61 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. ed Loebedition of Lucretius that never left his side

      Fourth book perhaps? Talking about sensation and sexual love? May relate to identity?



  2. Apr 2024
    1. I was going forthe devious smile that would suddenly light up his face each time he’d readmy mind, when all I really wanted was skin, just skin.

      Yet again the skin motif -- his duality is what Elio had been searching for -- and it appears in a sexual manner but it really connects to the matter of Oliver's security of identity and of being a whole, even when he recognises that he cannot be one.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. A court of heraldry was added to this strange brew: in overseeingmarriages and maintaining pedigree, it provided further evidence of theintention to fix (and police) class identity.

      Presumably these early ideas of marriage and pedigree in the Carolinas heavily influenced not only class laws but issues with miscegenation which still have root there today.

  4. Feb 2024
    1. Ashbee was also quite possibly the anonymous author of an infamouspublication, My Secret Life, a narrative (likely fictitious, albeit based on theauthor’s experiences) of the 1,500 sexual exploits of a man called ‘Walter’who frequented the bars and brothels of London in the 1880s. The memoirwas in excess of a million words, coming in at 4,000 pages, over elevenvolumes. Only six copies exist today of the original print run of 475, self-published for private subscribers, but it was reprinted in the 1960s and hassince grown in reputation and fame. Its author is still unidentified, but Ashbeeis the frontrunner. Given the words sent in to the Dictionary by Ashbee, itwould not be surprising if he authored a book with chapter headings such as‘My Cock’, ‘A Frisky Governess’, and ‘My Cousin’s Cunts’ (the plural ismind-boggling!). It was only very recently, in the twenty-first century, thatMy Secret Life was read for the OED and the editors discovered that itcontained the first written evidence for the words cocksucking, cunty, fist-fuck(originally meaning masturbation), frig, fuckee, and randiness.

      Ashbee could be an interesting movie idea...

  5. Aug 2023
    1. The researchers did observe a change in their referral population in recent years, however. More kids assigned female at birth have been transitioning in recent years than those assigned male at birth. Many studies have captured this difference—including the 2018 survey proposing ROGD—but experts are unsure of its cause.
    1. in the day few hours old you stand solid and fullof other people’s love for each otherspilling over, warm leftovers.

      ok im not polyam but holy fuck.

  6. Mar 2023
    1. Twitter banning him for saying women should "bear responsibility" for being sexually assaulted. He has since been reinstated.

      Twitter had banned and then later reinstated Andrew Tate for saying women should "bear responsibility" for being sexually assaulted.

    1. Si damos un paso más, nos encontramos con otra encuesta publicada en 2010: "Encuesta Nacional de Salud Sexual 2009" y es que el Plan de Calidad del SNS contempla el objetivo de "Realizar una encuesta para generar conocimiento sobre la salud sexual en mujeres y hombres útil para identificar las necesidades de información y atención sanitaria existente". Se realizaron casi 10 000 entrevistas a partir de 16 años y ha sido la primera en incluir la perspectiva de género. Bien, pues cinco años después, pocos son los cambios en la población, lo que significa que la ansiada "Educación Sexual" no llega, fallamos en salud sexual y reproductiva, es "nuestra asignatura pendiente".

      Aún en el 2023 no se puede hablar de ESI, ya que falta un plan de acción por parte del Estado que asegure la Educación Sexual para todas y todos.

    2. En esta encuesta, la principal fuente de información para ambos sexos y para todos los grupos de edad sobre temas sexuales son las amistades y los hermanos y hermanas. Por tanto, aunque se recibe mucha información, son sus "iguales" quienes la proporcionan.

      Llama la atención que muchos padres se rehúsen a facilitar este tipo de información a sus hijos, así como rechazan la idea de que sean las instituciones de educación quienes ofrezcan una línea de educación sexual, porque no hay claridad sobre de dónde esperan que sus hijos obtengan dicha información.

    3. En el año 1948, en una enciclopedia de 4.o grado, aparecía: "Anatomía genital; los hombres y las mujeres tienen genitales externos e internos masculinos y femeninos que los caracterizan. Su objetivo es la procreación"1.

      Es increíble que este tipo de conceptos,como sexualidad e incluso infancia, sean tan nuevos en cuestión de estudios, porque responden al pensamiento social en una época en que la reproducción sexual empezaba en la adolescencia y el consentimiento no era algo enseñado.

    4. Aunque en la actualidad exista un consenso entre sociedad, familia y escuela de la importancia de la educación sexual, se sigue cometiendo un error, y es que educar en sexualidad no es solo hablar de reproducción y genitalidad, se deja de lado educar en habilidades, actitudes y valores, que son las destrezas que les ayudarán a no situarse en riesgo y disfrutar la sexualidad libre de peligros de coerción y violencia.

