689 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2020
    1. Huge web properties were started during this era including Yahoo, Google, Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. In the process, the importance of centralized platforms like AOL greatly diminished.
  2. Mar 2020
    1. The aim has always been to help decentralise the internet and provide a platform that hands control back to users.
    1. You can also turn off personalization for your browser by installing the Interest-Based Ads Opt Out extension.
    2. Google is one of many ad networks that personalizes ads based on your activity online. Go to AdChoices to control ads from other ad networks.
    3. Uncheck the box next to "Also use your activity & information from Google services to personalize ads on websites and apps that partner with Google to show ads."
    1. It wouldn’t mean an end to being able to target ads online. Contextual targeting doesn’t require personal data — and has been used successfully by the likes of non-tracking search engine DuckDuckGo for years (and profitably so). It would just mean an end to the really creepy, stalkerish stuff. The stuff consumers hate — which also serves up horribly damaging societal effects, given that the mass profiling of internet users enables push-button discrimination and exploitation of the vulnerable at vast scale.
    1. And if people were really cool about sharing their personal and private information with anyone, and totally fine about being tracked everywhere they go and having a record kept of all the people they know and have relationships with, why would the ad tech industry need to spy on them in the first place? They could just ask up front for all your passwords.
    2. From an ad tech perspective, the concern is that manipulation doesn’t work when it’s obvious. And the goal of targeted advertising is to manipulate people’s decisions based on intelligence about them gleaned via clandestine surveillance of their online activity (so inferring who they are via their data). This might be a purchase decision. Equally it might be a vote.
    1. It is required by the GDPR as you must document cookies and online tracking at anytime and you must be able to show that documentation to both your users and the EU.
    1. there are third-party cookies, such as those placed by advertisers to see what you’re interested in and in turn serve you ads — even when you leave the original site you visited. (This is how ads follow you around the internet.)
  3. Feb 2020
    1. todos los partidos tienen Internet en todos los países desarrollados, pero son vías, insisto, unidireccionales de información, para captar la opinión, para convertir simplemente a los ciudadanos en votantes potenciales y para que los partidos obtengan la información para saber cómo ajustar su publicidad. Yo diría que, en este sentido, el problema no es de Internet. El problema es del sistema político y, una vez más, tenemos un leitmotiv de la conferencia que les estoy intentando transmitir, que es la idea de que la sociedad modela a Internet, y no al contrario. Allí donde hay una movilización social, Internet se convierte en un instrumento dinámico de cambio social; allí donde hay burocratización política y política estrictamente mediática de representación ciudadana, Internet es simplemente un tablón de anuncios.

      Internet no cambia la política o a los movimientos sociales, es al contrario. Internet amplifica lo que hacen los grupos sociales.

    2. ¿Cuál es la lógica específica de la sociabilidad on line? Lo más interesante es la idea de que son comunidades personales, comunidades de personas basadas en los intereses individuales y en las afinidades y valores de las personas. Es decir, en la medida en que se desarrollan en nuestras sociedades proyectos individuales, proyectos de dar sentido a la vida a partir de lo que yo soy y quiero ser, Internet permite esa conexión saltando por encima de los límites físicos de lo cotidiano, tanto en el lugar de residencia como en el lugar de trabajo y genera, por tanto, redes de afinidades

      Internet posibilita crear comunidades en torno a intereses particulares que superan las limitaciones geográficas.

    3. un estudio que acaba de hacer British Telecom, un gran estudio de observación realizado a lo largo de un año en una serie de hogares en los que se utilizaba Internet, que no cambia nada. Es decir, que la gente que hacía lo que hacía, lo sigue haciendo con Internet y a los que les iba bien, les va mucho mejor, y a los que les iba mal, les va igual de mal; el que tenía amigos, los tiene también en Internet y, quien no los tenía, tampoco los tiene con Internet. Es un estudio intelectualmente muy conservador, pero lo cito y les doy la referencia porque es un estudio muy espectacular. Se llama Aquí no pasa nada. Pero sí que pasa. Internet es un instrumento que desarrolla pero no cambia los comportamientos, sino que los comportamientos se apropian de Internet y, por tanto, se amplifican y se potencian a partir de lo que son

      Internet no cambia los comportamientos de las personas, sino que las personas con sus comportamientos son las que apropian Internet. Cómo dice Levinas, la tecnología sólo amplifica lo que esta en el corazón del hombre.

    4. Por tanto, la conectividad como elemento de divisoria social está disminuyendo rapidísimamente. Pero lo que sí se observa en aquellas personas, sobre todo estudiantes, niños, que están conectadas, es que aparece un segundo elemento de división social mucho más importante que la conectividad técnica, y es la capacidad educativa y cultural de utilizar Internet. Una vez que toda la información está en la red, una vez que el conocimiento está en la red, el conocimiento codificado, pero no el conocimiento que se necesita para lo que se quiere hacer, de lo que se trata es de saber dónde está la información, cómo buscarla, cómo procesarla, cómo transformarla en conocimiento específico para lo que se quiere hacer. Esa capacidad de aprender a aprender, esa capacidad de saber qué hacer con lo que se aprende, esa capacidad es socialmente desigual y está ligada al origen social, al origen familiar, al nivel cultural, al nivel de educación.

      Las personas están cada vez más conectados (Primera Brecha Digital), pero las poblaciones menos favorecidas no aprovechan el acceso que tienen (Segunda Brecha Digital).

    1. One important aspect of critical social media research is the study of not just ideolo-gies of the Internet but also ideologies on the Internet. Critical discourse analysis and ideology critique as research method have only been applied in a limited manner to social media data. Majid KhosraviNik (2013) argues in this context that ‘critical dis-course analysis appears to have shied away from new media research in the bulk of its research’ (p. 292). Critical social media discourse analysis is a critical digital method for the study of how ideologies are expressed on social media in light of society’s power structures and contradictions that form the texts’ contexts.
    1. Upon the efficient consumption and summarizing of news from around the world. Remember? from when we though the internet would provide us timely, pertinent information from around the world? How do we find internet information in a timely fashion? I have been told to do this through Twitter or Facebook, but, seriously… no. Those are systems designed to waste time with stupid distractions in order to benefit someone else. Facebook is informative in the same way that thumb sucking is nourishing. Telling me to use someone’s social website to gain information is like telling me to play poker machines to fix my financial troubles.. Stop that.
  4. Jan 2020
  5. Dec 2019
    1. For most of my bookmarks, likes, reads, etc. I use a plugin that scrapes my post and saves a copy of the contents of all the URLs on my page to the Internet Archive so that even in the event of a site death, a copy of the content is saved for me for a later date.

