98 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
  2. Dec 2024
    1. Robert Maynard Hutchins, Adler’s pal and president of the university,was good at making broad gestures and sponsoring big projects. He wasthe man who had eliminated the university’s varsity football program,and then several years later approved of the federal government’srequest to locate its Manhattan Project under the empty Stagg Fieldstadium – the site of the world’s first controlled nuclear chain reaction.
  3. Nov 2024
    1. why is it when colleagues do field work they feel they have to fly backwards and forwards to do their field work often say in the southern hemisphere

      for - climate crisis - hypocrisy - example - colonialism - scientists in Global North fly to Global South - alternative - hire scientists in Global South to do the field work - Kevin Anderson

  4. Sep 2024
    1. So there has to be a reality, deeper reality, out of which these spacetime reality that we call reality emerges. So so therefore the model to think of the model in your following way, consciousness is a quantum field.

      for - quote - consciousness - model of - as a quantum field - Federico Faggin - question - about Federico Faggin's quantum field theory of consciousness - Is it neo-dualistic?

      quote - consciousness - model of - as a quantum field - Federico Faggin - (see below) - Think of the body as a structure in space and time - It is both - classical - cells are made of particles, atoms and molecules that interact quantumly in space and time - AND fields - The body is a bridge between consciousness and the classical (objective spacetime) world - The body reports to the conscious field - and creates quantum states inside the cell

      potential future dialogue - Michael Levin and Federico Faggin - To unpack quantum states at cellular or subcellular level, it would be good to see a dialogue between Michael Levin and Federico Faggin

    2. Yeah, which that's a good news actually, if you believe believe me, because if you believe to be a body, then when the body dies. Goodbye, guys. You know there's nothing left of you. But if you believe what I'm saying, then the body dies. You don't go anywhere. You're still in the you know, in that deeper reality in which the quantum field that you are exists.

      for - mortality salience - immortality and the quantum field - Federico Faggin

  5. May 2024
  6. Apr 2024
    1. [Steve Jobs]: If you sort of dig beneath the surface,one of the real successes of the Lisa programwas creating an environment where all these crazy people that could reallybe very, very successful.And I guess that's one of the things that Apple's done best.

      appreciate the framing of technologists at the early Apple Inc. as "these crazy people".

  7. Mar 2024
    1. Iran’s Shahini gas field is the largest discovery of the past two years. Little has been reported about the field, but it is supposedly the largest dry gas field ever found in Iran, potentially “containing” 623 billion
  8. Feb 2024
  9. Jan 2024
    1. Instance methods Instances of Models are documents. Documents have many of their own built-in instance methods. We may also define our own custom document instance methods. // define a schema const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String }, { // Assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema through schema options. // By following this approach, there is no need to create a separate TS type to define the type of the instance functions. methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } }); // Or, assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); }; Now all of our animal instances have a findSimilarTypes method available to them. const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema); const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog' }); dog.findSimilarTypes((err, dogs) => { console.log(dogs); // woof }); Overwriting a default mongoose document method may lead to unpredictable results. See this for more details. The example above uses the Schema.methods object directly to save an instance method. You can also use the Schema.method() helper as described here. Do not declare methods using ES6 arrow functions (=>). Arrow functions explicitly prevent binding this, so your method will not have access to the document and the above examples will not work.

      Certainly! Let's break down the provided code snippets:

      1. What is it and why is it used?

      In Mongoose, a schema is a blueprint for defining the structure of documents within a collection. When you define a schema, you can also attach methods to it. These methods become instance methods, meaning they are available on the individual documents (instances) created from that schema.

      Instance methods are useful for encapsulating functionality related to a specific document or model instance. They allow you to define custom behavior that can be executed on a specific document. In the given example, the findSimilarTypes method is added to instances of the Animal model, making it easy to find other animals of the same type.

