476 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2019
    1. The idea was to reward video stars shorted by the system, such as those making sex education and music videos, which marquee advertisers found too risqué to endorse. 

      This is an interesting concept. Too often, too many people are "shorted by the system".

    1. combines two devotional themes

      See this essay by Eleanor Parker (A Clerk of Oxford) on a passage in Piers Plowman that echoes this combined image of the Trinity and Abraham's bosom.

  2. Mar 2019
    1. Multicultural counseling and therapy aims to offer both a helping role and process that uses modalities and defines goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of clients. It strives to recognize client identities to include individual, group, and universal dimensions, advocate the use of universal and culture-specific strategies and roles in the healing process, and balancs the importance of individualism and collectivism in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of client and client systems (Sue, 2001).

      In this ted talk, Dr. Jessica Dere outlines some of the issues and benefits that are involved with socio-culturally informed therapy and tactfully reveals the unconscious biases that are present with most people, including therapists and can get in the way of properly administering therapy. https://youtu.be/VrYmQDiunSc

    2. As our society becomes increasingly multiethnic and multiracial, mental health professionals must develop cultural competence ([link]), which means they must understand and address issues of race, culture, and ethnicity. They must also develop strategies to effectively address the needs of various populations for which Eurocentric therapies have limited application (Sue, 2004). For example, a counselor whose treatment focuses on individual decision making may be ineffective at helping a Chinese client with a collectivist approach to problem solving (Sue, 2004).

      The American Psychological Association has published a variety of graphs and charts that shed light on some very alarming statistics regarding the prevalence of mental illness and the lack of of people seeking treatment. Most notably is that only around fifty percent of Caucasians seeks treatment for mental illness and African Americans seek treatment far less, closer to thirty percent. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2016/01/publication-disparities

    3. Fortunately, we are starting to see campaigns related to the destigmatization of mental illness and an increase in public education and awareness. Join the effort by encouraging and supporting those around you to seek help if they need it. To learn more, visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) website (http://www.nami.org/). The nation’s largest nonprofit mental health advocacy and support organization is NAMI.

      This ted talk by Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman highlights some of the benefits that mental health de-stigmatization will bring. https://youtu.be/WrbTbB9tTtA

    1. As several speakers noted at the Symposium marking the 50th anniversary of the famous “Mother of All Demos,” networked digital computing, at scale, amounts to one of the most powerful and potentially dangerous experiments we have ever performed on ourselves.
    1. McCulloch was a confident, gray-eyed, wild-bearded, chain-smoking philosopher-poet who lived on whiskey and ice cream and never went to bed before 4 a.m.

      Now that is a business card title!

  3. Feb 2019
    1. Thomas P. Mackey and Trudi E. Jacobson

      In addition to co-authoring multiple texts on the subject, Mackey and Jacobson describe their development of this concept as well as their own experiences teaching with it in a 2018 Tea for Teaching podcast interview, which is freely accessible online. (Tea for Teaching interview permalink).

  4. Jan 2019
    1. small groups in the course of the workshop

      Full list of particpants available in these annotations - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Frrchnm.org%2Fnews%2Farguing-with-digital-history-workshop-to-address-a-central-problem-in-digital-history%2F

      For social media and university links for each of these participants please join our #DH501 @LUCTSDH course collaborative annotation group -(https://hypothes.is/groups/y779Zbyv/dh501) - out of @LoyolaChicago.

    2. Digital History & Argument White Paper

      How to cite this white paper:

      Arguing with Digital History working group, “Digital His-tory and Argument,” white paper, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media(November 13, 2017): https://rrchnm.org/argument-white-paper/

  5. Nov 2018
    1. List of web 2.0 applications

      EDUTECH wiki is a site that contains a variety of links to lists to hep educators with web 2.0 applications improving productivity Caution: some of the links are not active!

      RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  6. create-center.ahs.illinois.edu create-center.ahs.illinois.edu
    1. CREATE Overview

      Create is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing resources for the development and creation of educational technology to enhance the independence and productivity of older adult learners.

