- Dec 2020
medium.com medium.com
There’s, however, no information regarding one of the most fundamental elements in the history of HTML: anchor: <a />
www.excellentwebworld.com www.excellentwebworld.com
Learn how to create a streaming service like Netflix. Explore how to start streaming service with unique features.
Learn how to create a streaming service like Netflix. Explore how to start streaming service with unique features.
sapper.svelte.dev sapper.svelte.dev
This can be used to perform actions once the navigation has completed, such as updating a database, store
Wouldn't/shouldn't it be the other way around — wouldn't we wait until the save is completed (database is updated) successfully before we navigate away from the current page/form??
todoist.com todoist.com
You’re in good companyTrusted by leaders at some of the world’s most inspired organizations
How can they disclose this? Is it based on email address? Do they have permission?
www.toutatice.fr www.toutatice.fr
www.toutatice.fr www.toutatice.fr
www.cndp.fr www.cndp.fr
Pourquoi versailles ne nous fourni pas l'équivalent ? voir demande faite par MT et SR sur la question
cache.media.eduscol.education.fr cache.media.eduscol.education.fr
Ses travaux ne sont pas un préalable à l’engagement d’une procédure disciplinaire
eduscol.education.fr eduscol.education.fr
9- Les mesures préventives et d'accompagnement
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Cleophas Pesant is the son of Thadee Pesant also known as the blacksmith, was already in light-coloured summer garments, and sported an American coat with broad padded shoulders. Beside him Egide Simard, and others who had come a long road by sleigh, fastened their long fur coats as they left the church, drawing them in at the waist with scarlet sashes. The young folk of the village, very smart in coats with otter collars, gave deferential greeting to old Nazaire Larouche; a tall man with gray hair and huge bony shoulders who had in no wise altered for the mass his everyday garb: short jacket of brown cloth lined with sheepskin, patched trousers, and thick woollen socks under moose-hide moccasins. Cleophas Pesant waited for Louisa Tremblay who was alone, and they went off together along the wooden sidewalk in the direction of the house. Samuel Chapdelaine and Maria had gone but a little way when a young man halted them. Samuel Chapdelaine and Maria were to dine with their relative Azalma Larouche. There was nothing to look at; in the settlements new houses and barns might go up from year to year, or be deserted and tumble into ruin; but the life of the woods is so unhurried that one must needs have more than the patience of a human being to await and mark its advance. Telesphore busied himself with the dog-harness and made believe not to hear.
www.cnape.fr www.cnape.fr
Les mois de juin-juillet et novembre ont enregistré les plus grands nombre d’appels.
en 2019, une famille sur trois n’était pas connue des départements pour d’autres faits de danger sur mineur
www.codingwithjesse.com www.codingwithjesse.com
People really don't stress enough the importance of enjoying what you're programming. It aids creativity, makes you a better teammate, and makes it significantly easier to enter a state of flow. It should be considered an important factor in choosing a web development framework (or lack thereof). Kudos!
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published. No more forking repos just to fix that one tiny thing preventing your app from working.
This could be both good and bad.
potential downside: If people only fix things locally, then they may be less inclined/likely to actually/also submit a merge request, and therefore it may be less likely that this actually (ever) gets fixed upstream. Which is kind of ironic, considering the stated goal "No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published." But if this obviates the need to create a pull request (does it), then this could backfire / work against that goal.
Requiring someone to fork a repo and push up a fix commit -- although a little extra work compared to just fixing locally -- is actually a good thing overall, for the community/ecosystem.
Ah, good, I see they touched on some of these points in the sections:
- Benefits of patching over forking
- When to fork instead
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Recommandation 17Le Défenseur des droits recommande à toutes les structures qui accueillent ou prennent en charge des enfants de se doter d’une charte éthique de protection des enfants, signée par tous les acteurs étant directement ou non en contact avec les enfants. Pour favoriser une participation effective, le Défenseur des droits recommande que soient associés les enfants à la construction de la charte et qu’ils soient dûment informés de son contenu.
à mettre au réglement intérieur ?
Il recommande également que les parents soient sensibilisés, par tous moyens, aux droits de l’enfant et à la participation des enfants
Recommandation 4Le Défenseur des droits recommande au garde des Sceaux et au ministre de l’Intérieur de rappeler aux autorités dont ils exercent la tutelle de prendre les mesures nécessaires afin de s’assurer que, dans toute procédure qui le concerne, l’enfant soit systématiquement et préalablement informé de son droit d’être accompagné par une personne de son choix.
RecommandationsRendre l’enfant acteur de ses droitsRecommandation 1Le Défenseur des droits recommande à l’ensemble des établissements scolaires (publics, privés sous contrat et hors contrat), ainsi qu’aux autorités chargées d’en exercer la tutelle, de s’assurer que l’enfant soit mis en mesure de s’exprimer sur les faits qui lui sont reprochés avant toute décision de sanction à son encontre, conformément à l’article 12 de la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant et l’article 6 de la Convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme.
article 12 à mettre au règlement intérieur ?
L’un des premiers freins à la participation des enfants tient au manque de sensibilisation, de formation et d’information des adultes et des enfants. Dans son enquête sur l’accès aux droits réalisée en 20172, le Défenseur des droits a constaté le manque de connaissances de ce droit : seules 52 % des personnes interrogées étaient en mesure de citer spontanément un des droits consacrés par la CIDE
administrative l’intéressant, soit directement, soit par l’intermédiaire d’un représentant ou d’une organisation approprié
Ce qui peut justifier la présence de représentants de parents ou d'avocats en conseil de discipline
Tant que ces contributions seront négligées, notre démocratie restera inaboutie, détachée d’une partie de ses membres qu’elle prive de leurs droits.
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Le Défenseur des droits recommande aux établissements scolaires de veiller à ce que, dans tout processus d’orientation scolaire, les enfants soient entendus et respectés dans leurs souhaits.
Le Défenseur des droits recommande à toutes les structures qui accueillent ou prennent en charge des enfants de se doter d’outils d’évaluation de leur dispositif de participation des enfants et du recueil de la parole des enfants. L’opinion de l’enfant doit être recueillie dans le cadre de l’évaluation de ces outils.
Le Défenseur des droits recommande aux pouvoirs publics d’oeuvrer afin que les professionnels intervenant auprès des enfants bénéficient d’une formation initiale et continue sur les droits de l’enfant en général, sur le droit à la participation en particulier, ainsi que sur les stades de développement des enfants et à l’écoute active. Il recommande également que les parents soient sensibilisés, par tous moyens, aux droits de l’enfant et à la participation des enfants
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Si 23 % des instances au fond ont conduit en 2018 à l’annulation d’un acte et/ou à la condamnation de l’administration à payer une somme d’argent, seuls 15 % desréférés-suspension ont abouti à la suspension de la décision attaquée cette même année, contre 16 % en 2017 et 18% en 2016. Il en est allé de même pour lesprocédures de référé-liberté. En revanche, la proportion des ordonnances favorables au requérant a été beaucoup plus élevée en matière de référé tendant à lacondamnation au versement d’une provision (24 % en 2018) et de référé tendant à des constats, expertises et instructions (26 % en 2018 contre 39 % en 2017 comme en2016). Dans ces procédures d’urgence jugées rapidement, les désistements et les non-lieux à statuer n’ont représenté que 12 % des décisions rendues.
