- Dec 2024
www.windowscentral.com www.windowscentral.com
for - article - Windows Central - AI safety researcher warns there's a 99.999999% probability AI will end humanity, but Elon Musk "conservatively" dwindles it down to 20% and says it should be explored more despite inevitable doom - 2024, Ape 2 - AI safety researcher warns there's a 99.999999% probability AI will end humanity
// - Comment - In fact, the heading is misleading. - It should be the other way around. - Elon Musk made the claim first but the AI Safety expert commented on Elon Musk's claim.
- AI safety researcher warns there's a 99.999999% probability AI will end humanity
- article - Windows Central - AI safety researcher warns there's a 99.999999% probability AI will end humanity, but Elon Musk "conservatively" dwindles it down to 20% and says it should be explored more despite inevitable doom - 2024, Ape 2
emergencemagazine.org emergencemagazine.org
But once you can write things down, then that mental realm suddenly starts looking timeless and radically different from the world around us. And I think that’s what really created this sense of an interior, what became, with the Greeks and the Christians, a kind of soul; this thing that’s actually made of different stuff. It’s made of spirit stuff instead of matter
for - new insight - second cause of human separation - after settling down, it was WRITING! intriguing! - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton - adjacency - sense of separation - first - settling down - human place - second - writing - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
adjacency - between - sense of separation - first - settling down - human place - second - transition from oral to written language - adjacency relationship - Interesting that I was just reading an article on language and perception from the General Semantics organization: General Semantics and non-verbal awareness - The claim is that the transition from oral language to written language created the feeling of interiority and of a separate "soul". - This is definitely worth exploring!
explore claim - the transition from oral language traditions to writing led us to form the sense of interiority and of a "soul" separate from the body - This claim, if we can validate it, can have profound implications - Writing definitely led us to create much more complex words but we were able to do much more efficient timebinding - transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next. - We didn't have to depend on just a few elders to pass the knowledge on. With the invention of the printing press, written language got an exponential acceleration in intergenerational knowledge transmission. - This had a huge feedback effect on the oral language itself, increase the number of words and meanings exponentially. - There are complex recipes for everything and written words allow us to capture the complex recipes or instructions in ways that would overwhelm oral traditions.
to - article - General Semantics and Non-Verbal Awareness - https://hyp.is/BePQhLvTEe-wYD_MPM9N3Q/www.time-binding.org/Article-Database
next, I think, was writing
for - new insight - second cause of human separation - after settling down, it was writing! intriguing! - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
- new insight - second cause of human separation - after settling down, it was **WRITING**! intriguing! - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
- adjacency - sense of separation - first - settling down - human place - second - writing - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
- to - article - General Semantics and Non-Verbal Awareness
- new insight - second cause of human separation - after settling down, it was writing! intriguing! - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
medium.com medium.com
I feel like sharing with you some of my observations as a frame analyst, as someone who analyzes semantic frames and how they structure a discourse to, in this case, to disempower us and keep us embedded within a conversation that is primarily about the actions of corporations and nation-states and that disengages us from direct grassroots action and taking power into our own hands
for - adjacency / validation - for justifying Tipping Point Festival - TPF - bottom up, grassroots direct action Vs - top down, corporate, policy action - Joe Brewer - framing analysis - using cognitive linguistics
adjacency / validation - between - ustifying Tipping Point Festival - TPF - - bottom up, grassroots direct action<br /> - top down, corporate, policy action<br /> - Joe Brewer - framing analysis - cognitive linguistics - adjacency relationship - We need both bottom up and top down section, but Joe's framing analysis provides an explanation why there isn't more bottom up direct action - It requires a lot of skill to find the leverage points as well as the weakness of people power is lack of money - To awaken the sleeping giant off the commons is the purpose of the Typing Point Festival (TPF)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I don't expect the policy makers or let's say the journalist the policy makers in Civil Society to really be aware of the challenges we Face unless the expert Community we are paid to do this this is our job unless the expert Community describes things more more in line with what our analysis and our conclusions are but we don't and the re the way we were able to hold that cognitive dissonance is because we can now in our own expertise we've now relied on the GE engineering
for - climate crisis - expert opinions are helping to kick the can down the road - Kevin Anderson
- Nov 2024
The very unusual fact that many Americans opted to not vote for any of the national candidates while still casting votes for down-ballot candidates in their respective local elections suggests they were highly frustrated with the two options presented to them.
for - 2024 US election results - many Americans voted for down-ballot candidates but not national candidates - suggested no options available to voters - Otto Scharmer
dovbaron.com dovbaron.com
for - Idioracy - Trump's America - the Dumbing Down of America - source- Just finished watching the 2006 film Idiocracy
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I would say the epigenetic inheritance that has to occur there and how it occurs must be contributing a very large fraction indeed to the differentiation process
for - answer - Denis Noble - to Michael Levin - question - What percentage of genetic vs non-genetic information passed down to germ line from embryogenesis onwards ? - a very large fraction is epigenetic inheritance indeed.
what percentage of the information that is used by an organism let's say embryogenesis onwards is genetic versus all other sources put together what what what would you guess as a as a breakdown
for - question - Michael Levin to - Denis Noble - percentage of genetic vs non-genetic information passed down to germ line from embryogenesis onwards
the only way you can visualize the vaces because they're too tiny to be visualized by standard microscopy labeling with florescent dyes is about the only way we can um easily identify what molecules have been passed down from the vesicles to The Germ cells but that's very restrictive you see because there will be millions of different molecules in a single visle to be faced with only being able to label three or four of those otherwise we can't make out the the differences is it's very tedious
for - evolution - work to identify non-DNA information passed down to germ line - millions of permutations - fluorescence technique applied to only a few at a time - tedious work - Denis Noble
- question - Michael Levin to - Denis Noble - percentage of genetic vs non-genetic information passed down to germ line from embryogenesis onwards
- evolution - work to identify non-DNA information passed down to germ line - millions of permutations - fluorescence technique applied to only a few at a time - tedious work - Denis Noble
- nswer - Denis Noble - to Michael Levin - question - What percentage of genetic vs non-genetic information passed down to germ line from embryogenesis onwards ? - a very large fraction is epigenetic inheritance indeed.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
so if growing up is about going up healing is about going down
Very powerful teaching Growing is about going up Healing is about going down
there's the growing up process so that's actually structural and then there's a cleaning process or healing process so if growing up is about going up healing is about going down right because you because you need to go down into the body because that's where all the TR that's where all the trauma is held
for - quote - awakening as - growing up - healing - as going down into the trauma held by the body - John Churchill
Zettelkasten Numbering is so Damn Confusing (I Think I Can Help) by [[Zettelkasten Blah Blah Blah]]
He doesn't say it explicitly, but the Luhmann-artig zettelkasten numbers are only addresses. They don't represent hierarchies. Doing this allows a bottom up organization to emerge.
You can later create hub notes or outlines that create a "correct" or hierarchical order. This is where things become top down.