      The sight includes publications, resources, research, news, social media and information all relevant to aging and technology. It is the consortium of five universities including: Weill Cornell Medicine,University of Miami, Florida State University,Georgia Institute of Technology, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

      RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  7. Oct 2018
    1. More details on the Green function theory may be found in standard text books on many-bodytheory (e.g. Nozi`eres 1964, Fetter and Walecka 1971, Inkson 1984, Mahan 1990) and in the reviewarticle by Hedin and Lundqvist (1969).

      Really important references, esp the Fetter and Walecka many body quantum book.

  8. Aug 2018
    1. Open learning, also known as open education, can be defined as a set of practices, resources, and scholarship that are openly accessible, free to use and access, and to re-purpose

      LOVED Randall's website for students, parents, and other teachers! Definitely doing this for my classroom!!!!

  9. Jul 2018
    1. What activi-ties, sequence, and resources are best suited to accomplish our goals?

      I think this is very important question that teachers face today. With so many different resources available, sometimes it can be overwhelming not knowing what to use in the classroom.

  10. May 2018
  11. Nov 2017
    1. It was the degree of centrality to the white population of the state which alone then constituted the important point of comparison between these places:

      It's very telling that the degree of convenience for the white population was a prime reason for the location of the University; in fact, this is a clear display of the beliefs white leaders had on education at the time. Of course, the University was established around 50 years before slavery was abolished in the 13th amendment, but seeing the complete disinterest in providing an education for those other than white people is alarming. As shown in The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States by Delaney, the advancements African Americans made in education were individual and without any help from the white population. Section V of the document discusses how African Americans had no choice but to be consumers in a white man's world- as the latter was able to make literary, scientific, and social advancements. The document states how changes must be made in order to have any sort of advancement in equality for African Americans, and an important change could have been seen here if those writing this document had decided to change the focus of students for this University to make it more available to African Americans, even in the slightest degree.

      Ashley McGraw

  12. Oct 2017
    1. We should be far too from the discouraging persuasion, that man is fixed, by the law of his nature, at a given point: that his improvement is a chimæra, and the hope delusive of rendering ourselves wiser, happier or better than our forefathers were. As well might it be urged that the wild & uncultivated tree, hitherto yielding sour & bitter fruit only, can never be made to yield better: yet we know that the grafting art implants a new tree on the savage stock, producing what is most estimable both in kind & degree. Education, in like manner engrafts a new man on the native stock, & improves what in his nature was vicious & perverse, into qualities of virtue and social worth

      Hearing Jefferson discuss the potential to create a “new man…into qualities of virtue and social worth,” despite whatever “wild & uncultivated tree” he might originally appear to be, reminds me of his contrasting words from Notes on the State of Virginia (1785). In the context of contrasting the natural state of white men and black, he states, “…the difference is fixed in nature…and this difference is of no importance? Is it not the foundation of a greater or less share of beauty in the two races?” and then later, “It is not their condition, then, but nature, which has produced the distinction” (Query 14). Though Jefferson claims to firmly believe that no man is fixed in his state of being, it cannot be overlooked that Jefferson’s belief was qualified by his own words. Though he is remembered as a believer in the potential “social worth” of each individual, he always fell short in grasping this idea completely; he never reached beyond the thinking that this was not the case for “those of colour.”

  13. Apr 2017
    1. (Roberts, 2013)

      Adding in the spectrum of online for k-12 learning from walled garden to flat out open. (Walk My World, Givercraft, Eracisim, others?)

    2. The history of open learning has its roots in the Montessori movement with its emphasis on student choice and learning through experience; an approach where students engaged directly with the community in which they were situated (Westera, 1999).

      Need to probably differentiated between open learning/progressive education practices and open learning in a digital age.

    3. Conole (2013) describes open learning as comprising open source software, open educational resources, open approaches to teaching, open courses, open research, open systems, open scholarship, and open technology. Bates (2005) goes further to suggest that the essential characteristic of open learning is the removal of barriers to learning.

      Replace with the opening learning literature?

    4. Learning and Technology Policy Framework (Alberta Education, 2013), the 2014 New Media Consortium Horizon Report for K-12 (Adams Becker, Estrada, Freeman & Johnson, 2014), Open Learning and MOOCs in Canadian K-12 Online and Blended Environments (Roberts, 2013), Learner at the Center of a Networked World (Aspen Institute, 2014) and in Connected Learning: An agenda for research and design (Digital Media and Learning Research Hub, 2013).

