people's note taking spaces have historically been divorced from their writing spaces for publication because slips and notes are usually kept physically separate from the working spaces or finished parts, but Richard Carter specifically separates the digital spaces in which he takes his notes and then uses them for creating end products. While he could both take notes in Obsidian, his tool of choice for notes, as well as write his finished pieces there, he actively changes contexts to use a different digital app to compose his notes into final pieces.
What affordances does this context shift provide? <br /> - blank slate may encourage reworking and expansion of original notes - is there a blank slate effect and what would it entail? - potentially moves the piece into a longer format space or tool which provides additional writing, formatting or other affordances (which? there don't seem to be any in this case aside from a potential "distraction free mode" which may tend to force one to focus only on the piece at hand rather than the thousands of other pieces (notes) hiding within the app)
What affordances does this remove?<br /> - He's forced to repeat himself (cut & paste / DRY violation)
Is it easier or harder (from a time/effort perspective) to provide citations with such a workflow? Carter does indicate that for him:
Having links to original sources in my outline makes the compilation of references for the chapter far easier than it used to be.
At around this point, as is my habit when trying to work out where I’ve got to, and to devise a basic outline, I took out my trusty Leuchtturm1917 notebook and scrawled out a rough mind-map of my potential chapter:
To test out some potential ideas and flow of a particular chapter for which he already had a corpus of notes, Richard Carter created a mindmap outline of some of his ideas. This in combination with testing out further ideas in his writing journal "three weeks later" caused him to make some significant changes in the structure of his chapter.
Among other things, I have traditionally used my Journal to think out loud to myself about my work in hand: the progress I’m making, the problems I’m encountering, and so on. Many of my best ideas have arisen by writing to myself like this.
Richard Carter uses his writing journal practice to "think out loud" to himself. Often, laying out extended arguments helps people to refine and reshape their thinking as they're better able to see potential holes or missing pieces of arguments. It's the same sort of mechanism which is at work in rubber duck debugging of computer code: by explaining a process one is more easily able to see the missing pieces, errors, or problems with the process at hand.
Carter's separate note taking and writing journal practice being used as a thought space or writing workshop of sorts is very similar to the process seen in my preliminary studies of Henry David Thoreau's work in which he kept commonplace books and separate (writing) journals which show evidence of his trying ideas on for size and working them before committing them to his published works.
- zettelkasten output
- thought spaces
- writing output affordances
- outlines
- text editing
- journals
- writing journals
- note taking affordances
- note taking practice
- thinking out loud
- cut and paste
- don't repeat yourself
- context shifting
- read
- trying on ideas
- Richard Carter
- writing process
- open questions
- rubber duck debugging
- mindmaps
- citations
- revision
- Henry David Thoreau
- writing output
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
2. Attal, Robert. A Bibliography of the writings of Prof. Shelomo Dov Goitein, Ben Zvi Institute Jerusalem 2000, an expanded edition containing 737 titles, as well as general Index and Index of Reviews.
Robert Attal's revised bibliography (2000) of Goitein's output lists 737 titles.
ias.academia.edu ias.academia.edu
800 Articles & Reviews68 Books
Not sure who compiled this academia.edu profile of Goitein, but it lists a reasonable sounding 800 articles/reviews and 68 books which tracks with the revised edition of Robert Atta's bibliography.
Local file Local file
Many of the topic cards served as the skeleton for Mediterranean Society and can be usedto study how Goitein constructed his magnum opus. To give just one example, in roll 26 wehave the index cards for Mediterranean Society, chap. 3, B, 1, “Friendship” and “InformalCooperation” (slides 375–99, drawer 24 [7D], 431–51), B, 2, “Partnership and Commenda”(slides 400–451, cards 452–83), and so forth.
Cards from the topically arranged index cards in Goitein's sub-collection of 20,000 served as the skeleton of his magnum opus Mediterranean Society.