      2. Syntax:

      Using methods object directly in the schema options:

      javascript const animalSchema = new Schema( { name: String, type: String }, { methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } } );

      Using methods object directly in the schema:

      javascript animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };

      Using Schema.method() helper:

      javascript animalSchema.method('findSimilarTypes', function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); });

      3. Explanation in Simple Words with Examples:

      Why it's Used:

      Imagine you have a collection of animals in your database, and you want to find other animals of the same type. Instead of writing the same logic repeatedly, you can define a method that can be called on each animal instance to find similar types. This helps in keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and makes it easier to maintain.


      ```javascript const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const { Schema } = mongoose;

      // Define a schema with a custom instance method const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String });

      // Add a custom instance method to find similar types animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };

      // Create the Animal model using the schema const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema);

      // Create an instance of Animal const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog', name: 'Buddy' });

      // Use the custom method to find similar types dog.findSimilarTypes((err, similarAnimals) => { console.log(similarAnimals); }); ```

      In this example, findSimilarTypes is a custom instance method added to the Animal schema. When you create an instance of the Animal model (e.g., a dog), you can then call findSimilarTypes on that instance to find other animals with the same type. The method uses the this.type property, which refers to the type of the current animal instance. This allows you to easily reuse the logic for finding similar types across different instances of the Animal model.

      Certainly! Let's go through each part and explain it in simple terms: ### 1. `this` in Mongoose: - **What is `this`?** In JavaScript, `this` refers to the current context or object. In Mongoose, particularly within methods and middleware functions, `this` represents the instance (document) the function is currently operating on. - **Why is it used?** `this` is used to access and modify the properties of the current document. For example, in a Mongoose method, `this` allows you to refer to the fields of the specific document the method is called on. ### 2. Example: Let's use the `userSchema.pre("save", ...)`, which is a Mongoose middleware, as an example: ```javascript userSchema.pre("save", async function (next) { if (!this.isModified("password")) { next(); } else { this.password = await bcrypt.hash(this.password, 10); next(); } }); ``` - **Explanation in Simple Words:** - Imagine you have a system where users can sign up and set their password. - Before saving a new user to the database, you want to ensure that the password is securely encrypted (hashed) using a library like `bcrypt`. - The `userSchema.pre("save", ...)` is a special function that runs automatically before saving a user to the database. - In this function: - `this.isModified("password")`: Checks if the password field of the current user has been changed. - If the password is not modified, it means the user is not updating their password, so it just moves on to the next operation (saving the user). - If the password is modified, it means a new password is set or the existing one is changed. In this case, it uses `bcrypt.hash` to encrypt (hash) the password before saving it to the database. - The use of `this` here is crucial because it allows you to refer to the specific user document that's being saved. It ensures that the correct password is hashed for the current user being processed. In summary, `this` in Mongoose is a way to refer to the current document or instance, and it's commonly used to access and modify the properties of that document, especially in middleware functions like the one demonstrated here for password encryption before saving to the database.




  10. Dec 2023
    1. Wish You Were Here - The “Great Lakes” Edition from Field Notes Brand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFemm4LjJbY

      The Newberry Library in Chicago, IL, maintains a collection of the Curt Teich & Co.'s Art-Colortone postcards from 1898 onward. It's stored in tab divided boxes using an alpha-numeric system generally comprising a series of three letters followed by three numbers. The company sold over a billion of these postcards.

  11. Nov 2023
      • for: BEing journey - adapt to, DH, Deep Humanity

      • comment

        • Potentiality coupled with limitations - Daseitz Suzuki and the elbow does not bend backwards.
        • The experience of the unnamable quality present in every moment - infinite potentiality
        • The mundane is the extraordinary. Even when we name it and discover it in all our scientific discoveries and articulate it, and mass produce technologies with it, is is still miraculous
      • adjacency

        • Nora Bateson's book Combining and the Douglas Rushkoff podcast interview
        • potentiality
      • adjacency statement
        • both are alluding to the pure potentiality latent in the moment
        • language can be contextualized as an unfolding of the space of potentiality to a specific trajectory. Each word added to the previous one to form a sentence is a choice in an infinite, abstract space of symbols that communicates intentionality and is designed to focus the attention of the listener to one very narrow aspect of the enormous field of infinite potentiality
  12. Oct 2023
    1. The tri-colored ribbon, folded into a patriotic symbol, is intended to evoke the connectedness of the American people. Aaron Draplin, who designed the stamp, created the artwork first by sketching the design by hand and then rendering it digitally. Greg Breeding served as the project’s art director.
  13. Sep 2023
    1. Culture

      bbc.com form fields have associated labels. Good practice is to provide clear and visible labels for form fields.

