- Last 7 days
wiki.p2pfoundation.net wiki.p2pfoundation.net
wokism as a return to group collectivism that suppresses individual differentiation
for - definition - wokism - a return to group collectivism that suppresses individual differentiation - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
interrogate - Do more research on this definition of Wokism - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
- interrogate - Do more research on this definition of Wokism - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
- definition - wokism - a return to group collectivism that suppresses individual differentiation - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
‘factor 20’ movement can be imagined, in fact, already exists, which aims to reduce energy usage by 95%, coupled with significant savings in the use of materials. This movement is already active in various European cities
for - research further - EU movement - factor of 20 - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to Study. 16mm, Instructional film. Coronet Instructional Films, 1946. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRK70kyaWOI.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
his Holiness um uh his Holiness uh made the request that we investigate tokam and I believe that one of uh his interests his Holiness his interest in studying took down is because this represents a real challenge to Western science because uh uh the suggestion in the traditional Tibetan texts is that there is a subtle quality of awareness that is still present even after the conventional Western definition of death after the heart has stopped beating after the breathing has stopped there they're said to be uh this subtle quality of awareness uh this clear light stage that is still present
for - meditation - Tukdam clear light meditation at time of death - research motivation from HH Dalai Lama - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
Summary - His Holiness Dalai Lama requested the research so that science could validate what Tibetan practitioners have known for a long time, that there is still an awareness present in the advanced meditator even after death has occurred - this is the Tukdam "clear light" meditation practice.
in our work on well-being we have formulated a framework for understanding the key pillars or the key components of well-being
for - mindfulness meditation research - 4 pillars of wellbeing - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
summary - four pillars of wellbeing - 1 awareness - 2 connection - 3 insight (of the nature of self) - 4 purpose (intention)
very famous scientific experiment that was published about 10 years ago now that is um really a critical experiment in this area
for - mindfulness and happiness - research conclusion - wandering mind is an unhappy mind - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
- mindfulness meditation research - 4 pillars of wellbeing - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
- summary - four pillars of wellbeing - Richard J. Davidson - Neuroscience and mindfulness - meditation
- mindfulness and happiness - research conclusion - wandering mind is an unhappy mind - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
- meditation - Tukdam clear light meditation at time of death - research motivation from HH Dalai Lama - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
what we're finding in the fetal brain research is that mental illness especially heavy mental illness can start in utero that's why this is such a vital neurodevelopmental time
for - fetal brain research - very serious mental illnesses in adults can be traced to mental illness that begins in utero in the womb - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
I have a great passion for the fetal brain research is that if we can really help now um how a parent is feeling it can really influence the neurod development of a child
for - fetal brain research - help with how a parent is feeling influences neural development of a child later on - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- fetal brain research - very serious mental illnesses in adults can be traced to mental illness that begins in utero in the womb - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- fetal brain research - help with how a parent is feeling influences neural development of a child later on - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
What is the scientific community doing to bolster the resiliency of climate change research in the US?
for - post - LinkedIn - question - Trump-proofing climate change research in the US
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
employer verification
In addition, this hints at employMENT verification: this could be a light lift sort of Tier 1 entry point for organizations to be both issuing and consuming credentials. Large employers spend a lot of resources responding to requests to verify former workers' employment histories. If part of off-boarding departing workers includes VCs for official employment verification, that could lead to big savings of time and resources (as long as other employers accept the credentials), as well as accelerate hiring processes that sometimes lead to failed hires bc people find another position that starts sooner. For key HR leaders to start with badging from a place of effortlessly improving their efficiency and costs might be a better place to launch than more involved strategies that offer less immediate value propositions.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Nov 2024
www.columbia.edu www.columbia.edu
The good news comes from Joe Kelly, who investigated the large “ultrafast” response ofEarth’s energy imbalance (EEI) to a 2×CO2 forcing in the GISS (2020) GCM. Specifically,we reported in Pipeline that the initial 4 W/m2 imbalance dropped by about 30% (to 2.7W/m2) in year 1 after the forcing was imposed.
for - more research on - Joe Kelly - climate crisis - cloud behavior - Jim Hansen
www.philadelphiafed.org www.philadelphiafed.org
For nearly half of the lower-wage employment analyzed, we identify at least one higher-paying occupation requiring similar skills in the same metro area. We also find that transitions to similar higher-paying occupations would represent an average annual increase in wages of nearly $15,000, or 49 percent.
Recognition can change the world. Signals need to be valid and trustworthy, but we're so close to making a huge difference in the world through recognition of things that are already there, just hidden in plain sight.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the whole point of the Nixon Administration was to split the Soviet Union from China and therefore win the Cold War so they're critical of the support of Ukraine and of Israel because they think that this simply disorient the United States policy
for - further research - UD foreign policy - Ukraine - Israel - China - Russia - Nixon - Yanis Varoufakis
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
lib-lab dynamic
for - further research - Karl Polyani - book - The Great Transformation - Lib-Lab dynamics - Kondratieff waves - cycles of political economy - from Michel Bauwens - lib-lab dynamics - Kondratiefff waves - Kondratieff cycles
the ‘harmony’ model of Mesopotamia and the East Eurasian empires, and the conflict model which started in Greece and determined the logic of the Western model.
for - further research - Harmony model of East Eurasia vs Conflict model of Greece
- further research - Harmony model of East Eurasia vs Conflict model of Greece
- further research - Karl Polyani - book - The Great Transformation - Lib-Lab dynamics - Kondratieff waves - cycles of political economy - from Michel Bauwens
- lib-lab dynamics
- Kondratieff waves
- Kondratieff cycles
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I think the vican barrier is not any longer a barrier
for - evolutionary biology - Weissman barrier - refuted by modern research - Denis Noble
www.ecmi.de www.ecmi.de
idglbw.de idglbw.de
osf.io osf.io
- Oct 2024
www.wgu.edu www.wgu.edu
Better understanding of what learning described by credentials prepares earners to do in theworkforce, at the skill level. This may be a reframing of competencies toward position descriptionlanguage
Employers want to know what credentials are credentialing, and they want to hear it in their own language. The temptation will be to convince faculty and others to revise descriptions, however the opportunity is in leaving that and instead seeking their consensus and comfort with interpreting their descriptions into the languages of employers.
www.instructure.com www.instructure.com
- Page 17: Top 5 most important factors for creating an effective teaching and learning ecosystem: Having a strong leadership and vision (45%) is the #1 (next highest is 15%)
- Page 20: *83% of higher education respondents said that it was important for institutions to provide studens with skills-based learning alongside their academic education. *
- Page 26: Participants identified several challenges in fostering a a culture of lifelong learning for professionals, including: 89% Clear learning objectives
- Page 7: Real-world experiential and work-based learning are no longer fringe; 4 in 5 see these as essential.
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Erstmals wurde genau erfasst, welcher Teil der von Waldbränden betroffenen Gebiete sich auf die menschlich verursachte Erhitzung zurückführen lässt. Er wächst seit 20 Jahren deutlich an. Insgesamt kompensieren die auf die Erhitzung zurückgehenden Waldbrände den Rückgang an Bränden durch Entwaldung. Der von Menschen verursachte – und für die Berechnung von Schadensansprüchen relevante – Anteil der CO2-Emissione ist damit deutlich höher als bisher angenommen https://www.carbonbrief.org/climate-change-almost-wipes-out-decline-in-global-area-burned-by-wildfires/
- Seppe Lampe
- Transdisciplinary Fire Centre at the University of Tasmania.
- attribution
- Global burned area increasingly explained by climate change
- Global rise in forest fire emissions linked to climate change in the extratropics
- Matthew W. Jones
- World Weather Attribution
- David Bowman
- Maria Barbosa
- Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project
- land use change
- Global Carbon Budget
- CO2-Emissionen von Waldbränden
- increasing risk oft wildfires
- Natural Environment Research Council
- global
fathom.video fathom.video
Paul will createa 501c3 as a RESEARCH instrument to apply for Kauffman;s research grant My hope is that IAN's 501c3 will apply for the PROJECT Grant that holds the eco-system of 501c3 fair shares commons
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Indent with Intent: Fundamentals of Roam Research by [[R. J. Nestor]]
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Besonders verwundbare Gruppen - Alte, Frauen und Menschen mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status – können vor Hitzewellen in Städten nur dann besser geschützt werden, wenn sie nicht in den der Hitze am meisten ausgesetzten Teilen einer Stadt leben müssen. Dies zeigt eine neue Studie zur räumlichen Verteilung der Verwundbarkeit durch Hitze am Beispiel Madrids. Ohne wirksame räumlich-soziale Gegenmaßnahmen werden sich die „verwundbaren Cluster“ ausdehnen https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/10/21/news/ondate_di_calore_in_citta_madrid_quartieri_piu_a_rischio-423568496/
Studie: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2024EF004431
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
"The Stoic Practice is a Dialogue With The Self" -- Ryan Holiday (~7:58)
I think this is also true for Zettelkasten. You write for yourself. Only you need to understand your notes, nobody else.
"If you do one or two positive contributions a day, it adds up." - Ryan Holiday
Perhaps this is the essence of both Zettelkasten and Commonplace books; Marginal Gains.
Exponentional Increase over time. Upon first glance, it seems linear (1+1 = 2)... However, the formula is different because, at least in Zettelkasten, a new note means N new possible connections as this new note can virtually be connected to all other notes. In a Zettelkasten this is explicit, in a commonplace book connections are implicit.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Perhaps I need to argue more with the authors and the content, as Adler & van Doren also recommend.
This might be a limitation in (the way I do) Zettelkasten. Because I am not writing in the margins and not engage in "tearing up" the book, I am less inclined to argue against/with the work.
Maybe I need to do this more using bib-card. Further thought on implementation necessary...
Perhaps a different reason is that I like to get through most books quickly rather than slowly. Sometimes I do the arguing afterward, within my ZK.