He points out that Scheper's recommendations for using the numbering for academic disciplines and putting cards in specific orders (giving them negative numbers, etc.) is a counter-productive habit with respect to Luhmann-artig practice.
- Oct 2024
Local file Local file
Engagingwith the slip box should feel exciting, not anxiety-producing.
I often find that people who discuss "workflows" and the idea of "processing" their notes are the ones who are falling trap to the anxiety-producing side of the work.
BD should have found more exciting words for "processing" which he uses two more times in the next paragraph.
This relates to Luhmann's quote about only doing what is easy/fun/flow:<br /> - https://hypothes.is/a/TQyC1q1HEe2J9fOtlKPXmA<br /> - https://hypothes.is/a/EyKrfK1WEe2RpEuwUuFA7A
Compare: - being trapped in the box: https://hypothes.is/a/AY7ABO0qEeympasqOZHoMQ - idea of drudgery in the phrase "word processing"
Local file Local file
Rhythm, Grammar, Vocab-ulary, Punctuation, etc. It was hard to break thefaggots when they were in a bundle, but it was easyto break them when they were taken one by one.
Notice that again he's emphasizing breaking down the problem into steps, and he's using a little analogy to do so, just like he had described previously.
Local file Local file
I'd begun to thinkshe existed only in my head, but here she is, a little older. I have a good view,I can see the deepening furrows to either side of her nose, the engraved frown
Just as she has seen Moira, changed. -- Her child, changed. Now she sees Aunt Lydia, older now, it begins to take her out of living in her past and more so in the present. She begins to break down now because her worldview is so skewed.
- Sep 2024
forum.effectivealtruism.org forum.effectivealtruism.org
asteriskmag.com asteriskmag.com
hypothes.is hypothes.is
here it comes, in plain view, the onslaught sent by Zeus for my own terror. Oh holy Mother Earth, oh sky whose light revolves for all, you see me. You see the wrongs I suffer. here it comes, in plain view, the onslaught sent by Zeus for my own terror. Oh holy Mother Earth, oh sky whose light revolves fo
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
what we do is we use language we squeeze it down to a to a simple low bandwidth message you will have to re-expand and and reinterpret that message
for - squeezing down and re-expanding - Michael Levin
- Jul 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
"We made dissent illegal and banned controversial discourse from public spaces, why hasn't bigotry and hate stopped existing?"
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.orgText1
Refer to line 6 ( It looks like...….attacking his neck)
Identify the figure of speech used in this line.
Probably not. But it would do us good to remember that machines are supposed to make our lives better, not faster. Perhaps we should unplug just a little before we become undone. Such decompression is why we think so many Levenger customers savor the pensive pause of the fountain pen (which David McCullough also uses).
- May 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
just re-watched "falling down" some days ago.<br /> it was sad to see how "they" (the system, family courts, wife) took away his child...<br /> same situation in my life, they claim that im "unfit to raise kids",<br /> but they just hate me cos im an enemy of the state.
spoiler:<br /> at the end of the movie, he sacrifices his life,<br /> so his insurance must pay some money to his child.<br /> he is a true altruist, suffering in a world of forced altruism.
- Apr 2024
www.vox.com www.vox.com
The city council president said Grants Pass’s goal was to “make it uncomfortable enough for them in our city so they will want to move on down the road.”
Why is it that so many of Americans' gut reactions is to "kick the can down the road" rather than to solve the underlying problems?
Local file Local file
By the process of indexing therefore we boildown, we reduce our materials to that which is essential forour purpose, we create a nucleus of effective information, in-formation which will be of real use to us in the pursuit ofour business. We cast aside what after due examination isfound to be of no value or to lie outside our field of action.
compare this boiling down to his comment at https://hypothes.is/a/psgmlu7qEe6MIiNGfuzB2A
- Mar 2024
support.creditkarma.com support.creditkarma.com
www.nerdwallet.com www.nerdwallet.com
Users will no longer have access to their Mint accounts on March 23, 2024
- Jan 2024
Top down thinking is when you plan a meal, find recipes, get ingredients, and then cook the meal. You started with the result and worked your way down to what was needed to make it happen.Bottoms up is when you rifle through your cabinets and fridge to try to cobble together something edible. You start with the components and figure out what you can do.
In this example both versions have a specific goal in mind: "to diminish hunger". What does this look like when we have no specific goal in mind, but are exploring a space without purpose, but only for cause?
exploring with relationship to: ᔥ[[Bob Doto]] in What Do We Mean When We Say "Bottom-Up?"
writing.bobdoto.computer writing.bobdoto.computer
Top-down approaches work in the opposite direction. Instead of allowing the materials to inform the whole, a perception of what the whole should be determines which materials are allowed to be used. It's "having an overarching concept before working out the details."5
One of the more notable adopters of this approach to design and architecture was the Bauhaus in the early 20th century. See: Owen, C. (2009). "Bottom-up, Top-down." https://id.iit.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Bottom-up-top-down-updown09.pdf↩
It's a question of teleology. Is there a goal or a purpose in mind? (teleology: the explanation of phenomena in terms of the purpose they serve rather than of the cause by which they arise.)
working "bottom-up" pertains to the manner in which a sense of wholeness and coherence emerges from the information collected from the individual components that constitute or contribute to the whole.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - interview - author - Tristan Snell - book - Taking down Trump - https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/756546/taking-down-trump-by-tristan-snell/
summary - Snell is a lawyer who successfully prosecuted Trump, representing a class action lawsuit by the former students of Trump University - The book documents how he was able to successfully prosecute Trump and the challenges him and his team had to overcome - It provides a fascinating picture of how pathological elites operate, and how a perversion of power allows elites to effectively by silence, until the damage inflicted is so severe that - It sheds light on how corruption cultivated in business can scale to become political fascism. This is how fascism develops, silently and incrementally, until it becomes too late and entire society then pays - In the age of elites, Donald Trump, who comes from the elite class himself, is able to distort truth to such an extent that the very class that his class (elites) exploits the most (the working class) are convinced that he is their savior. - It also shows the dynamics of how power corrupts. Ideological synergy enables his allies to look the other way and ignore the extreme ethical baggage he carries, reinforcing the cliche - "the means justifies the ends"
communicationnation.blogspot.com communicationnation.blogspot.com
In 1941, he published "Wells, Hitler and the World State," in which he argued that Germany hewed much closer to a well-run society in which everyone thinks similarly and along scientific lines than England ever has. But it was run by a "criminal lunatic," so that didn't work out quite as Wells thought it would. Orwell also noted that patriotism, which Wells thought of as civilization-destroying, was the primary force inducing Russians and Britons to fight against Hitler.
first referent "he" is George Orwell
Example of a time in which patriotism and nationalism may have been beneficial.
