2,693 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2019
    1. considerarla también como motivo de reflexión a la luz del acceso a la información

      Este aspecto es clave frente a otros asuntos como el de la apertura y acceso a la información. Podemos sistematizar una unidad de información en un contexto que facilita ciertos usos pero a futuro, esos usos pueden ser limitaciones de interoperabilidad, acceso e incluso derroche de recursos para mantener sistemas aparatosos y caros.

    1. more negative

      shouldn't this be more positive? (the CI is 0,043; 0,302) And the unstandardized regression coefficient is 0,172.

    2. 0.12 to 0.34 point

      Waarom noem je hier twee keer de Confidence interval en niet een keer de ongestandaardiseerde regressiecoefficient (van 0,23)?

    1. BY status3 exposure3

      Does this sequence matter? The assignment doesn't really say what is the moderator en what the predictor?


      Maakt deze volgorde uit in de syntax? (bij mij staat er eerst descriptive en dan homogeneity)

    1. Squaring, summing, and averaging the solid red arrows (within-groups differences) yields the within-groups variance

      Can you explain this? Or can you give an example?

    1. (Standard) normal distribution one or two means > 100 t distribution one or two means each group > 30

      What is the difference between these two? When does your sample have to contain >100 people (because when you test 2 means you have 2 groups and do a t-test right, so each group has to be over 30 so a minimum of 60?)

    1. 6.3.2 Data generating process

      In test exam 1 there is a question about this, but I didn't understand it and reading this did not make it any clearer.. Are there other ways to grasp this?


      Hoe krijg ik dit in mijn syntax erbij? Zodat je niet die hele tabel Candy weight krijgt? En is dit belangrijk voor in het tentamen?

    1. We have learned that larger samples have smaller standard errors (Section 3.3.1). Smaller standard errors yield larger test statistic values and larger test statistics have smaller p values. In other words, a test on a larger sample is more often statistically significant.

      Why do larger samples have smaller standard errors?

    1. Wouter de Nooy

      Question regarding bonus point. It says the following in the syllabus: "Students earning less than half of all points receive a fraction of the full bonus point that corresponds to the proportion of all points awarded.". How exactly is that calculated?

  2. Sep 2019
    1. Los registros creados por los grupos o áreas de la Biblioteca en el curso de la realización de sus actividades, deben considerarse confidenciales, excepto para sus creadores o la administración de la Biblioteca

      ¿Hasta qué punto se debe llevar la confidencialidad de la operación de un funcionario o área de la administración pública? Con respecto a una institución cultural y de la memoria ¿estos procesos, si se generan abiertos, no beneficiaría a comunidades y grupos civiles?

    2. niveles de clasificación de la información como: confidencial, privado, sensibley público.

      La BNC define niveles de acceso a contenidos según los tipos de contenidos y los perfiles de usuario de la biblioteca. Esto, por la sensibilidad de información que podrían contar los documentos en sus colecciones.

    1. What is the average cost to build a website?

      Being a leading web development company, we have the expertise of working on a diverse kind of projects for our global clientele. So, we can assist you to figure out the average cost to build and maintain a website. Well, once again, keep in mind that such cost estimations are not accurate figures.

    1. they do not see that a thesis implies a counterthesis and that the presence of opposing or alternative voices implies a view of knowledge as dialogic, contingent, ambiguous, and tentative.




  3. Aug 2019
    1. hisisaverydesirablequalityinallMissionariesamongtheIndiansinthisregionandparticularlyinfemales

      Mrs. A bonds quickly with the Native women and girls, teaching them how to knit



  4. Jul 2019
    1. before the Fall,

      Referring to the Fall of Man, when Adam and Eve defied God and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The shame brought upon Adam and Eve after this defiance is what brought them to cover their bodies.

    1. We add the target property _blank to force the target file to open in a separate window or tab. Another common target is _self, which will open in the same tab, replacing the current page. Check out W3 Schools for more info on the target attribute.

    1. but Salt Lake City’s cost of living is 16 percent lower than in Denver, 37 percent lower than Seattle’s and 48 percent under San Francisco’s, according to PayScale. The state — often led personally by Governor Gary Herbert — pitches its advantages well to firms considering relocation, says Joe Vranich, whose consulting firm helps small businesses looking to move. “They will roll out the carpet for you and treat you like a king.” The approach is working. Utah’s “Silicon Slopes”

      Utah's low cost of living attracts tech companies to operate in Utah. This will make more outsiders to relocate to Utah for jobs which can further aggravate the burden of housing shortage and pricing.

    1. RELIC

      Part of a deceased holy persons body - kept as an object of reverence.

  5. Jun 2019
    1. ownload the data set candies.sav and use SPSS to apply a Fisher-exact test to the association between candy colour and candy stickiness

      Wat is het verschil tussen een Fishers exact test en een Chi-kwadraat test?

    1. Download the data set candies.sav and use SPSS to bootstrap the t test on average weight of yellow and red candies (the example above). The test is available in the Analyze>Compare Means menu.

      Wanneer gebruik je one sampled t test, independent t-test en paired sampled t-test? (wat is het verschil tussen deze)

  6. May 2019
  7. www.bible.com www.bible.com
    Matthew 13:35 This is as the prophet said: “I will speak using stories; I will tell things that have been secret since the world was made.” All Jesus did that day was tell stories—a long storytelling afternoon. His storytelling fulfilled the prophecy: I will open my mouth and tell stories; I will bring out into the open things hidden sinc This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: “I WILL OPEN MY MOUTH IN PARABLES; I WILL UTTER THINGS HIDDEN SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.” This fulfilled what God had spoken through the prophet: “I will speak to you in parables. I will explain things hidden since the creation of the world.” That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world. So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: “I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.” This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet: “I WILL OPEN MY MOUTH IN PARABLES; I WILL UTTER THINGS [unknown and unattainable] THAT HAVE BEEN HIDDEN [from mankind] SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE W He did this in order to fulfill the prophecy: I will speak to you in allegories. I will reveal secrets that have been concealed since before the foundation of the world. This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet: "I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world."
    1. All Jesus did that day was tell stories—a long storytelling afternoon. His storytelling fulfilled the prophecy: I will open my mouth and tell stories; I will bring out into the open things hidden since the world’s first day.
    1. That said, once a new platform is identified as a target you don’t want to wait too long to pounce. There are benefits to being early. It can show platform representatives that you’re a believer in the product and the company, which may make them more willing to work with you or build products to help you. For instance, publishers who were early to Twitter, such as The New York Times, were marked “suggested follows” for users and saw huge audience growth.
  8. Apr 2019
    1. Being a teenager is hard; there are constant social and emotional pressures that have just been introduced into the life of a middle or high schooler, which combines with puberty to create a ticking time bomb. By looking at the constant exposure to unreasonable expectations smartphones and social media create, we can see that smartphones are leading to an increased level of depression and anxiety in teenagers, an important issue because we need to find a safe way to use smartphones for the furture generations that are growing up with them. Social media is a large part of a majority of young adults life, whether it includes Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, or some combination of these platforms, most kids have some sort of presence online. Sites like Facebook and Instagram provide friends with a snapshot of an event that happened in your life, and people tend to share the positive events online, but this creates a dangerous impact on the person scrolling.​ When teens spend hours scrolling through excluisvely happy posts, it creates an unrealistic expectation for how real life should be. Without context, teenagers often feel as if their own life is not measuring up to all of their happy friends, but real-life will never measure up to the perfect ones expressed online. Picture Picture Furthermore, social media sites create a way for teenagers to seek external validation from likes and comments, but when the reactions online are not perceived as enough it dramatically alters a young adults self-confidence. This leads to the issue of cyberbullying. There are no restrictions on what you can say online, sometimes even annonimously, so often people choose to send negative messages online. Bullying is not a new concept, but with online bullying, there is little to no escape as a smartphone can be with a teenager everywhere, and wherever the smartphone goes the bullying follows.This makes cyberbullying a very effective way to decrease a youth's mental health, in fact, cyberbullying triples the risk of suicide in adolescents, which is already the third leading cause of death for this age group.