I need to reflect on this at some point (in the near future) and optimize my processes.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Das Amazonasgebiet leidet im zweiten Jahr unter extremer Dürre. Es gab noch nie so wenig Niederschläge, die Dürre dauerte noch nie so lang und betraf noch nie ein so großes Gebiet. Waldbrände machten Sao Paolo zur Stadt mit der schlechtesten Luftqualität der Welt. Auch die meisten übrigen Staaten Südamerikas sind betroffen. Ursachen sind ein durch die globale Erhitzung verstärkter El Niño und die Rekordtemperaturen des Nordatlantik. Ausführlicher Bericht https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/19/world/americas/south-america-drought-amazon-river.html
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Todoist for quick notes and todo lists. I'm also using my own TodoistToTxt (available on github) script running every minute to generate a todo.txt file out of Todoist inbox, which is rendered on PC with Rainmeter.
wfabhmdrpib5-u5525.pressidiumcdn.com wfabhmdrpib5-u5525.pressidiumcdn.com
for - polycrisis - research roadmap - cascade institute
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Kurz vor der COP16 zur Biodiversität geht die EU immer deutlicher von ihrer bisherigem Politik zum Schutz der Biodiversität ab. Man nimmt Rücksicht auf konventionelle Landwirt:innen, rechtsradikale und auch zunehmend antiökologisch agierende konservative Parteien. An die Stelle des Green Deal tritt das Bestreben, die Unternehmen im globalen Wettbewerb konkurrenzfähiger zu machen und die Wirtschaft wachsen zu lassen. Ajit Niranjan berichtet zusammenhängend über diese Entwicklungen und verweist auf wichtiger Meilensteine in der Geschichte von Abkommen zum Schutz der Biodiversität. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/09/europe-eu-green-deal-backsliding-nature-biodiversity-farmers-far-right-cop16-aoe
- Guido Broekhoven
- Lieferkettengesetz
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
- Ipbes
- Global Biodiversity Framework
- green deal
- Renaturierungsgesetz
- COP16 biodiversity
- Guy Pe’er
- biodiversity loss
- A fair share of biodiversity finance
- David Obura
- Kunming-Montreal pact
- lowering of climate ambition
- EU-Entwaldungsverordnung
- by: Ajit Niranjan
- Špela Bandelj Ruiz
- NBSAP Tracker
- EU
Local file Local file
the real-ization of case studies that contemplate the complete transformation process under-taken by the organization that implemented agile approache
www.semanticscholar.org www.semanticscholar.org
Hence, we argue that machine learning and natural language processing provide science education researchers means to combine exploratory capabilities of qualitative research methods with the systematicity of quantitative methods.
machine learning and natural language processing provide science education researchers means to combine exploratory capabilities of qualitative research methods with the systematicity of quantitative methods.
Local file Local file
Very often the text gives no or no clear answer to this question about the otherside of its statement. But then you have to help it on its feet with your ownimagination. Scruples with regard to hermeneutical defensibility or even truthwould be out of place here. First of all, it's just a matter of writing things down,looking for something worth remembering, and learning to read
Learning and Intellectualism can both be found in the act of comparison, or more broadly, analysis. One must do this perpetually when reading to dissect and gain most (long-term) (syntopical) value out of it.
he problem of reading scientific texts seems to lie in the fact that here one needsnot a short-term memory but a long-term memory in order to gain reference pointsfor distinguishing the essential from the unessential and the new from the merelyrepetitive. But one cannot remember everything. That would be memorization. Inother words, you have to be able to read highly selectively and pull out widelyinterconnected references. One must be able to understand recursions. But howdoes one learn this, if no instructions can be given; or at best aboutconspicuousness (as in the previous sentence for example “recursions”, but not“must”)?Perhaps the best method is to take notes – not excerpts, but condensedreformulations of what has been read. The re-description of what has already beendescribed leads almost automatically to the training of an attention for “frames”,for schemes of observation or even for conditions that lead to the text offeringcertain descriptions and not others. In doing so, it is useful to always consider:What is not meant, what is excluded, when something specific is asserted? Whentalking about “human rights”: What does the author distinguish his statementsfrom? From non-human rights? From human obligations? Or culturallycomparatively or historically from populations that do not know human rights andcan live with them quite well?
In other words, Luhmann is urging to engage in pattern recognition.
True intellectual work using the Zettelkasten demands pattern recognition when reading. Domain specific knowledge + pattern recognition = efficient reading; for it allows to distinguish signal from noise, value from trash.
Another possibility is read texts on certain topics – liability fordefects in civil law, socialization theory, risk research, etc. – in parallel. Then onegradually develops a feeling for what is already known and knows the “state of theart”. New things then stand out. But you learn something that is mostly veryquickly outdated and then to unlearn again.
Is this a criticism by Luhmann on the conventional notion of syntopical reading in Adlerian terms? Probably without knowing Adler's work.
Because science/truth work (knowledge) is constantly in revision, conventional syntopical reading on a topic of science is without necessary value?
Perhaps unless stored and expanded upon in a ZK?
Further thought is required to disseminate this paragraph.
Local file Local file
Malashenko, Gevorg T., Mikhail E. Kosov, Svetlana V. Frumina, Olga A. Grishina, Roman A. Alandarov, Vadim V. Ponkratov, Tatyana A. Bloshenko, Lola D. Sanginova, Svetlana S. Dzusova, and Munther F. Hasan. “A Digital Model of Full-Cycle Training Based on the Zettelkasten and Interval Repetition System.” Emerging Science Journal 7, no. 0 (March 18, 2023): 1–15. https://doi.org/10.28991/ESJ-2023-SIED2-01.
- Sep 2024
www.fraunhofer.de www.fraunhofer.de
“When mixed into the plaster, the aerogels can reduce thermal conductivity by a factor of two when compared to polystyrene; that is truly huge.
for - sustainable building - insulation research - Fraunhofer Institute - aerogel - performance - mixed with plaster is twice the performance of polystyrene
cps.northeastern.edu cps.northeastern.edu
One participant noted that local credentials,that is, from local colleges, were more highly valued because they almost certainly had examples ofhires with the same credentials
Resume parsers will now have better and slightly more detailed credential information to pass onto client systems—confirmation of a credential with a standardized name and associated skills
while there was certainly discussion with workshopparticipants about more specific changes to their hiring tools, thefundamental issue at the root of each major challenge was inadequateinformation about candidates
wants more consistent/trustworthy data
major HRIS system providers, from offering a full stack of proprietarysolutions to adopting a platform model that supports integrations with a range of third-party services
On the otherhand, there are legitimate concerns about how well resumes may be translated into structureddata via parsing.
This is consistent with what their peers report generally: one study suggests that almosthalf of companies do not know how to gauge a candidate’s skills based on a non-degree credential.12
The top four HR platforms according to Forbes13 all have marketplaces showcasing 300+ partnerintegrations. These platforms’ integration capabilities mean that established providers of traditionalbackground check services have a path to incorporate non-degree verification into their offerings
In addition to service providers, a new class of information consolidator, the Learning andEmployment Record (LER) wallet providers, may find benefit in joining the partner marketplaces. AnLER wallet is envisioned to be an application where credential holders can store their credentials ina safe, private way, giving the holder an ability to curate and share more comprehensive informationabout formal and informal education activity, along with other achievements. A key value of LERwallets is that credential information can only be stored in them if they have been verified by theissuer
At a minimum, we hope this discussion willencourage HR leaders to work with their HR technology providers to broaden access to the fieldsoffered by the parsing companies in system integrations
Parsing algorithms that translate unstructured resume data into a set of variables thatcorrespond to fields in an ATS or HRIS implementation are sometimes maintained in-house bythe HR technology companies. In a large number of cases, however, resume parsing is a serviceprovided by a handful of companies. These companies have all been in business for decadesand process incredible volumes of data on a daily basis. We estimate that, collectively, thesecompanies process ten million resumes a day or three billion resumes per year.
This kind of data could potentially enhance his understanding of what sources generateapplicants who work out best and what experiences correlate most highly with more successfulhiring outcomes
having better information can help Malik address the common queryfrom unsuccessful applicants about why they weren’t selected and allow him to proactively offerguidance on what they might seek to earn
helps him turn a pool of rejected applicantsinto a pipeline of potential future candidates that will let him achieve even better, more cost-effective efficiency
data does exist, but doesn’t yet flow through theecosystem in a consistent and high-quality way
stored data that he can analyze
more connected data,
Just as skills information can begin to flow from the curricular skills data source to the resumeparsers, a similar connection can be created between the curriculum data source and non-degreecredential data sources
For Jake, the high school graduate applying for jobs, the application process shifts away from being agame of how to pick the perfect keywords for his resume. Instead, he is matched by the actual skillsacquired in his recent community college coursework and EdX certificate. Both Jake and the hiringmanager he will soon meet have a more equitable and accurate path through the noise of today’sonline hiring process.
Simple, elegant explanation: it moves from clumsy proxies that screen out qualified people like Jake, to powerful and sophisticated matching that connect opportunities to people like Jake who have the verified skills to deserve those opportunities.
This interconnected ecosystem allows for improvements that HR leaderswould most like to see: better whole-person evaluation, better leverage of candidate skills, bettercredential verification, and more reliable information on what makes a good candidate
The value proposition, as presented here, is all about the wheel being more efficient, more effective, and less expensive in identifying, hiring, and retaining cogs. What might be magical is the rare nexus of what being best for the wheel also being good for the cogs, us humans who this work is hopefully really about.
integrationswith the mission-focused LER wallet companies or the entrance of a few general-purpose walletproviders, such as ApplePay or GooglePay, into the hiring ecosystem. Both Apple and Google arealready experimenting with housing digital driver’s license information for a number of U.S. states, andexpansion into storing digital credential information may be a viable, incremental step for them
Might some see this as a call to pay close attention, get involved, and push for public/public good solutions? Or will we default to leaning on FAANG to provide our "free" wallets and control or even own more of our data?
Examples of these sources would include an established digital walletprovider, or an exhaustive catalogue of digital credentials that are available, such as the repositoryhosted by Credential Engine. Having the curricular data source, which has a connection to the parsingcompanies, also create a connection to credential information opens up a connection, albeit anindirect one, between the non-degree credential information and the parsing activity. Instead ofreceiving just a course name from the resume parser, the intermediary can also receive a non-degreecredential identifier that is sent to the credential data source to look up and return skills information
Opportunity to go deep here. Bread crumb is to check out the issuer directory with Credential Engine, where they are inviting institutions to publish details about their credentials in a standardized format (CTDL) that will hopefully one day be consumed by connections like those hinted at here.
One example of a curriculum data source is OpenSyllabus.org, a non-profit that hosts acomprehensive repository of higher ed course information. OpenSyllabus.org can serve as a value-added provider that sends skill information about specific college coursework to the parsers. This willexpand the potential skill information parsers can associate with a resume, going beyond what mightbe gleaned only from reading a course or degree title. They would now have access to informationderived from more detailed course catalog descriptions or even course syllabi information. Parserswill be able to send more extensive lists of skills over to companies’ HR platforms in a structuredformat they can immediately utilize. This integration also captures the skills from a particular type ofnon-degree credential - the coursework completed by the 40 million people in the U.S. who have somecollege, but no degree.
This might catch the attention of HE people paying attention. It also hopefully connects to the participants who shared that they are not getting the information about the programs that they desire. If the data being consumed (by this vendor or others) is still rooted in describing the content of the learning and not the measurable, assessed outcomes, then it's utility is limited and, crucially, it could create trust issues that make consumer wary of all the data. On the other hand, if they can trust the high quality data, there will be a window of competitive advantage for HE institutions that choose to share the data that the consumers (largely employers) want to see.