    1. what about the visual field itself? Can it reveal anything about its being seen by an eye? Yes. Why, because there is a structure of a vanishing point and vanishing lights, 00:06:14 converging towards the vanishing point. The vanishing point is the expression in the visual field of it being seen from somewhere. Namely, from an eye.
      • for: visual field, visual field - clues of a seer, nondual, non-dual, nonduality, non-duality, science - blind spot, science - subject
      • question
        • does the visual field reveal anything about the eye?
      • answer: yes
        • vanishing points indicate that the world is being seen from one perspective.
  14. Aug 2023
  15. Jul 2023
    1. Visualizing a Field of Research With Scientometrics: Climate Change Associated With Major Aquatic Species Production in the World
      • Title
        • Visualizing a Field of Research With Scientometrics: Climate Change Associated With Major Aquatic Species Production in the World
      • Authors
        • Mohamad N. Azra
        • Mohn Iqbal Mohd Noor
        • Yeong Yik Sung
        • Mazlan Abd Ghaffar
      • Date July 13, 2022
      • Source
      • Abstract
        • Climate change research on major aquatic species assists various stakeholders (e.g. policymakers, farmers, funders) in better managing its aquaculture activities and productivity for future food sustainability.
        • However, there has been little research on the impact of climate change on aquatic production, particularly in terms of scientometric analyses.
        • Thus, using the
          • bibliometric and
          • scientometric analysis methods,
        • this study was carried out to determine what research exists on the impact of climate change on aquatic production groups.
        • We focused on
          • finfish,
          • crustaceans, and
          • molluscs.
        • Data retrieved from Web of Science was
          • mapped with CiteSpace and
          • used to assess
            • the trends and
            • current status of research topics
          • on climate change associated with worldwide aquatic production.
        • We identified ocean acidification as an important research topic for managing the future production of aquatic species.
        • We also provided a comprehensive perspective and delineated the need for:
          • i) more international collaboration for research activity focusing on climate change and aquatic production in order to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal by 2030;
          • ii) the incorporation of work from molecular biology, economics, and sustainability.
  16. Apr 2023
  17. Feb 2023
  18. Jan 2023
  19. fieldnotesbrand.com fieldnotesbrand.com
    1. A lovely quote I ran into this morning, perhaps for a future 3 pack, potentially featuring Thoreau, Thoreau and writing, Thoreau and nature, the Concord writing group, etc., etc.:

      "Might not my Journal be called 'Field Notes?'" —Henry David Thoreau, March 21, 1853 via The Journal of Henry David Thoreau, 1837-1861. Edited by Damion Searls. Original edition. New York: NYRB Classics, 2009. https://www.amazon.com/Journal-Thoreau-1837-1861-Review-Classics/dp/159017321X/

      There's also another writerly tie-in here as when he returned to Concord, Thoreau worked in his family's pencil factory(!!), which he would continue to do alongside his writing and other work for most of his adult life. Replica Thoreau factory pencils anyone?!

      Given the fact that he was an inveterate journaler as well as someone who who kept multiple commonplace books, perhaps a tie-in to a larger journal or commonplace book format product? (I'm reminded that the famous printer, publisher and typeface designer John Bell published blank commonplace books along with instructions from John Locke on how to keep and index them. See an example: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Bell_s_Common_Place_Book/3XCFtwAACAAJ?hl=en )

      At a minimum I'm pretty sure we all want this Thoreau quote on a Field Notes brand t-shirt...

      Thanks for all the years of solid design and great paper!

