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- Aug 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Personal growth happens in the margins of life
Zettel title from Christian Tietze<br /> found in https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/18549/#Comment_18549
jasonfeifer.beehiiv.com jasonfeifer.beehiiv.com
Maybe you should just do it, so that you know what’s on the other side of that decision. So that your life is larger. More informed. So that you have the experience. So that you know. And so that other people — the people you like, the people you love, or just the people you want to attract or know better — can benefit from the thing you were afraid to give them.
when I look back, I should have done a lot things differently, should have been bolder, even reckless. consider the risk and return, most of the time it's worth doing it.
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
In 1958, she made her television debut opposite Groucho Marx on the game show, “You Bet Your Life.”
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Whatever work there is should have as much meaning aspossible. Wherever possible, workmen should be artists; theirwork should be the application of knowledge or science andknown and enjoyed by them as such. They should, if possi-ble, know what they are doing, why what they are doing hasthe results it has, why they are doing it, and what constitutesthe goodness of the things produced. They should understandwhat happens to what they produce, why it happens in thatway, and how to improve what happens. They should under-stand their relations to others co-operating in a given process,the relation of that process to other processes, the pattern of-them all as constituting the economy of the nation, and thebearing of the economy on the social, moral, and politicallife of the nation and the world. Work would be humanizedif understanding of all these kinds were in it and around it.
Is this the same sort of shift in work noticed by Barak Obama in his four part documentary series Working: What We Do All Day which aired on Netflix in 2023?
Politicians should focus here especially.
www.ancient-origins.net www.ancient-origins.net
he "Old Man of La Chapelle", for example, is the name given to the remains of a Neanderthal who lived 56,000 years ago, found buried in the limestone bedrock of a small cave near La Chapelle-aux-Saints, in France in 1908.
- for: life expectancy - ancestors - example
- example
- paraphrase
- The "Old Man of La Chapelle", is the name given to the remains of a Neanderthal who lived 56,000 years ago,
- found buried in the limestone bedrock of a small cave near La Chapelle-aux-Saints, in France in 1908.
- He was found to have had arthritis, bone regrowth along the gums where he lost several teeth.
- The "Old Man of La Chapelle", is the name given to the remains of a Neanderthal who lived 56,000 years ago,
- for: human life expectancy, life expectancy, life expectancy myth, life expectancy at birth, life expectancy - ancestors
- title: The life expectancy myth, and why many ancient humans lived long healthy lives
- comment
- new insight
- life expectancy at birth skews our understanding of how the health and longevity of adults. -There is a false claim and belief that due to modern technologies, modern humans have lived far longer than our ancestors in the distant past.
- In fact, child mortality rates play a major role in calculating life expectancy and this is what differs modernity from our ancestors.
- Our distant ancestors did live to their 70s and 80s
It is not uncommon to hear talk about how lucky we are to live in this age of scientific and medical advancement where antibiotics and vaccinations keep us living longer, while our poor ancient ancestors were lucky to live past the age of 35. Well this is not quite true. At best, it oversimplifies a complex issue, and at worst it is a blatant misrepresentation of statistics. Did ancient humans really just drop dead as they were entering their prime, or did some live long enough to see a wrinkle on their face?
- for: life expectancy, human life expectancy, life expectancy - myth, life expectancy - ancestors
- paraphrase
- It is not uncommon to hear talk about how lucky we are to live in this age of scientific and medical advancement
- where antibiotics and vaccinations keep us living longer, while our poor ancient ancestors were lucky to live past the age of 35.
- This is not quite true:
- at best, it oversimplifies a complex issue, and
- at worst it is a blatant misrepresentation of statistics.
- It is not uncommon to hear talk about how lucky we are to live in this age of scientific and medical advancement
- key question
- What happened?
- Did ancient humans really just drop dead as they were entering their prime, or
- Did some live long enough to see a wrinkle on their face?
- What happened?
What is commonly known as ‘average life expectancy’ is technically ‘life expectancy at birth’. In other words, it is the average number of years that a newborn baby can expect to live in a given society at a given time. But life expectancy at birth is an unhelpful statistic if the goal is to compare the health and longevity of adults. That is because a major determinant of life expectancy at birth is the child mortality rate which, in our ancient past, was extremely high, and this skews the life expectancy rate dramatically downward.
- for: life expectancy, human life expectancy, life expectancy - myth, life expectancy at birth, life expectancy - ancestors
- paraphrase
- definition
- What is commonly known as ‘average life expectancy’ is technically ‘life expectancy at birth’.
- In other words, it is the average number of years that a newborn baby can expect to live in a given society at a given time.
- But life expectancy at birth is an unhelpful statistic if the goal is to compare the health and longevity of adults.
- That is because a major determinant of life expectancy at birth is the child mortality rate
- which, in our ancient past, was extremely high, and this skews the life expectancy rate dramatically downward.
early years from infancy through to about 15 was perilous, due to risks posed by disease, injuries, and accidents. But those who survived this hazardous period of life could well make it into old age.
- for: life expectancy - ancestors
- key insight
- paraphrase
- in our early ancestors, the early years from infancy through to about 15 was perilous,
- due to risks posed by disease, injuries, and accidents.
- But those who survived this hazardous period of life could well make it into old age.
- in our early ancestors, the early years from infancy through to about 15 was perilous,
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The sixth step, most essential as well, is to Accept the Wins
Owning the losses means also owning the wins.
