- Aug 2023
tomgreenwood.substack.com tomgreenwood.substack.com
I've been wondering if we are too focused on systems and actions that we can do, rather than on ourselves as human beings and what we can be.
- for: human DOing, Deep Humanity, DH, quote, quote - DH, quote - Deep Humanity, quote - human DOing
- quote
- I've been wondering if we are too focused on systems and actions
- that we can do, rather than on ourselves as human beings and
- what we can be.
- I've been wondering if we are too focused on systems and actions
- comment
- this is aligned to the Deep Humanity notion of the difference between:
- human DOing vs
- human BEing
- this is aligned to the Deep Humanity notion of the difference between:
ips-dc.org ips-dc.org
REPORT: Executive Excess 2023 - Institute for Policy Studies by Sarah Anderson in August 2023
see article about this report at https://hypothes.is/a/D6qzfENbEe6qDg8H-IEo6g
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Lauren Aratani in CEOs of top 100 ‘low-wage’ US firms earn $601 for every $1 by worker, report finds at 2023-08-24 (accessed:: 2023-08-25 08:20:02)
I should like to add that specialization, instead of makingthe Great Conversation irrelevant, makes it more pertinentthan ever. Specialization makes it harder to carry on anykind of conversation; but this calls for greater effort, not theabandonment of the attempt.
The dramatic increase in economic specialization of humanity driven by the Industrial Revolution has many benefits to societies, but it also has detrimental effects when the core knowledge and shared base of the society is lost.
Certainly individuals have a greater reliance on specialists for future outcomes (think about the specialization of areas like climate science which can have destructive outcomes on all of humanity or public health outcomes with respect to vaccines and specialized health care delivery), but they also need to have a common base of knowledge/culture and the ability to think critically for themselves to be able to effect necessary changes, particularly when the pace of those changes is more rapid than humans have generally been evolved to accept them.
Adam Smith stated the case long ago: "A man withoutthe proper use of the intellectual faculties of a man, is, ifpossible, more contemptible than even a coward, and seemsto be mutilated and deformed in a still more essential part ofthe character of human nature."
This seems apropos to the situation in which I view Donald J. Trump.
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
Extreme bad behaviour from governments and private companies – GAFAs [Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon] and the like in China – will create a social and civic innovation to compensate and/or to contribute to an innovation jump. I hope for development of human cooperative brain networks.
- for: quote, quote - Janet Salmons, quote - human cooperative brain networks, indyweb - support
- quote
- Extreme bad behaviour from governments and private companies – GAFAs [Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon] and the like in China – will create a social and civic innovation to compensate and/or to contribute to an innovation jump. I hope for development of human cooperative brain networks.
- author: Caroline Figueres
- strategic consultant
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
Technological change is an accelerant and acts on the social ills like pouring gasoline on a fire
- for: quote, quote - Stowe Boyd, quote - progress trap, quote - unintended consequences, unintended consequences, progress trap, cultural evolution, technology - futures, futures - technology, progress trap
- quote:
- Technological change is an accelerant and acts on the social ills like pouring gasoline on a fire
- author: Sowe Boyd
- consulting futurist on technological evolution and the future of work
- paraphrase
- In an uncontrolled hyper-capitalist society,
- the explosion in technologies over the past 30 years has only
- widened inequality,
- concentrated wealth and
- led to greater social division.
- And it is speeding up with the rise of artificial intelligence,
- which like globalization has destabilized Western industrial economies while admittedly pulling hundreds of millions elsewhere out of poverty.
- the explosion in technologies over the past 30 years has only
- And the boiling exhaust of this set of forces is pushing the planet into a climate catastrophe. -The world is as unready for hundreds of millions of climate refugees as it was for the plague.
- However, some variant of social media will likely form the context for the rise of a global movement to stop the madness
- which I call the Human Spring
- which will be more like
- Occupy or
- the Yellow Vests
- than traditional politics.
- I anticipate a grassroots movement
- characterized by
- general strikes,
- political action,
- protest and
- widespread disruption of the economy
- that will confront the economic and political system of the West.
- characterized by
- Lead by the young,
ultimately this will lead to large-scale political reforms, such as
- universal health care,
- direct democracy,
- a new set of rights for individuals and
- a large set of checks on the power of
- corporations and
- political parties.
- For example,
- eliminating corporate contributions to political campaigns,
- countering monopolies and
- effectively accounting for economic externalities, like carbon.
- In an uncontrolled hyper-capitalist society,
docdrop.org docdrop.org
One hundred trillion cells, one and 14 zeros, that's the approximate number of microorganisms in your body, ten times greater than the number of your own cells. Your microbial baggage occupies almost 2% of your body weight, that's about one and a half kilograms, approximately the weight of your liver. Or your brain.
- for: stats, stats - microbiome, human microbiome, stats - human microbiome
- stats
- paraphrase
- One hundred trillion cells is the approximate number of microorganisms in your body,
- that's ten times greater than the number of your own cells.
- The micrbiome is about 2% of our body weight
- That's about one and a half kilograms
About ten years ago, a massive breakthrough happened in genomic research technology. A method appeared which is called NGS, next generation sequencing, and this method significantly cuts time and costs of any genomic research. For example, have you ever heard about the Human Genome Project? It was quite a popular topic for science fiction some time ago. 00:03:10 This project launched in 1990 with the goal to decrypt all genomic information in a human organism. At that time, with the technology of the time, it took ten years and three billion dollars to reach the goals of this project. With NGS, all of that can be done in just one day at the cost of 15,000 dollars.
- for: progress trap, cumulative cultural evolution, gene-culture co-evolution, speed of cultural evolution, human genome project
- paraphrase
- the human genome project took 10 years and cost 3 billion dollars
- with NGS technology, 10 years later, the same job takes 1 day and costs $15,000 dollars
www.ancient-origins.net www.ancient-origins.net
- for: human life expectancy, life expectancy, life expectancy myth, life expectancy at birth, life expectancy - ancestors
- title: The life expectancy myth, and why many ancient humans lived long healthy lives
- comment
- new insight
- life expectancy at birth skews our understanding of how the health and longevity of adults. -There is a false claim and belief that due to modern technologies, modern humans have lived far longer than our ancestors in the distant past.
- In fact, child mortality rates play a major role in calculating life expectancy and this is what differs modernity from our ancestors.
- Our distant ancestors did live to their 70s and 80s
It is not uncommon to hear talk about how lucky we are to live in this age of scientific and medical advancement where antibiotics and vaccinations keep us living longer, while our poor ancient ancestors were lucky to live past the age of 35. Well this is not quite true. At best, it oversimplifies a complex issue, and at worst it is a blatant misrepresentation of statistics. Did ancient humans really just drop dead as they were entering their prime, or did some live long enough to see a wrinkle on their face?
- for: life expectancy, human life expectancy, life expectancy - myth, life expectancy - ancestors
- paraphrase
- It is not uncommon to hear talk about how lucky we are to live in this age of scientific and medical advancement
- where antibiotics and vaccinations keep us living longer, while our poor ancient ancestors were lucky to live past the age of 35.
- This is not quite true:
- at best, it oversimplifies a complex issue, and
- at worst it is a blatant misrepresentation of statistics.
- It is not uncommon to hear talk about how lucky we are to live in this age of scientific and medical advancement
- key question
- What happened?
- Did ancient humans really just drop dead as they were entering their prime, or
- Did some live long enough to see a wrinkle on their face?
- What happened?
What is commonly known as ‘average life expectancy’ is technically ‘life expectancy at birth’. In other words, it is the average number of years that a newborn baby can expect to live in a given society at a given time. But life expectancy at birth is an unhelpful statistic if the goal is to compare the health and longevity of adults. That is because a major determinant of life expectancy at birth is the child mortality rate which, in our ancient past, was extremely high, and this skews the life expectancy rate dramatically downward.
- for: life expectancy, human life expectancy, life expectancy - myth, life expectancy at birth, life expectancy - ancestors
- paraphrase
- definition
- What is commonly known as ‘average life expectancy’ is technically ‘life expectancy at birth’.
- In other words, it is the average number of years that a newborn baby can expect to live in a given society at a given time.
- But life expectancy at birth is an unhelpful statistic if the goal is to compare the health and longevity of adults.
- That is because a major determinant of life expectancy at birth is the child mortality rate
- which, in our ancient past, was extremely high, and this skews the life expectancy rate dramatically downward.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
professor John on Beatty will always say 00:14:07 I am because we are since we are therefore I am so my being is not just my being alone and being the richest in the world and 00:14:19 owning everybody my property has no meaning my wealth has no meaning if it's not of service to the community so if you come to my Village and many other villages in the African continent and someone says is a wealthy person but 00:14:33 is not bringing his wealth to Advanced education Advanced roads and infrastructure train people support agriculture people don't care he's not respected but once you bring your wealth and no matter how poor you are that you 00:14:47 are contributing to the society you are considered great so these are the values we think we can start discussing in the International Community
- for: individual / collective entanglement, ubuntu M2W, human interbeing, quote, quote - John Mbiti, quote - human interbeing
- paraphrase
- professor John Mbiti will always say "I am because we are since we are therefore I am:
- so my being is not just my being alone and being the richest in the world and owning everybody
- my property has no meaning my wealth has no meaning
- if it's not of service to the community
- so if you come to my Village and many other villages in the African continent and someone says is a wealthy person but is not bringing his wealth to
- Advanced education
- Advanced roads and infrastructure
- train people
- support agriculture
- people don't care he's not respected
- but once you bring your wealth and no matter how poor you are that you are contributing to the society
- you are considered great so these are the values we think we can start discussing in the International Community
- my property has no meaning my wealth has no meaning
you can imagine that that if that's happening today and climate change hasn't really even hit yet and biodiversity loss really hasn't even hit badly yet or at least this hasn't hit widespread 00:35:45 badly
- for: future climate impacts, futures, climate impacts, preparedness, climate change - human migration, climate refuge, climate departure, Camilo Mora
- There will be massive human migration
- Europe is already unable to cope with the migration of a million climate refugees from Syria
- The US is polarized due to mass migration of a few people escaping climate crisis and violence in central and South America
- Developed countries will be overwhelmed with climate refugees number in the millions or tens of millions
- In addition to human migration, the migration of species seeking cooler temperatures will fundamentally reshape our economies
- climate departure is the date when local climate goes outside normal historical bounds and locally adapted species do not recognize it anymore and will be forced to migrate to survive
- climate departure is a huge issue that is going to happen, regardless of which decarbonoization path we take. This means all species on the globe will be undergoing dramatic environmental shifts, making mass extinction more likely.
- Dr. Camilo Mora et al. seminal 2013 paper on climate departure: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbafybeihfoajtasczfz4s6u6j4mmyzlbn7zt4f7hpynjdvd6vpp32zmx5la.ipfs.dweb.link%2FTheprojectedtimingofclimatedeparture2013.pdf&group=vnpq69nW
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there's 00:08:43 nothing there that could be secured and here's the important point I think we experienced that we experience it as a sense of lack 00:08:58 that is to say the sense that something is wrong with me something is missing something isn't quite right I'm not good enough and the reality is I think all of us to 00:09:14 some degree have some sense of that some sense of lack even though we might ignore it or cover it up there's there's some sense of that but because it's mostly sort of unconscious in the sense that we don't 00:09:29 really know where it comes from
- for: sense of lack, sense of self, sense of self and sense of lack, human condition, poverty mentality, alienation, separation, emptiness, emptiness of emptiness, W2W, inequality
- key insight
- sense of self is equivalent to
- sense of lack
- duality
- disconnection
- alienation
- separation
- solidification - the opposite of emptiness
- sense of self is equivalent to
- comment
- this sense of lack that is intrinsically associated with the sense of self is perhaps the deepest root of our unhappiness
- this is a key insight for sharing for both those who have too much (the 1%) as well as those who are so materially impoverished and deprived that they are forced to adopt survivalist strategies to stay alive, and if successful, take on a hard edge to survivalism, over-appreciating materialism
- the same mistake is committed on both end of the disparity spectrum, both groups are still under the illusion that that sense of lack can be filled
link.springer.com link.springer.com
for: gene culture coevolution, carrying capacity, unsustainability, overshoot, cultural evolution, progress trap
Title: The genetic and cultural evolution of unsustainability
Author: Brian F. Snyder
- Summary
- Paraphrase
- Anthropogenic changes are accelerating and threaten the future of life on earth.
- While the proximate mechanisms of these anthropogenic changes are well studied
- climate change,
- biodiversity loss,
- population growth
- the evolutionary causality of these anthropogenic changes have been largely ignored.
- Anthroecological theory (AET) proposes that the ultimate cause of anthropogenic environmental change is
- multi-level selection for niche construction and ecosystem engineering.
- Here, we integrate this theory with
- Lotka’s Maximum Power Principle
- and propose a model linking
- energy extraction from the environment with
- genetic, technological and cultural evolution
- to increase human ecosystem carrying capacity.
- Carrying capacity is partially determined by energetic factors such as
- the net energy a population can acquire from its environment and
- the efficiency of conversion from energy input to offspring output.
- These factors are under Darwinian genetic selection
- in all species,
- but in humans, they are also determined by
- technology and
- culture.
- If there is genetic or non-genetic heritable variation in
- the ability of an individual or social group
- to increase its carrying capacity,
- then we hypothesize that - selection or cultural evolution will act - to increase carrying capacity.
- Furthermore, if this evolution of carrying capacity occurs
- faster than the biotic components of the ecological system can respond via their own evolution,
- then we hypothesize that unsustainable ecological changes will result.
- human niche construction
- niche construction
- The genetic and cultural evolution of unsustainability
- cumulative cultural evolution
- Anthroecological theory
- evolution of our polycrisis
- evolution of the anthropocene
- progress trap
- progress trap - cultural evolution
- conscious cumulative cultural evolution
- unsustainability
- gene-culture coevolution
- evolution of polycrisis
- Brian F Snyder
- Jul 2023
davidkorten.org davidkorten.org
The consequences of our current choices bear not juston us. They bear on the continued evolutionary unfoldingof life in the universe. This marks the scale of our currentresponsibility
- for: human impacts, MET, major evolutionary transition, progress trap, human responsibility to life, CCE, cumulative cultural evolution, playing God
- comment
- Very true, in fact our species is in the unprecedented position that
- human activity, and specifically our cumulative cultural evolution (CCE) now determines the biological / genetic evolutionary future not only of our own species, but of all life on earth.
