- Feb 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
I ought to spend some more time learning some of these keyboard shortcuts.
every.to every.to
Based on that lived, visceral experience, I’ve tried to pay more attention to the feeling of momentum when I get it, and really lean into it.
Not everyone has a job where they can drop what they're doing and go work on something more interesting. But being able to switch gears to lean into creative momentum can help to increase and encourage productivity with respect to creative work and endeavors. This switching can be dramatically facilitated by having a wealth of alternate interesting options to delve into.
I've observed for myself that not all weeks of writing are made equal. When I do try to impose a schedule on myself – like resolving that ‘I'll write for three hours every day and hit 1200 words’ – it can work out OK, but it’s usually not that great.But I have learned that when I’m really on a roll – when I’ve found a voice that’s really working and that I’m excited about – I need to just clear the decks and go with it. I will empty my schedule, dive in, and stay up late in order to be as productive as I can. I would say this is how I got both of my novels written.
Robin Sloan's writing process sounds similar to that of Niklas Luhmann where he chose to work on things that seemed exciting and fun. This is, in part, helped by having a large quantity of interesting notes to work off of. They both used them as stores to fire their internal motivation to get work done.
Local file Local file
Only after aligning every single part of the delivery chain, frompackaging to delivery, from the design of the ships to the design ofthe harbours, was the full potential of the container unleashed.
Streamlining one's entire workflow from start to finish can unleash tremendous amounts of additional system-wide productivity. Starting out by tinkering with small things here and there is more likely to doom these smaller individual changes to failure with out associated global changes.
Once the overall system has been redesigned and reconfigured, then one can make and perfect smaller scale local changes.
Link this to the idea of kelp and sailing/rowing from The West Wing.
We need a reliable and simple external structure tothink in that compensates for the limitations of our brains
Let's be honest that there are certainly methods for doing all of this within our brains and not needing to rely on external structures. This being said, using writing, literacy, and external structures does allow us to process things faster than before.
Can we calculate what the level of greater efficiency allows for doing this? What is the overall throughput difference in being able to forget and write? Not rely on communication with others? What does a back of the envelope calculation for this look like?
A good structure is something you can trust. It relieves you fromthe burden of remembering and keeping track of everything. If youcan trust the system, you can let go of the attempt to hold everythingtogether in your head and you can start focusing on what isimportant:
Whether it's for writing, to do lists, or other productivity spaces, a well designed system is something that one can put their absolute trust into. This allows one to free themselves from the burden of tracking and dealing with minutiae so they can get serious work done.
- Jan 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
just speaking instead of having to type with my with my fingers is that i can 00:02:11 kind of think out loud a little bit more and get more information and i sometimes find i generate more insights being able to speak versus uh type things so i find that really useful
Voiceliner advantage for Obsidian and Logseq
scattered-thoughts.net scattered-thoughts.net
Exposing myself to addictive interactions trained me to self-interrupt - whenever I encountered a difficult decision or a tricky bug I would find myself switching to something easier and more immediately rewarding. Making progress on hard problems is only possible if I don't allow those habits to be reinforced.
Highlighting this, but really the whole section is almost perfectly written. Hardest is achieving your desired inner discipline and then having to fight with people who don't understand this shit (because their performance never matters, or they don't give a damn).
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Organizations as varied as Y Combinator, MIT’s Radiation Lab, and ARPA have astonishing track records in catalyzing progress far beyond their confines.
Are they really the ones pushing the progress and innovating, or are they benefiting from filtering out only the highest level potential producers and simply supporting them?
Would we get more overall benefit from raising the level of the ocean so that all boats rise instead of a select few?
Another example, how was Hungary able to produce so many Nobel Prize winners?
In a recent paper, Pierre Azoulay and co-authors concluded that Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s long-term grants to high-potential scientists made those scientists 96 percent more likely to produce breakthrough work. If this finding is borne out, it suggests that present funding mechanisms are likely to be far from optimal, in part because they do not focus enough on research autonomy and risk taking.
Risk taking and the potential return are key pieces of progress.
Most of our research funding apparatus isn't set up with a capitalistic structure. Would that be good or bad for accelerating progress?
Along these lines, the world would benefit from an organized effort to understand how we should identify and train brilliant young people, how the most effective small groups exchange and share ideas, which incentives should exist for all sorts of participants in innovative ecosystems (including scientists, entrepreneurs, managers, and engineers), how much different organizations differ in productivity (and the drivers of those differences), how scientists should be selected and funded, and many other related issues besides.
These are usually incredibly political questions that aren't always done logically.
See for example Malcolm Gladwell's podcast episode My Little Hundred Million.
twitter.com twitter.com
Productivity is a virtue only to the person you're producing for.
-Abel Undercity
github.com github.com
Looks interesting, but I'll resist trying it out.
This plugin also does reminders for Obsisian, but doesn't look very well supported and hasn't been updated in a while. Not sure I like the general format as much as the other version in any case.
julian.digital julian.digital
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'> Alexander Wang </span> in Alexander Wang on Twitter: "After discovering the idea of "A Meta-Layer for Notes" (https://t.co/EioyyptzCb), I started to try reading in this way ↓. https://t.co/lOhRyeytXZ" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>01/11/2022 09:15:59</time>)</cite></small>
eleanorkonik.com eleanorkonik.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Manfred Kuehn</span> in Taking note: "How to take notes like an 'alpha-geek'" (<time class='dt-published'>12/31/2021 21:44:32</time>)</cite></small>
- Dec 2021
austinkleon.com austinkleon.com
“What is your definition of success?” I hemmed and hawed a bit, until I finally said, “I suppose success is your days looking the way you want them to look.”
luhmann.surge.sh luhmann.surge.sh
It is impossible to think without writing; at least it is impossible in any sophisticated or networked (anschlußfähig) fashion.
The sentiment that it is impossible to think without writing is patently wrong. While it's an excellent tool, it takes an overly textual perspective and completely ignores the value of orality an memory in prehistory.
Modern culture has lost so many of our valuable cultural resources that we have completely forgotten that they even existed.
Oral cultures certainly had networked thought, Luhmann and others simply can't imagine how it may have worked. We're also blinded by the imagined size of societies in pre-agricultural contexts. The size and scope of cities and city networks makes the history of writing have an outsized appearance.
Further, we don't have solid records of these older netowrks, a major drawback of oral cultures which aren't properly maintained, but this doesn't mean that they didn not exist.
- Nov 2021
tim.blog tim.blog
Have an external to-do system.
Email is a chaotic task list organised by other people. When you think of it like that, it makes sense to get those tasks out of your email inbox and into another system that you control.
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
Set your focus: define the problem or area you will be looking at. It can be as narrow as a specific annoyance you face in your life, and as broad as a whole industry, but you can’t just have a vague brainstorm with no predefined focus.Gather new material: give yourself—and the team if it’s a group brainstorm—time to familiarise yourself with the area of focus. This means reading articles, watching videos, etc. If it’s a group brainstorm, this step should ideally happen before the session to give time to your brain to incubate these ideas, but if not you can block a bit of time at the beginning of the session.Generate ideas: remember, quantity over quality. Use the three creative modes presented earlier. Combinational to mix old ideas together, exploratory to investigate new potential ideas within the rules of a given space, transformational to break the rules and come up with radical ideas.Test your ideas: this is where most brainstorming sessions fail to take the one extra but necessary step. Instead of selecting your ideas on the spot, you need to test them in the real world. Select the few most promising candidates, and see how your audience reacts. For a book, write a blog post. For an app, build a landing page or a quick MVP.Select and refine your ideas: use the feedback your receive to adapt or drop your ideas. If a particular problem or area keeps on coming back in the feedback… Go back to step 1.
In che modo si può strutturare una sessione di #brainstorm davvero efficace?
- Stabilire il focus: bisogna decidere il problema o l'area su sui ci si concentrerà nel generare nuove idee, la sola regola è che non sia qualcosa di vago;
- Dai il tempo per raccogliere e processare del materiale di referenza: senza questo tempo e questo materiale uno dei tipi di creatività (quello combinativo) non si potrà attivare;
- Generare idee: seguendo i tre principi ed i tre tipi di creatività si passa a generare le idee;
- Testa le tue idee: questa è una delle fasi che più vengono tralasciate, ma è anche tra le più importanti perché mette in pratica il [[first principle thinking]] e lo si fa tramite il test diretto con la realtà delle nostre idee, è quindi necessario prevedere un processo di scelta delle idee atto a metterle in pratica direttamente;
- Utilizza il feedback sull'idea per avviare nuove sessioni di #brainstorm
Remember the principles laid out earlier: quantity versus quality, building a creative routine, and using all three creative modes to ensure you don’t leave any ideas off the table.