The fifth step is to have Selective Memory only choose to remember the events that serve the future. Things that help to improve in the future.
It's like Marcus Aurelius wrote (in a slightly different way): "Ask yourself at any moment, is this essential?" In this way it would become: "Ask yourself at any moment, does this help me?"
The fourth step is to Apply the Reflection. Adjust behavior based on reflection. We improve not for validation, we improve for ourselves (stoic philosophy)
Document the journey in for example a journal. Make a comparison between what would be done in the past and what will be done in the future.
Data collection. Measurement.
Marginal Gains. It's sort of a daily continous Kolb's cycle but in a more lightweight form. I can already see the power in this. Absolute gem.
Could also be overwhelming if applied to a lot. therefore, use the power law and focus on what is essential to life change. (thanks Dr. Benjamin Hardy.)
The third step is to Reflect and think into the future. Extract meaning and lessons from the failure. Think about opportunities.
Reflection increases confidence. Kolb's can help with this a lot.
The second step is Sit with the loss in order to find the (root) cause of the loss or pain. Do not avoid the pain, don't distract oneself, instead embrace it and feel it.
Endurance can be trained. Comfort with uncomfortability can be trained in the same way.
Accept and sit in the fire. Embrace the turmoil.
The first step to deal with loss of any kind, be it a girlfriend, love, job, purpose, etc. Is to ACCEPT YOU LOST
Failure = Failure.
Failure is inevitable, and will be part of any learning process. Therefore it should not be avoided at all costs. It should be used to learn from. However; there is also no point in seeking failure, for if failure is not something negative, there is no point to improve (says the author at least)
drive.google.com drive.google.com
highlights the dire financial circumstances of the poorest individuals, who resort to high-interest loans as a survival strategy. This phenomenon reflects the interplay between human decision-making and development policy. The decision to take such loans, driven by immediate needs, illustrates how cognitive biases and limited options impact choices. From a policy perspective, addressing this issue requires understanding these behavioral nuances and crafting interventions that provide sustainable alternatives, fostering financial inclusion and breaking the cycle of high-interest debt.
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Note: When in need of more stoic books, and appropriate editions: Refer back to this video.
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- In the morning, prepare for the struggles of the day, by mentioning the possibilities.
- Write for oneself.
- Repeat what is most important.
- Process stress on paper, in a healthy and good way. (If need be, continue this in a Kolb's session; not in the video)
- Copy favorite quotes.
- Ask the tough questions, and answer them truthfully. (As Dr. Hardy says: "All progress starts by telling the truth") Remember Socrates.
- Review the day and the actions. Examine. "The unexamined life is not worth living."
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
A Fred-box could be very useful. This contains cards with useful snippets of thought, very small usually, that don't need a particular ordering or connection of thought but are worth it to be reminded of every now and then, a shuffle if it were.
If need be used in connective thought as well, the content could be copied over into an Antinet entry as well.
- Jul 2023
davidkorten.org davidkorten.org
The consequences of our current choices bear not juston us. They bear on the continued evolutionary unfoldingof life in the universe. This marks the scale of our currentresponsibility
- for: human impacts, MET, major evolutionary transition, progress trap, human responsibility to life, CCE, cumulative cultural evolution, playing God
- comment
- Very true, in fact our species is in the unprecedented position that
- human activity, and specifically our cumulative cultural evolution (CCE) now determines the biological / genetic evolutionary future not only of our own species, but of all life on earth.
- In other words, of evolution itself! -This is an awkward position as we have nowhere near the wisdom to play God and determine the future direction of evolution!
- References
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impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
And it all starts with coffee on the porch swing, a form of time machine that keeps the day at bay for just a few minutes longer just by oscillating to the amplitude of our wind chimes.
Or the sweet stillness of a blushing sunset, the majesty of tall trees silhouetted against the falling dusk, the sound of a great horned owl announcing the beginning of her day.
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The deep, active listening doulas are trained for involves holding back our own stories, comments, and feelings.
- Restraint is exercised by End of Life Doulas - it's like counseling
- Asking open-ended questions is ok.
three components of EOL doula training
Three components of End of Life Doula Training
- Imagine you have three months left to live
- Practice deep, active listening -Legacy projects in the here and now
- these could be used as Mortality Salience BEing Journeys
- Title
- An end-of-life doula’s advice on how to make the most of your time on earth
- Life is short. Here’s how to cherish every day of it.
- An end-of-life doula’s advice on how to make the most of your time on earth
- Rachel Friedman
- Story on an end-of-life Doula's journey to become an end-of-life doula, and how that enriched her life
- Title
the big discovery of the 21st century is that actually just because someone's died and I've given them a Death Note as a physician as an intensive care physician the cells inside the body 00:02:15 have not yet died
- (cell) life after death
- cells within the body still remain alive after what a physician would normally deem a person dead.
- cells (including brain cells) go into a hibernation state for many hours after death.
- (cell) life after death
docdrop.org docdrop.org
length of life is not by a million miles as important as the quality of that life and we will all die of something one day we must focus on quality not quantity of 00:12:55 life
- comment
- we need to have a Deep Humanity dive on
- quality of life vs quantity of life
- if we acknowledge and face our mortality,
- how would that change the QUALITY of our life?