- In other words, of evolution itself! -This is an awkward position as we have nowhere near the wisdom to play God and determine the future direction of evolution!
- References
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for: inner/outer transformation, transformation, rapid whole system change,
- Title
- The Human Form Divine
- Speaker
- Timothy Morton
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for: ecological civilization, degrowth, futures, deep ecology, emptiness, polycrisis, human exceptionalism, planned descent
- source
- The Great Simplifcation
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE39xfNRRyw
- Nate hosts this discussion on what constitutes an ecological civilization with guests
- William Rees
- Rex Weyler
- Nora Bateson
- Nate hosts this discussion on what constitutes an ecological civilization with guests
Reflections Overall,
- an insightful discussion on the polycrisis and
- reflections on what is in store for civilization.
- There is consensus that
- what we are experiencing has been decades in the making and
- the solutions-oriented approach to solving problems has only treated the symptoms and indeed has made things worse.
- There is a strong undercurrent of the emptiness in nature
- emphasized the folly of human exceptionalism that has been socially normalized and which
- continues to create the major separation that fuels the polycrisis.
- Not recognizing that we are nature, not recognizing our animal nature
- we look upon nature with an attitude of controlling nature, rather than flowing with her.
- advocated Taoism as a more consistent way to frame nature rather than the reductionist, control methodology that separates us from nature.
Nora's perspective is the folly of abstraction that generates fixed preconceptions of aspects of nature that we then reify.
- The fixed preconceptions are solidified but they are an oversimplified version of reality,
- and that oversimplification leads to actualizing the cliche"a little knowledge is dangerous" into civilization
- in other words, the continuous manufacture of progress traps.
William sees our impending crash as not only inevitable, but natural.
- In this, he concurs with Rex's perspective.
- Human beings are simply another species and like them,
- we are susceptible to population explosions when negative feedbacks are removed,
- which can lead to nature self-correcting with mass dieoff when resources are overconsumed.
accepting our animal nature, and end this human exceptionalism, which blinds us to our animal nature, just for starters. If we have a meeting about climate or biodiversity, in our minds we need to invite all other creatures to those meetings. And I'm not just trying to be foolish or silly here. I'm serious, I'm dead serious about it. We 01:24:09 need to be sitting at the table with the elephants and the jaguars and the wolves and the algae and the apple trees and the bees and allowing those voices somehow into our conversation.
- for: symbiocene, human exceptionalism
- question
- how do we invite them in? if they cannot represent themselves, how do we represent them?
- does anyone know what' it's like to be a bat?
- how do we invite them in? if they cannot represent themselves, how do we represent them?
- remind ourselves of our animal nature
- mortality salience counters human exceptionalism
No fairness, again, is a human construct. 01:10:41 And I mentioned before, evolution doesn't care. If a species is going extinct, evolution doesn't freak out and go, oh, we got to keep that species. It just happens. There's no thinking being back there going, well, should we let them go or not? And let's face it, 01:11:12 when we eat the blackberries off the vine, that's their babies. Is that fair that we eat the babies of the blackberries?
- for: nature has no values, human values, purpose, purposelessness,
- key insight
- evolution doesn't care
- humans care, humans construct value and want to save ourselves. Evolution doesn't care if entire species live or die.
- comment
- I've thought the same thing. It differentiates human beings from nature
- Another way to say this is that humans have purpose, nature does not
If you think of a plague of locusts or a plague of mice or frogs or whatever, every species, when it is situated in an environment 00:39:06 which for whatever set of juxtapositional reasons is favorable to the expansion of that species, it will explode and expand. And humans are no different. With fossil fuel, we acquired the ability to exploit the planet and provide all the other resources needed to grow the human enterprise to realize for the first time in human history, our full exponential growth potential.
- for:nonexceptional human
- If you think of a plague of locusts or a plague of mice or frogs or whatever,
- every species, when it is situated in an environment<br />
which for whatever set of juxtapositional reasons is favorable to the expansion of that species,
- it will explode and expand.
- And humans are no different.
- With fossil fuel, we acquired the ability to exploit the planet and provide all the other resources needed to grow the human enterprise
- to realize for the first time in human history, our full exponential growth potential.
- up until about the industrial revolution, we were held in check by negative feedback.
- The positive feedback tendencies of the species shared by all other species was held back by resource shortages, disease, war, and all of that stuff.
- Well, fossil fuel temporarily relieved us of that, and we exploded just as a plague of locusts explodes during a favorable environment.
- But then what that explosion does is deplete the resources and it crashes.
- So I think we're on a one-off population boom/bust cycle, which is completely natural.
- It just, it's never happened to humans before on a global scale
- it has many times before on a local scale. But this time it's a global thing.
- It's natural, it's going to happen, get used to it.
- And Rex is right. Don't panic. Start taking care of what you can in your immediate environments.
- every species, when it is situated in an environment<br />
which for whatever set of juxtapositional reasons is favorable to the expansion of that species,
I think this is also part of our sense of who we are as humans, as ourselves, and the idea of the self, the individual, and even the humans as this individual species, these divisions are arbitrary.
- for: emptiness, human interbeing, human interbecoming
- example
- BEing journey
- I think this is also part of our sense of who we are as humans, as ourselves,
- and the idea of the self, the individual, and even the humans as this individual species,
- these divisions are arbitrary.
- I don't stop at my skin.
- I'm breathing air.
- I'm drinking the water.
- I'm eating food.
- I'm eating an apple.
- When I eat an apple, when do the molecules of the apple become me?
-When I'm chewing it in my mouth?
- when it's in my stomach?
- when my system has broken down the nutrients?
- when is that point that nitrogen molecule becomes me versus the apple?
- I would propose that apple is me when it's growing on the tree.
- I think of the blossoms of the tree and the bees.
- The blossoms of the tree,
- the tree can't reproduce without the bees.
- So is the bee part of the tree?
- The bee is part of the reproductive system of the tree.
- So the bee is part of the tree,
- the tree is part of the bee.
- The bee needs the tree.
- The tree needs the bee.
- This is just one simple relationship,
- but it's not simple at all because
- the bee needs a lot of other things,
- and the tree needs a lot of other things.
- And the mycelium and the soil.
- but it's not simple at all because
- We talk about a tree and the soil and the atmosphere and the bee as if they're all separate things.
- And that's convenient because our language has nouns that mean certain things.
- So we want to talk about trees.
- It's nice to have a word for tree,
- but we get it in our head that the tree is separate from the soil,
- which is separate from the atmosphere,
- which is separate from the bee.
- And I'm saying no, those divisions are indeed somewhat arbitrary,
- but we use them for convenience.
- But the soil's not the soil without the relationship with the tree
- and the tree's not the tree without the relationship with the soil and the atmosphere.
- And the atmosphere is not the atmosphere without the relationshi to the tree, to the bee, to me and the soil.
- So to me that's the essence of ecology.
- And that we have to expand this sense of self,
- individual self as well as
- the species of humans.
- And this isolated self, I think is a socially reinforced construct,
- but we get sucked into it.
- And we talk about relationships in ecology and we talk about the value of all living things,
- but in our actions we come back to the individual self.
- BEing journey
we talk about human rights and we want to protect our human rights. We have to expand that sense of human rights to the rest of the world and understood. We don't have the right to 00:21:48 destroy that diversity which is critical and which has inherent value.
- for: human rights, nonhuman rights
- mortality salience
- Deep Humanity
- Nora Bateson
- ecology and emptiness
- ecological civilization
- The Great Simplification
- symbiocene
- value
- emptiness
- purposelessness
- planned descent
- Deep Ecology
- human interbeing
- Rex Weyler
- human rights
- human exceptionalism
- nonhuman rights
- nonexceptional human
- William Reese
- human values
- ecology - emptiness
I would say it's text when interpreted as text/plain it's human readable. Otherwise it's binary. That is, binary = for machines only.
I couldn't find a definition of text except that text means absence of binary data. This is weak - so I would follow your definition - A text file is a file which can be read by a human.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- The Buddha taught that everything is
- connected and
- constantly changing.
- These fundamental observations of the world are shared by
- ecology and
- evolution.
- We are living in a time of unprecedented rates of extinction.
- Science provides us with the information that we need to address this extinction crisis.
- However, the problems underlying extinction generally do not result from a lack of scientific understanding,
- but they rather result from an unwillingness to take the needed action.
I present mindfulness and meditative aspects of Zen practice that provide the deeper “knowing,” or awareness that we need to inspire action on these problems.
- emptiness is interdependency and change
- in Deep Humanity praxis, it is equivalent to
- human INTERbeing and
- human INTERbeCOMing
- The Buddha taught that everything is
bafybeihzua2lldmlutkxlie7jfppxheow6my62x2qmywif2wukoswo5hqi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeihzua2lldmlutkxlie7jfppxheow6my62x2qmywif2wukoswo5hqi.ipfs.w3s.link
forms might be asso-ciated with structures
- comment
- A Deep Humanity analog to the word "structure" is the word "pattern"
- Hence we have the equivalency:
- platonic form = structure = pattern
- and the author's prior statement that
- These mental and subsequently materialized ideas then
- have the potential to
- influence the physical world and to
- feedback into the mental world to produce additional structure and
- physical material
- influence the physical world and to
- is equivalent to Indyweb / Deep Humanity statement that
- individual and collective learning are deeply entangled
- cumulative cultural evolution is mediated through this entanglement
- that is best represented by the idea of dependent origination
- individuals articulate ideas and externally present them to other consciousnesses
- a multi-meaningverse exists whenever social learning occurs and
- multiple perspectives, multiple meaningverses converge
- each individual perspective surfaces their own adjacencies of ideas drawn from their own salience landscape
- which in turn emerge from their own respective unique lebenswelt
- We might also say that to the degree that internal patterns of the symbolosphere correlate with external patterns of the physiosphere, then
- that is the degree to which the universal pattern manifests in both nature nature and in human nature
- since humans (human nature) are an expression of nature (nature nature), we should not expect otherwise
- comment
docdrop.org docdrop.org
David Hume in the section of the treatise of human nature
- David Hume
- in the section of the treatise of human nature on skepticism
- https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4705
- David Hume
Researchers from Moscow State University and the Human Brain Institute in St. Petersburg told the Dalai Lama in May that they have examined 104 monks who are simulating meditation states thought to resemble thukdam.
- comment
- look for any research on this from the Russian scientists at the Human Brain Institute in St. Petersberg
- comment
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
A.G.I.-ism distracts from finding better ways to augment intelligence.
- There are people who are designing systems to prioritize augmenting human intelligence and use machines to assist us
- For instance, it was the vision of Doug Engelbart
- Jun 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
PARIS — Europe’s top human rights court condemned the French government on Wednesday over its refusal to bring home the families of two Islamic State fighters, a landmark ruling that may push France and other European countries to speed up the repatriation of nationals held for years in squalid detention camps in northeastern Syria.
Could such EU wide actions or decision result in fostering seed of anger among individual EU nations, eventually prompting them to leave EU? Is there no power among individual nations to make their own decisions when it comes to national security?
magrawala.substack.com magrawala.substack.com
Collaborating with another human is better than working with generative AI in part because conversation allows us to establish common ground, build shared semantics and engage in repair strategies when something is ambiguous.
Collaborating with humans beats collaborating with AI because we can sync up our mental models, clarify ambiguity, and iterate.
Current AI tools are limited in the methods they make available to perform these tasks.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the positive ones is we become good parents we spoke about this last time we we met uh and and it's the only outcome it's the only way I believe we can 01:14:34 create a better future
- comment
- the best possible outcome for AI
- is that we human better
- othering is significantly reduced
- the sacred is rediscovered
- comment
- May 2023
psychology.cornell.edu psychology.cornell.edu
the beauty of perceptual immaturity in altricial species is that it makes learning easier by reducing the complexity of the world
- the beauty of perceptual immaturity in altricial species is that
- it makes learning easier by reducing the complexity of the world,” the researchers wrote.
- Parents are key to altricial learning, Goldstein said,
- forming a two-way system of feedback.
- Far from being passive recipients, he said,
- infants of many species can change the behavior of their parents
- in ways that actively shape their own developments.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I am skeptical of this idea that we can escape our human nature I think that's a 00:38:01 that's that's a hubris that that that's the sort of hubris which and you know the ancient Greeks had
- Comment
- Mary Harrington believes it is hubris to believe we can escape our human nature.
- I believe that cultural evolution is complex
- We learn and change behavior over the course of even one life time
- Comment
I think we 00:30:23 do need to get better at humaning
- Comment
- Elise does agree with Mary in that we need to "human better"
- Comment
when people do die it is almost like I think a colleague of mine under Sandberg 00:31:27 says that when somebody died the library Burns because all of that wisdom that they're carrying around in their minds that it took decades and decades to build up inside of them gets extinguished
- comment
- I think many of us have had this thought!
- that when we die, vast amounts of wisdom is extinguished along with that person
- As our digital tools become more sophisticated, however,
- we are uploading our libraries to the digital collective intelligence network
- the internet may well evolve to become the epitome and master repository of human cumulative cultural evolution.
- even AI could not exist if it did not mine a training set of billions of human and their shared ideas
- Perhaps it is the internet which is the vehicle for collective hybridized human-cyborg immortality?
- If knowledge is preserved this way, then this flavor of immortality is only meaningful for our species
- I think many of us have had this thought!
- comment
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
His ideas for creating the “Pure Land inthe Human Realm” extend to several kinds of activity: from seeking rebirth ina Buddhist paradise such as Uttarakuru to purifying the present world throughreform activities; from improving peoples’ lives by fostering technologicalinnovation to establishing a utopian mountaintop Buddhist community inwhich esoteric rituals for the welfare of the nation would have an importantplace
Activities leading to a Pure Land in the Human Realm.
