105 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Aug 2023
    1. ignoring AI altogether–not because they don’t wantto navigate it but because it all feels too much or cyclicalenough that something else in another two years will upendeverything again

      Might generative AI worries follow the track of the MOOC scare? (Many felt that creating courseware was going to put educators out of business...)



  3. Apr 2023
  4. Dec 2022
  5. Aug 2022
  6. Jun 2022
    1. https://www.uopeople.edu/

      Mentioned at Hypothes.is Social Learning Summit.

      Generally looks legit, though it has faced accusations of being a diploma mill and some balanced sounding reviews of it are not good.

      A masters will run about $3-4,000 in fees.

      Based in Pasadena, CA

  7. Mar 2022
    1. The Open Network Learning Mooc has a focus on using open platforms and Open Education Resources; except for the Adobe Connect Pro software being used for webinars. This model of openness signifies a significant move forward in making education accessible and flexible for all participants.

      I strongly believe in this method of teaching by presenting opportunities to access information, knowledge and education as freely as possible (my main reason is due to the severity of the socio-economic disparities in my learning environment in South Africa). It is important to provide opportunities for all to be able to move out of their circumstances and the best way to do this is through education (if education is accessible).

  8. Oct 2021
  9. May 2021
    1. My assertion is based on the observation that a great deal of learning does take place in connective environments on the world wide web, that these have scaled to large numbers, and that often they do not require any institutional or instructional support.
  10. Apr 2021
    1. Séquence 1 : Les bonnes habitudes pour bien dormir – Le lien entre qualité du sommeil et habitudes de vie
    1. SEMAINE 7 : Vivre avec son temps Psychoéducation, stratégies basées sur la mindfulness et conduites suicidaires Détresse et conduites suicidaires à l’heure des réseaux sociaux Les conduites suicidaires chez l'adolescent
  11. Mar 2021
  12. Oct 2020
  13. Jun 2020
  14. Apr 2020
    1. Code, langue des signes, piano… Des cours en ligne sur ce que vous rêviez d’apprendre depuis longtemps « La Matinale » vous propose sept cours à suivre à distance, pour vous cultiver ou vous occuper en temps de confinement.

      Par Alice Raybaud Publié le 19 mars 2020 à 23h37 - Mis à jour le 20 mars 2020 à 16h35

  15. Feb 2020
    1. Keywords

      I would include "open data" and "data sharing" as keywords too.

    2. variation itself as a subject of study

      This is a very interesting and probably very important point I personally never thought about before! Investigating this would definitively help with (re-)interpreting the outcome of other studies already conducted in the past as well as with future studies.

    3. largest publicly available data set

      Here, one could add details on what kind of data set this is and where one can find it.

  16. Oct 2019
    1. Human brain images are being generated at an ever increasing scale and rate.

      Even if we do have a lot of ways to portrait the human brain, its structure, and function, it is still not clear a pathway to neurodegenerative diseases and the appearance of tumors.

    2. A Million Brains in the Cloud

      Arno Klein and Satrajit S. Gosh published this research idea in 2016 and opened it to review. In fact, you could review their abstract directly in RIO, but for the MOOC activity "open peer review" we want you to read and annotate their proposal using this Hypothes.is layer. You can add annotations by simply highlighting a section that you want to comment on or add a page note and say in a few sentences what you think of their ideas. You can also reply to comments that your peers have already made. Please sign up to Hypothes.is and join the conversation!

  17. Sep 2019
    1. 16 MOOCs offered by the University of Pennsylvania through a company called Coursera. They found that completion rates averaged at around 4 percent.

      Completion rate of most MOOCs is fairly small

    2. The UT System invested $5 million in edX and committed to spending another $5 million on course development. It was in good company; Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had each ponied up $30 million to launch the service. Rice University, Texas’ elite private institution, also partnered with edX.

