86 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Bill Sharp, and it's called the Three Horizon Framework

      for - definition - Three Horizon Framework - developed by Bill Sharp - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - example - Three Horizon Framework

      example - Three Horizon Framework - horizon 1 - carbon credits - carbon capture - green new deal - green growth - reforming democracy - more humane capitalism - horizon 2 - equity and justice - decolonization - transition pathways to disrupt ideologies - formative stage - ontological - still operating in frame of modernity - still operating in material realm - horizon 3 - new ways of being, living seeing, worldviews - dearth of imagination

  2. Nov 2024
  3. Oct 2024
    1. The 2024 Phoenix Type-In by [[Joe Van Cleave]]

      Platen shrinkage

      • most typewriters are 6 lines per inch
      • 6.5 lines per inch based on actual measurement per JVC on one of his machines
      • 2mm shrinkage??
      • Per Bob/Typewriter Muse 1.1

      Bob had a machine that was supposed to be 1.27 but was measured at 1.259 when pulled off. So shrinkage of platens can be roughly fifteen hundredths of an inch (0.015" or about 0.4mm)

      Bob at Typewriter Muse custom tunes platens to the typewriter. Only place doing platens outside of JJ Short.

      JVC's partner took him to the Phoenix Type-in for her birthday.

      Bill Wahl of Mesa Typewriter Exchange

      grandfather started in the 40s<br /> bill started in 73<br /> part time help to 92 and now by himself<br /> does his benchwork after hours and chats during the day

      Ted Munk

      adding machine database consideration

      looking for service manuals for: - royal portables 50-59<br /> - skyriter 40s / 50s<br /> - sm9 service manual

      Royal Mercury manual is a clear, well-written manual. The Smith-Corona series 5 typewriter manuals are great too, though a bit more dense.

      Brian Goode and Christy organized this year's Phoenix Type-In.

  4. Sep 2024
    1. Im US-Wahlkampf wird die Klimapolitik kaum zumThema. Ein Teil der Klimabewegung glaubt, dass das die Chancen von Kamala Harris verbessert. Andere halten es für sinnvoll, sie zu Wahlversprechen zu drängen, die sie einhalten muss. taz-Kolumne von Luisa Neubauer. https://taz.de/Wahlkampf-in-den-USA/!6035967/

  5. Aug 2024
    1. threats to democracy

      Democrats claim to oppose "threats to democracy" but replace their candidates after nomination to maintain control over the party faithful. They appointed Biden after Kamala's campaign was rightly and completely destroyed in a debate with Tulsi Gabbard but the facts of Kamala's incompetent and tyrannical past, abusing minorities for political gain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1-CRrMDSLs

      Democrats ignore democracy at the drop of a hat when they believe it suits them.

    2. because she was over-prepared and used emails

      Bill Penzey Jr is gaslighting readers again with this statement. The facts are that Hillary Clinton used a private email server for official communications as Secretary of State (2009-2013). The FBI found over 100 classified emails on the server that were not encrypted as required, this included 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret".

      After the investigation began, her IT team deleted ~30,000 emails and destroyed devices by smashing them with hammers, preventing a full investigation. The Obama Administration corrupted FBI found her “extremely careless” (an understatement) but did not recommend charges. This impacted her 2016 presidential campaign - but not because she was "over-prepared and used emails".

      From his statement, it is apparent that Bill Penzey Jr. is not a serious person capable of grasping established facts about the world around him and has no business pontificating on political matters. At worst, he's spreading deliberate misinformation.

    3. all because Biden’s son had a computer

      Though democrats in politics, the Biden family, and the media lied repeatedly before the election, Hunter Biden’s laptop was confirmed to be confirmed his.

      This is relevant because it contained incriminating photos of Hunter Biden; as a result, Hunter Biden was tried and convicted on Federal gun charges.

      There are still outstanding lawsuits relating to the contents of the laptop as of this writing.

      Bill Penzey, Jr. knows this, and by suggesting that Americans were merely upset that Hunter had a computer is an attempt at gaslighting people, which is dishonest and manipulative.

