- Feb 2025
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.bloomsburycollections.com www.bloomsburycollections.com
for - book - Pedagogies of Collapse - Ginie Servant-Miklos - introduction - 2024
onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
References source: http://www.celtic-twilight.com/camelot/bruce_dictionary/index.htm which can be found on the Internet Archive (original site is dead) at.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The Tale of Culhwch and Olwen by [[Robin Williamson]]
mabinogion.info mabinogion.info
Mabinogion by [[Will Parker]]
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Michael Harvey https://www.youtube.com/@michaelharveystoryteller8003/videos
Has a version of How Culhwch won Owen
www.library.wales www.library.wales
Laws of Hywel Dda by [[National Library of Wales]]
grants.fnl.org.uk grants.fnl.org.uk
Laws of Hywel Dda by [[Friends of the National Libraries]]
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Cunliffe, Barry. The Celts: A Very Short Introduction. Very Short Introductions. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
- Dec 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
All these "rules" are really just guidance/suggestions... I highly recommend you try out the thing you would imagine to work and see how it goes. If it works for you, then great. If not, try something else. What works for someone else isn't necessarily going to work for you. How do you think these things came about? They really weren't invented, but slight variations on a pre-existing theme that someone customized for their needs.
It's called a "zettelkasten practice" for a reason. After you've been at it for a few months, write up your experience and let us know how it all worked out. What worked well? What didn't? Speculate on the reasons why...
reply to u/King_PenguinOs at https://old.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1hklaii/getting_started_with_zettelkasten/
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
When sensory information about a perceived stimulus is ambiguous, the visual system forms multiple distinct interpretations of said stimulus. Multistable perception occurs when perception of the stimulus alternates between interpretations over time.
Multistable perception may arise from interactions between lower-order and higher order brain processes. Lower order brain processes are involved in basic mental functions such as attention and perception, whereas higher order brain processes are involved in complex mental functions such as reasoning and abstract thinking.
The review discusses how brain processes underlying different levels of visual processing (low-level sensory, intermediate extrastriate, and high level frontoparietal) interact with one another to produce visual multistable phenomena such as binocular rivalry.
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:07][^1^][1] - [00:21:31][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente une journée dédiée à la santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents, organisée par des chercheurs et des cliniciens. Elle met en avant l'importance de la collaboration entre enseignants, chercheurs et cliniciens pour améliorer les pratiques et la formation des enseignants sur ce sujet crucial.
Temps forts: + [00:00:07][^3^][3] Introduction et objectifs de la journée * Réflexion sur la santé mentale des enfants * Collaboration entre enseignants et chercheurs * Amélioration des pratiques éducatives + [00:02:02][^4^][4] Définition de la santé mentale * Bien-être selon l'OMS * Importance de la résilience et de l'adaptation * Interaction sociale et compétences émotionnelles + [00:06:23][^5^][5] Facteurs influençant la santé mentale * Poids des facteurs environnementaux et biologiques * Importance de l'estime de soi * Régulation émotionnelle et autocontrôle + [00:10:00][^6^][6] Développement des compétences chez les enfants * Langage oral et fonctions exécutives * Contrôle cognitif et maturation * Différences de développement entre garçons et filles + [00:15:08][^7^][7] Études et données sur la santé mentale * Enquête en classe et résultats * Prévalence des troubles anxiodépressifs * Impact du COVID-19 sur la santé mentale des jeunes
Résumé de la vidéo [00:21:34][^1^][1] - [00:28:48][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente une étude épidémiologique sur la santé mentale des enfants, coconstruite avec des enseignants, des parents et des experts. Elle met en lumière les différences de perception entre les enfants, leurs enseignants et leurs parents, et souligne l'importance de corréler ces perceptions pour une meilleure compréhension.
Temps forts: + [00:21:34][^3^][3] Conception de l'étude * Manque d'indicateurs récents * Étude coconstruite avec divers acteurs * Croisement des perceptions + [00:22:12][^4^][4] Méthodologie de l'étude * Échantillon significatif de 706 écoles * Acceptation positive par les participants * Reproductibilité de l'étude + [00:22:40][^5^][5] Résultats principaux * 13 % des enfants ont des troubles émotionnels * Différences entre filles et garçons * Bien-être augmente en primaire, se dégrade au collège + [00:24:00][^6^][6] Facteurs de risque et de protection * Importance de l'estime de soi * Compétences psychosociales et environnement familial * Interactions précoces et développement cérébral + [00:26:01][^7^][7] Modélisation des troubles des conduites * Interaction entre facteurs biologiques et environnementaux * Importance des relations d'attachement * Trajectoires développementales et prévention
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:07][^1^][1] - [00:22:22][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente l'ouverture de la conférence internationale du Conseil Scientifique de l'Éducation Nationale, axée sur la santé mentale et le bien-être des élèves. Stanislas Dehaene et la ministre de la Santé, Geneviève Darrieussecq, abordent les défis et les initiatives en cours pour améliorer la santé mentale des jeunes.
Temps forts: + [00:00:07][^3^][3] Introduction par Stanislas Dehaene * Présentation de la conférence * Importance de la santé mentale des élèves * Allocution de la ministre de la Santé + [00:00:32][^4^][4] Discours de la ministre de la Santé * Impact de la crise du COVID-19 * Statistiques préoccupantes sur la santé mentale * Initiatives pour améliorer la santé mentale + [00:03:15][^5^][5] Chantiers engagés * Coordination entre acteurs * Stratégie interministérielle * Développement des compétences psychosociales + [00:06:59][^6^][6] Dispositifs de soutien * Remboursement des séances psychologiques * Formation au secourisme en santé mentale * Numéro national de prévention du suicide + [00:10:00][^7^][7] Importance du bien-être * Bien-être comme pilier fondamental * Confiance en soi et persévérance * Collaboration et compétences sociales
Résumé de la vidéo [00:22:24][^1^][1] - [00:26:42][^2^][2]:
La vidéo présente un discours sur l'importance de ne jamais dire à un enfant qu'il est nul et sur le rôle crucial des enseignants et des rencontres positives dans la réussite des élèves. Elle met en avant l'importance de la santé mentale et du bien-être des élèves pour leur réussite scolaire.
Points forts : + [00:22:24][^3^][3] L'importance des rencontres positives * Les élèves peuvent réussir malgré des débuts difficiles * Les enseignants jouent un rôle crucial * La confiance en soi est essentielle + [00:23:01][^4^][4] Ne jamais dire à un enfant qu'il est nul * Ce message est toujours faux * Beaucoup d'adultes ont surmonté ce type de message * Encourager les élèves est fondamental + [00:24:01][^5^][5] La santé mentale et le bien-être * La santé mentale a des aspects biologiques et sociaux * L'environnement éducatif est crucial * Les enseignants peuvent changer la trajectoire des élèves + [00:25:10][^6^][6] L'importance de la bienveillance institutionnelle * Améliorer le classement PISA par la bienveillance * Combiner les fondamentaux avec le bien-être * Adapter l'éducation aux besoins des élèves
Ces points montrent comment l'éducation peut transformer la vie des élèves en leur offrant soutien et encouragement.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:07][^1^][1] - [00:09:20][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo traite de la santé mentale et des stratégies d'adaptation, avec un accent particulier sur les jeunes et les élèves. Elle aborde les défis actuels, les statistiques préoccupantes et les initiatives mises en place pour améliorer la santé mentale.
