4,548 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. Collecting per-second measurements of CPU load might yield interesting data, but such frequent measurements may be very expensive to collect, store, and analyze.

      Revisit the log files on our production server.

    1. it is better to allow an error budget—a rate at which the SLOs can be missed—and track that on a daily or weekly basis
    2. To save effort, build a set of reusable SLI templates for each common metric; these also make it simpler for everyone to understand what a specific SLI means.
    1. With over 16 million pulls per month, Google’s `distroless` base images are widely used and depended on by large projects like Kubernetes and Istio. These minimal images don’t include common tools like shells or package managers, making their attack surface (and download size!) smaller than traditional base images such as `ubuntu` or `alpine`.

      I need to check these out.

    1. Standard economic theory uses mathematics as its main means of understanding, and this brings clarity of reasoning and logical power. But there is a drawback: algebraic mathematics restricts economic modeling to what can be expressed only in quantitative nouns, and this forces theory to leave out matters to do with process, formation, adjustment, creation and nonequilibrium. For these we need a different means of understanding, one that allows verbs as well as nouns. Algorithmic expression is such a means. It allows verbs (processes) as well as nouns (objects and quantities). It allows fuller description in economics, and can include heterogeneity of agents, actions as well as objects, and realistic models of behavior in ill-defined situations. The world that algorithms reveal is action-based as well as object-based, organic, possibly ever-changing, and not fully knowable. But it is strangely and wonderfully alive.

      Read abstract.

      The analogy of adding a "verb" to mathematics is intriguing here.

    1. Turing was an exceptional mathematician with a peculiar and fascinating personality and yet he remains largely unknown. In fact, he might be considered the father of the von Neumann architecture computer and the pioneer of Artificial Intelligence. And all thanks to his machines; both those that Church called “Turing machines” and the a-, c-, o-, unorganized- and p-machines, which gave rise to evolutionary computations and genetic programming as well as connectionism and learning. This paper looks at all of these and at why he is such an often overlooked and misunderstood figure.
    1. We analyze features contributing to the success of a book by feature importance analysis, finding that a strong driving factor of book sales across all genres is the publishing house. We also uncover differences between genres: for thrillers and mystery, the publishing history of an author (as measured by previous book sales) is highly important, while in literary fiction and religion, the author’s visibility plays a more central role.

      The abstract generally tracks with my personal experience in the space.

    1. What I am attempting to do is to highlight a div with a certain id, when It has been referred to by an anchor on another page IE: User clicks link href="qw.html#test", when the page is loaded, then the div with the id="test" is highlighted so that the user can see it clearly.
    2. You need to use the :target pseudo-class: :target { background-color: #ffa; }
    1. I’ve also written about China’s no less corrosive version of the Internet and how it’s marketed to developing and middle income countries as “Autocracy-as-a-Service”.

      Autocracy-as-a-Service---it's so sad that this apt phrase exists and worse that it has such a benign feeling to it.


    1. Why are there so many programming languages and frameworks? Everyone has their own opinion on how something should be done. Some of these systems, like AOL, Yahoo, etc... have been around for a decade, and probably not updated much.
    2. Simple fact is that HTML support is different in them because mail clients are so old, or others are allowed to operate in browsers where not all CSS or even HTML can be applied in a secure manner. Older clients have outdated browsers that you'll likely NEVER see brought up to standards; what with Opera's standalone aging like milk, and thunderbird lagging behind the firefox on which it's even built. Don't even get me STARTED on older clients like Eudora or Outlook.
    1. MJML has been designed with responsiveness in mind. The abstraction it offers guarantee you to always be up-to-date with the industry practices and responsive. Email clients update their specs and requirements regularly, but we geek about that stuff - we’ll stay on top of it so you can spend less time reading up on latest email client updates and more time designing beautiful email.
  2. Apr 2021
    1. :structured - Lumberjack::Formatter::StructuredFormatter - crawls the object and applies the formatter recursively to Enumerable objects found in it (arrays, hashes, etc.).
    2. The main difference is in the flow of how messages are ultimately sent to devices for output. The standard library Logger logic converts the log entries to strings and then sends the string to the device to be written to a stream. Lumberjack, on the other hand, sends structured data in the form of a Lumberjack::LogEntry to the device and lets the device worry about how to format it. The reason for this flip is to better support structured data logging. Devices (even ones that write to streams) can format the entire payload including non-string objects and tags however they need to.
    3. The logging methods (debug, 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal') are overloaded with an additional argument for setting tags on the log entry.
    4. These example are for Rails applications, but there is no dependency on Rails for using this gem. Most of the examples are applicable to any Ruby application.
    1. There's nothing to stop you from doing initializer code in a file that lives in app/models. for example class MyClass def self.run_me_when_the_class_is_loaded end end MyClass.run_me_when_the_class_is_loaded MyClass.run_me... will run when the class is loaded .... which is what we want, right? Not sure if its the Rails way.... but its extremely straightforward, and does not depend on the shifting winds of Rails.