- we need to have a Deep Humanity dive on
- comment
- Title
- Life is not easily bounded
- Subtitle
- Working out where one hare ends and another begins is easy; a siphonophore, not so much. What is an individual in nature?
- Derk J. Skillings
- this article delves into the subject of defining what an individual is
- what makes a biological organism the same or different from another biological organism?
- This question is not so easy to answer if we are looking for a general definition that can apply to ALL species
- this article delves into the subject of defining what an individual is
- Title
- Jun 2023
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www.aidanhelfant.com www.aidanhelfant.com
ep 20:
- 1:28:00 meaning of life: remembering that there is a greater purpose, reminding yourself (not forgetting)
www.churchofjesuschrist.org www.churchofjesuschrist.org
Jesus Christ met with His disciples on the Mount of Olives during His last week in mortality. At that time He prophesied of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, and His disciples asked when that destruction would occur and when He would return to the earth (see Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:2–4). In response the Lord revealed the signs that would occur shortly after His death and those that would precede His Second Coming. He repeated this prophecy to His Saints in the latter days, as recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 45:16–59.
Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his beloved twelve apostles at the end of his three-year ministry. At this Last Supper, he initiated the ordinance of the sacrament. All three of the synoptic Gospels bear record of this event, which occurred on the evening of the first day of unleavened bread.
1) is this the first instance in history when Jesus administered the sacrament to the Twelve?
2) if so, why did He choose to do so only towards the end of his earthly life?
3) it's fascinating to ruminate how the passover and the sacrament coincided on this particular occasion. typically, we do not associate the sacrament with meals (of course this is not to reduce the whole event of passover to simply gathering and eating)
But what are we to remember? We are to remember that through his Resurrection, we too may be resurrected. We should acknowledge his Resurrection and give thanks to our Father in Heaven for this blessing of his son. Furthermore, we might remember that the Lord has given us certain commandments to make our bodies fit tabernacles for the Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16–17; 6:13–20; D&C 89). As we live in this mortal state of probation, we are preparing ourselves for our endless resurrected state (Alma 12:24). The type of resurrection we receive is commensurate with the degree of glory that we have prepared ourselves to receive (D&C 88:14–24). A reflection of our past week’s activities in relation to the commandments given to keep our bodies as fit temples of God and to be worthy of his Spirit would be most appropriate as we partake of the bread. We should also make personal commitments to do better in our areas of weakness and thank our Father for the blessings of the past week. Through partaking of the bread, we have an opportunity to periodically evaluate our progress toward immortality.
i love the emphasis on our corporeal temples in this context. each week that we get to partake of the symbolic representation of christ's blood and body, we are granted a recurring reminder that we are spiritual beings destined for eternity. this serves as a poignant testament that mortality is but a fleeting fragment of our existence.
blog.ayjay.org blog.ayjay.org
circulation is the lifeblood of reading.
- May 2023
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- Set of 52 weekly 3 x 5 accordion tri-folded cards - Undated planner with ruled lines and shaded blank areas for writing appointments, notes or lists on each day of the week - Thick and substantial 250-gsm card stock - Friendly to all types of ink - Unfolded, 9W x 5H
A 9 x 5" card that folds in three to make a 3 x 5" card for planning out one's entire week.
This is quite clever with respect the space of cards like Analog and 3x5 Life.
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www.3x5life.com www.3x5life.com
Cost of items purchased separately on Amazon: - Index cards (total of 6*31+13+12+52=263, so round up to 300 at $0.02 each) = $6.99 - storage box $16.49 - dividers $5.79 - phone sleeve: $2.32 - stainless steel stand: $2.33
Buying these in bulk for additional profit margin/branding could certainly lower the cost.
Their retail is $97.79 versus commercially at $33.92. Their actual cost at bulk is probably significantly less and likely closer to $15 all in for the system, so this is a nice little profit.
What's included in the 3x5 Life System: 6 months of Daily cards **Schedule version** (186 cards) Monthly/Year Goal Cards (1 year of cards) Habit Tracker Cards (1 year of cards) Weekly Review Cards (1 year of cards) Storage Box with 3x5 logo on lid Monthly dividers to keep your storage box organized Mobile Phone Sleeve Stainless Steel Stand MINI COURSE: Outlining how best to utilize the system
via: https://www.3x5life.com/collections/frontpage/products/3x5-life-system-with-mini-course
They apparently offer a mini course outlining the system.
One wonders how much "why" they offer?
www.3x5life.com www.3x5life.com
Thank you for your interest in our Corporate program. We offer bulk discounts on product for organizations that are looking to incorporate 3x5 Life into their company culture or would like to utilize our product as a way to stay 'top of mind' with their customers. We offer a co-branded solution to add your personal touch to the cards.
Much like its predecessors (Park Sherman Co.) 3x5 Life offers co-branded products to corporations.
Did Memindex do this sort of co-branding? I feel like I've seen something to indicate it.
Bryan McFarland and Jessie McFarland are the owners and frontpeople for 3x5 Life.
www.3x5life.com www.3x5life.comFAQ1
BJ Fogg is one of the leading authorities on habit change. In his best selling book Tiny Habits he says: “Celebration will one day be ranked alongside mindfulness and gratitude as daily practices that contribute most to our overall happiness and well-being. If you learn just one thing from my entire book, I hope it’s this: Celebrate your tiny successes. This one small shift in your life can have a massive impact even when you feel there is no way up or out of your situation. Celebration can be your lifeline.”