Points forts : + [00:00:07][^3^][3] Introduction et contexte * Présentation de la conférence * Importance de la santé mentale * Allocution de la ministre de la Santé + [00:01:00][^4^][4] Statistiques alarmantes * Impact du COVID-19 sur les jeunes * Augmentation des tentatives de suicide * Enquête sur la santé mentale des jeunes + [00:03:15][^5^][5] Initiatives et stratégies * Coordination entre les acteurs * Développement des compétences psychosociales * Stratégie nationale 2022-2027 + [00:05:00][^6^][6] Communication et sensibilisation * Campagnes de Santé publique France * Importance de lever les tabous * Formation en secourisme en santé mentale + [00:07:00][^7^][7] Dispositifs de soutien * Remboursement des séances psychologiques * Numéro national de prévention du suicide * Expérimentations sur les réseaux sociaux
- Sep 2024
thisibelieve.org thisibelieve.org
I believe in foreign languages. I believe that in learning to speak languages other than our mother tongues, we find our better selves in the words and worlds of others.
The author believes that when overcoming the boundary of language, we can better ourselves.
iowareview.org iowareview.org
I wish to put my blackness into some kind of order. My blackness, my builtness, my blackness, a bill. I want you to know how I feel it: cold key under the tongue. Mean fishhook of homesickness that catches my heart when I walk under southern pines. And how I recognized the watery warp of the floor in my great-grandma’s house, when I dreamed it. This is what her complaining ghost said: Write about me.
This part of the poem began the entire passage, a small introduction with my own personal take on it being that of the author being pulled from the heart strings to write a poem about their grandmother, a poem that held meaning of their past and the home they once knew.
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Topology: A Short Introduction by [[badbettybooks]]
only the most surface level review here from the perspective of a relatively unsophisticated undergraduate
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:08:04][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente une conférence sur les approches expérimentales en éducation, animée par Esther Duflo. Elle aborde l'importance de la libre diffusion des connaissances, la collaboration interdisciplinaire, et les efforts pour améliorer l'éducation grâce à des données et des expériences en milieu scolaire.
Points forts: + [00:00:23][^3^][3] Introduction de la conférence * Esther Duflo accueille les participants * Mention de la nature bilingue de l'événement * Présentation du Collège de France et de son rôle + [00:02:04][^4^][4] Objectifs de la conférence * Collaboration entre scientifiques et praticiens * Présentation du réseau ID et de la Fondation pour l'Initiative d'Apprentissage * Discussion sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des enfants + [00:03:11][^5^][5] Efforts en matière de données et d'expérimentation * Création de données et partenariats pour des expériences en milieu scolaire * Projets interdisciplinaires entre scientifiques cognitifs et économistes * Évaluation de l'impact des programmes éducatifs + [00:04:33][^6^][6] Engagement du Collège de France en éducation * Présentation de l'action "Agir pour l'éducation" * Discussion sur les défis du système éducatif français * Développement d'outils basés sur les sciences cognitives pour l'enseignement
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:01][^1^][1] - [00:13:22][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente l'ouverture officielle des rencontres de Santé publique France 2024 par Caroline Semaille. Elle souligne l'importance de l'activité physique comme enjeu de santé publique, surtout dans le contexte de l'année olympique. La vidéo met en évidence les efforts de promotion de l'activité physique et de prévention de la sédentarité, ainsi que la préparation aux Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024.
Points forts: + [00:00:01][^3^][3] Ouverture des rencontres * Accueil des participants aux rencontres de Santé publique France 2024 * Remerciements aux intervenants et organisateurs * Mention de la participation de la ministre des Sports + [00:01:27][^4^][4] L'activité physique comme grande cause nationale * Promotion de l'activité physique en tant que grande cause nationale * Collaboration avec le délégué ministériel à la grande cause nationale * Importance de l'activité physique pour la santé et la prévention + [00:02:22][^5^][5] Résultats du baromètre santé publique France 2021 * Publication des résultats sur l'activité physique et la sédentarité * Écart entre la pratique réelle et la connaissance des recommandations * Facteurs socio-économiques influençant l'atteinte des recommandations + [00:06:00][^6^][6] Campagne pour favoriser l'activité des adolescents * Résultats positifs de la campagne pour l'activité physique des adolescents * Importance de la mobilisation de tous les leviers pour la promotion de la santé * Ateliers d'activité physique proposés lors des rencontres + [00:07:40][^7^][7] Préparation aux Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 * Mobilisation de Santé publique France pour les Jeux Olympiques * Surveillance renforcée des risques sanitaires pendant les Jeux * Thématiques prioritaires et mesures de prévention pour les Jeux + [00:10:01][^8^][8] Engagement de Santé publique France * Rôle de Santé publique France dans la promotion de la santé * Collaboration avec différents secteurs pour des stratégies efficaces * Vision d'une santé publique innovante et collaborative
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:18:57][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente un colloque sur l'éducation, abordant les transformations du système scolaire français, l'impact de la massification scolaire sur la société, et les défis actuels de l'éducation. L'orateur discute des changements dans les carrières scolaires, l'orientation des élèves, et l'évolution des structures familiales. Il souligne l'importance croissante de l'éducation pour les parents diplômés et les conséquences sur les performances des élèves.
Points forts: + [00:01:01][^3^][3] Contexte du colloque * Suite à un cours sur l'éducation * Examen des transformations scolaires * Impact de la massification sur la société + [00:02:01][^4^][4] Transformations scolaires * Évolution des carrières scolaires * Question de l'orientation des élèves * Différences de compétences acquises + [00:03:00][^5^][5] Impact social de l'éducation * Augmentation de la monoparentalité * Corrélation entre éducation et conjugalité * Influence de l'éducation sur la fécondité + [00:05:26][^6^][6] Rôle des familles dans l'éducation * Importance de l'action éducative familiale * Inégalités de ressources et d'efficacité * Exigence accrue des parents diplômés + [00:07:00][^7^][7] Défis actuels de l'éducation * Chute des performances scolaires * Décalage entre évaluations et compétences réelles * Nécessité d'approches individuelles et contextuelles + [00:14:46][^8^][8] Focus sur les mathématiques * Préoccupation croissante pour le niveau en mathématiques * Impact potentiel sur la recherche scientifique * Importance des activités périscolaires et des compétitions
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:18:57][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente un colloque sur l'éducation, abordant les transformations du système scolaire français, l'impact de la massification scolaire sur la société, et les défis actuels de l'éducation. L'orateur discute des changements dans les carrières scolaires, l'orientation des élèves, et l'évolution des structures familiales. Il souligne l'importance croissante de l'éducation pour les parents diplômés et les conséquences sur les performances des élèves.