  6. Jul 2024
  7. Jun 2024
  8. May 2024
    1. what Trump cares about is polling numbers and uh supporting Russia is a losing issue here in America when you look at polls for Americans do you 00:08:53 support additional military aid for Ukraine it's consistently above 60% so Trump flipped on Russia support for this Aid Bill to relieve the political 00:09:05 pressure

      for - US 2024 election - why Trump flipped to support Ukraine aid bill

    1. Seit dem Pariser Abkommen finanzierten die 60 größten Banken 425 fossile Großprojekte - sogenannte carbon bombs mit einem zu erwartenden CO2-Ausstoß von jeweils über einer Gigatonne - mit insgesamt 1,8 Billionen Dollar. Der Standard-Artikel geht auf ein Projekt zurück, bei dem Daten des Carbon Bombs-Projekts, des Global Energy Monitor und von Banking on Climate Chaos ausgewertet und visualisiert werden. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000193065/billionenkredite-fuer-fossile-grossprojekte-wie-banken-die-klimakrise-mitfinanzieren

      Bericht/Visualisierung: https://www.carbonbombs.org/

  9. Apr 2024
    1. Der Bericht des Copernikus Climate Change Service über 2023 ist lact Direktor Carlo Buontempo "ein dramatisches Zeugnis dafür, wie weit weil wir uns von dem Klima entfernt haben, in dem sich die menschliche Zivilisation entwickelt hat". Viele Kimaforschende waren davon überrascht, wie deutlich die Temperaturrekorde des Jahres 2023 über denen der vorangegangenen Jahre lagen.Auch Zahl und Ausmaß von Extremwetterereignissen übertrafen die Erwartungen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/09/2023-record-world-hottest-climate-fossil-fuel

      Mehr zu den Copernicus-Daten für 2023: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22Global%20Climate%20Highlights%202023%22

    1. Kali grew disillusioned with President Barack Obama when he signed a 2014 law cutting $8.7 billion in food stamps — a benefit that she, her mother and two siblings relied on throughout her childhood, she said.

      "When House Republicans originally argued for a food stamp cut of between $20.5 billion and $39 billion, the White House threatened to veto both of those proposals. During his Friday speech, the president did not say whether he was satisfied with the final $8.7 billion figure, or even mention the cuts at all. Instead, he praised the food stamp program and said that the final Farm Bill preserved much-needed benefits."

      Linked Article

  10. Mar 2024
  11. Feb 2024
    1. Zwei neue Studien aufgrund einer genaueren Modellierung der Zusammenhänge von Erhitzung und Niederschlagen: Es lässt sich besser voraussagen, wie höhere Temperaturen die Bildung von Wolkenclustern in den Tropen und damit Starkregenereignisse fördern. Außerdem lässt sich erfassen, wie durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Brennstoffen festgesetzten Aerosole bisher die Niederschlagsmenge in den USA reduziert und damit einen Effekt der globalen Erhitzung verdeckt haben.



      Studie: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adj6801

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-45504-8

    1. Generally I’ll pull up a short review or two to see what the topic broadly covers as well as to see how others are associating it to their own areas of work. I’ll usually do a quick inspectional flip through the table of contents and index to highlight any thing I think is particularly relevant to me.

      Chris, this reminds me of Bill Cosby's three strategies for reading faster.

    1. Now, as then, we are creators of new technologies and stars of theimagined future, driven—this time by great financial rewards andglobal competition—despite the clear dangers, hardly evaluating whatit may be like to try to live in a world that is the realistic outcome ofwhat we are creating and imagining.
    2. If, for ex-ample, we were to reengineer ourselves into several separate and unequalspecies using the power of genetic engineering, then we would threatenthe notion of equality that is the very cornerstone of our democracy.

      I find it hard to believe that equality is "the very cornerstone of our democracy".

  12. Jan 2024
    1. Ausführlicher Artikel zum Hintergrund der Entscheidung der Biden-Adminstration, den Bau der LNG-Terminals CP2 nicht ohne Überprüfung der Klimawirkung zu genehmigen. Zur Zeit haben die USA sieben LNG-Export-Terminals, fünf sind in Bau. CP2 wäre das bisher größte; es ist eines von 17 Terminals im Planungsstadium. Die USA sind weltweit führend beim LNG-Export und bei der Öl- und Gasproduktion insgesamt. CP2 soll, bei Baukosten von 10 Milliarden Dollar, 20 Millionen Tonnen LNG im Jahr verschiffen, 20% der US- Exporte. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/24/climate/biden-lng-export-terminal-cp2.html

    1. My personal experience suggests we tendto overestimate our design abilities.
    2. After a few years at Berkeley I started to send out some of the soft-ware I had written—an instructional Pascal system, Unix utilities, anda text editor called vi (which is still, to my surprise, widely used morethan 20 years later)—to others who had similar small PDP-11 and VAXminicomputers
    3. Moravec’s view is that the robots will eventually suc-ceed us—that humans clearly face extinction.

      Joy contends that one of Hans Moravec's views in his book Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind is that robots will push the human species into extinction in much the same way that early North American placental species eliminated the South American marsupials.

