1,251 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2019
    1. how the credit map for a product A, which is used by a product B, feeds into the credit map for product B

      Transitive credit's 3rd element: transitive nature

    2. Any product should list all authors (as currently listed as authors of a paper), all contributors (as currently listed in the acknowledgements of a paper) and all component products that have been used, including both publications and other products such as software and data (as currently either cited, acknowledged, or not included in a paper).

      Transitive credit's 1st element: credit (called "contriponent" - combination of contributors and components)

    3. Methods for doing this weighting, whether using a taxonomy or a more traditional list of authors, and analysis of these methods and their impact would likely be developed if this overall idea moves forward.

      Transitive credit's 2nd element: weight

  2. Jun 2019
  3. May 2019
    1. I’m especially looking forward to session 5B: “Change It Up! Switching Departments, Changing Career Focus, Taking Risks — From Those Who Have Done It!” Knowing several of the brilliant and driven speakers on this panel, I look forward to learning from their chameleon experiences in adapting to diverse publishing sectors and new positions. I know a few who have written their own job descriptions, some more than once!

      Thanks for the shout out, Lettie!

  4. Apr 2019
  5. quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com
    1. I can reliably predict when features get added and bugs squashed. I may not know that with WordPress.

      These pieces definitely happen on WordPress as well, it's just got an order of magnitude larger of people and infrastructure, so it can sometimes be more difficult to follow.

      Here's the best place to start for it: https://make.wordpress.org/

      You can follow along with most changes at https://core.trac.wordpress.org/

    1. From an economic point of view, this must be one of the oddest projects in the world.. No net gain in floor space for a billion dollar plus privately funded project. This projects exists in one of the most individual economic circumstances in the world. That the CIty of Sydney was unwilling to bend their ridiculous morning Solar Access Plane into Macquarie Park and allow a new tower on Loftus St, leading to this ridiculous FSR swap and wasteful construction... Madness. City of Sydney is the *definition* of champagne socialists. They are too rich, and have too much control over *our* CBD, for a Sydney of 5 million people, not their 250,000 inner city residents.

      Naughty naughty.

    1. What is code refactoring?Code refactoring means restructuring your existing code, in a way that improves the internal structure but doesn’t change its external behavior. This complex procedure is aimed at modernizing software. It is typically used to increase the system’s maintainability, enhance performance, scalability, security and so on. If performed well, it can help developers discover some hidden bugs or vulnerabilities in the system.Typically, refactoring is done in small steps, called micro-refactorings. Each of these steps is usually a tiny change to a source code that leaves the functionality of the system unchanged, it just makes the code cleaner and simpler. And if you do want to change some functionality of your code, it’s much easier to do with a clean, refactored code.
    1. This article talks about the challenges of developing for VR and the extra work involved over creating traditional games. It looks at the main areas of difficulty that come with virtual reality development and then presents what solutions developers are coming up with to overcome those challenges. Some of the challenges are familiar to developers, such as trying to obtain a high frame rate, but have new angles that need to be considered such as wider viewing angles and lower latency. The article covers eight main technical challenges and then dives into the solutions that developers are applying to these challenges. The author wraps up the article by stating some of the concerns about virtual reality and that some may consider it just a novelty. Overall though, he feels as if virtual reality is a huge leap in technology and is one that developers should start working on it.

    1. The first week of class was pretty similar to most first weeks of a programs I have experienced. However, this program was a little more hectic due to the fact that we have so many programs trying to do so many different and connected things. The moment that stood out the most to me was how much work was accomplished in 8 short hours by the MTA changemakers, this was impressive and inspiring to me. I participated in a similar group last quarter. In that program we  had weeks to get the point that they got to in an afternoon.

      You know, upon reading the textbook Networks, Crowds, and Markets, I came to see that when networks are first formed, they tend to be hectic and that there is a scram for connections in order to get a project or anything started. However, as time goes by and the networks began to get familiarized with themselves, I found that they start to form groups that are more stable and cohesive with one another and will start building up momentum in order to build something great. However, this comes with the understanding of trust and mutual bonds and without it, it will not become a teampreneurship but instead it becomes just a regular classroom setting that is just doing a series of movements on various different projects. Thus, through reading your blog and other people's blogs, I came to see that there is a stage in which teampreneurship must go through in order to be called teampreneurship and this goes the same with any enterprises. Guess it is the key towards understanding sustainability.

  6. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. The tips center on five concepts: building relationships, positive focus, communication, partnership, and support. Working to improve these elementshelps create an emotionallyintelligent work environment where all employees feel they are valued and their opinions are respected. When leaders identify strengths-based strategies to build relationships, approach interactions with a positive perspective, develop positive communication strategies to support teachers, and identify additional ways to support them, they empower the teachers they work with tothrive, not just survive,in the earlychildhood setting.
  7. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Workplace-relatedlearningis learning that is related to the firm in which the learner is employed and that is supported at least to some extent by their employer, but that is notfoundationalor higher education. Individuals may engage in this type of learning for the purposeof learning a new job, improving their job performance, for professional development, as an employee benefit or because it is required by legislation.
    1. The  Use  of  Mobile  Devices  for  Academic  Purposes  at  the  University  of  Washington:  Current  State  and  Future  Prospects

      Professional development opportunities and incentives for faculty to integrate mobile devices and as a teaching and learning tool.

    1. Can Tablet Computers Enhance Faculty Teaching?

      Studies faculty provided with tablet computers and peer mentoring workshops to help increase understanding and use of mobile devices in pedogogical approaches

    1. Faculty Alert: You Can't Put the Mobile Genie Back in the Bottle

      Use of mobile devices in academic environments remains low despite the fact students demand it. However laptops are relatively common and accepted. There is growth in acceptance that mobile devices can contribute to student learning, however faculty adoption is slow.

  8. Mar 2019
  9. eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu
    1. The purpose of this book is to help learners plan ,develop and deliver online training programs for adults in the workplace. This book can be understood as a guide for training managers, instructional designers, course developers and educators who are looking to transition from classroom material to self-paced instructional programs.The main purpose of this book is for people who deliver training programs to be able to design programs for online. Most importantly, the learners needs are addressed in development. Rating 7/10 material is interesting and relevant but slightly outdated.