      does not depend on the shifting winds of Rails.

    1. enumjorge 7 hours ago [–] Same. I was intrigued and wanted to start exploring the sites that make up this “indie web”, but the landing page doesn’t list them. Clicked on “Getting Started Now” which took me to a busy looking wiki page talking about Wordpress? Confused, I left.

      This is an intriguing question that I've seen a few different times:

      Where is the IndieWeb?

      Perhaps worth writing an essay to describe where to find some of these sites if you wanted to interact with them.


      • chat names
      • indie map lists
      • web ring

      Part of it is how you define IndieWeb. What are those potential criteria.

    1. "The Analytical Language of John Wilkins" (Spanish: "El idioma analítico de John Wilkins") is a short essay by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges originally published in Otras Inquisiciones (1937–1952).[1][2] It is a critique of the English natural philosopher and writer John Wilkins's proposal for a universal language and of the representational capacity of language generally. In it, Borges imagines a bizarre and whimsical (and fictional) Chinese taxonomy later quoted by Michel Foucault, David Byrne, and others.
    1. He is particularly known for An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language (1668) in which, amongst other things, he proposed a universal language and an integrated system of measurement, similar to the metric system.

      This may be well worth reading with respect to my research on memory, stenography, shorthand, etc.

    1. They cause completely different behavior for auto margins. If you have a fixed element for example with top/bottom/left/right set to zero and you stick an image in it you want to center wrapped in a div, then in order to center that div with auto margins, you MUST specify a CSS width/height, because specifying an HTML attribute width/height has no effect and the margins remain zero. I have no idea why the difference exists.
    2. Whether to specify in html or css is best judged on individual circumstances. A large number of images of the same size would probably be best served with css, a single image with html. That said, if you are specifying other styles for the image (border colour, style or radius, float etc) it would make sense to add width & height to the css.
    3. I think that depends on HOW you are using the attribute. If you're styling multiple images within a list or table so that they lay out correctly, then put the width/height in your CSS to avoid the need to add another set of tags to every image in the list. Use something like ul.gallery img: { width:117px; } On the other hand, if you are inserting an image into some content and it needs to be a certain size to make the document flow properly, then put it in the HTML. That way you don't have to muck up the style sheet for each different image in the html. And this way, if you change the content to a different image, of remove the image all together, you don't have remnants of code scattered in your CSS to remember to delete.
    4. If anything it thwarts separation of concerns to a degree.
    5. (Yes, I realize from a technical, end-user perspective this really doesn't matter.)

      The word "technical" in this sentence doesn't seem to belong or to clarify anything. I think it would be clearer without it.

      But I think I understand what he's saying, which is that technical details don't matter to the end user. They only know/see/care if it works or not.

