- Last 7 days
houseofgreen.substack.com houseofgreen.substack.com
their kids aren’t interested in the grueling work of farming.
for - question - what if the children were identified to come back? - source - article - Substack - One of the biggest wealth transfers in U.S. history just commenced. Are you aware of it? - Alexandra Fasulo - 2024, Oct 15
for - article - Substack - One of the biggest wealth transfers in U.S. history just commenced. Are you aware of it? - Alexandra Fasulo - 2024, Oct 15
opportunity - regenerative agriculture and rewilding - US farmers retiring in the next 20 years - largest transfer in US history - land trusts ?
referred by - Kim Chapple
- opportunity - regenerative agriculture and rewilding - US farmers retiring in the next 20 years - largest transfer in US history - land trusts ?
- article - Substack - One of the biggest wealth transfers in U.S. history just commenced. Are you aware of it? - Alexandra Fasulo - 2024, Oct 15
- question - what if the children were identified to come back? - source - article - Substack - One of the biggest wealth transfers in U.S. history just commenced. Are you aware of it? - Alexandra Fasulo - 2024, Oct 15
- referred by - Kim Chapple
- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
if Consciousness were to go floating around how the hell do you explain how it can see anything without eyes
for - Youtube - Techdenkers: Anil Seth - Exploring the Possibility of Artificcial consciousness - out of body experience - Anil Seth - good point - how do you explain seeing without eyes?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the more you come into contact with people who are different from you, the less likely it is that you'll feel threatened by them
for - quote - the more you come into contact with people who are different then you, the less likely it is that you will be threatened by them - adjacency - finding commonality - shared humanity - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators - from TED Talk - Can curiosity heal division? - Scott Shigeoka - 2024 Dec
medium.com medium.com
for - climate crisis - Medium article - climate communication - how climate change is framed to disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4 - from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.
summary - A good article that offers an explanation of how language has potentially led the public to rely on top down actors to provide solutions to the climate crisis - Joe Brewer draws on his background as a frame analyst to analyse the role language and cognitive linguistics has played in framing the discourse on the climate crisis - He claims that this has led the public to look to elite top down actors to provide the solutions - This had led to a disempowerment of the public in actively participating in contributing too solutions - Indeed it could be why we have a sleeping giant - Reframing the story could have the opposite effect of inspiring people's to wake up and take action to regenerate nature within and surrounding the communities where people live.
from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - https://hyp.is/yvHstLfVEe-cyRN4sq09Ow/www.linkedin.com/posts/joe-brewer-4957925_earlier-this-week-i-lived-into-an-important-activity-7270035170328494080-E7Cq/ - from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed. - https://hyp.is/0NOdtLiREe--pwPfB1SmdA/www.resilience.org/stories/2024-04-18/a-transcender-manifesto-for-a-world-beyond-capitalism-a-seed/
- climate crisis - Medium article - climate communication - how climate change is framed to disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4
- from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4
- from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.
www.resilience.org www.resilience.org
in the early stages, it will be vital to develop networks which address the fundamental stories of capitalist culture, to transcend these with new stories which open up further possibilities.
for - A Transcender Manifesto - addressing the polycrisis - reframing old stories - to - Medium article - How Climate Change is Framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer
to - Medium article - How Climate Change is Framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2F%40joe_brewer%2Fhow-climate-change-is-framed-to-disempower-you-01d871413487&group=world
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
What I did this week was sit down and record a video explaining how the climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us -- and what we can do about it by focusing on grassroots organizing to restore health to our local ecosystems
for - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4
to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4 - https://hyp.is/XoQoRLfVEe-ZMIMjZheLLA/medium.com/@joe_brewer/how-climate-change-is-framed-to-disempower-you-01d871413487
- post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4
- to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
there's a line in this in the book that says, if you do not have a critique of capitalist modernity, you are contextually irrelevant. But if all you have is a critique, you are spiritually incredibly impoverished.
for - quote - from book - If you do not have a critique of capitalist modernity, you are contextually irrelevant - but if all you have is a critique, you are spiritually incredibly impoverished - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- Nov 2024
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
why I love my wife. By myself, I am the one hand clapping, an illusion of a human. I come fully into personhood only when I am completed by the presence of my mate. She is, for me, the other hand, creating the sound that is our life.
I'm reminded of Jerry Maguire: "You complete me."
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
will that not affect the value of the dollar he said no not as long as it is the only World Reserve currency the only currency that has demand people demand it even if they don't want to buy anything from the country which is producing it which is printing it
for - key strategy - US foreign policy - US dollar don't devalue as long as it is the world's reserve currency - even if they don't want to buy from you - Yanis Varoufakis
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
There are for the moment, three emergent responses to that crisis
for - question - @Michel - you state three but I only see two
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
DNA simply does not replicate like a crystal you have to have a living organism to enable it to do so
for - quote - DNA simply does not replicate like a crystal. You have to have a living organism to enable it to do so. - Denis Noble
billyoppenheimer.com billyoppenheimer.com
Emerson is, “I cannot remember the books I’ve read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.”
- Oct 2024
fathom.video fathom.video
zebras unite
for - question - @Michael - Is this the Zebras Unite you are referring to? - https://zebrasunite.coop/ - If so, that brings up another question: - What is the difference between Fair Share Commons and a Cooperative?
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
China Sea as the edge of the world and is used to imagine the margins of the world as a realm of marvels and unknown dangers.
Benjamin's travelogue is a product of his imagination, influenced by biblical authority and rumors, rather than actual geographical knowledge.
Jewish utopia in the Arabian Peninsula, where 300,000 Jews live in 40 cities and 200 villages, free from the rule of gentiles.
universal Jewish community that despite its dispersion among various Muslim and Christian regimes still managed to preserve a strong sense of unity and cohesion
big Jewish community is the focus of his travel, he doesnt notice other things, rest is fictious
"a day's journey" to indicate close social interactions among Jewish communities,
rather a way to link places along a real but somewhat abstracted route.
medieval understanding of travel writing.
mprecise unit of "a day's journey" and the parasang, an ancient Persian unit of measurement
geography is experienced through human movement on specific routes.
literary grid that allows the author to reflect on the medieval world from a Jewish perspective.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:10:56 Your checking account is your bank's I.O.U. It is their liability that they owe you. 1:11:08 When you repay a loan, THE MONEY DISAPPEARS
1:09:52 A Bank LOAN is an interest attached to your own ability to pay back something that did not exist before you borrowed it
1:09:59 A bank officer ACQUIRES the loan in order to charge interest on it
34:12 taxes are imposed by a government that is only payable in their currency and they make a law that puts you in jail if you do not pay their tax
- When you repay a loan, THE MONEY DISAPPEARS
- Your checking account is your bank's I.O.U. It is their liability that they owe you.