Beim Bau des Geothermiekraftwerks Olkaria, das Bundeskanzler Scholz gerade gefeiert hat, ist es zu massiven Verletzungen der Rechte der dort wohnenden Maasai gekommen, verbunden mitRrepressionsmaßnahmen. Hintergrundbericht in der taz. https://taz.de/Investitionen-in-Erneuerbare-in-Kenia/!5933093/
infomesh.net infomesh.net
almost all beginners to RDF go through a sort of "identity crisis" phase, where they confuse people with their names, and documents with their titles. For example, it is common to see statements such as:- <http://example.org/> dc:creator "Bob" . However, Bob is just a literal string, so how can a literal string write a document?
This could be trivially solved by extending the syntax to include some notation that has the semantics of a well-defined reference but the ergonomics of a quoted string. So if the notation used the sigil
(for example), then~"Bob"
could denote an implicitly defined entity that is, through some type-/class-specific mechanism associated with the string "Bob".
aduros.com aduros.com
configuring xterm
Ugh. This is the real problem, I'd wager. Nobody wants to derp around configuring the Xresources to make xterm behave acceptably—i.e. just to reach parity with Gnome Terminal—if they can literally just open up Gnome Terminal and use that.
I say this as a Vim user. (Who doesn't do any of the suping/ricing that is commonly associated with Vim.)
It is worth considering an interesting idea, though: what if someone wrote a separate xterm configuration utility? Suppose it started out where the default would be to produce the settings that would most closely match the vanilla Gnome Terminal (or some other contemporary desktop default) experience, but show you the exact same set of knobs that xterm's modern counter part gives you (by way of its settings dialog) to tweak this behavior? And then beyond that you could fiddle with the "advanced" settings to exercise the full breadth of the sort of control that xterm gives you? Think Firefox preferences/settings/options vs. dropping down to about:config for your odd idiosyncrasy.
Since this is just an Xresources file, it would be straightforward to build this sort of frontend as an in-browser utility... (or a triple script, even).
- Apr 2023
www.kanopy.com www.kanopy.com
13:14 - [Aby] Telegram and telephone destroy the cosmos.13:18 Mythical and symbolic thinking13:20 strives to form spiritual bonds13:22 between humanity and the surrounding world,13:25 shaping distance into the space13:27 required for devotion and reflection,13:31 the distance undone13:32 by the instantaneous electrical connection.
Telegram and telephone destroy the cosmos. Mythical and symbolic thinking strives to form spiritual bonds between humanity and the surrounding world, shaping distance into the space required for devotion and reflection, the distance undone by the instantaneous electrical connection. —Aby Warburg, [00:13:14] quoted in Aby Warburg: Metamorphosis and Memory (Original quote??)
Bei der Tagung von Weltbank und Internationalem Währungsfonds wurden nur winzige Reformschritte unternommen. Nach der Ansicht der Fachleute von NGOs werden sie nicht ausreichen um ärmeren Ländern den Kampf gegen die globale Erhitzung zur erleichtern. Nach wie vor stellt die Weltbank hohe Summen für die Finanzierung fossiler Energien zur Verfügung.
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
the overarching paradigm that underlies the global system, however useful it might have been, is not only obsolete, but actively pushing us toward self-annihilation. This paradigm reduces human existence to competition between disconnected, materially-defined units whose primary imperative is individual material self-maximisation and accumulation. Yet it is precisely this way of being that is eroding our mental health and destroying planetary life-support systems. Our inherently relational nature, the fact that our well-being is tied up with our connections to others – that we are fundamentally interconnected – is obfuscated.Moving through the global phase-shift, then, requires us to completely reorient ourselves into a new way of being in the world, rooted in new ways of understanding our relationship with the world that actually connect with reality.
In Other Words The human INTERbeing - our relational nature - our Dunbar number past - is denied by modernity
- Mar 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The evolution of a human being
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
It has been suggested that - the human species may be undergoing an evolutionary transition in individuality (ETI).
there is disagreement about - how to apply the ETI framework to our species - and whether culture is implicated - as either cause or consequence.
Long-term gene–culture coevolution (GCC) i- s - also poorly understood.
argued that - culture steers human evolution,
Others proposed - genes hold culture on a leash.
After review of the literature and evidence on long-term GCC in humans - emerge a set of common themes. - First, culture appears to hold greater adaptive potential than genetic inheritance - and is probably driving human evolution. - The evolutionary impact of culture occurs - mainly through culturally organized groups, - which have come to dominate human affairs in recent millennia. - Second, the role of culture appears to be growing, - increasingly bypassing genetic evolution and weakening genetic adaptive potential. -Taken together, these findings suggest that human long-term GCC is characterized by - an evolutionary transition in inheritance - from genes to culture - which entails a transition in individuality (from genetic individual to cultural group). Research on GCC should focus on the possibility of - an ongoing transition in the human inheritance system.
patterns thought to be characteristic of an ETI, including the scale of our cooperation with non-kin, the prominence of human language and our complex, full-time division of labour.
Human Patterns of ETI - non-kin scale of cooperation - prominence of human language - complex and full-time division of labor
extendedevolutionarysynthesis.com extendedevolutionarysynthesis.com
As a consequence of sociocultural niche construction, humans have become a global force of nature – for better and for worse. It is only by embracing these sociocultural realities that we might shape better futures for both humans and non-human species alike.
// In Other Words
- we must undo the myopic cultural evolution that has already taken place with a more collectively conscious form of cultural evolution //
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Gene–culture coevolution and the nature of human sociality
- Title: Gene–culture coevolution and the nature of human sociality
- Author: Herbert Gintis
//Abstract - Summary - Human characteristics are the product of gene–culture coevolution, - which is an evolutionary dynamic involving the interaction of genes and culture - over long time periods. - Gene–culture coevolution is a special case of niche construction. - Gene–culture coevolution is responsible for: - human other-regarding preferences, - a taste for fairness, - the capacity to empathize and - salience of morality and character virtues.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Title: Human niche construction in interdisciplinary focus
- Author:
- Jeremy Kendal
- Jamshid J. Tehrani
- John Oding-Smee
- Abstract
- summary
- Niche construction is an endogenous causal process in evolution,
- reciprocal to the causal process of natural selection.
- It works by adding ecological inheritance,
- comprising the inheritance of natural selection pressures previously modified by niche construction,
- to genetic inheritance in evolution.
- Human niche construction modifies selection pressures in environments in ways that affect both human evolution, and the evolution of other species.
- Human ecological inheritance is exceptionally potent
- because it includes the social transmission and inheritance
- of cultural knowledge, and material culture.
- Human genetic inheritance
- in combination with human cultural inheritance
- thus provides a basis for gene–culture coevolution,
- and multivariate dynamics in cultural evolution.
- Niche construction theory potentially integrates the biological and social aspects of the human sciences.
- We elaborate on these processes,
- and provide brief introductions to each of the papers published in this theme issue.
iiraorg.com iiraorg.com
The central question of the Anthropocene, why did behaviorally modern humans gain the unprecedented capacity to change an entire planet, cannot be answered by genetic changes in human behavior. To explain why human societies scaled up to become a global force capable of changing the Earth and why there are so many different forms of human societies and ecologies shaped by them, explanations must be sought beyond the theories of biology, chemistry or physics. Here I introduce a new evolutionary theory, sociocultural niche construction, aimed at explaining the origins of human capacity to transform the Earth 3. As will be seen, this theory also explains why behaviorally modern human societies came to transform ecology in so many different ways over the past 50,000 years as they expanded across the Earth.
//Summary* - The central question of the Anthropocene: - why did behaviorally modern humans gain the unprecedented capacity to change an entire planet? - cannot be answered by genetic changes in human behavior. - To explain why human societies scaled up to become a global force capable of changing the Earth and why there are so many different forms of human societies and ecologies shaped by them, - explanations must be sought beyond the theories of - biology, - chemistry or - physics. - Here I introduce a new evolutionary theory, sociocultural niche construction, - aimed at explaining the origins of human capacity to transform the Earth . - As will be seen, this theory also explains why - behaviorally modern human societies came to - transform ecology in so many different ways over the past 50,000 years as they expanded across the Earth. //
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
- Abstract
- summary
- The exhibition of increasingly intensive and complex niche construction behaviors through time
- is a key feature of human evolution,
- culminating in the advanced capacity for ecosystem engineering exhibited by Homo sapiens.
- A crucial outcome of such behaviors has been the dramatic reshaping of the global biosphere,
- a transformation whose early origins are increasingly apparent
- from cumulative archaeological and paleoecological datasets.
- Such data suggest that, by the Late Pleistocene,
- humans had begun to engage in activities
- that have led to alterations in the distributions of a vast array of species
- across most, if not all, taxonomic groups.
- Changes to biodiversity have included
- extinctions,
- extirpations, and
- shifts in species
- composition,
- diversity, and
- community structure.
- We outline key examples of these changes,
- highlighting findings from the study of new datasets, like
- ancient DNA (aDNA),
- stable isotopes, and
- microfossils, as well as
- the application of new statistical and computational methods to datasets that have accumulated significantly in recent decades.
- We focus on four major phases that witnessed broad anthropogenic alterations to biodiversity:
- the Late Pleistocene global human expansion,
- the Neolithic spread of agriculture,
- the era of island colonization, and
- the emergence of early urbanized societies and commercial networks.
- Archaeological evidence documents millennia of anthropogenic transformations
- that have created novel ecosystems around the world.
- This record has implications for:
- ecological and evolutionary research,
- conservation strategies, and
- the maintenance of ecosystem services,
- pointing to a significant need for broader cross-disciplinary engagement between:
- archaeology
- the biological sciences and
- the environmental sciences.
Ecological consequences of human niche construction: Examining long-term anthropogenic shaping of global species distributions
- Title: Ecological consequences of human niche construction: Examining long-term anthropogenic shaping of global species distributions
- Author:
- Nicole L. Bolvin
- Melinda A. Zeder
- Dorian O. Fuller
- Michael D. Petraglia
library.oapen.org library.oapen.org
At the same time, the vision of a good life for all integrates our in-dividual pursuit of this goal with an immediate concern for others.In other words, we can enjoy and exercise freedoms only to the extentthat doing so does not impinge on others. Achieving this vision under-lines both the crucial role of freedom but also the necessity of limitsfor this freedom to exist. Thereby, pursuing the vision of a good lifefor all has the potential of bridging current political divides, as it is avision that all people can adhere to.
// - Baked into the Good Life for All within Limits approach is human INTERbeing - It is something that is familiar to us - we already know and live under such limitations. This is what laws are, limitations of freedom and nobody is above the law, and the law is written to enforce social harmony, - Social harmony is the ability for people to live together - for each individual to enjoy freedoms, but not at the expense of taking away freedoms of others
nymag.com nymag.com
Because then we have a world in which grown men, sipping tea, posit thought experiments about raping talking sex dolls, thinking that maybe you are one too.
edtech.une.edu.au edtech.une.edu.au
Design Thinking
For additional information about Design Thinking/Human-Centred Design, see https://www.vic.gov.au/human-centred-design-playbook. I was a tester during the HSD Playbook and associated website development feedback stages.
- Feb 2023
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
Döring, Tanja, and Steffi Beckhaus. “The Card Box at Hand: Exploring the Potentials of a Paper-Based Tangible Interface for Education and Research in Art History.” In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, 87–90. TEI ’07. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1145/1226969.1226986.
This looks fascinating with respect to note taking and subsequent arranging, outlining, and use of notes in human computer interaction space for creating usable user interfaces.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Internet ‘algospeak’ is changing our language in real time, from ‘nip nops’ to ‘le dollar bean’ by [[Taylor Lorenz]]
shifts in language and meaning of words and symbols as the result of algorithmic content moderation
instead of slow semantic shifts, content moderation is actively pushing shifts of words and their meanings
article suggested by this week's Dan Allosso Book club on Pirate Enlightenment
wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com
Wordcraft Writers Workshop by Andy Coenen - PAIR, Daphne Ippolito - Brain Research Ann Yuan - PAIR, Sehmon Burnam - Magenta
cross reference: ChatGPT
www.thecrimson.com www.thecrimson.com
This is a massive loss for HKS, but a potential major win for the school that picks the project up.
It seems to be a sad use of "rules" to shut down a project which may not jive with an administrations' perspective/needs.
Read on Fri 2023-02-03 at 7:14 PM
docdrop.org docdrop.org
rank is not an assessment of who has thebest intrinsic properties, but rather a useful consensus view thatprovides rules for how to behave toward others.
Rank (social or otherwise) can be a signal for predictability from the perspective of consensus views for how to behave towards others with respect to the abilities or values being measured.
Ranking people for some sort of technical ability may be a better objective measure rather than ranking people on social status which is far less objective from a humanist perspective. In employment situations, individuals are more likely to rely on social and cultural biases and racist tendencies rather than on objective measures with respect to the job at hand. How can we better objectify the actual underlying values over and above the more subjective ones.
warwick.ac.uk warwick.ac.uk
Our most conservative point estimates imply that the data glitch isdirectly associated more than 120,000 additional infections and over 1,500 addi-tional COVID-19-related deaths
The results from using the old version of Microsoft Excel.
- Jan 2023
www.edge.org www.edge.org
In each case, a small population produced a star-burst of pioneers who permanently changed our way of thinking. Genius erupted in groups as well as in individuals. It seems likely that these bursts of creative change were driven by a combination of cultural with biological evolution. Cultural evolution was constantly spreading ideas and skills from one community to another, stirring up conservative societies with imported novelties. At the same time, biological evolution acting on small genetically isolated populations was causing genetic drift, so that the average intellectual endowment of isolated communities was rising and falling by random chance. Over the last few thousand years, genetic drift caused occasional star-bursts to occur, when small populations rose to outstandingly high levels of average ability. The combination of imported new ideas with peaks of genetic drift would enable local communities to change the world.
!- explaining human history : combination of cultural and biological evolution
humansandnature.org humansandnature.org
Beware the person, party, or project that claims to be the incarnation of the common good. The common good is imminent within the polis in all its possibility, but it is never the embodiment of any one version of the polis. That way of thinking, always tempting, often deployed, never ends well. The common good is not something extra added on to what other practices of right recognition provide for a society. Instead, the common good shifts the frame and changes the subject of political life from the declarative as is to the subjunctive as if—the corrected fullness of equality, justice, and interdependent mutuality that are already but not yet.