    1. as it stands, this only goes to highlight what a miracle, what a classic for the ages Actraiser really is, whilst confirming itself as, unfortunately, one to avoid.
    1. Game looks great, ignore the 1 score review. Disgruntle co worker, perhaps? Perhaps a jealous fellow pupil... When all ither reviews are 7 or more and there's one review with a 1 score and a novel saying just why they thinks... you know something's not quite right. Hopefully this will go some way to normalising the score.
    1. We are are continuing our commitment to creating our games that are free and widely accessible anyone that is curious by making our game files available under Creative Commons license BY–NC–SA 4.0. That means we will continue offering a full, free print-and-play kit for Pax Pamir, and later this campaign, John Company! Anyone can use, remix, and share the game, so long as they do not use it for commercial purposes. 
    1. the term historical revisionism identifies the re-interpretation of a historical account.[1] It usually involves challenging the orthodox (established, accepted or traditional) views held by professional scholars about an historical event or time-span or phenomenon, introducing contrary evidence, or reinterpreting the motivations and decisions of the people involved.
    1. Dry humor is a delivery technique. As such, it shouldn't be confused with specific types of humor or with sarcasm. Sarcasm is delivered without humor because it's generally not funny but intended to mock or convey contempt. Dry humor pertains to something funny.
    2. .mainContent {  -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none;  user-select: none; }

    1. Of course you must not use plain-text passwords and place them directly into scripts. You even must not use telnet protocol at all. And avoid ftp, too. I needn’t say why you should use ssh, instead, need I? And you also must not plug your fingers into 220 voltage AC-output. Telnet was chosen for examples as less harmless alternative, because it’s getting rare in real life, but it can show all basic functions of expect-like tools, even abilities to send passwords. BUT, you can use “Expect and Co” to do other things, I just show the direction.
    2. But in all this incongruous abundance you'll certanly find the links to expect It's just what is wanted: the tool, which is traditionally used to communicate automatically with interactive programs. And as it always occurs, there is unfortunately a little fault in it: expect needs the programming language TCL to be present. Nevertheless if it doesn't discourage you to install and learn one more, though very powerful language, then you can stop your search, because expect and TCL with or without TK have everything and even more for you to write scripts.
    1. In many computing contexts, "TTY" has become the name for any text terminal, such as an external console device, a user dialing into the system on a modem on a serial port device, a printing or graphical computer terminal on a computer's serial port or the RS-232 port on a USB-to-RS-232 converter attached to a computer's USB port, or even a terminal emulator application in the window system using a pseudoterminal device.

      It's still confusing, but this at least helps/tries to clarify.

    1. Around &Bigger the box is bigger: 75mm high instead of 45mm or so.That was the main reason for the name &Bigger. The first edition does fit in its box but very tight. Because the first factory used bigger cardboard than planned. They told me about this "upgrade" after they produced the game. The thicker tiles (about 2.5mm) did feel good for the game so the &Bigger edition has the same
    1. This game is severely underrated. I genuinely do not understand all of the negative backlash it gets. It's a solid scribblenauts game with a ton of replay value and a way to past the time with friends. It's not perfect, as the motion controls do drag it down slightly, and some of the minigames offered are less than great, however it does not deserve the overwhelming hate it gets. It's a solid title in the series.
    2. I truly TRULY do not get the hate of this game. I am in my 40's. Played with 2 boys, 10 and 12. And we all had an amazing time playing the board game version of this for an hour. When it was over, the boys said, LETS PLAY IT AGAIN! The game is deep. Also has original sandbox mode with new levels. When they were about to leave, I surprise them by giving them the game as a gift. They were SO excited (and, I will simply buy another one for myself) I am simply BAFFLED at the hate and negativity for this game. Sure, a couple of the mini-games are not top notch. But there are many great ones within. At $40, solid deal. At $20 sale in most places, you have got to be kidding me. Steal it at that price. If you like Scribblenauts or are new to the Scribblenauts world, just buy it.
    1. A generic trademark, also known as a genericized trademark or proprietary eponym, is a trademark or brand name that, because of its popularity or significance, has become the generic term for, or synonymous with, a general class of products or services, usually against the intentions of the trademark's owner.
    1. Screen and Tmux are used to add a session context to a pseudoterminal, making for a much more robust and versatile solution. For example, each provides terminal persistence, allowing a user to disconnect from one computer and then connect later from another computer.
    2. The terminal emulator process must also handle terminal control commands, e.g., for resizing the screen.
    1. 2 out of 3 people in my household do not find it easy to understand. Maybe that is is not representative, but keep in mind that something you yourself understand (or in this case think you understand) always seems easy.
    2. Notice the use of Enter key after backslash in the sed command.
    3. Although echo "$@" prints the arguments with spaces in between, that's due to echo: it prints its arguments with spaces as separators.

      due to echo adding the spaces, not due to the spaces already being present

      Tag: not so much:

      whose responsibility is it? but more: what handles this / where does it come from? (how exactly should I word it?)

