- Last 7 days
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Couple captures dramatic start of Eaton Fire in Altadena, California by Associated Press
- Dec 2024
archive.org archive.org
unpkg.com unpkg.com
Embed Bluesky comments on your website easily.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
38:20 solution to fix all this?<br /> efficient selforganization. decentralization. tribalism. actual antifascism.<br /> see my book:<br /> Pallas. Who are my friends. Group composition by personality type
- Nov 2024
experiments.myhub.ai experiments.myhub.ai
Matthew Lowry experiment
world.hey.com world.hey.com
Automattic is doing open source dirty by [[David Heinemeier Hansson]]
- Oct 2024
www.getoutline.com www.getoutline.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The 100-Year web service by [[htmxlabs]]
context.center context.center
Context Check: What the Hell is Going on With WordPress and WPEngine? <br /> https://context.center/topics/wordpress-wpengine-conflict/
www.knowledgegraph.tech www.knowledgegraph.tech
ruben.verborgh.org ruben.verborgh.org
https://ruben.verborgh.org/<br /> Ruben Verborgh
Mentioned by Flancian
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
https://www.linkedin.com/in/rubenverborgh/<br /> Ruben Verborgh
www.webnerd.me www.webnerd.me
Know and Master Your Social Media Data Flow by [[Louis Gray]]
See commentary at https://boffosocko.com/2017/04/11/a-new-way-to-know-and-master-your-social-media-flow/
doc.anagora.org doc.anagora.org
We have Renaissance humanism from the 1500s. We need to have a dose of Digital humanism in the 2000s.
mathewlowry.medium.com mathewlowry.medium.com
A Minimum Viable Ecosystem for collective intelligence by [[Mathew Lowry]]
Relation to Louis Gray's 2009 diagram/post: https://boffosocko.com/2017/04/11/a-new-way-to-know-and-master-your-social-media-flow/
www.chathamhouse.org www.chathamhouse.org
Why AI must be decolonized to fulfill its true potential by [[Mahlet Zimeta]], Data and technology policy expert, Freelance
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
This guy learns music creation efficiently, by learning the theory first and really analyzing worked examples (the masters). Positively surprises me. I rarely come across a non-learning expert who intuitively uses proper processes for skill acquisition.
Levels of understanding genres: - 0) No understanding Like the song, never heard anything like it before, but no idea about anything. - 1) Basic Understanding Knowing a bit about the name of the genre and subgenres, but you can be wrong. - 2) Immersion Really dive into subgenres and flavors of the main genre... Also a bit of history about the genre. Research. - 3) Structure Breaking down the structure of the tracks in the genre. For example through DAW. Basically first-principles thinking.
To level 1: Song Analyzer tools (for example musicstax or AI). The author recommends everynoise.com too to gain a basic understanding of genres.
To level 2: Find similar songs and artists for your playlists with that genre. Perhaps playlists. Important to understand the origin of the genre.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
non-existent towns and streets used to trap plagiarists
Relation to Genius.com's trap of Google on music lyrics
www.liberatingstructures.com www.liberatingstructures.com
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Sublette, Ned, and Constance Sublette. The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry. Lawrence Hill Books, 2015. https://www.amazon.com/American-Slave-Coast-Slave-Breeding-Industry/dp/1613748205/.
Recommended by Jerry Michalski
www.samharris.org www.samharris.org
Sam Harris speaks with Barton Gellman about election integrity and the safeguarding of American democracy. They discuss the war games he's run to test our response to an authoritarian president, using federal troops against American citizens, the difference between laws and norms, state powers to resist the federal government, voter identification and election integrity, political control over election certifications, the Bush-Gore election, the Electoral Count Reform Act, the prospect of public unrest after the November election, January 6th, George Soros, the "good people on both sides" calumny against Trump, what happens to Trump and Trumpism if Harris wins in November, the presidential debate with Harris, the authoritarian potential of a second Trump term, Project 2025, and other topics.
Stress Testing Our Democracy: A Conversation with Barton Gellman<br /> Episode 384 of Sam Harris podcast<br /> https://www.samharris.org/podcasts/making-sense-episodes/384-stress-testing-our-democracy
Suggested by Flancian at FoTL
www.npr.org www.npr.org
After 24 Years, Scholar Completes 3,000-Page Translation Of The Hebrew Bible by [[Rachel Martin]]
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Globetrotting Boy Detective by [[Jerry Michalski]]
Also in this pantheon, though later, are Where in the World Is Carmen San Diego and Wild Kratts.