Points forts: + [00:01:01][^3^][3] Contexte du colloque * Suite à un cours sur l'éducation * Examen des transformations scolaires * Impact de la massification sur la société + [00:02:01][^4^][4] Transformations scolaires * Évolution des carrières scolaires * Question de l'orientation des élèves * Différences de compétences acquises + [00:03:00][^5^][5] Impact social de l'éducation * Augmentation de la monoparentalité * Corrélation entre éducation et conjugalité * Influence de l'éducation sur la fécondité + [00:05:26][^6^][6] Rôle des familles dans l'éducation * Importance de l'action éducative familiale * Inégalités de ressources et d'efficacité * Exigence accrue des parents diplômés + [00:07:00][^7^][7] Défis actuels de l'éducation * Chute des performances scolaires * Décalage entre évaluations et compétences réelles * Nécessité d'approches individuelles et contextuelles + [00:14:46][^8^][8] Focus sur les mathématiques * Préoccupation croissante pour le niveau en mathématiques * Impact potentiel sur la recherche scientifique * Importance des activités périscolaires et des compétitions
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:07][^1^][1] - [00:23:57][^2^][2]:
La vidéo présente l'ouverture de la 8ème Journée Départementale de la Parentalité à Agde en 2022. Elle met en lumière l'importance de la parentalité dans la société française, les défis démographiques et les évolutions de la famille. La parentalité est décrite comme un lien entre un adulte et un enfant, indépendamment de la structure familiale, visant à assurer le soin, le développement, l'éducation et le bien-être de l'enfant. La vidéo souligne également le rôle des professionnels et des parents dans l'éducation des enfants et la nécessité de partenariats et de dispositifs d'écoute pour soutenir les parents.
Points forts: + [00:00:07][^3^][3] Ouverture de la journée * Accueil des participants et remerciements aux organisateurs * Excuses pour l'absence de certains invités + [00:01:12][^4^][4] Définition de la parentalité * Évolution de la politique familiale en France * La parentalité au-delà du lien biologique + [00:05:08][^5^][5] Défis de la parentalité * Diversité des situations familiales * Approche interculturelle nécessaire + [00:07:01][^6^][6] Co-construction de la journée * Collaboration entre la CAF, les animateurs de Parentalité 34 et les parents * Conférences, ateliers et échanges prévus + [00:16:13][^7^][7] Intervention de la MSA * Rôle de la MSA dans le soutien à la parentalité * Importance de l'équilibre familial pour l'épanouissement des enfants + [00:20:58][^8^][8] Perspective de l'EPE * L'EPE depuis 30 ans avance le soutien à la parentalité * Reconnaissance du soutien à la parentalité comme un droit universel Résumé de la vidéo [00:23:59][^1^][1] - [00:33:41][^2^][2]:
La vidéo présente la 8ème Journée Départementale de la Parentalité à Agde en 2022, mettant en lumière l'importance du soutien à la parentalité et l'évolution des politiques et pratiques dans ce domaine au fil des ans.
Points forts: + [00:24:01][^3^][3] L'importance du temps * Prendre le temps de réfléchir sur les pratiques * Valoriser le travail quotidien des parents, professionnels et élus + [00:25:03][^4^][4] Perspective historique * Guy Janvier offre un regard historique sur le travail de parentalité * Comparaison des chartes de la parentalité de 1999 et 2022 + [00:27:26][^5^][5] Évolution des principes * Priorité aux compétences des parents * Accent sur le bien-être des enfants et des parents + [00:30:01][^6^][6] Anticipation et repérage des vulnérabilités * Importance du repérage des situations vulnérables * L'égalité des genres et la répartition des charges familiales + [00:31:02][^7^][7] Soutien élargi * Inclusion des grands-parents et beaux-parents dans le soutien à la parentalité * Nécessité de la formation des professionnels et de la confiance dans les réseaux de soutien + [00:32:14][^8^][8] Financement et durabilité * L'importance du financement pour la pérennité des réseaux de soutien * Travailler avec les familles en situation de vulnérabilité pour résoudre les problèmes
- May 2024
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The rate of biliary injury was initially associated with a “learning curve” effect.
www.intechopen.com www.intechopen.com
In 1882, Carl Langenbuch of Berlin performed the first elective cholecystectomy in a patient with symptomatic cholelithiasis. By the 1960s, laparoscopic technique has been developed. The gynecologist accomplished the first tubal ligation by laparoscopic technique. In 1987, Eric Muhe, German surgeon, performed the first LC successfully.
- Feb 2024
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
first hypothesis
The purpose of this study is to build on this ongoing research trajectory and help provide the sort of empirical evidence on the relative efficacy of narratives versus nonnarratives required to propel narratives into mainstream health campaigns and messaging.
must first address scientifically the question of whether narratives are, “indeed more effective than nonnarrative communication for overcoming resistance, facilitating information processing, providing social connections, and representing emotional and existential issues”
This research investigates the relative efficacy of changing health-related knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions using a fictional narrative compared to a more traditional nonfictional nonnarrative format.
Introduction of research study
- Jan 2024
r-cubed-advanced.rostools.org r-cubed-advanced.rostools.org
What does a “model” mean?
R-course ; modelling intro
- Oct 2023
- for: holochain - introduction
sites.lsa.umich.edu sites.lsa.umich.edu
A ring or spot of light produced by pressure on the eyeball or direct stimulation of the visual system other than by light.
In the cross-activation model, it takes years for the brain to change its structure to facilitate synesthesia. In the disinhibited-feedback model, it takes minutes for the brain to change its structure to facilitate synesthesia. The current study attempts to support the disinhibited-feedback model by demonstrating that non-synesthetes can experience synesthesia under mild sensory deprivation.
Conversely, the disinhibited-feedback model proposes that everyone possesses the potential to experience synesthesia, mani-festing only when the balance of activity across the senses has been altered (Grossenbacher & Lovelace, 2001). According to this view,the anatomical structure of the brains of synesthetes and non-synesthetes is generally similar, but there are differences in howeffectively one sense can evoke activity in a second modality, potentially due to weaker inhibition of feedback projections thatconnect the sensory systems (Grossenbacher & Lovelace, 2001). For example, instead of abnormal connections enabling sounds toevoke conscious visual experiences in synesthetes (as in the cross-activation model), this model argues that these connections arepresent in all individuals and that synesthetes have less inhibition restricting how strongly sounds modulate visual activity.
If all individuals possess the ability for one sensory system to modulate activity in another, why do only a minority of individualsexperience synesthesia? The cross-activation model reconciles this discrepancy by arguing that synesthesia arises from anatomicalpathways that are either weak or absent in non-synesthetes, providing a direct link through which one sensory modality can stimulateanother modality (Hubbard, Arman, Ramachandran, & Boynton, 2005; Hubbard, Brang, & Ramachandran, 2011; Ramachandran andHubbard, 2001a, 2001b, 2003).
Sounds can evoke conscious visual experiences in individuals with sound-color synesthesia (genetic predisposition). Synesthesia is when stimulation of one sensory modality elicits conscious experiences in a second sensory modality. There is no evidence of a mechanistic relationship between synesthesia and non-synesthetic multi-sensory interactions.
