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Pronunciation?david-cReport spam15 years agoBonjour, i am working with, and very much enjoying level 2 RF avec Lauren, Eric and Anne. Just a question re Lauren's pronunciation. She pronounces some words quite differently from the native speakers. Bien, plait, je voudrais, faire to name a few. It's quite strange to hear Anne say something and then Lauren repeat only differently?! My French friends say that Canadians speak French differently to them - is this what is occurring here? Not a complaint, as i copy Eric and Anne anyway, but just curious. This course is simply fantastic and i am learning so much so rapidly - Merci :)Post a reply to this threadMarie-Claire-RiviereTutor15 years agoHi there, ' yes, your friends are right. Canadian French sounds quite different. It is good to be exposed to both accents so you train your ears to understand different accents. You will hear it especially when she says words that include a nasal sound, like "bien". I'm glad to hear that you enjoy the course. :Pdavid-cReport spam15 years agoMerci beaucoup Marie- Claire, I am simply thrilled with RF and recommend it to all that i meet interested in French language. In fact i can't believe how much i have advanced since taking it up. It's remarkably good value with such in depth teaching, great teachers and conversations. I do miss your sweet voice though! Thanks for clearing up my Canadian question. A bientot :DAnthonyReport spam15 years agoBonjour, I can't help but also share your views. To Marie-Claire I am rather curious to know, however if you can be so kind as to answer my curiosity, I'll greatly appreciate it. May I ask you what are the main similarities and dissimilarities between Canadian French and naturally France's Français? The only reason I wish to ask this is because this may affect my family's future plans to consider migrating to Canada. I too am really enjoying RF and I must admit that as I steadily progress through the course, together with listening to French songs and watching French movies, I also amaze myself in how fast and fluently I am able to pronounce French's words now! This is a great course and I know my French will only get better in time. Looking forward to your reply, merci beaucoup. :D AnthonyMarie-Claire-RiviereTutor15 years agoSalut Anthony, you can compare the difference between Canadian French and French as it is spoken in France with the differences between American English and British English. The accent is different, but still you will be able to understand both. Some words or expressions are also different (trunk, pants, trousers, holidays, vacation etc), but still you can understand what it's all about. I hope that clarifies it for you. Canada is certainly a lovely place to move to. :PUdit-S1Report spam12 years agoPlease help me in solving this problem How do you pronounce the words,"FROMMAGE" and "Parfum" in French How do you say "Good Morning, Goodbye" in French ? Marie-Claire-RiviereTutor12 years agoBonjour Udit, The word "fromage" is said much as it is written although you must remember to soften the "g" at the end of the word. The word "parfum", like many French words has a silent ending. The "m" at the end of the word is silent and becomes quite a nasal sound. To say "Good Morning, Goodbye" in French, we say "Bonjour, Au revoir" J'espère que cela vous aide - I hope this helps, - Marie-ClaireRaina-JReport spam5 years agoI'm glad I found this post. I know it is an old thread, but was also wondering if Lauren's pronunciation was a specific regional version. I was noticing that alot if not all short words ending in a nasal n were pronounced quite different than what I was used to. For example, bien sounded more like bee-ay, rein sounded more like ree-ay. There also seems to be a different tone to a lot of the vowels (like when Lauren says jamais, the -ais sounds more like -eh rather than -ay ). This thread does help though. I appreciate that Rocket French is trying to provide some exposure to different accents, but it would be nice to make that more explicit in the recordings and identify those instances where an when they occur in audio lessons. It would make it a lot easier for someone to learn one pronunciation system first before starting to learn another one.Liss-Rocket-Languages-TutorTutor5 years agoSalut Raina-J ! Thank you very much for your feedback! I'll pass this on to our development team for their consideration. À la prochaine ! Liss
RF LV2 host Lauren's pronunciation: I am right about: bien, faire, etc. She is Québecois.
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A1 初級文法Search:內容分類建議順序初級文法 10介詞:à / de + 城市和國家介詞1初級文法 11介詞:上下前後內介詞2初級文法 12介詞:離...很近 / 很遠 près de, loin de介詞3初級文法 26表示存在:il y a表達:空間4初級文法 13疑問形式:qui, que, c'est vs il est問答5初級文法 14c'est 和 il est 的分別問答6初級文法 17部分冠詞 - du, de la, des限定詞7初級文法 27比較級表達:比較8初級文法 28最高級表達:比較9初級文法 01第二組 -ir 動詞變位規則動詞10初級文法 02不規則動詞變位動詞11初級文法 03動詞 faire & jouer:活動與嗜好動詞12初級文法 04動詞 aller 與地方動詞13初級文法 05最近將來時 futur proche:aller + 不定式動詞14初級文法 06複合過去時 passé composé動詞15初級文法 07未完成過去時 imparfait動詞16初級文法 08複合過去時 vs 未完成過去時動詞17初級文法 09簡單將來時 futur simple動詞18初級文法 25基本時間標誌介詞:depuis, pendant, il y a...表達:時間19初級文法 15基本疑問詞問答20初級文法 16三種疑問句形式:雅語、日常語言、通俗語言問答21初級文法 18法文直接受詞 COD vs 間接受詞 COI總論22初級文法 19直接受詞代名詞 pronom COD:le, la, les...代詞23初級文法 20間接受詞代名詞 pronom COI:lui, leur代詞24初級文法 21代詞 en代詞25初級文法 22代詞 y代詞26初級文法 23重讀人稱代詞 pronom tonique:moi, toi, lui...代詞27初級文法 24關係代詞 pronom relatif:qui, que代詞28Showing 1 to 28 of 28 entries
法文雞 detailed discussions of A1 grammar
