- Mar 2021
www.cndp.fr www.cndp.fr
Le manquement de cette forme entraîne l’impossibilité de lever ultérieurement le sursis.
www4.ac-nancy-metz.fr www4.ac-nancy-metz.fr
Les nouvelles dispositions émanant du décret n°2019-906 prévoient que le Conseil d’Administration de l’établissement doit désormais établir, à partir des enquêtes trimestriellessur les sanctions, un rapport relatif au fonctionnement pédagogique et des conditions matérielles de fonctionnement dont une partie est consacrée au bilan des décisions rendues en matière disciplinaire, élaboré à partir du registre des sanctions de l’établissement, et des suites données par le chef d’établissement aux demandes écrites de saisine du conseil de discipline émanant d’un membre de la communauté éducative
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Les réunions des conseils d’école, des conseils d’administration, des conseils de classe et des conseils de discipline sont fixées de manière à permettre la représentation des parents d’élèves
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
à 9:14 succès artiste transposable aux écoles du supérieur ?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- 1:35:06 Quelles sont les choses fausses sur les ados ? (sommeil)
- 1:14:37 au delà de l'adolescence, la vraie question est autant de se poser la question de savoir quel est le monde qu'on va laisser pour les enfants de demain mais aussi quels sont les enfants qu'on va-t-on laisser au monde de demain ?
- 1:18:05 Vote démocratique et émotion "et on a notamment nous fini une étude qui est intéressante parce que l'on parlait du vote qui était de se dire de se poser la question finalement comment on fait pour affiner un peu les modèles pour déterminer quelle est la le la probabilité que les gens aillent voter à un moment donné et on a simplement posé comme question d'habitude on pose comme question l'intention de vote s p à quel point vous avez l'intention d'aller voter dimanche et on a juste rajouté nous une petite question qui est l'anticipation du regret on a dit aux gens à quel point vous aurez des regrettés si vous n'allez pas voter dimanche et bien le fait de poser juste cette petite question ça affine grandement les modèles sur l'abstention le jour de l'élection et donc on pourrait se dire ça ceux qui anticipent plus de regrets ils vont ceux qui anticipent plus de regrets ils vont donc nous on n'a pas le faire parce que tu sais qu'il y a une il y a toujours des commissions électorales
- 43:22 Des conseils pour se comprendre: Se parler (le rôle de l'éducation nationale)
www.chevtek.io www.chevtek.io
he goes on to talk about third party problems and how you're never guaranteed something is written correctly or that even if it is you don't know if it's the most optimal solution
I would much rather have a "cosine" module than a "trigonometry" module because chances are good I only need a small fraction of the utilities provided by the larger trig module.
Sure sometimes my changes get rejected, but it almost always comes with a reason why and I can work together with the maintainer to come up with a sensible solution to my issue.
Second, I don't agree that there are too many small modules. In fact, I wish every common function existed as its own module. Even the maintainers of utility libraries like Underscore and Lodash have realized the benefits of modularity and allowed you to install individual utilities from their library as separate modules. From where I sit that seems like a smart move. Why should I import the entirety of Underscore just to use one function? Instead I'd rather see more "function suites" where a bunch of utilities are all published separately but under a namespace or some kind of common name prefix to make them easier to find. The way Underscore and Lodash have approached this issue is perfect. It gives consumers of their packages options and flexibility while still letting people like Dave import the whole entire library if that's what they really want to do.
- how can you know?
- allowing developer/user to pick and choose which pieces to use (a la carte, not all or nothing)
- granularity of control
- flexibility to use the tool that you prefer
- provide reasons for rejecting a proposal
- vetting a dependency/library/framework
- modularity
- all or nothing (granularity of control)
- rejecting a proposal/change request/pull request
- trust/reliance/dependence on open-source libraries
- trust/reliance/dependence on third party
- micropackages
- dependencies: trusting open-source dependencies: review the source code/diff before installing/updating
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Whenever majorities trample upon the rights of minorities—when men are denied even the privilege of having their causes of complaint examined into—when measures, which they deem for their relief, are rejected by the despotism of a silent majority at a second reading—when such become the rules of our legislation, the Congress of this Union will no longer justly represent a republican people.
www.sitepoint.com www.sitepoint.com
JavaScript needs to fly from its comfy nest, and learn to survive on its own, on equal terms with other languages and run-times. It’s time to grow up, kid.
If JavaScript were detached from the client and server platforms, the pressure of being a monoculture would be lifted — the next iteration of the JavaScript language or run-time would no longer have to please every developer in the world, but instead could focus on pleasing a much smaller audience of developers who love JavaScript and thrive with it, while enabling others to move to alternative languages or run-times.
Despite a growing variety of languages that compile to JavaScript, the language itself remains the dominant language in both client-side and server-side eco-systems for web development. The idea of replacing JavaScript with languages that compile to JavaScript, has been explored, and for whatever reasons, it hasn’t really liberated anyone from JavaScript.
We standardize on a finite subset of JS (such as asm.js) — and avoid the endless struggle through future iterations of the JavaScript language, competing super-sets and transpilers
asm.js and RPython sound similar (restrictive subsets)
agree to accept JavaScript for what it is, but start to think of it as a kind of VM for other languages
- neutral/unbiased/agnostic
- separation of concerns
- RPython
- standardization
- the high churn in JavaScript tooling
- JavaScript: as a process VM
- annotation meta: may need new tag
- level playing field
- software freedom
- asm.js
- neutral ground
- runtime environment
- avoid giving partiality/advantage/bias to any specific option
- programming languages
- programming languages: choosing the best language for the job
- good idea
- competition in open-source software
www.inuse.se www.inuse.se
Even if the damned thing would be really helpful in the long run, I can't give it the time and attention needed to make it work again ... Not right now. And ultimately never.
github.com github.com
As of May 24, 2016, antimicro has moved from https://github.com/Ryochan7/antimicro to https://github.com/AntiMicro/antimicro. Additionally, project management has passed from Travis (Ryochan7) to the AntiMicro organization due to Travis having other interests and priorities.
github.com github.com
This is a copy of the "AMD" document in the repo, kept here to maintain historical links. If this document differs from the one in the repo, the repo version is the correct one.