The lack of reliable and consistent information about non-degree credentials presented by candidatesin the hiring process also meant that workshop participants had no information to classify candidatespost-hire. This gap made it impossible to know who among the employee base had earned whichcredentials. Without this basic profile data, HR leaders are unable to gather much-needed insight intowhat types of credentials appear to prepare candidates best for a given role or which credentialsappear to be more effective at training than others
This could play into Credential Quality Assurance work in Higher Ed.
Due to the relative novelty of LER wallets, both applicant adoption and employer awareness remainlimited. This lack of familiarity has resulted in minimal client demand to integrate LER wallets intohiring workflow tools. Consequently, major HRIS platforms do not currently support APIs for data flowdirectly from LER wallets.
KEY FINDING. This is one of the most important takeaways of the report, especially in regard to LERs. It's also important to note the lack of familiarity when considering other survey data about innovative credentials: if participants have limited understanding of the stuff they are being asked about, how much should we read into the data about their (possibly inaccurate) perceptions?
In contrast to the badge information screens in Figure 10, HR leaders expressed strong preferencefor the concise summaries on the mocked-up HRIS screen. They also appreciated keeping theinformation in the flow of work, thereby minimizing the need to consider yet another tool or interface
TWO THINGS: 1. The shiny interface is for humans, not machines. Are the participants assuming that they are looking at the interface for all of the candidates or just the top candidates? 2. If participants know that they are only seeing an interface like Figure 10 for top candidates, would they still desire something more concise or would the narrative be right-sized?
information about trainingcontent and skills was important, but only one aspect of how they determined if credentials wereof interest. They also wanted some understanding of the quality of the training. Some of the parsingcompanies have created scores that might help HR leaders understand credential quality, but theworkshop participants told us quite clearly that they didn’t like these kinds of scores. To them, scoringsystems felt very black box in nature and were generally not trusted.
Consumers want quality. They also are wary of quality assessment. Trend currently appears to align with historical defaults of using proxies instead of precise, targeted measurements (eg Using length of seat time and GPA instead of competency-based assessments)
Ideas for More Actionable InformationIn discussion with HR leaders helping imagine process improvement, we learned that the informationcurrently curated for digital badges was helpful, but perhaps not quite hitting the mark. Workshopparticipants told us two things about the kind of information found in Figure 9: it was overwhelming,and it missed key facts they wanted to know.In their view, the sum of information presented on badge websites is a bit dense and very focused onthe nature and content of the training
KEY FINDING: it's a problem if the context focuses on the nature of the content instead of the nature of what the credential is credentialing.
Briana aims to enhance efficiency by leveraging technology to better manage andverify credentials, potentially exploring solutions that simplify the integration of professional socialmedia profiles that have been linked to government-recognized credentials. Briana’s main concern,however, is that she is unclear whether the company developing the platform she uses to store HRinformation is committed to supporting these kinds of integrations
For these ecosystems to be healthy, the interconnected nodes. function in harmony. They are aware of the other nodes' desires and intentionally seek to meet those needs. A barrier to progress is technology solutions that can function to meet important needs yet do not. (Positive assumption here that the developers either don't properly understand their users' needs or don't properly understand how to capture ROI if they do design to meet those needs; not that they know the needs and choose not to address them)
Stage Three: Expandingthe EcosystemLeverage new demand from end-usercompanies that have access to additionalinformation to justify more integrationsbetween data sources and HR tools
Ecosystem expansion might rely on market incentives for additional parties to connect, synthesize, and operationalize data. Important to consider that this is not limited to HR vendors; it's also about their clients, as well as other vendors that may be better enabled to connect with (L)earners to market Navigation services, coaching, scholarship and lending programs, educational/training/upskilling opportunities, and more. In a future of direct admissions, there are multiple roles in this ecosystem. And, of course, there is much opportunity and value for the human (L)earners at the center of the ecosystem.
Once these connections are established,expand data flow to include the additionalinformation about non-degree credentialsdesired by HR leaders
KEY: data is what the Consumers desire, not necessarily what the learning providers want to describe.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der neue Planetary Health Check des Potsdam Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung ergibt, dass durch die Versauerung der Ozeane möglicherweise gerade die siebte von 9 planetaren Grenzen durchbrochen wird und die Biosphäre auch hier in eine Hochrisikozone eintritt. Bei allen anderen mit Ausnahme des Ozonschwunds haben sich die Bedingungen verschlechtert. Die CO2- Emissionen treiben die Versauerung an, die wiederum die Fähigkeit der Ozeane mindert, als CO2-Senke zu wirken. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/sep/23/earth-breach-planetary-boundaries-health-check-oceans
Website zum Planetary Health Check: https://www.planetaryhealthcheck.org/
github.com github.com
The field I know as "natural language processing" is hard to find these days. It's all being devoured by generative AI. Other techniques still exist but generative AI sucks up all the air in the room and gets all the money. It's rare to see NLP research that doesn't have a dependency on closed data controlled by OpenAI and Google
Robyn Speer says in his view natural language processing as a field has been taken over by #algogens And most NLP research now depends on closed data from the #algogens providers.
for - link rot - digital decay - internet is emphemeral - dead links - from - Verge article on digital decay and link rot
from - Verge article on Link Rot - https://hyp.is/n9nmpHdbEe-NPHOh3n31PA/www.theverge.com/2021/5/21/22447690/link-rot-research-new-york-times-domain-hijacking
for - digital delay stats - Pew Research
summary - That digital decay and link rot are digital facts of life means that annotating information on the page that is relevant for you to preserve is a good practice. - It may appear redundant but if that page disappears in the future, you will be glad you have preserved it in a place accessible to you - in your annotations!
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
for - Link rot study - on NY Times archive - show how pervasive it is - stats - link rot - NY Times study - digital decay - link rot - internet is ephemeral - dead links
for - digital delay stats - Pew Research
summary - That digital decay and link rot are digital facts of life means that annotating information on the page that is relevant for you to preserve is a good practice. - It may appear redundant but if that page disappears in the future, you will be glad you have preserved it in a place accessible to you - in your annotations!
to - research paper on Link Rot - https://hyp.is/ejw7fHdbEe-DkvspQjlP5Q/www.cjr.org/analysis/linkrot-content-drift-new-york-times.php
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
for - digital delay stats - Pew Research
summary - That digital decay and link rot are digital facts of life means that annotating information on the page that is relevant for you to preserve is a good practice. - It may appear redundant but if that page disappears in the future, you will be glad you have preserved it in a place accessible to you - in your annotations!
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I don't think you can prove it but I wonder if what what it would feel like I think is is um synchronicity
for - topic for further research - higher level of living system - indicator of - Micheal Levin - synchronicity
Adjacency - between - Jordan Hall / Michael Levin conversation - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - lower level indicator of higher level - enlightenment / awakening Frederico Faggin experience - meditation - adjacency statement - Federico Faggin's experience of inter level awareness was - his profound awakening experience transcending even oneness - That was an indicator event that shattered his belief that he was alone, shuttered in existential isolation - and showed him that he was a part of a much larger system - In general, at the level of humans and human consciousness, - awakening and enlightenment experiences described throughout human history in many different - times and - places - could be interpreted as reaching upwards to a higher level in our lower level cognitive light cone
- topic for further research - higher level of living system - indicator of - Micheal Levin - synchronicity
- adjacency -Jordan Hall / Michael Levin conversation - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - lower level indicator of higher level - enlightenment /awakening - Frederico Faggin experience - meditation
gemini.google.com gemini.google.com
Perhaps both learning and research can often be used in the same process... Learning first to inform what is the most vital to include in the Zettelkasten for research synthesis.
Maybe what to use when, in my personal case, should not be objective but rather subjective based on what I like and prefer? This requires further thought. Complex matter.
Criteria for Choosing the Right Approach Goal: Research: When your primary goal is to discover new information, analyze existing knowledge, or synthesize different perspectives to gain a deeper understanding of a complex topic. Learning: When your focus is on acquiring and retaining specific knowledge or skills that you'll need to apply directly. Both: When you need to both deeply understand a topic and be able to actively utilize and apply that knowledge. Depth of Understanding Required: Research: When you need a nuanced and multi-faceted understanding of a topic, perhaps to identify gaps in current knowledge or develop original ideas. Learning: When you need a solid foundational understanding of a topic, enough to be able to use it effectively in your work. Both: When you need a foundational understanding coupled with the ability to critically analyze and synthesize information. Timeframe: Research: Best suited for longer-term projects where in-depth exploration and analysis are essential. Learning: Can be more effective for acquiring specific knowledge or skills within a shorter timeframe. Both: Appropriate when you have a moderate timeframe and need to balance both in-depth understanding and practical application. Outcome: Research: Often results in new insights, theories, or frameworks that can be shared with others or contribute to your Zettelkasten. Learning: Typically leads to improved skills or the ability to perform specific tasks more effectively. Both: Can result in both new insights and improved skills, depending on the specific goals of the project. Personal Preference: Research: Might be preferred by individuals who enjoy diving deep into complex topics, analyzing information, and synthesizing different perspectives. Learning: Could be preferred by individuals who are more goal-oriented and enjoy acquiring new skills and knowledge that they can apply directly. Both: Some individuals may find a balance between research and learning to be most fulfilling, allowing them to pursue both intellectual curiosity and practical application.
Research: Theorization, Synthesis, etc.