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Just like the imagery from the Analog System's promotion, this video features someone fed up with lots of notebooks pushing them off their desk in frustration—naturally to turn to index cards.
timestamp: 0:00:25
Short advertising video from the company's home page.
www.3x5life.com www.3x5life.com
Compare with other products in this category: - Analog (Jeff Sheldon productivity system) - Memindex - Bullet Journal - Frictionless Capture Cards - Pile of Index Cards
A major limitation of gratitude apps & journals is once you write in them, they are out of sight and mind for the rest of the day. One of our goals at 3x5 Life is to create an analog product that you interact with all day. When you pull out your card to view your tasks, you cannot help but to see your gratitude list on the opposite side.
3x5 Life productivity cards have the usual to do lists on one side, but have a split AM:Gratitude and PM:Wins section on the back for tracking general progress.
- stationery
- Pile of Index Cards
- bullet journals
- productivity
- 3x5 Life
- productivity system products
- Analog (Jeff Sheldon productivity system)
- Memindex
- journaling
- productivity systems
- zettelkasten stationery
- card index for productivity
- Frictionless Capture Cards
- 3 x 5" index cards
- gratitude journal
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How big is your ZettelKasten? .t3_13b0b5c._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
reply to u/jordynfly at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/13b0b5c/how_big_is_your_zettelkasten/
The idea of notes per day comes up occasionally, here's some discussion on the last go-round: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/11z08fq/comment/jdbnchv/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Many people, especially when getting started, get wrapped up in the idea of doing this for "increased productivity" or the goal of being as prolific as Niklas Luhmann. I would submit (and think others would back me up anecdotally) that there's far more to the practice than raw (or measurable) productivity as the single, driving value. Perhaps approach it as a way to sharpen and improve your thinking instead? If you're seeing life-like behavior already, that's a good sign of appreciating some of the hidden benefits which are difficult to describe and which are likely more valuable than the "productivity" goals many may have.
I've noted before that S.D. Goitein had 1/3 less index cards than Luhmann over an equivalent research lifetime, but produced a 1/3 more written output (in terms of books and journal articles). Others like Aby Warburg and Gotthard Deutsch (70,000 notes) had significant practices, but their writing output was marginal at best, though their impact and influence were outsized, in part, I would suggest as a result of their zettelkasten work.
Others like Roland Barthes (generally low card output of \~12,500) and Deutsch also used their fichier boîte/card index/zettelkasten as teaching tools, so while their written outputs may have varied considerably, their teaching practices were incredibly influential for the students and generations they encountered afterwards.
This being said, I'll share my current easily countable lower bound dating roughly from 2016 as:
- 15,200 notes
- 32,000+ links
- 2.1M words
(Having a zk in digital form makes it reasonably easy to do these sorts of counts versus analog methods of note making.)
Some additional pathways to learning and practicing, including my own, can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/11ay28d/how_did_you_teach_yourself_zettelkasten/
- Apr 2023
For many people, “Camelot” is more familiar as a metaphor than as a musical — it depicts a noble effort to create a just society, often associated with the Kennedy administration, because Jacqueline Kennedy, in an interview shortly after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, mentioned her husband’s fondness for the show, and quoted a final lyric: “Don’t let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot.”
The Kennedy administration became culturally associated with Camelot because Jacqueline Kennedy mentioned her husband's affinity for the show in an interview with Theodore H. White for LIFE Magazine following his death and quoted the show's closing lyric: “Don’t let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot.”
Somewhat curious that there's T. H. White of The Once and Future King and a separate Theodore H. White who interviewed Jackie Kennedy following her husband's death with mentions of Camelot.
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books.google.com books.google.comLIFE1
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
The result of working with this technique for a long time is a kind of second memory, an alter ego with which you can always communicate. It has, similar to our own memory, no pre-planned comprehensive order, no hierarchy, and surely no linear structure like a book. And by that very fact, it is alive independently of its author. The entire note collection can only be described as a mess, but at least it is a mess with a non-arbitrary internal structure.
Luhmann attributes (an independent) life to his zettelkasten. It is effectuated by internal branching, opportunities for links or connections, and a register as well as lack of pre-planned comprehensive order, lack of hierarchy, and lack of linear structure.
Which of these is necessary for other types of "life"? Can any be removed? Compare with other systems.
- Mar 2023
Spend your career hanging out with people you like working with, doing work you enjoy, trying new experiences, and having fewer regrets.That’s how you retire one day & make it to your deathbed a happy human.
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suub.uni-bremen.de suub.uni-bremen.de
Stationery vending machine in the headquarters on the university campus
Pens, highighters, index cards, and other small sundries available on a German university campus at the library.
library.oapen.org library.oapen.org
Although these approaches may differ, all of them concur onthree essential points:
- Paraphrase
- three essential points for having a good life:
- A good life goes beyond mere survival and moves into a life that humans value
- A good life ensures that individuals have the opportunity to flourish
- A good life requires providing the conditions and resources individuals need to satisfy or develop their full potential
Instead of weighing the balance of pleasure and pain,individuals tend to think about a good life in terms of their life beingmeaningful to them
// - from this perspective, the meaning crisis is a threat to a good life
Often, environmental and social analysts focus on threats, dangers,and damage. They highlight negatives, in terms of limited or non-renewable resources, or the impacts of excessive emissions or effuents.But what if one took the opposite approach and focused on the posi-tives that we want to strive for? We – the authors – believe that everyhuman being, that is you and us and everybody close and far away,wants to be able to live a good life, a life that is worth living. Giventhat the Earth’s resources are limited and distributed highly unevenly,the core objective has to be how everybody can live well within limits.