Why not just make this document empty (besides a link) and link/redirect to the canonical version?
That way it is impossible for them to disagree.
- make it impossible to get wrong/incorrect
- I have a question about this
- avoid duplication
- canonical version
- avoid duplication: impossible for them to disagree/diverge if there's only one version/copy
- maintaining redirect/copy at old URL in order to maintain historical links (broken links)
github.com github.com
Sure, you have a few extra newlines and semicolons, but the minifier will remove them anyway so no harm.
What is the point of avoiding the semicolon in concat_javascript_sources
For how detailed and insightful his analysis was -- which didn't elaborate or even touch on his not understanding the reason for adding the semicolon -- it sure appeared like he knew what it was for. Otherwise, the whole issue would/should have been about how he didn't understand that, not on how to keep adding the semicolon but do so in a faster way!
Then again, this comment from 3 months afterwards, indicates he may not think they are even necessary: https://github.com/rails/sprockets/issues/388#issuecomment-252417741
Anyway, just in case he really didn't know, the comment shortly below partly answers the question:
Since the common problem with concatenating JavaScript files is the lack of semicolons, automatically adding one (that, like Sam said, will then be removed by the minifier if it's unnecessary) seems on the surface to be a perfectly fine speed optimization.
This also alludes to the problem: https://github.com/rails/sprockets/issues/388#issuecomment-257312994
But the explicit answer/explanation to this question still remains unspoken: because if you don't add them between concatenated files -- as I discovered just to day -- you will run into this error:
(intermediate value)(...) is not a function at something.source.js:1
, apparently because when it concatenated those 2 files together, it tried to evaluate it as:
({ // other.js })() (function() { // something.js })();
It makes sense that a ; is needed.
github.com github.com
This semi-colon is added to prevent changing the code behaviour (the famous line ending with parentheses, etc) Most people will use a JS minifier If they don't, a single extra character is unlikely to change much If I'm right about all the above: Why don't we simply always add a semi-colon regardless of what the file ends with?
forum.paradoxplaza.com forum.paradoxplaza.com
This thread is more than 5 months old. It is very likely that it does not need any further discussion and thus bumping it serves no purpose. If you feel it is necessary to make a new reply, you can still do so though. I am aware that this thread is rather old but I still want to make a reply.
github.com github.com
I'd suggest there ought to be config to disable source maps specifically, and specifically for either CSS or JS (not alwasy both), without turning off debug mode. As you note, debug mode does all sorts of different things that you might want with or without source maps.
github.com github.com
# This behavior can be disabled with: # # environment.unregister_postprocessor 'application/javascript', Sprockets::SafetyColons
but it appears to no longer be possible in latest version...
github.com github.com
I totally understand that there may be a majority still considering this a bad practice and thus keeping it disabled by default in production seem ok. But there could at least be an option to enable it for people who want to, no?
It seems I'm in the minority, and Sprockets seems to already pretty far along in the beta process, so at most we should add a configuration option to enable it for static compilation.
github.com github.com
If I can find some time, maybe I can help pitch in somehow.
That should work, but it's a non-trivial change.
Right now major changes require a deep and broad understanding of the codebase and how things get done.
github.com github.com
Reopening #162
https://github.com/rails/sprockets/issues/162 was already closed as duplicated (so this just creates another duplicate).
Technically this could be added there.
Oh, I see, it was from so long ago (2015), that it would probably be frowned upon to reopen such an old issue.
www.dgcs.unam.mx www.dgcs.unam.mx
Las empresas deben de tener muy en cuenta el apoyo que se les esta brindando a sus empleados respecto a esta nueva modalidad de trabajo a distancia. En caso de no tomar en cuenta los factores que estos podrían afectar a sus trabajadores, traerán consecuencias que tal ves pueden ser irreversibles.
let me know if you've got more issues (by opening a new issue)
www.codetriage.com www.codetriage.com
Better yet, send them a link to this page to help them understand why and how to make an example app:
bugs.chromium.org bugs.chromium.org
This is a huge disadvantage to all web developers. Why can't we at least have the ability to turn validation messages off? Why do we have to re-implement a validation system when you already have one in place, but all we want is the validation aspect and not the built in messaging? By taking away the ability to style elements that CHROME adds to the browser window, it is hurting developers professional appearance. We just want to use Chrome's WONDERFUL validation system with our own error messages. Either let us style them, or let us hide them, but don't make us re-invent the wheel just because you don't want our code to be "browser specific". Writing a new validation system just for Chrome is going to be much more "browser (chrome) specific" code than setting "::-webkit-validation-bubble, ::-webkit-validation-bubble * { display: none; }. This isn't just an annoyance, it's a huge disadvantage to any developer who wants to easily utilize Chrome's built in validation. I usually brag about how wonderful Chrome is, but I'm starting to think it's heading in another direction...
jangawolof.org jangawolof.orgPhrases5
Alkaati ba jàpp na sàcc.
Le gardien de la paix a pris un voleur.
alkaati bi -- policeman.
ba -- the (indicates remoteness).
jàpp v. -- grab, take, stop.
na -- (?).
sàcc bi -- thief.
Noo mën a def dinga fey alamaan bi.
Quoi que tu fasses, tu paieras l'amende.
noo -- you (?)
mën v. -- power ; be stronger than 💪🏽; can, will.
a -- (?).
def v. -- do, commit, execute; to put.
dinga -- you will.
fey v. -- turn off, switch off 📴, appease; pay 💵.
alamaan bi -- (French: l'amende) fine.
bi -- the.
Peñe, kenn du ko able.
Un peigne, personne ne le prête.
peñe bi -- (French) comb.
kenn -- no one.
du -- to be (negative). ➖
ko -- it.
able v. -- to lend.
Ab paaka la yore.
Il a un couteau sur lui.
ab -- a.
paaka bi -- (Portuguese) knife. 🔪
la -- he (?).
yore v. -- to have under his dependence, to have in his charge, to have in the hands.
Sëriñ boobu aj na daaw, doomam a ko wuutu léegi.