23% de condamnation de l'administration montre que la violence institutionnelle peut être condamnée. Mais à cela s'ajoutent les non-recours et médiations du médiateur et du défenseur des droits .
Tableau 7Répartition par académie et par catégorie des jugements rendus par les T.A. en 2018 – Enseignement scolaire(affaires traitées par les rectorats)
23% de condamnation des académies tout de même
github.com github.com
Our team is building open source community tools and Svelte fits our identity as an independent labor of love with an organic community.
Regardless of measurable impact, Svelte resonates with our emotions and it makes for a good story.
Svelte’s aesthetics feel like a warm cozy blanket on the stormy web.
Making UIs with Svelte is a pleasure. Svelte’s aesthetics feel like a warm cozy blanket on the stormy web. This impacts everything — features, documentation, syntax, semantics, performance, framework internals, npm install size, the welcoming and helpful community attitude, and its collegial open development and RFCs — it all oozes good taste. Its API is tight, powerful, and good looking — I’d point to actions and stores to support this praise, but really, the whole is what feels so good. The aesthetics of underlying technologies have a way of leaking into the end user experience.
- organic community
- community (for a project or product)
- resonates
- something people like to use
- co-op (organization/governance)
- organic
- feels good
- aesthetics
- fits nicely
- picturesque
- quotable
- feels like a breath of fresh air
- excellent writing
- makes for a good story
- Svelte
- analogy
- a pleasure to use/work with
- labor of love
- identity
- feels natural
- open source community
github.com github.com
I think this issue can be closed and new issues be created / referenced here for any related functionality that isn't in yet.
www.quora.com www.quora.com
Each area requires specific learning and thinking in a certain way. Front-end is user centric, back-end is closer to algorithms and parallel programming, databases require thinking in streams of data based on a model (similar to set theory and model checking).
jamstack.org jamstack.org
Because Jamstack projects don’t rely on server-side code, they can be distributed instead of living on a single server. Serving directly from a CDN unlocks speeds and performance that can’t be beat. The more of your app you can push to the edge, the better the user experience.
hacks.mozilla.org hacks.mozilla.org
Better community building: At the moment, MDN content edits are published instantly, and then reverted if they are not suitable. This is really bad for community relations. With a PR model, we can review edits and provide feedback, actually having conversations with contributors, building relationships with them, and helping them learn.
- online community
- relationship (people)
- community (for a project or product)
- opportunity
- community building
- helping others
- reverting: creates negative experience
- wiki model
- receiving feedback
- opportunity to improve/fix something
- pull request workflow
- community relations
- encouraging feedback
- reverting a previous decision/change/commit
- helping others to learn
- open source community
www.andrews.edu www.andrews.edu
If only Santa Anna had not repealed the Constitution of 1824. If only Santa Anna had not dissolved the legislatures. If only Santa Anna had not killed every Texan prisoner. If only Santa Anna had not gone to sleep without posting a guard at San Jacinto. If only Santa Anna had done any of these things Texas would probably still be a Mexican state; however, Santa Anna did none of these things. In fact it was his failure to do any of these things that caused Texas to become an independent republic.
This is good opinion/info to support my claim. If only Santa Anna had given mercy to the Texans, he could've used them against their side, and they could've helped him get more prisoners or win the revolution and continue his rein over Texas.
At first Santa Anna's policy of execution carried the desired effect; all the Texans ran toward the American border (see map). However, his policy backfired. All the weak hearted Texan soldiers quit the army leaving only the hard core men.
This is good to show how his execution of Texas soldiers wasn't working for him because everyone was willing to fight even harder, not going to die without a fight.
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Examens, concours et diplômes QUESTIONS PROPRES À CERTAINS EXAMENS ET CONCOURS Baccalauréat Baccalauréat – Échec – Obligation de réinscription en terminale – Lycée d’origine J.R.T.A. Cergy-Pontoise, 15 novembre 2019, n° 1913311 J.R.T.A. Montreuil, 23 décembre 2019, n° 1913765 L’article D. 331-42 du code de l’éducation pose le principe du droit, pour les élèves qui ont échoué à l’examen du baccalauréat, à une nouvelle inscription dans l’établissement dont ils sont issus l’année qui suit cet échec. Depuis l’intervention du décret n° 2015-1351 du 26 octobre 2015, qui a modifié l’article D. 331-42, ce droit n’est plus subordonné à l’existence de places demeurées vacantes dans l’établissement scolaire d’origine. Par une série d’ordonnances, les juges des référés des tribunaux administratifs de Cergy-Pontoise et de Montreuil, saisis par des élèves qui n’avaient pas été réinscrits en classe terminale dans leur établissement d’origine à l’issue de leur échec au baccalauréat, ont rappelé les modalités de mise en œuvre de ce droit. Les juges ont ainsi suspendu des refus d’inscription opposés aux élèves et enjoint à l’administration de les inscrire en classe terminale, en jugeant notamment que la dispense d’heures d’enseignement dans le cadre d’un module de préparation au baccalauréat, à l’instar du module de représentation à l’examen par alternance (MOREA), ne peut s’assimiler à un redoublement en classe terminale. Le juge des référés du tribunal administratif de Montreuil a notamment relevé que de tels modules, qui relèvent de dispositifs de lutte contre le décrochage scolaire, n’offrent pas des garanties équivalentes tels qu’un suivi scolaire précis ou l’accès à la plate-forme « Parcoursup ».
