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The True Cost of the Churchgoing Bust by [[Derek Thompson]]
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Allyson Pollock [@AllysonPollock]. (2022, January 4). The health care crisis is of governments making over three decades. Closing half general and acute beds, closing acute hospitals and community services,eviscerating public health, no service planning. Plus unevidenced policies on testing and self isolation of contacts. @dthroat [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/AllysonPollock/status/1478326352516460544
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thehustle.co thehustle.co
“When I moved to Kansas,” Roberts said, “I was like, ‘holy shit, they’re giving stuff away.’”
This sounds great, but what are the "costs" on the other side? How does one balance out the economics of this sort of housing situation versus amenities supplied by a community in terms of culture, health, health care, interaction, etc.? Is there a maximum on a curve to be found here? Certainly in some places one is going to overpay for this basket of goods (perhaps San Francisco?) where in others one may underpay. Does it have anything to do with the lifecycle of cities and their governments? If so, how much?
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Caulfield, T. (2021, October 18). The Golden Age of Junk Science Is Killing Us. Men’s Health. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a37910261/how-junk-science-and-misinformation-hurt-us/
- infodemic
- is:webpage
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- vaccine
- scientific community
- science
- fake news
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- popular culture
- pseudoscience
- wellness
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- discrimination
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- wellbeing
- worldview
- trust
- media
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- news
- vaccine-safety
- vaccine hesitancy
- negativity bias
- conspiracy theory
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Wiseman, E. (2021, October 17). The dark side of wellness: The overlap between spiritual thinking and far-right conspiracies. The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/oct/17/eva-wiseman-conspirituality-the-dark-side-of-wellness-how-it-all-got-so-toxic
- wellness industry
- infodemic
- social media
- misinformation
- spirituality
- right wing
- QAnon
- science
- disinformation
- ideology
- pseudoscience
- influencer
- Center for Countering Digital Hate
- wellness
- debunking
- health
- online community
- uncertainty
- psychology
- policy
- wellbeing
- anti-vaccine
- worldview
- is:news
- trust
- conspirituality
- mental health
- lang:en
- conspiracy theory
- Sep 2021
journalofethics.ama-assn.org journalofethics.ama-assn.org
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Lemay, E., Kruglanski, A. W., Molinario, E., Agostini, M., Belanger, J., Gutzkow, B., Kreienkamp, J., vanDellen, M. R., team, P., & Leander, P. (2021). The Role of Values in Coping with Health and Economic Threats of COVID-19 [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6j38h
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psychclassics.yorku.ca psychclassics.yorku.ca
The title of the article immediately made me think of the world we are living in now. For example it is becoming more and more evident that the country has mixed opinions on the vaccine. The government, state agencies and other public entities are requiring proof of a vaccine to even enter the premises. Some companies are offering incentives across the country to incentivize the vaccine by offering free products and discounts. To an extent from a medical perspective you want everyone as healthy as possible, but from a freedom perspective it is on the verge of violating an individual's freedom of choice through forced compliance.
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- policy
- guidance
- misinformation
- public
- practice
- vaccine
- community
- communication
- COVID-19
- science
- lang:en
- handbook
- health
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- country
- is:article
- healthcare
- public policy
- goal
- health
- law
- reduction
- discrimination
- policy
- global
- public health
- vulnerable
- human development
- pandemic
- COVID-19
- crisis
- inequality
- global population
- lang:en
- health policy
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- government
- health
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COVID-19 Social Science Tracker - Google Sheets
- behavior
- social distancing
- social media
- misinformation
- community
- infection
- healthcare
- government
- international
- preprint
- uncertainty
- sheets
- policy
- medicine
- spreadsheet
- unofficial
- publication
- social science
- analysis
- COVID-19
- is:other
- mental health
- lang:en
- research
- conspiracy theory
- social norm
- tracker
- data collection
- isolation
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- serology testing
- molecular diagnostics
- rapid immunodiagnostic tests
- community
- serology
- rapid serology tests
- host response
- international solidarity
- immune response
- public health
- is:report
- symptomatic patients
- viral infectivity
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- situational analysis
- control programmes
- commercially available
- global cooperation
- surveillance
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- flatten the curve
- community
- protection
- non-pharmaceutical intervention
- is:article
- equipment
- South Korea
- California
- containment
- face mask
- loosening restrictions
- ban
- testing
- closure
- public health
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- healthcare worker
- diagnostics
- physical distancing
- contact tracing
- Singapore
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Local file Local file
medical care
Improve medical care infrastructure and inter-provincial agreements to be able to cover LC-LD workers and their families in source, host and hub communities in a timely manner. the improvement of such services should be flexible enough to adapt to the ups and downs of the predominant industries.