- Apr 2024
ideophone.org ideophone.org
Post by [[Mark Dingemanse]] about a RPi pc for his kids to explore. Sounds like something that is perfect for Y too.
https://web.archive.org/web/20240429112449/https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2310223120 paper from #2023/10/16
so what do we have: heuristics -> emergence -> complexity -> system evolution
static persistence, dynamic persistence, novetly generation. Function is a selective pressure “law of increasing functional information” vgl [[Informatiewaarde ligt in verrassing surprisal 20210124072501]]. How does this work vis-a-vis entropy laws vgl [[Definitie van leven 20190715121243]] as entities that reduce entropy in their environment.
Life as bootstrapping to another level of complexity
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
More on the demise of Bostrom's outfit at Oxford.
Currently it seems that there is a negative correlation in some places between intellectual achievement and fertility. If such selection were to operate over a long period of time, we might evolve into a less brainy but more fertile species, homo philoprogenitus (‘lover of many offspring’).
wtf. there's a negative correlation between education access and poverty. And a positive correlation between poverty and family size. This is like saying the poor have too many children, or fill-in-a-poverty-stricken-region-of-the-world have too many children. Such complaints are as old a our collective memories. And this passes for philosophy with Bostrom c.s.? When people are better off they have smaller families.
www.wheresyoured.at www.wheresyoured.at
A ranty post about what happened at Google search ca. 2019 and eroded its quality.
Five months later, a little over a year after the Code Yellow debacle, Google would make Prabhakar Raghavan the head of Google Search
author mentions this as the locking in of rotting google search.
n the March 2019 core update to search, which happened about a week before the end of the code yellow, was expected to be “one of the largest updates to search in a very long time. Yet when it launched, many found that the update mostly rolled back changes, and traffic was increasing to sites that had previously been suppressed by Google Search’s “Penguin” update from 2012 that specifically targeted spammy search results, as well as those hit by an update from an August 1, 2018, a few months after Gomes became Head of Search.
The start of Google search decreasing effectiveness
blog.joinmastodon.org blog.joinmastodon.org
How does 'we've lost tax-exempt status in Germany' logically lead to 'let's incorporate in the US'? What makes paying tax bad? What about the tax exempt non-profit status in one of the other EU countries (Easy to form, I chair one and am on the board of two others e.g.)? What are the consequences of starting a US entity, how does it affect Mastodon falling within the scope of the Patriot act, what about how every data transaction to a US based entitiy is currently now legally covered in the EU? Which assets fall under the new entity?
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Costs of batteries is expected to go down 40% in coming 6yrs (source IEA). Notes that storage doesn't need the same lightweight materials that cars aim for.
simonwillison.net simonwillison.net
Counterclaim that the stats were represented wrong. Still Vgl [[Een boek verkoopt gemiddeld nog 44 papieren exemplaren 20220215170655]] stands, Flemish gov stats: 44 copies is the average.
www.elysian.press www.elysian.press
Very sobering figures on the publishing industry. Vgl [[Een boek verkoopt gemiddeld nog 44 papieren exemplaren 20220215170655]] and [[Boeken schrijven is flauwekul 20210930172532]]
www.pcgamer.com www.pcgamer.com
Apple supposedly slashed production for their 3k5 USD ski goggles, a sign they may soon be joining the long list at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_virtual_reality_headsets of attempts that all don't solve the key thing: adding 1kg of ski goggles to your head and shove it between yourself and the world is only acceptable in a very limited set of contexts and uses, and not a mainstream thing.
wedistribute.org wedistribute.org
Not sure what to make of this, a combination of Solid Pods and AP, with Solid being the data storage. Meaningless refs to data ownership (you don't own your data on Fedi, you've spread it to 100s of servers around the globe with each message. You don't even have control over the database you use in your client, unless self-hosted. You can move, without your messages.) It's just that nobody afayk mines the stuff for adtech. And data ownership doesn't legally exist in most parts of the world. So what is the purpose of Solid here, if you store recipes and ephemeral socmed messages in it? Just that it's there so you can skip having to build the database part of an AP server / client combo? So that everyone can run their personal instance with something that can also do other things? It doesn't say but that would be a potential step up (assuming people know how to run a solid pod that is).
www.rabbit.tech www.rabbit.tech
Seems the basic idea is: - Have a person perform a task (much like Automation on a laptop) and then the Rabbit (from taskrabbit no doubt) will be able to do variations on it. Automating in the style of [[Standard operating procedures met parameters 20200820202042]] - the device is a relatively simple edge , with most of the compute depending on data centers. This runs counter to smart edges, and interestingly counter to how they market the device (as no subscriptions or APIs needed). The simple edge should make it affordable and the centralised compute should make it scalable.
www.rabbit.tech www.rabbit.tech
RabbitR1 claims about their workings allowing user actions not just information.
LAM is a new type of foundation model that understands human intentions on computers. with LAM, rabbit OS understands what you say and gets things done.
The Rabbit people say their LAM is a new type of foundation model, to be able to deduce user intention and decided on actions. Sounds like the cli tool I tried, but cutting human out of the loop to approve certain steps. Need to see their research what they mean by 'new foundation model'
Rabbit R1 is a personal AI assistant in a retro box. Supposedly without subscription fees, but with access to AI services and with internet connection. Designed to be able to take action (kind of like the promptchaining cli tool I tried out?). Says it has a LAM next to LLM, a 'large action model' which sounds like marketing rather than tech.
digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu
According to #dgcnect this page will track all EDICs set up by MS through implementing decisions by the EC. They also said every EDIC is expected to have their own website with contact details and composition. So no company register style set-up with UBO type info.
www.vlaanderen.be www.vlaanderen.be
Mogelijk opening keynote geven. Bij de Vlaamse in Brussel.
Daarnaast wordt er in Nederland jaarlijks ongeveer 17 miljard euro uitgegeven aan het oplossen van schulden. "Dat is veel méér dan de daadwerkelijke waarde van alle schulden bij elkaar", zegt Lauriks. Dat is namelijk zo'n 3,5 miljard euro per jaar. "Wij willen het nou eens omdraaien. Door de schulden aan het begin van het traject weg te strepen", zegt de wethouder. "Wij denken dat je dan uiteindelijk minder geld kwijt bent."
Wethouder Lauriks v Arnhem: schuldhulpverlening kost 17milj/jr, terwijl het om 3,5milj/jr aan schulden gaat. Een factor 5! Bron? Tegelijkertijd gaat dat geld natuurlijk ook in banen zitten. Kans op herhaling lijkt me key. Vgl daklozen experimenten en UBI.
www.ncsc.nl www.ncsc.nl
NSCC over supply chain risico's mbt digitale diensten/producten. Kijk de check eens door op dingen voor [[Infosec ladder van techniek en gedrag 20190530190335]] TGL.
www.identityblog.com www.identityblog.com
https://web.archive.org/web/20240421060823/https://www.identityblog.com/ Kim Cameron (died 2021)'s blog wrt [[7 Laws of Identity 20201024210040]] with the last post being from mid 2020, but the last pertinent posts from fall 2018, having started in 2004. There seems to be a large amount of useful material here around identity. Cameron was a chief architect at MS wrt identity. His 7 laws sought to tie our human understanding of how identity works to the digital realm, putting things like consent, minimal disclosure which people do fluently irl, and seeing people as part of the system when you design something at the heart.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Oxford shut down 'Future of Humanity Institute'. Vgl [[Jaan Tallinn]] Nick Bostrom Part of phil dept, but less and less phil on staff. Original existential threat list seemed balanced, over time non-existent AI became only focus, ignoring clear and present dangers like climate change.
app-support.myscript.com app-support.myscript.com
Nebo automatically recognizes English along with the recognition language you have selected for your notebook. This means that you can obtain recognition and conversion for both English and the language you have selected for your notebook.
Nebo is a Mac app for handwritten notes. Its OCR claims to do English plus one of 66 other languages both. First time I've seen that. Q remains: does it do so simultaneously in a single note, or as selected per note? My e-ink device allows a range of languages but not at the same time, I need to switch the setting, and applies one language to one note. This clashes with the fact that multilingual users will use multiple languages inside their notes at the same time. n:: [[Multilingual is not multiple monolingual 20191019072010]] obv https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/10/adding-better-language-support-ii/
wewatchyourwebsite.com wewatchyourwebsite.com
60% of WP hacks is based on stolen session cookies. Another third on core/plugin/theme vulnerabilities. Forcing log-outs for admin accounts then is a fix.
data.europa.eu data.europa.eu
This study, proposes a methodological approach that facilitates the identification and homogenisation of HVDs, using selected examples of HVDs from three distinct categories
The three are: company data, statistics and mobility. Odd choices: statistics already are interoperable, mobility is a tiny theme in HVD legislation, limited to transport networks and inland waterways, covered by INSPIRE. Company registers
www.sciencealert.com www.sciencealert.com
byob bring your own bacteria. Many hospital infections are caused by microbes you already had on you, not by a drug resistant superbug.
writingslowly.com writingslowly.com
We can’t master knowledge. It’s what we live in. This requires a radical shift of worldview from colonialist to ecological. The colonial approach to knowledge is to capture it in order to profit from it. The ecological approach is to live within it as within a garden to be tended. The two worldviews may well be mutually incompatible, though this matter is hardly resolved yet.
Vgl [[Netwerkleren Connectivism 20100421081941]] / [[Context is netwerk van betekenis 20210418104314]] [[Observator geeft betekenis 20210417124703]] . I think K as stock is prone to collector's fallacy. My working def of K is agency along lines of Sveiby. Such K is always situated in the interaction with the world, networks of meaning as context. This as K isn't merely purified I (DIKW pyramid is bogus), it's weaving I, experience, context, skills into a meaningful whole, and it needs an agent to decide on what's meaningful.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
It’s all made worse by the AI Pin’s desire to be as clever as possible.
it reads like that yes. Being able to instruct something rather than guess what it is I want is easier and probably better, because you can tweak your instructions to your own preferences.
But far more often, I’ll stand in front of a restaurant, ask the AI Pin about it, and wait for what feels like forever only for it to fail entirely. It can’t find the restaurant; the servers are not responding; it can’t figure out what restaurant it is despite the gigantic “Joe & The Juice” sign four feet in front of me and the GPS chip in the device.