  13. Oct 2023
    1. Great examples at minute 3:30 for a car system coded in hypertext

      Software erector set that lets nonprogrammers create interactive information

  14. Sep 2023
      • for: bio-buddhism, buddhism - AI, care as the driver of intelligence, Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, care drive, care light cone, multiscale competency architecture of life, nonduality, no-self, self - illusion, self - constructed, self - deconstruction, Bodhisattva vow
      • title: Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence
      • author: Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, AI - ethics
      • date: May 16, 2022
      • source: https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/24/5/710/htm

      • summary

        • a trans-disciplinary attempt to develop a framework to deal with a diversity of emerging non-traditional intelligence from new bio-engineered species to AI based on the Buddhist conception of care and compassion for the other.
        • very thought-provoking and some of the explanations and comparisons to evolution actually help to cast a new light on old Buddhist ideas.
        • this is a trans-disciplinary paper synthesizing Buddhist concepts with evolutionary biology
    1. When news broke out about Bill Cosby, folks had, and still have, a hard time dissociating his “America’s Dad” and TV persona who was like a father figure and his philanthropy work from the man who “used his enormous power, fame, and prestige” to sexually assault women

      Maybe this is chance to finish 2020 blog post about the complicated nature of shifting our engagements with 2D personalities to 3D people... The questions proposed at the end are helpful in deliberate consideration (vs absolutist takes)

  15. Aug 2023
    1. Oliar, Dotan; Sprigman, Christopher (2008). "There's No Free Laugh (Anymore): The Emergence of Intellectual Property Norms and the Transformation of Stand-Up Comedy". Virginia Law Review. 94 (8): 1848. JSTOR 25470605. Retrieved September 16, 2020. There is also evidence in the [Diller archive…at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.] file suggesting that Diller appropriated from other sources [apart from self-creation or using her writing team], including newspaper comic strips and comedy books. For example, a number of Diller's jokes about her dysfunctional marriage to her fictional husband 'Fang' appear to have been inspired by a comic strip, 'The Lockhorns,' that Diller followed obsessively over the course of nearly a decade. The Diller joke files contain hundreds of 'Lockhorns' panels cut out of newspapers and mounted on index cards.
  16. Jul 2023
    1. at third act where we organize old people like me over the age 00:05:36 of 60. we're concentrating on democracy and on climate they seem uh they seem the twin crises that we face
      • for: polycrisis, dual crisis, climate change and political polarization

      • key insight

        • we have to deal with climate crisis AND political polarization simultaneously
        • unless we solve the political polarization problem, we will be stuck in policy gridlock
    1. Das Natonale Klima-Anpassungsprogramm, das die britische Regierung in der vergangenen Woche vorgelegt hat, ist nicht nur unzureichend, sondern es ignoriert die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung. Themen wie Kühlung der Innenstädte, Umbau von Gebäuden oder Waldaufbau zum Gewässerschutz werden nicht angegangen. Bill McGuire, emeritierter Professor für Klimafolgen in London, kritisiert die Ignoranz der britischen Regierung im Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/20/government-plan-britain-extreme-heat-society-economy

  17. Jun 2023
    1. How Harriet Tubman is remembered and honored

      I want this Harriet Tubman stamp more than I'd like the $5 Bill Murray version... at least until the new $20 is released.


    1. A five -dollar Bill Murray.

      See a ‘$5 Bill Murray’ by Eliot Glazer

      When did this idea enter the culture? This 2011 post may have helped it enter the zeitgeist.

  18. May 2023
  19. Feb 2023
    1. If you ask an elder about the work’s meaning, you may quickly find yourself enrolledin what Wardaman law man Yidumduma Bill Harney calls “Bush University”.
  20. Oct 2022
    1. G.I. Bill, which was theoretically open to everyone, including to women, but that very few Black people could take advantage of because most colleges wouldn't admit them.
  21. Sep 2022
    1. In short, the questions about Google’s behavior are not about free speech; they do, though, touch on other Amendments in the Bill of Rights. For example: The Fourth Amendment bars “unreasonable searches and seizures”; while you can make the case that search warrants were justified once the photos in question were discovered, said photos were only discovered because Mark’s photo library was indiscriminately searched in the first place. The Fifth Amendment says no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; Mark lost all of his data, email account, phone number, and everything else Google touched forever with no due process at all. The Sixth Amendment is about the rights to a trial; Mark was not accused of any crime in the real world, but when it came to his digital life Google was, as I noted, “judge, jury, and executioner” (the Seventh Amendment is, relatedly, about the right to a jury trial for all controversies exceeding $20).