Enseignement scolaire PREMIER DEGRÉ Scolarité SCOLARISATION DES ÉLÈVES HANDICAPÉS Accompagnant des élèves en situation de handicap – Droit à l’éducation – Référé-liberté – Atteinte grave et manifestement illégale à une liberté fondamentale (non) J.R.T.A. Rennes, 10 janvier 2020, n° 2000045 J.R.T.A. Nice, 3 février 2020, n° 2000494 Les juges du référé des tribunaux administratifs de Rennes et de Nice ont rappelé récemment les conditions dans lesquelles l’administration, lorsqu’elle n’a pas pu procéder au recrutement d’un accompagnant des élèves en situation de handicap (A.E.S.H.) malgré une décision de la commission des droits et de l’autonomie des personnes handicapées (C.D.A.P.H.), peut néanmoins être regardée comme ayant accompli toutes les diligences nécessaires pour parvenir à ce recrutement. Dans chacune des instances, le juge des référés a d’abord rappelé que le droit d’égal accès à l’instruction en faveur des élèves handicapés est garanti par la Constitution, par le premier protocole additionnel de la Convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales et par l’article L. 111-1 du code de l’éducation, et qu’il implique, pour les élèves présentant un handicap, qu’une formation scolaire adaptée leur soit assurée. Il a ensuite repris le considérant de principe résultant de l’ordonnance du juge des référés du Conseil d’État rendue le 15 décembre 2010 (Ministre de l'éducation nationale, de la recherche et de la vie associative, n° 344729, au Recueil Lebon, LIJ n° 151, janvier 2011, et LIJ n° 152, février 2011) : « (…) la privation pour un enfant, notamment s'il souffre d'un handicap, de toute possibilité de bénéficier d'une scolarisation ou d'une formation scolaire adaptée, selon les modalités que le législateur a définies afin d'assurer le respect de l'exigence constitutionnelle d'égal accès à l'instruction, est susceptible de constituer une atteinte grave et manifestement illégale à une liberté fondamentale, au sens de l'article L. 521-2 du code de justice administrative, pouvant justifier l'intervention du juge des référés sur le fondement de cet article, sous réserve qu'une urgence particulière rende nécessaire l'intervention d'une mesure de sauvegarde dans les quarante-huit heures (…) en outre, le caractère grave et manifestement illégal d'une telle atteinte s'apprécie en tenant compte, d'une part de l'âge de l'enfant, d'autre part des diligences accomplies par l'autorité administrative compétente, au regard des moyens dont elle dispose. » Dans les deux cas d’espèce, chaque recteur établissait, d’une part, les difficultés rencontrées pour recruter un A.E.S.H., d’autre part, qu’une personne était en cours de recrutement et serait disponible dans des délais restreints (respectivement d’un mois et de huit jours). Le juge de chaque tribunal en a déduit que compte tenu des diligences accomplies par l’administration, des conditions et délais auxquels est subordonné le recrutement d’un A.E.S.H. et de la circonstance qu’un recrutement était en cours dans chacune des instances, les circonstances des deux espèces ne permettaient pas de caractériser une atteinte grave et manifestement illégale au droit à l’éducation et à l’instruction des deux enfants, âgés de trois ans et demi et de cinq ans (cf. également : J.R.T.A. Nice, 27 novembre 2012, n° 1204121, LIJ n° 177, juillet-août-septembre 2013). N.B. : L’absence de moyens ne peut justifier le non-respect de la décision de la C.D.A.P.H. et le juge condamne systématiquement l’administration si aucun A.E.S.H. n’a été recruté, sauf circonstances particulières ou si l’administration démontre qu’elle a accompli toutes les diligences nécessaires.
parents déboutés mais à tenter si ca dure
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
La Lettre d'information juridique (LIJ) est une lettre publiée par la direction des affaires juridiques des ministères chargés de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.
scolaritepartenariat.chez-alice.fr scolaritepartenariat.chez-alice.fr
Le rôle du directeur d'école ou du chef d'établissement : mise en place et suivi du PAP Le PAP est élaboré - comme le PAI - sous la responsabilité du directeur de l’école ou du chef d’établissement. Il comporte deux modalités qui sont aussi celles du PPS : - premièrement, celle du partenariat : le PAP exige la participation des parents mais aussi le concours des professionnels qui suivent l’enfant et qui sont invités aux réunions d’élaboration et de suivi ; - et deuxièmement celle de l’évaluation et du suivi. Le responsable de la mise en oeuvre du PAP – le directeur d’école ou, dans le second degré, le professeur principal – doit procéder chaque année à une évaluation des progrès réalisés par l'élève ; il doit veiller aussi à la bonne transmission du dossier du PAP lors d’un changement d’établissement. Circulaire n°2015-016 du 22-1-2015 2. La procédure de mise en place
- Nov 2020
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Eurydice, réseau européen sur les systèmes éducatifs La DEPP abrite, au sein de la Mission aux relations européennes et internationales (MIREI), l’unité française d’Eurydice.
www.gisti.org www.gisti.org
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
et si son exécution est accompagnée
L'avis des personnels de santé et sociaux peut apporter un éclairage sur certains comportements inadaptés aux règles de vie dans l'établissement.
Local file Local file
Mobiliser l’ensemble des acteurs du système éducatif pour faire comprendre et respecter le principe de laïcité à l’école
323.6.Faire vivre la laïcité à l’école et en faire respecter les principes implique de maintenir l’indispensable dialogue avec les parents d’élèves
dans beaucoup de situationsoù les parents d’élèves,dans un premier temps,ne comprenaient pas le principe de laïcité applicable dans le service public de l’éducation, voire le considéraient comme une manifestation d’hostilité à l’égard de leur religion ou de leur culture, les explications données, dans le cadre d’un dialogueouvertavec les familles, par le chef d’établissement et son équipe ou par le directeur d’école avaient permisd’apaiser les tensions et de lever les éventuelles préventions contre les règlesde l’école de la République
www.performancefunnels.com www.performancefunnels.com
Traditional online funnels — more often than not — require you to have a separate:Content management system (ex. WordPress, Joomla)Web host (ex. SiteGround, Bluehost)Page builder (ex. Elementor, Beaver)Email autoresponder (ex. MailChimp, Aweber, GetResponse)Order formShopping cartWeb analyticsOther marketing tools
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This definition is actually a strict subset of the first definition: as the same script must (by definition) run inside both a server/Node.js context, but also a browser DOM context
www.cairn.info www.cairn.info
Discipline et droits de la défense41C.A.A. Versailles - 2 juillet 2009 - N° 08VE00134 42Enseignement – Discipline – Procédure – Conseil de discipline – Rectorat d’académie – Substitution de décision - Droits de la défense – Débat contradictoire – Convention européenne des droits de l’Homme – Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant – Exclusion définitive Lorsqu’un recours est formé à l’encontre d’une décision d’un conseil de discipline de l’établissement, la décision du recteur se substitue à celle du conseil de discipline. Par conséquent, les conclusions tendant à l’annulation de la décision du conseil de discipline sont irrecevables. 43Il ne résulte pas des dispositions des articles 7 et 8 du décret du 18 décembre 1985, d’une part, que la circonstance que la principale de l’établissement ait été, en dehors des requérants, la seule personne convoquée alors qu’elle n’était pas témoin des faits litigieux, d’autre part, que la circonstance que les témoins des faits litigieux n’aient pas été convoqués, entachent d’irrégularité la procédure suivie devant la commission académique d’appel. 44Il ne résulte pas de la lecture du procès-verbal de cette commission que les requérants et leur conseil aient été obligés de sortir de la réunion au moment où la principale du collège a été entendue. 45La circonstance que le recteur n’ait pas statué dans le délai d’un mois prévu par l’article 8 du décret du 18 décembre 1985 est sans incidence sur la légalité de l’arrêté du recteur de l’académie de Versailles dès lors que ce délai n’a pas été imparti à l’autorité administrative à peine de nullité. 46Les stipulations de l’article 6-1 de la Convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales, dès lors que le présent litige, qui concerne une sanction disciplinaire, ne porte pas sur des droits et obligations de caractère civil, ni des stipulations des paragraphes 3 et 4 de l’article 40 de la Convention internationale relative aux droits de l’enfant qui sont relatives aux obligations incombant aux États qui doivent s’efforcer de promouvoir l’adoption de lois et de procédures et la mise en place d’institutions spécialement conçues pour les enfants suspectés, accusés ou convaincus d’infraction à la loi pénale. 47Les faits n’étant pas sérieusement contestés, le recteur de l’académie de Versailles a pu, sans commettre d’erreur d’appréciation, décider qu’il convenait de confirmer la sanction d’exclusion définitive prononcée par le conseil de discipline.