!- comment : Deep Humanity multi-meaningverse / situatedness and perspectival knowing - One perspective cannot rule all - By definition, an individual is one person, as soon as there are two, there are at least two perspectives - We are the entanglement of the similar and the different; if we did not share fundamental human traits, we could not communicate, and yet, being nurtured in unique lifeworlds, we are so distinct - the intersection of these two opposing qualities is the inherent contradiction of our human nature
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
We believe that we have demonstrated the use of abstract marks to convey meaning about the behaviour of the animals with which they are associated, on European Upper Palaeolithic material culture spanning the period from ~37,000 to ~13,000 bp. In our reading, the animals integral to our analytical modules do not depict a specific individual animal, but all animals of that species, at least as experienced by the images’ creators. This synthesis of image, mathematical syntax (the ordinal/linear sequences) and signs functioning as words formed an efficient means of recording and communicating information that has at its heart the core intellectual achievement of abstraction.
We appreciate this is a long span of time, and were concerned why any specific artificial memory system should last for so long.
I suspect that artificial memory systems, particularly those that make some sort of logical sense, will indeed be long lasting ones.
Given the long, unchanging history of the Acheulean hand axe, as an example, these sorts of ideas and practices were handed down from generation to generation.
Given their ties to human survival, they're even more likely to persist.
Indigenous memory systems in Aboriginal settings date to 65,000 years and also provide an example of long-lived systems.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
how important is the concrete syntax of their language in contrast to
how important is the concrete syntax of their language in contrast to the abstract concepts behind them what I mean they say can someone somewhat awkward concrete syntax be an obstacle when it comes to the acceptance
tedgioia.substack.com tedgioia.substack.com
I've seen a bunch of people sharing this and repeating the conclusion: that the success is because the CEO loves books t/f you need passionate leaders and... while I think that's true, I don't think that's the conclusion to draw here. The winning strategy wasn't love, it was delegation and local, on the ground, knowledge.
This win comes from a leader who acknowledges people in the stores know their communities and can see and react faster to sales trends in store... <br /> —Aram Zucker-Scharff (@Chronotope@indieweb.social) https://indieweb.social/@Chronotope/109597430733908319 Dec 29, 2022, 06:27 · Mastodon for Android
Also heavily at play here in their decentralization of control is regression toward the mean (Galton, 1886) by spreading out buying decisions over a more diverse group which is more likely to reflect the buying population than one or two corporate buyers whose individual bad decisions can destroy a company.
How is one to balance these sorts of decisions at the center of a company? What role do examples of tastemakers and creatives have in spaces like fashion for this? How about the control exerted by Steve Jobs at Apple in shaping the purchasing decisions of the users vis-a-vis auteur theory? (Or more broadly, how does one retain the idea of a central vision or voice with the creative or business inputs of dozens, hundreds, or thousands of others?)
How can you balance the regression to the mean with potentially cutting edge internal ideas which may give the company a more competitive edge versus the mean?
- Dec 2022
archive.nytimes.com archive.nytimes.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>John Mount</span> in Good Stationery as a Tool of Thought | MZLabs (<time class='dt-published'>11/30/2022 13:11:31</time>)</cite></small>
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
programs with type errors must still be specified to have a well-defined semantics
Use this to explain why Bernhardt's JS wat (or, really, folks' gut reaction to what they're seeing) is misleading.
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
The author of this editorial claims that there is moral value in using the emissions made by a human body over the course of its lifetime in determining if one should be given life. Making a departure from natural selection, and from sexual attraction and ignoring maternal instinct and cultural familial practices and norms. He proposes that the act of being alive can be measured in its impact upon others who will share the future climate them and since the impact is not 0 then there must be an upper limit of "too many". Immorally, he does not include a measure of "too few" and does not make any mention of the problems society has with exponential population decline. Such as Japan currently selling more adult than infant diapers as their population collapses because of too few children. In fact there is no mention of generational replacement or reproduction rate. Just a simplistic measure of a human impact upon the environment with the entirety of positive impact deleted, omitted, ignored completely. There is in fact no moral high ground in maintaining or promoting the idea that human life has no positive value to the earth. Failing to see ones own value or the value of human life as a whole, rejecting the desire to help human kind survive and prosper and reducing human beings to objects with emissions and no positive output potential is morally reprehensible and not a scientifically sound conclusion, given the observable facts. Among them, that every human being alive on the planet today, standing shoulder to shoulder, would not fill the area of los angeles, and setting aside one acre of our best land for every human being on earth would require an area no arger than texas. There is no scientific basis for concluding there are too many people or that the future humans would benefit from lower population. it is a common error, in the media today, where the impact on climate is evaluated out of the context of all other scilences where positive impacts and negative impacts of human life are observable. Such as biological sciences or earth sciences. it is true, that if we lived on a gas giant, where the only element of the planetary ecosystem was the climate, then such an evaluation of our "carbon footprint" would be meaningful. but since we have a planet with oceans dryland and predators and dangerous conditions, it is morrally reprehensible to suggest our population not maximize its potential to survive to see the future so many are trying to protect by literally throwing their babies out with the bathwater. It is impossible to contribute to the well-being of human life in editorial if you do not have a love of human life. My heart goes out to anyone who takes this article seriously. You do not have to limit your fertility to help humankind survive.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I don't know how this will look like. What I do think is it will come to cultural identity. What is the cultural identity? And that's what we will all gravitate to, and we'll gravitate.
!- future global fragmentation : by culture - Michaux believes people will fragment in the future along cultural boundaries as we move through tumultuous transition. This makes sense as ingroups will naturally form - this should be further explored to explore implications: - will we get political polarization? At what level? National, regional, city / community scale? - what implications will this have on cooperation and sharing? will it create policy gridlock? Will it become even more urgent to educate everyone on a Deep Humanity type of open praxis that finds common human denominators (CHD)?
Accordingly, poverty acts to reduce overall available bandwidth. It does thisthrough creating greater stress and worries, reduced nutrition, exposure to toxicenvironments, and so on. For example, the constant worry of how to survive ona day-to- day basis acts to reduce bandwidth:Being poor means having less money to buy things, but it also means havingto spend more of one’s bandwidth managing that money. The poor mustmanage sporadic income, juggle expenses, and make difficult trade-offs.Even when the poor are not actually making financial decisions, thesepreoccupations can be distracting. Thinking and fretting about money caneffectively tax bandwidth.23This body of research has demonstrated that it is important to understanddecision- making not only within the socioeconomic context of individuals’lives, but within the psychological context as well.
Human capital consists of those skills and resources that eachof us brings into the labor market. They include the quantity and quality ofeducation we have attained, job training received, acquired skills and experi-ence, aptitudes and abilities, and so on.
zephoria.medium.com zephoria.medium.com
engineers will get tired, mistakes will happen, and maintenance will get kicked down the road. Teams need buffer as much as systems do.
- Nov 2022
theinformed.life theinformed.life
Mark: Cathy Marshall at Xerox PARC originally started speaking about information gardening. She developed an early tool that’s the inspiration for the Tinderbox map view, in which you would have boxes but no lines. It was a spatial hypertext system, a system for connecting things by placing them near each other rather than drawing a line between them. Very interesting abstract representational problem, but also it turned out to be tremendously useful.
Cathy Marshall was an early digital gardener!
experimentalhistory.substack.com experimentalhistory.substack.com
We figured that judgments must be built on comparisons: to say that something is bad is really to say that it’s worse than something else. The thing you compare it to is just whatever pops into your head, even if it doesn’t exist, or can’t exist. Basically, if you can easily imagine something being better, then it must not be very good.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In 1964, after earning four O-levels, including one in art and maths, Eno had developed an interest in art and music and had no interest in a "conventional job".[12]
When did the definition of a so-called "conventional job" emerge? Presumably after the start of the industrial revolution when people began moving from traditional crafts, home work, farm work, and other general subsistence work.
What defines a non-conventional job? Does it subsume caring work? What does David Graeber have to say about this in Bullshit Jobs?
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.com
People should be able to teach their computers the meaning behind their data
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
Weare on record as holding that unlimited educational opportunity-or, speaking practically, educational opportunity thatis limited only by individual desire, ability, and need-is themost valuable service that society can provide for its members.
This broadly applies to both oral and literate societies.
Desire, ability, and need are all tough measures however... each one losing a portion of the population along the way.
How can we maintain high proportions across all these variables?
twitter.com twitter.com
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>I've been told since the first day I started working at the Division of Hospital Medicine at @UCSF that my work doesn't bring in $ to cover my salary. It's a narrative of manufactured scarcity, a common tactic in capitalism. The CEO is making $1.85 million plus bonuses.
— Rupa Marya, MD (@DrRupaMarya) November 4, 2022
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>A Hospitalist’s economic value is in what we *save* the system in terms of quality-driven care and patient throughput (DC/unit time), not in how much we bring in through profees. Because of how the system is structured, you’ll only see our value when we aren’t there.
— Rupa Marya, MD (@DrRupaMarya) November 4, 2022This sounds a lot like hospitalists fall under David Graeber's thesis in Bullshit Jobs that the more necessary and useful you are the less you're likely to get paid and be valued.
I suspect the ability to track an employees' direct level of productivity also fits into this thesis. One can track the productivity of an Amazon warehouse worker or driver, but it's much more difficult to track the CEOs direct productivity.
bio-annotation.cn bio-annotation.cn
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
always take the meeting
github.com github.com
Try to make the Dockerfile easy to understand/read.
blog.phusion.nl blog.phusion.nl
The problems that we solved are applicable to a lot of people. Most people are not even aware of these problems, so things can break in unexpected ways (Murphy's law). It's inefficient if everybody has to solve these problems over and over.
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Source Code is currently understaffed and working through our P2 bugs at the moment.
- Oct 2022
Local file Local file
Onesuspected that Paxson's love for his work may have tempted him tolabor too long, and that he established a schedule to protect him-self and the keenness of his mind, to keep himself from his deskinstead of at it, as is some men's purpose.
Pomeroy suspects that Paxson may have kept to a strict work schedule to keep his mind sharp, but he doesn't propose or suspect that it may have been the case that Paxson's note taking practice was the thing which not only helped to keep his mind sharp, but which allowed him the freedom and flexibility to keep very regular work hours.
www.engadget.com www.engadget.com
Amazon tracking their hourly workers and not their middle management's efficiency.
Originally read on Tue [[2022-10-18]] 1:25 PM
Out of our cleverness has emerged something almost more importantthan the cleverness itself. Out of it has come learning about how to share ideasand pass down skills and knowledge. Out of it has come education.
Gary Thomas posits that it's our cleverness which birthed education. Isn't it more likely our extreme ability to mimic others which is more likely from a cognitive and evolutionary perspective?
Were early peoples really "teaching" each other how to make primitive hand axes? Or did we first start out by closely mimicking our neighbors?
www.wired.com www.wired.com
The information ecosystem is broken. Our political conversations are happening on infrastructure—Facebook, YouTube, Twitter—built for viral advertising. The velocity of social sharing, the power of recommendation algorithms, the scale of social networks, and the accessibility of media manipulation technology has created an environment where pseudo events, half-truths, and outright fabrications thrive. Edward Murrow has been usurped by Alex Jones.
I believe the variable of lies and misinformation thriving in virality is based on the idea that negativity is more engaging and intriguing than positivity. When something stimulates a negative feeling such as fear or anxiety, people engage because they feel insecure whether it be relative to the condition of their environment or internal self-perception. For example, if you read something negative about the President, you care because you live in the United States and relate it to your own well-being. Further, if someone read negative articles about a person they envy, they may feel inclined to engage & share it because that person's success made them feel inferior. Unfortunately, negativity sells.
www.rollingstone.com www.rollingstone.com
docs.openvalidation.io docs.openvalidation.io
The additional content is only relevant for human readability. The machine, on the other hand, ignores this addition. Thus it is possible to express the rules in a grammatically correct way on the one hand and to give them a semantic context on the other.
Rules formulated with openVALIDATION are thus at the same time a formal, machine-processable specification, but also a documentation that is easy for people to understand.
Local file Local file
I do not like to do empirical work if I can possibly avoidit. It m e a n s a great deal of trouble if one has no staff; if onedoes e m p l o y a staff, then the staff is often more troublethan the work itself. Moreover, they leave as soon as theyhave b e e n trained and made useful.
- Sep 2022
Unemployed workers are much more likelyto fall into poverty in countries like the United States, Canada, and Japan,compared with countries such as the Netherlands and Iceland.
Is part of this effect compounded by America's history of the Protestant work ethic (see Max Weber)?
Do the wealthy/powerful benefit by this structure of penalizing the unemployed this way? Is there a direct benefit to them? Or perhaps the penalty creates a general downward pressure on overall wages and thus provides an indirect benefit to those in power?
What are the underlying reasons we tax the unemployed this way?
Research has also shown that poverty entrances and exits are most oftencaused by changes in employment status and/or financial resources.
The cost of child poverty is not just borne by the poor. When the expenses related tolost productivity, crime, and poor health are added up, it is estimated that child povertycosts the nation between $800 billion and $1.1 trillion per year. This is vastly higherthan the estimated $90 to $111 billion per year it would take to implement a programpackage that would lift half of children out of poverty.
The savings indicated here is almost a factor of 10! How can we not be doing this?