      Chris, I was wondering what plugin you use to store copies of the links to Archive.org?

    1. One of the questions that came up during the SPLOT workshop is if there’s a SPLOT for podcasting, which reminded me of this post Adam Croom wrote a while back about his podcasting workflow: “My Podcasting Workflow with Amazon S3.” . We’re always on the look-out for new SPLOTs to bring to the Reclaim masses, and it would be cool to have an example that moves beyond WordPress just to make the point a SPLOT is not limited to WordPress (as much as we love it) —so maybe Adam and I can get the band back together

      I just outlined a tiny and relatively minimal/free way to host and create a podcast feed last night: https://boffosocko.com/2019/12/17/55761877/

      I wonder if this could be used to create a SPLOT that isn't WordPress based potentially using APIs from the Internet Archive and Huffduffer? WordPress-based infrastructure could be used to create it certainly and aggregation could be done around tags. It looks like the Huffduffer username SPLOT is available.

    1. Google found 1,494 device identifiers in SensorVault, sending them to the ATF to comb through. In terms of numbers, that’s unprecedented for this form of search. It illustrates how Google can pinpoint a large number of mobile phones in a brief period of time and hand over that information to the government
    2. Google found 1,494 device identifiers in SensorVault, sending them to the ATF to comb through. In terms of numbers, that’s unprecedented for this form of search. It illustrates how Google can pinpoint a large number of mobile phones in a brief period of time and hand over that information to the government
    1. В 2017 году количество устройств, подключенных к «интернету вещей», выросло до 8,4 миллиарда. Консалтинговое агентство Forrester прогнозирует, что к концу года более полумиллиона из них взломают. В Университете Иннополис уточняют, что в третьем квартале 2017 года в городской инфраструктуре стали фиксировать на 30 % больше случаев угрозы информационной безопасности. При этом каждый пятый из них оказался критичным. 
  6. Nov 2019
  7. Oct 2019
  8. Sep 2019
    1. Apple descend dans l’arène de la justice européenne, mardi 17 septembre, bien décidé à lutter pendant deux jours d’audience contre la retentissante décision de Bruxelles lui demandant de rembourser 13 milliards d’euros d’avantages fiscaux à l’Irlande.


  9. Aug 2019
  10. Jul 2019
    1. Internet Reciprocal Teaching Promotes the Five CsCreativity: Students use divergent-thinking skills to generate their own questions and keywords for online searches. Their final projects require them to creatively express their own point of view. Communication: Students share what they learn as they work in small groups and with the whole class. They communicate with a wider audience by posting on a class blog. Collaboration: Students create collaborative knowledge through Internet inquiry and social interactions. They comment on one another's work using technologies such as VoiceThread and support one another through instant messaging. Critical Thinking: When using the Internet, students build the text they read, choosing which links to follow and which to ignore. The nonlinear nature of online reading helps support critical thinking. Students also learn to question the perspective and bias of online sources. Comprehension: Students learn important online reading skills, such as how to distinguish news articles from blog posts and editorials. They carefully read texts they encounter online to understand and evaluate different perspectives.

      5 Cs

    2. As the tide shifts from page to screen, students must learn to comprehend evolving texts.


    3. Internet inquiry offered students the opportunity to explore authentic issues while building online reading comprehension skills.

      The benefits of using Internet Inquiry are exploring real-life problems and improving online reading comprehension skills at the same time.

    4. This project differs from the traditional research project in that the focus is on the process of inquiry and not the product of research. Students develop an understanding of how important it is for them to play an active role in their own learning and experience the satisfaction associated with knowing how to question, locate, evaluate, synthesize, and communicate information.

      process vs. product (result) Internet Reciprocal Teaching Phase 3: Student-Centered Learning

    5. No one gave students a map for Internet inquiry. Students needed a sextant, a tool for navigation, to guide them.

      So true! I often feel the same way. I'm expected to do things that I've never learned and use tools that I'm not familiar with. On one hand, this is part of life and it is great if at one point in our life we learn to put aside our discomfort, feel comfortable or even excited to "step out of our comfort zone", but on the other hand, if we are giving out assignments, it is important to be aware of where our students are, what they know and what tools they capable of using.

    6. focus is on the process of inquiry

      focuses on inquiry instead of the final product of research

    7. During Phase 3, students work both individually and in small groups at using strategies and skills from the previous phases to develop lines of inquiry around curricular topics. This type of project requires clear questions, multiple reliable sources, citations, and a final product that communicates that information to others.

      Phase 3 focuses on students independent thinking and collaborative thinking and builds on skills developed in previous phases. This phase requires that the students have defined questions, reliable resources, citations, and a final product that communicates their learning and research to others.

    8. Phase 2 is a collaborative phase during which both teachers and students conduct think-aloud demonstrations and minilessons. Teacher modeling in the beginning of the phase gives way to student modeling in the latter half. Students take responsibility for teaching their peers a variety of online reading comprehension strategies. Instruction also begins to move from search skills to critical evaluation and synthesis skills. (See a complete checklist of skills.)

      Phase 2: Essentially students and teachers initially have a thinking brainstorm session about the topic/theme. Teacher is the model in the start of this phase and then lets the student take the reigns. Students have responsibility for teaching their peers online reading comprehension strategies. Also moves into critical evaluation and synthesis skills.

    9. Phase 1 centers on computer basics, word processing skills, Web searching, navigation basics, and e-mail.

      phase 1; basics and introduction to internet skills, searching, etc.