The auditory and visual systems of the brain are interconnected, such that activity in the visual system is capable of altering activity in the auditory system, and vice versa. While sounds can modulate activity in visual areas in the absence of visual stimuli, it is generally the case that sounds cannot evoke conscious visual sensations in the absence of visual stimuli.
postlab.psych.wisc.edu postlab.psych.wisc.edu
Analogous to "precentral."
It is clinically and scientifically imperative that we develop a more comprehensive understanding of the neural correlates of consciousness. Many scholars believe that the frontal areas of the cerebral cortex are most crucial for supporting consciousness. This article proposes that both the "front" and "back" regions of the cerebral cortex play an important role in this function. The presence or absence of consciousness when other brain areas are damaged or nonfunctional is also discussed.
- Sep 2023
postlab.psych.wisc.edu postlab.psych.wisc.edu
Power and connectivity in the delta frequency band increase during unconsciousness, possibly because thalamocortical neurons rapidly alternate between increased and decreased activity at that time. Functional connectivity of the brain may become less complex during unconsciousness due to this rapid alternation.
The current study evaluated the effects of TMS perturbation on functional connectivity during consciousness and unconsciousness. It was predicted that synchronization of oscillatory activity would be higher in consciousness than in unconsciousness (because of coordinated bistability being higher), and that local aspects of functional segregation would happen strongly during unconsciousness.
delta (1–4 Hz) frequency band
A range of frequencies which appear on EEG recordings and which denote the occurrence of NREM sleep (deep, dreamless sleep).
negative EEG peak amplitude
EEG recording of the brain exhibiting a downward deflection/decrease in electrical activity when compared to baseline.
coordinated bistability
The ability of neuronal networks to coordinate activity between two stable states, e.g., between high activity (high rate of depolarization) and low activity (high rate of hyperpolarization).
Using this approach,a recent study found that spectral power in the delta band in posterior cortex was higher during reported uncon-sciousness than during reported consciousness 23 . Furthermore, using a within-state design in NREM sleep, ithas been found that TMS triggers a larger negative EEG peak amplitude during reported unconsciousness thanduring reported consciousness, indicating that differences in consciousness within the same physiological stateare related to local alterations in the cortical bistability of posterior brain regions 21.
Previous studies have mostly compared wakefulness with sleep or anesthesia to evaluate features associatedwith the level of consciousness in healthy individuals 14,18,19 . However, such studies are confounded by otherchanges that occur across global state shifts, such as changes in the cardiovascular, respiratory, and neuromus-cular systems 20 . To address this issue, recent studies have measured the presence or absence of consciousnesswithin the same physiologically categorized state using a within-state paradigm21–23.
spectral power
The intensity/magnitude of electrical activity at specific frequencies (in this case, the delta band) within a neural signal measured using EEG.
TMS can effectively probe functional connectivity differences between conscious and unconscious brain states. EEG studies have demonstrated that functional connectivity breaks down in unconscious states by showing that brain responses to TMS are less complex during said states.
- Apr 2023
Local file Local file
We aimed to investigate the risk of substance use-relatedproblems in ASD. We also tested if any association betweenASD and substance use-related problems could be related tocomorbidity with ADHD or intellectual disability (ID). Toelucidate if shared familial factors underlie both ASD andsubstance use-related problems, we examined the pattern ofsubstance use-related problems also among unaffected rela-tives of individuals with ASD.
- Feb 2023
psycnet.apa.org psycnet.apa.org
It is additionally important to investigate reasons for wanting to stop substance use and resources used to attain abstinence in dually-diagnosed individuals, for the purpose of designing more effective interventions in this population. However, this area of study has also been under-researched.
While the biological and pharmacological factors impacting dual diagnosis have been well investigated, the psychosocial factors impacting it (including substance users' stated reasons for substance use) have not. Following Fishbein's theory of reasoned action, it has been proposed that substance users' personal beliefs about why they use substances may largely determine their substance use behaviors. In particular, dually-diagnosed peoples' perception of the interplay between SMI and SUD may play a major role in their substance use, but this area of study is under-researched.
1. to examine stated reasons for initiation of andrelapse to substance use,2. to examine reasons and strategies used for quit-ting, and3. to explore the perceived association betweensubstance use and mental illness among a largesample of persons with co-occurring SMI andSUD.
The aims of this articleare
Fishbein’s(1980) theory of reasoned action postulates that be-havior is based on attitudes that, in turn, are based onpersonal beliefs. Beliefs rest in large part on what islearnt and experienced; in particular, beliefs that arebased on personal experience have been found tohave a stronger influence in the formation of attitudesthan information gained in other ways and to betterpredict later behavior (Fazio & Zanna, 1981).
The supersensitivity model, wherebybiological vulnerability due to psychiatric disorderresults in sensitivity to small amounts of alcoholand drugs, leading to substance misuse, has alsoreceived some support (e.g., Lieberman, Kane, &Alvir, 1987).
It is important to better understand causes of substance use in individuals with co-occurring SUDs and SMIs, as the reasons for which they use substances may radically differ from the reasons for which individuals with only SUDs use substances. Increasing our understanding in this area will be important for increasing the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.
SUDs have a high rate of co-occurrence with SMIs (severe mental illnesses). Individuals with co-occurring SUD and SMI have a heightened vulnerability to medical, legal, social, and financial problems. Such problems tend to decrease when said individuals attain abstinence and engage in treatment interventions.
Local file Local file
Although substance use is thought to be rare in people with ASD, it has been documented in a significant percentage of that population (19-30%). This may be because there is a high rate of comorbidity between ASD and ADHD, which is linked to substance use. While older studies of clinical populations suggest that ADHD is the risk factor underlying increased substance use in people with ASD, newer studies of non-clinical populations suggest that ASD alone could be a risk factor for increased substance use.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Ugh... another short mediocre introduction. Repeats the origin myth.
Seems to take a very Ahrens' based framing, but screws up a few pieces. More focus on "hub notes" and completely misses the idea of an index somehow?!?
The last section of 2+ minutes really goes off the rails and recommends converting notes from other places and muddles about "Favorite problems" (ostensibly a reference to Feynman's 12 Favorite Problems, but isn't direct about it?).
Also encourages the "Feynman technique"...
- Jan 2023
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Begin by reading the Introduction rather than the abstract. Start reading here.
The guidelines for report writing state:
The introduction should give a short account of the background or theory behind the experiments. It should give an outline of the scientific purpose(s) or objectives of the experiment and place the work in context, with supporting references where appropriate.
Q. Identify whether the Introduction to this paper provides a brief account of the background to the experiment......
- Dec 2022
www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
handsome, clever, and rich
This starts like a fairytale and Emma is the princess. But who is telling us this tale? Is this how Emma sees herself? How her society sees her? We learn as we go into the novel that Emma isn't as perfect as she's percieved.
- Sep 2022
www.indoorairhygiene.org www.indoorairhygiene.org
PM2.5 Explained
- Aug 2022
www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
she was only Anne.