This reads as if the device wants to be too clever. You could do this with your phone wearing a headset and instruct it to look up a specific restaurant in your own voice. No need for the device to use location, snap an image, OCR it or whatever.
I hadn’t realized how much of my phone usage consists of these one-step things, all of which would be easier and faster without the friction and distraction of my phone.
[[AI personal assistants 20201011124147]] should be [[small band AI personal assistant]]s and these are the type of things it might do. This articles names a few interesting use cases for it.
www.it-academieoverheid.nl www.it-academieoverheid.nl
Het webinar van RADIO op 27-2 over mijn #pkm systeem. Video bij https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2024/03/word-pkm-kampioen-voor-jezelf/ en [[PKM RADIO slides]]
www.henrikkarlsson.xyz www.henrikkarlsson.xyz
- In the decades before AI beat Go-worldchampion, the highest level of Go-players was stable.
- After AI beat the Go-worldchampion, there is a measurable increase in the creativity and quality of Go-players. The field has risen as a whole.
- The change is not attributable to copying AI output (although 40% of cases that happened) but to increased human creativity (60%).
- The realisation that improvement is possible, creates the improvement. This reminds me of [[Beschouw telkens je adjacent possibles 20200826185412]] wrt [[Evolutionair vlak van mogelijkheden 20200826185412]]
- Also the improvement coincides with the appearance of an open source model and tool, which allowed players to explore and interact with the AI, not just play a Go-game against it.
- Examples of plateau-ing of accomplishments and sudden changes exist in sports
- There may also be a link to how in other fields one might see the low end of an activity up their game through using AI rather than be overtaken by it.
educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com
Five types of wayfinding behaviors exist in PSKNThis study identified five types of wayfinding behaviors in PSKN for learners: creating nodes, finding important nodes and forming cognitive maps, connecting important nodes, and finding and filtering information. Our findings verified the diversity of wayfinding in the PSKN. Previous studies have focused on wayfinding difficulties, such as information evaluation (Kammerer et al., 2013; Kiili et al., 2020), resource disorientation (Wang et al., 2022) and technical difficulties (Kop, 2011; Li et al., 2016). However, few studies have examined technological factors influence the ways learners access resources in connectivist learning, such as the PSKN. Four wayfinding behaviors were defined in this study based on a connection-forming model (AlDahdouh, 2018). We further defined a new wayfinding behavior, creating nodes, in the PSKN, with three types of creating behavior: learning communities, knowledge nodes, and course knowledge bases. Consistent with previous studies, the results demonstrated that generating knowledge nodes facilitated learners acting as teachers or content producers (Griesbaum, 2014), contributing to more connections (Duan et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2019).Furthermore, we revealed creation of behavior-supported indirect wayfinding for individuals, through which learners can navigate the network and identify diversity nodes effectively (Kizito, 2016). Our results indicated that all learners navigated the PSKN and oriented additional nodes. Compared with previous studies, this study found that creating nodes was an essential wayfinding feature in the PSKN. This may be because, with the increase in network connectivity, resource navigation moved from relying on pre-existing nodes to wayfinding by creating nodes to identify more important nodes and make connections. This reflects a change in the role of learners during the wayfinding process, that is, a gradual move from finding to creating nodes. This also means that indirect wayfinding was a crucial wayfinding feature, and creating nodes was a critical behavior in the PSKN. Moreover, as the connection proceeds, the learner becomes like a teacher, and creating nodes becomes a critical wayfinding behavior in connectivist learning.
Five types of wayfinding in PSKN: 1) node creation 2) finding key notes, 3) forming mental maps 4) making a connection between nodes deemed important 5) finding/filtering information. Note how these 5 are also, in a different way perhpas, core elements of my [[PKM Personal Knowledge Management 20041004192620]] First mentioned, the creation of nodes is a novel type defined by this study. Three types of creation behaviour are involved: learning communities, knowledge nodes, and course knowledge bases. These there are common in pkm circles too, vgl Discord servers some have started, or DF platform, published notes and vids e.g.
differences in wayfinding behavioral patterns between high- and low-performing learners." Most interesting to me is the finding that "creating nodes was an essential wayfinding feature in the PSKN." The best way to make connections is to contribute. "As the connection proceeds, the learner becomes like a teacher, and creating nodes becomes a critical wayfinding behavior in connectivist learning."
Om je te oriënteren in een persoonlijk social kennisnetwerk is het creëren van nodes van groot belang. Maw je moet actief het sociale kennisnetwerk mede vlechten. Netwerkleren betekent connecties maken.
Vgl [[Wie deelt bestaat 20130131133926]] only nodes that share (i.e. contribute) exist in the general perception of the network. Wrt [[Netwerkleren Connectivism 20100421081941]]
garymarcus.substack.com garymarcus.substack.com
On the investment and revenue in #algogens AI. Very lopsided, and surveys report dying enthusiasm with those closely involved. Voices doubt something substantial will come out this year, and if not it will deflate hype of expectations. #prediction for early #2025/ AI hype died down
doublepulsar.com doublepulsar.com
This is not the first time an open source package has been hijacked after a maintainer was added – it actually happens all the time in Python repositories and such, and has been one of the leading causes of infostealers and coin miners in development pipelines. It is absolutely not a surprise that somebody is targeting open source compression libraries that systemd loads.. and it is also sadly not a surprise that people online bully the creators of these libraries, either.
Wrt [[XZ open source kwetsbaar door psyops 20240331083508]] and examples referred to here, the author focuses on technology fixes to reduce risks. Whereas most of the problems highlighted are social aspects, for which no other solution is suggested than paying OSS devs who maintain stuff. That may well alleviate some of the social aspects that became an attack surface, but does nothing to look at Q of connections between devs and knitting those into relationships that are more resistant to social engineering and psyops. That and more transparency both on the social side of things and the chains. OSS is open source wrt the piece of software in front of you only.
- Mar 2024
www.theregister.com www.theregister.com
Next to the xz debacle where a maintainer was psyops'd into backdooring servers, this is another new attack surface: AI tools make up software packages in what they generate which get downloaded. So introducing malware is a matter of creating malicious packages named the way they are repeatedly named by AI tools.
engineeringideas.substack.com engineeringideas.substack.com
a few interesting suggestions, but based on shaky assumptions and practices I think, and then jumping to (over)engineering an alternative system/tool, rather than updating one's (understanding of) tiny methods. The reference frames are useful notion I suspect, but as emergent structure. It seems as if author is thinking the actual work involved in writing / placing / linking is a bug rather than a feature.
curia.europa.eu curia.europa.eu
Verdict of EU CJ, IAB Europe is een joint-controller voor de AVG. En daarmee ook aan te pakken. Ook de volgende iteratie van IABEurope om onder de AVG uit te komen faalt dus.
1 TC String is personal data under the GDPR: "a string composed of a combination of letters and characters, such as the TC String, containing the preferences of a user of the internet or of an application relating to that user’s consent to the processing of personal data concerning him or her by website or application providers as well as by brokers of such data and by advertising platforms constitutes personal data within the meaning of that provision in so far as, where those data may, by reasonable means, be associated with an identifier, such as, inter alia, the IP address of that user’s device, they allow the data subject to be identified. In such circumstances, the fact that, without an external contribution, a sectoral organisation holding that string can neither access the data that are processed by its members under the rules which that organisation has established nor combine that string with other factors does not preclude that string from constituting personal data within the meaning of that provision."
2 IABEurope is a joint controller: "first, a sectoral organisation, in so far as it proposes to its members a framework of rules that it has established relating to consent to the processing of personal data, which contains not only binding technical rules but also rules setting out in detail the arrangements for storing and disseminating personal data relating to such consent, must be classified as a ‘joint controller’ for the purpose of those provisions where, in the light of the particular circumstances of the individual case, it exerts influence over the personal data processing at issue, for its own purposes, and determines, as a result, jointly with its members, the purposes and means of such processing. The fact that such a sectoral organisation does not itself have direct access to the personal data processed by its members under those rules does not preclude it from holding the status of joint controller for the purpose of those provisions";
www.golem.de www.golem.de
Oordeel over IAB latest trick mbt real time bidding. IAB is again determined to be a processor. I think this is their 3rd of even 4th iteration. High time a judge concludes they aren't good faith actors (and never were). The Transparency and Consent string is judged to be personal information as it contains both a url and personal user preferences. IAB and not only their individual members can now centrally be prosecuted for GDPR violation.
digitaldigging.org digitaldigging.org
A redirect tool by [[Henk van Ess]] to search for existing public twitter lists by keyword. Only works if you are logged in with an account, because it only redirects you to the URL for the search: https://twitter.com/i/lists/search?q=keyword and that url is only approachable if logged in.
www.smithsonianmag.com www.smithsonianmag.com
Women's diaries from 17th till now have frustration as recurring theme, analysis shows. Not a big surprise. I think journaling often is emerging when frustration rears its head. And women have had ages of deeply systemic reasons to be very frustrated by.