    10. The gradual release of responsibility to students is central to both approaches

      reminds me of scaffolding; students are released into doing more and more of their own thinking one step at a time

    11. Internet reciprocal teaching, involves problem-based tasks in which readers create their own text. This provides students a path for navigating the Cs of change.

      definition of Internet Reciprocal Teaching

    12. In addition, the rise of the Internet means that teachers must shift how they teach reading and writing

      important to consider; the world is no longer simply paper and pen or type-writers. The literacy tools we have now are virtuously endless.

    13. Internet Reciprocal Teaching Promotes the Five Cs

      5 C's of Internet Reciprocal Thinking: Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Comprehension

    1. by your student learning objectives, as well as your own technological, pedagogical, and content area knowledge (TPACK) and objectives

      combination of TPACK and SLO for the IIP.

    2. “credibility” and “relevance”…but they do understand words like “truthful” and “useful.”

      important distinction; students can understand these simpler vocab words that essentially mean the same thing.

    3. five phases:
      1. students collaborative with instructor to pick area of interest and work on a DQ to guide their research.
      2. students engage in OCI as the do research and use digital tools to make discoveries 3.Students use critical thinking to evaluate online info by analyzing credibility of their info. 4.Students synthesize what they learned/researched by combining info in multiple, multimodal sources.
      3. Students engage in online content construction by putting their research into their own words and choosing the best digital tool/text before sharing their answers.
    4. ell with Project Based Learning (PBL) initiativ

      IIP lines up with PBL

    5. nterest driven,

      I think this is crucial. This intrinsically motivates students to be curious and conduct proper research.

    6. The Internet Inquiry Project is an online research project that helps students develop the important digital knowledge and skills needed as they build their web literacies.

      IIQ helps students develop and craft web literacy by cultivating web knowledge and skills.

    1. In short, once someone is labeled a Nazi on the internet, that person stays a Nazi on the internet.Internet vigilantism has a checkered history.

      One of the concerning aspects of Internet vigilantism is the nature of the internet being both ephemeral (due to the overwhelming amount of new, incoming information) and eternal (due to the nature of reaction and spread of information) simultaneously

    2. One of the concerning aspects of Internet vigilantism is the nature of the internet being both ephemeral (due to the overwhelming amount of new, incoming information) and eternal (due to the nature of reaction and spread of information) simultaneously

  11. Jun 2019
  12. May 2019
  13. americanlibrariesmagazine.org americanlibrariesmagazine.org
    1. Rather than simply posting event information on social media, give your followers a task within the post

      Interesante idea. ¿Cómo podría funcionar en la práctica?

    2. Wi-Fi in the “White Space”Unused TV spectrum offers libraries potential for rural broadband

      Este debate no se ha dado en bibliotecas y resulta muy interesante. Sigue la línea del Foro de Gobernanza de Internet

  14. Apr 2019
    1. El44%delosusuariosrealesseconectaainternetenlabiblioteca,loquelaconvierte en el principal sitio de conexión, por encima del hogar y de los centros dedicados de acceso

      La biblioteca como principal sitio de acceso a Internet

  15. Mar 2019
    1. In his letter, Sir Tim outlined three specific areas of "dysfunction" that he said were harming the web today: malicious activity such as hacking and harassment problematic system design such as business models that reward clickbait unintended consequences, such as aggressive or polarised discussions

      If this is resolved, I believe that many individuals can be helped to feel a lot better.

    1. While some of these sharing models might have resulted from a need for frugal spending after the global economic recession of 2008, their success was also driven by a growing environmental consciousness combined with the ubiquity of Internet and associated information and communi-cation technologies which make sharing possible at scale.

      talks about how the internet and technology have helped in the expansion of the sharing economy.



  16. Feb 2019
    1. the learned think they know, or have it in their power to know every thing that it is possible for the human mind to be acquainted with.

      I think we feel this way now with the internet. But its really just a certain kind of knowing and a certain kind of knowledge. It also depends on how you choose to approach that knowledge.

    1. Ecoaxis introduced industrial IoT solution for plastic processing machines which help to improve efficiency, productivity and quality. Our IoT (Internet of Things) gateway helps connect your various plastic processing machines and utilities to capture and securely transfer accurate data to the cloud for advanced analytics.

    1. Managing and maintaining the privacy and security of your digital identity through behaviors and digital tool settings

      Staying safe online is the most important aspect of learning internet usage. Knowing the repercussions of online sharing and how if it gets into the wrong hands can turn very dangeruos, very fast can help us to stay safe and continue to present ourselves in a safe environment.

    2. What we concluded is that people needed the map to be more approachable, accessible, and applicable for learning and teaching web literacy skills.

      Making the information more understandable and relatable will help to spread knowledge about safe internet usage.

    3. They can evaluate web content, and identify what is useful and trustworthy

      This should be taught throughout k-12 schooling. Learnng this in college was super helpful but it was taught a little late for me. I know now how to choose sources that present good information but growing up I wouldnt have been able to do that

    4. 1) develop more educators, advocates, and community leaders who can leverage and advance the web as an open and public resource, and 2) impact policies and practices to ensure the web remains a healthy open and public resource for all.

      Teaching people how to use the internet safely can allow for the internet to continue to be a place that helps someone obtain information, communicate with others, and express their knowledge to others. Providing a safe environmet for people to do these things is important for successful internet usage.

  17. Jan 2019
    1. machine intelligence

      Interestingly enough, we saw it coming. All the advances in technology that lead to this much efficiency in technology, were not to be taken lightly. A few decades ago (about 35 years, since the invention of the internet and online networks in 1983) people probably saw the internet as a gift from heavens - one with little or any downsides to it. But now, as it has advanced to such an extreme. with advanced machines engineering, we have learned otherwise. The hacking of sites and networks, viruses and malware, user data surveillance and monitoring, are only a few of the downsides to such heavenly creation. And now, we face the truth: machine intelligence is not to be underestimated! Or the impact on our lives could be negative in years to come. This is because it will only get more intense with the years, as technology further develops.