We are hearing the echo of Sir Walter and Elizabeth's opinions/words. This is a strange introduction for the main character, she is ignored and secondary. Chapter 1 focuses on Sir Walter and then the family context, Chapters 2 and 3 are a group setting (and people finally speak). A first time reader may not identify Anne as the main character till chapter 4 when the text pivots to focus on her. In chapter 1 we hear of Elizabeth's disappointment with Mr Elliot but the history with Wentworth is hidden till Anne is alone. Modern texts tend to have more active, vibrant main characters (like Lizzy Bennet) who have agency and push the story forward through their choices and actions. Fanny Price in Mansfield Park is another good example of the sort of main character modern readers struggle with.
- May 2022
wordpress.com wordpress.com
"I didn't fully understand it at the time, but throughout my time as a freshman at Boston College I've realized that I have the power to alter myself for the better and broaden my perspective on life. For most of my high school experience, I was holding to antiquated thoughts that had an impact on the majority of my daily interactions. Throughout my life, growing up as a single child has affected the way am in social interactions. This was evident in high school class discussions, as I did not yet have the confidence to be talkative and participate even up until the spring term of my senior year."
- (Major Essay) Introduction paragraph
- Introduction p.1
- In this annotation, I choose to expand on my introduction. Before I explain why I chose the words I did, I should mention that my first draft failed to meet one of the assignment's primary requirements: a "Story like" structure. Finally, I decided to rework my introduction because my first draft did not begin with a clear beginning. Instead, I started by describing the fundamental context of the encounter before detailing my previous experiences. To improve my final edit, I made sure I described my experiences and/or how I felt before they occurred.
- Mar 2022
psycnet.apa.org psycnet.apa.org
good intro with good quotes.
- Sep 2021
drive.google.com drive.google.com
basically in order to become a good writer you must understand how to read and what you are reading.
- May 2021
www.simplypsychology.org www.simplypsychology.org
- Mar 2021
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Holme, Petter, and Jari Saramäki. ‘Temporal Networks as a Modeling Framework’. ArXiv:2103.13586 [Physics], 24 March 2021. http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.13586.
These robots are here to merge purchase orders into columns J and K of next quarter’s revenue forecast, and transfer customer data from the invoicing software to the Oracle database.
[site something thatbots are doing in rhetcomp that might mean the beginning of the end
The robots are coming.
The chatbots are coming for me and my job.
- Feb 2021
mmhaskell.com mmhaskell.com
- Dec 2020
kentnerburn.com kentnerburn.com
We were like strangers on a train, the passengers and I, hurtling through the night, revealing intimacies
This is interesting.university of Tsing Hua
files.zotero.net files.zotero.net
Asunstressedvowels,schwashavebeendescribedastheproductofa collapsedvowelspacecausedbyreducedsubglottalpressure,decreasedmusculareffort,andlackofcoordinatedges-tures
This paragraph gives very clear and detailed background of the articularoty features of schwas.
- Oct 2020
www.julian.com www.julian.com
Hooks save timeIt gets even better.When hooks are the first part of your article, you have a critical opportunity to ask others for feedback: “After reading my intro, do you want to keep reading?”If they say no, you saved yourself from writing an article no one cares about.If they say yes, you'll have confidence you've found an interesting perspective.
How to generate hooksYou create hooks by finding questions you want answers to:Ask yourself, “If someone else wrote my intro, what are the most captivating questions they could pose to make me excited to read this?”Write those questions down. Even if you lack the answers. Rank your questions by how much they interest you.The top questions become your hooks: Pose them in your intro and don't reveal their answers.You and your audience evolved the same storytelling machinery in your heads, so questions that hook you will hook most of them too. When generating hooks, you discover what both you and your audience genuinely care to learn about.
What exactly is a hook?A hook is any half-told story:Questions — Pose an intriguing question, but don’t give the answer.Narratives — Share the beginning of a narrative, but withhold the conclusion.Discoveries — Highlight new findings, but only a portion.Arguments — Present your case, but not how you arrived at it.Hooks tease your best talking points. They urge readers to keep reading by triggering the storytelling machinery in their heads.
Your real objective is to hook readers into reading more. It doesn’t matter how you hook them, so long as you later fulfill your hook. A hook is not a gimmick. It’s a fundamental psychological principle: A great intro — like an electrifying opening to a film — buys goodwill with your audience.
First, choose your topicThe best topic to write about is the one you can’t not write about. It’s the idea bouncing around your head that urges you to get to the bottom of it.You can trigger this state of mind with a two-part trick. First, choose an objective for your article:Open people’s eyes by proving the status quo wrong.Articulate something everyone’s thinking about but no one is saying. Cut through the noise.Identify key trends on a topic. Use them to predict the future.Contribute original insights through research and experimentation.Distill an overwhelming topic into something approachable. (This guide.)Share a solution to a tough problem.Tell a suspenseful and emotional story that imparts a lesson.Now pair that objective with a motivation:Does writing this article get something off your chest?Does it help reason through a nagging, unsolved problem you have?Does it persuade others to do something you believe is important?Do you obsess over the topic and want others to geek out over it too?That’s all that's needed: Pair an objective with a motivation. Now you have something to talk about.
rampages.us rampages.us
- Aug 2020
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley
I am excited to read this book
- Jul 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
BPS. (n.d.) Clinical Psychology. YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCkLQOAPOtT1s_9-JoYjXQz5qgNcsT_Ii
- Jun 2020
British Psychological Society. An introduction to open science for health psychology. https://www.bps.org.uk/events/introduction-open-science-health-psychology
Torres, L., Blevins, A. S., Bassett, D. S., & Eliassi-Rad, T. (2020). The why, how, and when of representations for complex systems. ArXiv:2006.02870 [Cs, q-Bio]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.02870
- May 2020
Vasiliauskaite, V., & Rosas, F. E. (2020). Understanding complexity via network theory: A gentle introduction. ArXiv:2004.14845 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.14845
- Apr 2020
emljames.github.io emljames.github.io
James, E. Tutorial Home. Github.io. https://emljames.github.io/GorillaR/
speakerdeck.com speakerdeck.com
Introduction & Tutorial to Network Epidemiology. (n.d.). Speaker Deck. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from https://speakerdeck.com/laurenthebert/introduction-and-tutorial-to-network-epidemiology
- Feb 2020
moodle.cpce-polyu.edu.hk moodle.cpce-polyu.edu.hk
The first two sentences briefly summarise the scenario; the last sentence of the paragraph highlights the problem -- the topic to be elaborated in the subsequent section.
- Nov 2019
In Philadelphia, a small group of transit riders sat down to talk about what sucks about the bus. “What is it about the bus?” the interviewer said, and they were off.“They got to stop at every corner,” one rider said. “That’s going to be an inconvenience if you are trying to get someplace fast.”“They don’t come,” said another. “Like, you will just wait at the corner and they don’t come. And sometimes the bus will come but it will just go right by you, so you have to wait for the next one. It happens way too much for me.”If you’ve ever depended on the bus to get to work or school or really anywhere, those complaints might sound familiar. But according to a new report from transportation research and advocacy organization TransitCenter, riders are even less enthused about public transit than they were two years ago. The group’s biennial census of transit riders convened six focus groups (including the Philadelphia one) and solicited survey results from more than 1,700 riders in the New York, Chicago, Denver, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, and Seattle metro areas.
