- Sep 2019
jime.open.ac.uk jime.open.ac.uk
Supporting Personalised Learning Frequently mentioned throughout the interviews was the goal of allowing learners to explore their personal interests, culture and social context through assessment. Several participants sought to design assessment that allowed learners to tap into these aspects of their personal lives. Where learners could exercise choice and pursue projects of personal interest, a greater sense of ownership was observed. James commented that “they love the idea that they are in control of what they do”, when given more choice around assessment. Other participants suggested it was possible to have learners working on projects that could benefit their personal lives or professional trajectories as part of formal coursework. In her final assignment, Olivia provides the learners “absolute free reign in terms of what kind of a thing they produced.” Learners use their creative interests to develop resources for the course, as Olivia reflects “some opted for essays still, but other students created digital timelines, infographics, podcasts, comic books, videos.” Personalisation of assessment was suggested to allow learners to represent and situate themselves authentically and creatively through their work.
Giving learners more autonomy in their learning is a great pedagogical principle, and in the context of the article focusing on learning design, I can see how this fits with "open" as it does require that the course design needs to be more "open" as in flexible to allow for this kind of learner autonomy. There is overlap here between authentic learning and open pedagogy.
“students will write differently, you know, if they know it’s not just going to their professor.
Changes the audience and gets students to think about writing for a larger, perhaps more general audience. This is an important aspect if we want to have, say, highly technical disciplines, like sciences, learning to engage more broadly with the public. Having learners understand the importance of writing for an audience that is more general could become an important open pedagogy principle for disciplines that want to have their work have a broader impact with the general public.
github.com github.com
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
One notable barrier that has prevented faculty from adopting OER is concerns about the quality of the materials. The present study extends upon a growing body of research indicating that OER are not perceived to be lower in quality than traditional textbooks.
I have trouble believing many faculty members will be swayed by undergraduate students' perceptions of quality. There's a difference to be explored in "quality of disciplinary content in the abstract" vs. "quality as a study aid for this particular course."
This is of course a broader concern for advocacy for OERs, not a critique of this particular study.
One reason why the students assigned open textbooks may use those textbooks more is that they perceive a greater need for/relevance of their textbook relative to those assigned traditional textbooks
The absence of the teacher here seems like an issue. To what extent may the students have come up with that perception on their own, or might they perceive it because the teacher told them about the work involved in vetting this particular textbook? What, if anything, did the traditional textbook teachers say?
(Further down the paragraph it's made clear that the OERs were adapted to be more relevant, which I agree is part of the attraction of OERs and including that is fair. But I'd still like to know what the teachers said in class about it, if anything.)
students taking classes in the classroom report significantly higher rates of underutilized textbooks than those taking classes online
Seems to hint to me that on-campus students may be receiving (or perceiving) a superior level of instructor support (thereby making the textbook less relevant). Interesting responsibility for F2F faculty and interesting possible criticism of the level of instructor support provided to online students.
and students assigned an open textbook reported a significantly higher percentage of underutilized textbooks (M = 52.20, SE = 1.38) than those assigned a traditional textbook (M = 48.44, SE = 1.21)
Students who have been primed with the knowledge that this course uses a lower-cost OER text are more critical of textbook price vs use in other courses?
- Aug 2019
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I'm working full time on Material-UI since 2019. I was working on it during my free time before that. I hope that I can leverage my full-time involvement in the library to make it really awesome. You are right, the project is well-funded. We hope we can fund the time of more than 1 person full time in the future, with the current growth rate, it should soon be possible. We have 3 people working part-time on the project (Matt, Sebastian and Josh), plus the community behind us (+1,000 code contributors).
medium.com medium.com
Thanks to the lust of innovation brewed by productivism, there’s companies everywhere seeking talented self-motivated creatives to unquestionably follow orders, to ensure their company is the winner out of many losers;
There are several companies that although they have closed-source products, they have large open-source projects that are core-components to their product. Thing Facebook and it's open-source projects or Microsoft and their open-sourcing of the asp.net and corresponding frameworks. It seems like in general, there is a trend toward companies open-sourcing their DX tools, which is what a majority of open-source projects are....
hewlett.org hewlett.org
Research. As zero-textbook-cost degrees are implemented across the country, research could be conducted to analyze the impact of degree establishment on student access and success, as well as on faculty pedagogical practice. Metrics related to access and success might include credit loads, withdrawal rates, persistence rates, pass rates, and actual cost savings.
Zero-textbook cost degrees is still a long way off as far as India goes. Our students are now extremely proficient in the use of the internet and open sources. However, compared to open access resources use of standardised textbooks in traditionnal classrooms is definitely better as teachers has a personal connect with the student. This is particularly necessary as students are becoming victims of PUBG and other such addctive games leading to either suicide or other behavioural problems. We do not need a plethora of zombie students in our schools and colleges!
As far as I can tell, open educational practice captures the true potential of OER to improve teaching and learning. Now that adoption of OER has been maturing and expanding, more people are interested in how to use OER more effectively. In other words, they’re asking what can OER do that traditional textbooks cannot?
Replacing text books with open resources does push teachers out of their comfort zones!
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
I found this blog post by David Wiley very honest and interesting, seeing as though we didn’t talk about ‘before Creative Commons’ at all in this course. While we most likely don’t have time in the course and didn’t really need to talk about the before CC, it’s really intriguing to see that people were talking about the foundations of CC already back in 1998 and that the bones of CC were already there.
www.sensorica.co www.sensorica.co
blog.streamr.com blog.streamr.com
github.com github.com
- Jul 2019
open.semanticscholar.org open.semanticscholar.orgOAS1
another body working on scholarly comms infrastructure - but for AI
medium.com medium.com
Indigenous Data Sovereignty
wiobyrne.com wiobyrne.com
Open learning, also known as open education
requires a open, sharing, collaborative environment. Promotes pedagogical dialogue. OER have potential to transcend "geographic, economic, or language barriers". Also, OER strengthens digital literacy.