      Es sumamente necesario reconocer todo lo que abarca la educación sexual, ya que empieza por el reconocimiento de nuestro propio cuerpo, usando los términos adecuados, evitando caer en eufemismos que sólo crean confusión.

  7. Feb 2023
    1. Sexual jealousy is hypothesized to become activated whenever there is a perceived threat to a mating relationship. The threats can come from a variety of sources – the presence of poachers, cues to infi delity, or even subtle signals that suggest that a partner might be dissatisfi ed with the current relationship. Once activated, a variety of psy-chological processes are hypothesized to be set into motion, such as evaluation of the nature and magni-tude of the threat and evaluation of potential courses of action. Eventually, these processes usually lead to behavioral output designed to deal with the threat –actions that can range from vigilance to violence.

      Sexual jealousy is the psychological response to intrasexual threats. This lead to a bast array of behavioral outputs.

    1. Ranters, a radical working-class antinomian movement that twogenerations before had openly preached the abolition of privateproperty and existing sexual morality.

      potential influence on pirates?

  8. Dec 2022
    1. Defloration was a critical moment. Women were subject to virginity tests, and women devised ingenious methods to bypass them, such as putting leeches in their vagina the day before the wedding to deceive their husbands with the flow of blood that night.
    2. It seems that interfemoral intercourse – sex with the penis between the woman’s legs but without penetration – was very popular. That method, however, was frowned upon in homosexual male sex: in 1357, Nicletus Marmanga and Johannes Braganza were sentenced to death at the stake for engaging in the practice.
  9. Nov 2022
  10. Jun 2022
    1. If a guy got lucky at a restaurant, it got included.” Jauregui waxes poetic about The Address Book, calling it “sexual memory…told by spaces.”

      Something interesting here about a "gossipy collaboration" of an address book that crystallized a "sexual memory...told by spaces".

  11. Apr 2022
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.H.O.O.Q.

      L.H.O.O.Q. is a Marcel Duchamp readymade artwork conceived in 1919. The work consists of a cheap postcard reproduction of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa (the found object or objet trouvé), "improved" by Duchamp with the addition of a penciled in moustache and a goatee with the title drawn in large capital letters underneath.

      L.H.O.O.Q. is a pun whose letters pronounced one at a time in French sound like "Elle a chaud au cul". This translates variously as "She is hot in the arse" or "She has a hot ass". "Avoir chaud au cul" is a vulgar expression implying that a woman has sexual restlessness. Duchamp, in an interview, gave a loose translation of L.H.O.O.Q. as "there is fire down below". (Schwarz 203)

      Was the the original artistic source for the long string of childhood pranks in which children were often seen marking up and defacing pictures in books and magazines? Were there others prior?

    1. l 92% de todas las URL de abuso sexual infantil identificadas a escala mundial por la Internet Watch Foundation están alojadas en solo cinco países: Canadá, los Estados Unidos, la Federación de Rusia, Francia y los Países Bajos

      Y que pasa con el resto de los países ¿Qué medidas se deben tomar entonces? porque solo 5 países con un tema tan alarmante

  12. Jan 2022
    1. I had never heard of a Josephite marriage, a union inspired by the relationship between Joseph and the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.

      Why is this framed with Joseph's name instead of Mary?

  13. Dec 2021
    1. As Barbara Alice Mann suggests to us (in personalcommunication), bourgeois women may have especiallyappreciated the Jesuit Relations because it allowed them toread about discussions of women’s sexual freedom in a formthat was entirely acceptable to the Church
    1. country

      A sexual overtone can be sensed here! It is an obscene pun playing with the similarity in pronunciation between the first syllables of the word and the slang for female genitalia, 'cunt'.

      This pun is also present in Shakespeare's Hamlet, when Hamlet to innocent Ophelia says, 'Do you think I meant country matters?'

      Pun: a humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more of its meanings or the meaning of another word similar in sound. (definition from Merriam Webster)

      Source: Book: John Donne, The Complete English Poet (1971)