- taxes are imposed by a government that is only payable in their currency and they make a law that puts you in jail if you do not pay their tax
- A bank officer ACQUIRES the loan in order to charge interest on it
- A Bank LOAN is an interest attached to your own ability to pay back something that did not exist before you borrowed it
Local file Local file
he English education does notencourage learners to think. They are generally told toreproduce the ideas of others, and, unless the questioncomes straight out of the Text-book, they often findthemselves quite unable to answer it.
This statement follows the broad thesis that imitation is far easier than innovation.
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
they all seem to use the "fake it till you make it" strategy (mentalism, mind over matter)<br /> but most are stuck in the "fake it" phase, because the british/US empire is too strong
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
freedom to run the program as you wish, for whatever purpose.
Provide a complete description of the issue. If it works on A but not on B and others have to ask you: "so what is different between A and B" you are wasting everyone's time.
So you need help. People can help you, but first help them help you, and don't waste their time.
blog.nodejitsu.com blog.nodejitsu.com
There are no refunds for open-source. If you go in with the attitude that you are owed something, you will be thoroughly disappointed.
On behalf of all open-source developers and project maintainers, I ask you try and be polite the next time you ask for support. Try to remember that there is a real human being on the other side of the screen, and they actually want to help you.
www.chiark.greenend.org.uk www.chiark.greenend.org.uk
www.mikeperham.com www.mikeperham.com
Let your operating system handle daemons, respawning and logging while you focus on your application features and users.
Less system administration, easier debugging, simpler code, all because you leveraged the init system to do the work for you!
hypothes.is hypothes.is
What is your profit in this? Think about it.
github.com github.com
My long term vision for Falcon is to make a web application platform which trivializes server deployment. Ideally, a web application can fully describe all its components: HTTP servers, databases, periodic jobs, background jobs, remote management, etc. Currently, it is not uncommon for all these facets to be handled independently in platform specific ways. This can make it difficult to set up new instances as well as make changes to underlying infrastructure. I hope Falcon can address some of these issues in a platform agnostic way.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we're not called to like everybody but we are called to love everybody i i have a a practice um and it involves taking the image of two people one whom i love deeply and who i like deeply and i take my son for instance that i love him that i feel one with him goes without saying but i also like him very much i then take a second image of someone who i dislike intensely vladimir putin
for - BEing journey - meditate on two polar images - apply nondual love - can you recognize the sacred? - the shared being of both? - Rupert Spira
BEing journey - meditate on two polar images - apply nondual love - can you recognize the sacred? - the shared being of both? - Rupert Spira
adjacency - between - Rupert Spira's exercise to identify the Common Human Denominator (CHD) of the sacred in both - abused-abuser relationship - adjacency relationship - Rupert's exercise can lead to compassion if we study the abused-abuser relationship deeply and bring it to bear - The coexistence of - the feeling of anger arising from the suffering the abuser causes - the feeling of sadness arising from the suffering the abuser has suffered earlier in life - creates a mixture of feelings in the same person - Also can help to think of the mechanism by which the abused-abuser cycle continually becomes reconstructed and perpetuated in the world
reference - untreated childhood abuse of children - they can grow up to become dictators - such as Putin, Trump and Kim Jong Un - https://hyp.is/LOhh4mqvEe-mU3_0EcDYiQ/acestoohigh.com/2022/03/02/how-vladimir-putins-childhood-is-affecting-us-all/
github.com github.com
Unfortunately, $ method_name -s doesn't work in Pry, but I hope that some day it will get fixed. Just a ref to issue: pry/pry#1756
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
you've mentioned the word theory a lot of times. How can we test this?
for - question - how do you test the theory that consciousness is the foundation of reality? ( to Federico Faggin)
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
IEP Process: Common Errors
“fixes” to ensure you don’t make these errors
I studied a case involving Child find, Referral & Evaluation. The details of the case are: 23 IDELR 411, 23 LRP 3306, W.B., Parent of the Minor, E.J., on her own behalf and on behalf of her son, E.J., Appellants v. Joan Matula; Mary Angela Engelhardt; Judy Beach; Catherine Brennan; Patricia Cericola; Dr. Gary Danielson; Ann Pearce; Kathleen Mahony; Carol Burns; Florence Noctor; Dr. Jeffrey Osowski; New Jersey State Board of Education; Warren County Department of Education; Mary Lou Varley; Mansfield Board of Education; State of New Jersey, Department of Education Division of Special Education; Employees of the Mansfield Township Board of Education, Appellees, 67 F.3d 484, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit, 95-5033, October 17, 1995 deals with a case related to Child Find, Referral and Evaluation related to IDEA, FAPE, Section 504, and NJ State rules implementing IDEA. This is an appeal of a lower court (Administrative Law Judge) judgment for a case filed when the parent is not satisfied with school boards processes and conclusions of her son’s Child Find, Referral and Evaluation. It is a complex case.
In my analysis of an earlier case, I expressed my fear that as a special education teacher and a member of the IEP team of our school, I could potentially be a defendant in a similar case. Strangely this is such a case. Several teachers including 1st grade teacher Mary Angela Engelhardt and 2nd grade teacher were defendants in this case. This should serve as a warning to all the teachers that they should adhere to the IDEA. The court in its scathing indictment specifically signaled teacher Mary Angela Engelhardt and wrote:
“This decision would not be complete without a comment on Mansfield's seemingly endless attacks on the parent, W.B. Evidently, Mansfield believes not only that W.B. is overly persistent, but also that she is trying to wear down the district to obtain services to which E.J. is not entitled. In my view, however, W.B. was essentially correct about the major points in dispute in these proceedings including evaluation, classification and placement. Nonetheless, the district has consistently denied W.B.'s reasonable, appropriate, and meritorious requests related to E.J.'s education. The basic dynamic of this entire dispute is that the district has denied W.B.'s meritorious requests and W.B. has been left with no alternative to an enormously burdensome struggle in order to obtain E.J.'s rights under IDEA. In my view, the burden placed on W.B. was unnecessary, unwarranted and largely the product of the district's unwillingness to recognize and appreciate E.J.'s neurological impairments despite ample reliable evidence thereof.”
Another point that caught my attention is the willful dragging of their feet by the school officials and lower courts routinely (2:1) siding with the school districts. The judgment states:
“As to classification, despite the findings of the independent evaluation, in November the CST concluded that E.J. was perceptually impaired but not neurologically impaired. The distinction is important, because the former classification would result in a lower level of IDEA services for E.J. than the latter. W.B. attempted to persuade the school to reclassify her son as neurologically impaired, and in December 1992, Mansfield cross-petitioned to have E.J. classified as perceptually impaired.”