Creative Commons covers 4 areas of practice: -re-use: right to verbatim reuse content
- revise: right to change/ modify the content -remix: right to combine original or revised with new content -redistribute: right to make and share copies of content
great for expanding, exploring, sharing and remixing content in the educational world.
free to use and access, and to re-purpose.
open learning is influential in areas of design, practice, pedagogy, and theory in education. Open Education Resources at the K-12 level are fundamental to OL.
Open learning
defined as "set of practices, resources, and scholarship that are open to the public and that are accessible, free to use and access, and re-purpose"
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
independent scholars
which should perhaps increasingly be read as "adjunct/contingent scholars between contracts"
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Software Sustainability Institute, based at the University of Edinburgh, provides free, short, online evaluations of software sustainability, and fellowships of £3,000 ($US3,800) for researchers based in Britain or their collaborators.
UK only additional opportunity for open source software funding: Software Sustainability Institute (University of Edinburgh)
One Twitter thread (see go.nature.com/2yekao5) documents grants from the NSF’s Division of Biological Infrastructure, the NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute and the National Cancer Institute, and a joint programme from the NSF and the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (now part of UK Research and Innovation). Private US foundations such as the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) also fund open-source software support.
Funding opportunities for open source software
- Jun 2019
www.threesixtygiving.org www.threesixtygiving.org
www.nature.com www.nature.com
emmalhenderson.com emmalhenderson.com
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Open Science Grassroots Community Networks
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
about what is good work for this class, what does that look like
and perhaps what is good work for others, beyond the class...
- May 2019
investinopen.org investinopen.org
By “Infrastructure” we mean
The definition of "open infrastructure" (or the software component of open infrastructure) should include an explicit requirement for open-source code. Even an explicit recommendation short of a requirement would be better than the current definition, which is entirely silent the value of opening the code. The Elsevier acquisition of bepress (to use one example among many) would have been much less harmful to the community if the code had been open and user institutions could hold on to the platform, fork it if they wanted, take it in their own direction, and continue using it without becoming Elsevier customers.
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
how would our education system change to take advantage of this new external symbol-manipulation capability of students and teachers (and administrators)?
Let's say it's been twenty years since PDAs have been widely available. I returned to higher education less than ten years ago. K-12 seems to have embraced learning technologies, and their affordances, to improve primary and secondary education. In my experience, few educators with terminal degrees have made the effort while younger and more precarious teachers are slowly adopting educational technologies. Administrators are leading the way with their digital management systems and students are using proprietary social media platforms. Our institutions are doing what they were designed to do: resist change and reproduce the social order. Research paid for with public monies is as quickly privatized as that produced in corporations. Open education practices are just beginning to be explored.
The first PDA, the Organizer, was released in 1984 by Psion, followed by Psion's Series 3, in 1991. The latter began to resemble the more familiar PDA style, including a full keyboard.[4][5] The term PDA was first used on January 7, 1992 by Apple Computer CEO John Sculley at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, referring to the Apple Newton.[6] In 1994, IBM introduced the first PDA with full telephone functionality, the IBM Simon, which can also be considered the first smartphone. Then in 1996, Nokia introduced a PDA with telephone functionality, the 9000 Communicator, which became the world's best-selling PDA. Another early entrant in this market was Palm, with a line of PDA products which began in March 1996. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_digital_assistant
www.datacoalition.org www.datacoalition.org
journal.disruptivemedia.org.uk journal.disruptivemedia.org.uk
whatever client they choose just as they can use their browser of choice
Interesting -- what would it look like to have a shared annotation layer that could be accessed by a variety of tools?
www.montrealdatalicense.com www.montrealdatalicense.com
www.randhome.io www.randhome.io
Methodology The classic OSINT methodology you will find everywhere is strait-forward: Define requirements: What are you looking for? Retrieve data Analyze the information gathered Pivoting & Reporting: Either define new requirements by pivoting on data just gathered or end the investigation and write the report.
Etienne's blog! Amazing resource for OSINT; particularly focused on technical attacks.
wellsky.com wellsky.com
little in their environment fosters active thinking or problem solving
an appeal for open education
assets.publishing.service.gov.uk assets.publishing.service.gov.uk
open aid - argument from dfid
Open source note taking software article
- Apr 2019
mapthesystem.sbs.ox.ac.uk mapthesystem.sbs.ox.ac.uk
www.go-fair.org www.go-fair.org
www.orfg.org www.orfg.org
www.orfg.org www.orfg.org
www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk
csupueblo.pressbooks.pub csupueblo.pressbooks.pub
focus on collaboration, connection, diversity, democracy, and critical assessments of educational tools and structures
Also critical assessments of authority structures, truth claims, value judgments...
csupueblo.pressbooks.pub csupueblo.pressbooks.pub
free of charge and free of licensing restrictions
Are there any examples currently where something is not free of charge but is free of licensing restrictions?
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
Faculty members are increasingly interested in open access publication models. Approximately 64%
Growing dissatisfaction with a subscription-based publication model with "scholarly research outputs" freely available to public.
viennaprinciples.org viennaprinciples.org
A Vision for Scholarly Communication Currently, there is a strong push to address the apparent deficits of the scholarly communication system. Open Science has the potential to change the production and dissemination of scholarly knowledge for the better, but there is no commonly shared vision that describes the system that we want to create.