      Need to update - keep what's good and add new relevant resources.

    1. artifacts, direct observation, laboratory experiments, and documents as data sources, and usually there are no plausible ways of identifying populations and drawing samples

      which is sort of amazing to me, because this is exactly what I think a qualitative approach like ethnographic case studies rely on as well!!!

  14. Mar 2017
    1. oil and gas and mineral wealth,

      The Arctic is home to a plethora of resources; it currently produces one tenth of the world’s oil and one fourth of its natural gas. Commercial extraction of oil started in the 1920s in Canada’s northwest territories. In the 1960s, large hydrocarbon fields were found in Russia, Alaska, and the Mackenzie Delta in Canada. The last several decades have produced billions of cubic meters of gas and oil in these countries in addition to Norway. The Canadian Arctic holds 49 gas and oil fields in the Mackenzie River Delta and 15 are located on the Canadian Arctic archipelago. There are also 11 offshore fossil fuel fields that were discovered in Barents Sea between Russia and Norway. North of the Arctic Circle, mostly in western Siberia, more than 400 onshore oil and gas fields have been found; roughly 60 of these fields are notably vast while a quarter of them are currently inoperable.

      In addition to fuel sources, there are also extensive deposits of minerals in the Arctic, predominantly in the most developed part of the region, the Russian Arctic. It contains copper, silver, zinc, molybdenum, gold, uranium, tungsten, tin, platinum, palladium, apatite, cobalt, titanium, rare metals, ceramic raw materials, mica, precious stones, and some of the largest known deposits of coal, gypsum, and diamonds. The North American Arctic, on the other hand, holds iron, nickel, copper, and uranium. It is important to note, however, that many of the known mineral reserves have not been extracted due to the high cost and their inaccessibility.

      "Natural Resources / Arctic." / Arctic. February 21, 2017. Accessed March 08, 2017. http://arctic.ru/resources/.

    1. Beaufort Sea Project

      The Beaufort Sea Project for Climate Change began as a research project in Canada in 2002. The project was started by Magdalena A.K. Muir and Geographic Information System (GIS) specialists with support from the Fisheries and Joint Management Committee and governmental organizations. The focus of the project from 2002 to 2007 was to study the effects of climate change on marine mammals and fish in the Beaufort Sea. In conjunction, the research studied the effects of using, managing, and allocating marine resources. After 2008, the research has focused on identifying species of marine wildlife that could be at risk in the future due to overfishing and climate change related effects. This research continues to study the effects of climate change on the health of marine species and management of marine resources. The management of these resources includes gaining species knowledge, setting limits on the number of marine mammals and fish that are allowed to be captured and killed per year, and enforcing legislature about managing marine resources. Specifically, researchers are studying the effects of climate change in marine mammal migrations patterns. The specific environmental effects are changes in the fresh water Mackenzie River inputs, sea and land ice, and water circulation. Researchers plan to use these changes to catalogue direct effects of climate change on migration. Sea and land ice changes will be detrimental to ice dependent animals. This research will provide information for scientists, researchers, organizations, charities, and government officials so that appropriate laws and regulations can be established (Muir n.d.).


      Muir, Magdalena A.K. "Beaufort Sea Project for Climate Change." Arctic Institute of North America. Accessed March 05, 2017. http://arctic.ucalgary.ca/beaufort-sea-project-climate-change.

  15. Feb 2017
    1. Still, she misses some of the resources traditional publishers offer. Before she switched to LibreText, her old textbook came with adaptive quizzes—which can help students identify what they need to spend more time studying—and she says they worked well. But at the same time, some of her students weren’t able to access those resources, because they weren’t able to purchase the textbook in the first place. “It’s sort of a catch-22,” she says. “It was improving student success—but only in those who could afford to buy it.”
    1. Oakwood International offers the best Human Resources training courses in the UAE! They are specialized in HR training courses that will prepare you well for a successful HR career and will enable you to progress to management with ease. For more information visit them today!

    1. culture of our institutions

      Read more about workplace bias at museums in Bias Cache: Collecting Incidents and Interruptions of Workplace Bias in Museums by Aletheia Wittman, Rose Paquet Kinsley, and Margaret Middleton, May 16, 2016.