uxdesign.cc uxdesign.cc
Text links are a very simple button type.
Eh? I didn't know links were considered buttons. I'm not sure I totally agree understand, but it's not outrageous either...
Update: Okay, I guess when you put an outline around it (like they directly below this paragraph), and even more if you put an icon with it (like they did further down; https://hyp.is/DZTZzi6fEeuu65uvQJ9W1Q/uxdesign.cc/ui-cheat-sheets-buttons-7329ed9d6112), the link looks like more like a button.
But (and I think this is their point) it is what it is because of how it's used and not how it's styled: it should be the same thing (a button) whether or not it has an outline.
Secondary buttons are the alternative we give users to the primary action.
github.com github.com
You can also see this repo: default-passive-events.
github.com github.com
This one gets the SEO, so I hope you're successful @raythurnevoid.
I assume this gets search traffic because people hope/assume that since there's a React "material-ui" that there might already be a "svelte-material-ui" port/adaptation available. So they search for exactly that (like I did). That and being the first to create that something (with that name).
This sort of library probably should be communitized so there's really just a single library.
- having a name containing a search term that people are looking for
- getting/attaining wide reach/audience/popularity due to being first to market
- excellent name
- getting/attaining wide reach/audience/popularity due to being or having a name containing a search term that people are looking for
- web search for something brings me here
- port (adaptation/translation)
- community effort
- healthy competition vs. having a single main option that everyone uses
- fragmented community
- being the thing that people are looking for and hoping/assuming already exists
github.com github.com
If you continue to have trouble though, feel free to open a new issue so we can keep this one focused on the theme color palette documentation problem. 1 Pick your reaction
www.ih2ef.gouv.fr www.ih2ef.gouv.fr
Il prépare un plan annuel d'actions et en établit le bilan, qui sont présentés au conseil d'administration du collège et au conseil des écoles concernées.
www.ih2ef.gouv.fr www.ih2ef.gouv.fr
prendre connaissance de certaines informations et d'échanger sur les pratiques
les différents indicateurs et tableaux de bord permettant une analyse du fonctionnement ;
parallèlement on a rendu plus difficile l'application de ces règles éthiques pour prendre un exemple la discipline des élèves on a à formuler des textes aujourd'hui du précision redoutable pour adapter la sanction à l'infraction de l'élève mais d'une complexité tellement redoutable que la plupart du temps c'est devenu inapplicable et à ce moment là le professeur le chef d'établissement se trouve dans une sorte d'impasse et bien souvent on applique pas ces textes qui sont censées mettre en oeuvre de manière plus efficace l'éthique du comportement des élèves dans l'établissement
Learn how to create a dating app that will rival Tinder. Get step-by-step guide, learn about monetization strategies, and find out what it takes to build a dating app in 2020.
Local file Local file
En ce sens, celui-ci ne peut légalement organiser une sélection pour l’accès à un enseignement optionne
. En ce sens, celui-ci ne peut légalement organiser une sélection pour l’accès à un enseignement optionnel10. En revanche, le refus de procéder en cours d’année, à un changement de l’option initialement choisie par l’élève constitue une décision faisant grief et comme telle, susceptible d’un recours en annulation11. Plus précisément, le chef d’établissement doit procéder à un examen au cas par cas des demandes d’abandon d’option en cours d’année. Il ne peut opposer un refus systématique à toutes les demandes qui lui sont présentées, en faisant seulement valoir que ces changements provoqueraient des perturbations dans le fonctionnement du service12.
ans ce cadre, il aide, notamment, à l’expression des attentes de la communauté éducative
www.snowpack.dev www.snowpack.devSnowpack1
Who’s Using Snowpack?
openlibrary.org openlibrary.org
The ultimate goal of the Open Library is to make all the published works of humankind available to everyone in the world. While large in scope and ambition, this goal is within our grasp.
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Dans une étude réalisée à l’initiative de l’APF par l’IFOP, en janvier 2020, auprès de 11 905 personnes, deux tiers des personnes handicapées disent éprouver des difficultés dans leurs déplacements, du fait de l’inaccessibilité des infrastructures
le Plan de lutte contre les violences faites aux enfants, rendu public en novembre 2019
Cette stratégie devra s’inscrire en lien avec les différentes stratégies également en œuvre sur le territoire telles que la stratégie nationale de soutien à la parentalité, la stratégie nationale autisme et troubles neuro-développementaux ou le service public de l’école inclusive. Le Défenseur des droits insiste néanmoins sur la nécessité et l’urgence à concrétiser ces objectifs.
la question de la concrétisation des objectifs relevée par le défenseur des droits
12. Le cloisonnement des politiques du handicap et de la protectionde l’enfance
www.styled-components.com www.styled-components.com
www.cl.cam.ac.uk www.cl.cam.ac.uk
Alexanderproposeshomesandofficesbedesignedandbuiltbytheireventualoccupants.Thesepeople,hereasons,knowbesttheirrequirementsforaparticularstructure.Weagree,andmakethesameargumentforcomputerprograms.Computerusersshouldwritetheirownprograms.KentBeck&WardCunningham,1987 [7]
Users should program their own programs because they know their requirements the best.
[7]: Beck, K. and Cunningham, W. Using pattern languages for object-oriented programs. Tektronix, Inc. Technical Report No. CR-87-43 (September 17, 1987), presented at OOPSLA-87 workshop on Specification and Design for Object-Oriented Programming. Available online at http://c2.com/doc/oopsla87.html (accessed 17 September 2009)
www.roambrain.com www.roambrain.com
Connected to this are Andy Matuschak’s comments about contextual backlinks bootstrapping new concepts before explicit definitions come into play.
