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- government
- South Africa
- COVID-19
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- hope
- access
- health activists
- Britain
- Vaccine Rollout
- US
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- vaccines
- IP waiver
- deadly second wave
- public health activist
- pharma companies
- India
- vaccine access
- pharmaceutical companies
- EU
- European Commission
- patent protection
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- attitudes
- statistics
- vaccine hesitance
- public health
- officials
- Russia
- COVID-19
- ireland
- vaccine resistance
- China
- is:preprint
- pandemic
- longitudinal
- lang:en
- vaccination
- resistance
- social behavior
- second wave
- UK
- vaccine
- cross-sectional data
- communication strategies
- statistical analysis
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I don’t think that what we are seeing is a “second wave”. I think we are seeing a seasonal effect. It’s important to keep some perspective. As I explained earlier in this article, cases are a very poor way to determine how active the virus is in the population. In Sweden, the number of tests being carried out is now eight times higher than in the spring. That is why we should instead be looking at hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths.
Sebastian Rushworth MD. believes that what we're seeing in Sweden is not a second wave, but simply the seasonal effects of COVID.
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