      Thanks to Elissa Frankle for sharing her slides for this presentation on Slideshare. The people and hashtags recognized at the beginning of the talk include: Alli Hartley, Teresa Martinez, Nikhil Trivedi, Alyssa Greenberg, Monica Montgomery, Lesley Kadish, Sina Bahram, #museumworkersspeak, #fightfor15, Adrianne Russell, Gretchen Jennings, Aleia Brown, Carol Bossert, Matt Adler, Liz Ogbu, Cait Reizman, Jason Alderman, and #museumsrespondtoferguson.

  16. Jan 2017
    1. Abstract

      Video recording of a video symposium explaining the motivation and methodology of the reproducibility project, previewing preliminary results and offering discussion points on implications:

      Reproducibility Project Psychology results preview meeting

    2. Such debates are meaningless, however, if the evidence being debated is not reproducible.

      An example of a case where psychologists are currently face vivid debates about the replicability of an effect is the Ego Depletion literature, as explained in this video:

      Why an Entire Field of Psychology Is in Trouble (by SciShow)

    3. Reproducibility

      Introductory video summarizing the Reproducibility Project:

      Science 101: The Basics of Reproducibility/Replicability (by Public Domain TV)

  17. Dec 2016
  18. Nov 2016
    1. We're not the ones who're meant to follow.

      Armstrong and Dirnt turned to music as an escape and to bring a little excitement into their admittedly staid, suburban lives. Though many of their punk brethren have accused them of selling out, complaining that real punk rock cannot be found on a major corporate label, Green Day's success has not cast a shadow over their drive for fun. Dirnt commented to Rolling Stone, "I told Bill, 'Let's just take it as far as we can. Eventually we'll lose all the money and everything else, anyway. Let's just make sure we have one great big story at the end.'"

    2. Green Day

      Green Day began in San Francisco, California, as an escape for two troubled teens— Michael Dirnt and Billie Joe Armstrong. Dirnt (born Michael Pritchard) was the son of a heroin-addicted mother. A Native American woman and her white husband adopted Dirnt, but they divorced when he was an adolescent. At that time, Dirnt returned to his birth mother, then left home at age fifteen, renting a room from the family of a school friend—Billie Joe Armstrong. (The friendship had solidified around the time of the death of Armstrong's father, when Billie Joe was about ten years old.) Dirnt and Armstrong eventually moved out on their own, inhabiting various basements throughout Berkeley, California, and frequenting a club called the Gilman Street Project.Armstrong and Dirnt hired Jeff Kiftmeyer as the new drummer and began touring. Upon their return to California in 1990, Gilman Street Project regular Tré Cool replaced Kiftmeyer as the drummer. This combination turned into the formula for Green Day's success as the band tried to bring punk rock into the mainstream.This trio of tattooed, pierced, and dyed-hair 22-year-olds emerged in 1994 as one of the hottest commodities in the entertainment business and ushered in punk as the heir apparent to grunge in rock and roll's quirky evolution. For all their efforts, the band has helped make punk mainstream and opened the gates for other punk bands including former Lookout! labelmates, the Offspring and Rancid.

    3. "American Idiot" - Green Day

      Green Day's first number one album since 1994's multi-platinum Dookie--which is likely due to the fact that while the lyrics may have a deeper meaning, the hooks are still there, and they are played with the same intensity that made the group famous more than a decade ago. Spin said the title track was "Green Day's most epic song yet.

    4. And can you hear the sound of hysteria?

      Like their punk predecessors, Green Day showed commitment and passion in their songs while reveling in disorder with their outlandish stage theatrics. Whether drawn to the on-stage antics or the music, listeners have always responded well to Green Day. Audiences have purchased an unprecedented number of the band's albums and continue to attend their concerts in large numbers. Both critics and music industry organizations have handed the band honors and praise for its music and lyrics.

    5. All across the alien nation,

      Their lyrics dwell on "hormone-related" issues such as alienation, resentment, disillusionment, hopelessness, and self-destruction. Typically punk, they preach redemption through realism. It is not surprising then that Green Day's material was once classified as "music for people with raging hormones and short attention spans.