- Aug 2024
how do you know if, if, and when you are part of a larger cognitive system, right?
for - question - how do you know when you are part of a larger cognitive system? - answer - adjacency - synchronicity - lower level example - two neurons talking to each other - Michael Levin - Mark Solms foundation theory of affect
question - how do you know when you are part of a larger cognitive system? - answer - adjacency - synchronicity - lower level example - two neurons talking to each other - Michael Levin - Mark Solms foundation theory of affect
adjacency - between - answer - synchronicity - lower level example - two neurons talking to each other - Michael Levin - Mark Solms foundational theory of affect - adjacency relationship - This is a very interesting question and Michael Levin provides a very interesting answer - First, it is very interesting that Mark Solms points out that affect is foundational to cognition - This is evident once we begin to think of the fundamental goals of any individual of any species is to optimize survival - The positive or negative affects that we feel are a feedback signal that measures how successful we are in our efforts to survive - Hence, it is more accurate to ask: - How do you know if and when you are part of a larger affective-cognitive system? - Levin illustrates the multi-level nature of simultaneous consciousness by looking at two neurons "in dialogue" with each other, and potentially speculating about a "higher level of consciousness", which is in fact, the level you and I operate at and take for granted - This speculative question is very important for it also can be generalized to the next layer up, - Do collectives of humans, each one experiencing itself a unified, cohesive inner perspective, constitute a higher level "collective consciousness"? - If we humans experience feelings and thinking whilst we have a well defined physical body, then - what does a society feel and think whilst not having such a well defined physical body?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
THE most frustrating part is trying to convince ppl they've been fooled, it's 99% impossible in my experience.
blame pacifism, where all feel smart, where all consequences are postponed to "later".<br /> "all you can do is warn them. if they dont listen, move on so you can warn others."
- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
13:00 Steven Kotler has an interest in exponential technologies and has written a book on it called The Future is Faster than You Think
- Apr 2024
kb.mozillazine.org kb.mozillazine.org
One problem with using this extension is that the author stopped supporting their extensions years ago and has not been heard from since. You also need to bypass the version check per this article.
community.verizon.com community.verizon.com
I got no actual help from my long Verizon Support chat session and I kept asking if there is a block list they use that they could check (or a whitelist I could be added to...but fat chance) my IP for, since that is clearly what the error is calling out, but they never acknowledged that particular part of my questions, just ignored it.
scienceandnonduality.com scienceandnonduality.com
‘Living the Life That You Are: Finding Wholeness When You Feel Lost, Isolated, and Afraid
follow up - book - ‘Living the Life That You Are: Finding Wholeness When You Feel Lost, Isolated, and Afraid - author - Nic Higham
austinkleon.substack.com austinkleon.substack.com
When people ask Ruefle why she wastes time with the erasures, she has one of the greatest responses I’ve ever heard: “Because it’s fun and I love it. That’s why.”
- Mar 2024
worrydream.com worrydream.com
do you seriously think the Future Of Interaction should be a single finger?
The next time you make breakfast, pay attention to the exquisitely intricate choreography of opening cupboards and pouring the milk — notice how your limbs move in space, how effortlessly you use your weight and balance. The only reason your mind doesn't explode every morning from the sheer awesomeness of your balletic achievement is that everyone else in the world can do this as well. With an entire body at your command
Victor, B. (2011). A brief rant on the future of interaction design. Tomado de https://worrydream.com/ABriefRantOnTheFutureOfInteractionDesign/
getpocket.com getpocket.com
The companies behind six of the 11 apps, including Southwest Airlines and Twitter, were not sharing how many requests they’d received and honored. Twitter said it plans to add the information.
or were left with no idea whether it worked
www.csap.cam.ac.uk www.csap.cam.ac.uk
- Feb 2024
- Jan 2024
example.com example.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
In my experience, client software usually honors Reply-To, but I have only been exposed to a small fraction of the wide array of client software that people might use.
mongoosejs.com mongoosejs.com
Instance methods Instances of Models are documents. Documents have many of their own built-in instance methods. We may also define our own custom document instance methods. // define a schema const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String }, { // Assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema through schema options. // By following this approach, there is no need to create a separate TS type to define the type of the instance functions. methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } }); // Or, assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); }; Now all of our animal instances have a findSimilarTypes method available to them. const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema); const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog' }); dog.findSimilarTypes((err, dogs) => { console.log(dogs); // woof }); Overwriting a default mongoose document method may lead to unpredictable results. See this for more details. The example above uses the Schema.methods object directly to save an instance method. You can also use the Schema.method() helper as described here. Do not declare methods using ES6 arrow functions (=>). Arrow functions explicitly prevent binding this, so your method will not have access to the document and the above examples will not work.
Certainly! Let's break down the provided code snippets:
1. What is it and why is it used?
In Mongoose, a schema is a blueprint for defining the structure of documents within a collection. When you define a schema, you can also attach methods to it. These methods become instance methods, meaning they are available on the individual documents (instances) created from that schema.
Instance methods are useful for encapsulating functionality related to a specific document or model instance. They allow you to define custom behavior that can be executed on a specific document. In the given example, the
method is added to instances of theAnimal
model, making it easy to find other animals of the same type.2. Syntax:
object directly in the schema options:javascript const animalSchema = new Schema( { name: String, type: String }, { methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } } );
object directly in the schema:javascript animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };
helper:javascript animalSchema.method('findSimilarTypes', function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); });
3. Explanation in Simple Words with Examples:
Why it's Used:
Imagine you have a collection of animals in your database, and you want to find other animals of the same type. Instead of writing the same logic repeatedly, you can define a method that can be called on each animal instance to find similar types. This helps in keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and makes it easier to maintain.
```javascript const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const { Schema } = mongoose;
// Define a schema with a custom instance method const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String });
// Add a custom instance method to find similar types animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };
// Create the Animal model using the schema const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema);
// Create an instance of Animal const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog', name: 'Buddy' });
// Use the custom method to find similar types dog.findSimilarTypes((err, similarAnimals) => { console.log(similarAnimals); }); ```
In this example,
is a custom instance method added to theAnimal
schema. When you create an instance of theAnimal
model (e.g., a dog), you can then callfindSimilarTypes
on that instance to find other animals with the same type. The method uses thethis.type
property, which refers to the type of the current animal instance. This allows you to easily reuse the logic for finding similar types across different instances of theAnimal
blog.zenhub.com blog.zenhub.com
ZenHub’s Issue dependencies not only help teams visualize relationships between pieces of work, but they save team members a lot of time that would otherwise be lost just hunting down information.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
That helps us keep GitLab simple as long as we can.
