51 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Have you ever had a meaningful conversation with Siri or Alexa or Cortana? Of course not.

      That said, I have had some pretty amazing conversations with ChatGPT-4. I've found it to be useful, too, for brainstorming. In one recent case (which I blogged about on my personal blog), the AI helped me through figuring out a structural issue with my zettelkasten.

    2. rtificial intelligence is already everywhere
  2. Dec 2023
    1. there's this broader issue of of being able to get inside other people's heads as we're driving down the road all the time we're looking at other 00:48:05 people and because we have very advanced theories of mind
      • for: comparison - AI - HI - example - driving, comparison - artificial i human intelligence - example - driving
  3. Nov 2023
  4. Oct 2023
    1. Wang et. al. "Scientific discovery in the age of artificial intelligence", Nature, 2023.

      A paper about the current state of using AI/ML for scientific discovery, connected with the AI4Science workshops at major conferences.

      (NOTE: since Springer/Nature don't allow public pdfs to be linked without a paywall, we can't use hypothesis directly on the pdf of the paper, this link is to the website version of it which is what we'll use to guide discussion during the reading group.)

  5. Sep 2023
  6. Aug 2023
  7. Jun 2023
    1. there is a scenario 00:18:21 uh possibly a likely scenario where we live in a Utopia where we really never have to worry again where we stop messing up our our planet because intelligence is not a bad commodity more 00:18:35 intelligence is good the problems in our planet today are not because of our intelligence they are because of our limited intelligence
      • limited (machine) intelligence

        • cannot help but exist
        • if the original (human) authors of the AI code are themselves limited in their intelligence
      • comment

        • this limitation is essentially what will result in AI progress traps
        • Indeed,
          • progress and their shadow artefacts,
          • progress traps,
          • is the proper framework to analyze the existential dilemma posed by AI
  8. May 2023
    1. Deep Learning (DL) A Technique for Implementing Machine LearningSubfield of ML that uses specialized techniques involving multi-layer (2+) artificial neural networksLayering allows cascaded learning and abstraction levels (e.g. line -> shape -> object -> scene)Computationally intensive enabled by clouds, GPUs, and specialized HW such as FPGAs, TPUs, etc.

      [29] AI - Deep Learning

    1. The object of the present volume is to point out the effects and the advantages which arise from the use of tools and machines ;—to endeavour to classify their modes of action ;—and to trace both the causes and the consequences of applying machinery to supersede the skill and power of the human arm.

      [28] AI - precedents...

    1. Epidemiologist Michael Abramson, who led the research, found that the participants who texted more often tended to work faster but score lower on the tests.

      [21] AI - Skills Erosion

    1. An AI model taught to view racist language as normal is obviously bad. The researchers, though, point out a couple of more subtle problems. One is that shifts in language play an important role in social change; the MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, for example, have tried to establish a new anti-sexist and anti-racist vocabulary. An AI model trained on vast swaths of the internet won’t be attuned to the nuances of this vocabulary and won’t produce or interpret language in line with these new cultural norms. It will also fail to capture the language and the norms of countries and peoples that have less access to the internet and thus a smaller linguistic footprint online. The result is that AI-generated language will be homogenized, reflecting the practices of the richest countries and communities.

      [21] AI Nuances

    1. According to him, there are several goals connected to AI alignment that need to be addressed:

      [20] AI - Alignment Goals

    1. The following table lists the results that we visualized in the graphic.

      [18] AI - Increased sophistication

  9. Apr 2023
    1. It was only by building an additional AI-powered safety mechanism that OpenAI would be able to rein in that harm, producing a chatbot suitable for everyday use.

      This isn't true. The Stochastic Parrots paper outlines other avenues for reining in the harms of language models like GPT's.

  10. Nov 2022
    1. Title : Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values: Next Steps for the United States Content : In Dartmouth University , appears AI as sciences however USA motionless a national AI policy comparing to Europe where The Council of Europe is developing the first international AI convention and earlier UE launched the European data privacy law, the General Data Privacy Regulation.