The Mad Scientists' Club was in the genre, but with less globetrotting.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
The Mad Scientists' Club<br /> https://www.amazon.com/Mad-Scientists-Club-Scientist/dp/1948959313/
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
https://www.amazon.com/100-Fathoms-Under-John-Blaine/dp/B004J0V01A<br /> 100 Fathoms Under by John Blaine<br /> Grosset & Dunlap, 1947
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
https://www.amazon.com/Long-Shot-Kim-Aldrich-Mystery/dp/B000V96AH2 <br /> The Long Shot<br /> a Kim Aldrich Mystery
Cross reference:<br /> - Hardy Boys Mysteries<br /> - Rick Brandt Science Adventure Series
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
ieeexplore.ieee.org ieeexplore.ieee.org
Shannon, Claude Elwood. “The Bandwagon.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2, no. 1 (March 1956): 3. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIT.1956.1056774.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Seu, Mindy, ed. Cyberfeminism Index. Inventory Press, 2023. https://www.amazon.com/Cyberfeminism-Index-Mindy-Seu/dp/1941753515.
Flancian mentioned
Baez, John C., and Mike Stay. “Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: A Rosetta Stone.” Quantum Physics; Category Theory. arXiv:0903.0340 [Quant-Ph] 813 (March 2, 2009): 95–172. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-12821-9_2.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Snyder, Timothy. On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. Crown, 2017. https://www.amazon.com/Tyranny-Twenty-Lessons-Twentieth-Century/dp/0804190119.
Flancian mentioned reading
Shibboleth, The West Wing S2, E3<br /> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0745675/
Dozens of Chinese stowaways are discovered in a container ship in California; Toby looks to pick a fight over school prayer with a recess appointment; Thanksgiving at the White House sees C.J. in charge of turkeys and Charlie looking for the ultimate carving knife.
- Sep 2024
x.com x.com
https://x.com/david_perell/status/1838425252772077636 via David Perell's podcast.
Sam Altman's note taking process. Pocket notebook, spiral bound so he can tear out pages. No real mention of what he does with them after though a suggestion of typing them out somewhere.
pages.gseis.ucla.edu pages.gseis.ucla.edu
Certainly an early example of blogging here... diary, ideas, even a link blog at the bottom
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
normal kurutoga was actually designed for writing Japanese strokes. The Advanced models were for writing English.
metagov.org metagov.org
Metagov's KOI (Knowledge Organization Infrastructure) is a graph database that supports relationships between knowledge objects, users, and groups within Metagov. via JM
- Aug 2024
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
alternate copy for 404'd article
x.com x.com
Crypto miners are being paid not to mine to ease energy production/consumption cycles.
Related to protection money for the mob
re: https://x.com/curious_founder/status/1828511303788322888/photo/1 on The Economist's article about crypto mining in Texas o/a 2024-08-27
storm.genie.stanford.edu storm.genie.stanford.eduSTORM1
STORM Get a Wikipedia-like report on your topic<br /> STORM is a research prototype for automating the knowledge curation process.
docs.google.com docs.google.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
related to trad wife movement
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.literatureandlatte.com www.literatureandlatte.com
www.jerrymichalski.com www.jerrymichalski.comHOME1
2024-08-21: JM indicates that he's revamped his personal website.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
MixedInk was a startup that provided web-based, collaborative writing software enabling large groups of people to create text that expresses a collective opinion, such as a mission statement, editorial, political platform, open letter or product review.
www.midjourney.com www.midjourney.com
2024-08-21: PM indicates they're doing free trials now
github.com github.com
Take ownership of your Twitter data and get your tweets back
pinokio.computer pinokio.computerPinokio1
https://pinokio.computer/<br /> Pinokio is a browser that lets you install, run, and programmatically control ANY application, automatically.
https://flux1.ai/<br /> Flux AI Image Generator
glif.app glif.app
- Jul 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The Matthew effect of accumulated advantage, sometimes called the Matthew principle, is the tendency of individuals to accrue social or economic success in proportion to their initial level of popularity, friends, and wealth. It is sometimes summarized by the adage or platitude "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer". The term was coined by sociologists Robert K. Merton and Harriet Zuckerman in 1968 and takes its name from the Parable of the Talents in the biblical Gospel of Matthew.
