1,248 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2020
    1. Peto, J., Alwan, N. A., Godfrey, K. M., Burgess, R. A., Hunter, D. J., Riboli, E., Romer, P., Buchan, I., Colbourn, T., Costelloe, C., Smith, G. D., Elliott, P., Ezzati, M., Gilbert, R., Gilthorpe, M. S., Foy, R., Houlston, R., Inskip, H., Lawlor, D. A., … Yao, G. L. (2020). Universal weekly testing as the UK COVID-19 lockdown exit strategy. The Lancet, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30936-3

  2. Sep 2019
  3. Jul 2019
    1. “Urgent action must be taken by the UK’s governments to ensure that the tools used to regulate political campaigning online continue to be fit for purpose in a digital age,” said Sir John Holmes, chair of the Electoral Commission.
  4. Mar 2019
    1. Mithering about the unmodellable. "Sometime late last year I went to the Euro IA conference with Anya and Silver to give a talk on the domain modelling work we've been doing in UK Parliament."

  5. Sep 2018
    1. Gulley, Nicola. “Creative Commons: Challenges and Solutions for Researchers; a Publisher’s Perspective of Copyright in an Open Access Environment.” Insights: the UKSG journal 26.2 (2013): 168–173. Web. Unit 3.2 (New Article)

      Gulley, Nicola. “Creative Commons: Challenges and Solutions for Researchers; a Publisher’s Perspective of Copyright in an Open Access Environment.” Insights: the UKSG journal 26.2 (2013): 168–173. Web. Gulley, a publisher with Institute of Physics (IOP) sets out to describe and clarify the CC BY license for researchers who may be wary of making use of it for their own work. The Research Councils UK currently require APC funded OA articles to be made available under a Creative Commons Attribution license . This license is also favored by the UK’s Wellcome Trust).

      Although this is a 2013 article, Gulley’s overview of the six licenses is still largely valid. The benefits she sites include clarity for the user, the ability to build on past research—the primary need for scientists and providing a nearly internationally applicable standard (something that has only improved since she wrote her article). Gulley cites that authors have expressed concern over maintaining control of their work over time and against derivative uses, maintaining the integrity and context of their work, and the compatibility as CC licenses are combined into a single work.

      Gulley explains in detail the more weedy aspects of CC-BY licensing, and how to address some of the concerns she mentioned in line with established Creative Commons policy. In fact, IOP has adopted CC BY licensing for its publications (presumably for their openly accessible content) because the opportunities for sharing outweigh any negative effects.

  6. Jul 2018
  7. Dec 2017
  8. Nov 2017
    1. Government announces it has secured a major strategic investment into UK by MSD ahead of this morning’s publication of its flagship Industrial Strategy Landmark investment comes as a huge vote of confidence in the government’s approach to industrial strategy, with the global healthcare company committing to open a new world-class hub in the UK
  9. Aug 2017
  10. Jul 2017
  11. Jun 2017
  12. Apr 2017
    1. The president of the European parliament has said Britain would be welcomed back with open arms if voters changed their minds about Brexit on 8 June, challenging Theresa May’s claim that “there is no turning back” after article 50.

  13. Mar 2017
    1. Earlier this week, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport held a private ministerial meeting with news publishers and technology platforms to discuss the issue of fake news and the programmatic environment which supports it.
  14. Feb 2017
  15. Jan 2016
    1. Hypothes.is

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  16. Feb 2014
    1. National governments are also weighing in on the issue. The UK government aims this April to make text-mining for non-commercial purposes exempt from copyright, allowing academics to mine any content they have paid for.

      UK government intervening to make text-mining for non-commercial purposes exempt from copyright.