A Vision for Scholarly Communication
words.steveklabnik.com words.steveklabnik.com
So in theory, one could imagine an organization that produces a different kind of document. Instead of a license for the source code, they would provide a way to say uh, let’s go with “Open Development Certified.” Projects could then submit for certification, they’d get accepted or rejected.
This sounds a lot like the Apache trademark, to me.
About 98% of the research published in the Journal since 2000 is free and open to the public. Research of immediate importance to global health is made freely accessible upon publication; other research articles become freely accessible after 6 months.
98%?!?!?! Data please!
- Mar 2019
www.go-fair.org www.go-fair.org
The main purpose of the Discovery IN is to provide interfaces and other user-facing services for data discovery across disciplines. We explore new and innovative ways of enabling discovery, including visualizations, recommender systems, semantics, content mining, annotation, and responsible metrics. We apply user involvement and participatory design to increase usability and usefulness of the solutions. We go beyond academia, involving users from all stakeholders of research data. We create FAIR and open infrastructures, following the FAIR principles complemented by the principles of open source, open data, and open content, thus enabling reuse of interfaces and user-facing services and continued innovation. Our main objectives are:
www.archivogeneral.gov.co www.archivogeneral.gov.co
Normalización de las entradas descriptivas: Personas, Lugares, Instituciones (utilización de Linked Open Data (LOD) cuando sea posible.
¿Qué sistema de organización de conocimiento se los posibilita? ¿Qué están usando para enlazar datos y en qué formato?
www.gdeltproject.org www.gdeltproject.org
all the data
ui.adsabs.harvard.edu ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Engaging the Public Through Wikipedia: Strategies and Tools Show affiliations
Engaging the Public Through Wikipedia: Strategies and Tools
twitter.com twitter.com
There is a serious crisis of discoverability. To overcome it, we have to tear down the walls of dark knowledge and invest in the open discovery infrastructure, esp. user interfaces.
peeragogy.github.io peeragogy.github.io
- Feb 2019
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Open Source and the NGDLE
David and Ian talk about the NGDLE in relation to open.
f1000research.com f1000research.com
open peer review
wisc.pb.unizin.org wisc.pb.unizin.org
Open-Access Efforts
George Cham, the author/illustrator behind PhD Comics, created a visual explainer video that unpacks the rationale behind open access: <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/L5rVH1KGBCY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
gitee.com gitee.com
ictdethics.wordpress.com ictdethics.wordpress.com
Research methodologies and methods used must be open for full discussion and review by peers and stakeholders.
So does this mean totally open? As in publish your protocols open?
wisc.pb.unizin.org wisc.pb.unizin.org
Ideally, an open pedagogy project explicitly welcomes future participation and adaptation (Robbins, “Guidelines”).
Timothy Robbins emphasizes this goal in his guidelines for contributors to the latest Rebus Community iteration of the Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature. In a distillation I find particularly elegant, he notes: "In its best iteration, “open pedagogy” entails the spread of access to knowledge with an invitation to participate in the re-creation of new knowledge" ("Guidelines: Section Introductions.")
it is also the process of designing architectures and using tools for learning that enable students to shape the public knowledge commons of which they are a part
Rajiv Jhangiani connects this point both to the 2008 Cape Town Open Education Declaration's outline of open pedagogy and to UNESCO's UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development Goals (or ESD), which he excerpts in more detail in his presentation:
“ESD does not only integrate contents such as climate change, poverty and sustainable consumption into the curriculum… It asks for an action-oriented, transformative pedagogy, which supports self-directed learning, participation and collaboration, problem-orientation, inter- and transdisciplinarity and the linking of formal and informal learning. Only such pedagogical approaches make possible the development of the key competencies needed for promoting sustainable development.”
Jhangiani, Rajiv. "Open Educational Practices in Services of the Sustainable Development Goals." Open Con, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 2018. Recording and transcript; Permalink.
intentional about learning
Absolutely. I've also been thinking about this in terms of "learning out loud" openly online.
I like that most of these focus on process…as opposed to product. I still think they need to be revisited and remixed to capture my earlier note.
Also thinking about issues of ownership, sharing, and IP online. This would call in a need for CC-licensing, open learning, OER, etc.
ocsdnet.org ocsdnet.orgOCSDNET3
every individual has the means to decide how their knowledge is governed and managed to address their needs
This concept is addressed further in https://ocsdnet.org/principles-and-practice-in-open-science-addressing-power-and-inequality-through-situated-openness/
knowledge commons
The idea of a "knowledge commons" was referenced in the book, "Campesino a Campesino: Voices from Latin America’s Farmer to Farmer Movement for Sustainable Agriculture" by Eric Holt-Giménez in the context of agroecological knowledge inherent in agrarian communities in Latin America.
What does independent mean in this context?
- Jan 2019
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
Am I having my students read a bunch of monographs, all authored by white males, for example?
We need better ways to incentivize the finding and sharing of these more diverse arrays of knowledge forms and knowledge producers, particularly I think at introductory levels. When faculty balk at the labor of finding appropriate and diverse readings, we need resources to show that some of the work has already been done.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
This is one of the most important decisions in an EFA (Thompson, 2004; Warne & Larsen, 2014), and these decisions can make g artificially easier or harder to identify.
Deciding the number of factors to retain can be extremely subjective. But that was why it was so important to pre-register our work. We wanted to choose methods for making this decision before seeing the data so that no one could accuse of us of trying to monkey with the data until we got the results we wanted.