Quali sono i principi fondamentali per fare un #brainstorm efficace?
- La quantità è meglio della qualità;
- Rendi l'esercizio creativo parte della tua routine;
- Utilizza le tre tipologie di creatività per aumentare il numero di idee generate;
Transformational creativity: this method takes things even further. Instead of exploring a space and questioning its rules, transformational creativity is about ignoring fundamental rules to come up with potentially impossible but highly creative ideas.
Quale tipo di creatività è il più innovativo?
È la creatività di trasformazione, si tratta di quella creatività che, invece di esplorare all'interno dei confini e delle regole di un'area, ignora i confini di un'area e porta ad idee probabilmente impossibili ma molto creative.
Exploratory creativity: in academia, exploratory creativity is defined as “the process of searching an area of conceptual space governed by certain rules.” This means that you try to generate new ideas within a given space, taking into account its specific rules
Quale è un altro tipo di creatività che possiamo sfruttare ed in che modo si collega al [[first principle thinking]] ?
Si tratta di una creatività esplorativa, è quella creatività che emerge quando esploriamo i concetti all'interno di un'area definita da specifiche regole.
Quando andiamo a contestare queste regole, a validarle allora mettiamo i confini dell'area in movimento e questo porta i concetti a mischiarsi, spostarsi.
Combinational creativity: we are often seeking original ideas, when in reality most creative concepts are a combination of old ideas. First, collect as many old ideas as possible. This can be done by reading science fiction or just taking notes every time you hear a commonplace idea in a conversation. Then, let these old ideas incubate for a while. Yes, there’s no second step. Let your brain do the work.
Quale è il primo tipo di creatività che possiamo sfruttare per generare nuove idee?
Questa è quella creatività che deriva dal collatio, dall'unione di idee già presenti nel mondo. Si basa sul concetto che non si può pensare a qualcosa che non sia stato già pensato. Un'idea davvero nuova allora si potrà generare solo combinando idee vecchie già presenti.
Per mettere in pratica questo tipo di creatività è essenziale collezionare ed annotare tutte le idee che incontriamo nel mondo reale (generalmente leggendo), bisogna lasciare poi queste idee, lasciarle nel nostro cervello a crescere.
Quando sarà il momento giusto, il nostro cervello le riporterà a galla dopo averle messe in collegamento con altre idee che abbiamo collezionato in passato: di solito questa cosa accade quando siamo rilassati (tipo sotto la doccia).
Whether your goal is to write a book, become a better illustrator, or build an app, don’t leave creativity to random bursts of inspiration. Block some time every day or every week to generate new ideas and new work. I personally use mindframing to ensure my daily creative output aligns with my bigger goals, but as long as you flex your creative muscle consistently, you will be on your way to do your best creative work.
Perché è essenziale rendere l'esercizio creativo una parte integrante della nostra routine quotidiana?
Perché rende lo sforzo creativo un abitudine, mette in esercizio il nostro muscolo creativo e ci induce ad aumentare in maniera esorbitante il fattore di quantità, rendendoci capaci di arrivare all'elemento di qualità.
It may sound counterintuitive, but science shows that quantity yields quality when it comes to creativity. In simpler terms, this means that the more ideas and work you produce, the more creative they will be.
Cosa dice la scienza riguardo l'assunto che la quantità sia nemica della qualità?
La scienza dice che in realtà non è così, quando si parla di lavoro creativo, la quantità è presupposto fondamentale per ottenere risultati di qualità prima o poi.
Le probabilità di ottenere un risultati di qualità aumentano mano a mano che la quantità aumenta.
Fonte: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479710/
- Oct 2021
www.digitaloase.com www.digitaloase.com
Too bad there wasn't more information in the citations, even just the author & title, let alone a short summary. I wouldn't follow the link.
yishunlai.medium.com yishunlai.medium.com
Holiday’s is project-based, or bucket-based.
Ryan Holiday's system is a more traditional commonplace book approach with broad headings which can feel project-based or bucket-based and thus not as flexible or useful to some users.
greyzonepages.com greyzonepages.com
I haven't been logging them all since they've been so repetitive and fluffy, but this is one of the more interesting and thorough takes I've seen for the Hobonichi Cousin Daily Layout
Here's a framing I like from Gary Bernhardt (not set off in a quote block since this entire section, another than this sentence, is his). People tend to fixate on a single granularity of analysis when talking about efficiency. E.g., "thinking is the most important part so don't worry about typing speed". If we step back, the response to that is "efficiency exists at every point on the continuum from year-by-year strategy all the way down to millisecond-by-millisecond keystrokes". I think it's safe to assume that gains at the larger scale will have the biggest impact. But as we go to finer granularity, it's not obvious where the ROI drops off. Some examples, moving from coarse to fine: The macro point that you started with is: programming isn't just thinking; it's thinking plus tactical activities like editing code. Editing faster means more time for thinking. But editing code costs more than just the time spent typing! Programming is highly dependent on short-term memory. Every pause to edit is a distraction where you can forget the details that you're juggling. Slower editing effectively weakens your short-term memory, which reduces effectiveness. But editing code isn't just hitting keys! It's hitting keys plus the editor commands that those keys invoke. A more efficient editor can dramatically increase effective code editing speed, even if you type at the same WPM as before. But each editor command doesn't exist in a vacuum! There are often many ways to make the same edit. A Vim beginner might type "hhhhxxxxxxxx" when "bdw" is more efficient. An advanced Vim user might use "bdw", not realizing that it's slower than "diw" despite having the same number of keystrokes. (In QWERTY keyboard layout, the former is all on the left hand, whereas the latter alternates left-right-left hands. At 140 WPM, you're typing around 14 keystrokes per second, so each finger only has 70 ms to get into position and press the key. Alternating hands leaves more time for the next finger to get into position while the previous finger is mid-keypress.) We have to choose how deep to go when thinking about this. I think that there's clear ROI in thinking about 1-3, and in letting those inform both tool choice and practice. I don't think that (4) is worth a lot of thought. It seems like we naturally find "good enough" points there. But that also makes it a nice fence post to frame the others.
Another common reason for working on productivity is that mastery and/or generally being good at something seems satisfying for a lot of people. That's not one that resonates with me personally, but when I've asked other people about why they work on improving their skills, that seems to be a common motivation.
As with this post on reasons to measure, while this post is about practical reasons to improve productivity, the main reason I'm personally motivated to work on my own productivity isn't practical. The main reason is that I enjoy the process of getting better at things, whether that's some nerdy board game, a sport I have zero talent at that will never have any practical value to me, or work. For me, a secondary reason is that, given that my lifespan is finite, I want to allocate my time to things that I value, and increasing productivity allows me to do more of that, but that's not a thought i had until I was about 20, at which point I'd already been trying to improve at most things I spent significant time on for many years.
A specific example of something moving from one class of item to another in my work was this project on metrics analytics. There were a number of proposals on how to solve this problem. There was broad agreement that the problem was important with no dissenters, but the proposals were all the kinds of things you'd allocate a team to work on through multiple roadmap cycles. Getting a project that expensive off the ground requires a large amount of organizational buy-in, enough that many important problems don't get solved, including this one. But it turned out, if scoped properly and executed reasonably, the project was actually something a programmer could create an MVP of in a day, which takes no organizational buy-in to get off the ground. Instead of needing to get multiple directors and a VP to agree that the problem is among the org's most important problems, you just need a person who thinks the problem is worth solving.
Unlike most people who discuss this topic online, I've actually looked at where my time goes and a lot of it goes to things that are canonical examples of things that you shouldn't waste time improving because people don't spend much time doing them. An example of one of these, the most commonly cited bad-thing-to-optmize example that I've seen, is typing speed (when discussing this, people usually say that typing speed doesn't matter because more time is spent thinking than typing). But, when I look at where my time goes, a lot of it is spent typing.
It is commonly accepted, verging on a cliche, that you have no idea where your program spends time until you actually profile it, but the corollary that you also don't know where you spend your time until you've measured it is not nearly as accepted.