    1. Technology Infused Professional Development: A Framework for Development and Analysis

      Technology Infused Professional Development by Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education relays information about the best practices for technology to be a large part of professional development. Knowledge base consists of three major domains. They are knowledge of learner, knowledge of content and knowledge of best ways and means to help students learn. Learning is considered both an active and social process. True, deep learning must be applied to new situation and this is not easy with new learning. "If we don't change the direction we are going, we're likely to end up where we are heading"

      Rating 10/10

    1. ample Professional Development (PD) Activity Collection

      Iris Center has put together a sample professional development activity collection. This is for educators and others creating professional development in other work areas. A link on this page called PD Facilitator's Guide Template accesses a template for any professional development leader to follow. It is broken down into time frames. For example, introduction five minutes, information session ten minutes. The other nice feature it has is that it already incorporates hands on activities and group work. Both of which are essential to a quality learning session. However, technology and how to use technology to better professional development is not incorporated. Rating 6/10

    1. Technology Starts with Professional Development and Training

      This EdTech article focuses on the fact that integration of technology MUST start with an emphasis on coaching and teaching teachers first. One district, Calcasieu Parish Public Schools has found that you must, "select technology that supports our learning goals rather than building curriculum around technology." and "We don't put technology into the classroom without first giving hands-on trainings to teachers." Because of the need to train teachers first, there is an entire section of this article devoted to how adults learn! However, this article simply talks about adult learning for educators and how professional development is best during the day to minimize stresses for teachers. Rating 6/10

    1. As one understands professional development in educational technology as potential transformational learning experiences, one can begin to reconceptualize its outcomes.

      This article provides an in-depth view from the teachers perspective about how to prepare for technology in their learning environments. Through professional development training, teachers and instructors can gain new knowledge about how to incorporate new technologies into their practice. This article focuses on one study and concludes that new technology needs to be introduced slowly for best practices.

    1. Top ten benefits of personalization of e-learning The text that addresses this question is toward the bottom of the page. These include increased ROI (a rationale for this is not presented).It is an enumerated list with sufficient readability and usability although the viewer does have to scroll past less relevant information to get to the list. rating 3/5

    1. 2018 mobile learning This is a Pinterest style presentation of various posts related to mobile learning and its advantages. It relates primarily to adult learning and also includes information about trends and apps. It is neatly presented. rating 5/5

    1. A national landscape scan of personalized learning in K-12 education in the United States This is included because it is associated with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, among other indicators of credibility, and because it provides (as the title suggests) a portrait of the state of personalized learning in schools, addressing topics that are not addressed by other resources in this list. rating 5/5

    1. personalize learning infographic

      This is not quite what it sounds like. It is a Pinterest style page with links to assorted articles that relate to personalized learning, most of which are presented in an infographic. It is sufficiently useful if one has the patience to click through to the infographics. Usability is satisfactory although the top half of the page is taken up with graphics that are not directly related to the content. rating 3/5

    1. personalized learning: how does it differ from traditional learning Some of the text here is gray and it is also small, so that does not make it easy to read. Nonetheless it is an infographic about personalized learning from which a fair amount of information can e learned in a short time. rating 4/5

    1. How a non traditional approach to professional development supports personalized learning This article is on point, discussing personalized learning among teachers that can conceivably be done by mobile devices. It discusses one specific school district. While the article is presented in a reasonable manner, it lacks substance. rating 1/5

    1. is your company embracing just in time learning This article, by shift learning (a credible if not foremost publisher) lists benefits of just in time learning. Among those are the ability to provide up to date and easily accessed information. They argue that it creates more engaged employees but do not provide data to support this argument. rating 3/5

    1. 4 tips to implement just in time learning at your organization This article is published by Udemy so it would appear to be credible. Reading is a bit difficult because of the light font and a sales orientation can be discerned. Nonetheless it does have some useful tips such as encouraging professional developers to 'redefine how you measure learning.' rating 3/5

    1. Evaluation of technology enhanced learning programs for health care professionals: systematic review This article is included because it is a systematic review. It is presented in academic language. The intention is to evaluate the quality of the articles themselves, not to guide e-learning development. Criteria for evaluating articles was established in advance. The utility of the article for my purposes may be a new search term, continuous professional development. rating 2/5

    1. what is just in time learning: build an engagement engine This article helps professional developers strategize about the use of just in time learning. Some of the tips are unsurprising while others offer new ideas. It is a quick read and useful for ideas for professional developers. rating 5/5

    1. macro to micro learning: how to transform your course library This short article has limited utility because of its lack of breadth and reading is a bit difficult because of the small gray typeface. Nonetheless it is a current article that provides a few tips for those who seek to have a greater number of micro learning opportunities among their professional development offerings. rating 2/5

    1. Factors influencing engagement in informal learning activities This article describes features that encourage informal learning among teachers. Those are: initiative, self-efficacy, love of learning, interest in the profession, commitment to professional development, a nurturing personality, and an interesting personality. One noteworthy feature is that the factors they refer to are personal in nature. This article does appear to fill a unique niche among the collection that I have found so far. rating 5/5

    1. Using mobile devices to support formal, informal, and semi-formal learning: uses and implications for teaching and learning This online article is presented with 'draft' stamped across it; it does not appear to be from a recognized publisher. The content does connect the topics I am looking for (informal or personalized learning, mobile devices, and teacher professional development). They discuss their recommendations and connect informal mobile learning to personalized learning. rating 4/5

    1. This is a dated online journal article about the use of mobile learning for teachers. The authors interviewed participants. The authors argue that mobile learning can contribute to professional learning yet this article does not seem to have multiple well-supported findings. rating 3/5

    1. This online journal article is a reflective piece about mobile learning for teachers. It appears to be connected to the work of Argyris and Schon (reflection in action) and it appears that they argue that adoption of mobile learning for teachers is not occurring at a fast pace. While disappointing, the article appears useful. rating 5/5

    1. This blends a discussion of professional development and personalized learning. This relates to the professional development of teachers, which I think I will shift my focus to since I am not finding public health education resources as I had hoped. This page discusses underlying cultural or other practices that contribute to professional development of this type. rating 2/5