// - A key shift is required to mobilize people at scale - This strategy is already being adopted by change agents around the globe but the change in perspective needs to become greater - Living within doughnut economics reaches the same conclusion: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=a+good+life+for+all - and currently, as the "Good Life for All" study showed at a national (country) scale, very few if any countries are meeting this requirement - the great inequality implies that the poor must be uplifted materially, whilst the rich must be encouraged to share material and economic wealth - the poor of the world will receive material and economic gain while the economic elites of the world gain nonmaterial wealth
It requiresa deep and profound orientation toward the good life. It requires usto ponder what the good life is, what conditions must be fulflled forindividuals to live it, and what it takes to create these conditions.
// - Orienting towards the good life is needed to mobilize action. - Why? - Because shifting from a negative vision to a positive one is necessary to mobilize action (at scale) - It is the difference between: - being coerced vs being self-motivated - being reactive vs being proactive - being depressed and lethargic vs being joyful and energetic - hence, in this transition journey, we must accompany the limits with the positive transformation that allows us to achieve wellbeing within them.
By tying the question of limits to human needsand requirements for their satisfaction, they neither demand asceti-cism or renunciation, nor pursue unspecifed moral suasion in termsof “we should consume less.” Rather, they highlight the necessity –diffcult to pursue but rich in participatory rewards – to jointly defnethe conditions necessary to live a good life, and the subsequent stepsnecessary to make such a good life possible for all individuals. By pro-viding freedom to pursue the good life in an ecologically and sociallyfrayed world, these limits offer the beneft of ensuring that all otherindividuals living now and into the future can do so as well.
- Comment
- perspective is critical.
- Rather than employing moral suasion, we need to really define what is meant by a good life.
- Many of the materially wealthy are emotionally unhappy, and so material wealth does not equate to "a good life"
- This point must be really understood by the elites of the world.
- Often elites come from a background of escaping poverty themselves and wealth acts as a pathological buffer against extreme poverty
Justice in the context of consumption corridorsmeans that every person deserves access to a defned minimum level ofecological and social resources necessary to be able to live a good life,solely because they are a human being (what scholars call a natural-law-based perspective on justice).
- Definition - Natural Law
- a natural law based perspective of justice claims that every person deserves access to a defined minimum level of ecological and social resources necessary to live a "good life".
- a good life
- maximum consumption standards
- story shift
- natural law
- meaning crisis
- common denominators of a good life
- a good life within Earth System Boundaries
- wellbeing within limits
- a good life within ESBs
- minimum consumption standards
- A good life within limits
- A good life
- a good life within planetary boundaries
- positive story
goodlife.leeds.ac.uk goodlife.leeds.ac.uk
- This is a good resource to explore doughnut economics at a national scale for many countries of the world.
- The two quadrants show a major pattern and dualism between 1) many developed countries that can meet socio-economic well-being, but only at the high price of exceeding planetary boundaries, and 2) many countries that stay under planetary boundary limits, but only at the expense of poor socio-economic indicators.
- The conclusion of the study is that currently, a good life for all within planet boundaries does not exist
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Demonstrate the importance of learning and development by providing time,support, and resources for employees and hiring managers to participate inlearning and development activities.
Example of a government agency provide time, support, and resources to interns, fellows, and apprentices to participate in learning and development activities.
www.usnews.com www.usnews.com
To promote the new policy, the Shapiro administration also launched a new website where applicants can search for jobs that don't require a four-year diploma.
Important step in advising non-formal & informal pathways: identifying opportunities that are open to those w/out a 4-year degree.
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
A Zettelkasten is a system of notes that fit the criteria of being a system. Being alive vs. being a machine is a good metaphor to understand the difference. A Zettelkasten is alive, a conventional note taking system is a machine.
I'm not the only one to think of zettelkasten as "living"...
- Feb 2023
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Proust writes, with only the faintest irony, “Real life, life at last laid bare and illuminated—the only life in consequence which can be said to be really lived—is literature.”
source? Swann's Way?
Definitely from a literacy forward perspective!
www.edwinwenink.xyz www.edwinwenink.xyzAbout1
Here’s a basic hermeneutic insight for you: interpretation requires a form of application which renews the interpretandum by engaging it in a new context. Yes, “something in it anarchives” itself, but that’s also the seed for the old to enter into something new and to stay “alive”.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
the essay Of the Plurality of Worlds (1853), in which he argued against the probability of life on other planets
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
Girdled now sit humbly at home, Munching beans, while you card wool and comb. For war from now on is the Women’s affair.
At this time in the Greek world, women had little to no rights. Men controlled their lives and their only duties and value were to bear and raise children and maintain the household (Column). Here Lysistrata is passing her stereotypical womanly duties onto the Magistrate, declaring that war is the "women's affair" now.