Learning: Acquisition and Retention of Knowledge or Application of Skill
Both: When there is need of both and/or when research techniques don't give the necessary mastery quick enough for the material; too dense (i.e., neuroscience book)
blog.nodejitsu.com blog.nodejitsu.com
The point is, take the time to actually research if the maintainer has setup a specific channel for support.
noduslabs.com noduslabs.com
Foam is an open-source alternative to RoamResearch and Obsidian, and it works on the basis of Git version control system and Visual Studio Code code editor.
for - notetaking software - Obsidian - Roam Research - open source alternative to - Foam
notetaking software - Obsidian - Roam Research - open source alternative to - Foam - Microsoft owns Github and Foam is served from Github
to - Foam - https://hyp.is/Pf6tKnXBEe-rkdcD0hmZGA/foambubble.github.io/foam/
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Der neue französische Premierminister Michel Barnier hat in seiner Zeit als Umweltminister wesentlich dazu beigetragen, das Vorsorgeprinzip und die finanzielle Verantwortung der Verschmutzenden für Schäden im Umweltrecht zu verankern. Obwohl er zu Amtsbeginn auch von der „ökologischen Schuld" gesprochen hat, erwarten NGOs und Thinktanks, deren Vertreter:innen die Libération befragt hat, allenfalls vorsichtige umweltpolitische Schritte und eine insgesamt restriktive Ausgabenpolitik von ihm.https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/le-premier-ministre-michel-barnier-est-il-vraiment-decide-a-payer-la-dette-ecologique-de-la-france-20240906_7BYVDVAUSJD2VN6M4V7DAI2N2E/
- Allain Bougrain-Dubourg
- Frankreich
- Anne Bringault
- Sébastien Treyer
- Regierung Barnier
- Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO)
- Programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie
- secrétariat général à la Planification écologique (SGPE)
- Greenpeace
- Générations futures
- Stratégie nationale bas carbone
- Strategic Perspectives
- IDDRI policy research institute
- Benoît Leguet
- Neil Makaroff
- Réseau Action Climat
Zu den Gründen für die Krise bei VW gehören der zu langsame Umstieg auf Elektromobilität und der Stopp der Förderung von Elektoautos durch die deutsche Regierung. Jetzt will die Bundesregierung teure Elektro-Dienstwagen steuerlich begünstigen. https://taz.de/Sparplaene-bei-Volkswagen/!6031275/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Fossilindustrie finanziert seit Jahrzehten Universitäten und fördert damit Publikationen in ihrem Interesse, z.B. zu false solutions wie #CCS. Hintergrundbericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie: https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/05/universities-fossil-fuel-funding-green-energy
Studie: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.904
- disinformation
- Princeton University’s Carbon Mitigation Initiative
- climate obstructionism in.higher education
- Accountable Allies: The Undue Influence of Fossil Fuel Money in Academia
- negative emission technologies
- BP
- MIT Energy Initiative
- Exxon
- Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review and a research agenda
- Favourability towards natural gas relates to funding source of university energy centres
- Jake Lowe
- by: Dharma Noor
- Geoffrey Supran
- Data for Progress
- Emily Eaton
- Campus Climate Network
- Jennie Stephens
- Fossilindustrie
- American Petroleum Institute
link.springer.com link.springer.com
for - Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano - Federico Faggin - Hard Problem and Free Will: An Information-Theoretical Approach - consciousness research
reference - youtube discussion of this paper by Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano - https://via.hypothes.is/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDb1XyS8gTo
- Aug 2024
blog.adobe.com blog.adobe.com
In the list of top ten skills rising in importance between now and 2027, three relate to self-efficacy: “curiosity and lifelong learning” (ranked fourth), “resilience, flexibility, and agility” (ranked fifth), and “motivation and self-awareness” (ranked eighth).
Durable skills that are valued by Consumers and could be noticed, named, and credentialed.
upcea.edu upcea.edu
only 69% said that senior leadership at their institution has embracedmicrocredentials
Less than 100% and also compelling for the 30% that lack senior leadership embrace to share that "hey, 7 out of 10 leaders do embrace this stuff, so is there a strategic reason why we are choosing to be outliers here?"
(20%) did not include microcredentials as astrategic priority
Implying that 80% DO include microcredentials as a strategic priority
arxiv.org arxiv.org
for - Hard Problem and Free Will - an information-theoretical approach - consciousness research - Federico Faggin - Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Dr. Donna Thomas - book - Children's unexplained experiences in a post materialistic world - analytic idealism - children perspective of reality - adjacency - children as natural philosophers - Deep Humanity as reminder of our philosophical nature
adjacency - between - Children as natural philosophers - Deep Humanity - adjacency relationship - At time 59 minute of that interview, Dr Thomas makes a very insightful observation that - children are naturally philosophers - and ask deeply philosophical questions - Another way to look at Deep Humanity is that it is reminding us of these deeply philosophical questions the see all had when we were children - but we stopped asking then as we grew out of childhood because nobody could answer them for us
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Interesting perspective as interpretation where Jack says at the moment the song says "Who made up words, who made up numbers? Who wrote the Bible, who wrote the Q'uran" it might not even be a call to reflect and think for yourself (although this is absolutely a recurring theme in the song) but maybe they are implying all the science traces back not to the West (Europe) but to the East (Egypt, Africa). This interpretation aligns with the album this song was produced in, which is about Africa.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
All true knowledge remains with God. There are certain ideas & pieces of knowledge that men just cannot learn. It remains out of reach, out of touch.
Also an interpreted theme in the song.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Unrelated to the song itself. It is interesting that different people interpret the song's meaning differently. Likely due to individual differences in perspective, history, culture, etc.
Makes me reflect. Is knowledge/wisdom contained solely in content and words? Or is knowledge/wisdom rather contained in the RELATIONSHIP, the INTERACTION, between past experience, previous knowledge (identity) and substance?
Currently I am inclined to go for the latter.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
the genuinely ecological communication, he argues, requires the capacity for attunement that might transform what authentic means not in the subjective but transjective sense (terminology borrowed from John Vervaeke)
for - further research on - authentic communication - in the transjective sense
members.lillipub.org members.lillipub.org
Matthew van der Hoorn So, you are instantly in the meta-world of having to grapple with making a choice while you are still defining the meaning and the criteria of choosing. My world is far simpler. A thought is worth including if it is delightful to think about. If I put my academic hat on, I would still use the same criteria, even while recognizing that not all delightful thoughts are publishable. I would hold onto the hope that delightful thoughts lead to original contributions, which, after some delay, might well be publishable.... in case that helps.
About the originality of thought.
Reply to me:
Kathleen Spracklen An example would be useful there. Future video?
I am grappling the difficult concept of what constitutes an "original thought". I think it is easy to grasp conceptually, but once you start thinking about it formally and try to put it to words, it becomes very confusing.
Although this might be my own experience and not that of others.
The reason I am trying to think about it is for my current research project on intellectualism.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
20:55 "Decode flow, recode humans" (tagline of Flow Research Collective)
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Information Futures Lab at Brown University
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Interesting thought. This guy relates the upcome of AI (non-fiction) writing to the lack of willingness people have to find out what is true and what is false.
Similar to Nas & Damian Marley's line in the Patience song -- "The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of. And still won't research and find the root of the truth that you seek of."
If you want to form an opinion about something, do this educated, not based on a single source--fact-check, do thorough research.
Charlie Munger's principle. "I never allow myself to have [express] an opinion about anything that I don't know the opponent side's argument better than they do."
It all boils down to a critical self-thinking society.
studies that are coming in right now from the last two years where we were forced to work remotely we see a decrease in Innovation and creative potential in in companies
for - neuroscience research - remote intentional working during Covid - showed decreased productivity and innovation
neuroscience research - remote intentional working during Covid - showed decreased productivity and innovation - Due to only creating intentional work times and eliminating the opportunities for informal meeting - When it is purely intentional work contexts created and no relaxing, informal opportunities to meet, innovation suffers
- Jul 2024
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
An innovative element of the proposed approach is the use of common cliques in graphs representing documents to create a feature vector.
for - further research - common cliques in graphs - question - relevance to disaggregating text corpus into sub-sentence graph nodes?
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
DOI: 10.34133/research.0139
Resource: RRID:BDSC_3605
Curator: @olekpark
SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_3605
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- The case for a supply-side climate treaty
- Oslo
- Greenpeace
- Norwegen
- Erlend Hermansen
- Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance
- Anne Karin Sæther
- Frode Pleym
- Norwegian Climate Foundation
- Centre for International Climate Research in Oslo (Cicero)
- by: Ajit Niranjan
- Fossile Expansion
- Norges Bank Investment Management
- fossil fuel nonproliferation treaty
Today while listening to the song I am reminded, through reflection, upon the fact that it takes quite some self-awareness and intellectual humility to prevent the rigorous defense of uneducated opinion, especially in online intellectual communities.
"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." -- Confucius
Something that intellectuals must be aware of. We must be flexible in opinion and not defend that which we actually have no knowledge of.
We can debate for Socratic sakes; to deepen our understanding, but not to persuade... Pitfall is one might come to believe beyond doubts that which one debates for.
Key is to becoming more aware of our debate behavior and stop ourselves when we realize we can't actually prove that which we think.
This is especially critical for someone in position of teacher or great advisor; he who is looken up to. People are easier to take their opinion for granted based on "authority". As an ethical intellectual we must not abuse this, either on purpose or by accident. With great power comes great responsibility.
(2:03) "The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of. And still won't research and find the root of the truth that you seek of."
So true this quote. Dunning-Krueger. Ignorance. Stupidity.
Men should listen to Charlie Munger's advice: "I never allow myself to have [express] an opinion about anything that I don't know the opponent side's argument better than they do."
- Opinion
- Debates
- Nas Marley
- Socrates
- Ignorance
- Intellectual Flexibility
- Charlie Munger
- Intellectualism
- Coaches
- Damian Marley
- Foolish Arguments
- Patience Song
- Arguing
- Dunning-Krueger Effect
- Self-Awareness
- Teaching
- Coaching
- Songs
- Confucius
- Stupidity
- Intellectual Humility
- Reflection
- Intellectuals
- Research
- Teachers
- Critical Thinking
- Intellectual Honesty
- Advisors
x.com x.com
Heiress to one of the world’s most powerful families. Her grandfather cut her out of the $15.4 BILLION family fortune after her scandal. But she fooled the world with her “dumb blond” persona and built a $300 MILLION business portfolio. This is the crazy story of Paris Hilton:
Interesting thread about Paris Hilton.
Main takeaway: Don't be quick to judge. Only form an opinion based on education; thorough research, evidence-based. If you don't want to invest the effort, then don't form an opinion. Simple as that.
Similar to "Patience" by Nas & Damian Marley.
Also Charlie Munger: "I never allow myself to have [express] an opinion about anything that I don't know the opponent side's argument better than they do."
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
26:30 Brings up progress traps of this new technology
question How do we shift our (human being's) relationship with the rest of nature
metaphor - interspecies communications - AI can be compared to a new scientific instrument that extends our ability to see - We may discover that humanity is not the center of the universe
Question - Dr Doolittle question - Will we be able to talk to the animals? - Wittgenstein said no - Human Umwelt is different from others - but it may very well happen
species have culture - Marine mammals enact behavior similar to humans
- Unknown unknowns will likely move to known unknowns and to some known knowns
citizen science bioacoustic projects - audio moth - sound invisible to humans - ultrasonic sound - intrasonic sound - example - Amazonian river turtles have been found to have hundreds of unique vocalizations to call their baby turtles to safety out in the ocean
ocean habitat for whales - they can communicate across the entire ocean of the earth - They tell of a story of a whale in Bermuda can communicate with a whale in Ireland
progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - examples - examples - poachers or eco tourism can misuse
progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - policy
whale protection technology - Kim Davies - University of New Brunswick - aquatic drones - drones triangulate whales - ships must not get near 1,000 km of whales to avoid collision - Canadian government fines are up to 250,000 dollars for violating
environmental regulation - overhaul for the next century - instead of - treatment, we now have the data tools for - prevention
56:40 - ecological relationship - pollinators and plants have co-evolved
AI for interspecies communication - example - human cultural evolution controlling evolution of life on earth
- ecological relationships - pollinators and plants co-evolved
- environmental overhaul - treatment to prevention
- progress trap - AI applied to interspecies communications
- progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - policy
- citizen science bioacoustics
- interspecies communication - umwelt
- whale protection - bioacoustic and drones
- metaphor - interspecies communication - AI is like a new scientific instrument
- - whale communication - span the entire ocean
- progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - examples - poachers - ecotourism
- question - How do we shift our relationship with the rest of nature? - ESP research objective
- AI for interspecies communication - example - human cultural evolution controlling evolution of life on earth
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
( ~9:15 )
I am quite similar to Luhmann in the sense that we both prefer theoretical research over practical research. However, I think Schmidt here refers to the overall conception of a Grand Theory, seeming to be descriptive rather than prescriptive. This is where I depart with Luhmann as my whole goal rests on the practicality of optimizing education.