      Money invested in creation of edX

  18. May 2019
    1. adjunctification of institutions founded on “gift” logic

      I still don't see how institutions are continuing to miss the inevitable outcome, when adjuncts who feel no connection to an institution hop right over to the Mother-of-all-MOOCs online institution that makes the first credible bid to disrupt/replace them?

  19. Mar 2019
    1. Beyond the Click: Rethinking Assessment of an Adult Professional Development MOOC

      Examines the design and implementation of a MOOC about flipped teaching. It used digital surveys and the LMS system to gauge participant experiences and expectations. A unique aspect of this MOOC is that it asked participants to set what level of activity they expected to have in the program: active, passive, drop-in, observer. And it found that 60% of people engaged directly at that level. This is useful for designing online education experience and connecting participants with each other and in the classroom based upon their learning goals.

    1. An investigation into the attraction and completion rates of MOOCs Sergey Kruchinin

      Research Paper. Discusses the use of MOOCs and their completion rates as tools for education. MOOCs are often touted as the best way to get education to the popular masses. The study shows that MOOCs coming from universities with major names on just a few platforms like Coursera tend to be the most successful in terms of completion rate. Courses that have auto grading features are more attractive to students, probably because they get feedback immediately. Rating 4/10

  20. Jan 2019
  21. Nov 2018
  22. Jun 2018
  23. Apr 2018
  24. www.openpraxis.org www.openpraxis.org
    1. Open education does not constitute a discipline, in the manner of a hard science for example, so there is no agreed canon of research that all researchers will be familiar with. It is also an area that practitioners tend to move into from other fields, often because of an interest in applying aspects of openness to their foundational discipline. This can be seen as an advantage, in that different perspectives are brought into the domain, and it evolves rapidly. However, it also results in an absence of shared knowledge, with the consequence that existing knowledge is often ‘rediscovered’ or not built upon.

      In order for open education to be more than a movement, it feels like we should be consciously moving in this direction - to define a canonical set of resources that are foundational to the field in order to help orient others and further define ourselves as a field/discipline. Because, as we have seen with MOOC's, if we do not do it, then others will do it for us.

  25. Mar 2018
    1. MOOC provider offering career education and prepartion courses and provides skill set education.

  26. www.edx.org www.edx.org
    1. Mooc website I currently use myself. The selection of courses is triple those of other website offering free courses.

  27. Feb 2018
  28. Dec 2017
  29. Nov 2017
    1. The idea that we can collaboratively build a platform that will frame the discourse and promote sharing is a promising aftereffect of the current MOOC backlash.

      Since the term “disruptive” has come to be associated with Clay Christensen’s model, there might be something closer to a reappropriation model like Hippies appropriating VW Beetles, Roadsworth painting pedestrian crossings into zippers, or circuit benders making musical instruments out of old toys. Somewhere, someone may subvert a MOOC into something useful. In fact, Arshad Ahmad once described a successful MOOC which had lost its instructors. Learners started owning their learning activities.

    2. basic Web 2.0 premises of aggregation, openness, tagging, portability, reuse, multichannel distribution, syndication, and user-as-contributor
    3. the experimentation and possibility of the MOOC movement had become co-opted and rebranded by venture capitalists as a fully formed, disruptive solution to the broken model of higher education.11
    4. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which have become the poster child of innovation in higher education over the last two to three years
    1. Alan Levine’s comment also needs to be kept for posterity:

      I so appreciate the framing of this history for the oMOOC (Original) as "courses of lectures" which seems not focused on the lectures but the discussions generated. And thanks for the mention of the ds106 assignment bank (a concept I seem to suggest in every project) but I must make a small historical credit. Grant Potter was definitely part of the foundation, but his great contribution was DS106 Radio. The person who credit for the Assignment Bank must go to is Martha Burtis who did this and more for co-creating DS106, but she's often invisible in the Shadow of Groom. I did the archeology on the Assignment Bank history: http://cogdogblog.com/2016/10/ds106-history-details/ I dream that someone would fund you to roll out the model described, maybe it's a dMOOC (Downsian) not that it would likely overtake the xMOOC Hype Train (which all its is shiny conductors have jumped off the train, i just keeps rolling through burgs like EdSurge).