    1. Recently, toys have become more interactive than ever before. The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) makes toys smarter and more communicative: they can now interact with children by "listening" to them and respond accordingly. While there is little doubt that these toys can be highly entertaining for children and even possess social and educational benefits, the Internet of Toys (IoToys) raises many concerns.
  18. Dec 2018
    1. Another line of reasoning has been that internet is a minority of the pop-ulation. This is true; even as late as 2009, the internet was limited to a small minority of households in the Middle East.
  19. Nov 2018
  20. contractfortheweb.org contractfortheweb.org
    1. Ensure everyone can connect to the internet

      Ensure connectivity and privacy

    1. Transformation for adults in an Internet-based learningenvironment—is it necessary to be self-directed?

      REDIRECT to this URL Tranformation for adults

      This study explores transformative learning theory (TLT) for adults in the Internet-base learning environment and questions the need for students to be self-directed. The study also includes the Constructivist Internet-based Learning Environment Scale (CILES). The Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale(SDLRS) as modified by Chang (2006) was used to meet the cultural needs of the participants. In conclusion, the results have a high reliability factor and add quantitative research to previous qualitative studies.<br> Further discussion is suggested regarding the technical and emancipatory learning interests on adult online learners.

      RATING: 8/10

  21. Oct 2018
  22. Sep 2018
    1. Trump’s digital strategy, Singer and Brooking argue, is not unlike militant groups and street gangs that leverage the viral web to tell a compelling story about policy, religious dogma, or their own perceived fearsomeness, all in an engaging voice, while repeatedly targeting exactly the right audience to trigger a dopamine response or sheer terror, both online and IRL. "To 'win' the internet, one must learn how to fuse these elements of narrative, authenticity, community, and inundation," Singer and Brooking write. "And if you can 'win' the internet, you can win silly feuds, elections, and deadly serious battles."
    2. In 1968, two psychologists wrote a paper theorizing that computers could become communications devices. The US Department of Defense ran with the idea, and in 1969 the precursor of the internet as we know it today, the military-operated ARPANET, went live. The National Science Foundation took over in the 1980s before business began to dominate in the 90s, at which point, things started to grow in exponential leaps. There were 28,000 internet users in 1987, according to Singer and Brooking. Today, there are billions.
    3. Trump's unlikely rise to the White House was symptomatic of social, political, and technological trends decades in the making—trends that gave rise to the internet and social media and which, in turn, transformed the way we control, spy on, and kill each other.
  23. Aug 2018
    1. Borger.dk is an Internet portal for the citizens of Denmark. Here you can find different self-services and get information on issues regarding the public authorities. 

      Borger.dk - Internet Portal for Citizens of Denmark

    1. I used to think that showing someone how wrong they were on the internet could fix the world. I said a lot of stupid things when I believed that.
    2. Don’t internet angry. If you’re angry, internet later.
    3. It helped me learn a lesson: Be damn sure when you make angry statements.
  24. Jul 2018
    1. "Putin was never very fond of the internet even in the early 2000s," said Andrei Soldatov, a Russian investigative journalist who specializes in security services and cyber issues. "When he was forced to think about the internet during the protests, he became very suspicious, especially about social networks. He thinks there's a plot, a Western conspiracy against him. He believes there is a very dangerous thing for him and he needs to put this thing under control."
    2. "There's no paradox here. It's two sides of the same coin," Igor Ashmanov, a Russian internet entrepreneur known for his pro-government views, told BuzzFeed. "The Kremlin is weeding out the informational field and sowing it with cultured plants. You can see what will happen if they don't clear it out from the gruesome example of Ukraine."
    1. In the IRT model the gradual release of responsibility is accomplished through three phases of online research and comprehension instruction which aims “to increase academic engagement, encourage active reading, and promote students as experts in online research and comprehension”

      Internet Reciprocal Teaching- Great article on discussing 3 stages- also great chart to explain it!

    1. Students collaboratively (with the instructor) identify an area of interest and co-construct a driving question to guide inquiry. Students engage in online collaborative inquiry as they search and sift through online texts using digital tools to address their focus of inquiry. Students critically evaluate online information by considering the credibility (truthfulness) and validity (usefulness) of the information obtained. Students synthesize what they have learned during their online inquiry by actively curating and synthesizing information across multiple, multimodal sources. Student engage in online content construction by synthesizing what they have learned and selecting the best digital text or tool before sharing this answer.

      5 phases of internet inquiry: useful list

    1. When it comes to democracy and human rights, a Jeffersonian internet is clearly a safer choice. With Web 3.0 still in its infancy, the West at least will need to find other ways to rein in the online giants. The obvious alternative is regulation.
    1. Ian O’Byrne, an assistant professor of education at the College of Charleston, wrote, “As an educator and researcher who studies these digital places and tools, I’m in front of screens a lot. I experiment and play in these spaces. I’m also writing and researching the impact of these screens and their impact on the well-being of others as it relates to children and adolescents. The problem in this is that one of the other hats that I wear is as a parent and husband. I am not only critical of my engagement and use of these digital technologies, but I’m also cautious/cognizant of their role as a mediator in my relationships with my children and significant other. These screens and digital tools play a strong role in our lives and interactions in and out of our home. In our home we have screens and devices all over the place. We have a video server that is ready to serve content to any one of these screens on demand. We have voice-assistive devices listening and waiting for our commands. I believe it is important as an educator and researcher to play with and examine how these devices are playing a role in our lives, so I can bring this work to others. Even with these opportunities, I’m still struck by times when technology seems too intrusive. This is plainly evident when I’m sitting with my family and watching a television show together, and I’m gazing off into my device reading my RSS feed for the day. Previously I would enjoy watching the funniest home videos and laughing together. Now, I am distant. The first thing in the morning when I’m driving my kids in to school and stop at a red light, previously I would enjoy the time to stop, listen to the radio, look at the clouds or bumper stickers on cars around me. Now, I pull out the phone to see if I received a notification in the last 20 minutes. When I call out for the voice-activated device in my home to play some music or ask a question, my request is quickly echoed by my 2-year-old who is just learning to talk. She is echoing these conversations I’m having with an artificial intelligence. I’m trying to weigh this all out in my mind and figure what it means for us personally. The professional understanding may come later.”
  25. Jun 2018
    1. En los cincuenta años que siguieron a la introducción de la imprenta no hubo evi-dencias significativas de cambio cultural

      Si luego de 50 años se evidencian los cambios culturales, eso quiere decir que si la masificación de Internet fue en los 90's, el cambio cultural se dará hasta el 2040 más o menos.

