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Kawakatsu et al. (1) make an important ad-vance in the quest for this kind of understanding, pro-viding a general model for how subtle differences inindividual-level decision-making can lead to hard-to-miss consequences for society as a whole.Their work (1) reveals two distinct regimes—oneegalitarian, one hierarchical—that emerge fromshifts in individual-level judgment. These lead to sta-tistical methods that researchers can use to reverseengineer observed hierarchies, and understand howsignaling systems work when prestige and power arein play.
M. Kawakatsu, P. S. Chodrow, N. Eikmeier, D. B. Larremore, Emergence of hierarchy in networked endorsement dynamics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118, e2015188118 (2021)
This may be of interest to Jerry Michalski et al.
- Nov 2022
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Providing a snack break during classes can dramatically improve the participants' participation and cohesion.
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- unemployment
- supply
- reopening industry
- lang:en
- consumption
- demand
- economics
- transmission rate
- is:article
- social distincing
- COVID-19
- inventory dynamics
- input-output constraints
- epidemiology
- epidemic spreading
- production
- production network
- economic growth
- United Kingdom
- work from home
- industry
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- prevention
- lang:en
- lockdown
- perception
- self-isolation
- UK
- modeling
- government
- is:preprint
- COVID-19
- data collection
- statistics
- response
- demographics
- quarentine
- adult
- economy
- minority
- handwashing
- survey
- behavior
- cross-sectional
- face mask
- policy
- risk perception
- transmission dynamics
- social distancing