    2. ​Technology is in constant motion. If we try to ignore the advances being made the world will move forward without us. Instead of trying to escape change, there needs to be an effort to incorporate technology into every aspect of our lives in the most beneficial way possible. If we look at the ways technology can improve our lives, we can see that technology specifically smartphones, have brought more benefits than harm to the academic and social aspects of teenagers lives, which is important because there is a constant pressure to move away from smart devices from older generations. The first aspect people tend to focus on is the effect that technology has on the academic life of a teen. Smartphones and other smart devices are a crucial part of interactive learning in a classroom and can be used as a tool in increasing student interest in a topic. For example, a popular interactive website, Kahoot, is used in many classrooms because it forces students to participate in the online quiz, while teachers can gauge how their students are doing in the class. Furthermore, these interactive tools are crucial for students that thrive under visual learning, since they can directly interact with the material. This can be extended to students with learning disabilities, such as Down Syndrome and Autism,​ research has shown that using specialized and interactive apps on a smart device aids learning more effectively than technology free learning. Picture Picture Another fear regarding technology is the impact it has on the social lives of young adults, but the benefits technology has brought to socializing outweighs any possible consequences. The obvious advantage smartphones have brought to social lives is the ability to easily communicate with people; with social media, texting, and calling all in one portable box there is no longer a struggle to be in contact with family and friends even if they are not in your area. Social media can also be used for much more In recent years, social media has been a key platform in spreading platforms and movements for social change. Because social media websites lower the barrier for communicating to large groups of people, it has been much easier to spread ideas of change across states, countries, or the world. For example, after Hurricane Sandy tore apart the northeastern United States, a movement called "Occupy Sandy" in which people gathered to provide relief for the areas affected was promoted and organized through social media. Other movements that have been possible because of social media include #MeToo, March for Our Lives, #BlackLivesMatter, and the 2017 Women's March. ​

    1. How does having diverse members in a group increase the critical thinking of the group?

      It is just as important to define concepts as it is to identify them. For example, diversity will actually mean different things in different circumstances. This is a subtle but important distinction- you must have a clear (if not absolute) definition of a cncept before you begin to research it.

    1. Evidence to win a bet with a rival in the dorm.

      What are the stakes? Money? Bragging rights? Public humiliation for the loser? The secrets of creation? (I have a sneaking suspicion that this will not be considered, considered a substantive annotation, so I will make an extra).

    1. Only one version of the truth is presented about controversial issues.

      Very important. You can create a false impression easily simply by omitting information, as opposed to outright lying. The "sin of omission" is a huge and often unrecognized problem in researching information. If you know there is another side, please gather information about it. Ideally, study until you can understand why your opponents feel the way they do.

  9. Mar 2019
    1. 2019 American Council on Education/Fidelity Investments Award for Institutional Transformation

      A prestigious award!

    1. error BadZipfile: File is not a zip file

      在安装albacore的时候,使用pip install命令安装.whl文件的时候,总是会出现“ BadZipfile:File is not a zip file”的错误,通过使用参数--no-cache-dir可以解决这个问题。

  10. Feb 2019
    1. Artigo 12.–Servicios extraordinarios.O persoal alleo á empresa que realice servicios extraordinarios percibirá as seguintes retribucións durante o ano 2018 PENDENTE DE REVISIÓN CO IPC DE 2018.Persoal de cociña: * Xefe de Cociña: 100,60 euros por servicio. * Cociñeiro: 77,98.Persoal de comedor: * Xefe de comedor: 98,74 euros por servicio. * Camareiro: 77,98. * Axudante: 77,98.Cando o persoal extra realice a faena de montaxe, percibirá por iso a cantidade de 6,04 euros durante o ano 2018 PENDENTE DE REVISIÓN CO IPC DE 2018.O servicio corrente de restaurante ou limoada será retribuído con 2,44 euros de soldo inicial e tanto por cento corres-pondente garantido de 53,38 euros diarios durante o ano 2018 PENDENTE DE REVISIÓN CO IPC DE 2018.Os servicios de esta índole fóra da localidade producirán un aumento do 15% correspondente, e sendo a cargo da empresa os portes de desplazamento, manutención e aloxamento a que houbere lugar
    2. Axudante/a de camareiro1023,06
    3. Camareiro/a1053,761074,84
    5. Axudante/a de camareiro1140,501103,371076,781163,311125,431098,32
    6. Camareiro/a1165,181119,251090,951188,481141,641112,77
    7. Xefe/a de restaurante ou sala1209,481154,651106,831233,671177,751128,96
    8. Axudante de cociña1062,671053,761053,761083,931074,841074,84
    9. Cociñeiro/a1113,951063,231053,761136,231084,501074,84
    12. 1163,451186,72Conductor/a equipo cateringPreparador/a restauración modernaAxudante/a de camareiro
    13. 1207,701231,85Camareiro/a
    14. Xefe/a de restaurante ou sala1251,961277,00
    15. Axudante de cociña1077,711099,26
    16. Axudante de cociña1062,671039,661025,481016,631016,631083,931060,461045,991036,971036,97
    17. Cociñeiro/a1207,701231,85
    18. Xefe/a de cociña1340,411367,22
    19. CATERING
    20. Axudante/a de camareiro1062,671039,661025,481025,481025,481083,931060,461045,991045,991045,99
    21. Camareiro/a1140,501082,311052,071041,381039,661163,311103,961073,111062,211060,46
    22. Xefe/a de restaurante ou sala1224,981115,501076,781051,671051,671249,481137,811098,321072,711072,71
    25. Xefe/a de cociña1224,981115,761067,961039,661039,661249,481138,071089,321060,461060,46
    26. táboas salariais dos anos 2017 e 2018 (quedando as táboas salariais do ano 2018 pendentes de revisión do IPC)
    27. Cociñeiro/a1113,951064,391027,181023,101023,101136,231085,681047,721043,561043,56
    1. must place 1,Jl>'u.,<I himself in lhe same situation as the audience, in order to form a true judgment of the oration.

      Me: But Hume, why can't I write about Las Meninas without mentioning Foucault?

