- Mar 2021
medium.com medium.com
A nice list of replacement words to make one's writing seem warmer and more human.
It would be cool if tools like Grammar.ly or Hemmingway.app had pieces like this built in.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
He wrote for the same editor, Michael Korda at Simon & Schuster, for more than three decades before moving to Liveright, an imprint of W.W. Norton, in 2014.
Too few editors are spoken of...
In the late 1960s and early ’70s, he liked to tweak his critics by wearing a T-shirt that read “Minor Regional Novelist.”
I want a shirt like this!
www.eyebrowhairs.com www.eyebrowhairs.com
Be sure to make notes while reading and write a little summary at the end. This will help greatly when you need to look back at the text.
open.umn.edu open.umn.edu
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Dan Allosso</span> in From Print to OER Ebook to Obsidian - History4Today - Note-taking, Research, Writing (<time class='dt-published'>03/15/2021 10:56:56</time>)</cite></small>
www.chevtek.io www.chevtek.io
He says that writing the function yourself makes it easy to modify and to fix bugs or improve efficiency.
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
Impact of Social Sciences. ‘How to Run an Academic Writing Retreat and Bring the Campus Back Together’, 9 November 2020. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2020/11/09/how-to-run-an-academic-writing-retreat-and-bring-the-campus-back-together/.
twitter.com twitter.com
Write That PhD. (2020, October 31). Doing a systematic review? How to prepare, conduct & document a search + manage your results & screening tools https://t.co/xdAC35VmaK #phdchat #phdadvice #phdforum #phdlife #ecrchat #acwri https://t.co/sh62MypqOi [Tweet]. @WriteThatPhD. https://twitter.com/WriteThatPhD/status/1322467814733713408
Since “Sexy Times With Wangxian” became a whole Thing, it has spawned memes, spinoff fics, and a frankly fabulous fic prompt generator that scans all of the STWW tags and chooses some at random for you to write fics around. Just now I got the tags, “Foursome – M/M/M/M,” “I’m Bad At Summaries,” “Cryptography,” “Body Dysphoria,” and “Organs.” Outstanding.
This could be an interesting feature for a personal website/blog. A generator that takes pre-existing taxonomies from one's website and suggests combinations of them as potential writing prompts when one has writer's block.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
short stories, poetry, and novels as well as non-fiction autobiographical works
twitter.com twitter.com
Anne Urai. (2020, November 15). All-inclusive authorship on large scientific papers can a be dangerous practice Alert: Potential unpopular opinion Thread 👇1/n [Tweet]. @AnneEUrai. https://twitter.com/AnneEUrai/status/1327934091929464832
educatorinnovator.org educatorinnovator.org
we (the researchers) shared our own career dream boards with the girls
I love that Jennifer and Autumn also created their own boards and shared them with Tamika and Malia. The questions that followed are a lovely example of the power of doing this.
Writing alongside each other, and sharing our writing, is a powerful way to support literacy learning and dialogue and a core writing project practice. It is powerful to see this practice within the research here.
shared our own career dream boards with the girls
I love that Jennifer and Autumn also created their own boards and shared them with Tamika and Malia. The questions that followed are a lovely example of the power of doing this.
Writing alongside each other, and sharing our writing, is a powerful way to support literacy learning and dialogue and a core writing project practice. It is powerful to see this practice within the research here.
- Feb 2021
jrsinclair.com jrsinclair.com
patthomson.net patthomson.net
One study suggests that academics who write daily and set goals with someone weekly write nearly ten times as many pages as those without regular writing habits.
See Silvia, P. J. (2018). How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing (Second Edition). APA LifeTools.
thesiswhisperer.com thesiswhisperer.com
This left branching sentence forces the brain to ‘hold’ a lot of information about what the academic managers are doing before applying it to the action. It’s the kind of sentence that forces the reader to go back to the start after they have finished in order to really understand what is going on.
See Pinker, S. (2015). The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century (Reprint Edition). Penguin Books for a more detailed discussion of these points.
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
jargon comes so naturally
See Pinker, S. (2014, September 26). Why Academics Stink at Writing. Chronicle of Higher Education, 16.
www.manuscriptsapp.com www.manuscriptsapp.com
Writing software
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
Does that make it so? Not for me. Were it simply a matter of words, I wouldn't write another word on the matter. But there are two distinct concepts behind these terms, concepts engendered separately and best understood separately.
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
An academic blogger may feel constrained to topics only related to his or her academic research, whereas a blogger who is also an academic is free to explore wider fields of discussion.
This idea of "identity" is important. Many academics don't even think of themselves as authors let alone bloggers.
us6.campaign-archive.com us6.campaign-archive.com
Fewer screenshots means less maintenance work. If the product changes, the screenshots must change too, to remain helpful and prevent confusion. Lots of screenshots plus frequent product changes can cost a lot of time: keeping the docs in sync with the product can become unmanageable. A middle-ground approach is using text descriptions of UI elements, like “Click the START button”, as it’s easier to keep text descriptions matching the UI. And well-designed user interfaces and UI microcopy often mean that users don’t need screenshots to find their way through the product.
opensource.stackexchange.com opensource.stackexchange.com
medium.com medium.com
hilarious sarcasm
- Jan 2021
jmuccigr.github.io jmuccigr.github.io
Are the books that much better than the disses? Mostly, no, I'd say. So what's the deal? I think it's that we just like books. And by "we" I mean the whole industry of academe.
Often when I see this pattern happening, the dissertation is the new and original research and the subsequent book is a rewriting of that research into a form meant to help popularize and distribute it into a broader public.
This is similar, in a way to journal articles being written about by science journalists which then usually massively broadens the audience of the work. Usually this version helps the work to reach more eyeballs than the dissertation to book route does.
Another version of this might be the translation of a screenplay and a move into a novelization for popular movies. Some of the goal here however is just to make more money.
It's worth looking at who is (privileged to be) doing the writing in each of these cases.
blogs.baruch.cuny.edu blogs.baruch.cuny.edu
clear goals
I find this to be particularly important, in part because if you have clear goals then you're usually less susceptible to distractions.
www.platformer.news www.platformer.news
One of the things that Platformer members support is my ability to use part of each week to mentor junior writers. Today I want to tell you about my first mentee: Benjamin Strak, author of Design Lobster. As its name suggests, it’s a newsletter about how objects look and work, with an eye toward connecting modern designs with historical antecedents.
Example of a writer with a platform helping out new talent.
Pretty good tutorial, but annoying somewhat overdone, very casual writing style ("Get ready to shocked in 3, 2, 1...") with lots of animated memes.
www.mtc.gov.on.ca www.mtc.gov.on.ca
formulating written policy governing operations and defining programs securing funding necessary to carry out the museum's programs preparing or approving an annual budget and monitoring it to ensure public accountability ensuring that the purposes for which the museum exists are being fulfilled
Program development, grant writing accountability and documentation.
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
Verb plus noun is the winning combination. Describe what the link does and what it gets you: <a download href="downloads/fonts.zip"> Download Fonts </a> By itself, the verb Download would only signal what behavior will be triggered when the link is activated. Including the noun Fonts is great for removing ambiguity about what you’ll be getting.