I've only ever journaled when there was something wrong with me or my context, when I was frustrated, sad, depressed etc. Perhaps except for those who treat their being as action research and make daily notes for later data mining, or those in a public role journaling to maintain first hand observations before spin gets invovled (keep a journal is a sound advice for anyone getting politically active).
writing.bobdoto.computer writing.bobdoto.computer
I regularly come across posts wrt to use Folgezettel or not, and whether there's a role for them outside 'Luhmann purism'. Bob Doto is vocal about it, or has been over the yrs. I get three elements from this: 1. The numerical branches and numbers are emergent, not preplanned like Johnny Decimal or as people once suggested for common placing 1. It forces a first link. Which also serves as a mental anchor. This is something that can work regardless of Folgezettel. I also always add at least one link. The thing is I do not fixate that link by marking them as the original or something like that. I could however do that in some way. The same is true for exploring the collection. It might help as an entry point (and you may have a mental map of the main numbered branches) but that works without numbering too: I know from the graph where main sections of my notes are and use that as starting point. 1. Luhmann and Doto remarked it helps preserve original lines of reasoning /argumentation from a source text or their thinking session. This is something I currently don't really have, and do miss. I do at times create an overview note for such things, and I sometimes add 'link trains' to a note, linking to an overarching concept and following concept and an example. I am not sure that introducing numbering is key in keeping lines of argumentation visible/traceable. This is one of the things to think about n:: numbering systems allow keeping lines of reasoning
www.te-learning.nl www.te-learning.nl
By [[Wilfred Rubens]] citing Leon Furze (?) how 'AI made safe' isn't safe AI just as alcohol free beer isn't soda. I think there's an element here of [[Triz denken in systeemniveaus 20200826114731]] analogue to [[Why False Dilemmas Must Be Killed to Program Self-driving Cars 20151026213310]] where all the focus is on the thing (application, car etc)
aiedusimplified.substack.com aiedusimplified.substack.com
This seems an interesting piece on the use of algogens. It probably does not address the issues around transparency, labor, footprint etc. But it does seem to address the search for the spot where algogens are useful in one's own workflow. Like me in [[Coding Personal Tools With GitHub Co-Pilot]]. There getting to action faster, and saving time are key. But only if you use it as intermediate step, never as a result to be used as is or as final output.
Via [[Stephen Downes]] https://www.downes.ca/post/76336
www.clingendael.org www.clingendael.org
what steps must be taken topromote and to protect Europe’s technologicalsovereignty? In doing so, it starts by detailingthe most important international policydevelopments on cloud services, especially inthe EU and in the Netherlands. Building on this,the policy brief then outlines key considerationsthat EU governments must ponder beforeramping up their usage of cloud services. As theEU is currently living its ’5G moment’ on cloud,now is the time to act to uphold Europe’s techsovereignty, also in the cloud domain
purpose of doc: list steps to be taken to promote and protect EU tech sovereignty. The paper - details interntnl policy developments (esp in EU and NL, I think EU is relevant level here, NL not so much). - outlines issues for EU govs to ponder before increasing cloud use says it is time to act, like in 5g.
This doc still reads hollow up to this point, nothing tangible said just hinted at.
Dutch government’sJanuary 2024 report on the State of thedigital infrastructure4 details access to cloudservices as one of five critical elements ofdigital infrastructure.
Dutch Agenda for DigitalOpen Strategic Autonomy (DOSA)
EU MemberStates such as France, the Netherlands andEstonia have different understandings ofwhat cloud sovereignty means, and of thenational (security and economic) intereststhat underpin cloud sovereignty. Clarityabout the desirable level of cloud sovereigntycan inform finer decision-making on howto address current dependencies on non-European CSPs. This must involve a mix ofbetter protection, bolder regulation andstronger European alternative
France, NL and Estonia have 'different understandings' of what cloud sovereignty is. What differences are meant (I can guess the cultural ones: F more centralised and directed, NL market led, Est squarely aimed at gov ability to run 'from a usb stick' in case of Russian attack, and citizen control over personal data use.) The question is if those differences are highly relevant: the level of decisionmaking is EU, where they all have a say, but ultimately a European model will be adopted, not a MS-level one.
The three biggest universal cloud serviceproviders (CSPs) operating in the EU – Google,Amazon and Microsoft – have a combinedmarket share of 70 per cent. Europeanalternatives to these American CSPs – alsoknown as hyperscalers – are limited, both innumber and in scale
GAM have 70% market share in Europe wrt cloud (though the relevant customer groups seems to be govs here, how is their market share there?) Says EU alternatives are limited in number and scale but does not mention any. Are some mentioned further on? Also note that EC is not aiming for EU universal cloud services but very deliberately for federated cloud and services. So this comparison may not be al that useful, as the EU will not seek to have EU based GAM style providers, but will seek to make GAM style providers too unwieldy to be relevant.
This time,however, the EU’s dependence is not on Chinesecompanies, but on American Big Tech.
This is an odd phrasing. The awareness of US tech dependencies wrt cloud precedes those on 5g wrt Huawei and China. This introduction feels off.
European governments have thus been pushingfor reduced reliance on China’s Huawei forcritical parts of telecommunication networks inthe shift from 4G to 5G networks.
The article calls 'a 5g moment' the moment of realisation that dependencies in a tech may erode strategic position, by letting critical infrastructure to be controlled by tech firms that can be influenced by other governments. In the case of 5g it's Huawei and Chinese gov, in the case of cloud it's GAM and US gov. This is not a new notion, it is why the EU digital and data legal framework was created the past 4 yrs, so why this paper now?
Cloudsovereignty requires quality technology, but also trust, security and diversification – threeelements that are not necessarily ensured by the current American offers
DMA level cloud services in 3rd countries provide reliable technology but do not bring trust, security and diversification at a level needed for cloud sovereignty
- Feb 2024
andymatuschak.org andymatuschak.org
Books and lectures are transmissionism (I'd say for historical reasons mostly). Engagement (different forms) is needed, but what form of medium would drive such engagement and do it flexibly is the hard question. (Seeing lecture as warm-up to engagement is a rationalisation afterwards, textbooks already do more but lack emotional and social scaffolding.) This is the research question behind his [[Timeful Texts 20201124070427]]. There's also a connection to my [[Boeken schrijven is flauwekul 20210930172532]] because the distrust in author's motives is that they don't even aim for transmissionism. Just the pretension of it.
Edit #2024/02/28 : Saw [[Chris Aldrich]] mention elsewhere that lectures started out as oral comments on a source text, sharing interpretation and sensemaking as it were. The word deriving from L lectio, reading.
macwright.com macwright.comThe Fund1
The expansion of that thought is that many of the investment options associated with the wealthy are bad actually. Part of it is that we confuse how the wealthy invest after they’ve become wealthy with how they became wealthy. Nick Maguilli has written convincingly about thisI raise this point because there seems to be an obsession with the wealthy and how they invest their money as if their allocation decisions are what created their wealth. Of course, for some wealthy individuals this is true. Warren Buffett got rich based on how he invested his money. But many other wealthy people didn’t. They got rich as business owners or doctors or lawyers (or something else) and have since allocated their wealth to private equity and hedge funds. Keep this in mind before making any changes to your portfolio.But also: these hedge funds just aren’t that great!
Seems a good point in a lot of areas, here wealth: don't look at what successful actors do but what they did to become successful. Many wealthy people's current investments is not how they got rich, and is not all that successful. (E.g. saw in the '00s how the KM processes of Fortune 500 were touted, without acknowledging they only set those up well after becoming a Fortune 500 company..
pluralistic.net pluralistic.net
Broderick makes a more important point: AI search is about summarizing web results so you don't have to click links and read the pages yourself. If that's the future of the web, who the fuck is going to write those pages that the summarizer summarizes? What is the incentive, the business-model, the rational explanation for predicting a world in which millions of us go on writing web-pages, when the gatekeepers to the web have promised to rig the game so that no one will ever visit those pages, or read what we've written there, or even know it was us who wrote the underlying material the summarizer just summarized? If we stop writing the web, AIs will have to summarize each other, forming an inhuman centipede of botshit-ingestion. This is bad news, because there's pretty solid mathematical evidence that training a bot on botshit makes it absolutely useless. Or, as the authors of the paper – including the eminent cryptographer Ross Anderson – put it, "using model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects"
Broderick: https://www.garbageday.email/p/ai-search-doomsday-cult, Anderson: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.17493
AI search hides the authors of the material it presents, summarising it is abstracting away the authors. It doesn't bring readers to those authors, it just presents a summary to the searcher as end result. Take it or leave it. At the same time, if one searches for something you know about, you see those summaries are always of. Leaving you guessing how of it is when searching something you don't know about. Search should never be the endpoint, always a starting point. I think that is my main aversion against AI search tools. Despite those clamoring 'it will get better over time' I don't think it will easily because the tool nor its makers have any interest in the quality of output necessarily and definitely can't assess it. So what's next, humans factchecking AI output. Why not prevent bs at its source? Nice ref to Maggie Appleton's centipede metaphor in [[The Expanding Dark Forest and Generative AI]]
www.zuerich.com www.zuerich.com
We strolled through the square at Spiegelgasse this Tuesday, visiting a pop-up gallery of the graduation projects of several students at https://www.zhdk.ch/ the ZH art academy. Turns out this place has history! It is where Dada started (and Lenin lived next door at the time!).
observablehq.com observablehq.com
Modern development is built on files. Files have myriad strengths, but the strongest is interoperability. When every tool uses files, it’s far easier to incorporate a new tool — and now Observable — into your workflow.This isn’t just about using your preferred text editor. Now you can bring your own source control and code review system, too. You can write unit tests and run linters. You can automate builds with continuous integration or deployment. You can work offline. You can self-host. You can generate or edit content programmatically, say to format code or to find-and-replace across files.
Observable says files are where modern development is focused. Because it aids the agency of the user of their tool, mostly through interoperability. This is [[Technologie kleiner dan ons 20050617122905]] en [[Local First Software 20190531162132]]
Observable is a static site generator for data dashboards and analyses. It can handle markdown and is as such compatible with using Obsidian notes as source. See https://mastodon.social/@kepano/111937315007645449
This is comparable with [[EUNotes via Github Respec naar Geonovum]] where I generate a respec site from my notes through github. Except that Respec is text documentation, and Observable contains javascript to present data.
bc.ctvnews.ca bc.ctvnews.ca
Air Canada in a dispute about misleading information from an AI chatbot suggested the chatbot was its own entity and responsible for its own actions, therefore Air Canada not liable for anything it generated. AI Act specifically introduces responsibilities throughout an AI tool's lifecycles, as well as the AI consumer liabilities act. Vgl [[AI Act final annotaties]]
www.citationneeded.news www.citationneeded.news
Molly White on 'ownership' wrt digital stuff. Check for the various aspects she lifts out. wrt 'your data' Vgl [[On Selling Access to Your Data and Ownership of Data – Interdependent Thoughts 20220209114247]] and [[Saying My Data Is Too Imprecise]]. For (personal) data ownership is not a useful concept.
simonwillison.net simonwillison.net
[[Lee Bryant]] links to this overview by Simon Willison of what happened in #2023/ in #AI . Some good pointers wrt [[ChatPKM myself]] dig those out.
thepugautomatic.com thepugautomatic.com
Elegant suggestion: write comments in code that are clearly outdated when the surrounding code changes.