      Hume: My child, "before [you] enter upon the subject, [you] must endeavor to conciliate [the peer reviewer's] affection, and acquire their good graces."

      Me: But why can't we just move on?!?!

      Hume: My child, you "must place [yourself] in the same situation as the audience, in order to form a true judgment."

      Me: Yeah I'm just gonna cut the reference.

      I mean, you guys might have read that differently.

  11. Jan 2019
  12. www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
    1. no, you know, that is kind of the holy grail for every retail trader.

      trading algorithms

    2. no, and I was talking to her at the meetup and find it very useful to see all my accounts on these three exchanges on one screen. I don't want to have to log in to each one separately and keep track of how much coins I have on each. I would rather see this on one screen every morning. I pull up the screen easy to see. I don't necessarily need to trade from that screen, but I can just an idea of what holdings I have because I'm constantly rebalancing.
    3. o I can't be pulling up my internet browser on my phone and loading the desktop version and some of these charts or some of these apps I need the mobile.
    1. ThisAdornianideaofthreadingtheHegelianneedle

      Repeat with a difference



    1. attractor

      Can anyone shed light on how this word functions in rhet studies in general, and in this paragraph in particular?

      As it is, I'm reading it as a source or well or magnet that a culture exaptates toward or "adexaptates" to.

  13. Dec 2018
    1. el mandatario busca la pavimentación de unos 5 mil kilómetros en 188 comunidades, lo que generaría 14 mil empleos directos. El programa está dentro las 50 prioridades del sexenio y pretende involucrar a los habitantes en la construcción de caminos con cemento, brincándose a los intermediarios con la intención de entregar recursos públicos directamente a los involucrados.
  14. Nov 2018
    1. The hospitalist movement mirrors the health care trend toward ever-increasing specialization. However, hospitalists are fundamentally generalist physicians who provide and coordinate inpatient care, often aided by myriad subspecialists. How can a generalist be a specialist? Specialties in medicine are traditionally defined by organ (eg, cardiology), disease (oncology), population (pediatrics), or procedure/technology (surgery or radiology). The hospitalist, on the other hand, is a "site-defined generalist specialist" (similar to emergency medicine physicians or critical care specialists), caring for patients with a wide array of organ derangements, illnesses, and ages within a specific location.45 Accordingly, the hospitalist should not be seen as a retreat from generalism and its emphasis on coordination and integration9,77 but rather as an affirmation of these values and as a surrogate for the primary care physician in the hospital. The competing pressures resulting from the distance between office and hospital as well as the requirement of around-the-clock availability make the hospital-based generalist a logical evolution. Hospital medicine has already satisfied many of the requirements of a specialty. A large and enthusiastic group of practitioners identify themselves not according to their training background but as hospitalists. The NAIP is almost certainly the fastest growing physician society in the United States. The field hosts several successful meetings each year and has its own clinical textbook.78 To establish themselves as members of a recognized medical specialty, hospitalists must identify a core skill set or body of knowledge and obtain the approval of credentialing organizations. Advocates of specialty status for hospitalists should be encouraged by the history of 2 other site-defined inpatient specialties: emergency medicine and critical care medicine. Like these relatively young fields, it seems probable that hospitalists will ultimately define a unique set of skills and competencies that will distinguish their field. The identification of practice-training mismatches (Table 2) represents an important first step. Credentialing organizations deliver the final stamp of approval on new specialties by creating a board certification or added qualification. Most new fields quickly agitate for such status, their motivation both practical and visceral. However, for unique reasons, few hospitalists are pressing this point. Many physicians—hospitalists and nonhospitalists—worry that if a credentialing body (such as the American Boards of Internal Medicine or Pediatrics) created a hospital medicine credential, health maintenance organizations might require that physicians possess this credential to care for inpatients. This would be unacceptable to many primary care physicians, who would be excluded from the hospital despite their desire and competence to continue practicing there. For this reason, we expect neither NAIP nor the relevant boards to promote separate credentials in the near future. Nevertheless, as evolutionary forces lead to specialized training, some formal specialty designation may emerge.79
    1. That makes this challenge a lot harder to resolve than if we had tried a century ago

      But even if we had tried a century ago, would it have mattered? The article just stated that "we'd have gotten segregated cities anyways because of behavior that's beyond the reach of regulation."

    2. racial preferences still shape where people choose to live today.

      Fear of what is different?

    3. behavior that's beyond the reach of regulation

      Good way of explaining why we still see segregation in our communities

    4. restrictive covenants

      What is a restrictive covenant?

    5. Fair Housing Act

      What does this act say? When was it passed?

    6. "we would still have very segregated cities, because a certain number whites were unwilling to live with blacks."

      Segregation is still present today. A great example of this is the segregation and disparities we see in inner city public schools.

    7. Shertzer and Walsh are pointing to another set of factors — not the policies of institutions, but the behavior of individuals.

      Racist behaviors. But I do not see how this is novel information? This time period is teeming with examples of racist behavior not motivated by institutional policies.

    8. That makes this earlier form of white flight even more striking; their new homes didn't necessarily have lower taxes or better school districts, factors that complicated the motivations of later generations of whites.

      OK... so this era of White flight is striking because they were leaving for purely racist motivations. Not because there were also better reasons to move out of the city (lower taxes, better schools).

    9. "Whites left the neighborhood as a result of blacks arriving," Shertzer says, "not for other reasons."

      So... racism? Is that what they are considering a "casual" reason for leaving?

    10. As blacks arrived in northern neighborhoods, more whites left.

      I can understand why White people were able to move from neighborhoods. However, how were cities legally able to keep African Americans from moving in to certain neighborhoods?

    11. relevant to American cities that are still racially divided today

      Which cities? I think the cities that are racially divided today would be similar to the ones that were segregated in the past (Chicago, New York, Detroit).

    12. "White flight" is usually described as a post-World War II phenomenon

      I wonder why "White flight" is typically associated with this time period? I think I remember learning about a GI Bill that encouraged this once the soldiers returned home from war.

  15. Oct 2018
  16. Sep 2018
    1. overcome fundamental human limitations, and the related study of the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies

      The author expresses a broad definition of what transhumanism is. Author does not include what transhumanism focuses on specifically as in "human limitations" This is an intent to show transhumanism can incorporate sciences and professions from across the board, being inclusive to new ideas in the process from interested individuals. Therefore, from the Transhumanist FAQ, we can conclude the broad definition was meant to draw in more ideas focused on the betterment of humanity from a diverse group of readers, available for critique and decisions.

  17. Aug 2018
  18. sps.nus.edu.sg sps.nus.edu.sg
    1. ΔQ=√(∂Q∂x)2(Δx)2+(∂Q∂y)2(Δy)2+(∂Q∂z)2(Δz)2+..

      ? please explain :o

    1. “If you’re not on MySpace, you don’t exist.”

      In prior generations, if you couldn't borrow dad's car, you didn't exist...