For the sake of transparency, we find it important to explicitly state deviations from our preregistration protocol. First, in our preregistration, we stated that we would search for (cognitive OR intelligence) AND the name of a continent or population. However, searching for a continent was not feasible in finding data sets. We also had difficulty generating a list of population groups (e.g., ethnic groups, tribal groups) that would be useful for our search procedures.
This was my second time I pre-registered the study and the first time my student co-author had. We are still getting the hang of it.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Apart from the free and open source KNIME Analytics Platform, KNIME also has commercial offerings. The KNIME server provides a platform for sharing workflows. It has a web interface and is connected to a KNIME instance for executing workflows remotely on demand or according to a schedule. Also commercially available are the Big Data Extensions and the KNIME Spark executor.
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
If the open source community really wants to make a difference, then the some focus should be directed toward back-end, e-commerce billing systems. The regulatory conditions of the market have reached a point where it is incredibly inefficient for them to be tracked and applied by hand.
This is an incredibly important point.
- Dec 2018
www.cairn.info www.cairn.info
Le commerce de l’échange savant dont les règles, les formes et les lieux peuvent être mis en cartes produit diverses sortes de validations qui permettent à leurs bénéficiaires d’entrer dans la négociation de situations matérielles : l’expression République des Lettres couvre, et mêle tout à la fois ces formes, ces lieux et un bon nombre de ces situations. Alors que l’échange et la validation des savoirs par les institutions académiques sont soumis à des conditions d’accès étroites et à des délais de publication encore plus longs pour les mémoires reçus par les sociétés que pour ceux de leurs propres membres, les périodiques savants s’ouvrent à des contributions d’origines très diverses qu’ils publient rapidement.
cohabitation et complémentarité des formes de communication savante (voir l'intervention de Judith). Le périodique apparaît comme une ouverture.
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
In the most physically salient and concrete example, ‘spatial boundaries’ [11] at work—such as office or cubicle walls—are being removed to create open ‘unbounded’ offices in order to stimulate greater collaboration and collective intelligence. Does it work?
This type of office plan saves money. Small start ups have this type of office because it is cheaper and more flexible for a growing company. Increases collaboration? Most of our jobs are not collaborative.
Contrary to common belief, the volume of face-to-face interaction decreased significantly (approx. 70%) in both cases, with an associated increase in electronic interaction.
This fits with my observances and the anecdotal information I've gotten from others.
www.ashedryden.com www.ashedryden.com
OSS contribution takes time; I don't think anyone would contest that. Getting familiar with a project, finding out where you can fit into it, reading and responding to issues, testing and submitting patches, writing documentation. All of that requires a good deal of time.
I reached out to a prominent OSS company preferring a "history of open source contributions" and put forward the idea that people who code for a living don't always have the opportunity. The response was surprisingly hostile:
It doesn't exclude anyone. Zero chance I'm going to have a debate about it.
infojustice.org infojustice.org
Today, I had the privilege of speaking on a panel at the Comparative and International Education Society’s Annual Conference with representatives of two open education projects that depend on Creative Commons licenses to do their work. One is the OER publisher Siyavula, based in Cape Town, South Africa. Among other things, they publish textbooks for use in primary and secondary school in math and science. After high school students in the country protested about the conditions of their education – singling out textbook prices as a barrier to their learning – the South African government relied on the Creative Commons license used by Siyavula to print and distribute 10 million Siyavula textbooks to school children, some of whom had never had their own textbook before. The other are the related teacher education projects, TESSA, and TESS-India, which use the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license on teacher training materials. Created first in English, the projects and their teachers rely on the reuse rights granted by the Creative Commons license to translate and localize these training materials to make them authentic for teachers in the linguistically and culturally diverse settings of sub-Saharan Africa and India. (Both projects are linked to and supported by the Open University in the UK, http://www.open.ac.uk/, which uses Creative Commons-licensed materials as well.) If one wakes up hoping to feel that one’s work in the world is useful, then an experience like this makes it a good day.
I think contextualizing Creative Commons material as a component in global justice and thinking of fair distribution of resources and knowledge as an antidote to imperialism is a provocative concept.This blog, infojusticeorg offers perspectives on social justice and Creative Commons by many authors.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
I think contextualizing the applications of a tool like Unpaywall in the OA movement could be useful in the 5.3 section, as an added paragraph. Unpaywall helps researchers find papers that are available freely on the web. Often these papers are held in university repositories or author websites. The author may have transferred copyright to the publisher at the time of publication for a window of time that has expired, or the author may have retained copyright of their publication. I think that the idea of a scientific language decoder for the public is an excellent educational tool and potential public service.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
- Nov 2018
bccampus.ca bccampus.ca
At its core, open pedagogy is teaching practices that facilitate the collaborative and transparent construction of knowledge made openly available through online communities.
This might be one of the most succinct definitions of open pedagogy I have seen.
robinderosa.net robinderosa.net
OER matters not because textbooks matter. OER matters because it highlights an example of how something central to our public missions, the transfer of our foundational disciplinary knowledge from one generation of scholars to the next, has been co-opted by private profit. And OER is not a solution, but a systemic shift from private to public architecture in how we deliver learning.
I love this framing of OER as public infrastructure to facilitate the transfer of knowledge. I think it is not only generational, but also more broadly to the public. OER use is not limited to just students within our institutions, but are available freely and openly more broadly to the public. To anyone. I think we need to make that point more widely known. Every OER that is made freely available is making knowledge more open to not only students in our institutions, but to anyone, anywhere. It truly is "public" infrastructure.
en.unesco.org en.unesco.org
Freedom of intramural expression means that teaching personnel is not only allowed to teach according to their knowledge, but that they can take part in the administration of their institutions. This is supported by the freedom of extramural expression, which gives teachers the capacity to share their research outcomes and disseminate the knowledge acquired.
participation in activities to share research outcomes.
www.unite4education.org www.unite4education.org
Researchers now typically engage in a range of ‘questionable research practices’ in the hunt for the glory of publication, with such conditions leading to mental health issues in a higher proportion than any other industry.