I'm not a naturally quick programmer. Learning to program was a real struggle for me and I was pretty slow at it for a long time (and I still am in aspects that I haven't practiced). My "one weird trick" is that I've explicitly worked on speeding up things that I do frequently and most people have not.
getpolarized.io getpolarized.io
aliabdaal.com aliabdaal.com
I spend a huge amount of time in front of a computer/laptop. I’d like to think that most of that time is reasonably productive, i.e.: I’m getting stuff done (as opposed to simply browsing Facebook/Reddit/Youtube etc). I feel it’s really important, therefore, for me to attempt to maximise the efficiency of the process. I don’t mean in the sense of “ensure that I don’t waste time on Facebook”, but more the sense of “I know what small action I want to accomplish at this moment, and I’d like for my computer to obey me as fast as possible
Obeying is the key.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
I wonder if these still exist in the new spaces of productivity porn in within journaling? Perhaps the application of stickers in peoples' planners sort of serves some of this functionality, though I'd consider them to be more in the drollery family.
- Sep 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
This video talks about blah blah blah
forum.artofmemory.com forum.artofmemory.com
Some interesting finds Josh.
Related to some of the bullet journal (aka BuJo) and journaling space you will eventually come across the idea of "morning pages" which is a technique where you spend a block of time (usually in the morning, but ideally just before you want to do your creative thinking work) where you write for a set amount of time or number of pages. The goal of this method (and to some extent bullet journaling) is to clear the cruft and extraneous details out of your head to be able to better prioritize and focus on your creative work. There's a relatively large group of people doing this as a technique, so even knowing the phrase can help one to find the literature.
Tangentially related to this and memory (via our old friend rhetoric), I've been doing some significant research into the commonplace book tradition and general note taking with an eye towards knowledge acquisition, creation, and spaced repetition systems. This has led into research into the areas of the zettelkasten, digital note taking, digital gardens and the like. All fascinating areas which overlap memory via rhetoric. I suspect that many mnemonists in the Renaissance used commonplace books as physical written memory palaces, though I've yet to find anything in my research that directly links them other than the relationship they have in the long tradition of rhetoric in Western culture. Since you mention music and writing lyrics, I recently noted that Eminem has a commonplace technique which he calls "stacking ammo" by which he compiles ideas for his lyrics. His method is certainly less structured than a traditional commonplace book, but the overall form traces back to our friends Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian.
If you delve into some of the Bullet Journal and journaling literature you'll find a subculture of people (YouTube has hundreds of people with entire channels dedicated to the topic) who write into their daily/weekly planners and decorate them with stickers, washi tape, photos, calligraphy, drawings, etc. I've called some of this "productivity porn" before, but if you search commonplace book on Instagram or Pinterest you'll find examples of people whose journals and notes are becoming physical memory palaces where the visuals are likely helping them remember portions of their lives or what they're writing. The stickers and images to some extent are serving the purpose of drolleries seen in Medieval manuscripts as mnemonic devices.
And finally, tangentially related to all of this is another interesting sub-genre of memory and note taking called sketchnotes which combines active listening, writing, and drawing into a mnemonic related note taking activity. I'm actually a bit surprised to find so little on the technique here on the forum. Searching for sketchnotes on social media will provide lots of examples and there are many "What are sketchnotes" short videos on YouTube that will give you an idea of what's going on. Many of these talk about a memory component, but not being mired into the sub-topic of rhetoric, they're usually not using the same framings we would (here on the forum), though the effects one might expect are the same.
Some related richer resources for these areas, to help people from going down the rabbit hole within the performative social media spaces:
- How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking–for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers by Sönke Ahrens
- This touches on note taking within a zettelkasten framing, but is also applicable to the commonplace book tradition
- Sketchnote Handbook, The: the illustrated guide to visual note taking by Mike Rohde
- This is one of the bibles in the space and gives a solid overview of what, why, how, etc.
- A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden by Maggie Appleton
- How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking–for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers by Sönke Ahrens
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Reasons people quit:
- Time 29.9%
- Overwhelm 28.7%
- Performance 14.9%
- Perfectionism 13.8%
- Comparison 12.6%
Most of the reasons relate to social media and pressure of perfectionism related to it. Definitely fits into my productivity porn thesis.
These are all things for people in the digital garden space to watch out for in the future. Presenting one's learning in public can eventually evolve into something negative if not done for the correct reasons. Bullet Journal's rise to popularity in coordination with the rise of social media can be a means for forcing people to quit it all.
sakai.duke.edu sakai.duke.edu
mill dam, attending a Baptist association and a public hanging.56 This general irregularity must be placed within the irregular cycle of the working week (and indeed of the working year) which provoked so much lament from moralists and mercantilists in the seventeenth and eighteenth centu
The irregularity of the work day of the common people in the 17th and 18th centuries ran counter to the desires of both moralists and mercantilists.
What might this tension tell us about both power structures both then and today?
While specialization since that time has increased the value of goods we produce, does it help in the value of our lives and happiness?
punctumbooks.com punctumbooks.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Suzanne Conklin Akbari</span> in Growing a Research Network: Approaches to Global Book History | Penn Libraries (<time class='dt-published'>09/12/2021 21:11:23</time>)</cite></small>
finiteeyes.net finiteeyes.net
Build pathways between communal and private work. Too often, we celebrate one or the other, but thinking actually works best when it has the opporunity to be done both in private and alongside other people. Proximity and ease of movement between the two modes matters. If a person can work on ideas alone and privately for a little while, then easily bring those ideas to a group, then move back to the private space, and continue this cycle as necessary, the thinking will be better.
This is a model that is tacitly being used by the IndieWeb in slowly developing better social media and communication on the web.
theconversation.com theconversation.com
But despite this understanding, and the gains made more generally in promoting workplace diversity, prejudices keep the employment prospects for neurodiverse individuals shockingly low. The cost is personal — denying individuals the chance to do meaningful work — as well as social, sending individuals to the dole queue. It also means workplaces are failing to benefit from highly valuable employees, and missing the opportunity to become better organisations in the process.
I posted this article in the class Slack for a couple of reasons. First, this particular argument reminds me of Benjamin, which we're currently reading, and how she shows that the problem of underexposure wasn't taken seriously until it interfered with capital. But, second, I also used it to point out that despite that, it's important to remember that we sometimes have to make arguments for specific audiences--i.e., that it isn't necessarily that Daley only cares about workplace productivity, or even that she prioritizes it, but that she's writing for an audience that does prioritize workplace productivity over basic humanity. So, the rhetorical situation may call for making such an argument rather than appealing to humanity, morality, or equity.
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
The Eisnehower matrix is a means of helping one to implement the Pareto principle.
Seen this basic idea so many times before and have it generally implemented in the bullet journal portion of my digital commonplace book. I should spend more time gardening in there regularly though.
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
The big benefit of this is that it tacitly gets you focused on planning the next thing instead of dwelling on the past.
draw three columns. At the top of each column, write “+” for what worked, “–” for what didn’t go so well, and “→” for what you plan to do next.
The basic prescription of plus, minus, next journaling.
www.airtable.com www.airtable.com
fs.blog fs.blog
A solid overview of how to read. Not as long or as in-depth as Mortimer J. Adler, but hits all of the high points in an absorbable manner.
Definitely worth re-reading...
- Aug 2021
www.themuse.com www.themuse.com
I hadn't heard of this before, but it's a thing apparently. Similar to Pomodoro, but it's 52 minutes working and 17 minute breaks instead of 25 and 5.
sovereign-individual.xyz sovereign-individual.xyz
Improving our information diet is essential, not only to avoid getting distracted, but also to put our time to much better use and learn new things and skills instead.
That's a interesting way to put it. Information diet.
more empathy for their future self, and that was related to a decrease in procrastination.” They realized that time wasn’t infinite. Future them was no longer a stranger but someone to be protected. To get us off our butts, it seems, we need to grapple with the finite nature of our time on Earth.
The mere act of making a to-do list relieves so much itchy stress that it can, paradoxically, reduce the pressure to actually get stuff done.
www.gentlemanstationer.com www.gentlemanstationer.com
- Jul 2021
www.kristofferbalintona.me www.kristofferbalintona.me
deepstash.com deepstash.com
https://deepstash.com/ appears to be a note taking tool geared toward zettelkasten and productivity. It's got an interesting card-based UI.
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
districts won by Democrats account for 61 percent of America's gross domestic product, districts won by Republicans 38 percent.
Residents of districts won by Democrats generate 22% more output per worker, and have a 15% higher median household income.
betterhumans.pub betterhumans.pub
Quick notes are perfect for capturing a thought on one device
Notes on phone
You can take note in OneNote while on a phone call, quickly add check-boxes turning the notes into a to-do list.