      Warmest regards, Chris Aldrich

    1. the illusion of subject object duality 01:21:14 because the moment i think of myself as a self then i think that there's me a subject and then there's my objects there's the i and there's its visual field and they're totally different from one 01:21:26 another and that the basic structure of experience is there's me the subject who's always a subject and never an object and then all of those objects and i take that to be primordially given to 01:21:39 be the way experience just is instead of being a construction or superimposition so that's one illusion

      !- self illusion : creates illusion of duality - as soon as a self is imputed, that is metaphorically Wittgenstein's eye that stands in opposition to the visual field, the object - hence, existence of the imputed self imputes opposing objects

    2. now i want to talk about that serpent and really focus um firmly on what the 01:18:05 self illusion is this will be the last part of this little section that self is supposed to be something that stands outside of the world not something embedded in the world 01:18:17 it's the wittgenstein um the austrian philosopher of the first half of the 20th century um expressed this beautifully in his book the trektatus he said that the self stands to the world 01:18:30 like the eye stands to the visual field we don't see the eye but the fact that we have a visual field lets us know that there is an eye behind it but not in the field 01:18:42 the self he said is just like that we see a world we experience a world we act on a world and that tells us that there has to be a subject that stands outside of that world and experiences it just like the 01:18:56 eye stands outside of the visual field that's one of the worst things about the self-illusion is the illusion that we're not even in the world that we're totally transcendent to it that's really weird right i mean when you realize that 01:19:09 that's what you believe in your gut um that is it's like the eye and the visual field um that the self is continuous it doesn't stop as hume said talking about descartes 01:19:22 that it's always present to us that it's conscious it's the thing that's aware of everything else that it's free from causation that we can act freely on our motives without being caused so when you go to the 01:19:34 notary public to have a document notarized and she asks you those beautiful questions is this your free act and deed and if you said no i'm being caused to 01:19:46 do this she wouldn't notarize it would you so you say yes this is my free act indeed and i always just have my fingers crossed behind my back i don't believe in free acts and deeds but 01:19:59 we do take have this ideology about ourselves that we're with our free actions aren't cause we just do them as can't put it spontaneously that we are independent not 01:20:11 interdependent that when your mom tells you you've got to learn to stand on your own two feet that somehow that makes sense that ourselves can stand on our own two feet as independent objects 01:20:24 and mostly the self is what i am i am not my body my body is constantly changing my body was once young and fast now it's old and has a new knee um i'm 01:20:36 not my mind my mind was once sharp now it's dulled and beaten into submission by years of overwork but that i the jay who was once young is still here in this old man's body 01:20:49 so when we think about that self-illusion the self-illusion is partly bad because it's only a root illusion that leads to a whole cascade 01:21:01 of terrible illusions so now i want to really dump on the self-illusion by showing you just how dangerous it is

      !- Wittgenstein : Self-illusion - Wittgenstein also elucidated the power of the self-illusion - self is interpreted as something that stands outside of the world, not embedded in it - In his work "Tractacus Logico-Philosophicus", Wittgenstein used the metaphor of the eye that stands apart from the visual field to compare to the self concept - We have the compelling illusion that we as subject, like the eye, transcend the world - We perceive that this "self" is without cause, we are independent, not INTERDEPENDENT

  20. Oct 2022
  21. Sep 2022
    1. The Field Notes journal serves as RAM, the index cards as HDD, metaphorically speaking...(brain is CPU).

      Den analogizes their note taking system to computing on 2010-11-11 8:43 PM.

    1. the thing is about vision, same with the ear, you can only see a few at a time in detail, but you can be aware of 100 things at once. So one of the things we're really bad about is, because of our eyes, you can't get the visual point of view we want. Our eyes have a visual point of view of like 160 degrees. But what I've got here is about 25, and on a cellphone it's pathetic. So this is completely wrong. 100% wrong. Wrong in a really big way. If you look at the first description that Engelbart ever wrote about what he wanted, it was a display that was three feet on its side, built into a desk, because what is it that you design on? If anybody's ever looked at a drafting table, which they may not have for a long time, you need room to design, because there's all this bullshit that you do wrong, right?