A1 初級文法 Search: 內容 分類 建議順序 初級文法 10 介詞:à / de + 城市和國家 介詞 1 初級文法 11 介詞:上下前後內 介詞 2 初級文法 12 介詞:離...很近 / 很遠 près de, loin de 介詞 3 初級文法 26 表示存在:il y a 表達:空間 4 初級文法 13 疑問形式:qui, que, c'est vs il est 問答 5 初級文法 14 c'est 和 il est 的分別 問答 6 初級文法 17 部分冠詞 - du, de la, des 限定詞 7 初級文法 27 比較級 表達:比較 8 初級文法 28 最高級 表達:比較 9 初級文法 01 第二組 -ir 動詞變位規則 動詞 10 初級文法 02 不規則動詞變位 動詞 11 初級文法 03 動詞 faire & jouer:活動與嗜好 動詞 12 初級文法 04 動詞 aller 與地方 動詞 13 初級文法 05 最近將來時 futur proche:aller + 不定式 動詞 14 初級文法 06 複合過去時 passé composé 動詞 15 初級文法 07 未完成過去時 imparfait 動詞 16 初級文法 08 複合過去時 vs 未完成過去時 動詞 17 初級文法 09 簡單將來時 futur simple 動詞 18 初級文法 25 基本時間標誌介詞:depuis, pendant, il y a... 表達:時間 19 初級文法 15 基本疑問詞 問答 20 初級文法 16 三種疑問句形式:雅語、日常語言、通俗語言 問答 21 初級文法 18 法文直接受詞 COD vs 間接受詞 COI 總論 22 初級文法 19 直接受詞代名詞 pronom COD:le, la, les... 代詞 23 初級文法 20 間接受詞代名詞 pronom COI:lui, leur 代詞 24 初級文法 21 代詞 en 代詞 25 初級文法 22 代詞 y 代詞 26 初級文法 23 重讀人稱代詞 pronom tonique:moi, toi, lui... 代詞 27 初級文法 24 關係代詞 pronom relatif:qui, que 代詞 28 Showing 1 to 28 of 28 entries
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A2 初中級文法Search:內容分類建議順序初中級文法 08形容詞概論形容詞1初中級文法 12泛指詞 indéfinis代詞 / 限定詞2初中級文法 17基本時間空間表達補遺表達:時間、空間3初中級文法 09副詞概論副詞4初中級文法 11代名詞的順序代詞6初中級文法 01代詞式動詞的四種意義動詞7初中級文法 02命令式 impératif動詞9初中級文法 13關係代詞 pronom relatif:où, dont代詞9初中級文法 03條件式 conditionnel動詞10初中級文法 14關係代詞:ce qui, ce que, ce dont代詞10初中級文法 15複合關係代詞:auquel, duquel, pour lequel...代詞11初中級文法 10ne...pas 外的否定形式否定12初中級文法 16間接引語表達:引語13初中級文法 04過去分詞、現在分詞和副動詞 gérondif動詞14初中級文法 05被動語態動詞15初中級文法 06愈過去時 plus-que-parfait 和先將來時 futur anterieur動詞16初中級文法 18三種條件句表達:假設17初中級文法 07虛擬式 subjontif動詞18初中級文法 19邏輯關係表達:邏輯19Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
法文雞 detailed discussions of A2 grammar
A2 初中級文法 Search: 內容 分類 建議順序 初中級文法 08 形容詞概論 形容詞 1 初中級文法 12 泛指詞 indéfinis 代詞 / 限定詞 2 初中級文法 17 基本時間空間表達補遺 表達:時間、空間 3 初中級文法 09 副詞概論 副詞 4 初中級文法 11 代名詞的順序 代詞 6 初中級文法 01 代詞式動詞的四種意義 動詞 7 初中級文法 02 命令式 impératif 動詞 9 初中級文法 13 關係代詞 pronom relatif:où, dont 代詞 9 初中級文法 03 條件式 conditionnel 動詞 10 初中級文法 14 關係代詞:ce qui, ce que, ce dont 代詞 10 初中級文法 15 複合關係代詞:auquel, duquel, pour lequel... 代詞 11 初中級文法 10 ne...pas 外的否定形式 否定 12 初中級文法 16 間接引語 表達:引語 13 初中級文法 04 過去分詞、現在分詞和副動詞 gérondif 動詞 14 初中級文法 05 被動語態 動詞 15 初中級文法 06 愈過去時 plus-que-parfait 和先將來時 futur anterieur 動詞 16 初中級文法 18 三種條件句 表達:假設 17 初中級文法 07 虛擬式 subjontif 動詞 18 初中級文法 19 邏輯關係 表達:邏輯 19 Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
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動詞我是誰 動詞 faire 做 (一項活動) 反身動詞 動詞 aller 去 和 venir 來 動詞 pouvoir 可、devoir 要 和 vouloir 想 條件式的 devoir 和 pouvoir 後接不定式的動詞 語式和時態直陳式最近將來時 aller + 動詞原形 現在進行時和最近過去時 複合過去時 複合過去時的反身動詞和有兩個助動詞的動詞 未完成過去時 愈過去時 過去時比較:複合過去時、未完成過去時、愈過去時 簡單過去時 最近將來時和簡單將來時 不規則的簡單將來時動詞命令式條件式虛擬式虛擬式現在時 虛擬式過去時分詞式不規則過去分詞 過去分詞的性數配合 被動語態 現在分詞 副動詞 en faisant… 限定詞定冠詞和不定冠詞 un / une / des、le / la / les 指示形容詞 ce / cet / cette / ces 主有形容詞 mon / ma / mes… 部份冠詞及數量表達 du、beaucoup de… 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains…. 代詞重讀人稱代詞 moi, toi, lui, elle… 非人稱代詞 il 直接和間接代詞 代詞 en 和 y 代詞的位置與順序 關係代詞 qui、que、où 複合關係代詞 中性的關係代詞和強調法 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains…. 主有代詞 指示代詞 celui-ci、celle-là、ceux-ci… 否定簡單否定 複雜否定 ne…rien、ne…plus、ne…jamais、ne…personne、ne…aucun 提問以 quel 提問 封閉式問題 開放式問題 表達C'est & il est Il y a 時間表達:ça fait、il y a…que、pendant、il y a 表達原因 表達結果 表達目的 表達對立 表達讓步 人、事物、動作的比較 數量的比較 引語 假設 其他國藉 國家與城市 年齡 星期一至日 職業 品質形容詞 談論季節、介詞 日子、月份大部分譯自《新觀察家》(L'OBS) ,法文原版:傳送門
法文雞 Same TOC in POS:
動詞 我是誰 動詞 faire 做 (一項活動) 反身動詞 動詞 aller 去 和 venir 來 動詞 pouvoir 可、devoir 要 和 vouloir 想 條件式的 devoir 和 pouvoir 後接不定式的動詞
最近將來時 aller + 動詞原形 現在進行時和最近過去時 複合過去時 複合過去時的反身動詞和有兩個助動詞的動詞 未完成過去時 愈過去時 過去時比較:複合過去時、未完成過去時、愈過去時 簡單過去時 最近將來時和簡單將來時 不規則的簡單將來時動詞
虛擬式現在時 虛擬式過去時
不規則過去分詞 過去分詞的性數配合 被動語態 現在分詞 副動詞 en faisant…
定冠詞和不定冠詞 un / une / des、le / la / les 指示形容詞 ce / cet / cette / ces 主有形容詞 mon / ma / mes… 部份冠詞及數量表達 du、beaucoup de… 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains….
重讀人稱代詞 moi, toi, lui, elle… 非人稱代詞 il 直接和間接代詞 代詞 en 和 y 代詞的位置與順序 關係代詞 qui、que、où 複合關係代詞 中性的關係代詞和強調法 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains…. 主有代詞 指示代詞 celui-ci、celle-là、ceux-ci…
簡單否定 複雜否定 ne…rien、ne…plus、ne…jamais、ne…personne、ne…aucun
以 quel 提問 封閉式問題 開放式問題
C'est & il est Il y a 時間表達:ça fait、il y a…que、pendant、il y a 表達原因 表達結果 表達目的 表達對立 表達讓步 人、事物、動作的比較 數量的比較 引語 假設
國藉 國家與城市 年齡 星期一至日 職業 品質形容詞 談論季節、介詞 日子、月份
大部分譯自《新觀察家》(L'OBS) ,法文原版:傳送門
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A1: 初學階段入門級〈隱藏 A1 文法〉1.1. 自我介紹1.1.1. 我是誰1.1.2. 國藉1.1.3. 國家與城市1.1.4. 年齡1.1.5. 否定1.1.6. 以 quel 提問1.1.7. 封閉式問題1.1.8. 開放式問題1.2. 談論活動1.2.1. 動詞 faire 做 (一項活動)1.2.2. 星期一至日1.2.3. 反身動詞1.2.4. 動詞 aller 去 和 venir 來1.2.5. 重讀人稱代詞 moi, toi, lui, elle…1.2.6. 最近將來時 aller + 動詞原形1.3. 要求和提議1.3.1. 指示形容詞 ce / cet / cette / ces1.3.2. 動詞 pouvoir 可、devoir 要 和 vouloir 想1.4. 描述1.4.1. C'est & il est1.4.2. 主有形容詞 mon / ma / mes…1.4.3. 職業1.4.4. 品質形容詞1.4.5. Il y a1.4.6. 人、事物、動作的比較1.5. 建議他人1.5.1. 命令式1.5.2. 條件式的 devoir 和 pouvoir1.6. 談論食物1.6.1. 定冠詞和不定冠詞 un / une / des、le / la / les1.6.2. 部份冠詞及數量表達 du、beaucoup de…1.7. 談論天氣1.7.1. 非人稱代詞 il1.7.2. 談論季節、介詞1.8. 談論過去1.8.1. 複合過去時1.8.2. 日子、月份 A2: 初學階段初級〈隱藏 A2 文法〉2.1. 談論過去2.1.1. 未完成過去時2.1.2. 不規則過去分詞2.1.3. 時間表達:ça fait、il y a…que、pendant、il y a2.1.4. 複合過去時的反身動詞和有兩個助動詞的動詞2.2. 談論事物和人2.2.1. 關係代詞 qui、que、où2.2.2. 主有代詞2.2.3. 直接和間接代詞2.2.4. 數量的比較2.2.5. 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains…2.2.6. 代詞 en 和 y2.2.7. 複雜否定 ne…rien、ne…plus、ne…jamais、ne…personne、ne…aucun2.3. 談論動作2.3.1. 現在進行時和最近過去時2.4. 談論將來2.4.1. 最近將來時和簡單將來時2.4.2. 不規則的簡單將來時動詞 B1: 獨立階段中級〈隱藏 B1 文法〉3.1. 談論各種事情3.1.1. 被動語態3.1.2. 愈過去時3.1.3. 過去時比較:複合過去時、未完成過去時、愈過去時3.1.4. 引語3.1.5. 假設3.1.6. 過去分詞的性數配合3.2. 談論動作3.2.1. 副動詞 en faisant…3.2.2. 指示代詞 celui-ci、celle-là、ceux-ci…3.3. 解釋和議論3.3.1. 表達原因3.3.2. 表達結果3.3.3. 表達目的3.3.4. 表達對立3.3.5. 複合關係代詞3.3.6. 代詞的位置與順序3.3.7. 條件式的運用3.3.8. 中性的關係代詞和強調法3.3.9. 表達讓步3.3.10. 虛擬式的運用 B2: 獨立階段中高級〈隱藏 B2 文法〉4.1. 談論過去4.1.1. 簡單過去時4.1.2. 虛擬式過去時4.2. 談論動作4.2.1. 後接不定式的動詞4.2.2. 現在分詞 大部分譯自《新觀察家》(L'OBS) ,法文原版:傳送門
This Chinese instructor for French grammar is clear and succinct. KEEP!
