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- science
- fatigue
- persistent symptoms
- health and wellbeing
- patient
- inequalities
- school of public health
- disability
- wider society
- comms strategy
- symptom
- centre
- global challenges
- urgence
- imperial college london
- COVID-19
- infectious diseases
- academic
- data
- health
- is:website
- lang:en
- long covid
- survey
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Barnes, O., & Alabi, L. O. (2022, January 27). UK coronavirus cases tick up 10%, symptom tracker app shows. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/f9833324-7986-48c4-a96c-153049ed9b5a
- plan B
- England
- research
- prediction
- Omicron
- hospitalization
- booster
- subvariant
- UK
- staff shortage
- India
- children
- Denmark
- vaccine
- transmissibility
- COVID-19
- symptom tracker app
- daily cases
- mask wearing
- vaccine passport
- loosening restrictions
- data
- lang:en
- parents
- is:news
- variant
- effectiveness
- infection rate
- school
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- knowledge
- transmission
- news
- health information
- public health
- China
- is:preprint
- media
- prevention
- descriptive statistics
- symptom
- Nigeria
- COVID-19
- perception
- misinformation
- lockdown
- precaution
- general public
- misconception
- data collection
- lang:en
- questionnaire
- behavior
- information
- infection
cdn2.hubspot.net cdn2.hubspot.net
Savanta Coronavirus Data Tracker
- is:pdf
- supermarket
- transmission
- news
- home
- UK
- latest
- economy
- tracker
- activity
- symptom
- results
- COVID-19
- resources
- attitude
- data
- lang:en
- consumption
- behavior
- information
trello.com trello.com
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