- Oct 2019
courses.lumenlearning.com courses.lumenlearning.com
Analogies compare something that your audience knows and understands with something new and different.
See Brian Clark's distinction between metaphors, similes and analogies.
According to the Center for Disease Control, in the United States 26.6 million adults have heart disease. This would be about 12% of adults, or three people in this room.
Always try to relate statistics in terms that the audience will understand. Otherwise, statistics by themselves become bland and miss the intended effect.
- Sep 2019
courses.lumenlearning.com courses.lumenlearning.com
First, audiences can sense a fake
Audiences usually notice fake speakers.
shorensteincenter.org shorensteincenter.org
Introduction is a bit longer summary of the entire paper. This is where researchers describe and justify their research questions and briefly discuss what is to come. Typically, introduction is about 500 -- 1000 words.
Please identify and highlight a research question(s).
- Jul 2019
www.econometrics-with-r.org www.econometrics-with-r.org
In a simple linear regression model, we model the relationship between both variables by a straight line, formally
It would be better to start in the following way: "To build simple linear regression model, we hypothesize that the relationship between dependent and independent variable is linear, formally:"
By saying that, In a simple linear regression model, we model the relationship between both variables by straight line is strictly speaking wrong. Strictly speaking, by straight line we model the relationship between regressors the expected value of the dependent variable given the value of the regressors.
Then later, you point out that the relationship is not exact because not all points fall on the straight line and because of that you come up with an error terms and you continue in this way util you arrive to the final formulation of the Simple Linear Regression Model. (Which you do well later).
- May 2019
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Hey all, this is Michael – I am writing to test out this platform and to begin to build something in this document. I realize it’s slightly obscure at the moment how this pad will come to be useful during Publishing Sphere – I believe this will be come clearer in the coming days as we begin to roll out some of the sites, info, and programming for the gathering.
Danny and I will be meeting tomorrow (Thursday, the 2nd of May) to discuss the publishing apparatus we have been discussing, and will begin to introduce it to the group as something to work off, develop in new directions, or to create publication systems concurrent to this one. Once we have this initial formulation mapped out, I’ll let him introduce it to you all to begin to discuss and edit.
Shortly, I’ll post some info that I think is relevant to the gathering more generally, and then some additional information about you all so that you might begin to become more aware of the other members of the group. I’m truly looking forward to witnessing how you might all begin to work with one another.
More soonest~
- Apr 2019
sites.google.com sites.google.com
Sayako came out of the changing room in Sloane Street1 wearing this season's suit, as featured on the cover of English Vogue.2 Last season's suit lay on the changing room floor in an untidy heap. She surveyed herself in the full-length mirror. The manageress, svelte in black, stood behind her.
In Introduction Sayako tried on cloths.
- Mar 2019
sites.google.com sites.google.com
Supermarkets are much the same the world over — especially the queues at check-out points. What extraordinary things other people are buying! There are odd snatches of overheard conversation too. But what if one is living alone, 'Shopping for one'?
In the introduction, the author tells us that the stores are the same all over the world: the same queues everywhere, people by the same things and so on.
Supermarkets are much the same the world over — especially the queues at check-out points. What extraordinary things other people are buying! There are odd snatches of overheard conversation too. But what if one is living alone, 'Shopping for one'?
introduction The odd snatches of overheard conversation too, but what if one is living alone, shopping for one?
Supermarkets are much the same the world over — especially the queues at check-out points. What extraordinary things other people are buying! There are odd snatches of overheard conversation too. But what if one is living alone, 'Shopping for one'?
Supermarkerts are the same all over the world - especially the queues at check-out points.
Supermarkets are much the same the world over — especially the queues at check-out points. What extraordinary things other people are buying! There are odd snatches of overheard conversation too. But what if one is living alone, 'Shopping for one'?
This story about shopping for one person
Supermarkets are much the same the world over — especially the queues at check-out points. What extraordinary things other people are buying! There are odd snatches of overheard conversation too. But what if one is living alone, 'Shopping for one'?
Supermarkets are much the same the world over — especially the queues at check-out points. What extraordinary things other people are buying! There are odd snatches of overheard conversation too. But what if one is living alone, 'Shopping for one'?
- Feb 2019
www.ayushyadav.com www.ayushyadav.com
Hey there. If you are seeing this for the first time, let me give you an introduction. This is Hypothes.is Here you can comment on any part of my webpage or annotate it publicly. Good luck.
- Nov 2018
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Hospital medicine is the fastest growing specialty in the United States. In 2016, this specialty celebrated the 20th anniversary of the term “hospitalist”.1,2 Current estimates put the number of hospitalists at over 50,000.2 Generalist training including internal medicine, family medicine, medicine-pediatrics, and pediatrics formed the basis of most hospitalist programs during the initial 15 years of the specialty; however, today, several subspecialties are involved in hospitalist programs.3 An interesting aspect of the rapid expansion of hospital medicine is the growth of the field beyond the United States. The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) reports more than 15,000 North American members and an additional 126 international hospitalist members (Ethan Gray, Vice President of Membership, SHM, personal communication, August 30, 2017).4 Although the health care systems, regulations, and cultural norms in these nations differ, some of the reasons for the development of hospital medicine internationally are the same as in the United States.1,5 In this article, we focus on adult hospital medicine. We describe some of the drivers for expansion of this field beyond the United States and the challenges faced by these groups. We also speculate on the future of hospital medicine internationally and discuss the role that the United States could play in the continued growth of this specialty beyond its borders.
- Jul 2018
Local file Local file
Thank you for choosing IKEA for your furniture needs. This is a guide on how to assemble the ALEX desk you purchased. Please follow each step of the installation guide carefully, as improper handling may cause injuries.
- Mar 2018
www.mspaintadventures.com www.mspaintadventures.com
Hello from the Homestuck History annotation project, focusing on specialist knowledge and old fandom jokes (excluding anything that is directly answered later by the text itself, basically)- it's been moved to a private hypothes.is group, please email seagullteacups at gmail for the access link to read or contribute.
If anyone else gets started on different annotation projects and wants extra hands on deck, let me know too!
Local file Local file
A very important note for writing the introduction of a journal article, and I think it is useful for any article for that matter. Essentially four or five points:
- Start with a compelling question, story, data, quote
- Layout the map of the rest of the paper right there in the introduction leading to the next section
- Spell out the main argument in the introduction section, this helps to lay out the rest of the map of the paper together
- Use simple language.
- Use one of the two approaches or horses for courses - either write a rough sketch in the beginning and then rewrite, or write the perfect story right from the beginning. I like the former approach.