C2 程度法文學習者,幾年前開始在香港教授小班法文。希望網站能提供循序漸進、有系統和容易檢閱的文法教學。有任何問題、想查詢開班或網課事宜等,歡迎發電郵,又或在下方聯絡欄留言給我。
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A1: 初學階段入門級
〈隱藏 A1 文法〉 1.1. 自我介紹
1.1.1. 我是誰 1.1.2. 國藉 1.1.3. 國家與城市 1.1.4. 年齡 1.1.5. 否定 1.1.6. 以 quel 提問 1.1.7. 封閉式問題 1.1.8. 開放式問題
1.2. 談論活動
1.2.1. 動詞 faire 做 (一項活動) 1.2.2. 星期一至日 1.2.3. 反身動詞 1.2.4. 動詞 aller 去 和 venir 來 1.2.5. 重讀人稱代詞 moi, toi, lui, elle… 1.2.6. 最近將來時 aller + 動詞原形
1.3. 要求和提議
1.3.1. 指示形容詞 ce / cet / cette / ces 1.3.2. 動詞 pouvoir 可、devoir 要 和 vouloir 想
1.4. 描述
1.4.1. C'est & il est 1.4.2. 主有形容詞 mon / ma / mes… 1.4.3. 職業 1.4.4. 品質形容詞 1.4.5. Il y a 1.4.6. 人、事物、動作的比較
1.5. 建議他人
1.5.1. 命令式 1.5.2. 條件式的 devoir 和 pouvoir
1.6. 談論食物
1.6.1. 定冠詞和不定冠詞 un / une / des、le / la / les 1.6.2. 部份冠詞及數量表達 du、beaucoup de…
1.7. 談論天氣
1.7.1. 非人稱代詞 il 1.7.2. 談論季節、介詞
1.8. 談論過去
1.8.1. 複合過去時 1.8.2. 日子、月份
A2: 初學階段初級
〈隱藏 A2 文法〉 2.1. 談論過去
2.1.1. 未完成過去時 2.1.2. 不規則過去分詞 2.1.3. 時間表達:ça fait、il y a…que、pendant、il y a 2.1.4. 複合過去時的反身動詞和有兩個助動詞的動詞
2.2. 談論事物和人
2.2.1. 關係代詞 qui、que、où 2.2.2. 主有代詞 2.2.3. 直接和間接代詞 2.2.4. 數量的比較 2.2.5. 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains… 2.2.6. 代詞 en 和 y 2.2.7. 複雜否定 ne…rien、ne…plus、ne…jamais、ne…personne、ne…aucun
2.3. 談論動作
2.3.1. 現在進行時和最近過去時
2.4. 談論將來
2.4.1. 最近將來時和簡單將來時 2.4.2. 不規則的簡單將來時動詞
B1: 獨立階段中級
〈隱藏 B1 文法〉 3.1. 談論各種事情
3.1.1. 被動語態 3.1.2. 愈過去時 3.1.3. 過去時比較:複合過去時、未完成過去時、愈過去時 3.1.4. 引語 3.1.5. 假設 3.1.6. 過去分詞的性數配合
3.2. 談論動作
3.2.1. 副動詞 en faisant… 3.2.2. 指示代詞 celui-ci、celle-là、ceux-ci…
3.3. 解釋和議論
3.3.1. 表達原因 3.3.2. 表達結果 3.3.3. 表達目的 3.3.4. 表達對立 3.3.5. 複合關係代詞 3.3.6. 代詞的位置與順序 3.3.7. 條件式的運用 3.3.8. 中性的關係代詞和強調法 3.3.9. 表達讓步 3.3.10. 虛擬式的運用
B2: 獨立階段中高級
〈隱藏 B2 文法〉 4.1. 談論過去
4.1.1. 簡單過去時 4.1.2. 虛擬式過去時
4.2. 談論動作
4.2.1. 後接不定式的動詞 4.2.2. 現在分詞
大部分譯自《新觀察家》(L'OBS) ,法文原版:傳送門
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用法虛擬式用於無關現實的事實,表達主觀的態度;相對於直陳式用於關於現實中的事實的陳述、表達客觀的態度。在表達情感 (害怕、喜悅、悲傷、期待、欲望、主觀必要性等)的動詞或非人稱構成、它們所後接的分句中,我們經常使用虛擬式。J'ai peur qu'il soit en retard. 我擔心他遲到。Il est important que vous puissiez être là. 重要的是,你能到場。在下面三種情況之下,分句都要使用虛擬式:一)當主句動詞表達必要性Il faut qu'il soit à la réunion demain. 他明天必須出席會議。Il est nécessaire que vous appreniez votre leçon par cœur. 你一定要用心學習你的課。二)當主句動詞表達可能性或不可能性Il est possible que nous soyons dans l'incapacité de venir à la conférence. 我們可能不能前來參加會議。Il est impossible qu'il sache la vérité. 他不可能知道真相。三)當主要動詞表達偏好Je déteste que tu fasses autant de bruit. 我討厭你制造這麼多噪音。Je préfère que vous veniez seul. 我寧可你一個人來。特殊情況表達意見的動詞後的分句,如 penser que, croire que, trouver que 等,只有否定時才用虛擬式。Il ne pense pas que nous soyons mauvais. 他不認為我們很壞。Je ne crois pas qu'il faille prévenir le directeur. 我不認為要告訴導演。espérer 不使用虛擬式。J'espère qu'il viendra à la fête. 我希望他會來派對。構成虛擬式構成:直陳式現在時第三人稱眾數 ils 的詞根 + 詞尾 -e、-es、-e、-ions、-iez、-ent。動詞 finir: ils finissent (現在時) -> je finisse / tu finisses / il finisse / nous finissions / vous finissiez / ils finissent注意!:當直陳式現在時中,nous 與 vous 的詞根和 ils 不同的時候,我們在虛擬式中也保留這個分別。動詞 prendre : ils prennent (現在時) -> je prenne/tu prennes/il prenne/ils prennent nous prenons (現在時) -> nous prenions/vous preniez 人稱現在時 ils 詞根詞尾虛擬式que jefiniss–efinisseque tu–esfinissesqu'il / elle / on–efinisseque nous-ionsfinissionsque vous–iezfinissiezqu'ils / elles–entfinissent 以下是虛擬式常用的不規則動詞:êtreavoirfaireallerpouvoirsavoirque je soisque j'aieque je fasseque j'ailleque je puisseque je sacheque tu soisque tu aiesque tu fassesque tu aillesque tu puissesque tu sachesqu'il/elle soitqu'il/elle aitqu'il/elle fassequ'il/elle aillequ'il/elle puissequ'il/elle sacheque nous soyonsque nous ayonsque nous fassionsque nous allionsque nous puissionsque nous sachionsque vous soyezque vous ayezque vous fassiezque vous alliezque vous puissiezque vous sachiezqu'ils/elles soientqu'ils/elles aientqu'ils/elles fassentqu'ils/elles aillentqu'ils/elles puissentqu'ils/elles sachent其他還有: Vouloir -> que je veuille Falloir -> qu'il faille Pleuvoir -> qu'il pleuve
subjunctive: all usages
虛擬式用於無關現實的事實,表達主觀的態度;相對於直陳式用於關於現實中的事實的陳述、表達客觀的態度。在表達情感 (害怕、喜悅、悲傷、期待、欲望、主觀必要性等)的動詞或非人稱構成、它們所後接的分句中,我們經常使用虛擬式。
J'ai peur qu'il soit en retard. 我擔心他遲到。
Il est important que vous puissiez être là. 重要的是,你能到場。
Il faut qu'il soit à la réunion demain. 他明天必須出席會議。
Il est nécessaire que vous appreniez votre leçon par cœur. 你一定要用心學習你的課。
Il est possible que nous soyons dans l'incapacité de venir à la conférence. 我們可能不能前來參加會議。
Il est impossible qu'il sache la vérité. 他不可能知道真相。
Je déteste que tu fasses autant de bruit. 我討厭你制造這麼多噪音。
Je préfère que vous veniez seul. 我寧可你一個人來。
表達意見的動詞後的分句,如 penser que, croire que, trouver que 等,只有否定時才用虛擬式。
Il ne pense pas que nous soyons mauvais. 他不認為我們很壞。
Je ne crois pas qu'il faille prévenir le directeur. 我不認為要告訴導演。
espérer 不使用虛擬式。
J'espère qu'il viendra à la fête. 我希望他會來派對。
虛擬式構成:直陳式現在時第三人稱眾數 ils 的詞根 + 詞尾 -e、-es、-e、-ions、-iez、-ent。
動詞 finir: ils finissent (現在時) -> je finisse / tu finisses / il finisse / nous finissions / vous finissiez / ils finissent
注意!:當直陳式現在時中,nous 與 vous 的詞根和 ils 不同的時候,我們在虛擬式中也保留這個分別。
動詞 prendre : ils prennent (現在時) -> je prenne/tu prennes/il prenne/ils prennent nous prenons (現在時) -> nous prenions/vous preniez
人稱 現在時 ils 詞根 詞尾 虛擬式 que je finiss –e finisse que tu –es finisses qu'il / elle / on –e finisse que nous -ions finissions que vous –iez finissiez qu'ils / elles –ent finissent
être avoir faire aller pouvoir savoir que je sois que j'aie que je fasse que j'aille que je puisse que je sache que tu sois que tu aies que tu fasses que tu ailles que tu puisses que tu saches qu'il/elle soit qu'il/elle ait qu'il/elle fasse qu'il/elle aille qu'il/elle puisse qu'il/elle sache que nous soyons que nous ayons que nous fassions que nous allions que nous puissions que nous sachions que vous soyez que vous ayez que vous fassiez que vous alliez que vous puissiez que vous sachiez qu'ils/elles soient qu'ils/elles aient qu'ils/elles fassent qu'ils/elles aillent qu'ils/elles puissent qu'ils/elles sachent 其他還有: Vouloir -> que je veuille Falloir -> qu'il faille Pleuvoir -> qu'il pleuve
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語式上的用法語式指說話人對他自己說的話所表達的態度。條件式可用於表達以下東西:一)禮貌(常見於動詞 pouvoir 和 vouloir)Je voudrais un café s'il vous plait. 我想要一杯咖啡,謝謝。Je pourrais parler avec M. Dupontel ? 我可以跟 Dupontel 先生說話嗎?二)建議(常見用於動詞 devoir)Tu devrais parler à ton père. 你應該跟你的爸爸談談。Vous devriez appeler le médecin. 你應該叫醫生。三)欲望(常見於動詞 vouloir 和 aimer)J'aimerais devenir pianiste. 我想成為鋼琴家。Nous voudrions déménager dans le sud de la France. 我們想搬往南法。四)未經核實的事實Le ministre rencontrerait son homologue allemand très prochainement. 部長快將會見他的德國同行。Un accident a eu lieu sur l'autoroute A4. Il y aurait trois blessés. 在 A4 公路發生了意外,有三名傷者。五)後悔(常見於動詞 vouloir、devoir、aimer 的虛擬式過去時)J'aurais voulu être un artiste. 我希望我是一個藝術家。Nous aurions aimé le connaître. 我們本想認識他。Tu aurais dû lui parler. 你應和他談談的。假設中的用法想像一些不存在的東西,及對現在進行假設的時候,我們用 si + 未完成過去時 及 虛擬式現在時。Si tu avais de l'argent, tu achèterais une nouvelle voiture. (但你沒有錢) 如果你有錢,你會買一輛新車。S'il faisait beau, nous irions à la mer et nous ferions une balade à vélo. (但天氣不好) 如果天氣很好,我們會去海邊騎單車。想像一些不存在的東西,及對過去進行假設的時候,我們用 si + 愈過去時 及 虛擬式過去時。Si tu avais quitté Paris, tu aurais habité dans une belle et grande maison avec un jardin. (但你沒有離開巴黎) 如果你離開了巴黎,你便會住在一間又大又漂亮、有花園的房子了。Si vos enfants étaient partis en Italie, vous les auriez rejoints. (但你的孩子沒有到意大利去) 如果你的孩子到了意大利去,你便會跟他們重聚了。
French conditional tense: all usages
一)禮貌(常見於動詞 pouvoir 和 vouloir)
Je voudrais un café s'il vous plait. 我想要一杯咖啡,謝謝。
Je pourrais parler avec M. Dupontel ? 我可以跟 Dupontel 先生說話嗎?
