- Jan 2025
futureoffood.org futureoffood.org
for - report - climate crisis - food system transformation - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov - from - post - LinkedIn - Jonathan Foley - This is very, very important - stats - 2.5% climate funding for food system that contributes 30% of global climate emissions - 2025, Jan 3 - https://hyp.is/zKE7vsqkEe-RFB8co7Pdqw/www.linkedin.com/posts/jonathan-foley-182808b9_foodsystemeconomicscommission-cop29-climatefinance-activity-7281009061003706369-P1b0/ - TPC network - motivation
- report - climate crisis - food system transformation - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov
- from - post - LinkedIn - Jonathan Foley - This is very, very important - stats - 2.5% climate funding for food system that contributes 30% of global climate emissions - 2025, Jan 3
- TPC network - motivation
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
While the food system contributes about 22-34% of the world’s greenhouse gases — it only gets about 2.5-3% of the climate funding.
for - stats - climate crisis - funding - food system - contributes 30% of global emissions - receives 2.5% climate funding - only 1.5% of the 2.5% goes to sustainable food systems - source - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov - reposted on LinkedIn by Jonathan Foley - to - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov - https://hyp.is/E3p2hsqlEe-tG0ezHCPriw/futureoffood.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/ga_climatefinancereport_2024.pdf - TPC network - motivation
- TPC network - motivation
- stats - climate crisis - funding - food system - contributes 30% of global emissions - receives 2.5% climate funding - only 1.5% of the 2.5% goes to sustainable food systems - source - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov - reposted on LinkedIn by Jonathan Foley
- to - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov
- Dec 2024
emergencemagazine.org emergencemagazine.org
Most environmental books now are about practical technological innovation or social changes that have to happen. My argument is that’s not going to work. That’s not going to happen. It requires a transformation in our assumptions about the nature of what we are and what the world is. Otherwise, that instrumental and exploitative relation will remain.
for - quote - technology alone is not an approach that will work - We need inner transformation as well - David Hinton
quote - technology alone is not an approach that will work - We need inner transformation as well - David Hinton - (see quote below) - Most environmental books now are about - practical technological innovation or - social changes - that have to happen. - My argument is that’s not going to work. - That’s not going to happen. - It requires a transformation in our assumptions about the nature of - what we are and - what the world is. - Otherwise, that instrumental and exploitative relation will remain. - adjacency - polycrisis - cannot be solved by technology or social changes alone - inner transformation about our deep assumptions about reality need to happen - Deep Humanity
adjacency - between - polycrisis - cannot be solved by technology or social changes alone - inner transformation of our deep assumptions about reality need to happen - Deep Humanity - adjacency relationship - David Hinton makes a good point here. Tech and the normal social changes are insufficient - We arrived here at this existential polycrisis due to holding deep invalid assumptions about - ourselves and - our relationship to nature - We need to explore deeply our human nature and the stories we've bought into, and how they led us here
media.dltj.org media.dltj.org
Deep Sec, Vienna, 21-Nov-2024 — https://deepsec.net/speaker.html#PSLOT734
We are in the middle of the most dangerous information war in the history of mankind, and the survival of democracy depends on what we do next. In this presentation from DeepSec 2024 in Vienna, Austria, Randahl Fink reveals how Russia wages an international war on truth, and shows how we can all be part of the resistance.
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
as with any social group that is a power law curve meaning for instance eighty percent of Trump supporters will change their view if they're listened to consistently maybe 19% are going to be resistant and need a good few conversations for them to at least have doubts and 1% are frankly psychopathic and they're never gonna change
for - stats - Perato's law - social transformation - fascism, polarization and climate crisis - climate communication - 80% will change if we listen, 19% will require deeper conversations - 1% will not change - Roger Hallam
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
lib-lab dynamic
for - further research - Karl Polyani - book - The Great Transformation - Lib-Lab dynamics - Kondratieff waves - cycles of political economy - from Michel Bauwens - lib-lab dynamics - Kondratiefff waves - Kondratieff cycles
‘The Great Transformation’,
for - book - The Great Transformation - Karl Polyani
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
essentially what we're doing is you know is taking the best technology of the East and the west and bringing them together
for - developmental journey - human inner transformation - planetary training technology - integrating the best of the east and the west - John Churchill - developmental journey - healing the foundations affects the higher levels of human inner transformation - John Churchill
developmental journey - human inner transformation - planetary training technology - integrating the best of the east and the west - integrating - developmental healing with - attachment to the meditation practice - resulting in: - meditating down instead of - meditating up - Opening up the lower attachment system - by building a powerful field of safety and attunement - dissolves the higher blocks
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Terms like locking in, ghosting, monk mode, winter arc, are common in the self-improvement scene on YouTube. A period of extreme focus and isolation to go deep into something.
Another spin (02:00) is that of an almost monk like quality. That of self discovery and inner transformation. So these terms have both a productive and (spiritual) transformational spin to them. I remember Tarik (friend) saying to me that you should become unrecognisable in these three months. Literally becoming something else (ie transformation).
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Technology, great technology can continue, but we better we better think about who are who we are. And especially this technology can will allow people to see that the purpose of life is not the survival of the fittest, but it is to cooperate together, to know each other. And that is what we have ahead of us. If we want to have a better planet, we better learn how to cooperate instead of competing.
for - quote - Federico Faggin
quote - we better learn how to cooperate - Federico Faggin - (see below) - Technology, great technology can continue, but we better think about who we are. - And especially this technology can will allow people to see that - the purpose of life is not the survival of the fittest, but it is - to cooperate together, - to know each other. - And that is what we have ahead of us. - If we want to have a better planet, - we better learn how to cooperate instead of competing
- This is perhaps one of the most important messages from this talk
- Technology alone cannot save us,
- FF advocates that the human inner transformation is equally if not more important than any kind of technological transformation
- Indeed, from the Deep Humanity, Stop Reset Go perspective,
- the efficacy of collective Human Inner Transformation (HIT) is intimately linked to
- the efficacy of Social Outer Transformation (SOT)
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I'm building towards an argument here because I think that Maps into something that goes with your butterfly that human beings do and this is La Paul and transformative experience human beings go through these profound changes and right and so she gives she does the gunan experiment of people offering to turn you into a vampire which is very much like your butterfly example
for - participatory knowing - perspectival knowing - caterpillar butterfly transformation - Gunan experiment - vampire transformation - John Vervaeke - Michael Levin
insight - adjacency - caterpillar butterfly transformation - human transformation - John provides a nice adjacency / insight here, comparing human transformation as similar in kind and different by degree to Levin's caterpillar butterfly transformation - In Indyweb terminology, we are constantly creating new selves and leaving trails of our old selves behind, all to be recorded in our mindplex - This is none other than the teachings of many ancient spiritual traditions which hold that the human being is a constantly changing process, not a static thing
kairosconsulting.com kairosconsulting.com
Sustainable transformations require shifts on the inside, because what’s inside us finds a way out. For many personal changes, healing and growth are the only way forward
Under the subtitle "Transformative work is spiritual work". Here, It is clear that one approximation of what is meant by spiritual here is "on the inside". It seems to me to be implying "the opposite of transactional"
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Points forts de la vidéo "Design de services publics : partir du vécu des usagers et des agents pour transformer" avec timestamps
Voici les points forts de la vidéo "Design de services publics : partir du vécu des usagers et des agents pour transformer" avec timestamps :
Introduction (00:00 - 05:22)
- Présentation du thème : le design de services publics et son importance pour améliorer l'action publique.
- Le design comme approche concrète et opérationnelle pour transformer les services publics.
- Nécessité d'une approche fondée sur l'empathie et la compréhension du vécu des usagers.
- Différence entre l'approche traditionnelle descendante et la nouvelle approche centrée sur l'usager.
- Rôle des sciences comportementales et de l'intelligence collective dans la transformation publique.
Le design de service public en pratique (05:22 - 25:22)
- Définition du design de service public : écouter les besoins, imaginer les solutions et tester.
- Immersion sur le terrain pour comprendre les besoins réels des usagers.
- Utilisation de méthodes participatives pour co-construire des solutions avec les acteurs concernés.
- Importance de l'expérimentation et de l'itération pour améliorer continuellement les services.
- Exemple d'un projet de design de service public pour un nouveau vélo de ville.
Collaboration et co-construction (25:22 - 40:22)
- Importance de la collaboration entre les différents acteurs impliqués dans la conception et la mise en œuvre des services publics.
- Rôle des "personnas" pour représenter les différents types d'usagers et leurs besoins.
- Utilisation de la cartographie des parcours utilisateurs pour identifier les points de friction et les opportunités d'amélioration.
- Exemple d'un projet de design de service public pour les femmes victimes de violences conjugales.
Compétences et attractivité du métier de designer de service public (40:22 - 55:22)
- Qualités essentielles d'un designer de service public : curiosité d'esprit, empathie, créativité et compétences techniques.
- Importance de la prise en compte des spécificités territoriales dans la conception des services publics.
- Rôle des laboratoires d'innovation publique pour développer et diffuser les bonnes pratiques en matière de design de service public.
Conclusion (55:22 - 1:25:57)
- Bilan des points clés abordés lors de l'atelier.
- Importance du design de service public pour améliorer la vie des citoyens et des agents publics.
- Invitation à suivre les prochains ateliers sur la transformation publique.