    4. I'm posting this question to help other users, it was not easy to find a useful answer on UNIX SE until I started to type this question.
    1. “Who cares? Let’s just go with the style-guide” — to which my response is that caring about the details is in the heart of much of our doings. Yes, this is not a major issue; def self.method is not even a code smell. Actually, that whole debate is on the verge of being incidental. Yet the learning process and the gained knowledge involved in understanding each choice is alone worth the discussion. Furthermore, I believe that the class << self notation echoes a better, more stable understanding of Ruby and Object Orientation in Ruby. Lastly, remember that style-guides may change or be altered (carefully, though!).
    2. Yet, it certainly is important to make the proper choices when picking up style. Similarly to fashion, code style reflects our credo as developers, our values and philosophy. In order to make an informed decision, it’s mandatory to understand the issue at stake well. We all have defined class methods many times, but do we really know how do they work?
    1. I strongly prefer this over Carcassonne. It plays faster (I don't want a tile laying game to go for more than 30 mins or so) and I happen to like the limited options. Carcassonne just gets on my nerves because I just don't view selecting between so many placement options to be that interesting. Obviously, YMMV. Ditto the previous statement, it's different than Carcassonne. And that's why I like it.
    1. What's the point of playing a game featuring fjords without also including vikings to pillage the other player's lands...I've actually developed two additional tiles for Fjords: The Dragon and The Marauding Hoard. Both do exactly that.(I've play tested them with a friend well over 40 times and we both agree that with an expanded set of Fjords tiles, these two greatly improve the game for us. I'll write the tiles up and post them to BGG... eventually)
    1. You'll usually only take this sales tax deduction if you live in a state that doesn't have state income tax, but it's available to everyone.
    1. If you’re installing new sod, you may use a light roller to make sure the pieces come into close contact with soil for the roots to grow and take hold.
    2. There are times when you may need to flatten a bumpy lawn. For example, a golf course or a cricket pitch may be rolled to attain a smooth, level surface for playing. This is when a lawn roller may be needed.
    1. Use a leveling drag instead of a grass seed roller If you’re smoothing the lawn to cultivate it, a leveling drag may suffice.
    2. 1. Use Plywood (alternative when laying sod) One of the most inexpensive alternatives to lawn rollers is that sheet of plywood lying around your home. Plus, it’s amazingly simple to use. Follow these steps to help your sod bond with the soil…. Step 1: Place a 4 ft. by 8 ft. piece of plywood on your new lawn. Step 2: Walk over it to press your sod solidly into the soil. We suggest that you invite a friend, if possible, to walk alongside you. The plywood distributes the applied weight evenly and will have an impact similar to a commercial lawn roller.
    1. What can I use in place of a lawn roller?I raked in some bags of top soil and reseeded a very large section of my lawn (a walkway was moved) but the area is very soft and you sink in about 4 inches if you step there.Is there something I can use instead of a lawn roller? I don't have one...
    1. Future studies should be conducted to test if the decreased cortical brain activity after nimodipine is associated with improved working memory performance in patients with schizophrenia, particularly those who carry the risk-associated genotype.

      Interesting hypothesis.

    1. Welcome! Feel free to annotate the draft documents with your comments and feedback.

      These annotations will be included in the recommendations made to the eCommittee on the draft.

      To annotate the document:

      1. Highlight the text you would like to comment on
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      5. View a tutorial on how to use the tool here: https://youtu.be/e235JwmmEcQ

      If you need any assistance, the question mark in the top right can take you through a quick guide on how to get started.

