- Nov 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The truce is over. The failure of the party to operate an online strategy “in a real way that exhibits competence”, Ocasio-Cortez told the Times, made it hypocritical for the party to advance criticism of progressive messaging.
Sie sagt auch, dass Obama seinen ganzen Kampagnen-Apparat neben der demokratischen Partei aufgebaut hat. Die Argumentation ist: Biden hat vor allem durch Mobilisierung unten, besonders bei schwarzen Wählern gewonnen. Die Basis muss aber spüren, dass sich für sie etwas verändert, damit die Mobilisierung gelingt.
www.fcpe.asso.fr www.fcpe.asso.fr
www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de
Ausführliche Sendung mit Text zum Green New Deal, mit Nennung von Diem25 und Extinction Rebellion. Zitat von Roosevelt zu Anfang, das zeigt, dass es auch beim ersten New Deal nicht um Wachstum sondern um eine Umsteuerung geht.
science.orf.at science.orf.at
Das Analyse-Unternehmen Vico Research & Consulting untersucht seit 2003 regelmäßig, wie in den sozialen Netzwerken über den Klimawandel debattiert wird. Die Ergebnisse der aktuellen Studie vom ersten Halbjahr 2020 basieren auf über eine Million deutschsprachige Social-Media-Beiträgen, die sich mit dem Thema beschäftigten.
Diese Studie hat offenbar ein ziemliches mediales Echo gefunden. Rein vorn der Berichterstattung her lässt sich vermuten, dass es sich um ein industriefreundliches PR-Produkt handelt.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Japanischen Politik zur CO2-Neutralität bis 2050, Experteninterview. U.a. zu Wasserstofftechnologie und zu schwimmenden Windfarmen. Eine große Rolle spielt auch die Reduktion des Energie-Verbrauchs.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Folgen der globalen Erhitzung in Arizona, enger Bezug zum US-Wahlkampf
- Oct 2020
climatenexus.org climatenexus.org
Umfrage unter amerikanischen Wählern im Jahr 2020, die zeigt, dass die Klimakrise immer noch eine geringe Priorität hat und dass die meisten die Folgen von Temperaturerhöhungen nicht einschätzen können. Via Genvieve Günther auf Twitter https://twitter.com/doctorvive/status/1308760710470676480?s=21
Citizens of most Arab countries, in turn, have been incapable of traveling to Israel to visit the holy sites of Jerusalem and the beaches, restaurants and nightlife of Tel Aviv.
This is something interesting.
www.jasonhickel.org www.jasonhickel.org
Aktualisierte Version einer Kritik an B. Milanovic, mit sehr viel neuen Referenzen zur Decoupling-Debatte.
www.smh.com.au www.smh.com.au
Australia's Cyber Security Strategy: $1.66 billion dollar cyber security package = AFP gets $88 million; $66 million to critical infrastructure organisations to assess their networks for vulnerabilities; ASD $1.35 billion (over a decade) to recruit 500 officers.
Reasons Dutton gives for package:
- child exploitation
- criminals scamming, ransomware
- foreign governments taking health data and potential attacks to critical infrastructure
What is defined as critical infrastructure is expanded and subject to obligations to improve their defences.
Supporting cyber resilience of SMEs through information, training, and services to make them more secure.
Zur Studie von John Ioannidis
Forderung nach einem schnellen Lockdown auch in Deutschland, Verweis auf die Sterblichkeitsraten
www.robinwood.de www.robinwood.de
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Aktueller Bericht des UN-Beauftragen für die Sahel-Zone, für die Temperatur Steigerungen bis zu 8 Grad für dieses Jahrhundert vorausgesagt werden.
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
How To Make Online Corporate Learning Fun During Lockdown
(Available in text or audio.) This article provides basic principles (agenda, duration) and technologies (gamification, discussion boards) and activities to keep employees engaged in online learning. While this provides strategy, it does not provide implementation guidance within the corporate environment. (2/10)
President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden will compete for TV audiences in dueling town halls on Thursday night instead of meeting face-to-face for their second debate as originally planned.
