251 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Die FPÖ-Politiker Harald Vilimsky und Roman Haider haben dem Chef des Heartland Institutes, James Taylor, den Weg als Lobbyist in das EU Parlament gebahnt. Heartland Institute und FPÖ-Abgeordnete bemühen sich intensiv, mit Desinformation gegen den Green Deal vorzugehen, u.a. duch Beeinflussung ungarischer Abgeordneter. Auch auf der Llimaleugner-Konferenz in Maria Enzersdorf im Juni ist Taylor aufgetreten. Die Heartland-Thesen finden sich im Wahlprogramm der FPÖ. Hintergrundbericht von Benedikt Narodoslawsky. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000237376/mein-freund-harald-fpoe-ebnete-klimaleugner-lobby-den-weg-ins-eu-parlament

    1. for - sustainable building - super insulator - sustainable building - affordable aerogel insulator - from - youtube - aerogel - question - how circular is the Fraunhofer aerogel production technique?

      from - youtube - aerogel - Fraunhofer Institute - https://hyp.is/_JmJGhU4Ee-0tnt7qAHc_w/docdrop.org/video/llKF0a0bnhk/

    2. “When mixed into the plaster, the aerogels can reduce thermal conductivity by a factor of two when compared to polystyrene; that is truly huge.

      for - sustainable building - insulation research - Fraunhofer Institute - aerogel - performance - mixed with plaster is twice the performance of polystyrene

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Der neue Planetary Health Check des Potsdam Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung ergibt, dass durch die Versauerung der Ozeane möglicherweise gerade die siebte von 9 planetaren Grenzen durchbrochen wird und die Biosphäre auch hier in eine Hochrisikozone eintritt. Bei allen anderen mit Ausnahme des Ozonschwunds haben sich die Bedingungen verschlechtert. Die CO2- Emissionen treiben die Versauerung an, die wiederum die Fähigkeit der Ozeane mindert, als CO2-Senke zu wirken. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/sep/23/earth-breach-planetary-boundaries-health-check-oceans

      Website zum Planetary Health Check: https://www.planetaryhealthcheck.org/

    1. Der neue französische Premierminister Michel Barnier hat in seiner Zeit als Umweltminister wesentlich dazu beigetragen, das Vorsorgeprinzip und die finanzielle Verantwortung der Verschmutzenden für Schäden im Umweltrecht zu verankern. Obwohl er zu Amtsbeginn auch von der „ökologischen Schuld" gesprochen hat, erwarten NGOs und Thinktanks, deren Vertreter:innen die Libération befragt hat, allenfalls vorsichtige umweltpolitische Schritte und eine insgesamt restriktive Ausgabenpolitik von ihm.https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/le-premier-ministre-michel-barnier-est-il-vraiment-decide-a-payer-la-dette-ecologique-de-la-france-20240906_7BYVDVAUSJD2VN6M4V7DAI2N2E/

    1. Die Fossilindustrie finanziert seit Jahrzehten Universitäten und fördert damit Publikationen in ihrem Interesse, z.B. zu false solutions wie #CCS. Hintergrundbericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie: https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/05/universities-fossil-fuel-funding-green-energy

      Studie: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.904

  3. Aug 2024
  4. Jul 2024
  5. Jun 2024
    1. The School of the People’s Institute,
    2. In his 1926 work, The Meaning of a Liberal Education, heargued that education’s task is to “reorient the individual, to enablehim to take a richer and more significant view of his experiences, toplace him above and not within the system of his beliefs and ideals.”

      Is it possible to be above one's own system of beliefs and ideas? Doesn't the system make them a product of it? Evolving from a base at best?

      The idea sounds lovely, but is it possible anthropologically?

    3. As Leon Fink wrote of that period,“education ranked . . . high on the agenda” of Progressive intellectu-als and reformers. Considering the logic of reformers he added: “Ifthe people were to seize their democratic birthright for the greatergood . . . they must engage their higher faculties of reason” and be“schooled in sense of civic duty.” This would make them a “demo-cratic public.”8

      Check Fink to see where the seeds of this idea of linking education and democracy sprouted...

      TL's references for this:<br /> Leon Fink, Progressive Intellectuals and the Dilemmas of Democratic Commitment (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997), 13–14; Robert B. Fisher, “The People’s Institute of New York City, 1897–1934: Culture, Progressive Democracy, and the People” (Ph.D. diss., New York University, 1974), 1, 9; Hugh S. Moorhead, “The Great Books Movement,” (PhD diss. University of Chicago, 1964), 110–111.