This is one of the best OneNote tips available
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
and bullet journal for more modern take on commonplace books
Bullet Journals certainly are informed by the commonplace tradition, but are an incredibly specialized version of lists for productivity.
Perhaps there's more influence by Peter Ramus' outlining tradition here as well?
I've seen a student's written version of the idea of a Bullet Journal technique which came out of a study habits manual in the 1990's. It didn't quite have the simplicity of the modern BuJo idea or the annotations, but in substance it was the same idea. I'll have to dig up a reference for this.
fortelabs.com fortelabs.com
The 8 Steps of Taking Smart Notes Ahrens recommends the following 8 steps for taking notes: Make fleeting notes Make literature notes Make permanent notes Now add your new permanent notes to the slip-box Develop your topics, questions and research projects bottom up from within the slip-box Decide on a topic to write about from within the slip-box Turn your notes into a rough draft Edit and proofread your manuscript He notes that Luhmann actually had two slip-boxes: the first was the “bibliographical” slip-box, which contained brief notes on the content of the literature he read along with a citation of the source; the second “main” slip-box contained the ideas and theories he developed based on those sources. Both were wooden boxes containing paper index cards. Luhmann distinguished between three kinds of notes that went into his slip-boxes: fleeting notes, literature notes, and permanent notes. 1. Make fleeting notes Fleeting notes are quick, informal notes on any thought or idea that pops into your mind. They don’t need to be highly organized, and in fact shouldn’t be. They are not meant to capture an idea in full detail, but serve more as reminders of what is in your head. 2. Make literature notes The second type of note is known as a “literature note.” As he read, Luhmann would write down on index cards the main points he didn’t want to forget or that he thought he could use in his own writing, with the bibliographic details on the back. Ahrens offers four guidelines in creating literature notes: Be extremely selective in what you decide to keep Keep the overall note as short as possible Use your own words, instead of copying quotes verbatim Write down the bibliographic details on the source 3. Make permanent notes Permanent notes are the third type of note, and make up the long-term knowledge that give the slip-box its value. This step starts with looking through the first two kinds of notes that you’ve created: fleeting notes and literature notes. Ahrens recommends doing this about once a day, before you completely forget what they contain. As you go through them, think about how they relate to your research, current thinking, or interests. The goal is not just to collect ideas, but to develop arguments and discussions over time. If you need help jogging your memory, simply look at the existing topics in your slip-box, since it already contains only things that interest you. Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you turn fleeting and literature notes into permanent notes: How does the new information contradict, correct, support, or add to what I already know? How can I combine ideas to generate something new? What questions are triggered by these new ideas? As answers to these questions come to mind, write down each new idea, comment, or thought on its own note. If writing on paper, only write on one side, so you can quickly review your notes without having to flip them over. Write these permanent notes as if you are writing for someone else. That is, use full sentences, disclose your sources, make explicit references, and try to be as precise and brief as possible. Once this step is done, throw away (or delete) the fleeting notes from step one and file the literature notes from step two into your bibliographic slip-box. 4. Add your permanent notes to the slip-box It’s now time to add the permanent notes you’ve created to your slip-box. Do this by filing each note behind a related note (if it doesn’t relate to any existing notes, add it to the very end). Optionally, you can also: Add links to (and from) related notes Adding it to an “index” – a special kind of note that serves as a “table of contents” and entry point for an important topic, including a sorted collection of links on the topic Each of the above methods is a way of creating an internal pathway through your slip-box. Like hyperlinks on a website, they give you many ways to associate ideas with each other. By following the links, you encounter new and different perspectives than where you started. Luhmann wrote his notes with great care, not much different from his style in the final manuscript. More often than not, new notes would become part of existing strands of thought. He would add links to other notes both close by, and in distantly related fields. Rarely would a note stay in isolation. 5. Develop your topics, questions, and research projects bottom up from within the slip-box With so many standardized notes organized in a consistent format, you are now free to develop ideas in a “bottom up” way. See what is there, what is missing, and which questions arise. Look for gaps that you can fill through further reading. If and when needed, another special kind of note you can create is an “overview” note. These notes provide a “bird’s eye view” of a topic that has already been developed to such an extent that a big picture view is needed. Overview notes help to structure your thoughts and can be seen as an in-between step in the development of a manuscript. 6. Decide on a topic to write about from within the slip-box Instead of coming up with a topic or thesis upfront, you can just look into your slip-box and look for what is most interesting. Your writing will be based on what you already have, not on an unfounded guess about what the literature you are about to read might contain. Follow the connections between notes and collect all the relevant notes on the topic you’ve found. 7. Turn your notes into a rough draft Don’t simply copy your notes into a manuscript. Translate them into something coherent and embed them into the context of your argument. As you detect holes in your argument, fill them or change the argument. 8. Edit and proofread your manuscript From this point forward, all you have to do is refine your rough draft until it’s ready to be published. This process of creating notes and making connections shouldn’t be seen as merely maintenance. The search for meaningful connections is a crucial part of the thinking process. Instead of figuratively searching our memories, we literally go through the slip-box and form concrete links. By working with actual notes, we ensure that our thinking is rooted in a network of facts, thought-through ideas, and verifiable references.
This is the most important part of the whole article and worth coming back to time and time again.
freedom.to freedom.to
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Alan Jacobs</span> in re-setting my mental clock – Snakes and Ladders (<time class='dt-published'>07/01/2021 14:58:05</time>)</cite></small>
- Jun 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Virtual Office System eWorkspace-Virtual Office System for employees working from home. A real-time interactive floor plan for employees with multiple services and save infrastructure cost and increase productivity.
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osf.io osf.io
Deviri, D. (2021). From the ivory tower to the public square: Strategies to restore public trust in science. MetaArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/w3frb
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
The more pieces of information we can “access” and the faster we can extract their gist, the more productive we become as thinkers.
But are Google's tools really making us more productive thinkers? One might argue that it's attempting to do all the work for us and take out the process of thought all together. We're just rats in a maze hitting a bar to get the food pellet.
What if the end is a picture of us as the people on the space ship at the end of WALL-E? What if it's keeping us from thinking?
What if it's making us more shallow thinkers rather than deep thinkers?
Cross reference P.M. Forni.
www.economist.com www.economist.com
Deloitte, a consultancy, reckons that the internal rate of return on in-house R&D at a dozen big drugs firms fell from 10% a decade ago to 2% in 2019—below their weighted-average cost of capital of 7%. The average cost to bring a drug to market has increased by two-thirds since 2010, to some $2bn. And the forecast for peak sales for each new drug has also fallen by half over that period
Eroom's Law and falling Biopharma innovation
- May 2021
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
From an employers perspective, I believe there are many advantages:
List of advantages for working 4 days per week (instead of 5)
johnnydecimal.com johnnydecimal.com
Johnny Decimal seems to be an interesting organizational structure for putting things into. Not sure if it's something I'm going to use any time soon, but intriguing.
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
We know we can't hold a lot of things in our mind at once. While you’re focusing on deep work, minimise the number of things in your mind. Don’t connect to everything else.
- Apr 2021
leonidtiokhin.medium.com leonidtiokhin.medium.com
Tiokhin, L. (2021, April 21). Why indirect contributions matter for science and scientists. Medium. https://leonidtiokhin.medium.com/why-indirect-contributions-matter-for-science-and-scientists-6c9bf827bc7d
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Despite important agricultural advancements to feed the world in the last 60 years, a Cornell-led study shows that global farming productivity is 21% lower than it could have been without climate change. This is the equivalent of losing about seven years of farm productivity increases since the 1960s.
- Mar 2021
Imagine the most important goal or project you are working on right now. Now fast forward six months and assume the project or goal has failed. Tell the story of how it happened. What went wrong? What mistakes did you make? How did it fail? In other words, think of your main goal and ask yourself, “What could cause this to go horribly wrong?” This strategy is sometimes called the “kill the company” exercise in organizations because the goal is to spell out the exact ways the company could fail.
The Failure Premortem
Look at a task 6 months from now and imagine it failed. What made it fail? What could I do differently
todoist.com todoist.com
If you don't control your schedule, it will control you.
Big fax, no printer!
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button
Test comment
- Feb 2021
ontology.buffalo.edu ontology.buffalo.edu
stevenberlinjohnson.com stevenberlinjohnson.com
You cannot measure the health of journalism simply by looking at the number of editors and reporters on the payroll of newspapers. There are undoubtedly going to be fewer of them. The question is whether that loss is going to be offset by the tremendous increase in textual productivity we get from a connected web. Presuming, of course, that we don’t replace that web with glass boxes.
