62 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. May 2024
    1. Instead of wasting the 45°C hot air from equipment and servers in the atmosphere, the new data center will inject this flow into air-to-water heat pumps; these will raise the temperature from 45°C to 67-82°C in order to adapt to the current requirements of the district heating installations of Services Industriels de Genève (SIG).

      This suggests they are just complying with the law now? Or are they going beyond what is required?

  3. Dec 2023
    1. Der Standard fasst Berichte der WMO, des europäischen Wetterdienstes Copernicus und des Österreichischen Alpenvereins zum Schwund der Gletscher 2022 zusammen. Die europäischen Alpengletscher verloren 2022 mehr als 5 Kubikkilometer Eis. Die Schweizer Alpengletscher haben in 20 Jahren ein Drittel ihres Eises eingebüßt. Bei einer Temperaturerhöhung um 2,7° bis 2100 würde allein durch das fast vollständige Abschmelzen der Gletscher in Mitteleuropa, den USA, Westkanada und Neuseeland der Meeresspiegel um 115mm steigen.


      Infografik: https://b.staticfiles.at/elm/static/2023-04-schneeanomalie/index.html?nc9238cb923b983a

  4. Jun 2023
    1. Bewohner der indonesischen Insel Pari haben gegen den Schweizer zementkonzern Holz im eineklage eingebracht. Sie verlangen Schadenersatz wegen der Zerstörung ihrer Lebensgrundlagen auf einer von der Erhöhung des Meeresspiegels besonders betroffenen Insel. Der global führende Zementhersteller Holcim ist für 0,42% der CO2-Emissionen verantwortlich. Seine Emissionen steigen weiter. https://taz.de/Klimaklage-aus-Indonesien/!5939205/

    1. 58% der Schweizer Stimmberechtigten haben für das neue Klimaschutzgesetz gestimmt, dasKklimaneutralität bis 2050 vorsieht und die Umstellung auf erneuerbare Energien vor allem durch Förderungen bewirken soll.https://taz.de/Volksabstimmung-in-der-Schweiz/!5941384/

  5. May 2023
  6. Feb 2023
  7. Apr 2022
  8. Mar 2022
  9. Jan 2022
    1. Dr. Melvin Sanicas, #GetVaccinated. (2022, January 24). Smart people change their minds. They reconsider things they thought they’d already figure out when offered compelling data contradicting their previous understanding. Last week we saw the Swiss data. This is from #USA. #scicomm #dataviz #VaccinesSaveLives (h/t @OurWorldInData) https://t.co/Z5ONLNXr2u [Tweet]. @Vaccinologist. https://twitter.com/Vaccinologist/status/1485704680550412303

    1. Edouard Mathieu. (2022, January 17). Update: Switzerland now reports deaths by booster status. Compared to unvaccinated people, the COVID mortality rate is: • 9x lower after full vaccination • 48x lower after a booster [From our post with @maxcroser on death rates by vaccination status: Http://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination] https://t.co/ozWueyHO2k [Tweet]. @redouad. https://twitter.com/redouad/status/1482991873190936576

  10. Dec 2021
  11. Nov 2021
  12. Oct 2021
    1. Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer

      is:webpage lang:en COVID-19 graph case death Germany Sweden UK Afghanistan Africa Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua Barbuda Argentina Armenia Asia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Cote d'ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechia Democratic Republic of Congo Denmark Djobouti Dominica Dominician Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Europe Europian Union Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mashall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North America North Macedonia Northern Cyprus Norway Oceania Oman Pakistan Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philipines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South America South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor Togo Trinidad Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turks and Caicos Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates USA Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe test vaccine chart map table data case fatality rate mortality




  13. Jul 2021
  14. Jun 2021
  15. May 2021
  16. Mar 2021
  17. Feb 2021
    1. Thomas Van Boeckel. (2020, November 30). Https://t.co/s7o808PE3U now shows the ‘ad-hoc’ bed capacity as well as the bed capacity certified by the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Data from partners the Coordinated Sanitary Service of @vbs_ddps. Thanks @nico_criscuolo @ChengZhao20, PhDs at @ETH_en https://t.co/5XxTexVyy9 [Tweet]. @thvanboeckel. https://twitter.com/thvanboeckel/status/1333323133592408064

  18. Nov 2020
  19. Jul 2020
  20. Jun 2020
  21. May 2020
    1. If you, on the other hand, want to go the student-like route (living in Wohngemeinschaft, not eating out too much) and try to save, you can easily live on 1,500-2,000 CHF per month and save the majority of your salary.

      If you leave cheaply, you can spend around 1500 - 2000 CHF a month and save majority of your salary

    2. We are now cooperating with Credit Agricole Bank and Revolut - if you have already moved to Switzerland you can open a free bank account and get 100 CHF bonus - email us to get the bonus code.

