267 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2020
  2. Jun 2020
    1. Levita, L., Gibson Miller, J., Hartman, T. K., Murphy, J., Shevlin, M., McBride, O., Mason, L., Martinez, A. P., bennett, kate m, Stocks, T. V. A., McKay, R., & Bentall, R. (2020). Report2: Impact of Covid-19 on young people aged 13-24 in the UK- preliminary findings [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/s32j8

  3. May 2020
    1. Arons, M. M., Hatfield, K. M., Reddy, S. C., Kimball, A., James, A., Jacobs, J. R., Taylor, J., Spicer, K., Bardossy, A. C., Oakley, L. P., Tanwar, S., Dyal, J. W., Harney, J., Chisty, Z., Bell, J. M., Methner, M., Paul, P., Carlson, C. M., McLaughlin, H. P., … Jernigan, J. A. (2020). Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Transmission in a Skilled Nursing Facility. New England Journal of Medicine, NEJMoa2008457. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2008457

  4. Apr 2020
  5. Mar 2020
  6. Dec 2019
    1. The funding and staffing restrictions Cormann’s Department has imposed on Home Affairs has not only led to a reduction in immigration integrity and massive long-term costs but it may have also driven Home Affairs into the foolishness of visa privatisation.
  7. Aug 2019
    1. “isfiedwith.fewmonthsinthefamily.Lastspring,inordertomakeexperi-mentoftheconfidenceoftheIndiansinus,andtoexhibitmorefullybeforethem,theadvantagesofcivilizedoversavagelife,wetookintoourfamilytwochildr

      the Mission Family took two Native children into their care to show the Natives how civilized life is better than their savagery



  8. Mar 2019
    1. Many customers who took their computers in for a free “PC Health Check” at Office Depot or OfficeMax stores between 2009 and November 2016 were told their computers had malware symptoms or infections — but that wasn’t true. The FTC says Office Depot and OfficeMax ran PC Health Check, a diagnostic scan program created and licensed by Support.com, that tricked those consumers into thinking their computers had symptoms of malware or actual “infections,” even though the scan hadn’t found any such issues. Many consumers who got false scan results bought computer diagnostic and repair services from Office Depot and OfficeMax that cost up to $300.

      Office Depot scammed people all over the USA, tricking them into believing something was wrong with their computers.

  9. Apr 2018
    1. housemaid

      "There is a difference between the housemaid and the housekeeper. A housekeeper has a higher position than all the servants and sometimes can hired other servants. Housekeeper performs all the cleaning tasks for the house and can switch tasks with the chambermaids. " (Olsen, All Things Austen: Volume II, 620- 621)

  10. Dec 2017
    1. Irwin Consulting Services Review - Keep your home and family safe against wildfires with these tips

      The wildfires reported this year conclude some of the biggest wildfires happened in different areas such as in Los Angeles, British Columbia, and Montana. Wildfires can leave a lot of destroyed homes and properties and even fatalities fast. Its furious flames can spread out on a large scale, making it difficult for firefighters and local authorities to get rid of it. It is often terrifying to witness a huge natural calamity taking place within your area and its results were indeed distressing to see. A wildfire and the path that it is going to take can’t be accurately predicted, which calls for utmost preparation to every household to avoid such grave danger.

      But despite this, local authorities and various organizations from many places around the globe are committed to keeping the public safe from the threats of natural calamities. Irwin Consulting Services also belong to those who work hard for the public safety. This post was specifically prepared by them to help every household in keeping their home safe from wildfires.

      Make adjustments to your roofs

      Think about having rated “A” fire-resistant roofs to further protect your home. Roofs are undeniably the weak-spot of a house when it comes to fires so you must begin making better adjustments on it first. You must also clean the roof on a regular basis to avoid a lot of dead leaves piling up the place and being a fuel to fires.

      Create changes to your windows

      To better protect your home, your windows should be upgraded to become stronger against fires as well. Choose heat-resistant materials in doing upgrades to your windows. A wildfire that is not yet reaching your home can already show its effects through its extreme heat. That heat can enter the windows and create a fire on drapes and nearby furniture already. Irwin Consulting Services would like you to have fire-rated glasses on your windows and non-combustible shutters too.

      Settle on a good location

      Choose a convenient location to spend the rest of your lives with your family. Make sure that it is a safe neighborhood and is not prone to frequent fires. You are advised to conduct a thorough research to determine the best location for your family.