The value of journalism must take account of the increase in textual productivity gained by the interconnected Internet and not solely by the number of editors, reporters, and size or number of newspapers.
Of course we also need to account for the signal to noise ratio created by the masses of people who can say anything they like, which can also be compounded by the algorithmic feed of social platforms that give preference to the extremes and content that increases engagement (a measure which doesn't take into account the intrinsic value of the things which are shared.)
How can we measure and prefer the content with more intrinsic value? Similar to the idea of fast food and healthier food? How can we help people to know the difference between the types of information they're consuming.
the frozen nature of the text seem more like a feature than a bug, something they’ve deliberated chosen, rather than a flaw that they didn’t have time to correct.
The thoughtfulness and design of of Hypothes.is is incredibly valuable to me specifically because it dramatically increases my textual productivity in combination with my digital commonplace book.
Connect this to the Jeremy Dean's idea of it helping to facilitate a conversation with texts. Nate Angell had a specific quote of it somewhere, but it might also reside in this document: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14682753.2017.1362168
Now, it may well be true that Apple, and The Times, and The Journal intend to add extensive tools that encourage the textual productivity of their apps. If that happens, I will be delighted. The iPad is only about two weeks old, after all, and it famously took Apple two years to introduce copy-and-paste to the iPhone OS.
By not providing the ability to select text, copy it, or share it, some digital applications are dramatically lowering the textual productivity of their content.
Ecologists talk about the “productivity” of an ecosystem, which is a measure of how effectively the ecosystem converts the energy and nutrients coming into the system into biological growth. A productive ecosystem, like a rainforest, sustains more life per unit of energy than an unproductive ecosystem, like a desert. We need a comparable yardstick for information systems, a measure of a system’s ability to extract value from a given unit of information. Call it, in this example: textual productivity. By creating fluid networks of words, by creating those digital-age commonplaces, we increase the textual productivity of the system.
Definition: textual productivity
A measure of how much additional knowledge is generated by a system of ideas and thoughts interacting with each other.
- Jan 2021
hbr.org hbr.org
Anyone can apply these same methods on the job. Say you have someone in your company who is a masterly communicator, and you learn that he is going to give a talk to a unit that will be laying off workers. Sit down and write your own speech, and then compare his actual speech with what you wrote. Observe the reactions to his talk and imagine what the reactions would be to yours. Each time you can generate by yourself decisions, interactions, or speeches that match those of people who excel, you move one step closer to reaching the level of an expert performer.• • •
Many everyday events present an opportunity to learn, but only if they are reframed into an "action-feedback" perspective. Learn to recognize these opportunities and reconstruct the frame so that you can learn to judge the quality of an action by the response it produces. Critique it against your own thought process and improve iteratively.
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Grzegorz. S., Żogała-Siudem. B., Cena. A. Gagolewski. M., (2020).Three dimensions of scientific impact. PNAS. 117 (25) 13896-13900
apostrophecms.com apostrophecms.com
We believe good tools lead to excellent creations.
troynikov.io troynikov.io
Progress in a scientific field has never been a function of total effort.
Which is why Total Factor Productivity is not a good measure.
- Dec 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
“Being under constant surveillance in the workplace is psychological abuse,” Heinemeier Hansson added. “Having to worry about looking busy for the stats is the last thing we need to inflict on anyone right now.”
I really like the Basecamp approach (I forget where I heard this...could have been in one of the Rework podcasts):
Don't try to get the most out of everyone; try to get the best out of them.
If you're looking for ways to build trust in a team, I can't recommend the following books published by Basecamp:
- Rework
- Remote
- It doesn't have to be crazy at work
For example, to help maintain privacy and trust, the user data provided in productivity score is aggregated over a 28-day period.
So that the fact that the metrics are collected over 28 days is meant to maintain privacy and trust. How?
But by default, reports also let managers drill down into data on individual employees, to find those who participate less in group chat conversations, send fewer emails, or fail to collaborate in shared documents.
This is going to be awesome when it debuts in universities. I can't imagine that any academics will be concerned when a departmental chair or administrator asks you why you're not sending more emails.
- Nov 2020
medium.com medium.com
Bringing this back to filtering, not only am I saving time and preserving focus by batch processing both the collection and the consumption of new content, I’m time-shifting the curation process to a time better suited for reading, and (most critically) removed from the temptations, stresses, and biopsychosocial hooks that first lured me in.I am always amazed by what happens: no matter how stringent I was in the original collecting, no matter how certain I was that this thing was worthwhile, I regularly eliminate 1/3 of my list before reading. The post that looked SO INTERESTING when compared to that one task I’d been procrastinating on, in retrospect isn’t even something I care about.What I’m essentially doing is creating a buffer. Instead of pushing a new piece of info through from intake to processing to consumption without any scrutiny, I’m creating a pool of options drawn from a longer time period, which allows me to make decisions from a higher perspective, where those decisions are much better aligned with what truly matters to me.
Using read-it later apps helps you separate collection from filtering.
By time-shifting the filtering process to a time better suited for reading, and removed from temptations, you will want to drop 2/3 of the content you save.
This allows you to "make decisions from a higher perspective"
kwokchain.com kwokchain.com
As it becomes more clear what are specific functional jobs to be done, we see more specialized apps closely aligned with solving for that specific loop. And increasingly collaboration is built in natively to them. In fact, for many reasons collaboration being natively built into them may be one of the main driving forces behind the venture interest and success in these spaces.
As it becomes more clear what the functional job to be done is, we see more specialized apps aligned with solving that specific loop. Collaboration is increasingly built natively into them.
To understand this is to understand that there is no distinction between productivity and collaboration. But we’re only now fully appreciating it.
This is perhaps Kwok's central claim in the article. We used to think of productivity and collaboration as separate things when in reality they are inseparable.
medium.com medium.com
Nine Changes I Made in the Shift from Busy to Productive
- Oct 2020
anytype.io anytype.io
This looks a rather interesting application to keep an eye on, especially if they're going to open source it, like they're talking about on the site!
bookbook.pubpub.org bookbook.pubpub.org
photographing their marginalia, markers, and books
Some of this extends as far as what has been called “productivity porn”. See also: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/bulletjournal/?hl=en
www.linuxbookpro.com www.linuxbookpro.com
I adhere precisely to The Bullet Journal System with no creative variations. No habit tracking, no elaborate designs or meticulously designed spreads. Does this make me a minimalist? No, I just use the system as it was intended. While social media loves artfully laid out spreads I use the system exactly as described in the website. Pencil to paper, usually in a basic notebook.
What?! No productivity porn!!?!
Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.
Alright, I think I may now have things set to use an IFTTT applet to take my Hypothes.is feed and dump it into a file on OneDrive.
The tiny amount of clean up to the resultant file isn't bad. In fact, a bit of it is actually good as it can count as a version of spaced repetition towards better recall of my notes.
The one thing I'll potentially miss is the tags, which Hypothes.is doesn't include in their feeds (tucked into the body would be fine), but I suppose I could add them as internal wiki links directly if I wanted.
I suspect that other storage services that work with IFTTT should work as well.
Details in a blogpost soon...
Testing cross-linking:
See Also:
- [[Obsidian]]
- [[Hypothes.is]]
- [[note taking]]
- [[zettlekasten]]
- [[commonplace books]]
- [[productivity]]
hat tip to Hypothesis, for such a generally wonderful user interface for making annotating, highlighting, bookmarking, and replying to web pages so easy!
Neither ought anything to be collected whilst you are busied in reading; if by taking the pen in hand the thread of your reading be broken off, for that will make the reading both tedious and unpleasant.
This is incredibly important for me, though in a more technology friendly age, I've got tools like Hypothes.is for quickly highlighting and annotating pages and can then later collect them into my commonplace book as notes to work with and manage after-the-fact.
memex.naughtons.org memex.naughtons.org
Interestingly, I’ve found that Kindle is useful in this respect. I buy Kindle versions of books that I need for work, and highlight passages and bookmark pages as I go. And when I’ve finished the software obligingly has a collection of all the passages I’ve highlighted.
