1,254 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Dec 2024
    1. This article of his really shifted my thinking:https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/18/opinion/neighborhood-social-infrastructure-community.html

      for - Linked In Post - reply to - rapid whole system change - neighborhood as the unit of change - Danica Virginia Meredith - to - NYTimes - Opinion - The Neighborhood is the Unit of Change - David Brooks - 2018

    1. for - Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 - adjacency - web 3 and Blockchain / crypto technology - communities engaged in regeneration and relocalization - tinkering at the edge - missed opportunity - cosmolocal strategy as leverage point - safe and just cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - Tipping Point Festival - Web 4 - Indyweb

      Summary adjacency between - web 3 and crypto / Blockchain technology - communities engaged in regeneration and relocalization - tinkering at the edge - missed opportunity - cosmolocal lens and framework as a leverage point for synthesis - cosmolocal projects as leverage points - cross scale translated safe and just earth system boundaries as necessary cosmolocal accounting system - meme: sync global, act local - new relationship - This article explores the untapped potential and leverage point offered by recognising a new adjacency and concomitant synthesis of - globalising Web 3 and crypto/Blockchain technology - communities engaged in regenerative and relocation interventions - The fragmentation between these areas keeps activists working in each respective one - tinkering at the edge - severely constraining their potential impact - This is a case of the whole Berlin car greater than the sun of its parts - By joining forces in a global, strategic and systemic way, each can achieve fast more through their mutual support - A cosmolocal lens offers a perspective and framework that makes joining forces make sense<br /> - Projects that recognize that the adjacency between - the globalizing technologies of web 3 and Blockchains and - interventions at the local community level - offer a significant leverage point to bottom up efforts to drive a rapid transition are themselves a leverage point - In this regard, incorporation of an equitable accounting system such as safe and just earth system boundaries that can be cross scale translated to - bioregional, - city and - community, district and ward scale - are an important cosmolocal component of a system designed for rapid transition - Global bottom up community scale events such as the Tipping Point Festival can help rapidly advocate for a cosmolocal lens, framework and strategy - At the same time, Web 4 technology that's goes beyond decentralising into people-centered can contribute another dimension to humanizing technology

      Addendum - 2024, Dec 26 - added a comment to the actual substack page - My substack comment makes commenters of the article aware that we have a public hypothes.is discussion going on in parallel. - This makes the hitherto invisible discussion visible to them

    2. Reinforced planetary care: localism on its own cannot resist globalized pressure, nor solve planetary and global thermo-dynamic issues.

      for - adjacency- localism alone cannot solve planetary scale issues ( like climate crisis) - cross scale translated planetary boundaries / earth system boundaries - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 quote - constructing

    1. Thinking, Fast and Slow is a 2011 popular science book by psychologist Daniel Kahneman. The book's main thesis is a differentiation between two modes of thought: "System 1" is fast, instinctive and emotional; "System 2" is slower, more deliberative, and more logical.

      for - similar to - - Daniel Kahnaman's system 1 fast, instinctive, emotional and system 2 slow, deliberative, logical is similar to - Ian McGilhirist's left brain, right brain

    1. Unknown artist, "The Pyramid of Capitalist System", 1911, based on a Russian flyer circa 1900

      via Rabih Alameddine rabihalameddine.bsky.social at https://bsky.app/profile/rabihalameddine.bsky.social/post/3ld7mnwyvlc26

    1. In recent years, the healthcare industry in Dubai has witnessed rapid advancements, especially in the integration of technology to improve patient care and operational efficiency. At the heart of this transformation lies the HIS Hospital Information System , a powerful solution designed to streamline healthcare processes and deliver superior services. As a leading global hub for medical tourism and innovation, Dubai continues to embrace cutting-edge technologies like hospital information systems to ensure healthcare excellence.

    1. We design

      for - A Transcender Manifesto - missing element - Cosmolocal framework and cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries A Transcender Manifesto - missing element - Cosmolocal framework and cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - Without this, we cannot prioritze properly

    2. Transcendence requires that we begin where we are – here, today

      for - transcendence - rapid whole system change - starts here and now - Dil Green

    1. when we analyzed the the dominant cultural operating system, because there's more than a political economy, it's a it's a, as we've said, a totalizing operating system. And we're going to call it neoliberalism

      for - definition - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - summary - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 definition - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - Neoliberalism is a totalizing, cultural operating system for modernity - It is all of these things: - a political philosophy - an economic practice - a cosmology - a wordview - an ontology - a theocracy - a religious worldview based on faith - Most of the dogmas of neoliberalism have been proven to be false, and yet it is still taught in most institutions of higher education summary - Some of the premises of neoliberalism are: - 1. humans are homo economicus - our chief concern is our selves and NOT others - Enlightenment theories - Scientism - Evolutionary theory - All our systems are designed on this false premise - 2. Hierarchy is inevitable and necessary for order. Without it, we would revert to beasts - The system embeds - Patriarchism - White Supremacy - Gender inequality - 3. The individual is the primary unit of power - together with 1) and 2), it creates inherent competition - 4. Material wealth and power is the measure of wellbeing - If you have money, you are considered a success, otherwise, you are considered a moral failure

    2. we're using post in the way postmodernists use post, which is it's informed by modernism, it's informed by capitalism without being able to transcend it necessarily because capitalism and it's the most recent incarnation of capitalism, which is neoliberalism, is like the oxygen that we breathe. It's all encompassing. It's totalitarian in its nature. And it's pervasive. And so in that sense, we say we have to be informed by the logic of the dominant system.

      for - key point - Post Capitalist - informed by the logic of the dominant system - but not necessarily try to transcend it because it is so ubiquitous - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      key point - Post Capitalist - informed by the logic of the dominant system - but not necessarily try to transcend it because it is so ubiquitous - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - It is so ubiquitous, like the air we breath - all encompassing - totalitarian - pervasive

    1. the best way to make a company erodic is by putting it into an ecosystem of other companies that all work together to have robust circulatory flows throughout the entire ecosystem by doing that we counteract these losses we make the ecosystem orotic and then each company can contribute at its maximum its maximum regenerative potential

      for - regenerative company - principle 7 of 8 - robust circulatory flow - ergodic flow - adjacency - Fairschare Company - FSC - regenerative organization - ergodic flow - robust circulatory flow - ecosystem of companies - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries

      adjacency - between - ergodic flows - ecosystem of companies - robust circulatory flows - Fairshare Commons (FSC) - regenerative company - regenerative organization - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - adjacency relationship - To implement principle 7 and work with an ecosystem of other companies: - For a company to relate well with other companies, - this is like an individual relating well to other individuals - The Indyweb is a people-centered, interpersonal information system architecture that supports both: - people-centered and interpersonal conversations as well as - organization-centered and inter-organizational conversations - Backcasting and cross-scale translating earth system boundaries from 2030 the present is critical to fulfill any FSC's modus operandi in the present. - In other words, knowing what a world that has successfully and dramatically reduced - carbon emissions and - threats to the biosphere - looks like at all scales (including community and company) in 2030 (5 years from now), we need to project backwards to the present and see what actions make sense and are aligned to take us to that envisioned scenario - If we don't have targets that are aligned to regenerating nature that we have globally harmed in measurable ways, what point is there in the word "regenerative" in the title of "regenerative company"?

    2. you have to have the power of stewardship first of all you have to have stewards representing the voice of nature

      for - adjacency - regenerative company - need to have voices that represent nature - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries to company level

      Adjacency - between - regenerative company - need to have voices that represent nature - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - adjacency relationship - Regenerative companies need to have voices that represent nature - This means we need to be aware of how the activities of our company is impacting nature - This means we need to have cross scale translation of earth system boundaries to the local community, and finally to our company levels

  3. Nov 2024
    1. The difference between what you work out using the Zettelkasten and the memory palace technique is that the memory palace is a pure memory technique. It uses meaningless connections and the way the brain works to gain access to information. For example, if I mentally write the date Rome was founded with the mnemonic “BC 753 Rome came to be” as a number on an egg in the kitchen fridge, the only reason for this link between the egg in the kitchen fridge of my memory palace and the year Rome was founded is that I can remember this number. You make yourself aware of what the brain otherwise does unconsciously.

      The difference between what you work out using the Zettelkasten and the memory palace technique is that the memory palace is a pure memory technique. It uses meaningless connections [emphasis added] and the way the brain works to gain access to information. For example, if I mentally write the date Rome was founded with the mnemonic “BC 753 Rome came to be” as a number on an egg in the kitchen fridge, the only reason for this link between the egg in the kitchen fridge of my memory palace and the year Rome was founded is that I can remember this number.

      Certainly not an attack against him, but I feel as if Sascha is making an analogistic reference to areas of mnemonics he's heard about, but hasn't actively practiced. As a result, some may come away with a misunderstanding of these practices. Even worse, they may be dissuaded from combining a more specific set of mnemonic practices with their zettelkasten practice which can provide them with even stronger memories of the ideas hiding within their zettelkasten.

      There is a mistaken conflation of two different mnemonic techniques being described here. The memory palace portion associates information with well known locations which leverages our brains' ability to more easily remember places and things in them with relation to each other. There is nothing of meaningless connections here. The method works precisely because meaning is created and attributed to the association. It becomes a thing in a specific well known place to the user which provides the necessary association for our memory.

      The second mnemonic technique at play is the separate, unmentioned, and misconstrued Major System (or possibly the related Person-Action-Object method) which associates the number with a visualizable object. While there is a seeming meaningless connection here, the underlying connection is all about meaning by design. The number is "translated" from something harder to remember into an object which is far easier to remember. This initial translation is more direct than one from a word in one language to another because it can be logically generated every time and thus gives a specific meaning to an otherwise more-difficult-to-remember number. As part of the practice this object is then given additional attributes (size, smell, taste, touch, etc., or ridiculous proportion or attributes like extreme violence or relationships to sex) which serve to make it even more memorable. Sascha seems break this more standard mnemonic practice by simply writing his number on the egg in the refrigerator rather than associate 753 with a more memorable object like a "golem" which might be incubating inside of my precious egg. As a result, the egg and 753 association IS meaningless to him, and I would posit will be incredibly more difficult for him to remember tomorrow much less next month. If we make the translation of 753 more visible in Sascha's process, we're more likely to see the meaning and the benefit of the mnemonic. (I can only guess that Sascha doesn't practice these techniques, so won't fault him for missing some steps, particularly given the ways in which the memory palace is viewed in the zeitgeist.)

      To say that the number and the golem (here, the object which 753 was translated to—the Major System mnemonic portion) have no association is akin to saying that "zettlekasten" has no associated meaning to the words "slip box." In both translations the words/numbers are exactly the same thing. The second mnemonic is associating the golem to the egg in the refrigerator (the memory palace portion). I suspect that if you've been following along and imagining Andy Serkis gestating inside of an egg to become Golem who will go on to fight in the Roman Coliseum in your refrigerator, you're going to see Golem every time you reach for an egg in your refrigerator. Now if you've spent the ten minutes to learn the Major System to do the reverse translation, you'll think about the founding date of Rome every time you go to make an omelette. And if you haven't, then you'll just imagine the most pitiful gladiator loosing in the arena against a vicious tiger.