'publish or perish' culture creating mental health issues.
wisc.pb.unizin.org wisc.pb.unizin.org
How do you feel about writing in books?
Open Questions:
- What is your approach to leaving marks in the books you own?
- Is your approach any different when you're interacting with library books or other shared volumes?
- Do you ever type out notes to yourself when using e-readers or interacting with a digital pdf?
Feel free to share your response to one or more of these questions by clicking the arrow button at the bottom right-hand side of this annotation.
peerj.com peerj.com
At the same time, we now have several years of experience launching and running new and innovative publications in broad fields. For example, PeerJ – the Journal of Life & Environmental Sciences covers all of biology, the life sciences, and the environmental sciences in a single title; whilst PeerJ Computer Science is targeted towards a more well-defined community. In 2013 we also launched a preprint server (PeerJ Preprints) which covers all the areas in which we publish; and we have developed a comprehensive suite of journal and peer-review functionalities.
New journals released by PeerJ
This is Colony.A platform foropen organizations.
a platform for cooperative open communities
www.booksquad.fr www.booksquad.fr
GITenberg vise notamment à permettre de renseigner de la façon la plus riche et collaborative possible les méta-données des livres, afin d’alimenter qualitativement les catalogues de bibliothèques qui souhaiteront y puiser, en plus du grand public.
Gitenberg: collaboration + open source (github + gutenberg)
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
Tamper-proof evidence for photographs, videos and preprints using timestamp, blockchain etc.
Timestamps for prepritns
figshare.com figshare.com
Blockchain for open scholarly publishing:
Blockchain for scholarly publishing
wellcome.ac.uk wellcome.ac.uk
To ensure that research findings are shared widely and are made freely available at the time of publication, Wellcome and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have today (Monday) joined cOAlition S (opens in a new tab) and endorsed the principles of Plan S.
First charitable funders to join Plan-S
sfdora.org sfdora.org
Open Science has the potential to make the scientific enterprise more inclusive, and bridge North-South divides in research,
Open science towards reducing the north-south divide
digital.bmj.com digital.bmj.com
novel pre-peer review process, preprint server for open access publishing, open data
Open Therapeutics incorporated annotation some time ago.
The Moodle project
Moodle is one of the largest open source collaborative platform used in the development of curriculum.
Moodle is an Australian company and has various levels of subscriptions including one level for free. Overall I have found the site to be user friendly rich with demos, documentation and support including community forums. This site supports multiple languages and has an easy to use drop down menu for that selection.
RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- Oct 2018
www.snf.ch www.snf.ch
Die Bestimmungen dieses Reglementssind auch anwendbar auf Gesuche oderBeiträge des SNF, die bis am 1. April 2018 beantragtundzugesprochenwurden,sowie auf Beiträge, die am 1. April 2018 laufend oder abgelaufen sind.
Übergangsbestimmungen OA-Bestimmungen vom 1.4.2018
openoregon.org openoregon.org
For students to work in the open, everything they use has to be original content, openly licensed, or in the public domain
have to disagree here. Students can link, quote, summarize, paraphrase, and thus build or contribute to open resources from closed information
library.oapen.org library.oapen.org
Restricting access to information, limiting engagement and participation, and providing learners and instructors with little control over the learning activity, materials, or processes creates a demotivating experience
Restricting and limiting are keys to profit-making. Relate to education as a commons
‘making the bad diffi cult and the good easy’”
a good design principle
access, agency, ownership, participation and experience
principles of open ed - compare to Downes: autonomy, diversity, interactivity, openness
Downes (2014) has identified four key design principles for cMOOCs
design principles - compare to Kahle
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
fossilsandshit.com fossilsandshit.com
open peer review model
- Sep 2018
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
open policies
Some possible new items to add, relevant to module 5.5, Opening Up Your Institution:
- OER Africa has an in-depth OER policy review and development toolkit. It looks at issues around developing OER policies from the perspective of students, faculty, institutions, government context, and more. It includes case studies relevant to the regional context with probing questions to consider after each case study. It is from 2012, but many of the considerations about developing and implementing an OER policy that are included in the toolkit are still relevant. This resource can be valuable when thinking about possibly instituting an OER policy at one's own institution. The toolkit is licensed CC BY 4.0, South Africa Institute for Distance Education.
The next two resources are relevant to the section on OER policies because it provides examples of policies along with case studies and challenges that differ in different parts of the world. It can help people see how what works in one place may not work well elsewhere.
There is a global open policy report from 2016, ed. Kelsey Wiens and Alek Tarkowski, published by the open policy network: https://openpolicynetwork.org/solving-some-of-the-worlds-toughest-problems-with-the-global-open-policy-report/ It includes reports on open policies in Africa & the Middle East, Asia, Australia, Latin America, Europe, and North America. There is an overview in each section along with case studies. This report is also housed on the CC website: https://creativecommons.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/StateofOpenPolicyFullReport_FINAL-1-1-1-1.pdf The report is licensed CC BY 4.0.
The ROER4D project (research on OER for development) produced a report in 2017 called Spotlight on OER policy in the Global South: Case studies from the Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) project. The main questions addressed include: "What is the state of OER policy development in the Global South?" "To what extent do developing countries need OER policies for OER adoption to flourish there?" The report discusses ROER4D research in four countries: Colombia, South Africa, Afghanistan and Mongolia. The report is licensed CC BY 4.0
pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu
PDXOpen: PSU’s Open Textbook Initiative
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Each aspect of the scientific cycle—research design, data collection, analysis, and publication—can and should be made more transparent and accessible.