What Joel says here about Contextual Backlinks is that they allow you to "bootstrap" a concept (i.e. start working with it) without explicit definitions coming into play (or as Andy would say, the content is empty).
Easily updated pages: don’t worry about precisely naming something at first. Let the meaning emerge over time and easily change it (propagating through all references).
Joel highlights a feature here of Roam and ties it to incremental formalisms.
In Roam you can update a page name and it propagates across all references.
Cognitive Overhead (aka Cognitive Load): often the task of specifying formalism is extraneous to the primary task, or is just plain annoying to do.
This is the task that you're required to do when you want to save a note in Evernote or Notion. You need to choose where it goes.
The basic intuition is described well by the Shipman & Marshall paper: users enter information in a mostly informal fashion, and then formalize only later in the task when appropriate formalisms become clear and also (more) immediately useful.
Incremental formalism
Users enter information in an informal fashion. They only formalize later when the appropriate formalism becomes clear and/or immediately useful.
It’s important to notice something about these examples of synthesis representations: they go quite a bit further than simply grouping or associating things (though that is an important start). They have some kind of formal semantic structure (otherwise known as formality) that specifies what entities exist, and what kinds of relations exist between the entities. This formal structure isn’t just for show: it’s what enables the kind of synthesis that really powers significant knowledge work! Formal structures unlock powerful forms of reasoning like conceptual combination, analogy, and causal reasoning.
Formalisms enable synthesis to happen.
notes.andymatuschak.org notes.andymatuschak.org
Systems which display backlinks to a node permit a new behavior: you can define a new node extensionally (rather than intensionally) by simply linking to it from many other nodes—even before it has any content.
Nodes in a knowledge management system can be defined extensionally, rather than intensionally, through their backlinks and their respective context.
mywiki.wooledge.org mywiki.wooledge.org
However, this construct is not completely equivalent to if ... fi in the general case.
The caveat/mistake here is if you treat it / think that it is equivalent to if a then b else c. That is not the case if b has any chance of failing.
For now, I'm still seeking a more satisfactory solution.
github.com github.com
If the document is uncontroversial and agreement is reached quickly it might be committed directly with the "accepted" status. Likewise, if the proposal is rejected the status shall be "rejected". When a document is rejected a member of the core team should append a section describing the reasons for rejection.
github.com github.com
I think it is indeed important that we get this right but I'd prefer to hold off on implementing such a system until we have grown contributors and until the project is successful. I expect that after the initial open source release and before the end of the year we'll want to move pretty quickly on this project and I recommend revisiting the RFC based model early next year. Does that sound like a good plan?
In Rust, we use the "No New Rationale" rule, which says that the decision to merge (or not merge) an RFC is based only on rationale that was presented and debated in public. This avoids accidents where the community feels blindsided by a decision.
I'd like to go with an RFC-based governance model (similar to Rust, Ember or Swift) that looks something like this: new features go through a public RFC that describes the motivation for the change, a detailed implementation description, a description on how to document or teach the change (for kpm, that would roughly be focused around how it affected the usual workflows), any drawbacks or alternatives, and any open questions that should be addressed before merging. the change is discussed until all of the relevant arguments have been debated and the arguments are starting to become repetitive (they "reach a steady state") the RFC goes into "final comment period", allowing people who weren't paying close attention to every proposal to have a chance to weigh in with new arguments. assuming no new arguments are presented, the RFC is merged by consensus of the core team and the feature is implemented. All changes, regardless of their source, go through this process, giving active community members who aren't on the core team an opportunity to participate directly in the future direction of the project. (both because of proposals they submit and ones from the core team that they contribute to)
- open-source projects: allowing community (who are not on core team) to influence/affect/steer the direction of the project
- feeling blindsided
- welcoming feedback
- deferring until a more opportune/convenient time
- soliciting feedback
- allowing sufficient time for discussion/feedback/debate before a final decision is made
- attracting contributors
- build concensus
- change proposal workflow: RFCs
- have discussion/feedback/debate in public (transparency)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
They use inclusive language by using no language at all, sometimes the best way to communicate are our actions, this add is meant to be seen by many and people wouldn't understand if there was one language spoken, this lack of language makes the advertisement inclusive of all. Additionally our actions are a honest representation of the people we are and I believe that in a advertisement meant to represent emotions and bonds there is no better language than our purest form of expression, body language.
The advertisement is completely pathos since it tries to form a emotional connection with the viewer by using such emotional and happy scenes, making the viewer remember the happy and good times they had when they were together with the people they held dear or when meeting new people. It wants the viewer to remember the good times they had while drinking a coke and promote the idea that they are missing out on happiness because they are lacking a coke.
Target audience: the target audience is everyone. No matter who you are Coca-Cola tries to connect itself with everyone by forming a close relationship by writing impactful, fun and friendly things on their bottles.
Explicit: Convey to others that forming new bonds and overcoming social barriers and/or cultural walls is very easy, creating a better society.
Implicit: To promote the consumption of coke by associating coke with family friends and relationships and connecting with their consumers
0:10 -The older man places a coke on the table and turns it around, the bottle has the word "Friends" inscribed on it. The fact that the bottle has such word inscribed makes the viewer want to buy one since it is a very striking word, it makes you think of home and the people you hold dear.
0:21 the young man accepts the old mans friend request through the phone, this has never been seen in other advertisement of coke but as times change people change and many friendships and relationships have and are currently being created through the internet , this tells the audience that coke is always adapting to us and that it will always be by our side no matter when.
The way they used men of very different ages represents that coke can break the barrier of time, since it is usually said that the disparity between generations and their way of thinking is not easily overcome. But thanks to the ad we see that Coke Transends this barrier of time creating new never thought possible bonds.
0:16 we get a top view where the coke is perfectly placed in the middle of the table braking the "wall" that keeps both men apart form each other .
the "Share a Coke" slogan has a strong call to action it is incentivizing the audience to purchase one for the purpose of giving it to another like how you give chocolates to someone important to you on valentines, this would be the same idea.
0:20 the coke is placed in a way that it is perfectly lighted up and in the mid point between both men this could be said that the coke is braking the ice between them or the cultural wall in between as it is literally the reason why both men start to interact with one another.
This advertisement is also a critique against racism around the world, it implies that no matter who you are, what your background is and the different thoughts and believes you have, we should create new bonds, not destroy them. This is seen by the way the young man quickly develops a friend ship with the older man, with just the simple act of sharing a drink.
The lack of speech is also very note worthy since it gives off the idea that forming new bonds is very simple, such that there is no need to talk. It is a critique to society as it implies that the only thing separating us from having a world where no one is less than others is our ego and our own human complex.
