- Nov 2024
ebookcentral.proquest.com ebookcentral.proquest.com
Migrants who move from lower to higher income economies are often able to gain an income that is 20 or 30 times higher than they would be able to gain at home. Migrants who move from lower to higher income economies are often able to gain an income that is 20 or 30 times higher than they would be able to gain at home. the World Bank estimates that the annual value of formally transferred remittances in 2004 was about $ 150 billion, representing a 50 per cent increase in just five years.
- Oct 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Spanish immigration minister diff tone than other EU MS / Meloni.
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Eine Studie weist erstmals systematisch den Einfluss von Dürren und zunehmender Trockenheit auf die Binnenmigration in vielen verschiedenen Ländern nach. Es migrieren vor allem Mitglieder mittlerer Einkommensgruppen, die die dazu nötigen Ressourcen haben. Die klimabedingte Migration trägt deutlich zur Urbanisierung bei https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000240733/mehr-binnenmigration-durch-klimawandel
- Guy Abel
- aridification
- increasing risk of droughts
- Roman Hoffmann
- migration
- Drought and aridity influence internal migration worldwide
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02165-1.epdf?sharing_token=zQaNIIlE0D5VSVhiEeWSRdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0N5BsSsWDa3LuiqvifrZZqQ9PHrGw0G8JwyXN4l5XLwHLyMEPxhNDlwsm_I7HyLLBL-PIsL8iWYBirASOxKiB3OvY5CyEDs2OqdYzcj0HqqPZGigOJmwF7H97HsKHpUv2tEjBvnMf7i4DKmBH78sfFsx7iymr6A4PFpKfrKe6IDSxkyQgZFpa8kBrt8lM6HkbU%3D&tracking_referrer=www.derstandard.at
- Aug 2024
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
for - climate change impacts - marine life - citizen-science - potential project - climate departure - ocean heating impacts - marine life - marine migration - migrating species face collapse - migration to escape warming oceans - population collapse
main research findings - Study involved 146 species of temperate or subpolar fish and 2,572 time series - Extremely fast moving species (17km/year) showed large declines in population while - fish that did not shift showed negligible decline - Those on the northernmost edge experienced the largest declines - There is speculation that the fastest moving ones are the also the one's with the least evolutionary adaptations for new environments
- Jun 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Die globale Erhitzung zwingt Baumarten in den nördlichen Wäldern dazu, neue Habitate aufzusuchen, deren Böden oft weniger nährstoffreich sind. Ein Hauptgrund dafür, den eine neue Studie untersucht, sind die Bedürfnisse von Pilzen, mit denen diese Bäume in Symbiose leben.
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Seit 1970 ist der Bestand an Fischen, die zu wandernde Arten gehören, um 80% gesunken, wie ein neuer Bericht zur Aktualisierung des Living Planet Index zeigt. Verantwortlich ist vor allem die Zerstörung von Fluss- und anderen Wasserökosystemen durch Staudämme, Bergwerke und Schadstoffe. Der Populationsrückgang ist weltweit am deutlichsten ist der in Südamerika und der Karibik. Ein Viertel der Süßwasser Fischarten ist vom Aussterben bedroht.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/21/living-planet-index-migratory-freshwater-fish-populations-decline-dams-weirs-mining-water-abstraction-pollution-threat-aoe
www.aljazeera.com www.aljazeera.com
“Tensions are rising across Tunisia,” Hamza Meddeb, of the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, said. “We’re seeing the beginning of citizen militias and an angry public attacking the migrants. Something’s going to give … it’s inevitable. Tunisia has basically become a trap for migrants,” he said.
Tunisia: The migration trapRefugees and migrants from across Africa are becoming stranded, unable to return and persecuted by authorities.
- Apr 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
14:58 "criminals are hiding among legitimate asylum seekers"<br /> haha, no. there are ZERO "legitimate asylum seekers"
- Mar 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Empower doesn't allow you to import legacy data from other sources (like Mint) or input manual transactions such as cash. The latter isn't important to me, but the former certainly is. I have 16 years of transaction data in Mint that I want to preserve.