      Cross reference the 1955 cultural touchstone film Rebel Without a Cause. While the common perception is that James Dean, portraying Jim Stark, was the rebel (as seen in the IMDB.com description of the film "A rebellious young man with a troubled past comes to a new town, finding friends and enemies."), it is in fact Plato, portrayed by Sal Mineo, who is the true rebel. Plato is the one who is the disruptive and rebellious youth who is always disrupting the lives of those around him. (As an aside, should we note Plato's namesake was also a rebel philosopher in his time?!?)

      Plato's first disruption in the film is the firing of the cannon at school. While unstated directly, due to the cultural mores of Hollywood at the time, Plato is a closeted homosexual who's looking to befriend someone, anyone. His best shot is the new kid before the new kid manages to find his place in the pecking order. Again Jim Stark does nothing in the film but attempt to fit into the social fabric around him, his only problem is that he's the new guy. Most telling here about their social structures is that Jim has ready access to an automobile (a literal rolling social club--notice multiple scenes in the film with cars full of teenagers) while Plato is relegated to an old scooter (a mode of transport focused on the singleton--the transport of the outcast, the rebel).

      The Rebel Plato, with his scooter--and a gun, no less! Plato as portrayed by Sal Mineo in Rebel Without a Cause (1955). Notice that as the rebel, he's pictured in the middleground with a gun while his scooter protects him in the foreground. In the background is the automobile, the teens' coveted source of freedom at the time.

  19. Jul 2018
    1. At least as far as these gentlemen were concerned, this was a talk about the future of technology. Taking their cue from Elon Musk colonizing Mars, Peter Thiel reversing the aging process, or Sam Altman and Ray Kurzweil uploading their minds into supercomputers, they were preparing for a digital future that had a whole lot less to do with making the world a better place than it did with transcending the human condition altogether and insulating themselves from a very real and present danger of climate change, rising sea levels, mass migrations, global pandemics, nativist panic, and resource depletion. For them, the future of technology is really about just one thing: escape.

      So often we consider technology as being about particular things, but it can be much more fruitful when thinking of it as a system.

  20. Jun 2018
    1. En síntesis, el acceso significativo a la información requiere cuatro elementos clave:1.Una infraestructura de acceso a la información y las comunicaciones2.Un contexto social positivo para su utilización3.La capacidad necesaria de la comunidad y sus miembros4.Un contexto legal y político favorable

      Cuatro aspectos del acceso significativo a la información.

    1. Starbucks delivered solid net revenue growth of 14% to $6.0 billion in its second quarter of fiscal 2018. This was primarily driven by incremental revenues from the ownership change in East China, incremental revenues from 2,103 net new Starbucks® store openings over the last 12 months and global comparable store sales growth of 2%

      China is doing well for Starbucks!

  21. May 2018
    1. Item 7:     Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

      start of MD&A section with item title using colon

    1. The information required by this item is incorporated herein by reference to “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” of Seaboard’s Annual Report to Stockholders and attached as Exhibit 13 to this report.

      MD&A section refers to this section where MD&A content actually resides

    1. ITEM 7.MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANACIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Information in response to this Item 7 can be found in the 2017 Annual Report to Stockholders under “Financial Review.” That information is incorporated into this item by reference.

      MD&A is in an exhibit and not the 10-K: https://www.last10k.com/Search?q=72971#ex-wfc-12312017xex13

  22. Apr 2018
    1. We generated total company revenue of $5.7 billion during the first quarter of 2018, a 34% increase from the $4.3 billion of revenue generated during the first quarter of 2017.

      QoQ revenue increase

    1. Our revenue has grown from $17.7 million during the year ended December 31, 2004 to $741.1 million during the year ended December 31, 2015.

      42 times increase in revenue over 10 years

    1. Because of the diversity in our businesses, we present our financial statements in a three-column format, which allows investors to see our industrial operations separately from our Financial Services operations.

      MD&A covers 10 divisions within GE

  23. Feb 2018
    1. Abhráin

      The formatting of e-books on Internet Archive does not allow hypothesis.is users to annotate the books’ text. In annotating Hyde’s Love Songs of Connacht for the EN6009 Annotate-A-Thon, I have attached annotations to the text beneath the scanned images. Extracts and corresponding page numbers are placed at the beginning of each annotation, in order to properly contextualize my responses.

    1. Mrs. Scales' Room

      Title of the Blog

    2. Out of Eden Walk Follow-Up

      Title of blog entry/post, author name and timestamp. The timestamp will be automatically generated when you create the post.

  24. Jan 2018
    1. henwestudyanobject,formalizingourobservationsinlanguage,wegenerateasetofcarefullyselectednouns,adjectives,adverbs,prepositions,andverbswhicheffectivelydeterminetheboundsofpossibleinterpretation.Thisiswhythewordswechooseinsayingwhatweseehavesuchfarreachingimportance.Itisoutofourparaphraseofwhatweseethatallinterpretationgrows

      I am applying the "What is a Machete, Anyway" as my supplemental text and the main idea of that article is expressing how there are various interpretations of what a Machete is actually. Some people see it as a tool while others see it as a weapon. Everyone's view on a particular object is not the same because of cultural differences. In the article, Cline says himself, "the machete bears an unusual character. It’s possible to conceive of it as a weapon, yes, but it’s also very much a tool — not altogether different from, say, a shovel."

    2. thepossibilitiesarevirtuallylimitless-especiallyconsideringthatnotwoindividualswillreadagivenobjectinthesameway

      In relations to the "What is a Machete, Anyway" article where the machete can be described as a weapon but also as a tool, relates to this specific line in terms of how people look at objects differently.

    1. But the machete bears an unusual character. It’s possible to conceive of it as a weapon, yes, but it’s also very much a tool—not altogether different from, say, a shovel. It’s possible that Wilson is just a stunted adolescent who never grew out of buying switchblades and throwing stars when the carnival comes to town, but the ease with which “tool” becomes “weapon” in the eyes of the law is remarkable.

      As related to the primary text, the interpretations of what a machete is defined as can be viewed differently from all aspects. From a law standpoint, they see the machete as a weapon because it is a sharp object but others see it as a tool because it can be compared to a table saw or an ax.

    2. Machete

      What is a "Machete"? In my opinion a machete is a tool because tools can also be defined as weapons if they are used in an aggressive/deadly manner. For an example, a hammer is a tool but may also be used to harm someone.

    3. “full size” machete.

      Are there miniature machetes? But wouldn't a small machete be considered a knife?

    4. the machete has a special place in the labor history of Florida, where for three and a half centuries slaves and wageworkers cut sugarcane in the fields by hand. Indeed, machetes are unique to the extent that they have always been used for both purposes—and not just as a plot device in horror flicks, either.

      The machete can be used for various reasons. Many people use it in an ax-like manner to cut things down because that is how their cultural history used the "weapon/tool". I personally carry a pocket knife for various reasons. My main reason is for cutting open things in my art class (used as a tool) but I also carry it for protection because I have night classes (weapon). I don't believe you can say what a machete actually is because there are multiple uses for it.

    5. I quickly realized from the descriptions that a machete was essentially the same thing as a “corn knife.”

      This goes back to the primary researches statement of culture having an affect on how people see objects. Some cultures use machetes as actual tools i.e the "corn knife" while others see it as a weapon because they have seen it being used in that way.