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
“My job involves supporting faculty wellness through pedagogy, but also supporting students’ wellness through the practice of pedagogy,”
Fascinating order in that sentence. I don't think we pay enough attention to the way that course design/practice choices impact faculty wellness.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
First, I am a big fan of Chris’ posts. He is our best historian. Second, I did not challenge his ideas but asked for clarification about some terms which I believe are of general interest. Chris is well-positioned to answer my questions. Third, statistical mechanics is more about microscopic systems that do not evolve. As we know, ideas (from concepts to theories) evolve and generally emerge from previous ideas. Emergence is the key concept here. I suggested Phenomics as a potential metaphor because it represents well the emergence of some systems (phenotypes) from pre-existing ones (genotypes).
reply to u/New-Investigator-623 at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/10r6uwp/comment/j6wy4mf/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Ideas, concepts, propositions, et al. in this context are just the nebulous dictionary definitions. Their roots and modern usage have so much baggage now that attempting to separate them into more technical meanings is difficult unless you've got a solid reason to do so. I certainly don't here. If you want to go down some of the rabbit hole on the differences, you might appreciate Winston Perez' work on concept modeling which he outlines with respect to innovation and creativity here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGQ-dW7yfPc.
I debated on a more basic framing of chemistry or microbiology versus statistical mechanics or even the closely related statistical thermodynamics, but for the analogy here, I think it works even if it may scare some off as "too hard". With about 20 linear feet of books in my library dedicated to biology, physics, math, engineering with a lot of direct focus on evolutionary theory, complexity theory, and information theory I would suggest that the underlying physics of statistical mechanics and related thermodynamics is precisely what allows the conditions for systems to evolve and emerge, for this is exactly what biological (and other) systems have done. For those intrigued, perhaps Stuart Kauffman's Origins of Order (if you're technically minded) or At Home in the Universe (if you're less technically oriented) are interesting with respect to complexity and emergence. There's also an interesting similar analogy to be made between a zettelkasten system and the systems described in Peter Hoffman's book Life's Rachet. I think that if carefully circumscribed, one could define a zettelkasten to be "alive". That's a bigger thesis for another time. I was also trying to stay away from the broad idea of "atomic" and drawing attention to "atomic notes" as a concept. I'm still waiting for some bright physicist to talk about sub-atomic notes and what that might mean... I see where you're going with phenomics, but chemistry and statistical mechanics were already further afield than the intended audience who already have issues with "The Two Cultures". Getting into phenomics was just a bridge too far... not to mention, vastly more difficult to attempt to draw(!!!). 😉 Besides, I didn't want Carol Greider dropping into my DMs asking me why didn't I include telomeres or chancing an uncomfortable LAX-BWI flight and a train/cab ride into Baltimore with Peter Agre who's popped up next to me on more than one occasion.
Honestly, I was much less satisfied with the nebulousness of "solution of life"... fortunately no one seems to be complaining about that or their inability to grapple with catalysis. 🤷🏼
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- Jan 2023
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the first things that I think is important to understand from our perspective we've been taught Through the Ages that every life form on the face of the planet has its proper place as divinely ordained by our Almighty 00:31:03 Creator when one looks to the human body and the complexities every so has an importance and Chief Seattle taught us that all things are connected what we do 00:31:15 to the Earth we do to ourselves we are but one strand in a very complex Web of Life and our ancestors also foretold of a Day of Reckoning and we are in that 00:31:27 Day of Reckoning right now
!- Indigenous Wisdom : all living beings are sacred - we are in a time of reckoning
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kentnerburn.com kentnerburn.com
We are so conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unawares. When that woman hugged me and said that I had brought her a moment of joy, it was possible to believe that I had been placed on earth for the sole purpose of providing her with that last ride.
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thebaffler.com thebaffler.com
As British philosopher Galen Strawson recently put it, to imagine that one can travel from insensate matter to a being capable of discussing the existence of insensate matter in a mere two jumps is simply to make emergence do too much work.
emergentism. The argument here is that once a certain level of complexity is reached, there is a kind of qualitative leap where completely new sorts of physical laws can “emerge”—ones that are premised on, but cannot be reduced to, what came before.
But in the new full-blown capitalist version of evolution, where the drive for accumulation had no limits, life was no longer an end in itself, but a mere instrument for the propagation of DNA sequences—and so the very existence of play was something of a scandal.
Could refuting the idea of accumulation without limits (and thus capitalism for capitalism's sake) help give humans more focus on what is useful/valuable?
To exercise one’s capacities to their fullest extent is to take pleasure in one’s own existence, and with sociable creatures, such pleasures are proportionally magnified when performed in company. From the Russian perspective, this does not need to be explained. It is simply what life is. We don’t have to explain why creatures desire to be alive. Life is an end in itself. And if what being alive actually consists of is having powers—to run, jump, fight, fly through the air—then surely the exercise of such powers as an end in itself does not have to be explained either. It’s just an extension of the same principle.
I'm not sure I like that Graeber waves away the question "why play?" here. I don't think there's an equivalency to the "why life?" question.
It will take some additional thinking to build something up to refute this idea however.