      !- insight for : user interface design - 3 feet field of view is critical - 160 degrees - VR and AR is able to meet this requirement

  22. Aug 2022
  23. Jul 2022
  24. May 2022
    1. The minute we saw his frantic, hand-lettered presentation of the Field Notes credo — “I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now” — we knew just what to do.


      Field Notes, a manufacturer of notebooks, uses the credo "I'm not writing it down to remember it later, I'm writing it down to remember it now." This is an fun restatement of the idea behind the power of the Feynman technique.

      Link to Ahrens' version of this idea.

  25. Dec 2021
    1. After all, imagine we framed the problem differently, the way itmight have been fifty or 100 years ago: as the concentration ofcapital, or oligopoly, or class power. Compared to any of these, aword like ‘inequality’ sounds like it’s practically designed toencourage half-measures and compromise. It’s possible to imagineoverthrowing capitalism or breaking the power of the state, but it’snot clear what eliminating inequality would even mean. (Which kindof inequality? Wealth? Opportunity? Exactly how equal would peoplehave to be in order for us to be able to say we’ve ‘eliminatedinequality’?) The term ‘inequality’ is a way of framing social problemsappropriate to an age of technocratic reformers, who assume fromthe outset that no real vision of social transformation is even on thetable.

      A major problem with fighting to "level the playing field" and removing "inequality" is that it doesn't have a concrete feel. What exactly would it mean to eliminate inequality? What measures would one implement? To fix such a problem the issue needs to be better defined. How can the issue be better framed so that it could be fought for or against?

  26. Nov 2021
    1. Nuance and ambiguity are essential to good fiction. They are also essential to the rule of law: We have courts, juries, judges, and witnesses precisely so that the state can learn whether a crime has been committed before it administers punishment. We have a presumption of innocence for the accused. We have a right to self-defense. We have a statute of limitations.

      Great quote by itself.

      How useful is the statute of limitations in cases like slavery in America? It goes against a broader law of humanity, but by pretending there was a statue of limitations for going against it, we have only helped to institutionalize racism in American society. The massive lack of a level playing field makes it all the harder for the marginalized to have the same freedoms as everyone else.

      Perhaps this is why the idea of reparations is so powerful for so many. It removes the statue of limitations and may make it possible to allow us to actually level the playing field.


      Luke 12:48 states, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Is this simply a statement for justifying greater taxes for the massively wealth?

    1. I created a social justice metaphor library to help explain concepts like why you can't just create a "level playing field" without acknowledging the economic impacts of history (see, even saying it like that is complicated).

      I love that Dave has started a list of these useful social justice metaphors.

      I got side tracked by the idea this morning and submitted a handful I could think of off the top of my head.

      • Baseball fence
      • Parable of the Polygons
      • Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack

      I'm curious if there are any useful ones in the neurodiversity space? I feel like I need more of these myself.

  27. Oct 2021
  28. May 2021
  29. Apr 2021
  30. Mar 2021
    1. The hierarchical structure of semantic fields can be mostly seen in hyponymy.

      Good explanation about semantic fields.

      I assume the same or an even stronger statement can be made about semantic classes (which to me are like more clear-cut, distinct semantic fields), then? 

    2. A hyponym is a word or phrase whose semantic field is more specific than its hypernym.
    1. Semantic class
    2. semantic fields are constantly flowing into each other
    3. The English word "man" used to mean "human being" exclusively, while today it predominantly means "adult male," but its semantic field still extends in some uses to the generic "human"
    4. Synonymy requires the sharing of a sememe or seme, but the semantic field is a larger area surrounding those.
    5. A general and intuitive description is that words in a semantic field are not necessarily synonymous, but are all used to talk about the same general phenomenon.
    6. A semantic field denotes a segment of reality symbolized by a set of related words. The words in a semantic field share a common semantic property
    1. semantic domain or semantic field

      What, then, is the difference between a semantic domain and a semantic field? The way they are used here, it's almost as if they are listing them in order to emphasis that they are synonyms ... but I'm not sure.