Ce marabout est décédé l'an dernier, c'est son fils qui le remplace maintenant.
sëriñ bi -- marabout.
boobu -- this.
aj (Arabic: Hajj) v. -- make the pilgrimage to Mecca. 🕋; deceased ☠️ (for a religious personality).
na -- he (?).
daaw n. -- last year. 🗓
doom+am (doom) ji -- child by descent 👶🏽; doll🪆; to have a child.
- lends
- dinga
- ab
- last
- léegi
- do
- replaces
- boobu
- who
- you'll
- noo
- alkaati
- yore
- whatever
- ko
- has
- one
- fey
- able
- pay
- marabout
- sàcc
- alamaan
- is
- no
- comb
- the
- daaw
- you
- na
- def
- thief
- him
- aj
- now
- died
- this
- knife
- la
- bi
- caught
- sëriñ
- year
- mën
- peacekeeper
- jàpp
- kenn
- peñe
- doomam
- on
- fine
- his
- a
- paaka
- ba
- son
- he
- it
- wuutu
- du
www.dsden93.ac-creteil.fr www.dsden93.ac-creteil.fr
chaque dossier doit faire l’objet d’un examen, d’une délibération et d’un vote distincts par le conseil de discipline.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I realize the question was asked 9 years ago, but this question is (still) ranked highly in search results and I came across it today
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
In production, you will never trigger one specific callback or a particular validation, only. Your application will run all code required to create a Song object, for instance. In Trailblazer, this means running the Song::Create operation, and testing that very operation with all its side-effects.
There’s no need to test controllers, models, service objects, etc. in isolation
- testing: tests should resemble the way your software is used
- testing: avoid unnecessarily testing things in too much isolation, in a different way than the code is actually used (should match production)
- unnecessary
- testing: avoid testing implementation details
- isolation (programming)
- testing: test the side effects
documentation.ac-versailles.fr documentation.ac-versailles.fr
ACADEMIE DE VERSAILLES Groupe des IA-IPR Établissements et Vie Scolaire
www.cap-concours.fr www.cap-concours.fr
Le règlement intérieur fait-il l'objet d'un « contrôle de légalité » par les autorités de tutelle ?Une fois voté, il doit faire l'objet d'une transmission au recteur d'académie pour les lycées et à l'inspecteur d'académie pour les collèges. Il ne devient véritablement effectif qu'après un délai de 15 jours suivant sa transmission.
www.legifrance.gouv.fr www.legifrance.gouv.fr
Sa composition est arrêtée par le conseil d'administration
Arrêtée par vote ?
www.kalaksi.com www.kalaksi.com
Creator popped up in IndieWeb chat. This sounds like an interesting project.
eduscol.education.fr eduscol.education.fr
Exemple-62% des académies ont au sein de leur CAESC au moinsun représentant de parents d’élèves
seul 62% avec des parents ? pas d'élèves , d'étudiants ?
- Feb 2021
www.fcpe.asso.fr www.fcpe.asso.fr
collèges et les lycées
C'est normalement dès la maternelle
Au moins trois séances annuelles d’éducation à la sexualité sont mises en place dans les collèges et les lycées
Ca n'est pas le cas, pas 3 par an
fr.linkedin.com fr.linkedin.com
2.2 L’ordonnance de 2014 sur la délibération à distance des instances à caractère collégial
blogs.scientificamerican.com blogs.scientificamerican.com
2019.trailblazer.to 2019.trailblazer.to
Currently, only Right signals are wired up.
So what happens if a task returns a Left signal?? Will it still go Right? Will it error?
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
step :direct_debit
I don't think we would/should really want to make this the "success" (Right) path and :credit_card be the "failure" (Left) track.
Maybe it's okay to repurpose Left and Right for something other than failure/success ... but only if we can actually change the default semantic of those signals/outputs. Is that possible? Maybe there's a way to override or delete the default outputs?
- example: in order to keep example concise/focused, may not implement all best practices (illustrates one thing only)
- example: not how you would actually do it (does something wrong/bad/nonideal illustrating but we should overlook it because that's not the one thing the example is trying to illustrate/show us)
- semantics
- feels wrong
- I have a question about this
- trailblazer-activity
github.com github.com
now that I realize how easy it is to just manually include this in my app: <%= javascript_include_tag 'xray', nonce: true if Rails.env.development? %> I regret even wasting my time getting it to automatically look for and add a nonce to the auto-injected xray.js script
- regret
- removing legacy/deprecated things
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- removing features to simplify implementation
- wasted effort
- removing feature that is more trouble than it's worth (not worth the effort to continue to maintain / fix bugs caused by keeping it)
bdc-05-ozecollege.yvelines.fr bdc-05-ozecollege.yvelines.fr
charte d’utilisation
La charte vient d'être mise à jour, il faut la commenter
responsables élèves
le terme "responsable élève" ne fait pas partie du vocabulaire des familles. il faudrait à minima l'expliciter.
www.blendswap.com www.blendswap.com
github.com github.com
Here's the last issue where source maps were discussed before the beta release.
www.schneems.com www.schneems.com
Instead of having this confusing maze of lambdas, regexes, and strings, we could, in theory, introduce a single entry point of configuration for Sprockets to use, and in that file declare all assets we wanted to compile. Well, that’s exactly what the manifest.js file is.
cherrycreekschools.instructure.com cherrycreekschools.instructure.com
I find it crazy that the school lost 100 students weekly.
I think it is ridiculous that they came up with the idea to segregate the schools, while also leaving black students with the worst school supplies.
- "We lost 7,000 students in the summer of 1975," recalled Naomi L. Bradford, a white busingopponent who was elected head of the school board in 1985. "In the fall, we lost 100students a week -- probably as soon as their homes were sold."
- Denver's school board deliberately segregated schools through a strategyof building schools and shifting attendance boundaries. Largely black schools routinelyended up with the oldest books and the youngest teachers.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
The entire framework is based on small, clean Ruby structures that can be executed programmatically.
