222 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Fork repositories directly from your devices, making it easier than ever to collaborate and contribute.

      Holy heck... How long have I personally been waiting for this? lol

    1. Roscoe: A suite of metrics for scoring step-by-step reasoning.


  2. Jun 2024
  3. Jan 2024
  4. Dec 2023
  5. Nov 2023
  6. Oct 2023
  7. Sep 2023
    1. openSUSE zypper in offlineimap fedora dnf install offlineimap Arch Linux: pacman -S offlineimap, or through AUR package offlineimap3-git Docker image: offlineimap/offlineimap:latest (note: image not published yet, just an example)

      this is important for offline

    1. Inspect the proposed changes in the pull request and ensure that you are comfortable running your workflows on the pull request branch. You should be especially alert to any proposed changes in the .github/workflows/ directory that affect workflow files.
    1. merge queue prevents semantic merge conflicts by automating the rebase process during merge, and ensuring that the trunk branch stays “green.”

      merge queue - new GitHub feature

  8. Aug 2023
  9. Jul 2023
  10. Jun 2023
  11. May 2023
  12. Apr 2023
  13. Mar 2023
  14. Feb 2023
    1. Open the iPad. I create a vault in Obsidian but uncheck `iCloud`. Then I go into `Working Copy` to clone the repository into the same location. You might have to enable the "Local File" in the `File` app. The repository will be external to `Working Copy`.Obsidian needs to see the folder before you put the Git clone there.If this isn't absolutely clear, I'll get some screen shots on the iPad. The key is checking out of each location use Obsidian, then Git push. Obsidian will modify enough files that you don't want to hand merge conflicts.I was using GitHub for other projects. Any Git repository works, but treat it like source code. Fetch your work before each session. Then check your work in before ending. While you can work from two locations, don't work in the same area of your vault.

      Outline for using Obsidian on iPad with Github repository.

  15. Jan 2023
    1. https://github.com/rlaker/Obsidian-for-Academia/issues/1

      Perhaps I can circle back around to add in more of the specifics, both for the documentation and so people better understand what's going on and how things are dovetailed. Until then, the following two articles about setting up and using Obsidian with Zotero are fairly useful templates/walk throughs: - https://www.marianamontes.me/post/obsidian-and-zotero/ - https://nataliekraneiss.com/your-academic-reading-list-in-obsidian/

    1. This was recommended in the Obsidian Members Group Discord for teaching someone how to setup an Obsidian vault with a GitHub repo for version control. Kamil claimed it was more clear than an intro article by [[Bryan Jenks]] on how to setup GitHub with Obsidian. Jenks eventually made a video about the process.

    1. ```js const TOKEN = "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"; const GIST_ID = "YOUR_GIST_ID"; const GIST_FILENAME = "db.json";

      / * Reads the JSON file inside of the gist / async function getData() { const req = await fetch(https://api.github.com/gists/${GIST_ID}); const gist = await req.json(); return JSON.parse(gist.files[GIST_FILENAME].content); }

      / * Puts the data you want to store back into the gist / async function setData(data) { const req = await fetch(https://api.github.com/gists/${GIST_ID}, { method: "PATCH", headers: { Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}, }, body: JSON.stringify({ files: { [GIST_FILENAME]: { content: JSON.stringify(data), }, }, }), });

      return req.json(); } ```

  16. Dec 2022
    1. GitHub Copilot is incredible, and if you check what’s happening in the preview released as the Copilot Labs extension it will only get more amazing.

      Demonstration of "Code brushes" for GitHub Copilot (see GIF below)

    1. At the end of the day, Copilot is supposed to be a tool to help developers write code faster, while ChatGPT is a general purpose chatbot, yet it still can streamline the development process, but GitHub Copilot wins hands down when the task is coding focused!

      GitHub Copilot is better at generating code than ChatGPT

  17. Nov 2022
    1. Donations

      To add some other intermediary services:

      To add a service for groups:

      To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:

      If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer

      Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.

    1. This github "community of people" is apparently more interested in pontificating about pointless differences in tools and wanking off to tool complexity than they are in actually getting shit done.
    1. [Solved] Git: LF will be replaced by CRLF the next time Git touches it’ problem solving and thinking

      Trouble shooting git add . issue.