So while I prefer theoretical research, the end is to improve something in a practical sense.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Energieminister Ed Miliband wird die britische Delegation bei der COP29 leiten. Anders als bei den letzten konservativen Vorgängerregierungen ist damit wieder eine Top-Level Figur federführend. Die neue Labor-Regierung möchte, dass Großbritannien wieder eine führende Rolle in der Klimapolitik übernimmt https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jul/15/ed-miliband-lead-uk-negotiations-cop29-climate-summit
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Differences between Olympia SGE typewriters
reply to u/ingeniouskeys at https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1e0utt9/differences_between_olympia_sge_typewriters/
The Typewriter Database is going to be one of your better sources, but will require delving into each particular exemplar to see what their owners may have written about them. So, for example, go to https://typewriterdatabase.com/Olympia.SGE40.61.bmys and then click on the individual galleries for all the machines. If you've got an account, you can message those who currently have them and ask questions directly.
Given their manufacture in the late 60s and into the early 70s you're likely to find small incremental improvements in the electrical side, but you're also likely to find more dramatic changes in manufacturing which made them cheaper (replacing metal pieces for flimsier plastic.) I doubt the 45 (later 70s) is going to be incredibly much better than the 40, which I would suspect to be more robust from a manufacturing standpoint. You may have vaguely better "specs", but its build quality is likely going to suffer even more, so you'll have to balance out what you're after.
If you want to delve into the deeper specifics, then try out the repair manuals for them: https://www.lulu.com/shop/ted-munk/the-olympia-sge-304050-typewriter-repair-manual/paperback/product-1e4pnd4v.html?page=1&pageSize=4
The Jackson Laboratory, 003574
DOI: 10.34133/research.0435
Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_003574,RRID:IMSR_JAX:003574)
Curator: @dhovakimyan1
SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:003574
songmeanings.com songmeanings.com
"An' a fly go a moon And can't find food for the starving tummies" criticism on how the wealth and resources used on space exploration - is something that humanity can't understand when those billions used for the scientific pursuit/understanding of the universe, can instead be used to feed and clothe the hungry, the impoverish - basically poverty and world hunger would cease. it's sort of like criticisng the fact that we have problems here on this planet that we all need to work together to solve as a species/planet, yet we're not prioritising those problems as our main repsonisbility, something we need to fix, instead the most intelligent bunch/resourceful are spending their energy/time/reousrces on solving the mysteries of the universe instead. it's commenting on the notion of the microcosm within the macrocosm. if we as a species, esp. the intelligent and resurceful of our lot focused on solving problems like poverty, world hunger, war, crime... solve problems that continue to stagnate our human evolution/progress/conciousness, we could put an end to hegelian dialectics of problem, reaction, solution... this repititive state of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. why do we keep looking outside/external when we have problems in the inside/internal, in our very hearts, minds and homes.. on our own planet Earth? if we solved the problems at home, problems that create the suffering and keep just a few individuals privelaged/intelligent/resourceful over the rest of humanity who is stagnated and moving backwards and keeping humanity in a continous cycle of karma, the wheel of samsara of the human condition... then doesn't that mean that everyone as a whole is enlightened intelligent, resourceful? no one gets left behind and everyone becomes empowered self-sufficient, self-independent, self-enlightened, self-responsible...imagine each and every person self empowered now imagine the entire race of humanity self-empowered... that's billions of buddhas/christs - intellectuals, academics and enlightened individuals working together as a strong force of unity for a common cause. if we can fix those small problems that continue to keep humanity going backwards towards self-destructi, those small problems which greatly impact upon the bigger picture and schemes of things, then we can truly progress towards real change and together explore the universe as a human species. no one gets left behind.
This is a valid criticism (sorry Elon Musk)... By helping the other individual you in the end help society and therefore yourself.
We should be focusing on present problems that are closer to us before moving on to more abstract problems that have less value at present.
The same goes for ourselves. Try not to fix your family or neighborhood before you have fixed yourself (keep in mind diminishing returns). As Dan Koe said: "Your purpose is solving the most pressing problem you have right now." (not verbatim).
Try not to learn how to learn before your sleep schedule is excellent, before you know how to be productive and have habits.
Learning enablers first, THEN learning.
Fix first yourself, then your household, then the city, then the country, then the continent, etc. This does not have to be taken literally, but use it as a wise guidance. It's a principle rather than a law.
This song has a lot of meaning in it. It mainly is about patience. We can't expect solutions to happen over night or right away. It takes time to figure things out and we can't rush through life. Since it takes so much time to improve life, we need to ignore the stupid distractions of the media, celebrity and other nonsensical distractions so we can find solutions to our problems. I would like to know what other people think about this song because it really struck a chord with me.
Interesting interpretation of the song. There is truth to this, although I do not think this is what the artists intended to say.
I interpret it more like that they criticize the way the media operates in an opinionized manner, and that they encourage you reflect and think critically, to be skeptical and do your own research.
gemini.google.com gemini.google.com
The song criticizes the tendency to rush to conclusions without fully grasping the complexities of social problems like poverty, inequality, and political corruption. Patience is essential here to delve deeper, research, and understand the root causes rather than relying on superficial opinions.
First, a man should not have any power over that which he does not understand (deeply).
Second, patience as a virtue is very important here, because developing expertise in an area takes time and effort. One must be devoted.
Following from this manner comes, once again, Charlie Munger's principle... Do not form an opinion if you do not understand multiple perspectives.
"Yes, but I don't have the time to do my own research." is criticism on this principle, I respond with: "But if you aren't even willing to make time to form your opinion based on logic and deep understanding, is it worth having an opinion at all?"
Like Marcus Aurelius said: "The opinion of ten thousand men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject."
You don't ask a lawyer to perform surgery on you, or even to explain it to you theoretically, he does not know anything about this. In the same way, a civilian should not be asked to teach politics.
From the same manner, do not judge before understanding. This is also what Mortimer J. Adler & Charles van Doren advocate: "You must say with reasonable certainty 'I understand' before you can say any of the following: 'I agree,' 'I disagree,' or 'I suspend judgement.'"
The song criticizes the tendency to rush into judgment without fully understanding the underlying problems. It also emphasizes the value of research and seeking out the truth from various perspectives.
This is basically critical thinking. Which is also my goal for (optimal) education: To build a society of people who think for themselves, critical thinkers; those who do not take everything for granted. The skeptics.
See also Nassim Nicolas Taleb's advice to focus on what you DON'T know rather than what you DO know.
Related to syntopical reading/learning as well. (and Charlie Munger's advice). You want to build a complete picture with a broad understanding and nuanced before formulating an opinion.
Remove bias from your judgement (especially when it comes to people or civilizations) and instead base it on logic and deep understanding.
This also relates to (national, but even local) media... How do you know that what the media portrays about something or someone is correct? Don't take it for granted, especially if it is important, and do your own research. Validity of source is important; media is often opinionized and can contain a lot of misinformation.
See also Simone Weil's thoughts on media, especially where she says misinformation spread must be stopped. It is a vital need for the soul to be presented with (factual) truth.
- Truth
- Marcus Aurelius
- Bias
- Nas Marley
- Society
- Charlie Munger
- Damian Marley
- Criticizing Fairly
- Patience Song
- Needs of the Soul
- Self-Thinking Society
- Judgement
- Dunning-Krueger Effect
- Simone Weil
- Syntopical Reading
- Skepticism
- Education
- Mortimer J. Adler
- Charles van Doren
- Patience as Virtue
- Meta-Analytic Research
- Research
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Critical Thinking
- Media
egusphere.copernicus.org egusphere.copernicus.org
for - social tipping point - 2023 paper - paper details
paper details - title: The Pareto effect in tipping social networks: from minority to majority - author - Jordan Everall - Jonathan. F Donges - Ilona. M. Otto - Preprint date - 20 Nov 2023 - Publication - EGUsphere Preprint Repository
summary - This is a recent 2023 paper that summarizes social tipping point research for fields of interest to me, such as climate change. - I'm reading, looking for any real world experimental validation of social tipping point in climate change - I didn't find any but still interesting
from - search - google - research on complex contagion refutes the 25% social tipping point threshold - https://www.google.com/search?q=research+on+complex+contagion+refutes+the+25%25+social+tipping+point+threshold&oq=research+on+complex+contagion+refutes+the+25%25+social+tipping+point+threshold&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRhA0gEJMjAyOTRqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - search results returned of interest - The Pareto effect in tipping social networks: from minority to ... - https://egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2023/egusphere-2023-2241/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
05:00 Connor Murphy is a data strategist and works at the Flow Research Collective. He is also into tracking data, on himself (quantified self).
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Supplementary Materials and Methods
DOI: 10.34133/research.0321
Resource: (BDSC Cat# 54733,RRID:BDSC_54733)
Curator: @DavidDeutsch
SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_54733
Supplementary Materials and Methods
DOI: 10.34133/research.0321
Resource: (BDSC Cat# 67686,RRID:BDSC_67686)
Curator: @DavidDeutsch
SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_67686
Supplementary Materials and Methods
DOI: 10.34133/research.0321
Resource: (BDSC Cat# 55819,RRID:BDSC_55819)
Curator: @DavidDeutsch
SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_55819
Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
DOI: 10.34133/research.0321
Resource: Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (RRID:SCR_006457)
Curator: @DavidDeutsch
SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_006457
- Jun 2024
disruptedjournal.postdigitalcultures.org disruptedjournal.postdigitalcultures.org
Comment by postoccupant: Vote for UniverCity!
I've proposed a workshop to the Future Architecture platform, organised by the Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana. The idea is that the ideas arising from the UniverCity forum can be worked through in discussion about the possibility of a future form of architectural visualisation not tied down to images of completed buildings. Renderings of unpredictability, of occupation, of diverse public knowledges. Vote online: and browse the other projects too.