Cmp. article draft from 2011 related to science in general, not particularly for education science.
libguides.trinity.edu libguides.trinity.edu
- Aug 2018
biochem.science.oregonstate.edu biochem.science.oregonstate.edu
YouTube Lectures by Kevin
If you hold down the CMD or CTRL key while clicking the video links, the video will open up in a new tab. Otherwise, when you go "back" to the book from the video, you'll be sent back to the beginning of the book. Not great.
www.redpepper.org.uk www.redpepper.org.uk
The philosopher Karl Popper, author of The Open Society and Its Enemies, did not stay involved. He had a more nuanced view on markets and freedom, pointing out that ‘proponents of complete freedom are in actuality, whatever their intentions, enemies of freedom’. Popper saw the logical consequence of ignoring how power, unregulated markets and unrestrained individual behaviour would interact, reasoning that this notion of freedom would, paradoxically, be, ‘not only self-destructive but bound to produce its opposite, for if all restraints were removed there would be nothing whatever to stop the strong enslaving the weak’. By Popper’s definition, neoliberalism wasn’t liberal at all.
Is it fair to at least partially blame Popper for the advent of neoliberalism? If not, is it fair to question the use of the term "open" to describe the ideal society?
blog.okfn.org blog.okfn.org
cphsolutionslab.dk cphsolutionslab.dk
City Data Exchange is a public-private partnership that explores the possibilities of data exchange. The project investigates the purchase, sale and sharing of a wide variety of data types between different types of users in the city - citizens, public institutions and private companies. The project is a collaboration between the City of Copenhagen, the Capital Region, CLEAN and Hitachi. The idea behind the cooperation is to create a data hub that supports innovation, and which improves the quality of life in the Copenhagen area. The project aims at establishing a marketplace for data owned by both public authorities and private companies. In this way, the project aims to enable large, small and medium-sized enterprises, start-up companies, universities and the public sector to collaborate by consolidating several sources of information. So far, the project has conducted several experiments aimed at organizational and technical setup of a computer market. The technical part of this can be seen on the platform developed by Hitachi, citydataexchange.com .
cphsolutionslab.dk cphsolutionslab.dk
Open Data DK is a union consisting of a number of Danish municipalities and regions aimed at making public data open and accessible for citizens and businesses. The goal is to increase transparency in public administration and support data-driven growth. The Copenhagen portal for city data contains information about infrastructure, traffic, cultural events and much more. You can find the portal here .
openpedagogy.org openpedagogy.org
How public do you want to be? and How do you want to be public?
Seems like a good pair of guiding questions.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
I am not, and will never be, a simple writer. I have sought to convict, accuse, comfort, and plead with my readers. I’m leaving the majority of my flaws online: Go for it, you can find them if you want. It’s a choice I made long ago.
- Jul 2018
spokeandhub.blog spokeandhub.blog
We’re asking faculty to play “Icky Thump” when they haven’t mastered “Love Me Do.” We’re asking them to knit complex cables when they haven’t even combined knits and purls. We’re asking them to bomb down a black diamond run when they haven’t figured out how to stay upright on the green run.
This is a grand, grand, grand piece of writing. Perhaps somewhere there's an open educator - rocker - knitter - skier who's not thrown by any of these terms, but for the rest of us at least one of these examples should be disorienting.
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
for empowering them
This is a key point - the opportunity to do something with content, to create content, has a real and lasting value beyond the content itself. We want students to recognize that they are in charge of their learning, they have control and can take initiative. There's nothing empowering about jumping through hoops of absorbing content, taking tests and following rubrics.
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Taken together, these somewhat equivocal results lead to a short discussion of the limitations of the data, which are available in anonymized form via Deep Blue
Open data
OA articles may have been previously available in working paper or pre-print versions that differ from their final published form. The resulting final publications may benefit from that early availability
Open access and open scholarship
storyengine.io storyengine.io
We’ve run into roadblocks, and people really appreciate hearing about them because for the most part they’re running into the same issues
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
A verb for Open Annotate can be called "opnotate". And a noun for open annotation can be "opnotation".
www.openwa.org www.openwa.org
OER and copyright course
storyengine.io storyengine.io
where there’s collaboration, where there are pages for a lot of people who are discussing and editing each other and calling each other out and correcting and learning from each other — that’s what I think the open internet is.
storyengine.io storyengine.io
When we meet up, it’s not like, here’s my proprietary curriculum that you guys can buy from me. We’re realizing that we’ll all do better if we share parts of what we do, rather than trying hold on to these little pieces and sell it or charge for it. There’s other ways that us working together can help us find funding in other places and stay alive, and also be more relevant to the young people that we work with, which is really important.
- Jun 2018
forumpa-librobianco-innovazione-2018.readthedocs.io forumpa-librobianco-innovazione-2018.readthedocs.io
per chi fosse interessato/a a webinar registrati su "open data" a questo link è disponibile un catalogo di diverse decine di appuntamenti formativi già effettuati molto utili
www.thoughtworks.com www.thoughtworks.com
Why are there poor in this world where technology has helped create sufficient abundance to provide for basic needs including food, homes and care for all?
Innovations in Technology is more a proprietary community than open source.
libguides.uidaho.edu libguides.uidaho.edu
Think open fellowship
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Remark1.73.IfPandQare total orders andf:P!Qand1:Q!Pare drawn witharrows bending as in Exercise 1.72, we believe thatfis left adjoint to1iff the arrows donot cross. But we have not proved this, mainly because it is difficult to state precisely,and the total order case is not particularly general
stuartlawson.org stuartlawson.org
An ethics of care: what kind of open access do we want?
www.open.edu www.open.edu
- May 2018
“In short, they have no history of supporting the machine learning research community and instead they are viewed as part of the disreputable ecosystem of people hoping to hype machine learning to make money.”