Compare with statistics and descriptions from Why Fewer American Children Are Living in Poverty (New York Times, The Daily, 2022-09-26)
Could the maintenance of these mythsactually be useful for particularly powerful constituencies? Does the contin-uation of these myths serve a purpose or function for other segments of theAmerican population? If so, who and what might that be?
docs.openvalidation.io docs.openvalidation.io
The rules recorded in natural language are readable not only by humans but also by the computer and therefore no longer need to be programmed by a software developer. This task is now taken over by openVALIDATION.
rowman.com rowman.com
The Evolution of Human Consciousness and Linguistic Behavior
!- title : The Evolution of Human Consciousness and Linguistic Behavior !- author : Karen A. Haworth, Terry J. Prewitt
docdrop.org docdrop.org
they construct out of this event representations they they can understand for example the events that lead to a 00:04:49 change of power decline is an alpha male and a replacement by another or other types of things such as bonding relationships between individuals in the group the only thing they can do is they can't 00:05:00 express that knowledge you know to anyone else whereas a human child watching let's say a dog fight and represent that dog fight in action for example by taking two 00:05:12 models of dogs and having them fight even if they can't speak children can do this or they might get down on their hands and knees and act out the fight right but but no other creature can do this this is uniquely human they no one 00:05:26 else can as it were act out an event representation we call this event reenactment
!- definition : event reenactment - a unique human feature, a Common Human Denominator
Local file Local file
Learned right, which means understanding, which meansconnecting in a meaningful way to previous knowledge, informationalmost cannot be forgotten anymore and will be reliably retrieved iftriggered by the right cues.
Of course this idea of "learned right" sounds a lot like the problems built into "just". He defines it as meaning "understanding" but there's more he's packing into the word. While his vein example is lovely, the bigger issue is contextualizing everything all the time, which is something that commonly isn't done or even done well over time by educators. This work takes time and effort to help students do this as they're not doing it for themselves until much later in life.
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
an increasing share of adaptive information is stored in culture compared with genes.
!- feature : culture-driven human inheritance - more adaptive information is being stored in culture than in genes
It follows, then, that humans are experiencing an evolutionary transition in individuality from single human to cultural group because culture is replacing genes as the primary human inheritance system, and cultural adaptations are heavily group structured.
!- Question : culture-driven human inheritance - How do progress traps fit into this, as opposed to genetic-driven inheritance?
culture is gradually replacing genetics as the primary human system of inheritance. This hypothesis helps clarify the human ETI.
!- conclusion : GCC - very important finding - nobody knows the implications of such a profound shift - it means we are profoundly dependent on culture, on artificial human-created adaptations for our survival !- in other words : GCC - we no longer genetically evolve to adapt, but rather cognitive create solutions to adapt!
Far beyond simply altering human evolution, this evidence suggests that human cultural inheritance is of global evolutionary significance.
!- impact : human cultural evolution - is of global evolutionary significance
The ARPA community was about, "Hey, we're in deep trouble and we're getting in deeper trouble. We need to get more enlightened and we need to do what Doug Engelbart called... we need to not just augment human beings, augment human intellect, but we have to augment the collective IQ of groups." Because most important things are done by groups of people. And so we have to think about what it means to have a group that's smarter than any member rather than a group that is less than the stupidest members.
!- salient : collaboration - the key point of the internet, or what was then called the "intergalactic network" was collaboration at scale to solve global challenges - The Most Important things are done by groups of people
- Aug 2022
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Sparkes, M. (2021, November 19). Wikipedia tests AI for spotting contradictory claims in articles. New Scientist. https://institutions.newscientist.com/article/2298169-wikipedia-tests-ai-for-spotting-contradictory-claims-in-articles/?utm_campaign=echobox&utm_medium=social&utm_source=Twitter&utm_term=Autofeed
www.news-medical.net www.news-medical.net
Thomas, L. (2021, October 14). SARS-CoV-2 induces tissue immune memory. News-Medical.Net. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20211014/SARS-CoV-2-induces-tissue-immune-memory.aspx
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Borger, J. (2021, October 29). Covid bioweapon claims ‘scientifically invalid’, US intelligence reports. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/29/us-intelligence-report-covid-origins
Local file Local file
the writings of the Spanish physician JuanHuarte, who in the late sixteenth century published a widely translated studyon the nature of human intelligence. In the course of his investigations, Huartecame to wonder at the fact that the word for “intelligence,” ingenio, seems tohave the same Latin root as various words meaning “engender” or “generate.”
maggieappleton.com maggieappleton.com
Even though I’m an amateur researcherMeaning I do it as part of my job as a designer and writer, but in a rather a naive way compared to anyone writing a PhD., I still spend a good chunk of time hunting down and reading academic publications.
One really oughtn't downplay their research skills like this, rather they should wear them as a badge of honor. Downplaying them leeches away one's power.
Ph.D. researchers may potentially go deeper into sources, but this is only a function of time and available attention.
This sort of debate also plays out in spaces like writing computer code. The broader industry determines who is and isn't a "coder", but this is only a means of creating power structures that determine who has power and who doesn't or who is part of the conversation and who isn't.
Don't let Maggie fool you here, she is definitely part of this conversation.
What areas of work over time does this pattern of level of experience not apply to?
There is definitely a level of minimal literacy at which one could be considered a reader, but there is no distinction between amateur reader and professional reader the way there might be between an "amateur researcher" and a full time "academic researcher".
Other examples of this? Video game playing?
www.catswetel.com www.catswetel.com
www.insider.com www.insider.com
- Jul 2022
bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link
The human-symbolic merger into a single contour further consolidates once the locus of its controlshifts from the human to the social system.
!- question : human-symbolic merger into a single contour * As in comment on the previous paragraph, the way to interpret this sentence appears to be that we give up or deceive ourselves, minimize our own integrity and the social system wins. * Why does it consolidate? The social systems needs overrides our own and we simply buy into it hook, line and sinker, as they say. * When it consolidates, why does the control shift from individual human to the social system? ....perhaps because we are fully investing in it.
When the assurance of a basic, organic continuity of the cognitive agent is perceived as hingedupon the continuity of the respective personware, it makes sense for that agent to fuse her physicalintegrity and personware into a single inseparable contour.
!- question : agent fuses physical integrity and personware into a single inseparable contour. * Given the poverty example below, the claim seems to be that the person strips themselves of their integrity, or commits an act of self-deception or denial and simply goes along with the social contour instead. Is this the correct interpretation of this sentence?
The human takeover needs to be nonviolent and genuinely creative. It can augment the entirehuman social system not by resolving the gridlock of all the colliding identities and trajectoriesmentioned in Section 2 but by adding a lifeline for humans to hold on to whenever they considermaking a decision that challenges and disrupts; whenever they allow a new thought to take shape;whenever they genuinely feel the genuine need to say ‘no,’ or ‘yes,’ but today must say otherwise.
!- properties : human takeover * nonviolent communications * genuinely creative * provide a lifeline when choices true to one's heart emerge so that it can be supported and not fall by the weighside * must secure a "good enough" relationship between human and the social system
Instead, we focus on the relationship between the human mind and the mechanics underlying allsocial systems. The search for the locus where the distribution of governing powers can be shiftedhas brought us thus to the human mind itself. Only by affirming the human as different from thesocial persona it enacts can we see the golden thread along which the human takeover can and musthappen. This golden thread runs in the usually unperceived gaps between thoughts, communicationsand decisions that are preconditioned, preprogramed, prethought [5 ,43 ,44 ]. It brings to the light ofconsciousness the thinking, speaking and acting that are present and living. ‘What I propose, therefore,is very simple’—Hannah Arendt [ 45 ] wrote—‘it is nothing more than to think what we are doing.’To think, to voice, to enact each time anew, is the vehicle of the human takeover. To secure the continuityof this golden thread, of this very flow into the governance of society—is our existential challenge.
!- definition : golden thread * Hannah Arendt writes: "It is nothing more than to think what we are doing". * To think, voice and enact each time anew is the vehicle of the human takeover, securing the continuity of the golden thread used to govern society * The golden thread runs in the usually unperceived gaps betgween thoughts, communications and decisions that are preconditioned, preprogramed and prethought.
The ‘human takeover’ means that humans will reach a state where they will effectively be capableof shedding such programming, gaining control over social systems, so that they will start working inthe service of human well-being rather than for their own self-perpetuation.
!- question : self-perpetuation * Clarify self-perpetuation - it doesn't sound like a harmful term but in this context appears to be more harmful than shedding their social programming.
ur major interest and challenge is to figure concrete steps towards aradical and possibly disruptive change of society by making accessible to all humans the idea that theyare subject to symbolically fabricated patterns of social continuity that inevitably program their mindsand subjugate their cognitive resources not for their well-being but rather for the purpose of furtheringtheir own perpetuation. Once humans collectively realize it, what we call the ‘human takeover’ eracan begin.
!- definition : human takeover * promote a global education program that shows each human being that they are subject to symbolically fabricated patterns of social continuity that inevitably program their minds and subjugate their cognitive resources for furthering their own perpetuation instead of their well-being.
though personwareis intrinsic to being a complete person it can be continuously modified, evolve or otherwise developed([5 ]: p. 201). More importantly, it can, to a significant extent, at least theoretically, be dynamicallygoverned and authored by the human individual. Hence, the human takeover.
!- definition : human takeover * The ability for an individual to dynamically govern and author one's own personware. * The takeover gives us agency, rather than victimhood * the takeover can be triggered through realization of the difference between the thought sans image state and the conditioning into the symbolosphere
!- question : spiritual enlightenment and personware * An interesting question is: "How does enlightenment impact the personware? " * Obviously, enlightenment cannot be an act of removing the personware. Language once learned cannot simply be meditated away. * Does the act of enlightenment then make the personware dramatically known to the individual as if it were indeed like a suit that we are wearing and not our fundamental nature? * Does enlightenment allow us to get more in contact with the prelinguistic and prepersonal
The social sciences remain normally silent about what mental platform is initially there thatthe personware is ‘installed’ on. The humanity of humans can be hardly conceived apart from theirparticipation in and entanglement with social systems, since it is only by virtue of their interactionswith the social system and its corresponding personware that they start making use of language andother symbolic systems. When considered apart from that, humans are alinguistic and asymbolicanimals [20 ].
!- for : human INTERbeing, symbolosphere, feral children * Indeed, culture is so fundamental a property to modern humans that, though a modern human can exist without culture, it would be a completely unprecedented and alien experience * The study of feral children (from a third person perspective only however) sheds light on the radically different ways an unenculturated person experiences reality.
we oppose the popular predictionof the upcoming, ‘dreadful AI takeover’
!- in other words : Human takeover * The title of the paper comes from a play on the popular term "AI takeover" * It advocates for humans to takeover managing the world in a responsible way rather than machines.
Can they reshape the contours and boundaries of their socialsituations instead of being shaped by them?
!- key insight : can an individual reshape the contours of their social situations instead of being shaped by them? * This realization would open up the door to authentic inner transformation * This is an important way to describe the discovery of personal empowerment and agency via realization of the bare human spirit, the "thought sans image"
Human beings are different from what they seem to be thinking, perceiving, or saying asmediated by social symbolic systems [29 ]. They are different from how they are represented intheir own narratives, they are different from language itself. Interestingly, learning to consciouslybecome aware to that difference—the bare human spirit, the preindividual, or being as becoming asSimondon [30 ] puts it—appears to be the state of mind towards which many spiritual traditionsare guiding. David R. Weinbaum (Weaver) refers to this state as thought sans image [ 13], offering itscontemporary conceptualisation via the metaphysical theories of Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon andGilles Deleuze, in combination with the enactive theory of cognition [14 ] and inputs from complexityscience
!- key insight : thought sans image !- definition : thought sans image * human beings are NOT defined by what they are thinking, perceiving or saying as mediated by social symbolic systems * They are also NOT defined by their own narratives or language itself - the symbolosphere is culturally imposed upon the bare human being * That primordial nature is described as the bare human spirit, the preindividual, being-as-becoming (Simondon) * Many spiritual traditions guide practitioners to experience this primordial state, the nondual state, stripped of all cultural embellishments * David R. Weinbaum (Weaver) calls this state thought sans image based on the metaphysical theories of Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon and Gilles Deleuze and 4E theory of cognition
At first sight, it might seem that no one but humans (even though in actuality only a few of them)hold positions of influence and power over social systems. We wish, however, to challenge this view.We argue that while human-driven governance is conceivable and in principle possible—and it is thegoal of our research to draw the path towards such future—for now, it is not human beings but ratherthe social system which governs itself [6, 7].
!- question : human-driven governance * needs clarification !-gloss : human-driven governance
In this paper, we propose and analyse a potential power triangle between three kinds of mutuallydependent, mutually threatening and co-evolving cognitive systems—the human being, the socialsystem and the emerging synthetic intelligence. The question we address is what configuration betweenthese powers would enable humans to start governing the global socio-econo-political system
- Optimization problem - human beings, their social system and AI - what is optimal configuration?
- Gilles Deleuze
- spiritual enlightenment
- human takeover
- self-perpetuation
- human INTERbeing
- human INTERbeCOMing
- primordial wisdom
- self deception
- Hannah Arendt
- prelinguistic
- AI takeover
- pre-linguistic
- reshape social contours
- lifeline
- thought sans image
- feral children
- being as becoming
- nondual mind
- personware
- inner transformation
- preindividual
- Gilbert Simondon
- DH
- individual governance agency
- human-symbolic merger
- Deep Humanity
- Freedom
- contour
- social contours
- insight
- good enough relationship
- symbolosphere
- prepersonal
- human and artificial intelligence
- Henri Bergson
- social systems
- primodial awareness
- enlightenment
- 4E Cognition
- David R. Weinbaum
- bare human spirit
- golden thread
- human driven governance
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
His major work in recent years has been on information visualization, originating the treemap concept for hierarchical data.[30]
that you know was not connected to any kind of military application there were other examples of this and this is something that you could actually put you know 00:07:36 these cards in a smaller deck that you could review i drove to my conference so it would have been a lot harder to review these when i'm driving however if you're flying or taking a train or you 00:07:49 know something where a passenger seat you could potentially just take these cars make a small deck and carry them with you wouldn't need a computer or anything now that was the priming piece 00:08:03 how did it help next step is i actually went to the agenda into the schedule and looked at it typically when you do that there are some some talks that you're going to want to 00:08:16 go to right and some work groups or tracks that are that have a large application to what you're doing your day job is the other piece is if you're presenting
This is an example about preparation for going into a conference (or battle, which is suggested by this particular conference's topic). The work provides a primer for what is about to happen and can be analogized to ancients taking the ark of the covenant into battle before them. It serves as a cultural talisman representing what they're fighting for, but it also likely served as a mnemonic device for their actual battle strategies and plans from the time. They take it with them as a physical review reminder and device.
ernestbecker.org ernestbecker.org
Both types of inauthentic existence involve running away from the awareness of death, not allowing the fact of death to penetrate into consciousness, not facing up to the human situation, and not undergoing the crucial moral catharsis. So Kierkegaard, Becker, and Socrates all agree: the denial of death is indeed at the center of human inauthenticity. Kierkegaard and Socrates would further insist that authentic human living–the open embrace of life structured by death–can only be rejected or embraced to begin with, because perishing meaning and non-perishing meaning co-constitute conscious existence.