    1. Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to make sure of a safer winter road trip

      Winter season brings in the beauty of cold and white nature. Many people look forward to this kind of weather because they can stay wrapped in their blankets or jackets the whole day while drinking hot chocolate and watching good movies. This month can be the most exciting month for many families because of the holiday season, and a lot of people are making last minute shopping and getting all their preparations done. With this, many individuals are getting busy using their cars to go to different places to buy things or products they needed for their Christmas and New Year celebrations. Others have been doing outdoor activities with their family members, friends or colleagues.

      But no matter what the reason is, using your car during this season requires careful preparation to avoid accidents on the road. Irwin Consulting Services would like to provide some help in this regard through some helpful guidelines elucidated in the next paragraphs.

      Consider changing into winter tires. This is often advised by many experts especially during this season, and it is even mandatory on particular places in the United States. Snow or winter tires provide traction that is better than all other tires when temperatures are at or below 7 degrees Celsius. Such allows greater control and shorter stopping distances on road surfaces during the cold and snowy weather. If you notice that some of your family members, relatives or friends don’t own this kind of tire, then you must advise them to buy some for their own safety and for all the people who will be riding with them in their cars. The price of this kind of tire can be higher than others but you can be certain that it is all worth it in the long run.

      Put drifts into consideration while you’re on the road. You don’t want to be involved in any risky car spins scenarios right? It would be best to be careful with snow drifts because even if you’re driving on a clear road but with some speed, strong winds of winter can push those drifts on the clear road, which can lead to unwanted accidents if you’re not paying attention.

      Make sure to properly cover the lids. In order to prevent moisture from freezing, you must cover the tire valves. Doing this, you can avoid air from escaping with the caps properly covered and also prevent having a flat tire.

      Provide sufficient air. Going out of the house and engaging in long trips with your car can be a challenge this winter season because of the change in temperatures and other related aspects. If you wish to face the snowy roads prepared, then often check your tire pressure. Make sure to include this condition on your tire maintenance to have the tires in its best shape even with low temperatures and high air pressure.

      Preparation is always the key. You can’t win against wintery roads if you’re not prepared to face its consequences. Bring with you some hats, mitts, and even a shovel organized inside your car trunk. Include in your winter driving kit a kitty litter too because it can provide traction to your car on icy or snowy roads. Bring an extra jug of winter windshield washer fluid as well especially during long trips to ensure visibility.

      Pass on the knowledge. Some teenagers usually have a less proper understanding of wintery roads. It is your duty as an adult to remind them about the pivotal matters to consider in facing a snowy road to maintain their safety and their young lives. Irwin Consulting Services wanted you to be their guardian on the road, and if you’re a teen reading this then always remember to be prepared and be careful, and always listen to the advice of your older family members or friends.

      Your tires also have its limits. You should have ample knowledge to identify when to replace them for good. You can change winter tires every two to three seasons as per advised by car experts. If you wanted to give new purpose to your old tires, a tire collector knows the best ways, so better get in touch with one within your neighborhood.

      Irwin Consulting Services had previously provided some tips and guidelines on how to ensure indoor and outdoor safety during this holiday season, and this article is part of their objective to give helpful information to the public in making sure of their safety during any weather conditions.

    1. whether available technology tools will enhance or detract from the learning experience.

      Each student learns differently, technology tools will definitely enhance or detract student learning experiences, but it is impossible to say which or to utilize technology in a way that only enhances learning. I think that it is about giving students a chance to find a medium that can be used by all of them.

    1. Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to ensure a safe mountain climbing this winter

      This holiday season, many people are taking advantage of the cold weather to do some extreme activities like mountain climbing. But with this kind of activity, you are very much required to gather all the necessary items and be well-informed in advance in making sure of your survival and safety. If you are with your close friends, family members and colleagues, you are also responsible for their wellbeing, thus you are really needed to be equipped with proper safety equipment and survival skills.

      As one of the groups that are committed to public safety, Irwin Consulting Services would like you to be committed to your own safety and to the people you held close to your heart as well, whether you are inside or outside your home, always bear in mind of that responsibility.

      The appearance of snowy mountains can be a lovely and calming sight because of its pure whiteness. And different kinds of activities await you in such mountains where you can choose between snowshoeing, skiing or other related activities. But no matter how beautiful those mountains look like, they can still bring danger to you and other people around you, so protect your safety by having all the crucial equipment and learning all the required survival skills.

      Determine the final list of activities you wanted to perform on the mountain and then know if each can be conducted at the place safely. You must also ensure that your planned venture suits your fitness level. With this kind of activity, you must never leave home without informing the people close to your heart about your plan. We can’t erase the possibility of it being dangerous, so tell them about the location of the mountain, the date of your return, and other situations where they really need to call the authorities for help in finding you.

      When it comes to climbing a mountain, the local authorities will surely suggest or require you to join a group or form a group composed of two or more people to guarantee the safety of everyone concerned. When a person gets injured, the other group members can take care of him or her. But if you really wanted to be alone and face the challenges by yourself, Irwin Consulting Services reminds you that this involves some risks so better be equipped with every item or product necessary for your survival. Before going to the place, spend an hour or two in front of your laptop or computer learning about the important information about the mountain.

      If you’re only planning to stay when there’s still sunlight, you might not bother to carry some light sources with you. But we don’t know the exact things that could happen to you throughout the day where a situation might surface that requires you to camp for the night, thus include this on the scenarios that may occur on your trip and bring light sources with you.

      In case of an unfortunate event and you were lost in the woods, never panic and don’t put your mind in disarray. It would be best to collect your thoughts and stay calm and warm. Ensure that you were visible from the sky once you called for help so that rescuers on a helicopter could see you quickly. If ever you needed an urgent help, never hesitate to call the authorities right away so that they could find you before it gets dark.

      Majority of countries around the world has their own emergency hotline number that is similar to 9-1-1 of the United States where you can contact for help even without any signal on your phone because such can activate any cell tower. Before you leave your home to begin your adventure, make sure that your phone is fully charged and bring some spare batteries with you or good power banks as well. If you can avail a satellite phone, then have one to get help even in no-cell-service places.

      Be prepared with avalanche safety equipment too. Avalanche can be the biggest threat of a serene snowy mountain, so it would be best to be equipped with the proper equipment such as a transceiver, probe, and shovel. You must also have good knowledge about those items to survive this kind of emergency situation. Learn how to navigate through the terrain to help you mitigate an avalanche exposure.

      Irwin Consulting Services has been a part of different efforts in the United States in improving public safety, and because of its many years of endeavor in this field, the group had seen many cases proving that accidents were inevitable and sometimes unprecedented, so always be prepared in case of unwanted events and situations to protect yourself and other people.

  25. Dec 2017
    1. Irwin Consulting Services Review - Tips to protect your home from a wildfire

      This year, cases of huge wildfires occurred on multiple continents have made the whole world worried and sad because of such devastating calamity that result in a lot of damaged properties and homes, and even lost lives. Wildfires can cause a tragedy fast and this chaotic phenomenon often gives firefighters and local authorities a hard time extinguishing its raging fires. Natural calamities are frightening and their effects on lands and human lives can be heartbreaking. Wildfires can start any time without any warnings and the path that it is going to take is usually hard to predict.