  14. Nov 2021
  15. Aug 2021
  16. Jul 2021
    1. Rodolfo: I'm a victim of sexual abuse in the United States and there was a police report made and everything. And I've also been a victim of gang violence. I was never, you can check my background and everything. I was never into gangs or anything, but around the area I lived in there was a bunch of gangs and... I was beat up two or three times bad just by walking home. And it was all documented, I had police reports and everything. And because of that I was in therapy for while. My mother sought out a help from a psychiatrist because of the sexual abuse I had as a child in California, as a matter of fact.Rodolfo: I took Risperdal and a Ritalin, Risperdal for the anxiety and the Ritalin and for the ADHD. So, we tried everything. The mental health side, the mental health asylum, everything. But it was just going to take longer and longer and longer and I was tired of it. I didn't want to be locked up anymore. So, finally I just told my mom, “You know what man, that's it, I'm done. I don't want to do this anymore.” She asked me, “Is this what you want to do?” And I told her, “Yeah.”Rodolfo: She told me, “You know what? I'd much rather see you over there and be free then not being able to see you here at all.” Because there was a lot of people that went to go visit their loved ones and they used to get picked up. Sometimes they wouldn't even let you see your loved ones and right away ask you for your identification, your social security card, your nationality and everything and they would get picked up.Rodolfo: And I always told my mom, “Don't ever come visit me. Don't ever come visit me because if you do, chances are they're going to take you too.” And you know, that would always break my heart because I would want to see my mom. I'd want to see my dad and everything, but I wasn't able to. So, that experience was just horrible.Sergio: When you were in the detention center what were the conditions? Did you have access the medicine you needed? Did you have access to food and water?Rodolfo: The company that made the jail was called GEO Corp and they were actually, I'm not going to lie to you, they actually were pretty good, health-wise, not so much security-wise. A lot of things would happen in there that definitely shouldn't have ever happened. But with the food and everything, it was good. In my opinion it was because of the company. I feel as though if it was up to the government... Thank God it was an independent company that was hired by DHS as opposed to if DHS were to make their own jail, I feel they would be completely different.Rodolfo: It was [Pause] a pleasantly... there's no way to describe it, it was bad. It was bad, but for what it was I guess it was okay. I don't see there being an in-between or any pretty way to paint that picture as to how good or bad it was in there. Because at the end of the day you're deprived of your freedom. You can't just pick up the phone whenever you want and call your loved ones because you've got to pay for that too. You got pay for that. And if you want to take a shower, you have to buy your soap, right? You've got to buy it yourself, you've got to buy everything. And now you're becoming a liability for your family, you're becoming another bill.Rodolfo: You're becoming another bill and that's what I didn't want. So, that's why I started working. And now, older, I'm becoming another bill. So, I don't get it. You're taking us away from the jobs that we have and everything. You know? So, take us back to our country. And I'm not sure if it this is a fact or not, but I was reading when I first got in here, there was a time where there wasn't enough field workers for, I think, avocado—or, not avocado, I think it was oranges or something like that.Rodolfo: And I remember me saying, “Well, there goes all the deportees. There goes all the people you guys deported. Where are the people that were so outraged because we took your jobs? Go ahead, there you go. There are a lot of vacancies, making these open for those jobs, go ahead, man. All yours buddy, knock yourself out.”Rodolfo: But nobody wants to work those jobs, right? You see what I'm saying though, right?

      Leaving the US, Reason for Return, Deportation, Voluntary departure, Family decision, No hope for a future in the US, Detention, Treatment by; Time in the US, Violence, Sexual Abuse, Gangs, Bullying, Fear of, Jobs/employment/work

  17. Jun 2021
  18. May 2021
  19. Apr 2021
  20. Mar 2021
  21. Feb 2021
  22. Jan 2021
  23. Nov 2020
    1. En otras palabras, mientras que las discriminaciones racistas se basan ellas mismas en un hecho natural ideológicamente construido, en un mito social más que en un hecho biológico, el de las "razas", las jerarquías de género, parece que pueden basarse en un hecho natural realmente existente, el del dimorfismo sexual.
  24. Aug 2020
  25. Jul 2020
  26. Jun 2020
  27. May 2020
  28. Dec 2018
    1. Discrimination and sexual harassment are seen as more frequent, and gender is perceived as more of an impediment

      example of experience with gender bias in stem

  29. Oct 2018
    1. stiff

      While this poem is categorized by Donne's mature love stage of writing, there still are some elements of his rakish writing style of the past with subtle sexual innuendos.

    2. firmness

      This is a sexual innuendo, however it can also support the theory that More was pregnant at the time and her stomach was firm because of that.

    3. And grows erect,
  30. Feb 2018
    1. nd for my own part I set a higher value on cream cheese when it was pink, when I had been allowed to tinge it with crushed strawberries.

      Colour is what allows the narrator to deepen his experience of the hawthorns. He attempts a few different strategies first, including looking away and back, but to no avail. When the pink hawthorn is pointed out to him he sees it as clearly superior. This shift in colour may have a sexual meaning. White is seen as pure and red as sexually active. Pink may represent the space in between. He is starting to awake sexually he does not catch on to Gilberte's gesture (which-- spoiler alert-- is inviting him to engage in a sexual act).

  31. Apr 2017
  32. Nov 2015
    1. green turban

      The word "turban" may be etymologically related to "tulip." That is is green enhances this botanical reference, and adds another image of floral blooming that resonates with the theme of sexual awakening.

      This is also the second appearance of the word "green" in the story.

  33. Oct 2013