Here we find Kierkegaard, Becker and Socrates all in agreement. Both types of inauthentic existence involves running away from death and disallowing the fact of our own death from penetrating into consciousness, and avoiding our human existential condition.
This also prevents us from reaching the next stage of moral catharsis. Denial of death lay at the center of human inauthenticity.
Hughes closes by saying that an open embrace of life structured by death is embraced when perishing and non-perishing meaning co-constitute our conscious existence. This is similar to the Buddhist principle of the middle way and the Stop Reset Go maxim:
To be or not to be, that is the question To be AND not to be that is the answer
www.thegreatsimplification.com www.thegreatsimplification.com
31:15 - The importance of trust and empathy for human societies and self-constraint
Neonates are altricial. They have no choice but to trust the mOTHER. Nature teaches us trust from Day Zero. This is how we build self-constraining human beings, by becoming human INTERbeings.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Their value lies intheir diversity - companies exploit the fact that thesepeople make different sense of the same phenomenaand therefore respond in diverse ways.
Humans make sense of information in different ways and as a result respond to it and their environments in diverse manners, a fact from which companies can derive direct value.
This idea is becoming more commonplace now, but here it is in print in 1994. Are there earlier versions of this in the literature?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
by the way this um uh this is talking to me at the at a more 00:32:02 large level or more personal level uh because it does change my my sense of being in the world and one way in which it does is uh um 00:32:15 is is precisely because it it uh it changes my understanding of myself of the self and and and and the relational aspect between what i am and and the rest of the world and what i am and and 00:32:28 the other beings living beings sentient beings around around me somehow um uh 00:32:38 it it suddenly uh takes away a little bit of the anguish that change impermanence causes 00:32:54 or produces by um by making me think that there is no permanent me 00:33:07 who is a threatened by impermanence um and it uh it pushes uh myself and interpreting myself as as 00:33:20 a part of a network in which i am produced by the interaction with the others and it resonates with my larger uh uh pre-existing western 00:33:34 uh political uh ideas that any uh interpretation of our human and social life in terms of uh 00:33:45 you know competition and maximizing our own good of the good of our own nation or the good of our own people um against the other uh it's badly misleading for ourselves 00:33:59 and for for everybody at a number of a number of levels so there is a interdependence of of the reading of social human relations which goes 00:34:14 together with this deep interdependence separated but it's it's a it it resonates i want to say that because i must say i'm not totally deaf to 00:34:26 the compassion side and the larger side of the story
If my "self" is impermanent, this is another way of saying I realize I am an interdependent process and NOT a fixed, static thing. Not human INTERbeing but human INTERbeCOMing
marshallk.com marshallk.com
Dan Pink’s book A Whole New Mind and learned about what he calls Symphonic Thinking, or the ability to find connections between seemingly disparate entities, as a key thinking pattern for the future of work,
Dan Pink's book A Whole New Mind lays out an idea he call's "Symphonic Thinking" which is a practice of finding connections between unrelated ideas. He suggests that this practice is an important key to the future of work.
Link this to other incarnations of this pattern in history: - Raymond Llull - Llullan combinatorial arts - Niklas Luhmann - linked zettelkasten - Marshall Kirkpatrick - triangle thinking - Dan Pink - symphonic thinking - etc...
Dan Pink A Whole New Mind #books/wanttoread
t what is an individual 01:13:07 okay so why why the why in the world would i why would we ask this question and why would i spend you know multiple pages in this paper even discussing like of course we know what 01:13:20 an individual is right or or maybe not like like that actually turns out to be a difficult question what is an individual and it's important to this and it's important to this discussion of societal 01:13:33 systems because who are we who what you know what is the purpose of a societal system what is it what is it who is it supposed to serve you know so you have to ask really like 01:13:45 it's it's good to ask if we're going to build a societal system who wh who is it that it's supposed to service you know like who are we what do we want you know it's part of 01:13:57 figuring out what do we want what do we value who are we start there you know i would say so so we've already kind of touched on these themes but 01:14:09 this idea of rugged individualism you know like from a certain perspective and a certain you know from a limited sort of time frame perspective sure there's there's a rugged individualism that exists right and it can be useful in 01:14:22 certain certain situations but by and large that's not what life is doing you know that's not what the the they're um we are we are 01:14:36 it's really even difficult to say like where if i'm a rugged individual where do i actually start and where do i end you know like where is where is me this you know even physically it's hard to say 01:14:48 because this physical me is really i think more bacterial cells than it is um human cells right so so uh like i'm a sieve i'm a i'm a process through which things are 01:15:02 flowing through i'm a i'm an ecosystem myself with bacteria and viruses and human cells and all of those components are necessary for me to survive today and for for 01:15:14 humans to survive you know over eons were like a mix we're a bag of of human-like things and bacterial-like things and viral-like things and 01:15:26 and we're porous and we're part of the carbon cycle and we're part of the nitrogen cycle and then you and then when you say like okay well how could you be a rugged individual individual when you're really 01:15:38 this this porous smorgasbord of things right
What is an individual? This is a very fundamental question that John asks, especially from the evolutionary biological perspective as life has evolved over billions of years and what were once separate individuals, came together in Major Evolution Transitions (MET) to form a NEW grouping of what were former individuals to form a new cohesive, higher order individual. Life is therefore COMPOSITIONAL. When these groups of individuals increase fitness by clustering together and mutually benefit from each other, they then reproduce together as a cluster.
Watch this informative video by Oxford researcher explaining MET: https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FVUfNEHl44hc%2F&group=world and watch Amanda Robbin's video on research on the same question from an information systems perspective: https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2F6J-J72GoqhY%2F&group=world based on her paper: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.frontiersin.org%2Farticles%2F10.3389%2Ffevo.2021.711556%2Ffull&group=world
Stop Reset Go and Deep Humanity praxis adopts the same view that the individual human being is a process, a nexus of many different flows of the natural world....and consciousness is part of the that - 4E - Embedded, Enacted, Embodied and Extended. We are more appropriately called a human INTERbeing, and even more appropriately a human INTERbeCOMing (since we are more process than static thing) both from material and information flow perspective.
Our consciousness is at a specific level, associated with a body with sensory bubble that constrains it to this particular scale of experience - not microscopic and not planetary. It gives us a unique lens into the other scales of the individual that are purely cognitive, and only indirectly sensed via instrumentation that extends our naked senses. That siuatedness and perspectival knowing gives us a uniquely, distorted view of reality.
what is our purpose so so so over on the right there i just want to reemphasize we are anticipatory we are cognitive we are problem solvers 01:25:44 we are a we and then i have below that i am a we you know like i i am i can i am i'm intimately connected with this i'm i'm everyone in that sense you know 01:25:57 yep yeah the whitman um you know i contain multitudes and also gilbert at all i have a paper called um we were never individuals kind of on that wavelength that you were talking about with the sort of distributed systems all the way down 01:26:09 approach and also dennis noble no privilege level of biological causality similar uh basically realization that multi-scale perspective complexity science basically entails 01:26:22 either the choice of a priori level like saying it is multi-scale and humans are the best scale or gaia is the scale or quantum is the right scale that's a claim as well as it being a claim 01:26:35 actually there's no privileged level of causality so that's the sort of table as it's said right right right right right and you know what it's not that really 01:26:46 this this entire project you could say in like a sentence you could say this whole project is to help us be who we are more be more uh honestly who we are more real 01:27:01 to who we are right it's not the it's not to to have people behave in some unusual way or some altruistic way or anything like that it is it is to have 01:27:12 it is to be more more ourselves more fully ourselves more completely ourselves and then all of these pages all these things we're talking about is who that self is who who are we really and it's about the 01:27:25 adjacent possible for who we are who we are is not an essence that is uh there's uh seven seals and it's being unlocked it's actually something that's being drawn out through 01:27:36 inactive realization in the niche through niche modification through stigma through becoming and and then the adjacent possible is where the imagination and the planning comes into play and if people are hesitant to talk about 01:27:49 the adjacent possible for who we could be just think about chess it's the adjacent possible with the strategy on the board and we're talking about the adjacent strategy possible for who we could be in terms of our strategy 01:28:02 for you know all these recursive layers our strategy for how we think of ourselves and all these other things you're talking about absolutely absolutely and then and then ultimately serving the 01:28:13 serving the kind of fitness purpose of you know if we take action a is that going to reduce our uncertainty about those things that we that really matter you know that are that are the the 01:28:27 the key variables
Consciousness is the psychological aspect existent at one level of a multi-level human pyscho-biological-cultural INTERbeCOMing gestalt.
what is our worldview what do we value and what is our purpose and then we've come to this question then okay so who the heck are we then you know we're we're and it and not only who are we but 01:22:42 who are we building these systems for you know what what what is what should societal system serve who or what should societal systems serve and the only reasonable answer that you 01:22:55 can come up with is that societal systems should serve the the extended self like not just the body not just the family not just the 01:23:07 you know the thousand people in a society or the ten thousand or a million or whatever but their environment the the society next door that they're engaged with and cooperating with and coordinating with 01:23:18 the society across the planet that they're sharing information with and learning together with and so it's the whole that we are metrics as we as leaders who 01:23:30 come to metrics those metrics have to represent both the cognitive process how good how are we cogniting how well are we cogniting are we functionally cogniting and are we 01:23:43 achieving through that cognition are we achieving the kinds of aims that is serving the whole is the environment improving is the you know quality of air improving is the quality of life 01:23:56 improving for individuals right um yes so uh we are so this in a nutshell we this is the world view in a way we are in intimate with our greater world we are individuals but of the nested overlapping variety 01:24:12 individual cells bodies groups communities ecologies nations and all of civilization we're not separate in any absolute sense and there's no privileged level or scale to any of that nor are we passive bystanders in this 01:24:25 unfolding this is not this evolution is not it's just a chance thing like by chance somebody does this one day and then evolution goes on another another avenue no there there are 01:24:38 there are opportunities in the environment uh that we can react to that lend themselves to to to providing 01:24:50 information or providing gain of benefit of some kind and and you know we are driven we are are we are consciously creating and you know 01:25:03 even a really great societal system that integrated societal systems would be consciously creating acting cognitive acting cognitive and consciously creating and it towards some 01:25:15 towards some goal and that goal then has to be you know the maintaining of vitality being the in the for the extended sel
The societal system is designed to serve the extended self, which includes all the aspects of the environment outside the self (individual), like the environment, other people, other species, etc.. related to the concept of the INTERbeing or INTERbeCOMing
maybe i should say having a having a checkoff list like you know there should be this level of education there should be this level of 00:52:40 [Music] health people should live this long and so we have our fitness and we're gonna uh we've decided in advance even before the system is running we've 00:52:53 now have a list of things we're gonna check off we're gonna score each one we're gonna come up with some kind of integrated fitness score from that and that's how we're going to move forward we're always going to refer to this fit this you know this fitness model and 00:53:07 the fitness vector and these and these kind of hard-coded values for what's good and what's bad so so in the world of artificial intelligence and in the world of active inference you know that 00:53:19 really doesn't go very far that doesn't work that doesn't work very well because what happens is we didn't you didn't think ahead you like you some something happens tomorrow and whoever came up with that list of 00:53:32 uh you know those values or that model didn't really include the fact that maybe spaceships from mars were gonna land and cause a new disruption and then we have to deal with that problem now too before we deal with 00:53:45 anything else so that wasn't in the you know that wasn't in the plan and now what do we do you know so there's right so so this is you know this is really where active inference plays into 00:53:58 that's one way that active inference plays into this is how do you evaluate and act in a world that is full of uncertainties right 00:54:10 the unknown unknown the unknown unknown is the temperature dynamics but you know it's going to be temperature and so how can you plan for what you know it will be in a distributional sense 00:54:23 right and make stabilization on that awesome right right so so yeah so you so you realize you know already you realize maybe that this is not a proposal to build a say like a model of uh of uh you know 00:54:37 like how society makes decisions you know that's that's not that's not it it is what is the process by which society cognates 00:54:50 and you know what kind of what kind of infrastructure and tools and and and you know mechanics can we use that would facilitate that but it's not to build a thing 00:55:01 it's to build it's to realize that we are in we are engaged moment to moment in a cognitive process society as individuals are and how can we 00:55:14 do that together as a society so that we're you know we we balance exploration with exploitation um you know so that we we learn about our environment we grow we learn 00:55:27 we explore we we make good decisions based on available evidence and based on knowledge based on cultural knowledge you know like all those things right so so this is a this is 00:55:39 the the the you know i think organisms are a process they're not a thing anyway right cognition is a process and societal decision making is a process 00:55:54 and really society is a process you know there's there's not too many things in this world there's mostly processes living processes intelligent processes so that's that's the that's the hope 00:56:05 that's where this is trying to go is to like with that in mind with that with that broad understanding or broad concept in mind how do we uh how do we 00:56:16 think about you know how we how we come together as society how we cooperate how we coordinate how we make decisions how we how we learn how we explore what do we what do we monitor what kind 00:56:29 of information do we seek you know what kind of experiments do we do all that kind of stuff great
Third Proposition:
The superorganism's efforts to learn, decide and adapt can be interpreted as being driven by its intrinsic pupose.
This is aligned to the Indyweb philosophy of a system architecture that promotes conversation, knowledge at the edge and high efficacy collective learning.