      Naturally one can associate all their thoughts in their ZK to both the associated numbers and their home, work, or neighborhood environments so that they can mentally take their (analog or digital) zettlekasten with them anywhere they go. This is akin to what Thomas Aquinus and Raymond Llull were doing with their "knowledge management systems", though theirs may have had slightly simpler forms. Llull actually created a system which allowed him to more easily meditate on his stored memories and juxtapose them to create new ideas.

      For the beginners in these areas who'd like to know more, I recommend the following as a good starting place: <br /> Kelly, Lynne. Memory Craft: Improve Your Memory Using the Most Powerful Methods from around the World. Pegasus Books, 2019.

    1. Dousa, Thomas M. “Facts and Frameworks in Paul Otlet’s and Julius Otto Kaiser’s Theories of Knowledge Organization.” Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 36, no. 2 (2010): 19–25. https://doi.org/10.1002/bult.2010.1720360208.

    2. n stark opposition to Otlet’s insistence that an ideal KOS be impersonaland universal, Kaiser firmly held to the view that, ideally, KOSs should beconstructed to meet the needs of the particular organizations for which they arebeing created. For example, with regard to the use of card indexes in businessenterprises, he asserted that “[e]ach business, each office has its individualcharacter and individual requirements, and its individual organization. Itssystem must do justice to this individual character [11, § 76].
    3. Otlet, by contrast, was strongly opposed to organizing information unitsby the alphabetical order of their index terms. In his view, such a mode oforganization “scatters the [subject] matter under rubrics that have beenclassed arbitrarily in the order of letters and not at all in the order of ideas”and so obscures the conceptual relationships between them [6, p. 380]

      In this respect Otlet was closer to the philosophy of organization used by Niklas Luhmann.

    4. For Kaiser, then, alphabetical order represented the interpretatively safest andmost user-friendly way of organizing information units by their subject terms.
    5. on the guide card for each main entry term a list of the other main entry termswith which it stood in semantic relation: the latter included synonyms, broaderterms, narrower terms and related terms [8, § 415, 423]. The “logical key”served as the syndetic structure of the index, indicating a web of conceptualrelations otherwise unexpressed by the alphabetical structure of the index file.

      Some of the structure in Kaiser's system was built into relationships on guide cards. While not exactly hub notes, they did provide links to other areas of the system in addition to synonyms under which materials could be found including broader terms, narrower terms, and related terms often seen in library information systems.

    6. Given that Kaiser acknowledged the utility of indicating semantic relationsbetween index terms, why did he prefer alphabetical to classified order forfiling? The answer lies in his view of language. Kaiser considered words innatural language to be imprecise expressions of the concepts that they areintended to convey. In addition, he held that there is little agreement amongusers of a language as to the precise definition of individual terms [8, §60–61, 112]. Such semantic indeterminism, in his opinion, makes it difficultto determine precisely what the authors of documents mean by the wordsthey are using, and any attempt by an indexer to substitute preferred termsfor the author’s own words runs the risk of misinterpreting the meaning ofthe words in the original document. It was for this reason that he preferredusing index terms extracted from the document itself [8, § 114].

      Kaiser touches on the issue of "coming to terms" in his card (indexing) system. He preferred using the author's terminology over the indexer's. Some of the fungibility of words and their definitions was met by the use of a "logical key" to the index which was put onto guide cards for each main entry term.

    7. Whereas Otlet and Kaiser were in substantial agreement on both thedesirability of information analysis and its technological implementation inthe form of the card system, they parted company on the question of howindex files were to be organized. Both men favored organizing informationunits by subject, but differed as to the type of KO framework that shouldgovern file sequence: Otlet favored filing according to the classificatory orderof the UDC, whereas Kaiser favored filing according to the alphabeticalorder of the terms used to denote subjects

      Compare the various organizational structures of Otlet, Kaiser, and Luhmann.

      Seemingly their structures were dictated by the number of users and to some extent the memory of those users with respect to where to find various things.

      Otlet as a multi-user system with no single control mechanism or person, other than the decimal organizing standard (in his case a preference for UDC), was easily flexible for larger groups. Kaiser's system was generally designed, built and managed by one person but intended for use by potentially larger numbers of people. He also advised a conservative number of indexing levels geared toward particular use-cases (that is a limited number of heading types or columns/rows from a database perspective.) Finally, Luhmann's was designed and built for use by a single person who would have a more intimate memory of a more idiosyncratic system.

    8. card index systems wereespecially prized for the flexibility in filing that they afforded: not only couldcards bearing superannuated information be easily removed and ones bearingnew information be added, but files could be easily rearranged if needed.
    1. Matters ArisingCross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based

      for - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - critique - Xue & Bakshi, 2022

      Summary - This paper offers a critique of the review paper "Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses by Bai et al. - The critique depends on two arguments: - the methods in this review paper are "overly subjective" - there are more scientifically rigorous methods for translation available but have not been included in the review paper - the approaches discussed may violate the "incentivizing" principle proposed in Fig. 3 by - discouraging the protection and restoration of ecosystems. - the authors offer details supporting their critique in their published works below

    2. Fig. 3

      for - to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - figure 3 - Bai et al.

      to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - figure 3 - Bai et al., 2024 - https://hyp.is/_uwZDKveEe-GOx-pvnYEFg/jgvw2024.peergos.me/StopResetGo/2024/11/PDFs/NS_earth_boundaries_2024.pdf

    3. Bai et al. “Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses”

      for - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Bai et al. 2024 - to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Bai et al.

      to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Bai et al. - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjgvw2024.peergos.me%2FStopResetGo%2F2024%2F11%2FPDFs%2FNS_earth_boundaries_2024.pdf&group=world

    1. Fig. 3

      for - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Fig. 3 - Ten principles of translation - Bai et al. 2024 - from - paper - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based - citation of Fig.3 - Xue & Bakshi

      from - paper - citation - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based - citation of Fig.3 - Xue & Bakshi - https://hyp.is/xf3MxqveEe-pGZeWkHHcLA/jgvw2024.peergos.me/StopResetGo/2024/11/PDFs/MattersArisingBaietal.pdf

    2. for - paper - Nature Sustainability - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and business - Bai et al., 2024 - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - Bai et al., 2024 - downscaling planetary boundaries - earth system boundaries - from - paper - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based - Xue & Bakshi

      paper details - Title: Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Author: Bai et al. - Publisher: Nature Sustainability - Date: 2024, Jan 4

      from - paper - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based - Xue & Bakshi - https://hyp.is/jKlP4KvZEe-p1v9b-AbDOQ/jgvw2024.peergos.me/StopResetGo/2024/11/PDFs/MattersArisingBaietal.pdf

    1. What’s missing obviously is a viable third option that would disrupt and transform the status quo by leaning into and operating from an awareness of the emerging future.

      for - two party system - third viable option is missing - Otto Scharmer - from - Youtube - Climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth

      from - Youtube - Climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth - https://hyp.is/OfL17KukEe-u2rfUpknrTg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ0JDk1p6Zg

    1. SI system is absolute (gravitationally independent) as: Mass - in relation with Planck constant Time - in terms of vibration of isotope of Cesium Length - in terms of distance covered by Light All of which are independent of effect of gravity



    1. four things

      for - suggestions - how to end US hegemony for a global fair trade system - needed to re-establish global cooperation - Yanis Varoufakis - Yanis Varoufakis four on below to discuss four different suggestions of how China can support global cooperation to emerge

    2. the reason why the United States is so hegemonic why it can afford to be the big bully around the world is because of the Monopoly of the payment system

      for - quote - the US is hegemonic and the world bully because it has a monopoly on the payment system - it is the world's reserve currency - Yanis Varoufakis

    1. Domain-specific alliances

      for - adjacency - SRG planetary boundary / earth system boundaries working groups - domain specific alliances - Magisteria of the Commons

      adjacency - between - SRG planetary boundary / earth system boundaries working groups - domain specific alliances - Magisteria of the Commons - adjacency relationship The domain specific alliances of the Magisteria of the commons is similar to the SRG idea of developing funds version divisions of wealth system boundaries

    1. the real problem is what we're layering the web on we shouldn't be doing the web over this kind of just simple file distribution system that works over TCP and you have to work really hard to put over anything else we should be putting the web over a distribution system that can deal with the distributed case that is offline first and uh this is are kind of like stats showing the usage of mobile apps versus uh the web and so on so this is a very real real thing

      for - quote / insight - We shouldn't be doing the web over this simple file distribution system that works over TCP - Juan Benet - IPFS

    1. Prof. Smith lives in London and has a brother in Berlin, Dr. Smith. To visit him, balancing time, cost, and carbon emissions is a tough call to make. But there is another problem. Dr. Smith has no brother in London. How can that be?

      for - BEing journey - example - demonstrates system 1 vs system 2 thinking - example - unconscious bias - example - symbolic incompleteness

    1. The criminal-legal system, Weaver has written, “trains people for adistinctive and lesser kind of citizenship.”[16]
    1. the next quality let's say of attachment would be like um feeling see

      for - psychological infrastructure - attachment system - third quality - feeling seen - John Churchill

    2. the second attachment process if you will of of internalization is Attunement

      for - psychological infrastructure - attachment system - second quality - attunement - John Churchill - definition - attunement - John Churchill

    3. little Johnny feel held we internalize the experience of Safety and Security okay so to the extent that you've done that you have a sense of faith and trust

      for - psychological infrastructure - attachment system - first quality - internalizing safety generates faith and trust - John Churchill

    4. attachment system

      for - definition - attachment system - John Churchill

    1. @chrisaldrich Do you have some results from your online sessions? New insights from reading Doto's book?

      Reply to @Edmund https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/21907/#Comment_21907

      Doto's book is the best and tightest yet for explaining both how to implement a Luhmann-artig zettelkasten as well as why along with the affordances certain elements provide. He does a particularly good job of providing clear and straightforward definitions which have a muddy nature in some of the online spaces, which tends to cause issues for people new to the practice. Sadly, for me, there isn't much new insight due to the amount of experience and research I bring to the enterprise.

      I do like that Doto puts at least some emphasis on why one might want to use alphanumerics even in digital spaces, an idea which has broadly been sidelined in most contexts for lack of experience or concrete affordances for why one might do it.

      The other area he addresses, which most elide and the balance gloss over at best, is that of the discussion of using the zettelkasten for output. Though he touches on some particular methods and scaffolding, most of it is limited to suggestions based on his own experience rather than a broader set of structures and practices. This is probably the biggest area for potential expansion and examples I'd like to see, especially as I'm reading through Eustace Miles' How to Prepare Essays, Lectures, Articles, Books, Speeches and Letters, with Hints on Writing for the Press (London: Rivingtons, 1905).

      I could have had some more material in chapter 3 which has some fascinating, but still evolving work. Ideas like interstitial journaling and some of the related productivity methods are interesting, but Doto only barely scratches the surface on some of these techniques and methods which go beyond the traditional "zettelkasten space", but which certainly fall in his broader framing of "system for writing" promise.

      Doto's "triangle of creativity", a discussion of proximal feedback, has close parallels of Adler and Hutchins' idea of "The Great Conversation" (1952), which many are likely to miss.