Using a terminus to indicate a certain outcome - in turn - allows for much stronger interfaces across nested activities and less guessing! For example, in the new endpoint gem, the not_found terminus is then wired to a special “404 track” that handles the case of “model not found”. The beautiful thing here is: there is no guessing by inspecting ctx[:model] or the like - the not_found end has only one meaning!
A major improvement here is the ability to maintain more than two explicit termini. In 2.0, you had the success and the failure termini (or “ends” as we used to call them). Now, additional ends such as not_found can be leveraged to communicate a non-binary outcome of your activity or operation.
The new 2.1 version comes with a few necessary but reasonable changes in method signatures. As painful as that might sound to your Rails-spoiled ears, we preferred to fix design mistakes now before dragging them on forever.
The new call API is much more consistent and takes away another thing we kept explaining to new users - an indicator for a flawed API.
It’s so simple that I sometimes wonder why it took years to develop it!
- non-binary
- improvement
- very simple/small result/change in the end but took a lot of work/time to arrive there
- interfaces (programming)
- pointing out gaps/downsides/cons in competition/alternatives
- programming: return values / result objects that communicate a more precise/complete representation of the outcome
- Trailblazer
- learn from your mistakes
- programmatically
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- do it right/well the first time because it may be too hard to clean up/fix later if you don't
- strong (extreme/great/high/intense degree/level/concentration/amount/quality of)
- divide a project into smaller pieces/components
- unambiguous
- advantages/merits/pros
- if it's incorrect; fix it
- better late than never
- thin abstraction/layer
- state charts
sobolevn.me sobolevn.me
Let’s start with the same number dividing example, which returns 0 when the error happens. Maybe instead we can indicate that the result was not successful without any explicit numerical value?
You can use container values, that wraps actual success or error value into a thin wrapper with utility methods to work with this value. That’s exactly why we have created @dry-python/returns project. So you can make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe.
But so far everything brought up has just been about the relative advantages of checked exceptions, and that issue is closed. We won't do it.
github.com github.com
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
let's be honest, print-and-play is A LOT of work (printing, cutting, laminating, sleeving, etc) and it is not everyone's cup of tea.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The latter are important examples which usually also exist in "purely" functional programming languages.
How can they exist and it still be considered pure??
I guess that's not quite the same / as bad as saying something had side effects in a purely functional programming context, right?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
can transform monadic values m a applying f to the unwrapped value a
procedure to wrap values of any basic type within the monad (yielding a monadic value)
Monads achieve this by providing their own data type (a particular type for each type of monad), which represents a specific form of computation
dry-rb.org dry-rb.org
However, some people think these solutions are hacks and the problem reveals a missing abstraction.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
provide interfaces so you don’t have to think about them
Question to myself: Is not having to think about it actually a good goal to have? Is it at odds with making intentional/well-considered decisions?  Obviously there are still many of interesting decisions to make even when using a framework that provides conventions and standardization and makes some decisions for you...
www.huffpost.com www.huffpost.com
If you ask my former students, they will tell you that as a teacher, my goal is to do nothing. I dream of the day when I can sit at my desk, feet propped up, reading a book, while the classroom bursts with activity and learning around me.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
What is the opposite of free content?
The opposite of free/open-source software is proprietary software or non-free software (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_software).
So should we call the opposite of free content "non-free content"? Or "proprietary content"?
Seems likes either would be fine.
Looks like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Non-free_content prefers the term "non-free content".
Couldn't find anyone contrasting these 2 terms (like I could no doubt find for software):
- https://duckduckgo.com/?q=+%22non-free+content%22+%22free+content%22
- https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22proprietary+content%22+%22free+content%22&ia=web
Not to be confused with:
- paid content ... just like:
- free content should not be confused with gratis content (?)
- free software should not be confused with freeware
2019.trailblazer.to 2019.trailblazer.to
Trailblazer (TRB) is an Open-Source project. Since we want to keep it that way, we decided to raise awareness for the “cost” of our work - providing new versions and features is incredibly time-consuming for us, but we love what we do.
scottberkun.com scottberkun.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>tantek</span> in #meta 2021-02-21 (<time class='dt-published'>02/22/2021 08:49:58</time>)</cite></small>
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Note: This question has been edited since it was asked. The original title was "Test whether a glob has any matches in bash". The specific shell, 'bash', was dropped from the question after I published my answer. The editing of the question's title makes my answer appear to be in error. I hope someone can amend or at least address this change.
linusakesson.net linusakesson.net
Beware, though: What you are about to see is not particularly elegant. In fact, the TTY subsystem — while quite functional from a user's point of view — is a twisty little mess of special cases. To understand how this came to be, we have to go back in time.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
The Quest for Truth
The quest for Truth is everywhere and not limited to the economic topics linked here. This is just a topic that started a thought process where I had access to a convenient tool (Hypothesis) to bookmark my thoughts and research.
Primary thought is: The Quest for Truth. Subcategories would provide a structured topic for the thought. In this case the subcategory would be: US Economy, Inflation
The TRUTH is a concept comprised of inconsistencies and targets that frequently move.
Targets (data, methods, people, time, semantics, agenda, demographic, motive, means, media, money, status) hold a position in time long enough to fulfill a purpose or agenda. Sometimes they don't consciously change, but history over time shines light and opens cracks in original narrative that leads to new truth's, real or imagined.
Verifying and validating certain Truth is very difficult. Why is That?
creativelearningcookbook.tumblr.com creativelearningcookbook.tumblr.com
psychclassics.yorku.ca psychclassics.yorku.ca
Psychologists, at least psychologists who write textbooks, not only show no interest in the origin and development of love or affection, but they seem to be unaware of its very existence.