John, you should spend a minute or two to learn about Hypothes.is (https://web.hypothes.is/) as an online tool for doing this. It's a free account or you can self-host the software yourself if you like. There are also functionalities to have public, private, or group annotations. I often pull my own annotations to my personal website similar to your own Memex and publish them there (example: https://boffosocko.com/kind/annotation/)
Syndicated copy: https://boffosocko.com/2020/05/21/55771248/)
betterhumans.pub betterhumans.pub
Second, I have a not-very-well supported theory that’s paired with the book Thinking, Fast and Slow. The behavior design implication of that book is that you need to speak to two systems of the brain. Speaking to the rational, Slow System is easy. Just lay out the facts.Speaking to the emotional Fast System is much harder, namely because it’s so hard to see or introspect on what’s going on in there. But if you accept that difficulty (and this is the part of my theory that feels like pop brain science), then you realize that you need to start looking for ways to rewire your emotional core.Then, having accepted that rewiring your emotions is part of most behavior design, I’ve started to notice things — like that most self-improvement advice is not very rational. That’s by design. A self-improvement book is mostly emotional rewiring. That is exactly why you need to read the entire book rather than cheating with a summarized version.
This is an interesting sounding take. Worth thinking about further.
www.inc.com www.inc.com
We have to know what to shoot for to simplify our lives. It means saying no over and over again to the unimportant things flying in our direction every day and remaining focused on saying yes to the few things that truly matter.
He simply mastered the art and practice of setting boundaries for himself.
A very important aspect of managing time: saying no to projects and invitations,
- Sep 2020
digest.bps.org.uk digest.bps.org.uk
How To Get The Most Out Of Virtual Learning – Research Digest. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2020, from https://digest.bps.org.uk/2020/07/30/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-virtual-learning/
www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.neu.edu www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.neu.edu
Table 3. WBGT exposed levels in °C at different work intensities and rest/ work periods for an average worker with light clothing.
worker productivity relation to the WBGT heat stress levels using work intensity and rest relation
osf.io osf.io
King, M. M., & Frederickson, M. (2020). The Pandemic Penalty: The gendered effects of COVID-19 on scientific productivity [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/8hp7m
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rogers, S., & Cruickshank, T. (2020). Change in mental health during highly restrictive lockdown in the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Australia. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zutav
www.benkuhn.net www.benkuhn.net
To be reliably able to focus on something, you need to be intuitively, emotionally invested in the outcome.
Without emotions, you might not get the right focus level on the problem
The output of knowledge workers is extremely skewed based on focus. The productivity tiers seem to be:<10% focused on the job at hand: meaningful risk of getting fired.10-50% focus: “meets expectations,” gets regular raises.50%+ focus: superstar, 10x engineer, destined for greatness.
3 focus levels in a career
github.com github.com
If you can't understand where it's coming from in the stack traces, please post screenshots or create reproducing sandboxes and we'll try to help. Most of these are probably coming from a few libraries, so the most productive thing to do is to reduce these cases and then file issues with those libraries.
- Aug 2020
forge.medium.com forge.medium.com
The trick is to work at 85% capacity rather than 100%. It can be surprisingly challenging to take your effort down a notch and keep it there — especially right now when so many livelihoods feel precarious. But going full-throttle all the time actually works against you. When your mind is relaxed, you’re able to produce better, more thoughtful results.
Rather than working 100% of the time most of the time, work 85%. This decreases stress and helps you last longer
How to Get into Flow States, Quickly
3.Something that inspires your work
4.Warm-up - get your brain primed for the activity
5.Sends chills down your spine - Watch something that Inspires you e.g. David Goggins
6.Avoid distraction - Put phone away and noise cancelling headphones
kwokchain.com kwokchain.com
The dream of Slack is that they become the central nervous system for all of a company’s employees and apps. This is the view of a clean *separation* of productivity and collaboration. Have all your apps for productivity and then have a single app for coordinating everyone, with your apps also feeding notifications into this system. In this way, Slack would become a star. With every app revolving around it. Employees would work out of Slack, periodically moving to whichever app they were needed in, before returning to Slack. But productivity *isn’t* separate from collaboration. They are the two parts of the same loop of producing work. And if anything collaboration is in *service* of team productivity.
The vision of Slack, according to Kwok, was for people to have their productivity in designated apps, and have one central nervous system (Slack) through which they could collaborate. This was based on the assumption that producing and collaborating could be separated.
Kwok claims that this assumption is wrong. Collaboration and productivity are intertwined, and you might event say that collaboration serves productivity.
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Guimbeau, A., Menon, N., & Musacchio, A. (2020). The Brazilian Bombshell? The Long-Term Impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic the South American Way (Working Paper No. 26929; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w26929
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Céspedes, L. F., Chang, R., & Velasco, A. (2020). The Macroeconomics of a Pandemic: A Minimalist Model (Working Paper No. 27228; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27228
designinghappiness.substack.com designinghappiness.substack.com
See it as an experiment where failure yields valuable insights 🔬.
Try and figure out when you actually are the most productive. When your usage of tools actually works. The insight you gain there could help you figure out what your ideal "productivity situation" is.
Side note, just realized this is a perfect application of cybernetics (at least as far as I understand it so far).
- Apply a system
- Observe myself within that system
- Gain feedback by observing how I behave in that system
- Use that feedback to tweak that system until I've achieved my desired goal
Time management is more about a system that works and less about a tool or just a method
I've been focusing on the wrong things. To do lists aren't going to help me manage my time more effectively. It's a tool through which a system needs to be applied. If I don't have the right system, no tool is going to work.
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Bartik, A. W., Cullen, Z. B., Glaeser, E. L., Luca, M., & Stanton, C. T. (2020). What Jobs are Being Done at Home During the Covid-19 Crisis? Evidence from Firm-Level Surveys (Working Paper No. 27422; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27422
www.marknagelberg.com www.marknagelberg.com
Why [[Tyler Cowen]] still responds to every [[Email]] and loves it. He finds time for this because of what he doesn’t do: he hardly watches [[TV]], **his social life is basically the same as his intellectual life **- his social life is geared towards thinking, discussing, exploring ideas. With no TV, you end up with a lot of [[time]]. #[[unproductive internet activities]] Isn’t [[email]] a low leverage use of his time? **He learns a lot from people that email him, and has filtered his audience so it’s mostly smart people. **He does this by being "sufficiently weird". He’s not even sure it’s highly leveraged. He met [[Patrick Collison]] that way. He doesn’t care if it’s highly leveraged if he’s learning from it. #[[Audience Building]]
By not watching TV you will have more time for activities like responding to every e-mail. You don't have to think that it's unproductive if you exchange thoughts with smart people
- Jul 2020
Papanikolaou, D., & Schmidt, L. D. W. (2020). Working Remotely and the Supply-side Impact of Covid-19 (Working Paper No. 27330; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27330
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Baqaee, D., & Farhi, E. (2020). Nonlinear Production Networks with an Application to the Covid-19 Crisis (Working Paper No. 27281; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27281
osf.io osf.io
Locher, Clara, David Moher, Ioana Cristea, and Naudet Florian. ‘Publication by Association: The Covid-19 Pandemic Reveals Relationships between Authors and Editors’. Preprint. MetaArXiv, 15 July 2020. https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/64u3s.
- Jun 2020
news.stanford.edu news.stanford.edu
University, S. (2020, March 30). The productivity pitfalls of working from home in the age of COVID-19. Stanford News. https://news.stanford.edu/2020/03/30/productivity-pitfalls-working-home-age-covid-19/
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
I could get a lot more done in an 8-9 hour day with a PC and a desk phone than I get done now in a 9-10 hour day with a laptop /tablet / smartphone, which should allow me to be more a lot more productive but just interrupt me. I don't want the mobile flexibility to work anywhere. It sucked in management roles doing a full day then having dinner with friends and family then getting back to unfinished calls and mails. I much prefer to work later then switch off totally at home.
eugeneyan.com eugeneyan.com
Some free, digital Zettelkastens include zettelkasten.de, zettlr, and roamresearch. I use Roam.
One of the best solutions to implement Zettelkastens: Roam. However, in my case OneNote is doing fine. Maybe I can switch to Roam if I will start working on a specific research problem?
The key is to make connections between ideas during note-taking, way before you need to review them for your work. This forces you to actively connect the dots (during note-taking) and lets you find relevant ideas with ease in future.
How Zettelkasten works:
- Write each idea you come across on a card.
- Link idea cards to other relevant idea cards (idea -> idea link).
- Sort cards into broader topic boxes (idea -> topic link)
German sociologist Niklas Luhmann. One thing you should know about Luhmann—he was extremely productive. In his 40 years of research, he published more than 70 books and 500 scholarly articles. How did he do accomplish this? He credits it to his Zettelkasten which focuses on connections between notes.
To be super productive, Niklas Luhmann used to take notes relating to each other
twitter.com twitter.com
Katie Mack RT Mark Richardson - Twitter
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
How can techniques like mindful context switching, asynchronous communication, and mindful breaks help me with my work?