- Dec 2023
bylinetimes.com bylinetimes.com
for: fossil fuel phase out, fossil fuel phase down, COP28 controversy, Sultan Al Jaber controversy, fossil fuel demand phase out, Nafeez Ahmed - phase out fossil fuel demand, carbon colonialism, colonialism - climate crisis
title: A Message to White Environmentalists: Demanding a Fossil Fuel Phase Out is Not Enough
- author: Nafeez Ahmed
- date: Dec 6, 2023
- publication: Byline Times
for: polycrisis, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Cascade Institute Royal Roads University - Changemakers Speakers Series, etymology - polylcrisis
Talk: Hope in the Polycrisis
- Speaker: Thomas Homer-Dixon
- Host: Royal Roads University - Changemakers Speakers Series
Date: 2023
- Thomas Homer-Dixon is a leading complex systems scientist and director of the Cascade Institute, which he co-founded at Royal Roads University in Victoria, B.C., Canada, to study the polycrisis and identify strategic high leverage interventions that could rapidly shift humanity's trajectory in the next few critical years.
- The talk, entitled "Hope in the polycriisis" chronicles Homer-Dixon's multi-decade journey to understand the convergence of crisis happening in the world today.
In a real sense, the evolution of his thinking on these complex problems are reflected in the series of books he has written over the years, culminating in the 2023 book "Commanding Hope", based on a theory of hope:
- Environment, Scarcity, and Violence (Princeton, 1999). - a book showing how other factors combine with environmental stress to produce violence.
- “The Ingenuity Gap: Can Poor Countries Adapt to Resource Scarcity?,” which appeared in Population and Development Review in 1995
- “Resource Scarcity and Innovation: Can Poor Countries Attain Endogenous Growth?" ?” coauthored with Edward Barbier, which appeared in Ambio (1999)
- The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of Civilization (2006), examined the threat to global stability of simultaneous and interacting demographic, environmental, economic, and political stresses. This led to examining energy as a major factor in our modern society.
- "Commanding Hope: The Power we have to Renew a World in Peril"
Homer-Dixon also talks about practical solutions, His team at Casacade Institute is researching a promising technology called ultra-deep geothermal, which could provide unlimted energy at energy densities comprable to fossil fuels.
- He finishes his talk with his theory of Hope and how a "Robust" hope can be the key to a successful rapid transition.
etymology - polycrisis
- https://polycrisis.org/lessons/where-did-the-term-polycrisis-come-from/
- Complexity theorists Edgar Morin and Anne Brigitte Kern first used the term polycrisis in their 1999 book, Homeland Earth, to argue that the world faces
- “no single vital problem, but many vital problems, and it is this complex intersolidarity of problems, antagonisms, crises, uncontrolled processes, and the general crisis of the planet that constitutes the number one vital problem" (p. 74).
- South African sociologist and sustainable transitions theorist Mark Swilling then adopted the term to capture
- “a nested set of globally interactive socio-economic, ecological and cultural-institutional crises that defy reduction to a single cause” (2013, p. 98).
- Climate change, rising inequality, and the threat of financial crises interact in complex ways that multiply their overall impact (Swilling 2013, 2019).
homerdixon.com homerdixon.com
Why do some societies successfully adapt while others do not? I concluded that a central characteristic of societies that successfully adapt is their ability to produce and deliver useful ideas (or what I call “ingenuity”) to meet the demands placed on them by worsening environmental problems.
for: question - adaptation - answer - adaptation, adaptation - ingenuity, endogenous growth, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Cascade Institute
question: adaptation
- why do some societies successfully adapt to environmental stresses while others do not?
answer: adaptation
- Ingenuity
- Researchers within societies that are able to adapt effectively are able to deliver ingenuity at the right time and place to prevent environmental problems from causing severe hardship.
- Ingenuity
- The ingenuity Gap: Can Poor Countries Adapt to Resource Scarcity (Homer-Dixon & Barbier,1995)?
- Resource Scaricity and Innovation: Can Poor Countries Attain Endogenous Growth (Homer-Dixon & Barbier,1999)?
- The Ingenuity Gap (2000)
- The Upside of Down (Homer-Dixon, 2006)
rupertread.net rupertread.net
“come back next year and try again”. My response is that it will be the same old thing – they’ve had 26 chances already. The planet can’t afford any more. I think the time for the Cop process is over. We just can’t keep kicking the can down the road.
for: quote - COP - Rupert Read, quote - COP - come back next year and try again, quote - alternative COP
- come back next year and try again
- author: Rupert Read
date: Dec. 4, 2021
- We just can't keep kicking the can down the road
- author: Rupert Read
date: Dec 4, 2021
- Well, COP28 is over and just as Rupert Read predicted above, we will
- kick the can down the road again
- come back next year and try again
- It's a perpetual groundhog day, until it isn't
- Well, COP28 is over and just as Rupert Read predicted above, we will
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Ultimately, the conversation needs to change to how we phase out fossil fuel demand. Because it’s demand that keeps producers in business.
for: fossil fuel phase out, fossil fuel phase down, fossil fuel demand phase out
suggestion - by Nafeez Ahmed - fossil fuel demand phase out
- Nafeez writes that instead of phasing out fossil fuels, the focus should be on phasing out fossil fuel demand through increasing demand for alternatives
- Nov 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
from the buddhist point of view it's about the nature of perception and conception usually our perception of the world that is to say the life that we have through our senses what is revealed through our senses is instantly merged with our conceptualization so that interpretation which is essentially the play of our imagination it's our mental activity when it gets as it were fused into the appearance
for: epoche, perceptual interpretation, perception - epoche, perception - bottom up sensation and top down conceptualisation, lebenswelt
key insight
- Those is an important observation, namely that our ubiquitous, everyday act of perception, performed thousands of times a day is a near-instantaneous fusion of
- sensory information and
- conceptualising from our accumulated lebenswelt
- in third context, Husserl's epoche or phenomenological reduction is a way to give us insight into this otherwise invisible process that normative social learning deeply conditions into us.
- Indeed, one of the unique traits of our species is our individual and collective immersion into a virtual world of ideas, the symbolosphere.
- The 24/7 immersion in this world would not be possible unless we institutionalised decades of education in our stake childhood years to steep use all in at m language training that forges ideas out of intention and symbols, creating the deep associations necessary for effortless meaning-making and linguistic participation as adults
- Those is an important observation, namely that our ubiquitous, everyday act of perception, performed thousands of times a day is a near-instantaneous fusion of
theconversation.com theconversation.com
- Oct 2023
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
We do not, however, intend to suggest thatbottom-up social change or individual actions are a sub-stitute for climate legislation or broader structural changes.Rather, we see these as complementary approaches to, orintegral parts of, broader climate action
- comment
- top down and bottom up actions compliment and strengthen each other.