yarnpkg.com yarnpkg.com
- Jan 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
also remember "non-conventional" wars like "weapons of mass migration", targetting north america and western europe. the young white males in america and europe will be drafted for "already lost wars" against russia/hamas/ethiopia (suicide mission), and the young black males (migrant invaders) will finally conquer the young white females, creating the "brown race" of slaves for the global elite (the same elite that is preaching the "racism is bad" gospel)
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Der Standard informiert über zwei Studien, die unter anderem den Zusammenhang von Stadtentwicklung und globaler Erhitzung betreffen. Vor allem in den USA wird für die Mehrzahl der großen Städte eine Schrumpfung vorausgesagt, verstärkt durch die Folgen der Erhitzung. Die Studie verwendet ist Szenarien des IPCC. Unter anderem ergibt sich daraus die Forderung, die Stadtplanung nicht mehr vor allem an der Vorstellung von wachsenden Städten auszurichten. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000203501/tausende-us-staedte-koennten-bis-2100-zu-geisterorten-werden
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Bericht zu einer empirische Studie zu Binnen-Klimamigration in Thailand. Die Studie versucht der Komplexität der Ursachen wie der Folgen der Klimamigration für Haushalte gerecht zu werden.
Studie: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2206185120#sec-3
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
wird noch zunehmen"
www.dailykos.com www.dailykos.com
for - climate crisis - U.S. intra-country migration - key insight - climate migration - towards disaster zones
support.google.com support.google.com
Prepare to transition away from Google Sync Google Sync doesn’t support OAuth authentication, 2-factor authentication, or security keys, which leaves your organization’s data less secure.
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Bangladesch ist dem Climate Risk Index zufolge das am siebtstärksten von den Folgen der globalen Erhitzung betroffene Land. Bis zur Mitte des Jahrhunderts wird dort mit 20 Millionen Binnenflüchtlingen aufgrund der Erhöhung des Meeresspiegels gerechnet. Die Regierung vertritt die Interessen der wirtschaftlichen Elite und reagiert zunehmend mit harter Repression auf Opposition. Reportage über junge AktivistInnen in Bangladesch anlässlich der Wahlen, an denen die wichtigsten Oppositionsparteien nicht teilnehmen. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/05/news/bangladesh_elezioni_cambiamento_climatico-421819356/
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for: polycrisis - migration - crime - Sweden
- Nov 2023
developers.google.com developers.google.com
Some 30% of the energy consumed in a net zero energy system in 2050 comes from low-emissions fuels and technologies that could benefit from the skills and resources of the oil and gas industry.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
stats: oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
- only 30 % of the energy consumed in a clean energy future within 1.5 Deg C comes from low emission fuels and technologies that benefit from oil and gas industry resources
- this leaves a huge deficit of 70 %.
- How will the transition account for these human and technological resources?
Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investments
- Inclusive transformation
- Clearly, transforming the dirty fossil fuel industry into clean energy industry requires migrating as much of those 12 million dirty energy jobs as possible. We can't alienate the fossil fuel industry.
- the barometer to measure this paradigm shift in fossil fuel industry narrative is their investment into clean energy. Over the years, majors have acted like politicians, promising significant clean energy investment, then backsliding. There is no more time for that.
- Inclusive transformation
Mit großen Porträtfotos, vollständiger Namensnennung und vollständiger Herkunft, teils auch Hinweisen auf religiöse Zuordnung, wird alles gezeigt, alles gesagt und sichtlich Abhilfe an schrecklichen Zuständen geschaffen.
schwacher trost.<br /> die migranten-invasoren sind gekommen um zu bleiben.<br /> auch diese lächerliche symbolpolitik wird den bürgerkrieg nicht verhindern.
diese "anti migration" politik ist eher ein zeichen dafür,<br /> dass genug migranten im land sind, um den bürgerkrieg zu gewinnen gegen die ureinwohner
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
Are you spending too much time transferring uncompleted tasks to tomorrow’s schedule?
Example of someone suggesting the migration of uncompleted tasks from one day to another in 1998.
- Oct 2023
5:55 "wie bewerten sie die aktuelle migrationspolitik der EU? - 92% sagen: schlecht."
also entweder ist diese umfrage nicht representativ, weil es in der echten welt circa 80% idioten gibt, oder die "wahlen" werden aggressiv manipuliert, wie in den USA. aber ich glaube schon, wir sind umzingelt von idioten, die uns mitreissen in den untergang. eisberg!
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
bla bla bla. es ist doch ganz einfach:<br /> die deutsche bevölkerung soll ausgetauscht werden durch muslime, weil die sind "dumm und glücklich" in diesem scheiss system (sozialismus).
richard kalergi: gute sklaven sind schlau genug zum arbeiten, und zu dumm für widerstand.
yuri bezmenov: linke sind nützliche idioten.
bryanalexander.org bryanalexander.org
- Sep 2023
github.com github.com
Migration from pre-exisiting non-flatpak installations In order to migrate from pre-exisiting non-flatpak installation and preserve all settings please copy or move entire ~/.thunderbird folder into ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.Thunderbird/.thunderbird In case Thunderbird opens a new profile instead of the existing one, run: flatpak run org.mozilla.Thunderbird -P then select the right profile and tick "Use the selected profile without asking on startup" box.