  26. May 2018
    1. Spector is mijn bijdrage voor een respectvoller internet!

      Samen voor een respectvoller internet!

    1. The digital world’s emphasis on speed inhibits reflection

      What digital world are we talking about here? The Internet was not built or designed to "move fast and break things" - that's an economic choice people make for the purpose of profit.

    2. internet’s purpose is to ratify knowledge

      Ratification? What about augmenting intelligence?

    1. Tudo começou como um site de namoro há 13 anos. O que hoje conhecemos como o YouTube surgiu como um espaço para homens e mulheres compartilharem vídeos contando quem eram e o que buscavam no amor. Seus criadores, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley e Jawed Karim, registraram o nome do portal no Dia de São Valentim, o dia dos namorados em diversos países do mundo, em 2005. Em 23 de abril daquele ano, Karim publicou o primeiro vídeo do YouTube, intitulado "Eu no zoológico", um clipe de meros 18 segundos que não era nada romântico. "Bem, estamos aqui, em frente aos elefantes. O legal desses caras é que eles têm trombas muito, muito, muito grandes. Isso é legal. E é basicamente o que tenho a dizer." Não levou muito tempo para que os rapazes vissem que sua ideia havia sido um fracasso. Mas nem tudo estava perdido. Eles se deram conta que tinham em mãos uma plataforma valiosa em uma época em que publicar vídeos caseiros na internet começava a decolar. Nesse momento, o trio resolveu acabar com o lado romântico do negócio e aceitar qualquer tipo de vídeo no portal, explicou Chen há alguns anos em uma conferência no Texas. E isso se provou um grande acerto. Um ano depois, em outubro de 2006, os três fecharam o negócio de suas vidas ao vender o site para o Google por US$ 1,65 bilhão (à época, o equivalente a R$ 3,55 bilhões). Hoje, o YouTube tem mais de 1 bilhão de usuários em 88 países e 76 idiomas, segundo o Google. A chegada ao Vale do Silício Os três cofundadores do YouTube não têm origens em comum, mas seus caminhos se cruzaram ao sair da universidade. Chen nasceu em 1978 em Taiwan. Quando era adolescente, se mudou com a família para os Estados Unidos, onde se formou na Universidade de Illinois. Karim também é imigrante. Nasceu em 1979 na então Alemanha Oriental e chegou com a família aos Estados Unidos no início da década de 1990, onde estudou na mesma universidade de Chen. Hurley nasceu no Estado da Pensilvânia em 1977 e estudou na Universidade de Indiana. O trio se conheceu em 1999 em seu primeiro dia como funcionários do site de pagamentos PayPal no Vale do Silício, na Califórnia. Como engenheiros, Chen ajudou a desenvolver o serviço, enquanto Karim trabalhou no seu sistema antifraudes. Hurley, formado em Belas Artes, colaborou com o desenho da interface de uso do portal. Em 2005, eles criaram a primeira versão do YouTube. Novos negócios Os três continuaram como executivos do YouTube após a venda, mas, com o passar dos anos, saíram da empresa para empreender novamente. Chen e Hurley se uniram em 2011 para fundar a AVOS Systems, uma empresa que ajuda a desenvolver aplicativos para celulares e serviços online. Também se envolveram novamente no mercado de vídeos com dois programas, o Mixbit, que facilita a edição de clipes, e o Wanpai, para compartilhar vídeos curtos. Também estiveram à frente, entre 2011 e 2014, da plataforma Delicious, um dos serviços pioneiros para salvar e gerenciar links, mas que já não existe mais. Chen ainda faz parte da Google Ventures, um braço da Alphabet, a matriz do Google, dedicada a investimentos em novos negócios. Ele já atuou como consultor para diversas companhias, segundo a Bloomberg. Hurley também integrou a Google Ventures, mas deixou a companhia. Atualmente, segue na AVOS como diretor-executivo. Seus negócios se expandiram para a área de esportes, e ele se tornou membro da diretoria da equipe de basquete Golden State Warriors e um dos donos do time de futebol Los Angeles FC. O discreto Jawed Karim Apesar de ser o primeiro rosto que apareceu no YouTube, Karim mantém um perfil bem mais discreto em seus negócios, sem muitas aparições públicas. Depois de participar do conselho do YouTube, ele criou em 2008 sua própria empresa, a Youniversity Ventures, para ajudar universitários a tirar suas ideias de negócios do papel. Atualmente, é conselheiro da TokBox, empresa dona da plataforma de vídeos e mensagens OpenTok. Também é sócio do fundo Sequoia Capital, que teve entre seus clientes o próprio YouTube em 2005 e que já investiu em empresas como Google, Apple, Yahoo!, LinkedIn, Cisco, Airbnb e Atari.
  27. Apr 2018
    1. let users pay for their services as an alternative to relying on ads.

      Otherwise we are the products not the costumers. Really great article by Ethan Zuckerman on this issue.

  28. Mar 2018
    1. Describing the creation of Superorganism's songs, Orono Noguchi says, "It usually starts with us listening to music and talking about music, art, and all kinds of stuff in the kitchen. Then, one of us would come up with a very basic idea for a song. We'd then send the file back and forth among the group and add on some random ideas that we have. We'd keep working on it until we have a final product."[9] "We've got the guy making the videos downstairs, mixing in the other room, [and] singing going on [elsewhere]," Harry says in regards to their live-in studio. "We've created this kind of warped version of a pop production house."[1]
    1. Tim Berners-Lee offers some broad suggestions for improving the web.

      expand access to the world’s poorest through public access solutions, such as community networks and public WiFi initiatives.

      . . .

      A legal or regulatory framework that accounts for social objectives

      Because we can't count on Google, Facebook, etc. to act in the public interest on their own initiative.

      . . .

      Two myths currently limit our collective imagination: the myth that advertising is the only possible business model for online companies, and the myth that it’s too late to change the way platforms operate. On both points, we need to be a little more creative.