    1. This is a research based report (of which I have found few) that connects professional development and personalized learning. I had hoped to find links that applied to health care and have not found a great many so far, but this article, which is more oriented toward professional development for teachers, still has applications since public health education professionals participate in many of the same practices. rating; 5/5

    1. This is a list of different types of mobile learning software. It seems that different categories are included, such as LMSs. I can't evaluate the products but I will note that this list would be far more helpful if they clarified what each of the software tools is supposed to do. At this point, I do not have competing lists, so I will include it for now. rating 1/5

    1. Using Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace

      This does not necessarily seem to be of top quality but it is the only item I have found so far that addresses just in time training specifically within healthcare. It does not do so in great depth. It does briefly address technology and mobile learning but not in a way that is tremendously insightful. rating 2/2

    1. Time Training (and the Best Practices

      What is just in time training This is an introductory and brief article that relates to just in time training. It describes the conditions needed to bring about adoption of this process. I am not in a position to evaluate the content but the ideas seem useful. rating 4/5

    1. This article explains just in time learning (such as that which can be done via devices) within the context of higher education. My interest is in public health education, but at this moment, I am not sure how much I can narrow in on that topic, so I will save this for now. This is obviously not a scholarly article but is of some interest nonetheless. rating 2/5

    1. This is specific to Articulate Rise 360 (a rapid development tool) and features brief posts that keep the reader up to date on software changes, which are made frequently. Only a portion of each comment is visible on the main page (just as only a portion of an email is visible without clicking the email) but the subject heading is usually sufficient to describe the content of the post. rating 3/5

    1. This is associated with the e-learning development tool "Articulate Storyline." There are frequent blog posts and they are not limited to or exclusive to the Articulate products. Posts are brief and not all of the content will be new, but there are worthwhile tips to be had and they combine theory (not to the extent that an academic would) with practice. rating 3/5

    1. Top 10 Web Developers

      When it comes to expand the business brands, you can hire the top 10 web development companies. In this post, it is clearly mentioned the top 10 web development companies to fulfill the requirements and have ideas to expand the operations.

    1. Here we have depicted 5 best Hybrid app development frameworks in 2018 along with their features, pros, and cons so as to make your job easier.

      Here we have depicted 5 best Hybrid app development frameworks in 2018 along with their features, pros, and cons so as to make your job easier.

  10. Feb 2019
    1. Is the freedom of the individual served by neoliberalism? Centrality of the state for this freedom, which NL denies. “neoliberal thinkers deliberately sustain the fiction that ‘the market economy’ is a natural and spontaneous order that must be placed beyond politics … The question of how authority can be something other than domination and private power shaped the ideas and action of those who built the tradition of constitutional democracy in western societies from the 16th to the 20th centuries … basic needs were those that had to be met before the individual could practically enact the status of a free subject or person. It was such needs provision that made it possible for individuals to be both personally secure and to enjoy an equality of opportunity to develop as individuals free to discover their talents and gifts … the representation of market society as a spontaneous order is pitched to the punters while, within the tent of the doctrine’s initiates, it is fully understood that the state has to be both a strong state, and to be re-engineered in order to impose neoliberal institutional design.” YeatmanFreedom.pdf
  11. Jan 2019
    1. machine intelligence

      Interestingly enough, we saw it coming. All the advances in technology that lead to this much efficiency in technology, were not to be taken lightly. A few decades ago (about 35 years, since the invention of the internet and online networks in 1983) people probably saw the internet as a gift from heavens - one with little or any downsides to it. But now, as it has advanced to such an extreme. with advanced machines engineering, we have learned otherwise. The hacking of sites and networks, viruses and malware, user data surveillance and monitoring, are only a few of the downsides to such heavenly creation. And now, we face the truth: machine intelligence is not to be underestimated! Or the impact on our lives could be negative in years to come. This is because it will only get more intense with the years, as technology further develops.

    1. Big Data is a buzzword which works on the platform of large data volume and aggregated data sets. The data sets can be structured or unstructured.  The data that is kept and stored at a global level keeps on growing so this big data has a big potential.  Your Big Data is generated from every little thing around us all the time. It has changed its way as the people are changing in the organization. New skills are being offered to prepare the new generated power of Big Data. Nowadays the organizations are focusing on new roles, new challenges and creating a new business.  
    1. People, branding your new website require extensive efforts and time for initiating the activities, which will help to build the solid base of your site.  There are so many tasks needed to complete the overall branding as we all know that first impression is your last impression.  Online branding is very important for service providers because as a marketing guy, I know that it would be like stress somewhere the majority of the people are not known about the product. 

      People, branding your new website require extensive efforts and time for initiating the activities, which will help to build the solid base of your site. There are so many tasks needed to complete the overall branding as we all know that first impression is your last impression. Online marketing is very important for service providers because as a marketing guy, I know that it would be like stress somewhere the majority of the people are not known about the product.

    1. Day by Day the amount of data and information are growing over the internet where new sites, new images are coming every second. So with handling this huge amount of data a major challenge was made to extract with relevant daily activities. So to overcome this context Web 3.0 were made and its tool became very valuable for users in an organised form.

      At last, we can conclude that 3.0 will be more connected, open and intelligent with using Web development technologies , distributed databases, machine learning, and also natural language processing.

    1. AI Robots will be replacing the White Collar Jobs by 6% until 2021

      AI software and the chatbots will be included in the current technologies and have automated with the robotic system. They will have given rights to access calendars, email accounts, browsing history, playlists, past purchases, and media viewing history. 6% is the huge number in the world as people would be seen struggling in finding the jobs. But there are benefits also as your work would have done easily and speedily

    1. semester-long, graded course on pedagogy through my university’s Learning Assistant Program.

      I would like to see the NYU course syllabus to see what pedagogy-related topics they cover.

    1. But this one didn’t just argue that how I dress influences student perceptions, it argued that it directly affects my ratings, and more importantly, my students’ behavior in class and the quality of their learning.

      What's the best way to tell GTAs this?

    1. As was hinted at from the star

      This is when “the other shoe dropped”. They planned this all along (since 2012). Hidden in plain sight was a more subtle strategy than people might have imagined.