Comment by postoccupant: Just posting here to share this content about academia and Twitter... some good links to further discussion of digital academia...
'Digital platforms, from Twitter and personal blogs to e-journals and iterative monographs, are creating new ways to publish and new publishing opportunities. In this new model of academic publishing, Twitter interactions exist on the same spectrum of activity as peer-review and scholarly editing. But more importantly, new models for scholarly publication are creating new ways to engage in public scholarship beyond traditional publication, fundamentally blurring the boundaries between publication, conversation, and community.'
Comment by drneilfox: Hello. This is my first entry. Dario and I plan to create a podcast that has three elements:
1) A formal exploration of the podcast form using our own podcast as a case study. 2) A discussion around academic research and the podcast. 3) A discussion around the 'disruptive journal' featuring input from JMP contributors.
The aim is to construct a text that operates as a viable and valid piece of research and also is reflexive regarding the changing nature of academic research.
We will be talking in person late July following some leave and will be emailing disruptive JMP participants shortly to invite them to participate.
For now I listening to podcasts to prepare, and recommend the latest NPR Invisibilia episode on problem solving, and any episode of the brilliant Longford Podcast.
this is a serious problem because all they need to do is automate AI research 00:41:53 build super intelligence and any lead that the US had would vanish the power dynamics would shift immediately
for - AI - security risk - once automated AI research is known, bad actors can easily build superintelligence
AI - security risk - once automated AI research is known, bad actors can easily build superintelligence - Any lead that the US had would immediately vanish.
nobody's really pricing this in
for - progress trap - debate - nobody is discussing the dangers of such a project!
progress trap - debate - nobody is discussing the dangers of such a project! - Civlization's journey has to create more and more powerful tools for human beings to use - but this tool is different because it can act autonomously - It can solve problems that will dwarf our individual or even group ability to solve - Philosophically, the problem / solution paradigm becomes a central question because, - As presented in Deep Humanity praxis, - humans have never stopped producing progress traps as shadow sides of technology because - the reductionist problem solving approach always reaches conclusions based on finite amount of knowledge of the relationships of any one particular area of focus - in contrast to the infinite, fractal relationships found at every scale of nature - Supercomputing can never bridge the gap between finite and infinite - A superintelligent artifact with that autonomy of pattern recognition may recognize a pattern in which humans are not efficient and in fact, greater efficiency gains can be had by eliminating us
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
for - from - Lilnked In Post - publication alert
from - Linked In - publication alert - Governance for Earth system tipping points – A research agenda - https://hyp.is/5KSgoipFEe-WkRuWZivLvw/www.linkedin.com/posts/manjana-milkoreit-9304313_governance-for-earth-system-tipping-points-activity-7207310870534578176-d9/
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Governance for Earth System Tipping Points - A Research Agenda
for - to - Linked In post - publication alert - Governance for Earth System Tipping Points - A Research Agenda
to - Linked In post - publication alert - Governance for Earth System Tipping Points - A Research Agenda - https://hyp.is/Y-UqTipGEe-EVuflmhInnQ/www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589811624000168
kendraalbert.com kendraalbert.com
Academia offers a false solution to the problem of technology and liberation so long as we cling to the notion that academic ideas are separable from impact.
Akin to any research is [[Action Research is vraag-reflectief leven 20031215142900]], and distancing as safety measure or to siderstep ethical questions around one's output.
Any research should be impact aware.
spectrum.ieee.org spectrum.ieee.org
A gyrotron uses high-power, linear-beam vacuum tubes to generate millimeter-length electromagnetic waves. Invented by Soviet scientists in the 1960s, gyrotrons are used in nuclear fusion research experiments to heat and control plasma. Quaise has raised $95 million from investors, including Japan’s Mitsubishi, to develop technology that would enable it to quickly and efficiently drill up to 20 km deep, closer to the Earth’s core than ever before
Fusion power tech adapted to ease geothermal power. IMO a good example of remixing knowledge from one domain to another. And, for example, if you think fusion isn't worth pursuing, then we might not get this cross-cutting adaptation that's valuable for advancing renewable energy.
www.idos-research.de www.idos-research.de
for - paper
paper - title: Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Class - year: 2020 - authors: Never et al.
summary - This is an important paper that shows the pathological and powerful impact of the consumer story to produce a continuous stream of consumers demanding a high carbon lifestyle - By defining success in terms of having more stuff and more luxurious stuff, it sets the class transition up for higher carbon consumption - The story is socially conditioned into every class, ensuring a constant stream of high carbon emitters. - It provides the motivation to - escape poverty into the lower middle class - escape the lower middle class into the middle class - escape the middle class into the middle-upper class - escape the middle-upper class into the upper class - With each transition, average carbon emissions rise - Unless we change this fundamental story that measures success by higher and higher levels of material consumption, along with their respectively higher carbon footprint, we will not be able to stay within planetary boundaries in any adequate measure - The famous Oxfam graphs that show that - 10% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 50% of all emissions - 1% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 16% of all emissions, equivalent to the bottom 66% of emissions - but it does not point out that the consumer story will continue to create this stratification distribution
from - search - google - research which classes aspire to a high carbon lifestyle? - https://www.google.com/search?q=research+which+classes+aspire+to+a+high+carbon+lifestyle%3F&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgGECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQIxgnGOoCMgkIARAjGCcY6gIyCQgCECMYJxjqAjIJCAMQIxgnGOoCMgkIBBAjGCcY6gIyCQgFECMYJxjqAjIJCAYQIxgnGOoCMgkIBxAjGCcY6gLSAQk4OTE5ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - search results returned of salience - Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Classes- This discussion paper aims to help close this research gap by shedding light on the lifestyle choices of the emerging middle classes in three middle-income ... - https://www.idos-research.de/uploads/media/DP_13.2020.pdf
The foregoing examples illustrate various forms topics take according to thedifferent kinds of subjects they propose for discussion. Some deal with the natureof a thing or its definition, some with its qualities or attributes, some with itscauses, and some with its kinds; some deal with distinctions or differences, andsome with comparisons or contrasts; some propose a general theory for considera-tion, some present a problem, and some state an Issue. Some— such as the lastthree above —are difficult to characterize by any formula.
The complexity of the topic is determined by the content of the discussion the topic is about.
It is easier to say what a topic is not, than what it is or should be. If it mustalways be a less determinate expression than a sentence, and if it must usually be amore complex expression than a single word or pair of words (which are theverbal expression of terms, such as the great ideas), it would seem to follow thatthe proper expression of a topic is a phrase— often, perhaps, a fairly elaboratephrase involving a number of terms and signifying a number of possible relationsbetween them. This general description of the grammatical form of a topic docsnot, however, convey an adequate notion of the extraordinary variety of possi-ble phrasings.
To me, it seems that Adler et al., are arguing that a topic should be stated as a phrase with varying degrees of complexity, determined by ?
For example, “The ideal of the educated man’"(Education la) is a simple topic; “The right to property: the ownership of themeans of production” (Labor 7b) is a complex topic; and “The use and criticismof the intellectual tradition: the sifting of truth from erroi; the reaction againstthe authority of the past” (Progress 6c) is a more complex topic.
Some examples of topics that are formulated and used in the original syntopicon.
A topic, in short, must have greater amplitude than any other logical form ofstatement. The familiar grammatical forms of the declarative or interrogativesentence, or even the complex sentence w'hich expresses a dilemma, arc there-fore inappropriate for the statement of topics. Since it must be able to includeall these and more, the statement of a topic must be less determinate in verbalstructure.
A topic should never be suggestive, for it would not be a topic in that way.
A topic is essentially a*sub)ect for discussion. The Greek word topos from which**topic^’ is derived literally means a place. Its literal meaning is retained in suchEnglish words as “topography” and “topology,” which signify the study ofphysical or geometrical places. The conception of a topic as a subject for discus’-sion is a metaphorical extension of this root meaning. A topic is a logical place; itis a place where minds meet to consider some common problem or theme.The minds may agree or disagree; they may argue the matter from differentpoints of view; they may contribute to the discussion in a variety of ways — byoffering examples, by proposing definitions or hypotheses, by stating analyses orarguments, by debating what has already been said, or by advancing a new view.But whatever form each contribution takes, it must be relevant, though it neednot be relevant in the same way or to the same degree. The various contributionsare relevant to each other through their relevance to the common theme orproblem, and this gives unity to the variety of things being said.A topic, then, is a place where minds meet through being relevant to a commonsubject of discussion. It is a place at which an intelligible exchange of thought,insight, or opinion can occur.
A topic is a place where minds meet for discussion.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
For an intellectual, the library is not there to simply collect books, but rather to serve as a tool for research.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Is Syntopical Reading not the same as meta-analytic research? In what ways does it differ? In what ways is it the same?
( ~1:40) Syntopical Reading is about making one's own mind up.
- May 2024
media.dltj.org media.dltj.org
And in this on the side, you see we have this new chat box where the user can engage with the content and this very first action. The user doesn't have to do anything. They land on the page and as long as they run a search, we immediately process a prompt that says what in your voice, how is the query you put in?
Initial LLM chat prompt: why did this document come up
Using the patron's keyword search phrase, the first chat shown is the LLM analyzing why this document matched the patron's criteria. Then there are preset prompts for summarizing what the text is about, recommended topics to search, and a prompt to "talk to the document".