Local file Local file
I couldn’t have written this book without the aid of laying out all of thedifferent sections on my desk. I created a hub of cards that had collectivecardlinks on them. Each card was organized by topic and contained subtopicsthat pointed me to various card addresses in my Antinet. I then moved themaround a large table to create the perfect logical layout for this book. Here’sa picture of it:
Despite doing the lion's share of the work of linking cards along the way, Scheper shows that there's still some work of laying out an outline and moving cards around to achieve a final written result.
compare this with Victor Margolin's process: https://hypothes.is/a/oQFqvm3IEe2_Fivwvx596w
also compare with the similar processes of Ryan Holiday and Robert Greene
- Dec 2022
facundomaciasescritor.wordpress.com facundomaciasescritor.wordpress.com
La efectividad de este sistema no se basa en la ética de trabajo enfermiza de su creador, y si en su similitud con el funcionamiento de nuestro cerebro.
Though to a great extent, his work ethic was really key to his output, something which was facilitated by his method.
Another example of building the myth of the method while sidelining the ethic which could be paired with it.
edward-slingerland.medium.com edward-slingerland.medium.com
This generally fits my criteria for submission as an example to https://boffosocko.com/2022/07/12/call-for-model-examples-of-zettelkasten-output-processes/
Local file Local file
the Antinet can serve both states. It can assist someone who’s in thegrowth state (without a clear end goal), and it can also assist someone who’sin the contribution state (with a clearly defined book or project).
This could be clearer and "growth state" and "contribution state" feel like jargon which muddles:
two of the broad benefits/affordances of having a zettelkasten: - learning and scaffolding knowledge (writing for understanding) - collecting and arranging material for general output
People are fascinated with how Luhmann became a book-writing academicresearch machine. The answer? The Antinet.
He highlights this here because it seems convenient to his thesis about a "true way", but Scheper has also mentioned in other venues that it was Luhmann's tenacity of working at his project that was largely responsible for his output.
I believe he made that statement in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgMh6iuFbT4
- Nov 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
This appears like it might fit the bill for my Call for Model Examples of Zettelkasten Output Processea
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Eleanor Konik</span> in The Konik Method for Making Useful Notes (<time class='dt-published'>11/07/2022 12:03:38</time>)</cite></small>
billyoppenheimer.com billyoppenheimer.com
Throughout this piece Oppenheimer provides examples of notes he wrote which eventually made it into his written output in their entirety.
This has generally been uncommon in the literature, but is a great form of pedagogy. It's subtle, but it makes his examples and advice much stronger than others who write these sorts of essays.
- Oct 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Much like the way the Obsidian journal plugin counts words within one's daily journal page, this app counts zettels within a folder to help encourage one to maintain some level of output.
- Sep 2022
This text fills a gap in the professional literature concerning revision because currently,according to Harris, there is little scholarship on “how to do it” (p. 7).
I'm curious if this will be an answer to the question I asked in Call for Model Examples of Zettelkasten Output Processes?
The process involved in creating something is at least as important as the outcome. The process needs to embody the values that need to embody the result.
A process has its own value, is its own intervention. Esp in complex enviro where outcomes are unplannable, rather are observed and then attenuated or amplified. [[Waarde van proces versus uitkomst 20031208161249]] If a result does not embody the values of the process, or the process does not hold the values intended in the result it demeans both.
- Aug 2022
One can't help but notice that Dutcher's essay, laid out like it is in a numbered fashion with one or two paragraphs each may stem from the fact of his using his own note taking method.
Each section seems to have it's own headword followed by pre-written notes in much the same way he indicates one should take notes in part 18.
It could be illustrative to count the number of paragraphs in each numbered section. Skimming, most are just a paragraph or two at most while a few do go as high as 5 or 6 though these are rarer. A preponderance of shorter one or two paragraphs that fill a single 3x5" card would tend to more directly support the claim. Though it is also the case that one could have multiple attached cards on a single idea. In Dutcher's case it's possible that these were paperclipped or stapled together (does he mention using one side of the slip only, which is somewhat common in this area of literature on note making?). It seems reasonably obvious that he's not doing more complex numbering or ordering the way Luhmann did, but he does seem to be actively using it to create and guide his output directly in a way (and even publishing it as such) that supports his method.
Is this then evidence for his own practice? He does actively mention in several places links to section numbers where he also cross references ideas in one card to ideas in another, thereby creating a network of related ideas even within the subject heading of his overall essay title.