    2. access to one-on-one (and possible small circle) consultations for a fee
    3. We (had we ever been given the opportunity) would have created the business proposition very differently.
    4. access to the top researchers in the field
    5. I think that universities (especially the 'elite' universities) have lost the plot when it comes to their value proposition (or, at least, what they tell the world their value proposition is).

      In some ways, the strongest indictment of the MOOC hype.

    1. the way of MOOCs – a few years of wild hype about revolutionary potential followed by inevitable domestication by the academy.

      That sure is one way to put it. Same expectation for #NGDLE?

  30. Aug 2017
    1. Predicting successful completion using studentdelay indicators in undergraduate self-pacedonline courses

      This study looks at procrastination and delay patterns in self-paced undergraduate online courses.

  31. Jun 2017
    1. n this article, we outline the basic features of the strategy that Cracolice and Roth (1996) refer to: the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI), which is also known as the Keller Plan. PSI is a non-traditional method of teaching that thousands of instructors have used at colleges and universities since the 1960s. Although PSI is an effective and empirically validated method of instruction, many traditional and distance educators are unfamiliar with the system, mainly because dissemination of the method occurred during the 1970s, before an entire generation of instructors assumed their positions, and before distance learning came into prominence.

      This paper provides a good overview of PSI, including it's initial development, rise to prominence, why it fell out of favor as a method and opportunities for use in online courses.

  32. www.edx.org www.edx.org
    1. The central objectiveof this pilot was to examinehow adaptation ofthe new MIT edX 6.002x (Electronics and Circuits) MOOC-contentin a flipped model of teaching mightimprove student learning in a credit-bearing college course. Multiple objectives for this pilot included: (1) improve thedepartment’s typicalpassage rate of 59%for this course; (2)improve students’ retention rate; (3) shorten students’ time-to-degree; (4) improve the quality of the content of the course; and (5) reducethe prerequisite contribution for successful passageof subsequent courses.

      This paper summarizes a pilot at San Jose State, using an MIT edX circuits course to facilitate a blended learning approach. Students completed the MOOC materials ahead of class and then class sessions consisted of 1) mental ramp up 2) mini-review lecture 3) group quiz 4) group quiz solution 5) individual quiz 6) solution for individual quiz 7) preview of next session.

    1. The University of Michigan Teach-Out Series offers an opportunity for learners around the world to come together with our campus community in conversation on topics of widespread interest.

      Short, 1-week, open courses offered on edX that explore timely topics

  33. Apr 2017
    1. 427setting (Roberts, 2013). While learning communities are created in a MOOC and provide a mechanism for shared knowledge construction for learners and networks in K-12 (Reil, 1998), learning is dependent upon the participation and interaction between the learners who share common interests. This leads to what Fischer (2011) describes as a culture of participation sup-ported by a variety of digital tools, hardware, and software. Creating this in the highly struc-tured K-12 learning environment is a significant challenge for teachers. Research indicates that young learners are learning in a connectivist manner (Rheingold, 2012; Prensky, 2006; Ito et al., 2010), and Ito points out that learning is already taking place among youths in peer groups and interest groups using social media, gaming, and cartooning in on-line worlds. She further notes that complex learning is reflected in groups where students and adults work together as “peers” in specific interest groups. So while there has been little writ-ten about MOOCs in K-12 education, a K-12 MOOC could be used to supplement student learning beyond prescribed courses and curriculum and to provide student exposure to diverse and

      How much should remain or completely delete?

    2. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

      Global Projects or Open Projects

    3. Massive Open Online Courses

      Should we say informal learning here instead of referring to the MOOC?