- Dec 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
overpopulation and degeneration caused by pacifism and civilization,<br /> and the long-overdue depopulation through mass murder on all levels.<br /> hell of a time to be alive... most of us will be dead soon. byee, i hate you all : D
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the guardian says uh sapiens is extremely interesting and well expressed but it is quote overwhelmed by carelessness exaggeration 00:46:55 and sensationalism there's a kind of vandalism in Harari sweeping judgments and recklessness about causal connections uh a critical review in current affairs says uh the author is a 00:47:08 gifted Storyteller but he sacrifices science for sensationalism work riddled with errors a historian who in many ways is and here's that word quote a fraud 00:47:19 about science
- for: question - Yuval Noah Harari - How do you address your critics?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Nights in White Satin - The Moody Blues - in Paris. Restored video! {YouTube}
site:: [[YouTube]] channel:: Redbaron863 url:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs4RG9u8IVU accessed:: 2023-12-17 16:30
developers.google.com developers.google.com
Given the security implications of getting the implementation correct, we strongly encourage you to use OAuth 2.0 libraries when interacting with Google's OAuth 2.0 endpoints. It is a best practice to use well-debugged code provided by others, and it will help you protect yourself and your users. For more information, see Client libraries.
- Nov 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Moreover, social logins are often implemented in an insecure way. Users, in this case, have to trust every application which implemented this feature to handle their identifier confidentially.
www.dalekeiger.net www.dalekeiger.net
“Drivers should not have the option to decide for themselves when they think it’s safe,” said Langerman, 26. “People are busy. People are distracted.”
- Oct 2023
www.thoughtco.com www.thoughtco.com
Usage seems to us peculiarly a matter of ear. Everyone has his own set of rules, his own list of horribles.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
when your lover or your partner says to you or maybe you say it to your partner 00:37:21 you never tell me that you love me
for: example, example - double bind, you never tell me that you love me
example: double bind
- you never tell me that you love me
- parent encouraging children to be independent but then asking them " don't you love me?"
- encouraging children to speak their mind but then having standardized test scores
- having to work to stay alive but sacrificing being with our children, aged parents or other loved ones in order to do so
- maintaining our current precarious lives working at destructive and meaningless jobs in order to survive
- these examples seem to be more indicative of contradiction than multiple contexts
- Sep 2023
www.dnswl.org www.dnswl.org
If anything in this policy does not fit with your own local policy, you should not use dnswl.org for whitelisting or similar purposes.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Even though I commented earlier i have to side with Chris. A ZK is best suited for argumentative and essay like work, not creative one like poetry.Maybe this is something that we need to discuss as a community as hole: it’s seems that a lot of people try to fit their needs to a system that (in my opinion) it’s neither intended or works for those kinds of projects.
reply to Efficient_Eart_8773 at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/16ad43u/comment/jzaas4l/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Though depending on your needs and desires, you can really do both to effectuate the outcomes you'd like to have. The secret is knowing which affordances, structures, and methods suit your desired outcomes. (Of course if you're going to dump your box out and do massive rearrangements or take large portions out and want to refile them for other needs, then you're going to have to give them numbers and do that re-filing work.)
I've seen snippets of saved language in Thoreau's journal (commonplace) which were re-used in other parts of his journal which ultimately ended up in a published work. As he didn't seem to have a significant index, one can only guess that he used occasional browsing or random happenstance delving into it to have moved it from one place to another.
As ever, what do you need and what will best get you there?
Link to:<br /> What Got You Here Won't Get You There
socialsci.libretexts.org socialsci.libretexts.org
Different brain-imaging techniques provide scientists with insight into different aspects of how the human brain functions.
The content here is scant. This is listed as a Student Outcome, so is there some additional content we need to supplement future assessment questions?
- Aug 2023
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
In 1958, she made her television debut opposite Groucho Marx on the game show, “You Bet Your Life.”
- Jun 2023
interblah.net interblah.net
What I do care about, though, is that we might start to accept and adopt opinions like “that feature is bad”, or “this sucks”, without ever pausing to question them or explore the feature ourselves.
nypost.com nypost.com
Morrison Robblee, 25, a middle school teacher in Massachusetts, resigned after facing antisemitic harassment by a 12-year-old student who allegedly made made hateful drawings, including a Hitler sketch, and gave him an insulting note.Courtesy of Morrison Robble
the handwriting says:
Dear Mr. Robblee<br /> I personally<br /> hate you and you weird.<br /> No cap, man bun!.<br /> So I switched.<br /> Telling a teacher<br /> I don’t appreciate you : )
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Are protected members/fields really that bad? No. They are way, way worse. As soon as a member is more accessible than private, you are making guarantees to other classes about how that member will behave. Since a field is totally uncontrolled, putting it "out in the wild" opens your class and classes that inherit from or interact with your class to higher bug risk. There is no way to know when a field changes, no way to control who or what changes it. If now, or at some point in the future, any of your code ever depends on a field some certain value, you now have to add validity checks and fallback logic in case it's not the expected value - every place you use it. That's a huge amount of wasted effort when you could've just made it a damn property instead ;) The best way to share information with deriving classes is the read-only property: protected object MyProperty { get; } If you absolutely have to make it read/write, don't. If you really, really have to make it read-write, rethink your design. If you still need it to be read-write, apologize to your colleagues and don't do it again :) A lot of developers believe - and will tell you - that this is overly strict. And it's true that you can get by just fine without being this strict. But taking this approach will help you go from just getting by to remarkably robust software. You'll spend far less time fixing bugs.
In other words, make the member variable itself private, but can be abstracted (and access provided) via public methods/properties
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I'm not saying never mark methods private. I'm saying the better rule of thumb is to "make methods protected unless there's a good reason not to".
Marking methods protected by default is a mitigation for one of the major issues in modern SW development: failure of imagination.
I can't count the number of times I've been wrong about whether or not there will ever be a need to override a specific method I've written.
The old wisdom "mark it private unless you have a good reason not to" made sense in days when it was written, before open source dominated the developer library space and VCS/dependency mgmt. became hyper collaborative thanks to Github, Maven, etc. Back then there was also money to be made by constraining the way(s) in which a library could be utilized. I spent probably the first 8 or 9 years of my career strictly adhering to this "best practice". Today, I believe it to be bad advice. Sometimes there's a reasonable argument to mark a method private, or a class final but it's exceedingly rare, and even then it's probably not improving anything.
- failure of imagination
- please elaborate
- you can't possibly know
- software development
- you can't know for sure
- never say never
- rule of thumb
- reasonable defaults
- extensibility
- bad advice
- member visibility: make it protected unless you have a good reason not to
- member visibility: make it private unless you have a good reason not to
- can't predict the future
- what does this actually mean?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
The same day, Menashe licensed 56 pictures through iStockphoto– for about $1 each.
This is interesting because I feel like the istockphoto company has gotten so many more contributors over the years that the rates have gone down drastically. I attached a website stating how much a person gets paid per photo on average which is a lot less than what the article is saying.