      Different companies and organizations around the world have been working hard to protect the public from immediate dangers of natural calamities, and one of them is Irwin Consulting Services. And one of their objectives is to protect households from wildfires and this post aims to help you in keeping your home safe against such a natural threat.

      Tip #1: Upgrade your roofs

      Consider about installing ignition resistant roofs since roofs were often the most vulnerable part of the house to fires. Protect your home and your family from the quick fires by having fire-resistant roofs. The most effective and resistant roofs were given the rate of “A” so choose roofs with such label. Maintain a clean roof as well to prevent having piled up dead leaves and become fuel to fires.

      Tip #2: Put double protection on windows

      In order to provide more protection to your house, upgrade your windows and drapes too. Use heat-resistant materials in improving your windows to become fire-resistant. The drastic heat coming from a distant wildfire can already affect your house by going right through the windows and put drapes and furniture on fire. Further protection to your house can begin with installing fire-rated glasses on your windows and investing on non-combustible shutters.

      Tip #3: Choose the most convenient location

      Learn about the location of where you are going to buy or build a house. Determine if the neighborhood had a lot of incident of fires in the recent years. Make sure of a place that will not threaten the safety of your home and your family. Irwin Consulting Services encourages you to do a careful research regarding this subject.

      Tip #4: Put adjustments on the site layout

      Make wider driveways, patios and even put low-growing fire-retardant plants to have at least 30 meters of distance and incombustible material between the wild lands and your home. Wider driveways and turn-around is also for the convenience of firefighters in bringing their huge and heavy equipment close to your home in the event of emergencies.

      Tip #5: Keep your green surroundings clean

      Clean the dead and decaying wood around your home because such can also be the reason to start a fire in your area. Do not forget about fallen and dead branches as well. Branches close to your roof or overhangs it should be cut. Maintain a clean setting around your house especially in spots that have a lot of trees.

      Tip #6: Watch out for embers

      Never ignore the danger that flying embers could bring to your house. The openings of eaves and vents are the most vulnerable parts of the house to embers because it can fly into them and can begin a fire inside. Keep those openings screened and properly maintained to avoid tragedies inside your shelter. Gutters should also be cleaned for added protection.

      Irwin Consulting Services would like each household to aim for a better protection at their homes and be prepared for any natural calamities to avoid regrets. Be safe always.

    1. Creating a habit to use vocabulary in normal classroom talk makes a lot of sense using vocab. in normal conversations so students understand it in a practical manner. I'll develop a habit to use more vocab. while talking with students about peer interactions like: playground issues, talking with peers and friends. If they hear new words and understand them in a real-world context they maintain them long-term. Makes sense! love it!

    1. The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act

      The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) was passed in 1975 by the Congress of the United States and increased the amount of self-governance of the native peoples1. If any Native American tribe requests a “self-determination” contract from the federal government, the government is obligated to give them one. This contract gives the tribe funding for programs and gives it the responsibility of running services administered by the federal government. The federal government is also required to provide “contract support costs” – the additional transaction costs of the Act. These costs are only enacted when the tribe decides to plan its own programs without the government’s help. The Act gives the native peoples a lot of freedom and leeway, as they are able to create something they can call their own through these government-provided funds. Funding for the ISDEAA comes from the Indian Self-Determination Fund, which has its limitations: the Availability Clause and the Reduction Clause. The Availability Clause provides that funds are subject to availability of appropriations, and the Reduction Clause states that funding to one tribe cannot be reduced to gain more funding for another2.         This Act has been one of the most important legislative acts for Indians because it greatly affects them in a positive way. The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act “…has been a key driver in improving communities throughout Indian country”3. One example of this would be the lives of the Navajos in Arizona. The Director of the Rough Rock Demonstration School told the Inquiry that under this new legislation they have established their own school system. The director describes the benefits of this, “Navaho people…are running a sophisticated school, unabashedly oriented to Navaho children”1. All of the staff comes from the community – giving the Navajos more jobs and income. The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act not only improves the education of Native Americans, but their quality of life as well. This principle of native self-determination in education was already accepted in Canada in 1972. The National Indian Brotherhood wrote a policy paper called the Indian Control of Indian Education, which was accepted the following year1. The acceptance of native people’s self-governance was clearly growing in the 1970s. Because of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Native Americans were and are able to control more aspects of their lives, especially education.

      A Navajo woman, Kathryn Manuelito, conducted research to emphasize the importance of education to the Indians. After studying the Navajo peoples she stated that “Since the passage of the Indian Self-Determination Act, which provides for tribal- and community based schools, many Indian peoples have considered formal education to be a primary force in the survival of their languages and cultures"4. The indigenous also believe that the act preserves their rights. Manuelito concluded that the traditional Navajo education that resulted from the Act has advanced and helped the Navajo to maintain their existing identities. By the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Indian cultures, especially the Navajo, were able to be preserved4.

      Picture: http://data2.archives.ca/ap/a/a185534-v8.jpg Caption: Reverend Lachlan McLean counsels student soldier at Indian Residential School in the 1970s.


      1. Thomas Berger, “Native Claims,” in Northern Frontier Northern Homeland: The Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry. (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1988), 183.
      2. Elizabeth M. Glazer, “Comments – Appropriating Availability: Reconciling Purpose and Text Under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act,” The University of Chicago Law Review 71, no. 4 (2004):1637-1638.
      3. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Indian Affairs (1993), Amending the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to Provide Further Self-Governance by Indian Tribes, and for Other Purposes: Report (to Accompany S. 979). (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2015), 1-2.
      4. Kathryn Manuelito, “The Role of education in American Indian Self-Determination: Lessons from the Ramah Navajo Community School,” Anthropology & Education Quarterly 36, no. 1 (2005): 73-75. http://doi:10.1525/aeq.2005.36.1.073.
  26. Nov 2017
    1. In conformity with the principles of our constitution, which places all sects of religion on an equal footing, with the jealousies of the different sects in guarding that equality from encroachment & surprise, and with the sentiments of the legislature in favor of freedom of religion manifested on former occasions, we have proposed no professor of Divinity

      I find this point in the document to be forward-thinking, particularly considering the time period it was written in. It is well known that Thomas Jefferson wanted to create a university centered around learning rather than religion, which is why the Rotunda (a library) serves as the center of the university rather than a chapel or church, as was common among other colleges at the time. This concept of religious freedom and equality is especially intriguing after taking "Can a text be ethical?" with Professor Spittler this semester. Just as the commissioners of the university proposed not to force a prescribed set of religious beliefs on its students who may not have similar religious backgrounds, many of my discussion groups in the ethical engagement came to the conclusion that the New Testament cannot be used as the sole basis for an ethical argument, because not everyone holds the New Testament to be a sacred and valid text. Claire Waterhouse

    1. The Largest Governmental Review of Homeopathic Research
      1. Not the largest (and Dana knows this)
      2. Not a Government review (and Dana knows this)

      At best the "Swiss Report" was a very limited assessment of select literature. The ongoing misrepresentation of this publication caused Felix Gurtner of the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH, Health and Accident Insurance Directorate, Bern, Switzerland posted a letter to the editor of Swiss Medical Weekly entitled The report “Homeopathy in healthcare: effectiveness, appropriateness, safety, costs” is not a “Swiss report” to clarify this. Dana is very aware of this, but continues to misinform his readership with this blatantly and demonstrably false claim.