Living beings,and groups of living beings are processes and not (static) things - a perspective aligned with SRG and Indyweb. The process quality of being a living human INTERbeing quickly becomes apparent after one starts using the Interpersonal Indyweb computing ecosystem. In particular, the Indyhub allows the Indyvidual to consolidate all their digital and virtual interactions in one place, which allows for the first time, the ability to witness one's own individual learning on a granular level and literally see the process of your own individual learning in realtime.
first is that uh a society of any scale and and i don't mean society is in bill millions or billions of people i mean society as in a thousand people you know like a sub 00:47:23 sub city a community that is not even a whole city just a a group of like-minded people uh who are willing to give this a give this you know 00:47:35 a field trial ago a society of any scale can be viewed as a super organism so that's kind of fundamental everything really really works from there we are together we 00:47:49 are not just individuals connected we are a whole society is a whole and it's a and it's a whole with the environment and it's wider you know 00:48:03 sphere so as we'll talk about today you know this even the idea of an individual is it's okay to talk about individuals it's fine but it's kind of like an arbitrary thing an 00:48:15 individual could be an individual cell or an individual person or an individual uh species or an individual ecosystem but it's all with all deeply embedded and enmeshed 00:48:28 entwined with the whole so uh uh a society can be viewed as a super organism
First Proposition: Society (at every scale, and even the community scale) can be seen as a superorganism and the individual and society are entangled. This is analogous to the SRG adoption of the human INTERbeing concept, treating the individual as a gestalt of both individual and enmeshed cell of a larger social organ.
In fact, the human organism can be seen from three different perspectives and levels of being:
- an aggregation of billions of cells and trillions of microbes, wherein consciousness can be regarded as an emergent property of a complex system of a population of microorganisms
- the 4E (Embodied, Enacted, Embedded, Extended) lived experience of consciousness
- as a cell in a larger social superorganism (SSO).
- Embodied
- Embedded
- situatedness
- three perspectives of human being
- human INTERbeCOMing
- individual
- Major Evolutionary Transition
- pyscho-bio-cultural-social
- third proposition
- 4E
- extended self
- Extended
- superorganism
- Enacted
- process
- indyweb for multimedia production
- Indyhub
- sensory bubble
- Indyvidual
- Social Superorganism
- Human INTERbeing
- Amanda Robbin
www.schlaugh.com www.schlaugh.com
Although if you catch it as an adult it has one major, VERY nasty side effect: something about a measles infection temporarily 'resets' the immune system. Meaning that all your previous immunities, from illness or vaccination, go away. In the western world if you catch measles you will later need to redo your entire childhood vaccination program, just in case.
Ugh. That's so nasty.
bafybeiapea6l2v2aio6hvjs6vywy6nuhiicvmljt43jtjvu3me2v3ghgmi.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiapea6l2v2aio6hvjs6vywy6nuhiicvmljt43jtjvu3me2v3ghgmi.ipfs.dweb.link
The results of this unprecedented appropri-ation of nature can now be seen much moreclearly than even 15 years ago (17), thanks torapid advances in data and tools for obser-vation, analysis, synthesis, and modeling ofmarine, freshwater, and especially terrestrialnature. These new data reveal that humanactions have directly altered at least 70% ofland surface (18, 19); 66% of ocean surface isexperiencing increasing cumulative impacts(20); around 85% of wetland area has beenlost since the 1700s (21), and 77% of riverslonger than 1000 km no longer flow freelyfrom source to sea (22).
Human actions have: * directly altered 70% of land surface * impacted cumulative impacts on 66% of ocean surface * lost 85% of global wetlands since 1700's * interfered with flow of 77% of rivers>1000 km from source to sea
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Prof. Meiri: "Our study tracked changes at a much higher resolution over a considerably longer period of time compared to previous research. The results were illuminating: we found a continual, and very significant, decline in the size of animals hunted by humans over 1.5 million years. For example, a third of the bones left behind by Homo erectus at sites dated to about a million years ago, belonged to elephants that weighed up to 13 tons (more than twice the weight of the modern African elephant) and provided humans with 90% of their food. The mean weight of all animals hunted by humans at that time was 3 tons, and elephant bones were found at nearly all sites up to 500,000 years ago. "Starting about 400,000 years ago, the humans who lived in our region -- early ancestors of the Neandertals and Homo sapiens, appear to have hunted mainly deer, along with some larger animals weighing almost a ton, such as wild cattle and horses. Finally, in sites inhabited by modern humans, from about 50,000 to 10,000 years ago, approximately 70% of the bones belong to gazelles -- an animal that weighs no more than 20-30kg. Other remains found at these later sites came mostly from fallow deer (about 20%), as well as smaller animals such as hares and turtles."
Progression of body mass over the last 1.5 million years in the Southern Levant: 1) Up to 500,000 years ago 1/3 of bones left behind at Homo Erectus sites belonged to 13 ton elephants that provided 90% of the food. Mean weight of all hunted animals at the time was 3 tons 2) Up to 400,000 years ago, early Neandertals and Homo Sapiens only hunted mainly deer and animals like wild cattle and horse that weighed no more than 1 ton. 3) From 50,000 to 10,000 years ago, 70^ of bones at modern human sites belonged to gazelles weighing between 20 and 30 kg, as well as fallow deer and hares and turtles.
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
As time passed, primates as a whole became more social and evolved to live together in groups, but only humans became truly monogamous. Today, other primate species such as bonobos and chimps mate with multiple individuals in their groups.
www.google.com www.google.com
May 18, 2016 — As time passed, primates as a whole became more social and evolved to live together in groups, but only humans became truly monogamous.
Human language may have evolved to help our ancestors make tools
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Each time, though, the species bounced back, more successful and adaptive than ever.dfp.loadAds("right2","MPU5","dfp-right2-article-4")
Humans May Be the Most Adaptive Species
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
Ryder Carroll says in The BulletJournal Method, “Your singular perspective may patch some smallhole in the vast tattered fabric of humanity.”
admrayner.medium.com admrayner.medium.com
A love triangle in the making of heartfelt experienceAt the seat of all knowingIn the wisdom of not knowingThe natural inclusion of being in becomingThe in-breath in out-breathIn common passion
We are each steeped in infinite ignorance but that analytic knowing cannot compare to the embodied wisdom of simply INTERbeing in which we are the natural embodiment of all the laws of the universe keeping us alive and in a state of INTERbeing Embodying the wisdom is far more inline and in harmony with the universe than knowing about it Embodiment is already our natural articulation of the living truth
This is why becoming aware of natural inclusion matters:- http://www.spanglefish.com/exploringnaturalinclusion/index.asp?pageid=701959Core Values & Principles of Natural Inclusion(ality) — the mutual inclusion of intangible spatial stillness and energetic motion in all material forms (Watercolour on paper by Alan Rayner, 30/11/2021)See this simple illustration:- https://youtu.be/3Xu0lg0vz5c
We are human INTERbeing not human being because the individual pole is completely entangled with the collective pole We are the gestalt, the indivisible the INTERbeing the INTERbeCOMing
For a change of career
A change of careers only makes sense within a culture where "doing" defines the meaning of the individual, and in which being, as the most sacred expression is not seen
The human DOing is in reality a form of the human BEing and the human BEing is actually a human INTERbeing and finally, the human INTERbeing is simply an INTERbeCOMing a process, not a thing in spite of being given the name label our whole life much like we give an ever-changing river a name
Chipmakers brace for more trouble as Russia limits exports of rare gases
The more team human doesn't play as a team, the more problematic global supply chains will be.
The second was “makedance pay for the dancers.” I’ve always been resentful of the fact that some of theso-called elite art forms can’t survive on their own without sponsorship andsubsidies. It bothers me that dance companies around the world are not-for-profitorganizations and that dancers, who are as devoted and disciplined as any NFL orNBA superstar, are at the low end of the entertainment industry’s income scale. Iwanted this Broadway-bound project not only to elevate serious dance in thecommercial arena but also to pay the dancers well. So I wrote my goals for theproject, “tell a story” and “make dance pay,” on two blue index cards and watchedthem float to the bottom of the Joel box.
Given the importance of dance in oral cultures, what, why, and how has dance moved to be one of the seemingly lowest and least well paid art forms in modern society?
How might modern dance regain its teaching and mnemonic status in our culture?
you should never save for two meetingswhat you can accomplish in one.
besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
The experts were asked to independently provide a comprehensive list of levers and leverage points for global sustainability, based on the potential for disproportionate effects to address and reverse the deterioration of nature while meeting societal needs. They were asked to consider actions by the full range of possible actors, and both top-down and bottom-up effects across various sectors. The collection of all responses became our initial set of levers and leverage points. Ensuing processes were then informed by five linked conceptualizations of transformative change identified by the experts (Chan et al., 2019): ● Complexity theory and leverage points of transformation (Levin et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2007; Meadows, 2009); ● Resilience, adaptability and transformability in social–ecological systems (Berkes, Colding, & Folke, 2003; Folke et al., 2010); ● A multi-level perspective for transformative change (Geels, 2002); ● System innovations and their dynamics (Smits, Kuhlmann, & Teubal, 2010; OECD, 2015) and ● Learning sustainability through ‘real-world experiments’ (Geels, Berkhout, & van Vuuren, 2016; Gross & Krohn, 2005; Hajer, 2011).
Set of levers and leverage points identified by the authors.
Creating an open public network for radical collaboration, which we will call the Indyweb, can facilitate bottom-up engagement to both educate the public on these levers as well as be an application space to crowdsource the public to begin sharing local instantiations of these levers.
An Indyweb that is in the form of an interpersonal space in which each individual is the center of their data universe, and in which they can see all the data from their diverse digital interactions across the web and in real life all consolidated in one place offers a profound possibility for both individual and collective learning. Such an Indyweb would bring the relational nature of the human being, the so called "human INTERbeing" alive, and would effortlessly emerge the human INTERbeing explicitly as the natural form merely from its daily use. One can immediately see the relational nature of individual learning, how it is so entangled with collective learning, and would be reinforced with each social interaction on the web or in real life. This is what is needed to track both individual inner transformation (IIT) as well as collective outer transformation (COT) towards a rapid whole system change mobilization. Accelerated by a program of open access Deep Humanity (DH) knowledge that plumbs the very depth of what it is to be human, this can accelerate the indirect drivers of change and provide practical tools for granular monitoring of both IIT and COT.
Could we use AI to search for levers and leverage points?
one of the best ways to diversify complexify your search space your assumptions is through experience and one of the great ways to 00:01:18 do that is actually through technology so we think about technology and most of our technologies are good technologies but what defines a great technology what is a transformative technology 00:01:30 the good technologies are the ones that enable us to do what we can already do faster easier more efficient and that's because so much of our society focuses on efficiency it's about maximizing performance right 00:01:42 we're great engineers but we're crap philosophers right we're very good at making things more efficient but that's only one side of innovation we also need the other side of innovation which is creativity 00:01:55 right and so the best technologies are the ones in my view that make the invisible visible they enable us to see things that we can never have seen before 00:02:06 they create assumptions they expand our space of assumptions
Indyweb is a transformative technology ecosystem that can allow each individual in the group to understand the underlying epistemology of social intercourse, dialogue and symmathesy as a lived experience. Each individual in the open source Indyweb network can have a lived and granular experience of how his or her knowledge and wisdom is growing. This is made possible by having a private information repository that collates all the participant's digital interactions. The interpersonal computing environment puts the human INTERbeing at the center of the digital universe and all the participant's data is not stored in fragmented silos across the web, but all in one central, interpersonal and private repository which (s)he has access to. This creates new possibilities of seeing how your understanding grows from one moment to the next, from one social interaction to the next, and how social, collective learning proceeds and is completely entangled with individual learning.
Indyweb makes one's learning, previously unconscious and invisible, visible.
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
“Old age is like learning a new profession,” he noted drily. “And not one of your own choosing.”
alex-hanna.medium.com alex-hanna.medium.com
My methodological approach comes from thinking along with Sara Ahmed’s work on complaint. By “complaint”, I mean grievances we lodge within our workplaces, which can look both like formal complaints made to human resources (excuse me, I mean “people operations”) and informal complaints which we hold between our peers, comrades, and friends. Anyone who has engaged in the process of a formal complaint can tell you how exhausting it is to register one, how management and decision-makers can stall, and how much one has to relive their trauma to do so.
not all of us are going to have super 00:37:28 high need for self-expression you know most of us are probably like me i'm more of a people pleaser than i would even want to be
conformity and self-expression are not mutually exclusive. We can have qualities of both. We are a self who was taught since before birth to be interpersonal. Hence we are human INTERbeings from before birth. Conformity and individuality coexist.
no matter what we've looked at so we've studied everything from you know again what you mean by a successful life uh your our aspirations for the future of the country um 00:16:09 what how do we want to treat one another uh what do you want out of our key institutions like education and the workplace criminal justice these things and it's just like we've got so much more in common i know it's so easy to say right and people try 00:16:22 to say across all demographics we share a lot in common what i think collective illusions help us understand is why doesn't it feel like that and i think this is important because 00:16:34 you know there's an old in social psychology there's a thomas theorem right which is if it's real in our imaginations it becomes real in its consequences so it doesn't matter that we actually share so 00:16:47 much common ground if we believe we are divided then our behavior will act accordingly right and the consequences become self-fulfilling so i think this is a critical time for us to understand a concept like collective illusions 00:16:59 because not only does it mean perhaps there's actually some common ground for us to build a free and and flourishing society together but that the way we would deal with some of our problems is different like if we 00:17:12 really are divided so be it right there are ways to bridge honest differences and still get somewhere but if it is a collective illusion then what we do next is different and sometimes leaning into an illusion as if it's 00:17:24 private opinion can literally make the illusion stronger [Music] yeah i i would rather people have a kind of best self bias and the other person like see the best in them and be biased 00:17:37 and be wrong than the other way or that other kind of error because you you're you're so right it's true that when you actually lead with the bias of we're divided you take ambiguous stimuli and you're 00:17:49 more likely to view negativity in that it's like why why are you angry at me and it's like no i actually just have a neutral face right now you know like do you know you're hitting on a really important point right which is 00:18:02 despite what most people think most situations are pretty pretty ambiguous right like and so we are projecting a lot of assumptions in interactions and so if i am coming into it thinking all out 00:18:15 sequel someone i'm just meeting probably disagrees with me on really important things and in fact i might not even think their their view might be i might think is even immoral or whatever i am i am the way i'm engaging with them 00:18:29 is likely to produce the very outcome that i didn't want and so it matters that we get this right and you know i think what's so unfortunate and we can talk more about this but like it's really dangerous when you know 00:18:42 two-thirds of americans admit to self-silencing right now and you know i know kato had done that research we've we've replicated that it's it's it's a thing and it cuts across all demographics it's just like 00:18:53 we're we're just not being honest with each other about what we think in part because we believe most people don't agree with us right like and so if we can get back to just having conversations treating one another with respect i think we'll be shocked at the 00:19:06 common ground that we find when we have those conversations
In summary, the collective illusion hides the enormous common ground we share. By buying into the collective illusion, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy creating the very antagonism which it holds to exist.