    1. Dem Global Energy Monitor zufolge sollen in den kommenden Jahren 1,5 Billionen Dollar in LNG Terminals und Pipelines investiert werden. 20% dieser Summe sind für Europa geplant und hier wiederum ein großer Teil für Anlagen in Griechenland. Die USA lobbyieren in Mittel- und Südosteuropa intensiv, um ihr LNG dort zu verkaufen. Der subventionierte Aufbau von Gasinfrastruktur übersteigt den europäischen Bedarf bei weitem. Reportage in der New York Times zum Gasboom in Griechenland. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/climate/greece-europe-natural-gas-lng.html

  6. May 2024
    1. Im südlichen Teil Brasiliens fvel in diesem Frühjahr in 10 Tagen so viel Regen wie sonst in einem ganzen Jahr. Es handelt sich um die größte klimabedingte Katastrophe im Bundesstaat Rio Grande del Sol der bereits im vergangenen Jahr von zwei großen Überschwemmungen betroffen war. Die extremen Regenfälle, die es so früher in dieser Region nicht gab, werden von Forschenden auf die globale Erhitzung und mit ihr verbundene Klimaphänomene zurückgeführt. Ausführlicher hintergrundartikel im Guardian der sich auf eine Reihe von Studien und Interviews mit Forschenden bezieht. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/may/10/brazil-is-reeling-from-catastrophic-floods-what-went-wrong-and-what-does-the-future-hold

    1. The Guardian: Donald Trump hat Big-Oil Managern angeboten, klimapolitische Maßnahmen der Biden-Administration rückgängig zu machen, wenn sie seinen Wahlkampf mit einer Milliarde Dollar unterstützen. Einer Studie des Guardian zufolge können die Ölkonzerne von Trump vor allem 110 Milliaren Dollar Subventionen (u.a. Steuererleichterungen für neue fossile Projekte) erwarten, die die Biden-Regierung abschaffen will. Hintergrundartikel zu Lobbyisten im US-Ölgeschäft und aktuellen Konflikten<br /> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/16/donald-trump-big-oil-executives-alleged-deal-explainedlog

    1. Das globale Durchschnittseinkommen wird bei der jetzt zu erwartenden globalen Erhitzung 2050 fast um ein Fünttel niedriger sein als ohne Erhitzung. Die (nicht mehr zu vermeidenden) Einbußen durch die Erhitzung bis 2050 sind sechsmal so hoch wie die einer Begrenzung des Temperaturanstiegs auf 2°. 2050 ist einer neuen Studie zufolge mit Klimaschäden von etwa 38 Bllionen Dollar zu rechnen. Bis 2100 wird es in einem Business-as-usual-Szenario zu Einkommensverlusten von mehr als 60% kommen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/17/climate-crisis-average-world-incomes-to-drop-by-nearly-a-fifth-by-2050

    1. Seit dem Pariser Abkommen finanzierten die 60 größten Banken 425 fossile Großprojekte - sogenannte carbon bombs mit einem zu erwartenden CO2-Ausstoß von jeweils über einer Gigatonne - mit insgesamt 1,8 Billionen Dollar. Der Standard-Artikel geht auf ein Projekt zurück, bei dem Daten des Carbon Bombs-Projekts, des Global Energy Monitor und von Banking on Climate Chaos ausgewertet und visualisiert werden. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000193065/billionenkredite-fuer-fossile-grossprojekte-wie-banken-die-klimakrise-mitfinanzieren

      Bericht/Visualisierung: https://www.carbonbombs.org/

    1. Eine neue, grundlegende Studie zu Klima-Reparationen ergibt, dass die größten Fosssilkonzerne jählich mindestens 209 Milliarden Dollar als Reparationen an von ihnen besonders geschädigte Communities zahlen müssen. Dabei sind Schäden wie der Verlust von Menschenleben und Zerstörung der Biodiversität nicht einberechnet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/19/fossil-fuel-firms-owe-climate-reparations-of-209bn-a-year-says-study

      Studie: Time to pay the piper: Fossil fuel companies’ reparations for climate damages https://www.cell.com/one-earth/fulltext/S2590-3322(23)00198-7

    1. Für eine neue Studie wurden die Klagen gegen climate washing, also gegen falsche Angaben von Unternehmen und Organisationen über die von ihnen verursachten Emissionen, erfasst. Global haben diese Prozesse in den letzten Jahren enorm zugenommen, wobei die Zahl der Prozesse etwa zum Ende der Amtszeit von Donald Trump in den USA am schnellsten wuchs. Die Verurteilungen, zu denen es bereits gekommen ist, führen aufgrund der mit ihnen verbundenen Kosten zu Veränderungen bei den Unternehmen.