    6. Well, maybe I'm the ______ America.

      Moreover, critics lauded Dookie for its melodies and lyrics as well as for its controlled frenzy. In June 1994, Time reviewer Christopher John Farley even went so far as to declare the work the best rock CD of the year. In 1995, Dookie won the prestigious Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Performance. Rolling Stone Music Awards also recognized Dookie as the best album of the year and named Green Day the best band of 1995. "Longview" from Dookie also received two honors at Billboard's Music Video Awards. It was MTV's constant playing of "Longview" that made the punk-pop song more than an alternative hit and Green Day a major crossover success with mainstream audiences. Similarly, Green Day's singles earned impressive credits. In 1995, for example, "When I Come Around" spent more than twenty weeks on Billboard's Hot 100 Chart, eighteen weeks on the Modern Rock Tracks Chart, eleven weeks on the Hot 100 Recurrent Air Play List, and nine weeks on the Top 40 Air Play Chart. The next year "Geek Stink Breath" endured for eight weeks on Billboard's Hot 100 Air Play Chart.

    7. Don't want a nation under the new media.

      If ever an alternative rock group epitomized modern punk, it would be Green Day. Influenced by groups like British punk rockers The Sex Pistols and The Clash, as well as by the 1960s British Invasion pop group The Kinks, Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, and Tré Cool built on the British punk sound of the 1970s to carve their own place in pop music history.

    8. Now everybody do the propaganda,And sing along to the age of paranoia.

      The work challenges listeners to dig deeper than the high-octane guitars and thundering drums that drive the record's jubilant pop sheen. This is a multi-layered, literate narrative that effectively wields anger, wit, and bombast to expose the ugliness that seeps below the surface of this country's patriotism, commercialism, and nationalism.

    9. We're not the ones who're meant to follow.

      "A lot of rock music lacks ambition. Rock has become stagnant. There are a lot of bands that aren't doing anything differently than what's currently going on in pop music--like issuing a single, putting out a record, making a video, and hopefully getting on a tour with a bigger band. I think the reason hip-hop has become so much bigger than rock lately is because those artists are much more ambitious, and they are making records that have a concept and characters. They sound like a script." ~Billy Joe Armstrong

    10. Television dreams of tomorrow.

      "All my songwriting is about creating a statement and taking action. On American Idiot, it's reflecting on what's going on in the world right now." ~Billy Joe Armstrong

    1. "Wikity is social bookmarks, wikified." -- Mike Caulfield<br> http://rainystreets.wikity.cc/<br> https://github.com/michaelarthurcaulfield/wikity-zero/

      as far as I can tell, Wikity is the simplest way to run a personal wiki on top of WordPress. But the focus is a hyperlinked bookmarking and notetaking system, because after a year of use and 2,000 cards logged, I can tell you that is where the unique value is.

  19. Oct 2016
    1. The resource-based economy goes like this: In the future robots will do all the jobs (including creating new robots and fixing broken one). Now, imagine the world is like a public library, where you can borrow any book you want but never own it. Fresco wants all enterprise like this, whether it’s groceries, new tech, gasoline, or alcohol. He wants everything free and eventually provided to us by robots, software, and automation.

      I think this is achievable, if we emphasize specialized libraries and cooperative models around resources (i.e. tool/tech libraries, food banks/co-ops)

  20. Sep 2016
  21. Jul 2016
  22. Apr 2016
    1. Blogs tend towards conversational and quotative reuse, which is great for some subject areas, but not so great for others. Wiki feeds forward into a consensus process that provides a high level of remix and reuse, but at the expense of personal control and the preservation of divergent goals. Wikity takes lessons from federated wiki, combining the individual control of blogging with the permissionless improvement of wiki.

      Mike Caulfield introduces http://wikity.cc, a personal wiki platform in which editing is blog-like (it runs on WordPress), but pages can be easily copied and remixed.

      I am particularly excited about ways it might be used to help faculty and students to collaborate on OER across institutions.