There is little to no information about love in our textbook, which leads me to believe that love is one emotion that was not historically explored.
www.metacritic.com www.metacritic.comFlorence1
Please, do not buy this. I am really tired of "games" that are given critical praise because its cool to praise or because its political correct to do. I will break up my review in points so its clear why I dislike this "game" : 1) This is not a game. This is a short story, like an interactive book. 2) This game is so short, that I completed it in a 3 hour bus ride. It was boring. 3) Its a story of a girl that have to take the reigns of her life after divorce. WOMAN EMPOWERMENT. Now you know why this game is rated so highly 4) This is a MOBILE GAME. I paid $3 to play on an iphone (after watching a gaming channel give it GOTY contender. Needless to say, I never watched that gaming channel again). I FELT I WAS ROBBED OF TIME AND $3. Imagine how much I hated this game to feel like I was robbed even though it costed me only $3. 5) This game costs $7 on the eshop. You could buy CELESTE for $9 on sale on the Eshop. That is a great game. I recently bought Hollow Knight for $7 on Playstation. This interactive novel should not be sold as a game. Period. It is a waste of time and money.
Nothing wrong with interactive novels being sold in the same store as games... as long as it's clear what it is (no false advertising).
Somewhat agree with some of the other points...
github.com github.com
compose(Add, x: x, y: 3)
How is this better than simply:
Add.run(x: x, y: 3)
I guess if we did that we would also have to remember to handle merging errors from that outcome into self...
It's an implementation of the command pattern in Ruby.
github.com github.com
This is a breaking change so it'll have to go into a major release. I was working on a v4 release but it's too much. I think I'm going to pair it back and we can add this to the new v4. When I have that ready, I'll rebase the merge onto that branch.
github.com github.com
I'm sure there will be a few other people out there who eventually want something like this, since Interactions are actually a great fit for enforcing consistency in data structures when working with a schemaless NoSQL store, but obviously it's still a bit of a niche audience.
github.com github.com
The assert method is used by all the other assertions. It pushes the second parameter to the list of errors if the first parameter evaluates to false or nil.
Seems like these helper functions could be just as easily used in ActiveRecord models. Therefore, they should be in a separate gem, or at least module, that can be used in both these objects and ActiveRecord objects.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
For the usage in society, see Second-class citizen.
Ironic that this reference is ostensibly about the usage of "first-class citizen" in society, yet it links to a seemingly-mismatched (by name only, that is) article, entitled "second-class citizen".
Ironic that the first-class (unqualified) article is about the figurative meaning of "citizen" used in computer science, and that the page describing first-class and second-class status of the more literal citizens in society is relegated to what I kind of think is a second-class position in the encyclopedia (because it takes the #2 position numerically, even though it is (at least as is implied in this reference) also about first-class citizens (though the word "first-class" does not appear a single time in that article, so maybe this reference is the one that is more ironic/incorrect).
github.com github.com
Take 3, Previously attempted in 2012 (#8189) and 2015 (#19709). This new version uses ActiveModel Attributes API.
github.com github.com
Fork rails, add github.com/georgebrock/rails as a remote, merge this branch into rails/4.0.2 (the tag), and then use your fork of Rails: gem 'rails', github: 'yourusername/rails'
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The spelling "internet" has become often used, as the word almost always refers to the global network; the generic sense of the word has become rare in non-technical writings.
rare to see "internet" used to mean an internetwork in the general sense
with ActiveForm-Rails, validations is the responsability of the form and not of the models. There is no need to synchronize errors from the form to the models and vice versa.
But if you intend to save to a model after the form validates, then you can't escape the models' validations:
either you check that the models pass their own validations ahead of time (like I want to do, and I think @mattheworiordan was wanting to do), or you have to accept that one of the following outcomes is possible/inevitable if the models' own validations fail:
- if you use
then it may silently fail to save - if you use
then it will fail to save and raise an error
Are either of those outcomes acceptable to you? To me, they seem not to be. Hence we must also check for / handle the models' validations. Hence we need a way to aggregate errors from both the form object (context-specific validations) and from the models (unconditional/invariant validations that should always be checked by the model), and present them to the user.
What do you guys find to be the best way to accomplish that?
I am interested to know what best practices you use / still use today after all these years. I keep finding myself running into this same problem/need, which is how I ended up looking for what the current options are for form objects today...
- if you use
cherrycreekschools.instructure.com cherrycreekschools.instructure.com
I feel like schools should read this book in order to acknowledge how badly African Americans were being treated even after fighting for America.
I had never heard of the Red Ball Express until reading this article.
isthereanydeal.com isthereanydeal.com
Report: This price didn't exist on the store This price did show on the store but the game could not be bought This was a very short price made by a mistake (glitch)
hypothes.is hypothes.is
SpyandMonitor is authentic and professional hackers for hire service provider around the globe. You can't find a better ethical hacker to hire online near me what you can find and rent a hacker with Spy and Monitor. The contact information is below.
Spy and Monitor having most talented teams of hackers for hire. We offer the best Cyber Security services for Scam investigation, Email password recovery, Fixing hacked website and phone hacking.
cache.media.education.gouv.fr cache.media.education.gouv.fr
un projet d’éducation humaniste qui pense l’élève dans toutes ses dimensions essentielles (psychologique, sociale, morale...)
la recherche pour garder un temps d’avance sur les politiques éducatives
Que dit la recherche sur le fait d'impliquer les familles ?
qui doit être fortement encouragée au service des usagers : élèves, familles et enseignants.
C'est une conception du projet de l'académie ? Sérieusement ? Cette conception est réductrice, au mieux un projet de service, elle positionne les autres comme usagers
Après une phase de conception, un temps de conversatio
pas avec les parents en tout cas
fixe le cap pour la communauté éducative.
parlez pour vous les parents n'y sont pas sérieusement associés alors qu'ils font officiellement partie de cette communauté éducative dont vous dites assurer la gouvernance...
r l’implication négociée et contractualisée de l’ensemble des acteurs audités
dont les parents ?
Un Club des partenaires pour le numérique et le bâti scolaire
Etonnamment nous ne sommes ni dans la communauté ni parmi les partenaires... la notion de club est encore une optique de prestige prémium alors qu'il s'agit de l'école de la république
github.com github.com
you'll want to update Devise's generated views to remove references to passwords, since you don't need them any more
Doesn't this contradict the statement
This strategy plays well with most other Devise strategies
(which includes password strategies)?