- Dec 2017
ebzzry.io ebzzry.io
www.scienceintheclassroom.org www.scienceintheclassroom.org
INTRODUCTION The divergence in allozymes, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and reproductive compatibility for seven shallow water transisthmian snapping shrimp (Alpheus) was studied to test the accuracy of molecular clocks. In order to interpret inconsistencies and estimate differences the relationship among species in divergence rates there must be an increase in the number of taxa and characters studied. This research will provide information on transisthmian pairs of sister taxa in snapping shrimp genus Alpheus. These shrimp are close enough to be studied at the same time, but are completely separated by a physical barrier. How will genetic and geological factors play a role in the divergence of these organisms? What is the minimum time required for speciations or divergence to occur?
- Nov 2017
www.scienceintheclassroom.org www.scienceintheclassroom.org
Editor's Introduction
Depending on which sugars are fed to Drosophila, the Wolbachia oocytes may change in size and concentration. The wMel Wolbachia used in this experiment shares a parasitic relationship with the Drosophila.
What does this mean for the growth of Drosophila fed these sweet tastants? What would the effects of an increased Wolbachia titer in the Drosophila be? How does this occur? What are the longterm effects of the Wolbachia invasion in the Drosophila.
Dietary saccharides and sweet tastants have differential effects on colonization of Drosophila oocytes by Wolbachia endosymbionts
How Wolbachia proliferation in Drosophila oocytes changes depending on a variety of dietary sucrose tastants
www.scienceintheclassroom.org www.scienceintheclassroom.org
Invertebrates have long served as model organisms, providing insights into fundamental mechanisms of development, neurobiology, genetics, species diversification, and genome evolution. Two invertebrates—the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster (Adams et al. 2000) and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans Sequencing Consortium 1998)—were the first animal species targeted for complete genome sequencing, setting the stage for other invertebrate-based studies such as i5K for insects (Robinson et al. 2011) and the 959 Nematode Genome program (Kumar et al. 2012), which target up to several thousand whole-genome sequencing projects.
The researchers organized requirements of what an organism should have to use in a genome sequence experiment. The organisms that have already been investigated are a fruit fly and a nematode. The fruit fly and nematode were used to sequence genomes. The reason for the report was to learn more about invertebrate genomes since researchers have concluded there are a lot of invertebrate genomes among different organisms. The aim was to collect enough data to create appropriate tools to use in the future for these different genomes. The strategy was to create a guideline on what an organism should have. The purpose of this was to help advance the understanding of the diverse genomes of invertebrates. (NJ)
www.scienceintheclassroom.org www.scienceintheclassroom.org
INTRODUCTION The divergence in allozymes, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and reproductive compatibility for seven shallow water transisthmian snapping shrimp (Alpheus) was studied to test the accuracy of molecular clocks. In order to interpret inconsistencies and estimate differences the relationship among species in divergence rates there must be an increase in the number of taxa and characters studied. This research will provide information on transisthmian pairs of sister taxa in snapping shrimp genus Alpheus. These shrimp are close enough to be studied at the same time, but are completely separated by a physical barrier. How will genetic and geological factors play a role in the divergence of these organisms? What is the minimum time required for speciations or divergence to occur?
- Sep 2017
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
The solution is to focus not onwhois greatenough to exert influence, or strong enough to grapple with the‘‘anxiety’’oftheir literary inheritance, but rather onhowinfluence operates. What we canlook to, then, are instances of‘‘misreading’’,‘‘misinterpretation’’,‘‘carica-ture’’,‘‘distortion’’and‘‘wilful revisionism’’for what they reveal. Austen isnot the only writer whose works must benefit from such an analysis, but she,perhaps more than any other writer, unrelentingly demands it of her readers.Austen insists that her readers follow her in deliberately, playfully misreadingand reconceiving a broad range of literature, both‘‘high’’and‘‘low’’.Mimicking her misprision in our response to Romantic theories of influence,we can at last recognize how such influence operates on writers whom thecanon ignores or marginalizes: women and novelists, certainly, but alsothose whose influential moment was fleeting, rather than historicallytranscendent
This seems like the article's thesis to me. Here, the author argues that we should not seek to identify which authors/works are seemingly "worthy" of having an influence on other authors/works. Rather, we should explore on how literary influence is actually functioning in related works.Readers must look to different methods of influence, such as "distortion" and "misinterpretation" in their study of the topic. In the demands that she places upon her readers to be well-informed and attentive, Austen invites us to be a part of a complicated and ongoing literary conversation. Additionally, through studying Austen's works, we can observe the influence of those traditionally left out by the canon.
This argument does seem relevant and original to me. In my admittedly brief study of literary influence, the discussion is usually exclusively related to the canon. Murphy asks us to consider influence in a broader sense. However, the main question that I have after reading this article relates to computational literary study. Franco Moretti, Matthew Jockers, and other such scholars have made significant strides in the application of computational tools in the study of literary influence. I am very curious as to how this article's premises and main argument would hold up when subjected to such tools. This seems like a weakness to me. Even after my brief study of computational literary analysis, it seems that any conversation of literary influence is incomplete without actually looking at the data.
This formation renders literary influence almost as arbitrarily unjustand misogynistic as the actual system of patrilineal inheritance which, havingbeen consolidated in the eighteenth century, formed the backbone of theBritish economy and its law, and provided the historical background to theplots of Austen’s novels.
In this section of the introduction, the author explicates Harold Bloom's concept of literary influence, which "involves two strong, authentic poets" who are "inevitably dead, white, middle-class men" (Murphy 101). In other words, models of literary influence presuppose masculine writers who belong to the restrictive literary canon. This also implies that influence beyond such a canon is undesirable.
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
The different theses Moe presents to her reader are all an original take on reading Charlotte and Elizabeth's argument, and Charlotte's individual views, especially considering the extensive description of the typical reading of these characters which Moe provides us with.
This introduction, though at times distracted from the main point through inclusion of so many outside theories and readings of Elizabeth/Charlotte/Austen, definitely engages the reader, provides grounding for Moe's argument, and makes this subject appear significant in understanding the conflict of modern viewpoints in Pride and Prejudice, as well as to better understand Charlotte as a character and her decisions.
Charlotte embodies the precariousness of self-realization and well being in a world with limited goods.7
Moe uses strong secondary sources (especially Perry and Woloch) to help support her reading of the primary source. This consistent reiteration of ideas, through various quotes, help affirm her argument and strengthen her introduction.
Because of Charlotte’s disgraceful attitude toward marriage, “all the comfort of intimacy was over” for the two women (P, 174).
Moe does an excellent job at providing pivotal quotes from the text to support her characterization of Elizabeth and Charlotte's vastly different opinions on marriage. For an introduction, Moe's explanation of their different views to ground her eventual argument is effective, as it draws the reader in, and establishes the validity of her eventual assertions.
- Apr 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
have continued to be eloquent pub-lic speakers, as they were in the nineteenth century,
Uh, this is a very uncomfortable sentence. There are two possibilities, here, regarding the function of this sentence. 1) The Technically True but Terribly Vague: This is a category of opening sentence that is grammatically and intellectually fine, but also very boring. It's a cousin of "since the dawn of time," and I don't let my Rhetoric students use either type of opening line, as they are both lazy rhetoric. However, the second possibility is much more troubling: 2) This also sounds a lot like the extremely racist "black people can be very articulate."