- May 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Solution: Store emails with case sensitivity Send emails with case sensitivity Perform internal searches with case insensitivity
Robustness principle suggests that we accept case sensitive emails
www.postgresql.org www.postgresql.org
ISO 8601 specifies the use of uppercase letter T to separate the date and time. PostgreSQL accepts that format on input, but on output it uses a space rather than T, as shown above. This is for readability and for consistency with RFC 3339 as well as some other database systems.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Stop to think about "normal app" as like desktop app. Android isn't a desktop platform, there is no such this. A "normal" mobile app let the system control the lifecycle, not the dev. The system expect that, the users expect that. All you need to do is change your mindset and learn how to build on it. Don't try to clone a desktop app on mobile. Everything is completely different including UI/UX.
depends on how you look at it: "normal"
- Apr 2023
www.computerworld.com www.computerworld.com
Although CAN-SPAM hasn't resulted in less spam, the law gives authorities a new tool in the fight against spam, Lochart said. "It's a good thing we have a law, so when we find some of these roaches, we can prosecute them," he said.
Spammers, apparently in response to CAN-SPAM, changed tactics this year, said Andrew Lochart, director of product marketing at Postini. More spammers are using so-called zombie networks -- computers hijacked with Trojan horse programs -- to send spam, and spammers are using increasingly sophisticated directory harvest attacks to spam corporate mail servers, he sai
CAN-SPAM also prohibits private citizens from suing spammers, instead allowing only state attorneys general or Internet service providers to file civil suits
www.pcworld.com www.pcworld.com
Commtouch found that 80 percent of spam e-mail didn't include valid return e-mail addresses and more than 40 percent contained subject lines that weren't related to the text of the e-mail.
"There's been no reduction in the volume of spam," says Scott Chasin, MX Logic's chief technology officer. "In fact, the exact opposite--our spam rates are actually going up."
Less than 1 percent of spam e-mail sent to U.S. inboxes this month complies with a national antispam law that went into effect January 1, according to two spam filtering vendors.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
I mostly included this because I think it's one of the most beautiful webpages I've ever seen
www.wired.com www.wired.com
- Mar 2023
www.zen-occidental.net www.zen-occidental.net
If the ego is mentally constituted by this dualistic way of thinking, the ego should be able to die without physical death.
-In Other Words - Die before you die -Paraphrase - If the ego is mentally constituted by this dualistic way of thinking, - the ego should be able to die without physical death. - That is precisely the claim of Buddhism: - the sense of self can disappear, - but there remains something else - that cannot die, - because it was never born. - Anatma is the "middle way" - between - the extremes of eternalism (the self survives death) and - annihilationism (the self is destroyed at death). - Buddhism resolves the problem of life-and-death - by deconstructing it. - The evaporation of it is dualistic way of thinking - reveals what is prior to it, - which has many names, - the most common being "the unborn."
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
When you call 'foo' in Ruby, what you're actually doing is sending a message to its owner: "please call your method 'foo'". You just can't get a direct hold on functions in Ruby in the way you can in Python; they're slippery and elusive. You can only see them as though shadows on a cave wall; you can only reference them through strings/symbols that happen to be their name. Try and think of every method call 'object.foo(args)' you do in Ruby as the equivalent of this in Python: 'object.getattribute('foo')(args)'.
- Feb 2023
www.robinsloan.com www.robinsloan.com
Approaching this project, I felt committed to writing a story that could stand on its own; a story that achieved the same things I want ANY of my stories to achieve; a story to which the response might be not, “I see what you did there”, but: “I loved this!”
"I see what you did there" as a genre of writing is interesting for its cleverness, but many authors will prefer readers to love their work instead of admiring their cleverness in one part.
- Jan 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
This seems to have an interesting relation to the tradition of wassailers and "luck visitors" traditions or The Christmas Mummers (1858). The song We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Roud Folk Song Index #230 and #9681) from the English West Country (Cornwall) was popularized by Arthur Warrell (1883-1939) in 1935. It contains lyrics "We won't go until we get some" in relation to figgy pudding and seems very similar in form to Mari Lwyd songs used to gain access to people's homes and hospitality. An 1830's version of the song had a "cellar full of beer" within the lyrics.
I'm curious if the Roud Folk Song Index includes any Welsh songs or translations that have similar links? Perhaps other folk song indices (Child Ballads?) may provide clues as well?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
that's a decade off your life
!- smoking : aging impacts - 10 years off your life
how much does alcohol smoking or marijuana or psychedelics actually affect lifespan
!- David Sinclair ; aging researcher interview - aging effects of smoking
tedgioia.substack.com tedgioia.substack.com
- Dec 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
this has a few sections we're going to first talk about snakes and 00:12:58 elephants then about this idea of the atman it's the sanskrit name for itself the self that's the english word and the soul or suitcase we might say in christian theology then i will introduce 00:13:10 you to my favorite illusion because it's fun and it will help us to get a fix on what we're doing and then i will argue that in fact you do really think that you have a self so there is a point to all of this there 00:13:21 would be no point if we didn't think we had self there would be no point in refuting them and then we'll fight try to ask why you think you have a self so that's what we're going to do in the first part of tonight's talk
!- who do you think you are : has sections - snakes and elephants - the atman - favorite illusion - argument: you really do think you have a self - why you think you have a self
Evrone always encourages the developers to work on what they love and contribute back to the software world by writing open-source, that's how Cuprite Ruby driver for Capybara was born.
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
This document describes a method for signaling a one-click function for the List-Unsubscribe email header field. The need for this arises out of the actuality that mail software sometimes fetches URLs in mail header fields, and thereby accidentally triggers unsubscriptions in the case of the List-Unsubscribe header field.
Imagine what happens when subscribers change activities, interests, or focus. As a result, they may no longer be interested in the products and services you offer. The emails they receive from you are now either ‘marked as read’ in their inbox or simply ignored. They neither click the spam reporting button nor attempt to find the unsubscribe link in the text. They are no longer your customers, but you don’t know it.
- Nov 2022
documentation.mailgun.com documentation.mailgun.com
In our system, events are generated by physical hosts and follow different routes to the event storage. Therefore, the order in which they appear in the storage and become retrievable - via the events API - does not always correspond to the order in which they occur. Consequently, this system behavior makes straight forward implementation of event polling miss some events. The page of most recent events returned by the events API may not contain all the events that occurred at that time because some of them could still be on their way to the storage engine. When the events arrive and are eventually indexed, they are inserted into the already retrieved pages which could result in the event being missed if the pages are accessed too early (i.e. before all events for the page are available). To ensure that all your events are retrieved and accounted for please implement polling the following way:
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
partnerships, networking, and revenue generation such as donations, memberships, pay what you want, and crowdfunding
I have thought long about the same issue and beyond. The triple (wiki, Hypothesis, donations) could be a working way to search for OER, form a social group processing them, and optionally support the creators.