One thing that wasn't clear from their instructions was whether magic links could be used as an option in addition to regular password log-ins. On the one hand they say:
This strategy plays well with most other Devise strategies (see notes on other Devise strategies).
but on the other hand they say:
you'll want to update Devise's generated views to remove references to passwords, since you don't need them any more
Universal Links allow you to register a series of domains that are allowed to interact with an installed application. If the application is not installed, the universal link is opened with Safari, allowing you to inform the user of the existence of an application or whatever is necessary.
developer.android.com developer.android.com
Implicit intents do not name a specific component, but instead declare a general action to perform, which allows a component from another app to handle it. For example, if you want to show the user a location on a map, you can use an implicit intent to request that another capable app show a specified location on a map.
www.approxion.com www.approxion.com
The other day, I overheard two developers discussing pros and cons of various version control systems. I only caught this fragment: “… What sucks about Git is that when you look at a merge commit, you can’t really see what changed!”. It wasn’t the first time I heard such complaints. Time to debunk Git merge commits.
www.ac-versailles.fr www.ac-versailles.fr
renforcement de la coéducation et du rôle des parents dans l’apprentissage des élèves
Sérieusement ? alors pourquoi monter de plus en plus les choses sans les représentants ?
hilton.org.uk hilton.org.uk
Naming is communication
In principle, the naming things in code need only be temporary, but names in code stick just like nicknames at school.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.honeybadger.io www.honeybadger.io
Now let me ask you, do you write JS for a single page application differently from a "traditional" web application? I sure hope you do! In a "traditional" application, you can get away with being sloppy because every time the user navigates to a new page, their browser destroys the DOM and the JavaScript context. SPAs, though, require a more thoughtful approach.
Turbolinks is a Single-Page Application Turbolinks doesn't just give you some of the benefits of a single-page app. Turbolinks is a single page app. Think about it: When someone visits your site, you serve them some HTML and Javascript. The JavaScript takes over and manages all subsequent changes to the DOM. If that's not a single-page app, I don't know what is.
we plan to migrate to Angular 1, and we'll finish out the decade on React
Wrong direction: I'd recommend migrate from Angular to React.
copyheart.org copyheart.org
That ♡copyheart isn’t a legally binding license is not a bug – it’s a feature!
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
On peut faire la même chose avec des données scolaires
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Fédérations de parents d'élèves
Technically, it isn’t a part of the comparison internally but it is a factor that some users care for.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I have checked the following close stackoverflow sources : Relation passed to #or must be structurally compatible. Incompatible values: [:references]
referencing similar questions so it won't be marked as duplicate
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You use grid-area, so the place for the side nav is allocated at start. If you hide (or even delete) the side nav, that won't change anything about this. You have to do a little trick: Set the width for the first column to 0 and change the grid-gap because otherwise you will have a (not needed) gap at the left.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
And if there's a suitable vulnerability, it might be possible to trigger it even without using <iframe>, <img> or <a> element, so it's not worth considering for this issue.
nplusonemag.com nplusonemag.com
cultural capital
Introduced by Pierre Bourdieu in the 1970s, the concept has been utilized across a wide spectrum of contemporary sociological research. Cultural capital refers to ‘knowledge’ or ‘skills’ in the broadest sense. Thus, on the production side, cultural capital consists of knowledge about comportment (e.g., what are considered to be the right kinds of professional dress and attitude) and knowledge associated with educational achievement (e.g., rhetorical ability). On the consumption side, cultural capital consists of capacities for discernment or ‘taste’, e.g., the ability to appreciate fine art or fine wine—here, in other words, cultural capital refers to ‘social status acquired through the ability to make cultural distinctions,’ to the ability to recognize and discriminate between the often-subtle categories and signifiers of a highly articulated cultural code. I'm quoting here from (and also heavily paraphrasing) Scott Lash, ‘Pierre Bourdieu: Cultural Economy and Social Change’, in this reader.
journals.openedition.org journals.openedition.org
ux.stackexchange.com ux.stackexchange.com
Popup - You don't need to deal with these messages right away, yet at some point you will need to take action since these won't go away until explicitly say say you don't want them around anymore.
solidarites-sante.gouv.fr solidarites-sante.gouv.fr
nfligées à un mineur de 15 ans o
de moins de 15 ans
- Jan 2021
www.vousnousils.fr www.vousnousils.fr
On manque de formation en discipline positive. A Créteil, en y sensibilisant les équipes, on a divisé par dix le nombre d’élèves exclus en classe.
slackmojis.com slackmojis.com
Slackmojis is made by some random dude in Brooklyn. He doesn't work for Slack, isn't paid by Slack, he just thinks Slack is pretty cool. Super Official Lawyer Talk: Slackmojis is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.
www.zdnet.com www.zdnet.com
I think some of the design details are insane (I dislike the binary logs, for example), but those are details, not big issues.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
systemd has such huge documentation. systemd.unit Did you try searching for explanation yourself? What did you find?
blog.linuxmint.com blog.linuxmint.com
We took a stance on an issue.
We don’t do politics, and we certainly don’t do religion. You’re bringing these here by using terms such as “politicians” or “evil”.
Does "evil" refer to religion? Or perhaps they meant "evil" in a more general way, as a more extreme version of "bad".
- funny
- not necessarily the case
- Snap
- political correctness
- Linux Mint
- teaching one how to do/solve things on their own (teach a man to fish)
- not sure they meant it that way
- have to be careful with choice of words
- taking a stand / standing up for something
- unintended connotations
- I have a differing opinion
linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io
Although it is open-source, Snap on the other hand, only works with the Ubuntu Store. Nobody knows how to make a Snap Store and nobody can. The Snap client is designed to work with only one source, following a protocol which isn’t open, and using only one authentication system. Snapd is nothing on its own, it can only work with the Ubuntu Store.
- proprietary software/service seeking broad support/integration/acceptance in/by other software/platforms/vendors
- importance of open-source
- monopoly
- Snap
- proprietary software
- proprietary protocol
- proprietary hosted services as a competitive advantage
- use of proprietary hosted services
www.vie-publique.fr www.vie-publique.fr
La bibliothèque des rapports publics présente l’ensemble des rapports officiels – commandés par le président de la République et les membres du Gouvernement dans le cadre de missions, ainsi que d’autres rapports émanant de la sphère publique (Assemblée nationale, Sénat, Cour des comptes, grands corps d’inspection, etc.).
sankeymatic.com sankeymatic.com
SankeyMATIC builds on the open source tool D3.js and its Sankey library, which are very powerful but require a fair amount of work & expertise to use.