The lighting used in this advertisement is very bright in order to set up the very friendly atmosphere shown in the video, this hooks the viewer since it gives off happiness and good vibes, which people feel more attracted to. It also represents the theme of the ad which is creating and strengthening bonds.
0:21 both the man and the young man grab the coke, this is symbolic because it is as implying that the man in conveying his emotions and thoughts to the coke before the young man drinks it, when the young man drinks its he sighs and looks at the old man in a more friendly way as if implying that he can now understand him in a more deeper way since he literally drank the old mans thoughts through the coke.
Through out the whole commercial there is no verbal interaction between the old man and the younger one, implying that forming new relationships and meeting new people is very simple to the point that you don't even have to talk. This lack of conversation is also very clever since it can be said that the man is conveying his emotions and feelings to the younger one through the coke as saying that when share a coke you are sharing more than a drink you are sharing emotions
0:13 the older man makes a facial gesture which conveys to us that he is telling the younger one to "go ahead" and drink the coke, which he is only willing to sheared if the youngest becomes friends with him.
0:15 the youngest looks at the old man and there is a pause, as if he were thinking about the repercussions of becoming friends with the man, but realizes that there are non.
0:15 - the music used has a very high pitch and is very fast as implying that the youngest has to make up his mind quickly. This creates suspense on the viewer since it makes us wonder what will he choose, ignore the man or make friends with him.
0:16 - 0:20 - The music pauses and the youngest grabs his phone, this leaves the view confused on what is happening, they start thinking that he decided on ignoring the old man, which would be very shocking because it would not follow the natural order of mainstream media in where usually they would become friends instantly, this is something unexpected and pulls the viewers attention.
0:25-0:27 - The music starts playing aging, it has a very repetitive rhythm, each interval is grater than the one before, like if we were approaching the climax of this short interaction between this two men.
0:28 - the repetitive music is gone and a cheerfully melody is introduced, this melody makes the viewer think that there will be a happy conclusion, which proves to be correct since. the older man receives a text message form the youngest that his friend request has been approved.
0:37-0:40 - after the youngest drinks the coke he puts it down and a text shows up next to the bottle which reads "share a coke with..." and the label of the bottle which previously said friend changes to dad, dude, bro etc. This implies to the viewer that coke is meant to be shared no only to create bonds with others as seen through the commercial, but it is also used to strengthen bonds between people you hold very close to you, as if implying that when sharing a coke there is no boundaries between people.
0:01- two men sitting in a train, the train implies that they are from different places traveling somewhere. They have different ethnicities and backgrounds
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In July 2010, Microsoft let go Jimmy Schementi, one of two remaining members of the IronRuby core team, and stopped funding the project.[19][20] In October 2010 Microsoft announced the Iron projects (IronRuby and IronPython) were being changed to "external" projects and enabling "community members to make contributions without Microsoft's involvement or sponsorship by a Microsoft employee".
www.irfanview.com www.irfanview.com
by Irfan Skiljan
IrfanView named after author
dev.to dev.to
Coming from stuff like jQuery, a lot of devs who used React were like "wow", and coming from React, Svelte feels amazing too! People just need to try it, it's so incredibly simple too!
medium.com medium.com
If you are working in a large enterprise application, we have to create small components. Small components are much more flexible in terms of reusability and maintainability.
addevice.io addevice.io
Want to know how to create a workout app? Learn about trending fitness app types and features, how to make money with such apps, and how much it will cost you.
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www.fcpe.asso.fr www.fcpe.asso.fr
En dehors de la maison, la laïcité permet de respecter des règles communes, les enfants peuvent ainsi faire leurs propres choix, sans subir aucune pression.
C'est aussi valable en privé, chacun sur le territoire de la république doit être protégé des pressions
linuxfud.wordpress.com linuxfud.wordpress.com
I realise this is old, but as it isn’t a forum i see no problem in replying
github.com github.com
There are a few intentional behavioral differences between Dart Sass and Ruby Sass. These are generally places where Ruby Sass has an undesired behavior, and it's substantially easier to implement the correct behavior than it would be to implement compatible behavior. These should all have tracking bugs against Ruby Sass to update the reference behavior.
- get back on course
- learn from your mistakes
- don't let previous decisions/work constrain you
- reversible decisions
- reference implementation
- intentionally doing it differently / _not_ emulating/copying the way someone else did it
- intentional/well-considered decisions
- intentional
- reverting a previous decision/change/commit
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Frontend frameworks are a positive sum game! Svelte has no monopoly on the compiler paradigm either. Just like I think React is worth learning for the mental model it imparts, where UI is a (pure) function of state, I think the frontend framework-as-compiler paradigm is worth understanding. We're going to see a lot more of it because the tradeoffs are fantastic, to where it'll be a boring talking point before we know it.
prettier.io prettier.io
Prettier’s printWidth option does not work the same way. It is not the hard upper allowed line length limit. It is a way to say to Prettier roughly how long you’d like lines to be. Prettier will make both shorter and longer lines, but generally strive to meet the specified printWidth. Remember, computers are dumb. You need to explicitly tell them what to do, while humans can make their own (implicit) judgements, for example on when to break a line. In other words, don’t try to use printWidth as if it was ESLint’s max-len – they’re not the same. max-len just says what the maximum allowed line length is, but not what the generally preferred length is – which is what printWidth specifies.
github.com github.com
Maybe it's also a bug because every warning should be ignorable? Not sure.
github.com github.com
The RFC repo (where the reaction was strongly positive) is the place for discussion about what features to add; the decision has been made.
please direct questions like yours to the proper channels, i.e. the systemd mailing list. Random github issues are really not the place to ask such questions.
github.com github.com
I'm not sure what's the best solution, but it could be a good idea to print the full path only at the end of the line, since it takes a lot of space, or to move it to a separate line.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Docker Swarm has lost. Kubernetes has won. My advice? use docker-compose.yml was development only, stick to version: 2.4 and forget 3 exists :+1
- Oct 2020
mutabit.com mutabit.com
También creemos que estas técnicas y maneras de hacer reflejan un espíritu de la época donde está transi-ción está ocurriendo y muestran al libro como proceso colectivo, en lugar de como producto individual.
La invitación a un trabajo colectivo lo hace más interesante y significativo.
www.getcloudapp.com www.getcloudapp.com
Over 4 million people trust CloudApp
github.com github.com
OMGWTFSSL - Self Signed SSL Certificate Generator Self Signed SSL Certificate Generator
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Please don't copy answers to multiple questions; this is the same as your answer to a similar question
Why on earth not? There's nothing wrong with reusing the same answer if it can work for multiple questions. That's called being efficient. It would be stupid to write a new answer from scratch when you already have one that can work very well and fits the question very well.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you have a better/simpler/"more official" solution, I'd still love to see it!