      . . .

      Let’s assemble the brightest minds from business, technology, government, civil society, the arts and academia to tackle the threats to the web’s future.

  29. Jan 2018
  30. doc-0s-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-0s-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com
    1. If US legislators and net neutrality advocates really want to protect the rights of internet users, they should call for the removal of barriers to entry for up-and-coming ISP

      Making the internet more fair for all ISP's and allowing for competition for bigger ISP's, plus protecting the rights of the users by allowing them a free/open internet.

    2. consumers would simply choose ISPs that allowed them to access the entire internet or at least the websites that they wished to see. Individual consumers would still decide what they access on the internet and how

      It would be similar to cable plans where you choose which plan lets you see the channels you want (or the websites in this case).

    3. The only reason it has accrued the economic power to do so in the first place is because it has provided a valuable service or product that has proven popular w ith consumers over the long-term.

      This could turn the higher up and more popular ISP's into almost a monopoly for the internet. The internet has become an important resource to the people of this day and age and it not being free would not help the smaller companies.

    4. a ‘fast lane, slow lane’ internet would emerge where internet users would eschew websites unable to pay for priority service in favour of those that are.

      Continues to describe how the internet service wouldn't be fair to smaller sites, in turn making them way slower, and causing people not to go to them due to the lack of browsing speed.

    5. bloggers, niche news sources and small websites generally—will be priced out of the market for priority service and consigned to a much poorer internet experience.

      Taking away net neutrality will make it way harder for small business and "niche news sources" to be able to run their sites and they will be way slower due to high costs to run them.

    6. sor Timothy Wu in 2003, is that every byte of data on the i

      Saying that while everything on the internet is different yet they should be treated with the same respect.

  31. doc-0o-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-0o-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com
    1. t]here is one Internet, which should remain open for consumers and innovators alike, although it maybe accessed through different technologies and services.

      Internet should remain open to everyone.

    2. There is more that I would have liked in this Order. Iwould have preferred a general ban to discourage broadband providers fromengaging in “payfor priority”—prioritizing the traffic of those with deep pockets while consigning the rest of us to a slower, second-class Internet.

      Where should the FCC draw the line between protecting rights and controlling every aspect of the internet?

    3. turning point in the struggle to ensure the continued openness of the Internet against powerful gatekeeper control.

      Net Neutrality established to keep internet open and safe from monopoly.

  32. doc-0g-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-0g-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com
    1. the FCC’s 2015 heavy-handed utility-style regulation of broadband Internet access service, which imposed substantial costs on the entire Internet ecosystem.

      All internet users were being either overcharged or undercharged for the amount of internet that they were making use of.

    2. The Federal Communications Commission today voted to restore the longstanding, bipartisan light-touch regulatory framework that has fostered rapid Internet growth, openness, and freedom for nearly 20 years.

      This is the main point of the article which explains how the FCC is changing the jurisdiction of internet usage and consumerism.

  33. www.laurenbcollister.com www.laurenbcollister.com
    1. Meanwhile,agoodexampleofthetelevision-internetconvergenceistheBBC’s‘Communicate’page
    2. Ifyou’reinterestedintryingoutinternetradio,youcouldtryVirtualTuner.com

      This server isn't up anymore. Try Spotify or Pandora

  34. Dec 2017
    1. 14 Dec 2017. The FCC just voted 3-2 to repeal net neutrality. Here, the ACLU explains what comes next. The Congressional Review Act could allow Congress to undo this action.

    1. The Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to dismantle landmark rules regulating the businesses that connect consumers to the internet, granting broadband companies power to potentially reshape Americans’ online experiences.

      The day the internet died...

    1. Traffic sent to and from Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft was briefly routed through a previously unknown Russian Internet provider Wednesday under circumstances researchers said was suspicious and intentional.

    1. There is virtually no competition in broadband Internet service in the US. 129 million people have only one option, and 146 million have only two options.

      At MuniNetworks.org, we provide resources for those joining the movement to build broadband networks that are directly accountable to the communities they serve. Case studies, fact sheets, and video are some of the media we offer to help leaders make decisions about community owned networks.

    1. EFF explains aspects of the Internet that Ajit Pai pretends not to understand.

      Ajit Pai pretends not to understand that the only job of an ISP is to provide a connection to the network and transmit packets. He also pretends DNS is an information service provided by ISPs.

      Ajit Pai is a liar.

  35. Nov 2017
    1. collaborative effort between a university professor and a government researcher (much like the collaborations at the beginnings of the Internet)

      Brief History of the Internet has been in my required readings for Sociology of Cyberspace.

    1. Our energy calculations show that by 2015, wireless cloud will consume up to 43 TWh, compared to only 9.2 TWh in 2012, an increase of 460%. This is an increase in carbon footprint from 6 megatonnes of CO2 in 2012 to up to 30 megatonnes of CO2 in 2015, the equivalent of adding 4.9 million cars to the roads. Up to 90% of this consumption is attributable to wireless access network technologies, data centres account for only 9%.

      Wow, these numbers. More than 90% in transmission? This makes CDNs and other web performance optimisation techniques much more relevant, than I first thought.