- Aug 2023
you can imagine that that if that's happening today and climate change hasn't really even hit yet and biodiversity loss really hasn't even hit badly yet or at least this hasn't hit widespread 00:35:45 badly
- for: future climate impacts, futures, climate impacts, preparedness, climate change - human migration, climate refuge, climate departure, Camilo Mora
- There will be massive human migration
- Europe is already unable to cope with the migration of a million climate refugees from Syria
- The US is polarized due to mass migration of a few people escaping climate crisis and violence in central and South America
- Developed countries will be overwhelmed with climate refugees number in the millions or tens of millions
- In addition to human migration, the migration of species seeking cooler temperatures will fundamentally reshape our economies
- climate departure is the date when local climate goes outside normal historical bounds and locally adapted species do not recognize it anymore and will be forced to migrate to survive
- climate departure is a huge issue that is going to happen, regardless of which decarbonoization path we take. This means all species on the globe will be undergoing dramatic environmental shifts, making mass extinction more likely.
- Dr. Camilo Mora et al. seminal 2013 paper on climate departure: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbafybeihfoajtasczfz4s6u6j4mmyzlbn7zt4f7hpynjdvd6vpp32zmx5la.ipfs.dweb.link%2FTheprojectedtimingofclimatedeparture2013.pdf&group=vnpq69nW
- Jun 2023
support.google.com support.google.com
To use the tool, you need the following access: Viewer role for the Universal Analytics property Editor role for the Google Analytics 4 property After you've installed and activated the Google Sheets add-on (below), follow these steps: Import audience definitions from your Universal Analytics property to a Google Sheet. Decide how you want to export audiences from your Google Sheet to your Google Analytics 4 property (e.g., using the existing definition or modifying the definition first in the tool, then exporting). Export your audiences from the Google Sheet to your Google Analytics 4 property.
Seems simple enough. With a lot of power/flexibility to make any changes in between the import and export steps.
- May 2023
Der deutsche Sachverständigenrat Integration und Migration (SVR) schlägt eine Reihe von Erleichterungen fü Klimaflüchtlinge vor, die es ermöglichen sollen, schnell auf Katastrophensituationen zu reagieren. Das Klima lässt sich nicht scharf von anderen Migrationsursachen unterscheiden, weil es sich besonders auf ohnehin vulnerable Gruppen negativ auswirkt. https://taz.de/Jahresbericht-Integration-und-Migration/!5932699/
- Apr 2023
linrunner.de linrunner.de
There are three migration paths:
andy-bell.co.uk andy-bell.co.uk
I think I’m not alone that Mastodon is giving me the ick<br /> by Andy Bell
Read at Fri 4/7/2023 8:36 AM
on.substack.com on.substack.com
In Notes, writers will be able to post short-form content and share ideas with each other and their readers. Like our Recommendations feature, Notes is designed to drive discovery across Substack. But while Recommendations lets writers promote publications, Notes will give them the ability to recommend almost anything—including posts, quotes, comments, images, and links.
Substack slowly adding features and functionality to make them a full stack blogging/social platform... first long form, then short note features...
Also pushing in on Twitter's lunch as Twitter is having issues.
communitywiki.org communitywiki.org
- Mar 2023
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
It is also used to migrate existing clients using direct authentication schemes such as HTTP Basic or Digest authentication to OAuth by converting the stored credentials to an access token.
- Feb 2023
Twitter Notifications Keep Breaking in Wake of Elon Musk's Mass Layoffs<br /> by Matt Novak
Read Wed 2022-12-07 6:55 AM
- Jan 2023
twitterisgoinggreat.com twitterisgoinggreat.com
whalebird.social whalebird.social
Whalebird is a Mastodon, Pleroma, and Misskey client for desktop application
“a huge amount of scientific information in Irish was passed down orally, but was lost to the trauma of the famine and immigration.” Today, only 1.7 percent of the Irish population is fluent. Ó Séaghdha, who said many words in Irish are like “one-word poems,” finds himself fascinated by this bio-cultural knowledge. “The word for swallow is fáinleog,” he said. “It means little wanderer, because the bird migrates during winter. In our languages, we understood bird migration, thousands and thousands of years ago. We had words for phosphorus magnetism before they had scientific books.”