Paper by author Lizzie Wolkovich refused because of inaccurate suspicion of ChatGPT usage. Another cut to the peer review system? She had her GitHub writing receipts. Intriguing. Makes me think about blogging in Obs while having a private blogging repo that tracks changes. n:: use github while writing for [[Reverse Turing menszijn bewijs vaker nodig 20230505100459]] purposes.
www.euractiv.com www.euractiv.com
EU countries still have room to influence how the AI law will be implemented, as the Commission will have to issue around 20 acts of secondary legislation. The AI Office, which will oversee AI models, is also set to be significantly staffed with seconded national experts.
Can I find these '20', are they mentioned in the Act? If so they will likely be implementing regulations (IRs) where the Commission has the initiative (like with the HVD IR).
www.ft.com www.ft.com
https://web.archive.org/web/20240201113513/https://www.ft.com/content/29fd9b5c-2f35-41bf-9d4c-994db4e12998 Interesting trend: younger women and men are diverging on the progressive/conservative axis. Young men at times more conservative then older cohorts, or trending in that direction whereas older cohorts trend oppositely. Twtter thread by author mentions two possible explanations: rebalancing of power between women and men and young men feeling threatened by it (but then other men would feel threatened too right?) or that women and men live elsewhere on the internet getting a different algorithm-determined infodiet. - [ ] Fwd to E.
- Jan 2024
infullflow.net infullflow.net
Stable pseudonymity is helpful in maintaining civility. You can be anonymous, but you still have a reputation within a context or across several contexts. The mentioned article is based on Huffpost comment section account experiments. Strongly reminds me of Jimmy Wales on Wikipedia at Reboot7 in CPH 2005: [[Situationele identiteit vs absolute identiteit 20050621121100]] "I don’t need to know who you are exactly, as long as I am able to know you in Wikipedia. " I dubbed it 'situational identity' in 2005. The consistency of behaviour over time is enough for a reputation. This also connects to the importance of time dimension, Vgl [[Blogs als avatar 20030731084659]] where time is the key factor in id stability.
alper.nl alper.nl
This overview of Alper's Obsidian day template contains some useful items to mimick. Should also blog my own template as it contains some tweaks that help in different ways around associating content with each other. - [ ] lees dit en kijk wat ik er van in eigen daily log template zet.
bambulab.com bambulab.com
https://web.archive.org/web/20240125172501/https://bambulab.com/en-eu Chinese disruptor of 3d printing market. 22 months from start to order of magnitude cheaper with much better specs than incumbents. Ppl/money seems to follow pattern from DJI that did same in drones a few yrs back.
writingslowly.com writingslowly.com
And it’s a warning against a fourth mode of note-making that I don’t advise: encyclopedic note-making. This is where you read a book and try to write a summary that will work for everyone. First, it’s hard work, and secondly, it’s probably already been done. If you open the link above you’ll see that the Wikipedia entry for How to Read a Book already includes a summary of the book’s contents. There are circumstances where the careful and complete summary is worthwhile, but I suggest you only start this task with the end - your own end - in mind.
unless, that is the specific project/purpose at hand.
wittenbrink.net wittenbrink.net
Bei Web2.0 und dessen Einfluss auf ‚local resilience‘ ist es logisch das lokale Themen, lokale politische Strukturen wichtig sind, so soll es auch sein
In this comment by Heinz I mention local resilience on #2009/05/26
www.cygnoir.net www.cygnoir.net
I’ve stopped using the phrase "productivity systems" because it implies that our most important work is that of production. Creation is much more important to me.
Nice, 'creativity system' in opposition to the productivity fetish that others express.
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
Chris keeps surfacing nice examples of people using index card systems for pkm and learning. Here Martin Luther King jr.
Chris provides a nice overview of who's who around notetaking. There are some names in there that I may add to my feeds. Also go through the reading list, with an eye on practices that may fit with my way of working. Perhaps one or two names are relevant for #pkmsummit too.
www.euractiv.com www.euractiv.com
Euractiv reports on the plans for the EU AI office, now that the AIR is ready. Read for what it says about role,scope and compare with the AIR itself on this. Any formal links with e.g. EDPB and EDIB?
wiredvanity.substack.com wiredvanity.substack.com
political situation in Gabon, where the mere possibility of a video being a deepfake created confusion and facilitated political deception, even without deepfake technology. This scenario perfectly illustrates a DoFA: the overwhelming doubt and uncertainty, fuelled by too much unverified or manipulative information, effectively 'denied' the public's ability to discern truth and respond appropriately.
there doesn't need to be an info-attack, merely suggesting it may have the same impact as it raises suspicion of all information going around.
The prevalence of Denial of Future Attacks (DoFAs) in our information landscape is primarily attributed to the combination of media dynamics and their underlying business models. The way journalists are incentivized plays a crucial role; their focus often lies more on garnering attention than driving actual change. A telling example is the nature of what's considered 'breaking news' today, especially in the context of the constant stream of notifications on our smartphones. This attention-driven approach
DoFA is enabled / driven by outrage-induction / attention hijacking in service of adtech. Vgl [[Aandacht als geletterdheid 20201117203910]]
Igor mentions he coined 'Denial of Future Attack' in 2016, intentionally swamping people w info, so their ability to choose / decide is eroded.
A Denial of Future Attack is about the overwhelming influx of information that paralyzes decision-making, particularly regarding actions crucial for shaping future outcomes. Unlike a Denial of Service attack, which targets digital infrastructure, a DoFA targets the human mind’s capacity to process information and make decisions.
A DoFA is swamping someone/a process with so much information (fake, true or whatever) so that it stalls proper decision making. DoFA targets people's agency by hobbling information processing and thus obstructing decision making. Misinfo/desinfo campaigns then are a form of DDoF. Examples given also suggest a DoFA may succeed if there is only a hint of misinfo/fakery, making all information suspect. Vgl [[Reverse Turing menszijn bewijs vaker nodig 20230505100459]]
boards.greenhouse.io boards.greenhouse.io
99% of businesses that fall below the enterprise poverty line.
This SME focused cybersecurity company called Huntress in their position offer mention an 'enterprise poverty line' for cybersecurity. In the Mastodon message announcing it they call it 'the cybersecurity poverty line'. Meaning a Coasean floor [[Vloer en plafond van organiseren 20080307115436]] I assume?
https://web.archive.org/web/20240118140434/https://jsomers.net/blog/dictionary Intriguing post, albeit for me fait divers, on using a dictionary to improve one's writing. But it takes a dictionary that explains the differences in meaning between synonyms/alternatives for a word. At the end a process is shared to get an out of copyright English dictionary (an old Webster's) that works like that into a digitally usable form. https://hypothes.is/u/acct%3Apeterhagen%40hypothes.is Peter Hagen in 2021 mentions that process didn't work and used https://github.com/mortenjust/webster-mac as alternative that did. Found via Chris Aldrich on h.
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
A numbering/indexing system for notes in notebooks that is more granular than merely page numbers. I wonder how big his notebooks are (hundreds of pages, and multiple entries per page sounds like big folios)?
Mentions several notebooks, see [[The Notebook by Roland Allen]] with the Italian examples of using multiple for different stages.
How does he process them into his 'main' repository of notes? How might this connect to a practice of scanning pages from notebooks into Obsidian for further processing and indexing, as I've been doing?
explainextended.com explainextended.com
This seems a very good explainer for how LLMs and GPTs work. And all in 500 lines of sql :D
Orgalim is an industry association for tech manufacturers, and has been selected as a member of the EDIB working group. Their topics of interest, and thus perspective on governance and standards, is DT for industrial products/manufacturing, digital product passports (relevant to GDDS and in PLM), as well as smaller manufacturing dataspaces (I should come up with a term for non pan-EU generic DSs. Xa Xb Xc etc) Note the mention, and link, of 'net-zero' policy, a warning flag for greenwashing.
actions.work actions.work
An app with a range of acions for Obsidian. See the list of actions, that are likely easily to create in AppleScript or Alfred, for those that are useful to me.
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
epub.js is a epub reader to allow annotation through hypothes.is
Hypothes.is announced a partnership to bring annotation to epub e-books in 2017, but after 2018 no mention of it on their blog. Mailed them to ask about any progress since. Read someone's msg on Masto that they have trouble keeping epub annotations connected to the book (unlike e.g. my kindle annotations that reside in the book, but also are linked back to the location by my obsidian kindle plugin, maintaining the connection and reference. epub is xhtml so it should be doable.
epub is part of w3c standards (cause xhtml)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Amazon's .kfx ebook format and predecessors are extensions of html5, css and backwards compatible with mobipocket (the 2000 French proprietary format that Kindle bought and used).
Proprietary format.
www.w3.org www.w3.orgEPUB 3.31
The W3C standard for Epub ebooks. Nav [[How Standard Ebooks serves millions of requests per month with a 2GB VPS; or, a paean to the classic web - Alex Cabal]]
alexcabal.com alexcabal.com
first published #2022/02/11
Apart from the framing of this post more as an apology than as a show of strength of keeping things simple and sturdy, interesting nuggets: Epub ebooks are xhtml and static so rapidly served without the need for a fancy framework or even a database. Flat texts are small, and their current collection fits in RAM entirely. PHP is used without frills. All in all a strong call to keep things simple, and to embrace my current use of php for local tools too: it's very fast.
Also makes me wonder: #openvraag what can one do with Epub books outside an ebook reader, in terms of excerpting e.g. and ripping things out for re-use elsewhere. I've got loads of them on my laptop
etymologie.nl etymologie.nl
Oorspr. bestonden naast quatern ook de woorden tritern, sextern etc. 'drie resp. zes ineengevouwen vellen papier'.Literatuur: J.M.M. Hermans (red., 1989), Middeleeuwse handschriftenkunde in de Nederlanden 1988, GraveFries: katern
Katern, quaderni. Vier ineengevouwen vellen. Werd ook voor 3 en 6 ineengevouwen vellen gehanteerd. Tritern, sextern en etc. De link met het Firensisch/Italiaanse quaderni als notitieboekje wordt hier niet gelegd, wel met het Latijn uiteraard, en dan naar het Frans. Zie ook dat cahier verwant is.