      Setting method one for Windows system working with others:

      git config --global core.autocrlf true

    1. You can then edit files in that repository and commit and push them like this: cd 0a30d52feeb3ff60f7d8636b0bde296b # Edit files here git commit -m "Edited some files" -a git push
    2. But if you want to be able to make local edits and then push them back, you need to use this recipe instead: git clone git@gist.github.com:0a30d52feeb3ff60f7d8636b0bde296b.git You can find this in the "Embed" menu, as the "Clone via SSH" option.
    3. You can clone them anonymously (read-only) just using their URL: git clone https://gist.github.com/simonw/0a30d52feeb3ff60f7d8636b0bde296b
    1. 设定自定义域名:https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/[github用户名]/[仓库名]@main,注意,此处的分支一定要填写@main,否则默认使用master分支。而现在github创建的默认分支名为main,如果不指定,则会出现图片不能上传的情况。【踩坑两小时】

  18. Oct 2022
    1. A "pull request" is you requesting the target repository to please grab your changes. A "push request" would be the target repository requesting you to push your changes.

      Push and pull requests

    1. git commit --amend --no-edit amends a commit without changing its commit message.

      git commit --amend --no-edit amends a commit without changing its message

    1. Detaching HEAD just means attaching it to a commit instead of a branch
    2. That way it would look like these two features were developed sequentially, when in reality they were developed in parallel.

      git rebase

    1. But for all of its features, GitHub implements only a subset of git. For instance, GitHub lacks the default merge strategy of git—the fast-forward merge.
    1. The most dangerous form of procrastination is unacknowledged type-B procrastination, because it doesn't feel like procrastination. You're "getting things done." Just the wrong things.

      Type-B procrastination accounts for a lot of the junk I see on people's GitHub timelines—and that type of social network-backed gamified gratification is why I've adopted a stance where I impose a huge entry fee on any workflow that routes itself through GitHub's servers.

  19. Sep 2022
    1. No to new features. No to breaking changes. No to working on holiday. No to fixing issues or merging pull requests from people who are being unpleasant. No to demands that something has to be fixed right now.

      In other words, no to the rotten cultural expectations that are by far what you're most likely to encounter on GitHub. I promise—things really were so much better before it came along to try to be Facebook-for-software-development.

    2. The general state of the open source ecosystem is that most maintainers are building software they want other people to use and find useful.

      I think the default assumption that this is what's going on is a huge part of the problem. I see a similar thing happen on GitHub constantly, where project maintainers try to "upperhand" contributors, because they see the contribution as something deliberately undertaken to benefit the person who is e.g. submitting a bug report. This is a massive shift away from the spirit of the mid-to-late 2000–2010 era characterized by initiatives like Wikipedia (and wikis generally) and essays by Shirky on the adhocracy around the new digital commons.

  20. Aug 2022
    1. You can link to a particular row by clicking the row number, or select multiple rows by holding down the shift key. Just copy the URL and send it to a friend.


      I am semi-legitimately angry I am just now finding out about this.

      Here's an example that actually works!


    1. This is a living document. Ideas or feedback can be contributed through commenting directly using Hypothes.is which will create issues in the Github repo or you can directly create an issue: https://github.com/FAIRIslandProject/Generic-Place-based-Data-Policy/issues

      How awesome is this sort of integration? If one can use annotations to create issues within Github, it should be relatively easy for websites to do similar integrations to allow the use of Hypothes.is as a native commenting system on website pages. The API could be leveraged with appropriate URL wildcard patterns to do this.

      I have heard of a few cases of people using Github issue queues as comments sections for websites, and this dovetails well into that space.

      How might the Webmention spec be leveraged or abstracted to do similar sorts of communication work?

    1. The creator of CodeTriage, Richard Schneeman, was surprised to learn one day that the Ruby on Rails core team (of about 7 or so people) were responsible for handling ALL the issues opened on the Rails GitHub repo. At the time, there were about 700 or so issues. These maintainers are hugely valuable to the project due to their depth of knowledge, however keeping up with issues was taking a huge amount of time. Would you rather these highly specialized maintainers spend their time developing new features and actually fix bugs, or would you want them to spend their days responding to hundreds of issues? Asking for simple questions like "what version of Rails are you using?", and "can you provide an example app?", and "is this fixed on master?”. While asking these questions might only take 5 or 10 minutes of time, the sheer volume of issues per maintainer was unreasonable. This was highlighted by the herculean efforts of another developer Steve Klabnik, who went through every single issue and responded to all of them in a marathon session spanning multiple days. The effort got him accolades and commit access to the Rails repo. While he deserves the praise, the efforts were ultimately unsustainable.