- La vidéo met l'accent sur l'importance de l'empathie, de la collaboration et de l'expérimentation dans le processus de design de service public.
- Les intervenants soulignent le rôle crucial des "personnas" et de la cartographie des parcours utilisateurs pour comprendre les besoins des usagers.
- Le design de service public est présenté comme une approche prometteuse pour améliorer l'efficacité et la qualité des services publics.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Points forts de la vidéo "Jeudis de l'expérience usagers : améliorer les écrits administratifs" avec timestamps
Voici les points forts de la vidéo "Jeudis de l'expérience usagers : améliorer les écrits administratifs" avec des timestamps correspondant à des moments précis de la vidéo :
00:00 - 05:00 : Introduction et contexte
- Présentation des Jeudis de l'expérience usager, un rendez-vous mensuel pour partager des expériences et des témoignages d'experts sur l'expérience usager.
- Thématique du jour : le langage clair dans les écrits administratifs.
- Présentation des intervenants : Éveline Fleuret et Julie Portalis de l'URSSAF, et Sandra Pernet de la DG FIP.
05:00 - 12:00 : L'URSSAF et ses enjeux de communication écrite
- L'URSSAF assure le financement de la protection sociale en France.
- Elle envoie 125 millions de correspondances par an, dont 85 % sont dématérialisées.
- La satisfaction des usagers pour les courriers est de 43%, ce qui est jugé insuffisant.
- L'URSSAF a mis en place une ligne éditoriale et des processus pour améliorer la clarté et la personnalisation de ses écrits.
12:00 - 25:00 : La démarche de refonte des courriers de l'URSSAF
- Création d'un guide pratique "Cosi" pour harmoniser les écrits administratifs.
- Mise en place d'un processus de réécriture des courriers avec l'aide d'une équipe dédiée.
- Utilisation d'outils de mesure de la satisfaction des usagers.
25:00 - 32:00 : Difficultés et perspectives d'amélioration
- Difficulté d'adapter les écrits à la diversité des usagers.
- Importance de la personnalisation et de la clarté du langage.
- Utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle pour simplifier la rédaction des courriers.
32:00 - 35:00 : Conclusion et perspectives
- Remerciements aux intervenants et au public.
- Invitation à participer aux prochains webinaires de la DTP sur le plan téléphone et le langage clair.
- Engagement du programme Service-Public+ pour simplifier le langage administratif.
Points forts de la vidéo Jeudis de l'expérience usagers : améliorer les écrits administratifs avec timestamps de 0h35min à 1h06min
Voici les points forts de la vidéo Jeudis de l'expérience usagers : améliorer les écrits administratifs avec timestamps de 0h35min à 1h06min :
0h35min - 0h45min : Présentation de l'URSAF et de ses enjeux
- L'URSAF assure le financement de la protection sociale en France.
- Elle envoie 125 millions de correspondances par an, dont 85 % sont dématérialisées.
- La satisfaction des usagers pour les courriers papiers est de 43%.
- L'objectif de l'URSAF est d'améliorer la clarté et la personnalisation de ses écrits.
0h45min - 1h00min : La ligne éditoriale de l'URSAF pour les écrits administratifs
- L'URSAF a défini une ligne éditoriale pour ses écrits administratifs, basée sur les principes de responsabilité, de solidarité, de proximité et de proactivité.
- Cette ligne éditoriale est déclinée dans des guides pratiques et des modèles de courriers.
- Un comité d'experts accompagne les directions métiers de l'URSAF dans la rédaction de leurs courriers.
1h00min - 1h06min : Mesurer et améliorer la satisfaction des usagers
- L'URSAF mesure la satisfaction des usagers par le biais d'enquêtes annuelles.
- Elle a mis en place un processus d'amélioration continue pour ses écrits administratifs.
- Ce processus inclut la collecte des retours des usagers, l'analyse des données et la mise en œuvre d'actions correctives.
1h06min - Conclusion
- L'amélioration des écrits administratifs est un enjeu majeur pour l'URSAF.
- La ligne éditoriale et le processus d'amélioration continue mis en place par l'URSAF sont des exemples concrets de son engagement à simplifier la communication avec ses usagers.
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Staaten, die von der Viehwirtschaft abhängig sind, haben über Jahre großen Druck auf die FAO ausgeübt, Forschungsergebnisse zu den Methanemissionen durch Vieh zurückzuhalten. Wichtige Berichte wurden nicht publiziert. Wahrscheinlich wurde auch das volle Ausmaß der Treibhausgasemissionen durch die Viehzucht bewusst nicht dargestellt. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/20/ex-officials-at-un-farming-fao-say-work-on-methane-emissions-was-censored
Livestock's Long Shadow: https://www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e.pdf
- topic: lobbying
- expert: Matthew Hayek
- actor: UN
- expert: Jennifer Jacquet
- actor: meat industry
- 2023-10-20
- by: Arthur Neslen
- expert: Gert Jan Nabuurs.
- actor: FAO
- report: Livestock’s Long Shadow (LLS)
- event: FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation
- expert: Henning Steinfeld
- disinformation
- Apr 2024
www.oecd-ilibrary.org www.oecd-ilibrary.orgHome2
Several digital reforms projects sometimes require the same data to be collected multiple times depending on the authority in charge. Better cooperation between data owners (ministries and their departments) can ensure that data is collected systematically and is fit for future use.
This siloed operation reflects how departments and units involved in the life cycle of ICT/digital projects (from planning, to project approval, procurement and implementation) engage in limited collaboration and interaction throughout this process.
- Mar 2024
off-planet.medium.com off-planet.medium.com
Richard Slaughter came up with a conceptual model called the transformation cycle
for - Richard Slaughter - transformation cycle - definition - transformation cycle - social norms - construction and deconstruction - social construction
definition - transformation cycleL - The transformation cycle shows how the social constructions that come to be seen as real - eventually lose their viability over time, - with new - social constructions and - meaning frameworks -emerging. - This process can be described in three steps: - 1. Analysis of the breakdown of inherited meanings. - 2. Reconceptualisation via new myths, paradigms, images etc. - 3. Negotiation and selective legitimation of new - meanings, - images, - behaviours etc.
- Jan 2024
greattransition.org greattransition.org
So organized, initiatives can collectively co-evolve and co-emerge into a purposeful transformation system oriented towards whole system change
for - quote - whole system change - bottom up whole system change - open function SRG/ Deep Humanity/ Indyweb / Indranet / TPF framework - definition - transformation catalyst
quote - (see below) - A transformation catalyst is an actor who - brings together numerous initiatives and actors around a shared and co-defined set of interests - with an action agenda in mind. - The TC stewards these actors through a set of three general (dialogue- and action-based) processes that can be adapted - to the unique context, needs, and interests - of each system and its players. - So organized, initiatives can collectively co-evolve and co-emerge - into a purposeful transformation system - oriented towards whole system change in a given context (which could happen - locally, - regionally, - bioregionally, or even more broadly - depending on the actors and orientations involved
What is more lacking, however, are approaches to transformation that can be applied in and adapted to multiple (and necessarily unique) contexts
for - key insight - movement of movements - What's missing - transformation catalyst - indyweb / Indranet
- What is more lacking, however,
- are approaches to transformation
- that can be applied in and adapted to
- multiple (and necessarily unique) contexts
- to provide a framework for building such action strategies.
- Here I would introduce the concepts of transformation catalysts
- who build effective, purposeful transformation systems
- using three general processes of
- connecting,
- cohering, and
- amplifying.
- transformation catalyst - indyweb / Indranet
- bottom up whole system change - open function SRG/ Deep Humanity/ Indyweb / Indranet / TPF framework
- quote - while system change
- definition - transformation catalyst
- movement of movements - What's missing
- key insight - movement of movements - What's missing
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
08.49 Campbell referring to Otto Ranke — transformation at birth (everyone is a hero)
app.thebrain.com app.thebrain.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSuz01zvOjE Jerry Michalski's review of The Great Transformation (1944) by Karl Polanyi
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Polanyi, Karl. The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2001.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I close the book by saying, we don't start by asking, is transformation possible? We start by asking, is it necessary?
for: quote - transformation
quote: Marjorie Kelly
- We don't start by asking: Is transformation possible? We start by asking: Is it necessary?
for: John Boik, societal design, whole system change, science-driven societal transformation
- John Boik presents his theory of science-driven societal transformation that has a large cosmolocal component to it
- It's an elaboration of his earlier work at his https://principledsocietiesproject.org/ where, like the SRG/TPF and SoNeC project, sees the community as the fundamental buuilding block in society for mobilzing citizen-driven rapid whole system change.
- Dec 2023
- Nov 2023
in portland we've legalized the 00:12:50 transformation of street intersections into public squares as many as any residential neighborhood wants all of them if they like and then the streets that connect the intersections together are all available now for being recreated 00:13:02 and you are able to put things in this space between the sidewalk and the curb and between the sidewalk and your property line 00:13:15 free of charge and free of permit so really what you might say liberalized the community right of way to be reinvented based on the initiative of local residents who are right 00:13:32 there
for: question - ordinances for street intersection transformation
question: ordinances for street intersection transformation
- how easy is this to do in other cities around the world? Check with city officials.
- cars obviously still have to get to homeowner's garages so this does not stop automobile traffic
- Oct 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
in your view sadguru what is the direct antidote to Jihadi terrorism an 00:01:19 immediate and quick solution to it uh what is the direct antidote that's what I'm doing that's my work but quick solution I don't have one there's no 00:01:32 quick solution individual transformation is the only solution but that's not a quick solution but a lasting solution
for: solution to Islamic terrorism, quote, quote - solution to Islamic terrorism
- Individual transformation is the only solution but that's not a quick solution, but a lasting solution
- author: Sadhguru
date: Sept 2023
- Sep 2023
13:25 coming of age stories as transformation
- see as stage in hero’s journey
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what this is supposed to be what this is supposed to be is um a framework that moves these kind of 00:15:43 questions questions of uh cognition of sentience of uh of of um intelligence and so on from the area of philosophy where people have a lot of philosophical feelings and preconceptions about what things can do 00:15:56 and what things can't do and it really uh really stresses the idea that you you can't just have feelings about this stuff you have to make testable claims
- in other words
- a meta transformation from philosophy to science
- in other words
www.paulgilding.com www.paulgilding.com
- for: system change, polycrisis, extreme weather, planetary tipping points, climate disruption, climate chaos, tipping point, hothouse earth, new meme, deep transformation
- title: The Great Disruption has Begun
- author: Paul Gilding
- date: Sept 3, 2023
- source: https://www.paulgilding.com/cockatoo-chronicles/the-great-disruption-has-begun
- good q uick opening paragraphs that summarize the plethora of extreme events in 2023 up to Sept 2023 (but misses the Canadian Wildfires) and also the list of potential planetary tipping points that are giving indication of being at the threshold.
- He makes a good point about the conservative nature of science that underestimates impacts due to the inertia of scientific study.
- Coins a good meme
- Everything, everywhere, all at once
- He ties all the various crisis together to show the many components of the wicked problem we face
- finally what it comes down to is that we cannot stop the coming unprecedented changes but we can and must slow it down as much as possible and we should be prepared for a wild ride
- It would be a good educational tool for deep and transformative climate education to map all these elements of the polycrisis and show their feedbacks and interactions, especially how it relates to socio-economic impacts to motivate transformative change and mobilize the urgency now required.
- Aug 2023
tomgreenwood.substack.com tomgreenwood.substack.com
Without a solid spiritual foundation, humanity may well continue on its path toward self-destruction, whether it be through environmental collapse, nuclear war or Artificial Intelligence gone haywire. On the other hand, if we evolve our culture to value inner work as much as we value outer work, then our individual and collective spiritual wisdom might just catch up with our rapidly advancing technology.
- comment
- critics will argue that such internal paradigm shifts take decades rather than years
- see the paper showing time scales of different types of social tipping points:
- However, what his not been researched is the combination of different types of social tipping points and how specific combinations might actually accelerate action.
- Applying the social tipping point complex contagion findings of Damon Centola to cascading tipping points, where deep inner transformation can play a strategic role, is a possibility worth investigating
- comment
www.are.na www.are.na
Through living relations, the world speaks itself. The world becomes its own language for anyone who wishes to listen. [...] In perceiving we always participate in the world, which thus starts to speak. And through speaking we not only resonate to the world, but we actually transform it.
the series really is a is a proposal for an rd r d program aimed at as new de novo development of new societal systems 00:45:54 and it's also a way to context and a way to think about what transformation might mean so uh it is it is a long-term project you know like a 50-year 00:46:07 project this isn't we're not it would be dangerous to change society radically overnight
- for: science-based societal transformation, whole system change, overnight change, 50 year project, radical change
- paraphrase
- this is not an overnight project
- radical change would be dangerous
- comment
- the word "radical" is subjective here
- how does John view the latest earth system science about the need to reach zero emissions in less than a decade and likely 6 years in order to stay within 1.5 Deg C carbon budget?
- is that considered radical change or not?
in the second paper i give a laundry list of fields scientific fields that i that i think could really contribute to this project
- for: contributors, contributors - science-driven societal transformation
- comment
- almost every field of science plus many fields in the humanities and arts as well as other fields would contribute
docdrop.org docdrop.org
But it's so essential that we go to this place that our brain gave us a solution. Evolution gave us a solution. And it's possibly one of the most profound perceptual experiences. And it's the experience of awe.
-for: awe, wonder, Deep Humanity, inner transformation, transition, inner/outer transformation, social tipping point, individual tipping point - Awe / wonder (getting in touch with the sacred) is evolutions solution to helping us transition into the unknown - This is in alignment with the essence of the open source Deep Humanity praxis - helping individuals to rediscover the sacred, to transform life back into a living experience of awe and wonder - Deep Humanity's purpose is to rekindle awe so that - we may bring about an individual tipping point, and collectively, - collective tipping point in global society to accelerate the transition out of the polycrisis
...moving from the scared back to the sacred
- Jul 2023
davidkorten.org davidkorten.org
for: ecological civilization, climate emergency, climate EMERGEncy inner/outer transformation, eco civilization, rapid whole system change
- Ecological Civilization: From Emergency to Emergence
- Author
- David Korten
- Date
- May 25, 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I personally think that there needs 00:03:26 to be some kind of of religion scale energy uh quality um to the way in which human beings confront this problem
- for: inner/outer transformation, inner transformation, rapid whole system change
- quote
- I think that there needs to be some kind of religion-scale energy or quality to the way in which human beings confront this problem
- author
- Timothy Morton
- for: inner/outer transformation, transformation, rapid whole system change,
- Title
- The Human Form Divine
- Speaker
- Timothy Morton
this talk I've decided to give you is actually called The Human Form divine um I understand that one of the topics we're interested in is dimensional transformation 00:02:48 um of the self and and transformation of of uh the ecosystem or ecosystems um and in general I think we're all interested in the notion of imagination and and creativity and what can that do 00:03:02 for us in in actually a very practical sense
- for: inner/outer transformation, transformation, rapid whole system change
- description
- this talk is called "The Human Form Divine
- It is about dimensional transformation of the self and of the ecosystem
- It explores the use of imagination, creativity and art in a practical way to assist in this transformation
- this talk is called "The Human Form Divine
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In der Liberation bezweifelt der Architekt Albert Levi, dass der Plan der Stadt Paris für die Klimaanpassung ausreichend sein wird, um eine unerträgliche Erhitzung und insbesondere die Bildung von Urbanen Hitze-Inseln zu verhindern. Geplant sind 60 Hektar zusätzlicher grünräume, die Entsiegelung von 30 bis 65% aller Parzellen, ein Verbot von Hochhäusern und des Fans von Bäumen. Levi kritisiert, dass die Verdichtungspolitik der vergangenen Jahre nicht gestoppt wird und eine Intensivierung des Tourismus geplant ist. Der Artikel verweist auf wichtige Dokumente zur Vorbereitung der Klimaanpassung in Paris. https://www.liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/tribunes/paris-face-au-rechauffement-climatique-mauvais-plan-20230630_FEFN6PDVJJCXJK2NYAFIE2YZFU/
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Längerer Artikel über die Funktion von Bäumen in Städten und über die Schwierigkeiten, dort mehr Bäume zu pflanzen. Detaillierte Informationen zum Programm der rot-grünen Pariser Stadtregierung. Interessant ist auch ein portugiesischer Versuch, die Services von Bäumen finanziell zu bewerten, wobei eine solche Bewertung immer problematisch bleibt, weil sich nicht finanziell messen lässt, was Bäume zu einem Ökosystem beitragen.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Henry Grabar schillert in einem neuen Buch ausführlich die Folgen des parkens für amerikanische Städte. In den USA wird mehr Fläche für das Parken als für das wohnen verwendet. Allein um Houston in Texas herum wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine Fläche, die dem Land Belgien entspricht, versiegelt. Die verkehrsemissionen sind der größte Teil des enormen amerikanischen treibhausgasausstoßes. Das Buch behandelt gründlich alle Aspekte des Themas und stellt Alternativen vor.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/26/paved-paradise-book-americans-cars-climate-crisis
Vergaberecht, Langsamkeit der Verwaltung und Unterfinanzierung des öffentlichen Verkehrs sind haupthindernisse bei der Umstellung einer Stadt wie Wuppertal auf klimaneutralität. Interview mit dem grünen Wuppertaler Oberbürgermeister Schneidewind, der zuvor das Wuppertal-institut geleitet hat. https://taz.de/Gruene-Politiker-ueber-Wandel-der-Stadt/!5938576/
- May 2023
Die taz analysiert ausführlich den letzten Ember-Bericht über den Anteil erneuerbarer Energien an der Stromproduktion. Insgesamt wächst dieser Anteil sehr schnell. Allerdings steigt der Verbrauch fossiler Energien wegen des wachsenden Strombedarfs weltweit trotzdem. In Bezug auf einzelne Länder zeigt die Analyse, dass unter ganz unterschiedlichen Bedingungen eine Energiewende möglich ist, wenn sie politisch gewollt ist .https://taz.de/Globale-Energiewende/!5935675/
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Interview mit Carlos Moreno, dem Erfinder des Konzepts der 15Minuten-Stadt und inzwischenerritoriums auf dem Land. Transportwege zu vermeiden und Services in unmittelbarer Nähe zu den Menschen anzubieten ist, wie Moreno bestätigt, notwendig, um die Klimakrise einzugrenzen. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/05/21/news/carlos_moreno_citta_da_15_minuti_circonomia_il_festival_delleconomia_circolare-401044919/
TED-Talk von Moreno zur 15 Minuten-Stadt: https://www.ted.com/talks/carlos_moreno_the_15_minute_city
- Apr 2023
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
And that process does not start ‘out there’. It starts right here, right now, within. We cannot change the world if we have still not mastered our own selves. Self-mastery entails training ourselves to undo the conventional internal neurophysiological wiring conditioned from our personal history and social experiences that determines our emotional triggers and cognitive horizons, to uproot incoherent belief systems, release ourselves of private judgments, free ourselves from thought-patterns rooted in banal ideological polarities, and develop the tools necessary to be in a constant state of evolution and committed action. Having awakened ourselves internally, newly empowered, we will be equipped to move to immediate social contextual action.
this is Donella Meadows top leverage point to intervene in a system - change in paradigm, worldview and narratives of the individual - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=leverage+points
We are simultaneously facing major crises across our systems of production in energy, the economy and food. These crises encompassing our material social relations are paralleled by deep and overlapping inner crises.
The inner / outer crisis relationship. This is one of the major relationships identified by Stop Reset Go and Deep Humanity.
- Feb 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what i am actually witnessing is a kind of deep shift of premises that 00:03:36 then shifts everything
- = deep shift of premises
- that shift everything
- comment
- this is salient for rapid whole system change
- as it speaks to inner transformation
- that can lead to outer transformation
docdrop.org docdrop.org
derek black
= Derek Black - his godfather was David Duke
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there are amazing people worldwide that are working to protect the local to Global Commons the next step is to involve businesses 00:11:44 countries cities and people worldwide to accept Earth system boundaries and the just Transformations we need to live within these boundaries
!- required transformation : global movement to accept and live writing these boundaries
docdrop.org docdrop.org
you asked for the main lesson because i i mean i think there are several but but if i had to pick out one i think what i would focus on is the emphasis on personal or individual 00:06:12 transformation i mean if you think of the history of the western tradition i mean i think there's a lot to appreciate in terms of institutional transformation if you think about something like anti-slavery movements and civil rights 00:06:26 movements and unions and more democratic forms of government etc and that's really really important but there's also this question is that kind of collective or institutional transformation enough 00:06:40 unless we also have kind of personal transformation otherwise i think it tends to be subverted if we're still motivated if many people are still motivated by the three poisons of greed 00:06:53 you know ill-will delusion
!- institutional scale transformation : relation to personal transformation - unless institutional transformation is accompanied by personal, individual transformation, it can be subverted
docdrop.org docdrop.org
david described what a revolution is a change of common sense and the collective imagination and david argued that the main achievement of the paris commune despite a defeat had been the transformation of the common sense about how we live together 00:03:02 so most of what we consider ordinary in our cities public transportation street lights public schools the eight hours work days and even the not yet achieved equal pay for women and men originated in the paris commune and it was then considered to be a social madness
!- David Grabber : Delayed impact of the Paris Commune - civic ideas we all now take for granted such as: - public transportation - city street lights - public schools - eight hour work day
only a few decades ago were considered madness
- Dec 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what our work is showing is very soon it can't. And so it's going to go through a death throws and any organism it will fight to survive. And so yes, there will be pushback and resistance. And so what I'm proposing is a plan, whether that plan gets carried out or whether it's 00:37:22 allowed to be carried out, that's a different matter.
!- Social Superorganism : Biological Survival metaphor - the current social superorganism is fighting to survive as it's life is threatened by the transformation - the metamorphosis will transform it to group 4, if successful
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
I came to this page after reading the "About the Author (The Second Right Answer)" page of Roger von Oech's "A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative" which was mentioned by Kevin Bowers in his discussion with John Vervaeke titled "Principles & Methods for Achieving a Flow State | Voices w/ Vervaeke | John Vervaeke & Kevin Bowers".
von Oech stated that
I wrote my doctoral dissertation on the twentieth century German philosopher Ernst Cassirer, the last man to know everything. From him, I learned that it's good to be a generalist, and that looking at the Big Picture helps to keep you flexible.
This was a surprising reference since Bowers stated that the book was written for helping entrepreneurs become more creative; the book seems more widely applicable based on the examples and exercises given in the first 20 pages.
Cassirer appears to bridge between the continental and analytic traditions in philosophy. Cassirer's touching on mathematics, aesthetics, and ethics reminds me of - John Vervaeke's work - ie, the process of relevance realization and his neo platonic, transformational reading of ancient texts - Forrest Landry work - ie, his magnum opus "An Immanent Metaphysics" which he purports to be pointing to a foundation between ontology, epistemology, and ethics. Recently, IDM (Immanent Domain Metaphysics) made more sense to me when I attempted to translat the 3 axioms and 3 modalities into language from category theory
The following seem important and related somehow: 1. the symbolic process 2. the process of abstraction 3. the process of representation
Maybe these are related to the means by which one can can transcend their current self? ie, is it through particular symbolic practices that one can more easily shed one identity and acquire another?
Also, are 1., 2., and 3. different aspects of the same thing/event?
- Nov 2022
www.meaningcrisis.co www.meaningcrisis.co
Socrates is turned into a systematic set of psycho-technologies that you internalise into your metacognition. So, what became crucial for Plato, as we saw, was argumentation. But for Antisthenes the actual confrontation with Socrates was more important. Both Plato and Antisthenes are interested in the transformation that Socrates is affording.Plato sees this happening through argumentation. Antesthenes sees it as happening through confrontation because... And you can see how they're both right, because in Socratic elenchus, Socrates comes up and he argues with you. But of course he's also confronting you. We talked about how he was sort of slamming the Axial revolution into your face! So, Antesthenes has a follower, Diogenes, and Diogenes epitomizes this: This confrontation. And by looking at the kinds of confrontation we can start to see what the followers of Antesthenes are doing. So Diogenes basically does something analogous to provocative performance art. He gets in your face in a way that tries to provoke you to realizations. Those kinds of insights that will challenge you. He tries to basically create aporia in you, that shocked experience that you had when confronting Socrates that challenges you to radically transform your life. But instead of using argumentation and discussion, as Socrates did and Plato picked up on, they were really trying to hone in on how to try to be as provocative as possible.
John Vervaeke on Socrates becoming set of psychotechnologies to internalize and augment metacognition. Agues agumentation become central for Plato, whereas confrontation itself become central for Antisthenes. They're disagree about how the cause of the transformation through the Socratic approach
Unclear is stoics take up Plato's mantle of argumentation orientation, but they at least seem distinct from the Cynics (Antisthenes & teach Diogenes
Aporia is moment of shock from experience that you're radically transformed. Could be from Diogenes' provocative performance art or through discourse a la Plato & Socrates
Nietzche may have favored Cynics approach over stoic/Socratic. Possible parallel in left-hand path and right-hand path. Quick & risky vs. slow & steady
- Oct 2022
foragerchef.com foragerchef.com
But, as the name implies, bitternut hickory nuts are bitter and not good to eat. Nature being the incredible thing it is, for whatever reason the tannins in the nuts that make bitternut bitter aren’t fat-soluble, meaning that you can press a delicious, healthy, natural oil from the bitter nuts.
Ça veut dire que les caryers amères et les chênes rouges peuvent être valorisés même si on trouve pas de techniques efficaces pour enlever les tannins.
www.noixduquebec.org www.noixduquebec.org
Une entreprise de la région dekamouraska (Quai des brumes )confectionne de l’huilede plusieurs noix dont la faine du hêtre
- Sep 2022
Local file Local file
This book takes an entirelyfresh approach by focusing on globalization’s inner aspects – the way wethink and feel about it as individuals and as cultures and how it impedesour ability to solve global problems.
!- aligned : Deep Humanity - Let's see exactly how Simpol Inner aspects match up to Deep Humanity inner aspects
awakeuniversity.maincross.org awakeuniversity.maincross.org
Yet, that's something that you'll probably be glad to know about because then, you can think about how long you want to be in that organization.
Been there. Done that. No longer there. The thing is, you have to decide how much to give, and how much to endure. Another way of saying that is, "don't hope yourself to death."
Patrick starts his video by saying that many people ask him “what do you do about creating a healthy organization if you're not the CEO or in charge of the organization?” However, according to Stephen Covey, we should focus on our circle of influence not our circle of concern. In other words, think about “what organizational components do we have direct influence over” i.e., the department we lead or we're a member of. So, we must realize that “I might not be able to change the whole organization but I can focus on the part of it that I influence directly.”
Focus on the organization I influence most directly. Recognize my limits but do what I can, with what I have, where I am.
- Aug 2022
radreads.co radreads.co
In the Apology of Socrates, he wrote: The unexamined life is not worth living.
Plato wrote it. Socrates was against writing.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
fs.blog fs.blog
Summarization of Methods for Smart Contract Vulnerability Regulation
Great reference table for SC vulnerability regulation
- Jul 2022
bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link
Not only is such thought beyond representation (and therefore beyond personware) possible,Weaver suggests but its occurrence constitutes a fundamental encounter which brings forth into existenceboth the world and the thinker. As such, thought sans image is deeply disturbing the stability andcontinuity of whatever personware the individual thinker may have been led to identify with andopens wide horizons of cognitive development and transformation ([13]: p. 35).
!- similar to : Gyuri Lajos idea of tacit awareness !- implications : thought sans image !- refer : Gyuri Lajos https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343523812_Augmenting_Tacit_Awareness_Accepting_our_responsibility_for_how_we_shape_our_tools When one becomes cognizant of thought sans image, then one realizes the relative construction of one's social identity and that offers a freedom to take on another one * therefore, realization of thought sans image opens the door to authentic transformation
!- question : thought sans image * If, as Weaver suggests, thought sans image is a primordial encounter which brings forth both the thinker and the world thought by the thinker, then this has strong similiarities to a spiritual awakening or enlightenment experience.
Can they reshape the contours and boundaries of their socialsituations instead of being shaped by them?
!- key insight : can an individual reshape the contours of their social situations instead of being shaped by them? * This realization would open up the door to authentic inner transformation * This is an important way to describe the discovery of personal empowerment and agency via realization of the bare human spirit, the "thought sans image"
bylinetimes.com bylinetimes.com
Most academics continue to insist that it is still – barely – physically possible to limit warming to no more than 1.5°C. There are strong incentives to stay behind the invisible line that separates academia from wider social and political concerns, and so to not take a clear position about this.But we need to clearly acknowledge now that warming will exceed 1.5°C because we are losing vital reaction time by entertaining fantastic scenarios. The sooner we get real about our current situation and what it demands, the better.
Slight chance. We need nonlinear solutions and to find all the leverage points, social tipping points and idling capacity we can.:
Social tipping dynamics for stabilizing Earth’s climate by 2050 https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pnas.org%2Fdoi%2F10.1073%2Fpnas.1900577117&group=world
An Introduction to PLAN E Grand Strategy for the Twenty-First-Century Era of Entangled Security and Hyperthreats https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usmcu.edu%2FOutreach%2FMarine-Corps-University-Press%2FExpeditions-with-MCUP-digital-journal%2FAn-Introduction-to-PLAN-E%2Ffbclid%2FIwAR3facE8l6Jk4Msc8C1nw8yWtwnzSCXVZGlO7JLkjqo8CWYTYAqAMTPkTO8%2F&group=world
Science Driven Societal Transformation https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2Fz9ZCjd2rqGY%2F&group=world
we're going to talk in this series 00:01:10 about a series of papers that i just published in the in the journal sustainability that that series is titled science driven societal transformation
Title: Science-driven Societal Transformation, Part 1, 2 and 3 John Boik, Oregon State University John's Website: https://principledsocietiesproject.org/
Intro: A society can be viewed as a superorganism that expresses an intrinsic purpose of achieving and maintaining vitality. The systems of a society can be viewed as a societal cognitive architecture. The goal of the R&D program is to develop new, integrated systems that better facilitate societal cognition (i.e., learning, decision making, and adaptation). Our major unsolved problems, like climate change and biodiversity loss, can be viewed as symptoms of dysfunctional or maladaptive societal cognition. To better solve these problems, and to flourish far into the future, we can implement systems that are designed from the ground up to facilitate healthy societal cognition.
The proposed R&D project represents a partnership between the global science community, interested local communities, and other interested parties. In concept, new systems are field tested and implemented in local communities via a special kind of civic club. Participation in a club is voluntary, and only a small number of individuals (roughly, 1,000) is needed to start a club. No legislative approval is required in most democratic nations. Clubs are designed to grow in size and replicate to new locations exponentially fast. The R&D project is conceptual and not yet funded. If it moves forward, transformation on a near-global scale could occur within a reasonable length of time. The R&D program spans a 50 year period, and early adopting communities could see benefits relatively fast.
- Jun 2022
admrayner.medium.com admrayner.medium.com
That cuts what is in here apart from what is out there
Inner and Outer are two sides of the same existential coin gestalt. Neither can stand alone. Both together are part of the greater gestalt.
alle betreffen die dadurch natürlich auch einige diese gefahr darstellen wenn wir diese transformation nicht mitmachen könne oder mitmachen wollen
Stimme vollkommen zu. Daher denke, ich dass gerade die, die die Menschen unterrichten, die in der transformierten und sich fortlaufend transformierenden Welt leben müssen, in den Blick der Forschung genommen werden müssen. Genau deshalb schaue ich auf persönliche Lernnetzwerke von Lehrer.innen. Was macht die Digitalität mit dem professionellen Lernen von Lehrer:innen?
besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
The experts were asked to independently provide a comprehensive list of levers and leverage points for global sustainability, based on the potential for disproportionate effects to address and reverse the deterioration of nature while meeting societal needs. They were asked to consider actions by the full range of possible actors, and both top-down and bottom-up effects across various sectors. The collection of all responses became our initial set of levers and leverage points. Ensuing processes were then informed by five linked conceptualizations of transformative change identified by the experts (Chan et al., 2019): ● Complexity theory and leverage points of transformation (Levin et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2007; Meadows, 2009); ● Resilience, adaptability and transformability in social–ecological systems (Berkes, Colding, & Folke, 2003; Folke et al., 2010); ● A multi-level perspective for transformative change (Geels, 2002); ● System innovations and their dynamics (Smits, Kuhlmann, & Teubal, 2010; OECD, 2015) and ● Learning sustainability through ‘real-world experiments’ (Geels, Berkhout, & van Vuuren, 2016; Gross & Krohn, 2005; Hajer, 2011).
Set of levers and leverage points identified by the authors.
Creating an open public network for radical collaboration, which we will call the Indyweb, can facilitate bottom-up engagement to both educate the public on these levers as well as be an application space to crowdsource the public to begin sharing local instantiations of these levers.
An Indyweb that is in the form of an interpersonal space in which each individual is the center of their data universe, and in which they can see all the data from their diverse digital interactions across the web and in real life all consolidated in one place offers a profound possibility for both individual and collective learning. Such an Indyweb would bring the relational nature of the human being, the so called "human INTERbeing" alive, and would effortlessly emerge the human INTERbeing explicitly as the natural form merely from its daily use. One can immediately see the relational nature of individual learning, how it is so entangled with collective learning, and would be reinforced with each social interaction on the web or in real life. This is what is needed to track both individual inner transformation (IIT) as well as collective outer transformation (COT) towards a rapid whole system change mobilization. Accelerated by a program of open access Deep Humanity (DH) knowledge that plumbs the very depth of what it is to be human, this can accelerate the indirect drivers of change and provide practical tools for granular monitoring of both IIT and COT.
Could we use AI to search for levers and leverage points?
An important step towards such widespread changes in action would be to unleash latent capabilities and relational values (including virtues and principles regarding human relationships involving nature, such as responsibility, stewardship and care
Practices such as open source Deep Humanity praxis focusing on inner transformation can play a significant role.
trust in neighbours, access to care, opportunities for creative expression, recognition
Practices such as open source Deep Humanity praxis focusing on inner transformation can play a significant role.
- indirect drivers
- human INTERbeing
- DH
- individual inner transformation
- community engagement
- leverage point
- lever
- Deep Humanity
- levers
- creative expression
- access to care
- recognition
- intangible goals
- collective outer transformation
- interpersonal computing
- inner transformation
- indyweb
the inter-connectedness of the crises we face climate pollution biodiversity and 00:07:54 inequality require our change require a change in our exploitative relationship to our planet to a more holistic and caring one but that can only happen with a change in our behavior
As per IPCC AR6 WGIII, Chapter 5 outlining for the first time, the enormous mitigation potential of social aspects of mitigation - such as behavioral change - can add up to 40 percent of mitigation. And also harkening back to Donella Meadows' leverage points that point out shifts in worldviews, paradigms and value systems are the most powerful leverage points in system change.
Stop Reset Go advocates humanity builds an open source, open access praxis for Deep Humanity, understand the depths of what it means to be a living and dying human being in the context of an entwined culture. Sharing best practices and constantly crowdsourcing the universal and salient aspects of our common humanity can help rapidly transform the inner space of each human INTERbeing, which can powerfully influence outer (social) transformation.
- May 2022
report.ipcc.ch report.ipcc.ch
Demand-side solutions require both motivation and capacity for change (high confidence).34Motivation by individuals or households worldwide to change energy consumption behaviour is35generally low. Individual behavioural change is insufficient for climate change mitigation unless36embedded in structural and cultural change. Different factors influence individual motivation and37capacity for change in different demographics and geographies. These factors go beyond traditional38socio-demographic and economic predictors and include psychological variables such as awareness,39perceived risk, subjective and social norms, values, and perceived behavioural control. Behavioural40nudges promote easy behaviour change, e.g., “improve” actions such as making investments in energy41efficiency, but fail to motivate harder lifestyle changes. (high confidence) {5.4}
We must go beyond behavior nudges to make significant gains in demand side solutions. It requires an integrated strategy of inner transformation based on the latest research in trans-disciplinary fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, neuroscience and behavioral economics among others.
www.livescience.com www.livescience.com
Chinese scientists call for plan to destroy Elon Musk's Starlink satellites
This is another example that our culture has reached an inflection point, when we begin to divert previous time and material resources on conflict because we are not wise enough to cooperate, instead of more urgent problems affecting us all.
The journey of civilization to a technological modernity places us in a precarious position. The fundamental misunderstandings arising from a toxic mix of different political, religious and cultural ideologies threatens to destabilise the human project. We are spending ever increasing resources on defensive and offensive technologies to protect our ingroup against perceived outgroups instead of technologies for defending against the destruction of the global commons which e ourselves have brought about and which threatens our entire species.
By so doing, we create a self-reinforcing feedback loop of antagonism which increases the likelihood of violence.
This underscores the urgency for deep inner transformation, trapping into our deep Humanity to mitigate the social antagonism that is so destructive to global society.
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
A guiding principle will be to make the hyper-response as not only fun and enjoyable as possible but also meaningful via a vibrant grand narrative approach that connects the mission to conceptions of identity, values, and evolving worldviews.
Gamification will play a critical role to tap into the human psychology that will encourage proactive action. Bend-the-Curve is the glocal game proposed as a way to mobilize ordinary citizens aggregate community scale response teams.
As part of this gamification, a private Transform application within the public and open Indyweb can facilitate individual inner transformation, synchronize that to individual outer (behavior) transformation and synchronize that to collective inner and outer transformation at the respective community collective scale and finally aggregating all community impacts, to the global collective transformation scale. Built in data privacy of the Indyweb insures that everyone can contribute data to the aggregator in a completely anonymous way. All of this is designed to operationalize Donella Meadow's insight that inner transformation of worldviews, paradigms and value systems is the most powerful of all leverage points.
It is anticipated that this period will address the harder aspects of global transition, in terms of technology, infrastructure, and social behavior change. As initial enthusiasm may have waned, a stoic approach will be required, refreshing the workforce and dealing with more dangerous hyperthreat actions.
It is clear that through such a massive and unprecedented transition, a whole being approach must be adopted. This means dealing with the inner transformation of the individual in addition to the outer transformation. The hyperthreat increases the attention to each individual's mortality salience, their awareness of their own death. As cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker noted in his "Denial of Death", our fear of death is normatively suppressed as a compromised coping mechanism. When extreme weather, food shortage, war, pandemic become an unrelenting onslaught, however, we have no escape from mortality as the threat to our lives will be broadcast relentlessly through mass media. Inner transformation must accompany the outer transformation in order for the general population to emotionally cope with the enormous stress. Deep Humanity (DH) is conceived as an open praxis to assist with the inner transformation that will be needed for mental and emotional well being during these trying times to come.
- collective inner transformation
- gamification
- ernest becker
- inner transformation
- leverage points
- collective outer transformation
- behavioral transformation
- DH
- individual inner transformation
- donella meadows
- transform app
- Bend the Curve
- Deep Humanity
- individual outer transformation
- denial of death
- Feb 2022
link.springer.com link.springer.com
eine durchgehende Digitalisierung benötigt einesemantische Wissensgrundlage, um Beziehungswissen effizient erstellen, verwaltenund nutzen zu können
Digitale Transformation benötigt eine semantische Wissensgrundlage.
palladiummag.com palladiummag.com
Wang perceived a country “in a state of transformation” from “an economy of production to an economy of consumption,” while evolving “from a spiritually oriented culture to a materially oriented culture,” and “from a collectivist culture to an individualistic culture.”
This is key in understanding what comes later in the article. Near the end, the author is going to point to where Wang apparently inspires political policies that seek to bring a top-down imposition of collectivist culture. To transform the Chinese society into something that it was before.
Unmentioned in this article is the societal crackdown and reëducation of the Uyigur people. Is that a roadmap for Wang-inspired policies in the rest of China? Would that happen? Could that happen?
learningaloud.com learningaloud.com
Highlighting would be a crude form of knowledge telling. Knowledge transforming involves interpretation on the part of the content producer.
Scholars who study writing differentiate between knowledge telling and knowledge transforming.
Highlighting can be seen as a weak form of knowledge telling. It's a low level indicator that an idea is important, but doesn't even go so far as the reader strengthening the concept by restating the idea in their own words similar to the Feynman technique.
One could go steps further by not only restating it but transforming it and linking it into one's larger body of knowledge or extending into other contexts.
- Jan 2022
www.icoresolutions.com www.icoresolutions.com
“When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.”George Westerman | Principal Research Scientist with the MIT Sloan Initiative on the Digital Economy
Applied to sustainability:
- a caterpillar that eats less
- a caterpillar that eats more slowly
- a caterpillar that eats a less valuable crop
- a caterpillar that plants a tree in South America
- Nov 2021
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Since around 2010, Morton has become associated with a philosophical movement known as object-oriented ontology, or O.O.O. The point of O.O.O. is that there is a vast cosmos out there in which weird and interesting shit is happening to all sorts of objects, all the time. In a 1999 lecture, “Object-Oriented Philosophy,” Graham Harman, the movement’s central figure, explained the core idea:The arena of the world is packed with diverse objects, their forces unleashed and mostly unloved. Red billiard ball smacks green billiard ball. Snowflakes glitter in the light that cruelly annihilates them, while damaged submarines rust along the ocean floor. As flour emerges from mills and blocks of limestone are compressed by earthquakes, gigantic mushrooms spread in the Michigan forest. While human philosophers bludgeon each other over the very possibility of “access” to the world, sharks bludgeon tuna fish and icebergs smash into coastlines.We are not, as many of the most influential twentieth-century philosophers would have it, trapped within language or mind or culture or anything else. Reality is real, and right there to experience—but it also escapes complete knowability. One must confront reality with the full realization that you’ll always be missing something in the confrontation. Objects are always revealing something, and always concealing something, simply because they are Other. The ethics implied by such a strangely strange world hold that every single object everywhere is real in its own way. This realness cannot be avoided or backed away from. There is no “outside”—just the entire universe of entities constantly interacting, and you are one of them.
Object Oriented Ontology - Objects are always revealing something, and always concealing something, simply because they are Other. ... There is no "outside" - just the entire universe of entities constantly interacting, and you are one of them.
This needs to be harmonized with Stop Reset Go (SRG) complimentary Human Inner Transformation (HIT) and Social Outer Transformation (SOT) strategy.
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Recent research suggests that globally, the wealthiest 10% have been responsible for as much as half of the cumulative emissions since 1990 and the richest 1% for more than twice the emissions of the poorest 50% (2).
Even more recent research adds to this:
See the annotated Oxfam report: Linked In from the author: https://hyp.is/RGd61D_IEeyaWyPmSL8tXw/www.linkedin.com/posts/timgore_inequality-parisagreement-emissionsgap-activity-6862352517032943616-OHL- Annotations on full report: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Foxfamilibrary.openrepository.com%2Fbitstream%2Fhandle%2F10546%2F621305%2Fbn-carbon-inequality-2030-051121-en.pdf&group=__world__
and the annotated Hot or Cool report: https://hyp.is/KKhrLj_bEeywAIuGCjROAg/hotorcool.org/hc-posts/release-governments-in-g20-countries-must-enable-1-5-aligned-lifestyles/ https://hyp.is/zo0VbD_bEeydJf_xcudslg/hotorcool.org/hc-posts/release-governments-in-g20-countries-must-enable-1-5-aligned-lifestyles/
This suggests that perhaps the failure of the COP meetings may be partially due to focusing at the wrong level and demographics. the top 1 and 10 % live in every country. A focus on the wealthy class is not a focus area of COP negotiations perse. The COP meetings are focused on nation states. Interventions targeting this demographic may be better suited at the scale of individuals or civil society.
Many studies show there are no extra gains in happiness beyond a certain point of material wealth, and point to the harmful impacts of wealth accumulation, known as affluenza, and show many health effects: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1950124/, https://theswaddle.com/how-money-affects-rich-people/, https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-dark-reasons-so-many-rich-people-are-miserable-human-beings-2018-02-22, https://www.nbcnews.com/better/pop-culture/why-wealthy-people-may-be-less-successful-love-ncna837306, https://www.apa.org/research/action/speaking-of-psychology/affluence,
A Human Inner Transformation approach based on an open source praxis called Deep Humanity is one example of helping to transform affluenza and leveraging it to accelerate transition.
Anderson has contextualized the scale of such an impact in his other presentations but not here. A recent example is the temporary emission decreases due to covid 19. A 6.6% global decrease was determined from this study: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00090-3#:~:text=After%20rising%20steadily%20for%20decades,on%20daily%20fossil%20fuel%20emissions. with the US contributing 13% due to lockdown impacts on vehicular travel (both air and ground). After the pandemic ends, experts expect a strong rebound effect.
hotorcool.org hotorcool.org
This report is an essential companion for policymakers working at the intersection of society and climate change.”
Policy alone may not be sufficient to change this deeply ingrained luxury lifestyle. It may require deep and meaningful education of one's deeper humanity leading to a shift in worldviews and value systems that deprioritize materially luxurious lifestyles for using that wealth to redistribute to build the future wellbeing ecocivilization. Transform the wealthy into the heros of the transition. Shaming them and labeling them as victims will only create distance. Rather, the most constructive approach is a positive one that shifts our own perspective from holding them as villains to heros.
Dr. Lewis Akenji, the lead author of the report says: “Talking about lifestyle changes is a hot-potato issue to policymakers who are afraid to threaten the lifestyles of voters. This report brings a science based approach and shows that without addressing lifestyles we will not be able to address climate change.”
This underscores the critical nature of dealing with the cultural shift of luxury lifestyle. It is recognized as a "hot potato" issue, which implies policy change may be slow and difficult.
Policy changes and new legal tools are ways to force an unwilling individual or group into a behavior change.
A more difficult but potentially more effective way to achieve this cultural shift is based on Donella Meadows' leverage points: https://donellameadows.org/archives/leverage-points-places-to-intervene-in-a-system/ which identifies the top leverage point as: The mindset or paradigm out of which the system — its goals, power structure, rules, its culture — arises.
The Stop Reset Go (SRG) open collective project applies the Deep Humanity (DH) Human Inner Transformation (HIT) process to effect impactful Social Outer Transformation (SOT). This is based on the inner-to-outer flow: The heart feels, the mind thinks, the body acts and a social impact manifests in our shared, public collective human reality.
Meadows top leverage point identifies narratives, stories and value systems that are inner maps to our outer behavior as critical causal agents to transform.
We need to take a much deeper look at the pysche of the luxury lifestyle. Philospher David Loy has done extensive research on this already. https://www.davidloy.org/media.html
Loy is a Buddhist scholar, but Buddhist philosophy can be understood secularly and across all religions.
Loy cites the work of cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker, especially his groundbreaking Pulitzer-prize-winning book: The Denial of Death. Becker wrote:
"Man is literally split in two: he has an awareness of his own splendid uniqueness in that he sticks out of nature with a towering majesty, and yet he goes back into the ground a few feet in order to blindly and dumbly rot and disappear forever. It is a terrifying dilemma to be in and to have to live with. The lower animals are, of course, spared this painful contradiction, as they lack a symbolic identity and the self-consciousness that goes with it. They merely act and move reflexively as they are driven by their instincts. If they pause at all, it is only a physical pause; inside they are anonymous, and even their faces have no name. They live in a world without time, pulsating, as it were, in a state of dumb being. This is what has made it so simple to shoot down whole herds of buffalo or elephants. The animals don't know that death is happening and continue grazing placidly while others drop alongside them. The knowledge of death is reflective and conceptual, and animals are spared it. They live and they disappear with the same thoughtlessness: a few minutes of fear, a few seconds of anguish, and it is over. But to live a whole lifetime with the fate of death haunting one's dreams and even the most sun-filled days—that's something else."
But Loy goes beyond mortality salience and strikes to the heart of our psychological construction of the Self that is the root of our consumption and materialism exasperated crisis.
To reach the wealthy in a compassionate manner, we must recognize that the degree of wealth and materialist accumulation may be in many cases proportional to the anxiety of dying, the anxiety of the groundlessness of the Self construction itself.
Helping all humans to liberate from this anxiety is monumental, and also applies to the wealthy. The release of this anxiety will naturally result in breaking through the illusion of materialism, seeing its false promises.
Those of the greatest material wealth are often also of the greatest spiritual poverty. As we near the end of our lives, materialism's promise may begin to lose its luster and our deepest unanswered questions begin to regain prominence.
At the end of the day, policy change may only effect so much change. What is really required is a reeducation campaign that results in voluntary behavior change that significantly reduces high impact luxury lifestyles. An exchange for something even more valued is a potential answer to this dilemma.
www.theengineroom.org www.theengineroom.org
- Oct 2021
us.macmillan.com us.macmillan.com
social evolution
A Theory of Change
How did we get here?
Yesterday (October 26, 2021), I picked up David Graeber’s book, The Dawn of Everything: a New History of Humanity, written with David Wengrow, at Coles in Abbotsford.
It is interesting to note that David Graeber was interested in the origins, the beginnings.
Renowned for his biting and incisive writing about bureaucracy, politics and capitalism, Graeber was a leading figure in the Occupy Wall Street movement and professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics (LSE) at the time of his death.
www.csmonitor.com www.csmonitor.com
What are the biggest barriers to action – for countries or communities or individuals – on climate change? And how do we get past those?It’s psychological distance and solution aversion. We don’t think it matters to us. We think it’s a problem distant in space or time or relevance. And we don’t think there’s anything viable or practical we can do at the scale required.
Deep Humanity, as an open praxis available to any human being to both use and contribute to is a leverage point that, by awakening us to our own sacredness as living and dying human interbeing, can shift our self-perspective from scarcity and poverty mentality, to hsving super powers that emerge from the lived experience of our own sacredness as living and dying human interbeings. The Stop Reset Go linkage between human inner transformation (HIT) and social outer transformation (SOT) are criticsl to recognizing our social transformative potential.
bafybeiery76ov25qa7hpadaiziuwhebaefhpxzzx6t6rchn7b37krzgroi.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiery76ov25qa7hpadaiziuwhebaefhpxzzx6t6rchn7b37krzgroi.ipfs.dweb.link
A final cluster gathers lenses that explore phenomena that are arguably more elastic and withthe potential to both indirectly maintain and explicitly reject and reshape existing norms. Many ofthe topics addressed here can be appropriately characterized as bottom-up, with strong and highlydiverse cultural foundations.
The bottom-up nature of this cluster makes it the focus area for civil society movements, inner transformation approaches and cultural methodologies. Changing the mindset or paradigm from which the system arises is the most powerful place to intervene in a system as Donella Meadows pointed out decades ago in her research on system leverage points: https://donellameadows.org/archives/leverage-points-places-to-intervene-in-a-system/
The Stop Reset Go initiative is focused on this thematic lens, bottom-up, rapid whole system change, with Deep Humanity as the open-source praxis to address the needed shift in worldview. One of the Deep Humanity programs is based on addressing the psychological deficits of the wealthy, and transforming them into heroes for the transition, by redirecting their WEALTH-to-WELLth.
Recent research suggests that globally, the wealthiest 10% have been responsible foras much as half of the cumulative emissions since 1990 and the richest 1% for more than twicethe emissions of the poorest 50% (2).
this suggests that perhaps the failure of the COP meetings may be partially due to focusing at the wrong level and demographics. the top 1 and 10 % live in every country. A focus on the wealthy class is not a focus area of COP negotiations perse. Interventions targeting this demographic may be better suited at the scale of individuals or civil society.
Many studies show there are no extra gains in happiness beyond a certain point of material wealth, and point to the harmful impacts of wealth accumulation, known as affluenza, and show many health effects: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1950124/, https://theswaddle.com/how-money-affects-rich-people/, https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-dark-reasons-so-many-rich-people-are-miserable-human-beings-2018-02-22, https://www.nbcnews.com/better/pop-culture/why-wealthy-people-may-be-less-successful-love-ncna837306, https://www.apa.org/research/action/speaking-of-psychology/affluence,
A Human Inner Transformation approach based on an open source praxis called Deep Humanity is one example of helping to transform affluenza and leveraging it accelerate transition.
- Sep 2021
- Aug 2021
www.agilemodeling.com www.agilemodeling.com
Figure 1. The relationship between models, documents, source code, and documentation.
- May 2021
data-collective.org.uk data-collective.org.uk
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘the SciBeh initiative is about bringing knowledge to policy makers and the general public, but I have to say this advert I just came across worries me: Where are the preceding data integrity and data analysis classes? Https://t.co/5LwkC1SVyF’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 18 February 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1362344945697308674
- Apr 2021
thephilanthropist.ca thephilanthropist.ca
placesjournal.org placesjournal.org
If we accept the idea that the entire surface of the earth is migratory, then why not landscapes in particular? A landscape — as a scene, landschap, ecosystem, and socio-political territory — is a material assembly of moving entities, a dynamic medium which changes in quality and structure through the aggregate movements or actions of the things that constitute it.
- Feb 2021
Mills, M. (2021). Online Academic Collaboratives, Part 1: Overview and Possibilities. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/azmu9
- Dec 2020
www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
Transformation of S. meliloti is counteracted by the restriction endonuclease HsdR degrading DNA which lacks the appropriate methylation pattern
academyofideas.com academyofideas.com
To help us at these crucial moments we may find it useful to devise a ritual which symbolizes and facilitates our transformation into our second self. Todd Herman, author of the Alter Ego Effect and a peak performance coach, cautions that this technique will only work if the ritualized actions we select are performed exclusively when we need to activate the transition into our second self.
Ritualized action like baseball players.
www.greek-myth.com www.greek-myth.com
In its true sense, myth pertains and is limited to the gods while legend applies to humanity, the heroes.
Of Gods and men
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.com
- Nov 2020
blogs.adobe.com blogs.adobe.com
2020 events have accelerated digital transformation, and COVID-19-driven digital adoption rates have covered decades in days: E-commerce grew 10 years in 8 weeks Telemedicine grew 10 times in 15 days Remote working has 20 time more participants in 3 months Remote learning grew 250 million in 2 weeks Online entertainment grew 7 years in 5 months (I must admit that Netflix has become my best friend in this pandemic …)
Zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, dass Organisationen digital operieren können. Quellen für diese Zahlen?
- Oct 2020
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
Brous, P., & Janssen, M. (2020). Trusted Decision-Making: Data Governance for Creating Trust in Data Science Decision Outcomes. Administrative Sciences, 10(4), 81. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci10040081
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved October 11, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13640/
- Sep 2020
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Shur, L. (2020, April28). What's Powering Digital Transformation?https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinessdevelopmentcouncil/2020/04/28/whats-powering-digital-transformation/#7df3dc2b616f
- Jul 2020
How Europe can emerge stronger out of the coronavirus crisis. (n.d.). World Economic Forum. Retrieved 25 July 2020, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/07/resilient-european-economy/
- post-crisis economy
- fiscal policy
- coronavirus crisis
- high-debt countries
- Next Generation EU
- need for transformation
- is:webpage
- resilience
- monetary policy
- Europe
- resource reallocation
- lang:en
- recovery trajectory
- market rigidity
- COVID-19
- uneven recovery
- climate-friendly recovery
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Rosenbloom, D., & Markard, J. (2020). A COVID-19 recovery for climate. Science, 368(6490), 447–447. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abc4887
www.nachhaltige-digitalisierung.de www.nachhaltige-digitalisierung.de
- Jun 2020
www.revuegestion.ca www.revuegestion.ca
trois types de transformations : les transformations des processus internes, des expériences clients et des modèles d'affaires.
Cette liste est-elle réaliste, exhaustive?
- May 2020
ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu
European Semester Spring Package. (n.d.). [Text]. European Commission - European Commission. Retrieved May 31, 2020, from https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_901
- Jan 2020
gist.github.com gist.github.com
Steve Yegge Rant
- Dec 2019
jbioleng.biomedcentral.com jbioleng.biomedcentral.com
A single transformant may have a mutation at a low level that will eventually sweep through the population
How does transforming a pure plasmid (miniprep) produce a mixed population?
- Is a single colony on the transformation plate not really clonal due to evolution occurring in growth from the single founder cell?
- And also the outgrowth steo prior to plating is introducing additional variation that differentiates different colonies
- Hence adding these two statements together, picking 3 colonies from a plate streaked from a glycerol stock (derived from a clonal population) has lower variability than 3 colonies picked from a fresh transformation?
Does this make any suggestion of using one or the other method for generating independent biological replicates?
- Nov 2019
- Jul 2019
www.narst.org www.narst.org
not as an add-on but as a transformative approach to teaching and learning (Mensah, 2010)
Yes! Elect her. and may I add to the end of that quote: "... and to the teaching profession."
Within the vignette and the experiences of the four teachers, there is a fundamental equity and diversity issue that is shared among them: whose responsibility is it to address equity and diversity? How do we address it in science and within our particular contexts, and with our particular student populations? What supports must be present to allow us to promote equity and diversity in our teaching, learning, and curriculum? What supports are present in the NGSS to assist all teachers to teach in culturally responsive ways so that teachers meet the educational science needs of all students? Our position and the ways in which we address these questions center on implementation of the NGSS with equity and diversity as theoretical and pedagogical foundations to science teaching. In this way, equity and diversity becomes a vision and goal for implementation.
and my position is, how can we instantiate classrooms (ie communities of students) such that they have the agency and abilities to self-organize and tackle deep, "wicked problems" of such fundamental importance as this. In solving this science/equity problem, let's aim 1 level higher/deeper/further and also focus on transforming education to prepare children to care about and have the abilities to 'solve' problems such as this as they grow.
How will all educators and society have a deliberate coming together to envision equity as a guiding framework for the implementation of NGSS?
question interrogates problem of... wow, hard for me to encapsulate in a sentence. How about: Us teachers and other stakeholders need to engage in dialogue/action around equity and NGSS in our own local connections yet be aware of and engage with other local dialogues and furthermore transform/be-transformed-by the emerging, higher level discourse. np
- May 2019
www.drevafogelman.com www.drevafogelman.com
Yoslow observed that the Third-Generation has a deep affection for humanity, which is a transformation of the post-Holocaust trauma. This process is the ability to transform the emotional effects of the Holocaust by letting go, and thus increases the quest for meaning in ones life and concern for social issues.
- Apr 2019
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Author Ted Mitchell is the President of the American Council on Education. The article outlines solid numbers of Higher Education demographics and the changes that have occurred over the years and what that means for the future of students, especially those who have lived their entire lives in a digital era. The article is a great approach to reflecting on the future of technology and questions we can answer in this area and is not so much a focus on certain technologies.
Rating: 9/10
- Mar 2019
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Interesting that he uses this quote to begin his monograph as physical masks have been linked to hooliganism. Young boys and men are more likely to wear a mask at Halloween than girls and most of their costumes are designed that way. I think this article that looks at the power of masks, both with in a theatre context and online context is useful. The idea that a mask can transform the wearer into something else, potentially violent, also happens online is frightening. https://aeon.co/essays/how-masks-explain-the-psychology-behind-online-harassment
- Feb 2019
anthrodendum.org anthrodendum.org
Escobar casts wide the net of his critique, his objective is not merely to tackle neoliberal capitalism, rampant individualism, patriarchy or colonialism — although each of those topics are explored in detail. He is writing against nothing less than all of modernity, a “particular modelo civilizatorio, or civilizational model… an entire way of life and a whole style of world making.” Our toxic, modern lifestyle in the Global North and the way it understands (or fails to understand) the relationality between humanity and other forms of life plays the dominant role in creating the contemporary crises. To preserve the future we need a different way of life and way to relate to all of life, “no less than a new notion of the human.” The crises are inseparable from our social lives. We need to step outside of our established worldviews to bring about significant transformations. Is this possible? How can we achieve such a transition?
Designs for the Pluriverse book review
- Oct 2017
www.c21canada.org www.c21canada.org
The transformative view is that learning is a social process, with students and teachers working in partnership with each other and with experts beyond school, supported by digital technologies. In the transformative view, collaboration, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurial know-how, and ethical citizenship infuse teaching and learning. Students and teachers co-design their work. The learning environment, which extends beyond the classroom, is purposefully designed for students to think, research, analyze, develop and improve their ideas, and demonstrate deep understanding through the work they produce
My thoughts on this here: http://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/scaling-out-and-scaling-up-innovation/
- May 2016
www.seethingbrains.com www.seethingbrains.comBook 21
Quickly and with his eyes watering with satisfaction, he ate one after the other the cheese, the vegetables, and the sauce. The fresh food, by contrast, didn’t taste good to him. He couldn’t bear the smell and even carried the things he wanted to eat a little distance away.
This passage depicts one of the pivotal moments in the Metamorphosis in which Gregor loses another piece of his humanity. An important image in the book is that of Gregor’s sweet bowl of milk. After Gregor’s transformation he longs for the bowl of milk as a way to hold on to his humanity as this is one of the symbols of his lost self. This is something that Gregor the working man enjoyed and symbolizes what Gregor no longer is. Therefore this quote is important because it shows that Gregor slowly becoming inside what his outside has already transformed into. The refusal of fresh food that he would have quickly indulged in as a human shows that Gregor is conforming to his shell. By eating the rotten vegetables and spoiled food because he enjoys the smell and it has become appealing to him, it shows that Gregor is losing sight of himself. He is also far less introspective, a prevalent literary element in the rest of the story. The moment he realizes he is vermin the story is riddled with Gregor’s almost comical deadpan description and reflection on his newfound condition. However, this passage is lacking that aspect; it is mainly the omniscient narrator who tells of this event, despite it’s importance; suggesting Gregor would have a lot to say on the subject.
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
Let this sense of Reality and unreality, without clear distinction, be. And do not try to figure it out. But insist, as you have, upon communicating with me, because our communication does now cease to be a communication of information and becomes a substantiation of where you, as you are experiencing yourself, are originating from. In other words, again, our conversation confirms your divinity and its active presence, Fourth-dimensionally speaking. What I am saying, you are experiencing—and I am not talking about an idea! To continue frequently to experience—not think about—that confirmation, you will become grounded Fourth-dimensionally and ungrounded three-dimensionally. That is the shift. As that confirmation is reconfirmed when you frequently address me and hear me respond, it will include illumination of the details which in the past you have hoped to arrive at by means of thinking and reasoning. You are indeed on the move again—not stuck in an improved belief.
Raj shares with Paul to insist upon communicating with him because through this communication which is in 4d it affirms Paul's divinity.
The shift is to be more grounded in 4d and less in 3d.
christmind.info christmind.info
Don’t force it. Your Being is Total, Entire. All of It is present as You. You say you don’t know, but you were willing to admit the possibility that you do Know. Admitting that, you will be able to see the Phoenix rise, and the transformation occur.
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Remain with the fact that your “others” (Really, and not in belief) are your Self, and that in this closely harmonized set of patterns you are each playing integral parts as aspects of the individual transformations that reflect the Transformation Universal.
- Oct 2015
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
Cracks and reforms and bursts in the violet air Falling towers Jerusalem Athens Alexandria Vienna London 375 Unreal
Jerusalem, Athens and Alexandria were all major cultural and economic centres of fallen ancient civilisations which no longer have any agency in world politics. Their empires have broken down and seize to have major input in modern civilisation. Moreover, Vienna was the capital of the Austria-Hungary empire which fell apart after their defeat in World War 1 and had to pay severe reparations to the Allies. All of these empires have cracked and reformed and broken down again, or even “burst”. Consequently, citizens of these cities have been exiled from everything that they understand of their home, their nationality. In a society which looks upon ones nationality to dictate ones identity, who do you become when your home falls apart?
Perhaps Eliot is suggesting that London, a significant centre of Europe as well as the British Empire is “falling”, and all that will be left will be the memory of a distant empire, it will be transformed into something “unreal” as it will no longer exist. By listing these empires, Eliot implies London’s eventual fall is inevitable, leaving civilisation as we know it, isolated.
- Jun 2015
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
just when the outlines of the social order were becoming blurred. Smell, in particular, the sense of transitions (Howes 1987), of thresholds and margins, which reveals the processes by which beings and things are transformed, fascinated at this period of confusion, whilst the sense of sight was no longer able to read the hierarchies with the same assurance
Heather Brook Adams: something in the language here caught my attention