      Ben Thompson argues that questions about Google's behavior towards a false positive case of CSAM does not pertain to free speech or to the First Amendment. But it does pertain to other Amendments in the Bill of Rights.

  22. Aug 2022
  23. Jul 2022
    1. First, our numbers have risen by 1.4 billion, nearly a hundred million per year. In other words, we’ve added another China or 40 more Canadas to the world. The growth rate has fallen slightly, but consumption of resources — from fossil fuel to water, from rare earths to good earth — has risen twice as steeply, roughly doubling our impact on nature. This outrunning of population by economic growth has lifted perhaps a billion of the poorest into the outskirts of the working class, mainly in China and India. Yet those in extreme poverty and hunger still number at least a billion. Meanwhile, the wealthiest billion — to which most North Americans and Europeans and many Asians now belong — devour an ever-growing share of natural capital. The commanding heights of this group, the billionaires’ club, has more than 2,200 members with a combined known worth nearing $10 trillion; this super-elite not only consumes at a rate never seen before but also deploys its wealth to influence government policy, media content, and key elections. Such, in a few words, is the shape of the human pyramid today.
    1. this is going to be a really critical year uh for public goods uh generation um and here at year i'm using 00:00:40 you know starting from now through the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. uh so what i'm going to go through is a case for why this year really matters and why this decade really matters in 00:00:53 the century

      Why is 2022 a critical year to fund projects that build the commons?

      From a scientific, commons and Stop Reset Go perspective, humanity now stands at the doorsteps of the Anthropocene and we as a species have collectively shaped the planet in a way that is harming many species on the globe, including our own.

      We are at a bifurcation point in human history, a fork in the road and the next few years will determine the course of humanity for the next thousands of years to come.

      The funneling of human resources to the few elites at the top leaves the majority of humanity little agency to determine our own future and carbon emissions are also related to structural inequality: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.oxfam.org%2Fen%2Fpress-releases%2Fcarbon-emissions-richest-1-percent-more-double-emissions-poorest-half-humanity&group=world

      See Jason Hickel's arguments against the overly optimistic story that Neoliberal capitalism has alleviated poverty. Hickel finds the opposite when critical analysis is applied to the rosy claims that Steven Pinker and Bill Gates make: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjacobin.com%2F2019%2F02%2Fsteven-pinker-global-poverty-neoliberalism-progress&group=vnpq69nW

      Funding projects in the commons counters the wealth of elites, a trend that is counter to planetary health because it continues degrading the environment through carbon inequality:


      and wealth inequality.

  24. Jun 2022
    1. (B) Division (A) of this section does not apply to a physician who performs a medical procedure that, in the physician's reasonable medical judgment, is designed or intended to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman.

      This is the part of the law that gives doctors wide latitude to perform abortions out of medical necessary. They need only to believe that there is "risk" of "substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function".

      It also allows for the medical community to change what constitutes medical necessity as technology is improved.

      It leaves the decision to physicians, not legislators.

    1. https://app.thebrain.com/brains/3d80058c-14d8-5361-0b61-a061f89baf87/thoughts/32f9fc36-6963-9ee0-9b44-a89112919e29/attachments/6492d41a-73b2-20d8-b145-3283598c612b

      A fantastic example of an extensive mind map from Jerry Michalski using The Brain.

      There are lots of interesting links and resources, but on the whole

      How many of the nodes actually have specific notes, explicit ideas, annotations, or excerpts within them?

      Without these, it's an interesting map and provides some broad context, but removes local specific context of who Jerry is and how he explicitly thinks. One can review the overarching parts to extract what his biases may be based on availability heuristics, but in areas of conflicting ideas which have relatively equal numbers of links within a particular area, one may not be able to discern arguments from each other.

      Still a fascinating start and something not commonly seen in the broader literature.

      I'll also note that even in a small sample of one video call with Jerry sharing his screen while we talked about a broad sub-topic it's interesting to see his prior contexts as we conversed. I've only ever had similar experiences with Bill Seitz who regularly drops links to his wiki pages in this sort of way or Kevin Marks (usually in text chat contexts and less frequently in video calls/conversations) who drops links to his extensive blogging history which also serves to add his prior thoughts and contextualizations.

    1. The Virginia Declaration of Rights, written by none other than George Mason in 1776 when states controlled the militias, did not have one.

      Recall that George Mason was an anti-federalist.

    2. Only four of the 13 state Constitutions had such a provision.

      Prior to the Bill of Rights, only four of the thirteen state Constitutions had a provision for a right to bear arms.