The "official" solution is to use submitErrors (see Erik's answer).
github.com github.com
I'd be happy to take on this issue, if no one else has up to this point!
www.basefactor.com www.basefactor.com
Industrialization: You can easily chop your form validations into smaller independent pieces that can be developed by separate teams in paralell with no dependencies.
On the other hand, handling form validation on your own can be tempting, but you have to cover scenarios like:
If you want to implement a form with a superb User Experience, you have to take care of many variables:
- user experience
- too hard/difficult/much work to expect end-developers to write from scratch (need library to do it for them)
- difficult/hard problem
- divide a project into smaller pieces/components
- can't keep entire system in your mind at once (software development) (scope too large)
- easy to get wrong
- form design
- a lot of things to consider
final-form.org final-form.org
Doing a HOC properly, as a library should, with hoisted statics and displayName and ref, etc., is a hassle and would add unnecessary bulk.
If you define a variable outside of your form, you can then set the value of that variable to the handleSubmit function that 🏁 React Final Form gives you, and then you can call that function from outside of the form.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Every pastor is called to be a theologian.
github.com github.com
If that one somehow ends up being deemed an intended behavior rather than a bug, then it should definitely get explained in the docs too.
github.com github.com
I'm not sure yet how much of this is a bug.
github.com github.com
This isn't a bug. Svelte's reactivity is triggered by assignment, so it won't re-render on mutations like array pushing.
api.rubyonrails.org api.rubyonrails.org
Which character is this referring to exactly?
It looks like the empty string, which wouldn't make sense.
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/functions-matching.html only lists these 2:
does not contain percent signs or underscores, then the pattern only represents the string itself; in that caseLIKE
acts like the equals operator. An underscore (_
) inpattern
stands for (matches) any single character; a percent sign (%
) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
ToléranceL’école ou le médecin finissent parfois par accepter l’intervention du beau-parent.Sauf délégation d’autorité parentale, le beau-parent n’a aucun droit sur les enfants de son partenaire. La vie commune, l’affection ou, tout simplement, les contraintes du quotidien ne font rien à l’affaire. Pas question de donner un coup de main en allant chercher un petit à l’école ou en l’emmenant chez le médecin. L’instituteur ou le praticien seraient d’ailleurs dans leur droit en fermant la porte au nez de l’intrus. Et ils auraient raison, du moins théoriquement, car leur responsabilité est en jeu (pourtant, une nounou ou une fille au pair, sortes d’aides familiales, est souvent acceptée).>> A lire aussi - Après une séparation, comment bénéficier des aides et allocations de l’EtatFaute d’existence juridique, le beau-parent ne peut donc compter que sur une reconnaissance de fait. Ainsi, le médecin ou la maîtresse d’école qui feint de vous ignorer finira sans doute par vous accepter si vous avez été vu à plusieurs reprises auprès du vrai parent ou, mieux encore, si vous êtes inscrit sur une liste vous autorisant à accompagner l’enfant (liste n’ayant d’ailleurs aucune valeur légale).
medium.com medium.com
But for big projects it should work out to just apply this techniques to certain sub-folders in your project where this problems occurs, as-if they are stand alone libraries.
medium.com medium.com
These are fine and do not cause any issues.
Every URL is a URI; Every URN is a URI; URI and URL are NOT interchangeable – a URL is a URI, but a URI is not always a URL; URLs always contain an access mechanism.
Handling all these requests costs us considerably: servers, bandwidth and human time spent analyzing traffic patterns and devising methods to limit or block excessive new request patterns. We would much rather use these assets elsewhere, for example improving the software and services needed by W3C and the Web Community.
Identify your user agents When deploying software that makes requests to other sites, you should set a custom User-Agent header to identify the software and provide a means to contact its maintainers. Many of the automated requests we receive have generic user-agent headers such as Java/1.6.0 or Python-urllib/2.1 which provide no information on the actual software responsible for making the requests.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Their trailer said "A video game for the home computer". Not sure why they said that instead of PC, but it was a refreshing new term for it.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Subgroups of the computer underground with different attitudes and motives use different terms to demarcate themselves from each other. These classifications are also used to exclude specific groups with whom they do not agree.
final-form.org final-form.org
Wondering how to get field state from multiple fields at once? People coming from Redux-Form might be wondering where the equivalent of Redux Form's Fields component is, as a way to get state from several fields at once. The answer is that it's not included in the library because it's so easy to write one recursively composing Field components together.
civilizationemerging.com civilizationemerging.com
For all systems of structural incentive, the incentive of any actor (individual or group), must be rigorously aligned with the well-being of all other agents in the system and of the commons writ large. Ie, all externalities must be internalized – all the consequences of activity within the system must be included in the system’s accounting.
Sure ...
This is a bit "I want a million dollars"
You can write this down and the devil is in how to implement it.
www.autonome-solidarite.fr www.autonome-solidarite.fr
github.com github.com
Another example:
const expensiveOperation = async (value) => { // return Promise.resolve(value) // console.log('value:', value) await sleep(1000) console.log('expensiveOperation: value:', value, 'finished') return value } var expensiveOperationDebounce = debounce(expensiveOperation, 100); // for (let num of [1, 2]) { // expensiveOperationDebounce(num).then(value => { // console.log(value) // }) // } (async () => { await sleep(0 ); console.log(await expensiveOperationDebounce(1)) })(); (async () => { await sleep(200 ); console.log(await expensiveOperationDebounce(2)) })(); (async () => { await sleep(1300); console.log(await expensiveOperationDebounce(3)) })(); // setTimeout(async () => { // console.log(await expensiveOperationDebounce(3)) // }, 1300)
Outputs: 1, 2, 3
Why, if I change it to:
(async () => { await sleep(0 ); console.log(await expensiveOperationDebounce(1)) })(); (async () => { await sleep(200 ); console.log(await expensiveOperationDebounce(2)) })(); (async () => { await sleep(1100); console.log(await expensiveOperationDebounce(3)) })();
Does it only output 2, 3?
www.cairn.info www.cairn.info
La privation pour un enfant, notamment s’il souffre d’un handicap, de toute possibilité de bénéficier d’une scolarisation ou d’une formation scolaire adaptée, selon les modalités que le législateur a définies afin d’assurer le respect de l’exigence constitutionnelle d’égal accès à l’instruction, est susceptible de constituer une atteinte grave et manifestement illégale à une liberté fondamentale.