      Surprise: going all in on GitHub—including abandoning traditional practices governing bugtrackers in favor of GitHub's anemic project management tools—has a negative impact.

  21. Jul 2022
    1. Jun 6, 2018 — Microsoft's $7.5 billion acquisition of GitHub is a perfect illustration of how value is ascribed differently in Silicon Valley than in the ...github microsoft acquisitionwhy did microsoft buy githubwhy did microsoft buy github redditmicrosoft github strategygithub revenuewho owned github before microsoftPeople also search for

      Jun 6, 2018 — Microsoft's $7.5 billion acquisition of GitHub is a perfect illustration of how value is ascribed differently in Silicon Valley than in the ...

    1. Microsoft acquired GitHub, a popular code-repository service used by many developers and large companies, for $7.5 billion in stock.
    1. it's very easy to measure how many github back and forths people have

      Bad example. The way most GitHub-adjacent subjects are handled and the overheads involved is already evidence that most people are not interested in operational efficiency, let alone measuring it to figure out how to do it better.

  22. Jun 2022
    1. Free public projects private projects starting at $9/month per project

      For many tools and apps payment for privacy is becoming the norm.

      Examples: - Kumu.io - Github for private repos - ...

      pros: - helps to encourage putting things into the commons

      cons: - Normalizes the idea of payment for privacy which can be a toxic tool.


  23. May 2022
    1. Overall, if speed is your primary concern and you’re on a budget, then Circle CI is the clear choice. If you’re not looking to run a ton of builds each month and your code is already in Github, then Github Actions can offer similar performance with the added convenience of having everything under one service. Even though we liked Travis better, our main criteria was value, and since you can’t use Travis for free after the first month, GitLab was able to grab the third slot, despite it being weaker in almost every other category.

      4 CI free tier comparison: * Quality of Documentation * Compute Power * Available Disk Space * Free Build Minutes * Speed and Performance

    1. **The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality** $$\left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \right)^2 \leq \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right)$$

      This sentence uses $ delimiters to show math inline: $\sqrt{3x-1}+(1+x)^2$

    1. Get all repos from the user https://api.github.com/users/:user/repos, then look for open_issues_count in the named repo.

      HI, when you get issues by page like issues?page=0&per_page=5 number property from first element will be count of issues.

    1. That people show off these illegible globs in public only makes sense from a signaling perspective: They are saying, “look at how many nodes I have in my brain, amazing nodes

      See also: GitHub contribution graphs

    1. Interesting take on the utility of GitHub's Copilot and on code generation in general. Does it actually help?

  24. Apr 2022
    1. a way for us to compare, restore, and merge changes to our stuff.
      • google docs
      • save as for local files: (e.g. file1.docx, file2.docx)
  25. Mar 2022
    1. I can enjoy my hobby in open-source without Github issues becoming a shouting match that spans 200 comments from people who aren't even invested in the codebase
    1. Except it sucks for everybody who's left out.

      Just like GitHub makes things a non-starter today, unless you've bought in to it the way non-technical people bought in to walled gardens like Facebook and excluded everyone else.

    2. While it's true that GitHub has become more accessible to non-programmers than it once was, these folks won't be comfortable making pull requests anytime soon.

      GitHub's accessibility even wrt programmers leaves much to be desired for anyone who was familiar with highly productive workflow before GitHub came along and apparently handicapped everyone's ability to conceive how things could be any better.

  26. Feb 2022
    1. Gist.io isWriting for HackersThere’s a scale of permanence to writing on the web. On one end, we have the tweet: brief and ephemeral. On the other end of the scale, we have longform blog writing: unlimited in length and hopefully impervious to the passage of time.Sometimes, we want to share a bit of writing that is neither. Maybe we want to write for a specific audience, but don’t want to address the people who usually read our blogs. Maybe it’s just something that doesn’t fit into 140 characters.Gist.io is a solution for that, inspired by Mike Bostock’s delightful bl.ocks.org

      Schönes Tool für Gist.