At work, I cannot maintain this project. At home, I'd rather spend time with my children and on projects that I'm currently passionate about.
Maintaining open source software requires energy and a "want"/"passion". I've not been using this project myself for years, and I mainly work in other things than Rails at this point. That means I'm far removed from this project and see no personal gain in maintaining the energy to keep this going.
- far removed from
- maintaining software requires a personal interest/passion
- working on open-source in free time
- would rather spend time on something else
- maintainer stopped maintaining because no longer using
- +0.9
- finding time for open-source projects
- maintainer: reducing maintenance status (passive maintenance)
www.dane.ac-versailles.fr www.dane.ac-versailles.fr
Parent - Collège Yvelines -> à venir
www.ccomptes.fr www.ccomptes.fr
www.ccomptes.fr www.ccomptes.fr
qu'est ce que le diapason ?
programmes 140 et 141
que sont ces programmes ?
2.créer des comités d’éducation à la santé et la citoyenneté (CESC) de bassin et supprimer le caractère obligatoire des CESC d'établissement (MENJ) ;
Comment la suppression des CESC d'établissement pourrait -elle aider à la promotion de la santé ?
La DGESCO a conduit pour l’année scolaire 2017-2018 une enquête auprès de ses services déconcentrés et des établissements pour retracer l’activité des comités d’éducation à la santé et à la citoyenneté (CESC), dont chaque EPLE doit être doté, et des comités correspondants au niveau départemental (CDESC) et académique (CAESC). 26 académies sur 30 ont mis en place leur comité académique, et au moins 75 directions départementales ont fait de même à leur niveau46. Au niveau des établissements, la synthèse de la DGESCO ne permet pas d’identifier précisément le nombre de CESC, mais on peut déduire des éléments qu’elle présente que près de 60 % au moins des établissements (probablement des EPLE, car peu d’établissements privés ont répondu à l’enquête) se sont dotés d’un CESC47.
En cas de séparation, la Caf vous propose un accompagnement
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Les atteintes aux droitsde l’enfant à l’école
page 48
www.healthpovertyaction.org www.healthpovertyaction.org
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
There's a lot of advice online showing how to get rid of snap. (e.g.: https://cialu.net/how-to-disable-and-remove-completely-snaps-in-ubuntu-linux/ worked for me) so the only result (so far, a few months later) is that Chromium has lost a user, and having upgraded Ubuntu since the original Warty, if snap becomes obligatory I'll have to take a look at Mint, or Devuan.
It appears that Canonical is continuing it's vice grip of unliateral, maybe dictatorial control on the development of Snap to the benefit of Ubuntu, but to the detriment of groups like Linuxmint, and all other non-Ubuntu based Linux distributions - like CentOS/Redhat, Suse/openSuSe, Solus, Arch/Manjaro, PCLinuxOS, etc, that are pushing Flatpak as a truly cross-distro application solution that works equally well and non-problematic for all. .
What's wrong here is Canonical trying to position itself as a powerhouse and ascertain control over Linux users.
I suppose it means 2 things, first, you get official support and warranty, and second, the distros will be Secure Boot approved in the UEFI, instead of distro makers having to figuratively ask Microsoft for pretty please permission.
If we're not careful, it could become the new 'systemd' problem It probably already is. I don't want to sound too Stallman, but this is the inevitable "company" influence you'll always have. Companies do have their objectives which they will pursue determinedly, since they are not philanthropic (no judgment, just observation). Systemd and Red Hat. Nvidia and their drivers. Google and Android. Apple and iOS. Manufacturers with MS only support. And Canonical also has a history there: the Amazon links, Unity, Mir, and now snap.
- losing a prospective customer/user because of a deal-breaker
- snap
- Snap
- too much control/influence by a single company/entity
- forced on you
- snap: removing
- Apple
- abandoning/migrating away from
- trying to control you
- Microsoft
- the influence of large companies
- software freedom
- at the mercy of a single company
- snap: bad
- Flatpak
- Secure Boot
- Canonical
www.theregister.com www.theregister.com
What we didn't want it to be was for Canonical to control the distribution of software between distributions and 3rd party editors, to prevent direct distribution from editors, to make it so software worked better in Ubuntu than anywhere else and to make its store a requirement,"
www.ecologie.gouv.fr www.ecologie.gouv.fr
Ainsi la surveillance de la qualité de l'air intérieur est obligatoire dans les écoles maternelles et élémentaires ainsi que dans les crèches depuis 1er janvier 2018, et dans les centres de loisir, les collèges et les lycées depuis le 1er janvier 2020.
www.americanpressinstitute.org www.americanpressinstitute.org
The purpose of news is to inform, educate, and give us understanding and knowledge of what is going on in the world. It helps us to keep up to date with issues so we are in the know and fully aware of events taking place.
In this article, learn how to create a streaming service like Netflix and how to launch a streaming service with unique features.
www.dennisdeacon.com www.dennisdeacon.com
However, one of the drawbacks of this property is that the line intersects descenders of the characters.
I think it actually looks great/better because it intersects descenders of the characters.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
another note
moodle.univ-lyon2.fr moodle.univ-lyon2.fr
le domaine des Acao, dont la problématique centrale est le mode de fonctionnement collectif sur support numérique.
Ainsi, des problématiques très variées, telles que la conception et la gestion des environnements favorisant l'apprentissage collectif [ReffayChanier03], les processus socio-affectifs médiatisés [Jarvela04], la nature de l'acte collaboratif ([DillenbourgEtAl96] ; [Lund04]), les modalités de résolution synchrone et collective des problèmes [RoschelleTeasley95], les processus d'argumentation collective médiatisée ([DeVriesEtAl02] ; [Baker04]) s'y côtoient. Le champ que pourrait couvrir le paradigme Acao semble tellement vaste que les débats sur les objets de recherche et la théorisation de ce courant sont toujours d'actualité (cf. [LehtinenEtAl98] ; [Stahl02]).