    2. The Grid is based around ideas familiar to Bitwig Studio

      The continuity between these new modular features and the rest of the DAW’s workflow probably has unexpected consequences. Before getting information about BWS3, one might have thought that the “Native Modular System” promised since the first version might still be an add-on. What the marketing copy around this “killer feature” makes clear, it’s the result of a very deliberate process from the start and it’ll make for a qualitatively different workflow.

  12. Dec 2018
    1. Such a view of how theory functions in an interpretive science suggests that the distinction, relative in any case, that appears in the experimental or observational sciences between "descrip­tion" and "explanation" appears here as one, even more relative, between "inscription" ("thick description") and "specification" ("diagnosis")-between setting down the meaning particular social actions have for the actors whose actions they are, and stating, as explicitly as we can manage, what the knowledge thus attained demonstrates about the society in which it is found, and beyond that, about social life as such. Our double task is to uncover the conceptual struc­tures that inform our subjects' acts, the "said" of social discourse, and to construct a system of analysis in whose terms what is generic to those structures, what belongs to them because they are what they are, will stand out against the other determinants of human behavior. In ethnog­raphy, the office of theory is to provide a vocabulary in which what symbolic action has to say about itself-that is, about the role of culture in human life-can be expressed.

      The nut of Geertz' argument: Ethnographic theory building is about developing conceptual structures applicable to other settings in order to understand and analyze culture (human life, symbolic action, and beliefs). Thick description and its interpretation provides the framework for making theoretical distinctions.

    2. conceptualization is directed toward the task of generating interpretations of matters already in hand, not toward projecting outcomes of experimental manipulations or deducing future states of a determined system. But that does not mean that theory has only to fit (or, more carefully, to generate cogent interpre­tations of) realities past; it has also to survive-intellectually survive-realities to come. Although we formulate our interpretation of an outburst of winking or an instance of sheep­raiding after its occurrence, sometimes long after, the theoretical framework in terms of which such an interpretation is made must be capable of continuing to yield defensible interpretations as new social phenomena swim into view

      Cultural theory is not predictive but interpretative. Thick description helps to determine whether a theory can be further elaborated or is no longer useful for describing/interpreting behavior.

    3. The first is the need for theory to stay rather closer to the ground than tends to be the case in sciences more able to give themselves over to imaginative abstraction. Only short flights of ratiocination tend to be effective in anthropology; longer ones tend to drift off into logical dreams, academic bemusements with formal symmetry. The whole point of a semiotic approach to culture is, as I have said, to aid us in gaining access to the conceptual world in which our subjects live so that we can, in some extended sense of the term, converse with them. The tension between the pull of this need to penetrate an unfamiliar universe of symbolic action and the requirements of technical advance in the theory of culture, between the need to grasp and the need to analyze, is, as a result, both necessarily great and essentially irremovable.

      Challenges of theory development about cultural understandings. The tension between semiotic/symbolic approaches that require interpretation (grasp) versus methods that are grounded in analysis.

      "...the essential task of theory building here is not to codify abstract regularities but to make thick description possible, not to generalize across cases but to generalize within them."

  13. Nov 2018
    1. In today's fast-paced knowledge-intensive economy, work of importanceis increasingly accomplished coUaboratively through informal networks. As aresult, assessing and supporting strategically important informal networks inorganizations can yield substantial performance benefits. In addition, networkrelationships are critical anchoring points for employees, whose loyalty andcommitment may be more to sets of individuals in their network than to a givenorganization. Our research (and that of others) has found that these informalnetworks are increasingly important contributors to employee job satisfactionand performance. Yet despite their importance, these networks are rarely well-supported or even understood by the organizations in which they are embedded.Social network analysis provides a means with which to identify and assess thehealth of strategically important networks within an organization. By makingvisible these otherwise "invisible" patterns of interaction, it becomes possible towork with important groups to facilitate effective collaboration

      The author does a great job of examining social relationships and the effect they have in the workplace. The author asserts that by making the connections and work visible there will be a better result.


  14. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. A number of authors argue that professional development requires adual focus on both knowledge of subject matter content and an understand-ing of how children learn specific content.

      This article addresses what makes professional development effective and why. It reviews study results to show what works in a national sample of teachers. This article has good information on professional development.


    1. Social-based tools are gaining acceptance in the workplace.

      This article explains how a wiki can be used as a collaborative tool in the workplace. The author explains how they can be used, the advantages, and tips.


    1. The issue is that they are often not allowed to work as they need to.  Specifically, in so many companies, they are not truly empowered to work as they need to.
    1. Our Sample Professional Development (PD) Activity Collection is designed to serve as a resource to PD providers creating training events both for practicing educators and beginning teachers engaged in induction experiences. In this collection, users will find examples of the ways in which information about evidence-based practices,

      The page has a template, activities, and resources instructors can use to help create professional development courses. Rating: 4/5

    1. Teachers often attend professional development that does not pertain to them and what they do. This article looks into various adult learning theories that can be implemented to make professional development more meaningful for the teachers. These learning theories are action learning, experiential learning, project based learning, and self-directed learning. The article recommends blending the different adult learning theories to create a professional development teachers will find relevant to them. The article also states leadership helps direct the relevance of the professional development. Different leadership styles are highlighted and how it helps improve professional development. Rating: 5/5

  15. teacherlink.ed.usu.edu teacherlink.ed.usu.edu
    1. This article looks at several adult learning theories. The theories are: age and stage, cognitive development, and functional, Age and stage theory sates that a learner's age and stage of development plays a part in they way they learn. Cognitive development is when learning goes from concrete to more abstract and learning is intrinsic. Functional theory is when learning problem centered and self directed. Rating: 5/5

    1. In addition to discussing Knowles Andragogy learning theory this article also looks into two other adult learning theories: experiential and transformational. For learning to be successful in adults instructional designers need to "tap into prior experiences," "create a-ha moments," and "create meaning" by connecting to reality. Rating: 5/5

    1. In this case study the instructional designers used a contextualized model of active learning to provide professional learning to teachers in urban alternative high schools. The teachers were given reading assignments, activities that were relevant and engaging to them, and time to reflect at the end of the session. The participants enjoyed the "learner-centered" model of professional development and found it effective and worth to their learning. Rating: 4/5

    1. While this article does not deal with technology in adult education, it does discuss several elements needed to make professional development for educators more meaningful. This helps find the learning valuable thereby creating opportunity for them to implement strategies and techniques learned into their own teaching. Rating: 5/5

  16. create-center.ahs.illinois.edu create-center.ahs.illinois.edu
    1. CREATE Overview

      Create is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing resources for the development and creation of educational technology to enhance the independence and productivity of older adult learners.