Here it would be very valuable to see his note collection directly or be able to compare this 1927 version to an earlier 1908 version which he mentions.
cheatsheetseries.owasp.org cheatsheetseries.owasp.org
If you're using JavaScript for writing to a HTML Attribute, look at the .setAttribute and [attribute] methods which will automatically HTML Attribute Encode. Those are Safe Sinks as long as the attribute name is hardcoded and innocuous, like id or class.
If you're using JavaScript for writing to HTML, look at the .textContent attribute as it is a Safe Sink and will automatically HTML Entity Encode.
- Jul 2022
x28newblog.wordpress.com x28newblog.wordpress.com
In response to my call for zettelkasten output examples, Matthias Melcher comes up to the border of what I was looking for but doesn't cover the actual output portion.
He focuses instead about some of the processing and the pruning portions, but not use for actual content creation. Is this because he doesn't actively use his notes for the creation portion? Or does he use his branching tree space as recollections of notes, perhaps to create outlines for creation?
Note specifically that he doesn't mention any sort of surprise or serendipity with respect to linking ideas nor is there any mention of "inventio" portions of the process.
- Apr 2022
bmcmedresmethodol.biomedcentral.com bmcmedresmethodol.biomedcentral.com
Besançon, L., Peiffer-Smadja, N., Segalas, C., Jiang, H., Masuzzo, P., Smout, C., Billy, E., Deforet, M., & Leyrat, C. (2021). Open science saves lives: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 21(1), 117. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-021-01304-y
- Mar 2022
Local file Local file
Make a Career One Note at a Time
Ahrens compares the writing output of Anthony Trollope to Niklas Luhmann and suggests that Luhmann wins hands down because the zettelkasten provides some additional leverage above and beyond the basic linear output of Trollope.
- Apr 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
unbuffer connects to a command via a pseudo-terminal (pty), which makes the system treat it as an interactive process, therefore not using any stdout buffering.
- Feb 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
The sole purpose to add Dev::Trace::Inspector module is to make custom inspection possible and efficient while tracing. For example, ActiveRecord::Relation#inspect makes additional queries to fetch top 10 records and generate the output everytime. To avoid this, Inspector will not call inspect method when it finds such objects (deeply nested anywhere). Instead, it’ll call AR::Relation#to_sql to get plain SQL query which doesn’t make additional queries and is better to understand in tracing output.
- Nov 2020
bbs.archlinux.org bbs.archlinux.org
I want the process list of a systemd unit - just like systemctl status $unitname does - but in machine-readable output, to look for specific processes.
serverfault.com serverfault.com
systemctl show --no-page iptables \ | jq --slurp --raw-input \ 'split("\n") | map(select(. != "") | split("=") | {"key": .[0], "value": (.[1:] | join("="))}) | from_entries'
github.com github.com
It starts truncating it's output (shortening strings with ...) once you pipe it's output into grep. That is quite unacceptable. When I am checking if something is inhibited in a script, I should have all possible information available and not have to consider if a string will get truncated when being piped into a tool, that is perfectly readable on a wide terminal.
- Oct 2020
Especially when rollup is configured with multiple outputs, I find this particular onwarn to be helpful in reducing warning clutter. It just displays each circular reference once and doesn't repeat the warning for each output:
I think my personal preference would be to see them all at once. Or maybe limit it to up to 10 messages and then list the count of how many more messages were not displayed. Pick your reaction
Another thing we could do to limit output would be to only every show the first circular dependency warning. I think we already do this for other types of warnings. Then you would need to tackle the warnings one-by-one, though.
www.onwebsecurity.com www.onwebsecurity.com
Yet it can be deceivingly difficult to properly encode (user) input
They were talking about output encoding but then switched to input encoding? Did they really mean to say input encoding here?
When processing untrusted user input for (web) applications, filter the input, and encode the output.