!- Irish indigenous language : bio-cultural worldview - Irish word for "swallow" is "fainleog" which means little wanderer because the bird migrates during winter. - Irish language was rich in bird migration words from thousands of years earlier. - The Irish had a word for phosphorus magnetism before science discovered it
paulstamatiou.com paulstamatiou.comMastodon1
- Dec 2022
followgraph.vercel.app followgraph.vercel.app
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Mastodon makes the front section of the Washington Post!? Twitter is in trouble...
www.movetodon.org www.movetodon.org
What a lovely looking UI.
The data returned will also give one a strong idea of how many of their acquaintances have made the jump as well as how active they may be, particularly for those who moved weeks ago and are still active within the last couple of days. For me the numbers are reasonably large. 860 of 4942 have accounts presently and in scrolling through it appears that 80% or so have been active within a day or so regardless of account age.
zephoria.medium.com zephoria.medium.com
Stephen Downes is doing a great job of regular recaps on the shifts in Twitter/Mastodon/Fediverse lately. I either read or saw all these in the last couple of days myself.
researchbuzz.me researchbuzz.me
- Nov 2022
andy-bell.co.uk andy-bell.co.uk
odd.blog odd.blog
docs.google.com docs.google.com
A list of congress members on Mastodon.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Literature, philosophy, film, music, culture, politics, history, architecture: join the circus of the arts and humanities! For readers, writers, academics or anyone wanting to follow the conversation.
hcommons.social hcommons.social
hcommons.social is a microblogging network supporting scholars and practitioners across the humanities and around the world.
The humanities commons has their own mastodon instance now!
ooh.directory ooh.directory
cohost.org cohost.orgcohost!1
observablehq.com observablehq.com
fediverse.space fediverse.space
listfollowers.com listfollowers.com
nnw.ranchero.com nnw.ranchero.com
it helps people find their off-ramp from Twitter.
Being able to read others' tweets in a feed reader provides people the ability and freedom to untether themselves from the tyranny of Twitter.
fediverse.observer fediverse.observer
Suggested Fediverse servers close to you.
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
“If you have a compelling product, people will buy it,” Musk told staff. “That has been my experience at SpaceX and Tesla.”
Alternately, if you have toxic leadership, employees will leave and the company will collapse.
fedified.com fedified.com
meh... This looks dreadful...
Why not just use the built in rel-me verification available in Twitter directly with respect to individual websites?
docs.google.com docs.google.com
EduTooters, er, Educators, on Mastodon
docs.google.com docs.google.com
docs.google.com docs.google.com
docs.google.com docs.google.com
mastodon.help mastodon.help
instances.social instances.social
A tool for helping people choose an instance.
docs.tweetfeed.org docs.tweetfeed.org
TweetFeed Twitter to RSS with Markdown.
github.com github.com
buzzmachine.com buzzmachine.com
pruvisto.org pruvisto.org
Tool for moving some of your Twitter data over to Mastodon or other parts of the Fediverse.
fedidb.org fedidb.org
bridge.birb.space bridge.birb.space
This instance is a Twitter to ActivityPub bridge.
fedifinder.glitch.me fedifinder.glitch.me
Extract the fediverse handles of your Twitter followings or list members and import them on Mastodon to follow them all at once.
twitodon.com twitodon.com
pinafore.social pinafore.social
Pinafore is a web client for Mastodon, designed for speed and simplicity.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Jessica Smith</span> in Small Web - Jayeless.net (<time class='dt-published'>07/03/2021 23:34:42</time>)</cite></small>
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Any migration is likely to face many of the challenges previous platform migrations have faced: content loss, fragmented communities, broken social networks and shifted community norms.
By asking participants about their experiences moving across these platforms – why they left, why they joined and the challenges they faced in doing so – we gained insights into factors that might drive the success and failure of platforms, as well as what negative consequences are likely to occur for a community when it relocates.
- Oct 2022
levelup.gitconnected.com levelup.gitconnected.com
we made sure to implement fail safes at each stage of the migration to make sure we could fall back if something were to go wrong. It’s also why we tested on a small scale before proceeding with the rest of the migration.
While planning a big migration, make sure to have a fall back plan
We mirrored PostgreSQL shards storing cached_urls tables in CassandraWe switched service.prerender.io to Cloudflare load balancer to allow dynamic traffic distributionWe set up new EU private-recache serversWe keep performing stress tests to solve any performance issues
Steps of phase 3 migration
“The true hidden price for AWS is coming from the traffic cost, they sell a reasonably priced storage, and it’s even free to upload it. But when you get it out, you pay an enormous cost.