      The sight includes publications, resources, research, news, social media and information all relevant to aging and technology. It is the consortium of five universities including: Weill Cornell Medicine,University of Miami, Florida State University,Georgia Institute of Technology, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

      RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

    1. This article is from the journal Professional Development in Education, it is a credible and relevant source. This authors analyze cases in principle professional development in four schools to find common practice. They determine if and how adult learning theory is or can be used to improve practices.


    1. This article uses librarians at graduate institutions to study the effect of a professional development program. The instruction was designed to teach adult learning theory. The article includes the instruction and assessment of the program.


  17. Sep 2018
    1. Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes.

      This sentence can be looked at as a summary for what the rest of the article will be about. It states that there has been a drastic development in reading over time.

    1. There is no debate at this point among scientists that reading is a skill that needs to be explicitly taught by showing children the ways that sounds and letters correspond.
    2. But the science shows clearly that when reading instruction is organized around a defined progression of concepts about how speech is represented by print, kids become better readers. There is also widespread support in the research for the effectiveness of teacher-directed lessons as opposed to letting children discover key concepts about reading on their own.
    3. A big part of the problem is at the university level, in schools of education, according to the authors of a 2016 article in the Journal of Childhood & Developmental Disorders. "Faculty have ignored the scientific knowledge that informs reading acquisition," the authors wrote. "As a result, the pre-service teachers who are being educated at these institutions fail to receive the necessary training."
    4. The battle between whole language and phonics got so heated that the U.S. Congress eventually got involved, convening a National Reading Panel to review all the research on reading. In 2000, the panel released a report. The sum of the research showed that explicitly teaching children the relationship between sounds and letters improved reading achievement. The panel concluded that phonics lessons help kids become better readers. There is no evidence to say the same about whole language.
    5. Another big takeaway from decades of scientific research is that, while we use our eyes to read, the starting point for reading is sound. What a child must do to become a reader is to figure out how the words she hears and knows how to say connect to letters on the page. Writing is a code humans invented to represent speech sounds. Kids have to crack that code to become readers.
    6. We are born wired to talk. Kids learn to talk by being talked to, by being surrounded with spoken language. That's all it takes. No one has to teach them to talk.But, as numerous studies have shown, reading is different. Our brains don't know how to do it. That's because human beings didn't invent written language until relatively recently in human history, just a few thousand years ago. To be able to read, structures in our brain that were designed for things such as object recognition have to get rewired a bit.
    7. The prevailing approaches to reading instruction in American schools are inconsistent with basic things scientists have discovered about how children learn to read. Many educators don't know the science, and in some cases actively resist it. The resistance is the result of beliefs about reading that have been deeply held in the educational establishment for decades, even though those beliefs have been proven wrong by scientists over and over again.
  18. Aug 2018
    1. The business and industrial-focused city will span 10,230 square miles. To put that size in perspective, 10,230 square miles is more than 33 times the land area of New York City.
    1. Like a phantom limb, you remember who you were as a reader but cannot summon that “attentive ghost” with the joy you once felt in being transported somewhere outside the self.

      I know this feeling. This summer I made it a point to rediscover analog reading. I really had a handle on this for awhile, lost it, then re-engaged with my new tablet hardware, ReMarkable.

  19. Jul 2018
    1. In a strong culture, there are many, overlapping, and cohesive interactions among all members of the organization.

      Important for faculty development centers - being a site where interactions can happen. But how to ensure they're "cohesive" interactions?

  20. Jun 2018
    1. This is an interesting demo of several kind of maps available with openstreetmap and LefatLet library

  21. May 2018
    1. The video offers HAX as the future of online course development because it simplifies the technology requirements of users in exchange for quality content and ease of access. At a recent conference in Nashville, Ollendyke and Kaufman used Lego pieces to explain HAX as being like the gridplate of a Lego board that allow for Open Source modular content to work together to create easy, multimedia integration.

      Nice one! I wonder if this was maybe OLCInnovate 2018 in Nashville? Which I'd seen it!

    1. You can not only apply it to classes, but also to software components and microservices.

      The principle can also be applied to source code files.

  22. Apr 2018
  23. Mar 2018
    1. Actively seek out the work of Indigenous creators for inclusion in their collectionsand in addition, institute a robust deselection system that recognizes cultural appropriation and historical inaccuracy.

      This is a trickier one in an academic library. Perhaps a future project could be to do an exploratory essay on historical collections and the challenges they pose?

    2. 3.Seek direction from communities on proper cultural protocols regarding access and care of their culturally sensitive knowledge and materials; developing specific protocols for dealing with Indigenous knowledge/materials within their collections by developing a Collection Management Policy that reflects and integrates Indigenous values; and if warranted an Indigenous knowledge agreement should be discussed with the originating community and agreed to.4.Respect the Indigenous cultural concept of copyright regardingIndigenous history or heritage, which isoften located in but not limited to oral traditions, songs, dance, storytelling, anec

      These need to factor into present and future negotiations when purchasing content about Indigenous peoples.

    3. process of annotation respects and renders visible the experiences of those people whose lives have been documented by state organizations and thus can build trust with Indigenous peoples.

      Existing collections such as North American Indian Thought and Culture could greatly benefit from this sort of retroactive description. For collections that are already owned, coordinated efforts by those with purchasing/institutional power would be needed. Also conversations "on the trade show floor" with companies such as Gale and Adam Matthews would be beneficial.

      Example: the work of Edward S. Curtis / and the digital repatriation model (referenced on p. 33)

    4. ideologically-biased terminology

      See Frontier Life as an example.