  34. Mar 2017
    1. Willkommen in diesem B1 Sprach- und Kulturkurs Deutsch!  Dieser Kurs ist für alle diejenigen offen, die sich für die deutsche Sprache und Kultur interessieren (kann in Kanada oder anderswo in der Welt sein). Teilnehmende werden notwendige Einsichten in das (Uni-)Leben in Deutschland und anderen deutschsprachigen Ländern bekommen. Sie müssen also gar nicht nach Deutscland fahren, um zu erleben, wie sich Deutschland anfühlt.Vision: Dieser Kurs möchte Lernern mit beschränktem Zugang eine kostengünstige Alternative zum Deutschlernen auf B1-Niveau anbieten.Für Wen: Interessenten jeder Art, die einen Studienaufenthalt in Deutschland planen oder sich generell für das Leben in Deutschland heute interessieren. Übergreifendes Ziel des Kurses: Eine aktive Gemeinschaft von Deutschlernenden bilden, deren Mitglieder sich mithilfe nützlicher Webtools auch über Länder- und Zeitgrenzen hinweg selbstständig dem Deutschlernen widmen können.Kursdauer: 10-12 WochenWöchentlicher Arbeitsaufwand: 3-5 StundenKurskommunikation zwischen Kursleitung und KursteilnehmendenRegelmäßige Umfragen an Studenten, um Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmenden zu erfassenLernstandsmessung: Eine Kombination aus automatisiertem Feedback und persönlichen Kommentaren der Kursleitung Kursmaterialien: alle verwendeten Materialien sind kostenfrei im Internet zugänglich und von jederman nutzbar (OER)Kursbuch: Deutsch im Blick. Online German Course Components including textbook/ audio/ video/ etc. CC-BY-NC-ND: UT Austin. Available: http://coerll.utexas.edu/dib/ 

      This course caters to all people interested in learning German (in Canada or other parts of the world). Participants in this course will gain an insight into so (university) life in Germany and the German-speaking countries. You won't have to be there to still see what Germany feels like!

      Intended Audience: Informal students or faculty/ instructors planning a study visit to Germany or people interested in (uni) life in Germany

      High-level Course Goal: Build a community of learners of German and provide its members with valuable insights into webtools and open study content, so that the learners can then continue learning German independently after this course.

      Length of Course: 10-12 weeks Weekly study time for students: 3-5 hours Communication of instructor with students: General feedback on collaborative activities on a weekly basis (private speaking lessons with one-on-one practice sessions can be arranged for a fee) Track students’ happiness with individual module surveys Assessment: Automated Feedback or General Feedback to community at the end of weekly modules Materials used: all materials and tools used for language learning activities are either Open Educational Resources (OER) or otherwise freely available resources on the internet Course Book: Deutsch im Blick. Online German Course Components including textbook/ audio/ video/ etc. CC-BY-NC-ND: UT Austin. Available: http://coerll.utexas.edu/dib/

    2. (Uni)-Leben in Deutschland: Ein Deutschkurs auf B1-Niveau

      (Uni) Life in Germany: A German Language Course on the B1 Level

  35. Feb 2017
    1. Next time Silicon Valley comes up with a new way to “disrupt” education, let’s see if we faculty can invest more time and effort in getting our bosses to listen to common sense.

      And force them to do a standard lit review and design online learning experiences that are grounded in the rich research history of online learning.

  36. Jan 2017
  37. Dec 2016
  38. Sep 2016
    1. Steven Mintz is Executive Director of the University of Texas System's Institute for Transformational Learning and Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin.

      Sounds like MOOCs have been part of his role, at least in UT’s collaboration with edX. Which brings an interesting context to the piece, especially in view of what we might call “the end of the MOOC moment”.

  39. Aug 2016
    1. one iteration from success!
    2. Interestingly, the other MOOC professor at Stanford in 2011, who was not part of the media push or start-up aftermath,  was Jennifer Widom.  She has continued to teach MOOCs since 2011, and during her current sabbatical year is offering free courses in data and design…and those free courses are going to be in-person.

      This puts MOOC hype in perspective, including the Matthew Effect.

  40. Jul 2016
    1. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been the subject of much hyperbole in the educational/eLearning world for a few years now, under the guise of spreading university-quality education to the masses for free (the hyperbole is dwindling down, but not completely).