- comment
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
So I am taking notes on functional groups in organic chemistry. Would each functional group be its own note, ie. 47~Alkenes, or would each functional group fall under my parent note "35~Functional groups", and be 35a~Alkenes for example.I think the latter makes more sense, but I am also no zettel expert
reply to u/6_squids at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/178nr6j/simple_problem/
Functional groups are certainly a top down categorization of these structures that some have found useful over time. But what if you wrote about them in other ways from a bottom up perspective? Perhaps you might discover other useful and intriguing ways of categorizing them? While your textbook is trying to present an organized method, you might find some interesting insight by looking at them in other ways. Be willing to play around and experiment—not coincidentally, this is what a good organic chemist should be trained to do.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Carbon capture is a phishing scheme introduced by the Koch brothers at MIT in 2004, the same year that Charles and David Koch provided the funds for Americans for Prosperity.
- for: Carbon capture - MIT hoax, climate delay, kick the can down the road
- Sep 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Is the idea that you force yourself to find the link between a new idea and the existing cards? I didn't understand it that way.Example of the 4 cards I have nowone how there's a continuum between music that's easy digestable for the listener, where the creator does a lot of effort, and music that asks a lot from the listener, because the creator makes idiosyncratic music.the concept of "false consensus" in psychologylinked with that: "naive realism"one about (marching band) parades, how in some cultures/for some people it's more about choosing to enjoy and dance then about the musicians who are responsible for that. (I see a link with the first, but that's not what interests me in this one)
reply to u/JonasanOniem at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/16ss0yu/comment/k2buxsc/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
In digital contexts it is much easier and very common to create orphaned notes that aren't connected to anything. In a paper zettelkasten, you are forced to file your note somewhere and give it a number (only to be able to find it again—it's difficult, but try not to make the mistake of conflating your number with the idea of category). The physical act of placing it in your slipbox creates an implicit link to the things around it. As a result, your four notes would all initially seem to be directly related because they're nearby, but over time, they will naturally drift apart as you intersperse new notes between and among them. Though if they're truly directly interrelated, you can write down explicit links from notes at one end of your thought space to notes which seem distant.
In your example, you may see some sort of loose link between your first and fourth notes relating to music. While it may be a distant one, given what you have, putting marching band "next to" digestible music is really the only place to put it. Over time, you'll certainly find other notes that come between them which will tend to split them apart and separate them by physical distance, but for now, if it's what you've got, then place them into the same neighborhood by giving them addresses (numbers) to suggest they live nearby. (Some note applications like Obsidian make this much harder to do, and as a result orphaned notes will eventually become a problem.)
This physical process is part of the ultimate value of building knowledge from the bottom up. Like most people, you've probably been heavily trained to want to create a hierarchy from the top down (folder-based systems on computers of the late 20th century are a big factor here) which is exactly why you're going to have problems like this at the start. You'll want to place that music note somewhere else, or worse, orphan it. For some people who may not be able to immediately trust the process, it can be easier to create a few dozen or a hundred notes and then come back to them later to file and arrange them. This will allow you to seed some ground from which to continually build and help to bridge the gap between the desire to move top-down in a system designed to move from bottom-up.
Depending on one's zettelkasten application (Obsidian, Zettlr, Logseq, The Archive, et al.) some do a better job of allowing the creation of "soft links" versus the more explicit hard or direct links (usually using [[WikiLinks]]). The soft links are usually best done by providing a number that places one note into proximity with another, but not all systems work this way. As a result, it's much easier to build a traditional commonplace book with Obsidian than it is to build a Luhmann-artig zettelkasten (see: https://boffosocko.com/2022/10/22/the-two-definitions-of-zettelkasten/). The concept of tags/categories in many systems is another form of soft link that can hold ideas together, so use this affordance if your application offers it as well. But also keep in mind that if sociology is your life's work, you'll eventually amass such a huge number of digital notes tagged with "sociology" that this affordance will become useless as it won't scale well for discovery and creating links.
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
For example, still not over the death of Google Reader after all these years? Why not host your own RSS aggregator like Sismics Reader that nobody can ever take away from you?
bobdoto.computer bobdoto.computer
Whether or not a note maker increases their knowledge "sufficiently" at the time of import or at the time of writing longer works, is a moot point. So long as it happens.
"So long as it happens." And here lies the rub: when will you put in the work to make the note useful and actionable? Will it be now or later?
Some notes are certainly more mission critical than others. Some work towards one's life's work while others are tidbits which may be useful at a later time. Distinguishing along this spectrum isn't always easy, particular in build a bottom up view of one's research.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I engage with the World Economic Forum, I engage with CEOs around the world, because I think they are keystone actors, that you just have to – between us – bend them to... Because they are simply sitting on so much finance and cash and emission representation.
- for: leverage points - top-down actors
- comment
- they are top-down leverage points
we have been happy to engage with CEOs, with the senior policy makers, with the 'Davos set'. We've been happy to engage with them – across, generally, the sort of more senior climate change academics. But they haven't delivered for 30 years. But what we haven't... Who we very seldom engage with – the balance, to me, is wrong – with citizenry groups. We haven't engaged... with the climate parliament group. So we haven't lent... 00:58:06 Our support has been biased towards a group who are very much in favor of the status quo.
- for: quote, quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - academic support for bottom-up actors, bottom-up actors - academic support
- We have been happy to engage with CEOs, with the senior policy makers, with the 'Davos set'.
- We've been happy to engage with them – across, generally, the sort of more senior climate change academics. But they haven't delivered for 30 years.
- But what we haven't... Who we very seldom engage with – the balance, to me, is wrong – with citizenry groups.
- We haven't engaged... with the climate parliament group. Our support has been biased towards a group who are very much in favor of the status quo.
- Kevin is tuning into a potential idling capacity and leverage point that academic community has by-and-large missed.
- Academic support of bottom-up and citizen groups could yield the kind of top-down and bottom-up partnership that could really accelerate climate policy action
as you know, in Sweden right now, we're actually backpedalling on climate policy, rather than going forward. Which is really worrying. And this is, of course, the dilemma with politics. That as soon as you get a stress factor over here – 00:55:33 a war in Ukraine, inflation, recession, energy prices going up, food prices going up – then suddenly, you cannot handle two crises at the same time.
- for: top-down and bottom-up partnerships, top-down and bottom-up climate action
- comment
- as the polycrisis accelerates, this is only going to get worse so we have to find a new, nonlinear way for politicians to actually work in partnership with bottom-up actors
in Sweden, the Swedish parliament, which is completely set up by citizens – set up by citizens for citizens. They've produced a fantastic report. Detailed, rich report from citizens about how you could deliver budgets that are... from colleagues' and myself work on this, would say are broadly in line with somewhere between 1.5 and 2 [°C].
- for: Swedish climate report, cidtizen action, bottom-up climate action, top-down and bottom-up partnership
future research
- study the Swedish parliament climate policy model and citizen's roles in achieving it and see if it can be replicated in all countries
- is there anyone studying this with the object of scaling to other countries?
I hope anyway, it is a hope – that there will be some sort of partnership between bottom-up and top-down that will provide guidance to leaders to put the right things in place.
- for: quote, quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - bottom-up and top-down partnership, IPCC AR6 WGIII demand side reduction and bottom-up actions
- quote
- I hope that there will be some sort of partnership between bottom-up and top-down that will provide guidance to leaders to put the right things in place.