      Given how often this has been pointed out there is only one reasonable conclusion for him continuing to put this out there.

      Dana Ullman is a liar.

    1. Saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war was the main motivation for creating the United Nations, whose founders lived through the devastation of two world wars. Since its creation, the UN has often been called upon to prevent disputes from escalating into war, or to help restore peace when armed conflict does break out, and to promote lasting peace in societies emerging from wars.

  27. Oct 2017
    1. 9.7 Controlling for Covariates


      Could you go through how to work with these type of models (covariate) how do they differ/ also in SPSS?

    1. 8.1 The Regression Equation


      Could you go through the equation, where do the values come from, how to work with it, maybe an example question? Thanks!

    1. As well might it be urged that the wild & uncultivated tree, hitherto yielding sour & bitter fruit only, can never be made to yield better: yet we know that the grafting art implants a new tree on the savage stock, producing what is most estimable both in kind & degree.

      This is a very insightful metaphor that shows that demonstrates that education depends on the student. Just as cultivation that is successful for one tree might be unsuccessful for another, depending on many variables, the way one student learns and is educated might not work for another student, as people are all vastly different. This is important to realize, because if the aim is to educate all students, the teachers must be willing to shape their own methods. Caroline Peterson

    2. It will form the first link in the Chain of an historical review of our language through all its successive changes to the present day, will constitute the foundation of that critical instruction in it, which ought to be found in a Seminary of general learning and thus reward amply the few weeks of attention which would alone be requisite for its attainment. A language already fraught with all the eminent sciences of our parent Country the future Vehicle of whatever we may Ourselves atchieve and destined to Occupy so much space on the Globe, claims distinguished attention in American Education.

      It is quite striking to find such a clear statement that emphasizes the importance of participating in "historical review" while linking that review to the "present day"--for this type of review and analysis is exactly what UVA's first-year students are undertaking. It makes it evident that even the Rockfish Gap Report was meant for critical review. In the past, and the present, nothing is perfect--human words have always been scrutinized and will continue to be reviewed as long as media exists. With an emphasis on science within our language (as described), we are able to formulate effectively factual claims. Scientific discovery has flourished since the time of this report, however, it becomes more and more difficult to know what information is true and what information has been fabricated by the news media. The importance of opening up this informational language to students becomes vital to the creation a nation that vicariously breathes truth through its citizens. -Tim Irish

    3. rest might be appropriated to the modern languages, or to the commencement of the course of science

      Both science and language are integral parts of societal advancement, and more often than not, these concepts work together as language acts as a medium to share new information and ideas. Furthermore, I feel that by stating the commencement one must take to science from such a young age reflects the nature of true science. Good science will take years of dedication, with even more time to allow for revisions to theories. The RFG seems to support this idea of science as a slow but steady way of understanding the phenomena of the natural universe.

    4. The objects of this primary education determine its character & limits. These objects would be, To give to every citizen the information he needs for the transaction of his own business. To enable him to calculate for himself, and to express & preserve his ideas, his contracts & accounts in writing. To improve by reading, his morals and faculties. To understand his duties to his neighbours, & country, and to discharge with competence the functions confided to him by either. To know his rights; to exercise with order & justice those he retains; to choose with discretion the fiduciaries of those he delegates; and to notice their conduct with diligence with candor & judgment. And, in general, to observe with intelligence & faithfulness all the social relations under which he shall be placed.

      This portion of the document is extremely important because it addresses the purpose of the University, but is also somewhat ironic regarding what was stated earlier in the document. In the first paragraph, it is revealed that the University's location was chosen based on its centrality to the white population in Virginia. Although this statement implies a bias against non-white Virginians, the listed purposes of the University and what it hopes to impart to its students paint a different picture, one in which a student would use his education to behave morally in society. In this light, the purpose of the University can be interpreted in different ways, either as a way to serve the white population so that they may "preserve [the] ideas" of the time Oppositely, students could use the knowledge they gain to "improve [their] morals," and work to bring about change in society by educating others about the ethical way to interact with people of all races.

      Claire W.

  28. Sep 2017
    1. This doctrine is the genuine fruit of the alliance between church and State

      While Jefferson is often accredited with being on of the primary figures supporting a separation of church and state, this line brings that into question. This seems to assert that the church and the government have a bond and are on the same side. In many ways, this is true; both religion and public education have similar goals in educating youth so that they can be productive and valued people in the future. The only difference being that these institutions have different definitions for what is "valued". In the Can a text be Ethical engagement class, it is frequently discussed how the Bible is used as evidence for many philosophical arguments. It is clear that the writers of the Rockfish Gap Report do respect the church and its basic beliefs because they freely admit to being in an alliance with the church. However, in spite of this, it must still be asked whether Jefferson and the other writers of this document were for or against the complete separation of church and state.

      Ryan Keane

    2. Some of these have rendered the elements themselves subservient to the purposes of man

      Ideas themselves don't support an argument. People can skew the meanings of ignore the overall context to serve their own purposes. Interpretation is a large factor whenever we learn or teach. It isn't unethical to use knowledge as evidence, but it's wrong to purposefully assume meanings without considering the full history and still continue to publish it.

      Wei Guan

    3. A language already fraught with all the eminent sciences of our parent Country the future Vehicle

      As communication has always played a key role in the scientific method, language truly does act as a vehicle to the future. Unfortunately, today the communication of science has its flaws due to the general public's lack of common access to scientific journals. University students presently have access to countless scholarly scientific sources as this document intended, yet the emphasis on the importance of communication of science suggests a more global goal. Thus, the university should do all it can to work with organizations such as the Center for Open Science in order to allow for a stronger bond between language and science in the community within and beyond UVa.

    4. Education generates habits of application, order and the love of virtue; and controuls, by the force of habit, any innate obliquities in our moral organization.

      Education is a powerful tool. Teachers can use their authoritative position to shape the beliefs and morals of their students. Many students are eager to learn, so they are easily influenced by what their teachers tell them is fact. Their teachers are the authority in the situation, so therefore they must know how the world works. This can be either positive or negative influence on students depending on how accurate a teacher's knowledge and beliefs are, especially since education "controuls... any innate obliquities in our moral organization." Caroline Peterson

    5. two students only, this provision being deemed advantageous to morals, to order, & to uninterrupted study;

      I find it interesting that two is the explicitly stated maximum for students living together in order to be neat, get along well, and have an ideal situation for studying. I believe this still holds true in today's time, though many find themselves going to the library to study instead. This statement causes me to wonder whether it was rare for students to go elsewhere, such as a library, to study at this time. It seems likely that since a University such as this had not existed previously, the founders wanted to give the prospective students the best possible chance to succeed and did not want to force the students to go to a library or some other building to do their studying. Also, the founders were likely trying to get the students accustomed to studying in their living quarters with another person present, to prepare them for their future jobs when they would have wives and maybe children in the same house or room as them while working.