Bij lezen [[The Notebook by Roland Allen]]
- Dec 2023
www.historyofinformation.com www.historyofinformation.com
https://web.archive.org/web/20231228181017/https://www.historyofinformation.com/index.php large resource on the history of information, presented in timelines. Useful for finding earliest examples of certain artefacts (not methods though)
www.futurehouse.org www.futurehouse.org
LLM based tool to synthesise scientific K
#2023/12/12 mentioned by [[Howard Rheingold]] on M.
robinrendle.com robinrendle.com
"hadn’t seriously considered the future economic impact on illustrators" This sounds too much like the 'every illegal download is a misplaced sale' trope of the music industry. There are many reasons to not use algogens, or opt for different models for such generation than the most popular public facing tools. Missed income for illustrators by using them in blog posts isn't one. Like with music downloads there's a whole world of users underneath the Cosean floor. My blog or presentations will never use bought illustrations, I started making lots of digital photos for that reason way back in 2003, and have been using open Creative Commons licenses. And now may try to generate a few images, if it's not too work intensive. Not to say that outside the mentioned use case of blogs and other sites (the ones that already now are indistinguishable from generated texts and only have generating ad eyeballs as purpose), the lower end of the existing market will get eroded. I bet that at the same time there will be a growing market for clearly human made artefacts as status symbol too. The Reverse Turing effect in play. I've paid more for prints of artwork, both graphics and photos, made in the presence of the artist than one printed after their death for instance. They adorn the walls at home rather than my blog though.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
20 min 'documentary' about what AI does to artists, made with AI by an artist. ODI commissioned it. Does this type of thing actually help any debate? Does it raise questions more forcefully? I doubt it, more likely reinforcing anyone's pre-existing notions. More a curiosum, then.
www.lnds.lu www.lnds.luLNDS1
Luxembourg National Data Service, official launch #2023/12/04
Gov initiated economic interest group wrt secondary use of data (from public sector sources it seems). No mention of open data?
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
I don't doubt the key point. Still capture itself is still needed, not to reduce emissions, but alongside zero emission efforts. 'Net zero' is a fig leaf for sure. Absent here is the mention that it is our oceans that store the most carbon. I know of initiatives to retrieve carbon at scale from seawater, so that their buffering capacity is replenished.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Description of AI use by the Israelian miiltary in Gaza. Vgl [[AI begincondities en evolutie 20190715140742]] wrt the difference between AGI evolution beginning in a military or civic setting, and that AI restraints are applied in the civil side, not in military application meaning the likelihood is there not in civil society. This is true in the EU AI Act too that excludes military from scope.
tracydurnell.com tracydurnell.com
form of always taking opportunities for connection. Pointing to other folks’ personal websites on my blogroll supports that end. Blogrolls
Blog rolls as opportunity for connection.
I used to be jealous of people who had “Internet friends.”
Vgl imaginary friends that N's neighbours dubbed her online network.
Even when the conversation isn’t direct, blogging is community the way neighborhoods are — you don’t know everyone who lives nearby, everyone’s got a slightly different set of connections, but living in the same environment where common concerns might arise and sharing just some of these cross connections to hear rumblings through the grapevine means ideas and vibes will diffuse through.
Vgl 'blogging as hanging out on your frontporch' of 2004. https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2004/05/your_blog_is_yo/ en founding a city in cyberspace https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2004/06/founding_a_city/
The network is vital for blogging, too. Social media is fading as it shifts more and more towards the few who post and the many who follow; But the more effort I make to link out to others on my blog, the more I feel included as a part of the online community.
To me blogging is conversation, and the network explosion is its main purpose. This reminds me of my early posting about follow/followers ration on Twitter https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2023/03/conversational-symmetry-redux/ which refs my 2008 post on it. Durnell points to the loss of conversational symmetry on socmed platforms. Pro-actively creating your own conversational symmetry is key here.
While social media emphasizes the show-off stuff — the vacation in Puerto Vallarta, the full kitchen remodel, the night out on the town — on blogs it still seems that people are sharing more than signalling.
Social media as performance, blogs as voice. Especially over longer periods of time, blogs become a qualitatively different thing, where the social media timelines remain the same. Vgl [[Blogs als avatar 20030731084659]] https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2020/08/your-blog-is-your-avatar/ Personal relationships are the stuff of our lives.
it’s easier to hear the everyday concerns of people and see the patterns of life. Personal websites represent a return to human scale.
Personal websites as an expression of [[Technologie kleiner dan ons 20050617122905]]. This is how I described social software 2004-5 too, before the onslaught by F an T from 2006 on, and the slow disappearance of various socsoft facets (interoperability, apis but also niche tools like Plazes, Dopplr etc).
Over the years, I’ve shifted my news consumption away from publications and towards referrals from real people, but it’s not just my sources of news that have shifted: I am trying to give more of my attention to people, not events. To the things that matter in people’s daily lives. I want less of my energy and attention going to “newsworthy” events far removed from my sphere of influence and more to living non-reactively. Instead of gathering information, I’ve changed my selection criteria for which feeds to follow towards connection and sociability.
Tracy Durnell describes her process to more social filtering, focusing attention on people rather than the news cycle. [[Social netwerk als filter 20060930194648]] and [[Aggregate info to community level 20060930063025]]
Tracy Durnell on her shift to more [[People Centered Navigation 20060930163901]]
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
A 60y old paper behind the 'mother of all demos' 55 yrs ago.
- Nov 2023
doc.searls.com doc.searls.com
'fecosystem' of enshitifcation.
emilygorcenski.com emilygorcenski.com
www.okdoomer.io www.okdoomer.io
How is Sentinel Intelligence connected to [[Macroscope als persoonlijke superpower 20230906204634]] and [[Systems convening Wenger Trayner 20220911170358]]
newsletter.mollywhite.net newsletter.mollywhite.net
[[Effective Altruism 20200713101714]] I like the title.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Journalist Anna Nemtsova on Russian public society decline and losing hope after the post-Soviet period optimism wrt change. Places the turning point in 2011/2012. I worked in Moldova briefly then, and they were aiming to divert their exports to anyplace else than Russia. Kyrgyzstan had just had a revolution in spring 2010 (both towards democracy and Russian influenced). 2014 I wasn't allowed to travel from Kyrgyzstan through Moscow as P had not been seen in public for a week or two, while the Donbas conflict took place (MH17 was shot down a few months earlier). Late 2012 Russia signed onto OGP to withdraw ealry 2013 https://www.opengovpartnership.org/stories/russia-withdraws-from-open-government-partnership-too-much-transparency/ faving a controlled openness (through registered entities) above individual rights. Russia's foreign agents law is also from 2012. So seems to chime with my own experiences.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Douglas Rushkoff. Note remark on more horizontal ownership by tech billionaires. I'm not sure that is different. It likely was that way in the gilded age too. None of those others are dominant in their field as Rushkoff says was the limit of earlier billionaires.
donaldclarkplanb.blogspot.com donaldclarkplanb.blogspot.com
frontier model'
a term sourced from the industry itself to 'protect' other foundational models from this very same legislation.
Donald on the AI act. I wonder if he's read it. The premise seems to be that regulating a market is bad for innovation, and that you shouldn't regulate your own market when others aren't doing that for theirs and therefore then will out-innovate you. The underlying assumption seems that adhering to civic rights is tying your hands in innovation, and settting market rules is bad because innovation is a wild west. I call bs.
We had a taste of all this when Italy banned ChatGPT. They relented when they saw the consequences.
Donald being disingenous here. Italy never banned ChatGPT, it was disallowing OpenAI to operate as it wasn't responding to GDPR related issues (not providing a contact person for the DPA to interact with being one of them, the other absence of age check, no justification for presence of personal data in training data). The trigger was a security breach where paying user's financial info and their stored prompts/answers were leaking into/accessible in other user accounts. Once OpenAI communicated (not meaning the other GDPR issues were solved, just that they communicated) the restriction was lifted. It was a matter of a few weeks. Otherwise known as the 'pinch and peep' method. If you can't get a response, you pinch them until they peep. Italy stopped pinching as soon as OpenAI peeped.
Certainly not for the US, and as for China,
This is the actual point of the laws under discussion. Not the EU having to 'speak for the whole world', but to not have the USA or China speak for the EU. It's a geopolitical issue, and the EU's proposition starts in a very different place than the other two mentioned. Which is the key thing.
At only 5.8% of the world’s population, there is the illusion that it speaks for the whole world.
The AI act defines market access condtions for products. The EU is the biggest market, and as such its acts do regularly have a normative impact outside it. The AI sector is clamoring for 'safety' and 'guard rails' (or was it pulling up the ladder, I might be confused), this is the only act that actually starts from the premise, if not formulated by the industry itself (which likely is the actual problem felt).
Unlike common law, such as exists in England, US, Canada and Australia, where things are less codified
Do you spot the pattern Donald in that list of countries? And then has the gall to write in the next sentence about the EU "having the illusion to speak for the whole world". Common law is problematic as can't at all be geared to the complexity of many current areas. And the constitutional primacy of statutory law in the countries mentioned means it's limited as otherwise cohesion is lost. Statutory law can be changed and routinely is. All EU directives have a periodical review and change process built in, all regulations have mechanism in the law to monitor and review their working with an eye to change.
One problem with EU law is its fixity.
oh dear. Actually wrt the entire framework it is rather future proof as it isn't built on specific technologies or naming products etc. It is all about types of use and areas of consequences.
It hauls in the Digital Services Act (DSA), Digital Markets Act (DMA), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as the new regulation on political advertising, as well as the Platform Work Directive (PWD) – are you breathless while reading that sentence? It could become an octopus with tentacles that reach out into all sorts areas making it impossible to interpret and police.