- author: Kevin Anderson
date: Sept., 2023
- The last IPCC report, AR6, WGIII described the important role that bottom-up, societal actors can play
if we just make this a big, big, you know, parliament for every citizen in the world, which would be wonderful of course, you know, you wouldn't make much progress. 00:50:06 [KEVIN] No I certainly don't think that it's going to be driven by bottom-up. But I don't think top-down will do it unless it's dragged kicking and screaming by small... it will be small, catalytic, vociferous groups that are bottom-up
- for: bottom-up action, top-down and bottom-up, TPF
- comment
- Kevin Anderson makes a good point. He agrees with Johan that a parliament of 8 billion people is not realistic. However, small vociferous and strategic bottom-up groups are needed to prod the top-down actors into action.
- He makes the observation that the elite actors, the so called "Davos set" have effectively delayed any real climate action for the past 3 decades and if left to them alone, will do the same thing.
- Anderson hopes for some kind of partnership between top-down and bottom-up actors to provide guidance to leaders to choose the most appropriate policy.
- In fact, the last IPCC report actually reports on the important role of bottom-up action from societal actors
we have a crisis 00:49:16 And things have to change at the global level so fast that we need to correct big system failures at a very large scale. And I'm convinced that that can only be done top-down not bottom-up.
for: Johan Rockstrom - top down strategy, quote, quote - Johan Rockstrom, quote - climate top down strategy
- we have a crisis and things have to change at the global level so fast that we need to correct big system failures at a very large scale. And I'm convinced that that can only be done top-down not bottom-up.
- author: Johan Rockstrom
- date: Sept., 2023
- top-down and bottom-up partnership
- quote - academic support for bottom-up actors
- IPCC AR6 WGIII - demand side reduction and bottom-up actions
- top down climate strategy
- quote - Johan Rockstrom
- Swedish climate report
- bottom-up action
- leverage points - top-down actors
- quote - Kevin Anderson
- quote
- top-down and bottom-up climate action
- top-down and bottom-up
- quote - top down climate strategy
- bottom-up climate action
- quote - top-down and bottom-up partnership
- bottom-up actors - academic support
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Down and up bows are indicated by the signs r; and V
from the 'heel' ofthe bow(the end which is held) to the 'point' (the far end),
- Aug 2023
www.lesswrong.com www.lesswrong.com
Ideally, the tree would perfectly reflect some kind of conceptual hierarchy; but in practice, card 11c might turn out to be the primary thing, with card 11 just serving as a historical record of what seeded the idea.
The numbering doesn't matter! (especially as much as people may want it to)
Zettelkasten grow their hierarchies from the bottom-up rather than from the top-down. It's easy to create a hierarchy from the top-down when you know the entire space to begin with, but when you're just exploring and discovering the space, this is impossible, but is build-able if one doesn't get too caught up in perfection from the start.
www.imdb.com www.imdb.com
Historian and author David McCullough prefers a manual typewriter over computers with keyboards specifically because it forces him to slow down and take his time.
Ref: @Nichol2016 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5966990/
- Jul 2023
one of the things I think Civil Society has to be aware of is that there's been 00:09:33 a deliberate misuse of the prospects of technology
- for: net zero, kick the can down the road, green growth, degrowth, NET, negative emissions technology
- When it comes to climate, beware the "calm down" guy
good article to show a calm down guy!
- May 2023
The someday card is described as being not only for individual to do items, but "big picture" goals.
- Feb 2023
brainstream.nfb.ca brainstream.nfb.ca
Brain experience
- Dec 2022
www.sicpers.info www.sicpers.info
you should use this idea to guide your app’s architecture and your class design too. Start from the problem, then work through solving that problem to building your application.
- Nov 2022
theinformed.life theinformed.life
All research… All significant research is, in some respects, bottom-up. There is no alternative. And so, the only research that you can do top-down entirely is research for which you already have the solution.
Research, by design, is a bottom-up process.
- Oct 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Underlining Keyterms and Index Bloat .t3_y1akec._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
Hello u/sscheper,
Let me start by thanking you for introducing me to Zettelkasten. I have been writing notes for a week now and it's great that I'm able to retain more info and relate pieces of knowledge better through this method.
I recently came to notice that there is redundancy in my index entries.
I have two entries for Number Line. I have two branches in my Math category that deals with arithmetic, and so far I have "Addition" and "Subtraction". In those two branches I talk about visualizing ways of doing that, and both of those make use of and underline the term Number Line. So now the two entries in my index are "Number Line (Under Addition)" and "Number Line (Under Subtraction)". In those notes I elaborate how exactly each operation is done on a number line and the insights that can be derived from it. If this continues, I will have Number Line entries for "Multiplication" and "Division". I will also have to point to these entries if I want to link a main note for "Number Line".
Is this alright? Am I underlining appropriately? When do I not underline keyterms? I know that I do these to increase my chances of relating to those notes when I get to reach the concept of Number Lines as I go through the index but I feel like I'm overdoing it, and it's probably bloating it.
I get "Communication (under Info. Theory): '4212/1'" in the beginning because that is one aspect of Communication itself. But for something like the number line, it's very closely associated with arithmetic operations, and maybe I need to rethink how I populate my index.
Presuming, since you're here, that you're creating a more Luhmann-esque inspired zettelkasten as opposed to the commonplace book (and usually more heavily indexed) inspired version, here are some things to think about:<br /> - Aren't your various versions of number line card behind each other or at least very near each other within your system to begin with? (And if not, why not?) If they are, then you can get away with indexing only one and know that the others will automatically be nearby in the tree. <br /> - Rather than indexing each, why not cross-index the cards themselves (if they happen to be far away from each other) so that the link to Number Line (Subtraction) appears on Number Line (Addition) and vice-versa? As long as you can find one, you'll be able to find them all, if necessary.
If you look at Luhmann's online example index, you'll see that each index term only has one or two cross references, in part because future/new ideas close to the first one will naturally be installed close to the first instance. You won't find thousands of index entries in his system for things like "sociology" or "systems theory" because there would be so many that the index term would be useless. Instead, over time, he built huge blocks of cards on these topics and was thus able to focus more on the narrow/niche topics, which is usually where you're going to be doing most of your direct (and interesting) work.