AWS may be reasonably price, but moving data out will cost a lot (e.g. $0.080/GB in the US West, or $0.135/GB in the Asia Pacific)!
In the last four weeks, we moved most of the cache workload from AWS S3 to our own Cassandra cluster.
Moving from AWS s3 to an own Cassandra cluster
After testing whether Prerender pages could be cached in both S3 and minio, we slowly diverted traffic away from AWS S3 and towards minio.
Moving from AWS S3 towards minio
Phase 1 mostly involved setting up the bare metal servers and testing the migration on a small and more manageable setting before scaling. This phase required minimal software adaptation, which we decided to run on KVM virtualization on Linux.
Migration from AWS to on-prem started by: - setting bare metal servers - testing - adapting software to run on KVM virtualization on Linux
The solution? Migrate the cached pages and traffic onto Prerender’s own internal servers and cut our reliance on AWS as quickly as possible.
When the Prerender team moved from AWS to on-prem, they have cut the cost from $1,000,000 to $200,000, for the data storage and traffic cost
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
This has moved to part of the monorepo:
- Aug 2022
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
WI model will be built on top of the existing Issue model and we’ll gradually migrate Issue model code to the WI model.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
one should not upgrade a production environment without extensive testing. I prefer to not upgrade prod at all. Instead, I create a new instance with latest everything, host my apps there, test everything out, and then make it production.
- Jul 2022
yarnpkg.com yarnpkg.com
Don't worry if your project isn't quite ready for Plug'n'Play just yet! This guide will let you migrate without losing your node_modules folder. Only in a later optional section we will cover how to enable PnP support, and this part will only be recommended, not mandatory. Baby steps!
bafybeihfoajtasczfz4s6u6j4mmyzlbn7zt4f7hpynjdvd6vpp32zmx5la.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeihfoajtasczfz4s6u6j4mmyzlbn7zt4f7hpynjdvd6vpp32zmx5la.ipfs.dweb.linkuntitled1
Climate is a primary driver of biological processes, operating fromindividuals to ecosystems, and affects several aspects of human life.Therefore, climates without modern precedents could cause large andpotentially serious impacts on ecological and social systems 1–5 . Forinstance, species whose persistence is shaped by the climate canrespond by shifting their geographical ranges 4–7 , remaining in placeand adapting 5,8 , or becoming extinct 8–11 . Shifts in species distributionsand abundances can increase the risk of extinction 12 , alter communitystructure 3 and disrupt ecological interactions and the functioning ofecosystems. Changing climates could also affect the following: humanwelfare, through changes in the supply of food 13 and water 14,15 ; humanhealth 16, through wider spread of infectious vector-borne diseases 17,18,through heat stress19 and through mental illness20; the economy, throughchanges in goods and services21,22; and national security as a result ofpopulation shifts, heightened competition for natural resources, viol-ent conflict and geopolitical instability23. Although most ecological andsocial systems have the ability to adapt to a changing climate, themagnitude of disruption in both ecosystems and societies will bestrongly determined by the time frames in which the climate will reachunprecedented states1
As climate departure is projected to occur under all IPCC RCP scenarios, this implies profound changes will take place everywhere on the planet.
The biosphere will react to this unprecedented shift in equally unprecedented ways. Each species has a comfort zone temperature band to exist within. If the temperature falls outside that zone, it can remain in place and adapt, shift geographical location (migration) or go extinct.
In an ecosystem, species all depend on each other. When a number of these shift their patterns, it will affect the others, increasing total ecosystem disruptions. Since human activity is dependent on nature, this will also ripple up to humans in a variety of ways.
- May 2022
www.canada.ca www.canada.ca
Skill Level B: technical jobs and skilled trades that usually call for a college diploma or training as an apprentice, such as: chefs plumbers electricians
educators come here
www.canada.ca www.canada.ca
the Provincial Nominee Program.
PNP program can be seen as a way to add more points to your express entry application.
- Apr 2022
bun.uptrace.dev bun.uptrace.dev
edgeguides.rubyonrails.org edgeguides.rubyonrails.org
it is highly encouraged to switch to zeitwerk mode because it is a better autoloader
- Mar 2022
github.com github.com
t.datetime :seen_at, default: { expr: 'NOW()' }
github.com github.com
Define table structure (columns and indexes) inside your ActiveRecord models like you can do in migrations. Also similar to DataMapper inline schema syntax.