I imagine that as follows: a person wants to learn about X. They can head to the wiki site about X and look into its Hypothesis annotations, where relevant OER with their preferred donation method can be linked. Also, study groups interested in the respective resource or topic can list virtual or live meetups there. The date of the meetups could be listed in a format that Hypothesis could search and display on a calendar.
Wiki is integral as it categorizes knowledge, is comprehensive, and strives to address biases. Hypothesis stitches websites together for the benefit of the site owners and the collective wisdom that emerges from the discussions. Donations support the creators so they can dedicate their time to creating high-quality resources.
Main inspirations:
Deschooling Society - Learning Webs
- global
- social
- discussion
- annotations
- learning
- virtual
- donations
- schoolhouse
- pay what you want
- authors
- web monetization
- wiki
- processing
- schoolhouse.world
- hypothe
- calendar
- creators
- collaborative
- portfolio
- Ivan Illych
- Learning Webs
- support
- local
- Deschooling
- meetup
- prompt
- roam
- monetization
- crowdfunding
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
To add some other intermediary services:
- ko-fi (site for contribution)
- GitHub sponsors (for GitPages)
- itch.io (for games)
- Gumroad (for sites and repositories)
- Patreon (for fan interaction)
To add a service for groups:
To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:
If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer
Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.
- Consortium
- tessy
- hugo
- video
- payment
- pwyw
- uphold
- pay-what-you-want
- web
- pricing strategies
- ko-fi
- strategies
- education
- community
- open web
- donation
- gatehub
- payment pointer
- Interledger Protocol
- contribution
- gumroad
- fans
- open
- stream
- exclusive
- tips
- model
- mozilla
- vuepress
- research
- nonprofit
- business
- tools
- dev.to
- revenue sharing
- extension
- micro-donation
- coil
- w3c
- freemium
- gridsome
- privacy
- microdonation
- open collective
- wallet
- Patreon
- Interledger
- online ledger
- pricing
- pay what you want
- web monetization
- pipe web
- collective
- gatsby
- plug-in
- art
- mozfest
- mozilla festival
- 11ty
- open source
- moodle
- monetization
- web standards
- film
- revenue
- jekyll
- protocol
- github
- premium
- gratuity
- browser
- youtube
- micropayment
- gaming
- games
- podcast
- gftw
- sponsors
- wordpress
- subscriptions
- open-source
- svelte
- ngx
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
tvtropes.org tvtropes.org
github.com github.com
The console needs to be readable in development and to provide the best DX I have to design my libraries in ways that prevent these warnings. This results in design decisions that are detrimental to functionality and/or code readability/simplicity.
github.com github.com
This buildpack installs shims that always add --headless, --disable-gpu, --no-sandbox, and --remote-debugging-port=9222 to any google-chrome command as you'll have trouble running Chrome on a Heroku dyno otherwise.
www.honeybadger.io www.honeybadger.io
Until now, we had a lot of code. Although we were using a plugin to help with boilerplate code, ready endpoints, and webpages for sign in/sign up management, a lot of adaptations were necessary. This is when Doorkeeper comes to the rescue. It is not only an OAuth 2 provider for Rails but also a full OAuth 2 suite for Ruby and related frameworks (Sinatra, Devise, MongoDB, support for JWT, and more).
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
The answer lies in an important and helpful rule of reading that is generally overlooked.That rule is simply this: In tackling a difficult book for the firsttime, read it through without ever stopping to look up orponder the things you do not understand right away.
Good question! This is going to be a bit long, so bear with me
As to whether you should be using Tini.
glyphsapp.com glyphsapp.com
Well, actually, some ligatures do have legacy codes, but solely for backwards compatibility with outdated encodings from the long-gone, dark ages of eight-bit computing. E.g. f_f can have the U+FB00 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF code point. If ‘eight-bit’ does not tell you anything, please erase everything you read within these parentheses from your memory immediately, keep calm and continue reading.
- Oct 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
that's right, we don't want to do params = { ... } because then we're hardcoding the implementation and it becomes very coupled. The benefit of doing it like in my examples is that you can change the method signature and still automatically capture all keyword parameters.
- Sep 2022
metalblueberry.github.io metalblueberry.github.io
Some people eventually realize that the code quality is important, but they lack of the time to do it. This is the typical situation when you work under pressure or time constrains. It is hard to explain to you boss that you need another week to prepare your code when it is “already working”. So you ship the code anyway because you can not afford to spent one week more.
To see if you are writing good code, you can question yourself. how long it will take to fully transfer this project to another person? If the answer is uff, I don’t know… a few months… your code is like a magic scroll. most people can run it, but no body understand how it works. Strangely, I’ve seen several places where the IT department consist in dark wizards that craft scrolls to magically do things. The less people that understand your scroll, the more powerfully it is. Just like if life were a video game.
So make sure to write your documentation, but do not explain your spells.
This is so clear that you don’t even need comments to explain it.
Another type of comments are the ones trying to explain a spell.
Do not explain your spells, rewrite them.
people usually forgets about one of the greatest advantages of Open Source. YOU can fix the issue. You can download the source code and dig deep into the code allow you to keep moving. Also, you can merge this changes back to the original repository so others doesn’t have to fix it again. win-win relationship.
- hard to explain
- open-source software: you can fix bugs yourself
- work: manager who understands what you do
- if you have to explain it, rewrite it to be simpler
- documentation: good
- +0.8
- time constraints
- write code that humans can understand
- open-source software: advantages of
- pressure
- I agree
github.com github.com
Does this mean that the schema is available now since the bug is closed?
Shouldn't have had to ask. But fortunately, link posted below
github.com github.com
If anyone can completely refactor the JSON Schema description for OpenAPI v3.0 to accurately describe the schema in all its glory, without using this new keyword, then please do so, but I would kindly ask you to test the theory first.
This is a distillation of the results of 230+ comments on #515, not to mention the 300+ comments spread across several other older issues that fed into that one. I know it's long. Please don't complain unless you can offer a shorter write-up. :-)
www.rubydoc.info www.rubydoc.info
Booleans and nil can be compared by identity and therefore the `be` matcher is preferable as it is a more strict test.
a rare case of "because you can, you should"?
asdf-vm.com asdf-vm.com
Just because you can create a plugin for any tool and manage its versions with asdf, does not mean that is the best course of action for that specific tool.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
There is a connection between the words that is from the setting, background, and image of the words.
- Aug 2022
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
Here are some problems with current issues usage and why we are looking into work items:
github.com github.com
Why another tool?: At the moment of writting there exists no proper platform-independent GUI dialog tool which is bomb-proof in it's output and exit code behavior
- Jul 2022
kpu.pressbooks.pub kpu.pressbooks.pub
gist.github.com gist.github.com
5.11 Convert your principles into algorithms and have the computer make decisions alongside you.
5.11 Convert your principles into algorithms and have the computer make decisions alongside you.
4.5 Getting the right people in the right roles in support of your goal is the key to succeeding at whatever you choose to accomplish.