Mindful Context Switching - It happens very often that I have up to 3 or 4 tasks on my plate at a time. 1 or 2 I've defined for myself and another two that come in from requests in the company. With mindful context switching, I can try to dedicate chunks of time to each task, where I completely focus on that task, get some work done, then move onto another task for another chunk of time. This way, I'm as efficient as possible on each given task for a given window. That way I don't have the other tasks hanging over my head waiting for me to get to them. I've put the tasks in a queue of sorts, which will allow me to manage them more effectively.
Asynchronous Communication - Turning Slack notifications off maybe? Setting windows within which I will respond to people on Slack. I'm not sure how well this would work out though. How do I handle situations where I need to have a conversation with someone on Slack? I'll need to think about this more.
Breaks - This is straightforward. Set up chunks of time to work, then take short breaks in between those chunks. Refresh your mind, relax a bit, then continue working.
- May 2020
www.getrevue.co www.getrevue.co
“The biggest thing separating people from their artistic ambitions is not a lack of talent. It’s the lack of a deadline. Give someone an enormous task, a supportive community, and a friendly-yet-firm due date, and miracles will happen.”
This is one of the truest pieces of advice out there.
pmigdal.medium.com pmigdal.medium.com
The interface is slightly less polished (and, unfortunately, I experience a delay between opening it and getting a chart), but the tracking works. Since it is in Vue I love, one day I might modify it to my needs.
Comparing ActivityWatch to RescueTime
It is a modern-day “memento mori”
Mortality - New Tab (browser extension)
With Intention I:know how much of my time is spent on distractions,decide how much time I need,I see the countdown (so I know if I need to wrap-up a reply, or if it makes sense to start writing a new one),it automatically blocks these sites,yet, it distinguishes between “normal use” of YouTube and e.g. using it for creating a workshop on deep learning (looking for video abstract of recent papers).
Intention is well recommended by Piotr Migdał for your productivity. More than toggl or RescueTime.
There are a few plugins (e.g. ColdTurkey) that are “too nuclear”. Being halted in the middle of writing a reply (on Facebook or Hacker News), with no prior warning, left me disturbed.
ColdTurkey is quite harsh in terms of making you more productive
techwiser.com techwiser.com
Airtable is database driven where you will be working with a spreadsheet for managing data from different sources
Notion is more about creating a hub of knowledge or a knowledgebase
medium.com medium.com
When you ask yourselves a lot of why, you might be overwhelmed about those kind of questions, because this kind of question require a lot of time, context, and knowledge to be answered.
Perlu membatasi ruang lingkup dari pertanyaan itu sendiri
www.ianjones.us www.ianjones.us
First things first, I am new to emacs and the eco system so there are packages I’m not aware of.
emacs is pretty much an operating system. This makes it infinitely configurable and hard for new comers to grok.
blog.nuclino.com blog.nuclino.com
managers fail to see and address this problem is that they are used to looking at communication and assume it's a good thing. Because they see activity
Managers in general perceive meetings as a good thing
A study conducted by Gloria Marks, a Professor of Informatics at the University of California, revealed that it takes us an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to refocus on a task after an interruption, and even when we do, we experience a decrease in productivity
23 minutes and 15 seconds - average time to refocus on task after an interruption
It doesn't mean that we ignore all messages and only look up from our work when something is on fire – but the general expectation is that it's okay to not be immediately available to your teammates when you are focusing on your work
One of the rules of "Office time"
Working in an open office renders us even more vulnerable
Like single standup meeting, open office doesn't improve the productivity of makers
Office hours are chunks of time that makers set aside for meetings, while the rest of the time they are free to go into a Do Not Disturb mode
"Office hours" - technique to improve makers schedule
People think it’s efficient to distribute information all at the same time to a bunch of people around a room. But it’s actually a lot less efficient than distributing it asynchronously by writing it up and sending it out and letting people absorb it when they’re ready to so it doesn’t break their days into smaller bits.”
Async > meetings
context switching between communication and creative work only kills the quality of both
Context switching lowers the quality
since most powerful people operate on the manager schedule, they're in a position to force everyone to adapt to their schedule
Managers highly affect makers schedule
For managers, interruptions in the form of meetings, phone calls, and Slack notifications are normal. For someone on the maker schedule, however, even the slightest distraction can have a disruptive effect
How ideal schedule should look like:
Immediate response becomes the implicit expectation, with barely any barriers or restrictions in place
Why Slack is a great distraction:
in the absence of barriers convenience always wins
70% async using Twist, Github, Paper25% sync using something like Zoom, Appear.in, or Google Meet5% physical meetings, e.g., annual company or team retreats
Currently applied work structure at Doist
According to the Harvard Business Review article “Collaborative Overload”, the time employees spend on collaboration has increased by 50% over the past two decades. Researchers found it was not uncommon for workers to spend a full 80% of their workdays communicating with colleagues in the form of email (on which workers’ spend an average of six hours a day); meetings (which fill up 15 percent of a company’s time, on average); and more recently instant messaging apps (the average Slack user sends an average of 200 messages a day, though 1,000-message power users are “not the exception”)
Time spent in the office
skutecznyprogramista.pl skutecznyprogramista.pl
Praca w Facebooku - doskonała znajomość JSa, React, zarządzanie projektem OSS na GitHubie, prowadzenie społeczności, pisanie dokumentacji i wpisów na blogu.Szkolenia - dobra znajomość JSa, React, tworzenie szkoleń (struktura, zadania, itd), uczenie i swobodne przekazywanie wiedzy, marketing, sprzedaż.Startupy - dobra znajomość JSa, React, praca w zespole, rozmawianie z klientami, analiza biznesowa, szybkie dowożenie MVP, praca w stresie i dziwnych strefach czasowych.
Examples of restructuring tasks into more precise actions:
- Working at Facebook - great JS, React, managing OS project on GitHub, managing a social group, writing documentation and blog
- Workshops - good JS, React, delivering workshops (structure, tasks), learning and teaching, marketing, sale
- Startups - good JS, React, work in a team, talking to clients, business analytics, quick MVP delivery, work under stress and in strange timezones
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
Defining what “time well spent” means to you and making space for these moments is one of the greatest gifts you can make to your future self.
Think really well what "time well spent" means to you
- Apr 2020
skutecznyprogramista.pl skutecznyprogramista.pl
Stary, dobry Uncle Bob mówi, że poza etatem trzeba na programowanie poświęcić 20h tygodniowo.Gdy podzielimy to na 7 dni w tygodniu, to wychodzi prawie 3 godziny dziennie.Dla jednych mało, dla innych dużo.
Uncle Bob's advice: ~ 3h/day for programming
Z gier można wyciągnąć też inną naukę. Jeśli Twoim celem jest przejście do następnej lokacji, to czy musisz wykonywać wszystkie zadania poboczne?No nie musisz. Dlatego wyżej, gdy podawałem wymagane umiejętności dla osoby, która prowadzi szkolenia z Reacta, albo pracuje dla startupów, to napisałem “dobra znajomość JSa”, bo “doskonała” nie pomoże Ci w osiągnięciu tego celu.
Don't overlearn
W miarę jak będziesz się rozwijać i zdobywać nowe informacje, Twój plan będzie trzeba dostosować do nowych warunków.
Be prepared for a change. Be flexible in defining your goals
Arnie miał wielkie plany, ale nie realizował wszystkich na raz.Skupił się na jednej rzeczy - kulturystyce - bo wiedział, że to otworzy mu drogę do Ameryki i do aktorstwa.
Think BIG, act small
(small actions lead to big changes)
Jeśli wybierzesz kilka rzeczy na raz to ryzykujesz, że znowu zaczniesz miotać się we wszystkich kierunkach.Nie polecam takiej opcji, bo właśnie przez takie myślenie kończymy potem wkurwieni, z siwymi włosami i podkrążonymi oczami.Doświadczyłem wszystkich tych trzech objawów i dopiero kiedy skupiłem się na jednej rzeczy, to odzyskałem balans i przestałem się denerwować.
It's not so effective to have dozens of goals, but the one you can purely focus on
Niestety, jeśli faktycznie chcesz być najlepszą osobą, to z moich obserwacji wynika, że trzeba zapierdzielać.
Wanna be the best in what you're doing? Oh boy, be prepared...