    5. Provide language collections

      Purchase/stream language instruction tools.

    1. . This internal event about teaching excellence at Warwick saw staff exploring physical and virtual spaces, connecting virtually with Marcin Klébin @makle1 in Poland; the doors to the EuroCALL conference were opened this year thanks to collaboration with Maha Bali +Maha Bali and Virtually Connecting, my students have created open educational resources and even contributed to online conferences, the WIHEA #knowhow project (see https://storify.com/WarwickLanguage/warwick-window-on-teaching) produced resources and connections to help others decide on a path to opening up their work.

      Connected events

  24. Feb 2018
    1. AIS Technolabs is an IT consulting company which provides IT services to the clients all over the globe. It is the motto of the company to work for their clients and enhance their trade success by means of their services. Our company has been established 5 years back. We have been offering our services for nearly more than a half decade and are totally aware of all types of areas in which IT solutions can be provided to our customers. We have been working with industries from diverse sectors of a different magnitude from the start-ups to the colossal organizations.

  25. Dec 2017
  26. Nov 2017
    1. Figure 4: Typical diurnal cycle for traffi c in the Internet. The scale on the vertical axis is the percentage of total users of the service that are on-line at the time indicated on the horizontal axis. (Source: [21])

      I can't see an easy way to link to this graph itself, but this reference should make it easier to get to this image in future

  27. Oct 2017
    1. eveloping countries are increasingly pushing back against the intellectual property regime foisted on them by the advanced economies over the last 30 years. They are right to do so, because what matters is not only the production of knowledge, but also that it is used in ways that put the health and wellbeing of people ahead of corporate profits.
    1. Now, in the long run great product management usually makes the difference between winning and losing, but you have to prove it. Product management also combines elements of lots of other specialties - engineering, design, marketing, sales, business development. Product management is a weird discipline full of oddballs and rejects that never quite fit in anywhere else. For my part, I loved the technical challenges of engineering but despised the coding. I liked solving problems, but I hated having other people tell me what to do. I wanted to be a part of the strategic decisions, I wanted to own the product. Marketing appealed to my creativity, but I knew I’d dislike being too far away from the technology. Engineers respected me, but knew my heart was elsewhere and generally thought I was too “marketing-ish.” People like me naturally gravitate to product management.

      This describes me! This is me! This is why I am a Product Manager.

  28. Sep 2017
  29. Aug 2017
  30. Jul 2017
    1. The first effect is an outsourcing of policy development. Much of the research, number crunching, and legislative wordsmithing that used to be done by Capitol Hill staffers working for the government is now being done by outside experts, many of them former Hill staffers, working for lobbying firms, think tanks, consultancies, trade associations, and PR outfits.
    1. As the institutional balance breaks, the person becomes more available to and interested in a kind of sharing and intimacy with others. But intimacy in the next balance is the self’s aim, rather than its source. It involves a self that travels between systems, or exists in the dynamism between them, not in the dynamism between individuals.

      The self exists in the dynamism between systems, not between individuals

  31. Jun 2017
    1. Against (13): Albania, Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and United States of America.  
    2. the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights, adopted by a recorded vote of 30 in favour to 13 against with 3 abstentions, the Council calls upon all countries to realize people-centred development of the people, by the people and for the people, and also calls upon all States to spare no effort in promoting sustainable development, in particular while implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as it is conducive to the overall enjoyment of human rights. 
  32. May 2017
    1. Every time a customer service assistant shrugs and says “computer says no” or an organization acts in crazy, inflexible ways, odds-are there’s a database underneath which has a limited, rigid view of reality and it’s simply too expensive to fix the software to make the organization more intelligent. We live in these boxes, as pervasive as oxygen, and as inflexible as punched cards.

      Isn't it interesting how the rigidity of institutionalised "old economy"-businesses and their management structure as well as their work ethics is, in a way, mimicked by their IT-architecture? Efficiency over effectiveness, stability over flexibility, repetition over creative destruction and innovation. And then came Agile...

    1. National Research Council
      The National Research Council (NRC) is an organization within the Government of Canada dedicated to research and development. Today, the NRC works with members of the Canadian industry to provide meaningful research and development for many different types of products. The areas of research and development that the NRC participates in include aerospace, aquatic and crop resource development, automotive and surface transportation, construction, energy, mining, and environment, human health therapeutics, information and communications technologies, measurement science standards, medical devices, astronomy and astrophysics, ocean, coastal, and river engineering, and security and disruptive technologies. The NRC employs scientists, engineers, and business experts. The mission of the NRC is as follows: “Working with clients and partners, we provide innovation support, strategic research, scientific and technical services to develop and deploy solutions to meet Canada's current and future industrial and societal needs.” The main values of the NRC include impact, accountability, leadership, integrity, and collaboration. The most recent success stories of the NRC include research regarding “green buildings,” math games, mechanical insulation, and many more (Government of Canada 2017). Here is a link to their achievement page where these stories and more are posted: http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/achievements/index.html. Here is a link to the NRC webpage: http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/index.html.  


      Government of Canada. 2017. National Research Council Canada. May 5. Accessed May 8, 2017. http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/index.html.

  33. Apr 2017
  34. Mar 2017
    1. All views use standards-based HTML templates

      Aurelia's standards focus means our code stays relevant down the road.

    2. One of the strengths of Aurelia is that you can write so much of your application in vanilla JS.

      By sticking close to standards, such as upcoming EcmaScript features, Aurelia code prepares for us for the future. It encourages writing code that will be relevant 2-5 years from now, or perhaps beyond.

    3. Separation of Concerns is great for developer/designer collaboration, maintainability, architectural flexibility, and even source control.

      This is a good reason why templates and logic files can be kept separate.

    1. Go to your closet. Hold each piece of clothing, each accessory, and each shoe in your hands. Now ask yourself,“Does this spark joy?”Does it make you feel pretty or handsome when you wear it? If it does then keep it. If not, get rid of it (harsh, I know).

      You could say the same to each object in your household basically. And, swoosh, you're a Minimalist.

    1. extract its resources.