      Put some modifications on the site layout

      Ensure at least 30 meters of distance and incombustible material between the green lands and your home by having wider driveways, patios and low-growing fire-retardant plants. This way, you’re also helping firefighters in bringing their heavy and big equipment near your house in case of fire emergencies.

      Maintain a clean surrounding around the green areas

      Gather dead and decaying wood and put them away because such can fuel a fire. Get rid of fallen and dead branches too. Think about cutting the branches that were too close to your roof or overhangs it. Make cleaning around the green areas around your home a habit.

      Be wary of embers

      Eaves and vents openings were the most susceptible parts to flying embers. Once the embers entered through those parts, it could start a fire inside your home. In order to better protect your house, screen those openings and make sure they were properly maintained. Do not forget about cleaning the gutters as well.

      Protect your home and your family to the best of your ability and always be prepared for immediate dangers of natural calamities. Trust organizations such as Irwin Consulting Group in helping local authorities in making sure of a safe neighborhood. But aside from their expertise, self-preparation and readiness could save and protect your entire family as well.

    1. Irwin Consulting Services Review - Tips to protect your home from a wildfire

      This year, cases of huge wildfires occurred on multiple continents have made the whole world worried and sad because of such devastating calamity that result in a lot of damaged properties and homes, and even lost lives. Wildfires can cause a tragedy fast and this chaotic phenomenon often gives firefighters and local authorities a hard time extinguishing its raging fires. Natural calamities are frightening and their effects on lands and human lives can be heartbreaking. Wildfires can start any time without any warnings and the path that it is going to take is usually hard to predict.

      Different companies and organizations around the world have been working hard to protect the public from immediate dangers of natural calamities, and one of them is Irwin Consulting Services. And one of their objectives is to protect households from wildfires and this post aims to help you in keeping your home safe against such a natural threat.

      Tip #1: Upgrade your roofs

      Consider about installing ignition resistant roofs since roofs were often the most vulnerable part of the house to fires. Protect your home and your family from the quick fires by having fire-resistant roofs. The most effective and resistant roofs were given the rate of “A” so choose roofs with such label. Maintain a clean roof as well to prevent having piled up dead leaves and become fuel to fires.

      Tip #2: Put double protection on windows

      In order to provide more protection to your house, upgrade your windows and drapes too. Use heat-resistant materials in improving your windows to become fire-resistant. The drastic heat coming from a distant wildfire can already affect your house by going right through the windows and put drapes and furniture on fire. Further protection to your house can begin with installing fire-rated glasses on your windows and investing on non-combustible shutters.

      Tip #3: Choose the most convenient location

      Learn about the location of where you are going to buy or build a house. Determine if the neighborhood had a lot of incident of fires in the recent years. Make sure of a place that will not threaten the safety of your home and your family. Irwin Consulting Services encourages you to do a careful research regarding this subject.

      Tip #4: Put adjustments on the site layout

      Make wider driveways, patios and even put low-growing fire-retardant plants to have at least 30 meters of distance and incombustible material between the wild lands and your home. Wider driveways and turn-around is also for the convenience of firefighters in bringing their huge and heavy equipment close to your home in the event of emergencies.

      Tip #5: Keep your green surroundings clean

      Clean the dead and decaying wood around your home because such can also be the reason to start a fire in your area. Do not forget about fallen and dead branches as well. Branches close to your roof or overhangs it should be cut. Maintain a clean setting around your house especially in spots that have a lot of trees.

      Tip #6: Watch out for embers

      Never ignore the danger that flying embers could bring to your house. The openings of eaves and vents are the most vulnerable parts of the house to embers because it can fly into them and can begin a fire inside. Keep those openings screened and properly maintained to avoid tragedies inside your shelter. Gutters should also be cleaned for added protection.

      Irwin Consulting Services would like each household to aim for a better protection at their homes and be prepared for any natural calamities to avoid regrets. Be safe always.

  11. Aug 2017
  12. Jul 2017
  13. Apr 2017
    1. But these are also reductions that decline to grant the bridge its autonomy, its unique manner of holding sway in the world. Heidegger points out how the banks of a stream emerge as banks only as the bridge joins them; this happens because the banks show forth in a new relation

      This is a helpful articulation, and makes me think back to Home; typically we would frame a "home" through the sentimental or material value it provides to the people living in it, but by moving erratically through time, we got to see the home as the thing itself--an assemblage that pulled together different parts of the world at different times. Because we were not able to "get to know" the humans who lived there well enough to really empathize or become engaged in their personal narratives, our attention was focused on the four-fold of the "home" as a thing itself.