二)建議(常見用於動詞 devoir)
Tu devrais parler à ton père. 你應該跟你的爸爸談談。
Vous devriez appeler le médecin. 你應該叫醫生。
三)欲望(常見於動詞 vouloir 和 aimer)
J'aimerais devenir pianiste. 我想成為鋼琴家。
Nous voudrions déménager dans le sud de la France. 我們想搬往南法。
Le ministre rencontrerait son homologue allemand très prochainement. 部長快將會見他的德國同行。
Un accident a eu lieu sur l'autoroute A4. Il y aurait trois blessés. 在 A4 公路發生了意外,有三名傷者。
五)後悔(常見於動詞 vouloir、devoir、aimer 的虛擬式過去時)
J'aurais voulu être un artiste. 我希望我是一個藝術家。
Nous aurions aimé le connaître. 我們本想認識他。
Tu aurais dû lui parler. 你應和他談談的。
想像一些不存在的東西,及對現在進行假設的時候,我們用 si + 未完成過去時 及 虛擬式現在時。
Si tu avais de l'argent, tu achèterais une nouvelle voiture. (但你沒有錢) 如果你有錢,你會買一輛新車。
S'il faisait beau, nous irions à la mer et nous ferions une balade à vélo. (但天氣不好) 如果天氣很好,我們會去海邊騎單車。
想像一些不存在的東西,及對過去進行假設的時候,我們用 si + 愈過去時 及 虛擬式過去時。
Si tu avais quitté Paris, tu aurais habité dans une belle et grande maison avec un jardin. (但你沒有離開巴黎) 如果你離開了巴黎,你便會住在一間又大又漂亮、有花園的房子了。
Si vos enfants étaient partis en Italie, vous les auriez rejoints. (但你的孩子沒有到意大利去) 如果你的孩子到了意大利去,你便會跟他們重聚了。
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passé simple = passé composé
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對未來的假設構成是 si + 現在時 及 簡單將來時。它表達一種不肯定性以及實現的可能。Si les enfants sortent plus tard de l'école, on viendra les chercher. 如果孩子們晚點離開學校,我們將會來接他們。 = 孩子們可能會晚點離開。對現在的假設構成是 si + 未完成過去時 及 條件式現在時。它是一種想像,涉及當下不存在的東西。Si les enfants sortaient plus tard de l'école, on viendrait les chercher. 如果孩子們會晚點離開學校,我們便會來接他們。 = 孩子們不會晚點離開學校,我們不會來接他們。對過去的假設構成是 si + 愈過去時 及 條件式過去時。它經常用於表達對一個已完結的東西、無法重回的處境的傷感、惋惜、後悔。Si les enfants étaient sortis plus tard de l'école, on serait venus les chercher. 如果孩子們晚點離開學校,我們便能來接他們了。 = 孩子們並沒有晚點離開,我們也沒去接他們。Si j'avais été riche, j'aurais acheté une villa. 如果我很富有,我便會買一棟別墅了。 = 我從不富有,也從沒買別墅。
This page explains the same thing in terms of "hypotheticals" using si clause.
Refer to main explanation that clarifies it for me: https://www.lecoqfr.com/%e6%b3%95%e6%96%87%e7%9a%84%e4%b8%89%e7%a8%ae%e6%a2%9d%e4%bb%b6%e5%8f%a5%e5%92%8c%e6%99%82%e6%85%8b%e8%a6%81%e6%b1%82/
構成是 si + 現在時 及 簡單將來時。它表達一種不肯定性以及實現的可能。
Si les enfants sortent plus tard de l'école, on viendra les chercher. 如果孩子們晚點離開學校,我們將會來接他們。 = 孩子們可能會晚點離開。
構成是 si + 未完成過去時 及 條件式現在時。它是一種想像,涉及當下不存在的東西。
Si les enfants sortaient plus tard de l'école, on viendrait les chercher. 如果孩子們會晚點離開學校,我們便會來接他們。 = 孩子們不會晚點離開學校,我們不會來接他們。
構成是 si + 愈過去時 及 條件式過去時。它經常用於表達對一個已完結的東西、無法重回的處境的傷感、惋惜、後悔。
Si les enfants étaient sortis plus tard de l'école, on serait venus les chercher. 如果孩子們晚點離開學校,我們便能來接他們了。 = 孩子們並沒有晚點離開,我們也沒去接他們。
Si j'avais été riche, j'aurais acheté une villa. 如果我很富有,我便會買一棟別墅了。 = 我從不富有,也從沒買別墅。
www.lecoqfr.com www.lecoqfr.com
法文的假設:三種條件句法文最主要會用 si 「如果」來表達條件或假設。其基本的構成是:Si 分句 (作為條件) + 主句(作為結果的動作)Si tu veux, tu peux venir. 如果你想,你可以來。Si tu as moins de 21 ans, tu peux obtenir une réduction de prix. 如果你未滿 21 歲,你可以獲得減價優惠。而根據分句中的條件的性質,法文的條件句有三種條件句,因而要求在主句和分句使用不同時式、時態的動詞。三種條件句分別是:1) 一般條件、2) 關於現在或將來的、不真實或想像的條件和 3) 關於過去的不真實或想像的條件。第一種條件句:一般條件——肯定性、可能性或命令在這種條件句,條件可以被正常實現,而大多數情況我們按不同時式、時態的一般價值來使用。不同時式、時態的配合表達的意義有細微的差別。Si 現在時 + 現在時——慣性動作或接近肯定發生的事情Si tu veux, tu peux venir. 如果你想,你可以來。S'il pleut, je reste chez moi. 如果下雨,我留在家。Si 現在時 + 簡單將來時——大機會發生的事情Si j'ai le temps, je ferai du sport. 如果我有時間,我會做運動。Si je vais en France, je prendrai le train. 如果我去法國,我會乘火車。Si 現在時 + 命令式——命令Si tu peux, dis-moi. 如果你可以,告訴我。Si 未完成過去時 + 未完成過去時——在過去的慣性動作Autrefois, s'il pleuvait, nous jouions aux jeux vidéo. 以前,下雨時,我們玩遊戲機。只有一種我們不按正常價值使用時態,這就是用複合過去時來表達在未來發生或完成的事件:Si 複合過去時 + 現在時 / 簡單將來時 / 命令式Si j'ai fini mes devoirs, je vous rejoindrai plus tard. 如果我完成我的功課,我會晚點加入你們。而在後面第二和第三種條件句,時式和時態都失去了一般使用時的價值。第二種條件句:關於現在或將來的、不真實或想像的條件第二種條件句關乎當下或未來的、不真實或想像的條件,這個條件與現實的情況不符。它由未完成過去時和條件式現在時構成。在這裡,這種時式、時態都失去了原本的時態意義——即未完成過去時不再關乎過去,條件式現在時不是對過去而言的將來時。Si 未完成過去時 + 條件式現在時S'il faisait beau, je ferais du sport. (但天氣不好) 如果天氣好,我會做運動。Si j'étais toi, je ferais mieux. (但我不是你) 如果我是你,我會做得更好。第三種條件句:關於過去的、不真實或想像的條件第三種條件句關乎在過去的不真實或想像的條件,這個條件與過去發生的現實不符。它由愈過去時和條件式過去時構成。同上,這兩種時式、時態都失去了原本的時態意義。這種條件句常用於表達後悔與遺憾。Si 愈過去時 + 條件式過去時Si j'avais eu le temps, j'aurais fait du sport. (而過去的我沒有時間) 如果我有時間,我便會做運動了。Si tu m'avais dit la vérité, je ne serais pas parti. (而過去的你沒有告訴我真相) 如果你告訴了我真相,我便不會離開了。
This entire page in Chinese answers one question I have been puzzled with: does si + imparfait + main cause conditional tense always express irrealis? Answer: Yes!