      From the later examples of basketball (https://hyp.is/ynKbXI1BEeuEheME3sLYrQ/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_domain) and coffee shop, however, I am pretty certain that semantic domain is quite different from (broader than) semantic field.

    2. For instance English has a domain ‘Rain’, which includes words such as rain, drizzle, downpour, raindrop, puddle.

      "rain" seems more like a semantic field — a group of very related or nearly synonymous words — than a semantic field.

      Esp. when you consider the later example of basketball (https://hyp.is/ynKbXI1BEeuEheME3sLYrQ/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_domain) and coffee shop, which are more like the sense of "field" that means (academic/scientific/etc.) discipline.

    3. In lexicography a semantic domain or semantic field is defined as "an area of meaning and the words used to talk about it
    1. (Not answered on this stub article)

      What, precisely, is the distinction/difference between a semantic class and a semantic field? At the very least, you would say that they are themselves both very much within the same semantic field.

      So, is a semantic class distinct from a semantic field in that semantic class is a more well-defined/clear-cut semantic field? And a semantic field is a more fluid, nebulous, not well-defined field (in the same sense as a magnetic field, which has no distinct boundary whatsoever, only a decay as you move further away from its source) ("semantic fields are constantly flowing into each other")?

      If so, could you even say that a semantic class is a kind of (hyponym) of semantic field?

      Maybe I should pose this question on a semantics forum.

    1. Semantics: deals with the formal properties and interrelation of signs and symbols, without regard to meaning.

      Is a branch (of a field/discipline) considered a hyponym?? 

    1. Beykat yi duñu dem tool altine.

      Les cultivateurs ne vont pas au champ le lundi.

      beykat bi -- farmer 👩🏾‍🌾 (from bey -- to farm/cultivate).

      yi -- the (indicates plurality).

      duñu -- do not/no one (?).

      dem v. -- to go, leave, etc.

      tool bi -- field, orchard.

      altine ji -- (Arabic) Monday.

  31. Feb 2021
    1. But all of these attempts misunderstand why the Open Source ecosystem is successful as a whole. The ecosystem of fairly standard licenses provides a level playing field that allows collaboration with low friction, and produces massive value for everyone involved – both to those that contribute and to those that don't. It is not without problems (there are many essential but unsexy projects that are struggling with funding), but introducing more friction won't improve the success of this ecosystem – it will just lead to some parts of the ecosystem to break off.
  32. Oct 2020
    1. Note that the fields are kept in a flat structure, so a "deep" field like "shipping.address.street" will be at the key "shipping.address.street", with the dots included.
  33. Sep 2020
  34. Aug 2020
  35. Jun 2020
  36. May 2020
    1. OPCwater model in combination with the ff99SB was found to improve, significantly, accuracy of atomistic simulationsof IDPs

      Myc is a typical IDP. To model Myc, force field must be carefully chosen.



  37. Oct 2019
  38. Sep 2019
  39. Aug 2019
    1. const useFocus = () => { const htmlElRef = useRef(null) const setFocus = () => {htmlElRef.current && htmlElRef.current.focus()} return [ setFocus, htmlElRef ] }

      exampleOf: useRef exampleOf: custom hook

  40. May 2019
    1. Field Engineer Story

      First field engineer in the field of telecommunications and networks:

      Telecommunication engineering has seen immense advances in the recent years and thus, the role of a field engineer has also evolved. Telecommunication engineering is among the most evolving industries in the world. It is a branch of electrical engineering and it dates back to the 18th century when there were beacons and telegraphs used for communication.

      The first field engineer in the field of telecommunications and networks was Claude Chappe, who was a French engineer. Then we have a long list of field engineers such as Thomas Edison, Carlos Slim, and many more. After the advent of computer networks and the internet in the 20th century, the role of a field engineer completely changed.

      Who created the first telecom company that offers a link between consumer and employees?