    1. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die COP28 mit dem Emissions Peak für Treibhausgase zusammenfallen könnte. Um das 1,5°-Ziel zu erreichen, müssten allerdings die Emissionen bis 2030 um die Hälfte sinken. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2023/nov/29/cop28-what-could-climate-conference-achieve

    1. Die Pläne der Kohle-, Öl- und gasproduzierenden Staaten zur Ausweitung der Förderung würden 2030 zu 460% mehr Kohle, 83% mehr Gas und 29% mehr Ölproduktion führen, als mit dem Pariser Abkommen vereinbar ist. Der aktuelle Production Gap Report der Vereinten Nationen konzentriert sich auf die 20 stärksten Verschmutzer-Staaten, deren Pläne fast durchgängig in radikalem Widerspruch zum Pariser Abkommen stehen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/08/insanity-petrostates-planning-huge-expansion-of-fossil-fuels-says-un-report

      Report: https://productiongap.org/

    1. Der Guardian nennt die Stimmung der meisten von der Zeitung zu ihren Zukunfterwartungen befragten IPCC-Klimawissenschaftlerinnen düster; viele sind deprimiert. Viele der Forschenden, die die Zeitung als die am besten über die Zukunft Informierten bezeichnet, erwarten Hungersnöte, Massenmigration und Konflikte. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2024/may/08/hopeless-and-broken-why-the-worlds-top-climate-scientists-are-in-despair

    1. Verantwortliche der großen amerikanischen Ölfirmen haben auch nach 2015 privat zugegeben, dass sie die Gefahren fossiler Brennstoffe heruntergespielt haben. Sie haben internationale Pläne gegen die globale Erhitzung nach außen hin unterstützt und nach innen kommuniziert, dass ihre Firmenpolitik diesen Plänen widerspricht. Und sie haben gegen politische Maßnahmen lobbyiert, hinter die sie sich offiziell gestellt haben. Das alles ergibt sich aus dem neuen Bericht des amerikanischen Kongresses über die Desinformations-Politik von Big Oil. Ausführlicher Bericht mit Informationen über mögliche juristische Konsequenzen. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/30/big-oil-climate-crisis-us-senate-report

  7. Apr 2024
    1. Eine extreme Hitzewelle hat in der Sahelzone Hunderte, wahrscheinlich Tausende Menschenleben gefordert. World Weather Attribution zufolge ist die Höhe der Temperaturen eindeutig auf die globale Erhitzung durch Treibhausgase zurückzuführen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/18/lethal-heatwave-in-sahel-worsened-by-fossil-fuel-burning-study-finds

      Zur Studie: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/extreme-sahel-heatwave-that-hit-highly-vulnerable-population-at-the-end-of-ramadan-would-not-have-occurred-without-climate-change/

  8. Mar 2024
    1. Die Abhängigkeit Europas von russischem Pipelinegas ist in zwei Jahren von 40% auf 10% gesunken. Die Importe von LNG haben um 40% zugenommen, wobei auch da ein erheblicher Anteil aus Russland stammt. Die USA sind der weltgrößte LNG-Exporteur. Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit werden bei LNG Überkapazitäten aufgebaut. In Österreich ist die Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas noch immer hoch, weil rein betriebswirtschaftlich entscheiden wird. Die OMV war 2023 verpflichtet, Gas für gut 60 TWh aus Russland zu beziehen und jedenfalls zu bezahlen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000206989/warum-der-abschied-von-russischem-gas-noch-immer-so-schwer-faellt

  9. Feb 2024
    1. Zwei neue Studien aufgrund einer genaueren Modellierung der Zusammenhänge von Erhitzung und Niederschlagen: Es lässt sich besser voraussagen, wie höhere Temperaturen die Bildung von Wolkenclustern in den Tropen und damit Starkregenereignisse fördern. Außerdem lässt sich erfassen, wie durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Brennstoffen festgesetzten Aerosole bisher die Niederschlagsmenge in den USA reduziert und damit einen Effekt der globalen Erhitzung verdeckt haben.



      Studie: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adj6801

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-45504-8

    1. Langes Interview mit Hans Joachim Schellnhuber im Standard, under anderem zu Kipppunkten und der Möglichkeit, dass wir uns schon auf dem Weg in ein „neues Klimaregime“ befinden. Schellnhuber geht davon aus, dass auch das 2°-Ziel überschritten werden wird. Der „Königsweg“, um der Atmosphäre danach wieder CO<sub>2</sub> zu entziehen, sei der weltweite Ersatz von Zement durch Holz beim Bauen, den er als Direktor des IIASA vor allem erforschen wolle. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür, dass „noch alles gutgehen" werde, sei gering. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000204635/klimaforscher-schellnhuber-werden-auch-ueber-das-zwei-grad-ziel-hinausschiessen

    1. Die Selbstverpflichtungen der Regierungen zur Dekarbonisierung reichen bei weitem nicht aus. Ein Bericht, der von den Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage für die kommende COP28 publiziert wurde, ergibt, dass 2030 etwa 20 bis 23 Gigatonnen mehr CO<sub>2</sub> emittiert werden sollen, als mit dem 1,5 °-Ziel verträglich wäre. Zum ersten Mal wird in einem offiziellen UN-Dokument das Ende der Nutzung fossiler Brennstoffe gefordert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/08/un-report-calls-for-phasing-out-of-fossil-fuels-as-paris-climate-goals-being-missed