  27. Jan 2022
  28. Dec 2021
    1. On the Web, the file extension doesn’t really matter

      Not so much "On the Web" as it is "In JavaScript". mjs is an invention of runtimes like NodeJS (and the unending toolchain hell that sprang up around it) to paper over NodeJS's non-standard idiosyncrasies that are entirely the closed loop result of their own doing.

      The fact that this has infected discussion of JS itself is even more reason to despise Node and its ecosystem.

    1. Massive Wiki is a movement to create a wiki ecosystem (rather than just one engine) that provides classic wiki utility, with a plurality of tools and processes that enable decentralization and federation of the pages.

      This looks like a fascinating tool. Similar in function to what @Flancian is attempting to do?

      Perhaps I'll tinker with it soon...

  29. Nov 2021
  30. Aug 2021
    1. And back in the day, everything was GitHub issues. The company internal blog was an issue-only repository. Blog posts were issues, you’d comment on them with comments on issues. Sales deals were tracked with issue threads. Recruiting was in issues - an issue per candidate. All internal project planning was tracked in issues.

      Interesting how versatile GitHub Issues can be

  31. Jul 2021
    1. I mean, over 40M devs from over 41 countries on GitHub? Pretty amazing.

      Is it, though? From where I'm sitting, GitHub has been good for exactly two things. Getting the uninteresting one out of the way first: free hosting. Secondly, convincing the long tail of programmers who would not otherwise have been engaged with the FOSS scene to free their code, by presenting a shimmering city on the horizon where cool things are happening that you'd be missing out on if you were to remain stuck in the old ways that predate the GitHub era's collective mindset of free-and-open by default. That is, GitHub strictly increases the amount of free software by both luring in new makers (who wouldn't have created software otherwise, free or not) and rooting out curmudgeons (who would have produced software of the non-free variety) with social pressure.

      I'm less convinced of the positive effects on "the choir"—those who are or were already convinced of the virtues of FOSS and would be producing it anyway. In fact, I'm convinced of the opposite. I grant that it has "changed the way [people] collaborate", but not for the better; the "standard way of working" referred to here by my measures looks like a productivity hit every time I've scrutinized it. The chief issue is that undertaking that level of scrutiny isn't something that people seem to be interested in...

      Then you have GitHub's utter disregard for the concerns of people interested in maintaining their privacy (by not exposing a top-level index of their comings and goings to anyone who asks for it —and even those who don't—in the way that GitHub does, again, whether you asked for it or not).

  32. Jun 2021
    1. linking from preprints to their journal version 

      We developed a preprint-publication linker that is available on github. Details here:

      Cabanac, G., Oikonomidi, T., Boutron, I. (2021). Day-to-day discovery of preprint–publication links. Scientometrics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-021-03900-7

      We daily track 572 preprints of COVID19 randomized controlled trials for the COVID-NMA project. The results of the linking and validation of preprint-publication pairs by epidemiologists are available here:


  33. May 2021
  34. Apr 2021
    1. GitHub Actions is GitHub’s platform for automation workflows. A workflow is a sequence of jobs that can run either in series or in parallel. A job usually contains more than one step, where each step is a self-contained function. To learn more about GitHub Actions, go through the tutorial on Continuous Integration for Android.

      Brief description on what GitHub Actions is.

    1. My favorite part of this entire plan has to be the part where I use Github Issues as a blog. Kind of. For every new feature (or set of features) I want to add to the site—no matter how small, like adding a Favicon, for example—I will open a new issue and create a corresponding branch where the work on that feature will happen. I will basically produce a(n) infrequent stream of short “blog posts” in the form of Github issues. The live code for each issue/feature will live in the issue’s corresponding branch. As someone who tends to do multiple things at once, this will take a lot of organization and discipline, and that’s the challenging part for me.

      This is a fascinating and very illustrative use of GitHub for web development. I mostly like that she's pointing out her use case.

  35. Mar 2021
  36. Feb 2021
    1. Dev Environments Built for the Cloud.


      • 50 hour/month
      • Public Github projects

      Reference #1

    1. TL;DR for developer documentation - a ridiculous collection of cheatsheets

      Example github page, centered around markdown files to create cheatsheet notes

    1. A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.

  37. Jan 2021
    1. The model is trained on 147M multi-turn dialogue from Reddit discussion thread. The largest model can be trained in several hours on a 8 V100 machines (however this is not required), with distributed training and FP16 option.

      github-dialogpt traning problem

  38. Dec 2020
    1. OpenApiValidators

      The guy who runs this repo is so nice, and I'm only a little big jealous that he's younger than me.