The debate about whether a button or link should be used to download a file is a bit silly, as the whole purpose of a link has always been to download content. HTML is a file, and like all other files, it needs to be retrieved from a server and downloaded before it can be presented to a user. The difference between a Photoshop file, HTML, and other understood media files, is that a browser automatically displays the latter two. If one were to link to a Photoshop .psd file, the browser would initiate a document change to render the file, likely be all like, “lol wut?” and then just initiate the OS download prompt. The confusion seems to come from developers getting super literal with the “links go places, buttons perform actions.” Yes, that is true, but links don’t actually go anywhere. They retrieve information and download it. Buttons perform actions, but they don’t inherently “get” documents. While they can be used to get data, it’s often to change state of a current document, not to retrieve and render a new one. They can get data, in regards to the functionality of forms, but it continues to be within the context of updating a web document, not downloading an individual file. Long story short, the download attribute is unique to anchor links for a reason. download augments the inherent functionality of the link retrieving data. It side steps the attempt to render the file in the browser and instead says, “You know what? I’m just going to save this for later…”
www.themarginalian.org www.themarginalian.org
Ideas cause ideas and help evolve new ideas. They interact with each other and with other mental forces in the same brain, in neighboring brains, and thanks to global communication, in far distant, foreign brains.
Steven Pinker said that writing is a way for one mind to cause ideas to happen in other minds.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The hacks unanimously shared Dr Johnson’s view that “No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money”, while my academic colleagues thought it peculiar to waste one’s energy writing anything that would not figure in scholarly citation indices. The idea that one might maintain a blog simply because one enjoyed doing it never crossed their minds.
- Dec 2020
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
Include articles, such as the. Articles help readers and translation software identify the nouns and modifiers in a sentence. Examples Empty the container. The empty container
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
Use display as a general term for any visual output device, including the built-in display on a computing device and an external monitor or projector.
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
To open the document in Outline view, select View > Outline.
On the Font tab, choose the effects you want.
github.com github.com
Making UIs with Svelte is a pleasure. Svelte’s aesthetics feel like a warm cozy blanket on the stormy web. This impacts everything — features, documentation, syntax, semantics, performance, framework internals, npm install size, the welcoming and helpful community attitude, and its collegial open development and RFCs — it all oozes good taste. Its API is tight, powerful, and good looking — I’d point to actions and stores to support this praise, but really, the whole is what feels so good. The aesthetics of underlying technologies have a way of leaking into the end user experience.
patthomson.net patthomson.net
Put yourself in the reader’s position and see if you can get a grip on how they might respond to your writing.
It seems like good advice but it's actually quite hard to divorce yourself from what you know. See the curse of knowledge.
This is why I think that having this list of questions is a good idea; you don't have to rely solely on putting yourself in the reader's shoes.
www.gq.com www.gq.com
Lanier is sometimes credited as the father of virtual reality; he is also sometimes credited as the owner of the world's largest flute
Nice juxtaposition.
- Nov 2020
scholars-stage.blogspot.com scholars-stage.blogspot.com
More importantly, both systems assume that writers have full access to the full conversation that prompts them into writing. On Substack, there are too many walls dividing up the garden.
I invite you to read some of these investigations (start with “The World Twitter Made.” Also relevant: “Requiem For the Strategy Sphere," "Public Intellectuals Have Short Shelf Lives,” “Life in the Shadow of the Boomers,” “Book Notes: Strategy, a History,” and “On Adding Phrases to the Language.”) A running theme in all of these essays is the importance of seeing individual authors not as individual authors, but as voices in a chorus. No writer is an island. If a "public voice" is inspired to spend hours massaging paragraphs and digging up references, it is because she has something to prove, and more important still, someone to prove it to. She writes in response to ideas she has heard or read. She feels compelled to add her voice to a larger conversation. The best thinkers speak to more than their immediate contemporaries, but without that contemporary argument in the background few would bother speaking at all.
uxdesign.cc uxdesign.cc
When writing copy for buttons, make sure that you keep consistency.
medium.com medium.com
Keep sentences small. They’re easier to work with that way.If something doesn’t feel right, there’s a problem with one or more of your sentences. Listen to that feeling. Try to pinpoint exactly which word or phrase is triggering it. Naming exactly what’s wrong, in grammatical terminology or otherwise, will come later.Understanding a word’s etymology will teach you how to use it. Words contain imprints of their histories.The subject of a sentence should appear as close to the beginning of a sentence as possible.You don’t have to “grab” anyone with the first line of your story. Just write a simple sentence that says what you want it to say. It’s harder than it sounds! And also very effective, if done well.“A writer’s real work is the endless winnowing of sentences, the relentless exploration of possibilities, the effort, over and over again, to see in what you started out to say the possibility of saying something you didn’t know you could.”Noun phrases (“the realization that…”) almost always sound clunky and dead. Try rewriting them as verb phrases (“realizing that…”).Prepositions are difficult to get right, even for native English speakers.A reader’s experience has nothing to do with a writer’s. A sentence that reads “naturally” or “conversationally” to a reader may have been painstakingly assembled by a stressed-out writer who wishes they could sound more natural or conversational.
How to write more effectively:
Keep sentences small. They’re easier to work with that way.
If something doesn’t feel right, there’s a problem with one or more of your sentences. Listen to that feeling. Try to pinpoint exactly which word or phrase is triggering it. Naming exactly what’s wrong, in grammatical terminology or otherwise, will come later.
Understanding a word’s etymology will teach you how to use it. Words contain imprints of their histories.
The subject of a sentence should appear as close to the beginning of a sentence as possible.
You don’t have to “grab” anyone with the first line of your story. Just write a simple sentence that says what you want it to say. It’s harder than it sounds! And also very effective, if done well.
“A writer’s real work is the endless winnowing of sentences, the relentless exploration of possibilities, the effort, over and over again, to see in what you started out to say the possibility of saying something you didn’t know you could.”
Noun phrases (“the realization that…”) almost always sound clunky and dead. Try rewriting them as verb phrases (“realizing that…”).
Prepositions are difficult to get right, even for native English speakers.
A reader’s experience has nothing to do with a writer’s. A sentence that reads “naturally” or “conversationally” to a reader may have been painstakingly assembled by a stressed-out writer who wishes they could sound more natural or conversational.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
One pane: With one pane outliners, the content is displayed immediately below the category. A printed legal document is an example of a one-pane document. A web site with a table-of-contents "frame" on the left hand side is similar to a two-pane outline. A Usene t news group is similar to a three pane outline. When writing documents, or organizing ideas for a project (such as a speech, or for software design) I much prefer one pane outlines. I find they are more conducive to collapsing ideas, because you can mix text with categories, rather than radically split ting the organizational technique from the content (as the two and three pane outlines do).
In one pane outliners the text is displayed under its parent.
This can be more conducive to writing because you're not splitting work on the organization from work on the content. In writing this separation is fuzzy anyway.
marginalsyllab.us marginalsyllab.us
It also means that my annotations are in the paths of others and I need to consider that, forcing me to add context and consideration to my own notes.
Epiphany! Social annotating while reading brings to READING a stance I try to have when WRITING: considering an audience. Do I read differently when my annotations mean my reading has an audience?
- Oct 2020
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
Look at their Readme:
Well we have had a great time adding field validations, but there are validations that are tied up to the whole record we are editing than to a given field, for instance let's face this scenario: - You are not allowed to transfer more than 1000 € to Switzerland using this form (for instance: you have to go through another form where some additional documentation is required). - The best place to fire this validation is at record level. - Record validation functions accept as input parameter that whole form record info, and return the result of the validation (it accepts both flavours sync and promise based), let's check the code for this validator: ...
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
As objective you may try to be, interpreting a text doesn’t happen in a vacuum. The hermeneutic circle captures the complex interaction between an interpreter and a text.
This is the only useful idea in the text. Whatever we read has the context in which it was written and the context in whcih it is being read. Is this a hermeneutic circle as described earlier? Don't think so.
danielmiessler.com danielmiessler.com
github.com github.com
Long ago, the standards deities gifted us <style scoped>, before removing it in favour of the arguably less-useful shadow DOM encapsulation mechanism.
andrewdeandrade commented on Jul 30, 2015
andrewdeandrade commented on Jul 31, 2015
locked issues that I would comment on if I could: Can't react to comment because locked. Want to thumb up.