      100 CHF bonus for opening a bank account in Switzerland

    3. 120,000 CHF annually according to this calculator gets you 7,746.20 CHF net per month.

      120 000 CHF gets you around 7 746 CHF net per month

    4. 2) Rent only a room - it might be a good option if you come without family (in Switzerland it’s called living in a Wohngemeinschaft).

      Renting a room in Switzerland = Living in a Wohngemeinschaft :o

    5. Choose health insurance (Krankenkasse) - in Switzerland you have to pay your health insurance separately (it’s not deducted from your salary). You can use the Comparis website to compare the options. You have 3 months to choose both the company and your franchise.

      Choosing health insurance in Switzerland

    6. Other important things - if you plan to use public transport, we recommend you to buy the Half Fare card. It gives you a 50% discount on most public transport in Switzerland (it costs 185 CHF per year).

      Recommendation to buy a Half Fare Card for a public transport discount

    7. There are also some general expat groups like Zurich Together

      Zurich Together <--- expat group for Zurich

  22. Apr 2020
  23. Mar 2020
    1. First up, regular citizens who download copyrighted content from illegal sources will not be criminalized. This means that those who obtain copies of the latest movies from the Internet, for example, will be able to continue doing so without fear of reprisals. Uploading has always been outlawed and that aspect has not changed.

      In Switzerland you will be able to download, but not upload pirate content

  24. Dec 2019
    1. sometimes rise above the dome of Mont Blânc

      Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Swiss Alps, the highest in Europe west of Russia's Caucasus peaks, at about 15,000 feet. It is situated between the regions of Aosta Valley, Italy, and Haute-Savoie, France. It gave Percy Shelley the title of one of his most powerful poems.

    2. I am by birth a Genevese

      Born in Geneva, Switzerland, Victor is a potential hero insofar as he embodies the "republican" virtues of Europe's only country, much admired by the Shelleys, which did not have a hereditary monarchy. By making Geneva so central to the novel's cultural geography, Mary Shelley also designates the relation between Victor's ambition and Jean Jacques Rousseau's world-making ambition in Discourse on Inequality (1754) among other works.

    3. Plainpalais

      In July 1794, Plainpalais, a neighborhood in Geneva, was the site where a group of Swiss revolted against the Genovese government with the help of the French revolutionary Robespierre, establishing a tribunal and putting on trial several high-ranking Genovese officials. Critics suggest Shelley's use of Plainpalais is an attempt to explicitly link the revolutionary events of Plainpalais with the Creature's monstrosity. See Fred V. Randel, "The Political Geography of Horror in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein," ELH Vol. 70, No. 2 (Summer, 2003): 465-491.

    4. Lucerne

      Known for its number and length of bridges, Lucerne had a population of about 100,000 in the 1797 census. Almost exclusively Catholic, it was situated in the German-speaking region of Switzerland. It remains highly scenic, framed by mountains and lakes.

    5. The country in the neighbourhood of this village resembled, to a greater degree, the scenery of Switzerland

      Victor's decision to tour the English countryside, rather than take the fastest road to Edinburgh, affords his party the chance to compare English geography to Europe's and they do so it considerable detail, beginning with this comparison of the country around Matlock to Switzerland. Matlock was south of the industrial cities of Manchester and Leeds, but it is on the way to the Lake District in Victor's northern tour.

    6. Cologny

      Cologny is a municipality in Geneva, Switzerland. In the late 16th century and into the 17th century several Geneva publishers moved to or set up offices in Cologny. Perhaps not coincidently, it is also home to the Villa Diodati, where Frankenstein and The Vampyre was begun.

    7. I have visited the lakes of Lucerne and Uri

      Lake Lucerne is a lake in central Switzerland and the fourth largest in the country. Lake Uri, also in Switzerland, is known for its reflective blue waters.

    8. We learned Latin and English

      In addition to French, it stands to reason that Victor and Elizabeth would have also known German, since it was still the predominant language in Switzerland at the time. English and Latin bear mentioning since they were less common in Switzerland, at least for daily use. Latin also draws a connection to Victor's studies, since much of his course instruction would have been in Latin.

  25. Aug 2019
    1.  In Switzerland, which has a private universal health care system, only 25.9% waited at least 4 weeks.

      Switzerland system

    2. Health care spending was 12.4% of GDP in 2016. That is approximately $7,919.00 per person. There were 11.6% of people who skipped prescriptions because of cost.

      Switzerland Health Care System

  26. Apr 2017
    1. Swiss voters will decide in a referendum on June 5 whether to introduce a “basic income”. In proposed reforms to the social welfare system, all residents would be entitled to a guaranteed income of SFr30,000 ($30,275) a year from the state — unconditionally.

      I don't think this happened?