      For those who missed out, Dan Allosso has posted video from the sessions at https://lifelonglearn.substack.com/ Sadly missing, unless you're in the book club, are some generally lively side chat discussions as the primary video discussion was proceeding. The sessions had a breadth of experiences from the new to the old hands as well as from students to teachers and everywhere in between.

  4. Oct 2024
    1. for - rapid whole system change - Nafeez Ahmed - planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed - planetary adaptive cycle - Nafeez Ahmed - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024 Oct 16 - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 Self and Cosmos: The Gaian Birthing - stillborn and the perilous journey through the womb - Charles Eisenstein

      summary - This is a good article that makes sense of the inflection point that humanity now faces as it contends with multiple existential crisis - It summarizes the complexity of our polycrisis and its precarity and lays the theory for looking at the polycrisis from a different perspective: - as a planetary phase shift towards the potential end of scarcity and the next stage of our species evolution - Through the lens of ecologist Crawford Stanley Holling's lens of the adaptive cycle of ecological population dynamics, - and especially his 2004 paper "From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds" - Nafeez extends Holling's argument that we are undergoing a planetary adaptive cycle in which the back-loop is the dying industrial era. - In this sense, it is reminiscent of the writings of Charles Eisenstein in his book "The Ascent of Humanity", chapter 8: Self and Cosmos:, The Gaian Birth. - Eisenstein uses the the perilous journey of birth through the womb door as a metaphor of the transition we are currently undergoing.

      to - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/KYCm2pFrEe-_PEu84xshXw/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org - book - The Ascent of Humanity - Chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - https://hyp.is/r8scTpG_Ee-gLTujlli5hQ/charleseisenstein.org/books/the-ascent-of-humanity/eng/the-gaian-birthing/

    2. To galvanise the final reorganisation stage of the life cycle of industrial civilisation, we will need to

      for - rapid whole system change - steps in the reorganization phase - experiment with - new decentralized models of localized ownership and creation - global collaborative models of product design and technology development - transborder mechanisms of political cooperation - participatory economic structures - worldviews which recognize the symbiosis of human life with the earth - values which privilege human-planetary interconnection and mutual thriving over unlimited material consumption for its own sake

    3. This new way of seeing the world should place humanity’s emergence as a planetary species at its centre. That reveals the biggest information gap of all: the inability to see that we are in the midst of a great transformation that could entail the dawn of a whole new life cycle for humanity on a planetary scale.

      for - whole system change - big picture - back loop of planetary adaptive cycle - entering the reorganization phase - regional to planetary life cycle

    4. the emergence of greater vulnerability because of the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those who control it, in efforts to sustain it

      for - quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change

      quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - (see quote below) - The front-loop phase is more predictable, - with higher degrees of certainty. - In both the natural and social worlds, - it maximizes production and accumulation. - We have been in that mode since World War II. - The consequence of this is not only an accumulation and concentration of wealth, - but also the emergence of greater vulnerability because of - the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and - those who control it, - in efforts to sustain it. - Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. - Emergence and novelty is inhibited. - This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, - and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. - This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, - thus increasing the threat of abrupt change. - We can recognize the need for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively.

      to - quote - we are now in a back-loop of a planetary adaptive cycle - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/FTRDoJFuEe-rsvdKeYjr0g/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org

      comment - These ideas are quite important for those change actors working to emerge creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change

    5. Arbib and Seba explain this by categorising human civilisation into two fundamentally intertwined complexes: the production system, encompassing all the foundational systems by which we meet fundamental material needs across energy, transport, food and materials (corresponding to ‘hardware’); and the organising system, encompassing how the former systems are governed, regulated and managed by society through economic, political, military, cultural and ideological structures and values (corresponding to ‘software’)

      for - definition - production system ('hardware') - and organizing system ('software') - Arbib and Seba

      definition Arbib and Seba - human civilization can be broken down into the interaction between two complimentary systems - the production system - by which we meet fundamamental material needs for food, energy, transportation, water, materials - also called 'hardware' - the organizing system - by which how the production system is governed and managed and includes the economy, polity, security, culture, ideology and values - also called 'software'

      comment - A transformation is required in both the hardware and the software to mitigate the worst impacts of our current polycrisis

    1. The front-loop phase is more predictable, with higher degrees of certainty. In both the natural and social worlds, it maximizes production and accumulation. We have been in that mode since World War II. The consequence of this is not only an accumulation and concentration of wealth, but also the emergence of greater vulnerability because of the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those who control it, in efforts to sustain it. Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. Emergence and novelty is inhibited. This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, thus increasing the threat of abrupt change. We can recognize the need for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively.

      for - quote - we are in a back-loop phase - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change

      comment - This is important for discussion for change actors working in liminal spaces attempting to give birth to creative alternatives

    1. Is it that we each do our own thing and we develop some form of in a collegiality between us, how to go forward?

      The plan is to create a pool of learning and documents so that any one of us can apply for funding to create an FSC with a 501c3 as the legal entity with FSC bye laws that can be adapted

      The emergenrt natur eis that we are holding spoace for the creation of an eco system of 501c3's with FSC bye laws

    1. Value of knowledge in a zettelkasten as a function of reference(use/look up) frequency; links to other ideas; ease of recall without needing to look up (also a measure of usefulness); others?

      Define terms and create a mathematical equation of stocks and flows around this system of information. Maybe "knowledge complexity" or "information optimization"? see: https://hypothes.is/a/zejn0oscEe-zsjMPhgjL_Q

      takes into account the value of information from the perspective of a particular observer<br /> relative information value

      cross-reference: Umberto Eco on no piece of information is superior: https://hypothes.is/a/jqug2tNlEeyg2JfEczmepw

      Inspired by idea in https://hypothes.is/a/CdoMUJCYEe-VlxtqIFX4qA

    2. Here's my setup: Literature Notes go in the literature folder. Daily Notes serve as fleeting notes. Project-related Notes are organized in their specific project folders within a larger "Projects" folder.

      inspired by, but definitely not take from as not in evidence

      Many people have "daily notes" and "project notes" in what they consider to be their zettelkasten workflow. These can be thought of as subcategories of reference notes (aka literature notes, bibliographic notes). The references in these cases are simply different sorts of material than one would traditionally include in this category. Instead of indexing the ideas within a book or journal article, you're indexing what happened to you on a particular day (daily notes) or indexing ideas or progress on a particular project (project notes). Because they're different enough in type and form, you might keep them in their own "departments" (aka folders) within your system just the same way that with enough material one might break out their reference notes to separate books from newspapers, journal articles, or lectures.

      In general form and function they're all broadly serving the same functionality and acting as a ratchet and pawl on the information that is being collected. They capture context; they serve as reminder. The fact that some may be used less or referred to less frequently doesn't make them necessarily less important

    1. Who were the Physiocrats?

      for - definition - physiocrats - Steve Keen - economy - history - economic flow as biomimicry of body's circulation system

      definition - physiocrat - During the 18th and 19th century, a group of mostly French "economists" led by Francois Quesnay, physician to the King of France at the time, performed some of the first autopsies of the time. - Autopsies were banned for the longest time for religious reasons - When Quesnay performed autopsies, he discovered networks of tubes in the circulation system and this led him to surmise a network of circulation in another field, economics - Quesnay advised the king, hence the name physiocrat - So modern economics has its roots in biology - it was a case of biomimicry!

    1. when putting thoughts into words. Words that remain in our head are freeto exist independent of how they’re used by other people.

      On one level, the reason is obvious: accountability. There’s a lot at stake...

      except somehow for Donald J. Trump and some in identity politics...

      How do they get around it? system 1 vs system 2

    2. the ideas we capture, rene, connect,and search for in our zettelkasten.

      An alternate stating of the process: 1. capture<br /> 2. refine<br /> 3. connect<br /> 4. search

      cross-reference earlier process: https://hypothes.is/a/HgcILIvyEe-OfdOArKZxGg

    3. System

      card system ⇒ system theory

      In the early 1900s it was very common, especially in English speaking countries to call these note taking/paper database systems "card systems". Is it a wonder then that they may have helped to create "systems theory"?

      In particular, look at Niklas Luhmann's work as well as Ross Ashby.

      Example of a fleeting note triggered by a single word in a context, but with thoughts not relating at all to the specifics of the particular work.

    4. practices related to having and capturing thoughts (chapters 1and 2); rening thoughts into clear ideas that can be repurposed (chapter 3);connecting ideas across topics (chapters 4 and 5); developing theseconnections and making them accessible to you (chapter 6); andtransforming all the above into writing for readers—writing that can bereintegrated back into the system (chapters 7, 8 and 9).

      Overview of Bob Doto's suggested process:<br /> 1. having and capturing thoughts<br /> 2. refining thoughts into clear ideas that can be repurposed<br /> 3. connecting ideas across topics<br /> 4. developing connections and making them accessible<br /> 5. transforming notes into writing for readers 6. re-integrating writing back into the system (he lumped this in with 5, but I've broken it out)

      How do these steps relate to those of others?

      Eg: Miles1905: collect, select, arrange, dictate/write (and broadly composition)

    1. Another reason why it saves time is that here you canimply things instead of having to express them in full,for your Card-System and its Headings need only to beclear to yourself (see p. 67), whereas a complete Essayor Speech must be in Sentences and must be clear toyour readers or hearers as well. In the Cards you canuse all kinds of Abbreviations (p. 70) : these, again,need only be clear to yourself.

      Miles touches on the interplay of knowledge written down on index cards and the knowledge which is kept only in one's mind. Some practitioners in the space from 2013-2024 seem to imply that they're writing almost everything out in far deeper detail than Miles would indicate. In his incarnation, much of the knowledge might be more quickly indicated by a short sentence or heading which the brain can associate to longer explanations.

      This sort of indexing is akin to some of the method potentially seen in Marshall Mathers' zettelkasten.

      I'm creating a tag here for "card index for productivity" to track the idea of productivity in writing which I'm specifically using separately from the tag "card index as productivity system" which is used to describe their use for project tracking systems in systems like GTD, Memindex, etc.

    2. They are useful for other ptirposes, besides Essay-writing and Speaking. For instance, for Addresses,for Bills, and for Memoranda.

      Unsurprising given that card systems were used for accounting in the early 1900s, but not many manuals cover the use of a card index for addresses (aka Rolodex) of for bills or memoranda.

    3. I arrived at the Card-System by degrees, and was glad to findthat Prof. Wendell also recommended Cards. I have elaboratedthe System considerably in the last few months,

      Miles doesn't specify how he comes by the practice of a "Card-System" other than "by degrees" as well as elaborating on it in the months before he writes this book.

      (Having something more concrete would be nice though...)

      At some point he read Barrett Wendell's book on composition (1891) to discover that he recommended cards as well.

    4. they can beworked with extraordinary rapidity, especially if theyare combined with Dictation (see p. 69),

      Dictation from index cards can be done quickly for drafting one's writing to improve the efficiency of composing and writing essays.

      This is essentially the sort of advice which Nabokov used in his writing work in combination with his wife Vera.