4.5 Getting the right people in the right roles in support of your goal is the key to succeeding at whatever you choose to accomplish.
4.4 Find out what you and others are like.
4.4 Find out what you and others are like.
4.3 Understand the great brain battles and how to control them to get what “you” want.
4.3 Understand the great brain battles and how to control them to get what “you” want.
4.1 Understand the power that comes from knowing how you and others are wired.
4.1 Understand the power that comes from knowing how you and others are wired.
3.6 Understand how you can become radically open-minded.
3.6 Understand how you can become radically open-minded.
3.5 Recognize the signs of closed-mindedness and open-mindedness that you should watch out for.
3.5 Recognize the signs of closed-mindedness and open-mindedness that you should watch out for.
2.6 Remember that weaknesses don’t matter if you find solutions.
2.6 Remember that weaknesses don’t matter if you find solutions.
2 Use the 5-Step Process to Get What You Want Out of Life
2 Use the 5-Step Process to Get What You Want Out of Life
- 4.5 Getting the right people in the right roles in support of your goal is the key to succeeding at whatever you choose to accomplish.
- 4.4 Find out what you and others are like.
- 4.1 Understand the power that comes from knowing how you and others are wired.
- 2 Use the 5-Step Process to Get What You Want Out of Life
- 5.11 Convert your principles into algorithms and have the computer make decisions alongside you.
- 4.3 Understand the great brain battles and how to control them to get what “you” want.
- 3.6 Understand how you can become radically open-minded.
- 2.6 Remember that weaknesses don’t matter if you find solutions.
- 3.5 Recognize the signs of closed-mindedness and open-mindedness that you should watch out for.
youneedawiki.com youneedawiki.com
Looks like a service that takes a Google Docs folder and turns it into a wiki. Clever!
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
The paradox of hoarding isthat no matter how much we collect and accumulate, it’s neverenough.
How is the paradox of hoarding related to the collector's fallacy?
Regardless of how much you collect, you can't take it with you. So what's the value? - Having and using it to sustain you while you're alive. - Combining it in creative ways to leave behind new ideas and new innovations for those who follow you. - others?
The intent of this specification and related tools is to expand the reach of development containers, allow the usage of containers by themselves or different orchestration technologies, and allow any tool to manage and create them.
The focus of the dev container specification is to describe how to enrich a container for the purposes of development, rather than acting as a multi-container orchestrator format.
- Apr 2022
github.com github.com
There is something nice about aligning with the platform. But it risks being a straitjacket, and I think we can provide better ergonomics when it comes to streaming.
- Mar 2022
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
The last note is that when binding commands to keyboard shortcuts it is often necessary to only have one command, not two commands connected with a pipe like we use above. You can accomplish this by invoking your piped command as a command string argumetn to a new shell like this:
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
I mean there’s no single answer that will solve all of our future problems. There’s no magic bullet. Instead there are thousands of answers — at least. You can be one of them if you choose to be.'
github.com github.com
There are a couple of reasons why you may want to do this.
Why does this even exist ? So you can seperate the data and structure migrations in different folders
rom-rb.org rom-rb.org
Ruby Object Mapper (rom-rb) is a fast ruby persistence library with the goal of providing powerful object mapping capabilities without limiting the full power of the underlying datastore.
github.com github.com
If the gem purpose is still not clear please check out this blog post.
- Feb 2022
Local file Local file
In the early chapters Ahrens outlines the general form and method for taking notes for a zettelkasten, though he's not overly descriptive of the method and provides no direct examples.
In the middle chapters he talks broadly about learning research and how the zettelkasten method dovetails with these methods.
He does this almost as if he's a good teacher showing the student an outline of what to do and why, but leaving it up to them to actually do the work and experimentation to come up with their own specific methods of use to best suit their purposes. This allows them to do the work themselves so that they have a better chance of following a simple, but easy set of rules, but in a way that will allow them to potentially more quickly become an expert at the practice.
“The one who does the work does the learning,” writes Doyle (2008, 63) [Section 10.5]
In some sense, he's actively practicing what he preaches as a teaching device within his own book!
I think that this point may be actively missed by those readers who aren't actively engaging with and converting his ideas into their own and doing the work which he's actively suggesting.
Local file Local file
Employing theLinked Data paradigm for enterprise data integration has anumber of advantages:
- Identifizierung mit URI/IRIs
Unternehmen, Konzepte, Daten und Metadaten können über Abteilungen, Abteilungen, Niederlassungen, Tochtergesellschaften.
Zugang - dereferenzierbar URI/IRIs bieten einen einheitlichen Datenzugriffsmechanismus.
Das triple-basierte RDF-Datenmodell erleichtert die Integration und das Mapping zwischen verschiedenen anderen Datenmodellen (z.B. XML, RDB, JSON). Kohärenz - Schema, Daten und Metadaten können über System- und Organisationsgrenzen hinweg nahtlos miteinander verknüpft werden Grenzen.
ist gewährleistet, da der Ursprung der Informationen Herkunft der Informationen in den Bezeichnern kodiert ist. Governance - Identifikatoren, Metadaten und Schema können inkrementell und dezentral verwaltet und dezentralisiert verwaltet werden.
- Vokabulare, Vokabularelemente Vokabulare, Vokabularelemente und Datenquellen können schrittweise und nach dem Prinzip "pay-as-you-go" hinzugefügt werden.
github.com github.com
There is nothing stopping you from creating store objects which scrapes XE for the current rates or just returns rand(2):
every.to every.to
You can’t take your audience with you.
- Jan 2022
thecodebarbarian.com thecodebarbarian.com
The power of await is that it lets you write asynchronous code using synchronous language constructs.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Point being (again), definitions seem to differ, and what you call "full stack" is what I call "batteries-included framework". Full stack simply means (for me) that it gives you a way of building frontend and backend code, but implies nothing about what functionality is included in either part.
www.impressivewebs.com www.impressivewebs.com
This is just one of those things in CSS that seems easy to understand (and really, it should be), but it’s sometimes not — because of the way that percentages work in CSS.
The Google Career Certificates Employer Consortium consists of over 150 U.S. companies like Deloitte, Infosys, Snap Inc., Target, Verizon, and of course, Google. These companies span multiple sectors and are committed to considering Google Career Certificate graduates for entry-level jobs. Upon completion of a Google Career Certificate, you will gain access to an exclusive job platform where you can easily apply to opportunities from employers with open jobs. https://grow.google/certificates/it-support/#?modal_active=none
The consortium consists of 150 companies in December, 2021. This will increase. Significant community college reaction is (wisely?) sensing an opportunity instead of a threat. They are collaborating and indications are they will benefit across multiple verticals. I'm excited to see how this plays out in 4-year spaces of Higher Ed:
- Will HE react to a threat or an opportunity?