Dans le domaine des interactions homme-machine, les travaux de Suchman et de Winograd et Flores ([Suchman87] ; [WinogradFlores86]), ont porté les germes de la contestation du paradigme cognitiviste
l'idée que toute action humaine est configurée par l'environnement (tant matériel que symbolique ou conceptuel, tant individuel que collectif) dans lequel elle s'inscrit, est mise en valeur à travers les écrits socioculturels. Toutefois, le rôle des artefacts dans une situation instrumentée est davantage pris en considération au sein du paradigme de la cognition distribuée.
Sans vouloir trop généraliser, nous pourrions appeler "nouvelles conceptions socioculturelles" les paradigmes qui puisent dans l'idée vygotskienne originelle selon laquelle l'activité humaine ne peut pas être considérée comme indépendante de son environnement social et culturel.
selon l'approche vygotskienne tout outil est fortement marqué par la culture dans laquelle il s'inscrit
L'accent est mis sur la manière dont les propriétés humaines et matérielles interagissent de manière dynamique dans une situation collective médiatisée
moodle.univ-lyon2.fr moodle.univ-lyon2.fr
Dans la classe de langue, présentielle ou virtuelle, l’objectif des scénarios constructivistes est de stimuler la négociation du sens. Dans un environnement médié par ordinateur, l’orchestration du sens est une entreprise complexe
Comment créer du sens à partir de signes qui ne sont plus exclusivement linguistiques mais multimodaux, c’est à dire qui complètent le sens textuel par d’autres modes sémiotiques comme l’aural, le visuel (interprétation d’icones ou de photos), et le tactile (manipulation de la souris, du pavé tactile, de l’écran tactile) ? Comment rendre compte de la confrontation entre l’apprenant et les diverses modalités sémiotiques auxquels le convie l’environnement d’apprentissage, sachant que ces modalités sont simultanément présentes et qu’il doit les maîtriser en interaction synchrone avec ses co-apprenants ?
comment sait-on qu’on sait, quand on est à distance ?
Il me paraît qu'ils'agit d'une question trés intéressante à discuter.
affordance communicative
pour que la théorie contribue à la pratique en ALMT il faut qu’elle en épouse le contexte.
Technicisme, cognitivisme et socio-constructivisme, tels sont bien les paradigmes constitutifs du domaine, à prendre en compte pour construire l’objet d’une épistémologie de la didactique des langues
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
« Half solved » because, hey, still it’s proprietary so who knows ? You have to trust the software editor then, it’s just moving the trust cursor.
Only folks who help package Chromium get to decide how Chromium gets packaged. This gives anyone two options: You can get involved and help package Chromium so you have a voice in the decision-making, or not.
If folks want to get together and create a snap-free remix, you are welcome to do so. Ubuntu thrives on such contribution and leadership by community members. Do be aware that you will be retreading territory that Ubuntu developers trod in 2010-14, and that you will encounter some of the same issues that led them to embrace snap-based solutions. Perhaps your solutions will be different. .debs are not perfect, snaps are not perfect. Each have advantages and disadvantages. Ubuntu tries to use the strengths of both.
The “no-snaps” ship already sailed years ago…you folks missed that boat. It’s too late to wish for a return to the past. Snaps in Ubuntu have been happening for years already, and will continue regardless of any opinions expressed here.
- disadvantages/drawbacks/cons
- Snap
- moving/shifting the problem (to a different area/place)
- get involved
- don't just complain; help improve/fix things
- dichotomous thinking
- forking: you can always fork it if you want
- momentum/inertia
- trust/reliance/dependence on third party
- already already
- already already decided what they like/prefer (preferences/favorites/winners)
- shift in preference
- trust
- having a voice in decision-making
- advantages/merits/pros
- too late
- moving/changing in a different direction than users want
- good point
www.addictivetips.com www.addictivetips.com
If you’re not a huge fan of Snap packages, but love using Ubuntu, this guide is for you. In it, we’ll go over how you can remove Snap from your Ubuntu system and make it so that your system will no longer have access to the Snap store or anything like that.
google.github.io google.github.io
What if there's an icon that I need that's not in this set?
How do I add a custom icon to the set for use on a web page and have the custom icon styled the same way as these "standard" icons?
Like how they have instructions for adding an icon here, for example: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/angular-custom-svg-icons-angular-material#custom-svg-icons
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
The download attribute can accept an optional value, allowing the author to create a custom, human-friendly name for the downloaded file.
Some may feel that the presence of the download attribute is redundant when applied to links the browser already knows to store. I disagree.
The debate about whether a button or link should be used to download a file is a bit silly, as the whole purpose of a link has always been to download content. HTML is a file, and like all other files, it needs to be retrieved from a server and downloaded before it can be presented to a user. The difference between a Photoshop file, HTML, and other understood media files, is that a browser automatically displays the latter two. If one were to link to a Photoshop .psd file, the browser would initiate a document change to render the file, likely be all like, “lol wut?” and then just initiate the OS download prompt. The confusion seems to come from developers getting super literal with the “links go places, buttons perform actions.” Yes, that is true, but links don’t actually go anywhere. They retrieve information and download it. Buttons perform actions, but they don’t inherently “get” documents. While they can be used to get data, it’s often to change state of a current document, not to retrieve and render a new one. They can get data, in regards to the functionality of forms, but it continues to be within the context of updating a web document, not downloading an individual file. Long story short, the download attribute is unique to anchor links for a reason. download augments the inherent functionality of the link retrieving data. It side steps the attempt to render the file in the browser and instead says, “You know what? I’m just going to save this for later…”
One of those attributes is called download. It tells the browser that the destination of the link should be saved to your device instead of visiting it. You’re still “navigating” to the file, only instead of viewing it, you’re snagging a copy for your own use. Any kind of file can be a download! This even includes HTML, something the browser would typically display. The presence of the attribute is effectively a human-authored flag that tells the browser to skip trying to render something it has retrieved and just store it instead