I know we are to the point of just beating the crap out of the editors, now, but come on. This could have been easily avoided.
- Mar 2017
awjin.github.io awjin.github.ioHome1
Dynamic Programming
Here's another article, with a different point-of-view on this subject.
- Feb 2017
scienceintheclassroom.org scienceintheclassroom.org
Editor's Introduction
The symptoms of autism vary in intensity along a spectrum. Unsurprisingly, the genetics of autistic patients also vary greatly, making it difficult to figure out what genes contribute to the disorder. Despite this, geneticists are still working toward decoding the genetics of autism. What kinds of mutations are present in autistic patients? How many are there? How can we improve methods to detect these errors? In this article, the authors present findings that move us closer to answering these questions.
- Nov 2016
scienceintheclassroom.org scienceintheclassroom.org
Zika virus impairs growth in human neurospheres and brain organoids. Garcez et al.
Zika: growing infection, shrinking neurons
The Zika virus is a contagious virus that can spread from a pregnant mother to her fetus, leading to a reduction in the size of the brain called microcephaly. This can cause mental disabilities in the child. The present study shows the effects of the Zika virus on the formation of neurons. The authors found a relationship between infection by the virus and reduced growth of neurons. It still remains to discover the consequences of Zika infection for each stage of fetal development.
- Sep 2016
scienceintheclassroom.org scienceintheclassroom.org
Editor's Introduction
Electric Eels; one of nature's many fascinating creations have long been known for their ability to produce electricity and harvest it to defend themselves against predators as well as catch their dinner. Electric Eels' are famous for their capacity to freeze the movement of their prey through electric discharges, but the magic behind this trick is still unknown. In this paper, Kenneth Catania explores this "Eelectric" phenomenon and tries to understand and unveil the mechanism behind it. What is the Electric Eel's secret you ask? Read on and be prepared to be shocked!
scienceintheclassroom.org scienceintheclassroom.org
Do skin appendages like hair in mammals, feathers in birds, and scales in reptiles come from the same origin? Due to substantial differences in their look and some differences in the genes they express, this question has confused scientists for long time. This article tries to settle this controversy by its new findings in the development of scales in reptiles, and shows that we may all be more closely related than we thought.
- Jun 2016
www.fleeimmediately.com www.fleeimmediately.com
Hey everyone, feel free to annotate, highlight and comment as you wish! Happy reading, writing, exploring, whatever? -Renee
- Jan 2016
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
Native Americans passed stories down through the millennia that tell of their creation and reveal the contours of indigenous belief.
Native Americans were the first group of people to be in North America, long before Columbus and the Europeans came. How could they take credit for finding this land first?
- Jul 2015
www.sciencemag.org www.sciencemag.org
Influenza A virus uses the aggresome processing machinery for host cell entry
Fighting the influenza A virus (IAV) still remains a great challenge, and there is a real and urgent need for developing new antiviral medicines. Until now, scientists did not know how the virus was able to release its viral genetic material, which is well protected inside a shell, the capsid. A group of scientists discovered that IAV uses the waste disposal system of the host cell for breaking apart the capsid. The presence of a protein, ubiquitin, on the surface of the capsid makes the host cell perceive the IAV as an aggregate of proteins to waste. Then, a histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6)-dependent pathway, along with cellular transport factors such as dynein and myosin 10, come into play for disposing the virus. The final result is the opening of the capsid followed by the host cell infection. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying IAV infection could lead to advances in medicine. HDAC6, as well as other proteins, were suggested as potential targets for the development of new antiviral therapeutics.
- Jun 2015
www.cga.ct.gov www.cga.ct.gov
The preservation and protection of the wetlands and watercourses from random, unnecessary, undesirable and unregulated uses, disturbance or destruction is in the public interest and is essential to the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the state. It is, therefore, the purpose of sections 22a-36 to 22a-45, inclusive, to protect the citizens of the state by making provisions for the protection, preservation, maintenance and use of the inland wetlands and watercourses by minimizing their disturbance and pollution; maintaining and improving water quality in accordance with the highest standards set by federal, state or local authority; preventing damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation; preventing loss of fish and other beneficial aquatic organisms, wildlife and vegetation and the destruction of the natural habitats thereof; deterring and inhibiting the danger of flood and pollution; protecting the quality of wetlands and watercourses for their conservation, economic, aesthetic, recreational and other public and private uses and values; and protecting the state's potable fresh water supplies from the dangers of drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse and mismanagement by providing an orderly process to balance the need for the economic growth of the state and the use of its land with the need to protect its environment and ecology in order to forever guarantee to the people of the state, the safety of such natural resources for their benefit and enjoyment and for the benefit and enjoyment of generations yet unborn.
Purpose of the Inland Wetland agency.
A. minimizing disturbance and pollution
B. maintaining/improving water quality
C. prevention of erosion, turbidity (soil in water), and siltation.
D. prevention of loss of beneficial aquatic life/habitat.
E. deterring/inhibiting floods and pollution
F.protection for economic,aesthetic, and recreational use.
G. protecting water resources from drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse, and mismanagement.
H. balance between need for economic growth and protection of environment.
- May 2015
web.stanford.edu web.stanford.edu
Dr. Lamport received a doctorate in mathematics from Brandeis University, with a dissertation on singularities in analytic partial differential equations. This, together with a complete lack of education in computer science, prepared him for a career as a computer scientist at Massachusetts Computer Associates, SRI, Digital, and Compaq. He claims that it is through no fault of his that of those four corporations, only the one that was supposed to be non-profit still exists. He joined Microsoft in 2001, but that company has not yet succumbed. Dr. Lamport's initial research in concurrent algorithms made him well-known as the author of LaTeX, a document formatting system for the ever-diminishing class of people who write formulas instead of drawing pictures. He is also known for writing A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable. which established him as an expert on distributed systems. His interest in Mediterranean history, including research on Byzantine generals and the mythical Greek island of Paxos, led to his receiving five honorary doctorates from European universities, and to the IEEE sending him to Italy to receive its 2004 Piore Award and to Quebec to receive its 2008 von Neumann medal. However, he has always returned to his home in California. This display of patriotism was rewarded with membership in the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. More recently, Dr. Lamport has been annoying computer scientists and engineers by urging them to understand an algorithm or system before implementing it, and scaring them by saying they should use mathematics. In an attempt to get him to talk about other things, the ACM gave him the 2013 Turing Award.
Talk about badass introductions
- Nov 2014
aas.org aas.org
I'm doing a collaborative annotation of this page to see if a) people want to give feedback on the utility of these instructions and b) to see if anyone wants to collaboratively annotate a document.
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
It follows, then, that the only necessary parts of a speech are the Statement and the Argument. These are the essential features of a speech; and it cannot in any case have more than Introduction, Statement, Argument, and Epilogue.
Parts of speech