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CollectionCho Chikun Encyclopedia of Life and Death - Elementary (350-499)Difficulty12 Kyu
bent four is alive unless it bends at 1-1
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Manolis Kellis: Origin of Life, Humans, Ideas, Suffering, and Happiness | Lex Fridman Podcast #123
My summary:
Biology: * Life = energy + self preservation * Neanderthals could be the reason why wolves/dogs are living closely with humans. Maybe in the past generations, dogs had no choice but to live with humans as they were scared of our power? * People evolved from the deep ocean (we're made in 70% of water). We're like transporting the sea with us now * Dolphins as mammals came back into the water * RNA invented proteins. Later RNA and proteins created DNA * Life is like any kind of self-reinforcement such as self-reinforcement of RNA molecules which lead to the evolution process * Europa (moon of Jupiter) already evolves some non-DNA life there. Life could exist in its under-ice ocean, perhaps in an environment similar to Earth's deep-ocean hydrothermal vents. It will be fascinating to get to know it
Life: * Don't focus on goals but have a path to prevent the "rat race" sort of feeling * Almost every Hollywood movie has a happy ending. It prepares us, humans, really poorly for the bad times in life We need to read/watch more stories with a bad ending * Life is about accomplishing things, not about being happy all the time * As a parent, don't ask your kid if he's happy but what he's struggling to achieve * Most likely, we live on the best planet during the best time as the most beautiful mammals * If you understand yourself, you won't seek self-assurance in what other people think of you * It's hard to get to know your true self if you live all the time in the same location/environment and have the same friends who would like to have a stable image of you
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More news organizations will realize they are in the business of impact, not eyeballs
Journalistic outlets should be in the business of creating impact and not scrounging merely for eyeballs and exposure.
Exposure may be useful for advertising revenue with respect to surveillance capitalism, but if you're not informing along the way, not making a measurable impact, then you're not living, not making a change.
- Dec 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
in the third section we're going to focus on the ethical implications of all of this because i think that's really important that's why we do this and then in the fourth part we'll be 00:10:51 talking about what life looks like as a person as opposed to a self and why we should take all of this very seriously
!- third session : ethical implications of a person without a self !- fourth session :what is the experience of life like when you are a person without a self?
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johnmount.github.io johnmount.github.io
If we consider organizations (universities, corporations, governments and so on) as organisms (a view I do not agree with) we can argue some increase in intelligence and institutional memory through record keeping and information technology. But, in my opinion, organizations don’t have significant emergent reasoning capabilities that aren’t really more properly attributed to their members.
What does Hidalgo have to say with respect to this quote? Can we push this argument?
www.notboring.co www.notboring.coOptimism1
In The Beginning of Infinity, physicist David Deutsch defines The Principle of Optimism: “All evils are caused by insufficient knowledge.” From that principle, Deutsch writes, flow a few implications that help understand optimism:Optimism is “a way of explaining failure, not prophesying success”: If we’ve failed at something, it’s because we didn’t have the right knowledge in time. Optimism is a stance towards the future: Nearly all failures, and nearly all successes, are yet to come. Optimism follows from the explicability of the physical world: If something is permitted by the laws of physics, then the only thing that can prevent it from being possible is not knowing how.In the long run, there are no insuperable evils: There can be no such thing as a disease for which there can’t be a cure, because bodies are physical things that follow the laws of physics. If you want, you can call it “realistic optimism” or “pragmatic optimism” or “realistic skeptical optimism” or whatever you want to call it in your head to make it feel less doe-eyed, but the actual definition of optimism captures those, so I’ll just call it optimism.
This is the kind if definition of optimism I have in mind when thinking about how I try to approach the world. Combined with a (hopefully!) well balanced sense of Humour, a bit of stubbornness and the kind of “naivetë” [[Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi]] described in his opus magnum “Flow” I am convinced it’s, in the long run, a quite unstoppable combination and quality that can, in fact, be trained and developed.
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facundomaciasescritor.wordpress.com facundomaciasescritor.wordpress.com
No es magia.
I love that he points this out explicitly.
Some don't see the underlying processes of complexity within note taking methods and as a result ascribe magical properties to what are emergent properties or combinatorial creativity.
See also: The Ghost in the Machine zettel from Luhmann
Somehow there's an odd dichotomy between the boredom of such a simple method and people seeing magic within it at the same time. This is very similar to those who feel that life must be divinely created despite the evidence brought by evolutionary and complexity theory. In this arena, there is a lot more evolved complexity which makes the system harder to see compared to the simpler zettelkasten process.
I have about fourteen or sixteen weeks to do this, so I'm breaking the course into an "intro" section that covers some basic stuff like affordances, and other insights into how tech functions. There's a section on AI which is nothing but critical appraisals on AI from a variety of areas. And there's a section on Social Media, which is the most well formed section in terms of readings.
If the individuals in an environment don't understand or perceive the affordances available to them, can the interactions between them and the environment make it seem as if the environment possesses agency?
cross reference: James J. Gibson book The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems (1966)
People often indicate that social media "causes" outcomes among groups of people who use it. Eg: Social media (via algorithmic suggestions of fringe content) causes people to become radicalized.
- Nov 2022
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theinformed.life theinformed.life
Listened to this yesterday (2022-11-17).
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Technology like this, which lets you “talk” to people who’ve died, has been a mainstay of science fiction for decades. It’s an idea that’s been peddled by charlatans and spiritualists for centuries. But now it’s becoming a reality—and an increasingly accessible one, thanks to advances in AI and voice technology.
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
Using "https:" also works (at least with the Brave mobile browser on Android)
billyoppenheimer.com billyoppenheimer.com
When I come across interesting information, I highlight then comment a corresponding question:
Every studio has a slate.