This is particularly useful in cases where you want to separate your data migrations from your schema migrations or where you have multiple steps in your migration process that must have other steps invoked throughout.
github.com github.com
It's more opinionated than active_record_migrations and standalone-migrations, and therefore simpler to configure.
# Optionally, you can write a description for the migration, which you can use for # documentation and changelogs. describe 'The _id suffix has been removed from the author property in the Articles API.'
not as good/useful as some other gem options/approaches, such as the one that adds a
method per migration, or that lets you tag with:post_deploy
, etc.
The call signature for setting up enums in migrations has changed.
github.com github.com
If you need to ensure migrations run in a certain order with regular db:migrate, set up Outrigger.ordered. It can be a hash or a proc that takes a tag; either way it needs to return a sortable value: Outrigger.ordered = { predeploy: -1, postdeploy: 1 } This will run predeploys, untagged migrations (implicitly 0), and then postdeploy migrations.
railsguides.net railsguides.net
The code will work without exception but it doesn’t set correct association, because the defined classes are under namespace AddStatusToUser. This is what happens in reality: role = AddStatusToUser::Role.create!(name: 'admin') AddStatusToUser::User.create!(nick: '@ka8725', role: role)
github.com github.com
this gem promotes writing tests for data migrations providing a way allows to write code that migrates data in separate methods.
having the code migrates data separately covered by proper tests eliminates those pesky situations with outdated migrations or corrupted data.
There are three keys to backfilling safely: batching, throttling, and running it outside a transaction. Use the Rails console or a separate migration with disable_ddl_transaction!.
Active Record creates a transaction around each migration, and backfilling in the same transaction that alters a table keeps the table locked for the duration of the backfill. class AddSomeColumnToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0] def change add_column :users, :some_column, :text User.update_all some_column: "default_value" end end
- Oct 2021
www.netflix.com www.netflix.comNetflix1
Lost in Translation
In the film, Lost in Translation, Bob and Charlotte begin their conversation learning what each of them is doing in Tokyo.
Bob: What do you do?
Charlotte: I’m not sure yet, actually. I just graduated last spring.”
Bob: What did you study?
Charlotte: Philosophy.
Bob: Yeah, there’s a good buck in that racket.
Charlotte: (Laughs.) Yeah. Well, so far it’s pro bono.
Edge Effects
In ecology, edge effects are changes in population or community structures that occur at the boundary of two or more habitats. Areas with small habitat fragments exhibit especially pronounced edge effects that may extend throughout the range. As the edge effects increase, the boundary habitat allows for greater biodiversity.
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.com
The rise of the Nazis in 1933 caused an unprecedented forced migration of hundreds of artists within and, in many cases, ultimately away from Europe. Exiles and Emigres, published in conjunction with a traveling exhibition opening in February 1997 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, is the first book to trace the lives and work of 23 well-known painters, sculptors, photographers, and architects exiled from their homelands during the 12 years of Nazi rule.
“The Bauhaus concept, as it was transplanted to the United States, was fundamentally different from the principles upon which the experimental school had been founded in Weimar in 1919. The guiding principle of the Bauhaus was to unify all aspects of art making—painting, sculpture, handicrafts—as elements of a new kind of art, erasing the division between “high” and decorative art. Explorations of materials, color, and form were important building blocks of the curriculum. The artists and designers of the Bauhaus believed that this new type of art and design would help to create a better society, and they sought commissions to design public buildings and other elements of public life (such as flags and currency). In America, however, the Bauhaus ideas lost their social and political thrust. The emigré teachers in Chicago, Cambridge, and North Carolina who had been committed to progressive architecture and design ideas in Germany were now lionized as upholders of a pure, reductivist style.”
(Stephanie Barron, page 25)
- Sep 2021
webpack.js.org webpack.js.org
- Jul 2021
link.aps.org link.aps.org
Wang, B., Gou, M., Guo, Y., Tanaka, G., & Han, Y. (2020). Network structure-based interventions on spatial spread of epidemics in metapopulation networks. Physical Review E, 102(6), 062306. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.062306
Transition teams from Mailchimp to Marketo
www.migrationencounters.org www.migrationencounters.org
Claudia: Well those are pretty much all the questions that I had, but now I want to give you a chance if there's anything else that you want to add, or anything that you want to tell me that you'd like me to know or anybody else who's listening to this, or whatever you want to say.Yosell: Let's see, I like the program that you guys are doing, it's actually something very interesting that I haven't really seen around here, so that's probably a good thing. And other than that, I think you guys pretty much got everything. It's not that much into details, but I think you guys got it all.