    1. Due to player actions not landing on the beat or being relevant to the background music, this 'rhythm' game falls short of it's goals. No feedback for early or late actions also diminishes the game.
    2. Piano Cat is a challenging rhythm-based platformer game where you [...] jump to the beat [...].No, no, no, just no. This game has nothing to do with rhythm or doing something in sync to the music. If you try to do that, you will fail, a lot. In order to beat the stages you have to mute or ignore the music, ignore the obstacles and only look out for the buttons you have to press. When they light up green, you press the button. This means that you have to press them always too early to the action, ahead of time. If you try to time it to the music, it will be too late and not count. If you are good in these kind of games, this will totally throw you off here.The graphic are nice, the music is ok, but it does a terrible job in having rhythm based gameplay.
    1. Ultimately, Shelter Generations relies on your capacity to dig into its subtleties. On that overt level it's an obtuse and obviously indie game, and it's really quite demanding of the player; it asks them to figure their own way through the game, and it asks them to really commit to an emotional connection to these hopeless little cubs.
    1. The good news: everyone had a genuine blast. We knew we had experimented our way into something fun, even if the rules and designs still needed a lot of work.
    1. To make sure that participants couldn’t learn and predict where text field alternatives might show up during the test, we randomized the order in which we presented those text fields.
    2. However, some users didn’t know that they could interact with and click on the text field. It looked like an empty box. The line affordance under the old text fields was not clear to some users. The line was confused with a divider.
    3. The label and input were confused with body text, especially in dense compositions.
    1. After some searching i found a stack overflow problem that didn't fix my issue but anyhow… I simply used a little ruby and the capybara library to find the field myself with some case insensitive regex and the ruby detect method
    1. There's some really great titles hiding in here. If they're as solid as Annotation is, then this is definitely worth mining for some additional titles.

    1. I respectfully disagree with your assessment. You are referencing the quote "It's not appropriate to use the aside element just for parentheticals, since those are part of the main flow of the document." However the OP specifically said that they are looking for a semantic element for "a note that may be useful to read at a given point of a tutorial, but is not part of the main tutorial flow". That is what "aside" is for. It's not part of the main content flow.

      That's a tough one. I can see it both ways.

    2. <aside> is appropriate if the side note "could be considered separate from the content"

      From a programmer's perspective:

      • It shouldn't be in an <aside>, if it is actually directly about what is in <main>
      • An <aside> should be able to be evaluated on its own, (almost entirely) in isolation from, and not dependent on anything in, the <main> content. This could be especially important/relevant for screen readers.
    1. <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Wikipedia</span> in Waun Mawn - Wikipedia (<time class='dt-published'>04/02/2021 15:33:08</time>)</cite></small>

    1. In Australia, we are so fortunate to be able to learn from a continuous culture dating back over 60,000 years. We have ample evidence from our Aboriginal cultures of robust knowledge of landscape and skyscape events dating back 17,000 years. (See Patrick Nunn’s amazing book, The Edge of Memory). That is how powerful these methods can be and why they have developed in so many disparate cultures.

      bookmarking Patrick Nunn's The Edge of Memory for future reading

    1. It feels like it was thrown together in a weekend using parts from "Think To Die" since even the successful act of feeding your chickens has the same blood-splatter-on-camera-lens that you would get from scoring in Think To Die where your goal is to kill all of your people as opposed to this where you are feeding animals, so what's with the blood splatter? It just shows a lack of attention to detail.
    1. I'll tell you my intention right away, because the language difference between us may offend you. For those things I don't understand, I apologize in advance (if you don't need my apology and feel that my apology is offensive to you, I firmly withdraw my apology).
    1. We also include a large number of detailed picture examples, often with 3D renders, that help you understand the context of the rules. For these reason, we generally don't start laying out the final rulebook until production art is complete. Writing and laying out a 20 page rule book like this generally takes about 3 months from start to finish, usually requiring a complete rewrite or two, and involves dozens of editors.
    1. Bibliography of Memory. Dr. Morris Young. Chilton, 1961. More than6,000 references are cited in this bibliography by a Manhattan oph-thalmologist and collector of books on memory systems.

      This looks fascinating and I don't think I've seen a reference to it before.