related somehow to the [[Lindy effect]]?
pluralistic.net pluralistic.net
Daily links from Cory Doctorow by [[Cory Doctorow]] 2024-02-19
indieweb.org indieweb.orgPuPuPu1
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Please sign these letters to legislators, telling them that misguided AI laws will hurt startups and small companies and discourage AI innovation and investment in California.AI offers tremendous benefits, but many fear AI and worry about potential harm and misuse. These are valid concerns for everyone, including legislators, but laws that promote safe and equitable AI should be fact-based, straightforward, and universally applied. Legislators in Sacramento are considering two proposals, AB 2930 and SB 1047, that would impose costly and unpredictable burdens on AI developers, including anticipating and preventing future harmful uses of AI. Though well-intended, these bills will dampen and inhibit innovation, permanently embed today’s AI leaders as innovation gatekeepers, and drive investment and talent to other states and countries.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The g0v movement, or g0v, (pronounced gov-zero /ɡʌvziroʊ/) is an open source, open government collaboration started by Chia-liang Kao ("clkao"), ipa, kirby and others in late 2012 in Taiwan.
github.com github.com
The Computational Democracy Project
We bring data science to deliberative democracy, so that governance may better reflect the multidimensionality of the public's will.
Input Crowd, Output Meaning
Polis<br /> https://pol.is/home
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/kzc5o3/are_gene_hackman_characters_in_the_conversation/<br /> Are Gene Hackman characters in The Conversation (1974) and Enemy of the State (1998 ) connected?
I want to circle back to this as I've had this idea since I saw Enemy of the State as a rough cut.
moshi.chat moshi.chat
Moshi is an experimental conversational AI.
sillytavernai.com sillytavernai.com
SillyTavern<br /> https://sillytavernai.com/
app.thebrain.com app.thebrain.com
How Books Fail Us (constraints the book format imposes)
thinking about constraints for books
3 minute constraint for music due to format in the 20th century<br /> consider rock operas like Queen or longer compositions like Beatles that cross-pollenate
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Ivan Yevenko 2nd degree connection 2nd building useful tools for hardware engineers @ globe.engineer
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
Discussed as part of "storytelling vs. logic" at FoTL
www.urbandictionary.com www.urbandictionary.com
pking - player killing
- Jun 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
illuminate.withgoogle.com illuminate.withgoogle.com
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Interesting experiment from Google that creates an NPR-like discussion about any academic paper.<br><br>It definitely suggests some cool possibilities for science communication. And the voices, pauses, and breaths really scream public radio. Listen to at least the first 30 seconds. pic.twitter.com/r4ScqenF1d
— Ethan Mollick (@emollick) June 1, 2024
www.perplexity.ai www.perplexity.ai
- May 2024
clippings.io clippings.io
aramzs.xyz aramzs.xyz
github.com github.com
an old (6 years) project that readwise maintained, to export kindle highlights: https://github.com/tristanh/bookcision<br /> via PK
see also: https://clippings.io/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The Guardian: Donald Trump hat Big-Oil Managern angeboten, klimapolitische Maßnahmen der Biden-Administration rückgängig zu machen, wenn sie seinen Wahlkampf mit einer Milliarde Dollar unterstützen. Einer Studie des Guardian zufolge können die Ölkonzerne von Trump vor allem 110 Milliaren Dollar Subventionen (u.a. Steuererleichterungen für neue fossile Projekte) erwarten, die die Biden-Regierung abschaffen will. Hintergrundartikel zu Lobbyisten im US-Ölgeschäft und aktuellen Konflikten<br /> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/16/donald-trump-big-oil-executives-alleged-deal-explainedlog
- fossil expansion
- by: Dharna Noor
- Occidental Petroleum
- Chevron
- Venture Global
- by: Oliver Milman
- ConocoPhillips
- Climate Power
- Oil and Gas Climate Initiative
- Korruption
- Exxon
- Friends of the Earth
- Donald Trump
- Joe Craft
- JD Vance
- Fossil lobbying
- Cheniere
- American Petroleum Institute (API)
- Lukas Ross
- logseq: true
- Kert Davies
- United Refining Company