  39. Nov 2020
    1. I feel that with all that power that it’s gaining, instead of being a more approachable tool, that it’s actually being a tool that is continuously making people feel frustrated, to the point where I feel that whatever the next version control system is… (And it does not have to be something separate than Git. It should maybe be just a really powerful abstraction built on top of Git.) But I think whatever the next iteration of the people’s version control is… it should be something that is more reflective of how we think about what version control is for us.
  40. Oct 2020
    1. Your weekly reminder that1. You should not have your development process on a centralized platform, at least not if you're doing anything that smells of copyright issues2. If you do host on a centralized platform, have regular, decentralized backups of code and issue tracking.3. Also, avoid US-centric hosting for this kind of thing. But really, refer to 1.

      3 things to keep in mind while hosting your code

    1. Lastly, I walked through Github Pages, and how using a separate branch, you can publish HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON for projects, turning Github into not just a code and content management platform, but also a publishing endpoint.

      More information on how to use GitHub pages to build your website: https://indieweb.org/GitHub_Pages

  41. Sep 2020
    1. In many ways Figma’s Communities are a reflection of Github’s philosophy and intent, but built with design in mind. Duplicate a shared design, and a copy is instantly saved to your workspace and ready to be edited.

      The idea of a click-to-fork-repository was brought to Figma in the form of communities.

  42. Aug 2020
    1. Don’t forget to tell Git who you are, add this cell so you don’t have to answer every time you commit during a new session!

      Authenticate yourself with GitHub:

      !git config --global user.email <YOUR EMAIL>
      !git config --global user.name <YOUR NAME>
    2. This will allow you to grab both public and private repos without leaving your password exposed in the notebook.

      Connecting your GitHub:

      import os
      from getpass import getpass
      import urllib
      user = 'rbracco'
      password = getpass('Password: ')
      repo_name = 'fastai2_audio'
      # your password is converted into url format
      password = urllib.parse.quote(password)
      cmd_string = 'git clone https://{0}:{1}@github.com/{0}/{2}.git'.format(user, password, repo_name)
      cmd_string, password = "", "" # removing the password from the variable
      # Bad password fails silently so make sure the repo was copied
      assert os.path.exists(f"/content/{repo_name}"), "Incorrect Password or Repo Not Found, please try again"

      GIF workflow

    1. Germany went further and created an account of the German Bundestag — in 2012, citizens received access to the latest laws on Github. Since then, residents of Germany can not only monitor changes but also to do pull requests, however, to make the change take effect, it must be approved by the Bundestag.
  43. Jul 2020
    1. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository.

      How would I download this commit/changeset with a git client then?? Or is it simply the case that if someone ever deletes the source branch for a merge request and "orphans" those commits, that there is now no longer a way to download it via the usual git fetch methods and the only way now to view these commits is via the web interface?

      Idea: Create a permanent tag for every version of every pull request that gets pushed up. (Which maybe the already do internally to prevent it from being GC'd?)


      Ana06 deleted the Ana06:array-diff branch on Apr 30, 2019

  44. Jun 2020
    1. If you want a fast website without breaking the bank, go for GitHub Pages. It’s completely free and super fast. It does, however, require you to open source your site. If that’s not doable, CloudFront is a good alternative, but its price depends on how much bandwidth you push around. For most personal sites, CloudFront won’t cost more than a couple of dollars per month. The same thing goes for Google Cloud Storage.

      Advice for a personal use regarding the static webhosting benchmark (2020 May)

    2. The best all-around performer is AWS CloudFront, followed closely by GitHub Pages. Not only do they have the fastest response times (median), they’re also the most consistent. They are, however, closely followed by Google Cloud Storage. Interestingly, there is very little difference between a regional and multi-regional bucket. The only reason to pick a multi-regional bucket would be the additional uptime guarantee. Cloudflare didn’t perform as well I would’ve expected.

      Results of static webhosting benchmark (2020 May):

      1. AWS CloudFront
      2. GitHub Pages
      3. Google Cloud Storage
  45. May 2020
  46. Apr 2020
    1. I am not sure how but one kind soul somehow found the project, forked it, refactored it, "modernized" it, added linting, code sniffing, added CI and opened the pull request.