Finally the sort of competition that Trump can understand: it's a ratings race!
opentextbc.ca opentextbc.ca
Online learning, blended learning, flipped learning, hybrid learning, flexible learning, open learning and distance education are all terms that are often used inter-changeably, but there are significant differences in meaning. More importantly, these forms of education, once considered somewhat esoteric and out of the mainstream of conventional education, are increasingly taking on greater significance and in some cases becoming mainstream themselves. As teachers and instructors become more familiar and confident with online learning and new technologies, there will be more innovative methods developing all the time.
The author, Anthony Bates, holds a BA in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Educational Administration. He holds over 40 years of teaching experience. In this chapter he proposes online learning is a mode of delivery versus a teaching method. In this chapter Bates compares teaching delivery methods, defines which mode students need, and weighs in on the choice between face-to-face and online teaching.
Rating: 10/10
www.teachthought.com www.teachthought.com
10 Characteristics Of A Highly Effective Learning Environment
The author, Terry Heick, is the founder and director of TeachThought.com and holds an MA in Teaching. In this article Heick elaborates on the following 10 characteristics of a highly effective learning environment: Students ask more questions than teachers Questions are valued over answers Ideas come from divergent sources A variety of learning models are used Classroom learning 'empties' into a connected community Learning is personalized by a variety of criteria Assessment is persistent, authentic, transparent, and never punitive Criteria for success is diverse, transparent, and co-created with students and families Learning habits are constantly modeled Constant and creative opportunities for practice and growth
Rating: 8/10
sunynp-my.sharepoint.com sunynp-my.sharepoint.com
HyFlex courses can be deceptively difficult to do well. The technology and the curriculum must align, and the technology needs to work consistently for everyone, which requires testing and possibly new installations or upgrades. The learning must be equivalent for all students, guaranteeing that no student is at a disadvantage due to the learning pathway chosen. Instructors must be comfortable and effective with asynchronous teaching; those who are not can easily underestimate the amount of effort and interaction necessary to engage with online students.
This article was published by EDUCAUSE, a well respected non-profit organization whose mission is "to advance higher education through the use of information technology." The article provides a well rounded view of the HyFlex asynchronous learning environment. The author discusses what HyFlex is, its significance, the downsides, where asynchronous learning is going, and the implications for teaching and learning.
Rating: 6/10
www.tagesspiegel.de www.tagesspiegel.de
Über eine Studie zum Rückgang der CO2-Emissionen wegen der Pandemie
www.al-monitor.com www.al-monitor.com
Folgen der Covid-Krise in Kuwait. Interessant sind die Sätze über das Ende der Öl-Wirtschaft.
www.jasonhickel.org www.jasonhickel.org
Detailliert und präzise weist @JasonHickel das Anti-Degrowth-Pamphlet von Andrew McAfee in Wired zurück.
wegcwww.uni-graz.at wegcwww.uni-graz.at
Neuberechnung des CO2-Budgets für den Referenz-Klimaplan der österreichischen Klimawissenschaft. Siehe dazu den Twitter-Thread: Treibhausgas-Budget zeigt klar: Wir brauchen einen Systemwandel!
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Über das Wachstum der importierten. Emissionen in Frankreich entsprechend den letzten Bericht des Haut Conseil pour le Climat.
socialsciences.nature.com socialsciences.nature.com
Bericht über die Studie zum Verhältnis von Klimabildung und Ideologie. Verweise zu den wichtigsten Forschungen in dieser Richtung
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Studie über den Einfluss von Ideologien auf Bildung zu Klimathemen. Rechte Ideologien beeinflussen die Erziehung negativ.
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
Stefan Rahmstorf zu den EU-Zielen bei CO2-Emissionen, die er deutlich positiver sieht als die FFF.
Luisa Neubauer, Greta Thunberg, Adélaïde Charlier, Anuna de Wever van der Heyden zu den aktuellen Emissionszielen der EU
www.spektrum.de www.spektrum.de
Zu den Bränden im Pantanal, ihren Folgen und Ursachen
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine Studie zeigt, dass der Tipping Point zum Umkippen des Amazonas-Regenwalds zur Savanne schon bald erreicht sein könnte.
outline.com outline.com
“every courageous and incisive measure to solve internal problems of our own society, to improve self-confidence, discipline, morale and community spirit of our own people, is a diplomatic victory over Moscow worth a thousand diplomatic notes and joint communiqués. If we cannot abandon fatalism and indifference in the face of deficiencies of our own society, Moscow will profit.”
Perhaps the best defense against active measures is a little bit of activism of our own
www.handelsblatt.com www.handelsblatt.com
Kurzer Kommentar, eigentlich ein Brandbrief, der immer sachlichen und abwägenden @ckemfert zur unzureichenden deutschen Klimapolitik.
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Folgen des Klimawandels für die Indigenen nördlich des Polarkreises
datum.at datum.at
Bericht von Clara Porak über ihre Engagement bei extinction rebellion, kurz vor der Rebellion Week 2020 in Wien
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Génération écrans, génération malade ? | ARTE
Omniprésents dans le quotidien, les écrans représentent un défi inédit pour le cerveau, surtout chez les enfants et les adolescents. Faut-il en avoir peur ? Tour d’horizon des dernières découvertes scientifiques en la matière, avec le témoignages de spécialistes en neurosciences et addictologie, de médecins psychiatres comme Serge Tisseron, mais aussi de jeunes ados "gamers".
Avant d’avoir l’âge d’entrer à l’école, en Chine comme en Occident, un enfant passerait jusqu'à six heures par jour devant un écran. En consultation, les pédiatres remarquent chez les tout-petits exposés à la télévision, au smartphone ou encore à la tablette des troubles du comportement et de l’apprentissage tels une intolérance à la frustration et un rejet des limites, mais aussi un retard de langage. À l’adolescence, période clé pour le développement du cerveau, les pratiques numériques se multiplient avec l’utilisation massive des réseaux sociaux et des jeux vidéo. Outre la mécanique des applis qui stimulent notre circuit de la récompense pour nous rendre dépendants, les médecins dénoncent aussi l’augmentation de l’addiction aux jeux vidéo, une maladie reconnue depuis 2018 par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé. En Chine, un des pays les plus touchés par le phénomène, les parents sont nombreux à envoyer leurs enfants dans des centres de désintoxication spécialisés qui "soignent" à coups d’entraînements militaires et de séances de méditation cette "pathologie" assimilée à une déviance.
Génération écrans, génération malade ? Documentaire de Raphaël Hitier (France, 2020, 53mn)
ARTE #Cerveau #Dopamine
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Verwicklungen zwischen OMV, ÖVP und Russland - ein Mosaikstein zur Fossil fuel-Branche in Österreich
- Sep 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.fcpe.asso.fr www.fcpe.asso.fr
www.cafepedagogique.net www.cafepedagogique.net
docdrop.org docdrop.org
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Greenpeace-Bericht über die Emissionen der Landwirtschaft in Europa
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Zum Bericht von Oxfam über den Verbrauch des größten Teils des CO2-Budgets durch die global Reichsten.
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Pour l'année scolaire 2020-2021, les élections se tiendront : le vendredi 9 octobre 2020 ou le samedi 10 octobre 2020 ;
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Deprimierender UN-Bericht über das Nicht-Erreichen der Aichi-Ziele.
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
Stefan Rahmstorf über studieren zur Abschwächung des Golfstroms.
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
While I am not homosexual, I have always felt that discrimination against homosexuality is completely ludicrous because I think people should love who they love. This belief that I have has giving me an idea for my research topic for my bibliography project where I look over the state of homosexuality in 2020. I decided to annotate this article because it gave a lot of good information about the state of homosexuality in 2020 and it has some links to other articles about homosexuality.
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Neue Maßnahmen gegen die Reste der freien Presse in Ungarn
mobilitaet.greenpeace.at mobilitaet.greenpeace.at
Studie zur Klimaungerechtigkeit in Österreich, vor allem wegen der Vorschläge zum Erreichen von mehr Klimagerechtigkeit durch ökologische Steuerreform u.ä. interessant. Siehe auch Standard-Artikel dazu Greenpeace-Report - Wesentlich mehr CO2 durch Reiche als Arme - noen.at
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Artikel in der NYT, in dem die Waldbrände als offensichtliches Ergebnis der Klimakrise bezeichnet werden - als ein Ergebnis, das viel schneller kommt als erwartet.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Aktueller Stand der Auseinandersetzung über Emissionsziele im europäischen Parlament.
ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu
GDP main aggregates and employment estimates for the second quarter of 2020: GDP down by 11.8% and employment down by 2.9% in the euro area. (n.d.). Retrieved September 9, 2020, from https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-press-releases/-/2-08092020-AP
www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr
www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr
Plan Jeunes : 21 500 places supplémentaires à la rentrée 2020 pour répondre aux vœux de poursuite d'études des nouveaux bacheliers
cache.media.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr cache.media.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr
www.iledefrance.fr www.iledefrance.fr
santé des jeunes
draaf.normandie.agriculture.gouv.fr draaf.normandie.agriculture.gouv.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
David Graeber zur Coronakrise und zur Forderung, „die Wirtschaft“ wiederzubeleben
draaf.normandie.agriculture.gouv.fr draaf.normandie.agriculture.gouv.fr
www.enseignement.be www.enseignement.be
www.enseignement.be www.enseignement.be
www.publicsenat.fr www.publicsenat.fr
Dieu à l'école de la République Documentaires ÉMISSION DIFFUSÉE LE 18 JAN 2020
cache.media.eduscol.education.fr cache.media.eduscol.education.fr
- Aug 2020
www.oekonews.at www.oekonews.at
Greenpeace-Stellungnahme zur Borealis-Übernahme durch die OMV
ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu
GDP and employment flash estimates for the second quarter of 2020: GDP down by 12.1% and employment down by 2.8% in the euro area. (n.d.). Retrieved August 29, 2020, from https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-press-releases/-/2-14082020-AP
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Es fällt schwer, nicht an die Straßenschlachten im Deutschland der frühen Dreißiger zu denken.
twitter.com twitter.com
Timur Kuran on Twitter: “A 56-second overview of the first 5 months of 2020. https://t.co/WRpdHxSc4P” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 14, 2020, from https://twitter.com/timurkuran/status/1266967109592104964
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
www.cafepedagogique.net www.cafepedagogique.net
cache.media.eduscol.education.fr cache.media.eduscol.education.fr
cache.media.eduscol.education.fr cache.media.eduscol.education.fr
cache.media.eduscol.education.fr cache.media.eduscol.education.fr
Ces documents doivent permettre d’alimenter les échanges
www.premar-atlantique.gouv.fr www.premar-atlantique.gouv.fr
La bouée numéro 13A a été relevée de sa position.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Why Finland's schools outperform most others across the developed world | 7.30
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Baker, S. R., Farrokhnia, R. A., Meyer, S., Pagel, M., & Yannelis, C. (2020). Income, Liquidity, and the Consumption Response to the 2020 Economic Stimulus Payments (Working Paper No. 27097; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27097
today.law.harvard.edu today.law.harvard.edu
Barnett ’15, L., August 4, & 2020. (n.d.). When Voting Is a Risky Choice. Harvard Law Today. Retrieved 6 August 2020, from https://today.law.harvard.edu/feature/when-voting-is-a-risky-choice/
- Jul 2020
www.buzzfeednews.com www.buzzfeednews.com
colab.plymouthcreate.net colab.plymouthcreate.net
This model is the most flexible and open-ended of the four; your goal as an instructor is not to design a full-fledged semester of material, activities, and assessments. Rather, your goal is to work with your class to design and become a learning community, working collaboratively and individually towards your determined learning goals. For this to work you should have: a set of possible/preferred learning objectives for your classa library of course materials, preferably with as much as possible in digital formata suggested list of digital tools and technologies that you’re comfortable from with a list of possible assignment/project/assessment ideas that are related to your learning objectivesa willingness to experiment and invite your students into the teaching & learning process. At the onset of class you will need to facilitate a conversation among you and your students about how the class will unfold. This can be done in small groups f2f, via an online communication tool, or in a hybrid mix of both. As a community you should plan on addressing the following: what are our objectives as a learning community? what kind of work could we engage in to meet these objectives? what physical/virtual spaces would we like to work in? how/when do we want to meet in these spaces?how do we want to measure (assess) if an objective has been met?what rules and policies should govern our work? how will we work virtually and respect everyone’s boundaries and personal situations? how will we work f2f and respect public health recommendations and personal situations? You will probably need to spend at least the first 1-2 weeks answering these questions together and then designing a plan for your course. Make sure you and your students talk through various complications: what if the university’s policies about meeting f2f change? what if classes are forced to move entirely virtual/remote? what someone (students or professor!) gets sick?
This is the one for me!!!!
Apologies for highlighting whole swaths of paragraphs but it can't be helped sometimes lol.
Finally, these are NOT meant to be comprehensive. Instead, imagine these models along a continuum of opportunity. Your challenge is to determine where your courses could fit between and among the proposals.
I'm wondering how much or how little faculty will need to change their curriculum/delivery depending on the various inevitable changes that we can't exactly predict will happen this school year. For those faculty member purposefully switching online, what changes have they made already, and what changes will become necessary in the near future?
www.googleapis.com www.googleapis.com
Final exams.
Has anybody tried to do a semester walkthrough using a screencasting tool and a presentation tool of some kind? I think that might be a valuable tool for first year comp students.
Or maybe a short simulation like Clark Aldritch uses:
Here is a place to add more possible guidelines:
Provide a scratchpad each week where students can reflect on the week on progress or regress.
Get lots of quick feedback from learners with Google Forms.
3.Introduce the idea of feedforward to students and teachers.
confidencialcolombia.com confidencialcolombia.com
Un mundo de idiotas
- Jun 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
EU Datathon 2020—Webinar on COVID-19 and media and data monitoring. (2020, April 22). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyNgmEfi_vk&feature=youtu.be
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
EU Datathon 2020—Webinar on COVID-19 and media and data monitoring. (2020, April 22). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyNgmEfi_vk&feature=youtu.be
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
EU Datathon 2020—Webinar dedicated to COVID-19 data. (2020, April 9). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIy6NO7QRQM&list=PLT5rARDev_rlAZ21iedz0ynnN4Na3UIoW&index=14&t=270s
cache.media.education.gouv.fr cache.media.education.gouv.fr
Mardi 30 juinCommissions départementales AFFELNET-Lycée (matin)AFFELNET 1Ouverture aux établissements de l’application AFFELNET-LycéeEdition et diffusion des notifications d’affectation
Cette année cette commission a lieu le 30 juin
www.dden-fed.org www.dden-fed.org
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
www.ifop.com www.ifop.com
Le regard des parents sur l’école à distance Ifop pour Break Poverty Foundation
drees.solidarites-sante.gouv.fr drees.solidarites-sante.gouv.fr
Le non-recours aux prestations sociales Mise en perspective et données disponibles
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
- May 2020
www.euro.who.int www.euro.who.int
Le rapport de l’OMS sur les comportements en matière de santé des Européens âgés de 11 à 15 ans révèle une augmentation du nombre de jeunes signalant des problèmes de santé mentale
Le rapport de l’OMS sur les comportements en matière de santé des Européens âgés de 11 à 15 ans révèle une augmentation du nombre de jeunes signalant des problèmes de santé mentale
www.ccomptes.fr www.ccomptes.fr
il manquait en 2018 une information 06:06 majeure ce qu'on appelle les algorithmes 06:08 locaux des formations
une autre critique qui a souvent été 04:33 adressé un parcours super c'est le fait 04:35 qu'elle oblige les lycéens à être 04:37 constamment connecté
une critique qui est beaucoup ressorti 03:05 en 2018 quand parcours super est apparu 03:07 c'est la complexité de la procédure
à 3min03s Complexité https://youtu.be/gds416WjYEI?t=183
à 00:00 le problème majeur c'est avait été très marquant 2018 sur parcours sud ce sont les listes d'attentes à rallonge
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
les groupes multi-niveaux peuvent être constitués pour scolariser des élèves prioritaires dont les cours n'ont pas repris et correspondant aux catégories suivantes les élèves en situation de handicap ; les élèves décrocheurs ou en risque de décrochage ; les enfants des personnels indispensables à la gestion de la crise sanitaire et à la continuité de la vie de la Nation. Dans la mesure du possible, il est également tenu compte des élèves relevant d'une même fratrie ;
La réunion avec le Dasen (Directeur académique des Yvelines) du 8 mai nous a permis de comprendre que la première semaine, la DSDEN laisse de la souplesse aux écoles et aux communes quant à la "sélection" des publics prioritaires". Pour résumé, certaines écoles prennent des enfants d'enseignants, alors que d'autres se restreignent cette semaine aux enfants déjà accueillis lors du confinement.
Le souhait du Dasen est que rapidement (semaine prochaine) la liste des publics accueillis s'allonge en fonction des priorités définies dans la circulaire. Il semble important d'engager le dialogue avec l'IEN pour faire apparaître les perspectives de scolarisation de chaque groupe scolaire. A noter que les choses vont très certainement bloquer à un moment si les communes ne désengorgent pas les écoles en organisant les 2S2C
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Petaka G3 Cell Culture Cassette by Celartia
- Apr 2020
www.ons.gov.uk www.ons.gov.uk
Deaths involving COVID-19, England and Wales—Office for National Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19englandandwales/deathsoccurringinmarch2020
www.ithinkso.co www.ithinkso.co
2020 Pazarlama Stratejinizi Denetleyin Şimdi bir analiz yapmak için zaman ayırmak, yalnızca bu yılın geri kalanında değil, bir sonraki yıl da kullanılacak farklı fikirler ve çözümler aramanın yanı sıra zayıf noktaları bulmanıza ve düzeltmenize yardımcı olabilir. Senenin 2. ve 3. çeyrek potansiyeli ile mümkün olduğunca verimli olmaya odaklanmak mantıklıdır. Ellerinde biraz zaman varsa dijital pazarlama stratejilerinizi değerlendirmek için bu zamanlar faydalı olabilir. Bugün 2020 pazarlama stratejinizi nasıl denetleyeceğinizi paylaşmak istedik. Birlikte bakalım.
- Mar 2020
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse Coronavirus –COVID-19 Vademecum continuité pédagogique Version 20 mars 2020
www.motherjones.com www.motherjones.com
Biden went up a lot more, but he was taking votes away from Steyer, Warren, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar. For now, the debate still seems the most likely cause. That’s a little unusual, since conventional wisdom says that debates don’t move public opinion much, but maybe this was an exception.
Perhaps it was more the fact that the electorate just didn't know or trust the Steyer, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar centrist crowd enough to vote for them with time running out. As a result the old tried-and-true guy you know pulls in all the people. He didn't really need an inciting incident other than the looming election. Following the debate without anything else to use to make a decision on, the choice was fait accompli.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The idea that Bernie is some kind of grouchy ogre is an old and ugly snipe. Nobody ever spends time talking about his smiles or immediate concern for people's physical safety or intensely deep sense of empathy for the blue collar working populace. He's not our friend. He won't call to wish us a happy birthday. He won't make us chuckle with a well-timed joke.
That's not his job.
His job is to, hopefully, become president and start working to change America into the land our Constitution promised. It's nowhere near impossible, but it won't be easy wresting control from the corporate establishment (AKA; The DNC). They are engineering the nomination process as we speak to keep Bernie from taking the nomination.
- Jun 2019
fairmodel.econ.yale.edu fairmodel.econ.yale.edu
- Aug 2018
www.balkaninsight.com www.balkaninsight.com
The Saint Sofia project, a huge, high-tech entertainment, retail, hotel and office complex funded by Chinese money, is expected to be built near Bulgaria’s capital over a three-year period.
smartcitylab.eu smartcitylab.eu
Estonia's first Smart City Conference took place yesterday in Tartu. Conference brought together more than 100 guests interested in smart-city-themes from 17 different countries over the world. Presentations: Hannes Astok - Smart Tartu - Today and Tomorrow Toomas Kärner - Global Mobile Megatrends and what Citizens Actually Want Rein Ahas - Big Data and Urban Mobility Andres Osula - Jiffi - the World's First Hands-Free Ticketing Solution for Passengers Francisco Rodriguez and Raimond Tamm - Towards Smart Zero CO2 and Zero Energy Cities across Europe SmartEnCity H2020 lighthouse project - how will citizens of Vitoria, Tartu and Sondeborg benefit and what will be the European impact? Sampo Hietanen - Intelligent Transport System and Mobility as Service for the Citizens Peter Kentie - Marketing Smart Cities - Experiences from Eindhoven
smartcitylab.eu smartcitylab.eu
By the year 2020 Estonian Smart City Cluster is internationally known as the leading developer and exporter of smart city solutions that are based on ICT and other technologies.
- Oct 2017
Local file Local file
Grafoscopio 2020 puede ser un llamado a pensar ese futuro optimista y empoderante y los compromisos con el mismo desde el mediano plazo.
- Feb 2015
h2020.transformap.co h2020.transformap.co
Research and Innovation Actions
Please find the current state of our application effort on transforlab.net.