Your case sounds, and I see it with many, is that your thinking process is going from the bottom up, but that you're attempting to wedge it into a top down process and create an artificial hierarchy based on it. Resist this urge. Approaching things after-the-fact, we might place information theory as a sub-category of mathematics with overlaps in physics, engineering, computer science, and even the humanities in areas like sociology, psychology, and anthropology, but where you put your work on it may depend on your approach. If you're a physicist, you'll center it within your physics work and then branch out from there. You'd then have some of the psychology related parts of information theory and communications branching off of your physics work, but who cares if it's there and not in a dramatically separate section with the top level labeled humanities? It's all interdisciplinary anyway, so don't worry and place things closest in your system to where you think they fit for you and your work. If you had five different people studying information theory who were respectively a physicist, a mathematician, a computer scientist, an engineer, and an anthropologist, they could ostensibly have all the same material on their cards, but the branching structures and locations of them all would be dramatically different and unique, if nothing else based on the time ordered way in which they came across all the distinct pieces. This is fine. You're building this for yourself, not for a mass public that will be using the Dewey Decimal System to track it all down—researchers and librarians can do that on behalf of your estate. (Of course, if you're a musician, it bears noting that you'd be totally fine building your information theory section within the area of "bands" as a subsection on "The Bandwagon". 😁)
If you overthink things and attempt to keep them too separate in their own prefigured categorical bins, you might, for example, have "chocolate" filed historically under the Olmec and might have "peanut butter" filed with Marcellus Gilmore Edson under chemistry or pharmacy. If you're a professional pastry chef this could be devastating as it will be much harder for the true "foodie" in your zettelkasten to creatively and more serendipitously link the two together to make peanut butter cups, something which may have otherwise fallen out much more quickly and easily if you'd taken a multi-disciplinary (bottom up) and certainly more natural approach to begin with. (Apologies for the length and potential overreach on your context here, but my two line response expanded because of other lines of thought I've been working on, and it was just easier for me to continue on writing while I had the "muse". Rather than edit it back down, I'll leave it as it may be of potential use to others coming with no context at all. In other words, consider most of this response a selfish one for me and my own slip box than as responsive to the OP.)
- commonplace books vs. zettelkasten
- The Bandwagon
- Dewey Decimal System
- examples
- information theory
- bottom-up vs. top-down
- Niklas Luhmann's zettelkasten
- zettelkasten
- Universal Decimal Classification
- hierarchies
- multi-disciplinary research
- Claude Shannon
- reply
- indices
- Niklas Luhmann's index
- Sep 2022
www.independent.co.uk www.independent.co.uk
Jeff Bezos should know better than to punch down like this. Uju Anya got put in Twitter jail for not deleting her post which Twitter took down anyway.
Twitter taking down Dr. Anya's post is disingenuous with respect to the tons of crap that they leave up... and much of that far worse than the content here.
read on 2022-09-09 at 1:58 PM
- Aug 2022
ganelson.github.io ganelson.github.io
Notice with the line about Tom and Huck being boys, the bottom-up description sounds unnatural.
www.cs.virginia.edu www.cs.virginia.edu
Since the original Pascal was implemented with a one-pass compiler, the language believes strongly in declaration before use. In particular, procedures and functions must be declared (body and all) before they are used. The result is that a typical Pascal program reads from the bottom up - all the procedures and functions are displayed before any of the code that calls them, at all levels. This is essentially opposite to the order in which the functions are designed and used.
Worth noting that almost every C program is impaired by a similar limitation in the C language (despite the disclaimer that follows this passage about the use of the preproccessor), and many programmers' thought processes suffer because of it—no consideration for the presentability of code (even when not in languages that are affected by this limitation!)
- Jul 2022
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
It's annotations all the way down...
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
- Jun 2022
No matter what system you use, I recommend having a goal and putting it inwriting. I read once that people who write down their New Year’s resolutions have agreater chance of achieving them than people who don’t. This is the sort of factoidthat is probably apocryphal but, like many urban legends, sounds as though it shouldbe true.
This quote from Twyla Tharp seems like another instantiation of Napoleon Hill's mantra "Think and Grow Rich", but is more concrete and literate: "Write and Grow Rich" (or successful, at least.)
multilateral cooperation is key to accelerate such action that new and additional voices need to be heard and engaged with especially 00:10:11 those of youth women indigenous groups and local communities the need to centre action on the principles of reaching out to the furthest first and leaving no one behind something like gandhian talisman
There is a need to integrate top down, middle and bottom up actors into a grand synthesis to achieve the greatest efficacy in a Marshall plan.
The community is the building block of society. Community action is still an idling capacity, an untapped resource. There is a natural synergy between communities and youth, and the bridge is schools.
- Apr 2022
emilyandblair.com emilyandblair.com
you are focussing all of your efforts in a very defined range of products or services, and this helps you to be 100% committed to this and dominate that part because your competition is too busy focussing on the main niche
incafrica.com incafrica.com
for emerging businesses, how can they stand out from their competitors in a way that people learn to know and trust them? The answer is distinction
- Mar 2022
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
Bacharach, J., Schreiber, M., Schreiber, M., Schreiber, M., Schreiber, M., Adler-Bell, S., Adler-Bell, S., Beacock, I., Beacock, I., Rosenfeld, S., Rosenfeld, S., Subramanian, S., & Subramanian, S. (2022, March 15). Why Is David Leonhardt So Happy? The New Republic. https://newrepublic.com/article/165729/david-leonhardt-happy-review-new-york-times-morning-newsletter
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
“Twitch’s leadership is uncomfortable with mid-level and lower level employees pushing for change,”
Please name one larger tech company where questioning leadership is encouraged.
- Jan 2022
Bakker, B. N., & Lelkes, Y. (2022). The Structure, Prevalence, and Nature of Mass Belief Systems. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/v3dg9
support.mozilla.org support.mozilla.org
Google/gmail calls apps that don't support OAuth2 "less secure". But, that doesn't make them insecure. So what it means is gmail's meaning of LessSecureApp is basically anything that doesn’t use OAuth2.
- Oct 2021
www.neb.com www.neb.com
SNAP-Capture Magnetic Beads are used to selectively immobilize and magnetically separate a SNAP-tag fusion protein from solution using magnetic agarose beads
One major problem with top-down hierarchies is that they contain concentrated points of failure, since individuals are subject to bias and have limited bandwidth. The interests of the powerful few are often misaligned with those of the less powerful many, leaving the decision-makers frequently incentivized to act against the common good.
An emergent property of top down hierarchies.
- Sep 2021
news.slashdot.org news.slashdot.org
They are deliberately dumbing the browser down further and further and it'll probably end up eventually becoming completely unuseable because of this.
- Aug 2021
www.lionsroar.com www.lionsroar.com
eem intent on building new institutions and traditions rather than maintaining old ones.
- Jul 2021
www.thermofisher.cn www.thermofisher.cn
In a pull-down assay, a bait protein is tagged and captured on an immobilized affinity ligand specific for the tag, thereby generating a "secondary affinity support"’ for purifying other proteins that interact with the bait protein
basics of pull-down assay
www.thermofisher.cn www.thermofisher.cn
a very good sumamry of the difference between Pull-down and IP assays. Pros and cons of both methods are described.
- Jun 2021
www.mutuallyhuman.com www.mutuallyhuman.com
For me the diagrams make it easier to talk about what the tests do without getting bogged down by how they do it.