法文最主要會用 si 「如果」來表達條件或假設。其基本的構成是:
Si 分句 (作為條件) + 主句(作為結果的動作)
Si tu veux, tu peux venir. 如果你想,你可以來。
Si tu as moins de 21 ans, tu peux obtenir une réduction de prix. 如果你未滿 21 歲,你可以獲得減價優惠。
而根據分句中的條件的性質,法文的條件句有三種條件句,因而要求在主句和分句使用不同時式、時態的動詞。三種條件句分別是:1) 一般條件、2) 關於現在或將來的、不真實或想像的條件和 3) 關於過去的不真實或想像的條件。
第一種條件句:一般條件——肯定性、可能性或命令 在這種條件句,條件可以被正常實現,而大多數情況我們按不同時式、時態的一般價值來使用。不同時式、時態的配合表達的意義有細微的差別。
Si 現在時 + 現在時——慣性動作或接近肯定發生的事情
Si tu veux, tu peux venir. 如果你想,你可以來。
S'il pleut, je reste chez moi. 如果下雨,我留在家。
Si 現在時 + 簡單將來時——大機會發生的事情
Si j'ai le temps, je ferai du sport. 如果我有時間,我會做運動。
Si je vais en France, je prendrai le train. 如果我去法國,我會乘火車。
Si 現在時 + 命令式——命令
Si tu peux, dis-moi. 如果你可以,告訴我。
Si 未完成過去時 + 未完成過去時——在過去的慣性動作
Autrefois, s'il pleuvait, nous jouions aux jeux vidéo. 以前,下雨時,我們玩遊戲機。
Si 複合過去時 + 現在時 / 簡單將來時 / 命令式
Si j'ai fini mes devoirs, je vous rejoindrai plus tard. 如果我完成我的功課,我會晚點加入你們。
第二種條件句:關於現在或將來的、不真實或想像的條件 第二種條件句關乎當下或未來的、不真實或想像的條件,這個條件與現實的情況不符。它由未完成過去時和條件式現在時構成。在這裡,這種時式、時態都失去了原本的時態意義——即未完成過去時不再關乎過去,條件式現在時不是對過去而言的將來時。
Si 未完成過去時 + 條件式現在時
S'il faisait beau, je ferais du sport. (但天氣不好) 如果天氣好,我會做運動。
Si j'étais toi, je ferais mieux. (但我不是你) 如果我是你,我會做得更好。
第三種條件句:關於過去的、不真實或想像的條件 第三種條件句關乎在過去的不真實或想像的條件,這個條件與過去發生的現實不符。它由愈過去時和條件式過去時構成。同上,這兩種時式、時態都失去了原本的時態意義。這種條件句常用於表達後悔與遺憾。
Si 愈過去時 + 條件式過去時
Si j'avais eu le temps, j'aurais fait du sport. (而過去的我沒有時間) 如果我有時間,我便會做運動了。
Si tu m'avais dit la vérité, je ne serais pas parti. (而過去的你沒有告訴我真相) 如果你告訴了我真相,我便不會離開了。
for - history - French and American Revolution - the role of coffee houses during the Enlightenment
summary - Coffee has a fascinating history - The relationship between coffee and alcohol was interesting - In Muslim culture, coffee houses began appearing in the Ottoman Empire because alcohol was forbidden for Muslims - The coffeehouses spread from the Ottoman Empire to Europe where it replaced the daily ritual of drinking beer - People in London did not drink the polluted Thames because it was so unhygienic that they could catch cholera - Alcohol had its side effects however, of making everyone drowsy. When the Industrial Revolution appeared, this drowsiness could lead to terrible industrial accidents - Coffee was the perfect replacement. Some speculate that it made the Industrial Revolution possible - Coffee houses began to spring up in London. Like in the Ottoman Empire, they were frowned upon by elites because this ability for all types of people to gather for the first time was perceived as a threat to political stability - Among the ideas born in coffee houses and cafes: - French Revolution - Storming of the Bastille j - Enlightenment intellectuals met here - American Revolution - Sons of Liberty met and planned the American Revolution - Benjamin Franklin frequented - Lloyds of London was conceived of - The idea of the Newspaper started due to notes of ideas exchanged and communicated in different columns of notes recorded - Famous scientists met there like Isaac Newton - London Stock Exchange was conceived of here
the Café Procope
for - trivia / history - Paris Cafes - Cafe Procope - Enlightenment - French Revolution - Rosseau, Diderot and Voltaire met and shared ideas here with the public
Where does so much mad agitation come from? From a crowd of minor clerks and lawyers, from unknown writers, starving scribblers, who go about rabble-rousing in clubs and cafés. These are the hotbeds that have forged the weapons with which the masses are armed today.
for - trivia / history - coffee house - quote - Paris Cafe as organizing ground for the agitators that led the French Revolution
quote - Where does so much mad agitation come from? - From a crowd of - minor clerks and lawyers, - from unknown writers, - starving scribblers, - who go about rabble-rousing in clubs and cafés. - These are the hotbeds that have forged the weapons with which the masses are armed today.
- rivia / history - Paris Cafes - Cafe Procope - Enlightenment - French Revolution - Rosseau, Diderot and Voltaire met and shared ideas here with the public
- trivia / history - coffee house - quote - Paris Cafe as organizing ground for the agitators that led the French Revolution
- history - French and American Revolution - the role of coffee houses during the Enlightenment
- Oct 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
2023 haben Böden und Landpflanzen fast kein CO2 absorbiert. Dieser Kollaps der Landsenken vor allem durch Dürren und Waldbrände wurde in diesem Ausmaß kaum vorausgesehen, und es ist nicht klar, ob auf ihn eine Regeneration folgt. Er stellt Klimamodelle ebenso in Frage wie die meisten nationalen Pläne zum Erreichen von CO2-Neutralität, weil sie auf natürlichen Senken an Land beruhen. Es gibt Anzeichen dafür, dass die steigenden Temperaturen inzwischen auch die CO2-Aufnahmefähigkeit der Meere schwächen. Überblicksartikel mit Links zu Studien https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/14/nature-carbon-sink-collapse-global-heating-models-emissions-targets-evidence-aoe
- French Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences
- Schwächung der terrestrischen Kohlenstoffsenken
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- date::2024-10-14
- Low latency carbon budget analysis reveals a large decline of the land carbon sink in 2023
- Tim Lenton
- The enduring world forest carbon sink
- Andrew Watson
- A warming climate will make Australian soil a net emitter of atmospheric CO2
- Global Carbon Budget
- Philippe Ciais
- Johan Rockström
- 2023
- Schwächung der marinen Kohlenstoffsenken
- Impact of high temperature heat waves on ocean carbon sinks: Based on literature analysis perspective
- Pierre Friedlingstein
- The role of forests in the EU climate policy: are we on the right track?
- Sep 2024
laist.com laist.com
Brazilian Pepper tree
Voix ambiguë d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwi (Approx. translate : Ambiguous voice of a heart which prefers kiwi bowls to a zephyr). That the one we (frenchs) usually use
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
One of the most beautiful versions of the Internationale Song I have ever heard/seen
- Jul 2024
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
"Fast Food". Female house sparrow (Passer domesticus) on a city street prepares to feast on a... [+] discarded french fry. (Credit: hedera.baltica / CC BY-SA 2.0) hedera.baltica via a Creative Commons license
"Fast Food". Female house sparrow (Passer domesticus) on a city street prepares to feast on a discarded french fry. (Credit: hedera.baltica / CC BY-SA 2.0) HEDERA.BALTICA VIA A CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE
What I like about this photo is that when I was a kid, I was amazed when I saw a sparrow doing this very thing, scavenging french fries. I was around 7–8 years old. My mom had taken me on a shopping trip in her 1968 Buick Skylark, green with black roof. We stopped at McDonald's for a snack. She went in to get food and left me sitting in the car. She had parked in front of the shop, facing the hedge-bordered outdoor eating area. I saw sparrows hopping through those hedges and on the ground around them. A lucky few of them found several french fries and were either eating them or carrying them away in their beaks. As a little kid growing up in a rural area, I expected birds to eat only seeds or bugs, so this sparrow french fry feast was surprising and hilarious to me.>
- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Vor einem Untersuchungsausschuss des französischen Senats hat sich der Chef von TotalEnergies, Pouyanné, mit den Standard-Argumenten von Big Oil gegen den Vorwurf gewehrt, die globale Erhitzung anzutreiben: Man befriedige nur die Nachfrage, nach fossilen Energien, senke den CO2-Ausstoß bei der Förderung, investiere auch in erneuerbare Energien und sei unverzichtbar, um die Energiewende zu vollziehen. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/totalenergies-interroge-au-senat-patrick-pouyanne-defend-ses-investissements-dans-le-fossile-20240429_Z5PVIU62UZDR3N2IKVRVW3UXJA/
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
- Feb 2024
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
French hospital medicine came to be based on three pillars, none entirely new, but which together constituted a new way of looking at disease. The three pillars were physical diagnosis, pathologico-clinical correlation, and the use of large numbers of cases to elucidate diagnostic categories and to evaluate therapy
3 pillars to french hospital medicine;
-physical diagnosis -pathologico-clinical correlation -use of large numbers of cases to elucidate diagnostic categories + evaluate therapy
- Jan 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Schwa[edit] When phonetically realised, schwa (/ə/), also called e caduc ('dropped e') and e muet ('mute e'), is a mid-central vowel with some rounding.[22] Many authors consider its value to be [œ],[37][38] while Geoff Lindsey suggests [ɵ].[39][40] Fagyal, Kibbee & Jenkins (2006) state, more specifically, that it merges with /ø/ before high vowels and glides: netteté /nɛtəte/ → [nɛ.tø.te] ('clarity'), atelier /atəlje/ → [a.tø.lje] ('workshop'), in phrase-final stressed position: dis-le ! /di lə/ → [di.ˈlø] ('say it'), and that it merges with /œ/ elsewhere.[41] However, some speakers make a clear distinction, and it exhibits special phonological behavior that warrants considering it a distinct phoneme. Furthermore, the merger occurs mainly in the French of France; in Quebec, /ø/ and /ə/ are still distinguished.[42] The main characteristic of French schwa is its "instability": the fact that under certain conditions it has no phonetic realization. That is usually the case when it follows a single consonant in a medial syllable: appeler /apəle/ → [ap.le] ('to call'), It is occasionally mute in word-final position: porte /pɔʁtə/ → [pɔʁt] ('door'). Word-final schwas are optionally pronounced if preceded by two or more consonants and followed by a consonant-initial word: une porte fermée /yn(ə) pɔʁt(ə) fɛʁme/ → [yn.pɔʁ.t(ə).fɛʁ.me] ('a closed door'). In the future and conditional forms of -er verbs, however, the schwa is sometimes deleted even after two consonants[citation needed]: tu garderais /ty ɡaʁdəʁɛ/ → [ty.ɡaʁ.d(ə.)ʁɛ] ('you would guard'), nous brusquerons [les choses] /nu bʁyskəʁɔ̃/ → [nu.bʁys.k(ə.)ʁɔ̃] ('we will precipitate [things]'). On the other hand, it is pronounced word-internally when it follows more pronounced consonants that cannot be combined into a complex onset with the initial consonants of the next syllable: gredin /ɡʁədɛ̃/ → [ɡʁə.dɛ̃] ('scoundrel'), sept petits /sɛt pəti/ → [sɛt.pə.ti] ('seven little ones').[43] In French versification, word-final schwa is always elided before another vowel and at the ends of verses. It is pronounced before a following consonant-initial word.[44] For example, une grande femme fut ici, [yn ɡʁɑ̃d fam fy.t‿i.si] in ordinary speech, would in verse be pronounced [y.nə ɡʁɑ̃.də fa.mə fy.t‿i.si], with the /ə/ enunciated at the end of each word. Schwa cannot normally be realised as a front vowel ([œ]) in closed syllables. In such contexts in inflectional and derivational morphology, schwa usually alternates with the front vowel /ɛ/: harceler /aʁsəle/ → [aʁ.sœ.le] ('to harass'), with il harcèle /il aʁsɛl/ → [i.laʁ.sɛl] ('[he] harasses').[45] A three-way alternation can be observed, in a few cases, for a number of speakers: appeler /apəle/ → [ap.le] ('to call'), j'appelle /ʒ‿apɛl/ → [ʒa.pɛl] ('I call'), appellation /apelasjɔ̃/ → [a.pe.la.sjɔ̃] ('brand'), which can also be pronounced [a.pɛ.la.sjɔ̃].[46] Instances of orthographic ⟨e⟩ that do not exhibit the behaviour described above may be better analysed as corresponding to the stable, full vowel /œ/. The enclitic pronoun le, for example, always keeps its vowel in contexts like donnez-le-moi /dɔne lə mwa/ → [dɔ.ne.lœ.mwa] ('give it to me') for which schwa deletion would normally apply (giving *[dɔ.nɛl.mwa]), and it counts as a full syllable for the determination of stress. Cases of word-internal stable ⟨e⟩ are more subject to variation among speakers, but, for example, un rebelle /œ̃ ʁəbɛl/ ('a rebel') must be pronounced with a full vowel in contrast to un rebond /œ̃ ʁəbɔ̃/ → or [œ̃ʁ.bɔ̃] ('a bounce').[47]
Schwa 撲朔迷離的音,很煩!