Whew. Hot.
tlp-lpa.ca tlp-lpa.ca
Eight Attributes of Open Pedagogy
Open Pedagogy
news.psu.edu news.psu.edu
The video offers HAX as the future of online course development because it simplifies the technology requirements of users in exchange for quality content and ease of access. At a recent conference in Nashville, Ollendyke and Kaufman used Lego pieces to explain HAX as being like the gridplate of a Lego board that allow for Open Source modular content to work together to create easy, multimedia integration.
Nice one! I wonder if this was maybe OLCInnovate 2018 in Nashville? Which I'd seen it!
www.lesswrong.com www.lesswrong.com
When you contain the source of a thought, that thought can change along with you as you acquire new knowledge and new skills. When you contain the source of a thought, it becomes truly a part of you and grows along with you. Strive to make yourself the source of every thought worth thinking. If the thought originally came from outside, make sure it comes from inside as well. Continually ask yourself: "How would I regenerate the thought if it were deleted?"
I really don't see myself being able to do anything like this
But staying on top of innovative teaching methods and adopting new course materials is not at the center of every faculty member’s work.
old dog, new tricks
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Textbook alternatives
- Apr 2018
www.openpraxis.org www.openpraxis.org82
The eight distinct sub-topics within open education over the past four decades were identified as open access, OER, MOOCs, open educational practice, social media, e-learning, open education in schools and distance learning.
What I notice is missing from here is open pedagogy which, as Tannis Morgan noted, has historical roots in the late 70's in Quebec. However, it may be that because this is a historical look at open education, and open pedagogy is a relatively recent (despite the work Tannis has discovered) area of interest for open educators, there may just be a lack of formalized research supporting the idea of open pedagogy.
Open education does not constitute a discipline, in the manner of a hard science for example, so there is no agreed canon of research that all researchers will be familiar with. It is also an area that practitioners tend to move into from other fields, often because of an interest in applying aspects of openness to their foundational discipline. This can be seen as an advantage, in that different perspectives are brought into the domain, and it evolves rapidly. However, it also results in an absence of shared knowledge, with the consequence that existing knowledge is often ‘rediscovered’ or not built upon.
In order for open education to be more than a movement, it feels like we should be consciously moving in this direction - to define a canonical set of resources that are foundational to the field in order to help orient others and further define ourselves as a field/discipline. Because, as we have seen with MOOC's, if we do not do it, then others will do it for us.
openedgroup.org openedgroup.org
Open Education Group
Research regarding OER
ir.lib.uwo.ca ir.lib.uwo.ca
As Good or Better than Commercial Textbooks: Students’ Perceptions and Outcomes from Using Open Digital and Open Print Textbooks
www.lib.berkeley.edu www.lib.berkeley.edu
open textbook list
sites.google.com sites.google.com
Butte Biology
openpedagogy.org openpedagogy.org
Open Pedagogy Notebook
www.moorepants.info www.moorepants.info
Possible source example for use in an open engineering text.
- Mar 2018
aophtroy.pressbooks.pub aophtroy.pressbooks.pub
Authoring Open Textbooks
deepblue.lib.umich.edu deepblue.lib.umich.edu
This report summarizes the primary motivations of libraries that invest in open access initiatives.
sparcopen.org sparcopen.org
What is Open Education
pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu
Keeping Up with...Open Peer Review
With AMP Stories, which is now in beta, publishers can combine the speed of AMP with the rich, immersive storytelling of the open web.
"With AMP Stories, which is now in beta, publishers can combine the speed of AMP with the rich, immersive storytelling of the open web."
Is this sentence's structure explicitly saying that AMP is not "open web"?!
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Try, explore, fail, share, revise.
Yes. Time to get past the fear of all of these things, especially the trying, failing and revising. And the exploring...yes, all of them!
Let students curate course content.
Absolutely. The course should be something we make together rather than something students "take" and faculty "deliver."
Build course policies, outcomes, assignments, rubrics, and schedules of work collaboratively with students. Once we involve students in creating or revising OERs or in shaping learning architectures, we can begin to see the syllabus as more of a collaborative document, co-generated at least in part with our students.
Would love to see more institutional support and encouragement for doing this.
Students can choose to openly license the work that they post on these sites, thereby contributing OERs to the commons; they can also choose not to openly license their work, which is an exercising of their rights and perfectly in keeping with the ethos of Open Pedagogy. If students create their own learning architectures, they can (and should) control how public or private they wish to be, how and when to share or license their work, and what kinds of design, tools, and plug-ins will enhance their learning. It is important to point out here that open is not the opposite of private.
Yes. Shades of open. Informed agency.
So one key component of Open Pedagogy might be that it sees access, broadly writ, as fundamental to learning and to teaching, and agency as an important way of broadening that access.
Access + agency = Open Pedagogy
Will they be able to read their Chemistry textbook given their vision impairment? Will their LMS site list them by their birth name rather than their chosen name, and thereby misgender them? Will they have access to the knowledge they need for research if their college restricts their search access or if they don’t have Wi-Fi or a computer at home? Are they safe to participate in online, public collaborations if they are undocumented? Is their college or the required adaptive learning platform collecting data on them, and if so, could those data be used in ways that could put them at risk?
Crucial questions here. It's challenging for faculty to ask and answer all of them at the same time. But we simply must.