    1. The Web and the internet have represented freedom: efficient and unsupervised exchange of information between people of all nations. In the Trinet, we will have even more vivid exchange of information between people, but we will sacrifice freedom. Many of us will wake up to the tragedy of this tradeoff only once it is reality.
    2. Perhaps a future with great user experience in AR, VR, hands-free commerce and knowledge sharing could evoke an optimistic perspective for what these tech giants are building. But 25 years of the Web has gotten us used to foundational freedoms that we take for granted. We forget how useful it has been to remain anonymous and control what we share, or how easy it was to start an internet startup with its own independent servers operating with the same rights GOOG servers have. On the Trinet, if you are permanently banned from GOOG or FB, you would have no alternative.
    3. The internet will survive longer than the Web will. GOOG-FB-AMZN will still depend on submarine internet cables (the “Backbone”), because it is a technical success. That said, many aspects of the internet will lose their relevance, and the underlying infrastructure could be optimized only for GOOG traffic, FB traffic, and AMZN traffic. It wouldn’t conceptually be anymore a “network of networks”, but just a “network of three networks”, the Trinet, if you will.
    4. Similarly, while AMZN’s business still relies on traffic to their desktop web portal (accounting for 33% of sales), a large portion (25%) of their sales happen through mobile apps, not to mention Amazon Echo. Like Google Home, Amazon Echo bypasses the Web and uses the internet just for communication between cloud and end user. In these new non-web contexts, tech giants have more authority over data traffic.
    5. As an index, people have different expectations on search result neutrality. Some want Google Search to be entirely neutral, some demand immediate action to remove some results. The European Union has both demanded GOOG to comply with removal requests, and fined GOOG for not being neutral in shopping queries. It is not beneficial for GOOG to assume the role of an impartial arbiter of content, since it’s not supporting their business model. Quite the contrary, they are under public scrutiny from multiple governments, potentially risking their reputation.
    6. The War for Net Neutrality in the USA won a battle in 2014, but in 2017 we are seeing a second battle which is more likely to be lost. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are probably soon going to dictate what traffic can or cannot arrive at people’s end devices. GOOG-FB-AMZN traffic would be the most common, due to their popularity among internet users. Because of this market demand, ISPs will likely provide cheap plans with access to GOOG-FB-AMZN, while offering more expensive plans with full internet access. It is already a reality in Portugal.
    7. The original vision for the Web according to its creator, Tim Berners-Lee, was a space with multilateral publishing and consumption of information. It was a peer-to-peer vision with no dependency on a single party. Tim himself claims the Web is dying: the Web he wanted and the Web he got are no longer the same.
  36. Oct 2017
    1. AT&T has a habit of pushing unlimited data plans for an extra $5 per month -- without telling you that the deal will remove your tethering ability, for which they now want an additional $30 per month.

  37. Sep 2017
    1. The studying strategy with “the greatest power,” she adds, involves deeply questioning the text — asking yourself if you agree with the author, and why or why not.

      Etexts have an advantage in the annotation department in that they're not limited to the marginal space. Annotations can be as lengthy as they need to be. They can also be organized through tags, and thus easily searched. They can contain hyperlinks and be hyperlinked, tying texts together. I wonder how many people are taught, in any meaningful or systematic way, to use digital texts. And if they were, how would that change this dilemma.

    1. rna om ett fritt internet och säkerställa demokratins utveckling. Demokrati är ett ständigt pågående arb

      Värnandet om ett fritt internet", helt klart borde detta stå i centrum för allt vi gör inom digidel, MIK och utvecklingen av digitala tjänster. Dock är det svårt att vara en aktör för digital frihet när man själv inte är fri. Inlåsta kommunala IT-miljöer, hämmande upphandlingsregler, policyregler som motverkar digital integritet, monolitisk syn på hårdvara och mjukvara, allt detta skapar en ofri miljö där medarbetarnas möjligheter att utveckla digital kompetens motverkas. Biblioteken är arenor som talar om digital delaktighet för medborgarna utan att först ge medarbetarna själva att bli digitalt delaktiga. Kanske borde vi tala om digital egenmakt, inte bara delaktighet. Då blir det tydligare att vår uppgift är att facilitera digital frihet, inte bara introducera medborgarna i en IT-miljö som formas och definieras över deras huvuden. En levande digitaliserad demokrati förutsätter medborgare som kan bli autonoma medskapare på internet, inte enbart konsumenter av det redan etablerade.

    1. “the poor [are] doomed to the Internet, a wonderful resource for watching shitty television, experiencing angst about other people’s salaries.”9 Built by “pointless men,” the net invokes nothing but trash and hate, leaving the poor empty-handed, with nothing to sell.10 The poor make money for Facebook. It will never be the other way round.

      actual labor relationship between poor people and the internet

    1. advent of the internet

      The internet has revealed what has always been the fabric of society--human networks. It has made it easier to see them and understand how deeply we are embedded in them.

    1. mainstream pundits with more legitimacy

      This is what is so hard about democracy in the modern digital age. Habermas tells us that democracy requires an open and free exchange of idea in a equally accessible public space. While the internet is not entirely open, free and equally accessible, it is very close. Yet, we have lost the ability to vet, validate and trust most information. What does that mean about democracy in the modern age?

  38. Aug 2017
    1. Surveillance is the business model of the internet. Everyone is under constant surveillance by many companies, ranging from social networks like Facebook to cellphone providers. This data is collected, compiled, analyzed, and used to try to sell us stuff. Personalized advertising is how these companies make money, and is why so much of the internet is free to users. We’re the product, not the customer.

      Nice succinct statement on the issue.

  39. Jul 2017
    1. Students collaboratively (with the instructor) identify an area of interest and co-construct a driving question to guide inquiry.

      I really like this because even though we have to cover certain content that aligns with state standards, students can still have a say in what they learn. In studying a particular topic, we can ask "What part of this most interests you? What should we learn more about within this topic of study?" And students can pick a driving question that most interests them.

    2. The Internet Inquiry Project is an online research project that helps students develop the important digital knowledge and skills needed as they build their web literacies. Internet Inquiry Projects are student interest driven, and are more authentic as a learning activity than traditional WebQuests.
  40. Jun 2017
    1. “flip” from euphoria about the Internet as a tool for liberation and democracy, to a perception that the Internet is a tool for surveillance, profiling, and control. 
    2. Key Challenges and Uncertainties Raised by our Community Use of Internet to curtail freedom, rather than promote it (especially by government). Implications of more personal data in the hands of companies and governments. Censorship (especially as more media and political speech is moving on line). On-line persecution and persecution in the off-line world for on-line behavior. Surveillance, pervasive monitoring, and government controls on privacy technology (ie. encryption). Impact of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence on freedom and rights. Algorithms and artificial intelligence undermining human agency and decision-making. The potential inability to “opt out” of an “always on” world. Global weakening of liberal values and human rights. Potential for a tipping point when the risks to society and freedoms are perceived as growing faster than the benefits.
    3. This is compounded, as one participant suggested, by the view that the Internet may “[become] an authority channel rather than something that delivers benefits to the larger public.”
    1. “Abierto” quiere decir que cualquier persona puede publicar o crear en línea sin pedir autorización, y que las tecnologías usadas para hacer que la web funcione con transparentes y comprensibles.