    1. We the people


    2. I was raised with the help of a white grandfather who survived a Depression to serve in Patton’s Army during World War II and a white grandmother who worked on a bomber assembly line at Fort Leavenworth while he was overseas.


    1. Miss Amazing was started in Omaha, Nebraska, in 2007 by a teenage girl named Jordan Somer

      I wonder why she decided to start the pageant. Where did she get the idea from?

    1. We’ve all created our own personal histories, marked by highs and lows, that we share with the world — and we can shape them to live with more meaning and purpose.

      I wonder why the author decided to write about this particular topic. Maybe they have struggled with their own personal history.

    2. We are all storytellers

      As an English teacher, I know that pretty much anything can be looked at as a narrative--a story

  29. Aug 2017
    1. Hosting a discussion on Hypothesis breaks up

      Are annotations sorted by time or by place on the page?

  30. Jul 2017
    1. With our extensive prior knowledge derived from offline reading, we naturally interpret this standard, using a lens to our past, and teach infer-ential reasoning with narrative text offline.
  31. Jun 2017
  32. Apr 2017
    1. Ye say that the interest of the master is a sufficient protection to the slave. In the fury of man’s mad will, he will wittingly and with open eyes sell his own soul to the Devil to get his ends; and will he be more careful of his neighbor’s body?

      Having a master's favor could mean a much better life, and since Legree hated Tom it meant that he wanted to kill him even though it likened him to sin.

    1.  Because that I am more than common tall, FTLN 0583 That I did suit me all points like a man?

      like a man: a stereotypical description

    2. Good my complexion, dost thou think FTLN 1387 though I am caparisoned like a man,

      issues of identity

    3.  I think he be transformed into a beast, FTLN 0960 For I can nowhere find him like a man

      beastliness issues of identity

  33. Mar 2017
    1. Any communication between people about the same thing isa common revelatory experience about informational models of that thing.Each model is a conceptual structure of abstractions formulated initially inthe mind of one of the persons who would communicate, and if the conceptsin the mind of one would-be communicator are very different from those inthe mind of another, there is no common model and no communication

      cf. Wittgenstein Beetle in a Box

    1. Learningto complete a whole task involves four levels ofinstruction: (a) the problem, (b) the tasks re-quired to solve the problem, (c) the operationsthat comprise the tasks, and (d) the actions thatcomprise the operations. Effective instructionshould engage students in all four levels of per-formance: the problem level, the task-level, theoperation-level, and the action-level.

      Steps is learning to complete a whole task. This could be an extension of our matrix.

    1. President Donald Trump relishes the comforts of his Mar-a-Lago estate for repeated weekends away from Washington, but former Secret Service and intelligence officials say the resort is a security nightmare vulnerable to both casual and professional spies.

      Yep. Saw this coming!

  34. Feb 2017
    1. A breakthrough in our understanding came about when we ablated the renin cells in mice by targeting diphtheria toxin subunit A into the renin gene.31 Although these animals had renal abnormalities, the arteriolar hypertrophy was prevented (Figure 1), indicating that the hypertrophy occurred because the cells themselves directly or by the production of a growth factor(s) contributed to the vascular lesions.

      Fascinating discovery targeting diphtheria toxin subunit A.

    1. act like the heroes that they love by acting for a better world.

      I feel so inspired by these words. It reminds me of the those posters that say change begins with you, Words that if you woke up to in the morning you wouldn't feel mad that you woke up early and inspire for greatness.

    1. The contagious euphoria you felt has a name: “collective effervescence,” coined a century ago by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim. It’s that glowy, giddy feeling where your sense of self slackens, yielding to a connection with your fellow, synchronized humans.
    1. Rather than acting through a model of exclusion or opposition, ‘normalisation’ assimilates the ‘abnormal’ as part of the ‘normal’ state and its proper function, turning the body into an object of strict control and under constant surveillance.

      These same anxieties are the focus of so many post-human science fiction films (particularly those from the 80's) where an abnormal human body is normalized. The language of this passage especially reminded me of Robocop where the protagonist effectively loses control over his body and is constantly surveilled by his corporate creators.

  35. Jan 2017
    1. Paraphrasing Craig Muldrew’s findings, James B. argues that in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries beer was more important as a source of energy (via calories both from grain and alcohol) than as an alternative to water (p 66
    1. auréolé par des spots qui l'éclairaient autant que les plateaux télévisuels dont il était familier, Balthazar Balsan se livrait à la séance de dédicaces avec une bonne humeur appliquée

      Ici nous voyons que Balthazar est passionné dans ses romans. Il aime sa séance de signature.

    2. Balthazar Balsan la regarda sans la regarder, ai-mable de façon professionnelle.–Avez-vous un livre sur vous ?

      Il n'est pas très surprise et un peu calme au contraire parce que, peut-être, il a contré le même personne qui était nerveux autrefois.

    3. Si toutes étaient des lectrices de Balthazar Balsan, aucune ne se révélait aussi assidue, précise et passionnée qu'Odette.

      Pourquoi Odette adore les livres de Balthazar Balsan? Quelle partie de son roman fascinait-elle? Le Caractère?Le contenu?

    4. Qui-conque voyait sa silhouette légère dévaler le mont des Arts sentait que cette femme, dont une plume ornait les boucles de cheveux, avait quelque chose d'un oiseau...

      Quelle belle phrase! Il semble qu'elle est très inquietète.

    5. « Pour Dette ».

      C'est extrêmement malheureux! : ' (

    6. ... dette !–Pardon?–... dette !–Dette ?

      Je n'ai jamais été tellement nerveuse en toute ma vie!

    7. Calme-toi, Odette, calme-toi.

      Elle était trop éxcité! Elle a l'air fou.

    8. –Qui est-ce ? demanda-t-il au responsable com-

      Il est évident, quelles sont ses préférences

    9. Incapable d'articuler un mot.

      Je peux comprendre pourquoi elle est si nerveuse. elle est starstruck

    1. Frictionial sliding refers to the movement on a preexisting surface when shear surface exceeds sliding resistance.

      Frictional force is function of normal force. Frictional force is independent of the area of contact and independent of material used- weight of the block is dependent. whys is that?

      There is roughness to every surface which anchor the surface in the asperities. ifthe block is heavier ore areas will touch and increase how anchored the object is to the surface.

      A scaled up pool ball has higher topographical area than our own planet does if pool ball was size of earth.

      Table with legs on carpet= contact points sliding along a surface

    1. Currently, each of the four pairs has a capacity of 10 terabits per second (Tbps), amounting to a total of 40Tbps on the TGN-A cable. At the time, a figure of 8Tbps was the current lit capacity on this Tata network cable.

      Yet still, us end-users are getting data capped! How would you argue against this affirmation now, Virgin & Verizon, huh?!

  36. Dec 2016