      Resource extraction is not synonymous with instant gratification. The beginning of the process starts with in-depth discussions of feasibility as well as economic, social, and environmental impact. The arctic presents great opportunities for energy, mining, and infrastructure development, which are the leading private sector contributors to economies. However, this does not mean they go without substantial risks and challenges. Considerations include impacts, risk assessment, adaptations, and mitigation; these need to be discussed at length with owners, operators, businesses, governments, utilities, academics, and those potentially affected, both human and nonhuman. Other factors include the consideration of the reduction of seasonal, annual, and multi-year sea ice, meaning a higher accessibility to Arctic waters and coasts for marine shipping and transportation.

      The Arctic Council is an intergovernmental forum that promotes cooperation, coordination, and interaction among the Arctic States and their residents of issues on sustainable development and environmental protection in the region. The Council, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in September 2016, has a goal of discussing climate challenges and frailty that the North’s ecosystem presents, as well as national development opportunities. In October 2016, the Russian government held a conference called the International Cooperation in the Arctic: New Challenges and Vectors of Development. At this meeting, the most prioritized issue was that of involving non-regional states in the Arctic agenda, along with transforming the Arctic Council into an international organization in order to expand on issues. Additionally, there is talk of establishing parameters of sustainable development in the Arctic, and the up-and-coming field of Arctic law.

      "Arctic Resource Development and Climate Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation." Submission Guides. Accessed March 08, 2017. http://arctic.ucalgary.ca/arctic-resource-development-and-climate-impacts-adaptation-and-mitigation.

      "Juneau, Alaska, United States." Arctic Council. May 20, 2015. Accessed March 08, 2017. http://arctic-council.org/index.php/en/about-us.

      Admin. "2016 International Cooperation in the Arctic: New Challenges and Vectors of Development Conference." Pan-Arctic Options. Accessed March 08, 2017. http://panarcticoptions.org/international-cooperation-in-the-arctic-new-challenges-and-vectors-of-development/.

  35. Feb 2017
    1. that there is some foundation for the prelerencc of one man's taste to that of another, or that there is a good and a bad, a right and a wrong in taste, as in other things.

      Perhaps we can link this to Campbell's idea of experience molding us and our ideas?

  36. Jan 2017
    1. According to a 2015 report by Incapsula, 48.5% of all web traffic are by bots.


      The majority of bots are "bad bots" - scrapers that are harvesting emails and looking for content to steal, DDoS bots, hacking tools that are scanning websites for security vulnerabilities, spammers trying to sell the latest diet pill, ad bots that are clicking on your advertisements, etc.


      Content on websites such as dev.to are reposted elsewhere, word-for-word, by scrapers programmed by Black Hat SEO specialists.


      However, a new breed of scrapers exist - intelligent scrapers. They can search websites for sentences containing certain keywords, and then rewrite those sentences using "article spinning" techniques.

  37. Dec 2016
    1. Now, there is only so much survival training that is required, and there is always a little bit that is needed ongoing because it relates to your need to provide income for yourself and to get along with other people. You live in a social setting as well as a biological one. You must survive physically and you must survive socially. To do this you must develop your personal self so that you can communicate and participate with people effectively and be able to manage the simple affairs of your life. This is ongoing because even with a greater emphasis in life, you will have to develop and cultivate your personal self to accommodate this greater emphasis. Do not expect God to come and give you a great mission in life until you have the capacity for it.
    1. Not every committer has the rights to release or make high level decisions, so we can be much more liberal about giving out commit rights. That increases the committer base for code review and bug triage. As a wider range of expertise in the committer pool smaller changes are reviewed and adjusted without the intervention of the more technical contributors, who can spend their time on reviews only they can do.

      Esto es clave. Si se consideran sistemas de integración continua asociados a los distintos repositorios (de código y documentación) con permisos en ellos, se pueden corregir los errores que se presenten, sin restringir grandemente la posibilidad de colaborar.

    1. The rise of agile coincided with the rise of startups using open source projects. At first, startups just incorporated those projects into their own software. But like any cultural exchange, open source began to affect how startups built products, too.
  38. Nov 2016
    1. In short we move all of the new operators to a factory. We group all of the objects of similar lifetime into a single factory

      The image above is worth to study (as the all article)

    1. By the way, if the point about being global is that a Singleton can be included in any file and used anywhere in a program, that’s true, but only bad if misused. The Singleton pattern is not inherently bad, it’s misuse is bad

      Singletons are not inherently bad

    2. If the singleton class is a “utility class” (e.g. FileUtils, StringUtils, etc.), and has no state, then I would say it’s okay. Such a class is not a liar, per se, because there is no unexpected state change or dependency

      Constants are ok

    3. ccp.chargePurchaseToCard(100,c); since the logic for purchasing will be in the processor anyway, not the card. Cards don’t process anything

      Good remark

    1. It would violate it if you stored a reference to context instead of the engine and later on referred tried to get the engine. For example: class Mechanic { Context context; Mechanic(Context context) { this.context = context; } bool CheckEngine() { return this.context.getEngine().checkIfBusted(); } }

      Violation of LoD takes place if you store a context object and then look op the dependency you really need in the method

    2. Every time I have to write a test I have to create a graph of objects (the haystack) which no one really needs or cares for, and into this haystack I have to carefully place the needles (the real object of interests) so that the code under test can go and look for them. I have to create the Context just so when I construct the Mechanic it can reach in the Context and get what it realy needs, the Engine. But context is never something which is easy to create. Since context is a kitchen sink which knows just about everything else, its constructor is usually scary. So most of the time I can’t even instantiate Mechanic, not to mention run any tests on it. The testing game is over before it even started

      Consequence of Law of Demeter breaking

    1. His point seems to be that Constructor Injection can be an anti-pattern if applied too much, particularly if a consumer doesn't need a particular dependency in the majority of cases

      In short it goes like this, so shipper is only used if isValid:

      public OrderProcessor(IOrderValidator validator, IOrderShipper shipper)


      _validator = validator;

      _shipper = shipper;


      ` public SuccessResult Process(Order order)`


      bool isValid = _validator.Validate(order);

      if (isValid)





      return CreateStatus(isValid);