Open Pedagogy” as a named approach to teaching is nothing new. Scholars such as Catherine Cronin,[1] Katy Jordan,[2] Vivien Rolfe,[3] and Tannis Morgan have traced the term back to early etymologies. Morgan cites a 1979 article[4] by the Canadian Claude Paquette: “Paquette outlines three sets of foundational values of Open Pedagogy, namely: autonomy and interdependence; freedom and responsibility; democracy and participation.”
This historical framing is important - a wonderful reminder of previous democratizing and empowering currents in education.
We hope that this chapter will inspire those of us in education to focus our critical and aspirational lenses on larger questions about the ideology embedded within our educational systems and the ways in which pedagogy impacts these systems. At the same time we hope to provide some tools and techniques to those who want to build a more empowering, collaborative, and just architecture for learning.
For me this is an essential summons -- the pedagogies we cultivate and perpetuate are not ideologically neutral. Open Ed, OEP and Open Ped have the potential to challenge the neoliberal currents many of us find so antithetical to our calling and commitment as educators. Keeping the focus on the nexus of theory and practice is critical.
avoid digital redlining,[26] creating inequities (however unintentionally) through the use of technology.
So many challenges here, and we really must address all of them. I'm also interested in learning how to make sure my websites and other affordances I use are accessible to people with disabilities.
“Open Pedagogy and a Very Brief History of the Concept.” Explorations in the Ed Tech World, 21 Dec. 2016, https://homonym.ca/uncategorized/open-pedagogy-and-a-very-brief-history-of-the-concept/.
For Paquette, open is very much about learner choice, (albeit for him this is really about creating a classroom environment where this can be optimized). Good stuff right? Of course, this becomes much more fascinating if you consider the sociopolitical context in which these ideas were playing out.
I so appreciate this framing - context is essential (and always sociopolitical). Thank you!
link.springer.com link.springer.com
affordablelearning.osu.edu affordablelearning.osu.edu
On-Demand Learning
archive.org archive.org
Aaron Swartz. Guerilla Open Access Manifesto. Accessed March 11, 2018. http://archive.org/details/GuerillaOpenAccessManifesto.
publicationshare.com publicationshare.com
Bonk on open education
curtbonk.com curtbonk.com
Open Textbooks
www.openbookpublishers.com www.openbookpublishers.com
Open Education: International Perspectives in Higher Education
teresa-nextsteps.blogspot.com teresa-nextsteps.blogspot.com
Having found my voice in the academic community and a means to engage in the meaningful deployment of my abilities across institutional and national boundaries thanks to the open internet, I have made yet another career "modification" - one where I can pass on a new perspective to students considering teaching languages.
agency, voice research community
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Este libro fue creado íntegramente por estudiantes en la sección de otoño de 2016 del Seminario de primer año en la Universidad Estatal de Plymouth. Llamamos al curso "OpenSem" porque se organizó en torno a un conjunto básico de prácticas pedagógicas abiertas. El tema del curso fue "¿De quién es este curso, de todos modos?" Los estudiantes crearon todos los resultados de aprendizaje, tareas, políticas de curso y procesos de calificación. Los estudiantes seleccionaron el contenido y crearon el plan de estudios a medida que se desarrollaba el curso. Los estudiantes publicaron todo el trabajo en sus propios ePorts públicos, obtuvieron una licencia que funciona abiertamente, y luego cedieron una muestra de ese trabajo a esta colección para compartirla fácilmente. Puede ver nuestro hashtag en Twitter en #opensem y ver el programa en
This part I identify with "Learner Generate"
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Aunque el maestro dicte lo que se aprende, los estudiantes deciden qué parte de esa información recogen. Nadie ayudará a un alumno si no comienza a ayudarse a sí mismo. En conclusión, esta es la razón por la que la
I think that this part it could be " reflexive practice"
curve.coventry.ac.uk curve.coventry.ac.uk
Open Education A Study in Disruption
- Feb 2018
Local file Local file
Free Software Definition
essentially says "you bought it, you own it." Vendors in some cases prefer to lease rather than sell - creates an ongoing revenue stream, and allows for ongoing control. Transition to digital media facilitates lease over sale.
university education to all, with no formal entry requirements
one definition of open ed
www.yearofopen.org www.yearofopen.org
“April Open Perspective: What Is Open Pedagogy?” Year of Open (blog). Accessed February 13, 2018. https://www.yearofopen.org/april-open-perspective-what-is-open-pedagogy/.
wcetfrontiers.org wcetfrontiers.org
OER can help achieve Colorado’s Goals.
- Jan 2018
studentpirgs.org studentpirgs.org
Open 101: An Action Plan for Affordable Textbooks
- Dec 2017
openspeakers.org openspeakers.org
Find Open Speakers
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Exploring the Use of E-Textbooks in Higher Education: A Multiyear Study
- Nov 2017
blog.jasongreen.net blog.jasongreen.net
Subscribing to my personal timeline(s) with my favorite RSS reader would bring everything together,
I've written some thoughts about how feed readers could continue to evolve for the open web here: http://boffosocko.com/2017/06/09/how-feed-readers-can-grow-market-share-and-take-over-social-media/
riojournal.com riojournal.com
open access
access mode
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
social engagement, public knowledge, and the mission of promoting enlightenment and critical inquiry in society
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
The Pedagogy of Boredom
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Let's imagine a world in which universities, not vendors, designed and built our online learning environments.
opensource.com opensource.com
The H5P format is open and the tools for creating H5P content are open source. This guarantees that creatives own their own content and are not locked into the fate and licensing regime of a specific tool. Read more about how H5P ensures that the content remains yours in our blog.