The react community has become a big cargo cult. There are some good ideas in the community and many Bad Ideas™. Paving the bad idea cowpaths lends a sense of legitimacy to these bad technical ideas that is not merited.
dylanvann.com dylanvann.com
github.com github.com
I'm suggesting there should be a way to write lifecycle related code that also responds to changing props, like how useEffect works. I think how React handles this could be a good source of inspiration.
fortelabs.com fortelabs.com
Consider that no single step in the process of turning raw ideas into finished pieces of writing is particularly difficult. It isn’t very hard to write down notes in the first place. Nor is turning a group of notes into an outline very demanding. It also isn’t much of a challenge to turn a working outline full of relevant arguments into a rough draft. And polishing a well-conceived rough draft into a final draft is trivial. So if each individual step is so easy, why do we find the overall experience of writing so grueling? Because we try to do all the steps at once. Each of the activities that make up “writing” – reading, reflecting, having ideas, making connections, distinguishing terms, finding the right words, structuring, organizing, editing, correcting, and rewriting – require a very different kind of attention.
Writing then is best seen not only as a tool for thinking but as a tool for personal growth.
This principle requires us to expand our definition of “publication” beyond the usual narrow sense. Few people will ever publish their work in an academic journal or even on a blog. But everything that we write down and share with someone else counts: notes we share with a friend, homework we submit to a professor, emails we write to our colleagues, and presentations we deliver to clients all count as knowledge made public.
This idea underlies the reason why one might want to have a public online commonplace book or digital garden.
cascadiainspired.com cascadiainspired.com
Could I also use Indie Web tools for a persona, or is that not in keeping with the community?
The community is all about websites and identity, so having a website for a pen name is exactly the sort of thing you should definitely do! I'm sure there are a few who have done it, but I'm unaware of any documenting it yet. Starting a stub page on the wiki for pen name could be a good start if you do.
alexschroeder.ch alexschroeder.ch
Perhaps we want to write but we feel comfortable with our phones and so we want to write on our phones. It’s like the best camera being the one you have on you. The best writing implement is the one you have on you. These days, it might be your phone.
I often find the quickest and easiest writing implement I've got is the Hypothes.is browser extension.
Click a button and start writing. In the background, I've got a tool that's pulling all the content I've written and posting it quickly to my own website as a micropub post.
- Sep 2020
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Writing in the margins has always been an essential activity for students.
I never really got into the habit of writing in the margins of books, it was something that never really occurred to me. While I am still hesitant to write in the margins of physical books, doing so digitally does appeal. Something I am starting to get more into, now that I'm on the journey to getting my Arts and Humanities degree.
medium.com medium.com
avidly.lareviewofbooks.org avidly.lareviewofbooks.org
His frequent and asynchronous essays, letters, and replies meant there was always something to look forward to, without immediate pressure to respond.
This is a really interesting way to think about class communication. I'm particularly intrigued by this idea of there not being immediate pressure to respond - that's not my normal interpretation of class emails and I don't think it's most faculty members'.
docs.google.com docs.google.com
repetition of yes all leads up to the final yes to marriage. the lack of punctuation also makes the whole thing read as if it's being said very quickly, as if a lot of thoughts are happening all at once.
docs.google.com docs.google.com
the repeated "I remember" signifies the introduction of a new idea/thought. Also sets up a good rhythm. Similar to an "I am from" poem
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
the duality of master and disaster
the repetition of the many forms of the verb "to lose" highlights the theme of loss throughout the poem without the poet having to explicitly tell the reader what it is about
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
The repetition of the word "we" (as well as the placement in the poem) create a rhythm that stands out. Especially since the lines are very short, the words that are repeated stands out even more.
Most writers don’t write to express what they think. They write to figure out what they think. Writing is a process of discovery.
This is good point about blogging, however it's also a different way of thinking about writing than using e.g. Zettelkasten, where the thinking process is within the boundary of slip-box, but the outcome is composed from the notes you have.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Independent Variable Manipulation
Independent variable manipulation is the hallmark of experimental design.
empirical and qualitative evidence suggests that students prefer to have writing feedback delivered electronically.
This information about student and instructor preferences for submitting coursework online or in person provides the starting point in the argument for providing feedback to students electronically, rather than coming to class with a paper copy and receive handwritten notes on the paper copy.
Writing proficiency is an essential learning outcome for undergraduate education as a whole and, specifically, in postsecondary psychology education. The American Psychological Association (APA, 2013) explicitly names effective writing as a goal in its guidelines for psychology majors,
Effective writing is a core principle in education, emphasized by the most noted national psychological associations (APA; American Psychological Association). The following sections outline efforts to streamline the methods used instructor to student feedback for essays in a psychology class.
www.grammarly.com www.grammarly.com
On Sentence Fragments
writingcenter.ashford.edu writingcenter.ashford.edu
Sentence Fragments
www.grammarly.com www.grammarly.com
Passive Voice Article
www.grammarly.com www.grammarly.comEm Dash1
Em Dash
Good examples of Em Dash use
getitwriteonline.com getitwriteonline.com
We use the em dash to create a strong break in the structure of a sentence. We can use these dashes in pairs, as we would use parentheses—that is, to enclose a word, or a phrase, or a clause (as we’ve done here)—or they can be used alone to detach one end of a sentence from its main body.
on Hyphen, em dashes and en dashes.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
hyphen, em dash, en dash
- combine words making compounds.
e.g., well-being advanced-level school-aged 16-year-old
Em Dash
Em is a typographical unit of measure.
- Use the em dash to create a strong break in the meaning and structure of a sentence. They can be used in pairs like parentheses, or alone as a way to detach the end or beginning of a sentence from the main body.
En Dash means as "through", often used to describe a range of numbers 2–27, 30–35 years old.
In the associated press style there is advice to use a space in between the dashes.
When to use em dashes versus comma vs. em dashes.
Parentheses, can sometimes be interpreted to downplay importance of information.
Commas, okay to use unless you have more commas in the sentence, and doesn't draw particular attention to info — doesn't emphasize it enough.
Em Dashes, indicate that information is important or are useful when commas don't work.
Defining the Issues — If you’ve asked a clear question to which there are multiple answers then an issue has been defined. Opposing answers, now translated into your terms, must be ordered in relation to one another. Understanding multiple perspectives within an issue helps you form an intelligent opinion.
[[Writing Tips for Software Engineers]] - helping them identify these issues, which ones are in scope or not. how to track the decision making process around this
Getting the Questions Clear — Rather than focus on the problems the author is trying to solve, you need to focus on the questions that you want answered.
Knowing what you are looking for is important, usually when I dig into reading something - I do have questions in mind.
I've also been littering my notes recently with #question tags - how can I make better use of these?
I think this can help avoid the 'reading just for the sake of keeping busy' - if I know what I am looking for, but also at the same time - know if a book is worth reading, or one I should quit reading.
- Aug 2020
writingcooperative.com writingcooperative.com
Well, you don’t have to choose another niche. Writing about niche topics is not the only approach. You can write about popular topics and provide value by giving those topics your own unique take. You won’t get exceedingly rich, but you may find more success.
You don't have to differentiate yourself by WHAT you write (niche topics) but you can do so by HOW you write (writing style.
- Write about popular topics with you own spin
- May not become rich but you will get somewhere
- Popular topics are popular for a reason. They will bring you decent success.
After all, you need to find your niche. So what do you do? You begin by concocting the weirdest flavors:Salmon-flavored ice cream.Trout-flavored ice cream.Sardine-flavored ice cream.Tuna-flavored ice cream.