Silly remark. The EU is legislatiing a framework for a digital and data single market. It is adding digital products and data to the freedom of movement of people, products and capital. And is he really denouncing 'complexity' here, given his field of expertise which is riddled with it? There's a long list of other regulations that should be added to them. Missing here e.g. is the DGA and DA as well as the forming of data spaces which aim to provide more data in a responsible fashion, also to AI products and their development. Unlike a lot of other EU regs, this whole set is remarkably consistent, in aiming at a level playing field, strengthening rights and values, and maximising socio-economic use value. It regulates the market, and I suspect that is actually what grates. Innovation isn't helped by unregulated markets, but that is the presumption here it seems.
By looking for deeper universal targets they may make the same mistake as they did over consent and lose millions of hours of lost productivity as we all have to deal with ‘manage cookies’ pop-ups and no one ever reads consent forms.
the cookies pop-ups are not required by law at all, nor are consentforms as they appear on the web. Adtech companies came up with them (and various versions being slapped down by the courts) to keep on tracking you despite the GDPR. Also the web isn't the only place the GDPR aims at, so keeping them up as examples of 'looking for deeper universal targets' is a category error. The pop-ups and darkpattern consent forms are because adtech companies don't want to admit adtech is illegal. The actual problem is the limited speed at which the courts are making that clear to them.
Rather than focus on actual applications, they have an eye on general purpose AI and foundational models.
yes, adding in foundational models at a late stage is caused by the industry itself being opaque about them while they became highly visible through ChatGPT style stuff. The AIR is only about market access of products, with putting obligations on producers, distributors, users and users of outputs. It's not much different from how other types of products are required to fulfill certain things before being sold in the EU. It's literally a CE mark for AI products.
the ban on biometric data
No such ban in the AI Act. Several use cases of biometric data are considered high risk, face recognition in public spaces is banned (for the purpose of identification, not for e.g. age recognition). Biometric verification and authentication, or biometrics based systems wrt cybersecurity or personal data protection are not in scope.
www.antipope.org www.antipope.org
Charlie Stross on taking SF output as direction as well as philosophy leading to tescreal.
more worrying: a political ideology common among silicon valley billionaires of a certain age—known by the acronym TESCREAL—that is built on top of a shaky set of assumptions about the future of humanity. It comes straight out of an uncritical reading of the bad science fiction of decades past, and it's really dangerous. TESCREAL stands for "transhumanism, extropianism, singularitarianism, cosmism, rationalism (in a very specific context), Effective Altruism, and longtermism." It was identified by Timnit Gebru, former technical co-lead of the Ethical Artificial Intelligence Team at Google and founder of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (DAIR), and Émile Torres, a philosopher specialising in existential threats to humanity. These are separate but overlapping beliefs that are particularly common in the social and academic circles associated with big tech in California. Prominent advocates on the transhumanist and AI side include Ray Kurzweil, a notable technology evangelist and AI researcher at Google, philosophers Nick Bostrom and Eliezer Yudkowsky, and going back a long way earlier, Russian rocket scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, whose writings brought Russian Cosmism to America. Sam Bankman-Fried is an outspoken advocate of Effective Altruism, another element of this overlapping web of beliefs. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, as noted, both seem to be heavily influenced by Tsiolkovsky's advocacy of space colonization. Musk's Neuralink venture, attempting to pioneer human brain-computer interfaces, seems intent on making mind uploading workable, which in turn points to the influences of Kurzweil and other singularitarians. And hiding behind these 20th and early 21st century thinkers are older influences—notably the theological speculation of 19th century Russian Orthodox priest Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov.
Vgl [[Singularity Univ is trickle down futurism 20210216132605]]
Hi. I'm Charlie Stross, and I tell lies for money. That is, I'm a science fiction writer: I have about thirty novels in print, translated into a dozen languages, I've won a few awards, and I've been around long enough that my wikipedia page is a mess of mangled edits. And rather than giving the usual cheerleader talk making predictions about technology and society, I'd like to explain why I—and other SF authors—are terrible guides to the future. Which wouldn't matter, except a whole bunch of billionaires are in the headlines right now because they pay too much attention to people like me. Because we invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale and they took it at face value and decided to implement it for real.
preach it, antipope
www.resilience.org www.resilience.org
shallow article but worth taking a look at the main point: sand usage. There's a diff depending on use / location etc.
Per Axbom does a nice overview of actors and stakeholders to take into account when thinking about AI's impact and ethics. Some of these are mentioned in the [[EU AI Regulation]] but not all actors mentioned there are mentioned here I think: EU act not only defines users (of the application) but also users of the output of an application separately. This to ensure that outputs from un-checked or illegal applications outside the EU market are admissable to the EU market.
wiredvanity.substack.com wiredvanity.substack.com
"My mask of sanity is about to slip." In our current context, services like NutriDrip might just be what keeps that mask in place for those who can afford it.
Yes, socio-economic status. I think being seen to afford it is the coping strategy here, not so much doing the thing as the thing itself is highly unlikely to be something else than a placebo. It's all curtain, no wizard. The French youth fishing urban waters may be much more real in effect than the high end stuff. One is escapist, the other is pretending to be. Also the assumption that sanity is a mask to maintain above a roiling sea of insanity is an odd comparison here wrt urban life. It makes the individual insane (or probably driven there) vs the insanity of systems.
The extent to which we're willing to go to mitigate the impacts of our lifestyle choices is astonishing.
This one makes sense to me. Mitigating symptoms of life style choices, rather than addressing those choices. At the lower socio-economic end because you don't have many options (smoking as only affordable relaxation e.g.), and at the higher end because the choices are what yields the higher socio-economic status, and the mitigation signals that status, and adds to it, helps define it, an aesthetic choice in Bourdieu's fashion (distinction theory / [[Goede smaak is klassebewustzijn 20220212075212]]. Still individual coping rather than facing the systemic factors causing them or organising [[Networked Agency 20160818213155]] in the face of it.
Reflecting on this, I'm reminded of a pattern that has been evident since my days co-running Third Wave with Johannes: the adoption of Uncertainty Coping Strategies. Broadly speaking, these are various behaviors, products, and practices people employ to manage the strains of everyday reality. Our work has consistently identified a spectrum ranging from technological interventions like neuroimplants to the rise in mindfulness services.The staggering contrasts in how different socioeconomic groups address these pressures are well illustrated by the recent New York Times article.
'uncertainty coping strategies' equal living your life I suppose, in the face of the 'strains of everyday reality' since the groups in caves. What is different here wrt Igor and Johannes' work experience and patterns. Just Urbanism (then how is this diff from 18th century?) The complexity of those strains? The inability to withdraw from strains created by others through industrial work practices / social media algo inducement? The sense of looming doom wrt ecocollapse, financial crash etc, systemic threats iw and no agency to individually address some of that? Or is it merely the high end market catering to it, exploiting the stress rather than solving the stressors? What is Igo saying here?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The first set of copyright licenses was released in December 2002
The first set of CC licenses was released on #2002/12/16 ( https://web.archive.org/web/20030207225048/http://creativecommons.org/press-releases/entry/3476 ) a month after I started my blog. I adopted the cc license in my blog the next month #2003/01/23 https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2003/01/creative_common/ even though then they were not congruent with EU/Dutch jurisdiction. Used a by nc sa license at first. Later changed to by sa, which is an open license rather than closed (because of nd).
Creative Commons can be relied upon to take a generally pro-ownership and libertarian stance regarding rules and regulation
This is bothersome seen from my perspective of both a CC advocate and European national chapter and as a CC using maker. In my experience makers using CC use CC because they want to limit the ownership current international copyright laws and treaties bestow on them, as they see them as obstacle and greedy, and generally not serving the maker but later exploiters of artefacts. Also the perspective of contributing to the common good / pool of culture is frequent, and counter libertarian angles. I need to check but I think it might also be a ways off from Lessig's original idea for CC as expressed in [[Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig]].
[[Stephen Downes]] on CC and their answers to US copyright questions wrt generative algo's.
www.theregister.com www.theregister.com
There are many stories about the compute footprint (and thus energy footprint) of AI. This is an interesting example: Microsoft doesn't have the capacity to run its own.
(this is mostly a test to see if the changes I made to the h. template in Obsidian work as intended.)
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
This corruption case seems connected to the lithium mining announced in [[Portugal genehmigt riesigen Tagebau Lithium für 500.000 E-Autos im Jahr]] last June. #2023/11/08 that I marked https://hypothes.is/a/fags5ARSEe62spthvORyHQ
tracydurnell.com tracydurnell.com
Powerful men today — the Silicon Valley set — subscribe to their interpretation of this ancient philosophy as a way of positioning themselves as its rightful cultural successors; the lineage of thought from “the greats” leads directly to them and their approach to business and life. It becomes ipso facto justification for their choices: if they are living according to the precepts of the Western canon, how could anyone question a philosophy derived from such venerable roots? The philosophy itself is ultimately inconsequential, but the permission it grants through borrowed respectability is priceless.
oh yes.
I feel there’s a mantle of importance laid upon ancient Roman and Greek philosophy simply because it’s old — if it lasted this long, it must be smart, right? It must be right. This… overlooks the conditions that led these works, written by generally wealthy and powerful men, to be the ones preserved and carried forward.
There likely were no works written by poor powerless people to preserve. Having the leisure to be literate and to write books required the wealth and power that also increased the likelihood of preservation, I rather suppose.
Then again there is a bias here, in terms of that what is preserved being seen as the entire record. Compare the start-up graveyard, where too we only see the survivors and those that 'exited' and never the ones that dropped by the wayside.
Ancient Romans had (a lot of) slaves. Ancient Romans only allowed a tiny number of men, specifically, to vote. Ancient Romans imposed a violently enforced extractive empire around the Mediterranean and beyond. A philosophy that arose from those conditions might give me pause to emulate in a modern setting — at least, as someone who believes imperialism to be evil, slavery in all forms to be unacceptable, sexism to be harmful to all, and actual one-person-one-vote democracy to be the most reliable way of allowing some measure of self-governance by the people.
While true, I don't think the underlying evil as such played a role in whether a philosophy arose from ancient Rome, but having a large enough layer of society that can afford spending time musing and thinking or be an audience for that thinking. The source of that wealth isn't a cause even though the wealth is a prerequisite to free up time and energy. The extraction made that possible of course, and it is not much different now. BigTech probably feels resonance because it's a global extractive industry too. I remember from my Latin at school how we would read texts by certain authors where they made some nuanced ethical point, while in the same text never bothering to question slavery. Or even in the same paragraph along the lines of "you need to treat slaves as human beings", except for the keeping them enslaved part ofcourse.