- Jun 2021
disqus.com disqus.com
network requests are a big deal, and having to deal with this kind of thing is one of the prices of switching away from server-side rendering to a distributed system
github.com github.com
Gary Foster has provided a script to migrate to Pundit.
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
o help us meet this vision, the frontend should use GraphQL in preference to the REST API for new features.
- May 2021
syslog.ravelin.com syslog.ravelin.com
Seamless transitions; changes made to the old repositories after they were migrated must be imported to the new monorepository.
A transition period rather than Stop-The-World migration; we want to merge in a few repositories per day, with minimal disruption to work-flow.
github.com github.com
New changes to the old repositories can be imported into the monorepo and merged in. For example, in the above example, say repository one had a branch my_branch which continued to be developed after the migration. To pull those changes in:
Don't Stop The World: keep working in your other repositories during the migration and pull the changes into the monorepo as you go.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
github.com github.com
a cheat sheet is available showing how to convert example commands from the manual of filter-branch into filter-repo commands.
osf.io osf.io
Anderson, D., Hesketh, R., Kleinman, M., & Portes, J. (2020). Global City in a Global Pandemic: Assessing the Ongoing Impact of COVID Induced Trends on London’s Economic Sectors [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/7m286
- Mar 2021
faastruby.io faastruby.io
What happens to my functions? I encourage you to migrate your workloads to OpenFaaS.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
We have fully documented the migration path to 2.1 while upgrading several complex apps. It worked.
- Feb 2021
sass-lang.com sass-lang.com
Sass variables, like all Sass identifiers, treat hyphens and underscores as identical. This means that $font-size and $font_size both refer to the same variable. This is a historical holdover from the very early days of Sass, when it only allowed underscores in identifier names. Once Sass added support for hyphens to match CSS’s syntax, the two were made equivalent to make migration easier.
- Jan 2021
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
Users want work be done. Not struggling about how allowing access to removable medias or such a file on another partition… Not breaking their habits or workflows each time a snap replaces a deb.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
Because of those similarities, it's possible to automate some of the changes.
sass-lang.com sass-lang.com
We’ve written a migration tool that automatically converts most @import-based code to @use-based code in a flash.
- Oct 2020
- Sep 2020
Translocating plants is nothing new. Humans have been moving plants, particularly edible, medicinal, and more recently ornamental, species throughout our history (Mack, 1999; Mack and Lonsdale, 2001). Modern horticultural and agricultural industries are responsible for wide scale translocations. This includes intra-continental plant transport, as in Europe where 73% of commercially available plant species have commercial northern range limits that exceed natural northern range limits by an average of 1000 km. Restoration ecologists have been moving species from site to site for decades in attempts to revegetate marginal or highly impacted areas, or in response to large disturbances such as wildfire. Conservation biologists around the world have been translocating and reintroducing populations for decades. For example, in the United States the federally threatened Cirsium pitcheri (Pitcher’s thistle), extirpated from the state of Illinois since the early 1900s, was reintroduced back to the state in 1991 (Pati Vitt 2009). Translocating plants is not without risk, the most problematic is the potential for a species to become invasive in its introduced range. Intercontinental movement of species has indeed resulted in problems with invasive species, but the vast majority of introduced species do not become invasive.
Many of the ideas Humboldt presented to demonstrate how geography determines the plant life growing in a particular place were conceived much earlier when he met George Forster. He had been on Captain James Cook’s second round-the-world expedition. Forster had a broad knowledge of vegetation in very different environments and opened Humboldt’s eyes to how plant life varied with access to water, altitude, and distance from the equator. At several points in the essay, Humboldt noted the environmental damage done by agriculture as forests were replaced by fields that quickly lost their fertility, leaving a degraded and useless landscape that affected local weather patterns. (Flannery 2019)\
Flannery, Maura. Humboldt: Essay on the Geography of Plants. September 23, 2019. https://herbariumworld.wordpress.com/2019/09/23/humboldt-essay-on-the-geography-of-plants/ (accessed September 9, 2020).
Pati Vitt, Kayri Havens, Andrea T. Kramer, David Sollenberger, Emily Yates. Assisted migration of plants: Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes. Acadedmic Article, Biological Conservation, 2009.
shipshape.io shipshape.io
slate.com slate.com
Although relocations can be difficult, it requires a certain level of privilege to be a climate change migrant in America right now. Most of the people I spoke with are relatively free to move around, without the ties of children or home ownership, and with enough money to afford to relocate.