      In addition, China's efforts to become “world leader in AI by 2030, as long as China is developing a digital structures matched with The one belt one road project . USA , did not contribute to UNESCO AI Recommendations however USA It works to promote democratic values and human rights and integrate them with the governance of artificial intelligence .

      USA and UE are facing challenges with transatlantic data flows , with Ukrainian crises The situation became more difficult. In order to reinstate leadership in AI policy, the United States should advance the policy initiative launched last year by the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Strengthening efforts to support AI Bill of rights .

      EXCERPT: USA believe that foster public trust and confidence in AI technologies and protect civil liberties, privacy, and American values in their application can establish responsible AI in USA. Link: https://www.cfr.org/blog/artificial-intelligence-and-democratic-values-next-steps-united-states Topic : AI and Democratic values Country : United States of America

  11. Jul 2022
    1. A cognitiveagent is needed to perform this very action (that needs to be recurrent)—and another agent is neededto further build on that (again recurrently and irrespective to the particular agents involved).

      This appears to be setting up the conditions for an artificial cognitive agent to be able to play a role (ie Artificial Intelligence)

    1. Superintelligence has long served as a source of inspiration for dystopian science fiction that showed humanity being overthrown, defeated, or imprisoned by machines.
  12. Mar 2022
    1. projet européen X5-GON (Global Open Education Network) qui collecte les informations sur les ressources éducatives libres et qui marche bien avec un gros apport d’intelligence artificielle pour analyser en profondeur les documents
  13. Oct 2021
  14. Jul 2021
    1. Facebook AI. (2021, July 16). We’ve built and open-sourced BlenderBot 2.0, the first #chatbot that can store and access long-term memory, search the internet for timely information, and converse intelligently on nearly any topic. It’s a significant advancement in conversational AI. https://t.co/H17Dk6m1Vx https://t.co/0BC5oQMEck [Tweet]. @facebookai. https://twitter.com/facebookai/status/1416029884179271684

  15. Jun 2021
  16. Oct 2020
  17. Sep 2020
  18. Jul 2020
  19. Jun 2020
  20. May 2020
  21. Apr 2020
  22. Mar 2019
    1. There is no wonder that AI gains popularity. A lot of facts and pros are the stimulators of such profitable growth of AI. The essential peculiarities are fully presented in the given article.

  23. Jan 2019
    1. AI Robots will be replacing the White Collar Jobs by 6% until 2021

      AI software and the chatbots will be included in the current technologies and have automated with the robotic system. They will have given rights to access calendars, email accounts, browsing history, playlists, past purchases, and media viewing history. 6% is the huge number in the world as people would be seen struggling in finding the jobs. But there are benefits also as your work would have done easily and speedily

  24. Apr 2018
  25. Mar 2017
    1. Great overview and commentary. However, I would have liked some more insight into the ethical ramifications and potential destructiveness of an ASI-system as demonstrated in the movie.

  26. Feb 2017
  27. Jan 2017
    1. According to a 2015 report by Incapsula, 48.5% of all web traffic are by bots.


      The majority of bots are "bad bots" - scrapers that are harvesting emails and looking for content to steal, DDoS bots, hacking tools that are scanning websites for security vulnerabilities, spammers trying to sell the latest diet pill, ad bots that are clicking on your advertisements, etc.


      Content on websites such as dev.to are reposted elsewhere, word-for-word, by scrapers programmed by Black Hat SEO specialists.


      However, a new breed of scrapers exist - intelligent scrapers. They can search websites for sentences containing certain keywords, and then rewrite those sentences using "article spinning" techniques.

  28. May 2016
  29. Dec 2015
    1. OpenAI is a non-profit artificial intelligence research company. Our goal is to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole, unconstrained by a need to generate financial return.
    1. Big Sur is our newest Open Rack-compatible hardware designed for AI computing at a large scale. In collaboration with partners, we've built Big Sur to incorporate eight high-performance GPUs