    5. The old Cards can be used in many ways. Youcan turn them upside-down, and treat the other endsimilarly, then you can turn them over ,and the backsof them will give you two more spaces to be used.Some might even use the four sides also ! After theCards are entirely covered, they can be used for scrap-books for Hospitals.

      reuse of index cards

      How exactly would fully used ("covered") cards be used for scrapbooks for Hospitals?

    6. This is the great advantage of the Card-System overthe ordinary Scheme (on a single sheet of paper), forwith the latter one has to be thinking of two things atthe same time, namely, of the Arrangement of theIdeas as well as the Collection of the Ideas.

      Using a card-system over writing on a single sheet of paper or in a notebook allows one to separate the thinking work. Instead of both capturing the idea and arranging them simultaneously, one is splitting these tasks into smaller parts for simpler handling.

    7. Connecting Linkbetween twoSentences orParagraphs,

      Miles, 1905 uses an arrow symbol with a hash on it to indicate a "connecting link between two Sentences or Paragraphs, etc."

      It's certainly an early example of what we would now consider a hyperlink. It actively uses a "pointer" in it's incarnation.

      Are there earlier examples of these sorts of idea links in the historical record? Surely there were circles and arrows on a contiguous page, but what about links from one place to separate places (possibly using page numbers?) Indexing methods from 11/12C certainly acted as explicit sorts of pointers.

    8. Special Marks on Cards

      Eustace Miles suggests the use of "special marks on cards" (annotations) in the top left corners, though he doesn't provide specific examples of how they might be used in practice. He does mention "The Abbreviations and Marks need be clear only to the Writer [sic] himself. They save ever so much time."

      • "X": As contrasted with—
      • "Q": Quotation
      • Black triangle in corner: important
      • Arrow pointing to corner of card: As compared with
      • Angled parallel lines in the bottom right corner of card: End of Paragraph (or Chapter).
      • Arrow pointing to the corner of card with hash mark: Connecting Link between two Sentences or Paragraphs, etc.
      • Upside down V (or caret): An omission, e.g. to be filled in afterwards
      • ?: A doubtful point
    9. Special Marks on Cards

      In Miles' visual examples of cards, he presents them in portrait (rather than landscape) orientation.

      This goes against the broad grain of most standard card index filing systems of the time, but may be more in line with the earlier French use of playing cards orientation.

      His portrait orientation also matches with the size ratios seen in his Card-Tray suggestion on p187. https://hypothes.is/a/llEgpIf4Ee-dVfcaIGUryQ

    10. no false economy r

      He's repeating (and thus emphasizing) the admonition that a card system is not expensive, particularly in relation to the savings in time and effort.

    11. These Cards (if used only once) should be labelledand catalogued very carefully.

      How does he define "labelled" and "catalogued"?

      Presumably he means a version of tagging/categorization and possibly indexing them to be able to easily find them again?

    12. And the same will apply to the objection that theSystem is unusual. Seldom have there been any newsuggestions which have not been condemned as ' un-us
    13. Objections to the Card-System,

      Miles lists the following objections: - expense - inconvenience - unusual (new, novel)

      Notice that he starts not with benefits or affordances, but with the objections.

      What would a 2024 list of objections look like? - anachronism - harder than digital methods - lack of easier search - complexity - ... others?

    14. At first, also, it might be thought that the Cardswould be inconvenient to use, but the personal ex-perience of thousands shows that, at any rate forbusiness-purposes, exactly the reverse is true

      Miles' uses the ubiquity of card systems (even at the writing in 1899, prior to publication) within business as evidence for bolstering their use in writing and composition.

      (Recall that he's also writing in the UK.)

    15. You can prepare your Letters any-where, even in the train, and so save a great deal oftime ; and it may be noticed here that the idlenessof people, during that great portion of their lives whichthey spend in travelling and waiting, can easily beavoided in this way.

      Using a card system, particularly while travelling, can help to more efficiently use one's time in preventing idleness while travelling and waiting.

    16. I often noticed that most Candidates inExaminations used to begin to write their Essays atonce. They never realised that their minds were there-by being distracted and divided among many differentprocesses, each of which is particularly hard even whentaken alone. For all at once their minds are being-called upon to Collect Ideas, to Select and decide whichare important, etc., to Arrange the Selected Ideas, andto Express them. To try all this as a single action is" most extraordinarily unscientific, even if a few brilliantgeniuses here and there have succeeded in the attempt.

      One of the major affordances of using a zettelkasten or card index for writing is that it forces the writer to break things down into their constituent parts, thereby making the entire process of writing far easier and less complex. One can separately focus their attention on the smaller steps of collecting, selecting, and arranging the material before beginning to actually write.

    17. Miles, Eustace Hamilton. How to Prepare Essays, Lectures, Articles, Books, Speeches and Letters, with Hints on Writing for the Press. London: Rivingtons, 1905. http://archive.org/details/howtoprepareessa00mileuoft.

    1. English composition: Eight lectures given at the Lowell Institute, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1891.

      evidence of a card system/zettelkasten method in this?

      I found a copy and indeed there is evidence!

    1. 1:22:36 Could A community Association get a Community Banking Licence? 1:22:38 Could a local Credit Union be a consortium partner and issue more money into the system to develop the entire wealth of the Neighbourhood

    2. 53:36 A community can set up a CONTRIBUTION which everyone agrees to pay in the currency issued by the community issuer 53:48 Therefore a Debt Free Currency System really means a COMMUNITY TRIBUTE money system where the debt is a contribution to the community, payable in the currency of the issuer 55:45 A community can set up its own CENTRAL BANK that sets the interest rate at zero for the money in the community

    3. 23:10 MMT is not a new system or theory. It simply explains what happens today.

    1. H.S.WYNKOOP.-I have beeninterestedever sinceIhave beenMr.Wynkoop.inbusiness inthe lack ofstandardization in nearly everythingwehavehadtodealwith-notmerelyinthematterofthiscardsystemusedin theshop,but eveninourletterpaperandthevarioussizesofprints ordocumentsthatrunthroughtheoffice.SomeyearsagoItook thelettersheetusedbytheEdison GeneralElectricCompanyandusedthatasastandard,andImadeeveryformintheofficewhereIwasatthetimeeitherfull letter,halfletterordoubleletter,andsoon;anditwasastonishingtoseehow,whenthe employees got usedtotheidea ofstandard-sizedforms,every-thingfittedin,andfrommyownexperience Iwouldliketosecondthat ideaheartily.Wecould standardize in nearly everythingweconstruct inthewayof forms,shopstationery,and,verylargely,inour machines.Thestandardizationofelectricmotorsisre-ceiving greatattentionatpresent.
    2. Brooklyn Engineers’ Club. Brooklyn Engineer’ Club Proceedings for 1906: Constitution and By-Laws and Catalogue of Reference Works Added to the Library During the Year. Brooklyn Engineers’ Club, 1907.

    1. to compel people to change their emissions, it may be less about a number, and more about a feeling. “To get people to act, my hypothesis is, you need to reach them not just by convincing them to be good citizens and saying it’s good for the world to keep below 1.5 degrees, but showing how they individually will be impacted,” says Eltahir

      for - quote - climate crisis - behavioral change - system change - importance of showing impacts - example - climate departure project

      quote - climate crisis - behavioral change - system change - importance of showing impacts - example - climate departure project - Eltahir - To get people to act, my hypothesis is, you need to reach them - not just by convincing them to be good citizens and saying it’s good for the world to keep below 1.5 degrees, but - showing how they individually will be impacted,”

    1. for - system change - social gatherings - adjacency - Deep Humanity - Tipping Point Festival - social gathering insights - community conherence

      article details - title: Convenings, Cohorts + Communities: Notes on so-called "impact" gatherings - author: Renee Lertzman - publication: substack - date: 2024, Sept 24

  5. Sep 2024
    1. the Middle Ages saw productive yields, especially in agriculture, grow at unprecedented rates.

      Johnson Su We are planning to use Johnson Su technologies to restore soil as a regenerative being GIen Ương & Food Production Process Gien knows about a food product system that has a massive output

    2. the failure to think through and cultivate labor, as the material capacity for socially creating radical change, leaves the religious, as the cultural expression of real desires and intentions for radical change, to its most repressively alienating and distorting forms. If the disappearance of the standpoint of labor has coincided with the return of the religious in the form of radical fundamentalisms, might the return of the standpoint of labor, in a new more holistic way, coincide, not with the disappearance of the religious, but its return to a more rational form?"

      for - adjacency - labor - religion - system change - Benjamin Suriano - Deep Humanity - quote - labor - religion - system change - Benjamin Suriano

      quote - labor - religion - system change - Benjamin Suriano - (see below) - The failure to think through and cultivate labor, - as the material capacity for socially creating radical change, - leaves the religious, - as the cultural expression of real desires and intentions for radical change, - to its most repressively - alienating and -distorting forms. - If the disappearance of the standpoint of labor - has coincided with the return of the religious in the form of radical fundamentalisms, - might the return of the standpoint of labor, - in a new more holistic way, - coincide, - not with the disappearance of the religious, - but its return to a more rational form?

      adjacency - between - labor - religion - system change - Benjamin Suriano - Deep Humanity - adjacency relationship - It is a well.known fact that most people do not like their jobs - If that is the case that - 5 days of inhabiting a unjoyful space is the price we pay for 2 days of inhabiting a joyful space - we should strive to invert this situation - If we spend - 33% of our life sleeping and - 50% working, - then half our life is spent in an emotionally lacking space and this is harmful - The big question is this: - How do we transform business so we that we make work - more meaning-full and - less meaning-less? - Another way to phrase the question is: - How did we rekindle the Deep Humanity found in each of us? - How did we rekindle the sacred in every moment, including at our place of work?

    1. Disease: Von-willebrand Disorder

      Patient: 21 yo, female, Italian descent

      Variant: VWF NM_000552.5 c:C3379 > T p.(P1127S), homozygous

      Heterozygous and Homozygous polymorphic variant in exon 25

      Phenotypes: Bleeding Score System (BSS) = 3 minor bruising normal menstrual bleeding

      Family: (father paternity confirmed) Father suffered from rectorrhagia for rectal polyps Mother (same variant, heterozygous) has heavy menstrual bleeding, epistaxis events up to age 30, BBS= 2

      Present in dbSNP (rs139579968) MAF in European pop = 0.0001-0.0004

      Present in gnomAD, said to be present in 2 transcripts in VWF 40 alleles are present

      Predictions: listed with PolyPhen-2 and SIFT = probably damaging to protein expression/function

      CADD (score =33) and REVEL(score = 0.748) suggest deleterious effect of pathogenic variant

      I-TASSER showed large difference in 3D configuration of sequences differing by a single amino acid.

