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- Dec 2017
viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com
Yesterday’s Delta Boeing 717 flight DL1943 from Detroit to Atlanta became a 22 minute trip from Detroit to Detroit when there was a bird discovered flying around the cockpit. And it wasn’t the first time a bird flew around the cockpit that day on that plane.
What the heck?
- Aug 2017
renespoints.boardingarea.com renespoints.boardingarea.com
you noticed FAs often say that Delta never stocks enough Woodford on these jets and they just ran out (even though you are in row 1)?
I have noticed this.
renespoints.boardingarea.com renespoints.boardingarea.com
The real doozy that hit me was the question about handwritten note cards. I love these but did not know that possibly doing these, by hand, was a directive from the mothership. Interesting.
I think the notecards are pretty dumb. How do you even know who wrote them?
- Jun 2017
onemileatatime.boardingarea.com onemileatatime.boardingarea.com
However, Virgin Atlantic has slowly been undoing these access limits. Today it was announced that Delta SkyMiles Diamond and Platinum Medallion members flying in economy or premium economy on Delta or Virgin Atlantic out of Heathrow will once again have Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse access.
Finally, yay! No. 1 Lounge was horrible!
- Apr 2017
viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com
The famous saxophonist was sitting beside a woman “who was raising money for charity” and he got up in the aisle and played for donations. He “collected more than $2,000 for the [unnamed] charity.”
I think it's cool!
renespoints.boardingarea.com renespoints.boardingarea.com
Stopovers on awards. This is my one HUGE hot button issue that always drives me crazy. Delta had what some may call a generous stopover rule – that is, you could stop, each way, for up to 11 months as part of your trip. I have had amazing stops in cities along my flight path in the past and miss this perk of SkyMiles. It gave the Delta SkyMiles points program real value that it is today sorely lacking.
This would be amazing!
calwaternews.blogspot.com calwaternews.blogspot.com
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
- Mar 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Delta-Beaufort area
The Beaufort Delta is on region in the Arctic. It is situated between the Yukon Territory and Nunavut, and with the Arctic Ocean to its North. Inuvik is a town in the Beaufort Delta. It is commonly considered the hub of the area. The Beaufort Deltas population is almost one fifth of the whole population of the North West Territory, and shares 12% of the whole territory’s income. The towns are mostly connected by a few winter roads, with one major road worth of mentioning being the Dempster Highway Connection. The Dempster Highway is important because it can be navigated in all weather and thus is a likely route used by tourists to get to the region. Without it, the area would be much less accessible. Many Europeans travel to the region as tourists. Because of the rising levels of tourists, facilities and accommodations for the tourists are being financed. The Mackenzie Mountains, the Delta alone, and the Arctic Ocean landscape are some of the most popular natural landmarks that tourists flock to see. The midnight sun is also a big hit for visitors of the region. In terms of industry, the region has a strong gas market. Projects such as the Ikhil Gas Project help the region get power by providing electricity. The Mackenzie Gas Project is a project that is currently being evaluated for development. Fur trade is also sometimes still practiced in the region. Transportation and public administration are also sectors that can be profitable for the region.
ITI. “Beaufort Delta”. Last modified unknown. http://www.iti.gov.nt.ca/en/beaufort-delta
Kugmallit Bay
Kugmallit Bay is a a bay located in Northwestern Territories of Canada, roughly 4000km away from Ottawa. Near the eastern border of Alaska, Kugmallit Bay is the end destination for the eastern brach of the largest river in the North American Arctic, the Mackenzie River. With an average yearly temperature of -8°C, the Kugmallit Bay is often covered by fast ice, or landfast ice. In August of 2010, part of Kugmallit Bay was portioned off as part of the Tarium Niryutait Marine Protected Area. This area covers roughly 1800 square kilometers and protects areas of the Mackenzie River Delta as well as estuaries in the Beaufort Sea. Through collaborative efforts by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Inuvialuit people, private industry and shareholders, and the Canadian government the Tarium Niryutait MPA was created. The MPA is part of Canada’s expanding network of protected ocean areas, it also plays an important role in fulfilling Canada’s commitments to managing Canada’s oceans resources.
"Tarium Niryutait Marine Protected Area." Beaufort Sea Partnership. N.p., n.d. Web.
Knut Lang
Knut Lang (1896-1964) was a Scandinavian man who settled in the Mackenzie Delta from the 1936-1964. He operated a trading post that serviced fur trappers (mostly muskrat), both Inuit and non-Inuit. He was well liked and known for his generosity, eventually becoming elected to the territorial council of the northwest territories from 1957-1964 (Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute).
Knut is recognized as suggesting the name Inuvik for the town on the eastern edge of the delta. Inuvik later became administrative center of the region (Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute) . In the 1950's and 1960's the Canadian government began to entertain the idea of indigenous government (Assembly.gov.nt.ca) . Knut saw the most direct path towards self governance of the northwest territory lay by dividing the northwest territory into an Inuit dominated eastern Arctic and western Arctic comprised of Inuvialuit, Métis, and Dene. This culminated in the creation of the nunavut territory in 1999 (Assembly.gov.nt.ca).
- Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute,. Nomination Form For Territorial Historic Sites:Knut Lang's Place. Fort McPherson, NWT: Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute, 2007. Web. 7 Mar. 2017. (http://gwichin.ca/sites/default/files/gsci_benson_2007_nomination_form_knut_langs_place.pdf )
2."Creation Of A New Northwest Territories". Assembly.gov.nt.ca. N.p., 2014. Web. 7 Mar. 2017. (http://www.assembly.gov.nt.ca/visitors/creation-new-nwt )
- Feb 2017
travelskills.com travelskills.com
Delta’s announcement of free meals in economy class could set off a new round of in-flight service competition on lucrative transcontinental routes.
Very cool.
renespoints.boardingarea.com renespoints.boardingarea.com
A PWM ticket you can score a free upgrade and you do earn MQMs and more.
Good to know.
The solution is pick Tuesdays or Wednesdays or for your best chance Saturdays are glorious for upgrades.
This is good to know.
Clearly Platinum is a “sweet spot” still, but unless you are Diamond you will not get the best shot at an upgrade.
Yep, but can't depend on getting Diamond year after year!
renespoints.boardingarea.com renespoints.boardingarea.com
“You might as well, I had to open another bottle just for you”
I have never experienced this before.
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
SVM only cares that the difference is at least 10
The margin seems to be manually set by the creator in the loss function. In the sample code, the margin is 1-- so the incorrect class has to be scored lower than the correct class by 1.
How is this margin determined? It seems like one would have to know the magnitude of the scores beforehand.
Diving deeper, is the scoring magnitude always the same if the parameters are normalized by their average and scaled to be between 0 and 1? (or -1 and -1... not sure of the correct scaling implementation)
Coming back to the topic -- is this 'minimum margin' or delta a tune-able parameter?
What effects do we see on the model by adjusting this parameter?
What are best and worst case scenarios of playing with this parameter?