There's something here about cultural appropriation across eras. The Renaissance did, claiming the mantle of the Roman civiliisation as its predecessor, and thus we in the West tend to see that as our cultural lineage. Cherry picked of course, not wholesale, as we tend to with more immediate own history too (Dutch Golden Age and the role of slave trade and colonial extraction e.g. unacknowledged but being a safe haven for religious refugees from elsewhere in Europe such as the Sefardim or Hugenots clearly embraced)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Knorr-Cetina also received her Habilitation in sociology at the University of Bielefeld in 1981, and served as Professor of Sociology at Bielefeld from 1983 to 2001. Her work in the social studies of science during these years culminated in her widely-cited book Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge, published in 1999.
This period coincides w Luhmann's. Hadn't realised that objects of sociality had originated there too at U Bielefeld.
The wikipedia page also links to Latour ([[Latours Actor Network Theory ANT 20201129164732]]) and the paper mentioned below also cites Latour once.
The first suggestion of this new field site was in the article "Sociality with objects: Social relations in postsocial knowledge societies" (1997)
This was Jyri's trigger, as per his 2005 Reboot talk. Note the diff between [[Object van socialiteit 20050628064223]] and sociality with objects.
Paper:https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/026327697014004001 PDF in Zotero
www.prospectmagazine.co.uk www.prospectmagazine.co.uk
If there is any hope for our ability to understand what really happens on social media next year, it may come from the European Union, where the Digital Services Act demands transparency from platforms operating on the continent. But enforcement actions are slow, and wars and elections are fast by comparison. The surge of disinformation around Israel and Gaza may point to a future in which what happens online is literally unknowable.
Zuckerman mentions the DSA as his single hope, the only surprisal in this piece. Although the DMA is important wrt the silos too, as is the GDPR, it is the DSA that has the transparency reqs, plus actually describes the outside research access Zuckerman sees frustrated as mandatory. Says enforcement is slow however. Yes, at the same time it's not just reactive enforcement. It's about EU market access, pro-active disclosures are mandatory.
Ethan Zuckerman on socmed research.
Odd piece equating social media silos, or even Twitter alone, with 'the internet', in a complaint against silos-be-siloing by shutting APIs. As FB always has, this is mostly about X-Twitter. Plus US lawasuits being used by social media billionaires or lawmakers with disinfo as election strategy to frustrate researchers.
edpb.europa.eu edpb.europa.eu
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
EU, USA, China (UK) sign shared 'AI danger' declaration
www.theintrinsicperspective.com www.theintrinsicperspective.com
that minds are constructed out of cooperating (and occasionally competing) “agents.”
Vgl how I discussed an application this morning that deployed multiple AI agents as a interconnected network, with each its own role. [[Rolf Aldo Common Ground AI consensus]]
These sort of studies always remind me of an issue in consciousness research called the binding problem. You experience a single stream of consciousness, one in which everything, your percepts and sensations and emotions, are bound together, and the “problem” is that we don’t know how this works. It’s difficult to figure out because this binding is fractal, all the way down; you don’t experience colors and shapes separately, you experience a colored shape. But how do the contents get affixed together in consciousness in all the complex ways they’re supposed to? Via what rule does it work? One popular answer in the neuroscientific literature is that binding occurs via a process best described as “information transmission plus synchronization.” Neurons fire at a particular frequency in one region of the brain, which then synchronize with another region’s firing. In other words, parts of the brain dance.
Vgl Donald Hebb 1949 fire together = wire together, which seems different. Vgl [[Leren dansen met het systeem 20181112154254]] Donella Meadows 2001 dancing w systems
https://web.archive.org/web/20231101055209/https://www.theintrinsicperspective.com/p/the-planetary-egregore-passes-you by Erik Hoel (Wikipedia: Erik Hoel is an American neuroscientist, neurophilosopher, and fiction writer. His main areas of research are the study and philosophy of consciousness, cognition, biological function of dreams, and mathematical theories of emergence. He is noted for using information theory and causal analysis to develop mathematical models to explore and understand the basis of consciousness and dreams) Seems an intriguing mix/approach.
www.dembrane.com www.dembrane.com
[[Rolf Kleef]] [[Aldo de Moor]]
OpenAI call "democratic inputs for AI" 10 projects, 100k, 3 months
[[Rolf Aldo Common Ground AI consensus]] #2023/11/01
Firstly, we must continually question the underlying assumptions, potential pitfalls, risks, and possible unintended adverse effects of introducing AI into democratic processes. Not the least by always checking and refining LLM outputs with real people, or we risk falling into the fallacies and risks of democracy in silica.
Where here is the role of AI? And does it matter as much in each of its roles? - moderation of conversation - synthesising new statements (this one particularly?) - transcripts - summarising opinions - determine statistically more supported statements - the import of minority statements? (e.g. all may have an opinion, maybe not all opinions matter the same way in a case (democratically built bridges may fall, in comparison one built by engineering teams) --> this points to curating the issues to discuss. And ensuring all voices are indeed weighed, not just outvoted, such that groups aren't marginalised.
Secondly, our process is inherently and somewhat intimately social. While this is by design, we observe that a significant portion of the population self selects out of such explicitly social interactions with strangers. These are similar issues faced by in-person citizens assemblies, where a small portion of the participants may need repeated encouragement before they share their opinions and gain confidence. While human facilitators were on call to help during the experiment, looking into active facilitation, coaching and aftercare for more sensitive participants may be crucial when deploying Common Ground.
or mix with solitary interaction like in pol.is?
Common Ground can be conceptualised as a multi-player variant of Pol.is. Instead of voting on Statements in isolation, we match participants into small groups of three people where they are encouraged to deliberate over the Statements they vote on, and where an AI moderator powered by GPT4 synthesises new Statements from the content of their discussion.
- The new statements synthesizing is interesting. Are these checked with the group of 3?
- Is the voting like in pol.is where you have an increasing 'cost' of voting / spreading attention?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
binding problem: how do we get integrated single experiences from elements addressed in very different parts of our brain. How do we get feature integration and consciousness from it?
- Oct 2023
bijnaderinzien.com bijnaderinzien.com
demarcatiedebat als concept/tool
www.thenews.coop www.thenews.coop
Bought this as epub directly from Verso publishers. [[Own This by R. Trebor Scholz]] in antilib. Vgl kritiek in [[You can’t win without a fight Why worker cooperatives are a bad strategy 20210201064440]] Vgl plan for TGL
crfm.stanford.edu crfm.stanford.edu
Stanford taking a look at transparency specifically wrt foundation models. Vgl liesenfeldOpeningChatGPTTracking2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
MEP says EU AI Act now imminent.
www.europarl.europa.eu www.europarl.europa.eu
In Council, Member States’ representatives (Coreper) reached a common position on 19 July 2023, allowing the Council to enter in negotiations with the European Parliament. Council notably removed the notion of "critical" from products with digital elements and deleted a substantial number of the products listed in the Annex III. Council introduced three categories of products, critical for essential entities as defined by the NIS2, that would fall under mandatory European cybersecurity certification by means of a delegated act. The Council moved the reporting of cybersecurity incidents and actively exploitable vulnerabilities from ENISA to the national Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) in a two-step process of an initial notification after 24 hours and a second one after 72 hours. Council proposes to postpone the application of the regulation to 36 months.
EP remarks on the changes made by Council in their proposal. Also note link to NIS2 and CSA.
EP position of CRA, although their own actual position paper seems absent from this page.
www.consilium.europa.eu www.consilium.europa.eu
eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu
CSA d.d. #2019/04/17 ter vergelijking in scope en werkingsgebied met CRA. Hoe past de kritiek uit FOSS hoek ook op CSA en blijkt daar in de praktijk al iets van?
www.dutchncca.nl www.dutchncca.nl
NL rijksoverheid over CSA, is er verbinding met CRA en wat dan?
www.digitaleoverheid.nl www.digitaleoverheid.nl
NL rijksoverheid kondigt de overeenstemming in Raad mbt CRA aan. Kijk naar welke punten ze 'vieren' en de aannames tav impact op SME/FOSS en evt eigen info-huishouding.
www.digitaleurope.org www.digitaleurope.org
DigitalEurope (commercial company club wrt EU digital legal frameworks) position on the CRA trilogue. Kijk waar ze aan willen knabbelen, en wat ze toejuichen. Hoe verhoudt zich dat tot de kritiek uit de SME / FOSS hoek op same?
www.rijksoverheid.nl www.rijksoverheid.nl
Antwoorden op kamervragen mbt CRA. PDF zegt paar boeiende dingen over SaaS die niet onder CRA wel onder NIS2 valt bijv. Maar ook dat het onderscheid niet helder is. Van nov 2022, dus in de voorstelfase.
www.rijksoverheid.nl www.rijksoverheid.nl
Rijksoverheid beoordelingsfiche CRA, leesbare en heldere PDF erbij. Dit is v okt 2022 en input geweest voor kabinetspositie in de Raad. PDF doorlopen op of er iets staat over de gevolgen voor de overheid zelf anders dan de gemoeide markthandhaving.
www.european-cyber-resilience-act.com www.european-cyber-resilience-act.com
German cybersec company on the CRA, some useful graphs (by the EC that I haven't seen elsewhere)
linuxfoundation.eu linuxfoundation.eu
Linux Foundation EUrope on the CRA. List critiques. Compare to actual legal text. (also read CRA stand alone first and annotate from perspective of opengov / geo info infra.
www.linuxfoundation.org www.linuxfoundation.org
To be clear, global open source software projects will be unable to strictly comply with provisions contained in current drafts of the CRA. Much of the world's open source software will likely soon be either 1) blocked for distribution in the EU or 2) publicly accessible with caveats similar to “this software is not appropriate or approved for use or distribution in the European Union market.”