    1. for - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - Camilo Mora et al. - 6th mass extinction - biodiversity loss - question - 2024 - Sept 13 - how do we reconcile climate departure with quantification of earth system boundary biodiversity safe and just limit? - to - climate departure map - map of major cities - 2013 - to - researchgate paper - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - 2013 - Camilo Mora et al

      paper details - title: The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - author: - Camilo Mora, - Abby G. Frazier, - Ryan J. Longman, - Rachel S. Dacks, - Maya M. Walton, - Eric J. Tong, - Joseph J. Sanchez, - Lauren R. Kaiser, - Yuko O. Stender, - James M. Anderson, - Christine M. Ambrosino, - Iria Fernandez-Silva, - Louise M. Giuseffi, - Thomas W. Giambelluca - date - 9 October, 2013 - publication Nature 502, 183-187 (2013) - https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12540 - https://www.nature.com/articles/nature12540

      to - https://hyp.is/0BdCglsHEe-2CteEQbOBfw/www.researchgate.net/publication/257598710_The_projected_timing_of_climate_departure_from_recent_variability

      Summary - This is an extremely important paper with a startling conclusion of the magnitude of the social and economic impacts of the biodiversity disruption coming down the pipeline - It is likely that very few governments are prepared to adapt to these levels of ecosystemic disruption - Climate departure is defined as an index of the year when: - The projected mean climate of a given location moves to a state that is - continuously outside the bounds of historical variability - Climate departure is projected to happen regardless of how aggressive our climate mitigation pathway - The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario in the study is RCP85 and leads to a global climate departure mean of 2047 (+/- 14 years s.d.) while - The more aggressive RCP45 scenario (which we are currently far from) leads to a global climate departure mean of 2069 (+/- 18 years s.d.) - So regardless of how aggressive we mitigate, we cannot avoid climate departure. - What consequences will this have on economies around the world? How will we adapt? - The world is not prepared for the vast ecosystem changes, which will reshape our entire economy all around the globe.

      question - 2024 - Sept 13 - how do we reconcile climate departure with quantification of earth system boundary biodiversity safe and just limit? - Annotating the Sept 11, 2024 published Earth Commission paper in Lancet, the question arises: - How do we reconcile climate departure dates with the earth system boundary quantification of safe limits for biodiversity? - There, it is claimed that: - 50 to 60 % of intact nature is required<br /> - https://hyp.is/Mt8ocnIEEe-C0dNSJFTjyQ/www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1/fulltext - a minimum of 20 to 25% of human modified ecosystems is required - https://hyp.is/AKwa4nIHEe-U1oNQDdFqlA/www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1/fulltext - in order to mitigate major species extinction and social disruption crisis - And yet, Mora et al.'s research and subsequent climate departure map shows climate departure is likely to take place everywhere on the globe, with - aggressive RCP decarbonization pathway only delaying climate departure from - Business-As-Usual RCP pathway - by a few decades at most - And this was a 2011 result. 13 years later in 2024, I expect climate departure dates have likely gotten worse and moved closer to the present

      from - Gupta, Joyeeta et al.(2024). A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations. The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 0, Issue 0 - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thelancet.com%2Fjournals%2Flanplh%2Farticle%2FPIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1%2Ffulltext&group=world

      to - climate departure map - of major cities of the world - 2013 - https://hyp.is/tV1UOFsKEe-HFQ-jL-6-cw/www.hawaii.edu/news/2013/10/09/study-in-nature-reveals-urgent-new-time-frame-for-climate-change/ - full research paper - researchgate

    1. I don't think you can prove it but I wonder if what what it would feel like I think is is um synchronicity

      for - topic for further research - higher level of living system - indicator of - Micheal Levin - synchronicity

      Adjacency - between - Jordan Hall / Michael Levin conversation - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - lower level indicator of higher level - enlightenment / awakening Frederico Faggin experience - meditation - adjacency statement - Federico Faggin's experience of inter level awareness was - his profound awakening experience transcending even oneness - That was an indicator event that shattered his belief that he was alone, shuttered in existential isolation - and showed him that he was a part of a much larger system - In general, at the level of humans and human consciousness, - awakening and enlightenment experiences described throughout human history in many different - times and - places - could be interpreted as reaching upwards to a higher level in our lower level cognitive light cone

    1. Your application code should not be dealing with PID files, log redirection or other low-level concerns.
    2. Let your operating system handle daemons, respawning and logging while you focus on your application features and users.
    3. This makes developing a modern daemon much easier. The init config file is what you use to configure logging, run as a user, and many other things you previous did in code. You tweak a few init config settings; your code focuses less on housekeeping and more on functionality.
    4. Less system administration, easier debugging, simpler code, all because you leveraged the init system to do the work for you!
    1. Both biosphere boundaries

      for - question - earth system boundaries - biodiversity - how do we reconcile these boundaries with climate departure?

      question - earth system boundaries - biodiversity - how do we reconcile these boundaries with climate departure? - Does the term "functional integrity" imply autonomy from climate feedbacks? Obviously, climate feedback plays a huge role in determining biodiversity health - In 2013, Mora et al. found that climate departure, the year in which a climate variable moves out of the historical bounds will occur everywhere on the planet, regardless of an aggressive RCP pathway being taken. In this study, climate departure was found to take place (relative to 2013) - 37.5 years in the future under RCP45, or - 22.5 years in the future under RCP85 - It would seem that the biodiversity boundaries should take into consideration climate departure as species extinction and ecological system disruption is projected to occur, regardless of whether RCP45 or RCP85 is adopted. - Currently, we are still on a Business-As-Usual trajectory, but since 2013, scientific research has moved the danger threshold even lower so climate departure dates are likely even sooner than those calculated in the 2013 Mora paper

      to - Mora, C., Frazier, A., Longman, R. et al. (2013). The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability. Nature 502, 183–187. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12540 - https://hyp.is/3wZrokX9Ee-XrSvMGWEN2g/www.nature.com/articles/nature12540 - Researchgate copy - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fpublication%2F257598710_The_projected_timing_of_climate_departure_from_recent_variability&group=world

    2. Our estimated safe ESB is that around 50–60% of global land surface should be in largely intact, natural condition to halt species extinction, secure biosphere contributions to climate regulation, and stabilise regional water cycles.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - intact natural systems - 50 to 60% global land need to be intact

    3. from 6–15% in some landscapes (eg, riparian ecosystems, agricultural landscapes with high crop diversity) to 50% in others (eg, in sloping landscapes, or landscapes where erosion or natural hazards are frequent).

      for - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - minimum varies depending on specific local context

    4. The exact area, quality, and spatial configuration required varies by contribution and location, and thus could not be estimated on a global scale, necessitating local translation, assessment of local context, demand for specific NCP, and application of best practices.

      for earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - only local translation is possible

    5. 10% of natural or semi-natural habitat per km2 is a sharper threshold, below which evidence suggests that many NCP would almost no longer be provided.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems -absolute minimum of 10% - below this, many of Nature's contribution to people would no longer be provided

    6. safe boundary of at least 20–25% of natural or semi-natural habitat per km2 in human-modified lands (ie, urban and agro-ecosystems) is needed to support both Earth-system NCP and local NCP, in addition to the functions provided by largely intact lands.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - minimum of 20 to 25% natural / semi-natural habitat per square kilometer

    7. human-modified ecosystems, we systematically analysed six critical NCP at local scales

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales

      stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales - pollination pest and disease control - water-quality regulation - soil protection - natural hazards mitigation - recreation

    8. The amount of intact natural land as of 2018 was around 15% below this ESB, but could be increased through restoring degraded ecosystems or previously converted ecosystems,102,103,106102.Strassburg, BBN ∙ Iribarrem, A ∙ Beyer, HL ∙ et al.Global priority areas for ecosystem restorationNature. 2020; 586:724-729CrossrefScopus (536)PubMedGoogle Scholar103.Jung, M ∙ Arnell, A ∙ de Lamo, X ∙ et al.Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon and waterNat Ecol Evol. 2021; 5:1499-1509CrossrefScopus (162)PubMedGoogle Scholar106.Wolff, S ∙ Schrammeijer, EA ∙ Schulp, CJE ∙ et al.Meeting global land restoration and protection targets: what would the world look like in 2050?Glob Environ Change. 2018; 52:259-272CrossrefScopus (72)Google Scholar with conservation efforts distributed across all ecoregions.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - intact natural systems - 15% below ESB in 2018

    9. We capture the main components by identifying safe boundaries for two complementary and synthetic measures of biodiversity: the area of largely intact natural ecosystems, and the functional integrity of ecosystems heavily modified by human pressures.

      for - biodiversity - safe earth system boundaries - 2 measures - intact natural ecosystems - ecosystems modified by human pressures - question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales

      question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales - As ecologist David Suzuki often says, economy depends on ecology, not the other way around - Is there quantification at different potential tipping points for extinction for biodiversity at different scales and localities?

    10. The remainder of this Commission is organised into four parts

      for - safe and just earth system boundaries - translations and transformations - 4 parts

      earth system boundaries - translations and transformations - 4 parts - part 1 - theoretical framework - part 2 - quantification of - safe and just ESB, - which ones are transgressed - who are the victims - safe and just corridor - base - ceiling - for timeframe - present - 2050 - part 3 - translating - safe and just ESB - approaches - challenges - enabling conditions - to - cities - businesses

    11. Cities and businesses are key actors driving anthropogenic pressures, but have received less attention in sustainability assessments than countries. The unique challenges associated with these actors need to be understood and resolved in translation methods, and approaches that reflect the specific environmental, social, and economic contexts of cities and businesses need to be developed

      for - Earth system boundaries - importance of developing cross scale translation for cities and businesses as key actors

    12. Although Doughnut Economics' safe and just indicators2525.O'Neill, DW ∙ Fanning, AL ∙ Lamb, WF ∙ et al.A good life for all within planetary boundariesNat Sustain. 2018; 1:88-95CrossrefScopus (980)Google Scholar include justice elements, our work goes further by quantifying these elements in the same units as the safe ESBs and by operationalising and quantifying justice issues.

      for - comparison - doughnut economics - vs - safe and just earth system boundaries

    13. analytical and evaluative tool consisting of just ends (targets) and just means (levers)

      for - definition - Earth system justice - just ends (targets) - just means (levers)

    14. A justice approach, by contrast, requires at least boundaries that minimise significant harm to human health and wellbeing and to other species (panel 2) while ensuring access to necessary resources and services.

      for - just earth system boundary - why it's needed

    15. The scope of Earth-system justice is framed by three overarching criteria: interspecies justice, intergenerational justice, and intragenerational justice.

      for - earth system justice - 3 aspects

      earth system justice - 3 aspects - interspecies justice - intergenerational justice - intragenerational justice

    16. system transformations that could move humanity into a safe and just corridor

      for - rapid whole system change - to move humanity to a safe and just corridor

    17. We focus on cities and businesses because of the magnitude of their impacts on the Earth system, and their potential to take swift action and act as agents of change.

      for - rapid whole system change - leverage point - cities - cross-scale translation

    18. for - earth system boundaries - safe and just earth system boundaries - cross translated - to cities and business - planetary boundaries - downscaled planetary boundaries - urban planetary boundaries - Johan Rockstrom - Xuemei Bao - Lancet paper - just and safe earth system boundaries - Earth Commission report

      paper details - title: A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations - authors: - Joyeeta Gupta - Xuemei Bao - Johan Rockstrom - Diana M Liverman <br /> - Dahe Qin - Ben Stewart-Koster - et al - publication: Lancet 2024, Sept 11





    1. Seit 2023 herrscht im Amazonasgebiet eine extreme Dürre, deren Ursachen die Erhitzung der Ozeane und ein durch die globale Erhitzung verstärkter El Niño sind. Sie begünstigt die extrem zahlreichen Waldbrände, deren Rauch gerade die Luft über 60% des brasilianischen Territoriums verschmutzt. 97% der Brände werden aber von Menschen entzündet, vor allem im Interesse der Agrarindustrie. Auch aufgrund der Entwaldung ist der Kipppunkt, von dem an der Wald Kohlenstoff emittiert statt absorbiert, näher als bisher angenommen. Ausführlicher Bericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie und des Aufrufs zum Boykott von.Agrarprodukten aus dem Gebiet. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/ravagee-par-les-feux-lamazonie-au-bord-du-basculement-le-climat-est-devenu-un-allie-de-la-destruction-de-la-foret-20240911_HEMGMQI7WZCYHAWC6E24ZJCTIU/

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06970-0

    1. I wonder if there's a copy anywhere of the Macey business system book that they sold to explain how to use it?

      reply to u/atomicnotes at https://old.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1fa0240/early_1900s_3_x_5_inch_card_index_filing_cabinet/

      This is an excellent question. I strongly suspect you won't find a booklet or book from Macey after 1906 that does this, though there may have been something before that.