From a Deep Humanity perspective, this research validates the approach of collectively finding the Common Human Denominators (CHD).
the inter-connectedness of the crises we face climate pollution biodiversity and 00:07:54 inequality require our change require a change in our exploitative relationship to our planet to a more holistic and caring one but that can only happen with a change in our behavior
As per IPCC AR6 WGIII, Chapter 5 outlining for the first time, the enormous mitigation potential of social aspects of mitigation - such as behavioral change - can add up to 40 percent of mitigation. And also harkening back to Donella Meadows' leverage points that point out shifts in worldviews, paradigms and value systems are the most powerful leverage points in system change.
Stop Reset Go advocates humanity builds an open source, open access praxis for Deep Humanity, understand the depths of what it means to be a living and dying human being in the context of an entwined culture. Sharing best practices and constantly crowdsourcing the universal and salient aspects of our common humanity can help rapidly transform the inner space of each human INTERbeing, which can powerfully influence outer (social) transformation.
windowsontheory.org windowsontheory.org
The inequalities in the US arise from huge disparities in the resources at school, and a highly unequal society at large. I personally think that improving education is much more about support for students, resources, tutoring, teacher training, etc, than whether we teach logarithms using method X or method Y.
- May 2022
via3.hypothes.is via3.hypothes.is
However, what if we replace “ human face ” in this decisive quotewith “interface,” that is, the interface between man and apparatus?
This wording seems quite profound.
It means that by creating a personification of our tools, we can more easily communicate with them.
Do people personify their computers? I remember in the late 80s and early 90s computer workstations, especially in university settings, having personified names.
Link this to the personification of rocks w.r.t. talking rocks and oral traditions.
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
What prospects are there to reconfigure great powers’ approach to geopolitical security in a way that aids containment of the hyperthreat? Possible angles include:
Othering needs to be critically examined from a Deep Humanity lens so that we can begin to see ourselves as one united but diverse human family instead of multiple fractured families.
Given wide-ranging concerns about globalization, the performance of international organizations, and perceptions that the so-called “liberal rules-based order” holds lingering colonial power dimensions, an overarching conclusion is that the post-World War II global architecture, designed before the advent of CEC or the internet, is outdated and ripe for redesign.16 A new neutral rules-based order could be established, one that is based on ecological survival and safe Earth requirements. Akin to the 2015 Paris Agreement, this might be acceptable to all nations because all are threatened by the CEC hyperthreat. It is an approach that builds on environmental peacekeeping rationale.
Again, like the above point, some kind of global Deep Humanity training that results in gaining appreciation of the Common Human Denominators (CHD) is critical for open communications and finding common ground for dialogue.
Operation Sapiens Star, explained below, which focuses on humans as a species with common interests and an inevitably shared future. This may help overcome other national, cultural, social, gender, religious, or ethnic divides.
Finding the common ground, the so called "Common Human Denominators" (CHD) is essential to prioritizing commonalities to establish open communication channels.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
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As the information tide receded, I started to gain a sense ofconfidence in my ability to find exactly what I needed when I neededit. I became the go-to person in the office for finding that one file, orunearthing that one fact, or remembering exactly what the client hadsaid three weeks earlier. You know the feeling of satisfaction whenyou are the only one in the room who remembers an importantdetail? That feeling became the prize in my personal pursuit tocapitalize on the value of what I knew.
I had this same sense early on, but it involved a capacious memory rather than a reliance on written notes that I needed to consult.
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
I love the simplicity of these graphics.
- Apr 2022
cagrimmett.com cagrimmett.com
A great essay on why bog!
winnielim.org winnielim.org
I think we are obsessed with speed to our own detriment, and there is a lot of joy and meaning in learning to appreciate slowness, or phenomenon that may not be clearly measurable.
—Winnie Lim
Speed comes at a cost. The visibility of the cost is often delayed, and sometimes the awareness of it arrives too late.
If speed comes at a cost, then one should be cautious when working on ideas around productivity. When does one become too productive? Be sure to create some balance in your processes.
Amazon warehouses optimize for worker productivity, but this comes at the expense burning out the workforce. If the CEO and senior executives couldn't or work at a similar pace for weeks on end, then they should be loathe to force their low paid workforce to do the same.
twitter.com twitter.com
SmartDevelopmentFund [@SmartDevFund]. (2021, November 2). A kit that enables users to disable misinformation: The #DigitalEnquirerKit empowers #journalists, civil society #activists and human rights defenders at the #COVID19 information front-line. Find out more: Http://sdf.d4dhub.eu #smartdevelopmentfund #innovation #Infopowered https://t.co/YZVooirtU9 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SmartDevFund/status/1455549507949801472
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
Some useful truths here.
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, December 6). I do not understand the continued narrative that makes it sound as if extant legal systems don’t already provide the framework for assessing whether rights are unduly infringed by vaxx passports and mandates. This is exactly what constitutions are for. [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1467818167766593538
Humans’ tendency to“overimitate”—to reproduce even the gratuitous elements of another’s behavior—may operate on a copy now, understand later basis. After all, there might begood reasons for such steps that the novice does not yet grasp, especially sinceso many human tools and practices are “cognitively opaque”: not self-explanatory on their face. Even if there doesn’t turn out to be a functionalrationale for the actions taken, imitating the customs of one’s culture is a smartmove for a highly social species like our own.
Is this responsible for some of the "group think" seen in the Republican party and the political right? Imitation of bad or counter-intuitive actions outweights scientifically proven better actions? Examples: anti-vaxxers and coronavirus no-masker behaviors? (Some of this may also be about or even entangled with George Lakoff's (?) tribal identity theories relating to "people like me".
Explore this area more deeply.
Another contributing factor for this effect may be the small-town effect as most Republican party members are in the countryside (as opposed to the larger cities which tend to be more Democratic). City dwellers are more likely to be more insular in their interpersonal relations whereas country dwellers may have more social ties to other people and groups and therefor make them more tribal in their social interrelationships. Can I find data to back up this claim?
How does link to the thesis put forward by Joseph Henrich in The WEIRDest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous? Does Henrich have data about city dwellers to back up my claim above?
What does this tension have to do with the increasing (and potentially evolutionary) propensity of humans to live in ever-increasingly larger and more dense cities versus maintaining their smaller historic numbers prior to the pre-agricultural timeperiod?
What are the biological effects on human evolution as a result of these cultural pressures? Certainly our cultural evolution is effecting our biological evolution?
What about the effects of communication media on our cultural and biological evolution? Memes, orality versus literacy, film, radio, television, etc.? Can we tease out these effects within the socio-politico-cultural sphere on the greater span of humanity? Can we find breaks, signs, or symptoms at the border of mass agriculture?
total aside, though related to evolution: link hypercycles to evolution spirals?
- imitation
- human evolution
- identity
- city vs. town
- anti-science
- urban vs. rural
- Joseph Henrich
- relationships
- anti-intellectualism
- culture
- anthropology
- comparative anthropology
- evolution spirals
- spatial relationships
- hypercycle
- Big History
- evolution
- imitation > innovation
- group think
- follow the herd
- anti-vaccines
twitter.com twitter.com
☠️ Duygu Uygun-Tunc ☠️. (2020, October 24). A bit cliché but ppl will always find it cooler to point out that a given proposal is not the only one/has shortcomings/is not the Truth itself etc. Than making or improving a proposal. I keep being reminded of this every single day, esp on twitter. [Tweet]. @uygun_tunc. https://twitter.com/uygun_tunc/status/1319923563248353281
twitter.com twitter.com
(1) ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @MDaware: But 3 people had URI symptoms in november https://t.co/JcAom73VzM’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 21 June 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1402049602015023106
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
3. Favourable results were obtained mainly from patients affected by negative symptom schizophrenia.
It's not often you find effective treatments for negative symptoms. As a schizoid myself, this looks like a valuable tool. I'd be fascinated to see how LDN and ULDN perform.
pioneerworks.org pioneerworks.org
A discussion of how Scientology got roped into the anti-psychiatry movement of the 70s and lead up to the existence of Psychiatry: An Industry of Death museum as part of the Citizens Commission of Human Rights International.
- Mar 2022
reinventingorganizationswiki.com reinventingorganizationswiki.com
survivedandpunished.org survivedandpunished.orgAnalysis1
Survived & Punished (S&P) is a national coalition that includes survivors, organizers, victim advocates, legal advocates and attorneys, policy experts, scholars, and currently and formerly incarcerated people. S&P organizes to de-criminalize efforts to survive domestic and sexual violence, support and free criminalized survivors, and abolish gender violence, policing, prisons, and deportations
www.cs.umd.edu www.cs.umd.edu
Finding relevant information and understanding it well enough to integrate it into existing knowledge requires intense commitment and concentration.
Users who expe rience empowering designs that are comprehensible, predictable, and controllable, may be inspired to pursue quality in their work products.
This sounds a lot like the management philosophy of W. Edwards Deming who encouraged managers to empower workers to take ownership of their craft and work.
twitter.com twitter.com
Benjamin Mason Meier. (2022, March 13). Having examined the CDC Director’s admonition—“Your health is in your hands”—As a moral failure https://thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(21)00351-5/fulltext, our new article reflects on rising individualism in US COVID-19 policy, undermining collective action, health equity & human rights https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589537022000712 https://t.co/EwG9fUUQC2 [Tweet]. @BenjaminMMeier. https://twitter.com/BenjaminMMeier/status/1502989273125036032
oac.cdlib.org oac.cdlib.org
Program on Human Effectiveness
Program on Human Effectiveness, DCE, 12-Dec-1961 This version omits the Cost paragraph
- Scan Copy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1muaDKwk18scpBg8IlixDF8lgvYp8mflj/view?usp=sharing
- PDF Transcript: (date incorrect) https://archive.org/details/1962-program-on-human-effectiveness
- MouseSite Browseable: https://web.archive.org/web/20110730054734/http://sloan.stanford.edu/mousesite/Archive/Post68/PrHumanEffectiveness.html
box 1, folder 8 ARC Record 1 1959-1962
Program on Human Effectiveness, DCE, 12-Dec-1961 This version includes the Cost paragraph * Scan Copy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GQoBzpfCaM2XR0z4nPOYqkziWANnID0_/view?usp=sharing * PDF Transcript: https://dougengelbart.org/pubs/white-papers/1961-Program-On-Human-Effectiveness.pdf * DEI Browseable: https://dougengelbart.org/pubs/augment-133401.html
quillette.com quillette.com
A special quality of humans, not shared by evolution or, as yet, by machines, is our ability to recognize gaps in our understanding and to take joy in the process of filling them in. It is a beautiful thing to experience the mysterious, and powerful, too.
www.bcg.com www.bcg.com
becoming a talent magnet will be challenging for many family businesses. Those that succeed will be rewarded with loyal and highly capable employees who are ready to help the business achieve its aspirations for growth and profitability.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
You know, when you look at the real power balance, if the Europeans stick together, if the Americans and the Europeans stick together and stop this culture war and stop tearing themselves apart, they have absolutely nothing to fear -- the Russians or anybody else.
Indeed, if we can unite ALL cultures together because of the Common Human Denominators (CHD) that is the hallmark of being human, this is the cultural shift that needs to happen to navigate the existential polycrisis we now face. Deep Humanity praxis is a framework for exactly this.
Within the diversity of cultural lens' are common human denominators that unite all of the subclasses of homo sapien Left vs Right Russian elites vs Ukraine and the West Straight vs LBGTQ+ West vs Arabic Black vs White
- Feb 2022
papers.ssrn.com papers.ssrn.com
Yen, H.-L., Sit, T. H., Brackman, C. J., Chuk, S. S., Cheng, S. M. S., Gu, H., Chang, L. D., Krishnan, P., Ng, D. Y., Liu, G. Y., Hui, M. M., Ho, S. Y., Tam, K. W., Law, P. Y., Su, W., Sia, S. F., Choy, K.-T., Cheuk, S. S., Lau, S. P., … Poon, L. L. (2022). Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (Variant Delta) from Pet Hamsters to Humans and Onward Human Propagation of the Adapted Strain: A Case Study (SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 4017393). Social Science Research Network. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4017393
www.proteinatlas.org www.proteinatlas.org
Local file Local file
“Manipulations such as variation, spacing, introducing contextualinterference, and using tests, rather than presentations, as learningevents, all share the property that they appear during the learningprocess to impede learning, but they then often enhance learning asmeasured by post-training tests of retention and transfer. Conversely,manipulations such as keeping conditions constant and predictable andmassing trials on a given task often appear to enhance the rate oflearning during instruction or training, but then typically fail to supportlong-term retention and transfer” (Bjork, 2011, 8).
This is a surprising effect for teaching and learning, and if true, how can it be best leveraged. Worth reading up on and testing this effect.
Indeed humans do seem built for categorizing and creating taxonomies and hierarchies, and perhaps allowing this talent to do some of the work may be the best way to learn not only in the short term, but over longer term evolutionary periods?
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Niegowska, M., Wajda-Cuszlag, M., Stępień-Ptak, G., Trojanek, J., Michałkiewicz, J., Szalecki, M., & Sechi, L. A. (2019). Anti-HERV-WEnv antibodies are correlated with seroreactivity against Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis in children and youths at T1D risk. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 6282. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-42788-5
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Bennetts, Shannon. ‘Parent and Child Mental Health during COVID-19 in Australia: The Role of Pet Attachment’. PsyArXiv, 17 January 2022. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/r2xhq.