  25. Apr 2022
  26. Mar 2022
  27. Nov 2021
  28. Oct 2021
    1. Powerful Global North governments, corporations, and individuals today don’t need to resort to explicit violence — invasion, seizure, genocide, and enslavement — in order to control other countries. Instead, they can use structural violence — leveraging aid, market access, and philanthropic interventions in order to force lower-income countries to do what they want.

      Economic dependency of the Global South on the Global North is exactly what happens when exploitation of the wolf is disguised under the sheep’s clothing. A case in point is Unilever, the multinational food conglomerate based in the global north. Unilever is spending a significant amount of capital to circularize their entire supply chain. That is laudable. Yet, at the same time, they see Africa is their future growth market. Who benefits from that economic growth? ,,,, a small group of wealthy shareholders in the Global North or Global South. It is important to realize that capitalism has levelled the playing field. Economic exploitation, wealth concentration and extractionism is now democratically open to all!

  29. Jul 2021
    1. In April 2000, Clinton hosted a celebration called the White House Conference on the New Economy. Earnest purpose mingled with self-congratulation; virtue and success high-fived—the distinctive atmosphere of Smart America. At one point Clinton informed the participants that Congress was about to pass a bill to establish permanent trade relations with China, which would make both countries more prosperous and China more free. “I believe the computer and the internet give us a chance to move more people out of poverty more quickly than at any time in all of human history,” he exulted.

      This is a solid example of the sort of rose colored glasses too many had for technology in the early 2000s.

      Was this instance just before the tech bubble collapsed too?

      What was the state of surveillance capitalism at this point?

  30. Jun 2021
    1. an isolated population with unique selective pressures resulting in evolutionary divergence from the mainland population

      I would suggest a different understanding: Much of what's happened in critical theory (especially the parts more visible to "outsiders") is deeply embedded in "mainland" contexts, including, most importantly for critical theory, being embedded in the expansion of higher education in the USA after the GI Bill and the long tradition of "pragmatic" thinking in mainstream US thought that may find its roots in Protestantism and flower in the mythic "American" "everyman".

  31. May 2021
  32. Mar 2021
  33. Sep 2020
  34. Jul 2020
  35. May 2020
  36. Feb 2020
    1. A Current Affair,

      Bill O'Reilly's start . . .



  37. Aug 2019
  38. doc-0k-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-0k-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com
    1. The Bill of Rights lists a number of personal freedoms that the government cannot infringe upon,

      I agree, because in the Bill of Rights it does not state anywhere anything about health care just The American Rights.

  39. Mar 2019
    1. The Government does notbelieve that any of the proposals set out above require legislation, and, as we embark on our first independent trade negotiations for more than 40 years, we also do not believe that the rigidity of a system set out in statute would be the best approach. In this context we would note that the scrutiny arrangements which exist between the European Scrutiny Committee in the House of Commons and the EU Select Committee in the House of Lords are not set out in statute but in resolutions of each House. As negotiations progress, we would expect that arrangements will develop through dialogue with the relevant committee(s). It also appears highly likely that the committee(s) would report on the effectiveness of arrangements after the first FTA was complete

      poor rationale for no bill (it seems highly likely??)

  40. Jan 2019
  41. Jun 2018
  42. Jun 2017
    1. Bill Fitzgerald provides some useful tips recently in a webinar in regards to Terms of Service. He suggested searching for the following words associated with consent forms: third party, affiliations, change, update and modify.

  43. Apr 2017
    1. out the provisions that agreements are deemed to contain under sections 92 and 96;


    1. (c)otherwise at the discretion of the Board after consultation with ULFA.

      I think that this is now repealed in Bill 7

  44. Jul 2016
    1. Yes On 1 For The Sun

      This FB page and amendment has said to be a sneaky back door legislation that will actually ensure power to the big dogs and make it harder for us to get solar. Please correct me if wrong.

    2. This bill is on alert as it may actually make buying solar HARDER and not EASIER. Please help me out on this one. Trying to annotate a better link but this will have to do for now. I am trying to comment on yes on 1 video..

  45. Sep 2015
    1. Our Member organization has a high turnover rate, which is a common characteristic found in the direct selling industry.

      Perhaps the reason they have a high turnover rate is because only a very few members make anything approaching a sustainable living. Bill Ackman compares Herbalife to another similar company, Vemma, recently sued for fraudulent marketing practices.

      Bill's presentation is here.

      Relative amounts of compensation

  46. Feb 2014
    1. That changed with the end of WWII. Waves of discharged soldiers subsidized by the GI Bill, joined by the children of the expanding middle class, wanted or needed a college degree.