Encoding is dependent on the type of output - which means that for example a string, which will be used in a JavaScript variable, should be treated (encoded) differently than a string which will be used in plain HTML.
bio-protocol.org bio-protocol.org
bio-protocol.org bio-protocol.org
DNA samples
bio-protocol.org bio-protocol.org
gDNA sample
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Grimm, V., Johnston, A. S. A., Thulke, H.-H., Forbes, V. E., & Thorbek, P. (2020). Three questions to ask before using model outputs for decision support. Nature Communications, 11(1), 4959. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17785-2
- Sep 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kekecs, Z., Szaszi, B., & Aczel, B. (2020). ECO, an expert consensus procedure for developing robust scientific outputs [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9gqru
osf.io osf.io
King, M. M., & Frederickson, M. (2020). The Pandemic Penalty: The gendered effects of COVID-19 on scientific productivity [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/8hp7m
- Aug 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Baqaee, D., & Farhi, E. (2020). Supply and Demand in Disaggregated Keynesian Economies with an Application to the Covid-19 Crisis (Working Paper No. 27152; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27152
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Moser, Christian A, and Pierre Yared. ‘Pandemic Lockdown: The Role of Government Commitment’. Working Paper. Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2020. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27062.
- Jul 2020
protocolexchange.researchsquare.com protocolexchange.researchsquare.com
homogenized tissue
- May 2020
Pichler, Anton, Marco Pangallo, R. Maria del Rio-Chanona, François Lafond, and J. Doyne Farmer. “Production Networks and Epidemic Spreading: How to Restart the UK Economy?” ArXiv:2005.10585 [Physics, q-Fin], May 21, 2020. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.10585.
- production
- COVID-19
- epidemiology
- input-output constraints
- reopening industry
- unemployment
- social distincing
- demand
- lang:en
- economic growth
- is:article
- transmission rate
- work from home
- supply
- United Kingdom
- epidemic spreading
- economics
- industry
- consumption
- production network
- inventory dynamics
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
Organized by Output
- Apr 2020
makandracards.com makandracards.com
What we actually want to do is to escape content if it is unsafe, but leave it unescaped if it is safe. To achieve this we can simply use SafeBuffer's concatenation behavior:
Our helper still returns a safe string, but correctly escapes content if it is unsafe. Note how much more flexible our group helper has become because it now works as expected with both safe and unsafe arguments. We can now leave it up to the caller whether to mark input as safe or not, and we no longer need to make any assumptions about the safeness of content.
A common mistake is to see those escaped angle brackets, and "improve" the helper by making everything html_safe:
security.stackexchange.com security.stackexchange.com
You don't "sanitize your output" you encode it for proper context within the application it is being presented. You encode the output for HTML, HTML Attribute, URL, JavaScript
When you output the data, you know the use case of the data. This knowledge allows you to safely sanitize the output data accordingly.
I would call this output encoding instead of sanitization
wpvip.com wpvip.com
1- Validation: you “validate”, ie deem valid or invalid, data at input time. For instance if asked for a zipcode user enters “zzz43”, that’s invalid. At this point, you can reject or… sanitize. 2- sanitization: you make data “sane” before storing it. For instance if you want a zipcode, you can remove any character that’s not [0-9] 3- escaping: at output time, you ensure data printed will never corrupt display and/or be used in an evil way (escaping HTML etc…)
www.imperial.ac.uk www.imperial.ac.ukCOVID-191
COVID-19. (n.d.). Imperial College London. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from http://www.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/departments/school-public-health/infectious-disease-epidemiology/mrc-global-infectious-disease-analysis/covid-19/
- Feb 2018
www.tldp.org www.tldp.org
Process Substitution
- Oct 2016
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Previously, intensity-dependent metabolic changes have been found with positron emission tomography and blood oxygen level dependent magnetic resonance imaging after TMS to motor/prefrontal cortex; bilateral motor/prefrontal and auditory activation is induced, which becomes stronger with increasing pulse intensity [Bohning et al.,1999,2000; Fox et al.,1997; Nahas et al.,2001; Siebner et al.,1999; Speer et al.,2003]. However, these results are not directly comparable with our EEG findings. Arising a few seconds poststimulus, metabolic changes reflect relatively long-lasting activity of interconnected neuronal networks, whereas we were interested in the TMS-evoked events that occurred within a fraction of a second.