There's a racial divide here, too. With harassment and violence on the rise against Black and Asian Americans, moving anywhere where there are fewer of us is another dimension of precarity.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
Migrating the stores to TypeScript
- Jun 2020
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Boustan, L. P., Kahn, M. E., Rhode, P. W., & Yanguas, M. L. (2020). The Effect of Natural Disasters on Economic Activity in US Counties: A Century of Data. Journal of Urban Economics, 103257. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2020.103257
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
groups.google.com groups.google.com
The Rails team has decided to migrate all the talk, docs and core Google groups to https://discuss.rubyonrails.org/.
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
Transition from Redcarpet to CommonMark
Gou, W., Huang, S., Chen, J., Li, X., & Chen, Q. (2020). Structural and Dynamic of Global Population Migration Network. ArXiv:2006.02208 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.02208
- May 2020
www.infoq.com www.infoq.com
and how moving to a monolith was the solution that worked for Segment.
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
Clients are updated to use the new service rather than the monolith endpoint. In the interim, steps such as database replication enable microservices to host their own storage even when transactions are still handled by the monolith. Eventually, all clients are migrated onto the new services. The monolith is "starved" (its services no longer called) until all functionality has been replaced. The combination of serverless and proxies can facilitate much of this migration.
wordpress.org wordpress.org
Now personal data exports include users session information and users location data from the community events widget. Plus, a table of contents!See progress as you process export and erasure requests through the privacy tools.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
The redirects will be available as long as the original path is not claimed by another group, user or project.
forum.gitlab.com forum.gitlab.com
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
If you’re switching from another cookie management solution to ours, you may want to migrate the consents you’ve already collected. This is useful for ensuring that users who have already given their consent under the previous solution are not presented with the cookie banner, and the related request for consent, again.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
If, for example, you want to migrate consents from a previous provider, you could call this method inside the onBeforePreload callback when consent is already given by another platform.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
git clone $my_git_remote while read line ; do apt install $line ; done < dpkg_selections.out
- Apr 2020
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Some password managers will automatically import passwords from your browser
idratherbewriting.com idratherbewriting.com
Github Pages is a sweet service that builds your Jekyll site for you when you commit changes to a Github repo. If you were using redcarpet and Pygments, you now should switch to Kramdown and Rouge to stay updated with the recommended Markdown filter and syntax highlighter supported by Github Pages.
github.com github.com
Switch from redcarpet to kramdown, the new Github Pages default
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Hargreaves, S., Zenner, D., Wickramage, K., Deal, A., & Hayward, S. E. (2020). Targeting COVID-19 interventions towards migrants in humanitarian settings. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30292-9
queue.acm.org queue.acm.org
One mistake that we made when creating the import/export experience for Blogger was relying on one HTTP transaction for an import or an export. HTTP connections become fragile when the size of the data that you're transferring becomes large. Any interruption in that connection voids the action and can lead to incomplete exports or missing data upon import. These are extremely frustrating scenarios for users and, unfortunately, much more prevalent for power users with lots of blog data.
Want to keep your users? Just make it easy for them to leave.
Users are starting to realize, however, that as they store more and more of their personal data in services that are not physically accessible, they run the risk of losing vast swaths of their online legacy if they don't have a means of removing their data.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Mar 2020
www.freitag.de www.freitag.de
- Jan 2020
github.com github.com
- Nov 2019
- Aug 2019
hypothes.is hypothes.is
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- Jul 2019
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
the history of migration cannot be separated from that of empire
Students should explore this relationship.
guerrilladocumentmanagement.blog guerrilladocumentmanagement.blog
Migrating to a Document Management system: What to Take into Account and How to Do It
- Jun 2019
developer.jboss.org developer.jboss.org
Upgrade Guide - JBoss 4 to 5
Local file Local file
expect low attendance because of hunger and migration
- May 2019
docs.jboss.org docs.jboss.org
Porting the Order Application from EAP 5.1 to AS 7
docs.jboss.org docs.jboss.org
Seam 2 Booking Application - Migration of Binaries from EAP5.1 to AS7
dzone.com dzone.com
JBoss 5 to 7 in 11 steps
docs.jboss.org docs.jboss.org
How do I migrate my application from AS5 or AS6 to AS7
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Migrate from JBoss AS 5.0.1 to JBoss AS 7
- Apr 2019
www.centerartsdesign.org www.centerartsdesign.org
- Aug 2018
www.utsc.utoronto.ca www.utsc.utoronto.ca