      Acerca de la Internet abierta desde Mozilla

  41. May 2017
    1. The regulation of an entire burgeoning industry, and the interpretation of the Constitution in the digital age, could be impacted by the court’s decision in a case inspired by Pokémon.

      This is a really interesting case. How have I not heard of it?

  42. Apr 2017
    1. We often use terms such as "portal" or "site" or even "entry"

      This is a 2008 book, but by then, we were already seeing a shift away from related, three-dimensional spaces, like forums and a chatroom, towards walls and feeds. Video games still keep the image of the "cyber world," but the internet's gotten much flatter since I first started browsing.

    1. p. 13

      Studied mailing lists just before the internet was opened to the publis in 1992 by the NSF.



    1. As humanity’s greatest incubator of comedic gems, the internet has birthed a thousand kittens and inner-monologuing dogs.

      Too true!

  43. Mar 2017
    1. There are five factors involved with listservers: quantity, quality, scholarly withdrawal from general lists, cost, and the structure of the professional reward system that might affect these potentially important tools in the future

      Issues with Listervs

    1. One of the earliest nonscience scholarly uses of this technology was the listHumanist,

      Humanist claimed as one of the earliest uses of Listserv for nonscience scholarly work

    1. I have a lot of questions about whether any of the web-based tools we are using actually fit the mold of System A. I don’t often feel those spaces as convivial and natural. Behind the artifice of interface lay the reality of code. Is that structure humane? Is it open, sustainable, and regenerative? Does it feel good? Does the whole idea behind code generate System A or System B? I really don’t know.

      This is a really good key question..

    1. At the back of the changing room, I open a door and suddenly find myself in a new country/[planet]/[town]/[village]/[landscape] (choose appropriate) and embark on a new adventure in which I will meet the inhabitants and learn to adapt myself to their/my/our? world.

      Colonial explorer. Possibility to Jump from Country to Country.

    1. a principle of “organizing the world’s information” has to be separating reliable sources from unreliable ones, and trying to provide answers that are true. It’s clear that in many cases that’s not happening. The snippets, which create the impression of a definitive answer while feeding people bad science, conspiracy, and hate speech, make matters worse.

      Google has become dangerous.

  44. Feb 2017
    1. A company that sells internet-connected teddy bears that allow kids and their far-away parents to exchange heartfelt messages left more than 800,000 customer credentials, as well as two million message recordings, totally exposed online for anyone to see and listen.

    1. As a reminder, academics literally invented the internet, I think we can and should be doing better.

      This is such an underappreciated fact...

    1. If we want to better understand when and how we lost our way with educational technology, we must go back to the early days of the Internet.

      ...and a time when higher education WAS the internet

  45. Jan 2017
    1. Currently, each of the four pairs has a capacity of 10 terabits per second (Tbps), amounting to a total of 40Tbps on the TGN-A cable. At the time, a figure of 8Tbps was the current lit capacity on this Tata network cable.

      Yet still, us end-users are getting data capped! How would you argue against this affirmation now, Virgin & Verizon, huh?!

    2. to show how the design changes depending on the depth. The nearer to the surface you get, the more protection—armour—you need to withstand potential disturbances from shipping.

      Hahaha! This is a bit counter-intuitive, is it not? One would think you would need ”bigger” cables as the depth increases, because of the pressure.

    3. How do Verizon or Virgin reliably get 100 million bytes of data to your house every second, all day every day?

      No they do not. They have data caps! :)

    4. Have you ever thought about how that cat picture actually gets from a server in Oregon to your PC in London? We’re not simply talking about the wonders of TCP/IP or pervasive Wi-Fi hotspots, though those are vitally important as well. No, we’re talking about the big infrastructure: the huge submarine cables, the vast landing sites and data centres with their massively redundant power systems, and the elephantine, labyrinthine last-mile networks that actually hook billions of us to the Internet.

      So, I take it we invested billions in the infrastructure, only to transfer cat photos from Oregon to London. Damn, I am really happy to be apart of the 21st Century!

      BTW, did it occur to anyone we might be under the domination of Cat Overlords, since we are using such powerful infrastructure just to deal with photos of... cats? (pun intended)

    1. The open architecture of the internet reflected the liberal worldview of its creators. As well as being decentralised, the internet was also deliberately designed to be a dumb network.

      Open, decentralised and not meant to know what is transmitted: that's how the Internet has been created. Perfect to protect privacy!

      Sad there are so many people who fight against the Internet today...

    1. That’s not to say that social media curbs our self-awareness, or that our internet selves aren’t highly artificial and curated. Nor that people living in oppressive regimes, or as minorities in societies where they know they will be targeted, aren’t justifiably anxious about what they say online. But the point remains that digital media have radically transformed our conceptions of intimacy and shame, and they’ve done so in ways that are unpredictable and paradoxical.
  46. Dec 2016
    1. Brace yourself to defend net neutrality (along with everything else) during the Trump kakistocracy.

      T-Mobile wasn't the only ISP to try to undermine net neutrality via zero rating. AT&T and Verizon have also been major offenders, particularly when it comes to zero rating their own content. By doing so, ISPs are using their position as Internet gatekeepers to funnel customers to their own content, thereby distorting the open playing field the Internet typically provides. While the FCC has begun to take measures to rein in some of the most egregious practices, it's clear that zero rating will continue to be a major battlefield in the fight for net neutrality.

    1. In the first quarter of 2016, 85 cents of every new dollar spent in online advertising will go to Google or Facebook, according to Brian Nowak, an analyst with Morgan Stanley.

      This is stunning.

    1. a new set of ways to report and share news could arise: a social network where the sources of articles were highlighted rather than the users sharing them. A platform that makes it easier to read a full story than to share one unread. A news feed that provides alternative sources and analysis beneath every shared article.

      This sounds like the kind of platforms I'd like to have. Reminiscent of some of the discussion at the beginning of TWIG: 379 Ixnay on the Eet-tway.