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Seit 1970 ist der Bestand an Fischen, die zu wandernde Arten gehören, um 80% gesunken, wie ein neuer Bericht zur Aktualisierung des Living Planet Index zeigt. Verantwortlich ist vor allem die Zerstörung von Fluss- und anderen Wasserökosystemen durch Staudämme, Bergwerke und Schadstoffe. Der Populationsrückgang ist weltweit am deutlichsten ist der in Südamerika und der Karibik. Ein Viertel der Süßwasser Fischarten ist vom Aussterben bedroht.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/21/living-planet-index-migratory-freshwater-fish-populations-decline-dams-weirs-mining-water-abstraction-pollution-threat-aoe
www.justpeaceadvocates.ca www.justpeaceadvocates.ca
the Gene and Appraisal
for - author - Keith Baverstock - follow up - research paper - The Gene and Appraisal
to - paper - The Gene and Appraisal - https://hyp.is/UrvwdhVDEe-QWrPAx9y1aw/docdrop.org/video/bzXFSufDDn8/
www.pik-potsdam.de www.pik-potsdam.de
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Das globale Durchschnittseinkommen wird bei der jetzt zu erwartenden globalen Erhitzung 2050 fast um ein Fünttel niedriger sein als ohne Erhitzung. Die (nicht mehr zu vermeidenden) Einbußen durch die Erhitzung bis 2050 sind sechsmal so hoch wie die einer Begrenzung des Temperaturanstiegs auf 2°. 2050 ist einer neuen Studie zufolge mit Klimaschäden von etwa 38 Bllionen Dollar zu rechnen. Bis 2100 wird es in einem Business-as-usual-Szenario zu Einkommensverlusten von mehr als 60% kommen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/17/climate-crisis-average-world-incomes-to-drop-by-nearly-a-fifth-by-2050
aquila.usm.edu aquila.usm.edu
emails were helpful and prompt, it increasedstudents’ perceptions of positive relationshipswith their instructors, which led to positiveteaching evaluations at the end of the course.Leidman and Piwinsky (2009)
research on timing of feedback
for - glass alternative - bamboo
to - research paper - https://hyp.is/19Q7TBM2Ee-sB2tJNt_BmQ/spj.science.org/doi/10.34133/research.0317
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In Frankreich beginnt in dieser Woche eine öffentliche Debatte um ein großes lithium-bergbauprojekt im zentralmassiv. Der umfassende Artikel beleuchtet eine Vielzahl von Aspekten des lithium-Abbaus und der zunehmenden Opposition dagegen, die eng mit dem Kampf gegen die individuelle motorisierte Mobilität verbunden ist. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/course-au-lithium-made-in-france-une-opportunite-a-saisir-ou-un-mirage-ecologique-20240310_FQOVXTBNKJC5NJ7EZI2UQKOAIY/in
- project: Montagne d'Or
- institution: Observatoire français des ressources minérales
- ressouce: water
- ressouce: Lithium
- lithium
- expert: Aurélien Gay
- country: Argentina
- Vulcan Energy
- event: public debate on Emili
- mode: government action
- by: Coralie Schaub
- Region: Allier
- company: Eramet
- NGO: Négawatt
- country: Australia
- institution: IEA
- France
- Institution: Commission nationale du débat public (CNDP)
- research project: EuGeLi (European Geothermal Lithium)
- country: China
- institution: Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM)
- actor: Imerys
- company: Lithium de France
- region: Massif central
- 2024-03-10
- variable: lithium demand
- country: Chile
- mining
- fédération d’associations France nature environnement (FNE)
- company: Electricité de Strasbourg
- expert: Antoine Gatet
- expert: Judith Pigneur
- expert: Ysaline Jean-Jacque
- project: Emili
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die COP28 mit dem Emissions Peak für Treibhausgase zusammenfallen könnte. Um das 1,5°-Ziel zu erreichen, müssten allerdings die Emissionen bis 2030 um die Hälfte sinken. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2023/nov/29/cop28-what-could-climate-conference-achieve
- Durwood Zaelke
- Climate Action Network International
- Avinash Persaud
- Paul Bledsoe
- Council on Energy, Environment and Water
- China
- climate finance
- Macky Small
- Harjeet Singh
- Patrick Verkooijen
- coal phase-out
- Greenpeace
- 2023-11-29
- Eamon Ryan
- COP28 global methane summit
- Joeri Rogelj
- fossil fuels phase-out
- Climate Analytics
- Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air
- Saudi-Arabia
- Mia Mottley
- COP28
- Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development
- Jenny Chase
- Vera Singer
- Global Centre on Adaptation
- Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya
- Nicholas Stern
- Lauri Myllyvirta
- Christiana Figueres
- Global Optimism
- Simon Stiell
- Mariana Mazzucato
- Arunabha Ghosh
- Shady Khalil
- Romain Ioualalen
- NOCs
- actor: Sultan Al Jaber
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Guardian nennt die Stimmung der meisten von der Zeitung zu ihren Zukunfterwartungen befragten IPCC-Klimawissenschaftlerinnen düster; viele sind deprimiert. Viele der Forschenden, die die Zeitung als die am besten über die Zukunft Informierten bezeichnet, erwarten Hungersnöte, Massenmigration und Konflikte. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2024/may/08/hopeless-and-broken-why-the-worlds-top-climate-scientists-are-in-despair
- by: Damian Carrington
- Lars Nilsson
- Henri Waisman
- Maisa Rojas
- James Renwick
- Aditi Mukherji
- Lorraine Whitmarsh
- Mark Pelling
- Ruth Cerezo-Mota
- Wolfgang Cramer
- 2024-05-08
- Louis Verchot
- Hurricane Otis
- Camille Parmesan
- International Center for Tropical Agriculture
- Lisa Schipper
- Aïda Diongue-Niang
- Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology
- CGIAR research group
- expert: Tim Benton
- Joeri Rogelj
- IDDRI policy research institute
- Dipak Dasgupta
- Shobha Maharaj
- Jonathan Cullen
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In den USA führen wachsende Datencenter, die u.a. durch die Industriepolitik steigende Produktion in Fabriken und immer mehr Elektrofahrzeuge zu einem steilen Anstieg des Bedarfs nach Elektrizität. Der zusätzliche Verbrauch wird in fünf Jahren etwa dem jetzigen Kaliforniens entsprechen. Die bestehenden Klimaziele werden dadurch gefährdet. Viele neue Gaskraftwerke werden bereits projektiert, unter anderem, weil die Regulierungen fossile Energien begünstigen. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/13/climate/electric-power-climate-change.html
- variable: electricity demand
- country: USA
- expert: Daniel Brooks
- by: Nadja Popovich
- expert: Devin Hartman
- expert: Greg Buppert
- institution: R Street Institute
- institution: Electric Power Research Institute
- Reports/The Era of Flat Power Demand is Over
- industry: digital
- by: Brad Plumer
- 2024-03-14
- expert: Tyler H. Norris
- institution: Southern Environmental Law Center
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
In den Ländern, die sich in Paris 2015 einer Initiative gegen das Verbrennen von nicht genutztem Erdgas (flaring) angeschlossen hatten, wird das Verbrennen mit offener Flamme oft nur durch Verbrennung in geschlossenen Anlagen ersetzt, wie eine investigative journalistische Recherche ergab. Die Menge der Emissionen sinkt dadurch nicht wesentlich, aber diese Anlagen sind für Satelliten nicht äußerlich erkennbar. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/may/02/methane-emissions-gas-flaring-hidden-satellite-monitors-oil-gas
Ressourcen für die Recherche zu Methan-Emissionen: https://gijn.org/resource/new-tools-investigate-methane-emissions/
- expert: Tim Doty
- topic: flaring
- expert: Eric Kort
- process: methane reduction
- by: Tim Brown
- institution: World Bank
- data source: Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
- event: Investigative Research about methane emissions April 2024
- NGO: Earthworks
- 2024-05-02
- institution: Journalismfund Europe
- by: Christina Last
- actor: ArcelorMittal
- actor: Ineos
- actor: Fulcrum Energy Capital Funds
- expert: Zubin Bamji
- NGO: Carbon Mapper
- NGO: Arena Climate Network
- institution: Carbon Mapper
- institution: Zero Routine Flaring 2030 initiative
- Apr 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Seit dem 7. März 2022 – seit genau einem Jahr – werden an über der Oberfläche des Nordatlantik Rekordtemperaturen gemessen, seit dem 14. März über den Weltmeeren insgesamt. Auch der Standard-Artikel geht auf verschiedene Erklärungsversuche (u.a. weniger Schiffsemissionen, El Niño, Vulkanausbruch) ein, die aber nicht ausreichen, um das Ausmaß der Anomalie zu verstehen. Der Meeresspiegel steigt derzeit auch wegen der Ausdehnung durch Erwärmung um 5 cm pro Jahrzehnt. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000210458/weltmeere-verzeichnen-au223ergew246hnliche-w228rmerekorde
Chart bei Climate Reananalyzer: https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_monthly/
- Helge Gößling
- topic: temperature records
- Geomar-Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- El Niño
- Mojib Latif
- 2024-03-06
- Climate Reanalyzer
- Brian McNoldy
- Leon Simons
- Alfred-Wegener-Institut
- North Atlantic
- Anders Levermann
- sea surface temperature
smithies.lib.unc.edu smithies.lib.unc.edu
Dr. Oliver Smithies – Research Archive
ᔥ[[New-Investigator-623]] in Oliver Smithies’ notebooks : r/Zettelkasten
www.perplexity.ai www.perplexity.ai
Imagine having instant access to the world's knowledge in your pocket. Something that everyone should be able to use and the discerning should appreciate.
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
educationaldesign research methodology.
Educational design research methodology.
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Research messages are frequently too vague to be effective because the skills and expertise of teaching are difficult to transfer.
I have not yet encountered this myself. Honestly, vagueness to me would mean that I do not understand the subject enough and so I need to take a step back and reassess my knowledge.
All vagueness can be overcome by expertise.
How can one expect to teach when one does not understand how learning works on a deep level? This is a fatal flaw within the current education system. In High School you are expected to know how to learn without it ever being taught, and teachers cannot help for they too do not know how to learn...
They come with severely outdated methods (i.e., summarization, rereading, or flashcards), or even disproved principles like Learning Styles.
Hochwasser und Dürren werden in Deutschland durch die globale Erhitzung weiter zunehmen. Wichtige Faktoren sind der höhere Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Luft und länger gleichbleibende Wetterlagen durch Veränderungen des Jetstreams. Das Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland befragt dazu Frank Hattermann vom Potsdam Institut. https://www.rnd.de/wissen/klimawandel-hochwasser-immer-haeufiger-auch-zunahme-von-duerren-erwartet-Z76YKEZ4NBNRXJVXKC6DAAGGKM.html
Der Amazonas-Regenwald kommt dem Kipppunkt, an dem er mehr CO2 abgibt als aufnimmt, immer näher. Eine neue Studie sagt vorraus, dass bis 2050 47% des Gebietes geschädigt sein könnten. Von Juni bis Dezember 2023 herrschte dort eine externe Dürre, die einer Attributionsstudie zufolge durch die globale Erhitzung 30mal wahrscheinlicher wurde. https://taz.de/Klimawandel/!5990314/
Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06970-0
Attributionsstudie: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/climate-change-not-el-nino-main-driver-of-exceptional-drought-in-highly-vulnerable-amazon-river-basin/
- 2024-02-18
- Boris Sakschewski
- process: increasing risk of droughts
- by: Susanne Schwarz
- Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system
- region: Amazonia
- Potsdam Institute for climate impact research
- Climate change, not El Niño, main driver of exceptional drought in highly vulnerable Amazon River Basin
- Amazon rainforest
- World Weather Attribution
Local file Local file
You cannot buy a ready-made intelligence departmenton which to run your business.