Finding is a Niche is always necessary.
Its like Vanilla vs. Fish Flavored Ice Cream
There are plenty of people selling Vanilla, Chocolate, and strawberry and making money. They might not get all the market share but they will sell far more and be liked than any fish flavored ice cream.
pragmaticpineapple.com pragmaticpineapple.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
writingcooperative.com writingcooperative.com
Medium itself conducted a study on the optimal reading time. They analyzed loads of data and came to the conclusion that 7 minutes is the optimal length for a post. However, the data varies widely and anything from 4–8 minutes performs great.
Medium conducted a study and found that optimal reading time is 7 minutes.
Anything from 4-8 minutes performs great.
Using only half the word count then a conventional text, lead to an increase of usability by 58%. So generally, we can conclude that shorter texts are not only easier to read, but also more likely to be remembered
Shorter the word count/article size will increase retention.
700 to 1000 words is good. Just keep it concise.
Shorter articles are more attractive
Dr. Jakob Nielsen conducted an interesting study on how the average person reads an online article. The short version is: They don’t. He found out, that the reader scans the page, rather than reading it word for word. Thus, he concluded that it’s not the content length that scares off your reader, but how scannable your text is.
Study shows that the scannability of an article is more important for retention than the length.
Key factors that are responsible for retaining readers is:
1.Highlighted keywords- Bold to express important information.
2.Meaningful subtitles - Someone reading only the subtitles must have a good idea of what the article is about
3.Variety - Bullet points, different sized sentences and paragraphs, pictures/graphics, and so on.
4.Credibility - Gotta look like you know what you're talking about.
You have 9 seconds to convince9 seconds is the attention span of a goldfish. And your average reader. Within this short period of time, the person clicking on your article will decide if it’s worth reading.
Attention span for articles is around 9 seconds.
9 Seconds is the window to convince someone to keep reading.
fortelabs.com fortelabs.com
Ahrens notes that “there is no such thing as private knowledge in academia. An idea kept private is as good as one you never had.”
Principle #2: Do your work as if writing is the only thing that matters
Writing is not only for proclaiming fully formed opinions, but for developing opinions worth sharing in the first place.
Principle #1: Writing is not the outcome of thinking; it is the medium in which thinking takes place
www.nngroup.com www.nngroup.com
Simply chunking your text isn’t enough — you also need to support scanning by making it easy to quickly identify the main points of the chunks. You can do this by including: Headings and subheadings that clearly contrast with the rest of the text (bolder, larger, etc.) Highlighted keywords (bold, italic, etc.) Bulleted or numbered lists A short summary paragraph for longer sections of text, such as articles
Help users with skimming articles in a number of ways
medium.com medium.com
Important Skills to Put On a ResumeYunic SolutionsAug 14 · 3 min readResume writing services assist employers with settling on recruitment choices and assist you with getting your first meeting. That is the reason it makes a difference in how you structure your resume and what data you choose to incorporate. In this article, you’ll realize why a resume is significant and get noteworthy resume tips that may assist you with accomplishing your next profession move.The skills section of your resume shows employers you have the abilities required to succeed in the role. Often, employers pay special attention to the skills section of your resume to determine if you should move on to the next step of the hiring process.While the skills for your resume will fluctuate as indicated by the job you’re applying for, its position, and the business you work in, there are a few abilities that will consistently be esteemed by bosses. These skills are frequently alluded to as ‘delicate abilities’ as they are less specialized, less job explicit, and will in general identify with your connections and how you oversee different circumstances in the work environment.Communication is important for all jobsRegardless of whether you work autonomously or in a little group, there is seldom a job in which solid relational abilities wouldn’t be valuable to your boss and the association on the loose. Great relational abilities recommend you can disclose your work to other people, generous get out victories, and guard certain methodologies, all while being strategic and deferential. Employers want to know that whether you’re dealing with the junior accountant or the CFO, you’ll know what to say and how to say it.Critical thinking capacities and versatility are pivotal skills to put on a resumeIs it accurate to say that you are ready to continue with an assignment or undertaking significantly after your best endeavor at finishing it? Do you let dissatisfaction disrupt the general flow, or do you challenge yourself to think all the more inventively and locate a creative solution? Critical thinking and strength are continued skills crucial to movement and improvement in all jobs, and accordingly, are significant abilities to put on a resume.Flexibility says you’re adaptableBosses need to realize that you won’t disintegrate if conditions change in their association, or in case you’re approached to chip away at a task somewhat strange. Stating that you’re adaptable assures employers you understand that roles and work evolve and change, sometimes throwing team members curveballs, but that you’re primed to handle it.Cooperation is an absolute necessityMost employments will necessitate that you work with others and frequently a standard for choice for a job will be your capacity to work effectively inside a group. Regardless of whether you just experience a couple of individuals while playing out your everyday obligations, managers need to realize that when entrusted with working together, you can do it successfully. Communicating that you can work with a differing scope of individuals and beat struggle or difference to complete the best occupation is a motivating snippet of data for bosses.Preparation to learn and enthusiasm to develop are key resume abilitiesRegardless of whether you’re going after your first position as a client assistance associate, going for a business investigator's job, or arranging to be a CIO, you ought to consistently be anxious to continue learning and developing in your job. These resume aptitudes likewise suggest that you’re faithful to associations, as learning and development for the most part happen over some stretch of time.For some businesses, these delicate skills for your resume will be similarly as significant as harder, specialized proficiencies while deciding whether you’re really an amazing contender for the activity. Counting them all through your resume, giving instances of how you’ve utilized them in past jobs where conceivable, will introduce you as a planned worker who comprehends the full extent of the job, and as one who has presented thought of and top-notch application.The best skills to put on a resume shift by work type, vocation level, instruction, and different elements. For instance, the abilities generally significant for a business truck driver will vary from those of an advertising administrator. Before you apply to any activity, set aside some effort to survey the aptitudes that are generally important to the business and tailor your resume dependent on which of your own abilities fall inside their prerequisites.The objective of your resume skills list is to show the spotter or hiring chief that you’re a really amazing possibility for the job and will carry characterized an incentive to their group. By focusing on the kind of applicant business is searching for and making associations with your own qualities, you can rapidly remain among the opposition.
Resume writing services assist employers with settling on recruitment choices and assist you with getting your first meeting. That is the reason it makes a difference in how you structure your resume and what data you choose to incorporate. In this article, you’ll realize why a resume is significant and get noteworthy resume tips that may assist you with accomplishing your next profession move.
ellenrhymes.com ellenrhymes.com
when you want to emphasize something, you need to slow the reader’s pace with shorter sentences and bolder punctuation.
Often when people write, they just go for an information-wall, and don't consider the pace of how people read.