When phonetically realised, schwa (/ə/), also called e caduc ('dropped e') and e muet ('mute e'), is a mid-central vowel with some rounding.[22] Many authors consider its value to be [œ],[37][38] while Geoff Lindsey suggests [ɵ].[39][40] Fagyal, Kibbee & Jenkins (2006) state, more specifically, that it merges with /ø/ before high vowels and glides:
netteté /nɛtəte/ → [nɛ.tø.te] ('clarity'), atelier /atəlje/ → [a.tø.lje] ('workshop'), in phrase-final stressed position:
dis-le ! /di lə/ → [di.ˈlø] ('say it'), and that it merges with /œ/ elsewhere.[41] However, some speakers make a clear distinction, and it exhibits special phonological behavior that warrants considering it a distinct phoneme. Furthermore, the merger occurs mainly in the French of France; in Quebec, /ø/ and /ə/ are still distinguished.[42]
The main characteristic of French schwa is its "instability": the fact that under certain conditions it has no phonetic realization.
That is usually the case when it follows a single consonant in a medial syllable: appeler /apəle/ → [ap.le] ('to call'), It is occasionally mute in word-final position: porte /pɔʁtə/ → [pɔʁt] ('door'). Word-final schwas are optionally pronounced if preceded by two or more consonants and followed by a consonant-initial word: une porte fermée /yn(ə) pɔʁt(ə) fɛʁme/ → [yn.pɔʁ.t(ə).fɛʁ.me] ('a closed door'). In the future and conditional forms of -er verbs, however, the schwa is sometimes deleted even after two consonants[citation needed]: tu garderais /ty ɡaʁdəʁɛ/ → [ty.ɡaʁ.d(ə.)ʁɛ] ('you would guard'), nous brusquerons [les choses] /nu bʁyskəʁɔ̃/ → [nu.bʁys.k(ə.)ʁɔ̃] ('we will precipitate [things]'). On the other hand, it is pronounced word-internally when it follows more pronounced consonants that cannot be combined into a complex onset with the initial consonants of the next syllable: gredin /ɡʁədɛ̃/ → [ɡʁə.dɛ̃] ('scoundrel'), sept petits /sɛt pəti/ → [sɛt.pə.ti] ('seven little ones').[43] In French versification, word-final schwa is always elided before another vowel and at the ends of verses. It is pronounced before a following consonant-initial word.[44] For example, une grande femme fut ici, [yn ɡʁɑ̃d fam fy.t‿i.si] in ordinary speech, would in verse be pronounced [y.nə ɡʁɑ̃.də fa.mə fy.t‿i.si], with the /ə/ enunciated at the end of each word.
Schwa cannot normally be realised as a front vowel ([œ]) in closed syllables. In such contexts in inflectional and derivational morphology, schwa usually alternates with the front vowel /ɛ/:
harceler /aʁsəle/ → [aʁ.sœ.le] ('to harass'), with il harcèle /il aʁsɛl/ → [i.laʁ.sɛl] ('[he] harasses').[45] A three-way alternation can be observed, in a few cases, for a number of speakers:
appeler /apəle/ → [ap.le] ('to call'), j'appelle /ʒ‿apɛl/ → [ʒa.pɛl] ('I call'), appellation /apelasjɔ̃/ → [a.pe.la.sjɔ̃] ('brand'), which can also be pronounced [a.pɛ.la.sjɔ̃].[46] Instances of orthographic ⟨e⟩ that do not exhibit the behaviour described above may be better analysed as corresponding to the stable, full vowel /œ/. The enclitic pronoun le, for example, always keeps its vowel in contexts like donnez-le-moi /dɔne lə mwa/ → [dɔ.ne.lœ.mwa] ('give it to me') for which schwa deletion would normally apply (giving *[dɔ.nɛl.mwa]), and it counts as a full syllable for the determination of stress.
Cases of word-internal stable ⟨e⟩ are more subject to variation among speakers, but, for example, un rebelle /œ̃ ʁəbɛl/ ('a rebel') must be pronounced with a full vowel in contrast to un rebond /œ̃ ʁəbɔ̃/ → or [œ̃ʁ.bɔ̃] ('a bounce').
- Dec 2023
www.heilpflanzen-welt.de www.heilpflanzen-welt.de
Polyphenole sind ein Grundstoff für die körpereigene Vitamin C Synthese.
Die "offizielle Geschichte" behauptet, Menschen haben einen Gendefekt, der die Vitamin C Synthese verhindert... aber das ist eine Lüge, wie so viele andere "offizielle Geschichten" auch. Siehe auch: Official Stories. by Liam Scheff. Official stories exist to protect officials.
The Restoration of Vitamin C Synthesis in Humans
The full importance of vitamin C remains unappreciated by most health care practitioners today, as it is the most important nutrient in the body, and daily intake must be multigram in amount to even approach the benefits that vitamin C affords the body when optimally present. It has been well-established that the higher the blood levels of vitamin C, the longer and healthier the life.
The inability of most human livers to make vitamin C from glucose appears to be a combination of genetic and epigenetic defects. However, it has been discovered that the intake of hydroxytyrosol (HT) in the form of a quality olive leaf extract allows most of the consumers to substantially increase their blood levels of vitamin C. It would appear that HT effectively overcomes an epigenetic translation defect allowing the formation of GULO which can then complete the synthesis of vitamin C in the liver. And while the underlying genetic details remain to be clarified and completely understood, multiple studies have indicated that many humans do make vitamin C in utero and after birth, clearly indicating that the ability to synthesize vitamin C is a lost ability, rather than one that was never present. This also indicates that epigenetic (acquired) defects likely play the major role in adults not having the ability to make vitamin C.
Limited and small experiments have also indicated that humans supplementing HT not only have the return of the ability to make vitamin C, but also the ability to make much larger amounts of vitamin C when faced with acute toxic and/or infectious oxidative stress in the blood. This ability would be profoundly synergistic with all other beneficial treatments for different medical conditions.
the French Revolution happened in Denmark
for: social tipping points - political, quote - french Revolution - Denmark
- the French Revolution happened in Denmark
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
We're in the time of the French Revolution now, a time where revolutionaries break with superstitions from the past. They will only be guided by reason. You have this extremely decorated French historian and geographer that's on a mission. A mission to fight the church. 00:07:15 He published this book on the cosmographical opinions of the Church Fathers, and he really goes for it. He writes how until recently, all science has had to be based on the Bible, and geographers were forced to believe Earth was a flat surface. According to him, this was all because of three irresistible arguments persecution, prison and the stake. I
- for Jean-Antoine Letronne, myth - flat earth, book - The Cosographical opinions of the Church Fathers
- Oct 2023
twitter.com twitter.com
France is quite different. It is a culture of quality and differentiation. Take French cuisine as an example. Unlike other world cuisines, which are characterized by dishes (e.g., Italian pizza or Spanish paella), the French restaurant experience is one where chefs are always adding their own twist. Almost any dish can be served in a French restaurant because what makes it French is the attention to detail in the preparation. French restaurants also tend to focus on few dishes, and I am not talking about Michelin star restaurants, but regular lunch places that serve a fixed menu at noon. Many of them are great, and provide a very contrasting experience to that of the American dinner. No 20-page plasticized menu with 100s of options (none prepared very well), but a few carefully crafted dishes each day. It is not about more, bigger, or faster, but about fewer, different, and better. No architectural scale sponge-filled wedding cakes, but delicious and beautifully crafted petite gâteaus that satisfy you with taste, not size.
via César A. Hidalgo at https://twitter.com/cesifoti/status/1715367744776908830
www.gentlemanstationer.com www.gentlemanstationer.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Aug 2023
freekidsbooks.org freekidsbooks.org
'est le jour de la lessive
testing public PDF document with public annotation
www.smithsonianmag.com www.smithsonianmag.com
- May 2023
thereader.mitpress.mit.edu thereader.mitpress.mit.edu
The French also have the expression la bouche en cul de poule, which literally means “to have a chicken’s ass for a mouth,” but idiomatically indicates that someone has put on a honeyed or fawning look, puckering his lips or not, in the hopes of getting what he wants.