What is the source for this?
It's highly related to having a direction in life, or the famous example of Feynman's 12 Favorite Problems that he always kept in mind to slowly be working at.
Part of having a list of purpose dovetails to how one builds their identity too.
- Oct 2022
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Onesuspected that Paxson's love for his work may have tempted him tolabor too long, and that he established a schedule to protect him-self and the keenness of his mind, to keep himself from his deskinstead of at it, as is some men's purpose.
Pomeroy suspects that Paxson may have kept to a strict work schedule to keep his mind sharp, but he doesn't propose or suspect that it may have been the case that Paxson's note taking practice was the thing which not only helped to keep his mind sharp, but which allowed him the freedom and flexibility to keep very regular work hours.
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“The Indexers pose with the file of Great Ideas. At sides stand editors [Mortimer] Adler (left) and [William] Gorman (right). Each file drawer contains index references to a Great Idea. In center are the works of the 71 authors which constitute the Great Books.” From “The 102 Great Ideas: Scholars Complete a Monumental Catalog,” Life 24, no. 4 (26 January 1948). Photo: George Skadding.
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The design of Goutor's note taking method is such that each note should have "a life of its own, so that it can stand independently of every other one in the file." (p28) This concept is broadly similar to the ideas of both atomic notes and evergreen notes in related contexts.
Goutor says that a note's life stems from its identity by means of its bibliographic source, its unique content, and its ultimate purpose. Here he uses the singular "purpose" and doesn't explicitly use "purposes" thereby indicating that an individual note can have multiple potential lives in different places within one's lifetime of work. It seems most likely that he may not have thought of using ideas in multiple different locations, but again, his particular audience (see: https://hypothes.is/a/8jKcTkNPEe2sCntTfNWf2Q) may have also dictated this choice. One could argue that it would have been quite easy for him to have used the plural to suggest the idea simply and tangentially, but that his use of the singular here is specifically because the idea wasn't part of his note taking worldview.
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Life in the Middle Ages just seems harder: plagues swept the world, dramatic climate change led to food shortages, unstable political power created unpredictable violence, religious prejudice and superstitions were common, and no one had invented a single iPhone. Terrible.
these weren't as extreme as netflix and stuff mades them out to be
In contrast, poverty is something that most Americans will experience fora short period of time as a consequence of very “normal” occurrences—theloss of a job, the birth of a child, the transition to adulthood, the dissolutionof a marriage, and so on.
Is it not coincidental that these life events are also some of the most stressful one will face in life? They're stressful enough on their own, but the added financial stressors add to the problems.
- Sep 2022
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www.justine-haupt.com www.justine-haupt.comOpinions1
The question "what is the meaning of life" doesn't seem to me to be an important one, although I think Sagan's "we are a way for the universe to know itself" is about as good an answer as can be found.
While I agree with Sagan, that's not the meaning of life.
The meaning of life is to project ones self into the future. There might be other ways to do this, but the easiest way is to have and raise children.
www.takenote.space www.takenote.space
I didn't see/couldn't find this image in the Life archive, but it was obviously contemporanous to the others
images.google.com images.google.com
Uladimir Nabokov Ithaca, New YorkDate taken:1958Photographer:Carl Mydans
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Uladimir Nabokov Ithaca, New YorkDate taken:1958Photographer:Carl Mydans
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Can resetting the body clock help with depression?
- Title: Can resetting the body clock help with depression?
- URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02211-y
Highlights & Notes
- “Epidemiological studies suggest that night-shift workers are at [approximately] 25% to 40% higher risk for mental illnesses, including depression and anxiety,”
- participants’ mood plummeted, and failed to improve during the four days they spent on the reversed schedule
- circadian misalignment has negative effects even on long-time shift workers
- sleep problems and circadian disruption are associated with depression
- more than 90% of people with depression have sleep problems
- Poor sleep turns out to be not only a symptom but also a predictor.
- sleep has a protective effect: improving sleep can help to prevent depression in adults.
- light also has a direct antidepressant effect, through the stimulation of mood-regulating brain centers
- In the early 1970s, researchers realized that keeping people with depression awake for 36 hours often provided immediate relief of their symptoms.
- effects of sleep deprivation that were nothing short of “miraculous”.
- combining sleep deprivation with light therapy and what researchers call sleep phase advance — essentially, going to bed earlier. In a 2009 study, a group including Bunney showed that half of people who underwent this routine remained in remission after seven weeks7.
- existing treatments for bipolar disorder, lithium and valproic acid, both affect circadian rhythms
- sleep deprivation and the rapid-acting antidepressant ketamine both cause similar changes in the expression of circadian-related genes
- eating in synch with typical mealtimes, even if a person’s sleep schedule is altered, can prevent the adverse effects of circadian disruption on mood.
- recommendations for better ‘light hygiene’, such as getting outside during the morning and limiting artificial light in the hours before bed in the evening
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I have a long list of ideas I want to pursue in cosmology, quantum mechanics, complexity, statistical mechanics, emergence, information, democracy, origin of life, and elsewhere. Maybe we’ll start up a seminar series in Complexity and Emergence that brings different people together. Maybe it will grow into a Center of some kind.
Somehow I missed that Sean Carroll had moved to Johns Hopkins? Realized today when his next book showed up on my doorstep with his new affiliation.