Think of listening to a moving speech - not every word or sentence is the same. Being able to build a rhythm of a post can give it impact, and make it more memorable.
couples concepts with concrete examples
I've noticed that in a lot of the writing that I enjoy - even if it's more of a story based, being able to tie in the concept from the narrative with a concrete example of how it's used helps move it from 'just a story', to something that has a takeaway or lesson
articlescad.com articlescad.com
Importance of Resume for a Job Aspirant By Kush Koachar <!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-4760971685927876"; /* 728x90 */ google_ad_slot = "4742646148"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; //--> Resumes are utilized to establish a positive connection with a forthcoming manager. Your resume is regularly the initial introduction a potential business has of you. Consequently, it is frequently referred to as one of the most crucial steps taken during a job search. Without an ideal beginning impression, a prospective employer is likely to stop considering you as a suitable candidate for the job on offer and move on to other candidates who have provided better resumes. Think about a resume as an instrument for advertising yourself. It's something other than a record: It plots your experience, your aptitudes, and your instruction with the goal that a potential business is rapidly and effectively ready to perceive how your individual encounters can add to an organization's prosperity. On the off chance that you've never composed a resume, don't stress. Learn how to compose a resume to figure out how to arrange your resume, which data to utilize, and considerably more. The resume acts as a bridge between you and the prospective recruiter. Henceforth the significance of a resume can never be thought little of. Along these lines, to establish the principal connection, it is basic that your resume stands apart from the group first. It is up to you how would you like to be recollected by the employing chief? Since organizations don't have that much measure of time to meet every single applicant, they require resumes from contender to choose the best ones to work with them. Dismissal occurs, and it continues endlessly until they discover something fascinating in one specific resume. This is the point at which an all around organized, perfect and exact resume has its impact. You may be thinking for what reason is it so critical to have a resume? Resume reaches the recruiter’s table much before than you do: Yes, before you reach recruiter’s office, your resume does so. By and large, every organization requests your resume first, they experience the work that you have done as such far and on the off chance that it coordinates their prerequisite, approval! Thus, an elegantly composed resume does half of the work for you here as it were. Subsequently it is a lot of critical to have an organized resume to establish the primary impression work for you. Resume tells about you: A resume talks a lot about you as an expert. It says what you have done previously. What are you doing right now and where precisely you are going towards? Simply envision a little bit of paper talks such a great amount about you including past, present, and future. Doesn't excessively solid stunning? Be that as it may, recall this account of past, present and future should be passed on rapidly, else they will lose intrigue. Thus, this activity of recounting to a short story can be minimal dubious. Henceforth you may require help in drafting your resume by experts. Yunic Solutions is a HR Consultancy firm providing assistance and guidance to many businesses in managing their team as well as helping them in acquiring quality team members. We came across 100s of resumes every day and only selected few actually passes the initial assessment. Resume writing is an art and it should be mastered by job applicants who wants to increase their chance of getting recruiting.
Resumes are utilized to establish a positive connection with a forthcoming manager. Your resume is regularly the initial introduction a potential business has of you. Consequently, it is frequently referred to as one of the most crucial steps taken during a job search. Resume Writing Services
www.marknagelberg.com www.marknagelberg.com
Just keep [[writing]] and re-writing. A book will typically be reworked 10 times. Effort and application – there are no tricks.
Indeed, I agree with that technique
yunicsolutions.com yunicsolutions.com
Professional Resume Writing ServiceDisplay Your Identity with a Unique ResumeYunic Solutions offers you a custom and unique resume writing service that helps you in landing a perfect job that you dreamed of. Let's Talk We Hire the Best For You!! Explore Opportunities with Yunic SolutionsWhy Get Our Professional Resume Writing Service? Your Resume is more than a piece of documents, it is a tool that you use for marketing yourself. Having a well-designed resume that reflects your personality. The resume is the very first thing that an employer looks at, so it becomes very important if you seek a dream job. Land Your Dream JobEmployers only entertain those candidate those who have a good resume. Showcase your StrengthYunic Solutions helps you in getting a well-designed resume that showcases your strength. Influence your EmployerInfluence employer your custom resume that reflects your personality. Value for MoneyThe best value for money service that speaks for itself. Hire the bestWhychoose us? Our ProcessWe have a well defined and organized process. We have very strict quality standards that not only consider education but the overall skill set and value s/he can provide to your organization. Our TeamWe have an excellent team of individuals who provide their invaluable service to our company. They are not only experienced by sharp and sound with their skill. Our PricingMany businesses focus majorly on the money but, Yunic solution is different, although we are driven by the money, we only charge for the value that we provide to our clients. Get in touch with us Hire an Expert Address: B4, 238, Pocket 4, Sector 7, Rohini, Delhi, PIN-110085 hr@yunicsolutions.com +91-90575 36218 Find Us Follow Us Facebook Linkedin Twitter Instagram Send us a messageWe Solve your query asap!Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Business Name *Website linkContact Number *MessageCheckboxessubscribe to newsletterNameSubmit
Looking for professional resume writing services in India. Yunic Solutions helps you with your cv formatting and helps you land your dream job.
- Jul 2020
yunicsolutions.com yunicsolutions.com
Resume Writing ServiceDisplay Your Identity with a Unique ResumeYunic Solutions offers you a custom and unique resume writing service that helps you in landing a perfect job that you dreamed of. Let's Talk We Hire the Best For You!! Explore Opportunities with Yunic SolutionsWhy Get Our Resume Writing Service? Your Resume is more than a piece of documents, it is a tool that you use for marketing yourself. Having a well-designed resume that reflects your personality. The resume is the very first thing that an employer looks at, so it becomes very important if you seek a dream job. Land Your Dream JobEmployers only entertain those candidate those who have a good resume. Showcase your StrengthYunic Solutions helps you in getting a well-designed resume that showcases your strength. Influence your EmployerInfluence employer your custom resume that reflects your personality. Value for MoneyThe best value for money service that speaks for itself. Hire the bestWhychoose us? Our ProcessWe have a well defined and organized process. We have very strict quality standards that not only consider education but the overall skill set and value s/he can provide to your organization. Our TeamWe have an excellent team of individuals who provide their invaluable service to our company. They are not only experienced by sharp and sound with their skill. Our PricingMany businesses focus majorly on the money but, Yunic solution is different, although we are driven by the money, we only charge for the value that we provide to our clients. Get in touch with us Hire an Expert Address: B4, 238, Pocket 4, Sector 7, Rohini, Delhi, PIN-110085 hr@yunicsolutions.com +91-90575 36218 Find Us Follow Us Facebook Linkedin Twitter Instagram Send us a messageWe Solve your query asap!Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Business Name *Website linkContact Number *MessageCheckboxessubscribe to newsletterNameSubmit
Looking for professional resume writing services or formatting services in India. Yunic Solutions helps you with your cv formatting and helps you land your dream job.
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
it’s about writing the first draft of history. “I’m writing a lot when other people aren’t necessarily putting things out there,” he says. “You can be a great academic, but if you’re not writing all the time you’re not necessarily in people’s minds as someone they would want to ask a question to.
This* is important. I've written thoughts on a subject over time but never shared it with anyone other than friends.Even worse is I"ve thought about writing down important issues regarding Bitcoin over the years.
Then one day I wake up and someone has a twitter thread that follows the same thought process.
www.writingforums.org www.writingforums.org
reading a thesaurus is pretty much a bad way to improve any writing skill
Be bold and provide concise suggestions on moving projects forward instead of letting them sit in limbo. Bold writing will win you the reputation of an un-blocker and problem solver.