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/EMBARGOED_DRAFT_Sythesis-report-of-the-technical-dialogue-of-the-first-global-stocktake.pdf

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/documents/631600

    1. Drexler startedthe Foresight Institute in the late 1980s “to help prepare society for an-ticipated advanced technologies”
  10. Jan 2024
    1. Das britische Climate Change Commitee hat seit 18 Monaten keinen Chair. Die Nichtbesetzung dieser Stelle durch die Regierung gilt ein Signal dafür, dass sie sich zunehmend von den Dekarbonisierungszielen der konservativen Vorgängerregierungen entfernt. Fachleute, darunter Nicolas Stern, kritisieren die Verzögerung. Das Komitee legt unter anderem die britischenTreibhausgas-budgets fest und hatte in der Vergangenheit die zu langsame Politik der Regierung wiederholt deutlich kritisiert.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/30/sunak-under-fire-failure-appoint-climate-committee-chief

  11. Dec 2023
    1. Wegen anhaltendem Wassermangel können im Augenblick nur hab so viele Schiffe den Panama durchqueren wie normalerweise Punkt für die Schleusen des Kanals werden große Mengen Süßwasser benötigt. Die niederschlagsmuster verändern sich deutlich. Es ist aber noch nicht abzusehen, wie die zukünftige Entwicklung aussehen wird. Ein Beispiel für das unkartierte Gelände, in das die globale Erhitzung geführt hat. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/22/changing-climate-casts-a-shadow-over-the-future-of-the-panama-canal-and-global-trade

      • for: polycrisis, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Cascade Institute Royal Roads University - Changemakers Speakers Series, etymology - polylcrisis

      • Talk: Hope in the Polycrisis

      • Speaker: Thomas Homer-Dixon
      • Host: Royal Roads University - Changemakers Speakers Series
      • Date: 2023

      • SUMMARY

        • Thomas Homer-Dixon is a leading complex systems scientist and director of the Cascade Institute, which he co-founded at Royal Roads University in Victoria, B.C., Canada, to study the polycrisis and identify strategic high leverage interventions that could rapidly shift humanity's trajectory in the next few critical years.
        • The talk, entitled "Hope in the polycriisis" chronicles Homer-Dixon's multi-decade journey to understand the convergence of crisis happening in the world today.
        • In a real sense, the evolution of his thinking on these complex problems are reflected in the series of books he has written over the years, culminating in the 2023 book "Commanding Hope", based on a theory of hope:

          • Environment, Scarcity, and Violence (Princeton, 1999). - a book showing how other factors combine with environmental stress to produce violence.
          • “The Ingenuity Gap: Can Poor Countries Adapt to Resource Scarcity?,” which appeared in Population and Development Review in 1995
          • “Resource Scarcity and Innovation: Can Poor Countries Attain Endogenous Growth?" ?” coauthored with Edward Barbier, which appeared in Ambio (1999)
          • The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of Civilization (2006), examined the threat to global stability of simultaneous and interacting demographic, environmental, economic, and political stresses. This led to examining energy as a major factor in our modern society.
          • "Commanding Hope: The Power we have to Renew a World in Peril"
        • Homer-Dixon also talks about practical solutions, His team at Casacade Institute is researching a promising technology called ultra-deep geothermal, which could provide unlimted energy at energy densities comprable to fossil fuels.

        • He finishes his talk with his theory of Hope and how a "Robust" hope can be the key to a successful rapid transition.
      • etymology - polycrisis

        • https://polycrisis.org/lessons/where-did-the-term-polycrisis-come-from/
        • Complexity theorists Edgar Morin and Anne Brigitte Kern first used the term polycrisis in their 1999 book, Homeland Earth, to argue that the world faces
          • “no single vital problem, but many vital problems, and it is this complex intersolidarity of problems, antagonisms, crises, uncontrolled processes, and the general crisis of the planet that constitutes the number one vital problem" (p. 74).
        • South African sociologist and sustainable transitions theorist Mark Swilling then adopted the term to capture
          • “a nested set of globally interactive socio-economic, ecological and cultural-institutional crises that defy reduction to a single cause” (2013, p. 98).
        • Climate change, rising inequality, and the threat of financial crises interact in complex ways that multiply their overall impact (Swilling 2013, 2019).
    1. at the Cascade Institute based on partly because of work that I've been doing for uh now almost 20 years looking at the implications of converging crises uh we have really focused on the 00:09:07 relationships between between all these different challenges that humanity is facing what are the Deep connections between them
      • for: Cascade Institute - research focus

      • Cascade institute - research focus

        • looking at the deep connections between converging crisis
    1. Why do some societies successfully adapt while others do not? I concluded that a central characteristic of societies that successfully adapt is their ability to produce and deliver useful ideas (or what I call “ingenuity”) to meet the demands placed on them by worsening environmental problems.
  12. Nov 2023
      • for: conflict resolution - Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Toda Peace Institute, Lisa Schirch, 5 point peace plan