      The telecom industry is expected to expand even more in the coming years, but to date, the world's top telecommunication companies have reached a market value of over $50 billion. China Mobile Ltd., Verizon Communications Inc., and AT&T Inc. are the leaders in the world of telecommunication service providers. These companies serve as a link between the consumer and the employees, allowing them to communicate whether they're using traditional wired telephones or mobile phones.

      We created the FE On Demand Freelance Marketplace Platform to streamline engagement between field engineers and businesses looking for them.

  41. Mar 2019
    1. Nine alternatives to lecturing This page briefly describes nine ways to teach other than lecture. Some of these are common, such as case study; others, such as a pro and con grid, are explained less often. This page, like the others I have bookmarked, is oriented toward teaching college students and adults.

  42. Mar 2018
    1. Some 1,800 miles beneath southern Africa is an area called the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province, a heavy region that might be pressing down on the hot liquid iron at the Earth’s core that is responsible for generating the magnetic field in the first place.

      The African Large Low Shear Velocity Province. Someone could have named that after themselves and didn't...

  43. May 2017
    1. It inspired his work at Google, where he led the creation of the historical map platform Field Trip, and then, the Pokémon Go precursor, Ingress.

      I loved field trip for Glass!

    1. The Medvezhye pipeline

      The Medvezhye Pipeline is a pipeline built on the Medvezhye oil and gas field (Shabad). This naturally occurring gas field is located in Northern Siberia. Officials hoped the institution of the pipeline would provide industrial Russian communities with oil by the late 1970s. Siberia also signed contracts with Italy, France, and West Germany and agreed to provide natural gas in exchange for pipes. The pipeline was built in a sub-Arctic region with harsh weather and frozen ground and many worried that the pipeline would not be constructed according to schedule. The Medvezhye pipeline was constructed on warming, unstable permafrost. The pipeline was commissioned in 1972 and is Russia’s third most highly producing pipeline (Seligman). In 1977, a study was performed to measure pipe deformation due to warming permafrost conditions. No deformation was found due to the pipe’s thickness. As of 2011, the pipeline’s managers, Victoria Oil and Gas PLC, reported that the pipeline had 400 million barrels of oil in place (Victoria Oil and Gas). In continued monitoring and development of the pipeline, Victoria Oil and Gas also performed studies to determine possible new drilling and well sites, production infrastructure, and downstream hydrocarbon emissions effects. Victoria Oil and Gas also studied oil export from the pipeline to Siberia and other parts of Russia. Today, the pipeline is still a major source of oil and gas for Russia. A map of the Medvezhye oil and gas field can be found below. http://images.energy365dino.co.uk/standard/126082_7a87a50d3cd24d7da925.jpg

      References: Selgiman, Ben J. "Long-Term Variability of Pipeline±Permafrost Interactions in North-West Siberia." PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES, 22nd ser., 11, no. 5 (2000). Accessed May 05, 2017.

      Shabad, Theodore. "Siberia Pipeline Crews Advance." The New York Times. September 21, 1971. Accessed May 06, 2017. http://www.nytimes.com/1971/09/21/archives/siberia-pipeline-crews-advance-western-europe-to-buy-gas-delays-are.html?_r=0.

      "Victoria Oil and Gas." West Medvezhye Operational Update | Victoria Oil and Gas. July 07, 2011. Accessed May 06, 2017. http://www.victoriaoilandgas.com/investors/news/west-medvezhye-operational-update.

      West Medvezhye and Surrounding Areas.

  44. Feb 2016
  45. Nov 2015
    1. ideo games—andby extension virtual worlds—offer freedom of movement that many children in theWestern hemisphere no longer have. Due to safety concerns, roaming the streets oftheir real-life neighborhoods is often no longer a welcome outlet. For that reason,researchers like Boyd (2006) have called places such as Whyville digital publicsbecause they provide a ‘‘youth space, a place to gather and see and be seen bypeers.’’

      This reminds me of Nespor's work on Field Trips. It seems that this argument is in alignment with Nespor's discussion of mediated experiences and spaces.