      You'll notice that on page 9, the 1906 Macy Catalog takes what I consider to be a pot shot at their Shaw-Walker competition in the section "Not a kindergarten". Shaw-Walker was selling not just furniture, but a more specific system, as well as a magazine. Since there's something to be learned for current knowledge managers and zettel-casters in the historical experience of these companies and the systems and methods they were selling, I'll quote that section here (substitute references to enterprise and business for yourself):

      Not a Kindergarten

      Every successful enterprise knows its own requirements best, and develops the best system for its own purpose. We manufacture business machinery. Our appliances and supplies are boiled down to a few parts, and simple forms, and will accommodate any system in any business. The office boy can understand and use them. If we undertook to teach the whole world how to run its business, we would have to saddle the cost on those who buy for what we tried to teach those who do not.

      System in business is desirable, but no system can make a business successful, where the management is deficient. So called ‘Systems’ often result in useless expense and disappointment. We retain what experience proves useful and practical; so far as possible, eliminating all complicated and useless features. This explains how we can employ the best workmanship and material, combined with pleasing designs, and sell our goods with profit at lower prices than the inferior articles offered by others.

      There may have been some booklets at some point, but I've not run across them for any of the major manufacturers of the time. (I've only loosely searched this area.) Some of the general principles were covered in various articles in System Magazine which was published by Shaw-Walker, a filing cabinet manufacturer, in the early century. System Magazine was sold to McGraw-Hill which renamed it Business Week, but it is now better known as Bloomberg Business Week. In the December 1906 issue of System, W. K. Kellogg, the President of the Toasted Corn Flake Company, is quoted touting the invaluable nature of the Shaw-Walker filing system at a time when his company was using 640 drawers of their system.

      To some extent the smaller discrete "system" was really a part of a broader range of information and knowledge of business and competition. This can be seen in the fact that System Magazine still exists, just under an alternate name, along with a much broader area of business schools and business systems. We've just "forgotten" (or take for granted) the art of the smaller systems and processes which seemed new in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

      Other companies had "systems" they sold or taught, much like Tiago Forte teaches his "Second Brain" method or Nick Milo teaches "Linking Your Thinking". However, most of them were really in the business of selling goods: furniture, filing cabinets, desks, index cards, card dividers, etc. and this was where the real money was to be found at the time.

      A similar example in the space is the Memindex System booklet that came with their box and index cards. The broad principles of the system can be described in a few paragraphs so that the average person can read it and modify it to their particular needs or use case. The company never felt the need to write an entire book along the lines of David Allen's Getting Things Done or Ryder Carroll's Bullet Journal Method. Allen and Carroll are selling systems by way of books or classes. Admittedly, Carroll does have custom printed notebooks for using his methods, but I suspect these are a tiny fraction of the overall notebook sales for those who use his method.

      Here's evidence of a correspondence course from the Library Bureau some time after 1927, which was when they'd been purchased by Remington Rand: https://www.ebay.com/itm/335534180049 . Library Bureau had an easier time as their system was standardized for libraries, though they did have efforts to cater to business concerns the way Shaw-Walker, The Macey Company, Globe-Wernicke and others certainly did.

      I think the best examples in broader book form from that time period are Kaiser's two books which still stand up pretty well today for those creating knowledge management systems, zettelkasten, commonplace books, getting things done/productivity systems, second brains, etc.

      Kaiser, J. Card System at the Office. The Card System Series 1. London: Vacher and Sons, 1908. http://archive.org/details/cardsystematoffi00kaisrich.

      ———. Systematic Indexing. The Card System Series 2. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1911. http://archive.org/details/systematicindexi00kaisuoft.

  6. Aug 2024
    1. Advanced Typing - Shortcuts (1943)

      Advanced Typing: Shortcuts. 16 mm. Vol. MN-1512c. United States Navy Training Film, 1943. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUJfCfqgsX0.

      Correct typing posture: fingers curved<br /> arms sloping up<br /> light fast strokes<br /> steady rhythm

      fast continuous motion of return lever<br /> using backing sheet (aka temping sheet ??)

      Shortcuts:<br /> mise en place for office supplies (she doesn't use this phrasing though) - greater efficiency - cuts down on searching

      tabulators can be helpful. There are two types:<br /> - automatic - handset

      Use tabs for paragraphs, dating letters, columns of numbers, and letter closings.

      To clear all tab stops, put carriage to left, hold tab clear key and move the carriage across. (Usually applies to Royal, Remington, Underwood, and Electromatic).

      On LC Smith and Woodstock machines sometimes have a tab clear lever on the back.

      Decimal tabulator keys help to align a variety of numbers around a decimal point.

      Always have a few tabs set to prevent a flying carriage which can be hard on the machine.

      When using carbon sheets which are slightly longer than the paper size, cut off a small triangle at the top left hand side. This makes it easier for one to separate the carbons from the copies by holding the top left with one hand and pulling the carbons out from the bottom of the stack.

      To align multiple sheets of paper for carbon copies, use a folded sheet at the top to taco the pages into the machine. Remove the folded sheet once the carbon pack is rolled forward.

      Paper bail rollers should be set to split the pages into thirds (for two rollers).

      Remington noiseless machines have a pressure indicator on the front of the machine (usually above the keyboard) which can be used when using thick carbon packs that may cause the ribbon guide to stick or bind.

      Only erase when the carriage is fully left or right to prevent eraser crumbs from falling into the machine.

      Use a soft eraser on carbon copies. Use and insert slips of paper behind the carbons and allowing them to stick out the sides, erasing from back sheet to front so as not to allow the eraser to mark your carbon copies. For the front sheet, use a shield and ink eraser and erase with a horizontal motion. After erasing, easily pull out the inserted sheets.

      When typing a correction, tap the key lightly two or three times rather than hard once.

      When in a rush and it's necessary to add a word (on double spacing), underline the last letter of the prior word and type a slash (/). Then move the typing line up and type the insertion above the prior line. This creates an "arrow" of sorts for the inserted word.

      Details for inserting extra letters in misspelled words using half-spacing machines. (Underwoods and Electromatics don't have this function.)

      Light pencil marks at the bottom of the sheet can help to indicate the coming bottom of the sheet.

      Putting up the card holders (fingers) on Underwoods and Royals. They help to hold the card and improve print quality and reduce noise.

      Card holders can cause markings on carbon packs if they're not lowered.

      Trick for quickly writing postcards in succession: Disengage the ratchet using the platen spring release (or variable platen switch) Type the address on the front of the card. When done give the platen a quick practiced spin. The postcard with "jump" up and stop at the paper table and be in position for rolling in the opposite direction to write the message on the back of the card! When done a faster spin of the platen will shoot the card over the back of the typewriter where it can land in a box to collect all the postcards which were written in such a manner. <br /> timestamp 23:22

      Time saving methods for addressing envelopes:

      • Front seat principle. Insert the envelope in the usual way and type out the address. When done, turn the envelope down through the machine with the right hand. With the left hand, place the next envelope between the top of the first envelope and the front of the platen. Feed the first envelope back through the machine (in reverse) and the second will be rolled in to place for typing. Continue in this fashion until finished. All the finished envelopes will stack up in the back at the paper table.

      • Chain feeding. The first envelope is inserted and rolled partway into the machine. A second envelope is inserted between the platen and the second envelope (behind the platen). Turn the first envelope to the writing line and type the address. Take out the first envelope and insert the next the same way as before.

      • Uses paper bail. Do the first envelope in the usual way. Spin it out of the machine up and behind the paper bail into a box behind the typewriter.

      For quickly doing labels or small cards:<br /> Create a small zig-zag fold into a piece of paper to create a pocket slot which can be scotch taped on either side. This template paper can then be inserted so that the pocket is visible above the writing line, but the paper below it is still in the platen. The label or card can be placed into the pocket and the platen reversed to feed the label or card in backwards to the desired typing line. Using a v-groove or hole in the typing line can create a pencil line to serve as a guide for inserting many labels at the same place so that the typing lines up between labels.

      Some offices had special platens for holding cards like this.

      Pockets like this can also be used to hold the page to add additional lines at the bottom of pages. Deeper pockets may need to be used for doing this with carbon packs whose carbons are longer than the pages.

      Alternately one can do something similar by creating a inverted u-shaped set of slits into an index card. to hold such labels.

      When in the midst of a page and needing to do another piece urgently, roll back the letter until about 2 inches from the top, and then place in the new page and one between each of the carbons. Then roll forward to do the short message as necessary. Turn back to the insertion position to remove the copies and then continue with the first letter where you left off.

      For drawing horizontal lines on typewriter paper, push the carriage to the extreme left and place the pencil or pen at the edge of the card guide and the scale. Then move the carriage to the right to effect the line. For vertical lines, put the carriage at the desired space and place the pencil at the card guide and scale and move the platen up/down as necessary.

    1. Manila has one of the most dangerous transport systems in the world for women (Thomson Reuters Foundation, 2014). Women in urban areas have been sexually assaulted and harassed while in public transit, be it on a bus, train, at the bus stop or station platform, or on their way to/from transit stops.

      The New Urban Agenda and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (5, 11, 16) have included the promotion of safety and inclusiveness in transport systems to track sustainable progress. As part of this effort, AI-powered machine learning applications have been created.