objectif-photographe.fr objectif-photographe.fr
Si l’on considère que l’œuvre exposée dans le musée n’est pas le sujet principal de la photographie réalisée par Alexandre, il semble alors possible de se prévaloir de la théorie dite de « l’accessoire » décrite en introduction de cet article. Ainsi, si Alexandre photographie un groupe de visiteurs contemplant des œuvres, on peut considérer que l’œuvre photographiée en cause ne constitue qu’un accessoire d’un plan plus large, et qu’il sera par conséquence permis de reproduire cette œuvre sans autorisation. Là encore, les règles juridiques pourront donc avoir un impact sur l’approche artistique qu’Alexandre retiendra, ce qui pourra au final être une force pour lui, en l’incitant à être créatif pour bénéficier de la règle de l’accessoire !
www.infos-patrimoinespaca.org www.infos-patrimoinespaca.org
Les tendances qui se dessinentL’évolution du droit européen en la matière semble entrevoir un cadre plus libéral, c’est notamment en ce sens que l’on appelle la liberté de panorama
Qu’il s’agisse finalement d’images représentant l’intérieur ou l’extérieur, les pratiques actuelles devraient évoluer vers plus de liberté sous la pression du droit européen.
cache.media.eduscol.education.fr cache.media.eduscol.education.fr
cache.media.eduscol.education.fr cache.media.eduscol.education.fr
En cas de conflitSi un conflit apparaît, il est utile d’encourager la famille à venir rencontrer ou prendre directement contact avec le directeur d’école, le professeur principal, le chef d’établissement, ou le parent délégué, afin de donner toutes les chances au dialogue. Le dialogue entre les familles et les équipes permettra en effet de rechercher l’origine d’une difficulté et de trouver des solutions pédagogiques ou éducatives.
L’accompagnement individualisé n’est pas remis en cause : si l’élève a une notification d’aide humaine individualisée, il sera accompagné par un AESH individualisé pour le volume horaire indiqué et pour les domaines d’activités précisés dans la notification CDAPH
outiller les parents pour l’accompagnement de leur enfant
Le rôle du directeur ou du chef d’établissement au moment de l’arrivée d’un élève en situation de handicap est essentiel afin de préparer et de mettre en place les conditions nécessaires à sa scolarisation
Of all the compile-to-languages, the one that strikes me as having the least merit is JSX. It's basically a ton of added complexity for the sake of what boils down to syntax. There are no real gains in terms of language semantics in JSX.
Without elegant ways of expressing loops/iterators (like angular does with directives), the primary way to keep JSX readable thus becomes copying and pasting.
I'm not quite sure I understand this (so until I do, I'm not sure I agree)...
Why does he think copying and pasting is the only way to make it readable? Like he pointed out, you can extract JSX snippets and use loops within JSX. But maybe he means (his previous point), that people often don't do that. Hmm. 
The react community has become a big cargo cult. There are some good ideas in the community and many Bad Ideas™. Paving the bad idea cowpaths lends a sense of legitimacy to these bad technical ideas that is not merited.
I agree that "it feels gross" is a bad reason. "not paving a bad cowpath" is a much better reason.
The only "issue" it has is that its unfamiliar. People have been working with HTML for years and are comfortable with it. That's basically the only reason that people find it more readable. If you make an effort to spend sometime with hyperscript, it becomes as familiar and readable as jsx.
- do pros outweigh/cover cons?
- investing time to really understand something
- not a real/actual problem
- not good enough reason/rationale/explanation
- comfortable because familiar
- minimal benefits
- readability
- subjective
- is it worth the effort?
- readability: depends on familiarity
- unfamiliar
- expressiveness
- I have a differing opinion
- have a good reason
- not merited
- not necessarily the case
- excellent writing
- cargo cult
- paving cow paths
- getting stuck in a rut
- legitimize
- not
- not enough advantages/merits/pros to make it worthwhile
- advantages/merits/pros
- elegant
- familiar syntax
- not:
github.com github.com
Create HyperText with JavaScript
I assume that's where the name "HyperScript" came from? A portmanteau?
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
github.com github.com
My proposal is that we solve this by treating a static key prop as different from one provided through spread. I think that as a second step we might want to even give separate syntax such as:
However, in function components there really isn't much need for this pattern since you can just use JS default arguments
I recommend folks use https://github.com/shama/bel instead of this package; we've been working hard on it for the past two years to make sure it has all the features you could want to write inline HTML. Hope it's good; closing for now!
www.onwebsecurity.com www.onwebsecurity.com
Escaping is a subset of encoding, where not all characters need to be encoded. Only some characters are encoded (by using an escape character).
Encoding is transforming data from one format into another format.
facebook.github.io facebook.github.io
Why not just use that instead of inventing a syntax that's not part of ECMAScript?
www.python.org www.python.org
Because the code in question predates the introduction of the guideline and there is no other reason to be modifying that code.
medium.com medium.com
Then at some moment I just stumbled upon limitations and inexpressiveness of templates and started to use JSX everywhere — and because JSX was not a typical thing for Vue I switched to React over time. I don’t want to make a step back.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
I don't understand the need for the name "Open–closed principle". It doesn't seem meaningful or clear to me.
Can't we just call it "extensibility" or "easily extendable"? Doesn't "extensibility" already imply that we are extending it (adding new code on top of it, to interoperate with it) rather than modifying its source code?
Discussion is not necessary, but could be useful for critiquing a pattern. This would be useful for people who are proposing a pattern to the community or for people who want to gather feedback on an experiment.
mdsvex.com mdsvex.com
Don’t indent code blocks.
Sure, we don't need to add any additional indent. But what if your code block contains indentation (function body)? It would look silly to remove all leading indentation.
When I say that my experience is that it means it's time to split up your components, I guess I mean that there tends to be a logical grouping between all the things that care about (for example) sqr_n, and in Svelte, logical groupings are expressed as components.
mallettedesparents.education.gouv.fr mallettedesparents.education.gouv.fr
Les parents élus portent la voix et les préoccupations de chaque parent.
joue un rôle de relais et de médiateur ; donne son avis et émet des suggestions sur le fonctionnement de l’établissement ; fait partie des instances de représentations
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Horaires des réunions Les heures de réunion des conseils d'école, des conseils d'administration, des conseils de classe et des conseils de discipline sont fixées de manière à permettre la représentation des parents.
favoriser les échanges entre les professionnels et les parents en développant des partenariats, en particulier avec les associations, de manière à favoriser le croisement des regards et des savoirs
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
It is named "Mustache" because of heavy use of braces, { }, that resemble a sideways moustache.
I believe this feature is overrated in RFC.
Since re-rendering in Svelte happens at a more granular level than the component, there is no artificial pressure to create smaller components than would be naturally desirable
github.com github.com
This library takes inspiration from Tailwind and utilizes Otion to provide means of efficiently generating atomic styles from shorthand syntax and appending them to the DOM at runtime.
dylanvann.com dylanvann.com
I’d still be interested in Svelte making things easier so I’ve opened a feature request for Reactive statement cleanup functions.
github.com github.com
I'm suggesting this is a problem generally. Users will not think of being out of sync with props