    1. The law of leaky abstractions means that whenever somebody comes up with a wizzy new code-generation tool that is supposed to make us all ever-so-efficient, you hear a lot of people saying "learn how to do it manually first, then use the wizzy tool to save time."
    2. A famous example of this is that some SQL servers are dramatically faster if you specify "where a=b and b=c and a=c" than if you only specify "where a=b and b=c" even though the result set is the same. You're not supposed to have to care about the procedure, only the specification. But sometimes the abstraction leaks and causes horrible performance

      Abstraction leaks may exhibit as performance issues

    3. TCP attempts to provide a complete abstraction of an underlying unreliable network, but sometimes, the network leaks through the abstraction and you feel the things that the abstraction can't quite protect you from. This is but one example of what I've dubbed the Law of Leaky Abstractions
  39. Oct 2016
  40. Sep 2016
  41. Aug 2016
    1. Upload the files

      If you are using WampServer locally, copy the Wordpress directory to the www directory of your WampServer installation. To find out where that is, click on the WampServer icon in the system tray (notification area in Windows 7), and then click on the 'www directory' listing in the menu. Once where you know where that is, you can copy and paste it to that location. There are other options, but this is the most convenient to get up and running with WordPress quickly.

  42. Jul 2016
    1. “In my perfect world, I have a competency profile — you know, on LinkedIn, presumably — that is kept up to date in real time on the competencies that I am exhibiting in my work, as well as competencies that I’ve demonstrated through assessments, through my education, the formal credentials that I’ve accrued,”

      It’s a very specific dream, but it sounds like it’s shared by a lot of people.

    1. You might even notice that your confidence isn’t the only thing that goes up, this was my first step in growing internally, and you’ll find that in the end Social Development isn’t just about learning to talk to other people, it’s a deep discovery about who you truly are.
  43. Jun 2016
    1. If we don’t force kids to come to school in order to change their ‘mindsets’, why ARE they here? 

      To develop their own "mindsets" in a nurturing environment that values their agency and supports them in seeing and realizing the possibilities in their lives? :-)

    1. In this Discussion blog you will find: #DevtIDEAS Debates videos and summaries (a series of live online ‘webinars’ that brought several practitioners and researchers to debate and share new ideas), editorials from key global international development researchers and and practitioners, and a collection of posts that feature multimedia videos and graphics.

      Development as a field continues to evolve. Ideas that turn into experience generate new ideas and lessons. New ideas inform new experiences, and these are typically debated by those involved in development work.

      You can read and watch the debates and discussions that took place over the past two years complementing the IDRC publication International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects.

    1. What is development? How does it happen? How have ideas on development changed since the Second World War? This study guide to International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects will help dig deeper into these questions. Each chapter features a summary of the main conclusions, discussion questions, and suggested readings. The Study Guide Quick Finder is at the bottom of each page.

      If you work in international development? If you are interested in learning more about the history and evolution of the thinking driving international cooperation. This is a site for you.

      The site offers the pre-print version of an IDRC publication entitled International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects, edited by Bruce Currie-Alder, Ravi Kanbur, David M. Malone, and Rohinton Medhora.

      This is an interesting book brings together the voices of over ninety authors, which include international development practitioners, experts and policy makers.

      The site contains a study guide comprised by eight sections of the book, each with a number of chapters. Ideal to use for beginner or advanced courses in universities and as reference for day to day work in the field.

  44. Apr 2016
    1. the study of innovation shows that everything hinges on the hard work of taking a promising idea and making it work — technically, legally, financially, culturally, ecologically. Constraints are great enablers of innovation.
    2. But there’s a downside to the hackathon hype, and our research on designing workplace projects for innovation and learning reveals why. Innovation is usually a lurching journey of discovery and problem solving. Innovation is an iterative, often slow-moving process that requires patience and discipline. Hackathons, with their feverish pace, lack of parameters and winner-take-all culture, discourage this process. We could find few examples of hackathons that have directly led to market success.
    3. what if projects were designed to combine a hacking mindset with rigorous examination of the data and experience they glean? This would reward smart failures that reveal new insights and equip leaders with the information needed to rescale, pivot or axe their projects.

      Sounds somewhat like agile devlopment.

  45. Mar 2016
    1. By now I had become quite hooked on experimenting with the system, and lots of questions along the line of “I wonder what would happen if?…” sprang to mind.

      Sounds like this is a shared experience we have, as we dig deeper into #SonicPi. Even SPi author Sam Aaron described something similar, in an interview (ca. 33:27). Might have to do with the affordances of a system meant for learning. You know, “scaffolding” and all that.

  46. Feb 2016
  47. Jan 2016
    1. Comparison of AngularJS 2 and ReactJS.

      Angular is a full framework. React is a library. The latter involves more decisions about other packages, and more differences among projects.

      React uses JSX, an HTML-like syntax that compiles to JavaScript. It can tell you where your mistakes are. With Angular, you have to guess.

    1. Practice obliviousness Like mindfulness, except instead of acknowledging and accepting all your thoughts and emotions, you just ignore them and go about your day until something actually goes wrong.
    1. Everything we do to make it harder to create a website or edit a web page, and harder to learn to code by viewing source, promotes that consumerist vision of the web. Pretending that one needs a team of professionals to put simple articles online will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      Humorous talk on website bloat by Maciej Cegłowski, creator of the Pinboard bookmarking service.

  48. Dec 2015
    1. The core set of functionality we've tried to capture in the HTML5 video compositor is the timing and synchronisation of the playback of videos and other media sources. The library allows you to cut together two separate videos near seamlessly, synchronise the playback of multiple videos in parallel and manage the pre-loading of videos in a just-in-time fashion.

      The BBC is open sourcing their experimental HTML5 Video Compositor. "This is an experimental JavaScript library for playing back dynamically modifiable edit decision lists (EDLs), and applying WebGL shader based effects."


    1. Birdly explains why they've dropped their mobile apps. It is not enough for a mobile app to be useful and easy to use.

      For people to use a mobile app, it has to be something they use every day. It should take advantage of the device's main functions: sound, camera, and geolocation.

      We spent so much time updating our app to comply with the latest OS released by Apple or Google, debugging the app, developing new features, ensuring our UI was well-integrated in the global OS