      • title: 5-Point Peace Plan to Protect Civilians, Address Trauma, Invest in Democracy, and Dismantle Hamas and the Israeli Occupation

      • author: Lisa Schirch
      • date: Nov 2023

      • Abstract

        • There is no military solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
        • A just political solution is essential.
        • This article expands the narratives of what is necessary at this moment when too many simply say “there is no other way” or “ceasefire” which both leave many questions unanswered.
        • This 5-point peace plan identifies a range of strategic principles and bridgebuilding processes to protect the safety and ensure the democratic freedoms of both Israelis and Palestinians.
        • It emphasises the shared humanity and traumas of both Palestinians and Jewish Israelis.
        • A sustainable peace will require that journalists and political leaders use their power to focus on
          • protecting civilians,
          • dismantling Hamas,
          • ending occupation,
          • addressing trauma, and
          • investing in democracy.
  13. Oct 2023
    1. frank danielle at the 1:29 american film institute 1:30 who was dean of the school uh center for 1:33 advanced film studies 1:34 and he taught a way to do it 1:39 um you get yourself a pack of three by 1:42 five cards 1:44 and you write a scene 1:47 on each card and when you have 70 scenes 1:52 you have uh a feature film 1:56 so on each card you write the heading of 1:58 the scene 1:59 and then the next card the second scene 2:00 the third scene four scenes so you have 2:03 70 cards 2:04 each with the name of the scene then you 2:07 flesh out each of the cards 2:09 and walk away you got a script

      David Lynch described the method from Frank Daniel (1926-1996) of the American Film Institute and Dean of advanced film studies who taught students to plot out their screenplays using 3 x 5" index cards. One would write out a total of 70 cards each with scene headings. Once fleshed out, one would have a complete screenplay.

      via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yngWNmouhP0

  14. Sep 2023
    1. Die Meeresoberfläche ist im globalen Durchschnitt 0,5 Grad wärmer als zwischen. 1991 und 2000. Die zusätlich Erhitzung hat im April begonnen und ist unabhängig von jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen. Interview mit der italienischen Ozeanografin Sabrina Speich, in Paris forscht und unterrichtet und gerade beim Festival della Mente einen Vortrag über Ozeanografie und Klimaveränderungen gehalten hat.


      Vortrag von Sabrina Speich: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-pHe7v_1v1I

  15. Aug 2023
    1. Der Nähe Osten - der frühere "fruchtbare Halbmond" - ist eines der von der globalen Erhitzung am stärksten betroffenen Gebiete. Ausführliche multimediale Reportage über die Wasserkrise im Irak, die einige früher fruchtbare Gebiete bereits unbewohnbar gemacht hat und den IS-Terrorismus erleichtert. Sie wird verschärft durch Staudämme in der Türkei und im Iran, Raubbau und veraltete Bewässerungstechniken, Regierungsversagen und Bevölkerungswachstum. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/29/world/middleeast/iraq-water-crisis-desertification.html

  16. Jul 2023
    1. Erneruerbare Energien wachsen weltweit deutlich schneller als von vielen erwartet. Ein neuer Bericht der Internatiionale Energiebehörde IEA stellt fest, dass die Erzeugungskapazität inzwischen bei 340 Gigawatt liegt. 2022 wurden 1.600Millionen Dollar in Erneuerbare investiert. Der Marktanteil von Elektroautos stieg auf 15%. berichte von anderen Institutionen bestätigen diese Trends. https://taz.de/Klimaneutralitaet-2050-technisch-moeglich/!5948817/

      IEA-Bericht: https://www.iea.org/reports/tracking-clean-energy-progress-2023

      Bericht des Rocky Montains Institute zur Energiewende: https://rmi.org/insight/x-change-electricity/

      Studie des World Resources Institute zu den 8 Ländern mit dem schnellsten Wachstum von Erneuerbaren: https://www.wri.org/insights/countries-scaling-renewable-energy-fastest

    1. Seit 2020 haben die 20 ärmsten Länder 50 Milliarden Dollar Schldenan die G20-Staaten zurückgezahlt. Diese Beträge stehen für Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung der oft besonders vulnerablen Länder nicht zur Verfügung. Bei einem Trffen der G20-Finanzminister*innen wurden keine Fortschritte bei der Entschuldung der ärmsten Länder erreicht. https://taz.de/Schuldenkrise-im-Globalen-Sueden/!5945035/

    1. Researchers from Moscow State University and the Human Brain Institute in St. Petersburg told the Dalai Lama in May that they have examined 104 monks who are simulating meditation states thought to resemble thukdam.
      • comment
        • look for any research on this from the Russian scientists at the Human Brain Institute in St. Petersberg
    1. Waldbrände haben in Kanada 8 Millionen Hektar vernichtet. Die Folgen für die kanadische Wirtschaft (u.a. für die Holz-, Bau- und Tourismusbranche) lassen sich noch nicht genau berechnen; Fachleute rechnen mit 0,3-0,6% weniger Wirtschaftswachstum. Älteren Modellierungen zufolge wird die globale Erhitzung in Kanada bis 2050 500.000 Arbeitsplätze vernichten. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/03/business/economy/canada-wildfires-economy.html