    1. <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Martin Gardner </span> in Hexaflexagons, Probability Paradoxes & the Tower of Hanoi in Chapter 11 Memorizing Numbers (<time class='dt-published'>04/02/2021 14:31:10</time>)</cite></small>

    1. In the oldest story of Stonehenge’s origins, theHistory of the Kings of Britain(c. AD 1136),Geoffrey of Monmouth

      I imagine this would be some interesting reading.

      See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historia_Regum_Britanniae



    1. This approach is preferable to overriding authenticate_user! in your controller because it won't clobber a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff Devise does (such as storing the attempted URL so the user can be redirected after successful sign in).
    1. For now, you will need to give the second root a different named route: authenticated :user do root to: "users#index", as: :authenticated_root end unauthenticated do root to: "main#index" end
  3. Mar 2021
    1. The reason Final Form does this is so that pristine will be true if you start with an uninitialized form field (i.e. value === undefined), type into it (pristine is now false), and then empty the form field. In this case, pristine should return to true, but the value that the HTML DOM gives for that input is ''. If Final Form did not treat '' and undefined as the same, any field that was ever typed in would forever be dirty, no matter what the user did.
    2. If you are doing a regular expression check, your function should handle undefined as a potential value.
    1. Not enjoying Xcode, Amir used RubyMotion instead. Amir had real-world experience with Xcode and Objective-C, but didn't like it at all. Amir also has a Ruby background and went with RubyMotion to build A Dark Room. The command-line interface, the testing framework, the gems libraries and the CocoaPods integration and the freedom to use any text editor contributed to his decision.
    1. Just as we've become super-human thanks to telephones, calendars and socks, we can continue our evolution into cyborgs in a concrete jungle with socially curated bars and mathematically incorruptible governance.
    2. we should eagerly anticipate granting ourselves the extra abilities afforded to us by Turing machines
    3. Stop thinking of the ideal user as some sort of honorable, frontier pilgrim; a first-class citizen who carries precedence over the lowly bot. Bots need to be granted the same permission as human users and it’s counter-productive to even think of them as separate users. Your blind human users with screen-readers need to behave as “robots” sometimes and your robots sending you English status alerts need to behave as humans sometimes.
    1. Strategies Improve identification of children experiencing homelessness and ensure support for them to enroll in school. Eliminate barriers to enrollment and provide seamless transitions from early childhood education through elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Improve access to and retention in early childhood education programs, elementary and secondary education, and post-secondary education. Review existing federal, state, and local program policies, procedures, and regulations to identify mechanisms that could increase both access to and retention in high-quality programs. These mechanisms should help remove barriers and ensure early childhood-to-adulthood educational access, quality child care, and early childhood education through elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Educate homelessness assistance providers about the laws, and the programs and practices under those laws, designed to increase access to early care and education, such as those carried out under Head Start, the McKinney-Vento Act’s education subtitle, and the independent student provisions of the Higher Education Act.


    1. The codebase for Pomodone makes more sense to me in Svelte, not React. I find it easier to navigate and work with.
    2. React and Svelte are very similar in many ways, but what I've found is that in all the little ways that they are different, I prefer Svelte.
    3. but I like that Svelte comes with a good CSS story out the box.

      comes with a good CSS story out the box

    4. This isn't really a downside to React; one of React's strengths is that it lets you control so much and slot React into your environment
    5. Svelte is different in that by default most of your code is only going to run once; a console.log('foo') line in a component will only run when that component is first rendered.
    6. Svelte looks pretty similar, but has two small changes that personally make the Svelte code easier to read, in my opinion:
    1. A Low Bar to Entry, and then What?There is an interesting tension between making something accessible and making it boring. Lowering the barrier of entry is a good thing, but if all you do is low-bar stuff, you end up losing the people again that you managed to attract. There needs to be a path forward beyond the entry level.
    1. A business with a low barrier to entry would be those people in poor countries who “wash” your windscreen at traffic lights. A bucket, a cloth, some water and you are in business. A business with a high barrier to entry might be airlines: planes are expensive, staff with the right skills hard to find, the necessary permits to fly hard to obtain.