    1. how do you know if, if, and when you are part of a larger cognitive system, right?

      for - question - how do you know when you are part of a larger cognitive system? - answer - adjacency - synchronicity - lower level example - two neurons talking to each other - Michael Levin - Mark Solms foundation theory of affect

      question - how do you know when you are part of a larger cognitive system? - answer - adjacency - synchronicity - lower level example - two neurons talking to each other - Michael Levin - Mark Solms foundation theory of affect

      adjacency - between - answer - synchronicity - lower level example - two neurons talking to each other - Michael Levin - Mark Solms foundational theory of affect - adjacency relationship - This is a very interesting question and Michael Levin provides a very interesting answer - First, it is very interesting that Mark Solms points out that affect is foundational to cognition - This is evident once we begin to think of the fundamental goals of any individual of any species is to optimize survival - The positive or negative affects that we feel are a feedback signal that measures how successful we are in our efforts to survive - Hence, it is more accurate to ask: - How do you know if and when you are part of a larger affective-cognitive system? - Levin illustrates the multi-level nature of simultaneous consciousness by looking at two neurons "in dialogue" with each other, and potentially speculating about a "higher level of consciousness", which is in fact, the level you and I operate at and take for granted - This speculative question is very important for it also can be generalized to the next layer up, - Do collectives of humans, each one experiencing itself a unified, cohesive inner perspective, constitute a higher level "collective consciousness"? - If we humans experience feelings and thinking whilst we have a well defined physical body, then - what does a society feel and think whilst not having such a well defined physical body?

    1. The song's criticism on mass media is mainly related to sensationalism.

      "Good" things are usually not sensational. They do not demand attention, hence why the code of known/unknown based on selectors for attention filters it out.

      Reference Hans-Georg Moeller's explanations of Luhmann's mass media theory based on functionally differentiated systems theory.

      Can also compare to Simone Weil's thoughts on collectives and opinion; organizations (thus most part of mass media) should not be allowed to form opinions as this is an act of the intellect, only residing in the individual. Opinion of any form meant to spread lies or parts of the truth rather than the whole truth should be disallowed according to her because truth is a foundational, even the most sacred, need for the soul.

      People must be protected against misinformation.

    1. for - food system transition - 2022 paper - 6 case studies

      Summary - This paper gives a good complexity-based framework for characterising for system transition - It could be useful for facilitation of participatory community futures workshops - such as Stop Reset Go workshops

    1. Anglophonic monoculture which renders certain dimensions of life invisible and therefore impossible to address
      • for
      • English language - makes invisible salient aspects off reality vital for rapid whole system change
    2. Shifting our linguistic habits towards ecological communication would require learning to pay attention to “motion and mystery of the interrelatedness and entanglement of everything” which entails deactivating the old habits and reactivating “capacities that have been exiled by these habits.”

      for - rapid whole system change - salience of shifting language habits - planetary emergency - salience of shifting language habits - question - shifting language habits

      question - shifting language habits - from industrial, goal oriented - to ecological - how? Watch Great Simplification Interview

    1. Howard L. Wilson, creator of the Memindex system starting 1903 and in wide use through the 1950s, would be proud that a modern variation of his system is still living in analog form. While it doesn't provide the bench depth of options of materials and sizes, the system is compact, modern, and just as simple as the original. The handcrafted archive boxes now bring the system up to par with its predecessor with grace and an elegant minimalistic esthetic.

      Perhaps in a few years we might see something akin to Yawman & Erbe or Shaw-Walker's 16 drawer filing cabinets for long term storage of multiple years?

    2. Ugmonk released a limited edition of 100 archive boxes for their Analog productivity cards today at 7AM (Pacific) for $229.00 (including 12 card packs and a metal divider). It sold out within two and a half hours.

      With the inclusion of this archive box it makes the system much more like the original Memindex system.


    1. The South Florida influencers, for instance, heard a rumor circulating that the government had put microchips in the coronavirus vaccine so it could track people.

      Notice that many fake news stories begin from a place of fear. This fear hijacks our brains and triggers fight or flight options in our system I circuitry and actively prevent the use of the rational parts of system II which would quickly reveal problems in the information.

    1. upport cross-divisional thinking and that the best ideas are already in a company and it's just a matter of sort of um getting people together

      for - neuroscience - validation for Stop Reset Go open source participatory system mapping for design innovation

      neuroscience - validation for Stop Reset Go open source participatory system mapping for design innovation - bottom-up collective design efficacy - What Henning Beck validates for companies can also apply to using Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping within an open space to de-silo and be as inclusive as possible of many different silo'd transition actors

    2. a good projects always benefit from cross-divisional from cross-divisional cooperation from asking some guys from outside not because they are showing the better um the better solution but usually they they give a good they give a good question they ask questions that nobody ever asked before and thereby giving you some kind of some kind of New Perspective

      for - Indyweb - Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping - benefits of open source - Henning Beck - neuroscience support

      Indyweb - Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping - benefits of open source - Henning Beck validates the importance of an open source design of the Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping - By developing an open source graph for many silo'd actors to participate, they mutually desilo each other - The sharing of diverse perspectives helps to mitigate progress traps

    1. So generally the right thing to do is to delete the target file if the recipe fails after beginning to change the file. make will do this if .DELETE_ON_ERROR appears as a target. This is almost always what you want make to do, but it is not historical practice; so for compatibility, you must explicitly request it.

      In other words, the default behaviour is that an unexpected error may leave a file in an indeterminate state, but Make will carry on regardless. The .DELETE_ON_ERROR target can be used to change this behaviour, but the default is to keep outputs after an error occurs.

    1. --keep-incomplete Do not remove incomplete output files by failed jobs. Default: False

      The default is 'safe' in that unexpected errors should not leave incomplete files lying around.

    1. for - search - google - participatory system mapping and MuSIASEM


      search results returned - of interest

  7. Jul 2024
    1. The premise we explore in this article is that we would arrive at better ToCs, which more effectively support evaluation in complex environments, when we1.Begin with systems mapping, and then2.Recast the system map into the form of a traditional ToC.

      for - participatory system mapping - start with system mapping - then recast in form of Theory of Change

    2. for - paper review - building a system-based Theory of Change using Participatory Systems Mapping - participatory systems mapping - SRG / Indyweb dev - system mapping - participatory approach

      summary - I'm reviewing this paper because the title seems salient for the development of our own participatory Stop Reset Go system mapping tool within Indyweb ecosystem. - The building of - a systems-based Theory of Change using - Participatory Systems Mapping - is salient to our own project and aligns to it with different language: - Theory of Change with uses theory to perform an evaluation and propose an intervention - The Stop Reset Go framework focuses on the specific type of process called "improvement", or - transforming a process to make it "better" in some way

      to - Indyweb project info page - https://hyp.is/RRevQk0UEe-xwP-i8Ywwqg/opencollective.com/open-learning-commons/projects/indy-learning-commons

    1. A critique on the Mass Media... The problem is that they want the Mass Media system to operate on the code of "True/False" rather than "Known/Unknown"... But if it were to be so, it would not be Mass Media anymore, but rather the Science System.

      For Mass Media to be Mass Media it needs to be concerned with selection and filtering, to condense and make known, not to present "all the facts". Sure, they need to be concerned with truth to a certain degree, but it's not the primary priority.

      This is a reflection based on my knowledge of Luhmann's theory of society as functionally differentiated systems; as explained by Hans-Georg Moeller (Carefree Wandering) on YouTube.

    1. "this is a bug of the mail provider" Seriously, Drupal community bring less and less value. Unfollow this issue, but I perhaps time for me to delete my D.O. account. It's a critical issue that can lead to the impossibility for user to log-in. In the real world, nobody care if Microsft server "should" act differently.
    1. Such a new post-modern system of construction could produce the loose-fit, low-energy, long-life principles proposed by RIBA President Alex Gordon in the 1970s – and ignored ever since!

      for - post-modern sustainable building - RIBA President Alex Gordon - 1970s proposal for stone system - ignored

    1. "We made dissent illegal and banned controversial discourse from public spaces, why hasn't bigotry and hate stopped existing?"

      this is just a precursor to genocide.<br /> first they ban your religion, then they wipe out your families.

      go ask the armenians how their genocide went...<br /> go ask some turcs why they killed so many armenians...<br /> (spoiler: turcs absolutely hate that question, they will freak out.)

    1. for - urban agriculture - 2024 study - 6x carbon footprint as conventional agriculture

      summary - The results are not surprising. It is the infrastructure used to build the urban agriculture system that has the greatest carbon footprint - This can be lowered dramatically by - having longer lasting UA projects - having larger scale projects - reusing urban demolition waste materials to build UA systems

      from - search - Google - 2024 percentage of carbon emissions from food system - https://www.google.com/search?q=2024+percentage+of+carbon+emissions+from+food+system&sca_esv=9d5b952a18faf0f8&sxsrf=ADLYWIIlye-Qwjiqr8aEdCoiJshs-88Yqw%3A1720874425938&ei=uXWSZvvuOMjXhbIP-YeX6Aw&ved=0ahUKEwi7r_HmhKSHAxXIa0EAHfnDBc0Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=2024+percentage+of+carbon+emissions+from+food+system&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiNDIwMjQgcGVyY2VudGFnZSBvZiBjYXJib24gZW1pc3Npb25zIGZyb20gZm9vZCBzeXN0ZW0yChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEdI3A5QmwhYpA1wAXgBkAEAmAGUA6AB6QiqAQUzLTIuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCAaACBJgDAIgGAZAGCJIHATGgB6IR&sclient=gws-wiz-serp - search results returned of interest - Food from urban agriculture has carbon footprint 6 times - A new study finds that fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens have a carbon footprint that is, on average, six times greater . - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/01/240122140408.htm

    1. the thought has occurred to me that we need a new religion that religion is one of the few things 01:09:15 that will make people act in ways beyond their own immediate interest well i've heard a lot of people say that

      for - rapid whole system change - need for a new religion - Ronald Wright reflections

      comment - Deep Humanity is not a religion, but a deeper understanding of our own humanity, what is it to be human? - but just as important, to understand the distinction between - human nature and - nature - For if human nature is a subset of nature, - which the adjective-noun "human nature" implies - then there is something within humans that is of nature herself - Is it possible that the many fragmented spiritual paths that have emerged in different parts of the world merely reflect the different environs from which they developed, and that in fact, they all are searching for the same essence? - If so, then in perhaps the times we are in are calling us for a global recognition of our common denominators that make us ALL human, - and then the even deeper common denominator with nature herself - So what are those qualities we all have in common as human beings? - and also, what are the qualities our species has in common with nature herself? - neuroscientist David Eagleman coined the term "possibileanism". Perhaps it is that?