    1. Those students that bought the cheap version of the text back in 1991? They were pill-splitters. And they failed at pill-splitting (and maybe at the course). Do we own that failure? What we’ve learned over the past five years or so in OER is that what we sell in the Open Textbook movement is not just reduced cost. It’s the simplicity that you can get when you’re not working with an industry trying to milk every last dollar out of students. It’s every student having their materials on day one, for as long as they like, without having to navigate “simple” questions of what to buy, what to rent, and when-is-the-book-on-the-syllabus-that’s-required-not-really-required.
    1. Below you will find a pretty thorough listing of helpful links for understanding wikidata. Please extend, its openly editable.

  23. Dec 2015
    1. legal changes often lead to negative outcomes. New laws can limit use, introduce new payments or make open licensing incompatible with the given legal system. In such cases, OER advocates need to take a stance in defense of the existing rules.
    2. not all of the resources needed for education will be openly licensed — for example, modern education requires use of cultural resources that are in copyright and will never be openly licensed. We therefore need good and balanced rules allowing educators acting in the public interest to use these resources.
    3. the development of OER provides proof for the need of strong user rights in education. By looking at effects of successful OER projects we can describe a future educational reality, in which institutions, educators, and students benefit from a more liberal copyright law. Part of the success of Wikipedia as an education tool is the fact that no one accessing the site, or copying it for students, needs to worry: “Is this legal?”
  24. Nov 2015
    1. Some practitioners of open education have been dismayed at the recent emphasis on "free textbooks", which implies that cost-cutting is the main goal of openness. But it should not be forgotten that for many teachers and students, open textbooks provide an introduction to broader open practices.

    1. Northern Virginia Community College’s Extended Learning Institute (ELI) and open courseware provider Lumen Learning announced a collaboration to publish 24 online college courses for two complete degree programs. All courses were developed for zero student cost using open educational resources (OER)
    1. Resource Repository Network will create a resource graph of learning/training resources data from multiple sources and formats including live and dynamic data

      Sounds pretty close to Comète.

  25. Oct 2015
    1. They are also venues where people forge collective identitiesand extend their solidarities beyond their immediate familiar circles toinclude also the unknown, the strangers.

      People are using their built environment to form connections with others who share the same passion or interest.. this can be seen almost anywhere, not just the streets.

    1. Capitalists must also discover new means of production in general and natural resources in particular, which puts increasing pressure on the natural environment to yield up necessary raw materials and absorb the inevitable waste.

      Sometimes, capitalists can be too focused on yielding up necessary raw materials that they ignore the fact that some of these resources are limited. There's no way to make more silver or gold, but an example of not drying up our resources is to plant two trees for every tree cut down.

  26. Sep 2015
    1. In the youngest, least urbanized city of Zaria he finds most dwelling construction stemming from generational changes in size and com- position of the resident kin group (341). In the two older cities where land and housing are scarce, he finds most new construction is to accommodate renters who make up close to half of the household population
  27. Jul 2015
    1. While I’d struggle to tell you how I learn best, there is one question that I’d always be able to answer enthusiastically: What would you like to learn next? Right now I’m learning JavaScript and have plans to give Spanish another go. I should probably pick up those guitar lessons again soon as well. Thankfully we live in a time when it’s trivially easy to gain access to resources and to learning activities. The problem is finding out the ones that work best for you. Perhaps that’s why we carry around in our pockets devices that can access pretty much the sum total of human knowledge yet use them to LOL at amusing pictures of cats. What are the barriers here? I’d suggest there are three main ones: 1 Curriculum - the series of activities that build towards a learning goal 2 Credentials - the ability to show what you know 3 Community - the cohort of peers you feel you are part of, along with access to ‘experts’

      How do I learn best? What resources are the best ones for me?

  28. Nov 2014
    1. There are many ways to start... learn.perl.orgexternal link A brief introductionexternal link Free online Perl books Join your local community Books and More

      Perl's learning resources | http://www.perl.org/learn.html

    1. The goal of this site is to provide a set of materials in support of my Python for Informatics: Exploring Information book to allow you to learn Python on your own. This page serves as an outline of the materials to support the textbook.

      http://www.pythonlearn.com/ | A great resource for starting programmers looking to build knowledge and gain skills. Open Source Course

  29. Sep 2013
    1. Moreover, you will find that these men are able to carry on a profitable business in alone; if they were to sail to any other place they would starve to death; while my resources, which this fellow has exaggerated, have all come to me from abroad.38

      He weaves in a positive spin to receiving resources from abroad.