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
it's always a matter in the end of redefining a power relation between different social groups so it cannot be completely peaceful it involves a conflicting social interest it involves different groups of people with different agenda and you know in many ways we have we are in a situation which is not i think completely different from 00:12:20 the one at the time of the french revolution which is at the you know those who those who should pay have somehow managed to design a legal system and a political system so that they can escape taxation and and at the same time middle class and lower class people are you know fed up of paying the bill for them and so and so the solution is more and more debt but you know at some point there will have to be something else will have to happen and i think it will be roughly the same it 00:12:51 will have to be roughly the same solution as it was you know 200 years ago which is the end of fiscal privileges of a small group in the population that has that has managed to escape taxation for for for too long
!- Thomas Piketty : comment - Just like in the time of the French Revolution, the small class of elites have designed a legal and political system to escape taxation. - We will likely have another French Revolution-like event to end fiscal privileges
as long as the system of of political finance and you know parties and campaigns and media and think tank you know are largely controlled by by large wealth 00:29:11 holders you know our collective ability to change the distribution of wealth and the you know through through taxation or that consolation and or what you know whatever the method is going to be limited so it will take major political fights and in some cases you know changing the political rules of the game and the political institution to to to changes and and you know the good news is that this has always been like this or this has always 00:29:39 and and still sometimes you know it has worked in the in the past but it has worked you know i mentioned the french revolution you know of course that's a huge popular mobilization uh also in the 20th century i mentioned after world war ii after world war one well let's be clear it's only because there was a very powerful uh you know labor movement a socialist movement and communist counter model in the east which in the end put pressure uh on the on the uh and you know and on 00:30:09 the in effect and the elite governing elite in in in the west so that they they they had to accept a number of decisions you know which which were limited in their scope but still which transform the economic and social system in in a very substantial way as compared to the pre-world war one and 19th century economic system but it's only through this enormous political mobilization 00:30:34 and collective organization and you know it will be the same in in the past
!- Thomas Piketty : limited ability for real change as long as elites can lobby governments - but in the past, there has been success, as the two cases previously mentioned - so it is possible, but will take just as enormous a political mobilization of the people
there 00:08:24 are two modern episodes which i find particularly striking in terms of getting that back to zero or at least you know concerning a big part of that the french revolution of course is a very important example so you know this was a time when the basically the political system did not manage to make pay those who should have paid for the public spending which was the nobility 00:08:47 so there was a fight flight toward that because people who should have paid the tax managed on how to escape and the solution was the french revolutions and the fiscal privileges of the aristocracy the conservation of that through partisan inflation partly through taxation and that's sort of one modern episode the other modern episode which i want to to refer to is of 00:09:12 course uh after world war ii uh you know after you know in 1945 1950 most rich economies had public debt which were enormous you know even even bigger than than today and they made the choices you know the political choice through you know very conflictual social movement political fights 00:09:37 in the end the choice was made collectively not to replace his debt so this happens in various ways you know inflation in some cases but but some countries like germany in particular which is viewed today as as very conservative in terms of economic doctrine and ideology and which in many ways is very conservative we'll see after the election in a few days but you know it's still going to be quite conservative probably in any case but in fact after world war 00:10:05 ii developed applied the solution to to get rid of the debt of the past through a monetary reform and through progressive taxation of very high wealth holders in order to in effect compensate the lower wealth holders for the uh for the monetary reform and the the loss of links that was implied by military reform so that in the end i mean this is not job this was certainly 00:10:33 not a perfect system but as compared to all other ways of getting rid of past that you know this was certainly one of the one of the most equitable or at least or the least unequitable way to to address the problem and you know i think we will have we will have other episodes like this
!- Thomas Piketty : two ways we got rid of debt in the recent past - french revolution - execute the nobility who escaped paying their fair share of debt - post WWII restructuring
www.complexityexplorer.org www.complexityexplorer.org
A. Both Robespierre and Animal are ambitious and protean members of an elite group, shifting their identities in response to changing conditions and gradually taking on increasingly extreme positions, driving both the French Revolution and the Muppet Show into what is colloquially known as “The Terror”.
- Aug 2022
Local file Local file
A striking example is the so-called rule of Vaugelas,which involves the relation between indefinite articles and relative clauses inFrench.
www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
Probably the "French window" ie French doors
www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
French windows
What we would call French doors. It makes characters coming to the window to talk slightly less ridiculous (sadly).
- Jul 2022
Local file Local file
the making of notes, or whatthe French call “ fiches ’O
French notes:<br /> fiches - generally notes, specifically translates as "sheets"<br /> fichier - translates as "file"<br /> fichier boîte - translates as "file box" (aka zettelkasten in German)
- Apr 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The creation of L.H.O.O.Q. profoundly transformed the perception of La Joconde (what the French call the painting, in contrast with the Americans and Germans, who call it the Mona Lisa).
While Americans and Germans call Leonardo da Vinci's painting the Mona Lisa, the French refer to it as La Joconde.
What do the French call the Mona Lisa? :: La Joconde
- Feb 2022
observingleslie.com observingleslie.com
When Arnaud’s mother saw me looking around the shared house at the holidays with a squinty face, she smiled and said, “Qui a lâché Médor?”
"Qui a lâché Médor?" (or who let in the dog, Médor is the French equivalent of Spot), is the French equivalent of "Who cut the cheese?" in relation to smelling a potential fart, presumably because the French wouldn't malign a smelly cheese.
www.issco.unige.ch www.issco.unige.ch
This is a pretty cool looking project for language learning.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Manny Rayner </span> in Manny Rayner’s review of Abécédaire le petit prince | Goodreads (<time class='dt-published'>02/18/2022 11:40:10</time>)</cite></small>
We have been doing some work recently to make LARA support picture-based texts, and this is our first real example: a multimodal French alphabet book based on Le petit prince. If you're a fan of the book and beginner level in French, you might find it fun! Start Chrome or Firefox and go here.
There's a set of 26 pages, one for each letter, and each page comes in three versions. In the Semantic version, you can click on the picture and hear the word spoken in French; hovering gives you a translation. In the Phonetic version, you can hover over the word and spell though it one letter group at a time. Clicking on a letter group will play the sound and show you other words where that sound occurs. In the Examples version, you'll see a French sentence from Le petit prince which uses the word, annotated with audio and translations both for the individual words and for the sentence as a whole.
The screenshot above illustrates. The D word is dessins ("drawings"). This is the Phonetic version: I've just clicked on the letter group in, and it's played the sound /ɛ̃/, the nasalised vowel that this letter group usually represents in French, and shown me that the same sound also occurs in invisible ("invisible") and jardin ("garden"). If you go to the Examples version, you see the sentence Mon dessin ne représentait pas un chapeau. ("My drawing wasn't supposed to be a hat") from the first chapter of the book.
Comments will be very welcome! We're thinking of doing more of these and want to know where we can improve things.
- Nov 2021
drive.google.com drive.google.com
A study of French university studentsshowed that, in a course redesigned around appropriate onlinetools, distance learning achieved similar learning outcomesto a course taught in person
S. Jacques, A. Ouahabi, and T. Lequeu. Remote Knowledge Acquisition and Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 10(6):120, Dec. 2020.
A study of French university studentsshowed that, in a course redesigned around appropriate onlinetools, distance learning achieved similar learning outcomesto a course taught in person
french secondary school students
- Oct 2021
www.climatechangecommunication.org www.climatechangecommunication.org
The Conspiracy Theory Handbook | Center For Climate Change Communication. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/conspiracy-theory-handbook/
www.kingcounty.gov www.kingcounty.gov
COVID-19 vaccine - King County. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2021, from https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/health/covid-19/vaccine.aspx
- Jul 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
The historian Peter Turchin coined the phrase elite overproduction to describe this phenomenon. He found that a constant source of instability and violence in previous eras of history, such as the late Roman empire and the French Wars of Religion, was the frustration of social elites for whom there were not enough jobs. Turchin expects this country to undergo a similar breakdown in the coming decade.
- Apr 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
a French institution is kind of interested in terms of sharing materials and open educational materials because there's way less opportunities for us to work with publisher materials there's just not the same amount of resources out there
One key hunch about differences between language communities.
- Mar 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, January 19). RT @STWorg: Translations are beginning to roll in. We have the French translation of the policy summary live here: Https://t.co/qdLAaeDvzn… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1351532508349947905
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Blayac, Thierry, Dimitri Dubois, Sebastien Duchêne, Phu Nguyen-Van, Bruno Ventelou, and Marc Willinger. ‘Population Preferences for Inclusive COVID-19 Policy Responses’. The Lancet Public Health 6, no. 1 (1 January 2021): e9. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(20)30285-1.
- Feb 2021
www.aeaweb.org www.aeaweb.org
Lowes, S., & Montero, E. (n.d.). The Legacy of Colonial Medicine in Central Africa. American Economic Review. https://doi.org/10.1257/aer.20180284
- Oct 2020
rampages.us rampages.us
Une Partie de campagne.
Un Partie de campagne also means A Day in the country.
- Aug 2020
frenchcrazy.com frenchcrazy.com
VANDERTRAMP verbs use être as opposed to avoir when placed into the past tense.
Devenir (to become) past participle: devenu
Revenir (to come back) past participle: revenu
Monter (to climb) past participle: monté
Rester (to stay) past participle: resté
Sortir (to leave) past participle: sorti
Passer (to pass) past participle: passé .
Venir (to come) past participle: venu
Aller (to go) past participle: allé
Naître (to be born) past participle: né
Descendre (to descend) past participle: descendu
Entrer (to enter) past participle: entré
Rentrer (to re-enter) past participle: rentré
Tomber (to fall) past participle: tombé
Retourner (to turn around) past participle: retourné
Arriver (to arrive / to come) past participle: arrivé
Mourir (to die) past participle: mort
Partir (to leave) past participle: parti
- Apr 2020
www.quora.com www.quora.com
there must be a space before any punctuation sign that is made of two parts ( ; : ! ? ) and no space before any other punctuation sign
French rule
- Dec 2019
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
maladie du pays
In French the phrase maladie du pays literally means "disease of the country," the common expression for "homesickness".
I arrived at Strasburgh,
Strasburgh, or more commonly Strasbourg, is the capital of the Grand Est region of France, the official seat of the European Parliament. It is located close to the border with Germany in the historic region of Alsace. In Shelley's day, Strasburgh was a well-known center of humanism, at the crossroads of French and German intellectual traditions.
Aiguilles is French for "pinnacle of rock."
We learned Latin and English
In addition to French, it stands to reason that Victor and Elizabeth would have also known German, since it was still the predominant language in Switzerland at the time. English and Latin bear mentioning since they were less common in Switzerland, at least for daily use. Latin also draws a connection to Victor's studies, since much of his course instruction would have been in Latin.
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
in his native language which is French,
Since Swiss speakers may learn either German or French as their first language, this reminder in the Thomas Copy that Victor's native language is French is important. We have to assume that he speaks in French to his Creature too, and we know from Book II that the Creature learns French as his own first language by hearing the DeLacey family read aloud in the forest.
- Oct 2019
- Jul 2019
www.diigo.com www.diigo.com
This website offers a lot of information about genealogy in general, but this particular page has a valuable collection of references specifically relating to French-Canadian genealogy. It is a list of references that were discovered in a Twitter thread called #genchat, where people have conversations about genealogy and offer crowd-sourced help for those who are just beginning research or those who need some help because they have hit, as genealogists fondly say, “a genealogic brick wall.” I have run across some of these sites and resources in my research already, and by cross-referencing, I can tell I have already found some of the best sources (such as the podcast Maple Stars and Stripes, the Catholic Church records of the Drouin collection on Ancestry, 1621-1968, and Library & Archives of Canada) Notes: This has a few resources related to DNA and medical disorders; however, these resources are mostly genealogical and concentrate on finding names and information about specific people in registries. There are a lot of places to look for help if you are not understanding the nature of the French-Canadian family names or pre-noms.
APA citation: ckmccloud. (2017, October 15). #genchat treasures: French-Canadian Resources. Retrieved July 7, 2019, from Beautiful Water Genealogy website: https://beautifulwatergenealogy.wordpress.com/2017/10/15/genchat-treasures-french-canadian-resources/
- Jun 2019
www.diigo.com www.diigo.com
This article concentrates on 5 different areas of Quebec (Beauce, Terrebonne, Charlevoix, Rimouski and Sanguenay) where hereditary disorders occur at varying rates and for a variety of specific disorders. They investigate how frequent or rare these genes and/ or mutations are in present day populations, keeping in mind the geographic migrations of the founding population. The population is unique because not only did the "founder's effect" occur, but the French-Canadians kept very in-depth genealogical records (mainly through Catholic Church supported baptismal and marriage records and the Church's encouragement of large families), and also due to their historical isolation after their "founding" due to political changes in Europe and the US.
"Because of the structure and demographic history of its population, Quebec, which developed from a small pool of founders and whose rapid expansion was primarily the result of natural increase, constitutes a remarkable laboratory for population genetics studies. The genealogies that can be reconstructed for this context possess levels of completeness and depth rarely obtained elsewhere." Thoughts: these 5 populations are different than the usual studies I have come across which tend to focus just on the areas north of the St. Lawrence River (Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean) where the genetic disease rate is astronomical in comparison to the large immigrant-centered cities of Montreal and Quebec City. The study's authors note their weaknesses as: their relatively small sample size (must have skewed their results), also did not take in the nature of recessive genes in these populations.
- Apr 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Oct 2018
indianexpress.com indianexpress.com
The French Government and M/s Dassault Aviation have categorically denied the correctness of the former President’s first statement. The French Government has stated that the decision with regard to the offset contracts of Dassault Aviation are taken by the company and not the Government.
the indian express rafale; N
- Feb 2018
openlab.citytech.cuny.edu openlab.citytech.cuny.edu
Godard’s Les Carabiners (1963)
Les Carabiners is a film by French New Wave director Jean-Luc Godard. Although it is unclear from Sontag's description of the film, it's an anti-war film. For more info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056905/.
- Dec 2017
www.laits.utexas.edu www.laits.utexas.edu
French course
- May 2017
www.bartleby.com www.bartleby.com
f the kingdom of France has resisted it, why do we Germans suffer ourselves to be fooled and deceived?
This mentions the political development in the form of resistance to the beliefs upon Pope's influence in the lives of Christians that was resisted by the French. It shows how Roman Catholic Church was losing its power as a result of Protestant reformations.
enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu
French Canadians
French-Canadians is a term used when describing the families that speak French and live mostly in Quebec, Canada. Settling in this area long before the French and Indian War, the French began their settlements in the early 1600's. They were Roman Catholic, and had a distinct culture from their Protestant southern neighbors settling what would be called New England at the same time. These French-Canadians settled modern day Montreal and Quebec City, along with many other municipalities in the hundreds of miles in Eastern Canada and along the St. Lawrence River. They were farmers, priests, traders and voyageurs. Their biggest influence in the United States came when large numbers of French Canadians immigrated to work in the mills of New England in the era of 1870-1920.
Moogk, Peter N. La Nouvelle France: The Making of French Canada: a Cultural History. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2000.
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Frost Bulb
Hugh M. French, a member of the department of geography at the University of Ottawa, states that “nowhere has the frost heave problem been more critical than in the recent design of proposed chilled buried gas pipelines in Arctic regions” in his article entitled “Periglacial Geomorphology in North America: Current Research and Future Trends.” These chilled buried gas pipelines must function under extremely harsh conditions. They will be exposed to sub-zero temperatures in Arctic regions. Any water and vapor will “migrate towards the pipe” causing a frost bulb to form. This frost bulb will lead to the formation of an ice lens or numerous ice lenses which will cause frost heave around the chilled buried pipe (French, 1987). There are currently many techniques to attempt to predict the behavior of a buried pipeline that experiences frost heave. One such attempt to describe this phenomenon was proposed by Selvadurai and Shinde, both members of the American Society of Civil Engineers, in which they describe a detailed model of a frost heave zone caused by its associate frost bulb. They base their model off of the “heave of a frost bulb zone that develops around the pipeline as it transmits its contents such as chilled natural gas” (Selvadurai & Shinde, 1993).
French, H. M. (1987). Periglacial Geomorphology in North America: Current Research and Future Trends. Ecological Bulletins, 5-16. Selvadurai, A. P., & Shinde, S. (1993). Frost Heave Induced Mechanics of Buried Pipelines. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1929-1951.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
I like the inclusion of the original French words throughout this piece, because I think they add more depth and dimension to Derrida's argument. For instance, "dessiner" can be translated into English as "depict" but it's more direct translation is "draw." I'm actually curious if the inclusion of the original French was something that Derrida insisted upon in the English version (and that's just me assuming that he wrote this text in his native French...) or whether that was an decision made by the editor(s) of this version? Anyway, these alternative French words and their alternative definitions/English translations have got me thinking here about Byron's earlier annotation, when he undertook defining polysemy...
In French, there's no difference (and now you see the pun!) in how "differance" and "difference" are pronounced, they're homophones, and also there are like two other puns going on in the nonsense language that is French (quatre-vingt, I'm looking at you), none of which translates into English.
I think it's really important for reading Derrida to grasp that this is a guy who loves punning and language play, because pretty much all of this is going to be spinning donuts on the concept of stability.
- Aug 2015
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
New World
Study Question:
What was the "Black Legend" and how did other European powers use it to justify their attempts to compete with Spain for empire in the Americas?
Study question
In what ways did the French presence in North America differ from the Spanish?
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
3. Spanish Exploration and Conquest
- Feb 2014
www.justinhughes.net www.justinhughes.net
In the eighteenth century, Edmund Burke argued that property stabilized society and prevented political and social turmoil that, he believed, would result from a purely meritocratic order. n8 Property served as a counterweight protecting the class of persons who possessed it against competition from nonpropertied people of natural ability and talent. To Burke, the French National Assembly -- dominated by upstart lawyers from the provinces -- exemplified the risk of disorder and inexperience of an unpropertied leadership. n9 In contrast, the British parliament, a proper mix of talented commoners and propertied Lords, ruled successfully.