      Cue Rolin Moe, who has investigated the MOOC hype so thoroughly. We may still follow a Gartner Cycle (Merton did warn us about self-fulfilling prophesies). But much of those phases have been documented.

    2. A Postcolonial Look at the Future of #EdTech

      Timely. Sent it to a few people, already, as it connects with several discussions we’ve been having on neocolonialism in EdTech, including the content side of Open Education (OER). Some of it reminds me of Crissinger’s critical take on OER, based on her experience with Open Access.

    1. disheartened that open education is still mainly focused on MOOCs and OERs, rather than on the broader concept of open textbooks, open research, and open data.

      We often think of the hype cycle but two things this post reveals about MOOC hype: 1) There can be regional differences in the timing of those cycles. 2) We might be in a broad shift from MOOC as a thing to MOOC as a pretext for openness.

    2. MOOCs have forced Vice Chancellors to focus on teaching and learning This is probably a true if sad statement.

      My thoughts exactly. Same was true of McG’s Tony Massi saying that MOOCs got a few science teachers to rethink their teaching for the first time in decades.

  41. Jun 2016
    1. Every graphic element of Pharo that you click on...  - With Cmd+Shift+Option,  - you'll get a little menu around the graphic element.

      I don't get this halo directly, by presing Ctrl + Shift, which can be a little confusing. What I get is a contextual menu that let's me to select the halo after that. See:

      After that I need to go to the add halo menu. It's kind of indirect, compared with the previous behavior.

      Am I doing something wrong?

  42. Feb 2016
    1. Staggered Versus All-At-Once Content Release in Massive Open Online Courses: Evaluating a Natural Experiment

      A report on the Harvard Heroes X course comparing a scheduled course structure to all at once release with a single final due date.

  43. Jan 2016
  44. Dec 2015
  45. Oct 2015
  46. Sep 2015
    1. The more interesting challenge for an open learning architecture is how to scale agile and distinct environments across and among many courses — or even better, across several institutions and across the web itself. This moves us back toward a network of networks, a foundational principle of the Internet.

      Perhaps a "flipped MOOC" might work?

  47. Aug 2015
    1. So, rather than an exploration of a work in which instructor and student collaborate on meaning-making, Education Genius maintains a hierarchical divide between teacher and learner.

      I wonder if this stems from the misguided assumptions of the MOOC, that education can be distributed en masse rather than requiring careful collaboration and community management.

    1. According to The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL)

      The CSAIL study proved what YouTube producers have longed figured out. Shorter more frequent videos work better. MOOCs aren't new. We just used to call them YouTube,.

    2. “It was interesting, because the University of Phoenix rented out this beautiful lecture space at a nearby art institute, which had a huge bay window that would be my backdrop. I was told the University would find people to populate the lecture as it was recorded, and when I gave the lecture, I noticed all the people were incredibly beautiful…I found out later that they were hired models.”

      Glad to see the University reinforcing body type and gender stereotypes right into their MOOCs

    3. “We estimate total costs per MOOC, including facilities, equipment, and overhead, of $38,980 to $325,330” the authors explai

      Either these costs are grossly inflated or universities are doing this totally wrong. If I dedicated 25% of my workload to teaching a MOOC (and teaching makes up about 50% of my job) that would come nowhere to reaching the costs.

      I can build a MOOC tomorrow for about $40 bucks in hosting.

  48. Apr 2015
  49. Feb 2014
    1. Alternatively, Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng who are the founders of Coursera, a Stanford MOOC startup, have decided to use peer evaluation to assess writing. Koller and Ng (2012) specifically used the term “calibrated peer review” to refer to a method of peer review distinct from an application developed by UCLA with National Science Foundation funding called Calibrated Peer Review™ (CPR). For Koller and Ng, “calibrated peer review” is a specific form of peer review in which students are trained on a particular scoring rubric for an assignment using practice essays before they begin the peer review process.