Linux foundation's fear of the CRA is not so much the requirements made wrt software, but the requirements of demonstrating/documenting compliance. #openvraag what are the carve outs in current texts? What do the pre-ambles say wrt who specific admin reqs apply to. Isn't OS by definition compliant in the sense that the rationale of OS party is increasing its security?
www.timdavies.org.uk www.timdavies.org.uk
Over drinks in Tallinn, I had the chance to briefly reflect with Alex Howard on OGP Summits past. One notable feature of early summits were the national or regional sessions. Slots on the agenda to share what had made it onto the open government National Action Plans of different states, and, crucially, where governments and civil society shared the room and stage in talking about them. These have dropped from the agenda in recent years. And with that, a critical moment around which to structure other conversations in the run up to, and follow up from, a summit
[[Tim Davies]] and [[Alex Howard]] notice the absence of space for civil society orgs and govs to interact during OGP summit, which also means there's no interaction before or after. This reduces the relationships and connections.
Tim on the OGP Summit in Tallinn. Seems to echo the absence of civil society orgs here too. Like what I see in the EU context of the creation of data spaces.
www.psybertron.org www.psybertron.org
Ian on Dennett wrt consciousness and how Dennett's position is misrepresented often.
www.euractiv.com www.euractiv.com
Concern whether market regulators will be capable enough for the AI act, in a post market access perspective. Vgl in NL NMA en AP worden de AI autoriteit, maar beiden kunnen dit niet.
kevins-newsletter-ad1cdb.beehiiv.com kevins-newsletter-ad1cdb.beehiiv.com
Some points about revenue diversification for media. What here is sideways applicable?
www.careful.industries www.careful.industries
"Despite being written 18 months ago, it lays out many of the patterns and behaviours that have led to industry capture of "AI Safety"", co-author Rachel Coldicutt ( et Anna Williams, and Mallory Knodel for Open Society Foundations. )
For Open Society Foundations by 'careful industries' which is a research/consultancy, founded 2019, all UK based. Subscribed 2 authors on M, and blog.
A Thousand Cassandras in Zotero.
www.zylstra.org www.zylstra.org
Because it connects the information landscape and the geographical landscape much more intimately.
and now we have IoT sensing etc.
to be able to leave as well as pick up many traces that lead to emergent patterns relevant to the geographical spot I happen to be in.
#openvraag If I would try to phrase what such traces would be now, what would my list be? And what channels/tools would one be able to share them in?
be aware of the presence of others geographically nearby for possible chance encounters. In other words to be able to leave as well as pick up many traces that lead to emergent patterns relevant to the geographical spot I happen to be in.
This still very much so. Although with ubiquity of sharing now, as I hoped for then, I think the probability of chance encounters has actually diminished paradoxically. It's hard to find the right signals in endless algo timelines. I'm more likely to find out someone was in the same spot as me after the fact, than during. Beforehand is mostly impossible these days imo.
That also means that when I am on the road (the hard surfaced ones in the geographical landscape) I don’t want to be cut off from my information landscape in the net. I want to immediately share pictures, get and share info and opinions about the restaurant I am standing in front of wondering whether to have lunch there
We def got that since this '06 post, but did we get it in the way I intended here? In my 2012 talk https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2012/07/the-power-of-maps-beyond-the-map/ and in slide 31 of https://tonz.nl/foss4gnl/ 2018 I point to a much more socially annotated hyperlocal awareness. Not the generic ratings of coffee places we now get, but the ratings of people known relevant to me. (which doesn't scale, I know: would I rather have specific or no hyperlocal info than generic 'wisdom of crowds" opinions?)
In https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2012/07/the-power-of-maps-beyond-the-map/ I also mention the different relationship digital 'nomads' are forming to geolocations.
nfoscape is Faster but Catalyst for Geoscape In geographical space I meet people face to face, have drinks, which is great. But my mobility there is limited and time-constrained, slow, and resource-intensive. On the net, I don’t meet people face to face but through digitally mediated channels. But there my mobility is global and instantaneous, and the speed of interaction and change matches much more closely the speed I need to be able to do all the stuff I find relevant. Through the net I arrange the face to face meetings, through the net I decide where to spend my limited time and resources for geographical mobility
lift out catalyst and infoscape as means towards intentionality (as opposed to timesink and endless scroll that #socmed became) from [[Physical and Information Landscape 20060302150900]]
Information Landscape and Geographical Landscape
right, already covered this in my notions [[Physical and Information Landscape 20060302150900]]
I don't mention here the infoscape as overlay, too early I suppose, although Plazes was a start (webprofiles attached to locations). Layer is from 2009?
as I could in 1989 when I first got on-line on a daily basis
'06 mention of being online since '89.
good guys from Plazes.com
An example of contactivity itself, my phrasing showing here how I thought of the Plazes team. Felix was at the first BlogWalk I organised spring '04, and showed me early Plazes, then 2005 I met Peter through it in Copenhagen. In 2006 here it's an established part of my 'long list of distributed self' https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2007/10/the_long_list_o/
I’d say more than 80% of my working as well as social life uses internet-channels at some point.
March 2006, this is pre-FB (oct 06) and pre-Twitter (I used Jaiku at the time, T from dec 06).
That 80% now easily is 100%m but it sounds right. I think KB/KM Europe (00-02) BlogTalk (03, 04, 06) and Reboot (from 05) made it so, as those contacts were online first. Previous online interaction from '89-'99 was centered on pre-existing contacts and information more I think. From '00 is when [[Contactivity 20051105150458]] rather than connectivity kicked in for me.
For me as travelling consultant, but also as a private citizen, having ubiquitous access to my on-line material is crucial. It is my premier gateway to my social networks as well as my work. When during the move last month we were thrown back to using a 52k dial-in phoneline for a week I felt both blind, deaf and mute.
I wrote this March 2006, a year before the announcement of the iPhone, and more than two years before the iPhone3G, and it became available first in the Netherlands. When I mention access here, it's not about mobile data (smartphones didn't exist yet), but about internet access in general and wifi in particular.
www.amazon.nl www.amazon.nl
Saw Chris Aldrich annotate this. The blurb stands out to me: Der angesagteste Denker der Gegenwart erklärt in rasenden Ultimativinterviews, was Liebe, was Kunst, was Politik ist. **Der reinst Anti-Habermas“ (Tempo, Die hundert besten Bücher der 80er Jahre)
www.strategicstructures.com www.strategicstructures.com
It could be that suddenly, more people understood what Michael Polanyi realized back in the 1950
Also Sveiby on corporate KM starts out from professional's PKM, and tacit K is about half of what Nonaka's about.
Polyani as pdf in Zotero: zotero://select/library/items/FGEACIKL a 1964 edition of his 1958 text.
reuse of an existing structure for a new function is another thing in common between biological and technological evolution. It is called exaptation
Also in organisational change, and social learning landscapes. The route to it is often narrative work in the #sc sense I intuit. Detecting the opportunities for it is macroscopic in essence I intuit. [[Macroscope 20090702120700]]
surge in 2020-2022. This would not be the first such jump in the history of PKM tools. Another one occurred during the Renaissance.
This is an odd jump, ignoring the early digital era (1980s-1990s) which also saw many different tools from Apple cards to Brain, wikis and Tinderbox, Xanadu even before that.
this phenomenon is not reserved for biological species only but also for technological ones
Technology development may also be described in terms of punctuated equilibria. #openvraag Are S-curves to be seen as punctuated equilibra? Explore * 1997 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227447190_A_Punctuated-Equilibrium_Model_of_Technology_Diffusion * 1990 https://www.jstor.org/stable/2006599
bserved, for example, in the evolution of programming languages
A 2015 paper See zotero://select/library/items/AMCSEP75
The so-called “punctuated equilibrium”, as coined in Eldredge and Gould’s paper of 1972, attracted a lot of research not only by evolutionary biologists but also by complexity scientists
Seems to be 1977 http://mechanism.ucsd.edu/teaching/philbio/readings/gould.eldridge.punceq.1977.pdf
Punctuated equilibria is a term from paleontology, also reasearched as a concept in complexity science.
See zotero://select/library/items/AMCSEP75
Vgl [[Complexiteitsmodel 20031119150531]]
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
You don’t connect notes as the pinnacle achievement in dealing with knowledge (or at least should not, because it is an insult to your potential). You should go way deeper. To make sure that you go as deep as you can, you should try to actually create something. Create (knowledge) tools you want to use. If you process a book, an article or whatever, ask yourself what tools you (or perhaps your clients) need. Then you marry the two concepts, Depth of Processing and Value Creation, properly. The depth is the necessary condition to create something valuable. You notice if you hit the threshold of proper depth of processing when you have created something of value.
List/explore this in [[Maak machientjes in je PKM 20230304092406]]
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
Perhaps it’s not a force for good at all. Alex Shephard @alex_shephard
The irony of still signing with your Twitter handle a piece about the demise of it. The entire thing in a nutshell. I have stopped mentioning my single remaining Twitter account as contact details on anything. My site, mail and Mastodon in that order I always mention.
It’s likely that some facsimile of Twitter will exist, far into the future. But a seismic shift in how the platform is perceived has occurred. If it isn’t good for breaking news, then what good is it? Perhaps it’s not a force for good at all.
This is the cycle that made Twitter. Real time developments, and another was the interaction/access dynamic between politicians and journalists. A very visible sign of that cycle breaking, the utility in a developing crisis/event nullified, is I think a good canary. Because in practice the amount of non-human content, trollfarming on top of the actually low user numbers mean that its heyday reputation was already no longer rightfully worn. I wonder how long the public perception of that cycle existing will lag behind the actuality of it no longer being there.
Nieuwe Europese wetgeving verplicht organisaties om periodiek te rapporteren over de loonkloof. De bewijslast voor gelijk loon komt bij de werkgever te liggen. Het loongeheim wordt verboden en werkgevers mogen niet meer naar het laatste salaris vragen.
Welke wet is dit? Richtlijn of verordening? Richtlijn: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32023L0970 aangenomen mei 2023, 7 juni 2026 moet het in NL wetgeving zijn omgezet. NL zal hier ook wel traag mee zijn. - rapportage over loonkloof - gelijk loon bewijslast bij werkgever - loongeheim verboden, dwz loon transparant - bij sollicitatie vorig loon geen orientatiepunt
Bij ons is dit al, behalve de rapportage.