  17. Jun 2023
  18. May 2023
  19. Apr 2023
    1. Collection of Index Card Boxes (Zettelkästen) Aby Warburg’s collection of index cards (III.2.1.ZK), containing notes, bibliographical references, printed material and letters, was compiled throughout the scholar’s life. Ninety-six boxes survive, each containing between 200 and 800 individually numbered index cards. Cardboard dividers and envelopes group these index cards into thematic sections. The online catalogue reproduces the structure of the dividers and sub-dividers with their original titles in German and consists of about 3,200 items. Since the titles are transcribed (and not translated into English) you can only search for words in the original German.


      Aby Warburg's extant zettelkasten at the Warburg Institute's Archive consists of ninety-six surviving boxes which contain between 200-800 individually numbered index cards. Dividers and envelopes are used within the boxes to separate the cards into thematic sections.

      The digitized version is transcribed in the original German and is not available translated into English (at least as of 2023). The digitized version maintains the structure of the dividers and consists of only about 3,200 items.

    1. Aby Warburg: Metamorphosis and Memory. Documentary, Biography, 2016. https://www.kanopy.com/en/lapl/video/5913764.

      Written, Directed and Produced by Judith Wechsler<br /> Wechsler2016

      sepia image of Warburg looking out over a city next to a hill with the movie title superimposed at the top

    2. We know, from the first generation of users,55:26 a person like Frances Yates,55:27 who have been writing about and speaking about later on,55:32 how much the structure of the library55:35 has helped them in defining their topics,55:38 and basically in their research,55:40 and how inspirational it was,

      Frances Yates has apparently indicated how influential Aby Warburg's library and its structure was on her work and research.

      direct reference for this?

  20. Mar 2023
    1. The advent of computer technology facilitated the assembly of the Demotic Dictionary, which unlike its older sister, the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, could be organized electronically rather than on index cards.

      The Chicago Demotic Dictionary compiled by the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago was facilitated by computers compared with the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary which relied on index cards.

  21. Feb 2023
  22. Dec 2022
  23. Nov 2022
  24. Sep 2022
  25. Aug 2022
    1. If conservatives are right about the importance of virtue, morality, religious faith, stability, character and so on in the individual; if they are right about sexual morality or what came to be termed “family values”; if they are right about the importance of education to inculcate good character and to teach the fundamentals that have defined knowledge in the West for millennia; if they are right about societal norms and public order; if they are right about the centrality of initiative, enterprise, industry, and thrift to a sound economy and a healthy society; if they are right about the soul-sapping effects of paternalistic Big Government and its cannibalization of civil society and religious institutions; if they are right about the necessity of a strong defense and prudent statesmanship in the international sphere—if they are right about the importance of all this to national health and even survival, then they must believe—mustn’t they?—that we are headed off a cliff.

      A breathless paragraph that does articulate well and generously the conservative (nay) reactionary position of those who year to return to an "orange" (or even amber) order before the arrival of green.

      The issue is they want to go back rather than forward which is the only option. We need to "transclude" green -- and orange and amber. Yes we do want virtue, and values, and (probably) a reduced government -- and more. And we need to recognize difference and systematic injustice and a multiplicity of perspectives. And go beyond that into something new.

      This ultimately is simply reactionary. One can sympathize and appreciate it. One imagine what it was like for Catholics in their old ordered world with the all good things of the high middle ages bemoaning the arrival of the protestant heretics. But there is no going back. We can go forward -- and still take much of what was good from that past.

    1. In 1895, the Belgians Paul Otlet (1868-1944) and Henri La Fontaine founded the International Institute of Bibliography (IIB) and began working on something they called the Universal Bibliographic Repertory (UBR), an enormous catalog based on index cards. Funded by the Belgian government, the UBR involved the collection of books, articles, photographs and other documents in order to create a one-of-a-kind international index.
    1. Australian Institute of Marine Science’s annual long-term monitoring report says the fast-growing corals that have driven coral cover upwards are also those most at risk from marine heatwaves, storms and the voracious crown-of-thorns (COTS) starfish

      Gehört auch zum Thema Hitzewellen

  26. Jul 2022
    1. In fact, Wheeler proposed reformulating the whole physics in terms of the information theory. He summarized his ideas in a paper that he delivered at the Santa Fe Institute in 19891313. J. A. Wheeler, “Information, physics, quantum: The search for links,” in Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Physical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 1989), pp. 354–368. in which he postulated that the universe emanates from the information inherent within it and he coined the phrase “It from bit.”

      oohh santa fe institute

  27. Jun 2022
    1. Alessio Antonini (Open University)

      Dr Alessio Antonini is a Research Associate at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi), Open University, and a member of KMi's Intelligent Systems and Data Science group. Before joining KMi, he was a post-doc researcher in Urban Computing at the University of Turin, Italy. His research is on Human-Data Interaction (HDI) in applicative context of Civic Technologies, Smart City and Digital Humanities (DH) applications, in which contributed with more than 30 peer-reviewed papers. Transdisciplinary problems emerging from real-life scenarios are the focus of his research, approached through interdisciplinary collaborations, ranging from urban planning, philosophy, law, humanities, history and geography. He has extensive experience in EU and national projects, leading activities and work-packages in 14 projects. With more than ten years of professional practice, he as broad experience in leading R&D projects.