- How might domains like interpersonal and intercultural skills be credentialed in a way that fosters an interoperable ecosystem between HE and industry efforts like this?
- How will HE endeavor to consume credentials issued by non-accredited bodies?
- Nov 2021
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Okay thank you. I'll need to do some thinking then on how to apply that to things like git config --global core.editor
- Oct 2021
github.com github.com
From a client side/application (as a whole) standpoint this is an internal endpoint, for the router of SvelteKit this would be an external resource.
DIRECTORY (in progress): This post is my directory. This post will be tagged with all tags I ever use (in chronological order). It allows people to see all my tags, not just the top 50. Additionally, this allows me to keep track. I plan on sorting tags in categories in reply to this comment.
External links:
Tags categories will be posted in comments of this post.
- Sep 2021
tailwindcss.com tailwindcss.com
I’ve written a few thousand words on why traditional “semantic class names” are the reason CSS is hard to maintain, but the truth is you’re never going to believe me until you actually try it.
If you can suppress the urge to retch long enough to give it a chance, I really think you'll wonder how you ever worked with CSS any other way.
github.com github.com
Yeah I don’t think we will find something that works for everyone in all cases. But Webpacker is quite flexible with the setup it has now. Easy to change!
- Aug 2021
4cd.instructure.com 4cd.instructure.com
Our due dates will be Thursdays and Sundays at midnight
hold four hours a week on set days and times; M 11:15AM-12:15PM (in-person & on-line) T 10AM-11AM (on-line)W 2:15PM-3:15PM (in-person & on-line)Th 1PM-2PM (on-line) and by appointment
www.timeanddate.com www.timeanddate.com
Caution: This is NOT the current local time in most locations in that time zone North America: Only some locations are currently on MST because most places in this time zone are currently on summer time / daylight saving time and are observing MDT.
In everyday usage, MST is often referred to as Mountain Time (MT) or the Mountain Time Zone. This can add a bit of confusion as the term Mountain Time does not differentiate between standard time and Daylight Saving Time, so Mountain Time switches between MST and MDT in areas that use DST during part of the year.
dev.to dev.to
which looks like complete nonsense if you don't really know what's going on
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
What happens when you look it up in a dictionary rather than as a phrase in Google? Google just catalogues other people's [mis-]uses
www.thespruce.com www.thespruce.com
Pipe assessment is never an elective activity. It's usually forced upon you when the toilets refuse to flush and wastewater comes up instead of going down.
I have a rule that I won't allow Capybara to be monkey-patched in Poltergeist. This gives some indication to users about whether something is non-standard. So basically all non-standard stuff must be on page.driver rather than page (or a node).
- Jul 2021
github.com github.com
There is currently no standard for transporting instances of JSON text within a stream protocol
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.orgrfc64551
The goal of this technology is to provide a mechanism for browser-based applications that need two-way communication with servers that does not rely on opening multiple HTTP connections (e.g., using XMLHttpRequest or <iframe>s and long polling).
medium.com medium.com
It’s fun but when would we ever use things like this in actual code?When it’s well tested, commented, documented, and becomes an understood idiom of your code base.We focus so much on black magic and avoiding it that we rarely have a chance to enjoy any of the benefits. When used responsibly and when necessary, it gives a lot of power and expressiveness.
- Jun 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You particular circumstances may or may not warrant a way different from what lhunath (and other users) deem "best practices".
Remember that in the end, especially in scripting, there always are more than one way to skin a cat, but some ways are more portable, more reliable, make it simpler to handle error cases, parse the output, etc.
graphql-ruby.org graphql-ruby.org
However, this request-by-request mindset doesn’t map well to GraphQL because there’s only one controller and the requests that come to it may be very different.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Can you provide details of what you mean by "not working as expected"?
github.com github.com
Whether you agree or not, to me there's nothing in this world that is entirely apolitical - when there are people there is politics. You don't have to agree with my views, nor do I expect you to. Diversity and disagreement is what drives mankind forward.
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
When mocking is deemed profitable:
- May 2021
interpersonal.stackexchange.com interpersonal.stackexchange.com
First of all, I would start off presenting yourself: Dear XYZ support team I am the web developer in charge of example.com website. By presenting you this way, you are establishing the frame to treat you, hinting that you should be presupposed to be somewhat proficient, so they could choose to answer in a more technical detail.
Feel free to hint, brag, or both! The best CS reps should easily take a hint from clear language and a signature like John Appleseed, JavaScript/Ruby Developer, but any will catch on with a simple line like "I know what I'm doing, so I'd appreciate an extra-technical explanation!"
Hey, I'm a PhD in [field] and do [whatever] professionally. Before calling you, I've narrowed down the problem to [something on their end], so that's what needs to be addressed. If I could speak to an engineer about [specific problem], that'd be great; but if we've gotta walk through the script, let's just knock it out quickly. If they end up requiring the script, then the best way to use your expertise is to run through it quickly. Keep the chit-chat to a minimum and just do the stuff efficiently. If they start describing how to perform some step, you might interrupt them with, "Got it, just a sec.", then let them know once you're ready for the next step.
However, what speaks against just straight up telling them that you're working as [Insert title of your position] and you know what you're talking about?
OP is referring to letting people know they can speak like proper adults when talking about technical terms, without going through the usual nanny-like discourse that tech support has to provide to non-techies. For instance, it happened to me with Amazon support. The speaker told me exactly where to touch in order to clear the cache of the Android Amazon App Store. Given that I work as an app developer the guy could have just said "please clear the cache". No need to go through "tap here, then here, now you should see this, tap that"...
I have tried different tactics of showing the tech support that I am proficient in their field of work (I work as a web developer). Specifically: using accurate terms and technologies to show my knowledge of them and telling the support that I am the "administrator" of the website in question.
How to let tech support subtly know that I am proficient without showing off?
They have to ask you the dumb questions, either because their employer demands they do, or sometimes because their computer system doesn't let them get to the next part of the script unless they play ball.
Another will employ smart people who apologise to you profusely for having to go through all the pointless steps, but that's just what they have to do!
- work: doing something because you have to
- how to show that you are proficient and don't need dumbed-down explanations/hand-holding/first-level support (interpersonal)
- interpersonal
- following a script (people/job)
- communication: between persons with different level of technical proficiency
- good advice
- be direct (communication)
github.com github.com
None of the existing repository filtering tools did what I wanted; they all came up short for my needs. No tool provided any of the first eight traits below I wanted, and all failed to provide at least one of the last four traits as well: