- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Writing CSS will feel more natural to users and having CSS in HTML feels hacky
github.com github.com
I think this is being rejected on grounds that are too arbitrary, and detract from what to me are the best things about Svelte -- it's fun and easy to use, and lets you write components in a way that's natural and expressive.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
EWB Hub x GRiPS Student Workshop—Introduction to Experience Sampling Methods. (2020, June 29). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcEfuSkiR8I
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Judah, G., Aunger, R., Schmidt, W.-P., Michie, S., Granger, S., & Curtis, V. (2009). Experimental Pretesting of Hand-Washing Interventions in a Natural Setting. American Journal of Public Health, 99(Suppl 2), S405–S411. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2009.164160
- Aug 2020
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Bhatia, S., Walasek, L., Slovic, P., & Kunreuther, H. (2020). The More Who Die, the Less We Care: Evidence from Natural Language Analysis of Online News Articles and Social Media Posts. Risk Analysis, risa.13582. https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.13582
Sharkey, P., & Wood, G. (2020). The Causal Effect of Social Distancing on the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/hzj7a
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hull, T., Levine, J., Bantilan, N., Desai, A., & Majumder, M. S. (2020, August 13). Digital phenotyping of complex psychological responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qtrpf
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Dave, D. M., Friedson, A. I., Matsuzawa, K., McNichols, D., & Sabia, J. J. (2020). Did the Wisconsin Supreme Court Restart a COVID-19 Epidemic? Evidence from a Natural Experiment (Working Paper No. 27322; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27322
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
West, B. J., G. F. Massari, G. Culbreth, R. Failla, M. Bologna, R. I. M. Dunbar, and P. Grigolini. ‘Relating Size and Functionality in Human Social Networks through Complexity’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, no. 31 (4 August 2020): 18355–58. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2006875117.
Zhou, Dong, and Amir Bashan. ‘Dependency-Based Targeted Attacks in Interdependent Networks’. Physical Review E 102, no. 2 (3 August 2020): 022301. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.022301.
- Jul 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Deryugina, T., Gruber, J., & Sabety, A. (2020). Natural Disasters and Elective Medical Services: How Big is the Bounce-Back? (Working Paper No. 27505; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27505
osf.io osf.io
Azim, S. S., roy, arindam, Aich, A., & Dey, D. (2020). Fake news in the time of environmental disaster: Preparing framework for COVID-19 [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/wdr5v
fivethirtyeight.com fivethirtyeight.com
Kiefer, P. (2020, May 4). Why Scientists Think The Novel Coronavirus Developed Naturally—Not In A Chinese Lab. FiveThirtyEight. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-scientists-think-the-novel-coronavirus-developed-naturally-not-in-a-chinese-lab/
- evidence
- China
- manufacture
- COVID-19
- natural
- is:news
- conspiracy theory
- science
- development
- information
- intelligence
- artificial
- lang:en
osf.io osf.io
Wishart, A. E. (2020). Towards equitable evolution & ecology learning online: A perspective from a first-time instructor teaching evolution during COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/8srv3
osf.io osf.io
Rosati, G., Domenech, L., Chazarreta, A., & Maguire, T. (2020). Capturing and analyzing social representations. A first application of Natural Language Processing techniques to reader’s comments in COVID-19 news. Argentina, 2020 [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/3pcdu
halperin, daniel. (2020). The Covid-19 Lockdown “Natural Experiment” That Has Already Been Conducted [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/jzhe2
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Jena, A. B., & Worsham, C. M. (2020, June 30). What Coronavirus Researchers Can Learn From Economists. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/30/upshot/coronavirus-economists-dexamethasone.html
www.newsweek.com www.newsweek.com
EDT, S. K. O. 7/7/20 at 9:23 A. (2020, July 7). Coronavirus kills more in Florida, Texas in one month than 20 years of hurricanes. Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/coronavirus-kills-more-florida-texas-one-month-20-years-hurricanes-1515911
- Jun 2020
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Boustan, L. P., Kahn, M. E., Rhode, P. W., & Yanguas, M. L. (2020). The Effect of Natural Disasters on Economic Activity in US Counties: A Century of Data. Journal of Urban Economics, 103257. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2020.103257
- May 2020
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Katz, D. M., Coupette, C., Beckedorf, J., & Hartung, D. (2020). Complex Societies and the Growth of the Law. ArXiv:2005.07646 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.07646
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Andersen, K.G., Rambaut, A., Lipkin, W.I. et al. The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2. Nat Med 26, 450–452 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0820-9
Kennedy, B., Atari, M., Davani, A. M., Hoover, J., Omrani, A., Graham, J., & Dehghani, M. (2020, May 7). Moral Concerns are Differentially Observable in Language. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uqmty
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Goldberg, M., Gustafson, A., Maibach, E., Ballew, M. T., Bergquist, P., Kotcher, J., … Leiserowitz, A. (2020, April 20). Mask-wearing increases after a government recommendation: A natural experiment in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uc8nz
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In natural languages, some apparent tautologies may have non-tautological meanings in practice. In English, "it is what it is" is used to mean 'there is no way of changing it'.[1] In Tamil, vantaalum varuvaan literally means 'if he comes, he will come', but really means 'he just may come'.[2]
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Bergstrom, C. T., & Dean, N. (2020, May 1). Opinion | What the Proponents of ‘Natural’ Herd Immunity Don’t Say. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/01/opinion/sunday/coronavirus-herd-immunity.html
- Apr 2020
McGann, M., & Speelman, C. (2020). Two Kinds of Theory: What Psychology Can Learn From Einstein [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/sp94q
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The programming language is augmented with natural language description details, where convenient, or with compact mathematical notation.
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
The question of whether or not it is "proper" is meaningless, unless you define the particular arbiter of manners who you want to defer to. There is no authority for the English language.
kokociel.blogspot.com kokociel.blogspot.com
Just as with wine-tasting, having a bigger vocabulary for colours allows specific colours to be perceived more readily and remembered more easily, even if not done consciously.
- Mar 2020
developer.wordpress.org developer.wordpress.org
the singular form of the string (note that it can be used for numbers other than one in some languages, so '%s item' should be used instead of 'One item')
www.quora.com www.quora.com
However, translating/interpreting is not the only job a polyglot can have. If we speak about a world-language bearer (English, Spanish, Chinese, etc.), the range of possibilities broadens. My uncle has once told me: "You have English, now you can learn anything." The point is, language is a crucial aspect of development both in terms of career and social life. Language(s) is(are) the basis. You move further on learning new knowledge and acquiring new skills with time. Though, they are not limited to the language you know.If you are talented at languages, you can decide which one you are interested in and study it. Once you have decided, you then choose the particular subject field you want to work in. If you are talented "only" at languages, other ways are open to you. You can be a teacher, tutor, again translator/interpreter, etc.All I want to say is language is power. Where I come from, it is a treasure. I do not know what is it like to be a citisen of a large, highly-developed, economically stable, and successful country. Though, I know for sure, if you know and love languages, you will find your place anywhere.
www.wikihow.com www.wikihow.com
thepugautomatic.com thepugautomatic.com
This will of course depend on your perspective, but: beware Finnish and other highly inflected languages. As a grammar nerd, I actually love this stuff. But judging by my colleagues, you won’t.
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
Entire sentences are also important because in many languages, the declination of some word in a sentence depends on the gender or the number (singular/plural) of another part of the sentence. There are usually more interdependencies between words than in English. The consequence is that asking a translator to translate two half-sentences and then combining these two half-sentences through dumb string concatenation will not work, for many languages, even though it would work for English. That’s why translators need to handle entire sentences.
codex.wordpress.org codex.wordpress.org
(there are languages, which have far more than 2 forms)
www.argotrans.com www.argotrans.com
Our languages are filled with slang and idioms that make no literal sense. If you were to try to tell a non-native English speaker to hold their horses, there’s a good chance they’ll look at you like your head is on backwards.Similarly, you’d probably be confused if a French person told you that they had the cockroach. But that just means that they were feeling depressed.
Language doesn’t exist inside of a vacuum. Every language is strongly influenced by the culture the language was born from.
- Feb 2020
www.w3.org www.w3.org
- Jan 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
However, the "etc." cannot be interpreted as a conjunction in formal logic.
- Dec 2019
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
Like the air-pump, recent experiments with electricity also fascinate Victor even while he reaches for a non-modern "system" that would be antithetical to empirical scientific reason. See Iwan Morus, Frankenstein's Children: Electricity, Exhibition, and Experiment in Early Nineteenth Century London (Princeton UP, 1998).
I had heard of some discoveries having been made by an English philosopher
It is unclear who this English philosopher might have been, though it might be a reference to Erasmus Darwin, who Percy Shelley cites in the novel's introduction.
Natural philosophy is the genius that has regulated my fate
Not called "science" until the mid-nineteenth century, "natural philosophy" was science in the tradition of England's Royal Society (begun 1660), with its emphasis on Baconian induction, careful experiment, and refusal of any older science that could not be proven and demonstrated in a laboratory.
Albertus Magnus
Albertus Magnus (1193-1280) was also the teacher of St. Thomas Aquinas. He is often praised for his rejection of dogmatic philosophy and his stress on experimentation. Many books, including the Little Book on Alchemy, were falsely attributed to Magnus but likely written by Paracelsus.
would owe their being to me
Victor appears so engrossed in his creation that he forgets his discoveries are predicated on the previous research of scientists and natural philosophers. He fails to acknowledge that he "stands on the shoulders of giants," to use the phrase from Sir Issac Newton (1642-1726), including his teachers, a shortcoming indicative of pride of ownership.
An essential instrument for scientific experiments on gases, the first entirely successful air-pump was created for Robert Boyle's experiments at the Royal Society in 1661. Victor's enthusiasm for a modern scientific instrument counterbalances his attraction to magic and pre-modern philosophy. For the broader significance of this invention, see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air Pump (Princeton University Press,1985).
a course of lectures upon natural philosophy
Far more than printed books, attendance at lectures on natural philosophy instructed thousands of eighteenth-century students of the sciences. Mary Shelley indirectly refers the reader to the vastly popular London lectures on the sciences to which audiences had been flocking since Humphry Davy's inaugural lecture in 1802. Anne Mellor has persuasively argued that Davy was a partial model for the character of Victor in this novel. [Anne Mellor, Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fiction, Her Monsters (Routledge, 1989) pp. 91-103)]
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
Dr. Darwin
Shelley refers to Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), the polymath poet, inventor, and scientist who controversially speculated on the materialist idea of life's origins in matter.
- Oct 2019
aem.asm.org aem.asm.org
In soil, bacteria tend to live in a state of dormancy due to prevailing oligotrophic conditions, which would not be particularly favorable for the development of competence
It can also be argued that the transformed DNA is a good resource of phosphates, nitrogen etc., so might be favoured in oligotrophic conditions?
- Jul 2019
cdn.inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net cdn.inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
with their habits. Sometimes I heard four or five at once in different parts of the wood, by accident one a bar behind another, and so near me that I distinguished not only the cluck after each note, but often that singular buzzing sound like a fly in a spider’s web, only prop
i think he compare wood to natural, Just like he heard four or five different sounds from wood, Natural is also crowded with different sounds.
- Mar 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Crucial to understanding the workings of power is an understandingof the nature of power in the fullness of its materiality. To restrict power’sproductivity to the limited domain of the “social,” for example, or tofigure matter as merely an end product rather than an active factor infurther materializations, is to cheat matter out of the fullness of its capacity.
The nature of power is material as well as social.
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
abuse or perversion of terms from their na1ura
Some violent wording here. What does Hume mean here by "natural?" Does he actually believe that anything is natural? How can we pervert anything when knowledge is constructed by sense data and thus not based in any objective truth? Am I totally misunderstanding Hume?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
But the greatest drawback of our educational methods is that we pay an excessive amount of altention to the natural sciences and not enough to ethics.
How would society be different if we paid more attention to ethics as opposed to the natural sciences? What would an ethics-oriented society look like?
- Aug 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Nature has been incorporated into social theorizing only in as far as it either has become an object to which meaning is attributed and which hence figures as part of human reflexivity, as object met with emotions or attitudes; or, it is seen as an object of transformation by those forces which act upon it: economic forces, but foremost forces emanating from science and technology. The natural environment, including the biosphere and a multitude of environmental risks which have come to the fore today, negate clear-cut boundaries between the effects of human intervention, and hence agency, and synergistic processes which are 'natural' but still a result of human interaction with the environment. Time, it has been emphasized, is not only embedded in symbolic meaning or intersubjective social relations but also in artifacts, in natural and in culturally made ones. Likewise, the ongoing transformation and endangering of the natural environment is performed by processes which are chemical and atmospheric, biological and physical. But they all interact with social processes tied to energy production and use, modes of food production and land utilization, demographic pressures and possible interferences through use of tech-nology.
Nowotny seems to share Adam's concern about extracting nature and natural time from social constructions of time.
Perhaps this is a good place to embed the study's disaster event temporality as a way to further make sense of DHN social coordination and actions/reactions of disaster-affected people?
The claim to the existence of a concept of 'social time', distinct from other forms of time, was thus made early in the history of social thought. It continues to focus upon the claims of the peculiar nature of the 'social constitution' or the 'social construction' of time. These claims evidently put the category of 'social time' into the wider realm of 'symbolic time', a cultural phenomenon, the constitution of which has remained the object of inquiry of more disciplines than sociology alone, but which separates it from time in nature, embedded in things and artifacts.
Early work in social time focused on the social construction of time and symbolic/semiotic representations (see Zerubavel).
Sociology and other disciplines see time as "embedded in things and artifacts" apart from what Adam refers to as natural time.
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Recognising ourselves as having evolved, and thus being the times of nature, allows for the humanly constituted aspects of time to become one expression among the others. Biologists have dispelled the idea that only humans experience time or organise their lives by it. Waiting and timing in nature presuppose knowledge of time and temporality, irrespective of their being symbolised, conceptualised, reckoned, or measured. Yet, once time is constituted symbolically, it is no longer reducible to the communication of organisms or physical signals; it is no longer a mere sensory datum. For a person to have a past and to recognise and know it entails a representational, symbolically based imagination. Endowed with it, people do not merely undergo their presents and pasts but they shape and reshape them. Symbolic meaning thus makes the past infinitely flexible. With objectified meaning we can not only look back, reflect, and contemplate but we can reinterpret, restructure, alter, and modify the past irrespective of whether this is done in the light of new knowledge in the present, to suit the present, or for purposes of legitimation.
Still struggling a bit with this section but I think Adam is proposing that if we break down the barriers between understanding social time as symbolic and natural time as objective, that we can borrow methods of sensemaking from natural time and apply them to social time, it broadens our ways of knowing/understanding human temporal experience.
In other words, the idea of time as socially constituted depends fundamentally on the meaning we impose on 'the social', whether we understand it as a prerogative of human social organisation or, following Mead, as a principle of nature.
In a long prior passage about how time is conceptualized in nature and in social coordination, Adam argues that "time" as a social construct should be thought of holistically and not broken into dichotomies to be compared/contrasted.
A brief expansion of these general social science assumptions about nature will clarify this point. Nature as distinct from social life is understood to be quantifiable, simple, and subject to invariant relations and laws that hold beyond time and space (Giddens 1976; Lessnoff 1979· ~yan 1979). This view is accompanied by an understanding of natural time as coming in fixed, divisible units that can be measured whilst quality, complexit~, ~nd mediating knowledge are preserved exclusively for the conceptuahsat10n of human social time. On the basis of a further closely related idea it is proposed that nature may be understood objectively. Natural scientists, explain Elias (1982a, b) and Giddens ( 1976), stand in a subject-object relationship to their subject matter. Natural scientists, they suggest, are able to study objects directly and apply a causal framework of analysis whilst such direct causal links no longer suffice for the study of human society where that which is investigated has to be appreciated as unintended outcomes of intended actions and where the investigators interpret a pre-interpreted world. Unlike their colleagues in the natural sciences, social scientists, it is argued, stand in a subject-subject relation to their subject matter. In a?ditio? to the differences along the quantity-quality and object-subject d1mens10ns nature is thought to be predictable because its regularities -be they causal, statistical, or probabilistic -are timeless. The laws of nature. are c?nsi~ered to be true in an absolute and timeless way, the laws of society h1stoncally developed. In contrast to nature, human societies are argued to be fundamentally historical. They are organised around :alues, goals, morals, ethics, and hopes, whilst simultaneously being mfl~enc~d by tradition, habits, and legitimised meanings.
Critique of flawed social science perception of natural science as driven by laws, order, and quantitative attributes (subject-object) that are observable. This is contrasted with perception about social science as driven by history, culture, habit, and meanings which are socially constructed qualitative attributes (subject-subject).
Since our traditional understanding of natural time e~erged as inadequate and faulty we have to recognise that the analysis of social time is flawed by implication.
Adam states that "social time" theories should be contested since social science disciplinary understanding of "natural time" is incorrect.
Past, present, and future, historical time, the qualitative experience of time, the structuring of 'undifferentiated change' i?to episodes, all are established as integral time aspects of the subJect matter of the natural sciences and clock time, the invariant measure, the closed circle, the perfect symmetry, and reversible time as our creations.
Adam's broader definition of "natural time" which is socially constructed and not just a physical phenomena.
Sorokin and Merton (1937) may be said to have provided the 'definitive' classic statement on the distinction between social and natural time. They associate the physical time of diurnal and seasonal cycles with clock time and define this time as 'purely quantitative, shorn of qualitative variation' (p. 621). 'All time systems', Sorokin and Merton suggest further, 'may be reduced to the need of providing means for synchronising and co-ordinating the activities and observations of the constituents of groups' (p. 627).
classic definition of "social time" vs "natural time". This thinking is now contested.
Whilst social theorists are no longer united in the belief that all time systems are reducible to the functional need of human synchro~is_ation and co-ordination they seem to have little doubt about the validity of Sorokin and Merton's other key point that, unlike social time, the time of nature is that of the clock, a time characterised by invariance and quantity. Despite significant shifts in the understanding of social time, the assumptions about nature, natural time, and the subject matter of the natural sciences have remained largely unchanged.
Adam argues here that while the concept of "social time" has evolved, social scientists' ideas around "natural time" have not kept pace with new scientific research, and incorrectly continue to be described as constant and quantitative (aka clock time).
Further, "natural time" incorrectly incorporates other temporal experiences and seems to be used as a convenient counter foil to "social time"
- Apr 2018
wisc.pb.unizin.org wisc.pb.unizin.org
That there are such things as rights anterior to the establishment of governments: for natural, as applied to rights, if it mean anything, is meant to stand in opposition to legal—to such rights as are acknowledged to owe their existence to government, and are consequently posterior in their date to the establishment of governmen
Useful to ask students to examine this paragraph and compare it to Locke & his version of social contract or natural rights theory. Also useful in AP government when exploring elite, pluralist and super-pluralist models and of course, ask students to apply those understandings to analyze where Bentham may fit according to this passage.
- Mar 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
before they stuck a concrete university here.
boxes natural movement learning freedom
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
oil and gas and mineral wealth,
The Arctic is home to a plethora of resources; it currently produces one tenth of the world’s oil and one fourth of its natural gas. Commercial extraction of oil started in the 1920s in Canada’s northwest territories. In the 1960s, large hydrocarbon fields were found in Russia, Alaska, and the Mackenzie Delta in Canada. The last several decades have produced billions of cubic meters of gas and oil in these countries in addition to Norway. The Canadian Arctic holds 49 gas and oil fields in the Mackenzie River Delta and 15 are located on the Canadian Arctic archipelago. There are also 11 offshore fossil fuel fields that were discovered in Barents Sea between Russia and Norway. North of the Arctic Circle, mostly in western Siberia, more than 400 onshore oil and gas fields have been found; roughly 60 of these fields are notably vast while a quarter of them are currently inoperable.
In addition to fuel sources, there are also extensive deposits of minerals in the Arctic, predominantly in the most developed part of the region, the Russian Arctic. It contains copper, silver, zinc, molybdenum, gold, uranium, tungsten, tin, platinum, palladium, apatite, cobalt, titanium, rare metals, ceramic raw materials, mica, precious stones, and some of the largest known deposits of coal, gypsum, and diamonds. The North American Arctic, on the other hand, holds iron, nickel, copper, and uranium. It is important to note, however, that many of the known mineral reserves have not been extracted due to the high cost and their inaccessibility.
"Natural Resources / Arctic." / Arctic. February 21, 2017. Accessed March 08, 2017. http://arctic.ru/resources/.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
The anonymous and autonomous functions of the body
See Drew Leder's The Absent Body.
There might be some really fascinating intersections with his phenomenological investigation of disembodiment.
Words having naturally no signification, the idea which each stands for must be learned and retained, by those who would exchange thoughts, and hold intelligible discourse with others, in any language. But this is the hardest to be done where,
First, The ideas they stand for are very complex, and made up of a great number of ideas put together.
Secondly, Where the ideas they stand for have no certain connection in nature; and so no settled standard anywhere in nature existing, to rectify and adjust them by.
Thirdly, When the signification of the word is referred to a standard, which standard is not easy to be know.
Fourthly, Where the signification of the world and the real essence of the thing are not exactly the same.
These are difficulties that attend the signification of several words that are intelligible. Those which are not intelligible at all, such as names standing for any simple ideas which another has not organs of faculties to attain; as the names of colours to a blind man, or sounds to a deaf man, need not here be mentioned.
In all these cases we shall find an imperfection in words; which I shall more at large explain, in their particular application to our several sorts of ideas: for if we examine them, we shall find that the names of mixed modes are most liable to doubtfulness and imperfection, for the two first of these reasons; and the names of substances chiefly for the two latter. (818)
As we move into the 19th century, some women speakers challenge the notions mentioned in a previous annotation about Mary Astell, particularly Sarah Grimké. In one of her Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Women, Grimké touches upon a more oppressive tradition of making women feel powerful in the private, domestic sphere in order to keep them from reaching beyond their "natural" boundaries. She attempts to break down the historical boundaries of the public and private, the domestic and the political, the masculine and the feminine that someone like Astell still seems to uphold.
value the “natural” separations
Mary Astell, another Enlightenment thinker, is really interesting to link up here. From the intro to her section in The Rhetorical Tradition,:
For Astell, women's rhetoric should focus on the art of conversation... This is women's proper rhetorical sphere, different from but in no way inferior to the public sphere in which men use oratory. (845)
Astell makes some interesting moves around the concept of "natural" throughout A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, Part II. She claims that women's "natural sphere" is the private and domestic, which aligns with the social distinctions between public and private as masculine and feminine spheres. But she rejects the "natural" characteristic of the private as powerless.
- Dec 2016
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Ese estado interior positivo es deseado tanto para uno mismo como para los demás, hasta el punto de convertirse en un propósito o meta de vida.
- Feb 2016
Local file Local file
(Invariant local form theorem for n.d.o.). Let D(M): C?(V(M))--C?(W(M)) be a n.d.o. of order k. Then D looks the same in every coordinate system, i.e., there exists a map P: E V- W lal (k a n-tuple such that locally D(f)(x)>P(Djf(x)) under every local coordinate system.
ding T9:R'--R'. Then there exists a unique n.d.o. D(M):C'(Vi(M)) -*C??(V2(M)) such that D(R n) = p. Proof. Given an n-manifold M, we construct D(M): C??(V1(M)) C ??( V2(M )) as follows: Suppose s E C ( V1(M )), and Tp: R n ->UCM is a chart. Define D(M)(s)rU=(9(-l)*P(T9*s). The assumption on P implies that this gives a well-defined n.d.o. with the required property
Suppose V1(M) and V2(M) are two n.v.b. and P:C??(V,(Rn)) ->C (V2(Rn)) is a differential operator such that Tp*P= Pap* for every embed-
consider the linear space C?(F(M)) of all smooth sections of F(M), and for an embedding p:M-*N there is an induced map p*:C?(F(N))*C??(F(M)) given by qg*s= F()-'osoT. Thus M-C??(F(M)) is a functor from 9ln to the category of real vector spaces. Definition 0.3. A natural differential operator (n.d.o.) from one n.v.b. F1 to another n.v.b. F2 is a family of differential operators {D(M):C??(Fi(M)) -> C?(F2(M)), M an n-manifold} such that (P*D(N)= D(M)q* for every embedding 9p: M-*N.
- Dec 2015
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Mention on ecological requirements in natural planting by Loudon
- Sep 2015
www.appropedia.org www.appropedia.org
Excited to see hypothesis on Appropedia! We have over 300 thousand edits on thousands of pages. So terrible. For instance, this front page is fairly ugly.
- Feb 2014
s3.amazonaws.com s3.amazonaws.com
As intellectual property lacks scarcity, and the protection of it fails the Lockean Proviso, there is no natural right to intellectual property. As such, the justification for intellectual property rights arises from the social con tract, and in the case of the United States, the Constitution.
The justification for intellectual property from the social contract established by the US Constitution; it otherwise has no justification by natural right because it fails the Lockean Proviso.
The Privatization of the Natural State Proponents also invoke Locke’s discussion of the making of private property from the natural state by the joining of one’s efforts to the natural state (Menell, 1999, p. 129). The argument goes that authors (ar tists, inventors, etc.) join their efforts to the natural state of undefined ideas, and through their efforts arrive at an intellectual work; and by that effort, they may make a legitimate claim on that intellectual work as their property (Menell, 1999, p. 129; Locke, 1690, Chap. V, Sect. 26).
- Jan 2014
m.chronicle.com m.chronicle.com
And JSTOR really was in an impossible bargaining position. Important scientific papers do not have cheaper alternatives. If someone wants to read Watson and Crick's paper on DNA or Einstein's paper on the photoelectric effect, it is not as if there is a paper by John Doe that is just as good and available for less. Academic publishers are, in effect, natural monopolies that can demand as much money as we can afford, and possibly more.
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
As birds are born to fly, horses to run, and wild beasts to show fierceness, so to us peculiarly belong activity and sagacity of understanding; hence the origin of the mind is thought to be from heaven. 2. But dull and unteachable persons are no more produced in the course of nature than are persons marked by monstrosity and deformities, such are certainly but few.
As I was reading this, I thought another syllogism was coming, then he threw a curve-ball. I can dig this. Reasoning doesn't come naturally, and many people think it is.
As birds are born to fly, horses to run, and wild beasts to show fierceness, so to us peculiarly belong activity and sagacity of understanding
Uses metaphor to make it seem natural and inborn
- Sep 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
We can now see that a writer must disguise his art and give the impression of speaking naturally and not artificially.
consider the audience and mask rhetoric, make it seem spontaneous
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
for this, the student must not only have the requisite aptitude but he must learn the different kinds of discourse and practice himself in their use
Claim that good rhetoricians must not only have instruction and practice, but must also have the aptitude for it. This makes for an interesting discussion point: can most people excel at discourse (if one studied hard enough) or must one have a natural ability for it?