      Select bibliography:

      • Antonini, A., Benatti, F., Watson, N., King, E. and Gibson, J. (2021) Death and Transmediations: Manuscripts in the Age of Hypertext, HT '21: Proceedings of the 32th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Virtual Event USA
      • Vignale, F., Antonini, A. and Gravier, G. (2020) The Reading Experience Ontology (REO): Reusing and Extending CIDOC CRM, Digital Humanities Conference 2020, Ottawa
      • Antonini, A. and Brooker, S. (2020) Mediation as Calibration: A Framework for Evaluating the Author/Reader Relation, Proceedings of the 31st ACM HyperText, Orlando, Florida, USA
      • Antonini, A. and Benatti, F. (2020) *ing the Written Word: Digital Humanities Methods for Book History, SHARP 2020: Power of the Written Word, Amsterdam
      • Antonini, A., (2020) Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling, pp. (Early Access)
      • Vignale, F., Benatti, F. and Antonini, A. (2019) Reading in Europe - Challenge and Case Studies of READ-IT Project, DH2019, Utrecht, Netherland
      • Antonini, A., Vignale, F., Guillaume, G. and Brigitte, O. (2019) The Model of Reading: Modelling principles, Definitions, Schema, Alignments
  28. Apr 2022
    1. Connected Papers uses the publicly available corpus compiled by Semantic Scholar — a tool set up in 2015 by the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle, Washington — amounting to around 200 million articles, including preprints.

      Semantic Scholar is a digital tool created by the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle, Washington in 2015. It's corpus is publicly available for search and is used by other tools including Connected Papers.

  29. Mar 2022
    1. Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (born 12 January 1946) is an historian of science who comes from Liechtenstein. He was director of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin from 1997 to 2014. His focus areas within the history of science are the history and epistemology of the experiment, and further the history of molecular biology and protein biosynthesis.
  30. Dec 2021
  31. Oct 2021
    1. Regenerative Ventures

      Out of the Trimtab Space Camp course with the Buckminster Fuller Institute in which we were exploring world building with Tony Patrick, Langdon Roberts, Jeremy Lubman, Elsie Iwase, and I gathered to think about how we could become involved in regenerative ventures. This was our initiative, in which we met weekly to think about how we manifest who we are as a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. The thought was that architecture grows out of values, principles, and intention.

    1. Shiva exposes the 1%’s model of philanthrocapitalism, which is about deploying unaccountable money to bypass democratic structures, derail diversity, and impose totalitarian ideas based on One Science, One Agriculture, and One History.

      The same topic is covered by Anand Giridharadas in Winners Take All and by Amy Westervelt in her podcast Drilled exploring the history of public relations.

      We had the privilege of interacting with Vandana Shiva in the Trimtab Space Camp course, focused on regenerative agriculture, offered by the Buckminster Fuller Institute.

      Vandana Shiva, a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer, and science policy advocate, is the founder of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology in India and President of Navdanya International.

      The recipient of many awards, including the Right Livelihood Award, (the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) and the Sydney Peace Prize, she has been named among the top five “Most Important People in Asia” by AsiaWeek.

      She is a prolific writer and author of numerous books and serves on the board of the International Forum on Globalization, and a member of the executive committee of the World Future Council.

    1. Holistic Management of grasslands can result in the regeneration of soils, increased productivity and biological diversity, as well as economic and social well-being.
    1. Sallie McFague

      The World as God’s Body

      I was watching a video in a Trimtab Space Camp on regenerative agriculture featuring Vandana Shiva. She said, “It all begins with food, because food is the currency of life.”

      I connected this thought to Sallie McFague, who writes in The World as God’s Body about embodiment and incarnation.