Never really thought about doing this. I should try following up my suggestions with recommendations on what to do next, such that I leave people with actionable next steps and cut out time spent deliberating
- Jun 2020
avc.com avc.com
I regularly get people coming to me and asking me to write a book. I always pass because I can’t imagine writing in a format that has an end. I can’t imagine writing in a format that doesn’t provide instant feedback. I can’t imagine writing in a format that requires a structure. I can’t imagine writing in a format that isn’t a stream of consciousness. I can’t imagine thinking about what I am going to write more than ten minutes before writing it. I can’t imagine killing trees to carry my words. So I will continue to write a blog. It’s the perfect format for me. AVC is way more than a book. It is a living breathing thing that sustains me and that is me.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
“I blog in Spanish and English for different reasons. In English I blog to communicate my ideas and views, in Spanish, where for some unknown reason many more people comment, I write to learn. The collective intelligence of my commentators is greater than mine.” Martin Varsavsky Founder and CEO FON
copy editing
I'd like to strike a blow for line editing. From Peter Ginna's brilliant What Editors Do:
A line edit dials down to the paragraph/sentence/word level. As we said, it’s usually a much more expensive job than a developmental edit. A line editor will go through the pages of your book with a fine-toothed comb, looking for dialogue that feels awkward, sentences that don’t quite work, repetition, and more. Obviously this happens when the bulk of the work in terms of plot, character, beginnings, middles, and ends is done. It’s not that a line edit can’t address the bigger picture. But in most publishing houses an editor simply won’t do a line edit until the bigger issues are addressed, so as not to have to do the same work twice. It’s smart to stick with that order in self-publishing too. Line edits may or may not come with an editorial letter. But be sure that the fee includes time for you to meet in person or talk on the phone once you’ve had a chance to digest the edits. Often the same person could do both a developmental edit and line edit, if that’s what you decide to pay for, but you will also need a copyeditor. Copyeditors are the grammarians, the fact-checkers, the formatting gurus, the identifiers of repetitive words and phrases. They are the ones who make a book as smooth as a fresh jar of Skippy. The one instance where you might not need a separate copyeditor is if you hire someone to do a line edit who does a copyedit simultaneously. Some people have both skills and can pull this off, though it’s rare.
gsuideas.org gsuideas.org
jot down ideas in a scratch outline and work from that. Writing your thoughts down may even help you grasp them for the first time.
good idea!
twitter.com twitter.com
Yong, E. (2020, May 23). "Hello! More of you have started following me in the last weeks since I last did this, so let me introduce you to YET MORE people I respect, who've created some pandemic writing that's really stuck with me. (And do check out the original thread below.)" Twitter. https://twitter.com/edyong209/status/1263996750404243462
numinous.productions numinous.productions
The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think.— Edwin Schlossberg
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
Writing is a great tool to compound your learning. To write about something, you need to first understand it. Forcing yourself to write after reading something can help you create a "generational effect". Your brain retains the information more by having to "create" the information as opposed to passively reading it off of a screen/page.
Writing in public is the preferential mode of writing. It allows you to receive critiques on your writing, which in turn can help you gain more knowledge. You can gain perspective, or discover new ways to tacke a problem.
- May 2020
www.getrevue.co www.getrevue.co
“The biggest thing separating people from their artistic ambitions is not a lack of talent. It’s the lack of a deadline. Give someone an enormous task, a supportive community, and a friendly-yet-firm due date, and miracles will happen.”
This is one of the truest pieces of advice out there.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Chris Chambers & David Mellor with the Center for Open Science - Registered Reports Q&A Video
Encouraging everyone to do this regularly builds up both the team’s level of psychological safety and people’s courage to be vulnerable.
psychological safety!
Where you should enforce high-quality writing is broad or upwards communication, because there clarity is more important than speed and ideation.
clarity > speed & ideation
It forces us to be more precise than in verbal communication and thus leads to clearer thinking.
supermemo.guru supermemo.guru
Incremental writing is a method of writing in which ideas are written down and assembled incrementally. Incremental writing requires no linearity. It adapts to your way of thinking. Many great writers and scientists of the past used a variant of incremental writing using their own systems of notes. In SuperMemo, incremental writing is integral with the creative process and learning itself
Incremental writing is a method of writing where you keep adding elements to a piece in a "creative phase". In this phase the manuscript progressively increases in size. This is followed by a "consolidation phase", a process in which the manuscript gets to the point and decreases in size.
www.timcasasola.com www.timcasasola.com
So write with a combination of short, medium, and long sentences. Create a sound that pleases the reader’s ear. Don’t just write words. Write music.”
Try writing fewer commas and using more periods. Make your sentences simpler, vary their lengths and your sentences will be like music
- Apr 2020
alexdanco.com alexdanco.com
The magic word you should use more:
Want to learn one magic word that will immediately make year writing better? Meanwhile. Why? Most people, when they string thoughts and ideas together, rely on joining words like “so”, “then”, “therefore”, “however”, or “except”. There’s nothing wrong with them, but what they do is establish a chain of thinking that goes, “A, then B, then C, then D.” It’s linear. Even counterfactual joining words like “however”, “but”, “nevertheless”, even though they establish opposition, are still doing so in a one-track fashion.
Meanwhile does something else. It establishes parallel tracks of thought. A, therefore B. Meanwhile, C, yet D is a more powerful way to communicate complex ideas than one-track linear writing. When the punchline eventually comes, and those lines of thought collide into something interesting, you can make a better point than if you only had one track to work with.
Just write more:
A pottery teacher has two students. On Monday he tells the first student: “Your job this week is to try to create one perfect pot. Spend as much time as you need. Make it perfect.” Then he tells the second student: “Your job this week is to make as many pots as possible. I don’t care if they’re nice. Crank ‘em out.” Then on Friday, he comes back. What does he find?
Not only has the second student produced hundreds more pots than the first student (who’s laboured over his one shot at glory); every single one of her pots is better. The way you learn how to make a perfect pot is by making a lot of pots. Period.
Go make some pots.
venturehacks.com venturehacks.com
Writing is rewriting. Write down your thoughts in a stream of consciousness. Don’t get hung up on diction. Then spend most of your time rewriting and reorganizing—sweat the details. I’m still rewriting posts days after I’ve published them.
Writing is a design problem. Example: never use the idiom of ‘the former or the latter.’ It forces the reader to go back and figure out what you’re referring to.
dpdoyleonline.wordpress.com dpdoyleonline.wordpress.com
Sound copywriting should never be sacrificed to cater to Google’s current search methodologies because they can and will change.
Very good advice.
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
The Chrome Extension Overview backs up a bit, and fills in a lot of detail about the Extensions architecture in general, and some specific concepts developers will want to be familiar with.
goinswriter.com goinswriter.com
create the consequences that work with your personality.
This is key. The Trump donation consequence speaks to me. That'd be awful to have to do.
I need to hold my project out in front of my greatest enemy. If I finish it, my project and I live on, thrive, and enjoy watching the world enjoy the newfound sense of well-being they've gained as a result of connecting with my work.
But if I fail, my enemy wins, suddenly causing me to be a part of the problem my work was supposed to be designed to cease.
consequence three was he had to write a $1,000 check to the presidential candidate — this was before the race is over — to the candidate that he hated the most and then he took that check, this is the genius part of this, he took that check put it in an addressed enveloped, sealed and put a stamp on it, gave it to a friend and said if you don’t hear from me on this date saying, “I finished my book you send that. Don’t give me a day, grace period, don’t give me anything. If you don’t get that, you send that,” and that was enough motivation for him to finish his book and to call his friend and have her tear it up.
DAMN. This one I like!
I am excited about traditional publisher because I am going to be beholden to them, they’re not going to let it slide that I don’t finish this thing on time. So maybe let’s talk about, what are ways that we can put ourselves in situations with that lines that will helps us as artists, as people who are trying to live a portfolio life?
But part of perfectionism is the avoidance of shame caused by someone else negatively judging your work. Sure, while having an accountability partner would, in fact, be helpful, pulling the trigger on getting one ain't easy.
(Wow, I'm being negative with these annotations. Sorry, though. Can't help it. It's how I feel. Would love someone to help me feel differently! ;-)
And if you’ve done your job well, if you’ve created something, that’s good and you have done a good job of bringing it into the world then you basically get to move on and that thing continues to sell and impact people and there is a return on the investment of time that you put on that, I like that. I like that more than “I’ve got to go to make money today. I’ve got to think of something new to create today”, or whatever.
Yep, success is addicting...which then probably makes finishing projects easier, because of course...you want that high again.
But what if you haven't had that first taste of success yet? What if, as a result of having not experienced the joy it brings you and those you've helped, you then become uber-perfectionistic, causing you to obsess over every little detail in your project? That right there is (for me) why my projects don't get finished. I want my material to help people so badly that I, ironically, wind up injuring my confidence and momentum.