- describe the what without getting bogged down by how (implementation details; too detailed)
- communication: focus on what is important
- communication: effective communication
- focus on what it should do, not on how it should do it (implementation details; software design)
- too detailed
- communication: use the right level of detail
- May 2021
interpersonal.stackexchange.com interpersonal.stackexchange.com
First of all, I would start off presenting yourself: Dear XYZ support team I am the web developer in charge of example.com website. By presenting you this way, you are establishing the frame to treat you, hinting that you should be presupposed to be somewhat proficient, so they could choose to answer in a more technical detail.
Feel free to hint, brag, or both! The best CS reps should easily take a hint from clear language and a signature like John Appleseed, JavaScript/Ruby Developer, but any will catch on with a simple line like "I know what I'm doing, so I'd appreciate an extra-technical explanation!"
Hey, I'm a PhD in [field] and do [whatever] professionally. Before calling you, I've narrowed down the problem to [something on their end], so that's what needs to be addressed. If I could speak to an engineer about [specific problem], that'd be great; but if we've gotta walk through the script, let's just knock it out quickly. If they end up requiring the script, then the best way to use your expertise is to run through it quickly. Keep the chit-chat to a minimum and just do the stuff efficiently. If they start describing how to perform some step, you might interrupt them with, "Got it, just a sec.", then let them know once you're ready for the next step.
However, what speaks against just straight up telling them that you're working as [Insert title of your position] and you know what you're talking about?
OP is referring to letting people know they can speak like proper adults when talking about technical terms, without going through the usual nanny-like discourse that tech support has to provide to non-techies. For instance, it happened to me with Amazon support. The speaker told me exactly where to touch in order to clear the cache of the Android Amazon App Store. Given that I work as an app developer the guy could have just said "please clear the cache". No need to go through "tap here, then here, now you should see this, tap that"...
I have tried different tactics of showing the tech support that I am proficient in their field of work (I work as a web developer). Specifically: using accurate terms and technologies to show my knowledge of them and telling the support that I am the "administrator" of the website in question.
How to let tech support subtly know that I am proficient without showing off?
twitter.com twitter.com
(((Howard Forman))). (2020, November 24). Truly good news out of #Italy. And we can all use it. Cases (23K), positive rate (12.3%), and hospitalizations all DOWN. ICU occupancy with smallest increase in months. Deaths (not surprisingly) the one exception with 3rd highest total. Https://t.co/YFh5nd2AXX [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1331311384626388994
- Apr 2021
www.tweentribune.com www.tweentribune.com
GRADE K-4 GRADE 5-6 GRADE 7-8 GRADE 9-12 SPANISH TECH TEACHER Teacher Sign Up Sign In Teacher Sign Up Sign In GRADE K-4 GRADE 5-6 GRADE 7-8 GRADE 9-12 SPANISH TECH TEACHER TT GRADE K-4 GRADE 5-6 GRADE 7-8 GRADE 9-12 SPANISH TECH TEACHER Teacher sign up Sign In Why did ancient Greeks and Romans eat lying down? (Thinkstock) Why did ancient Greeks and Romans eat lying down? By: Ask Smithsonian, Smithsonianmag.com November 25, 2015 Published: November 25, 2015 Lexile: 1230L var addthis_config = { services_exclude: 'print,printfriendly', data_ga_property: 'UA-6457029-1', data_track_clickback: true }; var addthis_share = { url_transforms : { shorten: { twitter: 'bitly' } }, shorteners : { bitly : {} }, templates : { twitter : '{' + '{title}' + '}: {' + '{url}' + '} via @TweenTribune' } }; 530L 780L 1040L 1230L Assign to Google Classroom You asked us, "Why did ancient Greeks and Romans eat lying down?" Reclining and dining in ancient Greece started at least as early as the 7th century BCE and was later picked up by the Romans. To eat lying down, while others served you, was a sign of power and luxury enjoyed by the elite. People further down the social ladder copied the laid-back dining style, if they could afford to. I mean, who wouldn't want to stretch out while chowing down, but not everyone was so lucky in ancient Greece. You see, women didn't generally get invited to banquets except for rare occasions like wedding feasts and even then they had to sit upright. It was only in ancient Rome that customs changed, allowing upper-class women to lounge alongside men, and while it sounds sweet, all that lying down and eating can't have been good for the heartburn. Source URL: https://www.tweentribune.com/article/teen/why-did-ancient-greeks-and-romans-eat-lying-down/ Filed Under: Video Culture Odd news Smithsonian Assigned 49 times CRITICAL THINKING QUESTION Why did people “further down the social ladder” copy people above them? Write your answers in the comments section below Please log in to post a comment COMMENTS (15) arellanoj-rob 11/30/2015 - 09:46 a.m. I think that people "further down the social ladder" copied people above them because they thought it'd earn them some sort of respect. It probably gave them sense of power back then. julianc-bag 11/30/2015 - 07:32 p.m. I don;t like eating at the dinner table I prefer the living room. ShawnaWeiser-Ste 12/02/2015 - 03:56 p.m. This seems quite unnecessary and dangerous. Its very common for people lying down to choke while they are eating, I mean come on. Good thing the women and the poor were not allowed to engage in such activities; they probably lived much longer than the rich men. laurenc-bag 12/03/2015 - 09:18 p.m. People "further down the social ladder" copied people above them, possibly to make themselves look a little wealthier than they were. It was a sign of luxury and was only enjoyed by the elite, so they wanted to experience that as well. laurenc-bag 12/03/2015 - 09:21 p.m. And, most likely, my weirdest custom at home is listening to music while watching a video on my phone while FaceTiming my friends, if that even counts as a strange custom... But, I also pray before I eat every meal with my family, which might seem strange to some people. laurenc-bag 12/03/2015 - 09:30 p.m. (It didn't allow me to take the test for some reason...) carsonb-2-bar 12/03/2015 - 10:28 p.m. In the early 7th century reclining and dining in Greece started and later on picked up by the Romans. According to the article it was a sign of power, especially when others served you. People in lower social classes copied it. The lower class people probably copied the upper-class people to be cool. Maybe it made them feel powerful. I thought the article was interesting. I never knew why many pictures back in the 7th century show people eating while lying down. I guess you could say they were the first couch potatoes! bellae1-lin 12/04/2015 - 02:57 p.m. People "further down the social ladder" copied people above them because they wanted to feel luxurious and wealthy. They would want to feel this way because they may not be treated like luxury, and they wanted to see with the eyes of a wealthy being. briannec-ste 12/07/2015 - 05:09 p.m. I personally don't like to eat laying down because I feel like I am being choked. I don't understand how laying down and being fed was a sign of wealth. The laying down not at all but the getting fed I understand. gisellem-pay 12/08/2015 - 11:11 a.m. I think that this concept is similar to our current society. Many people find or develop a custom, in which will catch on to others just to prove their power or how modern they believe they are. This also reminds me of China and foot binding. This tradition was passed down for women as a beauty concept. 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The central idea of the text is that people ate lying down during Ancient Greece because lying down when eating was considered to be a luxury, and symbolized a high class, although high class men and women had different standards. High class women didn't have the right to lie beside men until Ancient Rome, when the customs finally changed.