W czasach młodości Arniego, Reg Park był wielką gwiazdą kulturystyki, sławnym oraz bogatym aktorem i otaczały go piękne dziewczyny.Arnie chciał się wydostać z zadupia w Austrii, przeprowadzić do Ameryki i mieć dokładnie to samo co Reg.Wolność, sławę, kasę i dziewczyny.Wszystkie jego działania były podporządkowane dotarciu do tego celu.Arnie dokładnie zawęził czego chce.
Taking example from Arnold Schwarzenegger we shall have clear & precise goals
marlin-prod.literatumonline.com marlin-prod.literatumonline.com
COVID-19: Navigating Uncertainties Together. (2020). Cell, 181(2), 209–210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.03.041
www.cell.com www.cell.com
Justman, Q. (2020). Keeping the Wheels of the Scientific Endeavor Turning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cell Systems, S2405471220301137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cels.2020.03.007
marlin-prod.literatumonline.com marlin-prod.literatumonline.com
Murray, A. (2020). The easy way is hard enuff. Harvard. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.04.013
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
Ahmad, A. S. (2020, March 27). Why You Should Ignore All That Coronavirus-Inspired Productivity Pressure. The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/article/Why-You-Should-Ignore-All-That/248366
goinswriter.com goinswriter.com
create the consequences that work with your personality.
This is key. The Trump donation consequence speaks to me. That'd be awful to have to do.
I need to hold my project out in front of my greatest enemy. If I finish it, my project and I live on, thrive, and enjoy watching the world enjoy the newfound sense of well-being they've gained as a result of connecting with my work.
But if I fail, my enemy wins, suddenly causing me to be a part of the problem my work was supposed to be designed to cease.
“If you could have done it on your own, you already would have done it.”
Gotta be honest with yourself. If you haven't finished what needs to be finished, there's a reason for that.
It could be you're no longer interested. If that's the case, wtf are you trying so hard for? Give it up. Don't waste your time doing something you don't wanna do.
However, though, if it's something you're passionate about, and you're mad at yourself for having not finished it already, then there's passion in the tank. The work must be done because, if you don't, you'll die crying.
So if you're still passionate about the project, and you're not getting the job done to completion, there's another reason for your faults...
You're not gifted enough to perform whatever portion of the project you're struggling to complete.
And that's fine! It's alright to suck! If people didn't suck at stuff, there'd be no reason to have so many different professions. Everyone would just leverage their god-like overall awesomeness, where there's nothing you can't do perfectly, and do everything yourself.
But that's not the world we live in. Our world includes other people; people who live to deliver their unique solution, talents, advice, etc. to people like you.
Life is best when there's harmony. Harmony is often found within; but, oftentimes, harmony can't be enjoyed without help from others.
Note to self: Hire a developmental copyeditor!
consequence three was he had to write a $1,000 check to the presidential candidate — this was before the race is over — to the candidate that he hated the most and then he took that check, this is the genius part of this, he took that check put it in an addressed enveloped, sealed and put a stamp on it, gave it to a friend and said if you don’t hear from me on this date saying, “I finished my book you send that. Don’t give me a day, grace period, don’t give me anything. If you don’t get that, you send that,” and that was enough motivation for him to finish his book and to call his friend and have her tear it up.
DAMN. This one I like!
- Feb 2020
loadimpact.com loadimpact.com
Automation helps us keep these steps out of our way while maintaining control through fast feedback loops (context-switching is our enemy).
As developers we love our own local setup. We spend a lot of time and effort on making sure our favorite code editor and command line shell is as we want it to be, everything else is subpar, a hindrance to our productivity. The local environment is king. It’s where we should be coding our load test scripts and from where we should initiate our load tests.
- Dec 2019
fire.ci fire.ci
Studies show it takes ~23 minutes to deeply refocus on something when you get disturbed
- Nov 2019
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
if your goal is to build a remarkable life, then busyness and exhaustion should be your enemy
Life protip
Hard work is deliberate practice. It’s not fun while you’re doing it, but you don’t have to do too much of it in any one day (the elite players spent, on average, 3.5 hours per day engaged in deliberate practice, broken into two sessions). It also provides you measurable progress in a skill, which generates a strong sense of contentment and motivation
Hard work:
- isn't draining like hard to do work
- provides measurable progress in a skill
- generates a strong motivation
The elite players were spending almost three times more hours than the average players on deliberate practice
1st difference between the elite and average students:
spending 3x more time on deliberate crafting of the skill
The average players, they discovered, spread their work throughout the day. A graph included in the paper, which shows the average time spent working versus the waking hours of the day, is essentially flat. The elite players, by contrast, consolidated their work into two well-defined periods
2nd difference between the elite and average students:
working in 2 well-defined blocks rather than multiple ones
the elite players slept an hour more per night than the average players
3rd difference between the elite and average students:
1 additional hour of sleep
the elite players were significantly more relaxed than the average players, and the best of the best were the most relaxed of all
4th difference between the elite and average students:
more relaxation
- Oct 2019
supermemo.guru supermemo.guru
The art of napping has the power to double creative productivity. Churchill was a famous biphasic sleeper. His naps let him squeeze two productive days into 24 hours
Nap can let you be creative twice in 24 hours
Right-click (or Control+Click, or a Two-Finger click on trackpads) on the file or folder in the Mac Finder
This worked great MacOS 10.15.1 Beta 10/18/2019
In general, use synchronous communication when the following is true
- You want to build rapport with people (e.g., a 1-on-1 or team meeting).
- You need to provide critical feedback or discuss other sensitive topics.
- You have a lot of unknowns and you want to brainstorm different ideas and solutions.
- There are a lot of moving variables and you want to bring everyone on the same page quickly, e.g., via a project kickoff meeting.
- A crisis happens that requires immediate attention, e.g., a server crashes. We use Telegram with the notifications turned on at all times for emergency communications only.
Pyramid of Remote Team Communication post.
Slack boasts that users spend 9+ hours per workday connected to the app. 90 minutes of active usage spread over 9 hours is a whole lot of interruptions.
synchronous communication is when you send a message and the recipient processes the information and responds immediately. In-person communication, like meetings, are examples of purely synchronous communication
synchronous communication
asynchronous communication is when you send a message without expecting an immediate response. For example, you send an email. I open and respond to the email several hours later
asynchronous communication
Study after study after study into remote work has made one thing clear: Remote workers are more productive than their office-bound counterparts.
The question is: why?
Answer is: it's not just because of the time saved by avoiding commuting
blog.stephsmith.io blog.stephsmith.io
“When scientists analyze people who appear to have tremendous self-control, it turns out those individuals aren’t all that different from those who are struggling. Instead, “disciplined” people are better at structuring their lives in a way that does not require heroic willpower and self-control.” - Atomic Habits
Where all the self-control comes from...
“The professional has learned that success, like happiness, comes as a by-product of work.” - The War of Art
Where all the happiness comes from...
- Sep 2019
sivers.org sivers.org
"Secrecy is the first law of Magic" - from Julia Cameron's Artist's Way.Talking about your project seems to spread your energy in every direction other than towards completion.
Inspiring comment
Four different tests of 63 people found that those who kept their intentions private were more likely to achieve them
Speaking about numbers
W. Mahler found that if a person announced the solution to a problem, and was acknowledged by others, it was now in the brain as a “social reality”, even if the solution hadn’t actually been achieved
Announcing your plans to others satisfies your self-identity just enough that you’re less motivated to do the hard work needed
Tests done since 1933 show that people who talk about their intentions are less likely to make them happen
onezero.medium.com onezero.medium.com
However, if you believe that you are indistractable, you empower yourself to respond more healthily to whatever distractions get in your way
How to be Indistractable (summary):
identity pact is another way to change your response to distractions. Your self-image has a profound impact on your behavior
Identity pact - give yourself a new identity, like "vegetarian" to force yourself to stop eating meat
price pact puts money on the line. If you stick to your intended behavior, you keep the cash. If you get distracted, you forfeit your funds
Price pact - make an agreement with your friend that you will give him a lot of money in case you won't finish what you want to
effort pact is a kind of precommitment that involves increasing the amount of effort required to do something you don’t want to do
Effort pack is one of the examples of precommitments. You can use "Forest" app as example to help you with it
you can take back your smartphone in four steps
- Remove needless apps.
- Shift the usage of mobile apps to desktop.
- Rearrange icons on your screen.
- Adjust notifications.
The right approach is to ask whether the external trigger is serving you, or whether you are serving it
Way to decide if it's better to eliminate the trigger or not
research shows that ignoring a call or message can be just as distracting as responding to one
Notifications are one of the main sources of distraction