I think thinking of your work in terms of a series of projects, which is the idea of the portfolio life. You don’t have to do just one thing for the rest of your life.
If I broke down writing projects into even more sub-projects, one of those would be editing. It's what throws me for a curve most of the time. I'll write something great, begin editing it, then a brilliant new take on a point comes to mind out of nowhere, something so great you can't just let it go. You have to build it into the piece. But, when you try to cram it in there, other parts of the material begin to fall apart. Pretty soon you've written a brand new article; an article that—yup—needs to be edited. And you can't promise yourself the same flash of brilliance won't strike again.
- Mar 2020
xd.adobe.com xd.adobe.com
If sentences contain eight words or less, readers understand 100 percent of the information.If sentences contain 43 words or longer, the reader’s comprehension drops to less than 10 percent.
<= 8 words <--- 100% understanding
.>= 43 words <--- <10% understanding
- Jan 2020
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
writing process
I love writing process posts. I am reminded of my work with high school students where I had them create "Instructables" to post on their blogs.
daaronr.github.io daaronr.github.io
8 Writing, argumentation, presentation, and (Economic) logic: Being clear and making sense
a relevant Twitter thread here: https://twitter.com/TheDapperChef/status/1215048065477832704
List of words and phrases to avoid -- what are your biggest pet peeves in student writing?
and https://www.dropbox.com/s/lmbgoziyjz9o0q3/Zaks%20Guide%20to%20Writing.pdf?dl=0
www.perell.com www.perell.com
"The easiest way to be discovered right now in technology and perhaps many fields is to create your own independent blog and write. There is a huge dearth in availability of good, current, first party content today.The single most important advice I can give to actually write is to write.The thing that happens which you don’t see until you write is that your content engages some of the smartest people who are lurking around the internet. And they reach out to you."
Totally agree with this ;)
- Dec 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
True writing
As Dan notes, the subject "true writing" deserves its own page, but I get the sense that the WP author who put italics around this term should really have just put them around the word writing instead because I think that is all they really meant. What I mean (and I think what Dan means too) is instead perhaps better named "contextualized, disambiguated writing", though Dan should correct me on what his sense is.
True writing
This feels significant enough to have its own WP entry. Without true writing you cannot precisely convey knowledge to people who aren't within earshot.
cte.rice.edu cte.rice.edu
- Nov 2019
Local file Local file
For example, take the character for east , which in the Beijingdialect has the sound “dong” (pronounced “doong,” as in Mao Ze-dong’s name). Since a Chinese character is read aloud as a single syllableand since spoken Chinese is also rather short of sounds (there are onlyabout four hundred different syllables in the whole language), it hasbeen plagued with homophones, words that sound like other words, like“soul” and “sole” or “all” and “awl” in English. It happened that thespoken word meaning “freeze” had the sound “dong.” So did a spokenword meaning a roof beam. When the Chinese went to write down thecharacter for freeze, they took the character for east and put beside itthe symbol of ice , which makes the character (“dong,” to freeze).To write down the word sounding “dong” which meant roof beam, theywrote the character east and put before it the symbol for wood mak-ing (“dong,” a roof beam).These are simple examples. Indeed, any part of the Chinese languageis simple in itself. It becomes difficult because there is so much of it to beremembered, so many meanings and allusions. When the lexicographersof later times wanted to arrange thousands of Chinese characters in adictionary, for instance, the best they could do in the absence of an al-phabet was to work out a list of 214 classifiers or “radicals,” one ofwhich was sure to be in each character in the language. These 214classifiers, for dictionary purposes, correspond to the 26 letters of our al-phabet, but are more ambiguous and less efficient. Shang writing was al-ready using “radicals” like wood, mouth, heart, hand, that indicatedcategories of meaning. From the start the governmental power of theChinese writing system was at the ruler’s disposal. Writing seems to haveemerged more in the service of lineage organization and governmentthan in the service of trade.
www.nysecteach.org www.nysecteach.org
Writing exercises the mind, and the mind NEEDS to stretch, wants to grow. Inertia is death to the mind as well as to the body.
A Love Letter to My Student Writers
writing advice
austinkleon.com austinkleon.com
“Why don’t you assume you’ve written your book already — and all you have to do now is find it?”
That is heartening...
Here’s Stephen Harrigan (talking about his book, Big Wonderful Thing: A History of Texas)
"I think that when it comes to writing books, you have to start before you think you're ready, because you will always feel like you are never ready. I find that as you write the book, the road ahead becomes clearer; before that, the road ahead is just a distraction." ~ Stephen Harrigan
In my experience writing books, it isn’t just a “resistance” thing or a “perfectionist” thing or a fear thing, it’s more about research and wondering if you’ve done enough of it. Research becomes your way of procrastinating, because, let’s face it, research is just more fun than writing. (Me, personally, I became a professional writer so I could be a professional reader.)
Research is a pure pleasure included in the process of book writing
There’s an awful temptation to just keep on researching. There comes a point where you just have to stop, and start writing. When I began, I thought that the way one should work was to do all the research and then write the book. In time I began to understand that it’s when you start writing that you really find out what you don’t know and need to know.
Why researching during writing is recommended
github.com github.com
The chosen approach pushes a lot of complexity out of the core. As a result it might take more code to achieve certain functionalities. This is the price of flexibility. And that's the primary design goal of Reactabular.
- Oct 2019
Unfortunately, numerous widely-used tagless-final interfaces (like Sync, Async, LiftIO, Concurrent, Effect, and ConcurrentEffect) encourage you to code to an implementation.
maximilyahov.ru maximilyahov.ru
убрать страдательный залог и отглагольные существительные. Даже на этом этапе стало дружелюбнее.
blog.stephsmith.io blog.stephsmith.io
Writing is Thinking: Learning to Write with Confidence
“To write a great book, you must first become the book.” - Atomic Habits
I could and probably will write an entire article (or 10) on how I approach SEO research, but for the purpose of this article, I’ll just share that I use these tools: Ahrefs, Keyword Planner, and Keywords Everywhere.
SEO tools to consider while writing a blog post:
Conversations, books and articles, personal experiences, and random Google searches
Sources of ideas
What is something that I can uniquely contribute?
Good question to ask while searching for idea to write about
I set an open invitation to my brain to take note of anything interesting. More specifically, I look for anything within the intersection of: (1) interesting, (2) doesn’t exist online in that exact form, and (3) something I can contribute uniquely to
Ideation - look for topics to write about:
In my opinion, writing should never be something that you do just to check off of your to-do list. At its core, writing is a mechanism to try to deliver value to others. And over time, I’ve defined that as my core goal.
Indeed, writing for others is a great devotion
There’s a great tool called Draftback, which essentially lets you “go back in time to look over your own shoulder as you write”
Draftback Chrome Extension allows to "rewatch" your writing process
Writing Process Steps:Ideation: PassiveTracking: ActiveOutline - ActiveIdea Arbitrage - PassiveResearch - ActiveWriting - Active
Proposition of steps to follow while writing. Active state requires a "hard-core execute mode".
- Ideation (passive)
- Tracking (active)
- Outline (active)
- Idea Arbitrage (passive)
- Research (active)
- Writing (active)
mikecosgrave.com mikecosgrave.com
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice was one example, with Pratchett pointing out the help provided by the Wellcome Trust’s Public Engagement Fund. The trust is a foundation in England that gives grants to projects in film, TV and video games that have a biological or neurological component. Part of the grant process also comes with support from consultants, who work with recipients. For Hellblade, that meant replicating Senua’s psychosis in a convincing and sensitive way, and so University of Cambridge’s Professor Paul Fletcher became integral to the game’s development.