    2. most of the great religions in the world have been attempts to to restrain or reform uh human nature or at least uh channel our worst impulses into something 01:10:48 more productive or higher something loftier um and in this this is exactly what we need here it's something that will create a form of altruism which doesn't only extend to people we see around us now but extends 01:11:00 to the future generations

      for - rapid whole system change - need for something that will create a new form of altruism - Ronald Wright - transition - requires an experience of re-awakening transition - need for a new religion? Deep Humanity?

      comment 10 July 2024 - Deep Humanity is our attempt at this. It is not a religion, however. It is humanity, but in the deepest sense, so it is accessible to anyone in our species. Our tagline has been - Rekindling wonder in an age of crisis - However, this morning an adjacency occurred:

      adjacency - between - familiarity - wonder - adjacency relationship - Familiarity hides wonder - Richard Dawkins said: - There is an anaesthetic of familiarity, - a sedative of ordinariness - which dulls the senses and hides the wonder of existence. - For those of us not gifted in poetry, - it is at least worth while from time to time - making an effort to shake off the anaesthetic. - What is the best way of countering the sluggish habitutation brought about by our gradual crawl from babyhood? - We can't actually fly to another planet. - But we can recapture that sense of having just tumbled out to life on a new world - by looking at our own world in unfamiliar ways. - That is, when a type of experience becomes familiar through repeated sensory episodes, - we lose the feeling of wonder we had when we initially experienced it - It's much like visiting a place for the very first time. We are struck with a sense of wonder because everything is unpredictable, in a safe way. We have no idea what's around the next corner. It's a surprise. - However, once we live there, and have traced that route hundreds of times, we have transformed that first magical experience into mundane experience. - So it is with everything that makes us human, with all the foundational things about reality that we learned from the moment we were born. - They have all become jaded. We've forgotten the awe of those first experiences in this reality: - our first experience of our basic senses - our first breath of air, instead of amniotic fluid - our first integration of multiple sensory experiences into a cohesive whole - the birth of objectification - the very first application of objectification to form the object we called mOTHER - the Most significant OTHER - our first encounter with the integration of multiple sensory stimuli associated with each object we construct - our first encounter with auditory human, speech symbols - our first experience with object continuity - how objects still exist even if they disappear from view momentarily - do we remember freaking out when mOTHER disappeared from view momentarily? - our first ability to communicate with mOTHER through speech symbols - our first encounter with ability to control our bodies through our own volition - our first encounter with gravity, the pull towards the ground - our first encounter with a large bright sphere suspended in the sky - our first encounter with perspective, how objects change size in our field of view as they get nearer or farer - etc... - What's missing now, is that we have repeated all these experiences so many times, that the feeling of awe no longer emerges with life - To generate awe, the repertoire of existing experiences is insufficient - now we have to create NEW experiences, we have to create novelty - Mortality Salience can help jolt us out of this fixation on novelty, and remind us of the sacred that is already here all the time - For, what happens at the time of death? All the constructions we have taken for granted in life disappear all at once, or perhaps some before others - Hence, we begin to re-experience them as relative, as constructions, and not absolutes - All living organisms have their own unique umwelt - These umwelts are all expressions of the sacred, sensing itself in different ways

      • What is required is a kind of awakening, or re-awakening
      • When religions do their job, it gives us a framework to engage in a shared sense of the sacred, of wonder in the mundane
      • In a sense, Deep Humanity is identifying that most vital commonality in all religions and seeing all their diverse intersectionalities in simply being deeply human
      • We awakened once, when we were born into the world
        • then we fell asleep through the dream of familiarity
      • Now, we have to collectively re-awaken to the wonder we all experienced in that initial awakening experience as newborns
    3. that calls for a new form of altruism plus a new form of asceticism

      for - rapid whole system change - a new form of asceticism - Ronald Wright - Give me liberty or give me death - degrowth challenges

      rapid whole system change - a new form of asceticism - We need something that can be higher than stripping away many of the liberties we take for granted? - This will be challenging because the American dream is based on the feeling and phrase "Give me liberty or give me death!"

  8. Jun 2024
    1. Trước khi phân loại Pod System, bạn cần xác định dòng sản phẩm này là gì, có phù hợp để sử dụng hay không nhé. Thực chất Pod System là dòng thuốc lá điện tử hiện đại, được trau chuốt hơn hết về thiết kế và mẫu mã.  Pod System sẽ thích hợp với tinh dầu vape có nồng độ nicotine cao (từ 20mg trở lên). Vậy Pod System được chia thành 2 loại chính sau: Pod Kit Pod kit được thiết kế đặc biệt nhỏ gọn nhưng cầm rất chắc tay. Sản phẩm này được lòng rất nhiều dân chơi khói, không chỉ giới trẻ mà còn ở độ tuổi trung niên cũng rất ưa chuộng.

      Pod System là dòng thuốc lá điện tử được thiết kế nhỏ gọn, tích hợp sẵn tinh dầu vào đầu pod. Website: https://vapepod365.net/pod-kit Phone: 0704810810 Địa chỉ: 468/13 Đường Trần Hưng Đạo,P2,Quận 5,Tp Hồ Chí Minh

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    1. processes which then maintain the system’s equilibrium
    2. Alexander doesn’t rule out spontaneous order, but sees that as a rare event.  For a system as a whole to have the properties desired, the builders will most probably have to have a generating system to create the system as a whole.
    3. We must not use the word system, then, to refer to an object. A system is an abstraction. It is not a special kind of thing, but a special way of looking at a thing.
    4. In order to speak of something as a system, we must be able to state clearly: (1) the holistic behaviour which we are focusing on; (2) the parts within the thing, and the interactions among these parts, which cause the holistic behaviour we have defined; (3) the way in which this interaction, among these parts, causes the holistic behaviour defined. If we can do these three, it means we have an abstract working model of the holistic behaviour in the thing. In this case, we may properly call the thing a system, If we cannot do these three, we have no model, and it is meaningless to call the thing a system.
    5. The system behaviour emerges only in the dynamics of the interactions of the parts. This is not a cumulative linear effect but rather a cyclical causal effect
    6. In order to develop a model for stability in design problems, Alexander looked to cybernetics for models of homeostasis and ultrastability. Such systems could stabilize themselves regardless of what disturbed them, including variables that weren’t considered when the system was designed.
    1. 04:00 Allen compares GTD to F1, here. Funnily enough, the most productive people are the ones that get most into GTD. Similarly, the fastest people, in F1, want to get even faster, "by reducing drag in the system".

      Interestingly, DRS can thus be used in other contexts, like productivity. "How can you open your flap, and reduce drag, like F1 cars do?"

    1. Bạn đang muốn tìm địa chỉ một cửa hàng Vape Pod Quận 1 uy tín? Việc có quá nhiều địa chỉ cung cấp vape quận 1 khiến cho nhiều người bối rối khi chọn mua thuốc lá điện tử. Vape Pod 365 là shop vape pod quận 1 được rất nhiều khách hàng tin tưởng. Ở Quận 1 Mua Vape Pod ở đâu uy tín? Vape Pod 365 là shop vape pod quận 1 uy tín hàng đầu, chuyên bán lẻ các loại vape, phụ kiện vape như cuộn dây coil, bông, pin vape, buồng đốt… và luôn cập nhật các sản phẩm mới trên thị trường. Cửa hàng thường xuyên đổi mới để phù hợp với xu hướng và nhu cầu của các bạn trẻ. Các dòng sản phẩm của  Pod tại Sài Gòn - Vape Pod 365 là hàng chính hãng được nhập từ các thương hiệu lớn với kiểu dáng và nhiều màu sắc khác nhau. Một chiếc vape chất lượng sẽ cho bạn cảm nhận đúng và đỉnh nhất từng hương vị của khói thuốc. Bạn có thể tự lựa chọn theo ý mình hoặc liên hệ với chúng tôi để được tư vấn để chọn vape, tinh dầu…chuẩn nhất

      Có quá nhiều cửa hàng Vape Pod quận 1 để anh em lựa chọn. Tuy nhiên, làm thế nào để lựa chọn được một cửa hàng uy tín chính hãng? Vape Pod 365 hướng dẫn chi tiết cho anh em cách lựa chọn đơn vị vape quận 1 chất lượng, giá tốt. Xem ngay ở link dưới: https://vapepod365.net/vape-pod-quan-1

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    1. To Martin a liberal education meant “the kind of education which setsthe mind free from the servitude of the crowd and from vulgar self-interests.”

      He didn't have the framework to describe it in behavioral economic terms, but Everett Dean Martin's idea of a liberal education in 1926 was to encourage the use of Kahneman & Tversky's system two over system one. It takes more work, but system two thinking can generally beat out system one gut reactions for building a better life.

  9. May 2024
    1. four 00:08:25 major common misunderstandings that have infected our understanding of what it is to be a living system

      for - molecular biology - paradigm shift - living system - 4 common misunderstandings - book - Understanding Living Systems - 4 common misunderstandings

      4 common misunderstandings of living systems - 1. The central dogma of molecular biology - one way causation - Genes (DNA) to - proteins to - organism - 2. The Weismann Barrier - 3. DNA as self-replicator - 4. Separation of Replicator (DNA) and Vehicle (Living cell) are completely separate

    1. his ‘antihumanism’ is not a replacement of ‘human nature’ with systems. ‘Social systems theory does not describe reality as it “essentially” is, but as what it has actually become – and it could have come out otherwise’
  10. Apr 2024
    1. for - rapid whole system change - Speed & Scale

      summary - hmmm....what's mssing? - They don't explicitly promote citizen led action - They are still using the net zero by 2050 story, - which in many critics eyes is actually far too little and too late - See Kevin Anderson's critique of net zero - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=net%2Bzero - They don't address inequality, decolonialization or climate justice issues - They don't identify meta or polycrisis

      from - https://hyp.is/J7oIeAEpEe-J1kuOInb20A/www.linkedin.com/posts/colinleduc_we-are-launching-our-speed-scale-2024-global-activity-7188309472837021696-SxSf/

    1. Pod System là gì, có gì khác so với thuốc lá điện tử (vape) thông thường? Với những bạn mới tập chơi bộ môn khói này có lẽ còn phân vân với hai dòng sản phẩm này. Vì vậy, ngay bài viết dưới đây, Vape Pod 365 sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn và tìm được địa chỉ uy tín để mua nhé!

      Khái niệm Pod System là gì?

    1. Atransition system T S = (S, s0, T, T f ) consists of a set of states S, an initialstate s0 ∈ S, a set of (correct) transitions T ⊆ S2 and a set of faulty transitionsT f ⊆ S2. If T f = ∅ then it may be omitted
    1. scholar Elaine Svenonius talks about the "invisible hand of the classification system" where you serendipitously find a book on the shelf that you didn't know you were seeking.

      I've always appreciated this serendipity, but never read a source talking about it specifically.

    1. [Narrator]: The Cluttered Desk, Index Card,file folders, the in-out basket, the calculator.These are the tools of the office professional's past.Since the dawn of the computer age, better machines have always meant bigger and more powerful.But the software could not accommodate the needs of office professionals who are responsiblefor the look, shape and feel of tomorrow.

      In 1983, at the dawn of the personal computer age, Apple Inc. in promotional film entitled "Lisa Soul Of A New Machine" touted their new computer, a 16-bit dual disk drive "personal office system", as something that would do away with "the cluttered desk, index cards, file folders, the in-out basket, [and] the calculator." (00:01)

      Some of these things moved to the realm of the computer including the messy desk(top) now giving people two messy desks, a real one and a virtual one. The database-like structure of the card index also moved over, but the subjective index and its search power were substituted for a lower level concordance search.

      30 years on, for most people, the value of the database idea behind the humble "index card" has long since disappeared and so it seems here as if it's "just" another piece of cluttery paper.

      Appreciate the rosy framing of the juxtaposition of "past" and "future" jumping over the idea of the here and now which includes the thing they're selling, the Lisa computer. They're selling the idealized and unclear future even though it's really just today.

    1. wait his future volumes with aconsiderable amount of interest. The third volume — namely, " The

      this was never produced?

      Elaine Svenonius in Facet Definition: a Case Study https://web.archive.org/web/20220803153450id_/https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/0943-7444-1978-3-134.pdf comes to a similar conclusion