      It's worth sharing your code, since someone can always find it and improve it, so that you can learn from it

    1. So I wrote a GitHub Actions workflow that automatically updates the README page in the repo every time a new TIL markdown file is added or updated!

      You can use GitHub Actions to automatically rewrite your README.md

    1. In the near future, given the increase in the use and profile of preprint servers and alternative publishing platforms, such as F1000 Research, it will be necessary to identify how many relevant platforms exist, to describe their scientific scope (i.e., covered disciplines), and, similar to the way that researchers evaluate the aims and scope of journals, to compare their characteristics and policies.
      • Di sini kami memperlihatkan manfaat preprint dengan keleluasaanya (tanpa batasan format, ukuran, jenis berkas dll) akan memberikan dorongan bagi peneliti untuk mempublikasi data dan metode (misal kode program).

      • Ada banyak platform berbagi kode (seperti Github dan Gitlab yang membuka banyak pintu keterbatasan saat penulis ingin membagikan kode program.

      • Platform-platform ini juga mendukung proses berbagi dokumen dan data yang cari (fluid), karena semua orang dapat dengan mudah menggandakan (forking melalui perintah git clone) proyek seseorang untuk kemudian digunakan, dimodifikasi, dan pada akhirnya mungkin mereka meminta kreator orisinalnya untuk memasukkan modifikasi menjadi versi baru dari kode program.

      • Hebatnya semua proses itu tercatat dengan hubungan antara repositori dan akun yang jelas terlihat.

    1. n the near future, given the increase in the use and profile of preprintservers, and alternative publishing platforms such as F1000 Researc
      • Di sini kami memperlihatkan manfaat preprint dengan keleluasaanya (tanpa batasan format, ukuran, jenis berkas dll) akan memberikan dorongan bagi peneliti untuk mempublikasi data dan metode (misal kode program).

      • Ada banyak platform berbagi kode (seperti Github dan Gitlab) yang membuka banyak pintu keterbatasan saat penulis ingin membagikan kode program.

      • Platform-platform ini juga mendukung proses berbagi dokumen dan data yang cari (fluid), karena semua orang dapat dengan mudah menggandakan (forking melalui perintah git clone) proyek seseorang untuk kemudian digunakan, dimodifikasi, dan pada akhirnya mungkin mereka meminta kreator orisinalnya untuk memasukkan modifikasi menjadi versi baru dari kode program.

      • Hebatnya semua proses itu tercatat dengan hubungan antara repositori dan akun yang jelas terlihat.

    1. gh repo create hello-world -d "A react app for the web" --public

      GitHub released a new CLI: gh with which you can do much more operations.

      For example, you can create repo without going into your browser:

      gh repo create hello-world -d "A react app for the web" --public

      Generally, it will be great for CI/CD pipelines

  47. Dec 2019
    1. Rubydoc.info can automatically fetch and rebuild your docs from your github project everytime you commit! To add a post-receive (commit) hook to Github, simply select the official Rubydoc.info service hook from the list of service hooks in your project settings.
  48. Oct 2019
    1. Meanwhile at Microsoft's GitHub, employees at both companies have objected to GitHub's business with ICE, not to mention Microsoft's government contracts. Employees at Amazon have also urged the company not to sell its facial recognition technology to police and the military.
  49. Aug 2019
    1. With now more than 3000 modules, there are huge gaps in the quality of things you find in the npm registry. But more often than not, it's easy to find a module that is really close to what you need, except if it wasn't for that one bug or missing feature.
  50. Jul 2019
  51. Jun 2019
  52. Apr 2019
    1. China’s tech sector is notorious for treating workers like machines, with extremely long working hours being the norm. The phrase 996 refers to 9am - 9pm, 6 days per week, and is an unspoken rule in a lot of Chinese tech companies. The CEO of Youzan, a large Chinese e-commerce company, seemingly didn’t get the memo about keeping 996 as an “unspoken” rule, and surprised his employees at their 2019 yearly company party by telling them Youzan is officially switching to 996.
  53. Mar 2019
  54. Oct 2018
  55. Sep 2018
  56. Apr 2018
  57. Mar 2018
    1. if (app.metadata && app.metadata.has('dc:title') && app.metadata.get('dc:title') !== 'Untitled') { title = app.metadata.get('dc:title'); }

      the empty dc:title should also be considered as Untitled