I didn't play Senua's Sacrifice personally, I saw a let's play of it on YouTube. And it was amazing. It makes so much sense now that there was such a great collaboration between the company, Trust fund, Uni and writer(s) - because the psychosis reflected in the game that you experience through Senua's perspective WAS really well done, and done with care/sensitivity. It also is the way mental illnesses should be done in games from now on.
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
How to Be a Better Person
Many philosophers throughout the centuries have preached the same thing that life is a journey and becoming better every day is a goal. As a general rule of thumb, most of us wish to become a better person. Unfortunately, many people become stuck and fixate on the mistakes they’ve made in life, preventing them from becoming a better version of themselves. Meanwhile, many others aren’t aware of how to go about bringing self-improvement. The good news is that it is possible for every human being on the planet to become a better person. Learning to love oneself is a skill, and much like any other skill, it can be learned. Take the example of an online essay writing service. No service becomes the best essay writing service without dedication and consistent practice. In a similar vein, no person can learn to be a better person without consistent and conscious efforts. Thankfully, thanks to thousands of years of human existence, we have other people’s experience to guide us towards the path to being a better person. Here are some tips that can help anyone become better versions of themselves. Compliment Yourself In our world full of comparisons and competition, it can be very easy to drown with self-pity and lack of self-esteem. This is further bolstered by the presence of social media in today’s society, where it seems like everyone is achieving success and living the best life. This is why it’s so important to be aware of one’s own good quality. Finding out the positives in yourself and complimenting yourself for it will allow you to break free from the mental shackles and adopt more positive habits. It also makes one happy and happiness, as we all know, is contagious. Don’t Make Excuses Making excuses or blaming someone else for mishaps or shortcomings is very easy. However, this leads nowhere. By accepting responsibility, owning mistakes and learning from them, one can grow in both personal and professional life. It breeds a sense of control over life, and ultimately makes one happier, which in turn makes one a better person. Let Go of Anger All of us go through different experiences in life. No one’s life is perfect, and there are bound to be negative experiences in everyone’s life. Human beings aren’t perfect; hence they tend to hurt others intentionally or intentionally. However, being angry at someone and not letting go of it only affects you. It casts a cloud over one’s judgement and decision-making ability. That is why it’s so important to let go of anger. Understanding that everything happens for a reason allows one to be content and focus efforts on other more important things. Practice Forgiveness This tip goes along with the last point. Forgiving others, as well as the self, is an incredibly elating experience. Forgiveness is one of the greatest forms of sacrifice. It requires sacrificing one’s ego, the greatest enemy to personal betterment and growth. Things like meditation and self-reflection can help a lot in this department.
- Sep 2019
brandonsanderson.com brandonsanderson.com
brandonsanderson.com brandonsanderson.com
writing.stackexchange.com writing.stackexchange.com
www.barnesandnoble.com www.barnesandnoble.com
On naming fantasy characters
jime.open.ac.uk jime.open.ac.uk
“students will write differently, you know, if they know it’s not just going to their professor.
Changes the audience and gets students to think about writing for a larger, perhaps more general audience. This is an important aspect if we want to have, say, highly technical disciplines, like sciences, learning to engage more broadly with the public. Having learners understand the importance of writing for an audience that is more general could become an important open pedagogy principle for disciplines that want to have their work have a broader impact with the general public.
rampages.us rampages.us
so byinsisting that the poetic impulse could not be fulfilled unless the sexualimpulse was repressed, Milton was in effect creating an equivalence betweenthem.
This sounds very similar to how many some people today believe that as both are an act of creation, there are some similarities between writing and reproduction from a certain philosophical point of view.
- Aug 2019
www.robinwieruch.de www.robinwieruch.de
www.press.jhu.edu www.press.jhu.edu
He once showed me a Sanskrit volume handwritten in human blood: “You know, Greg, all great writers must work this way.”
bookbook.pubpub.org bookbook.pubpub.org
Moreover, annotation is the agreed upon means of starting and sustaining that conversation.
With this text appearing on bookbook.pubpub.org being an excellent example of just this. #meta
I'm sort of hoping for some discussion of Kathleen Fitzpatrick's process behind her book Planned Obsolescence which was released in draft form for open peer review in fall 2009, much like Annotations. It's the first example I can think of a scholar doing something like this digitally in public, though there may have been other earlier examples.
- Jul 2019
www.bostonglobe.com www.bostonglobe.com
See also the author's own take.
If the Modernists loved revision so much that they kept at it throughout the literary process, including when their work was in proofs — and one of Sullivan’s key points is that these discrete stages actually encouraged revision — then why didn’t their printers and publishers complain? ... changing work in proofs is expensive.
That's because Modernists had the support money to revise and to experiment with the rules of revision.
In her memoir Shakespeare & Company, Sylvia Beach recalls Joyce’s publisher warning about “a lot of extra expenses with these proofs. . . . He suggested that I call Joyce’s attention to the danger of going beyond my depth; perhaps his appetite for proofs might be curbed.”
But Beach explains that, for her, the most important thing was that Joyce could work as diligently and obsessively as he wanted to:
I wouldn’t hear of such a thing. Ulysses was to be as Joyce wished, in every respect. I wouldn’t advise ‘real’ publishers to follow my example, nor authors to follow Joyce’s. It would be the death of publishing. My case was different. It seemd natural to me that the efforts and sacrifices on my part should be proportionate to the greatnes of the work I was publishing.
physiqonomics.com physiqonomics.com
Damn right I just drew fire breathing sharks.
very good example of post with engaging style
- May 2019
sites.utexas.edu sites.utexas.edu
phonetic signs, introduced to transcribe the name of individuals, marked the turning point when writing started emulating spoken language
Interesting connection to identity and self-representation there.
Writing was used exclusively for accounting until the third millennium BC, when the Sumerian concern for the afterlife paved the way to literature by using writing for funerary inscriptions
I'm interested in this apparent instrumental - abstracted - literary/metaphysical progression. It seems to be recapitulated with great frequency (and not a one-way progression.)
- Apr 2019
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
We expect authentic writing from our students, yet we do not write authentic assignments for them.
I'd like to understand this better. How much choice is required for an assignment to be "meaningful" or "authentic". I can't recall a single writing assignment when I didn't have some freedom to choose a topic (within the bounds of the class) - though there were certainly lots of formal constraints in the way I wrote.
Actually, a whole gotcha industry has sprung up.
The "gotcha" industry has this whole Inspector Javert aspect to it - plagiarism is a thing that students do intentionally to hurt teachers (not something which might come out of ignorance or have motivations completely unrelated to the teacher) and teachers become the agents of a justice system mostly interested in rooting out offenders.
outline.com outline.com
Interesting how the events of the time shaped the story of 1984 (e.g. rationing in food and fuel). Also a potent image of Orwell writing while he was so sick. His journal entries suggest the inspiration for and the act of writing never stop.
- Mar 2019
bookmarks.reviews bookmarks.reviews
But it’s far more that just a cultural signpost. The reason Coney Island of the Mind has held up so well is that it also marks the first full flowering of Ferlinghetti’s considerable poetic gifts. Employing open elastic lines that often seesaw across the page, Ferlinghetti’s verse is a unique combination of Whitmanesque proclamation and Dionysian celebration, where a deep love for life and art is interlaced with call for the human race to finally begin living up to its potential. … Fifty years on, Coney Island of the Mind, Ferlinghetti’s artistic and commercial breakthrough, still stands as an excellent example of both his social and poetic contributions, and is not only a worthy but probably a necessary volume for the library of anyone truly serious about understanding where English-language poetry has been and where it is going.
Go, Ferlinghetti, for at least another 100 years.