- Chesapeake Energy
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die G20-Staaten und von ihnen kontrollierte Entwicklungsbanken haben 2020-2022 142 Milliarden Dollar in die fossile Expansion in Drittländern investiert. Das geht aus einer Bericht von Oilc Change International und Friends of the Earth hervor. Ein Teil der Investitionen erfolgte nach der 2022 beschlossenen Selbstverpflichtung dieser Staaten, keine fossile Expansion im Ausland mehr zu finanzieren. Die größten Investoren waren China, Japan und Kanada der größte Teil der Gelder ging in die Gasinfrastruktur. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/09/worlds-biggest-economies-pumping-billions-into-fossil-fuels-in-poor-nations
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
TotalEnergies hat selbst einen Audit zur Überprüfung seiner Projekte Tilenga und EACOP in Ostafrika eingeleitet. Damit bereitet der Konzern seine Verteidigung in einem weiteren Prozess wegen dieser Megaprojekte vor. Der Prozess wird vermutlich im Juni 2024 stattfinden. Er wurde von mehreren NGOs angestrengt.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
9,4 der 36 Milliarden Euro die total energies im vergangenen Jahr eingenommen hat, werden an die Aktionäre ausgezahlt. Der Konzern hat im letzten Jahr mehr öffentlich Unterstützung erhalten, als er an Steuern bezahlt hat. Reportage über die Hauptversammlung, in Paris unter Polizeischutz stattfand und den Kurs des Vorstands bestätigt hat, der auf noch mehr Investitionen in fossile Energien ausgerichtet ist. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/a-lag-de-totalenergies-des-militants-en-colere-a-lexterieur-la-direction-barricadee-se-felicite-a-linterieur-20230526_RLUUMKED7FDZPIRYY5SK43PXBI/
Ausführliche Artikel der taz über das fossil fuel crime file, eine von Greenpeace erstellte Liste von Verbrechen und zivilrechtlichen Vergehen derFfossilindustrie. Sie dient als Basis für juristische Aktionen. https://taz.de/Fossilindustrie-vor-Gericht/!5936699/
- actor: OMV
- project: East African Crude Oil Pipeline
- project: EACOP
- mode: legal action
- region: Niger delta
- actor: Lundin Energy
- NGO: Friends of the Earth
- NGO: Greenpeace
- actor: Glencore
- NGO: Milieudefensie
- actor: Statoil
- actor: Shell
- expert: Lisa Göldner
- project: Mining Impact
- expert: Channa Samkalden
- actor: Equinor
- TotalEnergies
- expert: Donald Pöls
- actor: ENI
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Norwegen erteilt in diesem Jahr 62 Lizenzen für die Exploration von Öl- und Gasfeldern, gegenüber 47 im vergangenen Jahr. Die Steigerung geht auf das Interesse von Öl- und Gasgesellschaften zurück. Gegen den Widerstand von NGOs betreibt Norwegen weiterhin eine Ausweitung der Öl- und Gasproduktion, die zu jahrzehntelanger Förderung führen soll. Stark gewachsen ist dabei das Interesse an der Barents Sea. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/norway-increases-number-new-oil-gas-drilling-permits-including-arctic-2024-01-16/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Mit Alaska LNG genehmigt die US-Regierung kurz nach dem Willow-Projekt ein weiteres fossiles Megaprojekt. Zu diesem Vorhaben, dass 2030 umgesetzt sein soll, gehören eine Erdgasverflüssigungsanlage und eine Pipeline. Es geht um eine Summe von 39 Milliarden Dollar. Weitere Genehmigungen von Investitionen für LNG Infrastruktur sind beabsichtigt. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/14/biden-alaska-lng-liquefied-natural-gas-exports
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Gut recherchierter Überblicksartikel zur zunehmenden Ausbeutung von Erdgas im Senegal und Ländern. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/31/senegal-natural-gas-climate-change/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der britische Premierminister Sunak hat angekündigt, die Öl- und Gasvorkommen in der Nordsee maximal auszunutzen und über 100 neue Bohrlizenzen zu vergeben. Er machte deutlich, dass er die Ausbeutung des Rosebank Fields genehmigen wird, mit 500 Millionen Barrel das größte nicht erschlossene Ölfeld Großbritanniens. Die Ankündigung stieß auf heftige Proteste auch konservativer Abgeordneter. Die Behauptung, im Dienst der Energiesicherheit zu handeln, gilt als Ablenkung. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/31/dismay-as-rishi-sunak-vows-to-max-out-uk-fossil-fuel-reserves
app.thebrain.com app.thebrain.com