360learning.com 360learning.com
But decentralized learning goes farther than that: in a decentralized, Collaborative Learning environment, each team member participates in the learning process. They can identify their learning needs, request courses, give feedback on existing courses, and create courses themselves. We call this a bottom-up approach
- push vs pull for learning - create an environment that enables learning to happen, and let the people doing the work surface what they need to learn, and then help facilitate and amplify that process
- Mar 2021
www.sciencemag.org www.sciencemag.org
Wadm, Meredith, Ec. 15, 2020, and 5:00 Pm. ‘COVID-19 Is 10 Times Deadlier for People with Down Syndrome, Raising Calls for Early Vaccination’. Science | AAAS, 15 December 2020. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/12/covid-19-10-times-deadlier-people-down-syndrome-raising-calls-early-vaccination.
- Feb 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Dominic Pimenta 💙 Please Just Stay At Home. (2021, January 3). @piersmorgan All the times the down-players were plain wrong: Https://t.co/Rx25xBHSgR https://t.co/ilXjRxMtXG [Tweet]. @DrDomPimenta. https://twitter.com/DrDomPimenta/status/1345737029464670208
consortiumnews.com consortiumnews.com
And essentially, we became what’s called a rent-seeking economy, not a productive economy. So, when people in Washington talk about American capitalism versus Chinese socialism this is confusing the issue. What kind of capitalism are we talking about?
What kind of capitalism are we talking about?
We are starting to see critical thinking and discussion around "hard" but necessary truths. These truths center around complicated concepts, controlled by politicians, MSM and others who would rather not have this discussion. America's general population seems lost, gorging on the dumb-down need to know culture (those that have and can dictate what the rest need to know) and group think, herd mentality.
www.dekudeals.com www.dekudeals.com
Tired of games where there are tips and tutorials of all kinds and you can finish them without much difficulty?
- Dec 2020
hypothes.is hypothes.is
The power of the English seigneurs in Montreal, who many angry French believed to be modern economic descendants of New France's landowners that treated their farmers as serfs before the system was abolished in 1854. How Richard himself, the Rocket, was so much a part of Quebec society that he transcended even organized religion. Hockey's greatest player at that time was Richard, who in 1945 became the first to score 50 goals in a season. At the Boston Garden on March 13, 1955, bespectacled Bruins defender Hal Laycoe had another of his endless run-ins with Richard, leaving the Habs' star cut on the head after a high stick. A brawl ensued, and the Rocket broke his CCM stick over Laycoe's back. Montreal went nuts, both French and English, and with Detroit coming in for a St. Patrick's Day game at the Forum, revenge was on some fans' minds. Catherine, featuring overturned cars, smashed windows, a shot fired from somewhere and 137 arrests. And the Rocket, who always refused to align himself with a political party, would lead his teammates to five straight Stanley Cup victories until retiring in the spring of 1960 with 544 regular-season goals to his credit.
- Sep 2020
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
I think this is such a fantastic viewpoint. Sometimes in order to reach our overall goal, we have to "cast down our bucket" in compromise or be the first to extend the olive branch. I like that he used this same analogy for the white southerners as well. We all have to compromise to some degree to reach progress.
- Aug 2020
marketing.twitter.com marketing.twitter.com
Embracing the slowdown. (n.d.). Retrieved August 30, 2020, from https://marketing.twitter.com/emea/en_gb/insights/embracing-the-slowdown
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
you could imagine my extreme disappointment after i came back after a year and a half to find that the entire exploration map was about 80% smaller, every different island was within clear view of your starting island completely decimating any sense of adventure or exploration you could have had.Almost all materials could be collected and all items built within four and a half hours. Islands are literally numbered one to five to display they're level of danger.not only that but you were practically spoon fed each advancement in the game, it feels like it was taken from a greatly ambitious open world, exploration survival game that would take months to finish and achieve everything in. To now being an arcade style iphone app game catered to ten year olds that would foolishly enter their parents card details in order to buy 10,000 roblox coins.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
I have over 689 hours into this game and would like to talk about the changes made to the Exploration. In my opinion the Exploration which made this game amazing now stinks!. You know longer need a ship to hit the islands. The exploration has pretty much been removed. One of the things that made this game so amazing was grinding to make your ship and heading out to Explore and find the other islands. Now all the islands are really close to the spawn point, there are not that many and well they stink. There is no reason or need to make a ship because you can easily reach all the island with a raft.
- Jun 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Chad Moutray on Twitter: “The vast majority of manufacturers continued to operate through the COVID-19 crisis (67.1%) or temporarily halted only part of their operations (31.6%). Among large manufacturers, 50.8% are completely operational, while roughly 73% of small and medium-sized firms state the same. https://t.co/LcIck25Tin” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 7, 2020, from https://twitter.com/chadmoutray/status/1265976335719116804
www.ages.at www.ages.at
Epidemiologische Abklärung am Beispiel COVID-19. (n.d.). AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Retrieved May 7, 2020, from https://www.ages.at/en/service/services-press/press-releases/standard-titel/
- May 2020
developers.google.com developers.google.com
A "tag" is a snippet of code that allows digital marketing teams to collect data, set cookies or integrate third-party content like social media widgets into a site.
This is a bad re-purposing of the word "tag", which already has specific meanings in computing.
Why do we need a new word for this? Why not just call it a "script" or "code snippet"?
- Apr 2020
www.troyhunt.com www.troyhunt.com
many organisations block torrents (for obvious reasons) and I know, for example, that either of these options would have posed insurmountable hurdles at my previous employment
Actually, I probably would have ended up just paying for it myself due to the procurement challenges of even a single-digit dollar amount, but let's not get me started on that
www.cnet.com www.cnet.com
Short of a fingerprint reader, two-step verification (aka two-step authorization) may be the single best way to protect online accounts.
www.techrepublic.com www.techrepublic.com
- Mar 2020
ico.org.uk ico.org.uk
Start working towards compliance now - undertake a cookie audit, document your decisions, and you will have nothing to fear.
www.heideldesign.com www.heideldesign.com
but if you have any questions or need additional assistance, please let us know via our Help system or visit: http://impermium.com/typepad-antispam
If you follow the link, it simply says:
Impermium has been acquired by Google, Inc.
Seriously, you couldn't leave up some more helpful content, like explaining what happened to this anti-spam service?
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
The truth is that building an innovative organization from top-down is a dynamic process. It often involves people at all levels of the company. But, the fundamental narrative across the board with innovative organizations is the culture. The company culture has to include employees who feel connected to the organization and want to contribute value.
ma.tt ma.tt
First, they chose to find a new home for Tumblr instead of shutting it down. Second, they considered not just how much cash they would get on day one, but also — and especially — what would happen to the team afterward, and how the product and the team would be invested in going forward. Third, they thought about the sort of steward of the community the new owner would be. They didn’t have to do any of that, and I commend them for making all three points a priority.