- Mar 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Durch die globale Erhitzung wird in Europa das Gebiet, in dem Fichten angebaut werden können, um 50% abnehmen abnehmen. Ein neuer Bericht der internationalen Union der Organisationen zur Erforschung der Wälder zeigt, dass auch andere Baumarten, die als mögliche Alternativen galten, unter den veränderten klimatischen Bedingungen nur schwer überleben. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000211551/was-tun-wenn-uns-die-fichte-als-superbaum-wegstirbt
www.flowresearchcollective.com www.flowresearchcollective.com
Flow Research Collective website
- Feb 2024
ukdataservice.ac.uk ukdataservice.ac.uk
flowmaps.life.bsc.es flowmaps.life.bsc.es
seriss.eu seriss.eu
Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences (SERISS)
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
first hypothesis
The purpose of this study is to build on this ongoing research trajectory and help provide the sort of empirical evidence on the relative efficacy of narratives versus nonnarratives required to propel narratives into mainstream health campaigns and messaging.
must first address scientifically the question of whether narratives are, “indeed more effective than nonnarrative communication for overcoming resistance, facilitating information processing, providing social connections, and representing emotional and existential issues”
This research investigates the relative efficacy of changing health-related knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions using a fictional narrative compared to a more traditional nonfictional nonnarrative format.
Introduction of research study
auth.monday.com auth.monday.com
in select what you'd like to focus on has: - academic research - resource management - task management - curriculum & syllabus management** - portfolio management - project management
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Erneuerbare Energien sind der wichtigste Treiber des Wirtschaftswachstums in China. Zugleich droht China die Klimaziele für 2025 zu verfehlen. 2023 hat der Energieverbrauch um 5,7% zugenommen. Zwischen 2021 Uhr und 2023 wuchsen die CO2-Emissionen jährlich um durchschnittlich 3, 8%. Ein Hauptgrund dafür ist die Stimulierung der Wirtschaft in China selbst und den Ländern, in die China exportiert, nach der Covid-Krise. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/22/growth-in-co2-emissions-leaves-china-likely-to-miss-climate-targets
hypothes.is hypothes.is
"There is a large literature relating to twins in their purely surgical and physiological aspect. The reader interested in this should consult Die Lehre von den Zwillingen, von L. Kleinwächter, Prag. 1871. It is full of references, but it is also unhappily disfigured by a number of numerical misprints, especially in page 26. I have not found any book that treats of twins from my present point of view."
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
phys.org phys.org
for - adjacency - microscopic biology - macroscopic ecology - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - Jonas Wickman - micro-to-macro
paper details - title - Eco-evolutionary emergence of macroecological scaling in plankton communities - author - Jonas Wickman - Elena Litchman - date - feb 15, 2024 - publication - Science VOL. 383, NO. 6684
reference - https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk6901
summary - This is a very interesting finding that links rules in the micro world to behavior in the macro. - It is relevant to Michael Levin's research on multi-scale competency architecture
question - how would this impact the micro relations between - the microscopic world of humans - the normal macroscopic world of humans
Local file Local file
universities and public libraries have completed the“retrospective conversions” of their catalogs to computer databases(frequently with the help of federal Title II-C money, as part of the“Strengthening Research Library Resources” program),
www.cedefop.europa.eu www.cedefop.europa.eu
The mainfactors limiting the level of trust include: doubts about the quality of somemicrocredentials, no agreed standards for quality assurance, and uncertainty as towhether certain microcredentials will be recognised by national authorities,employers or education and training providers
Seeds of doubt on MC quality
Assigning credits to learning outcomes allows for the accumulationof units of learning and provides for transferability from one setting to another forvalidation and recognition. Interviewees representing countries in which VETsystems are modularised indicated that modules are designed to indicate a set oflearning outcomes that are expressed in terms of credits. The interviewees fromnational authorities and VET providers commonly agreed that the introduction ofmodular structures in VET and the application of a learning outcomes-basedapproach was set to provide more individualised training paths, enabling accessand progression for learners.
Align Learning Outcomes to Credits (key for meaningful unbundling/bundling)
The European approach to microcredentials(European Commission, 2020a) also highlights the importance of clearly definedlearning outcomes as a way to promote overall transparency and provide detailedinformation regarding what a learner is expected to know and is able to do
Purpose of Learning Outcomes
microcredentials must be transparent and understandable and shouldinclude summary of critical information such as:(a) the title;(b) the duration of a learning activity;(c) provider of the course;(d) description of the content;(e) learning resources;(f) type of assessment;(g) credits attributed to the course;(h) prerequisites needed for enrolment;(i) learning outcomes;(j) body ensuring the quality of the course;(k) options for stackability, if any
11 data elements for transparency
kids.nationalgeographic.com kids.nationalgeographic.com
12 resolutions that supported women’s rights
What were the 12 resolutions?
The Seneca Falls Convention was attended mostly by white women, even though northern states like New York had outlawed enslavement
Slavery had been outlawed in 1827 in the state of New York, 21 years prior to this convention. This indicates to me that from the outset of the Suffragist movement it was focused on white women. Perhaps though there were earlier gatherings put together by black women that are not included here, or that would possibly have been lumped in with the abolitionist movement.
www.campion.ox.ac.uk www.campion.ox.ac.uk
Sarah is a Senior Research Fellow in the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics, and Director of the Dictionary Lab at Oxford. She specializes in lexicography, endangered languages, language revitalization, the history of dictionaries, and the interface of technology with the Social Sciences and Humanities (digital humanities). Her research includes work on Australian Aboriginal and American Indian languages, especially relating to language documentation and revitalization. She is the Director of the new MSc in Digital Scholarship.
What a fascinating set of areas she's working in... I want to do this...
www.news24.com www.news24.com
for - research - ESP application
- Jan 2024
bcbasicincomepanel.ca bcbasicincomepanel.ca
dreams.ucsc.edu dreams.ucsc.edu
for - dream research
Summary - This presents a new theory of dreams that challenge Freud and Jung's interpretation of dreams. - It is intriguing, as it posits that the dream state is the default state of the brain. - it makes more sense to me.
source - google search - does dreaming allow cognitive during waking state to be possible?
cast doubt on the Freudian, Jungian, and activation-synthesis theories
for - validation - alternative to Freud's explanation of dreams - dream cognition - dream research
Validation - I've never subscribed to the Freudian interpretation of dreams and this seems to make more sense
- Four very different types of unexpected research findings from inside and outside the sleep laboratory since the 1950s
- make it possible to suggest a new cognitive approach to
- dreaming and
- dream content,
- an approach that has the potential to be extended into a neurocognitive theory as well.
- These findings, which are discussed throughout this article,
- cast doubt on the
- Freudian,
- Jungian, and
- activation-synthesis theories
- that dominated thinking about dreams in the twentieth century.
- Those three theories all began with the idea that
- there were major differences between
- waking cognition and
- dreaming,
- but the findings presented in this article suggest that
- there are far more parallels between
- dreaming and
- waking thought
- than they realized (Domhoff, 2003b).
shrewdies.com shrewdies.com
What is Avalanche Robinhood?
Search results suggest this post as a good answer to the question, "what is Avalanche Robinhood?" However, I find that it doesn't even begin to answer that question. Because it is about a very specific part of the Robinhood app that is about Avalanche. And it offers no description of the Avalanche-Robinhood relationship.
Also, I can't understand why there are no images in the original post. OK, it was never originally intended to answer the question that search engines have suggested. But it would have been very easy to take a screenshot of each question that the Original Poster provides answers for.
So, I'm asking you to research the question properly. And include links to base information sources.
By "base information sources", I mean original information. Not search results pages, or curation articles such as forums or encyclopedias. Because it is OK to use those services to find original sources. But in my opinion, it is very poor form to quote from them as if they have any authority.
Your Avalanche Robinhood Research Rewards
If you present your research as a post on the Hive blockchain, you become eligible for rewards from Shrewdies. Including extra payments during Hive Rewards Week. In addition to your usual rewards in the Hive Afterweek. Subject to my competition rules, below.
To claim Hive Week Rewards, you must reply to this note with the link to your post on Shrewdies.com, on the day that you published your post. You will then gain an immediate boost of 1 HSBI. If more than 1 person claims this reward, I will start a competition that runs for 28 days from the first response. The prize for the competition will depend on the number of entrants.
Your Avalanche Robinhood Competition Strategy
This section is not part of the competition rules. Just my opinions about how you might approach the competition.
Firstly, remember that everything in the Hive Afterweek depends on the quality of your content. So: - Write with a clear purpose - Structure your research findings logically - Check your writing with LanguageTool or similar. - Read your post aloud before publishing it. Or better still, get someone to read it to you.
Strategically, you might consider encouraging other people to enter this competition first. But don't let them get too far ahead!
I will be working hard to promote all competition entries to search engines. You can help yourself by posting links to your Shrewdies.com competition entry on social media and wherever else you can. You can also link to it in your other posts on Hive (old and new).
Avalanche Robinhood Competition Rules
Avalanche Robinhood Competition Entries
- Your post title must include "What is Avalanche Robinhood". But you can include other words. E.g., "What is Avalanche Robinhood to Me" or "Why it's important to ask 'What is Avalanche Robinhood'".
- You must include a link to this Hypothesis Annotation.
- This is an English language competition. However, you can provide additional translations. As long as the English version is presented first.
- Minimum of 250 words (as measured by LanguageTool Editor). I will only measure the main English article - ignoring translations, navigation links, signatures, etc.
- Reply to this annotation with a link to your post on Shrewdies.com. Note that Shrewdies.com is a read-only portal to the Hive blockchain. So you can use Ecency, PeakD, or whichever Hive frontend you prefer. But the link to your post must be in the form shrewdies.com/post/yourname/yoururl. I strongly recommend that you visit your post on Shrewdies.com, then copy and paste the address from your browser.
- You are allowed to edit your entry at any time. But the edited post must continue to meet the rules to remain eligible for rewards.
Avalanche Robinhood Competition Rewards
- Each entry will get a reward of 1 HSBI to be paid 1 week after posting.
- The competition will run for 28 days. Starting on the day after publication of the second competition entry.
- The competition prize will be based on the number of entrants. Being 1 HSBI per entrant. So if 10 people apply, the prize will be 10 HSBI.
- The winner will be determined by the highest number of impressions recorded by Google Search Console during the 28-day competition period. I aim to post interim weekly numbers as replies here. But any such interim numbers are for information only. So the results depend entirely on the 28-day impression count.
- I will only include genuine search queries. And any attempt to search for your own competition entry will be penalized.
- I will pay the competition prize as soon as I assess the 28-day search query analysis.
www.aspeninstitute.org www.aspeninstitute.org
Creating Internal Value.
LERs will give employers internal heat maps of talent
Measuring What Matters
THIS! Been declaring for ten years how this is all about measuring the stuff that people actually care about.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
aybe uh sometime soon we will be able to actually use earth in a liquid state inside of a framework uh as we do now for concrete without adding 00:42:28 um stabilizer like cement
for - research - poured earth
research -poured earth - pourable like cement into formwork, but without stabilizers in the future