      Jesus’ eating stories and practices suggest that physical needs are basic and must be met — food is not a metaphor here but should be taken literally. All creatures deserve what is basic to bodily health. But food also serves as a metaphor of fulfillment at the deepest level of our longings and desires. The Church picked up and developed the second metaphorical emphasis, making eating imagery the ground of its vision of spiritual fulfillment, especially in the eucharist. But just as the tradition focused on the second birth (redemption), often neglecting the first (creation), so also it spiritualized hunger as the longing of the soul for God, conveniently forgetting the source of the metaphor in basic bodily needs. But the aspects of Jesus’ ministry on which we have focused — the parables, healings, and eating stories — do not forget this dimension; in fact, Jesus’ activities and message, according to this interpretation, are embarrassingly bodily. The parables focus on oppression that people feel due to their concrete, cultural setting, as servants rather than masters, poor rather than rich, Gentile rather than Jew; the healing stories are concerned with the bodily pain that some endure; the eating stories have to do with physical hunger and the humiliation of exclusion. None of these is primarily spiritual, though each assumes the psychosomatic unity of human nature and can serve as a symbol of eschatological fulfillment — the overcoming of all hierarchies, the health and harmony of the cosmos and all its creatures, the satiety of the deepest groaning and longings of creation.

      (The Meaning of Life in the World Religions, page 296)

    1. “ I got validation as an artist, designer, writer, event organizer, leader, friend, and human being with influence, capacity, and agency by providing opportunities, permission, and encouragement to try everything.”— Anonymous

      Where my testimonial is featured on the Program page for the Design Science Studio, but attributed to Anonymous.

      This made me laugh. Actually, I prefer being anonymous.

      Or, maybe it is recognizing my limitations. Walter Gropius recognized his own limitations and turned that into an ability to connect with people who filled in the gaps in his capabilities. As an architect, his role was to gather people to fulfill a vision that was far beyond what he could accomplish on his own.

      The Hidden History of the Geodesic Dome - Part 3: The Teamwork of Walter Gropius

    2. “ The greatest benefit by far was to discover we are not alone. That there is a method to this madness”— Stephen Bau, Evolutionary

      Where my testimonial is featured on the Program page for the Design Science Studio.

  32. Sep 2021
    1. “I think that everybody knows that we are in this incredible inflection point for humanity. And I think that what we don’t appreciate enough is that artists are the angel investors in the future that we want. They just have a different form of capital.”

      — Amanda Joy Ravenhill, Executive Director, Buckminster Fuller Institute


      This quote connects to the Stop Reset Go meeting where Derick Bedzra walked us through the eight forms of capital.

  33. Aug 2021
  34. May 2021
    1. I’ve probably spent too much time standing around at receptions, drinking bad white wine to get me through yet another twenty-eight year old from the Cato Institute droning about how the completely new paradigm of data-ownership is going to ‘fix privacy’. (These guys are a menace. Even in Brussels!)

      A set related to the tech bro toxic culture.

      Interesting that libertarianism only seems to liberate a select few and not all.

  35. Apr 2021
    1. The rate at which the world’s forests are being destroyed increased sharply last year, with at least 42,000 sq km of tree cover lost in key tropical regions.According to data from the University of Maryland and the online monitoring platform Global Forest Watch, the loss was well above the average for the last 20 years, with 2020 the third worst year for forest destruction since 2002 when comparable monitoring began.
  36. Mar 2021
  37. Oct 2020
    1. Mr. Duncombe published the results online using CommentPress, open-source software by the Institute for the Future of the Book. Online discussion and commenting is made possible by Social Book, a social-reading platform created by the institute.
  38. Jul 2020
  39. Jun 2020
    1. Доктор филологических наук, профессор Литературного института им. М. Горького, критик и писатель Мариэтта Омаровна Чудакова известна как блестящий знаток истории советской литературы и как автор первой научной биографии Михаила Булгакова. Лекция на тему "Михаил Булгаков "Мастер и Маргарита" коснется основных сфер интересов Чудаковой: русской литературы советского периода, стилевых тенденций, текстологии.

      Lecture by professor Chudakova on Master and Margarita and contemporary literary trends.

  40. Apr 2020
  41. Oct 2019
    1. First, government did not always engage with the market early in running procurements or establish a sufficient understanding on both sides about the service that were being outsourced. This often led to problems over the lifetime of a contract, such as disputes and cost overruns.Second, an excessive focus on the lowest price and an insufficient assessment of quality in selecting bids undermined many contracts. While outsourcing can reduce costs, government must balance this against the minimum level of quality it needs in a service. Too often, it has outsourced services in pursuit of unrealistic savings and without a realistic expectation that companies would deliver efficiencies.Third, large contracts have failed when government has transferred risks that suppliers have no control over and cannot manage, rather than those which suppliers can price and manage better than government. Government should also not think that it has outsourced risks that will revert to it if a supplier fails – as the provision of public services will always do.

      Three case study themes on why contracts failed or worked

    2. It must also understand why different outsourcing projects succeed or fail. The Institute for Government has previously showed that there are several conditions that make outsourcing more likely to succeed.2 Above all, these include: •the existence of a competitive market of high-quality suppliers•the ease of measuring the value added by the provider •the service not being so integral to the nature of government as to make outsourcing inappropriate.*

      Outsourcing conditions

  42. Dec 2018
  43. May 2018
  44. May 2017