  14. Nov 2016
    1. Online tutoring is the word on the streets; it refers to all the courses that are taught through a captured video clip of the teacher explaining the topic, while the students watch these recorded clips over the Internet.

    2. Now days finding a job are not an easy task or it could be said that there are vast opportunities available for people to get work. In the era of internet there are lots of work opportunities. People just need to grab them and get paid for their skills and competencies. Out of all the jobs online tutoring is something which is very popular and highly respectable job.

    3. The education sector is witnessing the immense boom in the UK. It has various elements like schools, universities, institutions and nowadays the tutoring classes have been increased tremendously. It all creates the strong educational structure within the UK. The demand for the tuitions is increasing.http://blog.selectmytutor.co.uk/demand-for-extra-tuition-is-rising-as-britishers-are-likely-to-pay-high/

  15. Jun 2016
    1. Title: The Reluctant Memoirist | New Republic

      Keywords: south korea, north korea, korean origin, investigative journalism, gathering information, push back, adoptive home, returned home

      Summary: After six months, I returned home with 400 pages of notes and began writing.<br>Something caught my eye: Below the title—Without You, There Is No Us: My Time With the Sons of North Korea’s Elite—were the words, “A Memoir.”<br>I immediately emailed my editor.<br>I later learned that memoirs in general sell better than investigative journalism.<br>I tried to push back.<br>“You only wish,” my agent laughed.<br>As the only journalist to live undercover in North Korea, I had risked imprisonment to tell a story of international importance by the only means possible.<br>The content of my work was what really mattered, I told myself.<br>The evangelical organization wanted to protect its close ties to the North Korean regime and the country’s future leaders.<br>The code of ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists states that reporters should “avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public.” It is hard to imagine any subject more vital to the public, or more impervious to open methods, than the secretive, nuclear North Korea; its violations against humanity, the United Nations has declared, “reveal a State that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world.” My greatest concern had been for my students, and I had followed well-established journalistic practices to ensure that they would not be harmed.<br>They called me “deeply dishonest” for going undercover.<br>My inbox began to be bombarded with messages from strangers: “Shame on you for putting good people in harm’s way for your gain.” One morning, I woke up to a Twitter message that read, simply: “Go fuck yourself.”<br>The ethics of her choice cast doubt on her reliability (another de facto peril of memoir), and her fear of discovery appears to have colored her impressions and descriptions with paranoia and distrust.”<br>My book was being dismissed for the very element that typically wins acclaim for narrative accounts of investigative journalism.<br>The backlash extended well beyond the media.<br>Why did people with no real experience of North Korea feel such a passionate need to dismiss my firsthand reporting and defend one of the world’s most murderous dictatorships?<br>Orientalism reigns.<br>What struck me was not whether the review was positive, but the selection of the reviewer, a former TV columnist of Korean origin, whose only past book-length nonfiction was on South Korean popular culture.<br>As an Asian female, I find that people rarely assume I’m an investigative journalist; even after I tell them, they often forget.<br>Such gender discrimination can manifest either positively or negatively.<br>“If I had written a highly detailed book about being embedded with a troop,” she said, “the magnitude of the actual legwork would have been recognized.” Yet she also believes that great literary journalism combines the heart and the brain.<br>I would like to report that I took the reaction to my book in stride, that I weathered all the accusations and dismissals with patience, that I understood their causes and effects.<br>In immigrant ghettos, I learned that in my adoptive home, my skin was considered yellow, the color of the forsythia that had bloomed around my childhood home back in South Korea.<br>This is why I risked going into North Korea undercover: because I could not be consoled while the injustice of 25 million voiceless people trapped in a modern-day gulag remains part of our society.<br>Here I am telling my story to you, the reader, essentially to beg for acknowledgment: I am an investigative journalist, please take me seriously.<br>

  16. Apr 2016
  17. Feb 2016
  18. Sep 2015
    1. Some combine structuralist interpretations of house form and culture with the metaphor of the human body

      Our body is the home for our soul and mind, but our body needs a home as well.. Depending on our individualistic needs and wants that can influence how we develop and use the structure.

  19. Feb 2015
  20. Oct 2013
    1. People think that morals are corrupted in schools; indeed they are at times corrupted, but such may be the case even at home.

      Morals: home vs school