Like Cuckoos, Capitalism Had to Push All Other Ways of Living Out of the Nest<br /> https://app.thebrain.com/brain/3d80058c-14d8-5361-0b61-a061f89baf87/9aeb5260-87fb-4f0d-94ae-b2656c9d84bb
- Apr 2024
globe.engineer globe.engineerGlobe.1
Found by JM
Github https://github.com/Globe-Engineer -> Ivan Yevenko https://www.linkedin.com/in/iyevenko/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
nah mate, youre taking the matrix too literal. just like every great piece of art, the matrix shows the conflict between different personality types. this is timeless, or "classical", because personality types are a part of natural order, laws of physics, laws of macro-chemistry. conflict between different personality types? in the matrix, it is "machines" versus "humans". or as charlie chaplin said "machine men with machine minds".<br /> at its core, its a question of personality type. some people have this inborn mechanistic world view, who want to rationally compute everything, who prefer security over freedom, who prefer fear over lust, who prefer knowledge over feeling. and on the other side you have "humans" who prefer feelings and intuition. like morpheus says "you can FEEL something is wrong".<br /> and to this day, the conflict between different personality types remains the great mystery, which is the basis of slave morality, aka religions, aka politics, aka idealisms, aka blue pills.<br /> by accident, i have created a hypothesis to solve this fundamental problem: how do we have to connect different personality types to crate stable groups? in chemistry, we know exactly: how do we have to connect different atoms to create stable molecules. but for humans? we have no fucking clue! because spoiler: pacifism is the problem which leads to overpopulation degeneration hunger collapse war.<br /> blah. read my book:<br /> pallas. who are my friends. group composition by personality type
rforresistance.wordpress.com rforresistance.wordpress.com
We need to rebuild a world outside of the grip of the globalist organisations behind the coup, outside of the grip of fascist corporations who would destroy us and the planet for power and profit, outside of the grip of the unelected billionaires parasite class, far from the grip of the corrupt governments who think they are gods and we are their canon fodder, who pretend they care about our welfare while destroying our lives. These people are our civil servants but we have let them act as our masters for too long.
We need to go off the grid, off their evil grid, outside of the control of these psychopaths, these leeches, these parasites who have been bleeding us dry for too long.
they control everything, so its hard to find ways to effective resistance…
ive been thinking about this hell on earth for 20 years, and the bottleneck i found are human relations. we just have no fucking clue, how to arrange human relations to create stable groups.
im afraid this is no accident, but deliberate sabotage from above: they dont want slaves who are well-organized, self-sufficient, free. george carlin: “They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people, capable of critical thinking. … They want obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs”
possible solution: Pallas. Who are my friends. Group composition by personality type. https://milahu.github.io/alchi/src/whoaremyfriends/whoaremyfriends.html
- Mar 2024
research.ibm.com research.ibm.com
PK indicates that folks using footnotes in AI are using rag methods.
www.cassidyai.com www.cassidyai.com
Build AI Automations & Assistants Trained on Your Business.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Gewinne von Shell sind 2023 auf 28 Milliarden Dollar gesunken; 2022 hatten sie 40 Milliarden Dollar betragen. Trotzdem war 2022 eines der erforlgreichsten Jahre der Firmengeschichte; die Dividenden sollen erhöht werden. Greenpeace reagierte mit einer satirischen Party, bei der die Verbrennung der Zukunft gefeiert wird. U.a. mit Projekten in Brasilien und im Golf von Mexiko setzt Shell die fossile Expansion fort. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/feb/01/shell-to-raise-dividends-again-despite-30-fall-in-annual-profits
app.thebrain.com app.thebrain.com
betula.mycorrhiza.wiki betula.mycorrhiza.wikiBetula1
Betula is a free federated self-hosted single-user bookmarking software for the independent web. Use it to organize references or maintain a linklog.
philosophy.williams.edu philosophy.williams.edu
Learning to be Me by Greg Egan
blyt.net blyt.net